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It’s Time To Stop The Full Force Invasion

According to the Department of Labor’s Secretary, Hilda L. Solis, “it is a serious

problem when workers in this country are not being paid every cent they earn”. Yes.
She’s right. And that is part of the role of the DOL. Taken directly from on their Office of Management and Budget page, “The
Department of Labor (DOL) promotes workers’ safety and health; safeguards
workers’ wages, rights, benefits, and equal employment opportunities; administers
employment and training grant and benefit programs; finances and oversees the
states’ unemployment insurance systems; and protects union members’ rights
under the law.”

They are to “protect union members’ rights under the law”. But I’m curious how
they plan to do that when they are also in the business of assisting those, who are
in our country illegally? At the DOL’s website, you can watch “We Can Help”
campaign videos spoken in both English and Spanish by the secretary herself,
Dolores Huerta (co-founder of the United Farm Workers of America), and actors
Jimmy Smits and Esai Morales. In each of the videos these words are actually
spoken, “Every worker in America has the right to be paid fairly whether
documented or not.”

Okay. Last I understood, “undocumented” was simply a PC term for “illegal”. With
all the “Americans” out of work, how does the Department of Labor, a federally
funded organization (that means the taxpayers pay their salaries) justify making
sure illegal immigrants are assured they are given every penny they earn? They
shouldn’t be earning any pennies in the first place!

But then again, with all the talk of amnesty, I guess their crime against all true
Americans, whether born in the United States or those who came to the country
through legal channels, doesn’t matter to those in Washington. It should, however,
matter to each and every citizen of this country.

The majority of people living in the United States today are immigrants. Whether
your family heritage goes back hundreds of years or merely this year, the citizens of
this country came here through legal channels. You would think those, who
struggled with the complicated red tape of becoming a legal citizen of the United
States, would be appalled and up in arms over those, who slip in unnoticed like a
thief in the night. They not only slap legal immigrants in the face with their blatant
disregard for our laws, but destroy our way of life.

When bureaucrats are allowed to by-pass the law in order to satisfy their own
agenda, they should no longer be considered servants of the people. They should
be stripped of their post and a righteous man or woman elected to replace them.
But making sure undocumented, ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, are paid fairly is not the
only regression of the federal government. The United States is being slowly, but
forcibly pushed in a direction only Congress and the White House want it to go. It is
time for the people, of whom the government derives its power, stand up and voice
their concerns. As Thomas Jefferson said,

“On every unauthoritative exercise of power by the legislature must

the people rise in rebellion or their silence be construed into a
surrender of that power to them? If so, how many rebellions should
we have had already?”

Are we so far removed from the bloody beginning of our country that we have
forgotten what those men gave in order for us to be free? Although most people
don’t see our country as being oppressed, it most certainly is. We have become lazy
and complacent in our wealth. We have kept silent and surrendered the power
granted to us by the Constitution to Congress.

They have taken care of us well over the last century, making us fat and content in
our entitlements. The rights of the individual have far exceeded their boundaries to
the point one persons freedom now encroaches another’s liberty. We have allowed
the government to intercede on our behalf long enough. It is time we, the people,
took back our power.

Arizona is the first in a long line of states that are beginning to recognize the ills of
our federal government. They are simply standing up for what is right and just by
enforcing the federal law, which the federal government refuses to execute. With
the federal government openly allowing an illegal act, such as crossing our borders
without permission, the stomachs of every citizen should turn in disgust. It is no
different than letting known murders and rapist run free.

Every day, thousands of illegals invade our country and yet, Congress is more
interested in searching for terrorist thousands of miles away than in our own
backyard. With our borders basically left unattended, we are opening ourselves to
an even larger possibility of another terrorist attack. And not only is it easier for
terrorists to slip unnoticed onto our land, but drug dealers and other unsavory
characters. According to Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona, 87% of the illegals
apprehended in the state of Arizona have criminal records. And yet, she is barred by
the federal government in sending them back.

Employment for Americans and “being paid every cent they earn” aren’t the only
adverse affects illegal immigration has on our country. In 2009, Phoenix had three
hundred sixteen kidnappings; almost all were related to illegal immigrants or the
drug trade. Narcotic prosecutions in Arizona have risen 202% in the last sixteen
months, due to the fact that in January 2009 smugglers carrying under 500 pounds,
YES 500 POUNDS, of narcotics were often not prosecuted! That is unfathomable!
First they are entering our country illegally and further breaking laws a citizen
would be sentenced to prison for. Why are we standing for these atrocities?

And what is President Obama and Congress doing about this? Basically, nothing.
After Governor Brewer complained to Washington about the assault on her state,
Washington’s response was to post warning signs eighty miles north of the border
and not thirty miles from the state capital of Phoenix. These signs state,

“Danger – Public Warning – Travel Not Recommended; Active drug

and human smuggling area; Visitors may encounter armed criminals
and smuggling vehicles traveling at high rates of speed; Stay away
from trash, clothing, backpacks and abandoned vehicles; If you see
suspicious activity – Do Not Confront – Move Away And Call 911;
BLW encourages visitors to use public lands north of Interstate 8”


“Travel Caution – Smuggling and Illegal Immigration May Be

Encountered in This Area”

Has Washington decided to give back portions of our country to Mexico without
consulting us? Because that’s essentially what they have done by issuing these
acquiescent caveats allowing criminals free passage.

Washington is fully aware of the dangers associated with the illegal immigration
onslaught covering our southwestern border states. In December 2008, the Justice
Department warned Mexican gangs are the “biggest organized crime threat to the
United States”. And yet President Obama laughs at Arizona’s plight to secure their
state from these hardened criminals by stating,

“And we all know what happens in Arizona when you don’t have ID.
Adios Amigos!”

Really, President Obama? Do you scoff at such serious crime in Washington, DC

also? I’ll bet if you were the family of the rancher recently murdered by an illegal,
you wouldn’t find this crisis so humorous.

But then again, President Obama is quite familiar with lying when it suits his needs.
During a town hall meeting in Iowa earlier this year in response to Arizona’s
immigration law, the president stated,

“One of the things the law says is local officials are allowed to ask
somebody, who they have a suspicion might be an illegal immigrant,
for their papers.”
He went a step further in suggestion a Hispanic family could be asked for their ID’s
while having ice cream. Maybe President Obama should learn to read bills before he
expounds them. The wording of the law is very specific in stating, “For any lawful
contact made by a law enforcement official”, which does not include profiling. The
law further states the law enforcement official “may not solely consider race, color,
or national origin”.

If one would say that won’t stop cops from profiling, you may be correct. But which
one of us doesn’t profile in one way or another? We are all guilty of it. At least
Arizona has a valid reason.

But let’s back up a little. At one point, President Obama was also in favor of
securing our borders. In July 2008, during his campaign for the presidency he stated
the following regarding illegal immigration.

“And I will make it a top priority in my first year as president. Not

only because we have an obligation to secure our borders and get
control of who comes in and out of our country. Not only because
we have to crack down on employers, who are abusing
undocumented immigrants instead of hiring citizens. But because
we have to finally bring undocumented immigrants out of the

Was that just lip service to placate the American public, giving you an opportunity
to continue with your own agenda? It appears your top priority now is bilking the
taxpayers of every dime for your socialist programs.

Stated earlier in that same year, Hillary Clinton, our now Secretary of State

“We’re gonna toughen border security. We’re gonna do everything

we can to make sure that we have strong border controls because
it’s not only a question about illegal immigration, it’s a question
about our security. We have to know who’s coming in and out of our

If that’s the case, then why is our Secretary of State more interested in stirring up
the already irate middle east than securing our borders against our own invasion?

In the coming months leading to the November elections, more United States
citizens will begin to voice their aversion to the unlawful stance our federal
government has taken with many of our liberties. It is time for Washington to return
to the Constitution. The question may be, do any of our so-called “representatives”
know what the Constitution says? Have they actually read it?
As Patrick Henry once said,

“The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to

restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the

It is time for the American people to restrain the government once again. How will
you vote come November? For the status quo? Or will you actively seek out those
willing to stand against the current regime and protect the true rights and freedoms
of the people?

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