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How to get a daily report with all backup executions

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How to get a daily report with Logged in as:

all backup executions
Mar 8, 2016
Backup4all creates a log file for each backup execution, log that can be also sent by email to a specified
email address. Sometimes an administrator wants to get a single file with a daily report, including all
Backup4all executions. This can be done from the Event Viewer service in Windows. This article explains
how to obtain that report.
On this page: Create a filter in Event Viewer Export the logs matching the Event Viewer filter

Create a filter in Event Viewer

You can create a custom filter in Event Viewer and use it with another application to send the exported .xml
by email.
1. Go to Start->Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Event Viewer
2. Press the Filter current log button from the right side column.
3. On the Logged dropdown list, select Last 24 hours
4. For Event level select the levels you want. In this example we selected only warning and error
5. For Event sources select Backup4all 6 (for version 5 of Backup4all, please select Backup4all 5)

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How to get a daily report with all backup executions

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6. Press OK
7. Go to XML tab of the filter you created and copy the following part:
[System[Provider[@Name='Backup4all 6'] and (EventID=%EVENT_ID%) and
TimeCreated[(@SystemTime>'%dtDay%T00:00:00') and (@SystemTime<'%dtDay%T23:59:59')] ]]"

For Backup4all 5, please use the following part:

[System[Provider[@Name='Backup4all 5'] and (EventID=%EVENT_ID%) and
TimeCreated[(@SystemTime>'%dtDay%T00:00:00') and (@SystemTime<'%dtDay%T23:59:59')] ]]"

Export the logs matching the Event Viewer filter

You can use the following batch to export the Event Viewer filter.

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How to get a daily report with all backup executions

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Create a new .bat file and put the following code inside.
For Backup4all 6:
::---------------------------------------------------------------:: @echo off
SET dtDay=%date:~-4%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%
:: success events
:: warning events
:: error events

SET QUERY="*[System[Provider[@Name='Backup4all 6'] and (EventID=%EVENT_ID%) and

TimeCreated[(@SystemTime>'%dtDay%T00:00:00') and (@SystemTime<'%dtDay%T23:59:59')] ]]"

echo ^<?xml version="1.0" ?^> > todays_errors.xml echo ^<events^> >> todays_errors.xml wevtutil qe
Application /q:%QUERY% /f:XML >> todays_errors.xml echo ^</events^> >> todays_errors.xml


For Backup4all 5:
::---------------------------------------------------------------:: @echo off
SET dtDay=%date:~-4%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%
:: success events
:: warning events

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How to get a daily report with all backup executions

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:: error events

SET QUERY="*[System[Provider[@Name='Backup4all 5'] and (EventID=%EVENT_ID%) and

TimeCreated[(@SystemTime>'%dtDay%T00:00:00') and (@SystemTime<'%dtDay%T23:59:59')] ]]"

echo ^<?xml version="1.0" ?^> > todays_errors.xml echo ^<events^> >> todays_errors.xml wevtutil qe
Application /q:%QUERY% /f:XML >> todays_errors.xml echo ^</events^> >> todays_errors.xml


The following line is from the Windows Event filter you created, you can find it on the xml tab. Replace it
with your filter.

For Backup4all 6:
*[System[Provider[@Name='Backup4all 6'] and (EventID=%EVENT_ID%) and
TimeCreated[(@SystemTime>'%dtDay%T00:00:00') and (@SystemTime<'%dtDay%T23:59:59')] ]]"

For Backup4all 5:
*[System[Provider[@Name='Backup4all 5'] and (EventID=%EVENT_ID%) and
TimeCreated[(@SystemTime>'%dtDay%T00:00:00') and (@SystemTime<'%dtDay%T23:59:59')] ]]"

Applies to:
Backup4all 5.x, 6.x

NEW: Backup4All 6.3.278

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