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Nombre: ________________________________ Clase: _____ Fecha: _________________

Espaol 2AC Midterm del primer semestre

Necesitamos estudiar!

This exam includes 5 main portions:

Presentational Speaking Conversation with your teacher that you will

prepare ahead of time.
Interpersonal Writing Correspond in writing (letter, email, blog, etc.) with another
person based on a theme related to a topic studied this semester. You will receive the
theme on the day of the writing.
Presentational writing A written task such as blog or any other form of writing
where another person reads it but would not communicate back to you.
Interpretive listening Listen to audio selections and identify information presented.
Interpretive reading Analyze texts and identify information presented.

The exam is cumulative (on EVERYTHING weve learned).

It will be worth 20% of your semester 1 grade.



Speaking & Writing
Listening & Reading


A pencil with an eraser

Something to do if you finish early


The class website: Check under the tab Espaol 2AC at the top
of the page for your vocab lists and links to Quizlet flashcards along with some copies of
your grammar notes vocabulary practice Verb conjugation practice. All activities are still posted and

available for review.

Dont be afraid to search online, there are lots of resources out there! Also, practice with

your peers, especially for the speaking assessment!

PREGUNTAS? E-mail Profesora Ball:

Nombre: ________________________________ Clase: _____ Fecha: _________________

Spanish 2AC - Midterm Study Checklist

Look over the checklist below and check off what you are positive you know. The concepts not
checked off are the ones you should review. Use the resources given to study and ask for help if
you need it. DO NOT try and cram everything in the night before the exam, it will not work. Try
studying a little bit every night for 15 minutes or so- pick an unchecked box and study it!

I can

Describe myself and others & understand when others describe themselves
o Greetings & goodbyes
o Name, age, origin
o Physical description (hair color, height, eyes, etc.)
o Personality description (ser + adjectives, adjective agreement)
o Feelings (estar + adjectives, adjective agreement)
o Family
o Likes & dislikes (using gustar and verb infinitives)
o Activities people do (using conjugated verbs)
o Understand question words (who, what, when, where, why, how)
Describe and discuss your school and school schedule
o Location of classrooms (estar + floor)
o Grade in school (first, second)
o Ask where something is located (using estar)
o Names of classes
o Hour of school day (first, second)
o Talk about when something occurs (telling time with a las or a la &
sequence (before/after, first))
o Describe a class in detail (teacher, materials needed, opinion and why)
o Discuss after-school activities (conjugated verbs)
Talk about a daily routine and interpret the routine of others
o Discuss items used when getting ready (bathroom vocab)
o HOW OFTEN someone does something (frequency words)
o Talk about activities to get ready (reflexive verbs i.e. me cepillo)
o Use 2 verbs together (i.e. tengo que cepillarme vas a ducharte)


Interpret and answer questions about someone talking about his or her daily routine
Interpret and answer questions about someone talking about school
Read and answer questions about an online article or online profile
Guess the meaning of unknown vocabulary words in a reading based on context
Identify the type of text read (informative, persuasive, biographical, etc.)
Write a texting conversation between 2 people about school activities and schedules
Talk about yourself in front of an audience (your teacher)
Write about your daily routine getting ready for school and after school

PREGUNTAS? E-mail Profesora Ball:

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