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Dear Friends

I promise that what follows will be interesting. You will find that it is well researched
and based on factual information and logical reasoning. PLEASE READ this essay all
the way through, and be sure to follow the hyperlinks to the videos. Dont skip any of the
videos. Fair warning: this will take some time. The essay is 10 pages long, and there are
links to about 20 videos. So it may be tempting to just read my introductions to the
videos and tell yourself youll come back later and watch the videos. Please dont do
this. The videos contain the most important information. I promise, if you will watch
them, your eyes will be opened. Youll learn critically important things you didnt
previously know about one of the most important issues facing our society.
Whatever your political leanings, YOU NEED this information, because it is an issue that
transcends politics. Both liberals and conservatives who are well informed about this
issue have exactly the same concerns. I am very worried for the physical safety of my
grandchildren. I am even more concerned about what kind of a world they will inherit.
The very survival of our nation as a free society in future generations is at stake. In my
opinion, the issue discussed below is more dangerous in the long run to the survival of
freedom than was the communist threat during the Cold War. If you value freedom, you
need this information.
Let me preface my concerns by stating categorically that I am not racist, I am not
prejudiced, I am not bigoted, and I love people of all races and cultures. I have visited
more foreign countries than nearly anyone I know, and love them all. I have adopted
children of a different race than my own. I have many friends who are followers of
religions other than my own. I have befriended many foreign students, and have invited
many such students into my home to have dinner with my family. I have invited Muslim
students to take an entire 75-minute class session to explain the fundamentals of Islam in
one of my university courses. In that same course, I required my students to read a proPalestinian parable that I had written about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Throughout
my life, I have always tried to treat all people with respect, including those who have
views different from mine, and have judged their arguments based on their merits (or lack
thereof) without condemning the person. I judge people by the content of their character,
which I infer from their words and behavior, not by their religion, culture, race, sex,
sexual orientation, political leanings, or any other factor. So please dont dismiss what I
have written here as the rantings of a hateful, xenophobic conspiracy nut.
If you just read the first couple of pages and dont watch the videos, you may be tempted
to label me as Islamiphobic. That would be grossly inaccurate. A phobia is an
irrational fear or aversion to something. There is nothing irrational about my concerns.
What follows is based on evidence and logical reasoning using the ACTUAL
TEACHINGS of Islam, not as interpreted by me, but rather by what Muslims themselves
say about their religion, as well as the teachings and example of Muhammed himself, in
addition to observation of the behavior of Muslim immigrants to Europe and Britain.

Here is a video of a vulgar mouthed but rational woman discussing Islamic terrorism in
Europe and why it will happen here in the United States within the next 10-15 years
(please look past the occasional profanity and listen to her message):
In the next video, an honest Islamic cleric talks about the war with the West, including
that when they win the war, all vanquished foes (men, women and children) will become
slaves of the Muslim victors:
Here is a compilation of Muslims talking on TV about their goals, which include not
stopping until the whole world is governed by Islam and that Allah will destroy the
West at the hands of the Muslims. (please start at 0:30):
Do you think these are the exception? Do you think the majority of Muslims dont
believe this? Not according to this Muslim woman, who explains what they teach and
how they think including that Islam is not just a religion -- it is also a state -- and that
to believe in one you have to believe in both; therefore it is impossible to be a true
Muslim and a true American at the same time; and that she heard a million times in the
American Muslim community that Muslims are here in America to eventually replace
the American Constitution with Sharia (start at 0:30):
Here is what happens when Muslims increase in population in a country:
Are you aware of what has happened in Europe? Do you have any idea what Muslim
immigration in recent decades has done to France, the United Kingdom, Germany, and
Sweden? Do you realize that those cultures are endangered and that within a few decades
they may become extinct, and that its already too late to stop it?
Europes experience is instructive, as it is predictive of what will happen here. When
large numbers of Muslims move into a Western country, they do not integrate. They do
not assimilate. They find each other and move close to each other. Property values
plummet as the neighborhood becomes a Muslim majority. As this happens, they
intimidate their indigenous neighbors and act like a gang to drive everyone else out of the
neighborhood, which they turn into a ghetto that in a short time starts to look like a third
world country. Any woman not covering herself when outdoors is harassed, Muslim or
not. Eventually, no one but Muslims dare to even enter that neighborhood. Including the
police. They do not appreciate the country that has altruistically helped them. They hate
the country, and they hate the people in it. They develop a victim mentality and an
entitlement mentality and demand that unreasonable accommodations be made for them.
(For example, in France they have demanded that their women be allowed to cover their
entire faces except for their eyes for their drivers license photos. Kind of defeats the
purpose of the photo, dont you think?) Over the long run, since their birth rate is 3-4

times that of the native population (which in Europe is lower than the death rate), their
percentage of the total population grows rapidly.
Did you know there are now areas in Britain where indigenous English Christians can no
longer go without fear of being accosted and beaten to a bloody pulp? The same is true
in France and Sweden:
Here is a video that shows what has happened to formerly normal, ordinary
neighborhoods where English people grew up, since Muslims have taken them over and
forced the natives out (you can stop at 9:30):
Heres what its like to drive through one of these so-called no go zones (excuse the
foul language, and yes the Englishman is provocative, but please put yourself in his shoes
and understand the reasons for his anger):
Some British demonstrators got fed up with being told they could not go into parts of
their own cities, so they walked through a no go zone carrying crosses. Not the smartest
idea, perhaps, and again this is provocative, but if you believe in free speech, this ought
to concern you, because its not the English people who are creating the problem; they
are reacting to the problem created by the Muslim immigrants and calling attention to it:
Have you heard of the BREXIT vote? Did you know that the primary reason that many
Brits voted to get out of the European Union was the loss of sovereignty that resulted in
unlimited Muslim immigration? They voted to get out of the EU so that they could get
control of their borders and stop the hordes of Islamic immigrants from swamping their
economy and infrastructure and creating a sub-population with no respect for their
culture, their government, and their laws.
Do you want this in your neighborhood? Its only 10-15 years away. And your
government leaders want to accelerate it. President Obama announced at the United
Nations recently that the USA will increase the number of refugees brought into the
country by 50% next year over what we accepted this year. And you can bet that the vast
majority of them will be Muslims. The federal government is forcing these people into
the 50 states, including Utah, whether the states want them or not. Our own governor in
Utah refused to join the 31 governors of other states who had a modicum of common
sense and stood up to the feds and voiced opposition to letting Syrian refugees into their
states. Perhaps he knew it was futile and so he wimpily figured it wasnt worth the fight,
or perhaps he mistakenly thought that it was the compassionate thing to do. In either
case, he is as nave, mealy mouthed, and misguided about this issue as are our national

Im growing weary of hearing well meaning but ignorant people say that its sad that
extremists have hijacked a peaceful religion. That is propaganda that is not based on
fact. Islam is not a peaceful religion.
Muslims are not lying when they say Islam is a religion of peace. They really believe
it. The problem is that their definition of peace has nothing in common with your
definition and conception of peace. You think peace means living with neighbors who
have different beliefs and coexisting with them with tolerance and respect, letting them
live their lives as they see fit. When they say peace, what they mean is after they have
conquered the entire world and have either forcibly converted, or enslaved, or beheaded
all the infidels, the world will then be a utopia of peace. Muslims are taught from birth to
look forward to the day when the entire world will be forced to accept Islam and live
under Sharia, and that it is their duty to facilitate that process. Thats bad enough, but
they are also taught and a good many of them believe it (some estimates are upwards of
40%) that the use of deadly force is not only justified but required and that they will be
rewarded in heaven for doing so. This is called jihad, meaning holy war against
infidels. This is not merely a war of beliefs and words. It is a literal physical war that
involves killing the enemy (namely, us).
That is why it is impossible to vet Muslims. Even if you find some so-called
moderates who probably wont blow anyone up, you cant be sure about their kids.
Much of the terrorism and murder of Americans in the last decade has been perpetrated
by homegrown Muslims, either natural born citizens or those who were brought here at a
very young age. And how do they become this way? They go to their mosques and hear
the doctrine of their religion.
Im also tired of hearing people giving Islam moral equivalency to Christianity. Political
correctness and fear of offending have made us a nation of wimps who wont
acknowledge reality. Religions are not morally equivalent. Some are better, and others
are worse. Islam is not merely less good, it is evil. Jesus taught, By their fruits ye shall
know them (Matthew 7:16-20). Look at their fruits. With very few exceptions,
countries with a majority of citizens who are Muslim have more violence, a lower
standard of living, and fewer human rights, than other comparable countries. Their
women not only dont have equal rights, they are treated as property. In the links below,
you will see what they do to people who dont agree with them or break their laws.
Havent you ever noticed that you dont hear a lot of people yelling Jesus Christ is
greater while committing terrorism? Nope. Nearly all of them are yelling Allah
akbar. This is not a coincidence. Yes, Christianity has had its dark times (the
inquisitions, the IRA, the KKK, etc.), but there is a big difference. In those cases, the
atrocities happened because the people were NOT living the teachings of the founder of
the religion, Jesus Christ. In contrast, the atrocities happening today in the name of Allah
are happening because the people ARE living the teachings of the founder of the religion,

Muhammed was NOT a peaceful man, nor did he teach his followers to be peaceful. I
dont mean to sound like anti-Mormons who cherry pick, distort, and rewrite history in an
attempt to make Joseph Smith appear to be a fraud, but I think a factual historical
summary of Muhammeds actions in his life is appropriate to infer his character and
values. He married a six-year-old girl with whom he had sex when she was nine. He
beheaded all the men and teenaged boys of an entire tribe of Jews, nearly 1,000 people,
for declining his request to join his side of a war and instead wanting to remain neutral.
This slaughter by beheading took place over many hours, one at a time, while their wives
and daughters were forced to watch. Afterward, he raped one of the women and gave
permission to his troops to rape the rest. It is also a matter of historical fact that
Muhammed owned slaves and had a child from a slave girl. In addition, according to
Islamic theologians, he made it lawful for male masters to have sexual relations with
female captives and slaves. Muslims know all of this, but they dont view any of it as a
negative. Instead, they uphold this behavior as their example of a perfect life. Sam
Harris points out that Muhammed is "held in Islam universally not [as] a pacifist," but
rather one of a "conquering warlord who spread the faith by the sword" and that the
example of Muhammed provides an imperative to "convert, subjugate, or kill" and "the
core principle of Islam is Jihad." Watch this video! (This is the most important video of
all!!! Start at 0:35):
So no, all religions are not inherently nor equally moral. No, Islam is not a religion of
peace. And no, Muhammed was not a nice guy.
Perhaps you can point to Muslim acquaintances who are law-abiding and seem to be nice
people. Perhaps they are but if they are, they are not true practicing Muslims. One
cannot be a true practicing Muslim and simultaneously believe in liberty, equality for
women, tolerance, freedom of speech, freedom of political and religious thought,
freedom of dress, freedom of religion (to leave Islam and choose another religion), etc.
without being either dishonest or schizophrenic, because freedom and Islam are polar
opposites. They cannot coexist because they are completely incompatible, irreconcilable,
and antithetical.
There is no such thing as a radicalized Muslim or a moderate Muslim. Rather, there
are Muslims who live their religion and others who dont. There are Muslims who
interpret the Quran as Muhammed interpreted it, and others who interpret it less
accurately. This is also true in Christianity. There are people who interpret the Bible as
Jesus interpreted it, and others (such as white supremacists) who interpret it inaccurately.
However, the results are opposite, because the true original interpretations of the Quran
versus the Bible lead to opposite values and behaviors. Jesus taught peace; Muhammed
taught conquest and subjugation. Thus, violent Christians are apostate, but in Islam it is
the so-called moderate or secular Muslims who are apostate. It is the so-called
extremists or radicals who are actually living their religion. That is why it is
common for the children of law-abiding Muslims to turn to violence. Their religion

teaches them to engage in war with infidels, and they see their parents who live in peace
with their western neighbors as spineless hypocrites.
I happen to be a Mormon, so please forgive the Mormon analogy here: Muslims who
speak out for womens rights or for non-violence are viewed by other Muslims in a way
similar to how Mormons view people who yell Opposed in the Conference Center
during the sustaining of the General Authorities. They view them as apostates. Of
course the difference is that Mormon apostates are viewed by active Mormons with pity,
while Muslim apostates are shunned in places where Muslims are a small minority, and
targeted for death where Muslims control the government. Thus, such voices are never
invited to speak at Islamic gatherings and conferences. Furthermore, many so-called
moderate Muslims, even if they dont agree with 9/11, if you engage in honest
conversation with them, will admit that they think the USA deserved it and that it was
Allahs retribution for the USAs support of Israel.
In 2002, a student from Morocco proudly told me that his country was predominantly
Islamic but that Christians and Jews lived peacefully there and had no problems and were
allowed religious freedom and there was no intimidation or terror there. Of course, that
was before the 2003 terrorist attack in Casablanca that killed 33 tourists and the
Marrakesh bombing that killed 17 people in 2011 and the train attack when three U.S.
airmen took down the Moroccan terrorist in France in 2015. Analysts say that Islamic
extremism is rising in Morocco. Well, duh. Its rising EVERYWHERE. The reason
Im writing this is to educate you on the reason WHY it is rising. (This is the second
most important video of all because it explains the reason clearly, in its correct historical
context; start at 0:40):
Anyone who thinks its a good idea to import Muslims to the USA ought to watch the
1991 movie, Not Without My Daughter, starring Sally Field. It is the true story of the
escape of American Betty Mahoody, from an abusive Muslim husband who was holding
her captive in Iran. He had been a medical doctor living in the USA who seemed to her
to be a kind and good hearted person when she married him. He wanted to take her and
their daughter to Iran to visit his family for a couple of weeks, and against her better
judgment, she relented. Once there, his family started pressuring him to shed his Western
ways and live his religion, and he started to abuse and threaten her. Within a short time,
it became apparent that he had no intention of returning to the USA, nor allowing her and
their daughter to do so. She was imprisoned, threatened, and physically abused by him
and his extended family in his parents home. I have seen that movie twice, and let me
tell you, it made an impact on me. If you havent seen it, you should, and then think
about it. If you dont approve of that kind of abuse of women, and dont want absolute
terror in daily life to happen to your granddaughters, then wake up. Thats exactly what
youre asking for when you agree with importing Muslims, because thats what they are
taught, and that is their goal.

Trumps son, Donald Jr., has taken a lot of heat in the press for saying we should stop
accepting Syrian refugees. The critics point out that Syrians havent committed very
many terrorist attacks. That argument is vapid and fundamentally flawed. Its like
saying we should import the Zika virus to the USA because very few people here have
died of it so far. When judging Trump Jr.s Skittles argument about Muslim refugees,
there are three issues to consider, and which country they come from isnt one of them.
Here are the three issues, which are all indisputable FACTS: 1) The VAST MAJORITY
of all terrorism today, both in the world and here in the USA, is committed by
Muslims. (When was the last time you heard the name of a terrorist whose name wasnt
Islamic? Ummmm, Timothy McVeigh, perhaps?) 2) Since the IRA settled down a
couple of decades ago, NEARLY ALL RELIGIOUS BASED TERRORISM in the
world has been committed by Muslims. And 3) Islamic terrorism is increasing
exponentially over time. Trumps son is right, and the pundits are wrong. We shouldnt
be importing Syrian Muslims, NOR ANY OTHER MUSLIMS. As a sovereign nation,
we have a right AND OBLIGATION to our children and grandchildren to accept as
immigrants ONLY those we believe will contribute to and build and improve our society
and our nation, obey our laws, assimilate into our culture, and respect and uphold our
Of course, for saying this, some will label me as racist and intolerant and not a true
believer in religious freedom. Some may draw comparisons between what Im saying
about Muslims and what Missourians said about Mormons in the 1830s. Believe me, Ive
given that a lot of thought. Im sensitive to it because I am a Mormon. But the
comparison is fundamentally flawed. Yes, the Mormons had political views different
from those of most Missourians at the time (including that they were against slavery).
Yes, their religious beliefs carried into their voting and the way they behaved as a
society. But their goal was not to usurp and destroy the Constitution of the United States
and replace it with Sharia law. The Mormons said, We believe in being subject to kings,
presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law. And
they taught that the Founding Fathers were raised up by God to write the Constitution of
the USA and that it was a divinely inspired document. They also said, We claim the
privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience,
and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.
In contrast, Muslims are saying they do not want to obey the law of the land and that they
do not support the Constitution. They want their own law. At first for themselves, but in
the end, for EVERYONE. By force. And they do not agree with the principle that it is
OK for other people to worship gods other than Allah. So yes, it would have been wrong
to deny my ancestors the ability to immigrate to the USA based on their religion. But no,
it is not wrong to deny Muslims the ability to immigrate to the USA based on their
religion, because their religion is not merely a religion, it is also a political and military
movement that seeks to destroy the liberty of those who live here.
This is what you are in for at City Council meetings as the Islamic population grows:
And this is what you are in for, even if you are not Muslim, if you believe in free speech
and free expression and opinion:
Do you think these are outliers? Do you think this opinion is not shared by your
moderate Muslim friends? If so, you are nave:
So what exactly are these people saying they prefer over American law? What is Sharia
law? Do you know what it actually is? Do you think its some kind of a beautiful
theocracy? Watch these three videos (WARNING: these are disturbing but not as
disturbing as it will be when you or your posterity are forced into Sharia law. So watch
them. Better to be informed of the awful truth than to be blissfully ignorant and then
This is how women who have been victims of rape are treated under Sharia law (the
entire story of this Australian woman is interesting/horrifying but in the interest of time,
you can catch the gist of it by starting at 10:30 and playing to 14:05):
Do you think this cant happen here? Wrong. It has already started. Because we as a
society have been brainwashed and spoon fed a steady diet of tolerance, diversity, and
multiculturalism by educators and political correctness speech censors for several
generations, we seem to have lost the ability to see and identify and call evil what it is.
We have become so accustomed and conditioned to embrace everyone and all of their
beliefs that we apparently cannot understand the nature of the conflict we are in. The
press wont show you any of this. Educators wont show you this. The government
wont show you this. Well-meaning but nave educators and lawmakers bend over
backwards against facts and common sense to make accommodation to Muslims. By not
wishing to offend, they facilitate and enable Sharia.
Dont make the mistake of thinking this is a conservative issue. I happen to be a
conservative, but this is just as much a liberal issue. Under Sharia law, the liberty to be
liberal would be squashed, as liberals would be silenced either through fear and
intimidation or simply by beheading or stoning. Gays would be murdered. Women
would lose all the hard-won rights for which they have fought so hard for the last 100
years, and would have fewer rights than they have EVER had in the history of this nation.
At least a few liberals do understand the problem. For example, one of the most liberal
of liberals, Bill Maher, who until now I have never heard say anything I have agreed
with, says this:
Unfortunately, Maher is the exception. Unfortunately, most of the politicians, police,
media, celebrities, and elite bend over backwards to be politically correct. They hem and
haw and spin and grovel and generally display a degree of intellectual dishonesty that is
frankly astonishing. When Ahmad Rahami, the man behind the recent New York and
New Jersey bombings, was captured, the New York Times reported that his motives were
murky, and that investigators have turned their focus to what might have motivated,
inspired or led him to plant bombs in the Chelsea section of Manhattan and on the Jersey
Shore. Really? Seriously? Anyone with a thimbleful of common sense could infer his
motive merely by reading his name. But we dont want to be racist, so lets stick with the
facts: When he was captured, he was carrying a notebook filled with his writings
sympathetic to jihad, including killing unbelievers. If that wasnt enough, his own father
warned police two years ago that he was a terrorist. Yet, apparently the police and the
New York Times were still trying to discern his motive. Does that tell you ANYTHING
about the degree of denial most people in this country are in?
Read the movie critics reviews of Not Without My Daughter and youll see it was
criticized for its misrepresentation of Muslim Iranians and of their culture and its lack
of political correctness. The New York Times stated that the movie exploits the
stereotype of the demonic Iranian. A review in the Los Angeles Times described the
movie as unbalanced and distorted and said it fails to distinguish between the (Iranian)
state and the people. Roger Ebert stated the film made moral and racial assertions that
are deeply troubling and that it does not play fair with its Muslim characters. Never
mind that it was a true story, that actually happened!!!!! When reality is offensive, are
we supposed to ignore it and pretend that reality is something different? It doesnt take a
genius to predict the legacy of that kind a of head-in-the-sand attitude.
Wake up, America. Muslim immigration is a Trojan horse. We are inviting the enemy
who would destroy our way of life right into our home. Islam is completely incompatible
and irreconcilable with liberty and human rights and the Declaration of Independence and
the Constitution and its Bill of Rights. Im a fierce advocate of religious liberty. I
support anyone and everyone in their rights to live their religion and follow their
conscience and values. But Islam is not merely a religion. It is also a political, social,
educational, and military system, and its goal is the forceful takeover of the entire world.
It CANNOT coexist peacefully with democracy and Judeo-Christian values. Period. Its
goal is global tyranny. Stop worrying about hurting someones feelings and start
worrying about your grandchildrens future.
I am not advocating being unkind or rude to your Muslim neighbors. Jesus taught us to
love our enemies. The leaders of my Church have also taught this doctrine. They have
created a program encouraging LDS people to give service to refugees of all religions in
their neighborhoods and local communities through a relief effort titled I Was a
Stranger. Nothing I have said in this article goes against that teaching. Love them.
Serve them. Be kind to them. That is the doctrine of Christ. If you dont do that, then
you are lowering yourself to their level. Be an example of Christ. Be a light on a hill.

Thats the right thing to do. Yes, love your enemies. But do not make the mistake of
thinking they are not your enemies. Their doctrine, that is taught in every mosque in
America, is either the conversion, or slavery, or death of your children. And dont be
deluded into thinking that if youre kind to Muslims theyll see how nice you are and love
you and maybe even see how good Christianity is and convert. The Koran commands
Muslims to not make friends with infidels. And always remember: the penalty for
leaving the religion of Islam is death. If its politically incorrect to say that, dont blame
me. Im just quoting their perfect prophet.
In conclusion, what should the USA do about Syrian and other Muslim refugees? That is
not for me to decide for you. I have only tried to provide information. What you do with
that information is your choice. It is up to you to make your own decision as to the
political and social implications.
My own personal opinion is that the mass importation of Muslims to the United States of
America must stop. I plan to contact my elected representatives and demand that it stop
immediately. Also, in the coming election, I plan to vote for people who say they will
put a stop to it. Whatever the other issues in this election are, in my mind they all pale in
comparison to this one, because of its impact on the future of my posterity. On the other
hand, I believe that if there are people who need help, and it is within our power to help
them, then our nation should help them. There are many ways we can help them. Give
them food, clothes, and medicine. Better yet, give them guns and ammunition to fight the
terrorists who are threatening their lives. But dont bring them here.
I believe this nation, the United States of America, is a choice land, above all other lands,
and that it will remain free as long as we worship the god of this land, who is Jesus
Christ. I believe we already are in peril because so many of our native population are
turning away from Christ. In such a circumstance, I feel it is foolhardy to be inviting in
hordes of people who dont believe in Him and whose doctrine is to forcibly take away
our freedom to worship Him. But thats just me. You have to do what you think is right.
Just dont say you havent been warned.
Anonymous Mormon Professor
p.s. I find it interesting that the word infidel is a very demeaning and offensive word,
and yet Muslims get away with using it without being condemned by the political
correctness police in this country. This is but a tiny example of the bigger fact that
Muslims get a free pass from both liberals and conservatives alike on their hate speech,
violence, bigotry, religious fervor, horrific treatment of gays and women, and so on. Not
to even mention the terrorism. If a Christian advocated ANYTHING that Muslims
advocate, he or she would be crucified in the press. The silence is deafening, and the
hypocrisy is stunning.

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