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Dearest Ones,
Please dont think that I am getting old and that retirement must be right
around the corner! No! Not so! Yes, I tripped and fell the first of September, tearing two tendons and fracturing the right rotator cuff (but anyone of any age can trip;
it wasnt just a fall, as such) and then the last of September I was sleeping on
a high bed in some slick nylon PJs and slipped off the bed when I was getting up,
landed on the corner of a hassock and fractured a rib on my left side but age had
nothing to do with that accident either! So, there you have it! I have been very
much aware of the upper part of my body, due to its moaning and crying but I
didnt have to have surgery and everything is healing, so I am very thankful for your
prayers on my behalf. I admit to being a little bit of a wimp because Ive had so
little body pain through the decades, and Im not planning to repeat these for at least
the next 76 years, so...
In Hebrewes 13:5,6 we have the precious promise, ... be content with such
things as you have. For He Himself has said, I will never leave you nor forsake
you. So we may boldly say: The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man
do to me? What more can be added to that promise? We rest secure in the care of
our Lord.

I attended a funeral that was a part of the history of the church in Winona. In
1973 the first black lady was converted here, Katie Purnell. Subsequently, numerous

Co-worker with
Wayne and Janet Barrier
Jerry and Paula Bates
Louis Rushmore
Robin Dunaway
Joey Barrier
Jeremy Barrier
Nathan Daily
Ed Gallagher

The Voice
of Truth

I was grieved to read of the unexpected death of Keith Sisman, preacher for the
Lords church in Cambridge, England. He wrote a history of the church in England,
going back to the first century, called Traces of the Kingdom. The book is a real
treasure and can be ordered from If you Google Traces
of the Kingdom you can go to Keiths website and have an indepth introduction to
his work.

Liberty Church of Christ
689 Highway 25
Dennis, MS 38838


The Bates left the first part of September for teaching sessions in Viet Nam and
throughout India, a very busy and rewarding schedule. Paula came home a week
before Jerry, knowing that we were short-handed in the office here, and I really appreciated that decision. Louis was away also in September for appointments and a
Gospel meeting. During that time, Barbara Wright from neighboring Eupora did her
usual efficient job of data entry on contributions for the work. She and others from
the Huntsville congregation often do volunteer work when there is a truck to unload
or other help that we need, and we are so thankful that God always supplies what is

Betty (Mrs. J.C.) Choate

(Continuing the work begun
by J.C. in 1962)
708 Burton Drive
Winona, MS 38967
email: Choate@
Web site:

others were won, among them, Melvira Purnell. Sister Melvira passed away in September after a lengthy time of not
being well enough to attend the assemblies. A dear black brother, Robert Brown, one of our deacons, habitually took
the Lords supper to her so that she could worship at home. Shane Meredith, the current preacher of the church here,
conducted the funeral. Even in the South, it is possible for Christians of all races and backgrounds to worship and fellowship together in love and peace. I am thankful to be a part of such a congregation.

Barry Smith from the Madison Church of Christ in Madison. AL came to visit and to pick up tracts (4,800) for
the mission work he does in Africa.
Other visitors included Gevan and
Sharon Murphy, faithful supporters
of our work. They donated an SUV,
which was a welcomed surprise.
That same day Elijah Sanamanda,
an Indian brother who is finishing
a Masters degree at Freed Hardeman University, and his cousin,
John Dean, along with Irven Skinner
(son of brother Skinner who established Skinner Garden Orphanage) spent much of the day with us.
John chose books to be shipped to
Visak Valley Bible School, a trainElijah Sanamanda, John Dean Muppudi and Irven Skinner
ing school operated by his father in
Visak, India. It was a wonderful, busy day warmed on the side with an Indian menu in honor of the guests!
Paula had a ladies day in Vicksburg, MS the third Saturday of October. It
was attended by sisters from about 15 congregations, and Paulas lesson was
well received. I had a day with the Bethel ladies in the Huntsville, AL the 4th
Saturday (arranged by Michelle and Janet Choate, our nieces), and then stayed
over to worship with the Bethel church on Sunday morning (Jimmy Clark
works with them), with the Lincoln church (Ron Williams works with them;
they have supported our work for many years) in the afternoon, and that evening was privileged to be with the Madison church in Madison, AL (Mike Winkler works with them; and they have also supported our work for many years).
Charles and Jean Barker took me home with them for the night, another special
treat with like-minded hearts, and long-time supporters.

Paula, an excellent lesson with

a PowerPoint

Of course the checks and bank transfers for the fourth quarter of 2016 had
to be made. I am thankful to be the bridge between you all who support the
work and the faithful brethren overseas who are the hands and feet and voices that bring the message to their
people. God has richly blessed our partnership.

We have some good reports from the men overseas, and will include these details
from Vinay David in New Delhi:

I am getting ready now for my November, 2016 mission trip to the central part of India. I have arranged 3
days Bible Seminar down there from morning till late evening so that we can make maximum use of our time
in teaching the people about the truths of the Bible. Apart from the local people, we are expecting some of our
TV contacts who are living in nearby areas to be a part of this seminar. To help with the speaking assignments,
Francis & Louis will be the key speakers. I appreciate both of them for their willingness and their desire to make
this 24-hour train trip with me
After coming from our mission trip to Central India, along with Francis and Sunny I have arranged a Bible
Lecture program in Delhi during the third week of November, 2014. This lecture is mainly kept for our TV con-

tacts residing in Delhi. We have brother Louis as the key speaker

in this lecture. I have already printed the invitations for about 200
TV contacts in this area.

Vinay David with his father, Francis, and the

third generation coming up: little Aaron!

The response of TV work has been strong as ever, and many

people are coming to know about the True New Testament Christianity. One contact after listening to my message on TV is in regular touch with me, and he is very close to obeying the Lord. I hope
and pray that he will take the decision soon. Many responses and
requests for Bible correspondence courses are still being generated by our programs.
The Bible correspondence work is going well. Till now, I have
already mailed about 2000 courses to our Hindi TV contacts. As
requested by a preacher living in the city of Mumbai, about 25,000
Hindi tracts were sent to him for his evangelistic work there. I hope he will be able to make good use of these
tracts. Few years back I conducted a gospel meeting in Mumbai, so some of the local preachers frequently call,
asking for tracts and books.
Francis stays very busy with the translation work pertaining to the Hindi Bible Teacher magazine. Every
month he has to translate the articles and get the Hindi manuscript prepared for the printer. By the way, I have
started the translation work of the Bible Ready Reference booklet. When I finish, I will let you know about it.
Just few days back, Francis, Elsy, & myself worked on the Hindi Bible magazine, and got it ready for posting. Now we are getting ready to mail the English Bible Teacher magazine. When we work on the magazines,
Francis often talks about JC, how he used to stick labels with us, and JC would not get up from his chair unless
and until the work was finished. And after the work was over, he would take a broom and start sweeping the
floor. So there are some good memories of JC. He was a great example to all of us.

The church is doing well in Delhi. In recent times,
we had 2 baptisms. I am glad that I was able to assist both
of them in their obedience to the Lord. Also, just few days
back, another man was baptized, from the area where
brother Shyam Lal lives.

Few months back, a young TV contact belonging
to a Hindu community obeyed the Lord. I baptized him, and
he has been very faithful, regularly attending the services
of the church. However, lately when his father, his family,
as well as his society came to know that he has become
a Christian, they all started hating him. In fact, one day his
father snatched the Bible from his hands, tore the pages,
and put it in the dustbin in front of him. So this young man
is having a hard time, but the best thing is, in spite of all
this hate and persecution directed towards him, he has
been running strong, and has been very faithful to the Lord.
I admire this young mans conviction, and his strong faith in Jesus. He is a great encouragement to all of us.

Color Printing in India:

Since beginning to print in color, we have used a company in Hong Kong but we are doing a trial run with
volume 90 of The Voice of Truth International and the new issue of Global Harvest, as well as reprints of a
number of our tracts, having the printer we use in India to do these. Kingsly Rajah has written:

I was able to find the files for other tracts. so if you can send these files now by, we
can start the printing tomorrow itself. Also we will print all these 21 topics 3000 copies, as we may need to pay
only the paper cost for the extras and not for printing, and hence we can use the 600 balance tracts here.
Sister, one more kind request is that if you can help us to print 2000 more copies (only for 5 selected tracts from
these 21 tracts) with the 3000 copies that we will be printing for you, it will save little money and will be useful for us
to reach the English contacts here. I will be waiting for your mail for the files of these above mentioned tracts.

The Gospel is our mission. The world is our home.

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you
always, even to the end of the age. Amen.
I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you (John 14:18).
[Angels are] ...ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation... (Hebrews 1:14).

Dont miss out on these treasures!

The latest issue of Global Harvest will be

available soon. Many will receive a free copy
because we are trying to make more brethren
aware of its existence. We do need you to
order the magazine ($10 for 2 issues), so that
its future publication can be secured. The
church needs this mission information.

Mrs. J.C. Choate

World Evangelism
P.O. Box 72
Winona, MS 38967

Non Profit Organization

U. S. Postage Paid
Permit No. 12

Change Service Requested

News!!! The Voice of Truth International, our

116-page teaching magazine is now printed in
color! If you do not already receive it, now is
the time to subscribe! Four issues of TVOTI
are $15, 8 issues are $25; or the congregation
can enlist for a box of 35 copies of each issue
for $30 a month or $350 a year.

Place Label Here

We now have 120 titles, full-color,

pocket-sized tri-fold tracts that will
be extremely useful to you in your
outreach ministry. In packets of 25,
they are only 10 cents each. BBC

I am thrilled with the interest that is being shown in our line

of tracts, both for the affirmation that they are good tools for
outreach, and for the fact that churches are doing the outreach!
We can never forget that we are left in this warring world for one
purpose: to be the light that helps others to find Christ!

Would some dedicated, healthy, retired couple please

make the prayerful decision to move to Winona to help us???
We have housing in which you can live, and we promise to
keep you so busy you will know that you didnt really retire!
Its great to spend all day every day in the Lords work!
Love and hugs, Betty

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