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2 of 8

Learn MVC 5 in 2 days

Lab 1: - Simple Hello world (20
Lab 2: - Explain MVC Routing (10
Lab 3: - Explain ViewData, ViewBag,
TempData & Session Variables?(20
Lab 4: - Explain Model and Strongly

WPF Questions and Answers

Learn MSBI in 4 days with Project

Lab 1: - What is WPF and how it is

better than Winforms?

Lab 1: - MSBI Fundamentals, Data

Theory: - Explain WPF object


house(60 minutes){NEW ADDED}

Lab 2: - How to implement threading

in WPF?
Lab 3: - Explain one way, two way,
one time & one way to source

flow, Control Flow, ETL, Dataware

Lab 2: - Conditional split, Data

conversion and Error handling(30
minutes){NEW ADDED}
Lab 3: - For Loop, Variables,
Parameters and Debugging(30

typed views(20 minutes)?

Lab 4: - Explain UpdateSourceTrigger

in WPF?

Lab 5: - Explain Model Binders(10

Lab 5: - Explain WPF Resources?

Lab 4: - Packaging and Deployment,


Lab 6: - What are WPF Value


File component and running SSIS

Lab 7: - Explain WPF multibindings

and multivalueconverters?


Lab 8: - Explain logical tree, visual

tree,routed events( Direct, Tunneling
and Bubbling)?

star schema, snow flake, shared

Lab 6: - Why MVC and MVC vs

Webforms?(30 minutes)
Lab 7: - Explain TempData, Peek and
Keep?(10 Minutes)
Lab 8: - Explain Data Annotations
and HTML Helpers classes?(31
Lab 9: - What is the need of
ViewModel in MVC?(10 Minutes)
Lab 10: - How can we use Entity
Framework in MVC?(20 Minutes)
Lab 11: - How to implement
viewmodel, partial view and
webgrid?(45 minutes)
Lab 12: - What is the difference
between ActionResult and ViewResult

Lab 9: - What are WPF commands

and INotifyPropertyChange interface?

using JSON and Jquery using

package as a task.(35 minutes){NEW

Lab 5: - For dimension, measures,

connection managers & packages
tasks.(30 minutes){NEW ADDED}
Lab 6: - SCD, Type 0, Type 1, OLEDB

Lab 10: - Explain MVVM with a

simple example(With binding)?

Command and Unicode

Lab 11: - What is the need of

INotifyPropertyChanged interface in
MVVM?(MVVM With INotify)


Lab 12: - Explain importance of

commands in MVVM(MVVM with

optimization and updating SSIS

Lab 13: - How to decouple

commands from view model(MVVM
reusable commands)?
Lab 14: - How to refresh MVVM

in MVC?(10 minutes)
Lab 13: - How to implement Ajax

minutes){NEW ADDED}

conversions.(45 minutes){NEW

Lab 7: - Lookup, Data conversion

package.(40 minutes){NEW ADDED}
Lab 8: - Sort, Merge and Merge
Joins.(21 minutes){NEW ADDED}
Lab 9: - Creating SSAS Cube(30
Minutes){NEW ADDED}
Lab 10: - SSAS Time series and Excel

jQuery, JSON & Javascript

Frameworks Q/A series

display(30 Minutes){NEW ADDED}

Lab 1: - Explain jQuery with a simple


Lab 11: - What are Transactions and

MVC?(60 minutes)
Lab 14: - What is the use of Async

Lab 2: - Explain CDN Fallback?

Minutes){NEW ADDED}

Controllers in MVC?(20 minutes)

Lab 3: - Explain Document.Ready in


Lab 12: - Simple SSRS report &

Application on IIS?(10 minutes)

Lab 4: - What are the 7 important

ways of doing selection in jQuery?

Parameters, Sorting, Expressions(60

Lab 16: - How can we do Windows

Lab 5: - Explain JSON ?

and Forms Authentication in

Lab 6: - How to emit JSON using


Lab 15: - How to deploy MVC

MVC?(50 Minutes)
Lab 17: - How can we use MVC areas
for better modular development?(10

Lab 7: - Explain Angular JS with an



Lab 8: - Explain 2-way bindings and


Lab 18: - How to implement MVC

Lab 9: - Explain unobtrusive


with Angular?(60 minutes)?

CheckPoints in SSIS?(30

implementing Matrix, Tabular,

Minutes){NEW ADDED}
Lab 13: - Using Data Profiling task to
check data quality(20 Minutes){NEW
Lab 14: - Hierarchical Dimensions(30
Minutes){NEW ADDED}
Lab 15: - WebServices and XML
Task(15 Minutes){NEW ADDED}

Lab 10: - Explain $http service and

CORS in Angular(Angular)?

Lab 16: - DrillDown and


Lab 11 :- What is Less.JS(Less)?


Lab 20: - How to improve Reusability

Lab 12 :- Explain Mixin in


Lab 17: - SSAS KPI(Key Performance

Lab 13: - Explain unobtrusive



Lab 19: - Can we Overload MVC

Action methods?(10 Minutes)?{NEW

using Angular?(20 Minutes)?{NEW

Lab 21: - What is the need of
WebAPI in MVC?(30 Minutes){NEW

.NET Fundamentals Q & A

What is IL code, CLR, CLS & JIT? -

Subreports(20 Minutes){NEW

Indicators)(15 Minutes){NEW

Lab 18: - Pivot, UnPivot and

Aggregation(20 Minutes){NEW

1/3/2016 10:33 AM


3 of 8

Lab 22: - How to do exception

handling in MVC? (30 Minutes){NEW
Lab 23: - How to do update & delete
using MVC, WebAPI, EF &

What is IL code, CLR, CLS & JIT? Part2
Explain JIT,Pre-jit,Eco-Jit,Normal-Jit

Angular?(30 Minutes){NEW ADDED}

What is CAS, evidence, permission
Lab 24: - How to use MVC

set & code groups?

Webgrid?(30 minutes){NEW ADDED}

What are the changes in .NET 4.0
Lab 25: - How to implement
Validation using Angular and

security model & What is


MVC?(30 minutes){NEW ADDED}

What is the difference between
Lab 26: - What is SPA (Single Page

managed & unmanaged code?

Application)?(30 minutes){NEW

What is Garbage Collector, Gen 0, 1

& 2?

Lab 27: - How to Organize MVC

Lab 19: - SSAS Calculation.(30

Minutes){NEW ADDED}
Lab 20: - SQL Execute Task (30
Minutes){NEW ADDED}
Lab 21: - Reference and
Many-to-Many Relationship(30
Minutes){NEW ADDED}
Lab 22: - Script Task and Send Mail
Task(15 Minutes){NEW ADDED}
Lab 23: - Script component(SSIS)(45
Minutes){NEW ADDED}
Lab 24 :- Bar chart, Gauge and
Indicators(20 Minutes){NEW
Lab 25:- Partitions in SSAS (30

project and Understanding CORS

What is IDisposable interface &

issue?(42 minutes){NEW ADDED}

finalize dispose pattern in GC?

Lab 28: - Explain the importance of

What is the difference between

DisplayModes?(10 minutes){NEW

strong and weak references?


What is delay signing?

Lab 29: - How to do unit testing with

Can we see simple example of GAC &

non-additive measures in SSAS(15

MVC projects?(30 minutes){NEW

How to handle multiple versions in

Minutes){NEW ADDED}



Lab 30: - How to implement SPA

What are different .NET datatypes

using Angular Routing?(20

and its uses according to scenarios?

Minutes){NEW ADDED}
Lab 26 :- CDC(Changed Data
Capture) in SSIS(35 Minutes){NEW
Lab 27:- Additive, Semiadditive and

Lab 28:- Buffer Size Tuning

minutes){NEW ADDED}
Lab 31: - How to create decoupled
systems using MVC DI?(60
minutes){NEW ADDED}
Lab 32: - How can we have multiple
submit buttons in ASP.NET MVC?(13
minutes){NEW ADDED}
Lab 33: - What is the importance of
AntiForgery in MVC?(9
minutes){NEW ADDED}

Lab 29 :- How to implement

Explain TypeSafe,Casting,Explicit

Multithreading in SSIS?{NEW

casting and implicit casting?


What is difference between String

Lab 30:- Processing SSAS cube in

and string?

background.{NEW ADDED}

What is the difference between

Lab 31 :- Explain Asynchronous,

String and String Builder?

Synchronous, Full blocking,

What problem does Delegate Solve?

Semi-blocking and Non-blocking

What is a Multicast delegate?

What are events and what's the

SSIS Components.{NEW ADDED}

SharePoint 2010 Q & A videos

Lab 34: - What is the importance of

difference between delegates and

What is SharePoint, SharePoint

ValidateInput and AllowHTML in


foundation & SharePoint server

MVC?(10 minutes){NEW ADDED}

Lab 35: - Bundling and
Minification(15 minutes){NEW
Learn Design Pattern in 8 Hours
Lab 1: - Design pattern step by step
with a project(Factory pattern,Lazy
Pattern and RIP Pattern).(60

How can we make Asynchronous

method calls using delegates?
What are anonymous methods in
Why anonymous types are preferred
over Tuples?
What is the use of Lambda

How to create a simple website in
SharePoint? - Part 1
How to create a simple website in
SharePoint? - Part 2
How can we create users and
permissions in SharePoint 2010?

Expression Action<>, Predicate<> &

How to deploy custom webparts in


SharePoint pages?

What do you mean by Covariance &

How do we customize SharePoint

Contravariance in .NET 4.0?

pages using SharePoint designer?

What is the use of checked and

How can we debug SharePoint

unchecked keyword?


What is a stack, Heap, Value types

Can you explain (SOM)SharePoint

and Reference types?

Object Model?


What is boxing and unboxing?

How can we create custom ASP.NET

Lab 5: - UOW(Unit of Work)(30

C# Out Vs Ref{NEW ADDED}

minutes){NEW ADDED}
Lab 2: - Unity, Stratergy, IOC, SRP
and SOC.(30 minutes){NEW ADDED}
Lab 3: - Template pattern and
Repository pattern with ADO.NET.(60
minutes){NEW ADDED}
Lab 4: - Adapter Pattern and
Repository with EF(60 minutes){NEW

screen to insert & display operations

1/3/2016 10:33 AM


4 of 8

minutes){NEW ADDED}
Lab 6: - Decorator Pattern(30
Minutes){NEW ADDED}
Lab 7: - Iterator Pattern(25
Minutes){NEW ADDED}
Lab 8:- Prototype and Memento
Pattern(25 Minutes){NEW ADDED}
Explain SOLID?

What is optimistic and pessimistic

locking? - Part1
Can you explain optimistic locking? Part2
Can you explain pessimistic locking?
- Part3
What are regular expressions & can

on SharePoint list?
What is the use of INFOPATH?
How to read and write data to
SharePoint 2010 from remote
What is the use of Business
Connectivity Services(BCS)?

we see some practical


Why do we need Regex timeout(.NET

BizTalk Q & A series

What is BizTalk and when to use Biz

Factory Pattern

4.5 feature)?

Abstract Factory Pattern

5 tips to improve your C#

Builder Pattern


Can you explain the Biztalk


Prototype Pattern

Can you explain Named Parameters,

How to create a schema in BizTalk?

Singleton Pattern
Adapter Pattern
Bridge Pattern

Ref, Out, Volatile & Parsetry?

What is the difference between Const

What are Adapters, Pipeline, Maps

and Ports?

How to create a map in Biztalk?

& ReadOnly?

How can we create orchestration in


Explain the difference between "IS"

How can we build/publish in Biztalk?

Composite Pattern

and "AS" keyword?

How to do configuration in Biztalk?

Decorator Pattern

What are Extension Methods?

Facade Pattern

What is #Debug directive?

Flyweight Pattern

What is the difference between

Proxy Pattern
Mediator Pattern

Debug and Release?

What is serialization and

Memento Pattern
What is the difference between

How to execute and Test?

OOP's Q & A Video series
What is the problem with Functional
Can you define OOP and the 4
principles of OOP?
What are Classes and Objects?

Interpreter Pattern

TypeOf and GetType?

What is Inheritance?

Iterator Pattern

What is IComparable and

What is Polymorphism, overloading,

COR Pattern


overriding and virtual?

Command Pattern

What is the use of Yield Keyword in

Can you explain encapsulation and



What is a C# indexer?

What is an abstract class?

What is the difference between ==

Define Interface & What is the diff.

vs .Equals()?

between abstract & interface?

What are ??(Coalescing operators)?

Define Interface & Diff. between

State Pattern
Strategy Pattern
Observer Pattern
Template Pattern
Visitor Pattern
Explain IOC(Inversion of control)?

What is C# reflection?
What is Dynamic keyword & How

DI IOC Pattern

does it differ from Reflection?

Fluent interface and method chaining

What is the difference between Early

Lazy Loading
Explain RIP(Replace IF with
Polymorphism) Pattern?{NEW
Immutable object design
pattern{NEW ADDED}

Viewstate in ASP.NET?
What is the difference between
session & viewstate?
Can you explain ASP.NET application

What is Shadowing?
Can we implement interfaces with
same method names in C#?

binding and Late binding?

What is the use of Static Keyword?

What is a difference between VAR

What is the difference between

and Dynamic keyword?

Abstraction and Encapsulation?

What is the use of VAR keyword in

What are partial classes & partial



What are Circular Dependencies and

Can we see implementation of

How to resolve them?

Association, Aggregation &

ASP.NET Q and A series

What is the use of Session and

abstract & interface? - Part 2

How can we mark a method as

Composition in real world?


What is operator overloading?

What is the difference between Build

Explain Access modifiers (Private,

Vs Rebuild Vs Clean?

Public, Protected, Internal &

What is Naming Convention?


1/3/2016 10:33 AM


5 of 8

and Page life cycle - (Part 1)?

What is Nuget?

Can you explain ASP.NET application

What are portable class libraries?

and Page life cycle - (Part 2)?

Can you explain ASP.NET application
and Page life cycle - (Part-3)?
What is a PostBack, IsPostBack and
AutoPostBack in ASP.NET?
What is Authentication,

SQL Server Q & A section

Can you explain First, Second & Third
Normal forms in database?

What is Asynch and Await keywords?

What is Denormalization, OLTP and
What are ENUM's and flags in


Explain Star Schema & Snow Flake
How to convert string to ENUM ?
How to use MSMQ with C#?

How does SQL Server store data in 8

Authorization, Principal & Identity

Explain NULLABLE Types?

KB page?

objects? Part-1

Explain C# Attributes?

State 4 different types of SQL join?

ASP.NET Authentiication and

What is Automapper?{NEW ADDED}

What are wild card operators?

What are DataAnnotations?{NEW

Explain Union & Union All?

Authorization Video series Part-2

ASP.NET Authentiication and


Authorization Video series Part-3

ASP.NET Authentiication and
Authorization Video series Part-4
ASP.NET Authentiication and
Authorization Video series Part-5
ASP.NET Authentiication and
Authorization Video series Part-6
What are Master pages?
What is Instrumentation, Debugging
& Tracing? Part-1

Generics/.NET collections Q & A

What are the different types of
collections in .NET?- Part 1
What is the difference between Array
& ArrayList?- Part 2
Can you prove why arrays are faster
than arraylist?- Part 3

by clause, having keyword?

What are subqueries & co-related
What are Indexes and how does it
increase performance?
How indexes affect insert, update

What are the problems with arraylist

& how can we solve the same by
Hashtables?- Part 4

and delete performance (page split)?

What are stacks & queues?- Part 5

Clustered and Non-Clustered

What are special collections?- Part 6

What is Instrumentation, Debugging

What is aggregate functions, group

What is the difference between

What are triggers, inserted tables

& Tracing? Part-2

What are Generics & What are

generics collections?- Part 7

What is Instrumentation, Debugging

What are generics collections?- Part


Can you explain instead of and after

What is the use of IEnumerator,

ICollection, IDictionary & IList?- Part

What are stored procedures and why

Server.Transfer VS Response.Redirect

What is the difference between

IEnumerable and IEnumerator?

What is use of ISNULL and Coalesce

Explain PreserveForm and


Differentiate between IEnumerable

vs IQueryable?

Can we have 2 web.config files?

Explain Generics Constraints?

& Tracing?Part-3
What is Routing in ASP.NET(URL

What is Web server and IIS(Internet

Information Services)?
Unit Testing & Load Testing Q & A

Absolute Freshers
What are High level and low level

and deleted tables?

triggers with a example?

do we need them?

What is Row_Number, Partition, Rank
and DenseRank?
What is CDC (Change data capture)?
What is the difference between
unique key and primary key?

What is Unit Testing & can we see an

How to install .NET framework and

write a hello world program ?

How can we implement Pivot &

example of the same?

From where do i get visual studio?

Unpivot in SQL Server?

How can we write data driven test

How write a simple hello world

program using visual studio?

using NUNIT & VS Test?

Can we see simple example of a unit

Learn .NET in 60 days

test for database operation?

(Day 1)Lab 1: - Creating your first


How can we do automated testing

using Visual Studio Test?

(Day 1)Lab 2: - Creating your first


How can we do Load Testing using

(Day 1)Lab 3: - Integer DataType

VSTS test?

(Day 1)Lab 4: - Exception Handling

Can you explain database unit

(Day 1)Lab 5: - IF Condition, Return



(Day 2)Lab 6: - Commenting

How can we do test coverage using
VSTS system?
How can we do manual Testing using

LINQ/Entity Framework Q & A

What is Entity Framework (Theory)?
Lab 1: - What is EDMX, Context and
Models in EF?
Lab 2: - How to read,insert, update &
delete data using EF (Entity
Lab 3: - How to insert custom
business validation in Entity classes?
Lab 4: - What are POCO Classes?
Lab 5: - How to implement code

(Day 2)Lab 7: - For Loop

Lab 6: - How to solve concurrency

issues in EF (Optimistic locking )?

(Day 2)Lab 8: - Creating a simple

calculator program

Lab 7: - What is Clientwins and

StoreWins in Entity framework?

1/3/2016 10:33 AM


6 of 8

What is Ordered Test in VSTS test?
How to generate test data?
What are different test in VSTS 2010
and how to write unit test in VSTS

(Day 3)Lab 9: - Creating your first

Windows application
(Day 3)Lab 10: - Creating the
Customer Screen
(Day 4)Lab 11: - Displaying
Customer Screen


(Day 4)Lab 12: - Multiple Document


How to do UI automation testing

(Day 5)Lab 13: - Classes & Objects

using VSTS 2010 coded UI test?

(Day 6)Lab 14: - Getting Data from

SQL Server

How to run coded UI test with

Use Case Diagrams
Class Diagrams
Object Diagrams
Sequence Diagrams
Collaboration Diagrams
Activity Diagram

dynamic data using VSTS 2010?

(Day 7)Lab 15: - Inserting data into

SQL Server

State chart Diagrams

How can we do web testing on

(Day 7) Lab 16: - Storing connection

string in App.config files

Component Diagrams

ASP.NET application using VSTS

How to use WaitCommands in Coded

(Day 8) Lab 17: - Delete


UI test?

(Day 9) Lab 18: - Update


How to do Load test & database test

(Day 9) Lab 19: - 2 Tier Architecture

using VSTS 2010?

In what scenarios do we use ordered
testing in VSTS 2010?
How to implement TDD(Test Driven
Development) in C#?
What is Mock Testing?
How to UNIT test Private methods in
VSTS test?
How can we do complex unit testing
(Code contracts)?
Explain CodeLens?
Understanding Software
Architecture with real time project
Scenario 1: - Customer & Logger

(Day 10) Lab 20: - Creating a web

(Day 10) Lab 21: - Connect WebApp
to Data Access Layer

Practice with Tool

Function Points

(Day 13) Lab 23: - Implementing 3

Tier Architecture

EO Fundamentals

(Day 14) Lab 24: - Security

EI Fundamentals

EQ Fundamentals

(Day 15) Lab 25: - Web Security

EIF Fundamentals

(Day 16) Lab 26: - REGEX

ILF Fundamentals

(Day 17) Lab 27: - Improving

Database Design

GSC Fundamentals

(Day 18)Lab 28: - 1 to many


Productivity Factor

(Day 19)Lab 29: - 1 to Many(Insert)

Solution for Scenario 1: -

(Day 21)Lab 31: - 1 to Many(Update)

Function Point Template

Estimating a Sample Project
Function Point Estimation Excel

(Day 22)Lab 32: - Stored Procedure

(Day 23)Lab 33: - Reusability

Scenario 2: - Add new customer type

UML Project Flow

Application Boundary

(Day 20)Lab 30: - 1 to Many(Select

& Delete)

& interfaces

Stereo Types Diagrams

(Day 11 & 12) Lab 22: Implementing Insert, Update &


class Scenario (SRP Violation)

Implementing SRP with factory class

Deployment Diagrams

Customer Maintenance

scenario (OCP violation)

(Day 24)Lab 34: - Application and

Cache in ASP.NET

Solution for Scenario 2: - Applying

(Day 25)Lab 35: - Sessions in


Validation Application Block

Day 26 to Day 60: - Project

Logging Application Block

WCF Question and Answers

Caching Application Block

OCP (Open closed principle) by using

Scenario 3: - The batch printing
problem(LSP violation)
Solution for Scenario 3: - Applying
LSP (Liskov principle) using
interfaces & solving the problem
Scenario 4: - The tax calculator
Solution for Scenario 4: - Using unity
application using DIIOC
.NET Best Practice Series
What are performancecounter and
perfmon tool?

Enterprise Application Blocks


What is SOA, Services and Messages

(Part 1)?

Security Application Block

What is SOA, Services and Messages

(Part 2)?

Policy Injection Application Block

What is the difference between

Service and Component?
What are basic steps to create a WCF
service (Part I, Creating the

Exception Handling Application Block

Data Access Layer
Unity Application Block
.NET Project

What are basic steps to create a WCF

service (Part II, Consuming the

Introduction to .NET Projects

What are endpoints, address,

contracts and bindings?

Necessary Tools

Different levels of Programming

What should we learn?

What are various ways of hosting

1/3/2016 10:33 AM


7 of 8

Finding high memory consuming

WCF service?


functions - Part I

What is the difference of hosting a

WCF service on IIS and Self hosting?

Making UI using .net IDE

Finding high memory consuming

functions - Part II
Improve garbage collector
performance using finalize/dispose
How to use performance counters to
gather performance data - Part 1
How to use performance counters to
gather performance data - Part 2
C# Threading Q & A Videos
What is Threading in C#.NET?
How can we make a object thread

What is the difference between

BasicHttpBinding and

Can you explain transactions in WCF


Three Tier Architecture

Two Tier Architecture

Can we see a simple sample of WCF


Database Normalization

How can we self host WCF services ?

Session and State Management

What are the different ways of

implementing WCF Security?

Using Enterprise Application Blocks

How can we implement SSL security

on WCF(Transport Security)?

Implementing Interfaces and Factory


How can we do WCF instancing ?

What is AutoResetEvent and

How Can we do WCF Concurency and


What is Thread Pooling?

Issue with the Code

What is Mutex, Semaphore &


Update and Delete

How can we do debugging and

tracing in WCF?

How can we implement transport

security plus message security in

safe using LOCK in multithreading?

Database, The SQL Server

Can you explain one way &

duplex(two way) contract in WCF?

Connecting with Database

Aggregation and Composition

Inheritance relationship
Abstract Class Implementation
Source Code
Understanding OOPS in real project
Abstract Classes
Abstraction and Encapsulation

What is TPL (Task Parallel Library)

Can you explain one way &

duplex(two way) contract in WCF?Part 2

and how different it is from threads?

What exactly is WCF REST service?


What exactly is WCF REST

service?-Part 2

Differences: Interfaces & Abstract


How to debug Threads?

Visual Studio Tips & Tricks

Visual Studio Tips & Tricks No. - 1
Visual Studio Tips & Tricks No. - 2

What are WCF fault exception?

Visual Studio Tips & Tricks No. - 3

How to host Multiple endpoint in a

single WCF Service?

Visual Studio Tips & Tricks No. - 4

What is netMSMQBinding in WCF?

Visual Studio Tips & Tricks No. - 5

Visual Studio Tips & Tricks No. - 6
Visual Studio Tips & Tricks No. - 7
Visual Studio Tips & Tricks No. - 8
Visual Studio Tips & Tricks No. - 9
Visual Studio Tips & Tricks No. - 10
Visual Studio Tips & Tricks No. - 11

Visual Studio Tips & Tricks No. - 14

Visual Studio Tips & Tricks No. - 15
Visual Studio Tips & Tricks No. - 16
Visual Studio Tips & tricks No. - 17
(Remove Unused Namespaces)

Aggregation and Composition

SDLC Video
Requirement Technical and Testing

ADO.NET Q & A section

SDLC Source Code

What is ADO.NET, Connection,

Command & Datareader objects?
What is Dataset and DataAdapter in
What is ADO.NET Connection

Visual Studio Tips & Tricks No. - 12

Visual Studio Tips & Tricks No. - 13

Parent-Child relationship

Azure Questions & Answers

What is Azure?
What is Azure? - Part 2
Can you explain Azure Costing?
Can we see a simple Azure sample

ASP.NET SignalR Q & A Videos

How to install SignalR & JSON2 on
Chat Application: - How to create
and connect to HUB?
How to create a Server/Client
Method and pass parameters?
How to create Chat application using
Explain onconnected and
ondisconnected methods of SignalR?
Explain Context, Clients & Groups
properties of SignalR?

What are the different steps to

create a simple Worker application?

Explain Group/OthersInGroup of
object Clients & show how to send
messages to different Groups?

Visual Studio Tips & Tricks No. - 20

Can we understand Blobs in steps,

Tables & Queues ?

What is round triping state in


Visual studio Tips & Tricks No. - 21: (Show external files in Visual studio)

Can we see a simple example for

Azure tables?

How to broadcast a message from

outside the HUB?

Visual Studio Tips & Tricks No. - 18

Visual Studio Tips & Tricks No. - 19

Visual studio Tips & Tricks No. - 22: Refresh all browsers from Visual
Visual studio Tips & Tricks No. - 23: (Peek Definition)
Visual studio Tips & Tricks No. - 24: (Autos Window)

WWF Questions and Answers

What is the development
environment for WWF?
What is the difference between
composite and leaf activities?
What are sequential work flow and

How to do performance tuning in

ASP.NET SignalR?
How to develop a simple game in
StyleCOP Video
StyleCOP Video

1/3/2016 10:33 AM


8 of 8

Visual studio Tips & Tricks No. - 25: What is need of [DebuggerStep
LINQ Questions and Answers
What is LINQ and can you explain
same with example?
Can you explain a simple example of
How can we define relationships
using LINQ to SQL?
How can we optimize LINQ
relationships queries using
Can we see a simple example of how
we can do CRUD using LINQ to SQL?
How can we call a stored procedure
using LINQ?
Localization/Globalization Q & A
What is Globalization and
Localization? - Part 1
How can we set explicit culture? Part 2
What is the difference between
Culture and UI Culture? - Part 3
How to store localized data in SQL
Server? - Part 4
Programming Algorithm Q & A
How to write FizzBuzz logic in C#?
VS 2010 , ASP.NET 4.0 and .NET 4.0
What is Package and One click
deploy(Deployment Part - 1) ?
What is Web.config transformation
(Deployment Part-2)?
What is MEF and how can we
implement the same?
How is MEF different from DIIOC?
Can you show us a simple
implementation of MEF in Silverlight?
AJAX Q & A videos

state machine work flow?

StyleCOP Source Code

Can we see a small sample of how

Windows Work Flow works?

StyleCOP Setup

What is State Machine Work Flow

Part 1 ?
What is State Machine Work Flow
Part 2 ?
Windows Phone 7 Q & A series
Lab 1: - How to create simple
windows phone app?
Lab 2: - How to create resource,
styles, global styles and custom

Lab 5: - How to capture photo from

windows phone & fetch images from
phone gallery?{NEW ADDED}

Explain architectural detail of Metro


Explain working of MessageDialog

control & Flyout control in Windows
How we can work with ListView in a
application for App Store?

Lab 7: - How to do localization in

windows phone and How to create
app which support languages?{NEW
Lab 8:- What is windows Universal
App & how to create MVVM app in
windows phone ?{NEW ADDED}
Lab 9:- How to Create Live Tiles in
Windows Phone 8.1?{NEW ADDED}
SQL Performance Tuning
Basics: - Query plan, Logical
operators and Logical reads
Point 1: - Unique keys improve table
scan performance.
Point 2: - Choose Table scan for
small & Seek scan for large records
Point 3: - Use Covering index to
reduce RID (Row Identifier) lookup

Point6: - use indexed view for

aggregated SQL Queries

What is the difference between i++

& ++i?

What is Metro App?

Lab 6: - How to maintain State of

app and what is app switching?{NEW

What are the AJAX Server Side

Technologies and AJAX Server

In a parent child relationship which

constructor fires first?

Metro Application Development

How to consume JSON based REST

service in Win 8 Metro app?

Point5: - use numeric as compared

to text data type.

Interview Q & A videos


Lab 4: - What is touch manipulation?

How to create an app which can
detect multi touch (Zoom)?{NEW

What is AJAX and explanation about

the Client Side Technology?

and CAS

FXCOP Source Code

How to work with different controls

using Expression Blend Tool?

Point4: - Keep index size as small as


Section1 - IL Code, JIT, CLR, CTS


Lab 3: - How to integrate Maps and

Geo-Location in Windows Phone?

How to run certain activites on


Interview Quick reference


Point7: - Database Engine tuning

advisor is your best friend.
Tips and Tricks
How to consume Webservices in
TFS Q & A series
What is TFS and explain its
How can we integrate software life
cycle in TFS?
Model View Presenter
Model View Presenter Video

1/3/2016 10:33 AM

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