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The Church of the Good Shepherd

June 20, 2010


We are glad you are with us today!

“Connecting You To Christ”

Our Vision:
Inspired by Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, we are a
caring congregation tending to the spiritual well-being of
one another and reaching out to help others in the
community and the world beyond.

Our Mission:
To bring to life the teachings of Jesus Christ and to serve
as faithful stewards of God‟s creation.

Our Values:
Caring and compassion, respect, welcoming, love,
mission and service, freedom to question,
growth in life-changing faith and joy.

Our Prayer:
That God will bless you to be a blessing to others.

Ministers All the people

Pastor, Team Leader Rev. Chris Miller
Pastor, Youth & Pastoral Care Rev. Val Noakes
Music Director Derrick Lewis
Sunday School Carol MacLean,
Administrator Jean Javanshir
Custodian Pedro De Pablo

Reader Marg Miller

Violinist Mark McKie
Hospitality Gail & Brian George
Hazel Hayles

Refreshments Cliff & Dode Walker

2609 Bayview Ave., Toronto, M2L 1B5


*This symbol > invites us to stand as we are able.
*Wherever you find bold text please join in.


Prelude „Sonata in F :Allegro’ (Mozart K.376)


Lighting the Christ Candle

Jesus Christ is the light of the world.
May the flame of God’s eternal light
find a welcome in every heart.

> Hymn 232 Joyful, Joyful We Adore You

Call to Worship
We have come together to strengthen our love
and our worship of the living God.
Our worship is a sharing of faith and
We also bring our own unique and private joys,
anxieties, memories and hopes.
Our worship includes secrets known to God
We gather with a common status as the children
of one loving God.
Our worship unites a scattered family.
We offer our varied gifts and resources to the
one common Saviour.
Our worship is a fellowship in the one body
of Christ.
We gather in the presence of the Holy Spirit,
where we may better know ourselves, better
understand our neighbour, and quench our thirst
on God‟s love.
Our worship is a searching and finding, a
loving and adoring.

Prayer of Approach
Most wonderful God, although the immense
universe cannot contain your glory, you come
to us not as a stranger but as a friend.
Please speak each of our names today, that we
may be called away from the chatter of the
world that threatens to swamp our true
Name each of us, so that we may truly know
ourselves and take responsibility for our own
lives and live boldly and lovingly. Through
Christ our Lord. Amen!

Prayer of Confession
Merciful God, we rejoice that our relationship
with you is not dependent upon our race, status
or gender.
We celebrate today our unity in Christ.
Yet the church is all too often torn apart by
disunity and so loses its effectiveness as a sign
of your reconciling love.
Forgive us every hurtful word or action that
has caused pain and anger.
Forgive us when we exclude people through the
language we use or the prejudicial attitudes we hold.

Forgive our inclination to accept people more
readily who look and think like us.
Forgive any narrow-mindedness which is so
much at odds with the wideness of your love and

(Moment of Silent Confession)

Loving God, help us to be a church in which our

unity in Jesus is visible in the way we joyfully
welcome and unconditionally accept strangers;
in the compassionate way we bind up those who
are broken hearted; selflessly reaching out to
those struggling with poverty and poor health;
and passionately helping free those who are
oppressed in any way.
May our worship, witness and service truly
reflect our unity as the body of Christ in this
place. This we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen

Assurance of Forgiveness
“There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no
longer slave or free, there is no longer male or
female, for all of you are one in Christ Jesus..”
(Galatians 3:28 NRSV)
“If anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation;
everything old has passed away; see, everything
has become new! In Christ, we are reconciled
with God and our trespasses are not counted
against us. (2 Corinthians 5:1,19a)
Thanks be to God!

The Lord's Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy Name.
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power,
and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen


A Reading from the Psalms, Psalm 42

(Voices United, p.766-767, Sing Verse 1)
This is a life-giving message from the living God.
Thanks be to God!

Violin Mark McKie

A Reading from the Letter to the Galatians 3:23-29

(Good News Bible, The New Testament, p. 236)
This is a another life-giving message from the
living God.
Thanks be to God!

Message “The Possibility of Unity & Equality”


> Hymn 606 In Christ There is No East or



Offertory ‘Sonata in F :Andante’ (Mozart K.376)

> Presentation of the Offering (VU 541)

Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise God, all creatures high and low;
Give thanks to God in love made known;
Creator, Word and Spirit, One.


Prayers of the People

> Hymn 424 May the God of Hope Go With Us

> Commissioning and Blessing

Postlude ‘Sonata in F :Rondeau, Allegretto

grazioso’ (Mozart K.376)

Music Notes

Mozart (1756-91) was taken all around Europe as

a little boy, in order to display his phenomenal
talent of playing various instruments, composing
pieces on demand while locked in a room with no
keyboard, dancing, and conversing in different
languages. His father referred to him as "the
miracle that God allowed to be born in
Salzburg". As a man, he found himself stuck in
Vienna with little money, and seriously under-
employed. The answer for so many European
musicians in those days (as now) was to make a
bee-line for London, where there was so much
more wealth to go around than on the
continent. Haydn and Handel had done so
brilliantly, and so, one day, in his late twenties,
Mozart packed up and was ready to depart for
London with his new wife, Constanza, and his
good friend, Irish tenor Michael Kelly. A last
minute crisis literally stopped them on their way to
the coach. There is little doubt that Mozart would
have avoided much misery, and quite possibly, his
early death, had he started reaping the rich
rewards of the life of a composer of genius in
Derrick Lewis


June 27 Sunday‟s Cool Graduation

More 85th Anniversary Information

85th Anniversary Service Live Stream Link:

Those who wish to participate in an experience
of the whole United Church at prayer across the
country are invited to connect to the Live Stream
Site using the following link today, Sunday JUNE
20, 5pm EST.

Participants will be able to see a video feed of

the service and participate by tweeting prayers.
Mardi Tyndall will also be engaging twitter
responses during her sermon. The liturgy will be
lead from many points across Canada and
beyond, from St. John's to Hartley Bay,
Yellowknife to Kingston Bermuda. Don't miss this
unique and historic anniversary experience.

Summer Worship at OYM

For those in the city this summer, we will

continue to enjoy worship here in our beautiful
sanctuary. Rev. Val will conduct worship in July
and Rev. Chris will conduct worship in August.

Derrick Lewis will lift our spirits with his inspiring

Prayer in the Morning Service

Cards for prayer requests are on the information table

for your use. Please leave the cards in the basket or
hand to Pastor Chris or Pastor Val.

OYM’s Prayer Supporters

You are being prayed for behind the scenes. If you

have a request, public or confidential, please email
her at

Lansing Food Bank

The Food Bank sees more than 1,500 people per

Please consider a financial donation (add to your
offering with a note re Food Bank). Or donate fresh
summer produce that doesn't easily spoil and
nourishing food items such as Grains, Canned
fish and meat – non-pork products. Canned or
dried beans, Cooking oil, Canned fruit – (packed in
juice and water instead of syrup) Canned veggies,
Fruit (100%) juice. Cereals, Healthy snacks and
spreads, Baby products – formula, infant cereals,
baby food, diapers. Canned or powdered milk,
Spices and seasonings. Containers in entrance by
the doors.

Hubert Brock Keenleyside M.D.

Hubert and his wife Judy are members of OYM.

Dr. Keenleyside passed away on Sunday, June
13th, 2010 at the age of 83. Internment was at
the Mount Pleasant Cemetery on June 18. We
remember the family in prayer.

World Refugee Day, June 20, 2010

"They have taken my home, but they can’t take my

The United Church is concerned for the millions

of forcibly uprooted people in the world-our
brothers and sisters-alternately called refugees,
internally displaced people, or migrants. One in
50 people in God's world is forcibly uprooted.

Within Canada, our public witness is for the

recognition of refugee and migrant rights. We
believe that "loving" our neighbours, especially
the victims of political, civil, or economic
violence, means that we must be actively
involved in God's world and recognize our
complicity in our neighbours' suffering.

The United Church addresses the needs of the

displaced abroad through our partners who
work on humanitarian issues and human rights.

Let us pray and act for the good of refugees

throughout the world.
Action Plan on Ideas for OYM’s Growth

The Action Plan is available for pick-up from the

information table in the Narthex.


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