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ROLL NO. : 449

Significance of Religion in our day-to-day life

Religion is too vast a concept to be explained by a simple one-line

definition. The origin of the modern word religion can perhaps be traced back to the
Latin religi, meaning the individual virtue of worship, or to ligare, meaning to bind
or connect. Broadly religion can be said to be a cultural system and a social
institution relating humanity to an order of existence. It primarily constitutes of a
system of beliefs and practices based upon the existence of a supernatural or a
higher power.
All world religions, at their roots, are concerned with the basic
questions regarding the creation of the universe and the purpose of life. Religion
provides a way or a path to tackle the hurdles of our day-to-day lives and give some
sort of meaning to our existence. Although Science has progressed immensely since
the time man became civilized, it has not been able to answer with certainty these
fundamental questions.

The relationship between religion and human life is very intimate.

Every religion talks about a way of life that it believes will lead man closer to God,
or allow him to attain salvation. At the very beginning of human civilization, man
was largely at the mercy of the natural elements. To the primitive mind, the idea of
appeasing the natural forces to save themselves from their wrath had a significant
appeal. This gave rise to worship of nature and the rudimentary religious practices.
The concept of the supernatural force or higher power can also be said to have
originated from mans inability to control these natural forces.
Religion helped a group of people to form a sense of community and
togetherness, and man felt better prepared to cope with the challenges of earthly
life. Religion taught man to develop the sense of right or wrong. It gave rise to
cultural activities. Above all world religions speak of social duty and service and
encourage man to develop fellow-feeling, love for others, selfishness and
forgiveness. Religion helped to transform us from an animal being into human
In analyzing the nature of all religions a common characteristic found
is that they represent a complex of emotional feelings and attitudes towards
mysteries and perplexities of life. If we study the major religions of the world, we
shall find that each of them contains some basic elements such as belief in
supernatural powers, belief in the holy and divine, rituals and practices, concepts of
sin and virtue and some method of salvation.
Impact of Religion in Daily life:

Religion is interwoven with all aspects of human life: with community

systems, economic and political institutions. Prior to the advent of what may be
called as the age of reason, religion has been the chief supporter of the spiritual
and moral values of life. It has shaped domestic, economic and political institutions.
Hence, it is obvious that religion performs a number of functions both for the
religious group and for the wider society. These functions and impacts of religion are
discussed as follows.
Role of Religion in the Struggle for Societal Survival:
Religion may be said to help in the struggle for societal survival.
Scholars have shown that religion played a crucial role in the formation and early
development of seven primary civilizations: Egyptian Mesopotamian, Indian, Cretan,
Chinese, Middle American and Andean.
Religion in each of these societies gave its members the courage
needed for survival in an unfavorable environment, by giving explanations to
certain aspects of the human conditions which could not be explained in a rational
manner. In present societies religion also performs this role.
By relating the empirical world to the super-empirical world religion
gives the individual a sense of security in this rapidly changing world. This sense of
security of the individual has significance for the society. Since religion helps man to
forget the suffering, disappointments and sorrows in this life, social dissatisfaction
and social unrest become less frequent and the social system continues functioning.
It provides man with a sense of hope.

Role of religion in Promotion of Social Integration and Unity:

Religion acts as a unifying force and hence, promotes social
integration in several ways. Religion plays an important part in crystallizing,
symbolizing and reinforcing common values and norms. It thus provides support for
social standards, socially accepted behaviour. Common faith, values and norms etc.
are significant in unifying people.
As the individuals perform rituals collectively their devotion to group
ends is enhanced. Through a ritual individual expresses common beliefs and
sentiments. It thus helps him to identify himself more with his fellows, and to
distinguish himself more from members of other groups, communities or nations.
By distinguishing between holy and unholy things, religion creates
sacred symbol for the values and this symbol becomes the rallying point for all
persons who share the same values.

Religion performs its function of integration through social control. It

regulates the conduct of individuals by enforcing moral principles on them and by
prescribing powerful sanctions against them for violation.
Role of Religion in inculcating and enforcing Social values:
It is the ultimate source of social cohesion. The primary requirement
of society is the common possession of social values by which individuals control
the actions of self and others and through which society is perpetuated. These
social values emanate from religious faith. Religion is the foundation upon which
these values rest.
Children should obey their parents, should not tell a lie or cheat,
women should be faithful to men; people should be honest and virtuous are some of
the accepted social values which maintain social cohesion. It is religion that asks
man to renounce unsocial activities and requires him to accept limitations upon his
wants and desires. All the religions have preached love and non-violence. They have
emphasized sacrifice and forbearance.
It is also one of the informal means of social control. Religion not only
defines moral expectations for members of the religious group but usually enforces
them. It supports certain types of social conduct by placing the powerful sanctions
of the supernatural behind them.
It makes certain forms of social behaviour as offences not only
against society but also against God. Hence, any violation of the acceptable norm is
punishable not only by God but by society.
Role of Religion in Promotion of Social Welfare:
Religion encourages people to render services to the needy and poor
and promote their welfare. It develops philanthropic attitude of people. Help and
assistance are rendered to poor and destitute persons due to religion inspiration. It
is believed that one can obtain the cherished goal of religion by way of giving alms
and assistance to the helpless and needy persons. It also inculcated the habit of
charity among the people who opened many charitable institutions like hospitals,
rest houses, temples to help the needy and the poor. In this way religion promotes
the welfare of individuals, groups and community. It teaches people to be selfless.
Role of Religion in Development of Culture:
Religion has been a central force in the development of culture since
time immemorial. Art, music, dance and literature has flourished through the ages
centering religious concepts. The rich treasure trove of mythology throughout the
world is also the contribution of different religions. The cultural identity of a race is
largely shaped by its religion.

Role of Religion in alleviating Suffering:

Religion serves to soothe man in times of his suffering and
disappointment. In this world man often suffers disappointment even in the midst of
all hopes and achievements. The things for which he strives are in some measure
always denied to him. When human hopes are blighted, when all that was planned
and striven for has been swept away, man naturally wants something to console
and compensate him.

Role of Religion in Politics and Economics:

Religion shapes domestic, economic and political institutions. Religion
supports institutional pattern more explicitly. All the major religions of the world
have attempted to regulate kinship relations, especially marriage and family.
Political institutions are often sanctioned by religion. For example, the emperor of
China or Japan was sacred; the ruling caste of India was sanctioned by Brahmanism;
the kings of France were supposed to rule by divine right.
Religious rites are performed on many occasions in relation to vital
events and dominant interests: birth, initiation, marriage, sickness, death, hunting,
animal husbandry and so on; and they are intimately concerned with family and
kinship interests and with political institutions. Religion is the central element in the
life of civilization.
Religion has also performed some other services to humanity among
which are included the provision of work, the spread of education, the accumulation
of capital and the creation of a leisure class. The cultural and religious festivals are
an occasion of merriment as well as a means of livelihood for the people.
Negative impacts of Religion:
Although religion has had an enormous positive influence on
mankind, distortion of religious principles to incite religious violence by
malpractitioners is one of the biggest threats the world is facing today. Religious
fanaticism and inability to adapt existing principles to changing circumstances has
marginalized many communities from the mainstream of civilization. Blind faith,
superstitions and irresponsible attitudes arising from extreme dependence on the
Almighty are some of the negative aspects of religion which plague society even

Thus even in the age of science and technology, Religion has not
lost relevance rather has gained importance as an important means of imparting
social values and making the world a better place. The so-called conflict between
religion and science is an illusion. In this regard a famous quote of Albert Einstein,
one of the greatest scientists to have ever lived, may be recalled,
Science without religion is lame.
Religion without science is blind
Thus religion will continue to be a guiding force for mankind as long as civilization

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