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US defense against extremism

History is witness to the massacres committed by fascism, in the name of

religion and communism. Pope John Paul II recognized part of what Catholics
did, but he did not mention others and that the Catholic Church is precisely
one of the biggest investors in the war industry. We are now witnessing the
massacres committed by Islamic extremists. Examples are too much.
The massacres committed by socialist-communist extremism, whose theory
is a utopia, which only who is unscrupulous and ambitious of absolute power
have used as a populist banner; which as a paradox vilely proclaim atheism
as a counterpart to the crimes committed in the name of religion.
The US has not been free from extremism, although in its Primary Law it tries
to protect US against that.
The First Amendment says: "Congress shall not make any law with respect to
the establishment of religion, or prohibit the free practice of religion; Nor
limiting freedom of expression, nor of the press; Nor the right to peaceful
assembly of persons, nor to petition the government for compensation of
That first sentence indicated that no religion should be above another, is an
amendment that also guaranteed the right to practice any religion.
And the general message is the separation between Church and State.
A 16-year-old student was the first to avail himself of that First Amendment,
defending secular teaching. So it was that Ellery Schempp went from
wondering why his school made them read verses of the Christian Bible to
wonder if the school could do it.
The time of J. Edgar Hoover was extremist, trampling in many cases the First
Amendment; when many abuses were committed by gossip, revenge or
against freedom of expression. Hoover, who refused to accept himself, he
tried to acquire as much power as possible. He made a secret archive of
investigations into all those who held some power in the US State and
Government, to use it according to his interests, over and above the
interests of the country.
It seems that all of the above has contributed to the appearance of
comments on Facebook, such as:
"When Little Red Riding Hood released their fears. He realized that the wolf
was part of her. "
"Your beliefs do not make you a better person. Your actions do. "
"Even people who say that we can do nothing to change our destiny, look
before crossing the street" -Stephen Hawking
"Who is free from sin, has still time to do it ...!"

"I'm an atheist. That does not mean I'm bitter or unhappy. It does not mean
that I think I know everything. It does not mean that it is hateful. It does not
mean that atheism is a religion. I'm not an atheist because it's great. I am
not an atheist because I want to sin. I am not an atheist because I am angry
with God, or something bad happened to me. I am not an atheist because I
follow Satan. I am not an atheist because other atheists brainwashed me. I
am an atheist because, after carefully analyzing the matter, I see no

evidence of the existence of any god and I see no good reason to believe
that there is a god. Get over"
There is still social compulsion about religion and ideology in general. The
educational system in the United States is the main one in charge to make
this First Amendment of the Constitution prevails. We'll see if this will get
better or worse after January 20, 2017.

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