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Left Brain

sequential-temporal processor
Propositional mind
either-or or true-false approach

System 2
Materialistic worldviews
rule-based, controlled, conscious,
serial, and slow
analytic thinking
naturalistic world view, thinking
about objects, mechanisms and
religious disbelief
Conservatives, in fact, in personality
studies do tend to rate higher in
areas of stability, loyalty, not liking




dopamine-oriented world

stable and non-threatening

verbally-based logical map
verbally expressed details and

could not generate or communicate

spatial relationships
on logical relationship
analysis of detail

Right Brain
parallel- spatial processor of information processing
appositional mind
both-and approach

Gestalt processor
System 1
spiritual worldviews
associative, automatic, unconscious,
parallel, and fast
thinking about phenomena
non-physical, namely minds and
emotions are associated with the extraor super- natural
religious belief and prayer
Liking change, wanting to actually base
decision-making on new information, on
science information.



norepinephrine-oriented world
polysemantic or ambiguous
very responsive to the external

image-based spatial map

focuses on shapes and spatial
scanning the environment makes it hard
for it to disengage from the reality
polysemantic and spatial orientation
make it a natural for creative behavior.
inhibition of responsiveness to repeated stimuli

left brain became more talkative when the

right brain was unconscious, but it lost its
vocal intonations, and the speech became
monotone and lifeless.
left amygdala to verbal fear conditioning
and anticipated threats

right hemisphere has quite a negative and

sullen outlook of the world, when not
influenced by the left side

positive amygdala

Anxious amygdala. specialization for aversive

fear and sadness

pleasant (happiness) or unpleasant (fear,

anxiety, sadness) emotions

right amygdala is more responsive to existing

environmental threats
The right amygdala is more reactive than its left
twin to other's facial expressions and nonverbal vocalizations such as crying and laughing

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