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Analiza univariata analiza descriptiva a esantionului prin cateva repere

1. Frecventa aparitiei anumitor caracteristici ale variabilei in esantion
(distributia esantionului in populatia totala)
2. Tendinta centrala :
o estimare a centrului distributiei valorilor (contine Mean/Avg,
Median/middle value of a rank-ordered group, Mode most frequent
Variabile continue (infinite number of possible values interval and
ratio ex: age) si discrete (caracteristici separate nominal and ordinal
ex: sex)
3. Dispersia: spread of values around the central tendency tells you if
results are statistically different or not:
- Range (difference of the highest value from the lowest one)
- Std deviation (measure of spread, how spread out is the data): LOW
data is closely clustered around the mean HIGH dispersed over a wide
range of values
- Distribution of data needs to be approx normal to use std deviation
Analiza BI variata (analiza privind relatia dintre doua variabile) what
statistical test to use for your research prima intrebare, studiul este despre
DIFFERENCES (+different caracteristics of groups of people)sau
1. Chi test
2. T-Test
3. Anova

Variabila independenta grup de control (ordinala/nominala)

Variabila dependenta (daca e ordinala/nominala folosim Chi-test
- daca e interval/ratio: 2 grupuri T-Test, >2 ANOVA)

1. Chi-test statistical test that compares differences between observed and

expected frequencies; if association is significant but does not tell you how
strong it is
p-value < 0.5 we reject
p-value > 0.5 we do not reject the hypothesis
2. T-Test compares the difference in the means of the dependent variable of
two groups to see if that difference is statistically different or just by
3. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) - `testul F
4. Correlation r [-1;1] statistical test used to determine the strength of a
relationship between 2 variables interval/ratio no predictions

-1 perfect negative relationship ; +1 perfect pozitive relationship; close

to 0 there is no relationship
- 0.1 0.3 weak relationship; 0.4 0.6 moderrate; 0.7 0.9 strong
Correlation indicates relationship and not causation

5. One - Regresia liniara influenta variabilei inependente asupra celei
dependente, nu se fol f des pt ca ia in considerare un singur criteriu
6. Two plus - Regresia multipla
R-square [0-1] how close the poins are to the line on the scatter plot
how good the model of predicting the dependent variable is
R-squre=0.4 (the model has explained 40% of how close the data are
fitted to the regression line)
Un test statistic este o metod de decizie care ne ajut la validarea sau
invalidarea cu un anumit grad de siguran a unei ipoteze statistice.
Interpretarea valorilor p se face la majoritatea testelor statistice astfel:
p < 0.05, legtura statistic este semnificativ (S, ncredere 95%).
p < 0.01, legtura statistic este semnificativ (S, ncredere 99%).
p < 0.001, legtura statistic este nalt semnificativ (HS, ncredere
p > 0.05, legtura statistic este nesemnificativ (NS).
n cazul datelor ordinale sau nominale trebuie s apelm la teste care
analizeaz tabelele de inciden (contingen) generate prin aplicarea
ncruciata (cross tabulation) a unor perechi de factori
Testul Chi ptrat este un test statistic ce arat dac exist vreo legatur
(influen reciproc) ntre cei doi factori. Testul Chi releva daca diferenta
dintre observatii (count) si asteptari (expected count) este semnificativa.
EXP: Daca sexul resp nu ar avea legatura cu modalitatea preferata de
petrecere a timpului liber, ne am astepta la 17.4 femei sa si petreaca
timpul mergand la sala.
Metoda ANOVA unifactorial analizeaz diferenele dintre mediile
grupurilor prin evaluarea variaiei inter grupuri (n englez AmongGroup) i a variaiei intra grupuri (n englez Within-Group), care
formeaz variaia total.
Evaluarea puterii asocierii dintre dou variabile
cantitative continue (normal distribuite) corelaie
Prezicerea unei variabile (Y) n funcie de o alt variabil (X) regresie

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