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Open Air

Without air we couldn’t live any longer than three or four minutes, therefore air is vital to function and
nourishment of our body. Not only is it important to get adequate air but just as important to get the right type
of air.

We live in a very artificial world, and even the air we breath in many places has become artificial, by the use
of the modern conveniences of air conditioning. In this lesson we want to take a look at:

1. What air does in our body.

2. The side effects if we don’t have a good supply of air
3. How we can be benefited by the prudent use of this God given asset.

Definition: Mixture of invisible, odorless, tasteless gases that surround the earth.

Approximately: 21% oxygen

78% nitrogen
1% argon, helium, carbon dioxide and other miscellaneous gases
What air does in our body: In order to have good health, we must have good blood. The Bible tells us that
life is in the blood. In order to have good blood we must firstly breathe well by full deep inspirations of pure air
which fill the lungs with oxygen and purify the blood.

If the blood receives an insufficient supply of oxygen, the blood moves sluggishly. The waste in your body
which should be thrown off by proper breathing remains in the body, impurities therefore build up in your body
and weaken your immune system, reducing its ability to fight off disease.


• Purifies the blood
• Contributes to the production of heat and energy
• Conveys electrical energy with which to vitalize every organ of the body
• Induces sleep
• Soothes the nerves
• Helps circulation
• Brings peace of mind
• Improves concentration
• Reduces cancer cells
• Destroys inactive bacteria, viruses and other harmful substances
• Invigorates the whole body
• Increases strength and endurance
• Accelerates healing
• Increases lymphocytes


We begin our life with a breath and life is over when we take our last breath. But how to breathe in between
that first and that last breath makes a lot of difference to the quality of life and our zest for living. Inadequate
breathing reduces vitality and causes our metabolic fires to burn low. Shallow and restricted breathing leads to
many complications such as the following:

• Senility
• Fatigue
• Exhaustion
• Anemia
• Depression
• Low energy levels
• Creates bad emotions

There are just a few of the many side effects from poor supply of good oxygen. Oxygen has been used to
improve mental function in cases such as senility. When senile patients were placed in a sealed room where the
oxygen level was slightly increased, decided improvement of mental function was noticed. Patients became
more active and took a greater interest in life. They slept better and began assuming responsibility for their
personal care.

Why did the extra supply of oxygen make a difference? Because senility involves hardening of the arteries
of the brain, resulting in a limitation of the oxygen that is carried to the brain. Even though our brain arteries are
not hardened, we can suffer effects like senility by not getting sufficient air to our lungs by shallow breathing.
Failure to breathe properly robs us in every way of life – memory, creativity, concentration. It also dulls such
fine points of mental activity as will power, discernment and judgment. Newstart p. 145.

It also affects our feelings as pain, anger, and depression, as well as other negative and destructive emotions.

A well known health educator Ellen White wrote: “Many families suffer from sore throat, lung diseases, and
liver complaints, brought about upon them by their own course of action….They keep their windows and doors
closed, fearing they will take cold if there is a crevice to let in the air. They breath the same air over and over,
until it becomes impregnated with the poisonous impurities and waste matter thrown off from bodies, through
the lungs and the pores of the skin.” How to Live p.63. This was written back in a time when people were
recommended to not allow cold air to come into their homes, and even smoking was advocated to help aid the


When sunlight passes through the atmosphere, it charges some of the air molecules and produces IONS
usually in the ratio of 4 negative ions to 5 positive ions. An ion is an atomic particle that carries an electrical
charge, either positive or negative. The negative ions are usually the oxygen ions, while the positive ions are
usually contributed by carbon dioxide. Ions are produced by radiation, radioactivity in the soil, thunderstorms
and waterfalls when water breaks up into tiny droplets, which produce a lot of negative ions.
It is the NEGATIVE IONS which are of great benefit to us, for they contribute to our feeling of well being
and exhilaration, give us more energy and act as NATURAL TRANQUILIZERS without harmful side effects.

There are more negative ions in the WOODS, at the OCEAN, and more on a SUNNY day than a CLOUDY
day. Plants are nature’s most prolific source of negative ions for they conduct the negative energy of the earth
into the air by ejecting it from the tips of their leaves.

It would be well for us to receive an adequate supply of negative ions by decorating our homes with some
indoor plants, not to mention make more attractive the indoor environment.

After a storm has passed, the air is cleared of positive ions, and one feels able to breathe more easily again
with an overabundance of negative ions. An excess of positive ions causes an overproduction of the hormone
SEROTONIN, which can lead to severe headaches.

Many people get sick whenever the weather changes. Scientists now think that this is because of a
fluctuating balance of positive and negative ions in the air. They speculate that electrically charged particles
affect BRAIN CHEMISTRY by altering the secretion of CORTISOL, which is the body’s natural steroid that
prevents inflammation. This may explain why people with painful arthritic joints are especially sensitive to the
changes in the weather.

HEATING and AIR-CONDITIONING SYSTEMS usually remove most of the negative ions from the air,
and add positive charges to it. The increase of positive ions produces adverse effects such as HEADACHES,
DECREASES the RESPIRATION RATE, LOWERS BLOOD PRESSURE, while positively charged air has
just the opposite effect. OUTDOOR AIR has many more negatively charged ions, while INDOOR AIR tends to
have more positively charged ions, so it is important that we get out in the outdoors every day to vitalize and
recharge our bodies.

Another important consideration that we have to face if we want to get fresh air is where to live, or where not
to live. The air which we breathe contains about 21% oxygen, but this is a more accurate measurement in the
country, as it has been recorded that in many of our polluted cities the oxygen level is as low as 10%. The
Divine Philosophy and Science of Health and Healing p. 90-92. This is not the only problem with the air which
is in the cities, but all the other toxic chemicals that are expelled into the air by industries, factories and car
fumes. Also very few trees are in the cities which produce our valuable oxygen supply, and little in the way of
exercise is received as most of the work is sedentary where the workers intake a very poor and inadequate
quality of air.
A LESSON FROM HISTORY: The year was 1875; the place, Paris, France. For more than 2 years, 3
scientists had worked toward this day, and now they were ready. Carefully they climbed into the gondola of the
balloon, “Zeneth”, while thousands around them watched.

Determined to set a new altitude record, they wanted to go higher than man had ever risen above the earth.
And they did just that!
Slowly the large balloon rose into the air, with its human cargo of 3 men in the basket shaped gondola
swinging just beneath it. All seemed well; they were well on the way toward the goal: to climb higher than any
man had gone.
The at 24430 feet it happened. Tissandier, one of the 3, later described it: “Crose is gasping for breath, Sivel
is dazed, but can still cut 3 sandbags loose in order to reach 26,240 feet.”
At that point, Tissandier himself was overcome and slumped to the floor, loosing consciousness. Some time
afterwards as the balloon continued to ascend, he awoke. They had attained the height of 8,600 meters (28,000
feet) - but 2 of the scientists lay dead in the bottom of the gondola.
Yes, they had conquered the heights, but the heights had conquered them! There was not enough air with its
life-giving oxygen to sustain their lives. They had gone beyond the natural limits God had set for man.

Why is Air so important ?

“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;
and man became a living soul.” Gen. 2:7
Every function of the body is dependent on oxygen. Every cell of the body requires a constant supply of oxygen
brought to it by the blood. If this supply is interrupted in any way, the health of the cell is compromised, and damage or
disease is always the result.
The effects of oxygen deficiency on the 3 ballooners was obvious and dramatic! But long before they fainted
and died, the damage was already done.
Same with us. Long before we notice lack of oxygen, the damage is being done.
Cells are firstly not able to function correctly, then they begin to die. Eventually, body systems begin to shut
down, bringing unconsciousness, then death.

Brain Food
First to feel the effects are the brain cells. Did you know that the brain uses more oxygen than any other
organ of the body? (20-25% of oxygen in the blood) It is the brain’s food, fuel, lubricant and cleanser! Much of
the mental and psychological problems can be traced to insufficient oxygen getting to the brain cells.
“None of you can possess clear, unclouded brains while breathing a poisonous atmosphere.” 1T 701

Is there any fire that can burn without oxygen? Our energy comes from the burning of the fuel that we put in
our mouths! The cell burns glucose (cellular respiration) to produce energy.
If there is plenty of oxygen (aerobic respiration), each
glucose molecule will produce 36-38 molecules of ATP
(our energy storage molecule) If there is no oxygen
(anaerobic respiration), only 2 molecules of ATP are
produced. In addition, in this reaction, pyruvic acid is
produced, which is converted to lactic acid – a waste
product that causes muscle fatigue.

Closed room produces low energy levels
Sleeping in a closed room produces a disturbed and
inefficient sleep.
Insufficient oxygen supply to the cells can result in anything from mild fatigue through to life threatening
disease. Nobel Prize winner in 1931, Dr. Otto Warburg, received his prize for discovering the causes of cancer.
He said,
“Cancer above all diseases, has countless secondary causes, but there is only one prime cause. Summary; the
prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the normal respiration of body cells by an anaerobic cell
Without sufficient oxygen, it seems the glucose in the cells begins to ferment. The cell begins to live off the
fermentation and not its normal energy supply. It also produces toxins.

This starts another problem. Without enough oxygen, the cells cannot burn up their waste products. This
leads to a build up of toxins.

Other Diseases
Lack of oxygen at the cellular level is a factor in other major diseases also. Arthritis, high blood pressure,
diabetes, glaucoma, cataracts, back complaints, atherosclerosis etc.
This hardening of the arteries, with its resultant heart attacks, and strokes, has been treated by increasing the
oxygen concentration in the air. More oxygen decreased the amount of blood cholesterol and triglycerides, and
even reverses the hardening of the arteries. Changing the diet and increasing the water and oxygen available can
give wonderful results over time.

Poor Circulation
Blood is the lifeline to every cell of the body. (Leviticus 17:11 “The life of the flesh is in the blood”) The
better the circulation of the blood, the better will be the delivery of the oxygen, water, nutrients etc. that the cells

Blood cells become sticky and clump together, interfering with the oxygen capacity of the RBC‘s, and
blocking the blood vessels. The capillary beds and the very fine blood vessels and capillaries (eye, back,
extremities, joints, bone etc.) are worst affected.

Capillary Beds
“The meat is served reeking with fat, because it suits the perverted taste. Both the blood and the fat of
animals is consumed as a luxury. But the Lord has given special directions that these should not be eaten.
Why?--Because their use would make a diseased current of blood in the human system.” HL 67
“It shall be a perpetual statute for your generations throughout all your dwellings, that ye eat neither fat nor
blood.” Lev. 3:17

Notice red arteries and blue veins.

Red is symbol for forgiveness
“...the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7
Blue is the symbol of God’s law: “Speak unto the children of Israel, and bid them that they make them fringes
in the borders of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put upon the fringe of the borders a
ribband of blue: And it shall be unto you for a fringe, that ye may look upon it, and remember all the
commandments of the LORD, and do them.” – Num. 15:38,39
The capillaries between the arteries and veins are purple in color. Purple represents royalty: “And the
soldiers platted a crown of thorns, and put it on his head, and they put on him a purple robe, And said, Hail,
King of the Jews! and they smote him with their hands.”
John 19:2,3
When we unite the cleansing blood of Jesus with obedience to His law we become royalty! It is at the
capillary level in the body that the nutrients are taken to each individual cell. When we unite the cleansing
blood and obedience we are able to receive spiritual nourishment.

A sedentary life
“Their blood has become impure for want of fresh air and exercise.” 1T 562 “Their lack of exercise causes a
depressed circulation, and they are in danger of injuring their health permanently by neglecting to heed the
laws of their being.” 1T 588

Poor breathing technique

Breathing is automatic, but proper breathing may not be. But thankfully we can be retrained!

Poor posture
“The lungs should be allowed the greatest freedom possible. Their capacity is developed by free action; it
diminishes if they are cramped and compressed. Hence the ill effects of the practice so common, especially in
sedentary pursuits, of stooping at one's work. In this position it is impossible to breathe deeply. Superficial
breathing soon becomes a habit, and the lungs lose their power to expand.” MH 272

The Oxygen Cocktail

Physiologists tell us that the normal breathing habits for an infant is abdominal. But by the time we become
youth, thoracic breathing is considered ‘normal’, in spite of the problems that it brings!

Use abdominal muscles

“Plans should be devised for keeping patients out of doors. For those who are able to work, let some
pleasant, easy employment be provided. Show them how agreeable and helpful this outdoor work is. Encourage
them to breathe the fresh air. Teach them to breathe deeply, and in breathing and speaking to exercise the
abdominal muscles. This is an education that will be invaluable to them.” MH 264

Restrictive clothing
“Another serious evil is the wearing of skirts so that their weight must be sustained by the hips. This
heavy weight, pressing upon the internal organs, drags them downward and causes weakness of the stomach and
a feeling of lassitude, inclining the wearer to stoop, which further cramps the lungs, making correct breathing
more difficult.” MH 292
“It is essential to health that the chest have room to expand to its fullest extent in order that the lungs
may be enabled to take full inspiration. When the lungs are restricted, the quantity of oxygen received into them
is lessened. The blood is not properly vitalized, and the waste, poisonous matter which should be thrown off
through the lungs is retained. In addition to this the circulation is hindered, and the internal organs are so
cramped and crowded out of place that they cannot perform their work properly.” CT 305

Polluted Air

Breathing is automatic, proper breathing may not be, and fresh, unpolluted air certainly isn’t!

An interesting conversation
“On an autumn evening we were once traveling in a crowded car, where the atmosphere was rendered very
impure by the mingling of so many breaths. The exhalations from lungs and bodies caused a most sickening
sensation to come over me. [Studies on astronauts have shown that in an enclosed space, the human body emits
vapors, gasses and odors. Did they need to prove it scientifically? Quantify!] I raised my window and was
enjoying the fresh air, when a lady, in earnest, imploring tones, cried out: "Do put down that window. You will
take cold and be sick, for the night air is so unhealthy." I replied: "Madam, we have no other air, in this car or
out of it, but night air. If you refuse to breathe night air, then you must stop breathing. God has provided for
His creatures air to breathe for the day, and the same, made a little cooler, for the night. In the night it is not
possible for you to breathe anything but night air. The question is: Shall the night air we breathe be pure, or
is it improved after it has been breathed over and over? Is it for our health to breathe the polluted night air of
this car? The exhalations thrown off by the lungs and bodies of men steeped in tobacco and alcohol, pollute the
air and endanger health; and yet nearly all the passengers sit as indifferent as though inhaling the purest
atmosphere. God has wisely provided for us, that in the night we should breathe night air, and in the day,
the air of the day. If we fail to answer the plan of God, and the blood becomes impure, our wrong habits have
made it thus. But the air of night, breathed in the night, will not of itself poison the current of human life."
Many are suffering from disease because they refuse to receive into their rooms at night the pure night
air. The free, pure air of heaven is one of the richest blessings we can enjoy.” 2T 527


The dangers of night air have been forgotten, but society is still ignorant about the importance of Open Air.

The Stick that Kills

Question – Does smoking affect our health? The dangers are listed on the packs themselves!

“Cigarette smoking is the chief, single avoidable cause of death in our society and the most important
public health issue of our time.” Everett Koop, US Surgeon General
90% of those who contract lung cancer die of it!

Passive smoking is the 3rd leading preventable cause of death, after active smoking and alcohol abuse!

Passive Smoking
“Many infants are poisoned beyond remedy by sleeping in beds with their tobacco-using fathers. By inhaling the
poisonous tobacco effluvium, which is thrown from the lungs and pores of the skin, the system of the infant is
filled with poison. While it acts upon some infants as a slow poison, and affects the brain, heart, liver, and lungs,
and they waste away and fade gradually; upon others it has a more direct influence, causing spasms, paralysis,
and sudden death. The bereaved parents mourn the loss of their loved ones, and wonder at the mysterious
providence of God, which has so cruelly afflicted them, when Providence designed not the death of these
infants. They died martyrs to the filthy lust for tobacco.” HL p.111

Life in the trees

“There are life-giving properties in the balsam of the pine, in the fragrance of the cedar and the fir. And there are
other trees that are health-promoting. Let no such trees be ruthlessly cut down. Cherish them where they are
abundant, and plant more where there are but few.” 7T p.77

Oxygen Therapy
Oxygen therapy in various forms has been used since the late 1800’s. Hydrogen peroxide and magnesium
peroxide and ozone are given to increase the oxygen in the blood, to aid detoxification, and to treat various

Fraught with danger – Man knows so little about the delicate balance of the blood and the effects of
tampering with it. “The Current of Life”! Man has not been given the ability to manage life itself.

E.g. Too much O2 given to baby in ventilator will cause blindness. Too much over a long period will affect
breathing control mechanism in the brain – losing automatic control.

If we used GOD’S PLAN, there would be no need for it. We cannot tamper with God’s balances without
reaping possible consequences.

Spiritual blessings of Open Air

Deprivation of air restricts our thinking capacity, also our ability to understand spiritual things.
Medical Missionary as a role model

• Start the day with an oxygen cocktail

• Establish deep breathing habits
• Exercise regularly in the open air, preferably outside
• Take 10-20 deep abdominal breaths outside after meals and before retiring at night
• Develop good posture in working, standing etc.
• Ensure that clothing does not restrict breathing
• Wear clothing that clads the body evenly
• Eliminate airborne pollutants from your environment & avoid smog etc.
• Ensure adequate ventilation at all times – keep the windows open always
• Air out your bedding and clothing
• Maintain adequate fluid intake
• Adopt God’s Plan for diet and nutrition
• Practice Temperance
• Trust in God to ensure healthful circulation of the blood


• Take a brisk walk for at least twenty minutes a day (not on a full stomach, but a slow walk after a meal is
• Get some form of outdoor exercise
• Wear loose clothing around your chest or waist to assist breathing.
• Have plants in the home
• Take a few deep breaths every day
• Have a bath two or three times a week to open up the pores of your skin to breath.
• Have windows or doors of your house open to allow fresh air to come in.
• Take walks out in the woods or along the beach
• Keep shoulders back and spine erect
• Breathe deeply so that your lower diaphragm expands sufficiently.

“Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

Praise ye the LORD.”
Psalm 150:6

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