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Narration: Use narration to establish a series of events that tells the reader what happened.

Narrationfollows a chronological pattern of development. It is a convincing mode of paragraph

development to the extent that it tells a coherent story. This pattern or time line is usually very
easy to understand.
Cost of making people proud
Sometimes the cost of making people proud can be nerve racking, but it is usually worth it. After
two and a half months of planning and three days of beautiful weather, I finished my boy scout
Eagle project. It was the biggest project I had ever taken on; by myself I was in charge of getting
a hold of permits, donations of food and paint, and organizing volunteers so that the underpass
on first avenue north could be repainted. I sat on an old couch in an even older building waiting
outside an office filled with a council of people that had the authority to say this project wasnt
good enough or you didnt show enough leadership. Needless to say, it was a little
intimidating. The environment alone had me stressing. There was a clock above the doors that
separated me from the council, and every time I looked at it, I could hear it stealing the precious
time I needed to do last minute preparations, click after click after click. My heart was racing as
tried to think of everything they could possibly ask in hopes of anticipating what was going to
happen. Finally when the man opened the doors and told me that they were ready for me, I
thought I was going to faint. I felt like I was a blind man entering a room I have never been in. I
did not know what to think. When I got inside it wasnt what I thought. I had imagined in all my
worrying that I was going to be interrogated. I would sit at the end of a long generic table with
the only light in the room pointed at me while countless people threw questions at me all at once.
I found myself instead in a formal setting. I was asked to sit down, and the questioning began.
They didnt throw the questions at me, but gave them to me one at a time. During the session I
realize that I had prepared well. To this day the only thing that made all the stressful anticipation
worth it was the day of my award ceremony. All the people that helped me along the way were
there to congratulate me. As I stood in front of them I could tell what they were thinking they
were proud of me. No matter how old a person is, there is always someone that they want to
make proud, and the sacrifices that are necessary are almost always worth the reward.
by Andrew White

Description: Provide specific details about what something looks, smells, tastes, sounds, or feels
like. Organize spatially, in order of appearance, or by topic.

Example 1:
Center of Motion
If you had to think consciously in order to move your body, you would be severely disabled.
Even walking, which we consider to be no great feat, requires an intricate series of motions your
cerebrum would be utterly incapable of coordinating. The task of putting one foot in front of the
other is controlled by the more primitive parts of your brain, the ones that have not changed
much since the mammals and reptiles went their separate evolutionary ways. The thinking part of
your brain limits itself to general directives such as walk faster, or dont step on her toes,
rather than micromanaging every contraction and relaxation of the hundred or so muscles of your
hips, legs, and feet.
Physics is all about the conscious understanding of motion, but we are obviously not
immediately prepared to understand the most complicated types of motion. Instead, we will use
the divide-and-conquer technique. We will first classify the various types of motion, and then
begin our campaign with an attack on the simplest cases. To make it clear what we are and are
not ready to consider, we need to examine and define carefully what types of motion can exist.
Rigid-body motion distinguished from motion that changes an objects shape
Nobody, with the possible exception of Fred Astaire, can simply glide forward without bending
their joints. Walking is thus an example in which there is both a general motion of the whole
object and a change in the shape of the object. Another example is the motion of a jiggling water
balloon as it flies through the air. We are not presently attempting a mathematical description of
the way in which the shape of an object changes. Motion without a change in shape is called
rigid-body motion (the word body is often used in physics as a synonym for object).
Center-of-mass motion as opposed to rotation
A ballerina leaps into the air and spins around once before landing. We feel intuitively that her
rigid-body motion while her feet are off the ground consists of two kinds of motion going on
simultaneously: a rotation and a motion of her body as a whole through space, along an arc. It is
not immediately obvious, however, what is the most useful way to define the distinction between
rotation and motion through space. Imagine you attempt to balance a chair and it falls over. One
person might say that the only motion was a rotation about the chairs point of contact with the
floor, but another might say there was both rotation and motion down and to the side.

Process analysis: Explain how something works, step by step. Perhaps follow a sequencefirst,
second, third.
Example :
It's a Snap!
Pictures really help us understand things better but many people don't know how to take
them! Today, I'd like to show you how easy it is to take pictures with an automatic digital
camera. You will need a light or sunny place, a simple digital camera with good batteries and a
memory card in it, a little knowledge about the controls, and a subject you want to photograph. If
you have all of these, then you are ready for the first step: go to the place you have chosen for
your picture. You will then need to find the on and off button on your camera and turn it to the
on position. With your camera on and ready to go, look for the control that says "auto", or "A".
Make sure that this word is aligned with the line or mark near the control button. Now you are
ready to look through the viewfinder or at the screen on the back of your camera to find your
subject. If your camera has automatically turned off while you were looking for the controls,
click the shutter button once. The shutter button is usually near the control wheel and near the
camera on and off button. Clicking it will wake the camera back up. When you are done with this
step, make sure that everything you want to show in the picture appears in the viewfinder or
screen. Finally, holding the camera very still, click the shutter button. Your picture is taken! As
you can see, it is pretty simple to take pictures with an automatic digital camera.

Classification method: can be done if you are going to breakdown information into smaller
parts, in simplifying a concept or in explaining something such as a series of things.
Example 1:
"Each of Jamaica's four great gardens, although established along similar principles, has
acquired its own distinctive aura. Hope Gardens, in the heart of Kingston, evokes postcard
pictures from the 1950s of public parks, gracious and vaguely suburban and filled with familiar
favorites--lantana and marigolds--as well as exotics. Bath has retained its Old World character; it
is the easiest to conjure as it must have looked in Bligh's time. Cinchona of the clouds is
otherworldly. And Castleton, the garden established to replace Bath, fleetingly evokes that
golden age of Jamaican tourism, when visitors arrived in their own yachts--the era of Ian
Fleming and Noel Coward, before commercial air travel unloaded ordinary mortals all over the
island." (Caroline Alexander, "Captain Bligh's Cursed Breadfruit." The Smithsonian, Sep. 2009)

Cause And Effect: A cause is a reason for, or events leading up to. An effect is the results of a
cause or causes. Having the skill to think in the mode of cause and effect is a key to victory in
daily situations.
There are more old people in the world today because of an increase in medical services. Today,
more people can get medical services from doctors and nurses in hospitals and clinics. As a
result, fewer people get fatal disease such as yellow fever, malaria, cholera, and typhoid. This
decrease in fatal diseases causes a decrease in the number of people who die from these diseases.
Because of this decrease in number of deaths, people can live longer today. As a result, there has
been an increase in the number of old people living in the world today.

Comparison and Contrast: the writer can use comparison if he/she want to show some
similarities with the given ideas. On the other hand, the writer can use contrast if he/she wants to
point out differences in ideas. It also possible to use the combination of both comparison and
contrast in establishing both the similarities and differences of ideas in the given paragraph.
Example 1 :
When I was young I often heard people say, "Canada is the Scotland of North America." Only
recently did it occur to me that it might be worthwhile considering the extent to which this is
true. As Scotland is the hard northern cap to the British island, with the rich farmlands and cities
of England just below her, so is Canada to the United States. Both countries were gouged by the
retreating glaciers, which left them on the subsistence level as far as good farmland was
considered. It also gave them both a heritage of spectacular beauty uncrowded by cities and
towns, and of this they were both inclined to boast. (from Hugh MacLennan, "Scotland's Fate,
Canada's Lesson")

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