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UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS UNISA Ire HEC101V Mayidune 2015 HEALTH EDUCATION Duraton 2 Hours 100 Marks EXAMINERS FIRST MRS D HANNAWAY MRS MH PHAJANE SECOND DR MJ SETHUSHA Closed book examination ‘This examination question paper remains the property of the University of South Africa and may not be removed from the examination venue This paper consists of EIGHT (8) pages SECTION A: Answer ALL the questions (30 marks) SECTION B: Answer any TWO (2) questions (70 marks) SECTION A Answer ALL the questions in this section. QUESTION 1 Select the ONE MOST CORRECT answer for each of the following questions. Write down the answer (a, b, ¢ of d) next to the question number in your answer book, e.g. 1.1 (a) 11 Chronic diseases are prmanly caused by (@) pathogens (b) — bactena (©) genetics, (6) _litestyles and behaviours 12 Controlabie health risk factors includes all of the foliowing except (2) insufficient exercise () weak diet (©) drug abuse (¢) genetic predisposition (TURN OVER} 13 (a) (b) (c) @) 14 @ © @ 15 (@) ©) © © 16 @ ©) © © 17 2) () ©) 18 @) () (c) @ 2 HEV1O1V MaylJune 2015 Health promotion 1s an effective health-related advertising campaign an organised effort which encourages healthy behaviours and habits a planned treatment intervention ‘a training of health professionals in disease prevention ‘A group of organs working together to perform a specific function 1s called a lite cycle. genetic inheritance body system homeostasis ‘The function of the skin is excretion of mineral salts and small amounts of body wastes conversion of ultraviolet rays from the sun to vitamin D protection of the body from germs and other disease-causing agents all the above Which system working together with the respiratory system, supplies body cells with oxygen? nervous system circulatory system lymphatic system endocrine system During inhalation the diaphragm and the chest cavity relaxes, shrinks relaxes, enlarges contracts, shrinks contracts, enlarges ‘Avwaste product of the process of metabolism is carbon dioxide oxygen nitrogen lactic acid (TURN OVER} 19 fa) (b) (o) @) 110 fa) {c) (d) (a) (b) (ce) (a) 112 (a) (b) (c) (a) 113 (a) (b) (©) @) (a) (b) ( (@) 3 HECIOIV ‘May/June 2015 Bile 1s made in the and stored in the spleen, pancreas panereas, liver Iver, gallbladder gallbladder, pancreas ‘The largest part of the brain is the cerebellum cerebrum. medulla midbrain Another name for bed-wetting 's penstalsis enuresis encopresis pyelonephnitis ‘The part of the tongue that is sensitive to a sour taste 1s the side of the tongue the back of the tongue the middie of the tongue the front of the tongue Fibre in food helps with all of the following, EXCEPT preventing certain types of cancer lowering cholesterol regulating blood sugar increasing overall energy ‘The main function of protein is to carry oxygen to the lungs help build and repair body tissue carry vitamins to the surrounding tissues help with the contraction and relaxation of muscles [TURN OVER} fa) (b) {c) @ (a) (b) () (a) (a) (b) (c) (d) 118 (a) (b) (c) (a) (a) (b) (c) {d) 120 (a) (b) (c) (@) 4 HEV101V May/June 2015 Which vitamin is water-soluble? Vitamin D Vitamin K_ Vitarin C Vitamin A ‘The Human Immune-deficiency virus (HIV) can enter the body through sharing a comb shanng a coke breast milk none of the above Diabetes 1s a disease which is caused when the___does not produce enough insulin wer gallbladder Pancreas spleen Which of the following cognitive benefits can an individual attain through regular physical activity? decrease in stress and annety increase in feelings of solf-worth and self-esteem all of the above none of the above What are the genera! charactenstics of a malignant melanoma (skin cancer)? asymmetncal in shape even border even in colour spreads slowly Scoliosis is a disease which mainly affects the cardiopulmonary system neurological system ‘endocrine system. muskuioskeletai system [TURN OVER} 121 (a) (o) (c) @ 122 (a) (b) (c) (a) 123 (a) (b) ©) (a) 124 fa) (b) () (d) 125 fa) (b) (c) (@) 126 (a) (co) @) 5 HEC1O1V May/June 2015 ‘Two basic needs identified by Maslow, include ‘success and populanty physical strength and stamina food and shelter power and leadership When children have good self-esteem they are likely to engage in drug use on their own, without the encouragement of their friends be confident about their socia! and school performance 'solate themselves from assertive peers refuse to enter into competitive play An individual's conviction about being mate or female 1s known as. sex role gender gender identity sexual orientation Hans Selye identified three stages our bodies go through as they respond to stress. This 1s known as eustress coping mechanisms general adaptation syndrome distress, The flight or fight response 's taught to children by parents 1s a sign of mental iliness 's a survival response to perceved dangers should be controlled to prevent violent behaviour Aggressive butltes tend to be anxious, insecure and dependent generally do not initiate the aggressive acts may lack mhibitions against aggression are the most common type of bully [TURN OVER] 127 {a) (b) () @) 128 fa) (b) (c) (¢) 129 (a) (b) (c) (d) 1.30 (a) (b) (o) (a) 6 HEV101V- May/June 2015 Regular exercise dunng childhood can reduce the risk of which one of the following diseases in adulthood? heart disease diabetes melitus osteoporosis all of the above Which of the foliowing 1s related to psychological drug dependence? ‘The person experiences a craving Withdrawal from the drug produces psychological symptoms: Withdrawal from the drug produces physical symptoms All of the above __ occurs when someone prepares for the expected death of a loved one A premonition Anticipatory grief ‘Anger and rage Bargaining When helping a child who has a nosebleed you should place a cold compress on the child's neck and nose plug the nostnis with cotton woo! pinch the child's nostnis together with the head bent slightly backwards pinch the chuid’s nostnils together with the head bent slightly forwards TOTAL SECTION A: [30] ITURN OVER] 7 HECIO1V May/June 2015, SECTION B Choose and answer any TWO (2) questions in this section (70 marks) QUESTION 2 2.1 Explain the relationship of health to the child's emotional, social and cognitive (or intellectual) development (add any examples of your own). (30) 2.2 Define the term “health” according to the World Health Organisation of the United Nations (5) [35] QUESTION 3 3.1 Discuss the various ways in which a child can be prepared for the experience of hospttalisation/ untamikar hospital environment (10) 3.2 Discuss the important role that an educator has to play with regard to child abuse (0) 3.3 A local Councillor has invited you as a health educator to deliver a speech on HIV prevention at a community health awareness day What are the key messages about HIV prevention you would incorporate in your speech? (13) [35] QUESTION4 4.1 According to Reddy and Tobias (1994 20) the terms “health education” and “health promotion” are confused with one another Provide a clear distinction between these two terms (10) 4.2 Discuss the role of the teacher in dealing with chronic iliness of children (10) 4.3 Chtically discuss some of the factors which have been linked to the mcreasing incidence of child abuse in South Africa and indicate the possible role you think the educator can play in preventing or mitigating some of these factors (15) [35] (TOTAL: 100] EXAMINERS: FIRST EXAMINER: Mrs MH Phajane SECOND EXAMINER: Dr MJ Sethusha 9 UNISA 2015

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