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Don't Worry So Much - Calum Hood (Part 2)

Two weeks. Thats how long it was before Trent showed back up at school. Thats how long its
been since Calum stopped you on the soccer field. Thats how long its been since the last time
your brother actually came home at night. Thats how long youve felt the glares and wary looks of
Trents friends on your back And thats how long its been since you talked to your brother, Luke,
Michael, or even Calum.
You walked into school that Monday expecting today to be just like the last two weeks, but the
second you entered the building you knew it wouldnt be. Your brother and the rest of the boys
werent out in the parking lot, which wasnt too shocking; they always ditched Mondays and came
back just after school finished so Calum could head to soccer practice.
There was something else that was different though. None of Trents friends were glaring at you
anymore. You saw two of them just as you walked in hanging out at their lockers, but all they did
was smirk and look away. It was even more unsettling than the glares. You tried to let it slide and
came to a stop at your locker right outside of your psychology class.
Hiya princess, you whipped around and had to look up to see it was Trent speaking to you. He
was only inches from you with an absolutely evil look on his face that screamed vengeance. You
tried to maintain control of yourself, but you couldnt help shrinking back a bit. Not so tough without
your brother and those lovesick puppies are you?
Trent leaned in and had you backed all the way up against your locker. His lips pressed to the
outside of your ear, and you shivered. This wasnt the same kind of shiver Calum had gotten out of
you with the same action. This was a shiver of disgust. Trent was absolutely revolting. What on
earth is the little princess going to do without her guardian angels watching her back? Trent ripped
your purse from your hand and dug around in it for a minute, pulling your phone out and throwing it
to the floor, causing the screen to shatter.
The entire hallway watched as Trent stormed off, making extra sure to give your phone a good kick
as he left. You took a deep breath when Trent finally turned the corner and went immediately back
to your locker. You hid your face from all the prying eyes by organizing and reorganizing your entire
locker several times so you wouldnt be forced to look around while you thought.
Calum was right, as always. Trent was out for vengeance, and he would get it as long as he was
sure your brother didnt find out. You couldnt call Ashton or Calum; your phone was ruined. There
was a payphone outside the office, but you didnt have any change, and you imagined Trent had
already taken care of that. You definitely didnt want to leave; you had a big project due today in
speech class. Besides, if you left hed just wait till whatever day Ashton ditched next.
You decided to go about your day as normal, moving immediately from one class to another so
you would always be in the presence of plenty of students and plenty of teachers. You didnt go to
the bathroom; you were never caught in the halls after the bell. When lunch rolled around you
hunted down your physics teacher, Mr. Booth, and started a conversation with him. He always left
at lunch since he had no classes after, and you walked him all the way to his car. When he loaded
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up and left the parking lot, you got in yours and pulled your car around to the back lot by the soccer
fields. If you couldnt ditch today, you were at least going to be over prepared. When you got out
you spotted Coach Grant heading into the school building and ran to catch up with him, talking the
rest of the way about how he thought the soccer team would fair at state.
The final bell rang, and you literally ran through the halls towards the back exit. Trent would
probably be waiting for you at the front exit, which was right next to your locker, so you decided not
to bother stopping there. The crowds managed to hide you pretty well, and you kept an eye out for
Trent all the way to the exit.
Once you were fairly certain you were in the clear you threw open the door and made a run for it.
You thumbed around in your purse for your keys, trying to get them out before you reached the car.
You felt the loop of your key ring and pulled it out, but with all the running you fumbled and dropped
them to the ground. Hastily, you bent down to pick them up, but it was too late.
You turned your head to the sound of clapping and saw Trent walking out of the locker rooms,
between you and your car. And you were so close, princess. Honestly, I was routing for you, but
you just had to go screw it up.
You didnt dare to move a muscle as Trent walked over to you. You didnt know where he was
going with this but you could already tell you wouldnt like it. He bent down in front of you and pulled
the keys from your grip. You and I have some unfinished business. You tried to duck away, but it
was too late.
Trent gripped a hand in your hair and pulled you to your feet, lifting you off the ground by your roots.
You think you can get your friends to gang up on me after practice and Ill just forget? Trent
reached his other hand up and gripped it around your neck, squeezing and cutting off your hair.
You tried to gasp, but the air didnt come. Your hands clutched at his around your throat, but the
lack of oxygen meant you could barely put up a fight. Even with your nails digging into the backs of
his hands, Im going to make you pay, two bruises for every one your brother left on me. Your
vision started to blur around the edges, and your hands fell from his and went limp at your sides.
Trent dropped you to the ground, and you fell hard on your shoulder, wincing as you took a deep
breath. You didnt have time to cry out before a soccer cleat connected hard with your ribs, making
you flop over on your back and groan in pain. Before you could roll away Trent pressed his cleat
down on your stomach and stood on his foot, putting all his weight on the dull spikes pressing into
your stomach. You cried out in pain as he kneeled down, pressing his knee into your collarbone.
Im going to make the stuff your brother did to me look like childs play.
He gripped a hand in your hair again and yanked you off the ground, placing you on your feet. You
stumbled and whimpered, trying to step away from him. His hand gripped your wrist and yanked
you closer. As he pulled you in he raised his fist, throwing a punch that connected with your jaw.
Your head snapped back, and he took the opportunity to connect his foot with your exposed
abdomen, making you lurch forward and cry. His knee came up and smacked directly into your
forward, sending you hurdling backwards on the ground.
Your eyes fell shut to the pain, and you felt yourself fading in and out from the blow to your head.
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You could hear his feet padding toward you across the ground, the sound of his cleats crunching
against the earth, but the blow you knew was coming never came. You forced your eyes open, and
your gaze was met with quite the sight.
Calum stood above you, holding Trent in some sort of choke hold from behind. Trent was
struggling and kicking, trying to get out of Calums grip; but he was having no luck. The longer
Calum held him the less he struggled until finally he fell limp in Calums arms, passed out from the
hold. Calum dropped him like a sack of potatoes and rushed to your side, Baby, are you all right?
You tried to focus in on Calums face, but the pain in your head and torso was so distracting you
couldnt think let alone see. Hurts, you managed to mumble, unable to control it as your head
lulled back to the ground.
Calum let you gently back to the ground and got to his feet, fighting back tears in his eyes. Dont
worry, baby. Ill take care of it. He turned away from you and stared at the guy on the ground
through his teary-eyed vision. Trent seemed to be coming around, but Calum wasnt finished with
him yet.
He walked over and stood above Trent, looking down in an absolute rage. He waited till Trents
eyes opened, and Trent started to sit up before he bent down and clocked him right on the jaw.
Calum wanted to make sure Trent felt every punch he dealt out.
He sat down on Trents chest and delivered punch after punch to Trents face, and when Trent
finally managed to raise his arms and cover his face Calum took his frustrations out on Trents
chest and arms. There would never be a number of punches high enough to satisfy that feeling of
hatred in his stomach. Calum delivered blow after blow to Trent until his arms fell away from his
face, and he passed out from the pain. Even then Calum didnt stop, he kept going until the blood
from Trents clearly broken nose dripped from his fingers, and Trents face was a mess of black
and purple splotches.
C-Calum, the only sound that couldve stopped him in that moment brought Calums fists to a
dead stop. He let his fists drop and looked back, seeing you desperately reaching out for him like
he was some kind of lifeline. Calum got off Trents chest and scrambled over to you, (Y/n). He
slid an arm under your knees and the other under your back, lifting you off the ground to his chest,
Dont worry; Ive got you, baby Calum got to his feet and carried you gently in his arms back
towards the parking lot, making sure to step on Trent as he left the field, Ive got you.

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