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MCQ 1*10 =10
TRUE & FALSE 1*8=8
ACRONYMS 0,5*4=2
Disease: is reffered as the aberrant manifestation of deregulated homeostasis
caused by harmful agents in a certain condition,
Death(WHO criteria): Absence of any electrical activity of the brain
Hypovolemic hypernatremia/ hypertonic dehydration: The dehydration in
which water loss is in excess of salt loss and the remaining ECF of the body is
hypertonic (serum Na > 150mmol/L, Plasma osmotic pressure >310mmol/L)
Hypovolemic hyponatremia/ hypotonic dehydration: The dehydration in which
the salt loss is in excess of water loss and the remaining ECF of the body is
hypotonic (serum Na+ <130mmol/L , Plasma osmotic pressure <280mmol/L)
Edema: is the accumulation of excessive body fluid in interstitial space or serous
body cavity which is apathological process caused by diseases rather than a disease
Hypokalaemia: Serum potassium concentration <3.5mmol/L
Anion Gap: AG= unmeasured anions unmeasured cations
AG= [Na+] ([Cl-] + [HCO3-]) , Normal AG is 12mmol/L
Metabolic Acidosis: Refers to primary decrease in plasma HCO3- concentration,
the pH tends to be decreased
Respiratory Acidosis: refers to the primary increase in plasma H2CO3
concentration, the pH tends to be decreased
Metabolic Alkalosis: refers to the primary increase in plasma HCO3 concentration,
the pH tends to be increased.
Respiratory Alkalosis: refers to primary decrease in plasma H2CO3
concentration, the pH tends to be increased.
Hypoxia: can be defined as that cells cannot obtain enough oxygen or cannot fully
utilize oxygen thus leading to change in function, metabolism or structure of the


Hypotonic Hypoxia : defined as a decreased PaO2, making CaO2 reduced. The
supply of O2 to tissue is inadequate.
Methemoglobinemia: When the content of HbFE3 + OH is increased by 20-50% in
the blood, signs and symptoms may appear.
Enterogenous Cyanosis: It is a common HbFe3+OH-nemia. When a lot of pickled
vegetables containing nitrate may be deoxidized to nitrate by enterbacteria
(intestinal flora), and reabsorbed nitrate react with HbFe2+ to form HbFe3+OH.
Modern concept of stress: Refers to the nonspecific, systemic(general), adaptive
response of the body to any demand.
Concept of GAS: various physical or psychological stressors induce a general
Adaptive syndrome which is a group of physical manifestations affected by many
stress states.
Heat-shock proteins (HSPs): HSP refers to a group of proteins synthesized
increasingly ( constitutive HSP) or newly (inducible HSP) in cells during heat or other
stress. HSPs belong to non-secretory protein.
Acute phase proteins (APPs) : Proteins that are raised in plasma within hours
( quickly) or days during stress because of infection, inflammation or tissue injury
are called acute phase proteins (APPs).
Apoptosis: is an active cell suicide process induced by intracellular or extracellular
factors triggering predefined death programs within a cell, which enables
multicellular organisms to regulate cell number in tissues and to eliminate
unneeded or aging cells.

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