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a> () patn Siperrrene wesw $5: om 129,070 peo wo fE Beet teen pro Enh rin aka vrpotngt onc bpowe pe 86 To "eh Ste tr owe 10 Ho + FoR in (o oe0) 3 translation runs: FURTHER THERE IS A LAW (!: Ed.) CONCERNING THE SLAUGHTER OF FOREIGNERS, WHO ARE THE SAME AS BEASTS. THIS SLAUGHTER 18 TO BE CARRIED OUT INA LAWFULLY VALID MANNER. Tile ONES WHO. DO_NOT PON OW THEJEWISH RELIGIOUS LAW HAVE To BE OFFERED TO GOD AS A SACRIFICE. IT ISTO. THEM. THAT PSALM Siz REFERS: "YEA, FOR THY SAKE ARE WE KILLED ALL. THE DAY LONG: WE ARE COUNTED. AS SHEEP FOR THE SLAUGHTER." ( Phiktnne Soha, edition Berdiweisch 888) 3 Erich Bischoff declared himself ready to coffers opinion on this expressed law of ritual murder, owaver he wae fejcted He was not Euimitted by the eourt for “fear of Dias™(!! "The Catholie priest Dr. Gottsberger tok his place, the defendants handed him the above fhentioned law in Hebrew and German, Dr Gottsberger was embarrassed and ‘confused. ln Brosingen (Hungary) the Jews opened the veins of a wheelwright's child and sucked his blood. (Drawing after a Polish plaque) ‘After a long consider ‘would not be able ta del ‘and Karl Holz were sentenced to several months Imprisonment. Later on, however, De. Bischotf in the tral of 30th "Oct = ath Nov. 1931) established the correct translation of this law. This translation and publication ofthe law of human sacrifice is the greatest blow ever struck the Jews inthis controversy. “THIS LAW COMMANDS. THE “JEWS. TO BUTCHER NONJEWS, THIS ISTO. BE DONE INA RE SACRIFICED To THE JEWISH GOD BAAL. THEREFORE, WE ARE DEALING WITH A LAW WHICH DOESN'T ONLY PERMIT THE PRACTICE OF RITUAL MURDER, BUT COMMANDS IT. JEWISH CONFESSIONS A further and irrefutable proot of the existence of Jewish ‘rival murder are the humerous Jewish confessions. They come from tials, voluntary statements and from confes- sions by former Rabbis. ‘The confessions were ‘made in two court cases. One of them took place in‘Trent in 175, and the other one in Damascus inthe years 1840-1842. The voluntary statement was made by the young Jewess Ben Noud who ade tothe French Count Durfort-Civrac. The Confessions were made by the following Rabbis ‘who changed over to Chtistianity” Drach and Goschler, Fra Sit of Siena, Paolo Medic Giovanni da Feltre and by the former chief rabbi Neofito, who later changed his name to Tea(to and became a monk. These men more or less Gonfirmed the existence of ritual murder. 11803 the former Rabbi Neofito published a sensational book in the Moldavian Tanguage: In it he gives details about the terrible Jewish secret of the blood mystery. "This book was translated in 183 into Greek ond later in 1989 into Ttalian, under thetule" sangue cristiane nei rit erate della moderna Sinayogs, "causing the Jews to become ery excited the world over ‘One page 19 of this work the Jew Teofito gonfesses "Row he ‘was. initiated into. the Knowledge of ritual murder. And how the Jews {or thousands of years have concealed it from ihe Gentile world. Peotitn wrives ‘This seeret of the blood ls not known to a {dnctars) oF lerefore cur the ttle "Conservator! del mistero del vangue ‘Conservatars ofthe mystery of blow). They ashi onby word of mouth tothe Jewish fathers, ‘They im turn reveal it to their sons who Feyard this'as-a great honor. At ihe same Uae Gey Pageé. CHRISTIAN VANGUARD FEBRUARY 1976 make terrible threats of punishment if one of them betrays this secret "When I was 13 years old" -reeal “my father took me aside, led me into a: room, where nobody could listen and after he described {tome the hatred of Christians he aught me that (God ordered the Christians to be nd tecollect their blood .. "My son”, he said (2s he Kissed med: "With this confession Ihave placed my trust in you.” With these words he pat a {crown on my head and explained to me the Blood Secret, adding that Jehovah had revealed it to the Hebrews and commanded them to practice It ‘Twas In the future, possessor of the most important secret of the Hebrew religion ‘Thereafter followed the curses and threats of punishment IT should ever reveal this secret nvone, neither my mother nor my sister nor brothers or future wite: but only to one of tv ‘Teofito - ture sons who was the most wise, eager. and font suitable. In this way the secret shall be inherited from father to son until the farthest descendant "This Is a part of the monk and former Chief Rabbi Teofite's confession. From other conf sions and admissions there is a remarkable Agreement on the following points: 1. The laws demand the Jews to butcher Non-Jews from time to time. (of The Laws of the ‘Talmud and the Law of Human Sacrifice) A At the Passover Pestival It is demanded of the Jews lo butcher an ‘adult non-Jew for the Purim ‘and to butcher {hil or the paspover The eld ‘ be violently rained. tis to be used, at passover in wine and inthe Maseen (bread). What this means is that a ‘mall part of the blood is mixed into the dough id the wine, The procedure is to be performed by the Jewish father ‘4. The procedure takes place inthe folowing. nner: The father pours a few drops of fresh oF dried and powdered blood Into a: glass, dips a ingee of hie left hand into it and. sprinkles (esses) everything whleh ison. the. table, and wine) may al! Goyim bura in hell!” "This wicked Jewish ritual 1s suspletously similar Christian Communion, tn this the wine istaken n place of the blood and the bread as the brody. What Christians do symbolically. the Jew does in realty = this isthe unique difference.) 5."The rtial blood is also used other ways: a) The young married couple Is given a hard poled egg mhign is sessoned with fied iad which has been pulverized. 1b) Its ako given to pregnant women hesame way inorder tease thetr child birth, iis mixed with eggemhice, put on 8 cloth and placed onthe chest of dead Jews ‘that they" will “enter heaven widboat '4) At circumcision powdered blood {he sprinktedon the wound so 1 will Real ikl "The blood also can he used in its liquid state: ©) you dip fruits or vegetables into it and then eat ihem (Talmud - Schuldran arch Orach cajjim 138.0) or ‘ira dying or decrepit Jew can be saved with it ‘ore deah 15,2). (The Jews have a Supersttiow . which originates from the Orient, ‘They believe that old people can become younger by drinking the blood of young childrea.) 6. The remainder of the blood is preserved withthe greatest of care by the local Rabbis and sold in small bottles by appointed wandering Jews at neighboring synagogues. This same Rabbi certifies that the blood is genuine pure Christian 1. The ritual murder and the Blood Myst re acknowledged by all Talmudic Jews, at cliced whenever possible. The Jew belleves sat he will be "atoned” by It. ‘These seven Jewish customs and regulations Were established not ony inthe trials from Trent {and Damascus, but in various trials and court cases which took place in different parts of the Wworid ‘throughout history. And of course they ‘were completely independent of each other. This proves beyond a doubt their truth and validity. PURIM MURDER ‘The ritual murder at Purim is committed sin adult Genes, Fresh-strong men and Skimen are preferred. The Purim festival is {elebratad anally by the Jews in February or aren It is im commemoration of the 1,000 antisemitic Persians murdered by the Jew ‘Ths massaere occurred under the Persian king Mrasueroe Cxerces)” He had. a. ministet ‘Haman who recognized the Jewish danger and Sante ta expel the devs. The kings ewan Mthore Esther persuaded him ins Hitman and his ten sons. After that came the Turdering of the 7s, antisemitic, Persians der the leadership of the Jew Mordecai. The following day the Jews celebrated with joyous festivities which are observed a5 the "east of Purim” even today ‘At this festival the Jews usually become completely drunk, This occurs particulary at ‘entings of Orthodox Jews. During these orgies plays are staged in which the murder of Hama {Sre-created by the Jews. An effigy of" Haman is put onthe stage ard s hanged while the Jews Gurse and. cast pells (directed against the “Goyiny"s. The Talmud commands the Jews to cry out aloud: "May Haman and the Gentiles be reed. May Mordeca! and all the Jews, be Stessed."""Cralmods "Orach “cajjim 85010) Finally the Jews throw stones atthe effigy and Bab with ves. in Palestine and in some areas of Russia the Jews hold their processions out in the public. At ‘hehead of the procession the eigy of Haman i Carried, and is stoned, stabbed with knives, and beaten vith slicks, In {64 the Jews of Monastyt (Russia) ‘celebrated. Purim with ave “Hlaman”. The Jewish inn-keeper Bosch (rom Michatkowetz ad brought the drunken farmer AAcamiko to the festival in his wagon. The Jews took ff hs clothes, celebrated their fesitval Sressed him ag"Haman” and gavebim a savage eating. They alto burned him: on the back and ‘Adamo arrived home tally drank, complained ‘ot severe pains and died the next day. The Jew ‘Moscho paconed him so that he would never tell About the Purim Feast. The case was brought to imal and the Jew Moscho was. sentenced to death Tye documents rom is ial epnern. Ing. the Purim festival were, kept authorities at"Kammets until Ue Boschevic evolution, They were then destroyed by the Sows." E.) Even today the Jews are celebrating similar Purim fesivels throughout the world The Ritual Murder at Polna Postcard of unknown origin distributed to commemorate the Ritual Murder at Konitz. “And all of the anxious sighing, longing and hope of their hearts is directed to the time when some day they would like to deal with us heathen as they dealt wih with the heathen in Persia at the time of Esther. 0 how they love that book Esther, which so nicely agrees with their bloodthirsty , revengeful and murderous desire and hope!” Martin Luther Erlanger edition, Vol. 32, p. 120-121 Celling painting's the pilgrimage church "am Sudensin™ (to the Jews rock) at Finn CTirop depts the ritual murder of {he boy Andreas, canonized by te church ‘The murder occured in the year of 1462. 1h 2dsilon there ial a wood-earving which depron thee ritual murder. 1 BUTCHERING OF FATHER THOMAS ‘This happened in Damaseus, at the beginning of February in the year of 1840. The Jews were preparing for the Purim feast which as to take place on February 15h, 1 On the $itemnoon of February sth the Capuchin priest ‘Thomas was sent for fo attend a sick child. The priest was a great healer and physician, He was Fespected and loved as asain Gn his way back from the child he was invited by his friend (11) the rich Jew Davud Arar to come to his home. Father Thomas accepted. When he arrived the dJews immediately aiacked, gagged and bound im up. They then dragged him nto a. secret oom, and sent for the Jewish barber Soliman {The Priest was laid on a table and his head was held over a copper bowl. The barber seized the tid priest by the beard, the Jew Aaron Arari held Wis "head. and. his ‘brother Davud Arar he Priests friend?) slit his throat. The blood was Eollected. in the ‘copper bowl and filed into “hotties ‘Shortly afterwards the Priest's. servant ibratim Amara appeared in the Jewish ghetto. ‘The Jewish Arari brothers. who were standing in {roni ofthe house, saidto him: "Comte on in, Your Master is with us." Ibrahim Amara’ was buteheredin the same way as his master Father ‘Thomas aes ae “The next day the priest ws missed and a sensth wae ma for hrs Te rer Soliman sras spect due to papers whieh were found on hn belonging tothe priest. The Freneh Consul RatteMentons ‘under whom "the priest had served. vtnd’ the ‘Sheri Pascha le the investigation. Soliman made a Tull-confession nd was convieted. Trases of blood were found Sand pieces of the priest and his servant's body CHRISTIAN VANGUARD F ‘were found in the sewer. After this all tne Jews thal ook part in the murder were arrested and three of them confessed to the erime in detail ‘They were Mourad el Fath'al, the “Gentile servant of Davud ‘Arari, and" the “Jews Aslam-Farkhi and Monea Abou el Afieh. The fatter was a Rabbi. He confessed that he himself had carried the blood that had been collected in bottles to the Grand Rabbi. Yakoub el-Antab Alter a thorough investigation the tiree Jews who confessed were pardoned. Ten others who took part in the murder were sentenced to death, ‘Theit names were Davud Arari, Aaron Arari Isaac Arari, the rabbi Bokhor Youda (called Salonikli),” Mechir™ Farkhi, Mourad. Farkhi ‘Aaron Stambouli, Tsaae “Picciotto, ‘Abou-e.Afien, and Youcef Menakem Farkhi ‘In the meantime the murder and the trial was published by the press throughout Europe, Instead’ of Jewry “condemning this savage ‘murder, and demanding a thorough investiga. tion and just punishment: it did. the very opposite. Jewry Joined with its racial comrades land gave them fis complete support. Collections ere organized and 2 million franes were raised. ‘TheJew Cremicux, who established the “Alliane Universelie Israelit™ World Jewish organiza tion) and who made the remark: all Israel goes bail for each another", led a large retinue to Mehemed All. the viceroy of Eeypt: His retinue included the Jews Munck and Moses Montefiore, And, of course, the 2 million franes. Mehemed Ali let himself be bribed to issue the following order: “Due to the suggestions of the gentlemen Moyes Montefiore and Cremieuy, who ame tous as delegates of al European Jewry (!'-Ed.). re have ‘recognized that ‘they wish to see the Uiberation sof the Jews who were” arrested because of the disappearance of Father Thom ‘As it would not be aise to refuse. thelr Fequest, due to their large population, we order thal the Jewish prisoners be set free “The jews were released. Ail srael had gone bail for them. But the remains of Father Thomas were buried in the cemetery at Damascus ‘pan the Bravetongsn Arable and alan. canst the remains of Father Thomas of ardinia, Capuchin missionary, assassinated by the Jews, Febriary 3h, 10." 7 ‘The transeripés of this trial are inthe Paris| Archive. "The. French’ Orientals’ Achilles Laurent duplicated the transcripts and published them in his. book: “Relation historique des affaees de Syne opus it juaqu'en Tei." "This (rial proves that Jewry acknowledges and tolerates fitual murder” That it conceals Fitual murder from the public and protects its criminals. The Jews by’ any method possible, without regard forthe canseguences wills, to set Jew criminals free: despite the fact they are guilly. The Jews have proven in the case of Father Thomas that they are nothing more than alwell organized gang. of criminals and TIE BUTCHERING OF AGNES HRUZA\ ‘Three Jews, the, junk-peddler “Leopold Hilsner of "Poina and “his. racial comrades Eromann and Wassermpann.on March 26th 169, Gat the thne of Purim) enticed the 19 year old seamstress Agnes Hruza tnto the Brezin Forest near the town. Her body was found ist Apel Tit. She was half raked and completely drained of blood. Her neck had a horrible gaping wound. Teopuld Hilsner was arrested on suspicion of murder, He later made a full confession He ‘plained how he had ebained the giel, with the help of the Jews Erbmann and Wasserihann, and ler throat. The Blood was collected i a uekel. One of the helpers carried it away by train where it Was’ Used for ritual purposes, Hilsner first made a confession 1o one of his Yacoub § HRD FEBRUARY tte Pagez Teliowpricones, Inen to Inspector Misska. and then tothe tal judge Baudiseh. He repeated this confession over and over. The jury in Ruttenberg Sentenced him, to death by hanging. As in the Cates atheroma the lew pest btants fave and scream during the trial and demand that Hlsner be set free" However, their atack failed against the incorruptbiity and integrity ol theappeals court judge, Dr. Schoetder With ‘wll fron he conducted completely impartial tra. Hilsner and his Jewish lawyers appealed the sentence. ‘The government. which ‘was influ fenced by the press und bribed by Jewish money ranted a new trial at Piseck, During this new {investigation it "was discovered that ‘Leopold Hilsner had committed a second ritual murder. On July Irth. 1a94 he had butchered. Marie Klima, 4 Geatile girl ia the same way. Leopold Hilsner was tried for ths murder. “The jury in Piseck confirmed the Kuttenherg death penalty However, Jews have a powerful and strong arm reached out to protect the endangered racial comrade. The government (Kuiser franz Josef) ‘commuted this ritual murderet’s sentence to life in prison. ‘This, however, was not the end of this extraordinary case’ In 1918, Marxist Jews under the leadership of the Jews Viktor Adler. Otto Bauer. and Julius Deutsch revalted. The Jews remembered their racial comrade Hilsner: The prison doors were opened to him and the murderer and "human butcher was joyously freeted and put into a Jewish old folks’ home, (1) Several years later he died and was burled in an honorary grave in Austria at the "Central Israelite Cemetry". In ‘this. ease, which ‘was proven, beyond. a ‘doubt, the jews proved themselves to be In support of ritual murder. ‘Yes, besides that it honored the criminal. Once again Jewry proved isell to be nothin ang of organized criminals eae, Serene innaes “The Hurons, the Canadians and the Iroquois were philosophers of humanitarianis:n in comparison to the Israelites”. Voltaire (Vol, 17 of his Collected’ Works p. 53) ———————————————————— Pages. THE BUTCHERING OF HELMUT DAUBE (On the night of the 22nd tothe 23rd of Maren (it was the time of the Purim Pestival) a shocking murder “happened in Gladbeck, Westphalia. The young 20 year ‘old Helmuth Daube had passed his final exams in high school He celebrated this event on the evening of March %ind. He left for home at two o'clock in the ‘morning. At five o'clock his parents found him lying dead in the street n front of his house, Hi throat had been cut down to his spine and his enitalshad been removed. There was almost ne baad found. The hands of the unfortunate youth were hacked to pieces and his abdomen showed Several knite wounds, ‘There was no doubt that this was a case of ‘hlual murder. The experts stated in court th the throat wound was an artistically perform ‘cut that went ina circular form trom ear (0 ear It is very possible that Helmuth Daube was circumetsed before the butchering. (There are tual murderers who cireumeise their vietims helore the butchering. Ed.) Since the circume’ sion would have proved that ritual murder had heen committe. the genitals of the vietim were ‘completely removes. The Jewish press distracted the public's attention from this Purigh murder and wrote that itwasa sex murder. Itdirected suspicion toward ‘he young friend. of Daube, Husemann. “The prosecution of this ease was’ conducted by the Public proseeutor Rosenbaum, a Jew!" luzs- mann was indicted. The investigation was not carried out by the Gladheck police, but instea detectives were sent for from Berlin. They were under the command of the Jewish (!!) police commissioner Dr. Bernhard Weiss. Of course they did not find a ritual murder, but found that twas. sex murder, When the trial came up, the Jewish press trom all over Germany appeared ‘The trial proceeded under theit control. The public proseeutor Rosenbaum made himself and {he entire court look ridiculous with his chart ‘against Huzsmann, One exposure followed other, but he maintained the accusation regardless. An acquittal naturally followed. The fact was: Due to the numerous Jewish editors resent, no one dared to speak of ritual murder. ly the Boehumer Abendblatt in its edition No, 21 noted the similarities between this case with the ritual murder of the schoolboy Winter in Konitz, Der Sturmer wrote about ritual murder and explained that {yom this point of view the ‘case was completel. nderstandable, This issue was confiscated anid’ banned; its editors were rosecuted and sentenced to prison. The ritual murderer of Daube was never prosecuted and is still walking around free, THE BUTCHERING OF MARTHA KASPAR In Paderborn, Martha Kaspar was the Gentile servant inthe home ef the, Jewish butcher Mens Meyer. Sh was an honct and hard-working peasant git. The old Jew Meyer (bout 60 years old) had a son Kurt Meyer” 24 sears old. One day he attacked the unsuspect Birl in the hay-olt and raped her. He sneak {nto her small room, which could not be locked, vihenever he felt like it, Martha Kaspar became Dregnant and. demanded. that the’ Jew Kurt ‘matry her, She, of course, was not aware that while the ‘Talmud permit the Jew to use the non-bewes ase peas sty fori im irom marrying them. To keep her quiet, the Jew Kurt Meyer promised to marry her, but secrelly father “and” son” decided “to. murder the troublesome grt Itappeared that they made the “it is incomprehensible to me why these murderous snortin: Would not wild animals who eat humans be Killed at once , even if they resembled humans. And are ‘the Jews anything else but voracious cannibals?” Mirza Hassan Chan, Chaim. Hig. Bil. 3 (1689 n, Ch.) ————— CHRISTIAN VANGUARD FEBRUARY 1976 jewish, system was Jewish ? - a PB ad aoe Cymnasiost Winker a rid ae Postcard of unknown origin dstrbuted to commemorate the Ritual Murder at Konitz, patna Ripe Rees Stee ae ee ea ae ats Rae ee sheath aiucattee tae Scseateus anteael set Sucperctat am Sata Sie ceitivaigeer roe itor ieetigs Sa nstheract Sea lee tte i nities eed arn arisen ite oo Saleen eas Ee ere meee a Stns deat ea ble’ sitenton nthe mot shocking manner Bl a ah St ie ee sister a ra Searonuyerdauieeraciea ae gearhead Naa Feet d cata sia aay emer ee fers Mee ake ies chat ares Natit pendent ot Set wee ake, Wace ae create cyte Rae sraeaien scene Meena gear, ile ay trek wart soot eliene Rah art iat duiemaseacr yt Reig use terse Wes fer Net aadt gente th a soit ecie octane eet sstats Mir aise feb amen etree as Bebo cerns eae oe Secmeitmenies® cd ha Severna rsa feet ce een fet iiulnoutel centare enaer Stier nena heer Pe ciara a sere Mook has at were fount Te clayped_that_he had “allempled on abortion" and aa.a reoult Martha Kasper hed Bled to death (ie explained tothe court that he fad attempted ths abortion’ without "an inatromenta and that he had done ie sever times to cows (i!) with success.) Afterward tbocause he was butchers head dsmetnbered the body. Inthe meantime pieces of flan were found everywhere The few bad cat Marsha Kaspar ints pleces of leah which weighed about tpn uc wo opt ih Sethe ha caligred hem thravghout Paderborn, They retoand a sb wood, if edna ‘iow stamps (12, im pond, tn a Brook ins Sewer (same a3 Father Thomas), and"): Tanare ple! Her breasts, which: had_ been Sliced ot! were ound nhc hay talt'Toe dew Ted ier intestines tothe pigs The most peculiar fhing was that no blood was found anyuereA sl pool of blood es {ound in the holo and at most contained only alfa pnt it torned ou that altho piece of het Mesh were completely drained of Bleed The Pulice detectives and an expert German doctor Fectited during the tral tit several quarts of Biood fad disappeared. One detective aid that. he Believed it wos caried away in Dotdest "he tial lasted from Sep 13th antl Sept. 16th, 1982 Kurt Meyer sat shamelessly in the out rom, contrast tothe Gludbeck murder tral the Jewish pres. vas not represented, Because is ine, tue, tacllcornra was om tral. The big newspapers whic "aver carried large reors an tet ront pages Stout the tral ofthe Gentle Human reported Absolutely nothing about the tral fine Jee Kart Meyer. “Ail tsrad goes bas for each another = ie was established during the tial that fe “confession ofthe dew about an atte abortion was ate. This was proven by the proces @F flesh that had been found. The Jew fay ; admitted tearfully that he had beaten Martha Kaspar to death in a "fit of rage.” The court accepted this second ‘confession"” with grati- tude. They’ were noticeably telieved. that the question of ritual furaer Nad not arisen. The Slate prosecutor, pleaded “murder, and the court accepted “manslaughter. Kurt’ Meyer ‘Was sentenced to IS years in prison, ig beasts were not exterminated long ago. CHRISTIAN VANGUARD FEBRUARY 1916 Pages Persian murders, while the Passover commem- rates the day when Christ was murdered, At the rim feast the Jews murder an adult gentile a5 a replacement for Haman, while at the Passover they murder an innocent Gentile child. as a replacement for Christ: Purim murder is usually ja plain and simple butchering, but on the other band the Passover murder is usualy a torturous fdeath. Tn both cases, however, the object Is to obtain blood which is used for ritual purposes, fAnd both crimes oceur out ofa desire to murder and torture and from a hatred for Gentiles. ‘The sacrifice, however, of a human being on Passover has existed. not only” since the murdering of Christ. It is as old as the Jewish race itself For centuries it was thelr custom to sacrifice & lamb, a cock, or a monkey at this festival in place of a Gentile human. The lamb is used asa sbetitte or an anorent Gentile cits ‘Typical examples of ritual murder at Passover are THE CONFESSION OF ‘THE JEWESS BEN NOUD Ben Noue, born in Aleppo, confessed to the lvientalist, Count Durfort Curae. that at the ge of seven (in 1828) she traveled from Lattakia © Antioch, and there, while staying in a Jewish Frome ‘she’ witnessed ‘the Jews ‘hanging Iwo children from the ceiling by their feet One of the ere wan abo dod he ter around twelve years old. Frightened by this spectacle, she ran to her aunt and told her what she had Seen. The aunt laughed at her and explained that it'was probably nly two naughty ‘boys being punished. To get her mind off of, Ben Noud' Jaunt sent her to. the’ “Bazaar”, When she returned the two bodies had disappeared, but she Sone elton the church a 0 depts the Ritual Murder in the 9 Carried ou onthe boy Werner, canoulzed by the church? my the Fal was 3 Oo which challenged the credibility of the judicial system. ‘The murder of Martha Kaspar was obviousiy a Purim butchering. It was established that, shortly before the murder, people had gathered in secret at the Jew's house, and then disappeared'on’the day of the murder.-It was also proven that the old Jew Moritz Meyer went to the Synagogue (!") immediately after the murder. Ttis also known that the eatire Jewish Meyer family left Paderborn and. Germany shortly after the National Socialists were elected (o power, ‘The ‘ruth in this case is as follows: Kurt Meyer together with his father and most likely ‘other Jews (Rabbis?) butchered» Martha Kaspar. He butchered her in the atic, her head was held over the trap-door by the Jews and her blood was collected ina ‘bucket. ‘The. two assistants carried the Blood away and the old ‘Jew went to the synagogue where he either eported the deed or prayed to his God Jehovah, ‘The body was then dismembered 20 that the ritual cut Would not be discovered, This trial to, Der Sturmer pointed out that a ritual ‘murder had taken place. The Consequences of this action was: Confiscation and banning of Der Sturmer. and the start of legal action against its editors ‘The Jew Kurt Meyer accepted the judament of the Paderborn jury with obvious ‘enjoyment and gratitude He did 90t appeal, The Supreme ‘court for its part, did the same. It approved the verdict at Paderborn and with that there was one ‘more ritual murder which went Unrecognized and unpunished, Ritual Murder At Passover Ritual murder atthe time of the Passover is similar in certain respects to the Purim feast. ‘The Purim feast commemorates the day of the The Ritual Murder of St. Simon of Trent in i Fron vee noticed a brass vase on the floor, which the Arabs call “laghen”, completely ‘filled ‘with blood! ‘THE CONFESSIONS OF ‘THE JEW EMANUEL OF GENOA As early as the year 1690 there were people wo defended the Jews, ‘They took the Jews Under their proteston and wrote books tn there favour: Dr: Bek, the opponent of Martin Luther ‘Wrote in reply to these defenders of the Jews The fatter” wrote a realise in) which. he ‘maintained that there was no such thing a lead Inurder, ond that a grave inutice was being dine to ine Jews: Dr. Ecirsbook, writen in feng {o"ths," was entitled Aims’ Sudenbuehtoie Veetegung. it vas printed. by “Alexander Weissentorn at Inglstadt in 154 tn it Be, Bek published a confession by a-Jew who converted {o\Chrisianity Dr Eek writes “Because he (ihe provewish author -Ed.) ‘makes the claim that no baptized Jew has ever Acknowledged such a erime on the part of tne Jews, 1am replying: Not all Jews ate gully of ihese’ crimes. for they. well know ‘what the Punishment for sucha grime is. Therefore, only tery few Jews have oken purl in these murders, Besides that i isnot true that no baptized Jews have ever acknowledged a child murder, For example. Emanuel (baptized inthe Veat of Our tard 1460, son of the doctor Solomon of Genca testified "the maryrdom of two Chetan children after he had become a Christian, One of {hese ‘cases: was reported. second hand. He {elated how ‘Master’ Simon from” Ancona, a doctor by profession. had beheaded a: arall child "The child's head wag then dragged outside into the street by a dog ‘Officials followed the 1475 (woodcut from that period of time) “1 know well that they deny everything, but it all agrees with the judgment of Christ, that they are poisonous, bitter, vengeful, spiteful serpents, assassins, and devil's children, who secretly stab and do injury because they are‘not able to do it publicly.” Martin Luther, Of the Jews and Their Lies {Ertanger edition, Vol. 32, p. 244) Poge 10__ CHRISTIAN VANGUARD FEBRUARY 1976 ‘THE TORTURE AND DEATH OF THE BOY OF LANGENDENTZLINGEN In the 2nd chapter, Dr. Eck writes: “So that the believing reader will not be hindered. by further’ discussion, and. the defenders ofthe Jews will not be abe say that ‘Dr: Eek has no proot for what be says, 1 Sould Hi like to report an account of ritiial-niurder. 1 did: HY ot iearn of this from hearsay, but from having Hsp itm wih yo eyes. Yat H isto, viten {traveled from Cologne to Freiburg, ‘ol my. studies, Te received “tis Ba sin is Ce i rs ‘The Ritual Murder at Regensburg in 1476, (Six boys were tortured to death) {Photograph from “Bavaria Sancta”) blood-stains and discovered the childs body Tm the Jew's house, lying in a tub. The Jew, however, escaped across the sea, The other murder he saw with his own eyes in Saona, a province of the Republic of Genoa. He stated: iy father led me into a house where eight Jews were assembled. They took a sacred oath that They would rather suffer death or kil themselves hefore they would confess the deed they were ovat cont After tat they brought in a 9 Sear old Christian child, One Jew held its right anim. another his left arm, and the third one held hw head s0 that he formed the shape ofa cross, ‘The fourth violator hada long, sharp. pointed newdle or scalpel in his hand. With it he stabbed the child from his stomach to the heart. He ‘quickly pulled the needle back and stabbed once Tore sovthat the blond hegan to low freeky froma ‘repeated until the child died, They then threw the child's body into a secret chamber. Afterwards, they dipped silees of apples, pears and other {ruts into the blood and ate them. He, Emanuel, ate some of them himself. This made him $0 ‘auseated that he was unabie to eat for two days. He felt as if his bowels wanted to come out of him. He stated he felt this way before as well as after his baptism which took place at Valle, in Castile. He’ made_this confession before. the Master Garsias of Boamon, Bishop of Lucena; before Master Peter Basques, dean of Campos: (ella, before Peter Vela, Quardian; and before Peter Martin of Gnetario, notary. public. and seereary to the Bishop ‘This story was proven true bv documents preserved by the Franciscan monks. At his baplisty Emanuel was christened Franciso.” bee Information that a child was missing from frp at tangendentslingen. "neighbor found the body in the woods, after his attention was brought tothe horrible discovery by the owing of the oxen, Shortly afterwards, the childs father {ather was arrested on suspicion of rotery and taken to Buchen ‘near ‘Freiburg. He’ was uestioned about the murder of his child, but he Gisimed “that he knew. nothing "about Mterwards the murdered ‘childs body was frought tate. him and. ‘he confessed without Hoainful questions (that means without tortare = Eat lat he had sold his four year old child to iwo Jews from Waldkirenen, They assured fim tha they did not want to kill the child: only take same bioed from him. He regretted that things hhad gone awry, and that his child had died asa ‘esultof being bied. have seen this small child's Sounds wih my owneyes, and have touched and Examined the wounds, { aa also presene when the "lather “was executed al uchen, He maintained his innocence evento the exection: er and went his death, The Jews had S"gestupt" his child to death, (gestupit means tg forte to death by pricking with a needle Ed.) In ths ease the slonderer of Christians canola thatthe aetons ofthe autores were due to their desire for Jewish property Chief among these authorities was Herr Konrad Sturtzel of Kinzingen, under whose Jurisdiction Buch came mano wag knowa tn the fut counties of Alsace, Brelsgau, Suntgau and Trai asa. man of honor, Who with manliness and jasc siaintuiud pall ines despite ellered bribes and gifts, tbs prince Due Sigmund of Austria, and who never was led by threats to forsake his lord or his honesty and faithuiness, Furthermore, I have sean the Christian who received the child's Bled fom the ders of Waldkirchen so that He could cary ito ibe Alagus Chitin wan exerted al Brelogau by the judgment of te noble and Ronorable cotneit of reiburg. ‘Despite the certainty ofa death sentence he confeseed that be brought the chile's blood for the Jews rom Buchen fo Alsace, This confession was heard nat ‘nly by me, butt was heard by many hundreds tt geopiewhe saw how te criminal carly went to his deverved death. There were, frorn both Astriets, a great numberof people present atthe Site of execution” all this, my Jew-defender, ts certain, 1 is evidentia fact, for the child was Seen by everyone. One could see and touch the punctures and wounds. Even though tse Jews did fot torture this child as unmereifel and horrible a they did the child of Sappenteld here in the Bishopric of Bichstatt, the tacts of the case fematn the same. Furthermore, I have not yet Finished. and wil sing: many’ song to the defender of the Jews unt thelr ears are ringing ‘Der Sturmer also has not yet finished. ts hatlecery shall ring al over the world nthe ears othe Jews and Jew defender THE TORTURE AND DEATH OF SAINT SIMON ‘The small Simon, a little boy fom Trent was" played on the 21st March, 1475, of the wounds into a basin held beneath. ‘This was Haundy Thursday during Holy Week The jew “The Jews are firmly united’in spite of their dispersal. They are governed by unknown elders Even now every town has it's own judge, every province its rabbi, and all are subordinate to an unknown Jeader, who resides:in: Asia.” Helmuth-von. Molkte SS SS ee

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