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Are you looking for a beautiful place
to visit. Well, heres India for you.
India is a amazing place to visit.
India is located on the continent of
Asia. It is located south of China,
and north of Iran.
Are you looking for wonderful
landforms just for you. Visit India
youll love it. Indias geography has
many lands and they are:

Are you wondering how Indians
grow crops?
Well, Farmers in India grow many
crops such as
rice,wheat,potatoes,and sugar cane.
Some farmers grow crops in smaller
areas so that they can have room for
other things. India has the largest
national herd of cattle and buffalo in

the world.
Did you know that animal play an
important role in agriculture?
The Deccan plateau; The Deccan
plateau is a triangular shaped area
that is good for growing crops.

Animals are raised in relating to farm

animal production space.

Candace Spruill
February 11,2016

The Ganges river; The Ganges

river provides rich sediment for the
northern plains. The Ganges river
collects water from the Himalayas
melting ice dipping to the river. Just
like the Indus valley!
The Himalaya mountain; The
Himalaya mountain is named the
home of snows.
Most of the Himalaya snow turns
into ice and melts down to rivers;
And since the earth is moving it
causes the Mount Everest to rise
The Thar desert; The Thar desert is
mostly made out of sand and stone.
There are very little life for people
and animals.The only things that live
is grass and low hardy shrubs.

Are you wondering what religion
Indians celebrate? The celebrate
Hinduism and Hindus believe in
reincarnation, like Karma and
Moksha. Some rituals are that
Hindus focus devotion to their god.
Hindus worship the gods and
goddess that are named :Brahma,
Brahman, Vishnu, Shiva, Parvati,
Lakshmi, and Saraswathi.

Do you ever wonder how the
government runs in India? Well, the
type of government that India has is
Federal Republic.
The leader of the government in

India is Narendra Modi. He was

chosen the lead the country
because Modi has been appreciated
for starting initiatives.

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