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cdebie: RT @friedah03: Yep!

RT @DaphneLeigh: Good advice for pharma doing SM: Cleary

define your measurement objectives beforehand. #digpharm
6/30/2010 00:23

cpmahoney: RT @Doctor_V: Time spent by a physician on a social site is no measure of engagement

6/30/2010 05:56

doctoranonymous: Planning world domination w. @Doctor_V #digpharm (@ Starbucks)

6/30/2010 07:38

philbaumann: Digital Pharma West 2010 Tweets Day 2 - #DigPharm

6/30/2010 09:02

LauraN546: HealthEd leverages AlterianSM2 for social media audit/listening. Many tools out there -
what are you using? #digpharm
6/30/2010 09:02

friedah03: A timely tweet from an RA #epatient blogger RT @rawarrior: Pix of my RA: Why I showed my doc today. #digpharm
6/30/2010 09:11

doctoranonymous: RT @PhilBaumann Digital Pharma West 2010 Tweets Day 2

6/30/2010 09:18

philbaumann: RT @friedah03: A timely tweet from an RA #epatient blogger RT @rawarrior: Pix of my

RA: ... #digpharm
6/30/2010 09:23

healtheddigital: HealthEd wishes our colleagues Happy #SMday! #fdasm #digpharm #socpharm #sxsh
6/30/2010 09:50

Digitas_Health: RT @unclebrendan: Totally appreciate @DavidRThompson's candor regarding the issues

pharma has with social media, but it definitely caused a stir :) #digpharm
6/30/2010 10:45

Digitas_Health: RT @unclebrendan: "Print lasted 500 years. You don't have 500 years to get this"
@philbaumann on understanding how technology has changed marketing #digpharm
6/30/2010 10:45

rawarrior: Thanks! // RT Timely tweet from an RA #epatient @friedah03 @PhilBaumann

@Healtheddigital Pix of my RA: ... #digpharm
6/30/2010 10:53

kevinkruse: @aligmartin Ali, I couldn't make #DigPharm but following remotely. Did you post or
distribute your slides?
6/30/2010 10:57

unclebrendan: Jayson Dupre from HiLine Digital Media is trying to convince us that doctors like to have
fun... I'm not buying it ;) #digpharm
6/30/2010 10:58

bobbrooks: HiLine presents FibroForum a live, online interactive program for MDs. Impressive
content. #Digpharm
6/30/2010 11:03
doctoranonymous: Getting ready for panel coming up. Are you ready #digpharm LOL
6/30/2010 11:09

unclebrendan: "Not an actual patient" runs counter to our charge for better transparency. There, I said it.
6/30/2010 11:11

sevinfo: . @unclebrendan - seems transparent but not authentic - "not an actual patient" :-)
6/30/2010 11:19

unclebrendan: Dave Gulezian, CEO of Viscira, showing off some nice interactive creative, reminds us
that "Content is King" #digpharm
6/30/2010 11:20

sevinfo: Is content always king? @ccarfi challenged us last night to consider context, location,etc
too #digpharm
6/30/2010 11:21

unclebrendan: @sevinfo good point! I'd say you need both for Trust though, and ultimately, that's what
it's all about :) #digpharm
6/30/2010 11:28

philbaumann: Up now at #digpharm are my boys @Doctor_V & @doctoranonymous

6/30/2010 11:37

sevinfo: OK @Doctor_V and others to tell us about HCP marketers & drs #digpharm
6/30/2010 11:39

unclebrendan: Jay Appel from Amgen, looking sharp in an east-coast suit, is leading a panel with
@doctoranonymous & others on social HCPs #digpharm
6/30/2010 11:42

philbaumann: A fund, smart medical blogger is @Doctor_V - you can read/subscribe to his blog at #digpharm
6/30/2010 11:44

deansguide: RT @philbaumann: A fund, smart medical blogger is @Doctor_V - you can read/subscribe
to his blog at #digpharm
6/30/2010 11:46

Digitas_Health: RT @unclebrendan: Dave Gulezian, CEO of Viscira, showing off some nice interactive
creative, reminds us that "Content is King" #digpharm
6/30/2010 11:47

philbaumann: Does @Doctor_V engage with patients on public social media? No. Still he's figured out
how to provide value. #digpharm
6/30/2010 11:47

Digitas_Health: RT @unclebrendan: Jay Appel from Amgen, looking sharp in an east-coast suit, is
leading a panel with @doctoranonymous & others on social HCPs #digpharm
6/30/2010 11:48

sevinfo: social media doesn't fit physician workflow for most part #digpharm
6/30/2010 11:50

philbaumann: Concerns about Sermo: underwhelmed with community value provided. Success
ingredients = Value + Convenience w/in MDs Workflow #digpharm
6/30/2010 11:51

sevinfo: social media will succeed with physicians when it really brings them value like Within3
6/30/2010 11:51

erikpupo: RT @sevinfo: social media doesn't fit physician workflow for most part #digpharm
6/30/2010 11:53

mkmackey: Eavesdropping on a panel at #digpharm w/ medical bloggers @Doctor_V &

6/30/2010 11:54

JohnSharp: RT @unclebrendan: Lance Hill, CEO - Facebook/Twitter unsafe for

physicians. MDs afraid to have clinical discussions #digpharm
6/30/2010 11:55

sevinfo: Within3 and others getting closer to providing the value needed to make SM enticing
6/30/2010 11:56

pharmaguy: @philbaumann R u saying docs hv concerns about Sermo? #digpharm

6/30/2010 11:58

pharmaguy: @sevinfo Maybe SM does not fit physician workflow, but what abt afterworkflow?
6/30/2010 12:04

jeffrikas: RT @unclebrendan: Dave Gulezian, CEO of Viscira, showing off some nice interactive
creative, reminds us that "Content is King" #digpharm
6/30/2010 12:05

philbaumann: Scott E. of Teva suggests that just building portals and expecting docs to just show up is
a flawed approach. #digpharm
6/30/2010 12:05

pharmaguy: @sevinfo Is that ancedotal or based on some survey? #digpharm

6/30/2010 12:11

philbaumann: Information overload is a huge problem for docs - big need for curated information,
according to @Doctor_V #digpharm
6/30/2010 12:11

odomlewis: RT @philbaumann: Information overload is a huge problem for docs - big need for
curated information, according to @Doctor_V #digpharm
6/30/2010 12:13

simonslee: RT @PhilBaumann: Information overload is a huge problem for docs - big need for
curated information, according to @Doctor_V #digpharm
6/30/2010 12:13

sevinfo: Curation will dominate next decade according to @Doctor_V ; dubious about value of
proliferating mobile apps - info overload? #digpharm
6/30/2010 12:13

pharmaguy: @PhilBaumann "curated information." Hmmm... sounds like a medical journal editor or
other big fan of peer review. #digpharm
6/30/2010 12:14

philbaumann: @pharmaguy Perhaps - but it may be in the form of a more rapid curation by a dedicated
service offering focused content #digpharm
6/30/2010 12:16

pharmaguy: @philbaumann I think "rapid" and "curated" cannot co-exist. #digpharm

6/30/2010 12:19

philbaumann: @pharmaguy Yes they can. But you need brains for it. #digpharm
6/30/2010 12:20

healtheddigital: @philbaumann Curation the future not just 4 docs but 4 pts, Organized Wsdm et al
6/30/2010 12:20

philbaumann: A shout-out for @shwen by @Doctor_V on model of interaction. #digpharm

6/30/2010 12:21

unclebrendan: @Doctor_V on the future of sales reps: human person-to-person contact is more
important than ever. #digpharm
6/30/2010 12:22

ylavender: Game changing attitudinal shift: "if the news is important enough, it will find me".
6/30/2010 12:23

Digitas_Health: RT @unclebrendan: @Doctor_V on the future of sales reps: human person-to-person

contact is more important than ever. #digpharm
6/30/2010 12:23

Digitas_Health: RT @unclebrendan: RT @philbaumann: Information overload is a huge problem for docs

- big need for curated information, according to @Doctor_V #digpharm
6/30/2010 12:23

pharmaguy: @unclebrendan But person-to-person realtime interaction is less of a fit for physician
workflow than is SM! #digpharm
6/30/2010 12:26

pharmaguy: @philbaumann Curated medical information should be based on good science, which is a
slow process. IMHO. #digpharm
6/30/2010 12:30

shwen: @PhilBaumann Uh oh - @Doctor_V is shouting at me at #digpharm ? Hopefully it's all

good or am I in trouble? ;-)
6/30/2010 12:32

Betsy_RSHC: Not consistently, for sure. RT @pharmaguy: @philbaumann I think "rapid" and "curated"
cannot co-exist. #digpharm
6/30/2010 12:33

sevinfo: EMR+yammer+medscape/epocrates+selected specific clinical news feeds would be

@Doctor_V's workflow app #digpharm
6/30/2010 12:33

philbaumann: RT @sevinfo: EMR+yammer+medscape/epocrates+selected specific clinical news feeds

would be @Doctor_V's workflow app #digpharm
6/30/2010 12:34

philbaumann: @shwen Its all good trouble ;) #digpharm

6/30/2010 12:34

philbaumann: @Betsy_RSHC It can be done - it's a matter of designing systems that take existing
vetted info & delivering at right time. #digpharm
6/30/2010 12:35

SMCSF: Corrected hashtag: follow #digpharm for healthcare social media discussion
6/30/2010 12:36

alexdcRx: Corrected hashtag: follow #digpharm for healthcare social media discussion
6/30/2010 12:36

alexdc: Corrected hashtag: follow #digpharm for healthcare social media discussion
6/30/2010 12:36

Gingerpug9405: RT @alexdc: Corrected hashtag: follow #digpharm for healthcare social media discussion
6/30/2010 12:37

pharmaguy: @sevinfo This attitude re "curated info" doesn't fit fact that over 50% of docs use
"uncurated" wikipedia for medical info. #digpharm
6/30/2010 12:38

MiamiJorge: RT @SMCSF: Corrected hashtag: follow #digpharm for healthcare social media
6/30/2010 12:39

pharmaguy: @sevinfo Best give docs tools 2 filter "uncurated" SM info according to their needs. ie,
follow trusted sources on Twitter. etc. #digpharm
6/30/2010 12:44

pharmaguy: @unclebrendan Iguess you just asked him, If @Doctor_V is monitoring this "uncurated"
discussion via #digpharm!
6/30/2010 12:47

jbselz: RT @philbaumann: Information overload is a huge problem for docs - big need for
curated information, according to @Doctor_V #digpharm
6/30/2010 12:52

jbselz: It doesn't work RT @philbaumann Scott E. suggests just building portals & expecting
docs to just show up is a flawed approach. #digpharm
6/30/2010 12:53

leavittm: RT @philbaumann: Information overload is a huge problem for docs - big need for
curated information, according to @Doctor_V #digpharm
6/30/2010 12:54

jbselz: SM fits both when used appropriately RT @pharmaguy @sevinfo Maybe SM does not fit
physician workflow, but what abt afterworkflow? #digpharm
6/30/2010 12:54

Digitas_Health: RT @jbselz: SM fits both when used appropriately RT @pharmaguy @sevinfo Maybe SM
does not fit physician workflow, but what abt afterworkflow? #digpharm
6/30/2010 12:59
TrpKristi: RT @simonslee: RT @PhilBaumann: Information overload is a huge problem for docs -
big need for curated information, according to @Doctor_V #digpharm
6/30/2010 13:07

LauraN546: RT @unclebrendan: @Doctor_V on the future of sales reps: human person-to-person

contact is more important than ever. #digpharm
6/30/2010 13:21

LauraN546: @philbaumann pleasure meeting you at #digpharm! Had to catch a plane. Hope to
reconnect soon!
6/30/2010 13:22

MarkHarmel: GE ad was placed on all HuffPost "wellness" articles. The ad was attached to content
when shared. #digpharm
6/30/2010 13:50

DaveNClarke: RT @unclebrendan: RT @philbaumann: Information overload is a huge problem for docs

- big need for curated information, according to @Doctor_V #digpharm
6/30/2010 13:55

sevinfo: Sales reps & mktrs have to work together & listen to doc AND look at docs behavior -
What do they do, not what they say #digpharm
6/30/2010 14:44

bobfine: RT @PhilBaumann: A fun, smart medical blogger is @Doctor_V - you can read/subscribe
to his blog at #digpharm
6/30/2010 14:48

lawscomm: RT @bobfine: RT @PhilBaumann: A fun, smart medical blogger is @Doctor_V - you can
read/subscribe to his blog at #digpharm
6/30/2010 14:53

nicoleljohnson: Biomarin Pharma words for leg/reg w/ re to sm: mutual trust, respect, goals, open
discussion, collaborative...#digpharm
6/30/2010 14:54

sevinfo: Mutual trust between mktg & legal/reg needed to work thrU issues in creating disease
community (Biomarin started site 5 yrs ago) #digpharm
6/30/2010 14:55

Jeff_Greene: This is 1 of my fave blogs: RT @bobfine @PhilBaumann: @Doctor_V - you can

read/subscribe to his blog at #digpharm
6/30/2010 14:56

nicoleljohnson: Biomarin Pharma - 5-yr update in sm - on avg 1 AE per month #digpharm

6/30/2010 14:56

DaphneLeigh: Missed beginning of Biomarin prezo, but like hearing how marketing and reg/compliance
can work together. #digpharm
6/30/2010 14:57

nicoleljohnson: Biomarin Pharm - excellent/active discussion forum for orphan disease - ~50%
of PKU patient community uses website #digpharm
6/30/2010 14:58

sevinfo: Biomarin - 50% of PKU patient community uses #digpharm; happy with results
and plan to maintain
6/30/2010 14:59
HealthIntel: Sandra Shipilberg of Biomarin Pharma explaining some fabulous SM programs they're
doing. Smart and effective. #digpharm
6/30/2010 14:59

heldincontempt: Great! RT @nicoleljohnson: Biomarin Pharma words for leg/reg re:SM: mutual trust,
respect, goals, open discussion, collaborative...#digpharm
6/30/2010 14:59

broadcrawford: RT @sevinfo: Within3 and others getting closer to providing the value needed to make
SM enticing #digpharm
6/30/2010 15:00

broadcrawford: RT @sevinfo: social media will succeed with physicians when it really brings them value
like Within3 #digpharm
6/30/2010 15:01

HealthIntel: Biomarin's Shipilberg says embrace your reg/legal folks; learn to trust one another and
find solutions to SM challenges. #digpharm
6/30/2010 15:01

sevinfo: Biomarin monitors web site & FB pages daily for AEs #digpharm
6/30/2010 15:02

DaphneLeigh: BioMarin's Facebook fans offered insight about managing PKU. #digpharm
6/30/2010 15:02

nicoleljohnson: Two thumbs up to Sandra Shpilberg from Biomarin Pharma who is presenting "Using
Social Media at a Small Pharma Company... #digpharm
6/30/2010 15:04

DaphneLeigh: Agree. RT @nicoleljohnson: Thumbs up to Biomarin Pharma presenting on "Using Social

Media at a Small Pharma Company... #digpharm
6/30/2010 15:05

sevinfo: Biomarin found that FB fans responded positively to unbiased faces about PKU &
consistently engaged in 2-way conversations #digpharm
6/30/2010 15:06

philbaumann: Biomarin strikes me as an example of why smaller companies are better positioned to be
more supple than big companies. #digpharm
6/30/2010 15:07

sevinfo: Agree! nicoleljohnson Two thumbs to Biomarin Pharma who is presenting "Using Social
Media at a Small Pharma Company... #digpharm
6/30/2010 15:07

DaphneLeigh: BioMarin went from unbranded, disease Facebook to branded Kuvan Facebook page.
6/30/2010 15:07

HealthIntel: Congrats to Biomarin. Pharma take note... Social mktg CAN be done!!! #digpharm
6/30/2010 15:08

nicoleljohnson: Biomarin Pharma thinks of their PKU Twitter account as complimentary, not a stand-alone
6/30/2010 15:08
DaphneLeigh: BioMarin SM presence has "softened" their image to patient community. #digpharm
6/30/2010 15:11

philbaumann: Biomarin's pretty much figured out the basic schema for doing SoMe in life sciences. A
good role model. #digpharm
6/30/2010 15:11

nicoleljohnson: RT @DaphneLeigh: Patients with rare diseases *want* to engage with mfg of product and
their peers, says BioMarin. #digpharm
6/30/2010 15:11

philbaumann: Biomarin doesn't delete negative comments. It posts & lets community converse.
6/30/2010 15:18

JerardWhite: Ok #digpharm attendees, I'm signing up for Twitter and I'm in the *real* unconference at
the bar! Join me!
6/30/2010 17:12

doctoranonymous: RT @JerardWhite: Ok #digpharm attendees, I'm signing up for Twitter and I'm in the
*real* unconference at the bar! Join me!
6/30/2010 17:17

rawarrior: RT @PhilBaumann Biomarin doesn't delete negative comments. It posts & lets community
converse. #digpharm // Reality is more effective anyway
6/30/2010 17:24

philbaumann: Check out @JerardWhite's picture taken by @MarkHarmel #digpharm -
6/30/2010 17:30

healtheddigital: RT @HealthIntel: Congrats to Biomarin. Pharma take note... Social mktg CAN be done!!!
6/30/2010 17:37

doctoranonymous: RT @philbaumann: Check out @JerardWhite's picture taken by @MarkHarmel #digpharm

6/30/2010 17:41

MarkHarmel: The #digpharm after party.

6/30/2010 17:47

DaphneLeigh: Fun group! RT @MarkHarmel: The #digpharm after party.

6/30/2010 17:49

mgroffburling: RT @broadcrawford: RT @sevinfo: social media will succeed with physicians when it
really brings them value like Within3 #digpharm
6/30/2010 19:11

mgroffburling: RT @broadcrawford: RT @sevinfo: Within3 and others getting closer to providing the
value needed to make SM enticing #digpharm
6/30/2010 19:12

mgroffburling: RT @philbaumann: Does @Doctor_V engage with patients on public social media? No.
Still he's figured out how to provide value. #digpharm
6/30/2010 19:14
mgroffburling: RT @philbaumann: A fun, smart medical blogger is @Doctor_V - you can read/subscribe
to his blog at #digpharm
6/30/2010 19:15

unclebrendan: In a cab heading home from the airport. This is much better than a red eye. Great
meeting everyone at #digpharm!
6/30/2010 20:43

nicoleljohnson: @daphneleigh @philbaumann @sevinfo it was wonderful seeing you at #digpharm safe
travels home & I look fwd to our tweets until next time!
6/30/2010 20:44

philbaumann: @nicoleljohnson Nice seeing you at #digpharm too!! Went so fast! We'll have to catch up
on the East Coast sometime. Safe travels! :)
6/30/2010 21:35

philbaumann: @unclebrendan Great meeting you - safe travels, we'll talk soon! #digpharm
6/30/2010 22:17

philbaumann: @mgroffburling He's a smart one, that @Doctor_V - crazy too...but in a good way, of
course ;) #digpharm
6/30/2010 22:35

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