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Topic : All Religion Are Not The Same

Religious people, especially not the serious type,

believe that all religions are the same. They all lead
to God. Hinduism is the only major religion which
posits such a position. Many in the west today who
are skeptical of Christianity, share the sentiments
that all religions are similar, in that they are all
human pathways to God. Atheists consider all
religions are false. Yet there are also unbelievers
who hold that all religions are equally pernicious
and are the source of conflicts.
Contrary to what these groups believe, all religions
are not the same. At some point, we all know this.
Certainly it is possible for several religions to
contain elements of truth. So if one is
comprehensively true, it follows that the rest must
be false. There is a common morality that all
religions share.
monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and
Islam are attempts to worship the one God, and
therefore the same God. They differ only in their
understanding of why man needs God and how
man can find Him. Buddhism does not have a
concept of the afterlife or God. There is only one
religion that Christianity embraces as divine
revelation - Judaism. Christianity view itself as
superseding Judaism. Islam view itself as
superseding both Judaism and Christianity, hence
their intolerance towards other religions.
Religions in general are mans attempt to reach
God. Christianity is not a religion in this sense. It
holds that man, no matter how hard he tries,
cannot reach God. Therefore there is only one
remedy. God must come down to mans level. God

must come down to earth as a man, and assume

the burden of mans sins by dying on the cross. No
other religion can even conceive of this. The bridge
man was unable to build to God, God has built for

Salvation is Gods gift for man; and God Himself is

the gift Christ offers us something for nothing. He
even offers everything (his own life) for nothing. In
a sense, the whole Christian life consists in
accepting that very remarkable offer. The difficulty
is in realizing that we are sinful and there is nothing
we can do to solve this problem. Many find it
difficult to accept Gods authority over their lives,
mainly due to pride. God doesnt reject the
atheists, the atheists reject God.
The fact is we dont have to do anything to earn our
salvation. What is denied to us by effort is supplied
to us through grace (love of God). So when all hope
of redemption has failed us,
and when we
had tried everything and no one else can save us, it
is at this point that Gods hand reaches out to us.
All we have to do is to take it. This is the great
Christian message a message of hope when all
else fails. No other religion give us this hope. In this
sense, Christianity is unique, and different from
other monotheistic religions.

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