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Operation Vet Fit
General James Mattis
Secretary of Defense
1400 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301
Dear General Mattis
First and foremost, I extend a motivated Semper Fidelis and congratulations on the
appointment to the position of Secretary of Defense. While many of our fellow Marines
would have preferred you as Commander in Chief, we are happy to oblige your
appointment as Sec. Def.
I want to both echo and serve to amplify your statements made last year during an event
whereby you said:
If you assume that there is something wrong with people, if you
do it long enough, expectations are very strong. There is also
something called posttraumatic growth, where you come out of a
situation like that and you actually feel kinder toward your fellow
man, fellow women. That youre actually a better husband,
father, you actually have a closer relationship with your God. You
do not have to go around apologizing as if there is some rage in
you. Although if we tell our veterans enough that this is whats
wrong with them, they may actually start believing it. I would
just say there is one misperception of our veterans, and that is
they are somehow damaged goods. I dont buy it and I think that
that kind of self-pity while victimhood in America is exalted, I
dont think our veterans should join those ranks.
I am a United States Marine, Veteran, founder and director of a combat veteran nonprofit, IRS 501(c)(3), Operation Vet Fit. I am also married with three daughters ages 10,
8, and 3. Ive utilized the GI Bill and Vocational Rehabilitation to attain multiple degrees
in the field of psychology, organizational leadership and social work. I dedicate my lifes
work to the service of our combat veterans through our volunteer agency. We have
stopped suicide amongst our ranks and we have identified what has caused it and how it

can be stopped. The VA has expressed no interest in our findings and you are my first
point of contact through the DOD.
The included letter dated December 1st, 2016 was sent to both, previous President Obama
(without reply), and to President Donald Trump, whom replied yesterday.
I have also included a recent paper dated January 13th, 2017 that Ive published which
goes into deeper dissection of the issue based on several recent studies inclusive of over
55 million and 4.5 million veteran records respectively.
I am at your service should further articulation or presentation be required.
Respectfully Submitted,
Daniel R. Gaita, MA
Veteran, United States Marine Corps
Founder & Director, Operation Vet Fit

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