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English test (squence 3)

Child labour has long been something that has concerned world leaders and community
groups. Child workers, some as young as 9, have been found working in factories in
conditions described as being close to slavery. They are contracted to produce clothes that
appear destined for popular western clothing stores because their wages are so low.
Some children who have been forced to work in these conditions have told reporters that
they have to work up to 18 hours a day and are regularly threatened with beatings.
Certain countries have been targeted by the United Nations as being hotspots for child
labor. One such country is India, where children have been discovered working in
appalling conditions. It is estimated that around 20 per cent of Indias gross domestic
product is the result of child labor and that around 55 million Indian children under the
age of 14 are working. It is clear that more needs to be done to ensure that countries
around the world are protecting the welfare of their youngest citizens.In addition, first
world countries and companies that buy products produced as a result of child labor need
to be made more accountable for their actions and ask themselves if cheaper prices are
worth the suffering of so many children around the world.
Q 1 - According to the text , what are the childrens working conditions ?

According to the text, the children's working conditions

are described as being close to slavery-they have to
work 18 hours a day- and they are threatened with
Q2 Why are children employed to work in factories ?
Children are employen in factories because of
OUTSOURCING=dlocalisation? they are contracted
to produce clothes for western stores -and they receive
low wages.
Q 3 - What did the United Nations find ?
The UN find some countries like India as hotspots for
child labour-55 million Indian children under 14 are
working in appaling conditions.
Q4-How could the first world countries help to stop child labour ?
The 1st world countries must responsible for theur
actions and and ask themselves....... la fin du texte.
Lessons :
1-Who was Lewis W.Hine ? What did he fight for?

Lewis W.Hine was an American famous photograph

from Manhattan, he worhed for NCLC he fought
against child labour. His photographs schocked and
helped to convince the US government to make laws
protecting children
2-Give 2 jobs children used to do with indutrialization?

coal miner
coal breaker ........
3-What do NCLC and NSPCC stand for ?
National Child Labour Committee
National Society for The Prevention of Cruelty to
4-What were the consequences of the opposition to child labour in the UK and the
USA. In both countries, as a result of the opposition to
CL new laws were legislated in order to shorten the
working hours- gave hours of education- made the
working conditions better and raised the legal working

5-Throughout the different videos studied in class, say if child labour is still an
ongoing topic in the USA? Explain which field is concerned

Child labour is still an ongoing topic in the USA , the

video showed us the lophole in the US law for
agriculture. Children mostly from Hispanic
backgrounds work on farms in brutal and dangerous

6-What do you think of child labour in Pakistan, India, and China...etc? Illustrate
from the different documents studied in class?
rponse personnelle et en illustrant avec des exemples vus en classe (textes+co...)

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