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a7 Awe a ASEAN CH FESTEVay AOKEN c ZU 1 “he an Festival (ACF) 2016 Prepared by AYLA-Indone ABOUT ACF 2016 Indonesia and ether ASEAN Cx tr devlopment of the youth in the Zt Ca ‘thre impertant topics tht have risen in 39 wil rovelve around EAN Youth forums in previous years-Maritime, ofthe ACF 2016, “Technology and Youth Development: -Generaton towards ASEAN Commoni- 1y¢,communictes the valuable contribution of today's children and youth in unifying the ASEAN Community and the rol of technology in enabling end fostering ASE to absotb information atthe heat ofthe fecsion meking fe mmortime development and coativelearing activities thot pramote ‘understanding ond collabor ‘The festivals being organized by the ASEAN Youth Leaders’ Assocoton- Indonesia (AYLA indonesie) in cllabora- tion with Wow Bali Internation Inititve (WOW Bali. ACF 2016 FRAMEWORK FOR YOUTH CHARACTER DEVELOPMEN COLLABORATION AND EMPOWERMENT How is A*CF 2016 different from other con! Conventional conferences and workshops that im fo foster youth development are organized and designed around specific themes. The pracess usually starts with rationalizing o specific theme or advocacy, thon idenifying number of objectives based on these themes. Afterwhich,« specifi ‘group or groups of audience are selected. The organizers then search forthe best resource speck- cers and design the best programme of activities to deliver a menu of topics discussing th In general, the transfer of i “knowledge exchonge” within and among the delegates and participants is an accessory activity at best, facilitated through workshops or other side activites. This has been the standard process and ne can badly dicount its fection rpc whan appli to industry sate wve ler to be harnessed and optimized. Among the cognitive skills at work during this cru 1 interpersonal skis of the youth are atthe forefront of human development. This, during which they are transitioning from childhood towards th of adulthood. This explains why children and youth at this tage engoge ino lot of socialization activ ities—their interests are inclined towards exploring human interactions and relationships. ‘Among the cognitivo skills at work during this crucial period, the interpersonal skills ofthe youth ‘reat the forefront of human development, This is also the phase during which they are transition- ing from childhood towards the early stoge of adulthood. Ths explains why children and youth ot this stog not of socialization actvtisthir interests are inclined fowards exploring ‘human interactions and relationships. : : formation fle ive way ta parning. At this stage, one-way communication (from the to the audi- ance) may at bee eet oy he reget oo etre ment The cm of yuh caraer Buin isto npr susteneble minds nd ctude vi the mos ynamic eer Ing model on ls rovgh og a The challenge so desig dynamic festival activities forthe youth and at the same time crectng oregenera- tv paces of Inred ht youth character development I ranted Into cles en nities towods the desved human resfarmaion ot cangesin he outs ahi nd aud, ACF 2016s nia in that it pus ts prinpa the rt of the fos ering expan shoud be othe tered. The participonts should take control of this experience and tht thay shuld ‘take a lead ra hay thal larg paces, wh the guidance ond dering wisdom of expr, elitr, and eg TOUTE CGARSCTER BE VILOPHIYT TA SOCAL ECONOMIC PARTIERSEDPS Popa ann ig Clebration Framework. Information Fortol/ App. Knowledge Exchange. Speakers and Knowledge Sources. Dynonic Youth Dologote Mentor ond Peer Sharing. Youth Regenerative nd Collaborative Networks ‘WOW Dynamics ond International Sustainable Dynomic Initiative and Networks, Celebrations Framework for Youth Chorcer Development Th Colbrfon Pr nationally recognized, ond its bosod on cosed studies produced forthe Naional Alliance of New Media Arts and Culture ( and was opplied for the Digital Global Ambassadors Programs of ‘UNESCO and at the ISEA Symposium sponsored by Adobe, Inc. It is « curriculum framework that develops learners to connect with their inner being (the self) towards living a more balanced life 's aeotive outonomy «and transformative ledersip framework (In shor, reedom tobe and to relate-lecding to empowerment and regener. tiv leadership). 4

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