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Lesson Plan: The threats of unsustainable consumption and production.

TIME: three lessons (3x45 minutes)

DESCRIPTION: A Lesson plan for grades 1-3 middle school (students age 13-16
years old) about sustainable consumption and risks of unsustainable
consumption and production.
The lesson plan can be used for lessons in geography, biology, science, general
educational classes.
Aims of the course:
Overall objective:
A student is aware of what is sustainable and unsustainable consumption and
production and also becomes aware what are the consequences of each.
Detail objectives:
- Knows the basic concepts of the sustainable and unsustainable consumption
and saving the natural resources.
- Understands the relationship between producing, consuming and generating
waste and devastation of the environment.
- Can replace the selected risks that arise as a result of unsustainable
- Knows the basic principles of sustainable consumption.
- can work effectively in a group.
- analyzes their own needs and ways to meet them in terms of their impact on
the environment.
- is aware of how significant impact on the environment is made by daily
consumer choices .

Methods and forms of work

- Working in groups, presentation, interpretation, elements of lecture, survey
- Methods of assimilation of knowledge: description, show, talk, discussion,
- Methods of independent investigation to knowledge: exchange of ideas
- Practical methods: Learner, tasks of production

Tools necessary for the implementation of activities:

Computer / laptop with Internet access and software for playing videos / photos
connected to the projector; projection screen; blackboard and chalk or flipchart
(large sheets of paper) and markers, and surveys.

The course of activities:

1. Students will learn the definitions and principles of sustainable development
and realize
that the environment, the economy and are integral parts of a man and affect
one another.
2. The teacher gives a definition of unsustainable consumption and risks, and
sustainable consumption and students together to pledge, which means selfcentered attitude and ecocentric in everyday behavior - eg. Daily consumption of
water and electricity, buying goods.
3. Students watch the film developed earlier by a group of students Fri.
Unsustainable consumption AND THREATS (1 session).
4.Uczniowie answer the questions included in the survey on the four project areas
(2 session):
3.Na trzeciej godzinie lekcyjnej nauczyciel dzieli uczniw na grupy i kada z grup
zastanawia si i podaje ( opracowuje) zasady, jakie naley wprowadzi na nowej
planecie, eby nie doprowadzi do tego co si dzieje teraz na Ziemi (konkretne
przykady codziennych zachowa proekologicznych, ktre mog odciy
rodowisko np. jak mona oszczdza wod, jak zuywa mniej energii w domu,
czy segregacja odpadw to dobry pomys i dlaczego, gdzie i jak czsto robi
zakupy i czy to ma znaczenie).
4. Nastpnie grupy prezentuj swoje wyniki. Nauczyciel pomaga przeanalizowa
przykady zachowa w wymiarze gospodarczym, spoecznym i ekologicznym.
5. Uczniowie wybieraj cztery, pi ich zdaniem najciekawszych i
najwaniejszych zasad, jakie naley wprowadzi na nowej planecie.


1. Co twoim zdaniem jest potrzebne do ycia kademu czowiekowi?
2. Zastanw si i odpowied, co twoim zdaniem uatwia Ci ycie codzienne lub
sprawia, e jest ono przyjemniejsze? Wymie przybory, produkty, ktre sprawiaj,
e twoje codzienne czynnoci staj si prostsze.
3. Jakie produkty uwaasz za zbdne lub mao istotne?
4. Co naley zrobi, aby by wiadomym konsumentem?
5. Jaki wpyw na nasze otoczenie maj nasze codzienne wybory podczas

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