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Monday, October 01, 2012

10:10 AM

Todays topic:
Queries and issues with preemptive and foreground/background
a. How do you know when the task resumes when it was initially suspended?
b. Preemptive causes the issue of indefinite suspending

Consider the following tasks for a boat



Motor propeller speed control

Rudder direction (continuous send)

Temperature monitoring

Psuedocode for Task 3

Cannot be interrupted here!!!
Read sensor
Update screen
Compare to threshold
If greater,
Turn on light
Turn off __________
Turn off light

The above block of code should not be broken since when returning is would have old values and can cause
the system to react incorrectly.

In-class activity:
Write psuedocode for propeller and rudder
What would happen is it does not restart when interrupted?

What is considered Real-Time?

- Does NOT mean "fast"
- Has to do with the guarantee of the system
Purely Cyclic:
- Events arriving at regular intervals
Mostly Cyclic:
- Events occur at regular intervals most times. The time intervals may vary slightly
Asynchronous but predictive:
- Here, the system will be expecting an input but is not sure when it will arrive
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- Here, the system will be expecting an input but is not sure when it will arrive
- The input is sure to arrive
- In class e.g. Waiting on a bus : We know that a bus will arrive but we do not know the exact time at
which it will arrive

Asynchronous but unpredictable:

- Here, we do not know when (or if) the input will be arriving or how often they will occur
- For e.g. The above example indicates that we know that a bus WILL arrive. In this case, we do not know
IF the buss will arrive

Hard and Soft constraints

- if the constraint is missed, this will cause a system fail
- If the constraint is missed, the task will not fail
- Not a disastrous effect
Consider constraints for heart-rate monitor!!!!
1) Processor-independent
> Contains C-code that never changes

2) Processor specific
> Customize certain file for processor
> Start-up code
Linker scripts
> May have to write port for processor (porting)
3) Application specific
> Files that you must write for each project you create
E.g. May have to port once for processor but will have to change application file often

- # defines
- Runs at regular intervals
- OS_TICK_PER_SEC sets this interval
- Why is a tick needed for pre-emptive OS?
> This function generated regular interrupts
> E.g. When a context switch is required, it is only when the tick interval expires and generates an interrupt
then the context switch can occur

- Runs when no other task is ready to run
- You do not write this ( part of kernel)
- Consider stack for idle task
Note that in uCOS II : The bigger the number assigned to the priority of a task, the lower its priority

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1) C Software stack
2) Hardware stack
Note: Must create stack with enough space to accommodate for interrupts and when other routines are called

1) Write one task for the uCOS II OS

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