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5E Lesson Plan

Teacher: Mrs. Barela

Date: 12/01/2016
Subject / grade level: 6th Grade Mathematics/ Convert Units of Capacity
Materials: 2 empty containers for each: Gallon, quart, pint, cup. Liter. Go Math textbook pages 233236. Promethian board and Macbook, Go Math website - Prediction and Actual worksheet. Graphic
organizer with conversion rates.
CCSS content and practice standards CCSS6.RP.3d Convert units of capacity
CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning (base 10 models)
Lesson objective(s): Use ratio reasoning to convert from one unit of capacity to another.
Vocabulary: capacity, gallon, liter, pint, quart. milliliter, centiliter, deciliter, liter, dekaliter,
hectoliter, kiloliter.
Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs: collaborate learning, hands on activities,
Graphic organizers. Math on the Spot videos (re-teach), re-teach worksheets, one-on-one instruction
during independent work.
Describe how the teacher will capture students interest.
Video: King Gallon and the Kingdom of Measurement

What kind of questions should the students ask themselves after the engagement?

5E Lesson Plan
Essential Question: How can you use ratio reasoning to convert from one unit of capacity to another?
Describe what hands-on/minds-on activities students will be doing.
A couple of empty containers for each unit of measure will be passed around the classroom.
They will include 2 sets of a gallon, a quart, a pint, and a cup. As the containers are passed
around between groups, the students will fill out their handouts in which they are going to
estimate how much cups are in a pint, pints in quarts, and quarts in gallons based on their
List big idea conceptual questions the teacher will use to encourage and/or focus students
What if a recipe required a pint and a half of water and all we had was a measuring cup. How
can we figure out how many cups are in a pint and a half? What if we are given a unit of
capacity but we need to convert to a different type of unit of capacity? For example, we are
given a capacity in quarts, but we need to figure out an amount in gallons.
Student explanations should precede introduction of terms or explanations by the teacher.
What questions or techniques will the teacher use to help students connect their exploration to the
concept under examination?
Based on what the students filled out on their estimations in the worksheet, there will be a
class discussion and have students give their estimates and explain how they came to that
List higher order thinking questions which teachers will use to solicit student explanations
and help them to justify their explanations.
Based on other classmates predictions, ask another student " Did ______ make a good choice
in how he/she made their prediction? Why do you feel that way"?
Gradual release of responsibility: I do, We do, you do.
I do: Direct Instruction - Go over unlock problem pg. 233 and 234
We do: pg. 235 problems 1 & 2, and Rally-Coach problems 3-5.
You do: Independent practice, pg. p101 math practice book.

Describe how students will develop a more sophisticated understanding of the concept.

5E Lesson Plan
What vocabulary will be introduced and how will it connect to students observations?
Vocabulary: capacity, gallon, liter, pint, quart.
Milliliter, centiliter, deciliter, liter, dekaliter, hectoliter, kiloliter
Go over prefixes and relate to other recognizable words they are familiar with such as Mili
(Mil) = Thousand in Spanish, centipede, century, deci= diez (10 in Spanish) etc.
How is this knowledge applied in our daily lives?
This knowledge can be applied in our daily lives especially in recipes, pumping gas, etc.

How will students demonstrate that they have achieved the lesson objective?
The students will demonstrate that they have achieved the lesson objective by being able to
complete problems 1 and 2 on page 235 , and use random selection to check for understanding.
Group collaboration on questions 3-5 on page 235 , based on Kagan strategy, Rally-Coach.
Each student will work on a problem while peer evaluates, supports, or coach based on the
procedures and outcomes. Then students will be able to continue and work on page p101
during independent work.
This should be embedded throughout the lesson as well as at the end of the lesson.
There will be a pre-assessment to have students show what they know prior to the Unit,
separating questions based on each lesson. Random selection and checking for understanding
during the lesson. Re-teaching during math intervention based on student outcomes from preassessment and informal assessments based on daily exit tickets. Unit test at the end of the

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