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Planning and research evidence will be

complete and detailed.

Before choosing a song I jo0ed out rough storyboards and ideas for
music videos which allowed me to pick the most unique one.
I did research into the genre and its conven>ons.
I have gone above and beyond when researching for my music
I carried out a research >meline for the historical to contemporary
context of pop culture by analyzing the major inuencers in the
I created a big moodboard that conveys the themes, ideas,
narra>ve, props and sets for the music video to act as a visual aid
when making a storyboard and planning shots.

Planning and research evidence will be

complete and detailed.
I created an ar>st prole for MO to have a be0er understanding of the ar>st in
order to create the correct representa>ons of her and for the music video.
I researched and planned the dierent edi>ng techniques I wanted to use by
looking a youtube tutorials and prac>ced them.
I made a Dragons Den pitch that clearly stated the plans for the music video and
how I was going to execute the lming to a group of people. They then gave me
feedback on my ideas which allowed me to improve.
I analysed the lyrics and jo0ed down ideas of camera shots for those specic lyrics
and the underlying message that was embedded into the song
I established a deeper meaning behind the story to create a unique narra>ve and
atmosphere to my music video.
I researched into the ways ar>sts promote their products via social media and

There is excellent research into similar products and a

poten;al target audience.
I have carried out 3 textual analysis of music videos
that have similar ar>sts and target audience to
analyze what I need to focus on when making my
music video.
I conducted Quan>>ve audience research via a
ques>onnaire and Qualita>ve research via a focus
I created a digital Audience prole sugges>ng what
MOs target audience is most likely to be interested
I conducted textual analysis for 3 ar>sts Digipaks
and the magazine poster for the same product in
order to evaluate the link between all the products
and typical conven>ons.

There is excellent work on shotlists, layouts,

dra?ing, scrip;ng or storyboarding.
I created a shot by shot storyboard whereby I drew out
the shots and annotated where the camera will be
posi>oned and whether there will be camera movement
or any other props or notes.
I made mock ups for the Digipak and the Poster and
ensured that there would be a house theme across all
I would make detailed planning notes for each lming
day along with a Shoo>ng Schedule for each day. This
would include the shot size/angle, movement,
equipment and other notes for each shot.
I made an edi>ng >meline for the song sta>ng all the
shots I need to include and the specic >mings to the
I con>nuously made updates on all of these.

There is excellent organisa;on of actors,

loca;ons, costumes or props.
When cas>ng for each role I thoroughly analysed why each
individual would be prefect to play that role in order to ensure that
the music video looked professional.
In my dragons den pitched I located where I would be lming and
in the posts where I had planned out each lming day I displayed
loca>on photos.
In the lming day plan I would state the costumes and I would
communicate the requirements to my actors.
Since the beginning I knew that I would need smoke grenades and
confeQ so I researched them, bought them and looked up on
youtube how to use the grenades safely.
I carried out a risk assessment for the forest lming day to ensure
safety of the props, loca>ons and everyone on set.

Time management is excellent.

I posted on my blog regularly and throughout the research and
planning process.
I leR plenty of >me to allow for sucient research and planning prior
to lming.
I posted every few days to keep on top of the work.

There is excellent skill in the use of digital

technology or ICT in the presenta;on.
Throughout this process I used:
Padlet to display work
Youtube to embed videos that linked to what I was talking about.
Photographs to make my blog visually appealing
Sound Cloud for the focus group
Social media (Instagram) to research promo>on
Spo>fy to research into plaYorms
Survey Monkey for a ques>onnaire
Scribd to embed content.

There are excellent communica;on skills.

Throughout the process I con>nuously made li0le updates determining the stages I was at and
what I was going to do next. Whether this was clarifying what research I am going to do or what I
was next going to plan.
If there was a problem I would note this down and con>nue to update on the situa>on with a

There is an excellent level of care in the

presenta;on of the research and planning.
I have taken great pride in my blog by designing it myself, making sure
it is >dy and looks presentable.
I made individual tags for Research and Planning which allowed easy
access to those posts.
In every piece of work I produced I would take >me and care to make
sure it was the best of my ability.

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