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People nowadays, are curious of everything. Just like the gut content of many species.
Analysis of the gut helps us to determine the content, whether the present bacteria can harm us.
Squids are cephalods of the order Teuthida, which compromises around 300 species. Squids have
a distinct head, bilateral symmetry, a mantle, and arms, like all other cephalods. Squid, like
cuttlefish, have eight arms arranged in pairs and two, usually longer, tentacles. Squid are strong
swimmers and certain species can fly for short distance out of the water.
Squids generally are common around the globe, with the exception of giant squids. We do
not know a lot about Giant Squids as they live too deep under the ocean and sightings are rare.
Numbers of common species are so vast that humans regularly fish for squid. The total body
mass of squid onearth has far exceeded the mass of humans. It is even predicted that rise of
global temperature will speed up metabolism and growth in Cephalods, resulting in squid bloom.
Squids contribute much as our source of food and are commonly sold in the market.
People who loves eating it or who buys squids for their viands would be beneficiary of this study.
So that they know that it is safe to eat,most of all, no worries in eating it.
Eschirichia coli (E.coli) is responsible for the majority of human illness attributed to
E.coli .E.coli has several characteristics that makes them so dangerous. They have very low
infectious close meaning that only relatively number of bacteria(fewer than 50) are needed to
set up housekeeping in a victims intestinal track and cause infection.

With the necessity of the gut content analysis of the squid, the researcher is prompted to
conduct this study.

Statement of the Problem

This study is conducted to analyze the gut content of squid in Magapo. In this study,
the proponents seek to answer the following questions:

What is the gut content of the squid?

Is there an E.coli present?
Is it harmful for the consumer to eat the certain squid?

Statement of Hypothesis
Alternative hypothesis
H1: The squid in Magapo, Brgy.Central contains E.coli.
Null hypothesis
H1: The squid in Magapo, Brgy. Central does not contain an E.coli.


This study aims to analyze the gut content of the squid.

To determine if there is an E.colipresent in the samples.

To inform the people about the result of this study.

Significance of the Study

The researchers aim to help the communitys environment indicate whether it is polluted or safe.
If there is an E.coli present in squids it means that there habitat is polluted
The result of this study hopes to give accommodation and helpful insight about the gut
content of Squid.

Scope and Limitation

This study focuses only on the gut content of squids at Magapo,Mati city. Other, areas are
excluded. The collected squid samples on the specific area will be analyzed by DOST REGION
to see if there is an E.coli present..


Squids are soft-bodied and generally have 2 muscular tentacles and have 8 powerful arms. Those
of the giant squids reach a length of 10 meters for the tentacles w/c are used to catch prey and 3
meters for the arms. Their mouth is hidden in the arms. It has a rough tongue called a radula,
which has teeth on the sides.
Squids are also known for their ability to change colors, either to protect themselves by blending
into the environment, or to attract mates during courtship. It has translucent skin and its colors
come from chromztophores which are pigment cells on the outer layer of the skin. These pigment
dots expand and contract to show or hide certain color like red, yellow, black, green, blue, etc.
All kinds of squids are free to swim around in the sea at different depths Giant squids
lurk in depths of 600 to 2300 feet under the sea. The squid change in color to blend with their
surrounding in order to survive and protect themselves. The pattern in which squid moves,
pumping water through the mantle, is also how squid breathe when fresh water is pumped in, the
squids gills are also refilled with oxygen.

Digestive System

Squids have complex digestive systems. The muscular stomach is found roughly in the
midpoint of the visceral mass. From these, the bows move into the caecum for digestion. The
caecum, a long, white organ. Is found next to the ovary or testis. In mature squid, more priority is
given to reproduction such that the stomach and caecum often shrivel up during the last life
stages. Finally, the food goes to the liver (or digestive gland) found at the siphon end for
absorption. Solid waste is passed out of the rectum. The ink sac is beside the rectum which
allows squid to rapidly discharge black ink into the mantle cavity.

Specific Adaptation to the Environment

The squids large eyes help it to detect even the smallest amounts of light deep under the sea
where it usually dwells. Its diet is composed mainly of fish and crustaceans. The suckers on the
squids arm are used to capture and grasp on to prey, it is also known as mandible. Once the food
is passed to the mandible by the arms, it undergoes intensive chewing before going into the
esophagus. Radula has how of fine teeth that covers a tongue like muscle in the squids mouth. It
is specially crustaceans or other mollusks with shells. The food needs to be finely ground since
the squid has a one-tract digestive system which passes through the squids brain.

Importance of Squid to the Ecosystem

Squids are very sensitive to any changes in water and will swim to cleaner areas. It indicates that
an area which is largely populated by squid should indicate clean waters. Its abundance is also an

importance of this organism to the ecosystem: a lot of predators like sea birds and seals depend
on squid for food.

Are Squids common or endangered?

Squids are generally common around the globe, with the exceptions of the Giant squids. For the
common species, their numbers are so vast that humans regularly fish for squid. Total body mass
of squid far exceeded the mass of humans. It is even predicted that rise of global temperature will
speed up metabolism and growth in cephalopods resulting in a squid bloom.
In locality, squids are common in Magsaysay. It contributes much as our source of food and
are commonly sold in the market.

Cardiovascular system
Squid have three hearts, two bronchial hearts feed the gills, and both surround the larger
systemic body that pumps blood around the body. Blood contains copper rich protein
memocyanin for transporting oxygen. The fainfly greenish hearts are surrounded by the renal
sacs, the main excretory system. The kidneys are difficult to identify and stretch from the hearts
to the liver. It is located at the posterior side of the inc sac. Systemic heart is made of three
chambers, a lower ventricle and two upper auricles.

Nervous System
As cephalopods squid exhibit relatively high among invertebrates groups of squid is an example
with hunt cooperatively using active communication. Its giant axion (0.04 inches) in diameter in
some larger species. While innervates the mantle and controls past of yet propulsion system.

Reproductive System
A dissected male specimen of Onykiaingens shows a non-erect penis ( the whit tubular structure)
located below most of the organs. While in females, its ink sac is hidden from view by a pair of
white nidamental gland, which lie the anterior to the gills. Both organs are associated with food
manufacture and shells for the egg.
Males do not possess these organs, but instead have a large testis in place of ovary and
spermatophoric gland and sac. While in nature, its sac may contain spermatophores which are
place inside the females mantle during mating.


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