Sie sind auf Seite 1von 1

This list was generate from items in the s/ens/labs/source directory

Directory structure For all directories under Internal Programs:

|--Top level
| |--doc
| | \--readme.txt - what the project is and why and how to compile, etc. refer
ence to wiki page
| |--bin
| | \-- Visual Studio folder (if a VS project) OR source code
Internal Programs
|--Logon Tracking
|--Manage Thin Farm
|--Map Printers
|--PiController / Visual PiController
|--Projector Remotes
|--Ralf 4
|--ThinFarm Tool - merge with manage thin farm
|--Update Mac in Database
|--VirtualClassroom Explorer
|--grab -- merge with autograb
| |--Grub
| \--Ultimate USB
|--Royal TS
mkdir -p FSDiff/bin \
LASS/bin \
"Logon Tracking"/bin \
"Manage Thin Farm"/bin \
"Map Printers"/bin \
PiController/bin \
Pinger/bin \
Projector/bin \
Remotes/bin \
Punch/bin \
Ralf/bin \
"Spiceworks Interface"/bin \
"ThinFarm Tool"/bin \
"Update Mac in Database Updater"/bin \
"VirtualClassroom Explorer"/bin \
autograb/bin \
grab/bin \
pathShorten/bin \

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