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Esther Eckel English homework 28.09.


Homework Should the EU agree TTIP or not? a comment

The current most famous negotiations of the EU concerning the Transatlantic Trade
and Investment Partnership are very often criticized.

In general the idea of being economical connected with America is not really bad for
Europe. It causes economic growth and guarantees more freedom and possibilities
for trade and invests. Consequently not just the producers and multinational
corporations can profit from it, but also the consumers, who can benefit from cheaper
goods and food and from more opportunities of trade.

Furthermore the global market would get stronger through a new competitor to e.g.

But there is a negative side that is even more powerful.

First of all, the negotiations and the try to get it capable for reality were not
transparent but held in secrecy. This is a really bad fact, because such a big
agreement loses its proponents in society and due to that it will not be accepted and
has no support from them.

Secondly, there would be a loss of security and our democratic rights, if the
corporations would be able to sue governments on their own way. Arbitration courts
are the step back from our law and our state system, because European standard is
that everyone has the same rights and has to face the law on the same way. If
multinational corporations use their own private lawyers to sue governments, they
are also easily able to betray governments and to captivate their lawyers. Exactly this
could cause corruption and the loss of democracy.

Due to these facts, I am really convinced that it would not be a good step to agree
TTIP. Eventually it is possible to keep the negotiations going until they change these
gaps and design a better and more realistic plan for getting connected in economy in
a good way for both sides Europe and America. Because we have to keep in mind
that there are more important things than economic growth, just as e.g. save
democracy and get the European food standards higher than lower.

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