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Parashah 14: Va'era (I appeared)

Parashah 14: Va'era (I appeared) - Exodus 6:3 through 9:35

Haftarah (Writings and Prophets): Ezekiel 28:25 through 29:21.
B'rit Hadasha (New Testament): Romans 9:14-17; 2 Corinthians 6:14 -

Summary & Overview

o Exodus 6:14 | The Genealogy of Moses and Aaron
o Exodus 6:28 | Moses and Aaron Obey God's Commands
o Exodus 7:8 | Aaron's Miraculous Rod
o Exodus 7:14 The First Plague: | Water Turned to Blood
o Exodus 8:1 The Second Plague: | Frogs
o Exodus 8:16 The Third Plague: | Gnats
o Exodus 8:20 The Fourth Plague: | Flies
o Exodus 9:1 The Fifth Plague: | Livestock Diseased
o Exodus 9:8 The Sixth Plague: | Boils
o Exodus 9:13 The Seventh Plague: | Thunder and Hail

Last week we learned about Moses, his early life and the calling to lead Israel
out of Egypt. This week we see how this task unfolds and how YHVH rescue His
people from bondage. The Torah Portion starts in Exo 6:3 that said; “And I
appeared, “Va’era,” to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob by the name El Shaddai, but
My Name YHVH was not known to them.” Abraham, Isaac and Jacob knew
YHVH as the God of the Covenant, the one Who called them, but the name
YHVH is revealed to Moses and Israel, at the time of their deliverance. A new
Nam means a new direction and Israel is about meet the God of the Covenant,
El Shaddai, in another light, as the God their Saviour, that is revealed in the
name YHVH. We have studied this Name in detail and saw how this Name is
linked and related to the Name of Messiah, which is Y’shua, Yah – Saves.

From Slave to Soldier

We saw in last week’s Torah Portion the calling of
Moses, the saviour of the people of YHVH. The
salvation they received the first time around ended up
in bondage, and they have to be “saved” again. This
implies that you have to be “saved twice”; the first
time was done through the picture of Joseph(Messiah
Ben Yoseph), the suffering Servant, and the “second
“salvation” or “second phase” of salvation is where people are “saved” from their
“comfort zones.” This comfort zone was created within their first salvation, where
they became passive and “fat,” as symbolised by King Agag. This “second
phase of salvation” happens when they are taken out of this bondage, leading
them into the wilderness. This is the place where they have the “Mountain
experience,” receiving and embracing the Commandments of YHVH.

This second phase of “salvation” is to train and prepare them for their journey
through the Wilderness (life) where YHVH will use them before they enter the
Promised Land. The “second phase of salvation” involves the Mountain
experience where Moses will receive the Torah, the Training Manual that will
teach the people of YHVH how to become a Holy Mighty Nation that will
influence and impact the whole world.
If you are saved and still in Egypt, then you are useless and worthless to YHVH
and others around you. You need to leave Egypt, out of your comfort zone to be
equipped with His Word, so that you can be effective to reach people for
YHVH’s Kingdom. Then, and only then will you become part of YHVH’s Army as
prophesied over Gad. This was where King David (Messiah) will be the
Commander Who will lead His army to free His people from bondage and take
back what the enemy has stolen. Moses had to go up the Mountain, and it
shows us that it takes effort on your part, to be in this Army of YHVH. This army
is assembled and trained at Sinai so that they can go into the Wilderness to set
the captives free.

Liberation through Signs and Wonders

We all are familiar with the story of Israel’s deliverance and how YHVH freed His
people through the ten plagues. The interesting thing is that the word “plague”
only appears once in the Torah, and it is found in this Torah Portion. What we
know as plagues, YHVH calls signs, wonders and judgements. The place where
the word “plague” is found, is in Exo 9:13-35, where YHVH unleashes the
Seventh Plague. This is a stronger word than “signs and wonders” and indicates
that it had a more severe consequence to the people of Egypt.
The ten “plagues” were actually judgements against the gods of Egypt where
every plague can be connected to an Egyptian god. This can be confirmed by
researching Egyptian mythology. The gods or things they worshipped became
the judgements YHVH allowed to come upon them. They worshipped the Nile,
frogs, the sun, etc. All these became judgements through signs and wonders to
set them free from these bondages.
Spiritual Insight: We should be careful of what we idolise and “worship,”
placing it higher than YHVH, and which things we allocate more time to than
our relationship with Him. The reality is that the things we worship other than
YHVH will become a “consequence” in the form of a plague that will be
released upon you. If you idolise money, then your finances will become a
plague and cause judgement to come upon you.

The Plagues of YHVH vs. the Gods of Egypt

1. The first plague, turning water into blood, revealed the
impotence of Khnum, the guardian of the river, Hapi, the spirit
of the Nile, and Osiris, whose blood was the Nile.
2. The second plague, the frogs, revealed the impotence of Hapi
and Heket, who were symbolised by frogs and were related to
Egyptian fertility rites.
3. The third plague that of lice revealed the impotence of Seb, the
earth god.

4. The fourth plague; that of flies, revealed the impotence of Uatchit,
the god of flies.
5. The fifth plague, the disease on cattle, revealed the impotence of
Ptah, Mnevis, Hathor, and Amon, Egyptian gods associated with
bulls and cows.
6. The sixth plague, the plague of boils, revealed the impotence of
Sekhmet, the goddess of epidemics, and Imhotep, the god of
7. The seventh plague, the hail mixed with fire, revealed the
impotence of Nut, the sky goddess, Isis and Seth, Egyptian
agricultural deities, and Shu, the god of the atmosphere, weather,
and sky.
8. The eighth plague, the swarms of locusts, revealed the impotence of
Serapia, the deity who was to protect Egypt from locusts.
9. The ninth plague that of darkness revealed the impotence of Re,
Amon-re, Aten, Atum, and Horus, all of who were related to the sun.
10. Finally, the tenth plague, the death of the firstborn sons of Egypt,
revealed the impotence of Pharaoh himself, who was worshipped as
a deity in Egypt.
Personal Application: YHVH does not want to bring judgement upon
people but rather bring it upon their gods they serve. The
reason for this is that they can be released from the bondage
they are clinging to, and worship the one and only true God
instead. YHVH will not hesitate to remove any barriers that
are between Him and His people because He loves us too
much. My advice is that you have to let go of the thigs you
are attached to, things that come in between you and Him.
You are going to get hurt if you are still holding on to the
“bondage” or the “idol” when He judges it. It is time to assess
your life and let go of the things that stand between you and
Him. Be wise and let go.
Q – How do we pray for people or loved ones who are still in “bondage”?
Practical Application: YHVH has already done everything in His power to
save them; the work is done, and Messiah has done it. The only thing left to
do is to remove the barrier between the person and YHVH. This can be done
through prayer. Pray and ask YHVH to bring judgement upon their gods, the
things that hold them back. Ask Him to remove the barriers between them
and YHVH so that YHVH can reveal Himself to them. Messiah came to set
the captives free (Isa 61:1, Luke 4:18), and it is His will to lead people out of
spiritual Egypt, out of any captivity the enemy may have put on them. It is the
time for release, and we should pray for the captives to be set free from the
slavery of sin and “idol worship,” whatever their idol might be. YHVH will
judge that idol, and it is them up to the individual to choose to follow YHVH
or not. Without the bondage, the choice will be easier and the options
clearer. When this happens, don’t say, I told you so, support them in love
and help them to build a relationship with the Father.

Four Compromises of the Enemy
Reading the interactions between Moses and Pharaoh reveals something very
interesting on how Pharaoh wanted Moses to compromise for four consecutive
times. Each time Egypt was hit with a plague, Pharaoh bargained with Moses,
trying to make a deal so that he can maintain control over the Israelites. We will
now look at each of these compromises and learn the enemy’s tactics that he
uses to keep YHVH’s people under his control and authority.
1. Serving Two Masters: The first compromise is
found in Exo 8:25 “Go, sacrifice to your God here
in the land.” Pharaoh asked Moses not to leave but
stay and make sacrifices to YHVH there in Egypt.
He is actually asking them to remain slaves under
his authority and to serve their God in Egypt.
Y’shua said in Matt 6:24 that we should not serve
two Masters and not to bow to the authority of other
gods. Pharaoh was worshipped as a god and staying under his authority
would compromise their faith to the one true God.
Another way of interpreting this is when you agree to worship YHVH, but
keep on serving in Egypt (sin and bondage). It is similar to someone who
is born again but still serve the body through allowing sin in their lives.
There is no sign of true repentance, and the only way to get away with this
is if you have a skewed idea of what grace means. Grace is not the thing
you hide behind so that you can keep on sinning. YHVH expect of us to
repent of our transgressions and sin no more. He wants us to leave and
worship Him outside of Egypt, outside of sin and bondage.
2. Stay Close: The second compromise is found in Exo 8:28 “I will let
you go to offer sacrifices to YHVH your Elohim in the wilderness, but
you must not go very far.” Moses said that they had to go out on a
three-day journey and then sacrifice to YHVH. Pharaoh wanted them to
stay close and not travel too far away so that there might be a chance
for them to return after they have sacrificed to their God.
How many times have you decided to serve YHVH with everything
you have and then your “yester harah” (evil inclination) suggests that
you should relax and not be too radical, becoming a fanatic? A good
example of this is when Lot chose to stay in Sodom while Abraham lived
in the mountainous areas. A high place or mountain represents YHVH’s
presence and shows us that Abraham’s righteousness was related to the
“mountain”, but Lot’s righteousness was about the sinners in Sodom.
The enemy’s lies convince us just to “outperform” the worst sinner and
tell us we are righteous if we are not as bad as them. True righteousness
is measured against YHVH’s standards that are found in His Word.
Having this attitude is like dangling from a damaged rope, trusting in a
hop that is based on a lie that might cost you your salvation.

3. Dividing the Family: The third compromise is
found in Exo 10:11 “No! Have only the men go
and worship YHVH, since that’s what you
have been asking for.” Pharaoh allowed them
to go and sacrifice to YHVH in the Wilderness,
but only the men were allowed to go.
The enemy wants you to serve YHVH but
leave your family behind. Believers in Messiah
can lose balance when it comes to their family
and their faith. Many preachers spend all their time serving in the
Kingdom and neglect their families that result in their children going
astray. Your first priority is your family, to ensure you lay the right
foundation and have good relationships with them.
We did not touch on it last week, but in last week’s Portion, Moses had to
go back to and circumcise his son before taking up the calling of YHVH.
Take care of your family first, and then do the work YHVH called you to
do. Paul said in 1 Tim 3:5 that you cannot be a leader if your house in not
in order and this underlines the same principle. You cannot leave your
family behind in Egypt, while you lead others out.
4. No Relationship: The fourth tactic is found in Exo
10:24 where Pharaoh said; “Go, worship YHVH.
even your women and children may go with you;
only leave your flocks and herds behind.” Pharaoh
agreed that they could go, but they had to leave
their flocks and herds behind. This means that they
can go empty handed with nothing to sacrifice.
Some people are willing to follow YHVH to the point
where it starts to cost them something. They are
prepared to follow and worship YHVH as long as they are on the receiving
end. They will follow Him up to the point where they have to make a
sacrifice unto Him. This is similar to people having knowledge of YHVH,
but they do not have a real relationship with Him. A love relationship is
about giving from both parties, if only one is giving, then the relationship
will come to an end. To “sacrifice” means “to draw near” and this means to
come closer to YHVH. Without making “sacrifices,” there will be no
relationship with YHVH.

Moses and Aaron became One (Echad)

Exo 6:27 They were the ones who spoke to Pharaoh king of Egypt, to bring
out the children of Israel from Egypt. He was Moses and Aaron.

The verse starts with they ,h “ham” (plural) and ends
with he avh “hoo” (singular), referring to Moses and
Aaron. This is not a grammatical error but reveals
something deeper. It seems like Moses and Aaron were
seen as one person as if their identities became one.
For example; when Aaron made the golden calf,
thousands of people were killed, but nothing happened to
Aaron. When Aaron and Miriam gossiped about Moses,
Miriam got leprosy, and nothing happened to Aaron. But
when Moses struck the rock, Moses and Aaron were
punished and could not enter the Promised Land. Aaron
received the same punishment as Moses when Moses made a mistake, but
when Aaron makes a mistake, there are no consequences for him. This reveals
to us that YHVH saw them as one person with one identity. It was as if Aaron’s
identity was completely centred around Moses.
Q – Why is Aaron not seen as his own person?
We have to go back to last week’s Portion and read from chapter 4 to see what
this is all about.
Exo 4:13-14 But he said, “O my Lord, please send by the hand of
whomever else You may send.” 14 So the anger of YHVH was kindled
against Moses, and He said: “Is not Aaron the Levite your brother? I
know that he can speak well. And look, he is also coming out to meet
you. When he sees you, he will be glad in his heart. 15 Now you shall
speak to him and put the words in his mouth. And I will be with your
mouth and with his mouth, and I will teach you what you shall do. 16 So
he shall be your spokesman to the people. And he himself shall be as a
mouth for you, and you shall be to him as God. 17 And you shall take this
rod in your hand, with which you shall do the signs.”
We read in verse13 that Moses asked YHVH to send someone else to lead
Israel out of Egypt, and at this point, YHVH got furious with Moses. This is the
point in time where the “one-man mission” became a “two-man mission”. The
task was divided and given to Moses and Aaron. Moses and Aaron, both were
from the tribe of Levi, and “levi” means “connected”. This shows us that Aaron
was connected to Moses and became his mouthpiece and he represented
Moses as Moses represented YHVH.
From Pharaoh’s point of view, Moses will be as God and Aaron will be his
Prophet that reveals the message from God to man (Pharaoh). Moses
represented YHVH and Aaron became the “mediator”. Aaron is the “mouth” and
Moses “perform the miracles.” Aaron has the “words”, and Moses has the “rod”
and the “power.”
Spiritual Insight: In the same way we see Moses and Aaron representing
Moses as a whole, so does YHVH and Y’shua represent YHVH as a whole,
and together they are One. Y’shua is the Mediator, and the “mouth” with the
Words of YHVH and YHVH has the Power.

When reading chapter 7, we see the interchanging of the “rod of power”
between Moses and Aaron:
• Chapter 7:9 - Aaron cast his rod before Pharaoh, not Moses
• Verse 14 - YHVH is telling Moses to take his rod, not Aaron’s
• Verse 17 - YHVH says it is His staff that will be raised over the waters,
not Moses’s or Aaron’s staff.
• Verse 19 - Aaron stretches his rod over the waters, not Moses.
• In verse 20 it says that both Moses and Aaron are doing what YHVH
• Chapter 8:5 Aaron stretches his rod over the streams and frogs came
forth, not Moses.
Q – What is going on?
Spiritual Insight: Moses and Aaron became “one person,” just like you are
one person with a left and a right arm. It does not matter which arm you use,
people still see you doing some action with either arm. It is a very good
representation of how the Father and Y’shua, His Son, is one known as
YHVH. When Y’shua said something or did a miracle, He said that he only
did what His Father was doing. In that sense, they were both presents as
manifested through the physical body of Messiah. We as believers in
Messiah, become one with Him and represent His body in the same way.
Heb 3:1 Therefore, holy brothers and sisters, who share in the heavenly
calling, fix your thoughts on Y’shua, Whom we acknowledge as our
apostle and high priest.
Moses and Aaron fulfilled these very same functions; Moses was the Apostle
(sent one), and Aaron was the High Priest. The High Priest’s job was to bring
the people closer to YHVH and to facilitate the sacrificial system. Y’shua is our
High Priest Who brings His people together in a “Body” and facilitated and
fulfilled the sacrificial system. Messiah is represented by Moses and Aaron
through their two functions, and if you unify them into “one person,” they
represented Messiah to the people of Israel then, through these roles. In the
same way do we as the Body of Messiah, when we become one in unity,
represent the fullness of Him to the people at this point in time.

YHVH Knows…
There is another gem to uncover in this passage
where YHVH said in Exo 4:14; “look, he is already
coming…” YHVH knew what Moses is going to
say because Aaron was already on his way, that
was probably a few days travel. The “cure” or the
provision was already provided before Moses
committed the sin.
Personal Application: YHVH is always one step ahead of us, and He
knows how we are going to react or respond. Even if you are going through
troubled times, He has already provided the outcome, and it is on its way
before you even know that you will need it. There are three levels of faith; the
first is a desperate cry for help towards YHVH. This is the immature type of
faith where you are not sure whether He will help or not.

The Second kind of faith is when you know what His Words say, and you ask
Him, and keep on asking until you receive the outcome. This is a higher type
of faith, but not the ultimate faith. The third and highest kind of faith is
“progressive faith”. This is where you know that YHVH has already provided
and you only thank Him for the outcome. There is no begging, no continual
asking, but rather a knowing. This is the type of faith YHVH expects of us,
the “knowing faith” that can move mountains. Faith is the bridge you build
between your problem and the outcome He has already provided.

Welcome to His Table

Exo 6:6–8 Therefore say unto the children of
Israel: ‘I am YHVH, and I will bring you out
from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I
will rid you out from their bondage, and I will
redeem you with an outstretched arm and with
great judgments. 7 And I will take you to Me for
a people, and I will be to you a God; and ye
shall know that I am YHVH your Elohim, who
brings you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. 8 And I will
bring you in unto the land, concerning which I swore to give to
Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob; and I will give it to you for a heritage:
I am YHVH.’”
These verses start and end with the phrase “…I am YHVH,” emphasising the
importance if the content in between these phrases. There are four statements
made in between these phrases. These are the topics that describe the Four
Cups at Passover. Each Cup represents one of four things YHVH promised to
Israel; to bring them out, to free them from bondage, to redeem them and to
take them as His possession.
1. I will bring you out – Bring is the word, “yatsa” aoy and first found in
Gen 1:12, revealing the story of Creation where YHVH created the green
grass, the plants and trees that will bear fruit. YHVH is bringing His
people out of Egypt and lead them into His family called Israel so that
they can bear fruit.
2. I will rid you off bondage – Rid is the word, “natsal” lon first found in
Gen 31:9 where Jacob spoke to Rachael and Leah, telling them that
YHVH has taken away the cattle from Laban, and gave them to him. We
have learned in a previous Torah Portion that Laban is associated with
white bricks, that is associated with being slaves, making bricks in Egypt.
To be bound is to be busy creating the very things that keep you bound.
YHVH will rid His people from the slave Master, and you will receive a
new Master, namely Messiah the King.
3. I will redeem you with an outstretched arm – Redeem is the word,
“ga-al” lag and first found in Gen 48:16 where Jacob blessed Ephraim
and Manasseh saying; ”the Angel redeemed me from all evil”. I believe
this “Angel” was the “Messenger” with whom he wrestled all night long.
YHVH will redeem His people with an “outstretched arm,” and that “arm”
was the “right hand of YHVH” who touched Jacob’s hip and changed his
“walk”. That Angel is YHVH’s Outstretched Arm Who is Messiah.

4. I will take you for Me as a People – Take is the word, “laqach” xql
and is first found in Gen 2:15 where YHVH placed man in the Garden of
Eden and gave him the First Commandment regarding the trees. The
way real estate law works is that the owner puts restrictions on the land
and this proves that He is the owner. YHVH placed a restriction on the
Garden and on the trees to show that everything in the Garden belonged
to Him. In this verse YHVH took Israel as His “possession,” and this
implies that He will place restrictions on them and that realised later when
He gave them the Ten Commandments and the Torah through Moses at
Mount Sinai. The reality now is, if you refuse to obey these “restrictions”
on you, you show Him that you are not His possession.
In the context, we just looked at we find that the Four Cups of the Passover
represents four steps we will go through when we partake in this Covenant Meal
that allows us to become part of the Household of YHVH. Let’s look at these
four steps:
1. We are created for a purpose and that purpose, just like the trees, is to
bear fruit. We read all about these “fruits” in the Berit Chadashah (NT),
and they are called the Fruit of the Spirit. The First Cup has to do with
bearing the fruit of the Spirit.
2. Secondly, we will be blessed so that we can be taken out of the land of
bondage and led back to the land of our Father. Remember you are
“saved” in Egypt (sin) but you have to leave! The Second Cup is to
engage in the “second phase” of salvation, and that is to leave our
old life of sin, leave your old Master and follow your new Master to
the Promised Land.
3. To reach the Promised Land, you have to face the Mountain and travel
through the Wilderness. This is where you will encounter the
“Outstretched Arm” of YHVH who will touch you on the “hip” to change
your “walk.” YHVH will take you through a cleansing process where He
will remove all your fleshiness, where all “evil resides.” The Third Cup is
about facing change that will happen as you encounter the Mountain
(Commandments) and the Wilderness (trials).
4. Lastly, He will take ownership of your life as you willingly submit under
His authority. This is where you will enrol to become a soldier who will
willingly listen and obey the Commands of the Commander to overcome
the enemy in your life. The Fourth Cup is learning to listen to the
Voice of the Commander and to battle against
the enemy.
Welcome to the Passover Table where we will sit and
celebrate the stages of our redemption. These are the
things Israel went through, and these are the things we will
go through before entering the Promised Land, the
Kingdom of YHVH, also known as the “Garden of Eden”.
We will go deeper into this topic when we celebrate the
Feast of Passover, explaining all the symbolism.

The Ten Plagues in End Time Context
This Torah Portion gives the background story to the Feast of Passover, and
this section is one of the things that is discussed at the table on the day of the
Feast. The 10 plagues can be grouped into three groups of three with the tenth
plague on its own. The same pattern can be seen in the book of Revelation with
three groups of Plagues; the Seal Judgements, the Trumpet Judgements and
the Bowl Judgements at the end. Overlaying the plagues of Egypt and the
plagues of Babylon will give us insight into the exodus, in the time of Moses, and
the “greater exodus,” in the time of Y’shua’s second coming. We will cover
plagues 1 to 7 in this Parashah and compare them with the matching plagues in
the Book of Revelation, and we will conclude with the remaining 3 plagues next

Plague Egypt Babylon

1 - Water becomes Ex. 7:20; Ps. 105:29 Rev. 8:8-9; Rev.

blood. 11:6; Rev. 16:3-6

2 - Frogs Ex. 8:6; Ps. 105:30 Rev. 16:13

3 - Lice Ex. 8:17; Ps. 105:31 Rev. 11:6

4 - Flies Ex. 8:21 Rev. 11:6

5 - Food source Ex. 9:6 Rev. 8:9

(livestock) destroyed

6 - Boils Ex. 9:10 Rev. 16:2

7 - Hail Ex. 9:23; Ps.105:32 Rev. 8:7; Rev. 16:21

1. Water turned into blood: The Nile River was the

number one source of prosperity in Egypt, compared
to the number one source of prosperity for Israel,
namely rain. The difference between the two is that
the Egyptians had to pump the water to irrigate their
crops through man’s efforts. Israel on the other hand
had to depend on YHVH to send rain in its season.
This makes YHVH their God while the Egyptians
worshipped the Nile.
We read in Revelation at the sounding of the 2nd Trumpet that a great
mountain was cast into the sea and a 1/3 part of the sea became blood. What
does the mountain signify? Mountain is first found in Scripture in Gen 12:8
where Abram moved to a mountain and build an altar there to worship unto
YHVH. A mountain represents a high place that is associated with a place of
worship or a place where you meet with YHVH. The sea always represents
the nations and the “mountain that is cast into the sea” implies the “system of
worship” or the man-made system that tries to connect to God, was cast into
the “place” that birthed it, namely the nations. A 1/3 part of the sea was
turned to blood, and that signifies that a 1/3 part of people from the nations

will die as a result of their false religious systems that are being judged. It is
similar to the Tower of Babel that is the counterfeit means to connect to God,
that will be cast it into the nations. These “Systems of Worship” similar to the
Tower will bring judgement upon the nations who are still in it.

2. Frogs: According to Rev 16:13,

frogs represent evil or false spirits
that came from three different
systems or entities at the pouring
out of the 6th Bowl. The first was
the unclean spirit of the Dragon.
The second came from the Beast,
and the third came out of the mouth of the False Prophet. These three
unclean spirits control three different areas of power in this world. The Dragon
is also known as the Serpent and represents Satan. The Beast represents the
Spirit of the Political System, and the False Prophet represents the Spirit of
the Religious System. These three spirits went out across the earth to gather
people to follow them and become part of their “army” who will battle against
the Almighty, called the battle of Armageddon.
YHVH told Moses that He would smite the “borders” of the enemy with frogs.
The word for “borders” is also used in Exo 19:12 where YHVH said that the
people who enter the border at the foot of Mt Sinai would be put to death.
This was when YHVH gave the Ten Commandments to Israel. This means
that the border ensured that the Mountain was sanctified and made it set
apart or holy, and all those who were unholy, and crossed it, would die.
Exodus 8 reveals that “frogs” were used to smite and destroy the “borders” of
Egypt. These borders kept Egypt “set-apart unto Pharaoh, similar to the
border that kept the Mountain set apart unto YHVH. This means that YHVH
allowed the frogs or “evil spirits” to smite and destroy the borders of Egypt
that define and protects the kingdom of the enemy. This means that YHVH
confused the demonic forces of the enemy to destroy its own “system” that
sustained it in the first place, similar to when Gideon and his 300 men won
the battle when YHVH confused the enemy who then destroyed themselves.
I believe this is how YHVH will defeat this evil system, they will destroy
themselves, using their own system called Babylon (mixing and confusion) on
them. Armageddon means Mount of Slaughter but is actually a valley. This
battle will happen at the Second return of Messiah, after the Great Tribulation
(Mat. 24 v.27-31).
3. Lice: Exo 8:17 Aaron hit the dust of the earth and lice or
gnats came forth to plague Egypt. Lice are the word “kan”
]k that comes from the root word “kanan” ]nk means
“root, support or vineyard”. This word is only used once in
Scripture in Ps 80:15 where it describes the Vineyard that
was planted by the “Right hand of YHVH” and the
“Branch” that was made strong. The Branch always refers
to Messiah as well as the Right Hand of YHVH. This
implies that the lice are a picture of the “dust” as referred to in the Covenant
promise made to Abraham. The Vineyard represents the Believers in Messiah
who are held up and nourished by the Branch (Messiah Y’shua).

The symbol of the rod of Aaron hitting the Dust is the prophetic picture of
YHVH’s people being “hit” by the rod or oppression by Pharaoh. This
persecution caused them to multiply like “lice” or “the dust of the earth”.
Persecution brings multiplication and difficult times will stretch you.
The context of Rev 11:6 is the time of the 2nd Woe where the Two Witnesses
smote the earth with whatever plagues they want. The Beast (Political
system) will come and make war with them, overcome them and kill them.
They will lie dead in the street for 3 days and be resurrected after that, and
taken up to YHVH. This is a prophetic foreshadow of the witnesses that will
die during this time, but they will be resurrected at the second Resurrection
(Rev 20:5). Those who are persecuted will rise again and be like the dust of
the earth as promised to Abraham.
4. Flies: Swarms were sent to the people of Egypt. The Hebrew
word “arob” bri is translated as “flies” but actually, means
swarm. This is similar to the previous plague where the people’s
houses will be filled with insects, and this is a prophetic picture
of YHVH’s people being raised up from among the nations during
the time of the Tribulation. We have looked at the plague of the
frogs earlier and saw the three evil Spirits revealed, and confirms
that the “flies” represents YHVH’s people who will be “saved”
from the “frogs”(frogs eats flies). Rev 7:9 states that there will be
a great multitude of people before the Throne of YHVH that
cannot be counted. This represents the “swarms” (arob) of people that will be
saved during the Tribulation.
5. Livestock destroyed: Exo 9:6 states that the cattle of the
Egyptians died but the livestock of the Children of Israel lived.
Livestock is found in Gen 13:12 where it refers to Abraham
being rich in cattle and livestock. This implies that the cattle
represent provision and blessings during a time of need. You
can think for yourself during a time of war and turmoil what the
normal daily activities would be like; going to work will not be
possible, and people will not be able to earn a living. Rev 8:9
states that a 1/3 part of all the creatures in the sea died and a
1/3 part of the ships destroyed. The sea represents the nations, and the ships
represent the vessels of trade and commerce. This will make the people very
vulnerable and open for whatever solution is presented to them. This plague
affects the business sectors and the money system and the people will “sell
their souls” for food. This is when the Mark of the Beast will be introduced.
6. Boils: Exo 9:10 - YHVH told Moses and Aaron to take hands
full of ashes from the furnace and sprinkle it towards heaven in
the sight of Pharaoh. This caused the plague of Boils to come
upon the people. Ashes are the word “peyach“ xyp and come
from the root word “puach” xvp that means, “to breathe or to
blow as well as lies.” There is a word that sounds similar to this word and also
means “breath,” that is “Ruach” that is a homophone of “Puach.” “Ruach”also
means breath but is associated with the Spirit of YHVH. This gives us the
understanding that Puach is the counterfeit “breath” or “ruach,” revealing a

false “Holy Spirit”. This is similar to the second “Gimel” we saw in the
previous Torah Portion that is in the name Agag, the king of Amalek (the
flesh), where the second “gimmel” represents a false spirit.
Rev 16:2 speaks about the people who became covered with grievous sores
or boils, those who received the Mark of the Beast and worshipped his Image.
This gives us the insight that worshipping the Beat is actually worshipping
YHVH under the influence of the wrong “holy spirit” (Puach), that came from
the ashes of the furnace. Those who worship YHVH under the influence of
this counterfeit “holy spirit” will return to the ashes into the furnace (Lake of
Fire). Only the true worship is when you worship the Father in Spirit (Ruach)
and Truth (His Word). Those who worship the Image (false image of YHVH),
worship Him in spirit (Puach) and Lies (false doctrines). John 4:23. Watch out
for deception, the false spirit is among us and feed people lies (fat bread) and
worship the Father in the wrong spirit.

7. Boils are the word “shechiyin” ]yxs that means “enflamed like leprosy“ and
“to burn”. It comes from an unknown root that means “to blech forth” or to
eject gas spasmodically and noisily from the stomach through the mouth like
vomiting. It also means to gush forth smoke and fire from the mouth of a
dragon. This is a manifestation of this evil spirit in the people who think they
worship YHVH but have the wrong spirit.
8. Hail: Exo 9:18 – YHVH brought forth rain and grievous hail
the size of a talent (26kg) such as the Egyptians has never
seen. Thunder, hail and fire came from heaven just like it is
described in Rev 16:21 when the 7th Trumpet sounded. The
plague of the hail was very great, and man blasphemed
YHVH. Q – How can hail and fire exist together? Hail is
made up of water and fire. We know that water and fire
cannot exist together. This is the same picture as at Creation
where the Spirit of YHVH, (Shin representing Fire), moved over the waters
and separated the waters below from the waters above. With this plague we
see the same thing happening, a separation process between people of
YHVH and the people cursing YHVH. I believe this is the place where the
“separation or gathering” of the people will take place. The separation of the
waters below (evil people) from waters above (righteous people) and the
gathering of the saints as described in Matthew.
Matt 24:30-31 “ Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of
Man, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see
the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great
glory. And he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and
they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven
to the other.”
The next seven Bowl plagues are more severe judgements upon the earth and
relate to the last three plagues as seen in the Exodus. We will look at these in
the next Torah Portion.


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