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Emma Heidenheim

Acting Journals Semester 1

Acting Journal Sept 8th

Today was the first acting class, we did an exercise where we

partnered up and learned about another person then introduced them
to the class. It was a neat exercise because my partner Jocelyn chose
to highlight certain things about me that I dont think I would have. It
was interesting what details she found most important. For example;
she was very interested in the fact that I was close to my sister,
perhaps because she is not so close to her younger brother.
Danielle talked about how she is very interested in serial
killers/criminal minds. We discussed how getting into the minds of
someone else (like they do on Criminal Minds) relates to acting, and
getting to know a character. I thought that connected well to the
exercise we were doing because our class will be working so closely
together for the next three years and its important to understand
everyones different backgrounds/interests.

Acting Journal September 14th

Today we presented our audition monologue. I spent a lot of time

researching my play and so I knew what I wanted to say in my
moment before, however I didnt spend a lot of time rehearsing that
intro so I dont feel like I did very well.
Also I didnt take enough time to breathe before I started my
monologue and so when I began I felt like I was rushing, and my voice
wasnt settled. I dont think I took enough pauses or breathes in the
performance because of nerves. I would have liked to be more present
in the moment because I felt a bit like a deer in headlights!
During the feedback portion of the class I picked up these points: 1. Be
careful not to get stuck in one emotion. 2.when it comes to
anger/yelling never deliver the line the same (find levels). 3. Dont be
afraid to take moments to think or react to the other person who would
be in the scene with you. There can be power in the silence.

Acting Journal September 22nd

We had class outside today! Yay! We presented our observation

assignments and I was happy with how mine went. There are still some
things I would have fixed including the way my scene started. Like last
week I did not give my self enough time to gather my thoughts before I
began the performance. Another thing is that I ended up way to close
to the audience, and that took me out of character for a moment.
Lastly I wasnt very consistent with my miming, because I put down my
textbook at the beginning and then forgot to pick it up again at the

Acting Journal September 29th

Today in class we presented our Canadian Monologues for the

first time. I really like my monologue, which is Estelle from Cocktails at
Pams. I received the script for Cocktails at Pams last night and so I
was rushing to read and understand it before today. But now that I
have read it I have a better understanding of the plot and the scene,
which my monologue takes place in.
I felt like my first read went well but could have definitely been
better memorized. I hate performing with a paper in hand and felt like
it really limited my physicality and comedic timing. Something I am
working on for this piece next week is to eliminate exhales on the
beginning of sentences, as well as slapping my hands on my thighs for
emphasis. These are bad habits of mine!

Acting Journal October 6th

Today we previewed our monologues for Kathryn. I was very

nervous, and because of that I wasnt very present while doing the
monologue went to deer in headlights mode. Luckily she gave me
some great feedback that I think will really help the story become
clearer. She suggested I pick up the pace, especially at the beginning.
Also she gave me the idea of thinking of the green peppers as being so
disgusting that they could possibly cause an anaphylactic reaction
(higher stakes). She wants me to think quicker throughout the piece,
and amp up the physicality.

Acting Journal October 13th

Today we presented our final performance of our Canadian

Monologue. I was very happy with the progress I made with this
character, and my performance today. I do wish that I had the courage
to go farther with the character. I think I have a good sense of just how
manic she needs to be but I was scared to go that far. I often feel
very stuck/awkward physically when Im acting and I think that was a
huge roadblock for me with this monologue. I wanted her to be bigger
but I was not quite sure how to do that with out looking silly.

Acting Journal October 20th

Today we began reading Saltwater Moon. I am really enjoying it
already. I love how much detail is in the description at the beginning
(prologue). Loretta made a point of examining every detail and what it
might mean for you as an actor discovering different objectives and
character notes/backstory. This was very interesting it showed me that
every detail should be examined when learning about your character.

Acting Journal October 27th

Today we read more of Saltwater Moon. The story is starting to

become very emotionally complex. When I first read it, I wanted Mary
to get back with Jacob and break off her engagement with Jerome
because of how romantic their love is. But when reading it today I am
starting to understand how hard this must be for Mary. When
examining the story from Marys point of view there are so many
reasons for her to not be with Jacob. If I were Mary I am not sure if I
would go back to Jacob because of his track record and my own
familys situation.

Acting Journal November 3rd

Today we finished Saltwater Moon! Yay! I love how the play ends,
with Mary and Jacob discussing the future together in a way where you
know that they are still in love and will be together. I also love the last
stage directions: His smile becomes a grin, until its splitting his face
from ear to ear. Brandon and I decided to be partners and we decided
to do the part in the play that deals with Jacobs father and Jeromes
father. We also set the room up the way we are going to have it for the
scenes and I am happy with it. I love the idea of maybe doing theatre
in the round.

Acting Journal November 10th

Today we worked through everyones scenes from the top of the

show, to the end. I am happy with the chunk Brandon and I have
chosen, although I think he might be doing a bit too much? He has 3 or
4 large monologues, and he is also doing a scene with Kennedy so a lot
for him to memorize! I am feeling good about my character; I love how
sensible and stubborn Mary can be especially considering what Jacob
has put her through. I am feeling awkward with some of the blocking,
especially during Brandons monologues I feel like I am just standing
doing nothing.

Acting Journal November 17th

Today we had our first preview, and I was impressed with how
the whole class did most people were off book. Our scene went well,
but we decided to cut out some lines from Brandons monologues and
met with Loretta today to do so. The blocking is getting better, but still
feeling a bit stuck physically. I think once I am completely off book this
will be better because I can think more about my movements instead
of the lines.

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