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Cities in phase 4 include those that have developed and tested brands along the

lines of Brauns (2008) and Zenkers (2009, 2011) recommendations. Roanoke,

Virginia, (City of Roanoke, 2008), for example, developed and tested its brand
locally and internationally and is in phase 4 because of the common elements
listed above.

Cities di fase keempat termasuk didalamnya terdapat kegiatan pengembangan

dan uji coba terhadap brand yang dimiliki ( Brauns (2008) dan Zenkers (2009,
2011). Pada tahun 2008, kota Roanoke mengembangkan dan melakukan uji coba
brand lokal dan internasionalnya dalam fase atau tahap ke 4 karena unsur-unsur
umum yang tercantum didalamnya.

Each side the organization and public must make substantive changes to
avoid other essential activities, such as organization learning and participation,
from falling into simulation.

Pihak dari organisasi dan masyarakat , harus melakukan perubahan besar untuk
mencegah kegiatan penting lainnya, seperti belajar untuk berorganisasi dan
berpartisipasi, jauh dari simulasi

This prognosis, though, is not permanent. As an illustration, Coral Springs,

Florida, initially developed its brand without relation to the place branding the
city as a Community of Excellence, a phrase given from top management
(Zavattaro, 2010). As of this writing, the city has decided to undertake a
meaningful brand creation program and is currently in the beginning stakes of
asking key stakeholders for quantitative and qualitative input toward brand
development (City of Coral Springs, 2012.) The city will remain in phase 4 based
on the above-noted, and Figure 1 given, characteristics, similar to Roanoke,
Virginia. The city will not stop place marketing; instead, ideally, the marketing
mix will be more finely tuned to reflect stakeholder realities of the place rather
than relying on what one department generated and imagined were the items
that made the city stand out. Put differently, it is participatory branding in
practice (Kavaratzis, 2012). To illustrate this point, Charlotte, North Carolina,
undertook a campaign to go green that asked people to select how the city
should become more eco-friendly (City of Charlotte, 2009).

Implications and concluding remarks

This paper put forth a conceptual framework of place marketing, indicating

where cities might fall within phases of the image (Baudrillard, 1994). Though
phases of the image usually are linear (an image progresses from a connection
to reality to losing reality), cities might fall within one phase or another, stopping
at 1, 2, 3 or 4. Figure 1 shows both the progression and logical stopping points
through the phases. Cities in phase 4 exposethe potential dangers of place
marketing that focuses more on image-based rather than mutually beneficial
organization-public relationships (Berglund and Olsson, 2010; Braun, 2008;
Grunig, 1993; Kavaratzis, 2012; Zenker and Seigis, 2012).
There are several management implications of conceptual framework presented.
First, the framework opens up the theory space, which could help place
marketing professionals choose tactics and programs that will engage the
audience and engender the much-sought-after mutual behavioral changes
(Grunig, 1993; Zenker, 2009, 2011;Zenker et al., 2012a, b). Second, managers
should be aware of potential effects on the organization-public relationship where
there is too much communication especially top-down communication. People,
in that case, are being talked at and not talked with,potentially cutting off critical
stakeholder groups. Two-way symmetrical approaches

ideally should overcome this concern (Grunig and Grunig, 1991) but could fall
short when dialogue takes place as a simulation (such as the Charlotte example
from above). Potential auto-communication can stunt genuine organization
learning (Christensen,1995; Spicer, 1997). Third, the six tactics are ways for
place marketing professionals to bring campaigns to life and hit facets Brauns
(2008) definition indicates.

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