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(a) Material Apparatus Bahan Radas + 2 ml of 1% amylase | + Thermometer solution Termometer 2 mil larutan amilase 1% | * Water bath +30 ml of 1% starch} Kukus air solution 3 ml larutan kanji 1% + S ml buffer solution 5 ml larutan penimbal (4)| pH of Tim taken for iodine buffer solution to remain yellow solution | (min) pH larwian | Masa diambil untuk larwan penimbal _| iodin kekal kuning (min) 5 28 minutes/minit 8 6 minutes/minit 9 26 minutes/minit (¢) () 1. At pH of butler solution 5, time taken for iodine solution to remain yellow is 28 minutes. Pada pH larutan penimbal 5, masa diambil untuk larutan iodin kekal kuning talah 28 minit 2. At pH of buffer solution 7, time taken for iodine solution to remain yellow is 2 minutes. Pada pH larutan penimbal 7, masa diambil untuk larutan iodin kekal kuning ialah 2 minit (a) 1. At low pH, rate of amylase reaction is low. Pada pH rendah, kadar tindak balas amilase rendah 2. At optimum pH, rate of amylase reaction is at its maximum, Pada pH optimum, kadar tindak balas amilase adalah maksimum Method to handle Dimanipulasikan: pH Jarutan penimbal the variable Pembolehubah Cara mengendali pembolehubah Manipulated: pH of | Using different pH butfer solution of buffer solution ‘Menggunakan pH larutan penimbal berbeza Responding: Time Measure and record Concentration of amylase solution Dimatarkan: Kepekatan larutan amilase taken the time taken for Bergerak balas: Masa. | iodine solution to diambil remain yellow Mengukur dan merekod| masa diambil untuk larutan iodin kekal kuning Constant: Fixed at 1% Ditetapkan pada \% (¢) At pH of builér solution 7/optimum, time taken for iodine solution to remain yellow is the least. Pada pli laruan penimbal Tioptimum, masa yang diambil untuk larutan iodin kekal kuning adalah paling kurang. ) Time taken for iodine solution | Rate of amylase pH to remain yellow (min) ‘Masa diambil untuk larutan iodin kekal kuningimin) iti 5 28 0.036 6 6 0.167 7 2 0.500 8 6 0.167 9 26 0.039 qi (g) The rate of amylase activity on starch increases when the pH value of the mixture solution increases until its optimum pH. A change in pH value will alter the charges on the active site of amylase and the substrate. Kadar aktiviti amilase ke atas kanji meningkat apabila nilai pH larutan campuran meningkat sehingga ke pH optimum. Perubahan nilai pH akan mengubah cas pada tapak aktif amilase dan subsirat. (h) The hydrolysis of starch by amylase is the breaking down of starch into simple substances when the time for the iodine solution to remain yellow is taken and is affected by pH value. Hidrolisis kanji oleh amilase adalah pemecahan kanji kepada bahan-bahan ringkas apabila masa bagi larutan iodin kekal kuning diambil dan dipengaruhi oleh nilai pH. i) The time taken will be more than 2 minutes, because enzymes are not active at low temperatures when the rates of enzyme reaction are slow. Masa yang diambil melebihi 2 minit kerana enzim tidak aktif pada suhu rendah di mana kadar tindak balas enzim adalah perlahan. Problem statement. How does light intensity affect the rate of transpiration? ernyataan masalah: Bagaimanakah keamatan cahaya mempengaruhi kadar transpiras?? Hypothesis: The higher the light intensity, the higher the rate of transpiration. fipotesis: Semakin tinggi keamatan cahaya, semakin tinggi kadar transpirasi /ariables/Pembolehubah Manipulated: Light intensity Dimanipulasikan: Keamatan eahaya Responding: Time taken by the air bubble to move a distance of 10 cm Bergerak balas: Masa diambil untuk gelembung udara bergerak sejauh 10 em Constant: Air movement/surrounding temperature Dimalarkan: Pergerakan udaralsuhu persekitaran pparatus and materials: A leafy hibiscus shoot, Vaseline, a dry cloth, a potometer, beaker, knife, razor lade, a basin of water, ruler, stopwatch, fluorescent lamp Radas dan bahan: Pucuk berdaun bunga raya, vaselin, kain kering, potometer, bikar, pisau, pisau cukur, sebesen air, pembaris, jam randik, lampu berpendarflour Procedure/Prosedur 1. A keafy shoot is chosen from a plant. The shoot is cut off with knifé and the cut end is immersed immediately into a basin of water. Pucuk berdaun dipilih dari sebatang pokok. Pucuk dipotong dengan pisau dan bahagian terpotong dimasukkan dengan cepat dalam sebesen air. A razor blade is used to cut 1 cm of the bottom of the shoot obliquely under water Piscu cukur digunakan untuk memotong | em bahagian bawah pucuk secara serong di dalam air. ‘The potometer is immersed in the water and moved around to remove all the air bubbles Potometer direndam dalam air dan digerakkan untuk mengeluarkan gelembung udara. 44, Fix the potometer and the leafy shoot with rubber tubing and make sure the parts that are joint are smeared with Vaseline to prevent air from entering Sambungkan potometer dan pucuk berdaun dengan tiub getah dan pastikan semua bahagian bersambungan dilumur dengan Vaselin untuk menghalang udara masuk '5, Fill up the potometer with water and li it out of water for a short while to trap one air bubble. Jsi potometer dengan air dan angkat keluar sekejap untuk memerangkap satu gelembung udara. Measure a distance of 10 cm from the bubble and mark the distance. Ukur jarak 10 em daripada gelembung dan tandakan jarak tersebut 17. The potometer is then placed in an enclosed room with no air movement. Potometer kemudianmnya diletakkan dalam bilik tertutup tanpa pergerakan udara ‘The shoot is allowed a few minutes to reach a steady state before any readings are taken. Pucuk dibiarkan beberapa minit untuk mencapai keadaan yang stabil sebelum bacaan diambil Puta fluorescence lamp of 100 Watt at a distance of 30 cm ffom photometer. Letak lampu berpendarflour 100 Watt pada jarak 30 em dari potometer. 10.The time taken for the air bubble to move a distance of 10 em is recorded using a stopwatch. Masa yang diambil untuk gelembung udara bergerak pada jarak 10 em direkod dengan ‘menggunakan jam randik 11 Steps 1 ~ 9 are repeated by placing a potometer at distances of 40 cm, 50 em and 60 em from the lamp Langkah | — 9 diulang dengan meletakkan potometer pada jarak 40 em, 50 em dan 60 em dari Jampu 112.The experiment is repeated to obtain two or more readings, Record the data in the table. Eksperimen diulang untuk memperoleh dua atau lebih bacaan, Rekodkan data dalam jadual Presentation of data/ Persembahan data: ‘Time taken by the air bubble to travel a distance of 10 cm (s) Masa yang diambil oleh gelembung udara untuk bergerak 0 em (s) Distance of lamp to potometer (cm) Jarak lampu dari potometer (em) Rate of transpiration (cms) Kadar transpirasi (ems) 30 40 50 60

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