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Johann Wolfgang von GOETHE Essays on Art and Literature Goethe's Calleted Works, Volume 3 Edited by John Gearey ‘Translated by Ellen von Nardroft a mm Consens on Ane AND LEAR ‘Therefore he shoul never py too close to the wings [Nor should he sep out ono the proscenium. This woud be the ga vest etr, fr It woul mean thatthe actor leaves the space within ‘whic together withthe pane scenery andthe ter actos, he els {orm whole When the actor stands alone on stag, he should bear in mind hat he toot oly pao we, al he ove Ses aan comet ‘on mane Jag as scotaayers divided the sky ino various sections with their tals the actor an divide the sagen his mind ito various ares ‘which can be sketched on pope as rhombolds, The stage for then Tecomesw kindof checketour, and the actor can detec Which Souter be wil car, He can jot down his moves in adrance, and is then cerain not to rsh about snesy rng hs ental spss, butratber combine Beaty abd sinfcance m his postions Whoever enters the stage for monologue fom an upstage wing, oes mello move fa tagoral ae towars the oposite sige of the [owenitm, In genera, diagonal movement ate very enractv Whoove enters from the rear wing to join another actor slready om stage should not move parallel othe wing bat igh foward the rome: All these les pertaining to technique and langue shoo be adopted where applicable as general gudeies and paced unl they bee Ibi There sald be no ace of siffes, and the rule mst become the imperceptible basis of hivig action, is ovo tht hese rales mut be especialy observed i portaying obi dighfed shiracter. On the otber has, there ae characters ‘to are to be portrayed athe opposite of ified, Sacha peasants, bore ete. The actor Will be ale wo play these roles even ttt i fniniclly and consiouly, he does th revere oF wha decorum = ‘us, always remembers, however chat his performance sould be sane nnd no merely 2 realistic nitation. (On World Literature! 1, Nasional erature no longo of importance: ii the ime for ‘wold erature, an all mst aid bringing abou. 2, Everywhere we read and best about the progress ofthe human sce, of good presets for the fture regarding flitons among aon ‘assnvanons ow Att amp Lemans ns dan tings Whatever the si ~ J sitton ay be inthis vc beyond my province to judge o investigale—I wish nonetley ans and open osetia cur cans We ths with euaninity because tro en rae es 3, we have daze pocai the begianing of «Europea, ined ‘Rov! era, is es me ean ee ‘ite not of neat an rs nthe ery sos ar econg sey sp tei fica and eis about, ice nly pool contac can eubistsod eget «rt inet nnn, ocean te ten ‘ward manesiations ofthese iosycrcics ually Seem sting Fepuman or at Bs rides toate aon Thess an Sheet ssa ierttasannvasneafga me 5; ln reply toa lee from recently fun ci from 2 reccatly founded Iterary sity in tkiaetidactg anemone "ature fr thi elect! pleasure, "ant set Sec ee ne, understood and felt without being aware atthe same time ote soot ‘social conditions. “s ™ ann MEATS nates toate since rt amen a ost also discover what atitdes and pions, wha views and jude ‘ent eral oural ad reviews express Tearing thei Wn ation {i well as oer, sepeckly the German mation. For example, i we ‘eantedo become sequunied wit cureat French ercare, We would Ihveto read etresdlivered and published uring testo Jers sch as Guze's "Cours de Taste moderne,” Vilemains "Cours ‘ea Tteratre raga," ard Cousins “Cours de Tite de ts Pldasophs" Thi ins about themselves and dout vs emerpe most ‘leary there, Even more hep, perhaps, ae the newspapers and Journals tht appear mere frequently, such as Le Globe, La Revue rancate andthe recent daly Le Temps. They ae al indspnsile ite wish t have clear pcre ofthe ebb and flow ofthe eve ‘hifing tides of opinion in France, ad their subsequent pact. “German iterate, a can be son fom or we das sa the 0 Intent trary magazines, offs onl exlamations, sighs ad interec- tions pried by well esning indian. Vis sre expresso 3 ‘oving to temperament and sdbesion. Thre i ary amy concern for more universal or lfier ater. Almost no mention is made O€ Stl condos, aot mach ofthe national sate of mind apd none of the concer of church and sate. We do oot wish Lo eiucize these practices, but daw atten to them for wha they a. [mention he {ov poit out that French Heratue, le ll forms of Fresh Wing, ‘Sas ot for ane stan slate ti rom the fe and passions of he ‘shole nition econ! tines tis appears asa encounter of opPO5Ie Tovecs, sterng all let fo ater themselves and dea the eter ‘ie, stand to reason tat te extabished power need ot be Vey Smaginatve in esponse Bot i we flow the course of these ely exchanges of views, we ‘sina sit ino French afr, And rom the wa hey speak about {whether favray or afavorbl, we lam o jog ourselves ‘an ceranly do no harm i for once someone makes Use think obo ‘ures. "Ean, I believe mor is gna by tis an by enteing into or respondcne wih oegn poets The bet of them sil rain inddals Timed by ther paticlar cle, and if we ke their work, bey can olde more han ay agracius thankyou. K'we shou elle their Siting, our reaionshi sumo eveed Turf we follow the coarse proposed above, we wl oon be well informed of everything that hasbeen oF wil be published, Conse the eleny of fos book trade, any work eal obtainable, Tt happens frequecly that have read book lng before I receive a otesy copy fom the aor. ‘nyone wl yrs tht ing real understanding of modern Pech Ieratare eobvtuay no Sl task The Meer of Egan and aly ould in ur requ (Ratha real speci speroaches, fr the conta thee are 6, Bai sch «word teste develops ia the ar ua —an er inva wih te ever ncrensing Case ef coerce ee {us expect no more a no ls tha wh fan ad nat eat “The wor fg, no mater how vsti may be, holds wi cy yl ce Jand, What appeals it ood XG. those who have devote themecies io higher and saa hae) 2, although ny be appropiate nto preset ar hough EL Meey. etter nde te eoaken snd ime hes {kn maybe nib to tame ten Su the shoveremarts, ween geton whether ths or that occupation ie sakes capes relevant th preset when pope ee nie emted olve a they lie, ity, cotete, wibordea et fee fom presse. The wort in sachs tule see te ‘ils ofl these pressing obligato, At this pin ll we can dol tll ouelves that only egotism pure sn singe can save Bu th gam ee so ‘red and calmly formulated decision. mice com ns Consmrarn om ARE AN LATER Everyone sould as hil for what he i bes suited and develop thelr wit the ust digence He sould consider bimse at happrence, later juraeyan, foreman, nd only inthe very nd dst enatvely. master. mth pruent modesty he icremes his demands onthe worn sarc canfnction wi the prosthesis and ths ngratites Fimsel 8 Being useful he Wil step by step ann bis purpose, and ‘Seco succeeds in eahing the top wil beable toleada comfortable, prodsctve i. the iy attentive, fe wil each hm abou the opportunities and b> sate offre an reste bythe empliesl ord Bat his mach he rial indivi shoul lays bean mind: to Arve oneself ant ‘aly in onder fo pin the approval of he day brings no advantage for the morrow ortbe dy ae. 1. The extavagances to which he heaters of the great and vst iy cof Pane fel thmueves riven prove harmful fous to, altough We ‘ove by no means reached tet pont Yet But thee we have also the ents of en edvancing world Mratore, and our any consolation tho aught sme fst i ar ceraln iia wi eve [st Benefit omit T have ssn convincing evidence ofthat lend 9, The phenomenon which [cll woddBteratre wil come about ‘mainly when the dupes witun oe nation ae sete bythe opinions ni Jadgmeats of thes 10, For sometime there bs een tk of word erat, and prop aly so For is ene a al aes thrown together at random by tore ars then reverting fats ae ini ations, al ot help esting a tey hal been sj o foreign wonees, fa nbd them al orcasoral become avae file neds Freviesly akon. The res was a sense of goodwil Instead of Fotatne thempelven a tere, thir state of mind has sraualy de- ‘ope «dene to be cde inthe foe exchange of ess. 11, Poetry is eessopotitan, and the more interesting the more i home nationally GOETHE AND WORLD LITERATURE by FRITZ STRICH LONDON ROUTLEDGE & KEGAN PAUL LTD. BROADWAY HOUSE: 60-74 CARTER LANE, EG4 APPENDIX i et tem Gente da a cocoons ome en Sra ta sg ad tn Vel’ pat, ro (Le Tae ‘ ein Vl pay (Te de Diy 5 Jay 139 Dlg to Sekhar on the ‘ that tive are PSEe Te ce aoe ence oom! Saceeeeeee eee eeeeeeeeeea Sot Rear Cee mia i bebe, gn Jonuary zy: “Nasional ‘iene has mot much soeaning towed te epoch of weld | HSSSES 2M ila each aioe work to haen iy coming” | PG ore ah J te eee srs Sa DS Gos SS egret cree fs the rete advantage dat world erature afd one FRcome inte and. mere, obvious "Oxi ae i tl F arrmom 35 ear tei re nso ce enemy wer te irs es es oT es Sea ee cn ee ee Se peas ee Saha ia Aigo ug sa Sn storm Wi et, foe ete setieaay or terc an aer Ni he pe is ogc eee ean tp a eri eee ie noe ke gre a re ee eee pe ee Pease eel aaa et rraen ee erases me Ge eat aa ee a ee all at dane ote eis cad a ee eeiesds Sarre peat ere ae Gene a (oe al eh tr th Bat Ph ink ae ee ee a et scot etic ce nti ceo ay fe a oe Mahe ene Sea ie iacnaae Bhat he ce ar ate eee ts Pe ae: 2 eee pont GM ees ne Se eee ed eee ats Se co age serene tone ape eee ae ae at eg cee ata pa pe a i a amo ar eect ig amen st eee els ae ate cea cate Tae ne Stier En al et ln at be Norge i Meet acti ens Sager es a ge eel tates tay See ee ig ee Seo cose is ee eae Boh cs et ty See” 35° Arenson ‘past above all knaw if one wiser encourage & cpmmin, ‘ersige tanscending national limita’ 1 Dhe Rat nd tear, Va 6, part 2, 108 (Paternal rata “fy confident atement that i thee tly sting tame, ad the tomaguent greater cam of commutication, thre i ho swt eraare fhe immediate utes has met with them ‘our western nelgebotr, who tobe sire could do great {his mater, and hey have expeted Uhr stews on is follows ‘gba to Zt, ast May roa Please ote tan he lneranure 1 ve cll for i delaging and threstening to dt ‘Be ingens Sprenie: Seaod and Want pour aya ah ey ar pblebig sont pra dal fo, Letter t the Edltor of she journal L's, 9a May 18 “the fat forey-sven number ft joual wich You ar ta in Milan have been a toe pleasant rps fo me” Wath tha feat and the attractive frm You have gave them, they wil ma ‘ast pleasing contslation tthe tnveeal world erature whe ‘Becaigg wih ecg cg and I nerdy ase You ol Th Cher Kit sad dlirim, Vol. 6, pare 2, 1808 (B ecdas): Then jnrmaly as they gradually reath'a wider ‘vil combate mest effectively to We unital work erate Dope fees we cepent however shat there cat be Bs uet atone thinking ike, the am ie tnply tant they sh grow a ‘Tone anetber understand eachother, and, even hese ‘ot be able fo love, may atlas taka ete tamer 12. The Congress of Natiral Scientist tn Belin” 1838 entating to announces Buropea, infact uneven, rd sede ean meray fy ha the ditt mile sadly {0 know each other and cach e's prediction 5 for thie Je ag long since been in exten, Propagating tel, a tantly belo added ta No, indeed ! "The mater fe tahee ta {ie the Tg ad me of eter doula to aw a tthe, and tha shelt own nliaton aod sitbaity of taney ‘he motive for cerparate sion i 14. Prom Makar chins (probably 189): “ Now, in dha stage of world Htraturs, fe loo wey we can se atthe ‘Hands t lve mom he would do well sy ponder this ig, Letter to elie qh May 1809: Phe exnggerasons tthe theates of Pas, that great widespread ey, do ‘wh ar nl fa from facing them necemary ours Ys ite the conequences af advancing worl era, sid We ‘omer only In te fat tat theugh the common seus Ca Dadiyyer individuals ae belped an Bencted 7 fora tne Tireccve very grating prot of thik ry, Lets to Gv, Reinhard 1th June 1849: The teatthas of world Hicasure tenet shy ad aa fhotier; Hf am not mistaken, kings Brad sed penaal French gain most by ft they have, to, a kindof Premont

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