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Periodic table

1 What is the symbol as per IUPAC system for an element with z = 113 ?
2 What is the general configuration of inner transition element ?
3 Write the atomic number of the element present in thethird period and 15 group
4 Write the statement of mendeleev s law
5 Write the electronic configuration and find the number of unpaired electron in 28 Ni+2
6 Which of the following pairs of elements would have a more negative electron gain
enthalpy and why ? (i) O or S (ii) Cl or O
7 How would you justify the presence of 50 elements in the 8th period of the Periodic Table?
8 The first ionization enthalpy (iH) values of the second period elements, P , Si and Cl are respectively
1200, 800 and 1600 kJ mol1. Predict whether the first iH value for S will be more close to 1020 or 1460 kJmol1
? Justify your answer.
9 what do you mean by d-block element ? and write two important characterstics of them
10 What is the group , period and block for the iron with atomic no =26
11 (i)what do you mean by the term covalent radii of atom for an element given ?
(ii) write those factor which affect atomic radii (iii)Arrange following in increasing order of size
(A) Be, B ,Be2+, B3 +,
12 What do you mean by ionisation enthalpy of an element
Arrange the atoms with the following electronic configurations in order of increasing order of ionisation
i) 1s2,2s1, (ii) 1s2,2s2,2p4 iii) 1s2,2s2,2p3 (iv) 1s2,2s2,2p6,3s2,3p6
13 what will be formula of compound formed by formed element x and y given
X 1s2,2s2,2p6,3s2,3p1 and Y 1s2,2s2,2p6,3s2,3p5
14 Would you expect the second electron gain enthalpy of S as positive, more negative or less
negative than the first? Justify your answer.
16 what is the correct increasing order of ionization enthalpy Ne, P , S, Cl and Ar
17 Considering the atomic number and position in the periodic table, arrange the
following elements in the increasing order of metallic character : Si, Be, Mg, Na, P
18 what is the group, period and block for the gold with atomic no =79
19 The first (IE1) and second (IE2) ionization energies (KJ mol1) of a few elements designated by Roman
numerals are shown below. IE1 IE2 e gain enthalpy
I 2372 5251 + 40
II 420 5300 -45
III 600 2300 -60
IV 1680 3890 -350

Which of the above elements is likely to be

a) reactive metal b) a reactive non metal c) a noble gas

d) a metal that forms a stable binary halide of the formula. AX2(X = halogen)
(e) element which belong 1nd group (f) element with smallest size if they belong to same period

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