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SPE 35164 Society of Petroleum Engineers

A Compositional Model for C0 2 Floods Including C0 2 Solubility in Water

Yih-Bor Chang, Brian K. Coats and James S. Nolen, Western Atlas Software

Copyrlglat 1!1961 Soddy ol Petroletna Eaglaeerts waterflooded reservoir or when C02 is injected with water for
Tills paper was prepared for preseatatloa at tbe Permlaa Basla 011 & Gas Recovery Coofereace mobility control 4 The objective of this paper is to model oil
lteld Ia Mldl.. d, Texas, 2729 MaNit 1996.
recovery processes involving C0 2 injection while taking into
n paper was sdted for prese~~tatloa by aa SPE Prograta Committee followlag review or
lafortaatiOII (IOatallted Ia aa abstract sbtltaiUed by Cite autbor(s). Coaleats or tbe paper, as
account the effects of C02 solubility in water.
preseated, ltave aoC beea reviewed by tlte Society or Pelroleuta Eglaeen aad are &llbjed to The effects of the presence of an aqueous phase on the
corrediOII by tlte aatltor(s). Tlte 111alerla~ as presealed, does aot ae<:essarlly reOed aay posllloa or
tlte Sodety or Petroleara Eaglaeen, Its omcen, or raetaben. Papers preseated at SPE meetlag are phase behavior of CO:zfhydrocarbon systems have been
sabjed to pabllscatloa review by Editorial Conualltee ol lite Soddy ol Pelrole11111 Eaglaeen.
Perralssloa to copy Is restricted to u abstract ol aoC taore Ibaa 300 words. lllustralloas may aot
experimentally studied by Pollack et al. 5 It was found that
be topled. Tlte abstract sltoald c:o~~tala toaspk:aolls ackllowledgemell!ll ol wbere a ad by wbom tbe the presence of water reduces the amount of C02 available for
paper was pre~e~~ted. Write Ubrarlaa, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Rldtardsoa, 'IX 75083-3836,
U.S.A., fax Ol:Zl4.9S:Z.94JS. mixing with the hydrocarbons, and shifts the pressure-
composition diagram of CO:Jcrude oil system. The solubility
of C02 in water is a function of temperature, pressure and
Abstracts water salinity3 A thorough study of C02 solubility data in
This paper presents a three-dimensional, three-phase distilled water was presented by Dodds et al. 6 In general,
compositional model for simulating C02 flooding including C02 solubility increases with pressure and decreases with
C02 solubility in water. Both fully implicit and IMPES temperature. An increase in salinity of the reservoir water
formulations are included. In this model, C02 is allowed to decreases C02 solubility significantly. Li and Nghiem7 used
dissolve in the aqueous phase while all other components Henry's Law to estimate C02 solubility in distilled water and
except water exist in the oi~ and gas phases. Oil- and gas- used the scaled-particle theory to take into account the
phase densities and fugacities are modeled by a cubic presence of salt in the aqueous phase. Enick and Klara 8 also
equation of state. The aqueous phase properties are functions used Henry's Law to predict C0 2 solubility in distilled water.
of the amount of dissolved C02. C02 solubility is computed The decreased solubility of C02 in brine was accounted for
using a C02 fugacity coefficient table that is converted empirically by a single factor correlated to the weight percent
internally from input C02 solubility data as a function of of dissolved solid. However, a wide scatter of data
pressure at reservoir temperature. Correlations for computing characterizes their correlation.
the solubility of C02 in water and other properties of C02 A compositional model for simulating CO:z floods
saturated water are presented. Results for simulation runs including C0 2 solubility in water is presented. In this model,
with and without C0 2 solubility in water are shown for hydrocarbons and C02 are allowed to exist in the oil and gas
comparison. phases while only C02 and water exist in the aqueous phase.
A cubic equation of state is used to model oil- and gas-phase
lntrod uction densities and fugacities. An input table of CO:z solubility in
Compositional models using a cubic equation of state are water, water formation volume factor, water compressibility
usually used to simulate the enhanced recovery process of gas and water viscosity is required for this model. These data,
injection. In most of the published models, for example which are obtained either experimentally or generated from
Coats 1 and Young and Stephenson2, all hydrocarbon correlations, are entered as a function of pressure at reservoir
components exist in the oil ,and gas phases but are not temperature. The C0 2 solubility in water is internally
allowed to dissolve in the aqueous phase. Usually, this converted into a fugacity coefficient table as a function of
assumption is adequate since the hydrocarbon solubility in pressure. The fugacity coefficients are then used to compute
water is low over the range of temperature and pressure for the amount of C0 2 in water during simulation using the
gas injection. Carbon dioxide, however, is an exception to equality of component chemical potential constraint. The
this assumption. The solubility of C0 2 in water is much water formation volume factor, compressibility and viscosity
higher than that of hydrocarbon components and is a factor are then computed as a function of the amount of CO:z
that can not be neglected in the simulation process 3 This is dissolved in the water.
especially true when C02 is injected into a previously


A new empirical correlation is presented for the solubility
of C02 .in distilled water as a function of pressure and R cP )]
temperature. The calculated solubility in distilled water can sw 2 c P+ 1 '\

be further adjusted for the effects of salinity to obtain the if P < po {1)
solubility of C02 in NaCl brine. In addition, correlations for and
computing C02 saturated water formation volume factor, Rsw = R;w + m(P- po) if P ~ po (2)
compressibility and viscosity are also given. Finally,
simulation results compare reservoir performance with and
without C02 solubility in water.
General Description of the Model
The simulator described here is an isothem1al, three-
dimensional, compositional model. This model can simulate 4
water, oil and gas flow in reservoirs of heterogeneous b = ,Lb; 10_3; yi
permeability and porosity. The fluid flow is simulated using i-0
Darcy's law, incorporating viscous, gravity and capillary and 0<b<1 (4)
forces. Relative permeabilities and capillary pressures are
functions of saturations and optionally can be specified as a
function of interfacial tension. The model consists of mass C = 10-3 ~C; 10_3; Ti (5)
balances for water and nc hydrocarbon components and
associated constraint equations. Oil- and gas-phase densities
and fugacities are calculated from a cubic equation of state9
Component volume shift factors 10 can be optionally included
for volume translation. Both Lohrenz et a/. 11 and Pedersen et
a/. 12 correlations are available for calculating oil- and gas-
phase viscosities. Interfacial tension, if needed, is calculated
from the Macleod-Sugden correlation13 It is assumed that (7)
instantaneous equilibrium exists between oil, gas and water,
and that water and hydrocarbon components are mutually
m-a 1-b si { -
:Tt C po ) 1t
C p

~1t- -
C po
)]} (8)
insoluble. C02 is aUowed to exist in all three phases. There { [ 2 C' po + 1 2 C' po + 1 2 C ' P0 +1
is no precipitation or chemical reaction, and physical
dispersion is not modeled.
The compositional model includes both fully implicit and
Rsw is C0 2 solubility in scf of C0 2 per STB water, T is
temperature in degree Fahrenheit, P is pressure in psia, and
IMPES (implicit-pressure, explicit-saturation) fomiUiations.
the coefficients are
The fully implicit formulation is similar to the formulation by
Coats\ and the IMPES formulation is a modification of the
Young and Stephenson2 formulation. This model is capable i=O i=l i=2 i=3 i=4
of simulating reservoir perfonnance with locally refined ai 1.163 -16.630 111.073 -376.859 524.889
grids. Using the local grid refinement option, a grid can be bi 0.965 -0.272 0.0923 -0.1008 0.0998
specified to be fully implicit or IMPES, and a simulation Cj 1.280 -10.757 52.696 -222.395 462.672
model can have mixed implicit/IMPES grid types.
This correlation matches the solubility data of Wiebe14 for
Correlations for C02 Saturated Water Properties liquid and supercritical carbon dioxide in. water within 10
Correlations are developed for estimating properties of C0 2 scf/STB for temperatures between 54 and 212 degrees
saturated water for binary COzfwater systems as functions of Fahrenheit and pressures up to 10,000 psia. Figure 1 is a
temperature, pressure and salinity. The estimated properties comparison of the computed data and the measured data by
include C0 2 solubility in water (Rsw), water formation factor Wiebe 14 at 104, 122, 167 and 212 F.
(Bw), water compressibility (Cw) and. water viscosity (f!w). The calculated solubility in distilled water can be further
adjusted for the effects of salinity to obtain the solubility of
C0 2 Solubility in Water. The solubility of C0 2 in distilled C0 2 in brine.
water may be estimated as a function of temperature and
press~re with the following equations:


Reservoir Simulation Model

log( Rsb) = -0.028 S y-O.l 2 (9) This reservoir simulation model consists of 211c+5 equations
RSW for each grid block, where ne is number of hydrocarbon
components. The ne hydrocarbon components and :water
of brine in weight percent of solid, and T is temperature in mass balance equations are
degree where Rsb is C02 solubility in scf of C02 per STB
brine, S is salinity Fahrenheit. The measured data in NaCI
solutions from Malinin and Savelyeva 15, Malinin and D r
R.~ ~ [(ot>. ,; -(4> n; r]- A[T. :: S.x; (Ill' -y .w) l
Kurovskaya 16 and McRee17 were used to obtain this
correlation. Equation (9) also matches these C02 solubility
data in NaCI solution within 10 scf/STB. Figure 2 shows
-+ :: S,Y; (AP+M'.,. -y ,w)]
the computed data and measured data from Malinin and
Savelyeva 15, and Malinin and Kurovskaya 16 Figure 3 is a
-A[T"' krw we~ (M'- AP
lA-w Bw cwo
AD)]b.r,c~ + q. = 0

comparison of the computed data and the experimental data i = 1,2, ... ,nc (12)

Water Formation Volume Factor. The formation volume Rwrb V,.

[('s. )"'"'-('S.,)~]-A[T. krw ..2:._.(AP-AP_,-y.,AD)]+q., -o
B., B., 1-' .. B.,
factor of C02 saturated water (or brine) is calculated using

B = p w,sc + 0.02066 R sb where b i,c~ = 1 if component i is C02 otherwise b i,c~ = 0.

w Pw,alm + 0.0058 Rsb In Eq. (12), C02 is allowed to dissolve in the aqueous phase
while a]) other components except water exist in the oil and
where Bw is water formation volume factor in rb/STB, Pw,sc is gas phases. We also assume no C02 in the injected water and
water density at standard temperature and pressure in lb/cu ft, the separator water does not have any dissolved C0 2
and Pw,atm is water density at reservoir temperature and 14.7 Summing Eq. (12) over all hydrocarbon components yields
psia in lb/cu ft. Both Pw,sc and Pw,atm can be calculated from, the total hydrocarbon equation
for example Rowe and Chou 18, correlations. Equation (10) is

:~ [(<!> n, t' -(<1> n.}"]- t.[ Tm :: ~. (AP-y .w)]

developed using the data of Parkinson and De Nevers 19 and
Sayegh and Najman20 R,.., =

Water Compressibility. For pressures less than 5000 psia,

the water compressibility factor of C02 saturated water is -!l.[T krg
J.t t {M + !l.P
g ~g
- yg w)]
l .
m ego
calculated using the correlation from Rowe and Chou 18 For
pressures greater than 5000 psia,
k w
-fl. Tm -~~ (!l.P- !l.Pcwo -y wtill) + q1 = 0
[ w
1 1
- + 7.033 (P- 5000) (11) (14)
The total hydrocarbon equation is used in our model instead
where Cw,sooo is water compressibility at reservoir temperature of the mass balance equation for component llc
and 5000 psia from the Rowe and Chou 18 correlation in
psia- 1 The above correlation is derived from the water The fie+ 1 fugacity constraints (for a three phase block),
compressibility correlation by Osif 1 The effects of dissolved
C02 in water on water compressibility is assumed negligible Rt.i = JF.z,o - JF.z,g = 0 i = 1,2, ... ,nc (15)
when using the Rowe and Chou 18 and Osif21 correlations.
Water Viscosity. The effects of dissolved C02 in water on
water viscosity were found to be very small by Sayegh and (16)
Najman20 Water viscosity can be calculated from the Kestin
et al. 22 correlation, neglecting the effects of dissolved C0 2
where xis one of the hydrocarbon phases (o or g), express the
requirement that oil- and gas-phase fugacities must be equal
for each hydrocarbon component, and C0 2 fugacities in the


hydrocarbon phase and the aqueous phase must be equal. of these 2nc+5 unknowns. Then the variables y nc (or X nc )
The C02 equilibrium constraint applies if and only if C02,
and Znc are eliminated using the mole fraction constraints.
the water phase, and at least one hydrocarbon phase are all
present. A cubic equation of state is used to compute oil- and Figure 4 shows the ~.tructure of the Jacobian for the diagonal
gas-phase fugacities. C02 fugacity in the aqueous phase is term with three hydrocarbon components. We have assigned
calculated from a C02 fugacity coefficient table which is C02 to be component number one in this figure. In this
computed internally from input C02 solubility data. The figure, the symbols "x" and "*",respectively, denote new and
method for computing the C02 fugacity coefficient table is modified elements due to C0 2 solubility in water. The
discussed later. There are two mole fraction constraints and symbol "o" denotes elements that are not affected by
one water saturation constraint considering C02 solubility in water. Only five more elements
from the material balance equations are added to the Jacobian
compared with the Jacobian without including C02 solubility
and in water. These "extra" elements are the derivatives of C02,
total hydrocarbon and water material balance equations with
respective to Wc 02 and Sw. These elements can be easily
rnPES Formulation For the IMPES fonnulation, the eliminated, and then the resulting Jacobian becomes the same
variable Jli in equation {12} is expressed as fom1 as the one without including C02 solubility in water.
Thus, we can apply the same solution procedure as suggested
by Young and Stephenson 2.
i = 1,2, ... ,nc In their paper, Young and Stephenson2 also suggested a
procedure that can yield zero material balance errors. This is
because in their model porosity and water formation volume
and the variable Dt in equation (14} is
factor are function of pressure only. After solving for
pressure, the total hydrocarbon and water material balance
S w equation can be rearranged to solve for F and Sw exactly.
n, = F + w CDz
Bw This procedure, however, can not be applied directly to our
model. This is because the water formation volume factor,
where Bw, is a function of pressure and C0 2 content in water (wco ).

Secondly, the C02 component and total hydrocarbon material

balance equations include material in the hydrocarbon phase
as well as C02 in the aqueous phase. To achieve zero
z. = Lx. +Vy. material balance error, we need to solve for Wco after
i = 1,2, ... ,nc 2
' ' . ' obtaining pressure but before solving for other variables.
with Fortunately, the changes in Zj can be expressed as a function
of w co and then combined with the backward substitution

equation for W co to fonn a quadratic equation in tenns of

and L+V =1
W co
After solving for w co2 , we update Bw, and then solve
for all other variables using the procedure suggested by
The saturation equation is expressed in temlS ofF, L, V and Young and Stephenson.
Implicit Formulation For the implicit fonuulation, the

variable ni in equation (12} is expressed as
R s~ = F ~
-1= 0
0 ~g w
S w
n. = 'i: S x. + 'i: S y. + w COJ. b.
' ':lo o ' ':lg g ' Bw ,,cOJ_
The unknown variables are V, 'l:h i=1, .. ,1lc; Zj, i=1, .. ,nc; w C02
F, Sw, and P for a predominantly liquid cell (Vy iteration),
and the variable nt in equation (14} is
and L, Xi, i=1, .. ,1lc; Zj, i=1, .. ,nc; Wco2 , F, Sw, and P for a
predominantly vapor cell (Lx iteration). For a three phase S w
grid block, the 2nc+3 equations of fugacity constraints, mass n, -- 'i:
0 +':lg
'i: s g +---.;;...
W C02

balances and saturation constraint are first linearized in tenns Bw


water viscosity. These data are entered as a function of

The unknown variables are Yh i=1, .. ,1lc; Xi, i=1, .. ,1lc; wco2' So, pressure at the reservoir temperature. The format and use of
Sw, S 8 and P. In the case of a three phase grid block, the this table are similar to the conventional black oil table except
21lc+ 2 equations of fugacity constraints and mass balances are now the solution gas is C02, the liquid phase is water instead
first linearized in tenns of these 21lc+5 unknowns. Then the of oil, and the formation volume factor is for C02 saturated
water instead of gas saturated oil.
variables y n and Xn are eliminated using the mole fraction
c c A table of C02 fugacity coefficient in the aqueous phase,
constraints, and the variable So is eliminated using the cp c~,w' is computed internally from the input C02 solubility
saturation constraint. Figure 5 shows the structure of the
Jacobian for the diagonal term with three hydrocarbon for a saturated binary CO~water system. The phase
components. In the solution procedure, Gaussian elimination equilibrium constraint for the C02 component in a binary
CO~water system is
is used_ to solve for the ne+ 1 unknowns of Yh i= 1, .. ,1lc-1; x1,
and W co in terms of the remaining ne+ 1 unknowns of Xi,
i=2, .. ,1lc-1; Sw, Sg and P. The remaining ne+1 unknowns are
called primary unknowns, while the ne+ 1 eliminated
unknowns are called secondary unknowns. The linearized
mass balance equations, after eliminating the secondary
unknowns using the constraint equations, form a set of ne+ 1 where we use the subscript w to denote the aqueous phase and
equations in terms of ne+ 1 primary unknowns. The linear v for the C02 rich phase. y co is the mole fraction of C02 in
system is solved iteratively, and the solution vector is then the C02 rich phase and 00 C02 is the mole fraction of C0 2 in
used to compute the secondary unknowns through back
substitution as described by Coats1 the aqueous phase which can be computed from the input
C02 solubility in water, Rsb At the conditions of typical C02
Phase Equilibrium Calculations During simulation, we floods, the water vapor pressure is small relative to the total
need to determine the number and type of phases in a grid pressure and C02 vapor pressure. If we assume that the water
cell. A sequential approach is used in the model. For a cell mole fraction in the C02 rich phase is negligible, i.e.
with hydrocarbons, C02 and water, a two-phase =
y c~ 1, the fugacity coefficient of C02 in the aqueous phase
hydrocarbon/water flash is first performed to compute the can be approximated as
amount of C02 in water and the composition of the
hydrocarbon phase. Equation (16) is the primary equation
and wco2 is the primary unknown for this flash calculation.
Next the computed hydrocarbon composition is tested by a
two-phase oil/gas flash calculation for the possibility of
splitting the single hydrocarbon phase into two phases. If where <P c~~ is the fugacity coefficient of pure C02 in the
only one hydrocarbon phase can be found at the end of the vapor phase computed using an equation of state (EOS).
oil/gas flash calculation, then the p~ase equilibrium For a binary CO~water system, the computed fugacity
calculation is complete. If the oil/gas flash calculation yields coefficient of C0 2 in the aqueous phase, 4> c~,w , is a function
two hydrocarbon phases, then we know that oil/gas/water
three-phase equilibria exist in this grid cell, and we perfonn a of temperature and pressure but not composition since cp EOS

three-phase flash to determine the compositions of the oil, gas is for pure C0 2 and oo c~ is for the binary CO-'water
V system ,
and aqueous phases.-
and both are a function of temperature and pressure onlY. at a
constant water salinity. For isothermal reservoir simulations,
Aqueous Phase Properties In addition to the fluid flow
<P c~,w is assumed to be a function of pressure only and is
properties, equations (12) to (16) also require PVT properties
of oil, gas and aqueous phases. Oil- and gas-phase densities used in Eq. (16) for computing C0 2 content in the aqueous
and fugacities are computed using a cubic equation of state. phase with an arbitrary hydrocarbon system.
A method for calculating the aqueous phase properties during After computing C0 2 content in the aqueous phase using
simulation is discussed in this section. the phase equilibrium algorithm mentioned above, water
As mentioned earlier, an input table of C02 saturated viscosity, saturated water formation volume factor, water
water properties of binary CO~water system is needed in our compressibility, and water saturation pressure can. be
model. These data, either measured experimentally or calculated from the table of C02 saturated water properties of
estimated from correlations, include C02 solubility in water, CO~water system using linear interpolation. These aqueous
water formation volume factor, water compressibility and phase properties are assumed to be functions only of aqueous


phase C0 2 content. The water formation volume factor at dissolved C0 2 , which is considered "lost", is not available for
block pressure P, Bw, is calculated from the saturated water mixing with oil.
formation volume factor (B:aJ), water compressibility (Cw), Figures 8 and 9 are comparisons of oil recoveries. ~or
simulation runs with and without considering C02 solubility
and water saturation pressure (P:aJ) as: in water. In these figures, the left axis is the cumulative oil
produced for runs including C02 solubility in water, and the

B Bsal [l+Cw (P-Psal)]

right axis is the difference in cumulative oil produced
_l__=_l w between runs ignoring and runs including C02 solubility in
w w
water. Figure 8 shows the results of case A runs. The major
impact of C0 2 solubility in water is delaying oil recovery, and
Simulation Results
the effect is more pronounced for run A-1 than run A-2.
The objective of these simulation runs is to investigate the
Recall that run A-1 is for simulating IM C0 2 injection
effects of C02 solubility in water on oil recovery. For each
conditions, and Run A-2 is for MCM conditions. At the end
case, we made a pair of simulations, one includes C02
of year eight, the runs with C0 2 solubility produced about 180
solubility in water and one ignores C02 solubility. The
MSTB oil less than the runs without C02 solubility. The oil
reservoir and fluid properties are from Killough and
recoveries for case B are shown in Figure 9. Recall that the
Kossack23 . The same three dimensional 7 by 7 by 3 grid is
reservoir is waterflooded before WAG cycles for case B. Now
also used in our study. Two wells, one for injection and one
C0 2 solubility not qnly delays the oil recovery but also
for production, were located in opposite comers of the grid.
reduces the final oil recovery. The effect is more pronounced
The injection well is located in the grid block (i,j)=(1,1) with
for run B-2 (MCM conditions) than for run B-1 (IM
all three layers perforated. The production well is in the grid
conditions). At the end of year nine, the runs with C02
block (i,j) = (7,7) with only the third layer perforated !he o~!
solubility produced about 200 MSTB less oil than the runs
is characterized by a six-component Peng-Robinson
with no C02 solubility. This is about 5% of post-waterflood
equation of state description. We changed the inject~~ gas
oil recovery at year nine.
from a mixture of C1, C2 and C6 to C02. The solubility of
Although a simple reservoir model was used in the above
C02 in water is calculated using equations (1) to (9), and
simulation, similar effects of C02 solubility in water on oil
water formation volume factor is from equation (10) at 160 oF
production are also found in one of our field simulation. This
and 10 wt% salinity. For the purpose of comparison, constant
is a model of about 5,000 gridblocks with six layers. The
values of water compressibility and viscosity, 3.3x10"5 psi" 1
reservoir had about 50 years of primary production and
and 0.7 cp respectively, are used for all runs.
waterflooding, and is planned for C0 2 flooding for almost 30
Two WAG injection cases were designed in our study.
years of WAG cycles. The C02 flood is fo1lowed by another
Both cases start with two years of oil production at a
15 years of chase water injection. Our simulation results
maximum rate of 2000 STB/D with no injection. For case A,
show that about 10 to 15% of total injected C02 dissolved in
a three-month WAG cycle begins at the end of year two. The
water or about 11 to 15% of the C0 2 in the reservoir
WAG cycles last for 12 years, and are followed by a six-year
chase water period. For case B, waterflood begins at the end
dissol~ed in water during the WAG cycles. A maximum of
15% post-waterflood oil production, or 8% of total oil
of the second year and continues for 4 years. The waterflood
production are delayed when C0 2 solubility is simulated. The
is followed by 8 years of three-month WAG cycles which are
simulation results presented here, however, should not be
followed by 6 years of chase water. Case A mimics secondary
generalized to all reservoirs without considering other facto~.
C02 flooding while case B mimics tertiary C02 flooding.
The effect of C02 solubility in water on C02 flood Oil
Two runs were made for each case, the first one simulated an
recovery will probably depend on reservoir heterogeneity,
immiscible (IM) C0 2 flood, and the second simulated a
rock and fluid properties, and injection/production history of
multiple contact miscible (MCM) C0 2 flood. Table 1
the reservoir.
summaries run conditions.
Figure 6 shows the ratio of total C0 2 dissolved in water
to cumulative C0 2 injected. For a11 runs, this ratio reaches its
A three-dimensional, three-phase compositional model is
peak value near the end of the first year of WAG cycles, and
presented for simulating C0 2 floods including C02 solubility
then gradually declines until the end of the WAG cycles. The
in water. Oil- and gas-phase densities and fugacities are
maximum ratios are about 7% and 12% for Case A and B
modeled by a cubic equation of state. C0 2 solubility in water
respectively. Figure 7 shows the ratio of total C02 dissolved
is computed using a C0 2 fugacity coefficient table which is
in water to the total amount of C02 in the reservoir. The
internally converted from input C0 2 in water solubility data
latter is calculated as the difference between cumulative C02
as a function of pressure at the reservoir temperature.
injected and produced. About 8 to 13% of the C02 in the
Correlations for estimating C0 2 solubility in water and
reservoir dissolved in water during WAG cycles. The
NaCl brine, water formation volume factor of C02 saturated


water, water compressibility, and water viscosity are cp = Porosity, fraction

presented. The C0 2 solubility in water can be estimated with <P co.z,v= Fugacity coefficient of C0 2 rich phase
the correlations within 10 scf/STB for most C0 2 flood
<P co.z,w= Fugacity coefficient of C02 in water
Using a simple three-dimensional model, simulation yg = Gas specific gravity
results show that about 10% of C02 injected is dissolved in Yo = Oil specific gravity
water and unavailable for mixing with oil. This may be Yw = Water specific gravity
considered "lost" to the aqueous phase. The solubility effects 1-lg = Gas viscosity, cp
are more pronounced for tertiary C02 floods than secondary 1-lo = Oil viscosity, cp
C02 floods. As much as 5% of post-waterflood oil production 1-1w = Water viscosity, cp
can be delayed from our simulation results. Pw = Water density, lb/cu ft
w co.z = mole fraction of C0 2 in water
Nomenclature i;g = Gas molar density, lb-mole/cu ft
Bw = Water formation volume factor, rb/STB i;o = Oil molar density, lb-mole/cu ft
Cw = Water compressibility, 1/psi
D = Depth, ft Subscripts and Superscripts
F = Overall hydrocarbon phase molar density, lb- g = Gas phase
mole/cu ft = Component index
fi.g = Fugacity of component i in the gas phase n = Time step index
~.o = Fugacity of component i in the oil phase o = Oil phase
krg = Gas relative permeability w = Aqueous phase
kro = Oil relative permeability
krw = Water relative permeability Acknowledgments
L = oil mole fraction in hydrocarbon phase The authors wish to thank Western Atlas Software for
ni = total molar density of component i pennission to publish this paper.
nt = total molar density of all hydrocarbon
components References
p = Pressure, psia 1. Coats, K.H.: "An Equation of State Compositional Model,"
Pcgo = Oil/gas capiJiary pressure, psia SPEJ (Oct. 1980) 363-376.
Pcwo = Oil/water capiiiary pressure, psia 2. Young, L.C. and Stephenson, R.E.: "A Generalized
qi = Hydrocarbon component well rate for Compositional Approach for Reservoir Simulation," SPEJ
component i, lb-mole/D (1983) 23, No.5, 727-742.
qt = Total hydrocarbon weii rate, lb-mole/D 3. Klins, M.A.: Carbon Dioxide Flooding Basic Mechanisms and
qw = Water well rate, STB/D Project Design, International Human Resources Development
Corporation, Boston, MA, 1984.
Rsw = Solubility of C02 in distiiied water, scf/STB
4. Enick, R.M. and Klara, S.M.: "Effects of C02 Solubility in
Rsb = Solubility of C0 2 in NaCl brine, scf/STB Brine on the Compositional Simulation of C02 Floods," SPERE
s = Salinity of NaCl brine, weight percent (May 1992) 253-258.
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T a bl e 1 : S ummary o f stmu
. ]atton
. runs
initial production waterflood WAG chase water
(years) (years) (years) (years)
runs A-1, A-2 1 to 2 3 to 14 15 to 20
runs B-1, B-2 1 to 2 3 to 6 6 to 14 15 to 20

max. inj. Ow max. inj. QA max. Pbh (psia) min. Pbh (psia)
(STB/D) (sefiD) injector producer
runA-1 7,500 15,000 4,500 500
runA-2 10,000 20,000 4,500 1,500
run B-1 7,500 15,000 4,500 500
run B-2 10,000 20,000 4,500 1,500

~ ~..___..___~----------~------------~------------r---------~------------,


~ 150
104 F (data)
- - 1 0 4 F (calc)
u c
.!. 100 122 F (data)
!: - - - 122 F (calc)
167 F (data)
167 F (calc)
l:J. 212 F (data}
.... ~ ...... r 212F(calc)

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000

Pressure (psia)

Figure 1: Comparison of measured 14 and caJcu]ated C0 2 solubilities in distilled water.



1- 122 F (data)
100 -.--122 F (calc) 1--

A 167 F (data)
- - -167 F (calc)
0 80
212 F (data) -
::1: 212 F (calc)
e;! ~ .......
~ EiO
~ .....
...... -' .

....... _ "-
... ....
~ ~

u .... ......
_ I'~--- ~
1- .... .L.-.
' ' - ......... . --

- ...... A-----
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Salinity (wt%)

Figure 2: Comparison ofmeasured 1516 and calculated C0 2 solubilities in NaCI brine at 695.5 psia.


- -- r---

~ m
. . . .. ........
0 ED
~ 4) I
'~ ~
,... ., ~,Ill .. # ~
.... . .. . .. . .

,. ~-

10 VJtOio(data)
~ ~

"" --10wt01o(calq ,...__

a: 3) /:' 25 VJtOio(data)

~~ . . .
- - - - 25 VJtOio(calq

Figure 3: Comparison of measured 17 and calculated C0 2 solubilities in NaCJ brine at 100 F.


0 0 0 0 0 0 oyl Rft
0 0 0 0 0 0 oy2 Rf2
0 0 0 0 0 0 ov Rf3
X X X X X owe~ RCOz.
X 0 0 X * . ozl Rm~
0 0 0 oz2 Rmb2
X 0 X * oF Rm~
X 0 * osw Rmb,..
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p RsaJ

Figure 4: Structure of diagonal Jacobian of the IMPES formulation for~ components. The symbol "o" represents elements without
C02 solubility in water, "x" is for elements due to C02 solubility in water only, and "*" represents elements for which the C02
solubility term has been added to the hydrocarbon flow terms.

0 0 0 0 0 oyl Rft l
0 0 0 0 0 oy2 Rf2 I
0 0 0 0 0 oxl Rf3
0 0 0 X 0 0 * * osg Rm~
0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 ox2 Rmb2
0 0 0 X 0 0 * * osw Rmb I

X 0 0 oP Rmb,..

FigureS: Structure of diagonal Jacobian of the implicit formulation for 3 components. The symbol "o" represents elements without
C02 solubility in water, "x" is for elements due to C02 solubility in water only, and "*" represents elements for which the C02
solubility term has been added to the hydrocarbon flow terms.


12 --n.nA1 h

-----nnA2 ....: ', .......


- n.nB1

~10 ;." . ..,

:E' i
',, ~ .... -- ---
N 8 --- 1\1182 ~ ' ' .... ... .r
u '~ .,..'"., --- .... " .. ......, , .. ........... __
E6 r~ ~.......... .... _r-.... __. ... . .
, ., ....
::I ,............_
ca 4 I

---- r--- ._
............. _/
~ I
.5 I
N 2 '

. . .
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Figure 6: Ratio of total C02 dissolved in water to cumulative C02 injected.

35 , ....

".,..,, , ..
--nnA1 ,I ' ,)

- - -nnA2
~.~ '1 7
--nnB2 ~ v

. . - -:;-- ~

.E r ~ r-:I--
N 5

_. ... .. I.
0 2 4 6 8 12 14 16 18

Figure 7: Ratio of total C02 dissolved in water to total C0 2 in reservoir.


- - -nnA-2
-- nnA-1 .. .. ..... -.
,.,"" --"-

- . - n.nA-2 . ..
, "

..,, ..... ..
~ ~ m
8N ....

... ,
., .............. ~ ... '
...,.., ~ ~ !.
. ~ '
8.... -d0
I, ~

..... -/'' v/

~ ' 0
,. //
v v '
' ' r-, . . . " ... / ' '\'.-.
' 8

l ' ~

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Figure 8: Cumulative oil produced and difference in cumulative oil produced between runs ignoring and including C02 solubility in
water for case A.

..... ~- .. - -- -- ~
nn B-1 ,,. ,"" m
- -nnB-2

i: 1/
I ... /! ,.."""'
.. ,~\
..... ~ -- 4

..--- .;...-'
~ 8N ....

8.... -d0
/;'' v .
.. . , ... ... ~
// / ' .. 4 0
'....../ e
.......... ~
8 .5
..... ~

0 v
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


Figure 9: Cumulative oil produced and difference in cumulative oil produced between runs ignoring and including C02 solubility in
water for case B.


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