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Java Random Notes

Until I find time to get more organized, here are a number of miscellaneous note
s assembled when I find answers to Java questions and don't want to have to go l
ooking for them again.

The Java Virtual Machine

At its core, the Java virtual machine (JVM) consists of the following components
PermGen and method area
Just-in-time (JIT) compiler
Code cache
The heap is where memory is allocated for every new operator you use during the
application code development stage.
Local variables which remain within the scope of a method are stored on the stac
k. As a method or block in a method goes out of scope, those variables are remov
ed. (Note too that once Java objects no longer have live references to them, the
y are garbage-collected.)
PermGen space stores class and method-level data as well as static variables tha
t are defined by the application. A method area is in PermGen and stores all met
hod, field and constant pool details of the application.
The JIT and the code cache go hand-in-hand. The JVM at its core interprets and c
onverts the Java byte code into assembly code at run-time. Interpreting is a rel
atively slow process because the code is converted from byte code to machine cod
e on the fly every time a portion of your application code is executed. This is
where the JIT compiler swings into action:
The JIT compiler analyzes the application code at run-time to understand which m
ethods can be categorized as "hot" methods. Hot means code fragments that are ac
cessed more frequently. Conceptually, the JIT compiler has a counter for each me
thod executed in order to understand the frequency of usage. When the counter's
value reaches a defined threshold, the method becomes eligible to be compiled by
the JIT compiler to assembly which is then stored in the code cache. From then
on, whenever the JIT compiler comes across a call to such a pre-compiled and cac
hed method, it will no longer try to reinterpret it, but will use the already co
mpiled assembly code. This gives the application an obvious performance boost.

Java: Four Security Vulnerabilities Related [to] Coding Practices to Avoid, (htt
Reduce Boilerplate Code in Java with Lombok (
Got Java?
Because I work on Linux, in the past years I've migrated to using OpenJDK. Howev
er, when I need Sun's Java (no, I don't mean Oracle's I'm still a little in denial
about that), I go to There I can get it for any platform,
including Apple Macintosh OS X.
Because I write software in Java, I download a JDK "privately" which is to say t
hat I put it locally to my user, on a path like /home/russ/dev/jdk1.7.0_51. On M
acintosh OS X, which I think give one little-to-no say in the matter, this appar
ently ends up being more like /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_51.jdk/
Contents/Home. (I don't use Macintosh, but one day I might again so this isn't c
ompletely irrelevant.)

Script finding and isolating Java version


Some defintions from Javaland

EAR Enterprise archive. An archive containing the enterprise-level Java bean
JAR Java archive. Collection of .class files compiled from .java files plus
resources (like properties files) and libraries (more .jar files).
WAR Web archive. Collection of JSPs (.jsp files), .html files, even graphics
and other files necessary to the web application.
next definition x.
Utility methods...
A collection of utility methods isn't OOP (with a capital OOP). These methods sh
ould be static since their behaviour is not dependent on any specific instance o
f attributes.

Use of static...
A static variable in a class becomes a single instance for all instantiations of
objects of that type. If changed by one, it's changed for all objects. static f
inal will ensure its inability to be modified.
Declare immutable constants as static final. This guards against inadvertant mod
ification and permits the compiler to perform optimizations in the use of those

Identifier case...
Use camel-back, lower-case initial in the names of methods and non-constant vari

Width of characters...
A char cannot be safely converted to byte.

Never use exceptions for flow-control.

Use of .class...
String className = ASConfig.class.getName();
Given <class-type> .class. <method>
.class gets the Class object for the class-type and calls the indicated method.
In the sample above, the class name is returned.
Accessors and mutators
..are formal names for getters and setters.

int to String
int x = 99;
String X = Integer.toString( x );
// or
String X = "" + x;
JUnit testing
See junit.html.

Integers in Java
Type Size Range
name bytes bits minimum maximum
byte 1 8 -128 +127
short 2 16 -32,768 +32,767
int 4 32 -2,147,483,648 +2,147,483,647
long 8 64 -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 +9,223,372,036,854,775,8
Instance variable instantiation
Consider the following class and subclass which illustrate a bizarre point of in
stance variable initialization. It might be a long time if ever someone actually
suffers from this problem, but it makes a useful observation on initialization.
The explanation here is a bit awkward and over-stated, but clear, I think.
class Abc
public Abc( Object o )
assignValue( o );
public void assignValue( Object o )
// do nothing...
public class Test extends Abc
public Object x = null;
public Test( Object o )
super( o );
public void assignValue(Object o)
x = o;
System.out.println( "x in assignValue: " + x );
public static void main( String args[] ) throws CloneNotSupportedExcep
Test t = new Test( "Test" );
System.out.println( "t: " + t.x );
x in assignValue: Test
t: null
The output happens because the initialization:
public Object x = null;
executes after the constructor. So...
x = 0;
gets overwritten by
public Object x = null;
The secret is that the compiler in fact arranges to call the explicitly invoked
superclass constructor before the (local) constructor will get executed.
The initializations done as part of the class instance variable declarations are
part of and occur before the (local) construction process. In our example, they
occur implicitly before the statements in the (subclass) constructor, with the
exception of the superclass constructor invocation as noted.
Therefore, execution order is not straightforward as it is in C. Hence, here the
null initialization runs after the local class' call of its superclass construc
tor. The compiler in essence absorbs the
super( o );
statement and runs it before any other constructor statements as well as even be
fore applying the initializations stated in the instance variable declarations.

Here's a good site for sample code:
See also sample code in com.etretatlogiciels.samples.fileio.

The finally clause

Use this to close streams, file handles, database connections, etc. StreamUtils.
close() is your short-hand friend for the first case.
Properties properties = new Properties();
FileInputStream is = null;
is = new FileInputStream( path );
properties.load( is );
catch( FileNotFoundException e )
System.out.println( e.getMessage() );
catch( IOException e )
System.out.println( e.getMessage() );
StreamUtils.close( is );
Research this class for transforming an input stream into an output stream and v

Reader versus Stream

In Java I/O, a file or other device may be opened on a stream and somewhere in t
he layer cake that wraps the device may be a reader. A reader augments a stream
in that it deals with characters (UTF-8, etc.) rather than bytes.

Synchronization in Java
This is not an exhaustive treatment of concurrency solutions in Java. It is a si
mple treatment, from a C programmer's mentality, of the Java keyword, synchroniz
ed. Java uses this keyword in two ways.
Synchronized blocks
The synchronized keyword is used to synchronize a block of executable statements
by referring to an object. This object becomes like a mutex in procedural progr
amming languages: executing all other blocks with reference to object is seriali
Object object = new Object();
synchronized( object )
do something with object;
How it works
On its face, object is not any kind of mutex, condition variable, reader-writer
lock, barrier or other synchronization primitive that you would expect to declar
e in a procedural language to manage your protected data in parallel. But in fac
t, every Java object contains a lock within itself. This lock is formally referr
ed to as a monitor. When the compiler sees synchronized in this situation, it ge
nerates code to use the object's monitor.

Synchronized methods
The synchronized keyword is also used to synchronize goings on in a method. This
is also like controlling execution of the method based on a mutex, but the obje
ct is implied this rather than explicit.
synchronized void makeSomeoneHappy()
do something to make someone happy with several objects;
All synchronized methods share the same mutex (this, as noted). The above is dir
ectly equivalent to:
void makeSomeoneHappy()
synchronized( this )
do something to make someone happy with several objects;
Watch out!
A private member variable in a class isn't safe unless all methods touching it a
re explicitly synchronized. A public member variable would practically never be
safe. In the following class, x is safe, but y is not even though their manipula
ting methods are synchronized.
public class TwoCounters
private int x = 0;
public int y = 0;
public synchronized getX() { return this.x; }
public synchronized incX() { this.x++; }
public synchronized zeroX(){ this.x = 0; }
public synchronized getY() { return this.y; }
public synchronized incY() { this.y++; }
public synchronized zeroY(){ this.y = 0; }
This is because code outside this class can freely access y whereas an attempt t
o access x would be rebuffed by the compiler:
TwoCounters counter = new TwoCounters();
counter.x = 99; COMPILATION ERROR!
The distinction between the two methods of synchronization just contrasted is th
at in the second case, no actual, explicit object is needed in writing the code
to perform serialization. There is no need to create object. Instead, the implie
d object, this, is used.
(Yup, this is absolutely the first time in over a decade of writing HTML that I
have used the <blink> tag: very annoying, isn't it?)
Between correctly synchronized methods in diverse classes deadlocks can easily o
ccur, in particular, the ABBA. The following is the scenario.
Thread A enters a synchronized method for class Foo. It holds the monitor for Fo
o's this. Let's say that thread A blocks momentarily on some I/O operation.
Thread B enters a synchronized method for class Bar. It holds the monitor for Ba
r's this. Thread B also knows about the same instance of Foo as thread A and att
empts to enter one of Foo's synchronized methods. Foo's monitor is contested bec
ause thread A already has it.
Thread A wakes up from its I/O operation and, having a reference to the instance
of Bar that thread B already has locked, decides to attempt to enter one of Bar
's synchronized methods.
Thread A is blocked on a monitor held by thread B and thread B is blocked on a m
onitor held by thread A.
This sort of nightmare is best prevented by careful design. The temptation by ba
d engineers in a procedural language might be to test whether a lock is going to
be contested before attempting to use it and, indeed, it is sometimes impossibl
e to do otherwise. However, all efforts to design logic to avoid doing this shou
ld be made. Moreover, as noted next, it was not possible prior to Java 1.5 to pe
rform a try-lock.

More traditional locking in Java

Starting (only) in Java 1.5, a new interface, Lock, is provided to mimic not onl
y mutexes in use in other, especially procedural languages, but also try-locking
mutexes, condition variables and reader-writer locks.
Without giving an implementation here (because that is how one chooses to implem
ent a mutex versus a condition variable versus a reader-writer or other kind of
lock), this example shows how it is used:
Lock l = new ...();
do something with resources controlled by lock l;
This usage is unsurprising and recognizable to any C programmer. The reason for
this to exist (finally) in Java is that it gives greater flexibility (if also im
posing the inelegant coding duty of maintaining the lock just as in C). Using sy
nchronized does not give you the finer control to do something else in the case
the object is contested: you are blocked on permanently on the object (explicit
object or implicit this) until the thread that has it locked yields it. Hence th
e utility of this new interface.

Managed beans (and JSF)

In Java, a managed bean is a resource running in the Java virtual machine (JVM)
used for getting and setting application configuration (pull); for collecting st
atistics (also a pull operation), e.g.: performance, resource usage, problems; a
nd notifying events (push), e.g.: faults and state changes.
A good article with much better examples on this topic than those below can be f
ound here.
A standard managed bean often implements a business interface containing setters
and getters for the attributes and the operations (or methods). There are other
sorts of managed beans.
The managed bean is also involved in inversion of control (dependency injection)
and the POJO (plain-old Java object).
Managed beans and JavaServer Faces (JSF)
Before server-side Java development became the norm, developers managed all of t
heir classes manually. Contemporarily, Java server "containers" (like Tomcat) ha
ve become responsible for running applications and POJOs have come back into pop
ularity because they are so simple (as compared to Enterprise JavaBeans) and use
ful for performing dependency injection (formerly called "inversion of control"
or IoC). The JSF managed bean facility is also an IoC framework that makes manag
ement of JavaBeans or POJOs easy for JSF developers.
Control of instantiation
The first item of business for IoC is being able to manage instantiation of Java
objects. Originally, this was done in a page using JSP's <jsp:usebean> that ins
tantiated a bean for a specified scope. This is now done using faces-config.xml
and any Java class with a no-argument constructor may be registered. Imagine a P
OJO thus:
public class TemperatureConverter
private double celsius = 0.0;
private double fahrenheit = 0.0;
private boolean initial = true;
public double getCelsius() { return celsius; }
public void setCelsius( double celsius ) { this.celsius = celsius
; }
public double getFahrenheit() { return fahrenheit; }
public boolean getInitial() { return initial; }
public String reset()
initial = true;
fahrenheit = 0;
celsius = 0;
return "reset";
public String celsiusToFahrenheit()
initial = false;
fahrenheit = ( celsius * 9 / 5 ) + 32;
return "calculated";
The dead give-away that this is a bean is:
no-argument constructor
getter(s) and setter(s)
In faces-config.xml, the bean, which is otherwise coded as above (no surprise) a
nd included in the application as a simple Java object (POJO), is registered thu
<managed-bean-name> temperatureConverter </managed-bean-n
<managed-bean-class> mypackage.TemperatureConverter</managed-bean-c
<managed-bean-scope> session </managed-bean-s
<property-name> celsius </property-name>
<value> 37.0 </value>
<property-name> fahrenheit </property-name>
<value> 98.6 </value>
temperatureConverter is sort of arbitrarily named, but follows a common conventi
on of dropping the first letter of the class to lower-case (since it is used in
JSF as an indentifier).
In addition, the implicit "properties" of the bean, celsius and fahrenheit can b
e the target of initialization in the same faces-config.xml file as shown in the
example above where the imaginary Celsius-to-Fahrenheit calculator will start u
p set at the temperature of a human body.
faces-config.xml is found in the typical web application at WEB-INF. For example
, in Eclipse by default this is project-name/WebContent/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml
. In the example above, the Java code is located at project-name/src/mypackage/T
Dependency handling
The ability to handle interdependence between Java objects is another requiremen
t of IoC. JSF doesn't handle cyclical dependencies, but managed beans can refer
to each other using expression language.
Life-cycle support
Another requirement of IoC is support of the life-cycle of, say, HTTP requests a
nd other durations. Hence, JSF defines various levels of...
none (or "no scope")
...granularity. No (none) granularity is when the bean has no scope, is created
on the fly and whenever needed. The request is the bean having scope (and manage
d properties and values) only for the duration of an HTTP request. By session, t
he bean properties and values remain in effect (modified as many times or none)
for an arbitrary length of time or operations as conceived by the developer, for
example, a shopping cart that dies after a user has ordered or left the web sit
e. Finally, the application-scoped bean exists while the application is up and r
unning, for example a database connection.
Configuration support
The primary task of JSF is to present a web interface to a client that is predic
tably and automatically synchronized with one or a set of managed objects withou
t extensive, spaghetti-like and difficult coding.

System properties
Much is configurable in Java and:
String property = System.getProperty( property-name); how a property is got. There are three ways they are set.
First, Sun sets them, like, predefined, in its JRE. Other JREs do
too and, from platform to platform, there is sometimes the tiniest bit of non-c
Second, you can set them yourself using the command line:
# java -Dhow.i.feel=blue MyClass
Last, you can set them programmatically:
String libraries = System.getProperty( "java.library.path" );
if( libraries != null && libraries.length() != 0 )
libraries += ":" + "/home/russ/dev/libs";
libraries = "/home/russ/dev/libs";
System.setProperty( "java.library.path", libraries );
A temporary file is created in
File f = File.createTempFile( "fun", ".poo" );
System.out.println( "Just created file "
+ f.getName()
+ " in directory "
+ System.getProperty( "" )

The ternary operator

The ternary operator in Java is problematic, having trouble with mixed, ambiguou
s or unclear typing in places where humans do not.
In the example, a compile-time error is generated. In order to force understandi
ng on the compiler, use parentheses as shown in the subsequent line. This forces
evaluation of the expression before settling on what type is its result.
Type mismatch: cannot convert from String to boolean.
Double x = 9.0;
System.out.println( "This is a " + ( x == 9.9 ) ? "test" : "cat" + " of
the Emergency Broadcast System" );
/* fixed: */
System.out.println( "This is a " + ( ( x == 9.9 ) ? "test" : "cat" ) + "
of the Emergency Broadcast System" );
Viewing the contents of a JAR
Dump the particulars including class list for a JAR. If binary jar isn't on $PAT
H, find it in the JDK under the bin subdirectory. The options are mostly identic
al to tar:
russ@taliesin:~/dev/downloads/myfaces-core-1.2.8/lib> jar tvf myfaces-im
Runnable (stand-alone) JUnit testing
To run from the command line a JUnit test you've created, you need a main() meth
od to call it. Create your JUnit test class as normal, here, FunTest, create ano
ther class with a public static void main( String[] args ) inside that calls it
import junit.textui.TestRunner;
public class RunnableFunTest
public static void main( String[] args )
{ FunTest.class );
Obviously, when you run this from the command line, you'll also have to make all
owances for the JUnit JAR (library) to be present.

Enabling Java assertions...

Java assertions have nothing to do with JUnit. In order to enable them, add -ea
(or, -enableassertions) to the Java command line, to the launch configuration in
Eclipse or as a default VM argument in the installed JRE (Preferences -> Java -
> Installed JREs (select a JDK/JRE) Edit.

Encapsulation is...
...these three things, most importantly:
Separation of concerns, a phrase borrowed from Edsger Djikstra, 1975.
"Let me try to explain to you, what to my taste is characteristic for all intell
igent thinking. It is, that one is willing to study in depth an aspect of one's
subject matter in isolation for the sake of its own consistency, all the time kn
owing that one is occupying oneself only with one of the aspects. We know that a
program must be correct and we can study it from that viewpoint only; we also k
now that it should be efficient and we can study its efficiency on another day,
so to speak. In another mood we may ask ourselves whether, and if so: why, the p
rogram is desirable. But nothing is gained on the contrary! by tackling these vari
ous aspects simultaneously. It is what I sometimes have called "the separation o
f concerns", which, even if not perfectly possible, is yet the only available te
chnique for effective ordering of one's thoughts, that I know of."
An object's information (data) is separate from its interfaces.
Information-hiding, a term borrowed from David Parnas, 1972.
"We have tried to demonstrate by these examples that it is almost always incorre
ct to begin the decomposition of a system into modules on the basis of a flowcha
rt. We propose instead that one begins with a list of difficult design decisions
or design decisions which are likely to change. Each module is then designed to
hide such a decision from the others."
C.f. Java's private and, to a lesser extent, protected modifiers.
Ripple effects, a term borrow from Wayne Stevens, 1974.
"The fewer and simpler the connections between modules, the easier it is to unde
rstand each module without reference to other modules. Minimizing connections be
tween modules also minimises the paths along which changes and errors can propag
ate into other parts of the system, thus eliminating disastrous, 'Ripple effects
,' where changes in one part causes errors in another, necessitating additional
changes elsewhere, giving rise to new errors, etc."
I.e.: coupling and cohesion.
Problems with supposed encapsulation
Encapsulation is popularly implemented through usage of private attributes with
accessors. Using this method to achieve encapsulation when the attribute is a ja
va.util.Collection, java.util.Map, etc. is just plain wrong.
public class MyBean
private Collection collection;
public Collection getCollection() { return collection; }
public void setCollection( Collection collection ) { this.collection = colle
ction; }
...or even eschewing the setter by using a constructor:
public class MyBean
private Collection collection;
public MyBean( Collection collection ) { this.collection = collection; }
public Collection getCollection() { return collection; }
...will not make the interior collection immutable since a handle to it on the o
utside will make it modifiable. The following could be tried:
public class MyBean
private List collection = new ArrayList();
public MyBean( Collection collection ) { this.collection.addAll( collection
); }
public Collection getCollection() { return Collections.unmodifiableList( col
lection ); }
Tracking down memory leaks in Java
Here is an article: Monitoring and Detecting Memory Leaks in Your Java Applicati
Note that thread-local store use and web applications running in a container lik
e Tomcat can easily sport memory leaks that must be cogitated and analyzed.

Replacing Java 6 with Java 7

This is in the context of running Tomcat. See JAVA_HOME for Tomcat.

UnsupportedClassVersionError in Java
When you see a stack trace with...
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: SomeClass : Unsupported major.minor
version 51.0 (unable to load class SomeClass)
. probably means that you compiled your application with a Java compiler of
a more recent version than the JVM you're trying to run it on.

How to override equals() and hashCode() properly

Equivalence must define a relation that's reflexive, symmetric, transitive and c
onsistent. If null, what's being compared must return false. Apache Commons has
some great helps for this.
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder;
public class Poop
private String name;
private int age;
public boolean equals( Object o )
if( o == null )
return false;
if( o == this )
return true;
if( !( o instanceof Poop ) )
return false;
Poop poop = ( Poop ) o;
return new EqualsBuilder()
.append( name, )
.append( age, poop.age )
public int hashCode()
return new HashCodeBuilder( 17, 31 ) // two randomly chosen prime num
.append( name )
.append( age )
Visual VM bundled with JDK
Web site:
Use to read and set properties with this plug-in directly in memory effectuating
changes on the fly.
Launch thus from console:
$ jvisualvm
...and install Tools -> Plugins including:
Threads Inspector
If, when you click on the MBeans tab, you see:
Data not available because JMX connection to the JMX agent could not be establis
This link sort of applies:
ment/agent.html#remote, but you only need some of it (if you're not debugging re
In Run/Debug configuration, for VM options:

Dependency injection (Inversion of control)

Better than Guice; Dagger for dependency injection:

The history of identifier deprecation in Java

I was completely taken by surprise this morning.
These annotations have a rather sordid history including hopeless pleas now in o
ur day exhorting correct usage which, officially and numerously (see stackoverfl* et al.) at least, is supposed to consist of employing both annotations s
From Oracle (Sun) docs (underlining mine):
NOTE: The Java Language Specification requires compilers to issue warnings when
classes, methods, or fields marked with the @Deprecated annotation are used. Com
pilers are not required by the Java Language Specification to issue warnings whe
n classes, methods, or fields marked with the @deprecated Javadoc tag are access
ed, although the Sun compilers currently do so. However, there is no guarantee t
hat the Sun compiler will always issue such warnings.
Using the @Deprecated Annotation
J2SE 5.0 introduces a new language feature called annotations (also called metad
ata). One of the Java language's built-in annotations is the @Deprecated annotat
ion. To use it, you simply precede the class, method, or member declaration with
This next document demonstrates that the Javadoc-looking annotation predates to at
least 1996. Note the statement,
This is the first time the compiler is in any way cognizant of document comment
contents. (Once, it made sure that they were at the right place in the parse tre
e, but this is no longer true.) We did not lightly choose to make the compiler's
behavior dependent on the contents of a comment.
(Yeah, no kidding? They must have been desperate. C already long sported #pragma
s; I'd have reached the conclusion to implement annotations right then and there
, Java 1.1, instead of awaiting Java 1.5.)
OS/system details in Java

How I eliminated Oracle/Sun JDK

Not that I feel the need to do this. OpenJDK/JRE usually works fine and so does
the Sun JDK/JRE. At work, they were in a "let'd get rid of Oracle" mood and whil
e that's really only a database issue, it was proposed that the baby get tossed
out too. No matter. Here's how I did it; I'm running Mint (Ubuntu) these days.
Please note that Oracle/Sun typically installs on the host at /opt/java, e.g.: /
opt/java/jdk1.7.0_51. It is not seen via dpkg --list nor removed via apt-get pur
I'm dumbing this down a bit to reveal all the details that would otherwise have
to be guessed at.
If it's really a JDK (and not merely a JRE) and you've done everything right, In
telliJ should start without the "missing tools.jar / please use a proper JDK mes
Install openjdk 7, the one you want.
~ $ sudo bash
~ # apt-get update
~ # apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
Fix up links in /usr/lib/jvm:
/usr/lib/jvm # ll
total 56
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Jun 25 12:52 .
drwxr-xr-x 203 root root 36864 Jun 25 12:52 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 Mar 13 2012 java-1.5.0-gcj -> java-1.5.0-gcj-4.6
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Feb 7 14:03 java-1.5.0-gcj-4.6
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 Apr 25 12:31 java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64 -> java-7-o
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2439 Apr 25 12:31 .java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64.jinfo
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Jun 25 10:56 java-7-openjdk-amd64
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Mar 13 2012 java-gcj -> java-gcj-4.6
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 Apr 16 2012 java-gcj-4.6 -> java-1.5.0-gcj-4.6
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 946 Apr 16 2012 .java-gcj-4.6.jinfo
I added this link.
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 26 Jun 25 13:06 java-7 -> ./java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64
Fix up /etc/alternatives.
/etc/alternatives # ll java
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 30 Feb 7 14:05 java -> /opt/java/jdk1.7.0_51/bin/java
which I changed to:
/etc/alternatives # ll java*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 30 Feb 7 14:05 java.old -> /opt/java/jdk1.7.0_51/bin/jav
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 28 Jun 25 13:08 java -> /usr/lib/jvm/java-7/bin/java
I can remove java.old once everything is working.
Fix up your .profile, something like:
export JAVA7_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd647
export M2_HOME=/home/russ/dev/apache-maven-3.1.1
export M2=${M2_HOME}/bin
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=512"
so that your path appears thus:
~ $ echo $PATH
~ $ which java
~ $ java -version
java version "1.7.0_55"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.4.7) (7u55-2.4.7-1ubuntu1~
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.51-b03, mixed mode)
The Java @Override snafu
The first things to remember are that Java 5 introduced...
Annotations, including @Override.
Interfaces, which had not existed before (everyone use abstract).
In Java 5, @Override was introduced for use in overriding a method from a superc
lass (including abstract classes). It was not offered for use on methods impleme
nting a method from an interface.
In Java 7, @Override is tolerated for methods of a class that implement methods
listed in an interface. However, it is not necessary. This is why you don't get
errors for either method below:
public interface Foo
public void fooit();
public void barit();
public class Bar implements Foo
public void fooit() { }
public void barit() { }
Nevertheless, when compiling with Java 6, you do get an error for the implementa
tion of fooit().
I personally think it makes more sense not to use @Override when implementing an
interface's contractual methods, but it's only a problem when you maintain code
compiled sometimes by JDK 5/6 and sometimes by JDK 7/8.

Swiss Java knife

A useful, open-source tool to add to Java diagnostic toolkit. Swiss Java Knife o
ffers a number of commands:
jps - Similar to the jps tool that comes with the JDK.
ttop - Similar to the linux top command.
hh - Similar to running the jmap tool that comes with the JDK with the -histo op
gc - Reports information about garbage collection in real time.
mx - Allows you to do basic operations with MBeans from the command line.
mxdump - Dumps all MBeans of the target java process to JSON.
video webinar
DZone article
Java thread safety
How JEE applications execute
Applications start with one master thread, the main thread, which hangs around k
eeping the application alive. This is usually part of the container in Java EE.
On receiving user input or on receiving a request from client, the master thread
may start new thread(s) to get the work done. Some entry method is called on yo
ur managed component - like doGet() or doPost() or a bean's business method.
From this point onward you are not creating any further threads, so you are codi
ng with a single thread in mind.
As your code executes, you may create objects with new and work with them.
You may share few of these objects with the container or hold static reference t
o the objects. These can become accessible to other threads.
Your code can also access container-provided objects, singletons (and other obje
cts held in static references), etc. which may be created by other threads and a
re visible to you.
How visibly to show code is safe
Write minimal amounts of code in static methods implement business logic as instan
ce methods not static methods. Even if you write static methods, avoid static in
stance variables (just do some work, don't store anything).
Don't expose: Keep as many objects unshared as possible. For example, don't writ
e getters and setters for internal variables.
Use lots of new and don't unnecessarily reuse. For example, don't reuse a Simple
DateFormat. Just create one each time you need to format or parse a date (or kee
p it as a private instance variable and mark it final. But don't make it static.
Once you make it static it can be accessed by multiple threads).
Similarly, create new ArrayLists and StringBuilders freely, don't reuse. (Code r
euse is good, object reuse is bad)
Create new instances every time for custom objects also. For example, create new
BO and DAO objects. Use the objects the throw them (let them get garbage collec
ted). Don't try to reuse.
For extra safety, make task-oriented objects like BO/Bean and DAO stateless as f
ar as possible (by avoiding instance variables).
Make shared objects read-only (immutable) as far as possible: For example, if yo
u have a list of countries supported by your application, that list is not going
to change. So, mark the reference as final and use immutable lists/maps (See: h
The ultimate Java 8 list
Java 8 Features The Ultimate Guide

Java collections
The Java collection consists of Sets, Lists and Queues:
Lists can contain duplicates, even LinkedList. If you want to eliminate duplicat
es (automatically), use a Set-type. What's different between types of lists is t
he speed of certain operations and this is how to pick which one to use in a giv
en situation.
ArrayList - dynamically sizing array. Fast random-read access, get() takes const
ant time. Adding and removing require shifting of the array elements in memory,
however. When the size of the array must be increased due to addition, a new arr
ay of size 150% is allocated and the old array must be copied. The default, unsp
ecified size (Java 4 through 7) is 10. Constructing it with more saves time if y
ou know there will be more.
ArrayList is hugely expensive for remove operations and for add operations when
the size allocated is used up.
Vector works like ArrayList, but is synchronized and therefore thread-safe and sli
ghtly slower. Most programmers eschew this in favor of ArrayList since they want
to synchronize explicitly anyway.
LinkedList - doubly linked list. Best for constant-time insertions and sequentia
l access of elements. Finding a position in the array takes time proportional to
the length of the list. The size penalty for the overhead grows considerably ov
er that for ArrayList at, on a graph, almost a 45 angle. (Note: since late Java 6
, no distinction between 32-bit and 64-bit is distinguishable 64-bit used to have
even more overhead.)
better for add and remove than ArrayList, worse for get and set operations. Use L
inkedList if there are going to be few random accesses (get(), contains()) or ma
ny add or remove operations. See
HashMap is like an ArrayList of key-value pairs, but it is not implemented withi
n the framework of Java collections (it's not a set, list or queue). It is a Map
. Keys in a map cannot occur in duplicates.
In a set, no duplicates are allowed. When adding, duplicates are removed automat
ically. The three most commonly used sets implementations are HashSet (fast), Li
nkedHashSet (order-preserving) and TreeSet (maintained sorted).
HashSet - elements are unordered, held in a hash table. Add, remove and contain
operations have constant-time complexity.
LinkedHashSet - is a sort of hash table with a linked list running through it, m
aintaining the order of insertion.
(Not today.)

Java maps
The Java map consists of HashMap, LinkedHashMap, TreeMap and Hashtable.
HashMap - makes no guarantee as to order, allows one null key and null values. T
raversed using iteratory, entry set. (Inherits AbstractMap.)
LinkedHashMap - preserves the original insertion order, but is otherwise identic
al to HashMap.
TreeMap - uses natural or comparator-based ordering to maintain contents in-orde
r. Null keys only allowed if comparator used and doesn't thrown an exception.
Hashtable - makes no guarantee as to order, disallows null keys and values, is s
ynchronized and therefore expensive if you don't need that. Traversed using enum
erator and iterator. (Inherits Dictionary.)

Java filepaths
You try to create a file. Where is it? Original, Windows code:
File child = new File(".././Java.txt");
getPath() likely relative to current working subdirectory.
getAbsolutePath() fully qualified path, but in relationship to the current workin
g subdirectory.
C:\Users\WINDOWS 8\workspace\Demo\..\.\Java.txt
getCanonicalPath() full path from the filesystem's point of view.
C:\Users\WINDOWS 8\workspace\Java.txt
byte[] to String
byte[] aByte = new String( ".976" ).getBytes();
String propertyValue = new String( aByte );
...otherwise, aByte.toString() yields gobble-dee-gook.

... exist in checked and unchecked varieties. The original idea:
Unchecked exceptions represent defects in the application code, perhaps a null p
ointer, an invalid argument passed to a non-private method. These represent cond
itions that, generally speaking, reflect errors in logic and cannot be reasonabl
y recovered from at runtime.
At least that was the theory in the 1990s.
Checked exceptions are invalid conditions in area outside immediate control of a
pplication code including invalid user input, database problems, network outages
, absent files, etc.
They are subclasses of Exception.
Methods are oblged to establish a policy for all checked exceptions thrown by it
s implementation (either by passing the problem further up the stack or throwing
again to be handled elsewhere).
If a client can reasonably be expected to recover from an exception, make it a c
hecked one. If unreasonable, make it unchecked.

Java API exceptions

This is API theory: the right/best way to do things.
Returning null
This means the intent of the code is not explicit without looking at the JavaDoc
s, and so the worst option on our list.
Returning an Optional
This makes the intent explicit compared to returning null. Of course, this requi
res Java 8.
Return a Guava s Optional
For those of us who are not fortunate enough to have Java 8.
Returning one s own Optional
If you don't use Guava and prefer to embed your own copy of the class instead of
relying on an external library.
Returning a Try
Cook up something like Scala's Try, which wraps either (hence its old name, "Eit
her") the returned bean or an exception. In this case, however, the exception is
not thrown but used like any other object, hence there will be no performance p
Conclusion: when designing an API, one should really keep using exceptions for e
xceptional situations only.
A better piece of advice (not mine, but a quote I read somewhere):
"When designing an API, I use the "get vs. find rule." The API's user needs to k
now how to handle the absence of a result. A get is expected to always return a
result while a find is not. And so when coding getX() it returns the result or t
hrows an exception such as llegalStateException if there is not one. Where as, when
coding findX() it returns a result if available or a null, or an empty collectio
n, if there is not one."

Checked/unchecked exceptions
1. Throwable and Error classes should not be caught
Throwable is the superclass of all errors and exceptions in Java. Error is the s
uperclass of all errors which are not meant to be caught by applications. Thus,
catching Throwable would essentially mean that Errors such as system exceptions
(e.g., OutOfMemoryError, StackOverFlowError or InternalError) would also get cau
ght. The recommended approach is that an application should not try to recover f
rom errors such as these. Therefore, Throwable and Error classes should not be c
aught. Only Exception and its subclasses should be caught.
Data errors such as encoding issues etc which are not known at programming time
should be caught using this technique. However, catching Throwable such as Inter
nalError or OutofMemoryError would not be of any help and should never be thrown
Avoid writing code consisting of catching Throwable as general practice.
2. Throwable.printStackTrace( ) should never be called
One should avoid invoking printStackTrace() method on Throwable/Exception classe
s and instead use a logging framework.
3. Generic exceptions Error, RuntimeException, Throwable and Exception should ne
ver be thrown
The primary reason to avoid throwing generic Exceptions, Throwable and Error is
that doing so prevents classes from catching the intended exceptions. A caller c
annot examine the exception to determine why it was thrown and consequently cann
ot attempt recovery.
Catching RuntimeException is considered a bad practice. Throwing generic Excepti
ons/Throwable leads the developer to catch the exception at a later stage which
usually leads to worse practices.
Do not throw a generic exception like RuntimeException. Do, however, throw a cus
tom-rolled exception that inherits from RuntimeException.
4. Exception handlers should preserve the original exception
5. System.out or System.err should not be used to log exceptions
The primary reason one should avoid using System.out or System.err to log except
ions is that one might simply loose the important error message.
Checked exceptions!
One man's opinion...
It is an utterly failed experiment because it is designed around the totally fla
wed assumption that the service/library throwing the exception should decide whi
ch ones should be checked and which ones should not. In reality, only the caller
knows which ones should be caught (usually none), and which ones should not.
6. Generally, whenever a library-method is called that throws a checked exceptio
n, just do:
catch( Exception e )
throw new MyAppRuntimeException( e );
} prevent this checked-exception idiocy from propagating like a virus and in
fecting the whole application.

Reasons for resorting to a conditional... think about and perhaps solve. Some are unavoidable foisted upon one by some
one else, some are code stench.
Checking a value returned to me from code I own (null-pointer check stench)?
Checking a value returned to me from code I do not own?
Checking a parameter passed to me by code I own (control couple stench)?
Checking a parameter passed to me by code I do not own?
Checking my own state or attributes?
Checking a value I set previously in this method?
Checking the type of an exception thrown by code I own?
Checking the type of an exception thrown by code I do not own?
How to close streams for sure
This code doesn't close streams although it's trying. It could throw an exceptio
n when one fails to close. If attempting to close fis fails, the code throws an
exception and prints out a warning, but nothing is done to attempt to close fos.
view sourceprint?
FileInputStream fis = null;
FileOutputStream fos = null;
fis = new FileInputStream( "stuff-to-read.txt" );
fos = new FileOutputStream( "stuff-put-out.txt" );
if( fis != null )
if( fos != null )
catch( IOException e )
System.out.println( "Failed to close streams" );
This code will do the trick, but it's a bit unsightly. It takes up a lot of spac
e and obfuscates a simple thing.
view sourceprint?
InputStream fis = null;
OutputStream fos = null;
fis = new FileInputStream( "stuff-to-read.txt" );
fos = new FileOutputStream( "stuff-put-out.txt" );
if( fis != null )
catch( IOException e )
if( fos != null )
catch( IOException e )
view sourceprint?

JVM mind (share) map

Click to see full size.

Random in Java
Check out these claims when you get a chance.
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import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Random;
public class Entropy {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws Exception {
// Extract the IntegerCache through reflection
Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(
Field field = clazz.getDeclaredField("cache");
Integer[] cache = (Integer[]) field.get(clazz);
// Rewrite the Integer cache
for (int i = 0; i < cache.length; i++) {
cache[i] = new Integer( new Random().nextInt(cache.length));
// Prove randomness
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
System.out.println((Integer) i);
Reverse string
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public class StringReverse
private static final String[] FODDER =
{ // palindromes except the first...
"Off to the races...",
"Madam I'm Adam",
"A dog, a plan, a canal: pagoda",
"A nut for a jar of tuna",
"A Santa at NASA",
"A slut nixes sex in Tulsa",
"A car, a man, a maraca"
private static String reverse( String string )
if( string.length() < 2 )
return string;
/* Algorithm: Grab everything after the first character and return
* it followed by the (soon to be former) first character itself.
return reverse( string.substring( 1 ) ) + string.charAt( 0 );
public static void main( String[] args )
for( String string : FODDER )
String message = "String " + string + " ";
int TAB = 40, length = message.length();
System.out.print( message );
while( length++ < TAB )
System.out.print( " " );
System.out.println( " reversed is: " + reverse( string ) );
String Madam I'm Adam reversed is: madA m'I madaM
String Off to the races... reversed is: ...secar eht ot ffO
String A dog, a plan, a canal: pagoda reversed is: adogap :lanac a ,nalp a ,
god A
String A nut for a jar of tuna reversed is: anut fo raj a rof tun A
String A Santa at NASA reversed is: ASAN ta atnaS A
String A slut nixes sex in Tulsa reversed is: asluT ni xes sexin tuls A
String A car, a man, a maraca reversed is: acaram a ,nam a ,rac A
Arrays.toString() minus the brackets
Arrays.toString( array ) surrounds the whole with "[ ... ]" not what we want.
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private String arrayToString( String[] array )
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
for( String particle : array )
if( !first )
sb.append( ' ' );
sb.append( particle );
first = false;
return sb.toString();
EarlyExitException is not EarlyExitException (symbol is not symbol)
Beware (duh!) that if you have a duplicate class, EarlyExitException, in your co
de and are building using a JAR that also has that symbol, uses and throws it, y
our code will not be catching it just because you happen also to have EarlyExitE
xception. They are different and you get errors like
unreported exception EarlyExitException; must be caught or declared to be thrown
because EarlyExitException is not EarlyExitException.

Unsupported major.minor version 52.0

This happens when you've got code in your JAR, WAR or NAR compiled with a higher
version of Java (in my case 8) for a higher version of Java (in my case, 8 thou
gh I wasn't specifying it by using this plug-in).
view sourceprint?
The solution is to build everything with 1.7 (or whatever). Use Maven to clean o
ut what's there before recompiling and packaging with this plug-on configuration
in place.

Notes on Java serialization

public class SerializableClass implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 456778567857L;
public String firstField = "First Field";
public transient static String secondField = "Second Field";
public transient final String thirdField; // unintialized
public transient final String fourthField = "Fourth Field";
private int privateField = 99;
serialVersionUID is explicitly defined to prevent InvalidClassException during d
eserialization. As the default serialVersionUID computation is highly sensitive
to class details that may vary depending on compiler implementations and can pro
duce different results in different environments, beware.
firstField will be serialized, and the default value can be overridden in subseq
uent classes that are serializing
secondField, thirdField and fourthField, being either transient static or transi
ent final, will never be serialized. The values these will have will be restored
at deserialization from whatever their values are in SerializableClass at the t
ime it happens.
privateField is private. It will be serialized, but can be read only through ref
Notes on JVM garbage collection
These are the causes of the JVM garbage collection firing according to frequency
in an average application.
Allocation Failure Application tried to make a new allocation and failed du
e to lack of available space in Young generation; hence Minor GC is required. On
Linux, the JVM can trigger a GC if the kernel notifies there isn't much memory
left via mem_notify.
GC Locker GC is started after all threads leave the JNI Critical region. F
or more information on JNI, refer to the Java Native Interface documentation web
site. GC is blocked when any thread is in the JNI Critical region and can start
only when all of them outside of it.
G1 Evacuation Pause This is actual only for the G1 collector. It indicates t
hat it is copying live objects from one set of regions (Young and sometimes Youn
g + Tenured, which is called Mixed) to another set of regions.
G1 Humongous Allocation This is actual only for the G1 collector. Humongous is a
n allocation when its size is greater than 50% of one region size; the object th
en allocated in special space. Nevertheless, it also causes normal GC collection
to get more (possibly continuous also) space for such objects.
CMS Initial Mark Initial mark phase of CMS, for more details, see Phases
of CMS. It also triggers Young Space collection.
System.gc() There was a System.gc() call in the application code. You can st
art JVM with the -XX:+DisableExplicitGC flag to disable such behavior.
Adaptive Size Ergonomics Indicates you are using the adaptive heap size p
olicy (ability to change Young and Tenured spaces size at runtime), enabled via
the -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy flag. By default, it is enabled in the recent ver
sions of JVM.
Allocation Profiler This is actual only for versions of Java before 8 and on
ly when -Xaprof is set. It triggers just before JVM exits.
Heap Inspection GC was triggered by an inspection operation on the heap, most pr
obably by the jmap tool with the -histo:live flag set.
Heap Dump GC was initiated before heap dump is made by some profiling inst
No GC Normally, you shouldn't see this reason. It was occurring in older Java
versions, in case jstat command was started before any collection occurred. Othe
r case is when jstat checks GC without any GC activity.
Last-ditch Collection When Metaspace (Java 8+) or PermGen (Java 7-) is full an
d you can't allocate a new object here, JVM first tries to clean it, triggering
appropriate collector. If that's not possible, it then tries to expand it. If th
at doesn't work as well, it triggers Full GC with this cause name. Soft referenc
es are being cleaned during it as well.
Perm Generation Full Triggered as a result of an allocation failure in PermGe
n. Actual for Java versions prior to 8.
Metadata GC Threshold Triggered as a result of an allocation failure in Metasp
ace. Metaspace is a replacement for PermGen in Java 8+.
JvmtiEnv ForceGarbageCollection Something called the JVM tool interface function

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