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Evangelical l, And
Qampofed into 4. parts by fundry Au-
thors, with fuchfcuerail Tunes as haucbeenc,
and artvfually [ung in England, Scotland, Walts,
Germany ^ Italy, France, and the Nether-lands | :

Neuer as yet before in ne volumna


Abricfe Abftraft of the Prayfe, Efficacie,
and Vcrtue of the Pfalmes.

Newly corrected and enlarged by Tho

Raucnfcroft Bachelar of Mufickc.
Vcrtue , and Efficacie of the
|He ltfngly Vwpbet pdmd^V&l 47. O fingprai-
fcs,fing praifes vnto our Gsxl,Gfing praife^fing pra-
fes vnto our King: Sing praifes with vndcr (landing.

li Againe, iPfal^f,*. Lecvs (hew our (dues glad in

him with Pfalmes. And good feafonhfuc we to fing
chearefully vnco God,for the Angels Syne their-prcfcncc ' nd con-
gratulation with the fingers deuotion, as thefimc Pfaltfcift fingeth,
Pfal. 13 8. lnconfpettu angdorum pfallam iibl ; Eucn before the Gods
willl fin gpraife vnto thee: Wherefore we ought diligently to take
heed, that by our idlenefle, negligence, and want of prcclife, wefe
caufenot the Angels to depart from vs. And indeed there is no mor-
tail man which can exprefle inwords,or conceiuein though t,rhe

vertues of the PfiJmes, and the praifes of the Lord, if with a pure
and ferious attention of the heart they fhall be performed as they
ought to be.
In the Pfalmes, are defc rib ed the rewards of good, the puniln-
ments of euilmcn,the rudiments of beginners,ihe progrelfe of pro-
ficients, and confummation of perfect men
The finging of Pfalmes (as fay the Doctors) comfoi teththefor-
rowfu% pacifieth the angry, ftrcngtheneth the weakc, humbleth
tne proud, gladdeth the humble, ftirres vp the flow, reeoncileth
enemies, lifteth vp the heart to neaucnly things, and vniteth the
Creature to his Creator, for wlntfoeuer is in the Primes, -condu-
ccth to the edification, benefit, and confclation of maukindc.
Would'ft thou make a conrcflion,and repent thee of thy finnes ?
Then fing withren orfe and humility the feauen penitential! Pfalms
A4 of
Ofthe Praife, Vertue,AndEfficacie ofthe Pfalmes,
fVauid, and thou fhalt feelethelweet mercy of God, and thy
flinde refrefhed withfpirituaUioy.
Would'ft thou pray ? Then pou^e forth thy foulc in the Pfalmes
t?.f4>'7. 70.7**^^.145. For the fouleof man cannot either,
feelingly exprefle its mifery, tribulation andan^uifh of temptati-
on, or more powerfully call vpen the mercy of God, then in thefe
Would ft thou praife theMaieftie of God, or giue him thankes
forallhis benefits ? then fing the 103. 104. iof. io. 107. 108.
Hi. 113. 144. i4f. 14-5. 147. 148. 14,7. 1 jo.
If thou be fo fnrre affii&ed with outward and inward temptati-
ons that thou feemeft to be forfaken, then fing heartily the 22. 64.
9. Pfalmes.
If this prefent life be tedious vnto thee, and that with an ardent
defire thou waiteft to fee God, then fing the 4*. 63 . 84. Pfalmes*
If thou finde thy felfe quite deie&ed, and as it weie forlorne in
trouble, then with compundion ofheartiing the 13.31.44. 5:4. $6.
Pfalmes, and when thou haft found eafe and reft vnto thy foule,
O fing to the praife of Gcd, the 3 o. 3 4. 1 03 104. Pialmes, and al-

wayes whether in the nmeofaduerfity, or profperity, fing out the

fong of the three Children, wherein euery creature is inuited to
praife God,
But doft thou defire to excrcife thy felfe in the diuine praifes and
precepts of the Lord ? Content thy felfe then and fing the 1 19.
Pfclme,wherein although euen to the end of thy life thou {halt hauc
fought and fearcht all thar. thou canft,yet lhalt thou neuer perfect-
ly vnderftand the vermes & excellencies, or reach vnto the heights
and depths which are comprehended in it for hardly is there ja

verfe in that whole Pfalme wherein is not mention made of Gods

Law,Commandements, Tefhmonies, and Precepts.
In a -word, he that would giue thefe heauenly Hymnes their due,
had need to compofe a Pfalme in praife of the Pfalrncs, that fo the
deuout and ioyfullfoule mi^ht with looking vp vnto God 3 refleel:
vponits owne worlce,and tranfportit felfe vnto the quire of Angels
and Saints, whofeperpetualltaske is to fing their concording parts
without paufe, redoubling and defcanting; Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord
God of Hop. AndifVocallMuficke be not full enough, let the In-
ftoimentall be added, Reuelat. 15.2. They haue in their hands the
Harps of God,and fing the fong of Mofes y and the fong of the Lambc,
faying, Great wd mcmiloHs arc thy wrf^ss Lord God Almighty,

vv I i H
Evangelical l, And
Compofed into 4. parts by lundty Au-
thors^ to fuch feucrall Tunes 3 as haue beene^
and arevfaaliy [origin England, Scotland^ Wdcsy
Gtnnanv, Italy, France, and che Nether-iajads
Neuer as yet before in one volumne

U Abriefe AbRraft of the Prayfe, Efficacic, and Vertu<
2m That all Ciavkes of Churches, 3rd rhe Auditor y a may
Know what Tune each proper Pialme maybejfon|

Newly correEled and enlarged by Tho :

Ra uenferoft Bachclar of Muficke.

tSV^or Will vnto Sacred Mufic^
I wifh Concord among them-

felne$>mt\i G o D,and with their owne

. Consciences.
f^^^^pArmonicall Brethren, lhaue here vnderta-
m Eera jm ken with noJm^hhouv^and charge, u bring
^^^^^ TunesW Songs of the Pfalmes, Hyranes Euan*
^^^^ gclicall, (
Spiritual!, as they are
fung throughout
vfuatiy Great Brittaine) into one entire
volume^ which arefo Compofcd,/*r mop part, that
the vnskilfull may with little praftice, be enabled to fug

them in parts, after a plaufibJe manner.

In my opinion, 'tis too Laborious a ttokefor any Man
to (iudj the attainment of the Hebrew Muficall Accents}
For the Tunes vfed in Dauids Time are too farrc remo~
uedfrvm our vndtrftanding. For albsit the Hebrew Mu
ficall Chara&ers are plated fometimes aboue the Letter
fometimes beneath, yet the knowledge of what Vfufigm*
fad by thofe Notes and Chara&crs, was onelj continued
by Tradition, and is newvtterly lofi> though many at fun-
dry times (as appeareth by their writings) baue gone about
to reuiueit But hatting no better fubittt towerkevfon,
then their owne weake conie&ares, they baue but a little
prevailed. IfindejettbattbeC\mz&zTZnowvfedm the
Church, ( who bad their skill in Mufids* from
The Preface. g^ff
t hi Grecians) thmgh they differ in the placing*
( heeanfc
thole oj the Hebrewes are both abouc and beneath th*
Ictrer thefe oncly aboue) jet they partly rejcmble one
another in the forme.
*s4$4t**J fivde by fundry Mdnufcripttfhat the Latine
Church, as wellmthe forme of their Cbaiaftcrs, as Ufa
mfe in the placing of them , did participate of borh. f*r
accordmgtothe manner of the Hebrcwes, they placed

theirNotes aboue beneathW Letter. After-

wards they vfed one line aboue the Le^cr,
their Notes both aboue W placed W
beneath thclmc?and that
with 4 Geometrical! jrf^utff*, asthezkerx and defcent
0/ f&dfounds dtdrecjtoire*
In precede of time ( as aS things are brought to their per*
feEtion by degrees) they came to two lines, *t*r0 three*.
tsfnd GUfdo Aretinus,^ learned man (whom Hrficries re-
port to hauo lined in the time of Henry the 2 Empcreur,**

thejeare of our Z, O 2^2), 1 18 J wds thefrfl that inuen*

ted the vnifovmc of the Scalc 9 ( which we terme Gam-vtj
and brought lines which was And onely is now
in the fmre
vfedin the Church
Phonaskes, diflingidfted by the
Gregorian, Ambiofian, ^WPerigrinc Tones, compre-
hended tn the defiance of a Diatellaron >or a Diapcntc, viz.
a fourth* 'r* fifth* crthe Harmonica!! proportions*/
fefqui tertia,^ fefqui altera : and by degrees it came to
the dtfiance of a Diapafon, which is an eight, and a Du-
ple proportion; in which three proportions all'Simple

^Compound Harmony confifietk, by the Phgd\l and t

Authcntickc dimfion ofthsToncsand Tropes.7** whtch

Phonaskes are explained by the Tenor pmbcirgtke Fa-
burden,<?r Playn-ibngo/ the Pfalmcs, Anthems? 4**1 Rc-
fponccs vf&allyfung in the Church in Ptotcand Hj nines
The Prefaced
that were Compofed in Vcric^MectcrJ
The fine lines are vfed for Symphonaskcs or Parts
Compounded of z. 3 . 4. 5. 6* voices
Thejixelimsare vfed for Inftrumentall Muficke, as
Organs, Harpes, Lutes, &c.
Bntwhatfoener the Tunes were in Dauids time, there
is no queftion but thej were concordant and Harmonious,

which could not bejhadthey not beene divided in parts* For

ifyeloo^einto 1 Chro. ch3p. 1 5. 16. verfe, yee fhaUfee

hoy* thePrephetY)mi&attheRe&xi(\\on of the Arke, as.

hkewife Salomon his Sonne** the Dedication of the
Temple, z Chro, chap, 6,3 1. vtt[c % dtflingmfhedaktheir
Muficke Mparts* and appointed fnch to bo Matters and
Ouerieers of it, as were moft eminent for their know-
ledge in that kinde$ as Chcnaniah the chiofe Leuite,
to haue the chiefe place, which was to be Mafierofthe

Song. %An officc9 whick conffiednot onelj in the dircfU

on of the Quircj but Hkewife in the tray ning vp ofothers
to fing, thatthere migkp be fiilU fupply of able perfans
for that fern ice : Afaph the next, and Jo Hernan his Bro-
ther, likewifelcduthun and Ethan, all of them the mcfl
renowned chancers ofthefe. Timer, andfnch asfttccejfistely
in ene anothers abfence, were to dvreU the due performance
efthat charge,^ that notonely the vojeeof the Singers,
bm Hkfwife the found ofthelnQrvmcms agreedfo well to-
gether > that they feemed to be but one Sound, and one
Voice. :p^iiiii^jgi]T^; r
Neit her was this wet hod confined onely to the Ol d To-
flament, bvtfaK&ifrdte the Church by the pre-
scription of the holy Apoftle S. Paul, a/5. verfcM Lee
the word of God dwell plentcoufly in you, in all wife
dome, teaching and adroonifhing your owne fclues,
The Preface.
in Pfalmcs, Hymnes and SpirkusIIfongs/inging with-
a Grace totheLord in your hearts.
/ haue therefore enieaucured for the fitting ef every
Meant* that Pfalme, which it foatt mo$ affetl, to place
Tones, proper to the nature of each Pfalme, (not
imitating t^rtfo much, as the naturaU inclination, but toy-
ning me with another ,) and am bold to admonifh the Sin-
gers that they obferue three Ttyles.
i. T^rPfalmes<?fTribuUeion^fung mth a low
voice W
long meafure3 P/*/.9, 32*38, 51.10*. 13 #
143. m

2> That Pfalmcs */Thankcfgiuing be fung with a

Voice miiSttmtyneithertooloud. nor toofoft, and with
a naeafurc neither too fwift nor too flow, Pfal X 8, 2 3 27.
30.3 1.46. 48.66. 8r. 104. 105. 1 1 1. 1 18. 1 2 z. 124.
1*6. 1384I44.I45* 1469
g. TbatPfaltnet o/Rcioycing be fung with a loude
voice, a fwift mid Jocund meafure, Pfal. 33. 34*47. 108.113,117. 135. 136. 145.
147. 148. 1/0.
Inallwhich, the obfermng of Time, Tunc, and Esrc,
produce a perfect armony.
tsfecept kindciy , what 1 haue laboured earnedly 5 avd
vfe it to thy comfort. Thus I end, humbly wifbing to all
true Chriftian hearts, thatfweet cpnfoIation,*V* tinging
prayfes vnto God here vpon Earth, as may bringv$ here*
after, to beare a part wtth the Quire of Angels in the
Your well according,and
bed wifiiing Brother,

Tho : Rauenfcroft.

1 4 .

Names of the Tunes of the Pfalmes>
rvfrnftyfunginCtthe draft churches, Colegi*
atSj Chappcls, &c. As a!fo, the forraigne
Tunes vfually fung in Great Brittaine.

pttfiJhTttnPs. Tfalmes. Stoitijh Tunes,

T> Athe and Wcls, 7 19. 6 $. Kings. 32.86.

or Glafenbury. 5 149* Pukes.
BriftolL 16.64,
Abby. 3 4-88.
Cambridge, x. 73, 106.117.1z8. Dumfermeling.
Canterbury. 2 5. Dundy. 36.90.
Chichcfter. \IQ. Glafcow. 37-91.
Chrifts Hofpitall. 72.107. Martyrs. 39.92.9^.118.
Ely. 21. z.partofthe Ji-Pfal.,
Exceter. i5-6$.
Welch Times.
Glocefter. 10.48. 143.
Hereford. 1 1 . 49. 1 44. Landaph. 40.93.
Lincolne. 7. 56.142. 4 94.

Lichfieid & Couentry. 9 . 5 8 I

S.Dauids'. 43- 2?-
London. 67. j
S. AfaphorWrixharn.
%!{<>Aozi Ludlow.

Oxford. 4. 74. 109.129. \

Peterborough. 8. */. Low Dutch Tones.

j 1 j.tfo 114.
Rochefter. 24.82.139. 131.
Salisbury. 17. 5 High Dutch Tones. 1 1 2r.

Wincheftef 23 8 4. 9 8
. . . 1 o1 .
1 6,
125. 127.
(i33-^.,.Italian Tones. 120.
Windfor or Eaton. 61.85. i8 French Tones,
50. 100.
Worcefter.13, 47.97. Ti2<3'.
in. 113. Hi. 1 22, 124.
Woiuerhampton. 26.83. Commandements,,
30. the 1 o.

Northeme Tunes. Englilh Tunes imitating the

Yorke. High-Dutch, Italian, French^
Durham. 28. 76. and Netheriandiih Tones*!. 3* ^ .

Chefier.^ 6. 14. 18. 21.

50. 38. 41. 44.^^
Carleilc. 29.79- 51.5^ *9-6i. 68.69. 71.77^-'^
Southwell. 2 p. of the, 50.PK70. :
78.103. 104. 119. 13?. 136/
P&Janchefter. 147. /' (13*. 137.141.*
: :

feniCrtator. CA NTV S.Tho.%auen[crft.B.of M.


"omeholy Ghoft eternal! God, proceeding from aboue :


God .f peace and l.ue.Vift^inWes ft


iB; Thy heaulmygrace i_n^ gg>_;
vlt may haue true de-

TSNOR, otFUjnfong.

V- "omeho- lyGhoft etemallGod, proceeding from ^boue^J^

o^inds ft
*"SS*&^*elU theGodof peace andloue. Vift

- into vs~' thy heauenl^

l^^^^^^*.*!. 8

we may haue true defitc.
may ftand in euery place.
Thou art the very comforter
and diftteiTe
in all
The hcauenly gift of God moft hie,
O holy Gfaoft into our wits light t
fend dovvne thy hcaucnly
which no tongue can exprefle. Kindle our heartswith feruent
Thefouatainc and the liuely fpnng night.
to feme God day and
of ioycelcftiall ftablish all our vveaknes.
louefo cleare, Strength and
The firt fobtight,and fofeebleandfofrailet
and vnftion fpiiituall. nordiueU
That neither flesh, the world

againft vsdoc preuailc.

Thou in thy gifts art manifold
whereby Chrilts Church doth putbackour enemies far from v,
liifaith^ull hearts writing thy
and graunt vs to ob tainc
the finger of Gods hand. out hearts' with God and man
Peace in
According to thy prorrifc made ^^hout gudie or difdaine.
SKJ&.fGoa And g ra n tl>Jrd t hatthoubcin 8
Vent Creator. MED iVS. Tho.^tietifcroft If.
of M. 3

1*^'" proceeding from abone, both

Onie holy Ghoft cternall God,

from the Father and the Son, the Qod of peace and loue.Vifitour minds &

in* to vs thy heauenly grace infpire: that in all truth and godlinefTe

we may haue true de fire*


cyo , n ff'i

t r y r f

Ome holy Ghoftcternall God, proceeding from aboue, both

from the Father and the Sou, the God of peace and lone. Vifit our minds &

intovs thy heauenly grace infpire: that in all truth and godlinefle

we may haue truedefire.

our leader and our guide: That of thy deare beloued Sonne
We mayefchevv the fnares of finne vve may enioy the fight :
and from thee ncucr Aide* And that with pcrfeft faith alfo
vvemay acknowledge thee.
To vs fuch plenty of thy grace, The fpirit of them both alvvay,
good Lord, graunt vve thee pray one God in perfons three.

That thou maift be our comforter

tthe laft dreadfull day. Laud and praifebe to the Father,
Of jllftrife and diftention and to. the Sonne cquail
O Loiddiflbiue the bands: And to the holy Spirit alfo,
And makethe knots of peace andloue one God coeternnll.
throughout all chrirtian Lands. And prayvveihat the onely Sonne
vonchfafe his fpirir to fend
Grant vs O
Lord through thee to know To all that doe profeffehis name
the Father mail of might rn the worlds end.
The'humlit futesf a fmner. ^hert Palmer.


Lordofvvhoml doc dcpend,bchold my
. carefu 11 heart: and when

^ thv will and plea- fure is, releafe me of my fm*rt. Thou feeit my lor-

rovves what .they are, my griefe is knov7ne to thee : and there is none

that can remoue> or take the fame fromme*

T SNO% or PUpfing.

Lord of whom I doe depend, behold my carefuU heart : and when

Pl l l '
thy will and plea/ure
is, releafe me of my
, I
Thou feeft my fbrrovves

waatthey ate, my griefeis knovvne to thee: and there is none that can

remoueV or take the fame from mee,

Butonely thu vvhofe aide Icraue, For mortall man cannot releafe,
vvhofc mercy tillts pr<-ft or niittigate. this paine:
Toeafc alfthofj* that corns to thee But eucn thy ChriftmyLo 4 and Ge<V
for luccour and for rci*. which for myfinne Was flainc.
And fan thou feeft my reftlefte eyes,
my teares and grieuous grone \ VVhofebioudy wounds arc yet to fee, ,

Attend vnto my fute( O Lord) though not Vvith mot tall eye t
taarkc well my plaint and mone. . Yet doe thy Saints behold them all>
andio ItruftshalK.
For finne hath lb endofedme, Though fnne doth hinder me awhile,
and compart mca.out: when thou shalt fee it good
That lam novvrenu'diiclTe, I shall enioy the fight of him,
jifmeayh lp not our* and/ec his wounds and blotid*
'Bfbert ?dmi. S
The humblefute ofa fnner.


thy will and pleafure is, ukafe meeof my fmart. Thou fecft my fonowes^

IPiiiiiililifiillli'piiis nonethat can

what they are, my griefe is knowne to thee, and there is

xemoue, ox take the fame from me.

Lord of whom 1 doedepend^thold my carefull heart : and when

thy will and pleafure is, releafe me of my fmart* Thou fecft my forrowes

what they ate, my griefe is knovvne to thee, and there is none that can

reraouc, or take the lame from mee,
ind as thine Angels,and thy Saints, Onely thy grace muft be my ftay,
doe now behold the lame lealt that I fall dovvne flat
>o trift I to poffefle that place, And beingdowne th< n of my lelfe
with them to praiiethy name, cannot rccouer that.
ut whilft 1 Hue here in this vale,
where linners doe frequent: VVherefore this is yet once againc,
Lfliftmt euer with thy grate, my fute and my rcqueft :
my finnes ftill to lament. To grant me pardon for my finnc,
that 1 in theemay reft.
eaflthat r tread in finners trace, Then shall my heart my tongue & voyce
and giue them my confent be inrtruments of praife:
^ dwell with them in wickcdnefTe, And in thy Church and houfe of Saints,
'Thereto natuceis bent. fing Pfalmes to thee alwayes.

O Come
6 yeniteexuItemm.Pfal.vs.CANTVS. 1 Tamer.

V-/ Come and let vs now reioyce,and ling vnto the Lord: and to our

ilililiiiipiiirflipiii with
onely Sauiour alio with one accord. Olet vs cook before his face,

* inward rcucrence: confeiTing allour former

fins, and that with diligence.

T E N OR , or PUynfan^ 1

^ Cotnc a^d ht vs now rcioyce, and ling vnto the Lord : and to our

onclv Sauiour alfo with one accord.

Oletys comebeforc (us fa<k jrrith

~~ former fins, and that with dil.gc.KC

InwaTd :~confcff, g allour
Tothanite hi, for his benefit,
Lord magnificent .

eke akoue Clothe. Gods
King omnipotent. ^
And let vs weepe
which hath ...adc v
lut YV
befoic the Lord,

j .v i m f~r,ir He
is our God.our lord and King,
His people doth not he fotfake

he loolceth euery where :

the bitter

w ^Sf^* k " vvie<isc thee thc oi,cly Lord 10 1

yeniteextiltemu*. MED TVS. 1. Farmer*

Come and let vt now rc4oyce and fing vnto the Lord : and to our

O vs come before his face with
onely Saniour, alfo with one accord. let

inward reuerence : confcfllng all our former fins,and that with diligence*


C,ome and let vs now reioyce, and fing vnto the Lord : and toour

onely Sauiour, al- fo with one accaid.O letvs come before his facejwith

inward reuerence: confefling all our former (ins, and that with diligence.
Which thing was of their negligence they haue not knowne my wayes.
committed m
their time
To whom I in mine anger fwore,
Of treublet n the VVildernefle,
that they should not be blefts
a great and gtic nous crin e.

VVhereas your fathers tempted me,

Nor lee my ioy celeftiall,
nor enter in my reft*
and tride me cuery way :
They proued me, arid fawmy works, Gloria Tatri.
what I could doe or fay.
All laud and praife be to the Lord
Thefe forty yeeres I haue becne gricud, O that jof might art moft
vvith all this generation : To God the Father and the Sonne,
And euermore 1 fatd, theycrde and to the holy Ghoft.
in their imagination. Asit'in the beginning was
Vherwith their hearts were forecom- for eacr heretofore
i long time and many daye* : (bred And is now at this prefent time,
Wherefore lknow affurcdly and shall be euermore.

Te Denm.S. Amb. ME D TVS. 7ho.Rauenf.B.i>f M,

we Eepraife thee God, knowledge thee the onely Lord to be:


Eepraifc tnccGod, wc knowledge thee the onely Lord to be


* and as eternal. Father all the earth doth worship thee : To race all An-

gels cty, the heauens and all the powers therein:- To thee Cherub and

Seraphin to cry they doc not Hn.

TE NO 7^ or VU^fona.

~and as"crnaU Father all- the earth 4oth worship, thee. To thee all An-

ii i _[ 1 1 i i 1
' 1

cbe fovvers them To the. Chetubju^

""gels cty, the heauens and all .

Seraphih to cry they doc not lin.

O hoi,, holy, holTLord,

ofSabothWtheGod: .
and onely fomw to t>e.

P ta.fe f h c.t l mul. y .

thoutookettto teftore:

All ye \

TENO"R orP/^r"^?- , a-,,

MSDirS. 9

eternall Father all the carthdotb worship thee. r thee all An.
and as

To thee Chc-rub and

gclscry.theheauens and all the powers there- in:

Serapbin to cry they doe not lin.


and as eternall fatherall the earth doth worship thee. To thee all An-

gclscry.theheauensandaU the powers therein 2 To thee Cherub and

Seraphin to cry they doe not lin.

to taeh beleeuing vvighr. Wee magnifie thee day by day,

In glory of ,:he Father thou and world without an end
doft fit atGodsright hand : Adt re thy holy name O Lord,
Wetruft that thou shalt ccmeour iudgc vouchfafe vs to defend
our caufe to vnderftand. From finne this day. Haue mercy Lord,
haue mercy on vs all

Lord help thy feruants whom thou haft And on vs as v vc tnift in thee,
bought with thy precious bloud : Lord let thy mercy fall.

And in eternall
glory fet ;:

them with thy Saints fo good. O Lord I haue repofed aU

Q Lord doe thou thy people faue, my confidence in thee 1

blefle thine inheritance: Putto confounding shame therefore

Lord goucrne them, and Lcrd doe thou Lord let me neuerbe.
for cuer them aditance.

The fang oj"the ^.Children. MSDlVS. T.%B.M,

AH yevvorks of GbdtheLord.U flStye thcLorJ.praifchim and


All ye works of God the Lord,blcffe ye the Lo rd,praife him and .

B magiuSe
m3gnifie him for c,

TENO 3? or VU^fong,

magnifie him for euer.

a O yc the Angels of the Lord (biefle ye the Lord, &c.
biefle ye theLord,&c. 1 1 Yea V Vinter and the>
$ O ye theftariyheauenshie, bleffe yethe lord, 8e c.
blefleyethe Lord,&c. la O ye the dewes and binding frofts,
4 Oyethe waters and the skie, bleffe ye the Lord, &c.
blefTe ye the Lord, &c.
JJ O yethe froft and chilling cold,
5 Oall ye powers of the Lord, bleffe ye the Lord, &c.
biefle yethe Lord,&c. X* O ye congealed Ife and Snow,
* Oye the shining Sunneand Moone, biefle yc the Lord, Sec.
bleffe yctheLord,&c. xy O all ye nights andlightfome dayei,
7 O yethe gliftring Stars of heauen, blefleyethe Lord, &c.
biefle ye the iord,&c. IS O ye
the darknefle and the light,
S O ye the showers and dropping devv> bleffe ye the Lord, &c.
blcfl"e ye the Lord, &c. 17 O
ye the lightning and the clouds,
? O ye the blowing winds of God, blefleyethe Lord, Sec.
bleffe ye the Lord,&c. iS O
let the earth eke blcflfe the ior4,
lo O yeithe fire and warming heate, yea, bleffe the Lord,&c.

BerieMw. CANTVS. Th: Rdvenf. Batch. rfM.

* v
Tjr H ."Mf
B onely Lord
T '11
If- rael
.11 I ||
be pnifed euermore For through his

vifitation and mercy kept in fforc,bis people now he hath redcemd that long

* hath h#/n J ftrflait sUr^iA hie ftrifno ha1rh tfttnn hit frritanM all.
bath in thral.4n
been in thral,and fpread abroad his failing health vfon his ieruants a

TENOR, or 7/ajfm<r.

H E onely Lord of Ifra- cl be praifed euermore: For through his

vifitation and mercy keptini?ore,bis people new he hath redeemd that long

haih been in thrall, and fprcad abroad his filling health vf on his feruants ail:
magnific him for cue*


aagnifle him for eucr.

19 O ye the mountaines,andthe Wis, 27 Letlfraelekebleflethc lord,

blefle ye the Lord, &c. blefle ye the xord, Sec.
16 O .ill ye greens things On the earth, 28 Ok the priefts of God the Lord,
bleffe ye the Lord,&c. blefle ye the Lord, &c.
ai O ye the euer-fpringing VVol$> 29 O ye the feruants of the Lord,
blefle ye the Lord,&c. blefle ye the Lorci,&c.
22 O ye the Teas, and yc the flouds, 50 Yt fpirits & foules of righteous men, "
blefh ye the Lo d, &c. &c.
blefle ye the Lord.
a/ Whales &al that in the waters moue 51 O
ye holy and yemeekeofheait,
blefle ye the Lordj&c blefle ye the Lord, Sec*

24 Oall ye flying Fovtles or* the aire, 3 2 O Ananias blefle the Lord,
bleffe ye the Lord, &c; blefle thou the i-ord, &c.
25 Oail yebeafts and cattelleke, 33 O Azarias blefle the Lord,
blefle ye the Lord, &c; blefle thou the Lord, Sec*
26 O ye the children of mankinde, And Mifuel blefle thou the Lord,
blefle ye the Lord, &c. bleflethou the Lord, 8ca

Bentdiaw. MSDIVS* 7. %a*cnl&atch. of

.HE onely Lord of I f-racl be praifed euermore : For through his

vi. fitation and mercy kept in ftore,his people now he hath redeemd that long

hatn been in thrall, and fpread abroad hisfauing health vpon his fertulnts all*


H E onely Lord 6f Ifrael be prai- fed euermore. For through his

vifltation and mercy keptinftore, his people now he hath redeemd that long

rrfp |iah
'I' 1 1
1 isBB ffiTTTfT
been in thrall, audTprcad abroad his fauing health vpon his fcruants all.
B % Xr
In Dauids houfehis feruant true The mercy whieh he promifed
According to his minde, Our Fathers to fulfill:
And alfo hisannoiuted King, And thinke vpontus couenant made
As we in Scripture finde. According to his will.
As by his holy Prophets all
Oft times he did declare. And alfo to performc the oath
The which were fincethe world began Which ho before bad Iwome
His wayes for toprcpare. To Abraham ourfatherdeare,
Forvs that were forlorne.
ihatvre might be deliuered That he would giue himfelfeforvSs
f ro-B thofe that make debate And vi from bondage bring
Our enemies, and from the hands Out of thehards of all our fort
Of all that doe vs hate. To ferue our heauenly King.

Magnificat. C A NT VS. I. Farmer.

Y foule doth magmficthe Lord^my fprite eke euermore,rcioy-

ceth in the Lord my God, which is my Sauieur-And why^ Wecaufe he did

re- gard, and gaue refpec* vn*. to fo bafe eftate of his hand-maid,

and lttthe mighty goc

TE NO or P/awf**?.

Y foule doth magnifie theLord, my fprite eke euermorejreiof-

Hi ''[ I I

ceth in rhe Lord

my God, whichis my

And why: becaufe hee
did reeard and g3ue relpect vnto To bafe eftate ofhis hand-maid,

ard let the mighty goe.

For now behold all nations, Becaufe he hath me magnified,
And generations all Which is the Lord of might:
From thistinie forth for euermore, Whofe name be eucr fanftiHed,
Shaii me right bleffed call. And prai fed day and night.
And that without all manner feare, To gitie tte knowledge how that their
Saluation is neere
And eke in righteoufneffe:
And alfo for to lead our liues And that remiffionof their (Innes
Inftedfaft holineffe. Is through his mercy meere.
And thouO child which now art borne,
And of the Lord eleel Whereby the Day-fpring from on high
Shalt be the Prophet of the higheft As come vs for to vifit :

His wayes for to direeY. And thofe for to illuminate,

Which doe in darknefTe fir.
For thou shah goe before his face, T o lighten thofe that shadowed be
For to prepare his wayei With death, and eke opprcft:
Andalfo for to teach his will* And alfo for to guide our feet
And pleafure all thy dayes. The way to peace and rett.

.Magnificat* Men i vs. I. Farmer.

yfoule doth magnifie the Lord,my fprite eke eucr-moic,i cioy-

ceth in theLord my God, vvhich is my Sauiour. And why* be- caule hee

did re-gard,and gaue refpeft vnto lb bafe cftate of his hand-maid:

and let the mighty goe;

^ Y foule doth magnifie the Lord, my fprite eke euermore, reioy-

ceth in theLordmy God, vvhich is my Sauiour*. And why 5 becaufehee

didregard, and gaue refpeA vnto fobafecftate of his hand-maid

and let the mighty goe:

For with his mercy and his grace .
He shewed ftrength with his great armo
All men he doth enrlarne : And made the proud to rtart
Throughout all generations, With all imaginations
To fuch as feare his name, That they bare in their heart.
a .... -

' ' '

" -
1 4 iMtgnifittt.
Hath put downe the nighty ones
He ^.The hunt ry lie replemjfcei
From their fupernall feat : VVith all things that Were good!
And did exalt the meeke in heart And throughhis power he made the rjc&-
As he hath thought it meet. Oft tines to want their feode

Nuncitmittk. C AN TVS. T. 7^ B. of M.

Lordbecaufe my harts defire hath wished long to fee, my nely

* Lord & Sauiour,thy Son before 1 die: The soy and health of all mankind,dcfiie<J

long before: which now is come into the world, of mercy bringing ftore,

TENO R 9 or fUynfong.

Lord becanfe my hearts defirc hath wished long to fee,my onely

Lord and Sauiour, thy Son before I die : The ioy fic health of almankind,dcCred

long before: which is come into the world* of mercy bringing ftorc.

Thou feruant
fuffereft thy now Becaufc mineeics vvhichthou haft made
1 n pc ac e tor to depart. To pine my body light,
According to thy holy word, Haue now heheld thy fauing health
V v hich lightencth my heart. VVhich is the Lord of might;

^ YT
QaicHnqiie vult.

^ tittr'i
Hat man foeucr he be that

T E NO %. or Pl*jnfeg.
y .n
faluation will attaine:
L Farmer.

, ir
The Catho-

Hat nun focuerhe'be that faluation will auainc ; The Catho-

And calHngto reaemb*ranc According to his promife made
His mercy eucry deale, To Abraham before*
Hath holpen vp aflflftantly And to his feed fucccffiuely,
His fernant Ifraell. To ftand for euermorc.

Nmc dtmittis. MED IVS. T.R.B.tfM.

Lord becaufe my hartsjdefire hath wished long to fee, my onelf

Lord & Sauiour,thy Son before I die: Theioy and health of allmankind>defited

long before; which now is come into the world, of mercy bringing ftore*

bas srs.

Lord becaufe my harts defire hath wished long to fee, my onely ,

Lord and Sauiour thy Son before Idie: The ioy& health of all mankind,4cfired

long before : which now is come into the work!, of mercy bringing florc

VVhom thou mercifully haft fet T he Gentiles to illuminate,

Of thine aboundant grace And Sathan ouerquell
In open fight and vifible, And eke to be the glory of
Before all peoples face. Thy people Ifrael.
^uictffttjHevHk. MED IVS. T.%_B.ofM.

Hat man foeuer he be that faluation will attaine; The Catho*

w-V M l' u Hat man foeuer he be that
,. I
faluation vyillattaine : The >Catho-
^ likebeltefeheemuft before all things retaine.Which faith vnle&e he e

holy keeper vndtfiledly, vwthout all doubt eternally he shal be fure to die.

T E NO %. or Flajnftng,

likebeliefe heamft before all things retaine, Which faith vnlefle he

holy kcepe>& vndctfledly,without all doubt eternally he shall be fure to die.

The Catholike beliefe is this, And yet though we beleeue thatcach

that God we worship one of thefe etetnall be
In Trinitie, and Trinitie Yet there but one eterr all is,
in Viiitie alone. and rtot eternals three.
So as we neytherdoe confound As ne incomprehensible we,
the perfonsof the three ne yet vnereate three
Nor yet the fubftance whole of one But one incomprehenfible, one
in funder parted be. vnereate hold to be.

One perfon of the Father is, A hn i ghty fo the Father is

another of the Sonne, the Sonne almightie fo*
Another perfon proper of And in like fort almightie it
the holy Ghoft alone. the holy Ghoft alfo.
Of Fathei',Sonne and holy Ghoft* Andalbcii that euery one
but one the God-head is of thefe Almighty be
Like gloryjcoeternall eke Yet there but one Almighty is,
the unieftic like wile. and not almighties three.

Such Father is, fuch is

as the The Father God is,God the Sonne>
the'Sonnein each degree: God holy Ghoft alfo :

Andfuch alfo we doe beleeue Yet there are not three Godsatall,
the holy Ghoft to be* but one God and no rnoe.
Vnereate is the Father, and So likevvife Lord the Father is,
vnereate is the Sonne: and Lord alio the Sonne:
The holy Ghoft v ncrcate, fb And Lord alfo the holy Ghoft,yct are
vnereate is each one. there not three Lords but one.

Incomprehensible Father is, For as we are compeld to grant

incomprehenfiMe Sonne by Chriftian veiitie:
And comprehensible alfo is Each of the perfons byhim|elfe,
the holyGhoit of none. both God and man to be.
The Father is eternall, and So Catholike religion
the Sonnecternall fo-. forbiddcth vs .ilvvay,
And In like fort eternall if eyther Gods be three, orthaC
-the holy Ghoft a l(o. there Lords be three tofay.
Atsmvs. 17

like b elicfehemuftbeforcall things re- taine. Which faith vnlefle he holy

it* 2
ffh=3 Er-tit ** :ir::|r: ::
keep* and vnde- filedly, without
all doubt etei lliiliy / OC <3il*Ui PC ilUC lu

* ~ ~
"rf i"
Ukc beliefs he maft before all things retaine. Which faith vnlefle he holy

=P TTlfeL..-W=?-^
kcepe,and vndcfilcdly,? vithout ail doubt eternally he shall be fure todie*

Of none the Father is,nc made, For this the right faith is that we
ne create, nor begot beleeue and eke doe know,
The Sonne is of the Father, not That Chrift our Lord the Sonne of Goi
create,ne made,but got. God and man alfo.
The holy Ghoft is of them both* God of his Fathers fnbftance, got
the Father and the Sonne: before the world began
Ne made,ne create, nor begot, And of his mothers fubftance borne
but doth proceede alone* in world a very man.

So we one Father hold, not three* Both perfect God and perfect man,
one Sonne alfo not three in one,one Ieius Chrift
One holy Ghoft alone, and not That doth ofreafonablefoule
three holy Ghefts to be. and humane flesh fubfift.
None in this Trinitie before Touching his God-head, equall with
nor after other is: his father God hee :
Ne greater any then the reft, Touching his man- hood lower then
ne leflfcr be likewife. his Father in degree.

But euery one among themfcliies, Whothoughhebebothvery God, *

of all the perfons three: and very man alfo

Together coeternail all, Yet is he but one Chrift alone,
and all coequallbe* and is not perfons two.
So Vnitie in Trinitie, ne not by turning of God-head
as faid it is
before: into the flesh of man
And Trinitie in Vnitie But by taking man-hood to God,
in all things we
adore* this being one began.

Therefore what man (beuct that A 11 one, not by confounding of

faluatton will attaine the fubftance into one :
Tnis faith teaching the Trinitie But oneiy by the vnitie
of force hemuft retaine* that is of one perfon.
And needfullto eternall life For as the rcafonable foule
it is that euery wight and flesh but one maw is:
Of the incarnation of Chrift, $o in one perfon God and man
our Lordbeleeue aright is but one Chrift likewife*
Who fuffcred for to fcue vt all, againe he shall retire.
to hell he diddefcend:
The third day rofe againe from death, At whofe returneall menshall rife
to heauen he did afceud, vvith bodyes new reftoede:
Hefitsat the right hand of God, And of their own works they shal uue
Th' Almighty Fatter there : account vnto the Lerd,
From thence toiudge the <juicke& dead And they into eternall life

The Lamentation. NT VS. mil. Parfons,

nnVr . Tit* 1

Lord turnc not away thy face from him that

1 1 1 1

lyes psoftrate:

I amenting fore his finfull life before thy mercy gate, Which gate thou

m opened wide to thofe, that doe lament their finne

i Shut net that gate

againft me Lord, but let me enter in.

TENO %, or fUyttfmg.
Lord turne not away thy face from him that lyes proftratei

Lamenting fore his finfull life before thy mercy gate,Which gate thou

openeft wide to thofe, that doc lame nt their finne : Shut *ot that gate

again** me Lord, but let me enter in.

And call menot to mine account. And eke the things that be:
How I haue liued here : Thou knoweftalfo what is to come,
For then 1 know right well O Lord, Nothing is hid from thee.
How vile I shall appeare. Before theheauens & earth wer made
I neeed not to confeffemy life, Thou knoveft whatthings were then,
I ara fare thou canft tell : As all things elfethat haue beene flncc,
VVhat 1 htne beene, and what I am, Among the Tonnes of men.
X know thou knoweftitwell.
And can the things that I haucdone
O Lord thou k no wft what things be part Be hidden from thee then i
Quicmcfuevult, \g
Shall toe that haue done y?elk Beleeue the famcvtithont all doubt
VVho haue done ill shall got into he faued cannot be,
eternall fire to dwell, f To Father, Sonne, and holy Ghoft
all glory be therefore
This istheCatholike beliefe# As in beginning was is uovt,
who doth not faithfully and shall be euermorc.

The Lamentation. MSD IVS. Will Parfont.

Lord tifcnc not away thy face from him that lyes proftrate

Lamenting forehis finfuil life before thy mercy g3te, Which gate thou

openeft wide to thofe, that doc lament their finne : Shut not thn gate

againft me Lord, but let me en- tcr In.


mmmmmmmmm Lord turne not away thy face from him that lyes

^Lamenting * rc hisfinfull life before thy mercy gate, Which gate thou

openeft wide to thofe that doe lament their untie : Shut not that gate

againft me Lord,but let me enter in.

Kay, nay,thou kno weft them all O Lord, To heale my deadly wound.
Where they were done and when. O Lord, I need -iot x& repeat
Wherfore with tcares I come to thee What I doe beg or craue :

To beg and to intreat, Thou know O L< id beforelaskc

- t

Euen as the childe that hath done ill, The thing that 1 would haue.
And fcareth to be beat.
Mercy food Lord, mercy I aske,
So cornel to thy mercy gate* Thisis rhetotall fmnme':
Where mercy doth abound : For mercy Lora is all my fute,
Requiring mercy for my finne* Lord let thy mercy come*
20 The Lords Tr#jer\ CANT VS. I. Farmer.

Cm VR Father which in heauen art, Lord hallowed be thy name, Thy 1

kingdonjccome.Thy will be done inearth, euen as the fane in heauen it.

GiuevsCO Lord)our daily bread this day* As we forgiue our debters,fofor

giue our debts we pray. In- to temptation lead vs not.From euill nuike vs

TE NOR, or Tlaynftng.
VR Father which in heauen art,Lord hallowed be thy name.Thy

kingdotue come.Thy will be done in earth, euen as the fame inheauen is.

Ginevs (O Lord)our daily bread this day. As we forgiue our debters,fo for-

giue our debts we pray* Into temptation lead vs not.From euillmake vs

free. For kingdome,povverand glory thine both now and euer be.

The X. Commandements. C^N TPS. h Farmer.

Arke ]frael,and what I lay giuehcedto vn- derftand: I am the

TENOR, or PUynfon<r.

& H Iiii:iiiiilil^fill!iiiig
* Arkc lfrael,and what I Ay, giue heedto vndcr#and;I am the
The Lords Prayer. MEDIVS. I.Farmer. 21

t t j
V R Father which
tr t rr.*-k. v: - j l
in heaucn art,Lord hallowed be
thy name.Thy

m :M,

nTTPrn n um i
kingdome comc.Thy will be done in earth,euenas the Tame in heauen is.

Giue vs(0 Lor4)our daily bread this day. As forgiue out dehters Jo for.

.giue our debts we pray. Into temptation lead vsnot. From euill make vs

free. For kinfdoe,povTCr,*nd glory thine both now and euer be.

bass vs.

YR Father which in heauen art,Lord hallowed be thy name.Thy

kingdome conae.Thy will be done in earth, euen as the fame in heauen is.

Giue vs(0 Lordjour daily bread thisday. As we forgiue our debtors Co for-


giue our debts we pray. Into temptation lead vs not. From euill make vs

For kingdome, power, and glory thine tSoth now and cuci* 6e<

The XCommaudements. M8D1VS. T.%B.M.

* Arke Iftael,and what I fay giue heed to vndcrftand: 1 am the


Arise Xirael, and what I fay gi uc heed to vnderftand? X am th


^Lord thy God that brought thee out of Egypt land. Euen from the houfe whet- j

inthoudidft in thralA
thraldorae liucaflaue: None other Gods at all before

my preicncc shalt thouhauc*

TE NO %. or PUjn-fonjr.

Lord thf God that brought thee out of Egypt land. Euen from the houfe wher-

In ti oudidft in thraldome Hue a flaue : None other Gods at all before

my prefence shalt thou haue.

No manner grauen Image shalt and my precepts obay.

thou make at all to thee
Nor any figure like to thee The name thou of the Lord thy God
shall counterfeited be in vaine shalt neucr vfe
Of any thing in heauen aboue, For him thattakes his name in vaine,
nor in the earth below the Lord will not excufc.
Nor in waters beneath the earth, Remember that thou holy keepe,
to them thou shalt not bow. the facred Sabbath day
Sixe dayes thou labour shalt,and doe
Nor shalt them feme, the Lord thy God thy needfull workes alvvay.
aiealous God am I,
That punish parents faultstnto The feauenth day is fct by the Lord,
the third and fourth degree thy God to re it vpon
Vpon their children that mc hate* No workethen shalt thou doe in it,
and mercy doe difplay ne thou, nor yet thy fonne,
To thoufands offuch as me louc Thy daughter,ferujnt,noi: handmaid.

The Complaint ofafimerJ^A \ TVS. T %6. of M.

* * " Here righteoufneflc doth lay, Lord for my iinfullpart,

7 E NOR o Thrnfoma.

^ wiliiiiiililiiliiifi^
* Here righteoiifncfle doth fay, Lord for my finfull part,
$_|z: $_ : |5rr|^

T mA thf G odthat brought thee out of Egypt land .$uen from the houfe vvher-

wm inthoudidfi in thraldome liu e a flaue :


other gods at all be- fore

my prefence shalt thou hauc.

s=*=&=^==t E=f= 1-* * r ~-?^-t^-A=^
Lord thy God that brought thecout of Egypt Und.Eucn from the houfe vvhcr-

in thou didft in thraldone 11 ne a flaue : None other gods at all before

my prefence shalt thou haue.

thincOxe, nor yet thine Aue: Vpon the land,the rvhich the Lord,
Nor Granger that within thy gatet thy God hath giuen thee.
! hath his abiding place* Thou shalt not murther. Thou shalt not
commit adultery.
For in fixe dayesGod heauen and earth, Thou shalt not fteale. Nor vvitneue falfe
and all therein did make againft thy neighbour be.
And after thole his reft he did
vpon the feauenth day take. Thou shalt not couet houfe that to
Wherefore he bkft the day that he thy neighbour doth belong s
for rcfting did ordaine : Ne couet shalt in hailing of
And facxed to himfelfe alone, his t? ife to doe him wrong
appointed to remaine. Nor his man feruant, nor bis maide
nor Oxe nor Affe of his,
Yeeld honour to thy parents, that Nor any other thing that to
proloigde thy dayes may be thy neighbour proper is.

The Complaint of a fiwier* MED I VS. T,R.B.of M.

righteoufnefle doth fay, Lord for my finfull part


Heirc righteoufnefle doth fay, Lord for ray finfull part,


In wrath thou shouldft me pay vengeance for my defert*

can ic not deny, but needs 1 muft confefle how that continual" If

Thy lavves 1 doe tranfgreffe*

TE NO or Playn-fottg.

In wrath thou shouldft me pay vengeance for my defert.

can it not deny, but needs I muft confefle, hovv that continually

Thy lavves I doe tranfgrcfle.

But if it be thy will But he fals now and than

With dinners to contend: In danger of thy wrath.
Then all thy flocke shall spill, {

And be loft without end* Thenfith the cafe ioftaijds,

For who Hues here fo right, That euen the man right wife
That lightly he can fay, Fals oft in iinfull bands,
Hcc finnes not in thy fight Whereby thy wrath may raife*
Full oft and eueuy day ^ Lord I that am vniuft,
AndrighteoufncfTe ootiehaue,
The Scripture plainc tels me, VVheretothen shall I truft
The righteous man offendcth Myflnfullfoulctofauel
Seauen times a day to thee,
VVhereon thy wrath dependeth: But truely to that poft

So that the righteous roan Whereto 1 cleaue and shall*

Doth walkein no fuchpath, Which is thy mercy moft,
lord let thy mercy fall.

Pfalme I . CANT VS. T. Morley Batch. of M.

H E man is bleft that bath not bent, to wicked rede bis care:

TE NO R , or Vlaynfong.^

[iipilli!ii|i^pi|pli wicked rede his carer

He man is bleft that hath not bent, to

In wrath thou should** me pay vengeance for mydeferr.

can it not deny, but needs I muft confefle, hovvthat continually

mmwm Thy lawes I doe tranfgrefle.

In math thou shouldft me pay vengeancefor mydefert. I

can it not deny, bur needs I nwft confefle how that continually

Thy lawcsl doe tranfgrefle.

And mittigate thy moode, By grace ofthine in thee.

Or elfe we perish all So that I neuerfall
The price of this thy bloud, Into fuch mortall finne,
VVhercin mercy I calL That my foes infernail
The Scripturedothdeclare, R e ioyce my death therein.
No drop of blend in thee
But that thou didft not fpare Butvouchfafe me to keeps
To shed each drop for mce. From thofe infernall foes :
Now let thofe drops moftfweet* And from that lake fo deepe,
Somoiit ray heart fodry :
VVhereas no mercy grqwes.
That with finne repleat,
I And I shall fing thefongr,
May line but finnemaydyc* Confirmed with the iuft;
That vnto theebelongs,
That being mortified
Which art mine onely truft.
This finne of mine in me
I may befandtified
Here beginneih the Pfalmes of Vauid.
Pfalme i . M8D I VS. _ T^MorlejJB.ofM^

H E man isbleft that hatb not bent, to wicked rede his care:


H E man iibleft that hath notbenr, to wTcked his earn

C mr

nor led his life as finners doe,nor fate in fcomers chaire:&ut in the la?? of

God the Lord doth fethis whole delight : and in that law doth exercife

" Jiim/eife both day and nig bt.

TE NO \ or Plapfong.

nor led .his Iifeas finners doc, nor fate in fdorners chaireiBut in the lav? of

God the lord doth fethis whole delight, and id that law doth exercife

himfelfe both day and night,

.ssa.' tit wi y^ax* v-l t 3boo.ti m$irt\~ hfij
2 He shall be like the tree that growes Euen fo all things shall profper vvell>
by the riuers fide,
faft that this man takes in hand.
Which bringethforthmort pleafantfrufc
in her due time and tide. 6 So shall not the vn godly men,
| VVhofe leafe shall ntuer fade nov fall they shallbe nothing ib
but flourish ftill and ftantj : But as the d.ut which from the earth

PJalmet. CAN TVS. TheS^mnf.B. of M.

* ^ HY did the Gentilesfcumults raifeS what rage was in their

brained vvhy did the Iev?ish people mufefee-ing all is but vaine 1

Cambridge Tune. IE NO R, or Vlaynfong.

HY did theGentiles tumults raife ? what rage ?vas in their

brajjjc i why 4id tfc Icvvtffc people fcus** fee* iy^ all is but vainc f
MED IV S. 27

nor led his life as fowersdoe, nor fata in fcorners chaire;Butinthe lav* of

God the lord doth fet his whole delight: andin that law doth exeicifc

himfclfe both d3y and night.


nor led his life as finners doe, nor fate in fcomers chaire: But ia the law of

God the Locd>doth fet his whole delight: and inthat \xrt doth exercile

himfclfe both dny and night,

the windes driue too and fro. 6 For vvhyl the v*ay of Godly men
5 Therefore shall not the wicked men vnto the Lord is knovvne/
in iudgement ft and vpright : And eke the way of wicked men
Nor yet the dinners with the iuft shall quite bcouerthrowne.
shall come in place or fight.

Pfalme 2 . MBDIVS. tho. Rduetif. B, tfM.

rt Y did the Gentiles tumults raife? vvhat rage was in their

braine < why did the Iewish people ranfe, fee- ing all is but vaine *


, HY did the Gentiles tumults raifei what rage vvasin their

brain* I
why <Ud the Icvvish people muft, fee* ing all is bus ?j>ine 1
C % i T! i
z The Kings and,Rulersof the earth -5For in his wrath the Lord will liy
confpire and all fc bent to them vpon a day:
Againft the Lord, and Chrift his Sonne, And in his fury trouble them,
whom he among vs fent. and then the Lord will fay:
6 I haue anointed him my King,
I Shall we be bound tothem,fay they 5 vpon my holy hill,
bonds be broke
let all their I vvill tncreforc Lord preach thy lawef
And of thekdoftriue and their law and eke declare thy will.
let vs reied
i:he yoke.

4 But he that in the heauens dwels 7 For in this wife the Lord himfelfe
their doings vvill deride : did fay to rue I wot:
Andmake them nil as laughing (locks Thou art my deare andonely Sonne,
throughout the world fo wide. to day I thee begot.

T mJ how

Lord hn<m are my C

4fa ih..
L! -t-
which .
vexeme _C

more and more 5

they kill my heart, when as they fay, God can htm not rcftore. But thou O

Lord art my defence, vvhen I am hard befted, my worship and mine honour

both, and thou holdft vp my head.

TE AT Oii }
or Tlaynfeng.

^""^ Lord how are my foes incrcaft, which vexe me more and more 5

theykillmy heart
when as they fay, God can him not reftore. Butthou O

Lord art my defence, when I am hard befted, my worship and mine honour

both, andthouholdft vp my head.

t All people I will giue to thee, 21 See that ye feme thelord aboue
asheiresatthy requtft: in trembling and in feat e:
The ends and coafts of all the earth See that with reuerenceyercioyce*
by theethall be poffeft. to him in like manner.
12 See thatyee kiffe and eke embrace
?Thou shalt the" brufeeuerrwith a mace his blefled Sonne I fay t

as men vndcr foot trod : Leaft in his wrath ye fodaily

And as the potters sheards shalt breake .
perish in the raid way.
them with an iron rod.
jo^ow ye O Kings and Rulersali xj If once his wrath neuer /bfmali,
be wife therefore and learne: shall kindle in his breaft
y whom thematters ofthe world O then all they that truft inChrift,
be Judged and difcernd. shall happy be and Weft.

Pfalmes. MED 1 VS. Tho.Rauenf.B.cfM.

p ftii't
how are my
Tua^- I ''if
foes increaft, which vexe mcmore and more
^ s

they kill my heart when as they lay, God can hitn not reftore. But thou O

Lord art my defence, when I am hard befted, my worship and mine honour

both> and thouholditvp my head.

Lord how are my foes increaft, which vexe me more and more 5

they killmyheart when as they fay, God canhim not reftore. But thou O


Lord art
'|' mq't nrrp
my dcfence9when I am hard befted, my worship and mine honour

both, and thouholdft vp my head.,
4 Tken
go PMm*%l
4 Then with ray voyce
both call and cry:
I did
vnto the tort, Forwhy O knevVatfiiredfy;
the Lord will me fuftainc;
And he out of his holy hill,
didheare me by and by. 5 If ten thoufandhad hem'd rat in,
5 I laid me dovvne and quetly I could notbe afraid:
J flepc and rofe aginc : For thou art toll my lord ray God,

Pfdme 4. C A NTVS. Th*.%a*$n(.B. ef M.

God that art my righteoufncfie, tord heare me wheu 1 U\\t

thouhaft fct me at libertie when I wasboundand thrali

Oxford Turn. TE NO \, or PU^on*.

Cod that 3rtmy righteoufneffo Lord heare me When I call

thou haft fee me at libertie when I was bound and thrall.

Haur mercy Ldrd therefore on mce, 4 Know yeethdt good and godly me
and grant me my requeft : the Lord doth take and chufe.
For vnto thee v nceflantly A nd when to Mm
1 make my plaint*
to cry I will not reft. he doth me riot reiufc.

j O moi tal^men how long will ye 5 Sinne not but ftahdiu awe therefore*
my glory thus dcfpifc S examine weU your heart
Why wander yee in vanitie, And in your chamber quietly
and follow after lies 5 fee you younfeluesconuert.

Pfalmes, CA N TVS. loknMtktn.

Nclincthtoe cares vnto my .words, O Lord my plain t confider: A|d

TE NOR, or Playnfon^
Norwich Tune.

tt iilllillllllfllililiiil III
NMine thine caves vnto my words, O Lord my plaint eonfider: And

heaie my voyce; my King God, to theel mike
mm my prayer*
my Sauiout trtdajy M* * Saluttioiumely doth belong
7 Rife vp thcrcfttfCjfaiie me my God, i to thee O
Lord aboue
for now to thee I call: Thou doft beftow vpon thy fclke

tot thou haft broke the chcekos 8c teeth thy blefling and thy louc.
of theft nicked men all.

fftlme 4. MED I V S. TheXjmcnf.'B.ofM.

God that my righteoufnefle> Lord heare me when I call

art :

Thou haft fee me atlibertie, wnen I was bound and thrall.


God that art ray righteoufnefte, Lord heare me when" I call:

v> ^
Thou haft fet me at libcrtie when I was bound and thrall.
Offer .to God the facrifice, For thou thereby shah make my heart
of righteoufheflfe I fay, more ioyfull and more glad:

^nd lookc that in the liu ing lord Then they that of their come and wine
ye put your truft alvvay. full great increaic haue had.

7The greater fort craue worldly goods In peace therefore lie dovvne will I,
and riches doe iinbrace : tr. king, my refl n:;d flecpe :

But Lord grant vs thy countenance, For thou onely wilt me O Lord,
tly fatiour and thy grace. alone in fare ty ktepfl.

P(dme 5. MSB IV S. John (JWi/toH.

1 Ilililigllil|iiiiilil
Nciint thine eare vnto my words, Lord my- plaint confider: And

heare my voyce, my King my God, to thee I make my prayer.


Nchnc thine eare vnto my words, O Lord my plaint confide* : And


Ware my yoyct, my Xing ray Ged, to ;*ee I make my prayer.''

C4 ZK':\;Z
3* P/alme f.
2 Keare me berime, Lord tarry not thou baft aiwaf at abho&L
for t will ha ue refped
$ My prayer early in the mome 6 The Iyers and theTflatterers
to thee for todireft. thou shalt deftroy them than*
And thou wilt hate the oloudthirfti*
4 And I will truft through patience and the deceitful! man.
in thee tny God alone x 7 Therefore will I come to thyhoufei
That art not pleasM with vvickednefle, trufting vpon thy grace:
and ill with thee dwelsnone. A nd reuerently will worship thee
5 And in thy fight shall neuer ftand
toward thine holy place, i

6 Lord
thofe furious fboles $ Lord lead me in thy righteoufhefle*
Vaine workers of in! quity. for to confound my foes :

P(alme6. CAVTVS-.

" Ne yet coned me m thy rage, O Lord I theede- fire. p Q r I am weake,

O therefore Lord of mercy me foibeare : And healc me Lord, for why S

thou kno weft, my bones doe quake forfeare.

T E N O R, or Piayn-fong.

Ord in thy wrath reproue me not, though I deferue thine ire

Ne me O yet corred in thy rage, Lord I thee defire.
For I am vveake,

Elf therefore o Lord

U' *J i . l , i I
of mercy me foibeare z Andheaie me Loijd, for

thou knoweft my bones doe quake for feare*

3 My foule is troubled very fore, 5 For why S no man among the dead
d vexed vehemently :
ai remembrcth thee one whit
But Lord how long wilt thou delay Or who shall vvorshiptheeo Lord
to cure my mifcry i in the infernall pitf
4 Lord turne thee to thy wonted grace? 6 Sogrieuoirsis my plaint and mone,
my filly foule vp take : I vvaxe wondrous faint
O fine me not for my deferrs, All thenighr long I wish my bed
but for thy mercies falic. with teares of my complaint.
And eke the V wyes that I shall walke which haue rebellien wrought*
before my face difclofe. i? But thofe that put their truft in thee
For in their mouths there is no truth let thena be glad alwaics
their hearts are foule and vaine : And render thanks for thy defence,
jc Theirthroat an open fepulchret andgiuc thy name the praife.
their tongues doe glole and faine. 14 For thou with fauour vviltincreafe
41 dc&vqj their falfe confpiracLs, the iuftand righteous ftill
that they may come to noug ht And with thy grace as with a shield
iiSubuert them in their heapes of finne defend him from all ill.

Tjalme 6. MET) l VS. Kir by.

Ord in thy wrath reproue me not* though I deferue thine ire:

Ne yet correct me in thy rage, O lord 1 thee de- fire. For I am weake,

therefore O Lord, of mercy me forbeare; And heale me Lord, for why i

thou knowcft,my bones dee quake for feare.


Ord in thyr wrtth reproue me not* though I deferue. thine ire J

Ne yet eoTTefr me in thy rage, O Lord I thee defire* For I am weakc,

O therefore Lord of mercy me forbeare : And heale me Lord, for v vhy i

thou kneweft, my bones doe quake for feare.

7 My fight is dim
and vvaxeth old o Ho heard not onely the requefl
with anguish of my heart. and prayer of my heart
For feare of thofe that be my foes Bur it I'eceiued at my hands,
and would my foule fubuert. and tooke ^ood ?art.
it in
t But now away all yee jo And now my foes that vexed me,
that vvorke imquiti?: the Lord will fooua defame:
Fory vhjfahe Lord hath heard the voice And fodaincly confound thf m all
<ef my complaint and cry. to their rebuke and shame.
Pftlme 7. C AN<r ^s - WtStmHarifuu

Oi Lord my God I put my truft, and confidence in thee

Sane me from them that m e purfue, and eke deli- uer me.

Ijneolne Tune. TENOR, or Playnfonfr

Lord my God I put my truft, and confidence in thee t

Saue merrotn them that purfue, and eke deliuer me.
tteft like a Lyon he me tearc, 6 Start vp O Lord now in thy *wath>
and rend in pieces fmall and put my foes to paine
V Vhilft there is none to fuccour nTe Perfbrme the kingdomepromifed
and rid me out of thrall. to me which wrong luftainc.

3 O Lord my God if I haue done 7 Then shall great nation* come to thee
the thingthat is not right: and know thee by this thing s
Or elfe if I be found in fault, If thou declare for loue of them
or guilty in thy fight. thy lelfe as Lord and King.
aOr to my friend rewarded ill, I And thou that att of all men ludge
orlefthun indiftrefle O Lord nov v iudge thou me :
Which me purfuue moft cruelly, According to thy rigbteoufneflc*
and hated me caufelefie. and mine integritie.
5 Then let my foes purfue my foule, $ Lord ccafe the hate of wicked men*
audeke my Hfedovvnethruft and be the iuA mans guide:
Vnto the earthf and alio lay xo By whom the fecrcts of all hearts
mine honour in the duft. are fearched and defctide.

Pfdme%. CANT VS. Tho.%tuenf.B., of M.

God our Lord how vvondetfull, are thy vvorkes euery where,

==fcrr-:-itr:r: ; :

vvhofc famefliimounts indignitie, aboue the heaueu& cleerel

Pcterborrough Tune* T E NO 1R. or PUyn[ong %

God o ur Lord hov v wondcrt ull aie thy workes euery v vhcre,

vvhofe fame fuxmountsin dignius, aboue the heauens deere

PCa!me7. MSDIVS. WMamHarifotu 25
JL 1 . _ .__

my find
Lord m\<
l.e\rA God T nnr
I put mMiiA
my nuft, *nA /-AtiJ<
and confidence in thee :

Saue me from them that me purfue, and eke dciiuer me.


Hard ray God I ptitmy truft, and confidence in thee x

Saue me from them that me purfue and eke deliuer me.

J 1 1 take my help to come of God 15 But loe though he in trauell be
In all my griefe and fmart 1 ofhis.4iuellish forecait:
That doth pre feme all tliofc tfiat be And of his mifchiefe onceconceauM
of pure and perfect heart, yet brings forth nought at Jaft.
la The iuft man and the wicked both 16He digs a ditch and delues it deepe>
G4 iudgeth by his power: in hope to hurt his brother
So thathe fceles his mighty hand But he shall fallinto the pit

en en euery day and houre. that he digdc vp for other,

Except he change his minde I dye, 17 Thusvvrong ettirnethto the hurt
for euen as he should fmite of him in whom it bred
He whets his fword, his bow he bends, And all the mifchiefe that he wrought
ayming where he may hit shallfall vponhis head.

U And doth prepare his mortal I darts iS I will glue thanks to God therefore*
arrowes kecne andslurpe :
his that iudgeth rightcoufly
For them that dec me perfecute, And with my foug will praife the name
vvhilft he doth mifchiefe warp. of him that is moft hie.

?jdme%. M ED I VS. T.T^uerf. S.ofAf.

Go J our 1 ord how vvonderfull arc thy workes euery where.

whofc fame mrmounts in diguitie aboue the heauens cleere ?

BASS vs.

God our Lord how vvonderFull are thy works euery where,

vviWc fame furraounts indignitie aboue the hcaucus clccie,

t Buen
3* Pfalme 8.
- > ,\s of flicking babes in orderas they ftand.
"ih conftt thy foes 4 What thing isman(Lrd)think ItktiS
I ; athele bab*s thy might is feene that thou dofthim remember i
ri 9 grace* they difclofe* Or what is mans poftcritie,
that thou deft itconfider S
j *..jd when
I fee the heauens hie,
the workes of thine ovvne hands : 5 For thu hail made him littkleflc
The Sun,the U oone,and all the Stars the* Angels in degree:

P//*w9, CANT VS. Tbo T^Henf,B.tfM.


V H 1 tw heartand mouth vntn the Lord, will 1 fine laud and mai

And fpeakeof all his vvondrous works,
f ' |'t ffUU^
and them declare al- wayes,

Lichfield Tune. TENO or Playnftng.

* * Ith heart and mouth vnto the Lord will I fing laud and praife:

iiiiifgiiiliiiili^And fpeake of all bis wondrous works* and them declare al wayes.

1 1 will be glad and much reioyte 7 Know thou that he which is aboue
inthee O
Lord moft hye: for euermore shall raigne:
And make my tongs extoll thy name And in the feat of equitie
aboiie the ftany skye. trueiudgement will maintained
S With iuiiice he vv'U keepe and guide
For that my foes aicdtiuen backe, the world and euery wight
and turned voto Might And fo will yeeld with equitie
They falldovvne flat and aredeltroyde, to euery man his right.
by thy great force and might,
4 Thou haftreuenged all my wrong, o He is protector ti the poore,
my griefe; and all my grudge? what time they be opprcft:
Thou dort with iuftice heare my caufe Hee isinaliaduerfitie
molt like a righteous Iudgc. their refuge, and their reft.
io All they that know thy holy name
5Thou doft rebuke the Heathen folke, therefore shall truft in thee:
and wicked fo confound : For thou forfakeft not their fuite,
That afterward the memory in their neceflitie.
of them/cannot be found.
6 My foes thou haft made good difpatch, The fecond part.
and all their townesdeftroyd:
Thou hajft their fams with the* defacde it Sing Pfalmes therefore vnto the Lor4
through all the vvorldfo wide* that dwcls in S ion hill:
PfalmS. 17
And thou haft crowned him alio thatin the fields doe feedc:
with glory and dignities % Fovvles of the ayrea sb in thefea
6 Thou haft preferd him to be lord and all that therein breed,
of all thy workes of wonder 9 Therefore I muft fay once againe*
And acflisffetebaftfet all things O Cod that art our Lord
that he should keepethcm vndcr* How famous and how vvonderfull
are thy workes through the world*
7 As sheepe and neat,and all beafts clie,

Pfalme?. MS D I VS. Tko.HgHenf.B.of M. '

wv HT 1 ^ tn 'W' rTTfn
I th heart

and mouth vnto the Lord will


I ling
laud and praife

And ipeaicof all his wondrous workes, and them declare alwayes.


Ith heart and mouth vnto the Lord will I ring laud and praife:

And fpe ke of all his wondrous workes, and them declare alwaycs.

Publish among all nations, When as youfee the wicked men,

his noble acts and will. lie trapt in his owne vvarke.
Xa For he is windfall of the bloud, ,

ofthofe that beoppreft: - x/ The wicked and the fihfullmen

Forgetting not the aflh&cd heart, S goe downe to hell for cuer
that feekes to him for reft. \nd all the people of the world
^ that will not God remember.
ijHaue mercy Lordon rae poore wretch 18 But fure the Lord will not forget
vvhofe enemies ftill rcmaine the poore roans griere and paine;
wliich from the gates of deaih art wont The patient people neuer loolce
to raile me vp againe; for helpc of God m vaine*
*4 In Sion that I might fct forth
thy praiie withheart and voyce 19 OLord arilfe left men prevaile,
And that in thy faluation (Lord) tiutbe of worldly might
my foule might itill reio^ce. And let the heathen folke receitie
their iudgement in thy fight.
15 The Heathen flick ft ft in the pit 20 Lord ftrike fuch tcror,feare& dread
that they them<elues preparde: into the hearts of them :
And in the net that they did fet, That they may know aflurtdly,
their owne ft ct raft are fnarde. they be but mortal! men.
God sheweth his iudgements yvhich
for eucry man to markc; (were good
38 ffdmexo. CANTVS. 2ob.TomkinsB.of M.

V V ^ Hat is the caufe that thou O Lord, art now fo far from chTne?"

And kcepeft clofe thy countenance from vs this troublous time <

ghcefler Tune. T E IV O R, or lUjnfa*.

V Hatis the caufe that thou O Lord, an now fo far from thine 1

And keepeft clofe thy countenance from vsthis troublous time

2 The poore doe perish by the proud* lcaft mine eftate should change:
and wicked mens defire And whyS for all aduertitie,
Let them be taken in the craft, to him is very ltrange.
that they themfelues co-fpirc.
7 His mouth is full ofctirfednefTei
% For in the Inft of his ovvnc heart, of fraud, deceit and guile:
the vngodly doth delight: Vnder his tongue doth nufchiefe fit,
So that the ? vicked pra fe himfelfe, and tra uaile all Ae while.
and doth the lord defpight. S He lyeth hid in wayes aridholes*
4 He is fo proud that fight and wrong to flay the innocent
he fetteth all apjrt: Againft the poore that palTc him by
Nay,nay, there is noGod faith he, his cruell eyes are bent.
for thus he thinkes in heart.
$ And like a Lyon priuily
5 Becaufe hisvvaiesd^e profper vvell lyes lurking in his den :
he doth thy lawes neglect 1 the may fnare them in his net,
A nd with a blaft doth pufFe againft to fpoyle poore fimple men.
fiich as would him corrcft. io And for the nonce full craftily
6 Tush,tush (faith he ) 1 haue no dread, hee couchcth dovvne I fay

Pfalme u. C A NTVS.j- Tho,T(f*enf.B<ofM.

"* " A> _ i l _tr r... r t ~:n
Trull in God, how dat i you then
i . m, i_
fay thus my foule vntill,

Flye hence as

Hereford 7me.
WK E^^i|E|}=
faft as any fowl e, and hide you in your hill?

TENOR, or PUjn[er..

Truft in God, ho7v dare you then Ay thus my foule ?ntillt

Flye hence as faft as any fo / vk, and hide you In your hill?
Pfilmeiol ME*DlfS. lok.Temkirit B.ef M,
Hat is the caufe that thou O Lord,artnow lb fax from thine?

Andkeepeit clofe thy countenance from vs this troublous time


Hat is thecamethat thou O Lord art now fo far from thiaeT

Andkeepeft clofe thy countenance from vs this troublous time ?

" So/*S reath caps ofpoor men made That friendlefle and poovefathcrlcflc
by his rtrong power his pray are left into thy hand.

17 Of wicked and malicious men

The fecond part. then breake the power for cuer:
iz Tush,God forgetteth thisftaithhe) That they with their iniquity
therefore I may be bold? may perish altogether.
His countenance is cafUfide, iS The Lord shall taigne foreuermore,
h e doth it rot behold as JCing and God alone:
IS Arifc OLord, O
God, in whom And he will thafe the Heathen folke
the poore mans hope doth reft out of his land each one.
Lift vp thy hand, forg tnot Lord,
jo Thoti bear'ft O Lord the poore mens
the poore that be oppreft.
their prayersand requcfi: (plaints,
14 VVhat blafphemyis this to thee. Their hearts rhou wilt confirme vntill
Lord ioftthou notabhorre it ^ thine e ares toheare be pre ft.
Toheare the wicke*; in their hearts ao To iudge the poore and fitherlefle,
lay, tush, thoucar'ft not for itl ardhelpe them in their right :
15 But thou feeft ail this wickednefTe, That they may be nomorcoppreft
and well doft vnderftand: with men of worldly might,
P fa/me i M ED TVS. Tbo.&auenf. B.of M.

Truft in God,how dare you then fay thus my foule vntill,

t'lye hence as fiftas
faftasany mv towle, andj hide
uu you T!~ _ ~T
in yourhifi


T ft 10 Go ^ h vv dare yc then fay thus my foule vntill,

Fly J^7^c~f7^
h^ce as faft as any fowl?, and hide you
^-.5^^- ~

in yoi'r
x Behold
40 Pfalmexl.
x Bafioldthe wicked bend theitbovws* what euill hath he tvronghe 1 i

and make their arrowes preft 4 But he that in his temple is f

Toshoot in frcret, andto hurt moli holy and moft hie:
toe found and harnielcffe bieft. And in the hcauens hath hfs feat
of royall maicftte,
$Of worldly hope alftaies were shrunk
and clearely brought to nought: The poore anditmple mans eftatc
Alas the iuft and righteous man, coufidercth in his minde

Pf time 12. CANT VS. E. Ulanckf.

E lpe Lord for good and godly men doc perish and decay : And

faith and truth from worldlymen is parted cleane away,

Dutch Tune. T E N O R,orPlayn-fong.

Elpc Lord for good and godly men doc perish and decay : And

faith and truth from vvotldly is parted cleane away,
a VVhofo doth with his neighbor talk, HJ\. Lord foone LW
the cuts them out
his talke is all 'but vaine: 4 For they fay ftill we willpreuaile,
For euery manbethinkcth how our tongues shall vs extoll
to flatter, lie and fai ne. Our tongues be ours we ought to fpeak
I But flattering and deceitfull lips,
what Lord shall vs control! 1
and tongues that be fo ftout, (brags, $ But for the great complaint and eric
To fpeafce proud words and make grcut of poore and men oppreft:

Pfalme \%. CANT VS. ThoTomktns.BM M.

Ow long wilt thou forget mc Lord, shall I ncuer be remembrcd

How long wilt thou thy vifagc hide, as though thou wert offended *
VVorcefter Tune. '
TENOR, or l'layn-fong.

Ow long wilt thou forget me Lord> shall I ncuer be remembred 5

ij jj'M?i4-+ *.i,
How long vviltthou thy vKage hide, as though thou wert oflfendedi

I n heart and minda how long shall 1 and heare me fore opprefl
with care tormented bel Lighten mine eyesleftthat I flccpc
H w long eke shall my deadly foes
) as one by death poflTeft.
thus triumph ouer mil 4 Left that mine enemie fay to me
3 B hold rac now(my Lord ray God) behold I doe preuaile
ffalmt II. 4'
Andfearcheth oufcruH narrowly us thi'eke as any raine f
the manners of niankinde. Fire & briraftone &

y And with f chearcfull countenance

appointed for their paine.
the righteous man will vfe, 7 Ye fee then hovv arigKteous God
But in his heart he doth abhorre doth righteoufncfTe embrace :
allfuth as mifchiefe mufe. And to the iuftand vpright men
6 Anion the tinners cafteth fnaies sbevves forth his pleafantface.

Pfdlme it, MED TVS Ed. Blanch

faith and truth from worldly men is parted cfcane away


* "f Elpe Lord for good and godly men doe perish ana ctfcay : And

faith and truth from worldlymen imparted cleane away.

Arife will I now faith the Lord, Lord keepc thy promile then:
and themreftore to reft; Andfaueivs now andeuerrnore
\6 Gods vvotd is like to filuerpure, from this ill kinde of men.
that from the earth is tride 4 For novy this wicked world is fuU
And hath no leflfc then feauen times of mifchicfes manifold
in fire becne purified. When vanitie with worldly mesi
fohighly is extold.
j Now fincc thy promife is to helpe,
Pfalmei^. MSB I VS. Tho.TomkimB.of M.

6w long wilt thou forget me Lord, shall I neuer be reroembredS

How long wilt thou thy vifage hide, as though thou vveit offended s.


H Ow
long vv ill thou
iou forget Lord, shall 1 neuer be rem; mbrcd s.

Hovvlong wilt thou thy vifage hide,as though thou v vert offended i
Leaft they alfo which hate my fouJe right glad stall be m y heart,
rcioyce to fee me quaile. 6 I will giue thankes vntothe Lorn,
5 But for thy mercies and goodncfle 9 and praifts to him fing,
my hope shall neuer ftart :
Because he hath heard my rea;ietf,

In thy rcliefe and failing health and granted my wishing.

A-l Pfalmel4. CANT VS. Tbo.MorleyB.efM.

Here is no God as foolish men affirme in their
mad mood : Theit

drifts are all corrupt and vaine,not one of them doth good. The Lord beheld

from heauen high the whole race of mankinde: and faw not one that fought

indeed the lining God to finde.

TE NO or Playnftng.

Here is no God as foolish men affirme in their mad mood: Their

drifts are all corrupt and vaine,not one of them doth good. The Lord beheld

from heauen high the whole race of mankinde : and favv not one that fought

indeed the Ktiing God to finde.
j They wentall wide and were corrupt Eating my people euen as bread,
and truely there was
none, not one to feeke Gods will %
That in the world did any good,
I fay there was not one. 5 V Vhen they thus rage then fodainljr

4 Is all their iadgements fo far loft, great fcare on them shall fall
that all v vorke mifchiefe ftill 5 For God doth loue the righteous men.

Pfalme I jr. CA NT VS. Tho.Rauenf. V.ofM.

Lord within thy tabcrnacle> who shall inhabke ftill 1 Or whom

Sxcctter Tune. T E NOT^qt Playnfong.

lwd within thy tabernacle who shall inhabite ftill 1 Or Whom

7(almei4- MED IV S. Tbo.MorlefB.ofM.
Hcrcis no God as foolish men affirm e in their mad mood i Their

drifts arc all corrupt and vaine,not oncof them doth good. The Lord beheld

from heauen high the whole race of ma.kinde : and favv not one that fought

indeed thcliuing God to finde.
1 Hw' $ t-^.Vt*
Here is no God as foolish men 3fHrmc in their mad mood : Their

TX ^_I_^__3:__$..
drifts are all corrupt and vaine, not one of them doth good. The lord beheld

fromheauen high the whole race of mankinde t and favv not one that fought

indeed the lining God to finde,
and will maintaine them all. and when wilt thou fulfill
S Tee mocke the doings of the poore, Thy proroife made to Ifrael
to their reproach and shame : from out of Sion hill 1
5ecaufe they put their truft in God, 8 "Euen when thou shalt reftore againe
and call vponhis name. fuch as were captiue ladr
Then lacob shall therein reioyce

1 But who shall giuc thy people health, and Ifrael shall be glad.

Pfalmex^. MED I VS. Tho.Ra*enj.B<of M.

Of Trttfmf H fl'l' * . 't'
Lord vtithin thy tabernacle shall inhabit flilli Or whe'm
Lord within tky tabernacle who shall inhabit Hill 1 0r whom
P % FviU
wilt thrill rpre-tUP th
thou recciue to Auxim\
dwellI in *L U
in LJ. Lin 5
thy raoft holy hill

TENO%, otP/ayK,

wilt thou receiue to dwell

in thy nioft holy hiiM
% The man vvhofe lifevneotrupt.
is Nor willingly doth moue falfe tales,
whofe vvorkes are iuftand ftraight: which might impairc the fame.
VVhofe heart doththinke the very truth 4 That in his heart regardeth not
vvhofe tongue fpeakes no deceit. malicious wicked men:
But thofc that lone and fearethe Lord
j Nor to his neighbour doth none ill, he make tii much of them*
ia body goods or name

ffdmexC. CANT VS. 7ho^Hett(3.ofM.

Ord keepe nie, for I truft in thee, and doe confefie indeed ; Thou

my God, and ofmy good, Lord thou haft no need.

BrifteSTme. TE NO %, or Playnfeti^
L Ord keepe mc for 1 truflin thee, and doe confefle indeed : Thou

art my God, and of my good, O Lord thou haft no need.
jI giue my goods vnto the Saints, my lips shall make report*
that in the world doe dwell:
And namely to the faithfull tlockc* % For whyl the Lord the portionis
invertucthat excel!* of mine inheritance
And thou art he that doft maintaine
3 They shal heap forrows ontheit heads my rent* my lot, my chance.
which runneas they were mad; 6 The place wherein the lot dii fall,
To offer to the Idoll Gods, in beauty did excell
alas it is coo bad, Mine heritage alfignde to mec
4 As for the bloudy facrifice doth pieafe me very well*
and offerings ofthat fort,
X will not touch* nor yet thereof 7 1 thanke the Lex,4 that cauftd me
wile thou receiue to dwell in thy moftholy hill?


wilt thou receiue to dwell in thy moftholy hill?

5 His oath and all his promifes doth bribe or elfe purloyne.
that keepeh faithfully
Altho .'gh he make his cotienant ft 7 Who fo doth 311 things as you fee
th n he doth loofe thereby. that here is to be done
i That puttethnot toy fury Shall neuer perish in the world,
his money and his coyne: nor in the world to come*
Nefor to hurt the innocent

PJalmete. MED I VS. T.%aef. B.efM.

Ord kecpeme,for I truft in thee,and doeconfeffe indeed: Thou

art my God. and of taj good,

mmi m
O Lord thou haft .no need.


Ordkeepe mef for I truft in thee, and doe conft ?<Te indeed : Thou

art my God, and of my good, Q Lor4 thou haft no need.

to vnderftandthe right . when 1 this thing eonfider.
For by his meanesmy fecret thoughts xo Thou wilt not leaue my foule in
doe teach me euery night. for Lord thou loueft me : (graue,
* 1 fet the Lord mil in my fight, Nor yet wilt giue thine holyonc
and truft himouer all: corruption for to fee.
For hedoth ftand on my right hand*
therefore I shall not fall, ii But vvilt teach roc the way of life?,
for all tveafure and ftore
$ Wherefore my heart,my tongue alfo Of perfect ioy are in thy face
doe both reioyce together: and power for eucrojore*
My flesh and body reft in hope,
5 9la*4
4<5 Pfulme 17. -CAVTVS. Tko.%4ueHf.B.fM.

Lord giue earc to my iuft caufe, attend when I complainc:

And heare the prayer that I put forth, with lips that doe not faine.

Saltfbury Tnne. TENOR, at Tlaynfeug.

Lord giue eare to ray iuft caufe, attend when I complaine

And heare the prayer that 1 put forth with lips that doe not faine*
a Ar.d letthe iudgement of my caufe furely thou wilt me ayde
proceed alvvaies from thee: Then hear my pr.nyer,& weigh right wd
Arid let thine eyes behold and clearc the words that I haue faid.
this myfimplicitic.
7 O thou the Sauiour of all them,
3 Thou haft vvelitride me in thenight, thit put their tr uft in thee :
and yet couldft nothiu g finde Declare thy ftrength on them that fpunj
That I baue fpoken with my tongue, sgainft thy maicftie.
that was not
inmyminde. 8 O keep me Lordas thou wouldft keep
4 And from the vvorkes of wicked men, the apple f thine eye
and pathes perucrfe and ill> And vnder couert of thy v? ings
For loue of thy moft holy word, defend me Jecretly.

I haue refrained ftill.

Thefecond part.
$ Then in thy pathes that be moft pure,

ft ay mc (Lord) andpreferue 9 From wicked men that trouble mi*

That from the way wherein 1 walkc and daily me annoy : ,
my iteps may neuer fwerue. And from mv foes that goc about; 1

6 For I doe call to thee O Lord, my foule foe to defy;y.

PfJmiit. CANTfS. W.CM'ld.

o P^ .

God my
i \ h 'n
ftrength 2nd fortitude,
yi i.ii
of force I muft loue thee s

TE NOR,ox Playnjong.
& omwmtmmwmmmm. God my ftrength and fortitude, of force I muft loue tke :
Pfalme\7* M 801 VS. Tho.^utnJ.B.of M.

Lord giue care to my iuft catife, attend when I complaine

And heart the prayer that I put forth, with lips that doe not faine,


Lord giue eare to my iuft caufe, attend when I complaine:

And heare the prayer that I put forth with lips* that doe not faine.

to Which wallow in their worldly 14. Deliuer me Lord by thy power

fo full and eke fo fat : (wealth out of thefc tyrants hands j
That in their pride they doe not fpare VVhich now fo long time raigned haue
to fpeakethey care not what, and kept vs in their bands.

11They lie in wait where I should pafle 15 Imeanc from worldly men to whom
with craft me to confound : all worldly goods are rife:

And mufing mifchiefe in their mindes That haue nohopeor part of icy,
to caft me to the ground. but in this pr fent life.

12 Much like a Lyon greedily 16 Thou of thy ftoretheir bellies filft

that would his pray imbrace : with pleafure to their -minde :

Or lurking like a Lyons whelpe Their children haue enough>and lcaue

within forae fecret place. to theirs the reft behinde.

j;Vp Lord, with haft preuentmyfoes, 17But I shall with pureconfeience

and caft them at thy tcete: behold thy gracious face
Sane thou my foulc from the euill man, So when wake I shall be full

and with thy fvvord him finite. with thy image and grace.

Tfilmit. MEVIVS. W.CMM.

|Ui!ll44-U l
"|' l Ivl Ul
God my flrengthand fortitude, of force I muftloue thee:


God my flrengthand fortitude, of forccl muft loue mee i

p 4, Tnou

Thou art my caftleand defence, in m neceffitie.

my My God my rocke in

whom 1 truft, the worker of my wealth My
m am
refuge, buckler and my

yj'J shield, the

home of allxny health.
or Playnfon^

Thou art my caftle and defence, in my neceftltie. My God,my rocke in

vvhcmltruft, the worker of my wealth: My refuge, buckler and my

shield, the horne of all my health.

a When I fing laud vntothe Lord, the d arkeneffc of the skie.

moft worthy to befetued: jo On Cherubs and on ChcrubinS
Then from my foes I am right fure full royally he road:
that I shall be preferred. And on the wings of all the vvindes ?
4 The pangs of death did corapafie me, came flying all abroad.
and bound me euery where
The flowing wanes of wickednefle The ficond part.
dui put me in great feare. r i And like a den mft darke he made
5 The llyeand fubtill fnares ofhell his hi<i and fecrct place:
; vvcre round about me fet VVith waters blackandayrie clouds
for my death there was prepavde
And enuironed he was.
a deadly trapping net. \i But when the prefence of his face
6 1 thus befet with paineandgriefe in brightneffe shall appeare:
did pray to God for grace The clouds confume, and in their ftead
And he forth with did heare my plaint came hay le and coales of fire.
out of his holy place. i$ Thefe fiery darts and thunderbolts
7 Such is his power that in his wrath, difperfeth era here and there:
he made the earth to quake: And with his often lightenings
Yea, the foundation f themeunt he putsthem in great feare.
of Haf an for to shake. i Lord at thy wrath and threatnings,

8 And from his noftbrils came afmoske, and at thy chiding cheare
when kindled was his ire: The springs and the foundations
And from hi3 mouth came kindled coals of all the world appeare.
of hot cohfumtrtg fire.
15And from abouc t\c Lord fent dowflC
<?the Lord defcended fromaboue, me from below :
to fetch
i n<| bov vc(i the heauens hie And pluck* me outof Waters great
And vnderneath hisfcetc he caft tha?:v ouldmc overflow.
-f-t h i . .1- r
4 -4 4 i
,. Ti i

TT..f i- 4 4 4

Thou artmy caftle and defence \n my ncceflitic. My God, my rocke in

whom I truft, the worker ofmy wealth s My refuge, buckler and my

shield, the home of all my health.


Thou art ray caftle and defence, in my neceflitie. My God, my rocke in

i 'h > i ,

whom I truft, the worker of my

\m wealth:
My refuge, buckler and my

home of all my health*

shield, the
\6 And me deliuered from my foes. appearde before his face:
that would h'aue made me thrall. And did refraine from wickednefle,
Yea, from fuch foes as were too ftrong and finne in any cafe.
forme to dcale withall. 23 The lord therefore will me reward
17 They did preuentmeto ppreffe as I haue dotie aright
"in time of my great griefc: And to the clean ncfte of my hands
But yet the Lord was my defence* appearing in his fight.
* myfuccour and reliefe. 24 For Lord with him that holy is
18 Hebroughtme forth in open place, wilt thou be holy too :
whereas \ might be free,
And with the good and vertuous men.
And kept me fafe becaufe he had right vertuoufly wilt doe.
25 And to the louing and cleft
ijp And as I was an innocent thy louc thou wilt referue
fb did he me regard: And thou yvilx vfe the wicked men*
And to t he clcanhefleof my hands a s vv icked men dc feme.
he gaut me my reward, 26 For thou doft fane the fimplcfole,
ao For that,I walked in his wayes, in trouble when they lye
and in his pathes haue trod And doft bring downe the countenance
And haue not wauered wickedly of them that looke full hio.
a^ainrt my Lord and God.
27 The Lord will light my candle foj
that it shall shine full bright
The third fart. The Lovd my God will make alfo
11 But euermore I haue reflect my darkneffe to be light.
to his law and decree : 28 For by thy help an hoaft of men
His ftatutesand comma ndements ,
difcomflt Lord I shall :

1 caft not out frornmee. By thee I fcale and ouer-leape

a* But pure, and clcane,and vnconupt, the ftrength of any wall.
5 Pfa/me iS.
*9 Vnipotted arc the wayes of God thy right hand if my tower
his word is purely tride : Thyleue and familiaritie
He is a lure defence to fuch, doth ftiii increaie my power.
as in his faith abide.
$0 For who is God except the Lord i 15 And vnder me thou makeft plaine
for other there is none the way where 1 should walke:
Or elfe who is omnipotent* So that my feet shall neuer flip,
lauing our God alonci nor ftumbleat a balke
$6 And fiercely I purfue and take
The fourth part. my foes that me annoyd :
And from the field doe not returne
Bi The God that girdethmevvithftregth till they be cleane deftroyd.
is he that I doe meane
That all the wayes wherein I walke J7 So I fupprefle and wound my foes,
did euermorc keepe cleane. that they can rife no more:
jrz That made my feetelike to the Harts For at my feete they falldowne flat,
in fwifmefleof my pace: I ftrike them all fo fore.
And for my furetybrought me forth j8 For thou doft gird me with thy
into an open place* to vvarrein fuch a wife: (lhcngth,
That they be all fcatred abroad
3$He did in order put my hands, that vp againft me rife,
to battaile and to fight
Tobteake in fonder bars of brafle 59 Lord thou haft put into my hands
he gaue mine armes the might. my mortall enemies yoke :
Thouteacheft me thy fauing health, And all my foes thou doft diuide,

Pfalmel?. CAN TVS. Tbo.T{auef.B.ofM.

H E heauens and the firmament doe vvondroufly declare

The glory of God omnipotent, his workes md vvhat they are,

Wels or GUfenbvry Tune. T E NO R, or Playnfong.

H heauens and the firmament doe wondroufly declare

The glory of God omnipotent, his workes and vvhat they are*

a The wondrous vvorksof God appeave 4 In them the Lord made for the Sunnc
by euery dayes fucccflTe : a place of great renovvne
The nights which like wife their race Who like a bridegroome ready trimde,
the felfe fame things expreue. (run doth from his chamber come.

3 There is nolanguage,tongueorfpeech 5 And as a valiant champion,

where their found not heard :
is who for to get a price
In all the earth and coalts theteoff VVith ioy doth hafte to tak in hand,
their knowledge is confesd. fome noble entcrpiife*
PCalmeit* 5i
In (tinder with thy ftrolce. But wander wide out of their vvayes
(40 They caldforhelp
but none
gaueeare and hidethem outof fight.
nor holpc them with rcliefe;
45 Butbleffed be the lining Lord,
Yea, to the ^ov<\ they cald for helpe, molt vvoitbyof allpraife :
yet heard he not their gnefe. That is my rockc and failing health,
praifed be healwaycs.
The fift part. 4* ForGod it is that gaueme power
reuengedforto be
And with his holy vvordfubdude
41 And ftill like duft before the vvinde,
the people vl to me.
I driue them vndcrfeet
And fvveepe them out like filthy clay, 47 And from my foes me deliuered,
that ftincketh in the Greet. and fct me higher thenthofe,
42 Thou keepft me from fedicious folk, That cruell and vngodly were,
that ftill in tttifebeled : and vp againft me rofe.
And thou doft of the Heathen folke 48 And for this caufe O lord my God*
appoint me to be head. to thee giue thanks I shall
And fing out praifes to thy name,
4j A people ftrange to rnevnknowne, among the Gentiles alL
and yet they shall me feme:
And at the firft obey my word, 49 That gaueft great profperitie
whereas mine owne will fwerue. vnto the king I fay :

44 1 shall be irkforue to mine owne, To Dauid thine annointed king,

they shall not fee my light: and to his feed for aye.

Pfa/mei?. MED I VS. Tbo.%aue*l H .of M.

HEheauens and the firmament doe vvondroufly declare

The gioryofGod omnipotent, his workes and what they are.

WefoTttne. BASSVS.

H E heauensand the firmament doe vvondroufly declare

The glory of God omnipotent, his workes and what they are.
6 And all the Skie from end to end, 8 Iuft are the Lords Commandements,
he compafTcth about : and glad both heart an minde i

Nothing can hide it from hisheate His precepts pure, and giueth light,
but he will hndc it out. to eyes that be full blinde*

7 How Law of God

perfect is the 9 The feare of God is excellent,
how couenant fuie ?
is his and doth endure foreuer *.

Conuerting foules and making wife *he iudgements of the Lord are true,
th z fijuple and obfeure, and righteous altogether.
10 And
5* Pfdmety.
j 6 And more to be imbrae'de alwayes, to haue God in regard s

then fined gold I fay : And in performance of the fame,

The hony and the hony combe, there shall be great reward,
are not fofwect as they. x 3 But Lord what earthly man doth know
the errors of his life 1
* x By them thy feruant is fotewarnd Then cleanfc my fbule from fecret fins,

FMme to. C A NT VS. William CranfieU

N trouble and aduerfitie the Lord God hearc thee (till: .

The mateftie ola-cobs God de- fend thee from all

M il

Ely Tune. TENOR, or Playnfong.

. liiiitsiiilifiiliiiiiiii
N trouble ?nd the Lord God heare thee
aduerfitie (till:

The maieftie of IacobsGod defend thee from all ill,

a And fend thee from his holy place thy burnt offrings each one.
his help at euery need i 4 According to thy hearts defire
And fo in Sion ftiblish thee, the Lord grant vnto thee
and makcthee it tong indeed. And all thy counfell and deuife
3 Remembring well the facrifice full well performe may he,
that now to him is done : % We
shall reioyce when thou Vsfaiiefl
Andfb receiue right thankfully, and our banners difjpiay

PJaime 11. CANTVS. hhn Benn$t.

Q |f * I I
il \
how ioyfull is
ytt*fr > \
the king in thy rtrengthand thv
lUl ii
How powen

vehemently doth ne reioyce inthechis SauiounFor thou haft giuen vntohim

ris godly hearts defire:to him nothing haft thou denide,of that he did require.

t^ V/ Lord how ioyfull is the king in thy ftrength and thy poweii How

hisgoily hearts defirc:tu him nothing haft thou dcciic,of that he did requite.
Which are' in me tfloft rife. and great offences fiye.

24 Accept my rrcuth and eke rny heart*

;j a nd kecpe e that prefumptuous fins my words and thoughts each one
preuaile not oucr me : For re y Redeemer and my ftrength
&nd fo shall I be inuoccnt, O Lord thou art alone.

pftlme To. franfe/d. IV S. MRuim

trouble and aduerfitie the Lord God hcaie thee Hill

The maieftieof Jacobs Cod, defend thee from all ill.

^ ^~ ^
^ """""rf trouble and aduerfitie the^tord ~God heare thee ftill:

The maiertie of la- cobs God defend thee from all ill.

jVnto the Lord v v hich thy recjuefts, and fame in horfes truft
fulfilled hath alway. ' But we remember God our lord,
5 The lord will his annointed faue that kec peth promile iuiV
I know well by his grater 8 '/hey fall dovvnt flat, but vvedoe rife
Ana lend him health by his right hand and Hand vp ftcdfaiily:
out of his holy place. Now faue and help vs Lord and King,
^ In chariots fome put confidence, on thee when we doe cry.

P(*lme UV Mt> 1 VS lohnllemeu^

Lordhovv ioyfullis the king in thy fttcngth and thy power; How

^%lhem7i^"doth he moyc^n thee hisl^uio^."^r thou half-eiuen vr^hiin

his godly hearts him nothing halt thou denide, of that he did require.

_ iifiPinpiii
Lord hovvioyfull is
the king in rT.yftrength

andthypovve.H ovv

vehemently doth he re|oyce in ti ec his Sauioiti s.For t^hou hafl ^'ucn vjitohhri

fcis godly hfvtslf fire; to him nothing haft thou decide, of that he dW require.
5 Thou
54 Pfalmen.
3 Thoudidft preuent Mm with thy gifts 6 Thou wilt giuehim felidtto
And blefliiigs manifold: that neuer shall decay:
And thouhaft fet vpon his head And with thy chearfull countenance
a crov vneof perfect gold. wilt comfcit him alway.
4 And when he asked life of thee
7 For why the King doth
: ftrongly
thereofthoumad'/t him fure,
n God for co preuaile
To haue longlife yea fuch a life, Therefore his goodncffe and his grace,
as euer should endure.
will not that he shall quaile.
5 Great is his glory by thyhelpe S But let thine enemies feele thy force,
thy benefits and aide: and thofe thattheewithftand:
oreat worship and great honoui both Finde out thy foes and let them feele
thou haft vpon him laid. the power of thy right hand*

P/s<m*Z2. C A NT VS. Tho.Raitenf.B.of M.

God my God,wherfbre doft thouforfake me vtterlySAnd helpeft

not when I do make my great complaint and cry 1

Chtebtfttr Tune. T ENOT^ot PUjnfonf*

God ray God, wherefore doft thou forfake me utterly i And helpeft

not when Idoe make my great complaint and cry *

2 To thee my God euenall day long, 7 And medefpife as they behold

I doe both crye and call : me walking on the way :

I ceafe not all the night,and yet* They gnn.they mo w,they nod their beds
thou heareft not at all, and in this wire they fay.
Eucn thou that in thy Sanctuary, $ X his man did glory in the Lord,
his fauottr and his loue:
and holy placedoft dwell:
Thou art the comfort and the ioy Let him redeeme and helpe him now,
his power if he will proue.
and glory of Ifrael.
4 And he in whom our fathers old,
had all their hope for euer: 9 But Lord out of my mothers wombe
And when they put their truft in thee I came by thy requeft
fo doft thou them deliuer. Thou didft preferue him ftill in hope,
while I did fuckc her breft.
5 They were deliuered euer when 10 I was committed from my birth
they called on thy name: with thee to haue abode:
And for the faith they had til thee, Since I was in my mothers vvombe,
they were not put to shame. thou halt beenc euer my God.
* But I am now become a worrae,
more like then any man : The ftcond part .
An owt-caft whom the people fcornc, 11 Then Lord depart not now from me
with all the fpight they can. in this my preient griefe
PJaime ii.
tiAndlike an Ouen bumcthem lord, Yet did they faile and had no power
rfl in fiery flame
and fume: for to pcrforme the fame.
^Thine anger shall deftroy them all, 12 But as a roarke thou shah them fet
and fire shall them confume. in a more open place:
And thou wilt root outof the earth And charge thy bow-firings readily
their fruit that should incieafe againft thine enemies face*
And from the number of thy flocke
their feed shall end and ceafe. lj Be thou exalted Lord therefore*
in thy ftrcngth euery houre:
III For whyftnuch mifchief did theymufe So shall we firigrightfolemnly
againft thy holy name : prayfing thy might andpovver.

Pfalmezi. MED 1 VS. ThoSRattenf. B. of M.

God my God, whereforedoft thou forfake mevtteriy I And hclpcft

not when I doe make my great complaintand cry \


cod my God, wherefore doft thou forfake me And heipeft


when I dee make my great compliint and cry

Since I haue none to be myhelpe, Confpire againOme curfedly,

my fuccour andreliefe. they pierce my hands and feet*
12 So many Bulles doe compaffeme,
17 1 was tormented fo that 1,
that be full ft rong of head :
might allmy bones haue told:
T ea, Bulles fo fat as though they had
Yet Jtill vpon me they doe looke
in Bafan field been? fed.
and ftill they me behold.
iS My garments they diuided eke
11 They gape vpon me greedily,
in parts among them all
as though they vvould me flay:
And for my coat they did caft lots,
Much like a Lion roaring out,
and ramping for his prey.
to whom it might befall*
14 But 1 dropdovvne like watershed io Therefore I pray thee be not far
my ioynts in funder breake from me at my great need
heart doth in my body melt, But rather fan thou art n*y ftrength,
like vvaxe againft theheat. to helpe me Lord make fpeed.
20 And fro the fvvord Lord fane my foule
25 And like a potsherd dryth my ftregth by thy might and thy power;
mytongue it eleaueth faft And kfepe my foule thy darlingdeere
Vntomyiavves,andI am brought from dogs that vvould deuoiue.
to duft of death at laft.
16 And many dogs doe compafic me *i And fro the Lyons month that would
and vwicked counfellckc me all i funder shiner ;

And front the homes of Vnicomes 24 For he defptfeth not the poore,
Lordfafely me deliuer. heturncthnotaway
az And I shall to my brethren all His countenance y vhe they doe call*
thy maielUe record : but granteth to their cry.
And in thy Church shall praife the name
of thee the liuing Lord. Among the folke that feare the lore* I

t will therefore proclaime

The third rpart
* hy Pife,and keepe my proroilc made 1

tor letting forth thy name.

>3 All y that feare him praife the Lord 4 The poore ahall eate and be fuffisde*
thou Jacob honour him : and thole that doe theitdeuer
And ail ye feed of Ifrael ^
To know the Lord.shal praife his name
with reuerence w or Ship him. their hearts Shall Uue for eucr.

Pfdmel^ CANTVS 9 Tho.Xattersf.B.ef M.

HE Lord is onely my fupport , an d he

can I then lacke any thing, whereof I ihnd in need.1

Winchctter Tme. TENO'R.ot PUjnfongi

HE Lord is onely mv fupport, and he that dotli me feeder How

can I then lackc any thing, whereof I rtand in n-jed

1 He doth me fold
in coates moft fare, Conducting mc inhis right tithes ^
the tendcrgraffefaftby : euen for .his ovvne names lake.
And after driues me to the flreameSf 4 And though [ vvcr euen at deatbs'door j

which run moft pleafantly. yet would 1 feare none ill:

3 Andvvhen I feeie myfelfc neereloft* For with thy rod and shepheards crooke
then doth he me home take : I am comfort ed dill;

Another of the fame. 4N TVS.T\R^nf,B.ofM.

XVX^ y ShcpheanJ fc the liuing tord, nothing therefore I need

WinchcfcrTune. T NO% or Plajnfong.

Y Shephsard is the Jiujng Lord* nothing therefore I need

7 All coafts of earth shall praife the And in his prefence worship Mm,


and turnetohim tor grace: (Lord and bow their knees full low.
The heathen folke shall ? vorship him jo And all that shall goedownc toduft
before his bieuedface. of life by him mutt tafte :
*8 The kingdotne or the heathen folke My feed shall liuc and praife the Lord
the Lord shall haue therefore : while any world shall hit.
And he shallbc their gouernour,
and king for cuermore. My feed shall plainely shew to
?i them
that shall be borne hereafter :
3f The rich man of his goodly gifts, His iufticcand his rightcoufnefte*
shall feed and tafte alfo and all his vvorkes of wonder*

?falmt%%. MSDIVS. Tho.Ratenf.B.ef M.

1 HE tord is onely toy fuprort, and he that doth me feedc : How

can I then lacke any thing, whereof I fhnd in geed i


H E Lord is onely my fupport, andhe that dpth me feede: How

>. t >i. i- ,t -k: .l jj **j

can I then lacke any thing,

whereof I ftaod in need

5 Thou haft my table richly deckt, A nd finally while breath doth laft

in defpight of my foe: thy grace shall me defend r

Thou haft ray head with balme refrcsht, And in the houfe of God will I*
my cup doth ouerflov v. my life for euer fpend.

w Another of th*f*me*

ry H im*
X Shephcard is the liuihg



i uv\
nothing therefore I need

X Shcpheardis theliuing Lord, nothing therefore I nerd :

E In
53 CAlSTfS.'

n In pafturesfaire with waters calme, he fet me for to feed.
7*2? N OR^ oxPlaynJofio.
In paftuies faire with waters calme,he fet me for to feed.
% conuert and glad my foule,
He did 5Yea,though I walke in vale of death,
and brought my minde in frame: yet would Ifeare none ills
To walke in pathes of righteoufneffe, Thy rod,thy ftaffe doth comfort me,
for his moft holy name. and thou art with me ftill,

Pfa/me 14. CANTVS. Richard Atlifo*.

He earth is all the Lords, with all her ftore and furniture !

Yea, his is all the world, and all that therein doth indure.

J^ehefterTune. TENO R, or TUynfonv.

HE earth is all the Lords, with all her ftore and furniture

Yea, his is all the world, and all that therein doth indure

2 For hehath founded it

faftly no fpot there dothdefile^ .

aboue the fea to fland His foule not fet on vaniiie.

And hid alow the liquide flouds who hath notfworne to guile.
to flow beneath the land. 5 Him that is fuch a one the Lord
3 For who is he(0 Lord) that skill shall place hvbltflefull plights
afcend vnto thy hill ? And God MsGod and Sauiour-
Orpaflfe into thy holy place shall yeeld to him his right.
there to continue ftill i
6 This the broodof trauellers

4 v vhofe hands are harmles& whofc hart in feeking ofhis grace :

Canterbury Tttne. CA NTV$, or PUynfong

Lift my heart to thee, my God and guide moft in*: N.TV firffer me
Pfalme z<. TENOT^. John Ward.

iift my heart to God and guide moft iaft: fuflfer me
ME D IV S. 5.9

In pafturcs faire with waters calmc, he fct me for to feed.


In pafturcs faire with waters calrce, he fet me fortofeed.

Through allmy life thy faiiour is
4 And in the prefence of my foes, 5
my table thou shalt fpread: fofranckly shewed to me .
Thou shaltCO Lord)fill full my cup, That in thy houle for eucnnore
and eke annoint my head. my dwelling place shall be.
Tfatme 24. MET) 1 VS. - %icbard ssftiifon.

HE earth

is all the Lords, with all her ftore and furniture:

y ea, his is all the world, and all that therein doth mdure.

B A. S S V S

1 H E earth is all the Lords, with all her ftore and furniture \

Yea, his is all the world, and all that therein doth indure.
Aslacob did thelfraeUtes and tryalldf thefword;
in that time of his race. o ye Princes open your gates ftandjOpeii
7Ye Princes open your gates, ftandopen the euerlaiiing gate:
theeuerlafting gate: For there shall enter in thereby,
For there shall enter in thereby the King of glorious ftate.
the Prince of glorious ftate. 10 What isthe King of glorious ftate >

|8,VVhat is the king of glorious ftate? the Lord of hofts it is

the ftrong and mightie Lord : T he kingdome and the royalty,
The mighty Lord inbattailes flout, of glorious ftate is h^ 9
P(almez$. MEDIVS. lohnWard.

A T.ifrmu heart
Liftmy h**rr to
rn tbeet mv God
thee* my mo(t
Puide moft
Gcui and guide iufl:
iuft: Now fulfer
fuftcr mc

my Now me
Lift heart tothcciinyGod and guide moftiuft: fuffer
6o CAN'T VS, or P/aynfoup

to lake no shame, for in thee doc 1 truft.

to take no shame* for in thee doe I truft.
Let not my foes rcioyce,
But of thine cvvne benignitie
nor make a fcorne of me:
Lord haue me in thy minde*
And let them not be ouertbrovvnc,
7 His mercy is full fweet,
that puttheirtruft in thee.
his truth a perfect guide:
Therefore the Lord will finncrs tcach^
jButshameshall them befall, and fuch as goe afide.
which harme them wrongfully
Therefore thy paths and thy right v?ayes 8 The humble he will teach,
vnto me Lorddefcrie. his precepts for to keepc:

4 Diredme in thy truth,

He vvilldlred in all his wayes
and teach me I thee pray: the loyvly and the meeke,
Thou art my Godand Saaiour, p For all the vvayes of God,
on thee I wait alway are truth and mercy both
To them that keepe histeftanicnt
Thy mercies manifold, the v?itneffe of his troth.
I pray thee Lord remember:
And eke thy pittie plentifull,
jo Now for thy holy name,
for they hauc beene for euer.
6 Remembernot the faults,
O Lord I thee intreat
To grant me pardon for my flune,
andfrailtie of my youth:
for it is wondrous great.
Remember not how ignorant
I haue beene of thy truth.
1 1 Whofo doth fcare thee Lord,
the Lord will him direct:
Nor after mydeferrs, To lead his life in fuch away,
let me thy niercyfinde; as he doth beft accept.

Ffdme IS. CANT VS. Tho.%aenf. B. ofM.

Ord bemy Iudge,and thou shaft fee my pathes are tight and plaine j

I truft in God,and hope that he will ftrength me to remaine:

Wduer-htimyton Tnne. T S N 0%, or Ptaynfong.

Ord be my ludge, and thou shalt fee my pathes are right & plaine s

I truft in God s and hope that hce will ftrcngthmc to remaine.


to take no shame, for in thee doc I truft.

to take no shame, for in thee doe I truft.

t i His foule shall cuermore, ly Behold my pouertie,

in goodnefle dwell and ftand my anguish and my painet

His feed and his porter jtie Remit my finne andmine offence*
inherit shall the Land. and make me cleane againe,
i| All thofe that f arc the Loud,
know his frcrer intent iS O Lord behold my foes,
And vnto them he doth declare how they doe ftiil increafe:
his will and teftamcnt. Purfuing me with deadly hate,
that faine vvouldiiue in peace.
14 Mine eyes and eke my heart, 19 Vreferueand keepemy foule
to him 1 will aduance, and eke deiiuerme:
Thatplucktmy fcetoutofthefnare Andlet me not be ouerthrovvne
of finne and ignorance. becaufe I truft in thee.
15With mercy me behold,
to thee! make my rnonc : : Let my ample pureneffe
For I am poore a n<t defolate t mc from mine enemies sheud:
andcomtortlefle alone. Becaufe I looke as one of thine
that thou shouldft medefend.
The troubles of my heart 2i Deliuer Lord thy folke,
are multiplide indeed and fend them fome reliefe 1
Bring mo out of this mifery, I meane thy chofen Ifracl,
neceflitie and need. from airtheir paineand griefe*

PpttmelG. MEDIVS, Tbo. Raagnf.'B .of M.

Ord be my ludge and thou shak fte mypathesareright & plaine

I truft in God, and hope that he will flrcngth me to remaine.

Ord be my iudge, and thou shalt fee my pathes are right & plaine

I truft in Qo^and hops that he will ftrength mee to remaine.

B$ 2 Prone
6i Pf*lmei6.
a Prone me my God I thee defire, with the deeeitfull trajnel
my wayes to fearcb and try: 51 mm* abhorre the wicked fttt^
As men doe prone their gold with fire, their deeds I doedefpife:
my raynes and heart eipie. once to them refert
I doc not
thathurcfull things deuife.
j Thy goodnefle laid befort my face,
I durft behold alvvayes: 6Uy hands I wash,and doe proceed
For of thy truth I tread the trtce, in vvorkes to w
alke tptight:
and will doc all my dayes. Then to thine altar 1 makefpeed
to offer there in fight.
4 1 doe not luii to haunt or vie
with men vvhoftdeeds are vainet 7 That I may fpeak &
preach the praifc
To come in houfc I doe refufe that doth belong to thee:

Here beginneth the Northern Tunes.

Pfalrne 27. CAN TVS. IohnMthon.

HE Lord is both my health and light,shall man make m/ difmaid \

Siih God doth giuc nie ftrengt


> find might, why should I be afraid I

i YorkeTune. T ENO R, orPlaynfone.

, HE Lord is both my health and light, shallman make me difmaid 5

God why
doth giue me ftrength and might,
Sith should I be afraid S
2 While my foes with all their
that and view his temple well.
begin with me to braule (firength 6 In time of dread he shall me hide

And thinke to eate me vp at length, within his place moil pure:

theiafelues haue caught the fall. A nd keepe me fecrct by his fide,
as on a vockemoft fure.
$ Though they in camp againft me lie, 7 At length I know the Lords good
my heart is not afraid shall make meftrong and front
In battailepiight,if they will trie, My foes to fpoyle and cleane deface,
1 tr uft in God for aide. that compalTe me about.
4 One thing of God I doe require, 8 Therefore within his houfewill I
that he vv ill not denie giue facrifice of praife:
For which I pray and will detfre, With Pfalmes andfbngs I will apply
tfll he to me ap'ply.
to laud the Lordalwayes:
5 That
within his holy place
I Thc fccond part,
ray life throughout m3y dwell s o Lordheare the voyce of requefl
To lee the beauty of his face for which to thee I call:

Pfalrne l8 CA VTFS. Tho, %auenf. B. of M.

Hon art O Lordjny ftrength and ftay,the fuccour which I craue

Durham Tune. TEN OR t or Playnfong.

^ Tiiiiiliill^iiill^iiililii Hou art O ftrength and ftay, the fuccour which I crauc:
Pfalme%6 {

told to declare how wondrous wayes, their life thereof is full:

thou haft beene good to me. And their right hand with wrench and
r O Lord thy houfe I loucmoft deare, for bribes doth pluck and pull, (wile
tome itdothexcell: 11 But I in righteoufnefle emend,
[ haue delight and would draw neere my time and dayesto ferue,
whereas thy grace doth dwell. Hauc mercy Lord and me defend,
9 O shut not vpmy foule with them fo that I doe not fwerue
in finne that take their fill Ja My foot is (laid for all aflfayes
) Nor yet my fbule among thofemen it ftandcth well and right:

that feeke much bloud to fpill. (guile VVherefore to God vviill giue praife
19 VVhofc bauds are heapt with craft & in all the peoples fight.

i P(*lme17. MET) IV S. John Milton.

H E Lord is both my health and light, shall man makcme difmaid \

me SithwhyGod doth giue ftreugth and might, should I be afraid '


H E Lord is both my health and light, shall man make me difmaid'


sith God doth giue me fhrength and might, why should I be afraid?
iaue mercy Lord onmeoppreft, . and lead me on forth right
and fend me help withall. For feareof fuch as watch for me
My heart doth knowledge vnto thee to trap meifthcy might.
1 fue to haue thy grace
14 Hoe not betake me to the will
Then feeke my face (faift thou to me) of them that be my foes
Lord I will feeke thy face. For they furmife agatnft me ftill,
away, falfc witneflc to depoie.
l In wrath turne not thy fclfe
nor ftiffer me to Aide : i > My heart would faint,but that rn me
Thou art my helpftill to this day, this hope is fixed faft :
be ftil my Godand guide. The Lord Gods good grace shall I fee,
ft My parents both their fonne forfookc in life that aye shall laft.
and caft meoff at large 1 6 Truft ftill in God whofe whole thou
And then the Lordhimfelfe yet tooke his will abide thou muft : (art
of me the care and charge. And he shall eafe and ftrength thy heart,
it3 Teach me O God the way to thee if thou in him doe truft.

Tfalme 1%. MET)! VS. Th>>. Raumf. B ofM.

Hou artO Lord,my ftrengtb and toy, the fuccour which I craueV

H*u art O Lord,my ftrength and fay, the fuccour which I crane
E4. Negleft

Ntgleft me not, lei 1 1 be like to them that goeto graue.
TE N OR, orVlaynfong.
A me
Negle not, left I be like to them that goc to gtaue.
a The voyce of thy fupplaint hcare 4 According to their handy worke,
that vnto thee doth cry as rhey deftrue indeed:
When I lift vp my hands vnto A nd after tfeirinuentions
thy holy Arkc moft hie. let them recetue their meed.

? Repute me not among the fort 5 Pov they regard nothing Gods vvortl,
of wicked and pcrueri his lavvne yet Ms lore
That fpeak right faire vnto their friends Therefore will he them and their feed
ami thinkc full ill in heart. * deftroy for cuermore.

Pfalmei^,. CANT VS. Tba.%men(.B,ofM,

^ lue to the Lord yee potentates, vee Rulers of the world:

^ Giue
honour and
yeealipuilc, ftrength vnto the lining Lord.
Carleyl Tune. \ TENOR, or Playnfong

JuC to the Lord, yee Potentiates, yee Rulers of the world:

^iiue^ yc^aU pMifc, honour and ftrength vnto the lining Lo^d.
a Giue glory to his holy name, and wondrous excellent:
and honour him alone : It is inoft mighty in erfceft;
Worship him in his maiefty, and rooft magnificent.
within his holy throne*
5 The voyce of God doth rend & bteake

a His voyce doth rule the waters al], the Cedat trees fo long
euen as himfejfe dothpleafc The Cedar trees of Libanus,
He doth prepare the thunderclaps, which are molt hie and ftrong.
and couernes all the Seas. 6 And makes them leape like as a calfc
^ The voyce of God is of great force or elfe an Vnicqrne S

P(dme%o. CANTVS. Tko.%men(.B.ofM.

L L hud and praife vvith heart and voyce,p Lord I giue to thee s -

TEN OR, or Playnfong,

hill id and praife with heart and voyce,0 Lord I gitfc to thecs :
MSD1VS. 6*5

Negleft mc not, left I be like to them that goe to graue.

^ ^
^ ^ ^

Negleft me not, left I be like to them that goe tograue.

6 T/orenda thanks vat o the Lord g He is our ftter.gth and our defence
how great a caufe haue I S our enemies to refift t
My voyce, my prayer and my complaint The health andthe faluation
that heard To willingly. ofhheieftfcyChrift.

jHe is my shield and fortitude, Thy people and thy heritage

my buckler in diftrefle: Lord, bleflfe, guide, and pre feme:
My hope, my helpe ,my hearts reliefe, Increafe them L6rd,andrule their heart,
my iong shall him confefle. that they doe neuer fvverue

Pfalme a P. MED TV S. T. "Kauetrf. B.*f M.

^ I ue to the tord yee Potentates, yee Rulers of the world

if! I It tl
f T l Tf'T *!
Glue ye all praile, honour and itrength vnto the liuing Lord*

G^ii^iliiN=lIillipp luc to the Lord vee Potentates, yee Rulers of the World;

Giucyee all praife, honour and ftrength vnto the liuing Lord.
^Jotoncly trees,but tnountaines great his glory dothproclaime.
whereon the trees are borne. 10 The Lord was fet aboue the flouds
7 His voyce diuides the flames of fire, ruling the raging fea
and shakes the wildemeffe So shall heraigne as Lord and King,
$ It makes thedefart quake for feare, for euer and for aye.
that called is Cades. 21 The Lord will giuehis people povvit
9 It makes the Hinds for feare to calue, in vertue to increafe:
an makes the coucrt plaine
1 The Lord will blefle his chefen folke
Then in his Temple euery man, with euerlafting peace.

F/alwevo.^Eprrs. Th0.RmenfB.ofM/

Ll laui and praife with heart and voyce, O Lord 1 giue to thee:

LLlaud andpraife vrith heart and voyce, O Lord I giucto thee:


which didft not make my fo<s reioyce, buthafl exalted me* O Lord

my God to thee I cride in all my paine and griefe, thou gaueft aneare

f mn u j&
didftprouide,to eafe^me wittTreliefe.

T E NO R,orPlaynfong.

which didft notmake my foes reioyce, but haft exalted mce. O Lord

my God to thee T cride in all my prune and griefe, thou gaueft an eare,

and didft prouide, to eafe me with reliefe*

3 thou haft calde back
Of thy good will nlvvaycs doth life remaine.
myfoule from hell to fa ue: Though gripes of griefe and pangs full
Theudidftreuiue when ftrength did lack shall lodge vvith vs all night : (lore
and kc ptft me from the graue The Lord to ioy ihall vs reftore.
thit prone & fee before the da} be light.
4 Sing praife ye Saints
the goodnefieofthe Lord: 6 V Vhen I inioyde the world at will,
Inmemory ofhismaieftie,
thus would I boaftand fay:
reioyce vvith one accord, Tush I am fure to feelenonc ill,
SFor why* his anger but a fpacc this wealth shall not dcay :

doth laft and flake againe: 7 For thou O God of thy good grace
But inbtsfauour and his grace haft f.nt me ftrength and aid.

Pfatme * i . CA NT VS. Iokn Bermet.

Lovd I put my truft in thee, let nothing worke me shame i

* - ^ j4Rnu mo
~As thouart iuftdeliueTme,
*nA fet
and fp + me
rr\C> quite frt\TT\ blame
nilihf from W.ltTIi

Cheshire Time. : TEKOR,or

iJJKU rt,or Playnfong

rt- oi^liliiiilliii^l^ii Lord I put my truft in thee, let nothing worke me shame:

and me mft deltuerme, fet quite from bj
As tliou art
MED I VS. 67

which didft not make my foes reioyce, but haft exalted me. O Lord tny

God to thee I cride in all my paine and griefe, thou gaueft an eare

and didft prouide, to cafe me with reliefe


which didft not make my foes reioyce, but haft exalted mee. O Lord

my God to thee I ciyde in all my paine and grief e, thou gaueft an eare,

and didft prouide, to cafe me with reliefe

But when thou turndft away thy face O Lord I thee deflre
myminde was fore diftnaid. Doe not this fimplefoule forfake,
ofhelpe I thee require,
# Wherefore againe yet did 1 cry
to thee O Lordof might iiThen diiift thou turn my grief & ^poe
My God with plaints! did apply, vnto a chearefull voyce
and praide both day and night. The mouraijig weed thoutookftme fro
and mad' ft me to reioyce.
9 What ga hie is in my bloud faid I,
if death deft roy my dayes $
22 Wherefore myfoule vnceflantly
Doth duft declare thy maieftie, shall fing vntothypraife :
or yet thy truth doth praife 1 My Lord, my God, to thee will t
10 Wherefore my God fome pitty take, giue laud and thanks alwayes.

Pfdme 3r. MSDIVS. hbn r


Oii! Lord I put my truft in hee, let nothing worke me shame :

As thou art iuft deliuer me, and fet me quite from blame.

Lord I put my truft in thee, let nothing workc mee shame:

2 H eare
<58 Tf*lme%\\
% Hear e me Lord, and that anone, Thou feed when ought would me aanoj
to help me make good fpeed : and knoweft my foule full well
Be thou my rocke and houfe offtone, 9 Thou haft not left me in their hand,
ay fence in time of need. that would me ouercharge :
But thou haft fet me out of band
3 For whyl as (tones byftrength if tride to walke abroad at large.
thou art ray fort and tower The fecond part.
for thy names fake be thou my guide,
9 Great griefe O Lord doth me aflfaile,
and lead me in thy power.
fome pitrie on me take
4 Pluck forth my fecte out of the fnare Mine eyes waxe dim,my fight dothfaile
which they for me haue laid my wombe for woe dcth akc.

*hou art my (lrength,and all my care 10 My life is worne with griefe & paine
is for thy might and aide.
my yeares in woe are paft
My ftrength isgone, and through difdain
5lntothy hands Lord I commit my bones corrupt and wafte.
my fpirit which is thy due :

Forvvhyl thou haft redeemed it, 11 Among my foes I am a fcorne,

O Lord my God nioft trwe. my friends are all difmaid
41 hate fuch folkeas will not part
My neighbours and my kinfmen borne
from things to be abhord : tofeeme are afraid*
When they on trifles t their heart, 1 2 As men once dead areout ofminde>
uiy truft is in the Lord.
*b am I now forgot
7 For I will in thy mercy toy, As fmall effect in me theyfinde,
I fee it doth' exccll as in a broken pot.

Here beglnneththeScotish Tunes;

Pfalmesl. CANT VI. The T^uenf.B M M.

* He man is bleft whole vvickednes the Lord hath cleanc remitted

Hmi H

f7-l I

And he whofe finneandvmtchednefle

*| fE
is "hid
and alfo couered.

The Kin^f Tune. TENOR, ox Tlajnfong.

HE nun is bleft whole wickedneffe the Lord hath deane remitted

And he whofe finne and wretchednelTe is hid and al - fo couered.

% And bleft is he to whom the Lord That all my bloud and humors noift
imputah not his finne: to drynefle did conuert.
Which in his heart hath hid no guile,
5 1 did therefore confeffemy fault,
nor fraud is found therein. and all myfinnes difcouer
i For whilft that I kept clofe mydnue, Then thou O Lord didft me forgiuc,
in (Hence and conftraint and all my finnes pafle ouer. .

My bones did vveare and vvafte away 6 The humble man shall pray therefore*
with daily mow? and plaint. and feeketheein due time :
4 For night and day thy hand on me So that the flouds of water great
lb grieuous was and fniart: shall hauc no power onhinu
%} X heard the bragsof all the rout, That feare and truft in thee therefore
my mindedidfray :
their threats before thcionnesof meni
How they confpited and went 6 bout i?Thy prefenceshal them fence & guide
to take my life away.
from all proud brags and wrongs :
14 But Lord I uuft in thee for aide, Within thy place thou shalt them hide
not to be ouertrod :
from all the ftrife of tongues.
Fori confeffe and ftiU hauc faid,
20 Thanks to the Lord that hath declar'd
thou art my Lord and God*
on me his grace lb tart
isThe length of all my life and age, Me to defend with watch and ward,
Lord is in thy hand. as in a tovvneof vvarre.
Defend me from the wrath and rage
of them that thee withft and.

ai Thus did I fay both dayand night,

ifto me thy leruantLovd exprefle, when 1 was foreoppreft
and shew thy ioyfull face ; Loe I was
cleane calt out of fight*
And fane me Lord for thy gcodncfle, yet heardft thou myrequeft.
thy mercy and thy grace. 22 Xee Saints loue yetheLord I fay,
the faithfull he doth guide*.
The third part. And to the proud he vvillrepay,
17 Lord let me not be put to blame, according to their pride.
for that on tbee I call
But let the wicked beare the shame 31 Be Ifrong 8c God shall ftay your hart,
and inthegraueto fall be bold and haue a luftt
if Oh how great good had thou in ltore For Aire the Lord will take your part
laid vp full fafe lor them fith ye on him dectruft.

T(dmt 32. MSB 1 VS. ThoX$Henf.B.fMt

HE man is bleiwvhofc wtckedneffe the Lordhath cleane remitted:

And he vvhofe finnc and vvretchedneiTe is hid and al. fo couexed.

He man is bleit whole wickednetTc the Lordhath cleane remitted:

And he vvhofe fiune and vvrctchedneiTe, is hid and alfo cohered.

7 When trouble and aduerfirie, VVhofe mouth without a raigneor bit
doe compalTe me about from harme thou canlt not rule.
Thouart my refuge andray ioy, 10 The wit ked man shall manifold
and thou do ft rid me out. forrowfs and griefe fuftainc:
t Comehither, audi shall thee teach, But vnto him that truftsin God,
how thou shalt walke vpright his goodnefle shall remaine.
And will thee guide, as I any felfe
it Be merry therefore in the Lord,
haue leavud by proofc and light*
yec iuft lift vp yonr voycet
9 Be not lb rnde and ignorant, Andyee of pure and perfect heart,
as is the Horfc or Mule, be glad andekereioyce.
-JO Pfalme 33. C A NT VS. Thofyuettf. B.efM.

EE righteous in the Lordreioyce: it is a feemcly /ight,

that vpiight men with thankfull voyce should praife the God of might." |

Dukes Time. TENOR,or playnfong.

E E righteous in the

Lord reiovce: it is a leemely fight, !

that vpright men with thankfull voyce should praife the God of might.
2 Praifeye the Lord with Harp & fong S All men on earth both leaft and moft
in Pfalmes and pleafant things feare God andkeepe his law:
With Lute and Inftruments among, Yeethat iuhaifeiteincach coft,
that flfcindeth with ten ftrings. dreadnini and ftandinawe-

3 Sing to the Lord a fongmoitnew, P VVhathe commanded wrought it vvtM

at once with prefent fpeede :
with courage gine him praife
VVhat he doth will is brought to pafle
4 For why, his word is euer true,
his workes and all his wayes.
with full eff-*& indeed.
$ Toiudgement* equitie, and right 10 The counfailes of the nations rude
he h ;th a great good will the Lord ^oth bring to nought:
And with his gifts hedoth delight He doth defeate the multitude
the earth throughout to fill. of their deuife and thought.
11 But his decrees continue <li 11,
6 For by the wo d of God alone they neuerllakeor fwage:
the heanens all were wrought
Themoti ns of his minde and will,
Their hoalts and powers euery one take place in euery age.
his breath to pane hath brought.
7 The waters great gathered hath he
on heapes within the shore:
Thefecond part.
And hid rhem in the depth to be i3 And bleft are they to whom the Lor<
as in a houfe of ftorc. as cod and guide is knowne:

CANTfS. Tho.Rauenf. H.of M.

Tj T V
Pfalme 34.

M ag '111
l M 1 I I
giue laud and honour both
vnto the Lord alwa yes:

And eke my mouth for euermoie shall speake vnto his praife.

Abby Tune. TENOR.or Playnfong.

09- iMmM^^^^^M Will giue laud and honour both vnto the Lord alwayes :

And eke my mouth for eucrmoreshTH fpeakc vnto his praife.

Pfalmetf. MSDIVS. Tho.~Rauenf.B. if M. 71


that vpright
righteous in the Lord reioyce

y LLhm
men with thankfull voyce should
it is a fceraely fight,

praife the cod of might.

E E righteous in the Lord reicyce: it is a fcemely fight,

that vpright men with thankfull voyce should praife the God of might.
Whom he doth chufe of meere accord and watch to aide the iuft
to take them as hi s o wne. With iuch asfeare him to offend, v

13 The Lord from heauefi caft his fight andon his goodnefTe truft.
on men aiortall by birth
10 That he ofdeath and all diftrefTc
Confidering from his feat of might
may fet their foules from dread:
thedvvellers on the earth.
And if that death their landopprcfle,
24 The Lord (I fay) vvhofehand hath in hunger them to feede.
mans heart & doth it frame (wrought Wherefore our foules do* ftill depend
if For he alone doth know the thought, on G odour ftrength and flay
and vvorkingofthe fame* He is the shield vs to defend,
16 A King thattrufteth in hishoft and driue all darts away,
shall nought preuaileat length :
*i Our fbule inGodhath ioy and game,
The man that of his might doth boaft reioycing in hi might
shall fall for all his length.
For vvhy^ in his moftholy name
17 The troups of horfemen eke shalfaile we hope and haue delight.
their fturdy Steeds shall tterue: 11 Therefore let thy goodnefTe O Lord,
The ftrength of hoife shall not preaaile ftill prefent with vs be

the rider to prefcrue As we alvvayes with one accord,

iS Butloe the eyes of Goi intend^ doeonely truft in tiaee.

Pfalme^. MED I VS. Tbo.%aef. BM M. r

Will giue
laud ana honour both vnto the Loyd alwayes

A nd eke my njourh for cuenuore shall fpeake vnto his praife*


VVillgiue laud and honour both vnto the Lord alvvayess

And eke my mouth for euennorc shall fpeake yuto his praife.
1 1 doe
7* Pfalme 34.
a I doe delight to laud the Lord 7 The Angetl of the Lord doth pitch
in foule and eke in voyce: his tents incuery place
That humble men arid mortified To ftuc all fuch as featethe Lord,
may heare and fo rcioyce. that nothing them deface.
8 Tafte and eonfidcr well therefore^
$ Therefore fee that ye magnific that God is good and iuft
with me the liuing Lord happy man that maketh him,
And let vs now exalt his name, his onely flay and truft.
together with one accord.
$ Feare ye toe Lord ye holy ones,
4 For 1 my felfe befonght the Lord, aboue all earthly thing:
heanfwered me againe:
For they that feare the lining Lord,
A nd me dcliuered incontinent are fure to lacke nothing,
from all my feare and paine.
10 The Lyons shall be hungerbit,
and pinde with famine much:
5 VVho fo they be that him behold,
But as for them that feare the Lord,
shall fee his light moft clcare
no lacke shall be to fuch.
Their countenance shall not be dasht,
they need it not to feare. The fecond part.
6 This filly foule for fbtne reliefe, 11 Come neer therfore my children deere
vntothe Lord did call: and to my words giue eare
VVho did him heare without delay, 1 shall yon teach the perfect way,
and rid him out of thrall. how you the Lord shall feare.

?f*lte 1 5- CANT VS. Thojomkins B.of M.

Ord plead my caufe againft my foes,confonnd their force & might

Fight oa my part againft all thofe, that fecke with me to fight;

Dnmfcrme/jno Tune. T E NOR, or Playnfon^.

Ord plead my caufc againft my foes, confound their force & might

Fight on me my part againft all thofc, that feekc with to fight.
xLay handvpon thy fpcare and shield, that thiake to workeme ill*'

thy felfe in armour drefic:

Stand vpforme and fight the field. 5 Let them difperfe and flye abroad,
to helpe mc from diftreffe, as winde doth driue the duft
And that the Angell of our God
3 Gird on thyfwo d and flop the way, their might away may thruft.
nine enemies to withftand
6 Let all their waies bevoyde of lights
That thou vnto my foule maift fay,
and flipperielike to fall:
loe I thy helpe at hand.
And fend thine Angell wi:h thy might
Confound them with rebuke & blame
to perfecutc them alL
that feekemy foule to fpilH
Let them tusne back 6c ike with shame 7 For whyi without my fault tfcey have
Pfalme 34. 73
it* VVho is the man that would Hue long 1? T he Lord is k inde an4 mercifu' 1 -
andleidablcfledlifc* tofuchasbe contrite*
ij See thou refrainethy tongue andl'ps He faues alio the if no wfnil.
from all deceit and ft rife. the fnecke,and poore in ignite.
10 Full. many bethe miferies, .

i4Turne back thy facefrom doing ill, that righteous men doe fuffe*
and doe the godly deede : But out of all aduerfiues.
Inquire for peace and quietnefle, the Lord will them deliucr.
and follow it with fpecd*
if For why S the cyesof God aboue, :o The Lord doth fo preferue and keepe
vpon the iuft are bent his very bones alway :
His earcs like wife doth hcarcthe plaint That not fo much as one of them,
ofthepoorc innocent. <loth perish or decay.
21The finne fcU flay the wicked mart*
U Buthe doth frown 9c bend his brows which he hiaifclfe hath wrought
vpon the wiclctd traine Andfuch as hate the rightous man
And cuts away the memory, shall konebe brought to nought.
. that should of them remain?.
ij But when the iuft doc call and cry, 2' But they that feme the Huing Lord,
the Lord doth hearethem ibi the Lord dotrt faue them found :
That out of paine and mifery, And who that put their truft in him,
forthwith ho lets the* gee. nothing shall them confound.

Ffdme 3 5. MB <D / VS. Tho.Testkins.H .of M.

Ord plead my caufe againft my fbescoufound their force an^ might

Fight on my part againft
all thofc, that
with me to fight.

Ord plead my caufe againft my foes, confound their force aid might

Fight on my part againft all thofe, that feekc with trie to fight,
in Cecret fct their grin :, 10 And then my bones shallfpeakcand ,

Andfor no caufe haue figged a caue, '

my parts shall all agree v (lay,
to take my foule therein.

O Lord, though they doc fee me full gay,

3 V Vhen they think leaft, & haue no care Whatman is like to thee ?

O Lord deftroy thcra all:

Let them be trapt in their ovvne fnarc, Thefiwidfa-i.
and in their mifchicfe fall. %i Thou weak from
daft defend the. theni,
.that a re both (tout and
$ And let my fottJe? my heart and voyce And lid the poore from wicked men,
in G od haue ioy and wealth :
that fpoyle and doe them wrong,
That in the Lord I mayreioycej h My crutll foes againlt me riXe a
fcndin his failing health. so vvitneflc things vntrue s

P/a/me if*
And to accufe me they deulfe, that all good things deride
of that lneuerknevv. At me doe gtin with great difdaine,
ij Where I to them doe owe goodwill and pluck their mouth afide.
they quite me with difdaine : 18 Lord,vvhc wilt thou ameno'this gear
That they should p.iy my good v?ith ill,
why doft thou flay and paufe 5
my foule
doth love cotnplaine. Oh rid my foule,mine oncly deare,
^VVhcn they wcrefkk,! raournd ther- out of thefe Lyons clawes <
and clad my fclfe in fuck : (fere, i#And then will I giue thinks to thee
With faft ing 1 did faint full fore, before the Church alvvayes:
to pray L vvasi ot flack. And whereas moft of people be,
15 As they had beene my brethren dearc there will I shew thypraife.
I didmy felfe behaue : 20 Let not my foes preuaile on me,
As one that raakakh vvofull chearc which hate me for no fault
about his mothers graue. Nor yettowinck or turnc their eye
jtf But they at my dii cafe did ioy,
that caufelciTe me aftault.

and gather on a roue: Thefecond part.

Yea, abictt flauesat me did toy
with mocks and checks full ftout.
21 Of peace no word they think or fay
their talkc is all vnttue :

17 The belly-gods and flattering traine, They ftill confuit and would betray.

Pfalme 36. CA NT VS. Tho.%4utnf.B. of M.

HE wicked with his works vniuft doth thus perfwade his heart i

That of the Lord he hath no truft, his fearc is fct apart.

Vnndy Tune. TENOR, ox ?Uyn(ong.

Xt T7 r\r f*A ir.F<-K hi a .mAi-lrC
with his works <<-iuft> A/*+h Kll< perfwade
vniuft hMltf
M<C heart
doth thus n<*ffw V!lA O his

That of the Lord he hath notruft, hisfeare is fet apart.

a Yet doth he ioy in his cftate, But Lord thy goodneflcdoth afcend,
to walke as he began abone the heauens hie ?
So long till he deferue the hate So doth thy truth it felfe extend,
of God, and eke of man. vnto the cloudy s kye.
His works are vvicked,vile& W>Dght, 6 Much more then hils fo hye & ftecpe, I
thy iuftice is cxprcft:
his tongue no truth doth tell t
Thy iudgements liketo feas moft deefe,
Y c t at no hand vrill he be taught,
thou laueft both man and beaft.
which way he may doe well.
4 vvheii be shold llccp then doth he Wife 7 Thy mercy is aboueali things,
hismtfehiefes tofuliiU: O Godit doth excell
No wicked v /ayes doth he rfuijr, In truftwhereof as in thy wingi,
nor nothing that Is ill. the fonnes of men shall dvfcll.
lallthofe that peace emV; Nor giue them caufe to fay, enhyeV:
h With open mouth they ruine at me, v? c hauc aur will on hixti 9
they gape,they laugh, they fliere
VVell,weU,feythcy,our eye drth fe. if Confound them with rebuke r shajn &
the thing that w
defirei that ioywtvenldoemourne ;
And pay them home with (pite &blam,
s? But Lord thou feeft what vtaies they that brag at me with fcorne.
ceafe not this geare to mend (take L et be giacf and eke reidyce,,,
Bcnot ftrre of, nor me for fake, which louc mine vprighttrvay t
as men that fa tic their friend. And they all times With heart and voyce
4 Awake, arife.andfttrre abrcad* shall praife the lord and fay>
me in my right :

Reuenge my caufe, my iordmjGod 20 Great is Lord And doth excel!

and ayde me with thy might, for why he doth delight

'f According to thy tighteoufnefle,

To fee h|sferuVnts profper well,
my Lord God fct me free: that is his pleafaut fight,
And let not them their pride cxprefie, 30 Wherefore my tongue I will applf*
nor triumph ouer me. thy righteoufneffe to prayft j

Let not their hearts reioyce and cry* Vnto thee Lord ray ood will I
Acre there this geare goeth trim, fing laud and thanks alwayes*

Pftmt)6. MEBIVS. Tht.t^m^.'B.tfM,

ii B wicked With his 9 vorkes vniud* dtith thus perfv vade hi* heart:

That ofthe LordbehMhoo m<** Wsfeare is fct apart.

T ~H E wicked with his vvorkes vniuft, doth thus pcrfwade his heart

That of the Lord he hath no truft, his featecis fet apart

8 V Vfchin thy houfc they shall be fed, Thy tighteoufnefle declare, and SheW f
with plenty at their will : to menof.vpright heart,
Of all delights they shall be fped, ti Let not the proud on me preuailt
and take thereof their fill.
O Lord of thy -good gr'ace t
9 PorwhyS the well of life fo pure* Nor let ,the wicked me affr ile,
doth ouerflow from thee: to throw me out of j>Iacc-
And in thy light we are full fure xa But theyin rheirdeuice shall fall,
the lafting light to fee. that wicked works raaihtaine,
to From fuch as thee defirc to know* They shall be ouerthrov vnc vVithaH,
let not thy grace qejpart* and neue|:4fe^gaine*
J* ''Gxudg*.
Rudge not to fee the wicked men, in wealth to flourish fiill

"S Nor yet enulc'fudi as to ill, haue bent ancf fet their will.

Glafcow Tune; tENOR,oi Play nfong.

Sludge not to fee the wicked men* in wealrh to nourish ftill i m

Nov f.n-k ic\ 111. hflii^ bent
yet enuie fuch as To 111, haue Of their
hent and fet rh^ir will
* Forts grcene gratfe & florishing herbs muy #itdi
k Tea and
shak'l JCvi aim jni
land t
are cut and ? vithet away t In and peace, they shall reioyce,

So shalltheir great profperitie, for nought shall them withftand,

foone parte, fade and decay* V- The lewd men and malitious,
againft the iuii confpirei
thou therefore in God alone,
They gnash their teeth at him, asn
to doe well giue thy minde:
which doe his bane deflre*

So shalt thotihaue the land as thine*

and there fure foode shalt finde.
But while thatlev^dmen thus doti
4 In Godfet all thy hearts dt light, the Lord iaughes them to fcornc:
and looke what thou wouldft rr ue: For why he feeth their terme appro?
Or elfe canft wish in all the world, when they shall figh and mourne. j

thou needft it not to crane* 14 The wicked haue their fword cut>|
5 Caft both thy fclfe and thine affaires, iheir boweke haue they bt nt (dra :

on God with perfect truft Toouerthrow and kill the poore,

And thou shalt fee with patience, ,m they the right way went.
the effect both ftire and in It.
But the fame fword shall pierce

ihy perfect life and gocilyname,

which was to kill thciuft i
he will clearc as the light t
Likcvvife the bow shal break to shi
5o that the Sun euen at noonedayes, wherein they put their truft.
shall not shine halfe fo blight.
irfDoubtleflc the tuft manspooreem
7. Be ftill therefore, and ftcdfaftly, \% better a great deale more
on GoH fee thou wait then

Then all thefc lewd, and orldty w 1

Vot shrinking for the profperous lute, rich pomp and heaped florc.
of lewd and wicked men.
S Shake of defpig^ t, enuie andhate, iy For be their power neuer fo ftiorJ

atleafiinany wife: God will itouerthrow :

Their wicked fteps auo'id and flye, Where contrary hecothprcferue,

and follow not their guife. the humble men and low. fl
Foreuery wickedman will God, >8 He fecthby his great prouidenctt
tk (troy both more and leflfe 1 the good mens trade and way :
/ But fuch as truft In him atefitfc* And will giue them inheritance
the land tbrto poflefll-.
which neuer shall decay.
10 VVatvh but a while & thou Shalt iC
lo They shall not be difcouraged,
no morcthe wicked traynei
when Tome are hard beftead
ho not fomuch as honfeor placo, behunger.bit,
where oncehe did remaine. VVhen other shall
The fecond part. theyshall be clad and fed.
a* F whtfocucr wicked is.
21 But mercifuU andouiaUlc mcn 9

Pfalmeif. M EDI VS. Tho.Ra*enf.B.ofM.

mmmwMmmmmim Rudgc not to fee the wicked Mien, in wealth to flourish Hill

Rudge not to fee the wicked men, in wealth to flourish ftillt

j j! ^TTl TTT l
Nor yet e luiefuch as to
ill, haue bent and fet thcirwiUw
andenemie rothe Lord: deftroying the wicked raceI
hl ^u.ife,yca melt euenas lambs grefe
Or fm.oake 29 VVhereas the good and godly mcfy
that fljeth abroad.
inherit shall the land
The third part, Hauing as Lords all things therein,
l Rehotld the wicked borroweth much in their owne power andhand.
and neuer paveth agatnc :
jo The iuft maus mouth doth eutr Tpcak
Vherca s the iuft by liberal! gifts, of matters wife and hiet
makes many glad and fatne. His tongue doth talke to edifie,
iFor the ? whom God doth blcfle shall with truth 2nd equiiic.
Itheland lfor heritage : (haue,
nd they whom he doth curfe likewife 31 For in his heart the lav v of God
ihall pcrisA in his rage. the lord doth ftillabide:
So that where euer he goe or walk",
The lord i!he in ft manswayes doth his foote can neuer Hide.
Wd giues hit u good fucceffe- (guij 3% The wicked like a rauening w olfc
oetiery thinghe takes in hand* the iuft man doth befet s
lee fendcth g. |od addreffe. By allmeanes feeking him tokiU,
Though that he falj yet is he furc, ifhcfallin his net.
hotvtterly toc^iaile
;cau fe the Lord" itretcheth out his hand, The fourth part.
It need and doth* not f-tile.
?3 Though he should fall into his hands,
vetGod would fuccour fend:
I hauebeene yotjng and novtam olde, Though men againfthimfentence giuc,
retdid Ineuerfec^ 1
God vvould him yet defend.
Jieiuft man left,rn*ryct his feed,
34. VVait thou on God & keep his way,
:o beg for mifery.
heshaJl preftrue thee then :
But giucsalwayeilmoft liberally, The earth to rule and thou shall fee,
nd lendeth where \s Is neede: deftroyd tbefe wicked men.
is Children and po<U*itie,

ecciuc of God their oeede,

3% The wicked haue I feene moft ftrong,

Flye vieethcrcforcanKl wickcdeffet and plac ed in hie degree :

md vcrtue doc imbractr FJorishin^ in all wealth and ftflic,
d God long to haue,
shall grant thee as doth the Laurcll tree.
>n earth a dwelling place* 3 6 Burfodenly he pifleth away,
For God fo loueth equitilf, and Joe hec was quite gone*.
ind sheweth to h?s futh grace Then I him fought butcouldfcarre find,
iat hec pscfexues them eutvrooic, Replace Tvhere dwelt futh one.
PJtime jy.
78 we eto tbt,
j7 Mart* ft behold the perfeAmaH, i$ As fef ttisfgreflbrs
how God doth him increase deftroyde they shall all be
For the iuft man shall baue at length, God mil cut If theirbudding race,
great toy with reft and peace* and rich pofteritie.

Pfalme^S. QA NTVSf Tho. MirlejB of M.

V*t me not to rebukeO Lord, in thy prouoked ire : Ne in thy heauic"

R=S=iO Lord,
vvrath correct me I defire. Thine arrovves dot'fticke faft in me,thy

me fore. And in my flesh no health at allappeareth any


hand doth preffe more.

TENOR,or Playnfong. A

Vt me not to rebuke O Lord, in thy prouoked ire : Ne in thy beauie

wrath O Lord,corre6me I defire. Thine arrovves doe fticke fad %i me, thj

hand doth prefle me fore: And inmy flesh noHealth at all, appear eth my more.
I And all this is by reafonof in doleful 1 heauinerte.
thy wrath that lam in
7 My loynes are-fiid with firedifeafe*
Kor any reft is in my bones, my flesh hath no whole fart
by reafon of my finne. 9 1 feeble am and broker tore,
4 For loe my wicked doings tovd, 1 roarefor griefeof hcait.
aboue my head are gone o Thou knovveit Lord m>defire, my
A greater load* then I can beare, are open i n thy fight : (groin
they lye me fore vpon. to My heart doth pant my ftrength hatj
5 My wounds ftink and are feftred fb mine eyes hath loft their light, (fail
and loathfomeareto fee 1 1 My louersand my wonted friends,
Which all through mine ovvne foolish # ftand looking on my woe
bctideth vuto me. nefle: And eke my ktnfmen ;ar away,
6 And 1 in carefull vvifei am brought, are me departed fr#.
in trouble and diftreflTe i* They that did fedce my lifdaidfnan,
That I goe wayling all the day, and they that foujht the way
Pfalme 39. C A NT VS. S,mon Stubbs.

Said I will iookc to my wayes, for feare I should goe wrong:

Martyrs Tune . T E N O R, or Playnfong.

Said 1 will looke to my wayes, for feare I should goe wrong j

Pfalme%7. 19
not the filiation of the iuft, 40 God doth them Delp>faue& delitier,

f rom lewd men and vmun

doth come from God ab one:
Whein thcirtrouble fends them aide, And ftill vvil faue them vvhilft that they,
in him doe put their truft.
Of his metre grace and kite. ;
P fa/me 38. MSDIVS, Tho. Morley ^.ofM.

Vt'meTnotto rebukeO Lord in thy prouoked ire : Ne inthyheauie

"vvrathO Lor7orre& me I deSre. Thine arrovves doeftickefaft in me, thy

tt V 'I rp-^-f l f y'

|il |<^
r hand doth prefle me fore And inroy flesh no health at aU>appearcthany more.

tine not to rebuke O Lord,
u in rny mrnyneauic
prouoked ire:Ne in
thy nrouoKeaire:iMe thy heauie

i nm^kn r A vJ
v vrlthO Lord\ ^Ai.i.AyBTJ//?w.
Idefire. Thine
Thin* arrewes

do* Aicke
rrt7u*>s doe
faft in me,
flirte faftin thv
m# thy
1 1 1 r r f

' " '


< H'llrjff
hand doih prefle me fore: And in my flesh no health at all,appeareth any more.
To doe me hurt, fpeake lyes and thought A nd eke my grieuousheauineflTe,
on treafon all the day, is euerinmy fight.

18For while that I my wickedneflc

The fecond part. in humble wife confefTe
J But as a deafe man I became, And while I for my finfull deeds,
that cannot heare at all: my forrovyes doe expreflc.
[4 And as one dumbethat opens not 19 My foes doe {till remaine aliue,
his mouth to fpeake at all. and mighty are alfo:
5 For all aiv confidence (OLord) And th*y thathate me wrongfully,
is vvholy fet on thee t in number hugely grow,
6 O Lord,thou Lord, that art my God, ao They (land againft me that my good
thou shalt giue eare to tee.
with eu ill did repay:
This did I craue that they my foes,
17 Bccaufe that good and honeft things
triumph notoucr me I doe enfuealway.
or when my foot did flip then they,
*i Forfake me not (O Lord ray God)
didioy my rail to fee. be thou not far away
(And truely 1 poore wretch am fet, 22 Haftethee to help(my Lord my God)
In plague a wofull wight my fafety and myftay.

P fa/me 39. MED IP S. Simon Stttbbs.

my Said Ivvfll looketo vvayes, for feare 1 should goc wrong :

* Stiff'will looke to my wayes, for feare 1 should goc wrongs

F4 lvviil

I will take heed all times that 1 offend net in my tongue,

TE NO R % or PUynfon^

I will take heed all times that I offend not in my tongue.

2 As vvith 1 bit I will keepe faft, 5Lord number out my life anddafef,
my mouth vvith force and might I which yet I haue not pats:
Not once to vvhifper all the while, So that 1 may be certified,
the wicked are in fight. how long my lifeshalllaft.
6 Lord thou haft pointed out ny life
in length much like a fpan:
3 1 held my tongue and (pake no word,
but kept me clofe and Hills Mine age is nothing vntothee,
Yea, from goodtalkcl did refraine, fo vaine is etiery man.
but fore againft my vvill. 7Manwalketh iikea shade, anddoth
4 My heart waxthot within my breft, in vaine himfclfe annoy,
vvith tnufing thought and doubt: In getting goods, and cannot tell
VVhich did increafe and ftirre the fire, vvho shall the fame iniov. (f rames
atlaft thefevvords brad out. Now 8 Lord fith things this wife doe
H ere oegi nne th the VVekh Tunes.
TJalme 40. CA VS: NT7 ho, %*Hen(. B. ofM.

Waited long and fought the Lord, and patiently did beare : I

w At me my length to he did accord, voyce and cry to heare.



long and fought the Lord,
/?, or Tlrfnfow.

and patiently did bearc:

A me my
t length to
he did accord, voyce arid cry to heare
z He plucktme from the lake fo decpe, 5 O blcft is he vvhofe hope and heart
but of the mire and clay : doth in the Lord rtmaine :
Atvl on a rocke he fet myfeete, That vvith the proud doth take no paitfc
and he did guide my way. nor fuch as lye and faine.
6 For Lord,my God, thy wodrous deed$i
^ To n;e he taught a Pfalme of praife,
which 1 mutt shew abroad : in grcatnefle far doe paffe

And ing new fongs of thanks alvvayes, Thy fauout towards vsexceeds>
vnto the Lord our <iod. all things that euer was.

4 When ail the folke thefe things shall 7 When 1 entend and doe deuifc*
as people much afiv.:d : (fee thy vvorkes abroad to shew :
Then they vnto the Lord will ftee Tofiich a reckoning they dociife
and'uuft vponhis aide. inercot no end I knov?a
ME D IV S t 81

vf ill take heed all times that I offend not in my tongue.

I will take heed all times that I, offc nd not in my tongue.
what help doe I defire 1 I faint and pine a way for feare,
Of trtithmy helpe doth hang on thee* of thy moft heauy hand.
! 1 nothing elfe require. i: When thou for flnnedoA man rebuke
he vvaxeth woe and wan:
Thefecondpart. As doth a cloath that Mothes haut fret,
From all the finnes that I haue done, fo vaine a thing is man.
Lord quite mc out of ha mi:
And make me not a fcorne to fooles, 5 Lord heare my fute & giue good heed,
that nothing vnderltand. regard my teares that fall;
io [ was as dumbc, and to complaine
I foiournelike a ft ranger here,
no trouble might me moue: as did my fathers all.
Becaufe Iknow it was thy worke, O fpare a little, giueme fpace,
my patience for to prouc. myftrength for to rrftorc:
Lord take from me thy fceurge and Before I goc away from hence,
1 can them not withltand : (plague, and shall be fcene no more.

Pfalme 40 . MSO I VS. Tho. Hauenf. B. of M.

Waited long and fought theLord, and patiently did beare

At length to me he did accord* my voyce and cry te heare.

Waited long and fought the Lord, and patiently did beare ?

At length to me he did accord, my voyce and cry to heare.

9 But offerings thou delighteft not in t For in the volume ef thy Booke,
1 knovvthy whole defirc ? thus it is faid of me,
VVith facrifice to purge his finne,
ai That I OGod should doe thy miiv^e,
thou doft no man require-
which thing doth like me well
9 Meate offerings and facrifice For in my heart thy Law 1 finde,
thou wouldft not haue at all fa It placed there to dwell,
But thou O LordhaAopen made, ii lhy iuftice and thy rightcoufneffc,
mine earcs toheare withall. in great rtfcrtl tell :
to But then faid 1 behold and looke, Behold my tongue no time doth ceafe,
X come a meane to be ; O
Lord thou kuoweft fuiiwell.'
82 T(dme 40.
Thefecdnd part. am fbre befet about
Myfinnesinereafeand fo come on,
1 j I haue net hid within my bieft I cannot fpye them out.
thy goodneiTe as by ftealth
15 For why % in number they exceed,
3ut I declare and haue exprcft the hakes vpon my head :
thy truth and fauing health.
My heart doth faint for very dread,
I4 1 kept not clofe thy iouing minde,
that I am almoft dead*
that no man shouldit know
The truft that in thy truth I finde
16 With fpeed fend help & fet me free,
to all the world I show. O Lord I thee require
For I with mifchiefes many one Makehaft with aide to fuccourme,

Pfalme+x. CANTVS. EdwArd Blanch.

ir klaA V>*
XX E 17 mtM is
roan ill if
bleft, that carefull is
t-K* n&oAit +*\ ^An/<j1r
the needy to consider


in thefeafonperillous the Lord will him deliuer. The Lord will make

him fafe and found: andhappy in the Land, and he will not deli- uer him

into his enemies hand*

T E NO % or PUjnfong.

H B man is bleft, that carefull is, the needy to confidcr. For

in the feafon perillous the Lord willfhim deliuer. The Lord will make

him fafe and found : and happy in the Land* and he will not deliuer him

into his epemies hand.

3 And in his bed when he liethflcke* andthus of me doe fay t
the Lord will him reftore When shall he dye,that all his name
And thou O Lord wilt turne to health may vanish quite away '

his fickneflcandhis fore. 6 And when they come to trifit me,

4 Then in ray ficknefTe thus fay I, they aske if I doe Well;
ha tic mercy Lord on me : But in their hearts rhey mifchiefe hitch*
And heale my foule, which is full woe and to their mates it tell.
that I offended thee.
They bitetheir lips and vvhifper fo>
j Mine enemies wish me ill in heart, as though they v?ould me charmc s
Lordlthccdefire. That thefe that loue thy fauinghealth,
L-tthenf fuftame rebuke and shame, may faf, to God be praife.
thatfeeke my foule to fplll
priuobackmy foes and them defame, 20 But asfor mel am but poore,
that wish and would
me ill. oppreft and brought full low:
53 Fortheirill
feates doe them defcry, Yet thou O Lord wilt me reftore
thatwould deface thy name' to health full well I know.
Alwayes en me they raile and cry, aiFor whylthou artmy hope andturft,
fie on him, fie for shame.
my refuge, help and ftay
?jLet them in thee haue ioy & wealth* Wherefore my God as tbou art iuft,
that feeke to thee 3lwayes: with me no time delay.

Tfalme 4 1 . MET> 1 VS. Edward <BUnc\t.

H E man isbleft, that carefullis, the needy to confider For

in the feafon peri lo us the Lord will hi m deliucr. The Lord will make

him fafc and found, and happy in the Land, and he will not deliuerhim,

into his enemies hand.

H E man is bleft that care full is the needy toconfider i For

in the feafon p&illous, the Lord will him de?{uer. The Lord will make

T himil
^ fafe
I Mil M"' MM"'
and found, and happy in the Land, and he will notvJeliuer him

into his enemies hand*
A nd caft their fetches how to trap the famefor me laid waiter
me with fome mortal! harme. 10 Haue mercy Lord on me therefore
I Some grieuous fin hath brought hiaj to and let me be preferued
this ficknefle fay they plaine That I may render vtitothera
He is fo low that without doubt the things they haue de/erued*
rife can he not againe. xiBy this I know aCuredly,
9 The man alfo that I did truft, to be beloued of thee
with me did vfe deceit VVhen that mine enemies haue no cauie
V Vfco at my table catc my bread, to triumph ouer me*
12 But
! : :

2t But in my right thou haft me kept, And in tky prefene* place aflfiile;
and maintained alway where I shall d? veil for aye*

Pfalme 4i. C A NT VS. Tho.T^nenf. B. of M.

Ike 7fthe Hart doth breatrTand'bray, the weLfpring to ebtalnV"

f fo doth my foule defire alway with the Lord tore- maine.

Bangor Tunc. T E NO R. or PUyn(ong.

Ike as the Hart doth breath and bray,

the wel-fpring to obtaine,

ft doth my foule with the Lord to remain*

defire alway,
2 My foule doth thirft and would draw Vnto the Temple was our way,
the liuingLord of might: (neare, with fongs and hearts mod faine*
Oh, when shall I come andappeare 5 My foule why artthou fad alwaies,
in prefence ofhts fight i and fretft thus in my breft $
The teares Truft ftill in God, for him to praifc,
1 all times are my rcpaft,
I hold it euer beit
whichfrom mine cyesdoe Aide
VVnen wicked men cry out fo fa$,
By him T haue fuccour at need*
v?here now Is God thy guide 1
again*! all paineand griefe
4 Atis what griefe Is this to thinke,
what freedome once 1 had 1 He is my God which with all fpeed,
will hafte to fend reliefe.
Therefore my foule asat pits brinck,
6 And thus my foule within me (Lord)
ismofthcauy and fad.
doth faint to thinke vpon:
VVhen I did march in good aray, The Land of lord an, and record
furnished with my traine; the little hill Herroon.

/Y-/w*43. CANTVS. Tho. Hauinf.B.ofM.

Vdge and reuengc my caufe O Lord, *v**m

from >hm
them that ph%\\
euill k*;

From wicked and deceittull men O Lord it- Uuer mce.

S*. D*uids Tune. T E NO 2?, or Playnfom.

VJo. and
Vdge J
, lonnn my
reuengc ro.fa
r^n caufe O
/\ 1
Lord, Auum kam
from fhlC euill be*
them that

From wicked anddcceitfull men O Lord dcliuexmc*

: :

ij The lord the Cad of Ifirtti Cuen fobcit loti vv31 1 67,
be Jitaifti eutnnon : cucnfobcitthcieferc:

Pfrlme+z. I The. Kf*ef. B.of M,

LfB -U-LLUj.' Ik as the Hart dotn breath and bray,

' T HThK
the wel-fpring to obtaine.

fo doth Dif foil* dtiite alvvay with thelord to leoalne.

Ike as the Hart doth breath and bray the Wei fpiing to oataine,

fodoth my foul* defire alway with thcLordto remaine.

While that mine enemies me opprciTe,
The ficond fart. and vexe mt '? vith their talke i
/Onegrtefe another in doth call,
as clouds burft out their voycet 1oFor why ^ they pcirce the inward
Theflouds of eutli that doe fall* with pangs to be abhorred : (parts
tunouer me with noyce. When they cry out with ftubborn harts
Z Yet 1 by day felt thy geodncfTe where is thy God thy Lord =

and helpc at all aflayes U So foone why doft thou faint 6c ^uail
Likcwiie by night L doenot ccalte my foule with painesoppreft :
the Uuing Lord to praifc* VVith thoughts why doft thy fclfc aflailc
f I ampcrfvvidcd thus to fay, fo fore within my btclii
with pure pretence:
O Lord thou art ray guide and flay, izTruft In the Lord thy God alwayesp
my rocke and my defence. and thou the time shaltfee:
Why doe I then in peniiuenefle* To giue him thanks with laud Sc praifCf
hanging the head thus walk: lor hcalthrcflordtothce.

Pfalme^. MSDIVS. Tho.Rauenf.B.ofM.

imwm^Mimmmw Vdge and reuenge my caufe O Lord, from them that euill be .-

From wicked and deceit! ull men, O Lord dehuer me.


Vdg : and reuenge my caufe q Lord, from them that cuili b e

From rr kM ad deceitfull men, OLorddcIiucxrnce.

a For of my ftrength thou art the God, and lead me with thy grace,
why purft thou me thee fro t VVhichmay conduct n;e to thy ojlij
And why walk I fo neauily, apd to thy dwelling place,
ppreffed withmy foe 1 4 Then shall I to the alter goc

I Sendout thy light and eke thy truth,

of God ^^ and chcarc

Pfalme^ CAN TVS BdwardBUncks.

V R eares haue heard our fathers tell, and reuerently Record

O How
the wondrous works that thou haft done in alder time Lord.

thou didft caft the Gentiles out, and ftroydft them with ftrong
ft hand, \ plan-

ting our Fathers in their place, and gau'ft to them their Land*

TE NOR.ov Vlaynfong.

O V Rcareihaue heard our Fathers tell, and reuerently rceord 1

title wondrous workes that thou ha ft done in alder time O Lord, how

thou didft caft the Gentiles out, and ftroydft them with
ftrong hand, plan-

ting our Fathers in their place, and gau'ftto them their Land.
jThey conquered not by fvvord not and praife thy holy Name:
the Land of thy beheft: (ftrength 9 Yet now thou goeft not with ourhofc
But by thy hand, thine arme and grace, but leaueft vsto shame,
becaufe thou louadft them beft.
4 Thou art my King, O
cod that holp > Thou mad'ft vs flye before our foes,
Iacob iu fundi? wife : *nd r vverc ouer-trod:
5 Led with thy power we threw dovvnc Our enemies fpoild and robd our goodi,
as did agatnft vs rife. (fuch, hcn we werefpearft abroad.
11 Thou haft vs giuen to our foes,
6 1 truftcd not in bow ne fword, as sheepe for to be flaine
they could not faue me found Amongthe Heathen euery wh^re
7 Thou keptft vs from our enemies rage
fcattred we doe remainc.
thou didft our foes confound.
tAnd ftili we boaft of thee ouiGod, v X hf people thou haft fold like ilaues,
Pfalme 43.
fcndon my harp giue thinks to thee T hold it alwayesbeft.
O God, mycodmoft deere, 6 By him I haue deliueranc*,
againft all paine and griefe
jVVhy artthon then fofad my foule,
He is my God which doth alvvayes
and fretft thus in my bjreiH
at need fend mezeliefe*
Still truft in God, for him to praife.

Pfalme 44. MSD IVS. Edward Blancks.

^^"^ AMM^e haue Cihr( tell, <iri<l nran> ! va/<Ar<l

If 1?
V eares k<lii ksir/l Aiir
heard our Fathers t-/1 1
and reuerently record

the wondrous vverkes that thou haft done in alder time O Lord. How

thou didft caft the Gentiles out, and ftroy dft them with ttrong hand, plan-

ting our Fathers in their place, and gau'ft to them their Land.


V R eares haue heard our Fathers tell, , and reuerently record

the wondrous works that thou hail done in aider time O Lord. How

thou didft caft the Gentiles out, and ftroydft them with ftrong hand, plan-

ting our Fathers in their place, and gau'ft to them their Land.

and as a thing of nought to heare thefe wicked men:

For profit none thou haft thereby, Yea,fo I blush that all my face
nogaine at all was fought, with red is couered then.
ijAnd to our neighbors thou haft made,
16 For vvhyl weheard fuch flanderous
of vs a laughing ftoike (words,
luch falfe reports and lyes :
And thofe that doe about ?s dwell,
That death it is to fee their wrongs,
at vs doe grin and mock.
their ttireatnings and their crye*.
Thzfceond part. 17 For all this we forgot not thee,
14 Thus we feruefor none other vfe, nor yet thy couenant or^ke :
but for a common talke : it We turn not back our heart fro thee
They mock, they fcornc, they nod their nor yet thy pathesforfakc.
where euer they goeor walk, (headf
15 1 ara asbanvd continually, \a Yet thou haft uod vs downe to duft,
where dens of Dragons be: for he doth know our thought,
Andcouercd vs with shade of death, a* Naynay,for thy names fake Lozel O
and great aducrtie. alwayes are we flaine thus : 1
-olf chat we had our God forgot As sheepe vnto the shambles lent,
and help of Idols fought: right lb they dealc with vs;
2j Would not God haue uide chisout 1 tj Vp Lord, why fleepeft thou awake,

tfdime 43. Q AJSlrj/S ' Tbo.%a*enf.B.ofM.

w Y heart doth take in hanu,fome godly fong to iing : Thepralfe

that I shall shew theiein pertaineth to the King

LuM*w Tune TEN O R, or T>lMj*fiag.

Y heart doth take in hand, fume godly fong to fing: The praifc

that I shall shew therein pertaineth to the King.

a|My tongue shall be as quick "theirhearts foToreshiU fting:
his honour to indite That fblke shall fall and kncelc to thee;
As is the pen of any Scribe, yea, all thy foes O King.
that vfethfaftto write.
7ThyroyalIfeatO Lord,
3 Ofaireiofall men, for cuei shall remaine
thy ipeech is perfect pure: Becaufe the Scepter of thy tealme,
For God hath bleffedthee with gifts, doth tighteoufnefiemaiiitaine,
foreuerto endure, 8 Bcc.uife thouloueft the right,
4 About thee gird thy fword, and doft the ill cicttft,
O Prince of might elect: God,euen thy God hath nointedthee
With honour, glory artd renowne, wih ioy aobuethe reft,
thy pcrfon pure isdeckt.
o With myrrhe and fauours fvveet;
5 Goe forth with goodly fpeede, thy cloathes are all befpread:
in meckeneflc, truth and right s When thou d oft from thy pallacepaflc*
And thy right hand shall theeinftruft, therein to make thcegLid.
in vvorkcsof dreadfull might* io Kings daughters doc attend;
Thine arrovves sharp andkeene, in fine and rich aray.

PfalmeAp. CAN TVS. Tkc.Morlej B of M.

H E Lord is bur defence and aid, the ftrength whereby we ftand

7E NO R ,
or I Uynfon^.

T lN -**4J -
H E Lord a our defence and aid,
T'' I* ftrength
' I H
whereby we Hand:
'Pfnlm 44. 8p
and leaue v$ not forall. Our belly like as it were gludc,

24 Why hided thou thy countenance, vntothe ground deauesfaft.

,and doft forget our thrall 1 26 Rile vp therefore for our defence,
and hclpc vs Lord at need:
15 For down toduft ourfouleis brought We thee bcfccch of thy goodnciTe,
and we now atlaft caft : torefcue vswitb fpcede.

Pfalme 45 . MSD 1 VS. Tho. Hauenf. B.of M.

M j^^fe^fe.yn'>"i'f Y heart doth take h hand, fome godly long to fing :

The praife

that 1 shall shew theiein pertai . neth to the King.

Y heart doth take in hand, fome godly fong to fing; The praife

that I shall shew therein pertaineth to theKing.
At thy right hand the Queen doth ftand> Within her clofet she doth fir,
in gold and garments gay; all deckt in beaten gold*

Thefee on d part. 15 In if&e* well wrought with needle*

(\0 daughter take good heed, and many a pleafant thing
enclineand giue good eare With Virgins faire on her to W3yte>

fnou rauft forget thy kindred all, she commeth to the King.
16* Thus are they brought with ioy,
and fathers honfe rnoft dcare.
2 Then shall the kingdefirc and mirth on euery fide,
thy beauty faire and trim Into the pallace of the King,
'or why* he is the Lord thy God, and there they doe abide.
and thou muft worship him. 17 In ftcad of Parents left,
Queene the chance foftands :
J The daughters then of Tire, Thou shalt haue fons whom thou maift
with gifts full rich to fee : as P 1 inces in all lands. (ftt
Ind all the wealthy of the Land, 18 Wherefore thy holy name,
shall make their fine to thee* all ages shall record:
4 The daughter of the King, Thy people shall giue taanksto thee*
is glorious to behold: for euermore O Lord.

Pfalme MSB l VS. Tkf.Morley B.of M.

H E Lord is our defence and aid, the ffretigth whereby we ftand.f""

_t _ BASSVS.
l ^T H+iH lT H S Lord is QMS <ifejK
li . M M l

and aid, the e ngth whereby we ftand


G VVhen
When we with woe arc much difuiaid he is ourhelpe at hand. Thoug

th'earth remoue wee will not feare, though hils fo hie and fteepe, be thruft

and hurled here and there within the Sea fodecpe.

TENOKov Playnfonv
When vve
with woe are much difaiaid hee is our helpe at hand. Though

I h'earth rcmouc we will not feare, though hils fo hie and ftecpe, be thruft

and hurled here and there within the Sea fodeepe.
J No though the wanes doe rage fo fore, shee can no whit decay :
that ail the banks it fpils All things againft it that rebell,
And though it ouerflow the shore, the Lord will truely flay.
and bcate downe mighty hils. 6 The heathen folke the kingdomes feart
4 For one faire floud doth fend abroad, the people make a noyce^
his pleafant ftrearaes apace The earth doth melt and not appeare,
To fresh the Cirie of our God, when God puts forth his voyce.
and wash his holy place.
7 The Lord of hofts doth take our pait,
5 In midft of her theLord doth dwell, to vs he hath an eye ;

Vfdme+j. CANT VS. ThoTemkjns/Bjf[M. I

* E v. nfnnlp
people all
all cl3D
with one accord clap hands and eke re-
rc ioyce

It"Be glad and fing vnto the Lord
with fweet and pleafant voyce.

T S N 0%, or


^ I peeple all vvSh" one accord, clap hands and eke reioyce:

Be glad and flog vnto the Lord, with fweet and pleafant voyce,

VVhenvvee with woe are much difmaid hee is our helpeat hand. Though

thVarthremoue we will notfcare, though hils fo Meaod ftcepe, be thruit

ai.d hurled here and there wtthip the Sea fodcepe.

I When wee with woe are much d^naid hee is our heipeat handt Though

th'earth remoue we will not feare, though hils fo hie and ftcepc, be thruit

and hurled here and there within the Sea fo deepe.
Our hope of health with all our heart their Chariots b urnt with fire.
on Iacobs God doth lie. io Leaueoff therefore (faith he, & novy, I

8 Come heare, and fee withminde and I am a God moft ftout

the working of our God: (thought Among the Heathen hie and low,
What vvouders he htmfelf hath wrought and all the earth throughout.
throughout theearth abroad. Ir TheLord of hofts tioth yS dcfend>

? By him all wars arehusht and goae, he is our itrength and tower

vvhkh countries did conlpire : On Jacobs God we doc depend,

Their bowes he brake & fpears each one, and on his mighty power.

Pfalme^j. ME DIP'S. Tho.Tomkins'B.of M.

E with cbp people all one accord hands and eke re- ioyce :

Be glad and fingvnto the Lord with fweetand pieafant voyce.


E people all with one a v cord ciap hands an<t eke veioycc:

Be glad and ring vnto the lord with fvveet and pleafant voyce
O % 2 Far
a For high the, the nations make t&fzlU '

twith wonders manifold: 4 For vs the heritage he chafe**

A mighty King he is truely, which we poflfefle alone *
in all the earth extold. The flouring worship of Iaeb 8
5 The people shall he make t* bef
vnto our bondage thrall

5 Our God afcendeth vp on hye f

And vndcrneath our feet he shall, with toy and pleafantnoyfet

Pfalme+S. CANTVS. iohn Tomkins B.ofM.

Keae is the Lord and with great praife to be aduancedftill

VVitWn theCitie of our Lord, yponhis holy hill.

Gheefier Tune TENO R, or TLtjnfonff.

R cat is the lord and with great praife to be aduanced ftill

V Vithinthe C itie of our Lord, vpou his holy hill.

* Mount Si on is a pleafant place, Great terrour there en them did
5 fall,
gbddeth all theLand :
it for very woe they cry '

The Citie of the mightie King, As doth a woman when she shall,
on her North. fide doth ttand. goe trauell by and by.
6 As thou withEafterne wind the ship* 1

jWithin the palisfes thereof, vpon the fea doft breake

God is a refuge k no vvnet So were they fraide.and euen as
For loe the kings were gathered, and we heard our fathers fpeakc,
together eke were gone.
4 But when theydid beholditfo, 7 So in the Citie of our Go4
they vv ndred, and they were wefaw, irwas fotold s
Aitonicd much, and fodainly, Yea, in the Citie which our God,
. were driuen back with feare* for euer will ?phold.

Pfalme 49. C^ NT The. T^tuenf. B.efM.

LL people hearken andgiueeare to that that I shall toll : Both

Hereford Tune. TENOR, or Playnfong*

LL people hearken and giuecare to that that I shall tell : Both

P ft/me 47. 91
Yht Lord goeth vf a Wiethe skye, ? pen his holy throne*
with trumpets royall voycc, f The Princes of the people haue,
S Sing prat/e vnto ourGod,ting praife, them ioyned euery one,
fing prayfes to our King: To Abrahams people : for our God,
For God is Kingef all the earth, which is exalted hye,
all skilful! praifes fing. A i with a buckler doth defer
the earth continually.
God on the heathen raignes and fits,

P(dme^%. MET) IVS. lohnTom\im'B.ofM.

Reatisthe Lord and with great praife to be aduanced ftill

VVifhin the Citic of out tord,vpon his holy hill.

Qlii^p^iliiililliilliReat is the Lord and with great praife to be aduancttTftillY

Within the CitieofourLord, vpon his holy ha!,

O Lord we wait and doe attend, II Gos walke about all Sion hill,
on thy good help andgrace: yea, round about her goe
or which I doe all times attend,
And tell the toy vers that thereupon
|yvithiu thy holy place.
, arc builded on a row.
O Lord according to thy name, i? Ano mark you well her bulwarks all,
forcuer is thy praife: behold her towers there :

ndthy right hand O

Lord is full, That ye may tell thereof* to them,
tfrightcoufnefTe alwayes. that after shall be here.
(Let for thy lodgements Sion mount, For this God isourGod,our God
infilled be with ioyes
for euenaore is he :
id eke of Iuda grant ( O Lord
) Yea, and vnto the death alio,
Jie daughter to rcioyce.
our guider shall he be.

Pf'to'J* MED IP S. Tho, Rauenf. B.of M. hearken and giueeare to that that I shall tell


i t people hearken aiiiglue eare to that that

I shall tell Both
G* high
iiigh and low,both rich andpoore, that in the world doe dwell.

TENOR, or PUynfon^.
K MiM If f'M '| *M I

high and low, both rich and poore, that in the world doc dwell.
I i

3 For whylmy month shal make difcourfe Or that can giue a price to God
of many things right wife fufficicnt for him.

In vuderrhndingshallmy heart 8 It is too great a price to pay,

his ftudy exercife.
none can thereto artajne
4 I will inc line mine earcsto!<now 9 Or that he might his life prolong,
thy parables fo dark e ornot in graue remainet
A nd open all my doubtfull fpeech, 10 rhey fee wife men as well as foolei
in mceteronmy Harp. fubiecl: vntodeaths hands:

5 Whyshould I fcare afflictions, A nd being dead, ftrangers poflTcfle

or anycarefull toyle: their goods, their rents, their lands]
Or elfe my foes which at my hceles, 11
Their care is to build houfesfaire,
are preft my lifetoipoyle i
and to determine fine
6 FoY as for fuch as riches haue, To make their name right great on ear !

w . i-cin their trult is moft: for euer to endure.

And they which of their treafures great xz Yet shallno man alvvay cnioy,
themfeiues doe brag and boaft. his honour, wealth and reft :
7 l ucre is no one of them that can, But sh ill at length taft of deaths cup,
" as well as the brute beaft a
his brothers death redeeme :
Here beginneth the French Tunes.

Pfalmeso. CANTV S. Edwdrd Blanck/.

HE mighty God
th'Eternall hath thus Ypoke, and all the work

"he will call and prouoke, cuen from the Eaft, and fo forth to the Weft

From toward Siou> which place him liketh beft:God Will appeare in beautie

I , French Tune. TE NOR y or Vaburdcn.

& Tllllilllilliilliii:^ H E mighty Goti th'Et-.rnall hath thus fpoke,and all the vvorl4 i

he will call an piouoke, euen from the Bail, and /bforth to the

MSD1VS. 2?
high arid low, both rich and poore, that in the world doe dwell.

!M I
1 1 1 1
high and low, both rich and poore, that in the world doe dwell.
M 111

The feconct part. feare not I fay therefore

Although the glory of his hotife

j And though they try their foolish encreafcth more and more.
to be moft lewd and vaine : (droughts i2 For when he dyethof aUthefe things,
fteir children eke approuc their talke nothing shall he recciue
and in like ftnne reraaine. His glory will not follow him,
4iAs sheepe vnto the fold are broughr, his pompe will take herleaue*
fo shall they into graue :
19 Yet in this life he takes himfelfe,
>eath shall them eatc,and in that day,
the happieft vnder Sunne
the iuft "shall Lordship haue.
And others likewiie flatter him,
faying all is well done.
j Their image and the ir royall port,
shall fade and quite decay : Jo And prefuppofe he line as long,
fVhen as fromhoufe to pit they patfe* as did his fathers old :

with woe and wealeaway, Yet muft he needs at length giue place,
6 But furely God will prefe>ue me, and be brought to deaths fold.

from death and endleffe prune: JiThus man to honour God hath calde*
Jecaufehe will of his good grace yet doth he not confider :

my fbule receiueagaine. But like brute beafts fo doth he Hue,

7 If any man waxe wondrous rich, which tHrne to duft or powder.

T(alme 50. M EDI VS.

MED I Edward Tttavcks.

H E mighty God
*x *"
^ " th'Eternali
hath thus fpoke,
~* and
all x the


hee will call and piouoke, euen from the Eaft, and fo forth to the
Wert :

From toward Sion which place him liketh beftvGod will appeare in beautie


x HE mighty God thtemall hath thus fpoke, and all the world

he will tall and prouoke, euen from the Eaft, andfo forth to the :

From toward Sion which place him liketh beft : God will appeare in beautie
p<5 CANT VS.
:e oft ex- ccljent, Our God will come before that longtime be fpent,

TENOR, or Paburien.
m Illiiliil^iill^i
moaexcel-lent, Our God will come before that long time be fpent.
3 Deuouringfire P I haue no neede
shall goc before his face, to take of thee at all,
A great temped Goats of thy foW,
shall round about him trace* or calfe out of thy flail
4 Then shall he call 10 For all the beafts
the earth and heauens bright, are mine within the vvoddc,
To iudge his folke Onthoufandhils
with equine and right. cattell are mine owne goods,
5 Saying goc to X1 1 know for mine
anUnovvmy Saints aflemble, all b;rds that are on raountatncs:
My hefts theykeepe, All beafts are mine,
their gifts doc not diu~emblc which haunt the fields &fountalnes
6 The heauens shall 11Hungry if were,
declare his rightcoufnefTes would not thee it tell *
For God is Iudge For all is mine
of all things more and Idles that in the vvorlddoe dwell.
7 Heare my people, jj Eate I the flesh
tor I will now reuealei of great Bulsor Bullocks f
Lift lfrael, r drinke the bloud
I will thee nought conceale. of Goates, or or the flockes ?
8 Thy God, thy God HOfFertoGod
am I, and will not blame thee* praife and hearty thanklgiuings
For giuing not And pay thy vovves
all manner offerings to me. vnto God eucrliuingo

Another of the fame. CAN TVS. M.PeirfetB.ef M,

-* ^q q J
name ojj f 3s t jj C or4 hath calde tbeeaith by

^rom where
From the Sunae
S unae doth rife vnto the fetting of the fame.

Southwell Tune. T E NO R y
or 7>Uytif$ng.

H E God of Gods, the Lord hath calde the earth by name

From where the Sunns doth rile vnto the fetting ofthe fame.

jti#ft excellent. Our God vvill come before that long time be fpent.


moft excellent Our God will come before thatlong time be fpent.
15Call vpon me, ao Thou fltteftmufing
when troubled thou shah be, thy brother how to blame:
Then will I help, And how to put
and thou shah honour mee. thy mothers fonne to shame s
16 To the wicked 21 Thefe things thou didft
thus faith the cternall God and whilft I held my tongue*
Why doft thou preach Thou didft me iudge
my lawes and hefts abroad,
( becaufel ftaidfo long)
Seeing thou haft Like jtothy felfe,
them with thy mouth abufed,
yet though I keepe longfilence,
17 Andhat/ft to be Once shalt thou feele,
by difciplihe reformed 5 of thy wrongs in ft r-ecompence.

.My words 1 fay, 22 Confide* this

thou doft rcieft and hate : ye that forget the Lord:
*8 If that thou fee Andfearc not when
* thcefc as with thy mate,* he threatneth with hit word:
Thou runft with him Left without help
and fo your pray doe fceke: I fpoyle you as a pray.
And art all one 23 But he that thanks
with bauds andrulfians eke, offieth> praifeth me aye,
10 Thou giucftthy felfe Satth the LordGod,
to backbite and to (lander, and he that walketh this trcJ
And how thy tongue I vvillhim teach
deceiuethifs a wonder. Gods fauing health to Embrace.
jfmther of the fame, ME DIPS. M. Peirfen B.ofM.

H b God of Gods, the Lord hath caldetheearth by name:

From where the S unne doth rile ? nto the fetting of the fame;


H God of Gods, the Lord hath calde the earth by name s,

From where the Sunne dothrifc vn- to the fetting of thefame.

* From
5>8 Pfalme 50.
2 From Sion his faire place, thy facrMee is flack t
his glory bright and cleare
Thou offereft daily mee, mo
The perfect beauty of his grace* much more then I dee lack.
from thence it did appeare.
9 Thinkeft thou that 1 doe need,
thy cattell young or old i
3 Our God shall come in hafte* Or much defire
elfe fo to feed,
to fpeake he shall not doubt
on Goats out of thy folde
Before him shall the fire vvafte,
10 Nay all the beafti are mine,
and temped round about.
in woods that eate their fils
4 The heauens from on hie* And thoufands morcor neat and kinev
the earth below like wife
that run wilde onthehils.
Hee will call forth to iudge and trye.
his folkehe doth deuife. Thefecondptrt.
it The birds that build on hie,
5 Bring forth my
Saints 'faith he) in nils and out of fight:
my faithfull flocke fodeare And beafts that in the fields doe lye.

Which are in bond and league with me, are fu \,i c dt to my might',
my law to loue and feare. 12 Then though I hm ger fore,
6 And when thefe things ate tride, what need I ought of thine:
the heauens shall record i Sith that the earth with her great flore,
That God is iun\ and all muft bide, and all therein is mine 5
the Iudgement of the Lord; is To buls flesh haue 1 aiinde,

7 My people O giuc heed, to eat i itdoft thou thinke 5

Ifrael to thee I crj : Or fuch afweetnefledoe I finde,
I 3m thy God, thy help at need, the bloud of Goates to diinke 1
thou canft it not deny. 14 Giue to the Lord his praife,
8 1 doe not fay to thee, with thanks to him apply:

Pfalme 51. CANT VS. Tko. %Auen(;B.ofM.

Lord confine r my chftiefle, and now with fpeede fbme pittte

"f y ti trt<
take . my finnes deface, my faults rcdreffe : good Lord for tby great mercies

lake. VVash me O Lord, an4 make me cleane from this vniuft and finfull

TEN OR, or Playnfong,

Lord confide? my diftrefle, and now with fpeede fome pitty

take: My flnnts deface, my faults redrefle, good Lord for thy great mercies

fake. Wash me O Loid, and make me dcane from this vniuft and finfull
PfalmefO 9
And fee thou pay thy vowes atovayes Thou likeft it well, and waxeft bold,
into the Lord moft h ye. to vie that life moft vile.

X 5 T hen feeke and call to me, i Thy lips thou doft apply,
when ought would vvorke thee blame to (lander aad defame :
And I will furc diliuer thee, Thy tongue is taught to craft and lye, thou maift praife my name, anditfll doth vfc the fame.
16 Buttothe wicked trainc, 2i Thou ftudyeft to rcuUe
which talke of God each day thy friends to thee fo neerc :

And yet their works are foule and vainc, With ftander thouvvoulcift needsdefile.
to them the Lord will fay, thy mothers fonne moft deare.

2 Here at while 1 doe winke,

X7VVith what a facedar'ft thou,
as though I did not fee
my word once fpeake or name ^ |

Thou goeft on rtill,and fo doft thinke,

Why doth thy talke my Law allow, that I am like to thee.
thy deeds deny the iamel
34 But fure I will not let,
18 Whereas for to amend
to ftrike when I begin >
thy life thou artfo flack :
Thy faults in order I will fett
My word,the which thou doft pretend,
and open all thy finne.
is caft behinde thy backe.
*5 Mark this I you require,
Tk* third part. thathauc not God in minde:
19 When thou a theefe doft fee, Leaft when I plague youiu my it*
i by theft to Hue in wealth

your beipe be far to finde.

With hun thou runft and doft agree so He that doth giue to me,
iifcewife to thritie b y ftealth. the facrifice of praife
?o When thou doft them b' hold, Dothpleafemee well, and he shall fee,
that wiuesandmaides defile to walke in godly wayes.

Pfalme^u CANT VS. The.Rauenf.B.ofM.

oliliPfilBlill^iiEiil Lord confider my diitreflfe, and now with fpeed feme nitty

My my
take; finnes deface, faults redrefle, good Lord for thy great mercies

lake, VVash me O Lord, and make mc cleane from this vniuft andfinfull

Olsi^i^liiiiliii^iiii Lord confider my diftrefle, and now with fpeed fbme pittie

take :
My finncs deface my faults redrefle, good Lord for thy great mercies

fake,Wash mcO Lord, and make me ckane from this vniuft and finfulj

a& : and purile yet once againe my hay nous crirat and bloudy faft.
ox Playnjong.

aft: and pur Hie yet once againe my hainaut crime and bloudy fad.

3 Remorfe andforrovv doe conftraine I shall be cleaner then the glafle:

Me to acknowledge mine exceflfe : -
And if thou wash away my fpot.
My iinnes alas doe ftill remaine 1 The fnow in whitenefTe shall I pane*
Before my face without releafe S Therefore O Lord fuchioy me fend.
4 For thee alone I haue offended That inwardly I may finde grace
Committing euill in thy fight: And that my ftrength may now amend*
And if I were therefore condemned, Which thou haft fwag (d for my trefpas*
Yet were thy Judgements iuft and tight, Turne back thy face & frowning tie.
too manifeft aha,
% It is For I haue felt inough thy hand:
That firft I was concerned in finnc, And purge myfinncs I theedefirc.
Yea,of my mother fo borne was, Which doc in number pafle the fand.
And yet vile wretch remaine therein. 10Make new my heart within my breft*
6 Alfb behold Lord thotidoftloue And frame it to thy boly will
The inwatd truth of a pure heart: Thy conftant fpirit inme let reft,
Therefore thy wifedome from aboue, Which may thefe raging enemies kill.
Thou haftreueil'd me to conuert. The [econd part.
7 If thou with Hiefop purge this blot, 11 Caft me not Lord out from thy ace

Another of the fame.- CANT PS, William Cranferd.

Aue mercy onmeeGodaf- ter thy great abundant grace

11 PliiiiilliilliiliSi
After thy mercies multi- tude doe thou iinnes de- face.

Ely Tune. TEN 2? , or Plajnfong.

Aue mercy on mee God after thy great abundant graces

After thy mercies multitude doe thou my (fanes deface.

* Yea,wash me mote from mine offence offended in this cafe-:
and cleanfe me from my finne : And euill haue I done before s
For 1 doe know myfaults,aud ftill the piefence of thy face,
ray finncs arc inniine cyne. 4 That in the things that thou doft fay^
vpright thou raaift be trtde :
8 Againft thcc,thec alone 1 haue And eke in indging that the dome*
a As and purific yet onceagaine my hainous crime and bloudy faft;

act : and puri* fie yet once ngaine, my hainous ctinie and bloudy fact.
But fpecdily my torments c,nd A nd then my mouth shall te ftifie
Take not from me thy fpirit and grace, Thy wondrous works & praife always
Which may from danger me defend. 16 And as for outward facrifice,
1 * Reft ore me to thofe ioyes againe, I would haue offered many a one?
Which I was wont in thee to findc But thou efteemeft them of no price,
And let methy free fpirit t etaine, And therein pleafurc takeft none.
Which vnto thee maj jftirre my rainde.
ly The heauie heart,the minde oppr%
25 shall thy mercies know
Thus when I O Lord thou neuerdoftreielt:
1 shall inftru& others therein:
And tofpeaketrutlvit isthe ben\
And men likewise that are brought low And of all facrifice the e&eft.
By mincenfamplc shall flyefinne. 18 Lord vuto Slonturne thy face,
Poureout thymercieson thy hill.
H OGod that of my health art lord, And on lerufalem thy grace,
Forgiut me this my bloudy vice
My heart and tongue shall then accord^ Build vpthe wals and loue it ftilb
To ling thy mercies andiufticc. 19 Thou shalt accept then our brings
Of peace and rightcoufneflelfay:
ij Touch thou my lips, my tonguevntie Yea, Calues and many other things
O lord which onely ait the key Vpon thine Altar will we lay.
Another ef the fame. MSDIVS. William franford.

HiillillMiiliiiiiiiii^i Aue mercy on mee God

After thy mercies multitude


m thy great abundant grace

doe thou my finnes deface,



A uc mercy on mee God after thy great abundant grace

After thy mercies multi- tude doe thou my finncs deface.
may pafle vpon thy fide. 6 But loc the truth of inward parts,
is pleafant vnto thee
5 BehoIdJn vvickednefTc my* Andfecrets of thy wifedome thou,
and shape I <Ud receiue rcucaicd haft to mee:
Andloe ray finfuli mother ekc>
infinne did me concciue. 7 Witn Hic/bp Lord beJprinkle me,
I shall
02 PJalme jr.
be cleanfedfo
I shall And eke within my bowels Lofit,
Yea,vvashthoume, andfo I shall renue a flab led fpitit.
be whiter then the fnovv.
ii Necaft me from thy fight, nor take,
S Of ioy and gladneflb make thou me
thy holy fpirit away
to hearc the pleafing voycc
The comfort of thy lauing grace,
That fo the bruiied bones which thou
giue meagaine I pray.
haft broken, may reioyce.
I? With thy free fpirit eftablishme,
9 From the beholding of my finnes, and 1 will teach therefore:
Lord turne awiy thy face : Sinners thy way es and wicked shall>
And all my d?eds of wicked neffe, be turned to thy lore.
doe vtterly deface.
10 O God create in me a heart The fecond part.
vnfpottedinthy figftt. l$ O God that art my God of health,
Pftlmeit. CANT VS. The.RauenfJB of M*

H Y doft thou tyrant boaft abroad, thy wicked worses to

praife* doft thou not know there is a God vvhofc mercies laft alwayes* .

Why doththy minde yet ftilldeuife fuch wicl ed wiles to warpl Thy

y=Mf If M'ff fHl|

tongue vntrue in forging lyes, is like a rafor sharpe:


doft thou tyrant boaft abroad,

thy wicked workes to

praifel doft thou not know there is a God, whole mercies laft alwayes

Why doththy minde yet ftilldeuife fuch wicked wiles to warp Thy

tongu; vntrue in forging lyes is like a raibrsharpe,

I On
mifchiefc why fetft thou thy mind, inmifchiefe,bIoud, and wrong
and wilt not walke vpright * Thy lipshauelearnde the Mattering ftilCj

Thou haft more luft filfe tales tofinde, O thou deccitfull tongue.
then bring the truth to light.
4 Thou doft delight in fraud and guile, 5Therefore cod shallfor euer confound,
from feloud deliwer me: deiightfull in Godseyes :
That prayfes of thy righteoufntflc, A broken and an humble heart,
my tongue may fing to thee. God thou wilt not defpifc.
1 4 My lips that yet faft clofed be
doe thou O Lord vnlofe
17 In thy good vvilldcale gently Ldrd,
prhepraifes of thy maieftie
to S ion and withall
my mouth shall fo difclofe.' . Grant that of thy Iorufalem*
i$l would haue offered facrifice, vpreard maybe ihe wall.
if that had pleafed thee 18 Burntorferings,gifts,and facrifice
But pleafed with burnt offerings, of iuftice in that day :
I know thou wilt not be. Thou shalt accept, andCalue$ they shall
16 A troubled fpiritis facrifice, vpon thine Altarlay.

MSB J VS. The. %amvj. 'B.ofM.^

Pfalme f z.

H I doft thou tyrant boait abroad, thy vvicl ed workes to

krpraife 1
doft thou not
it 1

know there is a God vvhofe mercies laftalwayes 1

Why doth thy minde yet Thy
flill deuife fuch wicked wiles to wa'rpl

tongue vntrue in forginglyes, is like a rafoi sharpe


H X doft thou tyrant boaft abroad, thy wicked workes to

praifc 1 doft thou not knovvthereis a God, vvhofe mercieshft alvvayes

VVhy doth thy mindc yet ftill deuife fuch vvicJed wiles to vvarpl Thy

tongue vntrue" in fwging lyes is li^ e a rafor sharpe.
and pluckc thee from thy place : And in reproach of thee withall,
Thy feed root out from off the ground, cry out with one accord.
and fo shall thte deface
^ The iuft when they behold thy fall, 7 Behold the man which would not take
with feare shall praifc the Lord; the lord for his defence
104 PfalmSi.
But of his goods his Goddid make, vvillfpring andfpread abroad s

and truft his corrupt fence. For whyl my truft all lime shath bccnf
J But I an Oliuc fresh and greeny vpon the liuingcod.

Tftdme 53. C A NT VS. Tho.%*uenf. B. of M.

HB foolish man in that which he within his heart hath faid:

That there is any C*i at all hath vtterljr de. naid.

Chtchefier Tune. TENO \&t Plajnfone.

H foolish man in that which he within his heart hath (aid 1

That there is any God at all, hath ytterly denaid.

% They are corrupt and they alio 4 They are all gone out of the vvay
a hainousworke haue wrought j they are corrupted all
Among them all there is not one, There is not one doth any good,
of good that worketh ought. there is not one at all.

I The Lord lookt down on Tons ofmen 5 Doe not all wicked workers knovv
from heauen all abroad that they doe feed vpon
To fee if any were that would My people as they feed on bread \
be wife, and feeke for God. the Lord they call not on.

P/a/me 54 CA NT VS. Tho. T^uenf.B^ofM.

O D fauemee for thy holy name, and for thy goodneffc fake $

mm Vntothe ftrength (Lord) of the fame I doe

my caufe betake.
Salisbury Turn, TSNO R , or Playnfen.

O D faue me for thy ho- ly name, and for thy goodneffe fake

Vnto the ftrength (Lord) of thefame I doc my caufe betake.

t RegardO Lord and giae aaeare, Bowdovvne thy felfe to me and hcarp
to me when I doe pray : the words that I doe fay.
lp For this therefore will i giue praife, I will fetforth thy name aiwayes
to thee vvifih heart and voyce : wherein thy Saints reioyce.

Pfa/miS3. MED IP'S. Tha.Ttguexf. B.rfM.

HB foolish (nail iu that which he within hishcaithath faid:

That there tetany God'at all bath vttttly de- nald/


H E foolish man in that which he within his heart hath (aid :

That there is any God at all, hath vtterly denaid.
fEuen there they were afraid Sc flood 8 O Lord giue thou thy people health,
with trembling alldifmaid and thou O Lord fulfill
Whereas there was no caufc at all Thy promife made to Ifrael,
why they should be afraid. from out of Sion hill.

7 ForGad his bones that thee beiiegdc 2 When God hij people shall reftore,
hath fcattwed all abroad that earit was captiue led: .

Thou haft confounded theai, for they Then Iacob shall therein icioyce*
reicftcdarcofGod. and Ifrael shall be glad.

Pfalme 54, MEDIVS t Tho.Ramnf. H.ofM.

O D fauemee for thy holy name, and for thy goodnefie lake s

.ifH '
f t H-ii-jtW 1
-t 1 1

Vnto the ftrength(Lord) of the fame I doe my caufe betake.

G OD fauemefor thy ho- ly name, and for thy goodnefie fake :

Vnto the ftrcngth (Lord) of the fame I doe my caufe betake.

for ftrangersvpagainft niee rifej Which haue not God before then eyes,
and tirants vexe me mil. they fecke art fctilw tofpill.
H t
4 But loe my Goddoth glue me aide, j With plagues repay againeall thofe,
the Lord is ftraight at hand : for me that lye in vvaite :
my * And in thy truth deftroy my fees
V Vith them by wno<B foule is it aid,
.the Lord doth &ucr (land. with their owne fnare and baiter

Pfalme 55. CA NT VS. John Mtlton. I

God 1 iue earc, and doe apply to heare mee when I pray

Aad when to thee 1 call and cry, hide not thy face a way.

Normtch Tunc, T SNO % , or Plajnftng.

God giue earc and doe apply to heare mee when I pray:

And when to thee 1 call and cry, hide not thy face a- wiy.
*Takeheede to me, grsnt my requeft, to flye I would not ceafe
andanfvvere me agaif*e; And I would hide my felfe, and flay
With plaints I pray full fore opprcft, inibme great vvildernefle.
great griefe doth me conftraine. I would be gone in all the hafte,
and not abide behinde:
% Becaufe my foes with threats 8c cryes,
That I were quite and ouer-paft
pprefle me through defpight:
thefe blafts of boyftrous winde.
And lo the wicked fort likewife. 10 Detiide them Lord, & from them pull
to rexe mehaue delight. their diuellish double tongue t
4 Forthey in counfell doe confpire, For I hauc /pifd their Citiefull
to charge me with fome ill
of rapine, itrife, and wrong.
So in their hafty wrath and ire,
they doepurfue me Mill, ii Which things both night and day
doe clofe her as a wall: (throughout*
5 My heart doth faint for want of breath In mid it of her ismifchiefe flout,
panteth in my brcft s
it and forrow eke withall*
The terrors and the dread fdeath, 11 Her priuie parts are wicked, plainc*
doe worke me much vnrcft: her deed s are much to vile
6 Sucftd read fullfcare on me doth fall, And in her ftreets there doth remaine
that I therewith doc quake: all crafty fraud, and guiJe.
Such horror vvhelmethme withall,
that I no shift can make* The fecani part.
ij If that my foes did feekemy shame*
7 But I doe fay who will giue rat I might it well abide :
the fwiftand pleafant wings From open enemies checke and blame.
Or Tone faire Dcue, that I may flyc, fome where I could me hide.
ai d reft mee from thefc things 1 14 But thou it wasmy fellow deare*
Z Loethen I would goc farre avv:y which friendship didft pretend:
% An offering offret heart anJ will 7 O ord at length doe fct me free
then 1 to thee shall make t from them that craft confpire :

And praife thy name, for therein ftill And now mine eyes with ioy doth fee
fcreat comfort dee I take. of them my hearts defire.

Pfalme f$. MSDIVS. John Milt.

God giue eare and doe apply to heare me when 1 pray i

And when to thee I call and cry hide not thy face away*


to heare when I doe pray

u jljn.i,
God giueeare and doe apply :

And when to thee I call and cry

yi -|ipjpj
hide not thy face

And didft my fecret counfell heare, and punish them full tore.
as my familiar rriend.
21 For fure there is no hope that they,
j 5 VVith whom I had defire totalkc. to turne will once accord :
in fecret and abroad : For why 1 they vvill not once obey,
And wetogether oft did vyalke, nor doe not feare the Lord.
I within the houfe of God. 22 Vpon their friends they lay their hands
16 Let death inhafte vp n them fall, which were in couenantknit :
and fend them quicke to hell i Offrieudship to neglect the bands
For mifchiefe raigneth in their hall they paflc or care no whtt.
and parlour where they dwell.
2J While they haue war within their
17 But 1 vnto my God doe cry as butter are their words : (hearts
to him for helpe Itiyet Although their words were fmooth as
The Lord doth heare me by and by, they cut as shaipeas fwords: (oyle,
and he doth fuccom me. 24 Cjft thou thy care vpon the Lord,
18 At moming,noonc,and euening tide andhe shall nourish thee:
vnto the Lord I pray : For in no wife he vvill accord ,

When I fo inftantly haue cr ide, the iuft in thrall to fee.

he doth not fay me nay.
25 But God shall caft them decpein pit
loTo peace he shall reftorc me yet, that tlfirft for bloud al waves
though war be now at hand . Hce vvill no guilefull man permit
Although the number be full great, to iiue out halfe his dayes
that would againftmc ftand. %6 Though fuch be quite deftroyd & gon
ao The Lord that firft and laft dothraign in thee O Lord I trurt:
both now andeuermore, I shall depend thy grace vpon
Will heare when I to him complaine* with all myheaitand luflfc

Ha Haue
jo8 rfalmesS. C A MTVS. WiUUm Htrifon.

Auc mercy Lord on mee I pray, for man would mee deuoure:

"He fighteth with me night and day, and troubleth mee each home*

Uncolne Tune. TE \ R< or fhjmfmtr.

Aue mercy Lord on me I pray, for man would me deuoure :

me and troubleth
He fighteth
me with night and day, each houre.
& Uine enemies daily enterprifc, 5 What things I eyther did or fpake*
to fwallovv me out-right *. they vreft them at their will:

To fight againft me many rife, And all thcircounfels that they take*
O thou mod high of might. is hovv to vvorke me ill.
6 They all confentthemfelues to hide,

When they would make me raoft a- cloie watch for mee to lay
with boafts and brags of pride (ftaid :
Tofpie my pathes, and fnares baue laidU
I truft in thee alone for aide, to take my life away.
by thee I will abide. 7 Shal they thus fcape on mifch!effet1
4 Godspromife I doc minde and praife, thou God on them wilt frovvue
O Lord 1 truft to thee : For in his wrath he doth not let
doe nat care at all afiaies, to throw whole kingdomes downe*
what flesh can doc tome* S Thou feeii how oft they make me flee,

JPJalme 57, CANT VS. Tkd. %auen(. B.ofM.

Ake pittie for thy promife fake, haue mercy Lord on me : For

vvhy *i my foule doth her betake vnto the helpe of thee*

Teurbormgh Tme. TENOR, or Playnfong*

Ake pittie for th^ promife fake, hauemercieLordonme: For ;

why ^ my loule doth her betake, vnto the hejpe of thee
% VVithinthe shadow of thy wings, 3 I call vpon the God moft hye,
I fet my felfc full faft. to whom I
ftick and fta nd

Tiil mifclriefe, malice, and like things I meane the God that will flandby
be gone and oucr-f aft* ihe caufe I hau^ in hand.J
Auc mercy Lord on aw I pray, for man would me deuoure

I^ilil^lllliillpil and troubleth me each honre.

lie Sghteth vmhme night and day,

Aue mere? Lord on mc I pray, for man would mee deuoure

He fi^hteth with mee night and day, and troubleth mee each houre.
and on my
teares doth looke '
nl truft in God, and yet 1 lay
Rcfeniethemin a glafiebythee, as I before began:
and write them in thy booke, The Lord he is my help and ftay,
ldoe not care for mm.
9 When I doe call vpon thy name, 12 1 vvillperforme with heart fo frcej
my foes away doe Hart to God my vowes alwayes :

I well perceiue it by the fame f And 1 O Lordtimes to thee

thit uod doth take my part. will offer thanks and praifc.
10 1 glory in the word ot cod, 1 j My foule from death thou doft defend
to praifc it I aao d and keepc my feet vpright
Withioy I shall declare abroad* That I before thee miy afcend,
thepiomifcof the Lord. with Juch as Hue in light.

Pf/dmttf. MSDlfS. Tkc.%aacnf.B.of M. '

Ake pittie for thy protBifc fake, haue mercy Lord onme: For

why i my ioule doth hcrbetake vnto thehclpe of thee,


I lllilllllrl ligiliilipg


1 m pittie for thy

why 1 my foule doth

4 From heauenhe hath
promife fake,

haue mercy Lord on mee: For

her betake vnto the helpc of thee.

fent his aide,
to f3itenie from their fpight
5 1 lead my life
all ftt
with Lions
on wrath and ire :

That to deuoure me haue aflaid And with fuch wicked men I dwell*
his mercie, truth, and might. that fret like flames of fire.
6 Their
Ho Pfalme57.
6 teeth are fpearcs and arroms % They lay tick new and doc prepare
f as sharp as 1 haue feene : _ (long, a priuie caucand pit
They wound an<l with their quicke
cut VVhcrein they thinke my loulc to fhare
like fvvords & weapons keen. (tongu but they arc falleliin it.

7 Set yp and shew thy ftlfe O God* o My heart is fet to laud the Lord,
about the hcauen? bright ? in him 1 ioy alwates:
Exalt thy praife on earth abroad, My heart I fay doth well accord
thy m ucftic and might. to fing his laud and praife.

Pfalme 5%. CANT VS. The.RatuHf.'B.ofM.

E Rulers which arc put intruft to iudgc of wrong and right-

ai "'H I T y'f f t lit^Ug l I

" Be all yourutdgemcnts true and iuft, not knovvingmeede or might i

Lichfield Tune. T ENO ^ or Plajnfong.

E Rulers which are put in truft to iudgc ofwrong and right:

Hi'" I l

Beali your iudgements true and

N "| iuft,
* I t
not knowing meede or might?
z Nay in your hearts you mark and nuife and faft doth flop his care.
in mifcMefe to confent
And where you should true iuflice vfe, $ Becaufe hee will not heare the voyce
your hands to bribes are bent. of one that charmcth well
No though he were the chiefe of choHe
J t he wicked fort from their birth day, and did therein excell.
haue erred on this wife : 6OG breake thou their teeth at once <

And from their mothers vvombeal.vay within their mouses throughout:

haue vfed craft and lyes, The tusks that in their great raw-bones
4 Itvthem the poyfon and the breath like Lions whelpshang out.
of Serpents did appear*
Yea, like the fcdder that is deafe, 7 Let them confumc away and vvafte*

Pfalme CANT VS. L Parmer.

O End ayde and fane mc from my foes, Lord I pray to thee

TENOR, or PUinfw.
k? slilliifiiilliiilliiiiESgi
End ayde and fauc mc from my foes, O iord I pray to the
Pfalme $7. XI
xo Awake my ioy, awake I fay, ii His mercie doth extend as far,
mv iute,my Harpe and firing : as heauens jll are hjre
Fbr I raylelfe before the day, His truth as high as anyStarre,
will rife, reioyce, and fin g. that ftmdeth in the fikic.

11 Amongthep-ople 1 wil tell, 15 Set forth and shew thy felfe O God,
the go .daeAc of my God aboue the heauens bright:
And shew his praife that doth excell, Extoll thy praife on earth abroad,
in heathen Lands abroad. thy inaieftie and might.

Pfalme s%. MED 1 VS. Tho.Rauenf.B.ofM.

E Rulers which are put in truft to iudgeof wrong and right:

Be all your iudgements true and iui*, not knowing mtede or might 1


viiiSilililiiiiiippig E Rulers which areput in trurt to iudge of wrong and right i

Be all your iudgements true and iuft, not knowing meede or might %
as water rnnth throughout: shxll take them ere they know.
The shafts that they doe Shoote in hafte, 1 o The till* shall ioy, it doth them good,
let them be broke in flighty that God doth vengeance take :

J As Snailes do wade within the shell And they shall wash their feet in bloud
and vnto doe rtmne ; of them that him forfakc.
As one bcforehls time that fell,
and neuer law the Sunne. irThen shal theearth shew forth 8c zd
that good men haue reward
9 Before the thornes that now are yong And that aGod on earth doth dwell,
to bushes big hall grow: that luflicc doth regard.
the Aormes ofanger waxing ftrong,

Pfalme 59. MS D I VS. I. Farmer,

End ayde and faue mee from my foes, O Lord I pray to thee

End ayde and faue mee from mv foes, O Lord J pray to thee-.
H 4 Defend
& Defend keepe niefrom all thofe that rife and ftritiewith rae.O Lord pre-

ierue me from thofe men, vvhofe doings are not good: and fet me fure and

fafe from them* that ftillthirft after bloud.

TE NOR^ot Playnjong.
Defend & keepe me from all thofe that rife and ftriue with me. O Lord pre-'

ferue mc from thofe men, vvhofe doings arc not good : andfet me fore and

fafe from them, that ftillthirft after bloud*

I For loe they wait my ibule totakc 7 They fpake of me with month alyvay
they rageagainftme ftill: but in their lips were lvvords :
Yea, for no fault that I did make, They greed my death,and then vvouldfay
Xneuer did 'them ill. what none can hearcour words.
4 They run and doe themfelucs prepare, 2 But Lord thou haft their vvayes efpidc
vylien I no whit offend : and laught thereat apace ?
A rife and fane me from their fhare, The heathen folkc thou shalt deride,
and fee what they intend. * and mocke them to their face*

j O Lotd of hoAs or Ifrael. P The ftiength that doth my foesvvith-

rjfe vp and ftrikc all lands: O Lord doth Come of thee : (ftaridj
And pfttie none that doe rebel!, My God he is my help at hand,
a;;d in their mifchtcie ftands. a fort offence to mee.
6 At and feeke about,
riight they ftir ro The Lord to mc doth shew his grace,
as hounds theyhoule and grin : in great abundance ftill
And ail the Citie cleane throughout That 1 may fee my foes in cafe,
frpjn place to place they ren, fuch as my heart doth will*

TJalme 6o. ^7 Edward 'Blankt.

I^j^i^^^j Loi-.| thou didft

; :"| t fTl
s cleane forfakc, and featteredft vs abroad

*PtltchT*e. TE NO R. or Tlaynfewr.
7^ Lord thou didft vs cleane forfakc, and feattetedft vs abroad:
ME&1VS. 1 15

Defend 8c keep'iae from alltbofe that xifeandflriue with me. O Lord pre-

feme me from thofe men, vvhofe doings are not good . and fet me fare and

fafe from them, that ftillthirft after bloud.

& Defend keep me from all thofe that rife and ftriue with me.O Lord pre-

1 1

me from thofe men> vvhofe doings arc

' If
from them, that
(till thirft

Deftroy them not at once O God,

after blond;

riot good

Throughout the flrects in euery place,

fet me fure and

leaft it from minde doe fall they runne about and fpie.

fet^m^a^^^ VtTf^
i,Fortheirillvvo,ds&truthlton g ue

confound them in their Wider
n houfc therein they may
heboid to put their head.
Their wicked othes vyithlyes & wrong
let ail the world deride.
t x vvil ^
hcrv th ftr th abroad
thy %oodncacl vviIl fe^
For thou art my defence arid aide

Conlbme them in rhy wmhLi-vTj
O Lorf.

at netd in 3 nlffl 4j CS .
that nought of them remame :
Thatmen may know throughout the l7Thou artmy ftrength,thouhaft raeftaid
that lacobs God dothraigne. (world OLord I fing to thee :
X4 A t euening they returne apace, Thou art my fort, my ftrength and aide,
as dogs they grin and cry ; a louing God to mee:

Pftlme6o. MSDIVS. Edward Blanks*

Lord thoudidft vs cleane forfake, and fcatteredft vs abroad


Lord thou didft vs cleanc forfake, and fcatteredU v s abroad:

"4 CANTV&.
Such gteatdifpltaftge thou didfttake, Mtutneton OGod.
TENO%- or PUynfofig.

Such great difpleafure thou didfttike, returne to v$ O od.

J Thy might did moue the land fofore, j So thatthy might may keep andfaue
thatitinfunder brake: thy flocke that fauour thee s
The hurt thereof Lord reftore, That they thy help at hand may haue
>r it doth bow and quake. O Lord grant this to me.
6 The Lord did fpeakefrora his ovvne
1 VVithheauy chance thou plagueft thus this was his ioyfull tale :
the people that are thine ; I will diuide Sichem by fpace
And thou haft giuen vnto vs andmete out Succoths vale.
a drinke of deadly wine.
4 But yet to fucn asfeare thy name 7GiIead is gdien to my hand,
a token shall enfue: Manaflfes mine befidc :
That they may triumph in the fame* Ephraitn the ftrengtb of all royLan^
becaufe thy word is true. my Law doth luda guide.

Pfaimed i. CA NTVS. Richard *sfttifon.

R jfrf^

Egard(0 Lord)
H U M' rn,|
fori complaine. and make my futc to thee : Let

not my words retttrne in vaine, but giue an eare to mte. From off the

~ coafts and vtmoft parts of all the earth abroad ' in griefs and anguish of

TEN OR, ox Playnfong.

EgardCO Lord) for I complaine, and make my fute to thee t Let

not my words returne in vaine, but giue an eare to mee. From off the

coa fis and umoft parts of all the earth abroad : in griefe and anguish of

Msnivs. US
Such great difpleafure thou didft take, return* to vs O God.

Such great difpleafure thotididft take, returne to vs O God.

g InMoab will I wash my feet, Our wars in hand thou wouldftnot take
ouer Edom throw my shoo norvvalke among ourhoafts.
And thou Faleftine ought to feeke
for fa uour me vnto. xi Giue aide O iord,and vs relicuc
from them that vs dildainc :

But who will bring me at this tide The help that hoafts of men can giue,
vnto the Citieftrong* it isbut all in vainc.
Or who to Edom will me guide 12 But through our God we shall haue
fo that I goe not wrong * to take great things in hand : (might
40 Wilt thou O
God which didft forfake He will tread dovvne and put to flight,
thy folke, their land and coafts 1 all thofe that thee withftand.

Pfalme 6 1 .

m .
i .i I

%ch&rA ^llifon.

Lord) fori complaine, and make ray fute to thee ; Let

not my words returne in vaine, but giue an eare to mec. Frcm off the

coafts and vtmoft parts of all the earth abroad : in giiefe and anguish of

bass vs.

Bgard (O Lord; for I complaiae, and make my

not ray words returne in vaine,

coafts and vtmoft parts
-$ r -~
but giue an eare to mee.

of all the earth abroad >

fute to thee


off the

in griefe and anguish of

my heart, I crye to thee O God.

TE NO 7^, or Playnfang.
my heart, I cry to thee O God
}Vpon therockeof thy great power , Vndcr thy wing! I knov v r!|ht well
my wofull minde repofes Ishalibefafeand /ure.
Thou art my hope, ray fortand tower,
my fence againrt ray foes 5 The Lord doth my dente regard*
4 WitMnthy tents I luH to dwell, and doth fulfill the fa me :
for euer to endure. With go<ly gifts doth he reward
all them that feare his name.

Pffdme6i. CA NT VS. ThorRauenf. B. of M.

Y foule to God good heed and him alone intend

shall giue . :

For why imy health and hope tofpeed doth whole on him depend*

fPtndftr or Eat& Tune. TENO%QX Playtsfong.

Y foule to God shall giue good heed, and him alone intend s

why For i my health and hope to fpcede, doth whole on him depend.

>Forhe alone is my defence, 5 Yet ftiil my foule doth whole depend

my rockeof healtlyny aide: on God my chicfedefirc.
He is my ftay that no pretence From all falfe feates meto dejend,
shall make me much difmaid. none but him I require.
5He is my rock, my ftrengtl',my towed
3 O wicked folkehow long will ye my health is of his grace
vfc Crafts S furc youmuft fall, He doth fupport me that no power
For as a rotten hedge yee be, can niotie me out of place:
and like a tottering wall.
4 Whom Goddoth louc yc feek alwaies 7 God is my glory and my health,
to put him to the worfe my follies defire and lult
Ye lotic to lye, with mouth yepnifc, My fort,my tirength, my ftay,my wealthy i

and yCt your heart doth curfew God is my onely truft.


snyhcatt> X cry to thee O God.


ray heart, 1 eiy tothceO God.

and To prolong his dayes* O let thy mercy, truth and grace
That he from age to age shall iaigne, defendriiro from decay.

for euermore alwayes. 8 Then shall I fing for cuer ftill,

with praife vnto thy name
7 That he ayha< ea dwelling place, That all thy vovvesl may fulfill,
before the Lord for aye : and daily pay the fame.

PfAlme6i, MD I VS. Tho. %*tiexf,B. of Ad.

\ lonle to God shall giuc good heed, and him alone intend :

For why s . my health, and hope tofpeed, doth whole on him depend.


M^fegj^EMU Y foule to God shall giue good heed,

.1111.1 ^
and him alone intend


I I |

For why 1 my health and hope to

Y 1

fpeed, doth whole

I'l l
on him depend.

SO haue your hope in him alway, Though goods well got flow in with
ye folkewith one accord : fct not your hearts thereon, (wealth
Poure out your hearts to him and fay,
our ttuft is in the Lord* ii The Lord long lith onething did tell,
which here to minde I call
9 The fonnes of men deceitfull are/ He fpakc it oft, I heard it well,
onballanccbutafleight: that Gcd alone doth
With things moft vainedoe the" compare 12 And thouO Lordarrgood andkmde,
cankerpe no weight .
for rhey thy mercy doth exceed-
xo Truik not in wtong.robry orftealtb, Sothat allforts vyith thee shalinnde
let vaiiK dtJight? be gone ? according to their meed.
CA NT VS. The, ^Hemf.B. M.

God my God I watch bemme, to come to thee in hafte ;

For why 1 my foule and body both, doe thirft of thee to tafte.

Web or GMenhun Tune. T E NO R,Ot PUymCon^

God my God 1 vvatch betiaie, to come to thee in hafte

For vvhyi my foule and body both doc thirft of thee to tafte.
I An din
this barratne wildernefle, this life and wretched dayes:
where waters there are none My lips therefore shall giue to thee
My flesh is patent for thought of thee, due honour, laudand praife*
for thee I wish alone 4 And whim I liuel will not faile
That I might feeyetonce againe to worship thee alway*
thy glory, ftrength and might ? And inthy name I shall lift vp,
As I was wont it to beheld, my hands when I doe pray.
within thy Temple bright. My foule is filde as with marrow,
I For why 1 thy mercies far furmount which is both fat and fweet

Pfalmt64. CANTOS, Tho.%*uenLB-ofM.

Lordvnto my voyce giue eare, with plaints when I doc pray : I

And rid my life and foule from fcare of foes that threat to flay.

Urifioll Tune. T SNO R , vt Playnfontr.

Lordvnto my voyce giue care, with plaints when 1 doe pray :

Andrid my life and foule from fcare of foes that threat to flay*
2Defend me from that fcrtof men. I meane moft bitter words.
which in dece ts doe lurke 4 With prime flights shoot they their
And from the frowning face of them the vpt ight man to hit :

that all ill feates doe worke. Theiiiftvnware* to it l ike by craft,

they care orfeare no vvhit.
i, Who vvhettheir tongues as we
raci vvhet fcsharptheir fvvords, (feene 5 A vvicked worke thc> hauedecrccd,
They shooiabtoad theirarrowes keeue in counfcllthus they cry :
Pfalme6$, MS D I VS. Tho.Jauenf. B.of M. II

God my God I watch bctiroe, to come to thee in hafte:

For"irvhy S my foule and body both doe third of thee to tafte.

God my God I watch betime, to come to thee in hafte:

For why 1 my fbule and body both doe thirft of thee to tafte.

ly mouth therefore shall fing fuch longs them death shailfoone deuoure.
as are for theemoft meet. 10 The fvvord shall them deuout each
When as in bed I thinke on thee, their carkaffrs shall feed 'one?
and eke all the night tide The hungry Foxes which doe runne,
For *nder couert of thy wings their pray to feeke at need.
thou art my ioyfull guide. 1 1 The King and all men shall reioyctfe
My fouledothfurely ftickcto thee, that doe profefle Gods woru :
thy right handis my power. For lyers mouthes shall then be ftoptt
And thofc that feeke my foiile to ftroy which haue the truth difturifd.

P(tm'6 4 . MET) IPS Tho Rttuexf. B.of M.

Lord vnto my voyce giue care, with pi ints when 1 doe pray

rfir And rid my life

and foule from feare
T > p
of foes that threat to flay.


Lord vnto try voyce giueeare, with plaints when I doe pray

E afff
And rid my life and
l it p|B=Hfe
fbulefrom feare of foes that threat to flay*

To vfe deceit let vs rot dread,

what, who can it cfpieS when they thinke leaft vpon :
'What vvaies to hurrthey talke 8c mufc
God with his darts shall fure affaile,
all times within tkeir heart
and vvoundthem euery one.
8 Their crafts & their ill tongues withal-
Th?y all confult what feau s to vfe
each doth inuenc his part. shall vvorke themfclucs fuch blame
That they which then beholcT theirfall,
7 But yet allthis shall not auailc shall wonder at the fame.
ixo Pfalme 64*
9 Then al that fee shall know right wel A nd praifc Ms tvittte works and tcli
that God this thing hath wrought : What he to pafle hath brought,
Pfalmc 6$. CANTVS Tho. Kamnf. B< ofM.

H Y praife alone. (O Lord) doth raigne in Sion thine ovvne hill:;

Theirvowes to thee they doe maintaine, and their 1>ehcfts fulfill.

Bxcefter Tune TENO 7^ or Playnfong.

HY praife alone CO Lord) doth aigne in Sion thine ownehill:

Their vovves to thee they doe maintaiue> and their behefts fulfill.
* For that thou
doft their prayer heare, our health of thee doth rift
and doe ft thereto agree : The hope of all the earth abroad,,
Thy people all both farre and neare, and the fea coafts like wife.
t vith truft shall come to thee. With ft rengtli thou art befet aboutfc
and com pa ft with thy power j
t Our wiAed life fo far exceeds, Thou makft the mountains ftrong & ftou
that we should therein i to ftand ineuery shower.
But Lordforgiue our great mifdeeds,
7 The f/velling feas thou doft affvvagc!
and purge vs fro.n our dune. and make their ftreamcs fullftill:
4 The man is bleft whom thou doft Thou doft reft raine the peoples rage
within thy courts to dwell : (chufe, and rule tlfera at thy Will.
Thy houfeand Temple they doe vie, ? The folke that dwell full far on earth
withpicafuresthat exceil. shalldread the fame to fee:
5 Of thy great iuftice heare vs God, Which mornc & euening in great mini

Pfatme66* CANTVS. Iohn Mtlton.

Eemen on earth in God reioyce, with praife fet forth his name:

Extoll his might witfyhcart and voy ce, giue glory to the fame.

Terkc Tune. T SNO \, or PUyf*n^

Ee men on earth in God reioyce, with praife fctforth his name :

Exwli hismight with heart and voyce, giue gloryw the fame. -
PMme 64. in
to T shalithc Juftin
Godreioyce, So shall they ioy vvithminde and voyce,
iWltruftingin*isniu,ht: vvi;oie heart is pui* and light.

H Y praife alor.e (O Lord) doth raigne in Sk>n thine ovvne hill

theirvovvestothee they doe liiincainc, and thy bthefts fulfill;


H Y praife alone (O Lord) doth raigne in Sion thine ovvne hill:

Their vovircs co thee they doc maintains andthy behefts fulfil.
Hoe paffe with praife to thee. and MeiTe her fruit vvithall.
12 T*"*ckftthecarthof thy good
fVVhen that the earth chopt and dry,
and thirftethmore and more:
ltf fa
?d pUafant crop : f grace

Then vyith thy drops thou rfoft apply, Ttly clo "Js difljll their dew apace
andmuch increafe her ftorc. S' P L IU ? tfce y ** dro P- .

10 The floiid of God doth ouerflov v,

and fodoth caufe tofpririe :
K V hercb the defart shall begin
full great increafe to bring:
Thc ll " le hl ls d c y there,*

Thefeed and cornc which men doiow, .

? .

for he doth guide the thing. wuchfruitm then shall ipnng.

.With wet thou JA
... .

her furtowes
H I" places plaine the flocks shall fee4
and couer aU tlw earth
fvhereby her clods doe fall : (fill, The va llycs with come shall 10 ext cedT
thy drops to her thou uott diAiIl, that men shallfing for mirth.

Vfalme66. MV.BJVS. lohn Mtlton

Eeraenoncarthin God reioyce, with praife fet forth hi* name-

Extoll Ms might with heart andVoycergtue gWy" to f



Ec menoncarth in God reioyce, with praife fa forth his We

S^^inigbtVVitiJbtaiiaftdvoyce, giue glory 10 'ffiei&fc

I 1 Soft
122 'Pfalme66.
x How wonderful! O Lord, fay yee, by him shall be controld.
in all thy works thou art i
7 Yee people giue vnto your God
Thy foes fcarc doc feeke to thee>
due laud and thankes alwayes
full fore againft their heart.
With ioyfull royce declare abroad,
men that dwell the earth through- and fmg vnto his praiie.
j All
doe praife the name of God; (out 8 Which doth indue our (bules vvith life*
Th? laud thereof the world about, audit prefcrues withall
is shewed and fet abroad.
He ftayeth our feete fo that no ftrife,
can make vs flip or fall.
4 All folke come forth, behold and fee
what things the Lord hath vvrought 9 The Lord doth proue our deeds vvith

&ark well the wondrous works that he if that they will abide : (fire*
for man to paffe hath brought. As work-men doe when they defire
He laid the fea like heapes on hye, to haue their mcttals tride.
therein a way they had 10 Although thou fuffcr vs folong,
On in prifbn to be caft
foote to pafle both faire and dry,
whereof their hearts were glad. Andrhere vvith chaines & fetters ftronj
6 Hismight doth rule the world alway, to lie in bondage faft.
his eyes all things behold Thelecwa part,
All fachas would him difobay; 11 Although I fay thoufutfereft men,

Pfa/me6j. CANT VS. Th:Ra*e*f.T! ofM.

HiHgiiiIi=iligi! Aue mercy on vs Lord, and grant tovs thy grace: To shew 1

to vs doe thou ac-

it' l'r j i
cord, the brightnefle
i n =
of rhy face.
London Tune; TENO R,or Playnfong.

Aue mercy on vs Lord, and grant to vs thy grace : To shew

to vs doe thou accord, the brightnefle of thy face.
a That allthe earth may know O let the people all abroad,
the vvay to godly wealth extol! and laud the fame.
nd all the nations on a roVv> 4 Throughout the vvorld fo wide,
may fee thy fauing health* let all reioyce with mirth
For thou with truth and right doit gui
3 Let all the world O
the nations of tfee earth.
giue praife vnto thy name:

Pfalme6%. CANTVS. Richard *s4llifcn.

^B E B
r God arife, and the
then his foes vviilturne
themfelues to flight
T E NO R,or Playnfong.
&. s=g=
X God aiifei art then pis toes will tume themfelues to flight t
Ffalme66. i3
on vs to and raigne :
ride itf Come forth,& hearken here fui foor.e
Though vvc through fire and water rim all ye thatfeare the Lord :
of very gricfe and paine, What he for his yoorchock hath done,
iz Yet fure thou dolt of thy good grace to you I will record.
difpoi'efttothcbeft .

ly Full oft vpon his grace*

And bringft vs out into a place, 1

to liuc in wealth and reft.

this mouth to Mm
doth cry .

And thoumy tongue make fpeede 3pace

to praifehimby and by.
ilj Vnto thy houfe refortvvill I,
l8 But if I fcele my heart within
to offer and to pray <

And there I will my felfe apply in wicked works re ioyce

my vo wes to thee to pay. Or if I haue delight in finne,

14 The vo wes that with my mouth I
God will not hcaic my voyce*
in all my g riefe and fmart fpakc: to But furely cod my voice hath heard
Thevowes 1 fay which ! did make, and what 1 doe require
in dolor of my heart. My prayer he doth well icgard
and granteth mydefire.
Ij Burnt offerings 1 will giucto thee 20 *11 prayfe to him that hath not put
of Oxen fat and Rammes nor cart me out of minde:
None other ficrifice shall be, Meryet his mercy froln ine shut,
of Bullocks, Goats or Lambes. which I did euer finde.

Pldme 67, M ED irs.

M_er> VS. I The Hauenf. B.df

Aue mercy on vs Lord, and grant to vs thy grace : To she w

to vsdoe thou ac cord, the brightneffe of thy face*


tjiiiiilt^lill^liilill Atte mercy on vs Lord, and grant to vs thy grace : to shew

tovs doe thou accord, the brightneffe of thy face.
r Let the world
all God O And then our God, the God of peaefcg
giue praife vnto thy name : shall blefle vs eke vvithall.
!> let the people all abroad
7 God shall vs bletfe I fay,
extoll and laud the fame. and then both far and neare,
i Then shall the earth increafc, The folke throughout the world alvva?
great (tore of fruit shall fall : of him shall ftana infeare.

Pfa/me 6$. MED I VS. T^hard ^Uifm,

E T God arife, and then his foes will tunic themfelues to flight

*T God arife, aud $ken bitfys will turne 3
themfelues to \ igl t
giiillililigli^E iili
his cneujiesthen will run abroad, and fcatter outof fight. And as the

^ n*re doth melt the W3xe, and vvinde blow fmoakc away : So in the

prcfenccof the Lord the Vvicked shall de-cay.


his enemies then will run abroad, and fcatter out of fight. And as the

doth melt the vvaxe, and vvinde blow fluojke away
fire : So in the

prefence of the Lord the vvicked shall decay

3 But righteous menbeforc the Lord And if Co beit barrainewaxt*

shall heartily reioyce by thee it was refresht
They shall be f,lad and merry all, ioThy choieu flock doth there remains
and chearcfuil in their voyce. thou haft prepaide that pi >ee
4 Sing praife, ling praife vnto the Lord, A"d forthe poore thou doft prouide
who rideth on theskie of thine eipeciall grace.
Ixtoll the name of I ah our God,
The fecond part,
and him doe magma" e.
n God will giue women caufes iuft
to maguifie his name*.
5 The Tims he that is about
within hisholy place: When a sail people triumphs nvaket
That father is of f atherlefle, andpurchafe brute and fame.
and ludge efvviddovvcs cafo* ii For puifTant kings for al their povvc

6 Houfeshegiues andifliie both shall fiye and take the foyle :

vnto the comfort 1- fie And women which remaine at home,

He bringeth bondsmen out of thrall, shall heJpe to part the fpoyle.

and rebels to diftrcflc. ij And though ye were as black as po

hew shall pafle the Doue
your :

7 When thou march before thy

VVhofe wings & feathers fecmc tohau
the Egyptians from among : (folke
filuer aRd goldaboue.
And brought!* thethrough the vvilderneS ^'Vvhenln xSsSm*God shailtrhimi
which was both wide &i long, (down, i

orcKings both hieand iovv;

8 The earth did quake the raincpourde Then shall it be like Salmon hill,
heard were great claps of thunder
as white as any fnow.
The mount Sinai shookcinfuch lort,
as it would clcaue afunder. 1 4 Though Bafan be a fruitful! hilj
and in height others pafle :

^Thineheritage vvith drops of raise Yet Siou cods moft holy hill,
abundantly was vvasht doth farrc excel! in grace.

^IPliifiiiillllllii-lll ni fcattcr out of fight. And as

hisentmies then will runabroad, the

fire doth melt the vvaxe, and windeblow fmoake away : So in the

prefencc of the Lord, the wicked shall decaf*


his enemies then

vyill run abroad and fcatter out of fight. And as the

doth meli the waxe? and wvnde blow fmoake away:

^ fire So in the

prefence ofthe Lord, the wicked shall decay;

Xtf Why brag ye thus ye Mis mofthye, Of thofethat in their wickednefTe
ad leape for pride together i continually doe vvalke.
This hill of Sion God doth lotie,
and there will dwellfbr euer. From Bafan I Will bring faith he,
my people and my sheepe :

17 Gods army is too millions Jnd all mineovvne as I haue done

pfyvarnpurs sped and ftrong; from danger of thedeepe.
ThcLord al<b in Sinai 2} And make them diprheirfeet in bloud
is prefentthem among. of thofe that hate my name:
|S Thou didlt O Lord afcend on hye, And dogs shall haue their tongues fcn.
and captiue ledft them all with licking of the fame. (bride
Which in times paft thy chofen flocke,
in prifon kept and thrall. 3% All men may fee how thou O'God,
10 Thou made (I them tribute for to pay they enemies doftdetace:
and f.h asdid repine. And how thou goeft as God and King
Thou didft fubdue that they might d well into thy holy place.
in thy Temple diuine. 36 The Singers goe before with ipy,
toNow praifed be the Lord fpt that the Minftrels follow after:
hee poureson vsfuch grace And in the midft the Damfels play,
From day to day he is the Go4 with Timbrell and v*tth Taber.
of our health and folace.
37N0W in the congregation^
The third part. 6 Lord:
Ifrael praife the
11 He is the God from whom alone And Iacobs whole poiteritie,
faluationcommeth plaine giue thanks with one accord.
Hee is the God by whom we
fcape 28 Their cMefe was little Beniatmn,
all dangers, death, and paine. but luda made their hoafl;
uThus God will wound his enemies VVithZa'^ulon and Neptalim,
and bicake the hairy fcalge, (head which dwell about their coaft.
if As God hath giuen pc*tfet tothee Yea, and ftrange Kings to vs fubdude
fo Lord make firrae and fure shall doe like in thofe dayes :
The thing that thou haft wrougrt in v$, I meane to thee they shall prefent
for euet to endure, their gifts of laud and praife.
jo And in thy temple gifts will wee ji He shall deftroy the fpearernens rank
giue vnto thce.(0 Lord) their Caluesand Bulsof might
For thine vnto Ierufalem And caufe them tribute pay, and daunt
fure promife made by word. all fuch as levteto fight.

jz Then shall the Lord of Egypt come*

The fourth part. 1

and prefents to him bring:

PTalme 69 .__ C^TV*^ KicharA stiffen.

Aue me O God aid that with fpcede the waters flw full raft

So nie my foule doe they proceed, that I am fore agaft, '

I flicke full

frMMt lf Ml
deepe in filth and clay, whereas I feele no ground :
,mn f
I fall into fuch Houds >|

lfay, that lam like be drowned*

TE NO % or Playnfovg.

Aue meO God and that with fpeed, the waters flow full fafti

So nie my foule doe they proceed, that I am fore agaft. I fticke full

deepe in filth ai d clay, whereas I feele no ground : I fall into fuch flouds

1 fay, that I am like be drown'd.
* VVith crying oft I faint andquaile, Though for no cauft they v^x me foi
my throat ishoaife and dry : they profperandare glad
With lookii:gvpmy fight doth faile, They doe compell me to reftore
for hclpc of Go4 on hie, the things I nener had.
4 My ToSi :huguiltlcfle doe oppreffe 6 What I haue done fov want of wit, 1

n\y IomV. with hue ire led : thou Lord

times ^anft tell
Jn number fure they .ire no kfie And all the faults that 1 ton m it,
tnenhayrcs areonmyhead* to thee are kaowue full well.
Pfalme 6%.
The Moores mod black thai ftr etch their men may well know his might.
vnto their Lord and king. (hands ^5 Thereforethe ftrength of Ifxatl
j2 Therefore the kiogdooies of the earth afcribe to Godon hie,
giue praife vnto t he Lord VVhofe might & power doth far extend
Sing Pfalmes to God with one confem, aboue the cloudy skie.
thereto let all accord. O Lord thy holineffc and power
34 Who though he ride, and eaer hath, is dread for euermorc:
aboue the hcauens bright ? TheGod of Ifrael gtues vs ftrength,
tet by his fcaref ull thunderclaps praifed be God therefore.

F Calmest) ME"D1 Tlf chord s^ffifert,

Aueme O Qod and that with fpeed the waters flow full faft :

So nie my foule doe they proceed* that I am fore agaft. 1 Aicke full

deepe in filth and clay, whereas I fede no ground : I fall into fuch flouds

BEr>Tn * f

Aueme O God and that with fpeed a the waters Mow full faft :

So nie my foule doe they proceed* that I am foreagaft. I ihcke full

deepein filth and clay, whereas Ifeele no ground : I fall into fuch flouds if

I fay, that I am like be drown'd.
7 O God of hofts defend and ftay $> My mothers fbnnes mybrerhrcH ail
allthofe that truftin thee foifake me on a row:
Let no man dou or shrinke away
<t And as a Granger they me call,
for ought that chanceth me. my face they will not know. I

IIt is for thee, and for thy fake j Vnto thy houfe fuch zeale I beare,
that 1 doe bcare this bl ime doth pine me much
that it
^n fpight of thes they would me make, Their checks and taunts at thceto heare
t* hide my face fox shame. my veiy heart dotbgiutch.
1 4 The
Ffalme 69.
The feeonlpd*t iS O Lord of hafts to me ghit carv

n Though 1 doe ftft my flesh to chaft> as thou art good and kinde:
yea if vvc pe and mone :
A nd as thy mercy is mod deere*

Yc: iamv t:-eth this geare is caft, Lord haue me in thy minde.
they pifle not thereupon, ip And doe not from thy feruant hide
i I f I forfriefe and paincof heart, nor turnc thy face away
i ifapJcec !o:n vfe to walke: I amopprcft on euery fide,
Then theyanone vvitl it pcruert, with hafte giue eare I fay.
thcreofthey ieft andtalke. to O Lord vntomy foule draw nigh p
I? Roth hie and low, S all the throng, the fame with ayde repofe:
that fit within the gate: Recaufe of their great tyranny,
Th y haue me euer hi their tongue, acquite me from my toes.
of cne they talkc and prate. The tb'trd part.
14 The drunkards which in y vine delight at That I abide rebuke and shame,
it is their chiefe pafHmc: then knoweft and rnou canft tell
TofeeJfc which way toworke mee For thofe that feeke and worke the fame
pf rae they fing arid rime, (fpigh^
thou feeft them ill full well.
1 4 But thee the while Q
Lord I pray, t : VV/vn they wjth brags do breakemy
that vvhen it pleal eth thee t I feeke for helpe anonc : (hart.
Tor thy great truth thou wiltalway, But findeno iriends to eafe my fmart, !

fend dovvnc thine aide to me. to comfort me not one.

16 Pluck thou my feet out of the mire, Butfn my meatthey gaueme gall:
from drowning doe me keepe too cruel! for to thinke ;

From fuch as owe me wrath and ire, And gaue me in my

and from the waters deepe. ftrohgvmegir to drinke.
27 Lea<* with the waues 1 should be 24 t *d turne their table to a fhare*
and depth myioule dmoure: (drownd, to' take
themfelues therein:
And that the pit should me confound, And when they thinke full-well to fare*
and shut me in her povverc then trap tnem
them in the grin.

Pfalme 70. CAN TVS. M Peirfw B.oiM.

God to mee take heed, of heipe I thee require: O Lord of j


' hoftswith haft make ipeed, helpe, helpe, I thee defire.

Southwell Tunc. T^ N O R. or Playnfong.

God to me tike heed, of help I thee require i O Lord of

hoftswith haft
make fpeede, helpe, helpe I thee defire.
? VVith shame confound them all and feeke to wo\ kerne shame:
tbst fce>< my foule to fnill : And at my harm*- ooclaugh and cry,
Rebuke them backe with blame to fall, fo, fo, there go th t,he game.
th't thinke and wish me ill.
^ Butjet them ioyfull be.
2 Q&rfomt them that apply, fa thee vviyh iojr and wealth :
% And let their eyes be rfarkeandbiind, 3* That I may glue thy name the pralfe*
that they may nothing fee: and shew it with a fong t

Bowdovvnthei'bickand do them bend I vvill cxtdll the fame alvvayes,

in thraldoine for to be. with heartie thanks among.
26 Pou< eout thy wrath as hot as n're,

that it on them may fall 33Which is more pleafant vnto thee,

xetthy difpleafure in thine ire, fuchmtnde thy grace hath borne,
take hold vpon them all. Then either Oxe or Calfe can be,
that hath both hoofe and home.
%y A
s defart dry their houfedifgrace,

their off-fpring eke expell 34 When fimple folkedoe this behold,

it shall reioyce them fure :
That none thereof poiTefTe their place*
All yee that feeke the Lord behold,
nor in their tents doe dwell.
your life fpraye shall dure.
*S If thou doft ftrike the man to tame,
on him they lie full fore :
For whyl the Lord of hofts doth heare
And if that thou doe wound the fame
the poore vvhen they complaine
they feeke to hurt him more.
His prifoners are to him full deare,
30 Then let them heap vp mifchiefc flitf he doth them nor difdaine.
nth they are all peruerr $6 Wherefore the side and earth beloy v
That of thy f auour and good will, the fea with floud and ftreame
they neuer haue no part. Hisprayfe they shall declate and shew,
30 And dash them cieane out of the with all that Hue in them.
ofiifc, of hope, of trnft (Booke,
That for their names they neuer looke 3? For fure our God wj|.l Sion faue,
in number of thejufl. and Iudaes Citic build :
Muchfolke poffeflion there shallhaue,
Thefourth part. her ftreets shall all b-cfild.
1 1 Though I O Lord, with woe 8c gricfe 38 Her feruants feed shall keep thefame
haue bcene full fore op pre ft : all ages out ot minde:
Thy helpe shallgiue me fuch relicfe, 30 And there all they that loue his name
that all shall bre redreft. a dwelling place shall fiude
PJalmeyo ME DIPS.S.
_ MEDIp M.Peirfa B.ofM.

God to me take heed, ofnelp 1 thee require : O Lord of

hefts with hafteraake fpced, helpe, helpe, I dice ddSreT


^ Gocl to me take heed, of helpe I thee require; O Lord of

hoils with hafte make fpecd, helpe,helpe, 1 thee deifce.

Which onely truft and feeke to thee, be giuen to thee O Lord.
and to thy failing health. .
6 But I am weake and poore,
5 That they may fay alw iycs. come Lord, thine aid I locket
in mirth andone accord. Thou art my flay and hdp,therefore
12 glory, honour, laud and praife wake fpecd and be wot flat kc.
|0 Pfalmeyl. C ANTVS. Th. T^uettf.' M,

Y Lord my God in all diftrefle, tny hope is whole in thet t

Then let no shame my foule pprefle, nor once take hold on mee

As thou art luft defend me Lord, and rid me out of dread : Giueeare

and to my fute accord, and feud me helpe at need.

TENOR, or-Pbwfi*!.
Y Lord my Q*d in all diftretTe, my hope is whole in thee :

Then let no shame my foule oppreffe, nor once take hold on mee.

As thou art iuft defend me Lord, and rid me out of dread

Giue eare

my andto fute accord, and fend mebelpe at need*

jBe thou my rocke,to whom I may And eke my tongue shall not befiacke*
for aid all times refort to honour thee alwayes.
Thypromife is to help alway,
thou art my fence and fort. Refute me not O Lord I fay,
4 Saue me my God from wicked mfn, when age my limmcs dotbtakc :

and from their ftrength and power: And when my ftrength doth wafte'away
Prom folke vniutt, and eke frorotneiu doe not my foule foruke.
that cruelly deuourt. lo Among themtelues my foes inquire
to take me through deceit
5 Thou art my flay wherein i truft,

thou Lord o' hofts art he :

And they againtt me doe confpxre
that for my foule laid Wait.
Yea, from my youth I had a luft>
flill to depend on thee.

6 Thou haft me kept euen from my birth The fecond part.

and I through the? vvasbome \
V Vherfore 1 will thee pratfe with mirth i Layhand>and take him now they faid
both euening and at mome. for God from htm is gone

7 As to a mojifter f\ ldome feene, Difpatch him quite for to his aid

mu:n folkc about mc throng: ivvis there com me th none.
But thou art now and ftill h iftbeene U Doe not abfent thy felfe away,
my fence and aid molt ftrong. (O Lord when need shall b<: :
But that inttme of griefethou maift
S Whcrforc my mouth do tune shal lack
thy.glory and tbypraife: vvichhaflcgiuc hetye to me.

Tfalme 71.

X Lord my God in alldiftrefle*

1 m
TU.'K&Unf/B tfM.

my hope is whole
in thee :

Then let no shame my fotile oppreffe, nor once take hold on mee.

As thou art iuft defend mee Lord, and rid me out of dread: Gtue eare

and to my fute accord, and fend mc helpe at need.


M= Y Lord my God in all dittrefle, my hope is whole in thee \

rth i
Tnen let no shame my
'jj_8 iLLiJ.iL.iiy
ioule opprefle, nor once take hold on mee.

As thouart tuft defendme Lord, and rid me out of dread : Gtue eare

and to ray fute accord, and fend me helpe at need,

ij With shame confound & oucrthrovv thou didft me keeps and ftay:
all thofe that fceke my lire: Forfake me not vnto mine age*
Opprefle them with rebuke alfo, and till my head be gray*
that faine would vvorke me ftrife.
X4 But I will patiently abide The third part.
tby helpe at all affayes
19That I thy ftregth & might may shew
Still more and more each time and tide to them that now be here

1 fvillfet forth thy praife.

And that our feed thy power may know
xs My mouth thy iuAtce shall record* hereafter many a yeere.
thy daily helpe doth fend ao O Lord thy iuftice doth exceed*
But of thy benefits, O Lord* thy doings all shall fee
I know no count nor end* Thy vvorkes are wondcrfull indeed*
16 Yet will 1 goe and feeke forth one* oh t who is like to thee %
with thy good helpe G God, me
21 Thou rnad'ft feele affli&ion fore,
The fauing health of thee alone and yet thou didft me faue:
to shew and fet abroad*
Yea, thoudoft mike all ftrifc to ceafa,
17 For of my youth thou tookft the care, and tookft rae from the graue.
and doftinaruft me ftill: ax And thou mine honour doft increale*
Therefore thy wonders to declare my dignicie maintaine:
Ihatie great minde and will. yea, thou doft make all ftrifeto ceafe,
18 And as in youth from Wanton rage and comfortft mee agatne.
a; Therefore'
132 P/ainteyi.
%% T herofcre thy fatthfulnetTe to praife O Ifracls holy King\
with Viol fing
1 will 2iMy mouth vvilioy with plea fant V*yc
My Harp shall found thy laud alwayes. vvhenX shall fing to thee :.

Pjalme 72. CANT VS. Tho. %Aen(. B.ofM.

Ord giue thy iudgements to the King, therein inftrudt htm weU

And with hisfonnc that Princely thing, Lord let thy iuftice dwell.

Chrtfl Htjpttaff Tune. T E NO R, or ?Ujn(png.

Ord giue thy iudgements to the King, therein inftrutf htm vf eU

And with his fonne that Princely thing. Lord let thy iuftice dwell.
2 That he may gouerne vprightly, And like to drops thatlay the duft,
and rule thy folke aright: and fresh the land new fowne.
And iodefend through equitie,
7 The iu ft shall flourish in his time,
thepoore that haue no might.
and ail shall be at peac e :

J And let the mountaxnes that are hie, Vntill the Moone shall ceafe to prime,
vnto their folke giue peace: wafte, change* and to increa fe.
And eke let little hils apply, 8 Hee shall be Lord of lea and lind,
in iuftice to increafe. from shore to shore throughout
4 That hemayhelpeand eafe the poore And from the flouds within the land,
with aide, tnd make them ftrong: through all the earth about.
And eke deftroy for euermore
4 The people that in defarts dwell,
all thofe thatdoe them wrong. shall kneele to htm full thicket
5 And then from age to age shall they And alihis enemies that rebell,
regardand feare thy might: tfee earth and duft shall lick

So long as Sunnedoth shine by day, 10 fhe Lords of all the lies thereby,
orelfe the Mooie by night* great gifts to him shall brings
Lord make the King vnto the iuft, The King of Saby, and Araby,
*likeraine tofields new xuownes giue many acoftiy thing*

Pfalme 73. CA NT VS. Tho.^uenf. B. ef M.

Ow eucr it be, yet God is good, and kinde. to Ifra- cl

Cambridge Tune. T EN 0~R>ot PUjnfong.

at* t
3=ifei*i;:4 iu.| f ,| * i^sSS
Ovveueritbe,7CtGodi5good,aad kmdz to Ifra- el;
Pfalme 7*'
And eke my fouie will much rcioyce, andfpeakeit daily ftills
forthou haft made me f tec. For grlefefc shame <K>e them confound*
thatfoughtto vvorke meiU.
5 My tongue thy vprightnes shal found

Pf/me72, MSDIVS r
Tko. Rfiaet>f.B. efM.

^J ^liliiiillliigfiiiliil
Ord him giuc thy iudgements to the King, therein inftruft well:

And with his Sonne that Princely thing, lord let thy iuilicc dwell*

Ord giue thy iudgements to the King, therein inftruvt him well:

And with his Sonne that Piincely thing, Lord let thy iuftice dwell.

Theftcondpart. 26The mighty mountaines of his land \

11 All Kings shall feeke with one accord of come shall beare fuch throng:
in his good grace to ftand: That it like Cedar trees shal fland
And al! the people of the world, in Libanus full ftrong.
shall feme him at his hand.
12For he the ne edy fort doth faue, 17 Their cities eke full well shal (peed*
thatvnto him doe call *
the fruits thereof shall pafle:
And eke the fimple folke that haue In plenty it shall farre exceed,

no help of man at all. and fpring as greene as graft*,

it For euer they shall praife his name
Ij He takcth pittie on the poore, while that the Sunne is light
that are with need oppreit
And think them happy through the fame t
He doth prcferue them euermore,
all fclkcsfcaUblefle his might.
and bring the it foulesto reft.
14. He shall redeeme their life from dread
29 Praife ye the Lord of hfts,and firg
from fraud,from vviong, from might: to Ifraels God each one

And eke the bloud that they shall bleed For he doth euery vvrondrous thir g,
isprecious inhis fight. yea, he himfelfe alone,
I; But he shallliue,andthey shall bring ao And bleftedb? hisholy name
to him of Sabaes gold all times eternally
He shall be honoured as a King, Tha* all the earth may praife the fame
and daily beextold. Amen, A^nen, fay X,

MS D I VS. Tk.%aef.BM M.
Pfalme 7 ; .

Ow Cod euer it be, yet is good, and kindvtolfra- el:


yy cUcritbei yet God is good, aRd kvndcto lira- el:

And to all lucb as fafely keepe their confcicnce pure and well.

An4 to all fuch as fafely kecpe their confeience pure and well
J Yet like almoft flipt,
a foole I Which they haue done to Ample men,
my feet began to Aide and euer pride among.
And eke Ivvift euen at a pinch
my fteps began tb glide. 9 The heauens and the liuing Lord
they fpare not to blafpheme
J For when I favv fuch foolish men And prate they doeof worldly things,
I grudg'd and diddifdaint: no wight they doe eftecme.
That wicked men all things should haue 10The people of God oft times turne
without turmoyle or paine. to fee their profperous ftate s (back
4 They neuer fu<F:r plagues nor griefe And almoft drinke the felfe fame cup
as if death should them imke: and follow the fame rate.
Their bodies are both ftout and ftrong,
and euer in good plight* The ficmd part.
5 And free from all adue r fitie, 11 How can it be that God* lay they,
when other men be shent: should know and vnderftand
A nd with the reft they take no part Thefe wordly things, fince wicked men
of plague or punishment* be Lordsof fea and land 1
6 Therefore preemption doth imbrace a For wee may fee how wicked men
their necks as doth a chaine : in riches ftill tncreafe
And are euen wrapt as in a robe Rewarded well with worldly goods
with rapine anddifdaine. and Hue in reft and peace.
7 They are fo fed, that euen for far if Then why doe I from ?vickecmefie
their eyes oft times out ftart my fa tafie refraine i
And as for worldly goods they haue And wash my hands with innocents,
more then can wish their heart. and cleanfe my heart in vainci
8 Their life is moft licentious, 14 And fuffer fcourges euery day,
boafting much of the wrong as fubieft to all blamed

PJaIme74. C A NT VS. Tho. Htuenf.B.of M.

W Hy art thou Lord folong from vs in all this danger deepe 1

Why doth thine anger kindle thus at thine ovvne pafture sheepc i

Oxford Tune. TENO\ or Playnfa*(.

Hy art thou Lord lb long from vs in all this danger deepe:

Why doth tttne anger kindle thus at thine owne pafture sheepc 1
MSD1VS. "35

And wall fuch as fafely keepe their confcience pure and well.

And to

euery morning from


fuch as lately keepe their conference pure and well.

* 1


fuitaine rebuke and shame i Tbt third part.'

25 And I had llmoft faid as they 21 1 et thus my heart v vas gricued then,
midiking mine eft ate: my rmnde was much oppreft
But that 1 should thy children tudgc 2 1 So fond was 1 and ignorant,

as rblke vnfortuoate. and in this point a bealt.

it I bethought mee how I might
Then a? Yet neuertheleue by my right hand
matter vnderftand
this thou hold'ft nic altvaycs fait
But yet the matter was too great* 44 And with thy counfell doit me guide*
for me to take in hand. to glory at the laft.

17 Vntiil the time 1 wentvnto 25 What thing is there that I can wish
thr holy place, and then but thee in heauenabouel
I vnde rflood right perfe&ly A nd in the earth there is nothing
the en<i of all thefe men. like thee that 1 can loue.
1$ And namely, how thou fetteft them z6 My flesh and eke myheart dothfaile,
vpon a flippery place : butGoddoth faile me neuer:
And it thypleafure and thywill For of my heart God is the ftrcngth,
thou dolt them all deface. my portion eke for euer.
10 Then shall men mufe at this Orange 27 And lue all fuch astheeforfake
tofeehowfodainly (light, thou shah deftroy each one:
Trey ate deftroid, difpatc!ft>onfumde t And thofe thai; truft in any thing
aftddead to horribly. fauing in thee alone*
20 Much like a dream when one awakes 28 Therefore I will draw ncere to God,
fo shall their wealth decay and euel with him dwell;
Their famous names in all mens fight In God al#ne 1 put my truft'
shall ebbe and pafleavvay. thy wonders wiill tell.

PJa/me 74. ME <DtPS Tho, Rauenf. B, of M.

Hy art thou Lord fo long from vs in ail this danger deepe :

Why doth thine auger kindle thus atthine ovvne pafture sheepe 1


Hy art thou Lord fo long from vs in all this danger deepe

Why doth thine anger kindle thus, at thine own* pafture sheepe ^
2 Lord
13 6 Pfalme74*
* Lord call the
people to thy thought, they beate them dov vne at once^
which haue beenc thine fo long: 8 Thy places they confnme with flafefe
The which tt on haft redeerad brought & and eke in all this toile
from bondage fore and ftrong. The ho Je appointed for thy name,
they raze downe to the foyle*
3 Haueniinde I fay andthinke vpon,
remember it full well: o And thus they fay wtthin their heart,;
Thypleafmtplace.thy mount Skm, difparch them out of hand
where thou waft wont to dwell. Then burnethey vp in euery place,
4 Lift; vpthy foote and coine mhaftc, Godshonfesth ough the land.
and thy foes deface
ill 10 Yea. thou nofigne of help deft fend,
VVhich now
at pleafure rob and waftc, our Prophets all arc gone
vvituin thy holy place. To tell when this our plague shall end,
among vs there is none*.
5 * mid the congregations alf
thin enemies roare God: O 11 When wilt thou Lord once end this
and ceafe thine enemies ftrongi (shams
Th^v fet as fignes on euery wall
Shall they alway blafpheme thy narao,
their banners fplaid abroad.
hew the trees, and raile on thee fo long 5
6 As nie-.wvfth axes
tH*ton the hils doe grow t 11 Why
doft with-dra thy hand w !

oils and fvvotds of thefc andhide itin thylapl (aback*

So sLine th<* ,

within thy Temple now O plutke it out and be not flacke

to giue thy foes a rap.
r The fecotidpart.
7 xhe feeling awde,the carued bords,
the goodly grauen ftones i) O God that art my King and Load,
With axes, hammers^ils and fwordfc, andeuermore haft beene ;

T(dmtJ5. CjVTVS. Simon Stttbbs.

V wkili* >

Vn-to thee God will

f ".T" l

we giuc thanks, we will giue thanks

t *"tll
to thee

Sith thy name is fo neate, declare thy wondrous worket vvili we.
Martyrs Tune. TENO \qt PUjnfm^
N- to thee God will we giue thanks, we vvill giue thanks to thee

Sith thy name is fo neare,dcclare thy wondrous workes v vill we

...lit _ _ _ l _
2 1 vvill
vprightly iudge, When get
fct not your homes on hye,

conuenicnttime Imay: 4 I faid vnto them fet notvp

The earth i weake and all therein, your taifed homes on hie :
but 1 ber filers nay. And fee that you doe with ftiffc necke"
not fpeake prefumptuoufly.
"5 1 did to the mad people fay,
deale not fo furioufly f For neither from the Eafterne parf>
And vnto she vngocUjf ones. nor from the VYcflcrne iide;
Pfalmt 74*
fea*, thy goodgrace throtighout the thy foes that thee defame:
for our good help hath feene. (World And how the foolish folke are fe
E4 The fea$ that arefo deepeand dead* toraile vpon thy name*
thy might did make them dry : 20 O let no cmell hearts deuourc
Ind thou didft breakethe Serpents he*d thy Turtle that is true:
and he therein did dye. JForgetnot alvvayesin thy power*
the poorc that much doe rut,
1 5 Yea, thou didft breake the heads fo
of VVhales that arefo fell (great 21Regard thy c&uenant and behold*
Andgau'ft them to the folke to eate, poffeflfe the, Land :
thy foes
that in the defart dwell. All fad ad dark forworn? a ndoldv
:6 Thou mad' ft a fpring of ftreamcs to our.reslme as now dotb ftind.
1 from rocks both hard and hye : trite Let not the Ample oe a way

Ind eke thy hand hath made likcvvife vvith difappointcd shame :
deepe tiucrs to be dry. But let the poore and needy aye
giue piaxfe vntothy name.
17Both day and eke the night are thine*
by thfletheywerebegun: 33 Rife Lord.letbcbytheemaintainde
Thou fets to feme vs with their shine, the caufe that is thine o wne
the light and eke the S u nne. Remember how that thou blafphemd
it Thou doft appoint the ends & coafts art by the foolish one.

of all the earth about :. ?4 Th voyce forget notof thy focs $

Both Summer heats,and VV inters frofts, forthe prefumiog hye
hy hand hath found them out, Is more and more increaftof thofc
to Thinkc on O Lord,ne time forget, that hate thee fpitef ulijo

FfAlmej's. MED I VS. Simon Stubbf.

N- to thee God will we giue thanks* we will giue thanks to thee 2

itapiiilliiiiiiiiiills we,
Sith thy name is fo nearcj dc- clare thy wondrous vvorkes will


N- to thee God will we giue thanks, we will giue thanks to thee v

Sith thy name is fo neare,dcclaie thy wondrous vvovk? 3 yvill we.

Nor from forfaken wildernefTe the hand .f God:

is in i

protection dot!) proceed : Andall the mighty vyine zbzrtin 3

Foi why ? the Lord our God he is
-him rife doth pourc abroaj

the ighteousludge alone $<As for the ie s and filthy dr?gS


Heputteth downethe one, and fets -

that doe tctw amc of ir.j i.

another in tne throne. The^wicked of the ?arth shaH drinkc

anrf fucJp: thcru euery vyb.
For why a cup of mighty wine y :
8 Pfa!mty6.
$ But I w ill talke of God I fay, xo In funder btfeaJte the horne of al
of laco'.s God therefore : ungodly men will I
And will not ceafe to celebrate But then the hornes of righteous mes, i

rhis praife for cuermorc. shall be exalted hye.

P(a!mej6, CANTVS. Tho. %*HenfB.ofM.

T i|iiiiiliilli|ii|l^lg:
O all th3t now in Iury dwell the Lord is clearely knewne:

p f~ir fyu.urmm7i i i

His Nanieis great in Ifrael, a peo- pie of his ovvne.

Durham Tune. T E N O R, or Tlajnfo<r.

O all that now in Iury dwell the Lord is clearely knovvnes

His Name is great in Ifrael, a people of his owne.

s At Salem he his tentshath pight, that rob on mountaines hie.
to tarry there a fpace :
$B ut row the proud are fpoyld throuj*
In Sion eke he doth delight, and they are fallen 4on fleepe (th?

to make hisdvvelling place. Through men of vvarre no hclpecanbA

there he brake both shaft bow, & themfdues they could not kecpe.
j I

the fword,the fpeare,thc shield: 6 *\th y acobs God>

And brake the ray to ouerthrow, J
h > thoudidft them reproue : |

inbattaile on the field.

As halfe 3 fl * e P e their chariots flood,
no horiemcn once did rr oue,
4 Thou art more worthy honour (Lord)
more might in thee doth lye : 7 For thou art fearefull, Lord indeed, S

Then in the iirongeft in the world, what man the courage hath

Pfalmejy. CANTVS. Richard *^fllifo.

With my voyce t God did cry, with heart and hearty cheare:

^ My voyce to God I lift on high, and he my Arte doth heare. Intiiheofi

TE NO R, or Plajrtfon^.
^ With my voyce to God doe cry, with heart and hearty cheare s I

My vojee to God I Ufton high, and he myfute doth heare. In time of

?falmej6. i?

Qibfk Tatri. all glory be therefore

As in beginning vvas r is novT,

o Father, Sonne and holy Ghoft and shall be euermore.

PUlmc 76, MSD 1 VS, Tho. %*nen(. B. of M

nil H f inf- H ^t

| i
1 i
O all that now in Iury dwell the Lord is cleirely

His name is great in Ifta- el, a people of his ovvne.


* O all that now in lury dwell the Lord isclearely knowne :

His name is great in 1 fr*. el, a people of his ov vne.

o bide thy fight, and doth not dread shall tnrnevnto thy praife
when thou wrath 1
art in thy Hereafter Lord doe thon rcih ime
When thou doft make thy iudgements their wrath and threats alwaves*
from heauen through the ground:;hcard n Makc vo vycs & pav them to your God
hen all the earth full fore afraid,
jin filence shall be found.
yc folke that n ^
b [ m hc
Bnnggifts all ye thai dwell abroad,

Andthat when thou O God doft ftand fovdrcadfullfureishc.

in iudgement fortofpeake ;
12For hedothtake both life* might,
roiaue the afflidedot the Land, from Princes great of birth
on earth that are full weake. And full of terrour is his fight
The fury that in themdoth raigne, to all the Kings on earth.

Pfaltneyj. MET) I VS. ^chard lAHifon,

With my voyce to God doe cry, with heart and hearty cheane

My voyce tocod 1 lift on high,and he my fute doth heare. In time of

1 With my voyce to God doe cry> with heart and hearty cheare

My Yoyqc to Go4 J lift onhigh, and hc ray fute doth hearc. In time of
K* griefc
pa griefe I (ought to God, by night no reft I tooke : but ftrercht my hands

* to huuabroad, my foule comfort forfeoke.

TENOR, or PUynJong.

griefe I fought to God, by night ho reft I tooke s but ftretcht my hands

Co him abroad* my fouJe comfort forfooke.

3 When I to thinke on God cntend, be friendly vnto v* 1

my trouble then is more 8 What ishisgooAneflecleane decant
Ifpake but could not make an end, foreuer audaday*
my was ftopt To Or is his promife now dciaid *
breath (ore
4 Thouaoldft mine eyes alvvayes from or doth his truth decays
that I alvvayes av vake: (reft

V Vith feare 1 am fo fore oppreft, And will the Lord out Gedforgele
my fpeech doth me forfakc. his mercies manifold i
Or shall hisvvrath increafefo hot,
jThedayesofold inminde I ca& his mercy to with- hold 1
and ofc did thinke vpon io At laft 1 faid my vveaknefle is

The times and ages that arc paft, the caufc of my diflruA:
full many yearcs a gone. Gods mighty hand canhelpeall thiSp
By night my fongs I call to minde, and change it when he lift,
once made thy praife to shew
And with my heart much talke I nde8 Tbtfecond part
my fpirks doe feavch to know*
xi 1 will regard and think c vpon
the working of the Lord:
Of all his wonders pad and gone,
1 gladly will record.

TE NO %ot PUynforig.

* and to my words incline: My

4 T tend my people to my Law,

toGod, ly night no rcfU took? . but flrctcht my binds

"griefc I fought

to him abroad, my foule comfort forfookc.


griefel fought to God, bynight noreftl tooke :. but ftretcht my hands

tohim abroad, my foule comfort focfooke*

i t Yea, all his works I will declare And they for feare afidedtd flee,
and what he did dcuifc the depths on trembling fell.
To tell his fatts 1 will not fpare,
and eke his counfeli wife. 37 The clouds that were both thick and
did raine fu 11 plenteoufly: black
Thy works O Lord are all rpright,
i }
The thunder in the aire did crack,
thy shafts abroad didriye.
and holy all abroad
VVhat one hath ftrength to match the 18 Thy thunder in the earth was heard,
of thee O Lord our God 1 (might thy lightening from aboite
r Thou art a God that oft doft shew
VVnh flashes great made men afraid,
the earth did quake and moae.
thy wonders euery houre

A tid fo doft make thy people know

19 Thy wayes within the fea. doth lye,
thy ?ertue and thy power.
thy pathes in watersdeepe
15And thine ovvne folke thou doft defend Yet no iccan there thy
with ftrcngth and ftretched arme : nor know thy pathes tokeepe.
ao Thou lendftthy folke vpon thelaiuk
The ionnes of Iacobthat defcend,
as sheepe on euery fide
and Iofephs feede from harme

1$ The waters Lord perceiued thee, Through Mofes 8c "through Aaron? hand*
thoudidft themiafely guide a
the waters law thee well

Pfalme7%. MSB IV S. M.C***<&(h.

*A^ ! Hp"
Ttcnd my people te my Law,
r rTT> fcg
and to my words enclinc : My


Ttend my people to my Law, and to my words enclinc yy

gj^EEf mouth
shall fpeake fhrange parables,
and icntencesdiuine,
, |
1. 1

gfe= ee-e
our felueshaue heari and learnt euen of our fathers old, and whic

for our iufiructi- on our fathers hauc v$ told.

TENO^ot Pkjnfong.

mouth shall fpeake ftrange parables, and fentences diuine, which vvoj

I U-i .
ur feiues haue heard and learn'd, uen of our fathers old* and which

for our inftruction our fathers haue vs told.

4 Becaufe we should net keepe it clofe andyet they tooke the fbyleS
-from them that should come after
VVho should Gods power to their race 10 For why h they did not keepe vvitm
and all his works of v vonder. (praife the couenant that was made : g j

5 To lacob he commandemcnt gaue Nor yet would vvalkc r lead their liu
how Ifrael should liue according to his trade*
VVilltng our fathers should the fame 11 But put into obliuion
vnto their children gtue. his counicll and his vvill
And all his worses moft magnifique, '

which he declared ftill.

6 That they and their po fieri tie
that were not fprung vp tho
Should haue the knowledge of the law* Thefeemd part,
and reach their feed aifo. itWhat wonders to our forefather;
7 Thatthey may haue the better hope

did he himfelfedifclofe:
inGodthatisaboue; In Egypt land within the fielri
And not forget to keepe his lavves that called is Thaneos ^
aid his precepts in 16i?$. H He did diuide and cut the fsz 9
thatthey mightpafTe at once.-

S Not being as their fathers were, And made the waters tend asftill
iebellingin Gods fight: as doth anheapeof (tones.
And would not frame their wicked
to know their God aright. (hearts 14 He led them fecret in a cjoud
5 How vvent thepeoplcof Ephrairo, by day when it was bright
their neighbours for to fpoyle: And in the night when darke it was
Shooting their darts the day of war. with fire he gauc them 1* ghu

'^r^ZZXTu. andlearn'd, euen

hZirA andkam'd,jueu of our fathers bid, and which
ourfelues haue heard

fo7our ioftruaion our fathers haue vs told.


m^uth shall fpkeftSn S e parables,


ftldeshliie and learnd f euen of our fathers old,
heard ana
haue neara <
and which
ou? fellies

for our inftruction our fathers

haue vs told*

5 He brake the rocks in vvilderneiTc, 21 VVhen God heard thi he waxed

vvitjj Iacob and his feed (vvioth
and gaue the people drinke s

As as vyhen the deeps So did his indignatum

doe flow vp to the brinck. pn lCrael proceed :

16 He drew out riuets out of rocks, The third part,
that were both dry and hard
22 Becaufe tbey did not faithfuliy
.f nich aboundance that no ftouds
bcleeue and hope that fie
to them might be compar'd.
Could alwayes help arid iuccour "them
17 Yetfor all this again.* the Lord
in their neceffirte.
their fmncihey did inc-ieafe :
aj VVhcrforehe did command the cloud*
And ftirredhim that is mod high
forthwith they brake irffcnder.
to wrath in vvildemeffe.
24 And raind dovvne Manna for them to
a food of mkklc wonder. (eate,
tS They tempted him withiri their harts
like people of miftruft
earthly men with Angels food
a 5 V-Vhen
Requiring fucha kinde of meat
.were fed at their requeft s
asfemcd to their luft.,
aljHebad theEaft winds blow a w*y,
ip Saying with murmuration,
and brought in the Southweft.
in their vnfaithfulncfle :

VVhatS can this God prepare for vs 27 And raind downe fleshes thicke as
a fcaft in wildemetfei and Fowle as thicke as fandt (daft,
a8VVMchhe did caft amid the place
20 Beholdhe ftrakethe^oftv rock, where all their tents did iUnti.

and flouds forthwith djtjg*v

But can he now giueto4us;folke %$ Then did theyeate exceeding;; ,
; both fcrcad and flcshalfo ^ and allmenhadtheitftis?. -
*44 ?fdmj%.
*et more and more tfcey tii <W!re, to plague thm ffhhhli At*** %
To feruc their lufts and vviU. 4 Yet did they turne again* td I
f o But as the meat v?as in their aa#utfcft and tempted God eftfeone,
his wrath vpon them fell Prefcnbtng to the holy Lord
31 And flew the flower of all sheir youth what things they would haue dene. 1

andchoifeof IfraeL
4 1 Not thinking of his hand and powtt
?i Yet fell they to their wonted fin ne, nor of the day when he : . .
and ftill they did him grieue: Deliuered them out. of the hands
2For all the wonders that he vwoughti ofthc fierce enemie.
they would not htm belieue.
41 Nor hoyy he wrought his miracles
Their dayes therefore he shortened as they t: emfelues beheld
and made their honour value; In Egypt, and the wonders that
Their ye cres did watt and pafleavvajr, he didin oan field.
vvith tenor and with painee _ ,

44 Nor how he turned by his povyer

54 But euerwhen he pUgufd them their wa ters into b loud J
they fought nimby and by 1 V That no man might receiue hisdrinke
lUmembringthat he ^vas their ftrength* atriuer or at flowttV
their help and Godmoft hie. 4vNor how he Cent them fwtrmes of
35 Though in their mouthesthey did but which did them fore annoy 5 (Fly
and flatter with the 3-ord x <glofe And fild their country full of Frogs
And witht&eir tpngues Sc fn jhelr harts, which did their land deltroy. .,
difremblcdeucry word,
The fift part.
The fourth fart,

40* Nor hoy y he did commit their fruits

*i6 For why > their hearts vverc nothing vnto theGaterpilkr;
to him, nor to his trade (kmt And all the labour of their hands

Kor yet to keepc or to performs ^ ut he gaue to the Grashoppe r. .

the coucnint that was made* 47>VVith hailftones he deftroid their

37 Yet vvas hee fliil fo merciful!, f that they vycre all loft :. (vine*
when they defer ude to dyes And not fo much as vvilde Fig-trees
That he forgaue them their. raififee4Sf but hp coafumdc v? ith froft.
and* would not them deftroy. , ,

48 And yet with hailftones once agaitse

38 Yea many a t>oe he turnde his y yrath the lord their cattell fmotc:
an^did himPl& aduire : And all their flocks & heard* Hkewife
And would not filfFcr all his vvholq with thunderbolts fi/ll hot.
difpleafurc to a ti le*
tf \- .
49 He caft vpon them in his ire
jp Confideriiigthat they vvere but fleshy and tn his fury ttrang . .

and euen as a vvinde '

Pifpleafmc, wrath and cuillfptrit*

That paiTet^avva^and cannot well to trouble them among, ,

returne by his ovv;ie icinde. yv 50 Then tohis wrath hemade a v?ay


40 How often times in wildernefte .and fpared not the leaft t .

did $frey the Loud prouoke ^ But gaue vnto the peftttence
Hjyy did they tttr and moue the toti the man and eke the beaft*

TJa!mey 9 . CANT VS.' Th.%Aen(.B.ofM.

L Lord the Gentiles doe jnuade ,

thine heritage to ifFoylc:

fir/ey! Tune
' ,J
7 E NO R, or PUynfan^

Lord theOentiJcs doe inuadc ' thine heritage to fpo^ ics

Pfaimeyt. S4*
yi H to&t alft>the m-ft bernc all And gaue the fcanef of hit Arte
5 that vp in Egypt cainc : into his enemies hand.
And all the chiefe of men and beafts
62 And did commit then to thefv wd,
-within the tents of Ham.
wroth with his heritage
But as for all his owne deare folic
p tfjTheyong men were deuourdc with
he did preferue and keepe. M aides had no marriage. (/ire
And carried them through wilderneflte 4 And with the f? vord tat priefts alio
-euen like a flock of heepe, did perish euery one %
53 Without all feate both fafe found & And not a widdow left allut
hebrought them outof thrall their death for to bemone.
VVhereas their fo.s with rage of fea
0*5 And then the Lord began to, wake
were ouerwhelmed all.
like one that flept a time
5V And brought them out intctthe coafls And as a valiant man of wax
,of Ms f vne holy land
refreshed after wine.
Euen to the mount which he had $ot 6$ With Emrods in their hinder parts
by his ftrong arme and hand .

he ftrake his enemies all;

5 5 And there caft out the heathen folke, And put them then vnto a shame
and did their lard diuide :
that was perpetnall.
And in their tents he fet the tribes
6? Then he the tent and tabernacle

of lfrael to abid;.
of \ ofeph did refufe:
56 Yet for allthi* their God moft hye
-they ftitd and tempted ftill As for thetribeof Bphraim
And would not kecpe his teftament? he would in no wife chute*
jior yet obay his will. 6% But chofe the tribe of Ichud*9
57 B ut as their fathers turned b.acke,
whereas he meant to dwell:
euen fo they went aft ray Euen the noble Mount Sion,
Much like a bow that would not bend, 'Which he did loue fo welL
but flip andftart away. 69 VVhereaa he did his Temple build
The [ixt pint. both fumptuoutty and tare :
5S And grieu*d him with theit hill altars Like as the earth which he hath made
and wfan tire* for euertoendurt.
cVfith offerings
And with their Idols vehemently 70 Then chofe he Pauid him toferuo
his people forto keepc :
prouokedhim to ire.
jo therewith his wrath begin againe
Which he tooke vpand brought awiy
to kindle in hisbreatt-
euen from the folds of shcepe.
Tbenaughtin'jiTeof lfrael 7 r As he did follow the E we S with
he did fo m uch deteft. the Lord did him aduance % yong.
6* Then he forfookc the Tabernacle To feed his people Ifracl
of Silo, where he was and his inheritance.
Right conuerfantv ith earthly men 71 Thus Dauid with a faithful! hearts
,euen as his dwelling place his dock and charge did feed
0*x Thenfuffered lie his might & power And prudently with all his power
snbondage for to ftind did goucrne them indeed*

Pfalme 79. M E D TVS. Tho. %tHenf, B.ef M.

Lord the Gentiles doe inuade thine heritage to ipoyle:


Lotd the Gentiles doe inuade thine heritage to jpoyle r

'4* CANTfS

Xerufalem an heape is made thy temple they defile,

TENOR, or Playnfon^

lerufalem an heape is made, thy temple they defile.

a The bodies of thy
Saints fo deare And shew thy wrath as hat as fire,
abroad to birds they caft: thy folke for to confume S
The flesh of them thai dofcthee feare 6 Vpontbofe people poure the fame
the beads deuoure and waft. which did thee neuer know
All realmes which call not on thy nam
3 Their b loud throughout Ierufalem confume and ouetthrovv.
as vyater fpilt they haue
So that there is not one ofthem
7 For they haue got the vpper hands
to lay their dead in graue.
and Jacobs feed deftroyd.
4 Thus are we made a
laughing flock
His habitation and his land
alraoft the world throughout:
they haue left vAafte and void.
The encmiesat vsieft and mocke S Bcare not inminde our formes fautW
which drveli our coafts about. with fpeedfome pitty shew :

5 Wilt thou O Lord thus in thine ire And aid vs Lord inallaffaults,
againft vs euer fume S for wee arevveakc and low.

Pfalme%o. < A NT VS. lohn Beunet.

Hou heard that Iftael doft keepe, giue eare and take good heeds

which hadeft Iofeph like a sheepe, and doft him watch and feed.

Chefbire Tune. 7 E NO j%. or Playnfmg.

Hou heard that Kracl doft keepe, giue eare and take goodhced,

vvhtchleadeft Iofeph like 3'sheepe,aud doft him watch and feed.

a Thou Lord I fay who fe feat is fct come help vs Lord, arife.
on Cherubins moft bright, 4 DireCt our hearts vnto thy g*ace,
Shew forth thy felfe and doe net let conuertvs Lord to thee :
feo^dovvnethy besmesof light. Shew vs the brightneffe of thy face*,
and then full fafe are wee.
jBefore Ephrairn and Seniamio*
Manaffes ekclikevvife jLordGodof hofls of Ifrael,
To shew thy flower doe thou begin, how long wile thou 1 fay)
1 lusviys.

Ieruialem anheapeis taxis, thy temple they defile*


Jerufalem an heaps is made; thy temple they defile.

Tkefecond part, Offuch as are in prifon caft,
9 O God that giueft all health and grace fuflaining irons ftrong.
on vs declare the fame s
VVaigh not our vvorks,our finnes deface Thy force and ftrength to celebrate
for honor of thy name, Lord fet them out of band,
so Why shall the wicked ftill alyyay VVhich vnte death arcdeftinate,
to vs as people dumbe: and in their enemies hand.
In thy reproach rcioyce and fay, 12The nations vvh ich haue been fo bol4
where is their God become i as toblafpheme thy name:
Into their lapsvvith fcauen fold
xi Require O
Lord as thou feeft good repay againe the fame.
before our eyes and fight
Of all thofcfelkethy f eruants bloud 14 So we thy folke and pafture sheepe*
which they fpilt in defpight, will praiie tiieeeuerraore :
13 Receiue into thy fight tji ha Ac And teach all ages for to kecpe
the clamor ,gricfe and wrong for thee like praifein ftore.

Pfalme 8o. MSB I VS. lohnBennet.

Hou heard that Ifirael doft keepe, glue eare and take good heed

vvbich leadeft lofeph like a sheepe anddofthim watch andfeede.


Hou heard
eard tthat lirael dort keepe giue eare and t3ke good heed

ffin lM
leadeft Iofenh like a sheepe
J 4-L 1
and doit him watch and feed.
Againft thy folke in anger lyyeil, to thofethat dwell about 5
and wilt not heare them pray, (deepe, And that Our foes doe loue of Ufe
6 Thou doft them feed with foriovves they laugh andieft it out.
their bread with teares they cate $ Otake vs Lord vnto thy graet,
And drink e the teares that they do weep conuert our mindstothce :
in meafurc full and great, Shew forth to vs thy ioyfull face,
and we full fafe shall be*
7 Thou haft ys nade a very Mfc
9 Fii
; : : : : : : ::

$ Ttttmt 80.
9 From Bgypt ?vhere it grew not well And eke the Cedars hie and (lout
thou broughtft a Vine full deere with branches of the f me.
Xfcc heathen fbike thou didft expeli, I* VVhjr then didft thou her vvaldcftri
and then didft plant it there, her hedge pluckt vp thou halt
xo Thou didit preparefor it a place That all the folke that pafle thereby
and fet her rootes full faft, thy Vine may ipoyle and waft,
That it did grow and fpring apace, ii The Bote out of the v vood f v vilde
\ and ld the land at hit. doth dig and roote it out 2
*V The fecond part* The furious i> tufts out of the fields
sz The hils were couered round about deuoure stall about*
with shade that from it came 14 O
Lord of hofts returne againe
Pfalme St. CANT V S, Richard Allifom

Blight and glad in God reioy ce, which is our ftrengtn and (lay

Beioyfull and lift vp your voyce to Iacobs

inftrnments moft meet, fome soyfull Pfalme to fings

Harp and Lutefo fweet, on euery pleafant firing.

God T fay. Prepare your

Strike vp

i- N
i OR, Ull'layUJUIlg*

light and glad in God reioyce,which is our ftrengih and^ftay

Be ioyfoii andlift vpyour voyce to Iacobs God 1 fay. Prepare your

nftruments moft mectfome ioyfifrl Pfalme to dig Strike vpvfith

Harp and Lute fofv?ect, on cucry pleafant firing.

I Blow as it were in the new Moons 7 1 from his shoulders tookefaithhe9

with Trumpetsofthebeft: the burthen cleane away :

Asitisffedtobedone Andflrom the furnace fet him fteo

at any foltmne feaft. from bunting biicke of clay.
4 For this is vnto Ifrael 8 Vwien thou in griefe didft cry and call
a ftatute aVid a trade I holpe thee by and by
A law that muft be kep^ full well, And I did anfwere thee withall
which Iacobs God h/ith made. in thunierfccretly.

5 Thislaw with lofepn was decreed $ Yea, at the waters of difcord

when he from Egywt earner I did thee tempt and proue
That as a witnefle auhis feed V VI e reas the goodncfle of the Lor4
should (till obferue the fame. with muttering thou didit mouc.
6 When God 1 fay had thus prepaid, . xoHcate O my foJkr^O Ifrael
to bring him from the land: and 1 aflureit thee;
VVheras thefpe/ch which he had heard Regard and mark my words full well,
Me did not vnaciitasd* if thou wilt cleaue tone*
: : :

PfatmeSt. 149
ftonhtauenlookebeumcs *7Lct thy right hand be with theaknovv
Sehold, and with thy help fuftamc whom thou kept fo long

this poorc vineyard of thine* And with thefonnc of nun, whom thou
to thee haft made foftrong.
:S And fo when thou haft let VI free,
I5thy plaint I fay, thine Ifraei,
and laued vs from shame ?
v Thorn thy right hand haih fet
Then will vveneucr fa 11 from thee*
The fame which thou didtt loue to well but call v^onthy name.
O Lord doe not forget.
16 They lop and cue itctovvne apace, 19 O Lord or hefts of thy good grace,,
they burne it eke with fire : couuert vs vnto thee:
And through the frowning of thy face, Behold vs with a pleafant fact
we perish in thine ire. and then full fafe arc w.
Pfalme %i MEDIVS. Richard Allifpn.

c jight and glad in God rcioycc- which is our ftrength and ftay :

Be ioyfull ana lift vp your Voyce to lacobs God I fay. Prepare your

"inftrttments meet* fbme ioyfull Pfahne to fing. Strike vp with.

Harv and Lute fofweet, on cuery pleafant firing.

E light and glad in Godrcioyce,wnicb isourftrengthand ftay

Be ioyfull and lift vp your yoyce to lacobsGod I fay. Prepare your

inftronicnts rooft meet, fome ioyf tll Pialme to fing. Strike vp With

fvveet^n eucry
Harp and Lute fo iweetvn cucry pleafjnt
pleafant flung.
The fecond parti !j O that my p'opie vvould haue heard
ii Thou shalt no God in thee referue, the words that I did fay:
f any land abroad: And ckc that Ifrael vvould regard
Nor in novvifr to bow or ferue to walkc within my way.
a ft angc ot forrainc God. 16 Hbwfoone vvould I confound their
la I am the Lord thy God, audi and taring them down full low: (foes,
from Egypt fet thee free Andturne my hand vpon all thofe
Then aSke of me abundantly, that vvould them buerthrovvi
and I shall giuc it thee.
i$And yet my people would not heare 17 And they that at the Lord doe rage,
my voyce 'vhen that I fpake : as flaues *hoiildfeekehirn till:
Nor Ifracl vvould not bay But of his folke the time and age
shoulJ flourish etrer ftitK
butdid meqaffe forfake.
14 Thc; did 1 Icaue chem to their will, 18 1 woul haue with the crop
fed them .

in ha dneiTe of theft heart; and fi.\eft oftbe wheat s

To walke m their mrmrt MlinlMl fllli And made th*r roc kc with hony drop.

Mid the preafe ?vith mt*ht

vith men of might Tor/1 himfelfe
the Lord A\A ftand -.
hmi>lfi did

Toplead the caufe of truth and right with Iudges of the land.

%?che(ler Tune. TENOR, otTlaynfenft.

Middle preafe vnth men of might the Lord hunfclfejfid Hand


~ To *
plead the caufe of truth and rij^ with fridges t^Undl
t How long (faith he) will ye proceed 4 If ye be wife defend the eauf
falfctudgement to award* of poore men in their right:
And kaue refped forloue of meede And rid the needy from the clavvea
the wtckedto regard 1 of tyrants force and might.

$ Whereas f dua you should defend But nothing will they know or Icanv

And wh#n

thefatherleffe and weafce
. .
the poore man doth contend
inyaine to mem
iw theral 1 talke
They will not fee or
ought difcern*
iniudgementiuftly fpeakei but ftill in darkneOe^valke!

^ CJNTVS. Tho,Rauenf.<B ofM
Oe not O God
dnA refraine
refrain* thy tongue, /?i .
in filence doe not fay

wi.u.1 j not Lord

Withhold t .j Al
Z..Z ,
felfe f

long, nor
make noaiore delay.
Woluer-bAtHpfnTune. T 8 NO Jt, or Playnfon^.
Oenot O God refraine thy
7 tongue,
i , _ Tf' -
vw, *S l,t in
114 "cntc
fflence doe not
aoc itay
ftay :

VVith-holdnot Lord thy felfe fo long, nor make nomore delay.

2 For why, behold thy focsand fee, their counfelsdoth confpire.
how they rage and cry t
4 Come on fay they, let vs cxpell,
And thofe that bear an hate to thee and pluckcthefe folkeavvay;
hold vp their heads on hie,
So that the name of Ifracl
1 Againft thy foikc they rtedeccit, may vtterjy decay.
and craftily thy enquire
5 They all confpire withi their hearts,
For thine elelt to lye in wait how they may thee vvithfland *
MED1VS. ticbtri t^/. *!'

iji 1 1 M
Wiethe preafe with men
1 1

of might the Lordhimfclfe didftand
v 1

Toptad the eaufeoftriittuiid right vvithludgesof the

yv iiilill?iiii1illriiipii
Mid the preafe with men of might the Lord himfelfe did ftand x

^ To plead the aufe of truthand ^ht, w3h Iudgef

of the land,
'or loe, euen now the time is coma 7 But nctvvithflanding ye shall
as men, and fo decay :
that all things fall to nought:
Lnd likevvifc lavves both all and feme O Tyrants I shall you deftroy,
for gaine arefould and bought.
and plucke you quite away.
SVp Lord& let thy ftrength beknown,
I had decreed it in my Gght,
andiudgethe world with might:
as Gods to take you all*,
For why 1 all nations are tbiae of vne
lnd children of the moft of might
to take them as thy right.
for lone I did you call

PMm, 85. MSD1VS. Tbt.-ReHmf.B.tfM.

rv paa
^jfc fel
O God refraine thy tongue
. I I Min is
in fflencedoe not ftay

VVith-hold not Lord thy felfc fo long, nor make no more delay.


Oe not O God refraine thy tongue, in fflencedoenot ftayj

*=pparxzpz \
[hi I
y =
With-hold not Lord thy fclfe fo long, nor make no more delay

A gainft the Lord to take a part doth Amaleck confpire

they are in league and band, The Philiftincs againft thee rife,
(fi The tents of all the Edomites with them that dwell at Tyre.
the lfraelites alfos And Afllir eke is vvellapaid
The Haggarensand Moabites, with them in league to be:
with diuers other moe. And doth become a fencoand aid
to Lotspofteritic.
7 Ocbdllvvith Amnion, and like wife,
4 As
9 As thou Jidft to the M?<!Unite$s like Zeb and Oreb then:
fo feme them Lord each one As Zcba and Zalmaua yvere
And toClcer and to Iabin the Kings of Madian :
thebyooke K'xfon.
beiGde . si Which laid.letvs throughout the
10 Whom thou inEndor didft deftrcy, .
in all the coaft sab road (lam
and waft them through th?. might-: PoflefTe^nd take into our hand
That they likedoung on earth did lie the fayre houfes of God.
and that in open fight. j I Turne them O God yvith ftormes as

as vvhceles that haue no ftay s (faf

Thefecond part. Orltke as chatfe which men doe caft
it Make them now & theit Lords appear with windes toflie away.

Ffdme%^ CANT PS* Tho.%4*enf. B of M.

Ovrv pleafant is thy dwelling place O Lordofhofts tomei

The tabernacles of thy grace, how pleafant Lord they be i

Wmhetier tune. T E NO K or Plxynfotur.

Ow pleafant is thy dwelling place, O Lord of hofts tomee^

howThe tabernacles of thy grace pleafant Lord they be
sl My foule doth long full fore to goe within thy houfe alvvayes;
into thy courts abroad For they all times thy fads doe tell,
My heart doth lurt,ray flesh alio and giuethy name the praife.
in thee the liuing. God. 6 Yc* happy fure likevvife are they, 1

$ The Sparro vves ftnde a roome to reft vvhofe ft y and ftrength thou artt
and faue themlelues from wrong VV rich to thy houfe doe minde the way
And eke the Swallow huh a ncft and fecJce it an their heart.
wherein to keepe her young J As they go through the vale oftcarcSj
4 Thefe birds full nigh thine altar may they dig yp rountaines ftiila
haue place to fit and fing That as a ipring it all appeares,
O Lord of hefts thou art ( I fay) ann thou their pits doft fill.
my God and eke my king. 8 From ftrength to ftrength they walke
5 Oh they be bleflTed that may dwell no faintnes there shall be : (full fa fi

?(*lme%s* CA VTF?. Tfo. R&uenf B of M

Hou haft beene naercifull indeed, O Lord vnto thy land : Fox

W<.ni(or or EaxonTHnc. T E NO K,of PUyn^n^

* O Lord vnto thy land For
H\* haft beencmcrdfull indeed, :
Tfalme 83.
^.Hke as the fee with rage and fume, That it may auf> them to enquire,
the might ie forrrfts fpiis and learneto fecke thy name.
And as the rlame doth. quite confume 17 And let themeuermore daily
the moun wines and the hits:
, to shame and flandei fall

I5 So let the tempeftof thy wtath Ancf in rebuke and oblique

vpon their necks belaid c**erishekevvithall.
And of the ftormy wind and showre, iBThat they may know and fcelefull
Lord make them all afraid. that thou art called Lord : (well
[5 Lord bring them all 1 thee defire And that alone thou doft excelU
to fuch rebuke and shame : and raigne throughout the vvorld.

P(lme%4. MED
VS. Tho.^utnf.B. of M.

Ovv pleafant is thy dwelling place, O Lordofhofls tome*

The tabernacles ofthy grace, hovvpleafart Lord they\e 5

Ow pleafant is thy dwelling place,
, |

Lord of

hofts to me c 4

The tabernacles of thy grace, how pleafant Lord they be

And fotfic God of Gods at laft a thoufaud dayes befidc.
in Sien they doc fee. 11 Much rather would I keepe a doore
9 O Lordof hofts tome giue heed, within thehoufe of God
and hcare when I doe pray Then in the tents of vvitkednefle
And let it through thine cafes proceed, to fettle miueaboad.
[6 Iacobs God I fay.
10 O Lord outshield,of thy good grace 1; For God the Lord,Hght and defend
regard and fodraw neere will grace and worship giue
Regard 1 fay, behold the face And no good thing will he "vith-hold
>f thine annointed deate.
from them that pu rely jiue.
4 OLord of hofts that man is bletii
i For why* within thy courts one day and happy fureis he:
is better to abide, That is p rfwaded in his breaft
Thenother where to keepe or flay touuft all times in thee.
Ffal e
!H llL-
M_EVIVS._ Tbo,%*et B.ofM

Ua.i haft
Hon t.o/)U.. M .
beene '-r- .. . T .

G Lord

mercifull indeed, vnto thy landT For


Hon hafl bcenemercifuU indeed, O Lord ynto thy land For

*tt ca ntps.
thou reftoredft Iacobs Teed fiom thraldomc out of band.

f E NO ^ ,
-r P/>yHfo?.
^ _____

thou reftoredft Iacobs feed from thraldorae out ofr band.

2 The wicked wayes that they were in 5 Why shall thine anger neuer end*
thou didft them cleanc remit: but ftill proceed on vs 5
And thou didfthide thy peoples finuc, And
shall thy wrath itfelfeextend
full dole thou coueredft it. vpon
all ages thus 5

Thine anReieke thou didft aflV/agc, 6 Wilt thou not rather turne therefore
that all thy wrath was gone :
and quicken vs,that we
Andfo didit turne thee from thy lage, And all thy folke may eucrmore
with them to be at one. be glad and io> in thee.

4.O God our health, do? now conuert 5 O Lord on vs doe thou declaBe
thy people vnto thee : th\ goodnc fie to our wealth i

Put all thy wrath from vs^apart, Shew forth to \ s and doe not fpare,
and angry ceafe to be. thine aid and failing nealth.

Pfalme 86 . CAN^ VS. T^o. ~R M e(. B.ol M.

Ord bow thine eare to my requelt, and heare me by and by:

il l* I I t !
with grieuous paine and
griefe o>>preft full poore>and vvcake am I.

The Ktn^s Tune. T IV O PLy -.**^

Ord bow thine care to my requeft,

and heare
Y me by and by:

with grieuous paine and griefe opprctt full poore and weake am
aPreferue ray ibule becaufe my wayes thy ifts of grace are free :
and doings holy be I And eke thy mercy plcntifull
And faue thy feruant O my lord, to all thatcallon thee.
that puts his trult in thee. 6 O Lord likewifewhen I doe pray
regard and giue an eare:
3 Thy mercy Lord on me exprefle,
Marke well the words that I doe fay,
d'fend meckewithall :
For through the d iy I doe not ceafe
and all my prayers heare.
on thee to cry and call. 7 In time when trouble doth me moue
4 Comfort O Lord thy feruants foule* to thee I doc complaine
that now with paine is piudc:
Forwhy^ 1 know and well doe prouc,
For vr-ko thee Lord I cxtoll tbou anfweteft mc againe.
and lift my (bule andminde. 2 Among the Gods, Lord there is none
5 Fortheu art good and bountifully with thee Co be compaxd
thou reftotodftlacoUs fees from thraMome
out of ban*

n _ _ in. t ^ r sc. >liJ I^ma W irtA
thou reftorcdft Iacobs feed fromthva-lciome out of band
i . i

8 1 will heark what God faith, fot he n AS truth from earth shall fprmg apace
fpeaks to his people peaces and flourish pleafantly

And to his Saints that neuer they So rifhteoufnefle sh^ll shcyv her face,
ret u me w foolishnefle. and lookc from heauen hie.

hand 12 Yea,God himfelfe shall take in hand

$For why his help is (till at

togiue vs each good thing*

to fiici as doe him feare :
VVhcreby great glory in the land
And through the coaftsof aU our land
the earth her fruit Shall oring.
shall dwell and flourish there
tiounsn tnere.

lb For truth and mercy there shall meet ij Before his face shall iuiftice go6
in one to take their place : much like a guide or ttiy
And peace shall iuftice vvhh kifle greet, He shall diretf his iteps alfo,
and there they shall embrace. and keepe them in the way.

Pfalme%6. MSDIVS.

Ordbow thine eare tOmy requeft and heare me by and by

with grieuous paine.ind griefc opprcft fiill poorc*ndvvcakeam


Ord bow thine eare to my requeft, and heare me by and by:

with grieuous paine and griefe oppreft full poore and vveake am h
And none can doe as thou aloie, shall in thy truth proceed
the like bath not beenc heard. ioyne my heart to thee fo nfci
that it thy name maydread.
Xa To thee my God will I giuepraife^
9 The Gentiles and the people all, with allmy heart (O Lord)
which thou did A make and frame i Andglotifle thy name alwayes,
Before thy face on knees shall fall, for cuer through the world.
and glorific thy name.
xj For why thymercy^hewdtb me

2o For vvhy thou art fo much ofmight,

i sgreat and doth extell s
power is thine owne:
Thou fetft my louleat libertle
Thou vvorkeft wonders ftill in fight,
out from the lower hell.
for thou art God alone#
i4O Lord the proud againft myrtle,
O teach mclcrdthjrway,and 1 and he ape s of men of mi ght
156 Pfdm%6.
Theyfecke myibule mi in no wife full (lack an^ftovt to wraths
rvill haue thee in their fight. Thy goodneffe is full great, and clfi
tbytruth no meafure hatt..
>; Thou Lord art mcttifull and meelce itfOturne to me and mercy grant.

'Pfmtme 87 CANTVS. Tto. Rm>. p. - A4.

Hat Citie snail full well endure, her ground- work Gill doth (by:

Vpon thy holy hill full {ore it can no time decay.

Du^S Tune. T E NO R, or Ptaynfon^

Hat Citie shall full well endure* her ground-work ftill doth #37

Vpon the holy hill full fure it can no time decay.
* God loues the gates of Sion beft, thou Citie of our God.
his grace doth there abide : 4 On Rahab v villi caftan eye,
Heioucs thew more then all the reft and beare inminde the fane t
of la.obs tents be fide. And Babilon shall eke apply
j. For glorious things reported be and lcarne to know thy name*
n Sion and abroad 5 Loe Palefline and Tyre alio
Great things I fay arefaid of thee, with Ethiope like wife.

Ord God of health the hope and ftay thou are alone to tnee

I call and cry throughout the day, and all the night to thee*

tsfbbyTmc. T E NO R, or PUy^onq.
LHLa , i ll 1 1 1 ,

Ord God of health the hope and ftay thou art alone to mee

I calland cry throughout the day and allthe night tothee.

a O let my prayers foone afcend $ For why. my foule with wee is fil^
tntott.yfight on hie : and doihin trouble dwell
Jsjchuc thine care, O
Lord)intcnd My life and breath almoft doth yccH
and hearken to my cry. and dcawerh nic to hell.
tfiy ftre ng thto me Apply s 27 On me feme Ague tfftuor shew*
O hrli>e md f*ue thine oyyne fcruant, thatj.ll n y foes may fee,
tune handmaids tonne am I. And be ashamd becaufeLord thou
doft help and comfort me.

Tia/mr 87. MSTilVS. Tb. Rautnl.B .ofM.

HatCitl shall full well endure, herground-vvorke ftill d th ftay

Vpon thjr fcoljr hill full fare, it can no time decay.


Hat Citie shall fill vvellcndurc, her ground- work flill doth ftay

Vpa.i th y holt hill full lure, it canrno time decay.

A p opl old ful long agor through Gods deuife appeare,
\ ve i>orne a. d there did rife. Of Siou that the chiefe of all
6 Ot Siont ey shall fay abroad had his beginning there.
that dmcrs men of fame. t The Trumpeters with fuch as ling
Hauethere iprung p and the high
. God therein gr at plenty be:
hath founded raft tne fame. My fountains and my pleafant fprings
are C011i P* ft al1 in
7 In their records to them ic shall

P'alme%%. MS D IV S Tho. Rauenf^ *f M.

Ord Godof health the hope and ftay thou ait alone to met :

1 call and cry throughout the day and all the night to thee.


Ord God of health the hope and ftaj thou art alone to mee

I call and cry throughout the day and all the night to thee.
4 1 am cfteem'd asone of them 5 As one among thedead, and free
that in the pit doc fall: from things that here re ra jyie 1
And'-nade as one among thofe mgja It were more caie for met be
that h*e bo ftrcngth at all* vv itb them the which arc flainc,
6 As
9 As tnofe tha? lye in graue Ifay, Iam shut vf in prxfoh faft #
vvhom thou haft cleane forgot and can come forth no more.
The which thine hand hath cut away io My fight doth faile through gritfe $c
and thou regardft them not. I call to thee O God : (we*
Throughout the day,my hands alfo
j Yea, like to one shut vp full fure
%o thee I ftretth abroad.
within the low < r pit .

Jn places darke and all obfcure9 Theficona part,


and in the depth of it. it Doft thou vnto the dead declare
3 Thine anger and thy wrath likevvife thy wondrous works of fame 1
full ftyc on me doth lye: Shall dead to life againe reftore
nd all thy ftormes againft me rife and pf aife thee for the fame <
my foule to vcxe and try e. 12 Or shall thy lout ng kindnefle, lorci*
be preached in the graue 'j

$ Thou puts my friends far off from me, Or shallvvith them that are deftroyd
and mak'ft them hate me fore thy truth her honour haue 1

PfalmeS?. CANTVS. Tho.7omhnsB.0fM,

O fing the mercies of the Lord
i jf

A nd with my mouth from age to age

Qumfcrmding Tune.
p -ntftin
my tongue sh all

thy truth I will declare,

T E N O R, or Tl^nfenn.

neuer fpafre :

Tgn^-j' Q
jiff ticr^rrfTjrga
my tongue

fing the mercies of the tord shall neuer fpare

f Y
And with my mouth from age to age
'fM'-F f u Ji %hy truth I will declare.

a For I haue faid that mercy shall Among the Tonnes of all the Gods
for cuermore remaine: what one is like our GodS
In that then doft the heauens ftay
thy truth appeareth plaine*.
j God in afl>mbly of his Saints
is greatly to be dread : .

3 To mine cleft Yaith <3od) Iade And oner all tlm dwell about*
! a ccnenant andbeheft:' in terror to be had,
My feruant Dauid to perfvyadc^
" $ Lord God 'ofhoOs,in all the vvorW
fwore arid did proteft.
1 "yvhatone is liketo thee :

4 Thy feed foreuer J vvill fta/* On euery iide moftmightie Lord,

and ftablish it full fart:' thy truth isfeene to be.
And Ml vphold thy throne alway,
fron: age to age to laft. 9 The raging fea by thine aduice,
thou ruleft'at thy will
c The heauens shew with ioy 8c mirt^ And when the wanes thereof arife
thy wondrous works O Lord:

th*t makflthem calme and (til'.

Thy 'Sair.tsv vithiri thy Church on earth '
10 Aril Egypt Lord thou hauTub.4ude>
thy fai:h and truth record. and thou haft it deftrovd
6 VVho with the Lord isequall then Xca, thou thy foes with mighty arme
(nail the cloudsabroad $ haft fcattcrd all abroad.
X? Shall they that He In darke full low Thy terrors which doe vexe me (Hit
of all thvvvonders vvot ? with troubled minde I bearc.

Or there shall they thv iuftfeeknow 17 The furies ofthy vvrathfuli rage,
where all things arc forgot

full for? vpon me fall

14 But I O
Lord to thee alvvay Thy terrors eke doe not a wage, ft*

doe cry and call apace bin me opprefle vvithall.

My praycrekc ere it be day 18 All day they compafle mee about*
shall come before thy face. as water at the title ;

And all at once with ftreames fullftout

15 Why doft thou Lordabhorre my foule beiet me on each fide.
in griefe that f eketh thee;
And now I ord f vhy doft thou hide Ip Thou fctteft far from me ray friends
thy face away from me \ and louers euery one
U 1 am ifflift as dying ftilL yea, and mineold acquaintanceall
from youth this many a yeere * out ofmy fight are gone.

Pfalme 89. MET>IVS. Tho. Tomktns B.tfM*

O fing the in, rcies of the Lord my tongue shall neuer fpare :

And with my mouth from age to age thy truth I will declare.


O fing the mercies of the Lord my tongue shall neuer fp.ire

my And with month fiom age to age thy truth I will dec jare.

The recond fart thy pi'cfent power O God,

it The heauens are thine and ftill haue For in thefauour ofthy fight

likewife the earth and land : (beene.' they vvalke full fafe abroad.
The v^orld md all that is therein 16 For in t hy name throughout the day
thou founded with thyhand. theyioy and much reioyce :.
ii Both Nortft and South, with Eaft and And through thy righteoufnes haue they
thy felfe dtdft make anrl frame : (Weft a pleafant fame and noyfe.
Both Tabor Mount and eke Hermon 17 For why< their glory,ftrength & ayde
reioyce and praife thy name. in theealone dothlye
t8 Thine arme is ftrong & ful of power, Thy goodnefle eke that hath vs ftaid
all might theieiu doth lyc:
shall lift ourhoraes on hye.

The ftrengthof thy right handeach houre 18 Our ftrength that doth defend vs vvel,
thou lifted vp on hie. the Lord to vs doth bring:
j 4 1 n righteoufnefle and equitic
The holy one of I frael,
thou haft thy feat and place; he is our ftrcngth and King.
Mercy and truth isyftill with thee
19 Sometime thy will vnto thy Saints,
andgoe before thy face. in vifion thou doft shovv
15 That folk is blcft thatknovv.thaiight And thus thendidft thou fay to them,
L4 thy
1 60 PJalme 89,
thy mtnde to make them know. His might and honor 1 shall make
20 A nnn of might I haue erect aboue all WorldlyKings.
your King and guide to be
Atidicv ;vp him whom I clect
rp My mercy shall' be with him ftill*
as I myfclfe haue told
among the folke to me. :

My faithfull couenant to fulfill,

The third part. -my mercy J will hold.
21 My feruant Dauid I a ppoinr, 50 ft nd eke his feed I will
vvhomj haue feaiched out for euerftr^ng and fure s
And with my holy oyle annoxnt So that his feat shall ftill remaine
him king of ail the rout, while heaucn and earth endure*
si ForvvhyS my hand is ready ftili
with him for to remaine : The fourth part.
And with mine asme alfol will
him ftrengthen and fuftaine. 31 If that his fonnes forfake inylaw,
and fo begin to fwerue
2} The enemies shall not him oppieiTe, And of my iudgements haue no awe
they shall him not deuoqre: nor will not them obfci ue:
Ne yet the Tonnes of wkkedneffe S*Oriftheydo? not We aright
onhim shall hane
no power. my ftatutes to them made;
4 His foes likewise I will deftroy And fct all my commandements lightj
before his face in fight: and will rtot keepc my trade.
And thofe that hate him 1 will plague*
.and ft 1 ike them v vith my might. 5? Thn withthe rod will I begirt
tbeird >ings to amend:
M y truth and mercy eke withall Andfo withfeotjrging for their finne
shall ftill vpon him lye when that they doe offend,
And ia my name /lis home eke shall J 4 My mercy yet and my goodneflfc
be lilted vp on hye. I will not take him fro
26 His kti%gdpmel vvillfet to be Nor handle him vvith craftintfle,
vpon ihcfea and land : and fo my truth forgoe,
And eke the running flouds shall hee
31 But furc couenant I will hdl<fl
embrace with his righthand.
with ali that 1 haue fpoke
27 He shall depend with all bis hear t No word the which my lips haue told
00 rae,andthns shall fays Shall alter or be broke*
My father and my God thou art, $6 Once (Vvarc 1 by my holinefTc,
my rocke of health and ftay. and that deifoimc will 1,
^ A s one firft borne 1 will him take VVith Dauid willkeepe proinife

of all on earth that fprings to him l .will not lye.

Pfalme 90. CANTVS. ThoRimnf.H. of M.

P Hou Lord haft bcene our fure defence, our place of eafe and reft :

In all times paft> yca,fo long fince as cannot be cxp'eft.

D urJy Tune. TE or Playfo*a.

r < Hon Lord haft beene our fure defence, our place of eafe and reft r

In all t Lent s pa ft\y ea, fo llm fence as cannot be e x pi^^

ty His feed for evtmenc stall ralgne his throne, bis ioy and mirtb
i and eke his throne of might By thee is ouerthrovvne and caft
As doth the Sunneit shall remaine full low vpon the earth.
I for euer in my fight. 40* Thou haft cut off, and made full short

f$ And as the Moone within the skie his youth and lttftydayes:
for eucr ftandeth faft : And raif'd of him an ill report,
A faithfiill vvitnefie from on hie, with shame and gxeat difpraife.
fo shall his kingdome laft.
47 How long avvay from me O Lord,
$9 But now O Lord thou doft reie#, for euer wilt thou torne S
and now thou changeft cheare : Andshall thine anger ftillalvvay
Yea, thou art- wroth with thine cleft, as fire confume atd burne *i

thine ovvneannoynted deare. 48 O call to mindc, remember then

40 The couenant with thy feruantmade my time con fumeth faft:
Lord thou hart quite vndonc Why' haft thou;uade the fonnes of men
And downe vpon the ground alfp as things in vaine to waft 1
haft caft his royal! crowne.
49 What man is he that liueth here
7 he and death shall neuer fee :
fift pari.
Or from the hand of hell his (bule
41 Thoupl'jckft his hedges vp with shall he deltuer iree s

-his wals thou doit confound, (might, Where O Lord thine old goodnefie
50 is
Thou beaten eke his bulwarks down,

fo oft declared beforne

andbreakft them to the gtoind.

Which by thy truth and vprightnefle
42 That he- is lore deftroydand tome to Dauid thou haft fv voine i
of commits by throughout:
And foismade amockeand 5 1 The great rebukes to mindc I call
thaton thy fcruantslye :
to all that dwell about.
The railing of thy people .111
4 J Thou their right hand haft lifted vp oorne in my brr ft haue I.
that him fo fore annoy : 51 Wherewith O Lordthine enemies
And all his foes that him deuourc, blafphemed haue thy name :
loe, thou hart made toioy. The fteps of thine annointedone
44 His fword edge thou dldft take avvay theyceafe not to defame.
that shouldhis foes withftand:
O Lord of hofts -
55 All pratfe to thee
To htmjn, vrar no victory
both now and
eke for aye:
thou giu'li ,nor vppcrhand. Through skie and earth # all the coafts.
45 His glory thou doft aifo waft, Amen, Amen, 1 fay*'
MED I VS. Tho. T^uenf B.of M.
Pfairy e 9 o.

Hou Lord haft becne ourfuredefence, our place c

In all times paft, yea, fo long flnce as cannot be expreft.


T iiiiiiiiii?iiiiiiiiiisi Hon Lord haft beenc our fure defence, our place of eafc andrSt*

In all times parties, fo long fince as cannot be expreft.

6t Pfdme 9^.
s Ere therewai made maintain or hill, butfadeth by and by:
the earth and all abroad : And is cut downc ere it be nigh?,
From age to age and alwayes /till all withered, dead and dry.
for euer thou a tt God*
7 For through thine anger vvc confumc
a Thou man through griefe and
grindeft our might is much decaid
and then,
todiift or clay; (paine And of thy f ruent wrath and fume
And then thou faieft againe,returne we are full lore afraid.
againe ye foanes of men. S The wicked wo'kes that we haue
4The lifting of a thoufand yeere, thou fe tft b efore thine eye; v vrougi
what is f c in thy fight S Our pruy fauks,yeaeke u>thoughts
As yefterday it doth appeare, thy countenance doth fpyc.
or as a watch by night.
o For through thy wrath our dayes doe
5 So foone as thou doft fcatter them* thcreofdoth nought remaine : (waftt
then is their life and trade Ouryeeres confume as words or blafts
All isafleepe, and like the graflfe,- and are not cald agiine.
whofe beautv.fopne doth fade. io Our time isthrecfcore veeres and te
6 which in the morning shines ful bright that we doe hue on mould

P(*lme<)\. CANT VS. Tho.Rauenf.'B. of Ad.

Hi ^ .i
M'H' 'TN
that within the secret place
i f r
of God moft hye doth dwell

" In shadow of the mightier! grace, at reft will keepe him well.

GUfeow Tnne 7 ' E NOR y

or ^Uynieng*

* uiiii^Iililiilli^liilll!
EE that within thefrcret pla^e of God moft hie doth dwell:

In shadowof the mightieft grace, at red will keepe him well,

a art my hope & my ftrong held,
Thou nor terrors of the night.
I to the Lord will fay : 6 Nor of tho plague that priuily
My God he is, in him will I doth walke io darke fo fait
my whole affiance ftay. Nor yet of that which doth deftr^y
I He shall defend thee from the fnare*
and at noone iayes doth fte. w -

the which the hunter laid : 7 Yea, at thy fide as thou doft ftandj>
And from the deadly plague and care, a thoufand dead snail be:
whereof thou art afraid. Ten ere at thy right haiadc
4. And with his wings shall couer thee, and yet thoushalt be free.
and keepe thee fafely there t 5 But thou Shalt ic e it for thy pars^
Hisfatth andtrnth thy fence shall be* thine eyes shall well regards
as fure as shield and i peare. That euen like to their defcrt,
the wicked haue reward.
^Sothatt s oushalr not need I fry
to fearc or be atfnght: 6 For why S O Lord lonely 1h(^
Of allthe shafts that fly e by day toltay my hope on thee :
f one fco fourscore, turely then Shew faueftr ro thy feruants no? v
we count him v vondrous old* and helpe them at their need

The dcond toart 15Kc csh v5
tb *ercy foone,
and th n our iey shall be:
pr Yet of this time the ftrength and age All times fo long as life doth laft
the which we count vpon : in heart re ioyce shall wee.
nothing elfebut painefull griefe,
s 16 As thou haft pljgued vs before,
we as blafts are gone.
and now alio make vs glad

V Vho once doth know what ftrength is A nd for the yeeres v herein full fort
whmight thine anger hath 1 .'there, afflj&ionwehauc had.
Or in his heart who doth thee fearc x? Q lct th vvorJte vcr a PP M <*
accordlngto thy wrath 1 and on th /
An* shew vnto
ft r Jants
# I nrtrud vs Lord to knoy v and try thv children dcere
how long our dayes remaine : thy glory and thy might.
That then vvemay our hearts apply iZ Lord let thy grace and glory
true wifedome to attaine* on vs thy ferwants thus
14 ReturneO Lord, how long wilt thou Confirme the works wit take in hand
forth on in wrath proceed s . Lord proiper them to vs.

Fftlme 9 1 \ MSD f VS. 7 ho. f{ nU

**f. B. of M
E $ that within the fecret place of God moft hie doth dwell

i itm'i u

Inshadotveftlie migbtieft grace at reft will kcepe

i 1 1 1 i
^ |
Mm y veil.

EE that within the fecret place

1 T of God
w VM moft
mwu wye
hye ouio
doth dwell?

In shadow of themightieft grace at reft will keepe him well.

And in the higheft I put my truiW the Adder fell and long:
my defence is he.
fa re And tread vpon the Lyons young,
IPThou shalt not need none ill tofeare, with Dragons flout and ftrong.
with thee it shall not mell: 14 For he that trutteth vnto mee.
Nor yet the plague shall once come near I will difpatch him quite:
the houfc where thou doft dwell. And him defend, be caufc that hce
II For whyS vnto his Angels all,
doth know my name aright.
with charge commanded he,
That (till i,i all thy wayes they shall 15 When he for health on me doth cry,
an anfwere I will giue
prcferiie and profycr thee,
ia And in their hands shall thee bearc vp,
And from his griefe take htm v villi,
in glory for to line.
ftill waiting thee vpon :

So that thy foot ihall neuer chance 16 Vith length ofyeeres,and da' es
1 will fulfill his time : {weal*
tofpumeat any itone.
The g-odneffeof my fauing health
H Vponthe Lyon thou shalt go* I will declare to him.
!$4 Pfdme^t. CANTVS. Simon Stuhbt.

T is a thing both good and meet praife the nighett Lord:

And to thy name, O thou raoft high to fing with one accord*

Martyrs T*ne t TE NO 7^ or Playnfon?.

* T is a thing both good and meet to praife the higheft Lord

And to thy name, O thou mod high to fing with one accord,

t To shewthe kindndfeof the Lord So deepely are thy counfels fet

betime,ereday be light :1 that none c*h try them out.
And eke declare his truth abroad 6 The man vnwtfehath not the wit
when it doth draw to night. this geate tor.afiTe to bring

AnH al- fuchfooles ate nothing fit

I Vponten ftrtnged to vnderftand this thing.
on Lute and harp fofwect
VVtth li themirth you can inuent 1 When fo the wickedat their will
on 1 nftruments raoft meet. as grafTe doe fpring fullfaft
4 For thou haft made me to reioyce They, when they flourish in their il!*
in things fo wrought by thee for euer shall be waft.
And Ihaue ioy in heart and voycc $ But thou art migbtie Lord moft high*
thy handy work to fee. yea, thou doft raigne therefore
In euery time eternally,
5 O Lord how glorious and how
.are all thy worke* foftout: both now andeuenaoie.
CANTVS Th.%amnj. E k ofM

He Lord as king aloft doth raigne in glory good'y dight i An4

gittlumfclfe with might.

he to~shtvhis ftrengtb.W inainc hath

LtntUffe Tune. TEN 0% or PUynjon^

ttj' He"iord as king aloft *oth raigne m glory goodly <kght

he" to shevvhis ftrength and raaitie hatn
girt himfelfe with might.

thy leatwn ff^>efore

* Tfce Lord likewifrthe earth hathmad*
Bcyondali tint that car. fee fiheughti,
and >*apcd it rail fare:
Vftim^btcanmakeitmoueorfad^ thou haft beenecuci mote.
*ft5 twroug^ * The floudtO Loathe flo.ds d*fo
fcrr. that the wotU wismadcer
tkcymatc*nd make a uoyic
f(4me^l\ MED! VS. SiamSuMt.

T is a thing both goodand meet to prayfc the higheft Lord

And to tly name, O thoumoft high to ting with one accord*

T is a thing both good nd meet
. to praifethehigUftLoid s

And to thy name, O thou mod high fing with one accord.
For why O Lord behold and fee, And as the Cedars multiply
behold my foe* I fay: in Libanus that grow.
Hovv all that vvorke iniquhie ij For they are planted in the rlace
shall perish and decay.
and dwelling of our God :
Id butrnoullkeas anVnicorne VVithin"hls courts they fpring apace
f halt lift mine home on hye
and flourish all abroad.
VVith fresh and new prepared oyle X4 And in thearage mud fruits shall
thine ointedking ana I.
both fat and well befeene : (bring,
And plcafantly both bud aid fpring
il And of my foes before mine eyes
with boughesand branches greene.
shaLl lee the fall and shame:
Of all tnat vp againft rac rife 15 To shew that God is good and info
mine ear- s shall heare the fame. andvpiight in his will:
Tt e iuft shill floutish yp on hie, Heisniyrock,myhope andtruft,
as Date trees bud and blow*. in him there is no ill.

P\Jme 9^ . MSB
J VS. Tho. Rauenf. B.ofM.

1 iliiii^iiillgiiii^ii^
He And
to d as king aloftdoth raigne in glory goodly dight: .

he to shew his ftrength and maine hatfc girt himfelfe with might*


He Lord \s king aloft doth raigne in glory goodly dight


he to shew his itn ngth and maine hati girt himfrlfevvith might,
The rlouds 1 fa? did eiiterpiife, for he on hie doth dwell.
d lifted p
ai their voyce. 6 And looke what promife fcedothmak*
j Yea, thougi tf.eftormes aTife infTght hishouft hold to defend
though fca dvK rage- and well: I For iui\ and true tht y shall it take
The JLoird is itrong and more ci might, all limes without an crd*
t66 Pfalme^. CANTVS. Th.Rttuenf. H. of M.

Lord thou dortrcuenge all wrong, that office longs to thee


Sith vengeance doth belong to thee
'i '

declare that all

i n lee.

Banner Tune. 7 E NO or Pl iynfonp.

^O HT f
t-c i t T t i y

M pig
Lord thou doft reuenge all wrong, that office longs to thee :

Trrrrfi* *]
Sith vengeance doth belong to thee
declare that all may

aSet forth thy felfe, for thou of tight Can lacobsGod this vnderftandl
theearth doit iudge and guide : tush, no he cannot fee,
&cward the proud and men of might, %0 folke vnvvife and people rude
according to their pride. fome knowledge now difcerne
Yet fooleg among the multitude
3 How long shall wicked men fecare at length begm tolearne.
with lifting vp their voyce 1 (fway
9 TheLord which made the care of man
How long shall wicked men I fayf he needs of right muft he arc:

thus triumph and reioyce "i

He made the eyes, all things muft then ;

4 How long shall they with brags burft

before his fight appeare. .

and proudly prate their fills (out

10 The Lord doth all the world correct
Shall they reioyce that be fb ftoilt,
and make them vnderfland :
vvhofe vvorkes are euct ilH
Shall he not then your deeds detect i
how can you fcape his hand?
5 O
Thy flock Lord,thine heritage
they fpoyle and vexe full fore t
Againft thy people they doe rage
The fecondpart.
ftill daily mo* e and more. 11 The Lord doth know the thoughts -'!

6 The vviddovves which are comfortles hi s heart he feeth full plaine : ( man
and Grangers they deftroy The Lord 1 fay mens thoughts doth fcan
They flay the children fatherleffa, and findeth them but vaine
and none doe put them by. i?But Lord that man is happy fute,
whom thoudoft keepe in awe :
7 And when they takethefe things in And through corre-ftion doftproit "^-*J
this talke theyhaue of thee : Cband to teaeh aim in thy law.

Pftlme*,^ CANTVS. Tkt>.H$*en(. B.of

olilliisiiiiiilig^iilCome, let vs lift vp our voyce* and fing vnto theLord i In him

5*. Damds Tune TSN O R.vr PUynfon^.

Comejioc vs lift vp our voyce* and fing vnto tbc Lord : In him
Pfalmen. ME *D TVS. Th.Kaufuf. B.ofM.

OP^IiilSPliliiiliili Lord thou doit reuei ge all wrong , that office longs to thee *

Sith vengeance doth belong tothce declare that all nay fee.

Lotd thou doA reuenge all wrong, that office longs to thee \

Sith vengeance doth belong to thee declare that all may fee.
I* Whereby
he shallin^utet reft Thy goodneffe Lord did fbprouide
time of trouble fit: to flay mevp withal 1.
When wicked men shall be fuppreft,
and fall into thr pit. if When with my frlfe I mufed much*
14 For fare the Lord willoot and could no comfort firde :
Jus pr ope for to take: Then Lord thy goodneffe did me touch,
Rentage and that did eafe my minde.
whom he did chufe. ao Wilt thou inhaumthy felfe, & draw
he vviUnotime forfake.
with wicked men to fit ?
15 Vntill that iudgement be decreed Which with pretence in ftcadof law
to iuftice to conuert much mifchiefe doe commit*
That all may follow her with fpeed,
si For they con lult againft the life
that are of vpright heart.
of righteous men and good:
16 But who vpon my part shall ft and
againitthe wicked trainee
And in their counfellthey are rife
to shed the guiltlefll blond.
Or who shall ri* me from their hands
1 1 But yet the Lord he is to me
that vvKked worker maintalne <

a ftrong deft nee or lock:

Bxteptthe Lord had beenemine aid
He is my God to him I flye,
mite ene mice to re pell: he is my ftrcagth and rock.
life and loulc had now been laid 25 And he shall caufe their roifchiefes al
almoft as low as helL themfclues for to annoy
iJJ^Yhen \ did fay my foot doth Aide, And in th< irmalice they shall fall,
and lam like to fall our Cod stall them deftroy.

Pfalmeys. MED 1 VS. 7ho, Kancnf.B. cfM.

G M illiililiilirilliii^i
Come, let vs lift

vpour voyce and ling vnto the Lord :
In I'm

Come,let vs lift vp our voyce, aad fing vnto the Lord : In him

our rocke of health* reioyce let Vf with one accord.

TE NO %. or Plajnfon^.

our focke of health, reioyce

a Yea, let vs come before his faee,
let vs
with one accord.
The tops of Wis that are fo fteepe
to giue him thanks and praife: he hath them in his hand;
In tinging Pfalmes vnto his grace,
5 The Tea and waters all are his
letvs be glad alvvayes.
forhethe fame hath wrought:
J For vvhyS the Lord he is no doubt The earth, and all that therein is
a great and mighty God his hand hath made of nought.
A King aboue all Gods throughout 6 Come, let vs bow and praife the Lord
in all the world abroad* before him let vs fall
4 The-fccrets of the earth fo deepe, And kneeleto him with one accord,
and corners of the Land, the which hath made vs all.

?(almt<)C. CANT VS. The.ELauenf.H. of M.

1 ng ye with praife vnto the Lord new fongs of idy and mivth :

Sing vnto him with one ac- cord all people on the earth.

TEN OR, or Playnfon^

Ing ye with praife vnto the Lord new fbngs of ioy and mirth

Sing vnto him with one accord all peopleon the earth.
* Yea, fing vnto the Lord I f5y, But yet our God he is the Lord ,

praife ye his holy name: that hath the heauens m3d.

Declare and shew from day to day 6 A 11 pray fe and honor eke doe dwell
faluation by the fame. for aye before his face:
Among the heathen eke declare Both power and might likevvife cxcell
honour round about
his within his holy place.
To shewhis wonders doe not fpare
7 Afcribc vnto the Lord alway,
in all the world throughout.
ye people of the vvorld>
4 For whyl the Lord is much of might,
All might and worship eke, I fay
and worthy praile al way afcribc vnto the Lord.
And he is to be dread of right 8 Afcribe vnto the Lord alio,
aboue all Gods I fay. the glory of his name
5 For all the Gods of heathen folke, And eke vnto his courts doe goe
are Idols that wfll fade s
* with gifts vnto the fame*
our rocke of health, reioycc let vs vvith one accord.


our fockc of health, reioyce let vs vvith one accord.

7 For why'ihe the Lord our God,
is My wondrous works when they did fce^
for vs he doth prouide : yet ftill they would me moue.
We are his flocke,he dothvs feede, 10T wife twenty yeares they didmee
his sheepe, and he oiir guide. and 1 to them did fay, (grieue
% To day if ye his voyce will heare They erre in heart and not beleeuc,
then harden not your heart : they haue notknowne my way.
Asyevvith grudging many a yeere ii Wherefore fvvare when thatmy
prouoktme in defart. was kindled in my breaft (wrath

f Whereas your fathers tempted me, T hat they should neuer tread thepath*
my power for to proue : nor enter in my reft.

Pfalme $>5. MSD IVS. Tho. ~Rauenf.B.ef M.

s |igiiliiiiiiEiiiiiiii
ng with Lord new]of andye praife vnto the foRgs ioy mirth :

acSing vHto him vvith one cord all people on the earth.

, - BASS VS.
new Ing ye vvith praife vnto the Lord fongs of ioy and mirth

Sing vnto him with one accord all peopleonthe earth,

The fecond part. vvith cquitic and right;
ii Theheauens shall great ioy begin?
9 Fall downe and worship ye the lord, the earth shall eke reioyce ^
within his Temple blight The Ca vvith all that is thetfin,
Let all the people of the world shall shout and make a noyie.
be fearefull at his fight. IJ The field shall ioy and euery thing
10 Tell all the world, be notagaft, that fpringeth on the earth ;
the Lord doth raigne aboue: The wood and euery tree shall fing
Yea, he hath fet the earth (o faft, vvnh gladrt IT* andvvith mirth,
that it can neuer moue.
14 Before the prefence of the Lord
U And thatit is theLord alone aedconiming of his might
'that rules with princely might* YVhen he shall iuftly itidge the world,
To iudgc the nations euery one, and rule his foJkc aright*
M The
170 Pfalmeyj. CA N TPS. Thi.Tovk'tnt %. *fU . \

^ HeLord doth raigne>wherat the earth m.'ay ioy vvith piv^fa rrt voyce ,

And eke the Ifles vvith ioy&ill mirth may triumph and reioyec.

fPorcejier Tune. T EN O R,ot TUynfonvS

He Lord doth raigne.wheratthe earth may ioy v~

B ill '

Pf f
Andeke the Ifles ioyfull mirth triumph and reioyce.
c Botruclouds and darknes eke doe fwell j Thehils like waxe did melt in fight,
and round about him beat: and prefence of the Lord:
X ea, right and tufttce euer dwell, They fled before the rulers m ight
and bide about his feat. which guiderh all the world, and heateat once doe run * The he^uens eke declare and shew
,s lu ftlc a11 a road
and goe before his face : J> all the world
^ may fee
tp lt_
and know
Which shall his foes and enemies burne
abroad in eucry place. the glory of our God.

4 His lightening eke ful bright did blafce 7Confufion fure shall come to fuch
and to the world appearei as worship Idols vaine :

Whereat the earth didlookeand gaze. And eketothofethat glory much

with dread and deadly feare . dumbe pictures to maintaine.

Pfalme 98. CA NT VS. Tho.^enf. B. of M.

Sing yce now vnto the Lord a nevv andpleafantfong

he hath wrought throughout the world

mnehefter June TE NO R

f? th+mw

wonders great and ftrotifc.

or Tlaynfon^

* 1

Sing ye novv vnto the Lord a new and plcafant fong: For

he hath wrought throughout the world his wonders great and ftrong.
2 With his right hand full worthily j The Lord doth make the people know
he doth his toes deuoure: his fauing health and mighu:
And get himfdfc the victory The Lord doth eke his iufticc shew*
vvith his owne armc and power;. in all the heathens fight.
Pfalme 97. ME <D 7 VS. Th. Tomkim B.ofM. 171

T He Lorddoth raign,wherat the earth may ioy with pleafant voyce :

And eke the lfles with ioyfull mirth, may triumph and reioyce.

He Lord doth raign,vvherat the earthmay ioy with pleafant voyce:

And eke the Ifles with ioyfull mirth may triumph and reioyce.
I For all the Idols of the world, 11 All ye that lone the Lord doe this*
whichtheyas Gods doe call hate all things that are ill : ' ,

Shall fcele the power of the Lord For he doth keepe the feulesof his
and do ne to him shall fall. from fuch as would them fpill.
With ioy shall I? And light doth Ipring vpto the iuft
9 Sion heare this thing,
and Iuda shall reioyce : with pleafure for his patt:
for at thy iudgements they shall fing, Great ioy vvithgladuefle, mirth and htfti
.and make a pleafant noyfe. to them of vpright heart.
10 That thou O Lord artfet onhye ij Ye righteous in the Lord reioyce*
in all the earth abroad : his holinefle proclaime :

And art exalted wondroufly, Be thankfull eke with heart and voycct
aboue each other God. and mindfull of the fame.

MS D VS. The.%tuenf. B.ofM.

Pfalme 98. 1

Sing yee now vnto the Lord a new and pleafant fong : For

he hath wrought throughout the world his wonders great and ftrong.

Sing ye now vnto the Lord a new and pleafant fong. For

he hath wrought throughout the vvoild his wonders great 3nd ftrong.

4 His grace and truth to Ifrael 5 Be glad in him with ioyfull voyce*
in minde he doth record : allpcople-onthe earth

That all the earth mayfeeright vvdl Giue thanks to God, fing and reioyce
the goodneffeof the lord* to him with ioy and mirth.
17* F/alme$$.
6 Vpon the Harp vnto him fing, 7 Yea,let the Tea with all therein,
giue thankes to him vrith Pfalmes ; with ioy both roare and fvvell
Rc.oyce before the Lord our king, The earth likevvife let it begin.
With Trumpets and with Shalmes. with all that thereindvvell.
Pfalme 99. CA NTVS . Simon Stubbu

HE Lord doth raigne although at it, the people rage full fore :

Yea, he on Cherwbins doth fit, though all the world doe roarc.

Jltfartyrs Tnne. TE NO ~R^or Playnfmg*

& xiiiiililiiiiii^fHili HE Lord dothraigue although at it, the people rage fullfore,

Yea, hee on Cherubins doth fit, though all the world doe roare.

* The Lord that doth in Sion dwell, 4 T princely power of our King
is hie and wondrous great: dotb loueiudgement and right:
Aboue folke he doth excell,
all Thou rightly ruleft euery thing
and he aloft is fet. in Iacob,throughthy might.

3 Let all men praife thy holy name, 5To praife the Lord our God deuite,
for it is fearefull fure : all honour to him doe
And let them magnifie the fame Before his footeftoolc doe likevvife*
that holy is and pure. for he is holy too.

Pfalme I oo. \CA NTVS. I. Dow/ar>d <D*U. ofM. _

t L people that on
| V
earth do dvvel fing to the Lord
with chearful voice;

Him ferue with feare,his praife forth tell.come ye before him and rei*,*-

2 French Tune. T ENO'R or PUynfo*^ 13H*

cj- J A iifJilipliii^ill=i=?i^
* L people that on earth do dwel fing to the Lord with chearfulvoice:

I '
ferue with
fcarc, his prayfc forth tell.come yc before
him and reioyce.

and for his sheepehe do th vs take.

3 The Lord ye know
without out atde he did vsmake
Wc are hisEocke he doth vs feed,
is Go<l indeed:
^ ^pwi^
4 *cn his
approach with toy his courts ?nt#.
Pfa/mec>$. 173
* And let the flouds rcioycc their fils 9 For he shall come to iudge and try
and clap their apace: the world and eucry wight:
And eke the mountains and the hils And rule the people mightily
before the Lord hi* face. with iuitice and with righr.

Pfalme 99. M ED I VS. Simon Stubbs.

He Lord doth raigne although at it the people rage full fore :

ifli^iliiiplliilliifiil though doeroare.

Yea, he onChcrubins Coth fit. all the vforld

He lord doth raigne although at it the people rage full fore:

Yea, heeon Cherubinsdotk though the world doc
fit, all roare.
6 Mofes, Aaron and Samuel 8 O Lordour God thou didft them heare
as prieftson him did call : and anfvvercdft them agaiue

When they did pray he heard them well o Thy mercy d d on them appeare,
and gauc them anfwere all. the ir deeds didft not maintalr.e.

7 Within the cloudto them he fpake, 10O land and praife our God and Lord
then did they labour ft ill : within his holy hill:
To keepe fuch lavves as he did make, For whyfour God throughout the world
and pointed,theuj vntill. is holy euer ftL L
Pfdme 100. MFD IP'S l.Dowland Doft.ofM.

L people that on earth do dwelling to the Lord with chearful voice:

i;in iTru 4jjjq?_iJ4
Hi^vferue withfeare,his puife forth tell, come ye be/ore him and reioyie.
A^m i. .1.11 l-J-.-U.
l people that on earth do dwel fing to the Lord with chearful voice :

Him ferae with feare, his praife forth tell,come ye be- fore him & re-ioyce.
*raife,laud and blefTe his name alwayes his mercy is for eueriure.
*orit is fecmely f to doe. His truth at alj timci firmcly ftocd,
for why? th e Lord our God is good, and shall from age to age endure.
*3 In
174 'Another of the Tame. CANT PS. Simon.Stubbs.

N God the Lord be glad and light, praifehim throughout the earth:

Seme him and come before hisfight with finging and with mirth.
YorkeTtine. TENOR, orPlaynfong.
J- t lfr-t Ji Uf
N God theLord be
i 1
JJXl 1
glad and light, praife bim throughout the earih

Serue him and come before his fight With finging and with mirth,
a fnovvthat the Lord our God he isf ovvne folke and pafture sheepe.
he did vs make and keepe j ^ iO goe into his gates alvvayes,
Kot vvee our felues, for we are his giue thankes within the fame

P(alme I o I . CANT VS. Tho. Tt^uenf. B.of M.

il p'fHfr "
Mei cy will and iudgement


i him
Lord God vnto thee :


wifely doe in perfect way vntill thou come to mee,

VVinchefter Tune. TENO R, orPlaynfong.

' Mercy will and Judgement fing, O Lord God vnto thee : And

vvifely doe in perfect way vntill thou come to me.

And in the rmdft of thyhoufe vvalke From me shall part the froward hcarti
in pure nefie of my fprit : none euill will I fee.
I And I nokitide of wicked thing 5 Him will I flay that flandereth
, will fct before my fight. his neighbour priuily : ^r-**^^
4lhate their vverkes that fall away, The lofty heart I cannot beare,
it thaJJ not cleauetonac: nor him that looketh hie.

Pfalme 102. CANT VS. hhn Milton.

Heare my prayer Lord, and let my cry come vnto the*:

Korvvitch Tune. T EN O R, or Playnfong.

Heara my prayej: Lord, and let my cry come vnto theej


MED 1 VS. Simon

Another of the fame.IJ5 Stub!?:.

* N God the Lord be glad and light, piaife him throughout the earth:

Seme bim and come before his fight with finging and with mirth.

N God the Lord be glad and light, piaife him throughout the earth:

Scrue him and come before his fight with (inghig and with mirth.

VVithin his courts let forth his praife, for etiermore doih raigne:
From age to age throughout the
and hud his holy name. world
4 {-"or whjrt ihe goodneffe of the Lord histruth doth fiill remainc

Pfalme 101. MEDIVS. 7 ho. %*uenf. B , of M.

O God And
Mercy will and iudgemcntfing Lord vntothee i

wifclydoe in perfeft way vntill thou cometAmee.

Mercy will and iudgement fing, O Lord God vnto thee t And

wifely doe in perfed way
vntill thou come to mee.
$ Mine eyes shall b on them within And in my prefence he shall not
the land that faithfullbe : remaine that lyes doth tell.
In perfeft way who walketh shall t Betimes 1 will deftroy euen all
fuant vnto me. the wickedof the land:
7 1 will no guilefull perfon haue That I may from Gods Citie cut
within my houfe to dwell : the wicked workers hand.

Pfalme 1 02. METUVS. Iohn Milton.

o^iliiiiiiiillliiiigiiiHearc my prayer Lord, and let my cry come vn- to thee


Hearc my prayer Lord, and let my cry come vnto thee:

M4 In
176 CAN TVS.
$ M" IH
In time ot trouble doe not hide
| | J aUlll
thy faceavvajr from

TE NO \or PUynfong.
^wmmmmmmmm hi time of trouble doe not Hide thy face away from me

3 Incline thine eare* to me,make haft For thou haft lifted me aloft,
to hcare me v vhen I call; and caftme downe againe.
For as the fmoike doth fade, fo doe
my dayes confume and tall. 11 The dayes wherein I pane my life
are like the fleeting shade:
4 And as a harthmy bemes are burnt, And I am withered like the grafle,
my heart is imittcn dead that foone away doth fade,
And withers as the graflfe, that 1 i? But thou O
Lord for euer doft
forget to eate my bread. remaine in fteady place:
5 By icaion of my groning voyce And thy remembrance cuerdotb*
my bones cleaue to my skin abide from race to race. <

6 As Pellican in vvilderneiTe
fuch cale new am I in. The fecond fart
And as an Ovvie in defart is, l\Thou wilt arife, and mercy thou
loc I am fucna
: one to S ion wilt extend i

7 1 vvatch and as a fparrovv on The time of mercy, now the time

the houfe top am alone. forefct is come to end.
8 Loe daily in reproachfull wife 14 For euen in the ftones thereof
mine eivemies doe me fcorne : thy feruants doe delight
And they that do 2 againft me rage, And on the duft thereof they haue
againft me theyhauc fvvorne. companion in their fpiite.
$ Surely with ashes as with bread i$Then shall the heathen people feate
my hunger 1 haue did : theLords moft holy name:
And mingled haue my dtinkewith tc*ars And all the kings on eauh shall dread
that from mine eyes haue ftild. thy glory and thy fame.
Jo Betauie of thy difpleafure Lold, 16 Then when the Lord, the migfhty God

thy wrath and thy dildainc againe shall Sionreare :

Pfalme 103. CANTVS. E. hbnfog{ ^

iX X foule gtue laud vnto the Lord,
my fprite shall doe the fame

TEN O R, or Plajnfong,
& \a lliililllllllllliiillli
% foule gxue laud vnto the Lord toy fprite shalldoe the fame

MEB1VS. 177

In time of trouble doe not hide thy face away from me.

In time of trouble doe not hide thy face away from mee.

ind then when he moft nobly ia

his glory shall appeare. The third part.
1 My
former force and ftcengtH hee
17 To prayer of the defolate, abated in the way: (hath
vvhenhe himfelfe shallbend:

And shorter he hath cut my dayes,

/Vhen he shall not difdaine vnto thus I therefore did fay.
their prayers to attend.
24 My God, in mid
it otall my dayeSa
%B This shall be written for the age
nowtake ma not away :
that after shall fucceed:

Thy yeares endure eternally,

The people yet vncrea ted, from age to agefor aye.
the Lords rcnovvne shallfpread.
t$ Thou the foundation of the earth
*o For hefrom his high fanftuary
before all times hail laid
hath looked downe below :

And Lord the heauens are the vvorke

.nd out of heaueii hath the Lord
which thine ovvne hands hauemade.
beheld the eaith alfo.
25 Yea, they shall perish and decay,
20 That of the mourning captiue he
but thou shalt tarry ftillr
might heare the vvofuU cry r
And they shall all in time waxeold,
And that he might deliuer thofc cuen as a garment will.
that damned are to dye.

a1 That they in Sion may declare 27 thou as a garment shalt them change
the Lords moft holy name : and changed shall they be
And in lerufaleni fetfortn But thou doftftill abide the fame,
the pray fes of the fame, thy yeeres doe neue'r flee.
a* Then when the people of the Land, ?S The children of thy feruants shall
and kingdomes with accord: continually endure!
Shall be aflemWedfor to doc And iii thy fight their happy f*ed
their feruice to the Lord. foreuer shall ftand fur e.

r{lme\q$. MEDlfS. E.hhnfon.

Y foule giuc laud vnto the Lord, my fpritc shall doe the fame


X foule giuc laud vnto the Lord, my fprite shall doe the fame
And all the feaets of my
i n i

heart praife ye his holy nam?.

| +;\
Giue thanks

to ClnA
God for
for all hi< gifts,shewnot
all his thv feife
oifrs.thevvnnt! thy vru
fplfie yru kind*"
: AnA
And fntff/*r not
(infer not- his

benefits to flip out of thy minds.

T E NO or PUynfong,

And all the fecrets of my heart praife yee his holy name, Giue thankes

to God for all his gifts, shew notthy felfe vnkinde : And fuflfer not his

benefits to flip out of thy minde.

S That gaue thee pardon for thy faults, when finners doe him grieuet
and thee reftorde againe The flevyeft to conceiue a wrath,
For all thy vveake and f raile difeafe, and readier! tofoigiue.
and healde thee of thy paine*
4"That did rtdeeme thy life from death, 9 He chides not vs continually,
from which thoucouldit not flee: though we be full ofltrife:
His mercy and companion both Nor keepes ourfauks in memory
he did extend to thee. for allourfinfull life.
10 Nor yet according to our finnes
5 That fild with goodnefle thy defire, the Lord doth vs regard:
anddid prolong thy vouth : Nor after our iniquities
Like as the Eagle carts her bill he doth not vs reward;
whereby her age renevvth.
6 The Lord with i iftice doth repay uBut as the /pace is wondrous great
allfuch as be eppreft: twixt earth and heauen aboue
So that their furferings and thcirvn*ongs So is his goodnefle much more large
are turned to the beft. to them that doe him louc.
i% God dotb remouc our finnes from vs
y His vvayes and his coramandernents and our offences all,
to Mofes hedidshovy As farre as is the Sun rifing
His coun&ls and his valiant ads full diftant from his fall.
the lfraelites did know.
I The Lord is kmde andraercifull, ThcftcQud farU


A i\d all the fecrcts of iny heart praife ye his holy name. Giue thankes

to God for all his gifts, shew not thy fclfe vnkinde : And fuffer not his

benefits to flip out pf thy minde.


And all the fecrets of my heart prayfe ye his holy name. Giue thankes

to God for all his gifts, shew not thy felfe vnkinde s Andfurfcmot his

benefits to flipout of thy minde.

Ij And looke what pitty parents decre 18 1 mesne, which keepc his couensnt
I vnto their children beare: with all their vvholedefire :

Like pitty bearcsthe Lord to fuch, And not forget to doe the thing
I as worship him in feare. that he doth them require.
14 The Lord that made vsknowes our
I our mould and fashion iuft : (shape, io The heatiens bie are made thefeat
How weake andfraile our nature is, and footftoole of the Lord:
and how we be but duft. And by Ms power imperiall
he goucines all the world.
^fA?i<npvvthe time of mortal! men 20 Ye angels which are great in power,
is like the withering hay s praife ye and Mefle the Lord
Or like the Mower right faire infield, Which to obey and doe his will
ft that fadeth (bone away. immediately accord.
I 16 VVhofe glos & beauty flormy vvfrdes
doevtterl, difgrace: 21 Ye noble hofts andmin'.rters

And make that after their aflaults, ceafe not to laud him ftill:
fuch bloflbmes haue no place. VVhich ready are to execute
his pleafureand his will
I 17 But yet the goodneflfeof the Lord n Yea, all his works in euery pltof.
I with his shall e tier (tand ^
praife >e his holy name t

Their childrens children doe recciue My heart,my minde, and eke my fouIet
his lightcoufacffe at hand* praife ye alfo the lame.
8o Pfatme 104. C*NT?S. Tho.%auenf.B.f M.

Xfoule praife the Lord,fpeake good of his name: O Lordour

Pi great God,how doft thou appeare \ So parting in glory, that great is thy

fame : honour and maieftie in thee shine moil cleare.


1S =
Y foule praife the Lord, fpeake good of his name: O Lord que

great God* how doft thou appeare 1 So patting in glory, that great is thy

fame: honour and maieftie in thee shine moil cleare.

2 With light as a robe j He groundeth the eaith

thou hajftthee bcclad fofirmely and faft:
Whereby all the earth That it once to moue
thy great nefTe may fee. none shall h aue fuch power.
Theheauensin fuchfoit 6 The deepe afaire couering,
thou alfo hail Ipread : for it made thou haft
That itto a curtaine Which by his owne nature
compared may be. the hils would deuoure*
3 His chamber beamcs lie 7 But
at thy rebuke
in the clouds full fure : the waters doe flee
VVhich as his chariot Audfbgitie due place
are made him to beare. thy word to obey '

And there witn much fwiftnefle At thy voyce of thunder
his courfe doth endure. lb fearefull they be :
Vpon the win gs riding That in their great raging
of vvinde in the ay re. they haft foone away.
4 He maketh his Ipirits S Themountaines full hie
as Heralds togoe they then vp afcend:
And lightnings to ferue, Ifthou doe but fpeake
vve fee alfo preik thy word they fulfill
His will to accomplish* So likewife the vvaues
they runnc too and fre :
taoft quickly defcend,
To faue and confurae things, VVhcrc thou them appointed
as fecmeth him beft.^ remaine they doe ftlll*
: ; : : ,

MED IV S.Tho^enf.B.ofM. 8l
* Jj-._
1 04-
- -I -c

Y foule praife the Lord,fpeake good of his name O tordonr

~ Sopaffing inglory.thatgreatisthy
g^tli^iiwv<loftthou appeared

honour and maicftit in thec shine moftcleare.

famc :


|V A -
y fon ie praife the Lord,fpeake good of his name: OJ^dour^

great God.howdoft thou appeare

> So paffingta S^^J^J^
fame: honour and waieftie in thec shin*

VVhen moued by nature

Their bounds thou haft fet,
to hop here and there,
how farre they shall run*
Jo as in their rage
Among the greene branches
their tongs shall cxccll.
not that paffe they can
or God hath appointed
they shall not rcturne,
The earth to deftroy mo* ij The mountaines tomoift
v?hich made was for man. the clouds he doth vfe:
The earth with his works
is wholy rcplcat
The fecond part: 14 So as thebrtute cattell '

[o Hefendeth thtfprings But graffe doth prouide them.
toftrong ftrcames and lakes, and hcarbe for majis meate,
/Vhich runne doe fullfwift
iamong the huge hils !

|X Y Vherc both the wilde AiTeS i 5 Yea, bread,

wine and oyle
their thirft oft times flakes, he made for mans fake
fcndbeafts of the mountaincs His face torefresh
thereof drinke their fils. and heart to make ftrong :

16 The Cedars of Liban

12 By thefe pleafantfprings*
this great Lord didmake
of fountaioes full fayre VVbicfc trees he doth nourish
frhe Fowlesof the ayre ihatgrow &
lon fr
abide shall and dwell:
|92 Pfalme 104.
17 In thefe maybitds build, 91 As (bone as the Suntse
and make there their neft; is yp, they retire.
In Firre trees the Storks
To couch in their dens
remaine and abide: then are they full faine;
J$ The high hils are fuccour
That man to his v v orke ttay,
for wlde Goates to reftj
as right doth require t
And eke the rocks flony Till iiighc come and all him
for Conies to hide.
to take reft agaiue.

The Moonethen 77^* third part,

is fet
herfeafons torunne, 24 How fundry, O Lord,
The dayts from the nights are all thy vvorkes found i
thereby to difcerne; With vvifedome full great
And by the Sifctndin^ they are indeed wrought:
all* of the Sunne 25So that thewhole world ;

The cold from heatalvvay of thy praife doth found,

thereby v/e doe learne. And as for thyriches
they palTe allmcns thought. \

so When darkenefle doth come So in the great fea,

by Gods will and power, which iar^e is and broad:
Then creepe forth doe all Where things that creepe fwarmc9
the beaftsof the wood.. and beafts of each fort.
21 TheLyons range roaring, 26 There both mighty ships faile,
their prey to deuoure and fomelye at load :
But yet it is thou Lord, T'he Whales huge and monftrous
which giiieft them food. there alfo doe fport.

Pfalme 105. CANT VS. Rtchard tsMifa.

3 ue prayfes vnto God the Lord, and call vpon his name ;

f 'l'P hi '
Among the people e-ke declare his works to fpread his fame.


yee vnto the Lord I fay, andfing vnto him praife -

And talke of all the

wondrous vvorkes, thathehach wrought alvvayes.

T E N OR, or Playmbng,

Iue prayfes vnto God the Lord, and C3li vpon his name:

Among the people ekededare his works to fpread his fame. Sing

yee vnto the Lord 1 Oy.and fing vnto him praife: And talke of all the

~ ^
wondrous vvorks,that he hath wrought alwayes.
: : : : :

Pfatme 104. i3
j AH things on thee wait, 3 iThe praife of the Lord
thou deft them relieue: foreuershall laft

And thou in due time VVho may in his works,

full well doft them feed. by right well reioyce.
II Now when it doth pleafe thee, His looke can the earth make
the (dmefo togiut; to tremble full fait:
They gather full gladly Andlikevvifethe mountaincs,
thofc things which they need. to fmoakeat his voyce.

ffcoiiopeneft thy hand 3? To this Lord and God

and they finde fuch grace ling will I alwayes
That they with good things So long as I Hue
tie filled we fee-' my God praife will I
9 But fore are they troubled 34 Then am I moft certaine
if thou turne thy face-. my words shall him pleafc

For if thou their breath take, I will reioyce in him,

vile duft then they be. to him will 1 cry.

?o Againe whenthy fpirit 35 The flnners. O Lord,

fion tnce doth proceed : confume in thine ire:
till things to appoint, And eke the pcruerfe
and what shall entue. them roots out with shame.
I Then
are they created, But as for my foule, now*
as thou haft decreed: let
find dolt by thy goodneflt And fay with the faithftill,
the dry earth renue. prayfc ye the Lords name.

Pfkimeios. M6DIVS. Hjcba-d <*AB(en.

Iue prayfes vnto God the Lord, and call vpon his name:

Among the people eke declare his works to fpread his fame. x Sing

ycc vnto the Lord I fay, and fing vnto him praile And talke of all the

wondrous workes,that hehath wrought alwayes.

m r*g B ASSVS. A
RSgliliifiliiiiiil^lil Iue prayfes vnto God the Lord, and call vpon his name:

Among the people eke declare his workes to fpread his fame. Sing

yee vnto the Lord I fay, and flog vnto him praife And talke of all the

wondrous woikcsthat he hath wrought alwayes*
3 la
1 84 Pfalme ioj*
5 In honour of his holy name, Yea, very fmall, and in the fend
reioyce with one accord: they then but ftrangers were,
And let the hearts alio reioyce
ij While yet they walkt from land to
of them that feekc the Lord. without a fure aboad (land
4 Seeke ye the Lord & feek the ftrength And while from fundry kingdom i s they
of his eternail might: wander all abroad.
And feeke his face continually 14 And vvtong at no oppreflbrs hand
and pre fence of his fight.
hefuffered them to take:
Buteuen the great and mighty Kings
5 The wondrous workesthat he hath
keepe fti li in mindcfull heart: reproued for their fake.
Ne let the ludgements of his mouth 15 And thus he faid, touch ye not thofe
out of your mi nde depart. that mine annointcd be ' :

6 re that of faithfull Abraham* Nedoe the Prophets any harme

his leruant,are the feed: that doe pertaine tome.
yehisele&jthe children that 16 Hecalde a dearth vpon the land,
of Iacob doe proceed. of bread he ftroyde tneftore,
But hcagainft their time of need,
7 For he, he orely is I fay, had lent a man before.
themightie Lordotir God
And his moft rightrullitidgements are The third' p4rt.
through all the earth abroad. 17 Euen To^eph which had once becne
X His promifeand his couenant* Hue a flaue in woe :
to (fould*
which he hath made to his 1 iV Vhofe feet they hurt in flocks.whofc
He hath remembredeuermore, the iron pearc'talfo. ( foul*

to thoufandsof degrees. T9 Vntill the time came whenhis caitf$

was knowne apparently
The mighty word of f5od the Lord
The ficondfart. his fatiltleffe truth did trye.
9 The couenant which^e hath made *o The king fent and deliuered him
with Abraham long agoe from prifon where he was
And faithfull oath which he hath fworn The ruler of the people then
to Ifaack alfo. did freely let him pane,
10 And did confirine the fame for law, ai And oner all hi s houiehe made
that Iacob should obey him Lord,to beare thefway :

And for cternall couenant And of his fubftance made him haue
to Ifrael for aye. the rule and sll the ftay.

11 When he thus laid, loel to you 9* That he might to his vvillinftruci:

allCanaanland will glue- the Princes of the land
The lot of yourinheritance, And wifedomes lore his auncient raea
wherein your feed shall Hue. mightteach to ynderftand.
ii Although their number at that time Then into the Egiptian lanc^^ m
did very final 1 appeare came Ifrael alfo

Pfalme 106. CANT VS. Tho.TtattenfB.ofM.


*- Kaifc
' '"
ye the Lord, for he
is good,
Tf ill
his mercy diirts for aye

Cambridge Tune TENO R y

or TUynfeng.
:: : : : ;

Pfulme \o4m 1S5

And Iacob in the land of Ham and fruit of all their ground*
did liue a ftranger tho. The fift part.
24 His people heexceedingly 36 Thefirft begotten in the land
in number made to flow : eke daily did he fmite:
And ouer all th eir enemies Yea, the beginning and firft fruit
in ftrcngth he made them grow. faUtheit ftrength and might,
as VVhofe heart heturnd that they with 37 With gold $ filaer hee them brought
his people did entreat :(hate from Egypt land to pafiTe

And did his femants wrongfully And in the number of the Tribes
abufe,with f'alfe deceit. no feeble one there was.
The fourth part. 38 Egypt was glad and ioy full then,
26 His faithfull feruant Mofes then, when they did thence depart

and Aaron whom hechofe For terror and the feare of them
If e did command to goe to them, was fallen vpon their he3rt<
his meflagetb difclofe. 39 To shroude them from the parching
27 Thevvondrouf mtffage of his fignes a cloud he did difplay ; (heate
amongft them theydid shew : And fire he fen t to giuc them light,
And wonders in thelandof Ham when night had hid the day.
then did they workealfo.
40 They asked and he caufed QuaileS
afr DarknefTehe lent,and made it dark, to raine at their requeft : .

in ftead of brighter day: And fully with the bread of heauen

29 And vnto his com million their hunger he reprefl.
they did not difobey. 4iHe opened then the ftony rocjes^
; o He turnde their waters into bloud, and water gushed out
..he did their fishes flay: And in the dry and parched grounds
Their land brought frogs, euen in the likerkersian abotu*
where their king Pharaoh la y. (place 42 For of his holy couenant
31He lpake,& at his voyce there came aye nifndefull was he tho :

great fwarmcs of noyfome flyes Which t his feruant Abraham

And all the quarters of their land he plighted long agoe.
were fildvvith crawling lice. 43He brought his people forth v?ith^
32 He gaue them coldand ftony haile and his elect with ioy : (mirth
in ftead of milder raine: Out of thecruell land where they
And fiery flames within their land hadliu'd in great annoy.
he fen t rnto their paine. And of the heathen men he gaue
S3 He ftnotc the vines and all the trees to them the fruitfullland:
whereon their figs did grow The labors of the people eke
And all the trees within their coafts they tookeinto their hand.
do?vne did he ouerthrow. 45 That they his holy ftatutes might
1a He fpake, thenCaterpillers did obferue for euermore
^rnd (i^Afcoppers abound: Andfaithfully obayhis lavves,
?5 Which cat the grade in all their land praife ye the Lord therefore.

Pfulme 106. MSB I VS. Tho.%*t$enf. B. of M.

" Kaife ye the Lord, for he is good, his mercy dures fox

flayfc yee the iordj foe he is good, his wwcyAurcsforaye:
illliiilliiil VVhocauexpreffcMsno'jleafts, or all his praife difplaj


Who can expreft hisnoblc afts, or all his praife difplayl

j They bleffed are that tudgcmcnt keep, in fong they did him giue.
and mftiydoe alvvay ij But by and by vnthankfully
Withfauour of thy people Lord, his words they cleane forgat
remember me I pray. And coun fell and his law
for his
they did neglect t waytc.
^ And with thy failing hcalth,0 Lord,
vouchsafe to vifit me 14 But lulled inth vvildernefle
That I the great fclicitie with fond and greedy luft
of thine elect m ay fee. And in thedeiart tempted God,
5 And with thy peoples ioy I may the ftayof alltheirtruft.
a ioyfull mindc poffelTe : 15And then their wanton mindes dctire
And may with thine inheritance he fuffercd them to haue :
a glorying heart expreflfe. But wafting leannciTe tberevvithall
into their foules he gaue.
6 Both we and eke our fathers all
haue finned euery one : ,o Then when they lodged in their tents
We haue committed wickednefTe, at Mofes they did grutch
and lewdly we haue done. Aaron the holy of the I**d
7 The wonders great which thou O iodid they enuy much.
haftdone in Egypt land? (Lord 17 Therefore the earth die open wide,
Our fathers though they faw them all and Dathaudid deuoure:
yet did no* vnderttand And all Abirams company
did couer in that houre.
Nor yet thy mercies multitude
18 In their aflembiics kindled was
did keepc inthankefull mindc :
the hot conlumingfire:
But at the fea,yea, the red fea,
And wafting flame did tken burne Vp
tebelled moft vnkinde.
the wicked in his ire.
8 NcuerthelciTe he failed them
19 Vpon the hill of Horeb they
honour of his name
an Idoll calfedid frame:
That he might nuke his power known,
And there the molton Imagcthey
and ipread abroad his fame.
did vvorshipof the fame.

? The red feahe did thenrebuke,

10 Into the likenefle of a calfe
and forthwith it was dride
that feedeth on the grafle
Andas in wildemefle, fo through
Thus they their gioiy tuinde, and all
the deepe he did them guide.
their honour did deface.
io He fauM them from the cruel J hand
21 And God their anety Sauiour
cf thcirdefpitefull foe
vnkindely they forgot,
And from the enemies hand he did
VVhich many great and mightythings
dcliuer them alio.
in Egypt land had wrought.
The third part.
i\ The waters their opprtflbrs whelmd,
not one was left a line i (praife 2i And of Ham for them
in the land

Th(Q they tleeu'd his words and moft wondrous things had done
: : : : : :


Who can exprefle his noble a&s, or all his praifc difplay 1


Who can exprefle his noble afts, or all his praifedifplay 5

And by the red Tea dreadfull things $j It was imputed vnto him
performed long agone. for righteoufneffe that day
2$ Therefore for their fo shewing them And from thence fouth fo counted is
forgetful! andvnkinde, from race to race for aye.
To bring destruction on them all 1% At waters eke of M eribah
he puipofdeinhisminde. they did him angry make :
Yea,fb farre forth that M
ofes was

Had not his chofen Mofes flood then punisht for their fake.
before him in the breake,
To turne his wrath left he on them 32 Bccaufe they vext his fpirit fo foro
with flaughter should himwreake. that in impatient heat,
24 They did defpife the pleafantland His lipsfpake vnaduifedly,
that he benight to giue :
hisferuor was fo great.
Yea, and the words that he had fpoke
34 Nor as the Lord commanded them
they did no whit bcleeue.
they flew the people tho.
But were among the heathen mixt,
25 But in their tents with grudging hart and learnde their workes alfo.
they wick dly repinde:
Nor to the voyce of God the Lord And did their Idols fcrue, which were
they gaue an hearkening minde.
theirmine and decay
16 Therefore againft them lifted hee
37 To fiends their fons and daughters
his ftrong reuenging hand
did offer vp and flay : (they
Them to deftroyin wilderneffe,
$8 Yea, with vnkindely murdering knife
ere they should fee the land-
the guiltleffe bloud they fpilt
if ea,their owne fbns& daughters bloud
27 And to deftroy their feed among
without all caufe of guilt.
the nations with his rod:
And through the countries of the world
to fcatter them abroad. Whom they to Canaan Idols then
48 To Baall Peorthen they did offred with wicked hand :

adioyne themfelues alfb And fo with bloud of innocents

nd ate fneoffringsof the dead,
-2n defiled was their land*
fo they forfooke him tho* 19 Thus were they ftained with the
oftheir owne filthy way: (wotkfl*
29 Thus with their owne inuentions And with their owne inuentions j

his wrath they did pro loke a whoring they did ft ray.
. And wrath,
in his fo iukindled
the plague vpon them broke. 40 Therefore againlthis people yvas
30 But Phinees itood vp with zeale the Lords wrath kindelcd fore:
the iinners vik to ftay And euen his owne inheritance
And iudgementhe did execute, therefore he did abhorrc.
and then the plague did ftay, 41 Into the hands of heathen men
he g.uiethem for a pray: (they
7he fourth far t. And made their foes their lords, whom.
YCt were*
: : :

iSS Pfalmeloti.
vvcrc forced toobey. prouokt him euertMore. <
The fift part. Therefore they by their wickedneffe
42 Yea, and their hatcfull cnemie were brought full lo?v to lie
opprcft them in the land 44 Yet when hefavvthem in diftrefte,
And they were humbly made to ftoope he hearkred to their cry.
as fubiect to their hand: 45He cald to mindehistoucnant,
4$ Full oftentimes from thrall had hee which he to themhadfvvorc :
deliuered them before : And by his mercies multitude,
But with their counfeis they to wrath repented him therefore.

Pfahne 107. C A NT VS. Tho.%tuetjJ B.ofM.

Itic thanks vnto the Lord our God, tor gracious is hee: And
that his mercy hath no end all mortall men may fee.
Chrift Hejpitali Tme. TEN OR, ox Tlaynfeng.
Kj P*
t Ii-H-r|-iiiu M
Iue thanks vnto the Lord our God, for gracious is hee:
lg And

that his mercy hath no end all mortall men may fee.

2 Such as the Lord redeemed hath, That they might to a citie goe,
with thanks shouJd praifc his name; and there alfo abide.
And shew how they fro foes were freed 8 Let men therefore before the Lord
and how he wrought the fame. confefle hiskindncflc thens
And shew his wondersthathedoth
3 He gathered them forth of the lands before the fonnes of men.
that lay fo fane about :
From Eaft to VVeft.fro North to South,
9 For he the empty foule fuftatnd,
bis hand did finde them out.
whom thirft had made to faint
The hungry foule with goodneffe fed,
4They wandered in the wilderncffc,
and firmed from the way: and did them eke acquaint.
10 Such as doe dwell in darknefle decpe
And found no Citie where tod well,
that lcruc might for their Kay.
where they of death doe wane:
Fart bound to taft fuch trouble uRkormes
as iron chainesdoe threat.
5 V Vhefe thlrft andhunger wasfo great
in thofc defarts fo voyde
That faintnefle did them fore aflault,
The fecond part:
and eke their foule annoide. h For they againft the Lords owne
6 Then did they cry in their diftrefle they fought for to rcbell * (wordf*
vii o the Lord for ayde; Efteeming light his counfeis hie,
Who did rcmoue their troublJusftitc which doe Jofarre excell.
according as they praicd. iz But when he humbled them full low*
then they fell downe with gritfe :
7 And by that way that was mod right And none was found fo much to h*lf
h c led then like a guide *.
vvheteby to get KUefe.
: : : : :: :

H And fauor he thfem made to finde 48 That fve mayfpread the noble piaife
before the fight oft .ole of thy raoft holy name
That led them captiue from their land, That vye may glory in thy praife,
when earft they were their foes, and founding of thy fame;
47 Sauevs O Lordthat art our Ood, 4P The Lord the God of Ifrael
faue vsO Lord we pray: be bleft for euermore
And from among the heathen folke Let all the people fay, Amen i
Lord gather vs away. prayfe ye the Lord therefore.

Pfalmei07. M SD I VS. Tho. ~RaaenJ.B.of M.

Iue thanks vnto the Lord our God,for gracion* *< fc** ; ArH

that his mercy hath no end allmortallmen may fee.


Iue thanks vnto the Lord ourGod, for gracious ishe : And

that his mercy hath no end all mortall men may fee.

I $ Then did they cry In their diftrefle, Whereby death had them almoft caught,
vnto the Lord for ayde as they full truely tride;
Who did remoue their troublous ftate,
jp Then did they cry in their diftrefle
according as they praide.
vnto the Lord for ayde :
14 For he fromdarknes out them brought
and fromdeaths dreadful 1 shade
Who did remoue their troublous ftate,
according as they praide.
Burfting with force the iron bands,
20 For he then fent to them his word,
which didbefore them lade.
which health did foone reftore:
men therefore
before the Lord
And brought them from thofe dangers
15 tet
confefle his kindnefle then vvherein they were before. (deepe
! i&id sht 7his wonders that he doth The third part,
before thefonnesof men; (brafie
si ret men therefore before the Lord,
16 For he threw downe the gates of confefle his kindnefle then
and brake them with ftrong hand And shev/ the wonders that he doth
The iron bars he miote in two, before the Tonnes of men.
nothing could himvvithftand* 2: And let them offer ftcrifiee
with thanks and alfofeare :

;7 The foolish.folke great plagucsdoe

And fpeake of all wondrous works,

and cannot from them wend : feele,
with glad and ioyfull cheere.
But heape vp moe to thofe thcyhaue,
becaufe they doe offend, 2} Such as in ships otbrittle Barks.
it Thiir foules fo much did loath all into the fcas defcend: (flouds
that, none they could abide (meat Their merchandife through fearefull
l$0 Pfalmnoy.
to compaffe and to en<?. t9 For witTi his v voti the Lord doth *

24. Thefe men are forced to behold thefturdyftoraiestoeeafe (make

the Lords vvorkes what they be: So that the great waues fromtheirragc
And in the dangerous deepc the fame are brought to reft and peace.
moft meruailous they fee. |o Then are men glad when reft is come
which they fo much doe craue:
25 For at his wofdtheftormy winde And are by him in hauen brought,
arifeth in a rage which they lb faine would hatie.
And ftirreth vp th* furgcs fo
as nought can them aflVvage. The fourth part.
26 Then are they lifted vpfo hie, 31 Let men therefore before the Lord
the clouds they feemc to gaine 1 confeftehis kindneflfe then:
And plunging downe the depth vnfill And shew the wonders that he doth
their foules confume with paine before the fonnes of men.
Lett-hem in prefence of the folke
27 And like a drunkard to and fro, with praife extoll hi* name :

now here,novv there they reele And where the elders doe conuent,
let them there doe the fame.
As men with feare, of vv it bereft,
or had of fence no feele. 3;For running rlouds to dry defart
28 Then did they cry in their diftrefle he doth oft change andturne s
vntothe Lord for ayde Anddryeth vpas it were duft
Who didremoue their troublous ftate thefpringing vvelland bourne.
according ^ithey praied* $4 A fruitful land with pleafures deckr
FfalmeioS. CANTVS
^^^ God my heart prepared is , and eke my tongue is fo:

I will aduancemy voyce in fong, and giuingpraifeal- fo.

rfixdfor, or Eaton Tune. T EN O /?,or TUynfow.

and eke my tongue

God my heart prepared is, is fo :

I will aduance
my voyce in fong. and giuing praife a!-fo.
2 Awake my Vioji and my Harp, j^Aboue the (tarry heauens hie,
fweet melody to make exalt thy felfe O God :

And in the morning my felfe1 And Lord difplay vpon the earth
right early will awake. glo^ all abroad.
6 That thy deerelybeloued may
I By me among the people
be fctatlibertie:
ftillprayfed shalt thou be i
Help O my God with thy right hand,
Andl among the heathen folke
and hearken vnto me.
will fing O Lord to thee.
4 Becaufe thy mercy Lord is great 7 God in his holinefTe hath fpoke,
aboue the heauens hye: wherefore my ioyes abound :
And eke thy truth doth reaeh the clouds Sichem I will diui^et and meete
within the lofty skie. the vale of Succorh ground.
:: , : :

39 But when the
faithful! are low
full barrage he doth make : (brought
by the oppretTors flout
VVhen o their fins which dwell rherin
he doth iutt vengeance take.
And minish doe through many plagues,
that compafie them about.

wilderneffe full rude* 40 Then doth he princes bring to shame

3$ *g*ine the J which did them fore oppreffe
he maketh fruit to beare

within the wilderneffe.

though none before were there
41 But yet the poore he
laifeth vp,
5* Wherein fuch hungry foules arefet,
as he doth freely chufe : out of his troubles dcepe :
That they a Cirie may them build, And oft times doth histraine augment,
to dvf ell in for their vfc. much like a fiockeof sheepe.
41 The righteous shall behold this fight,

7That rhey may fow their pleafant
and alfo much rcioyce t
and vineyards alio plant : land.
VVhereas the wicked andperuerfe,
To yeeld them fruitof fnchencreafe, with griefe shall ttop their voice.
as none may feemeto want.
5 3 But who is wife
that now full well
it They multiply exceedingly,
he may thefe things record 1
the Lord doth blciTe them fo:
For certainely fuch shall perceiue
VVho doth alfo their brute beafts make,
the kindneiTc of the Lord.
by numbers great to grow.

Pfalmc 108. MED I VS. The.%auen[. S.ofAf.

y^j Godmy heart prepared is, and eke my tongue is fo,

Ivvilladuancemy voyceinfong, and giuing praife alfo.


God my heart prepared is, and eke my tongue is f ?

i^lgli^ii^lliillilliilll and giuing praife alfo.

I will aduance ray voyce in fong,
\ And Gilead be mine owne
shall ii Is it not thou O God which late
ManaiTes mine shall be haft vs forgotten quite 1
My headftren|th Ephraim.and law And thou O Lord which with our hoafl
shall ludagiuefor me. didft not goe forth to fight,
i * Giue vs O Lord thv fiuing ayde.
o Moab my wash-pot, and my shoe when troubles doe aiTailc
on Edom will I throw For all the helpeof man is vaine,
Vpon the land of Paleftiac, and can no whit auaile.
in triumph will I goe.
I Who. shall into the Citie ftrong ilThrough God we shall doe valiant
be guide to conduct me I and worthy of renown e (acts,

Or how by whom to Egipt land, He shall fubdue our enemies,

conueyed shall I be s . yea, he shall tread them dovvne.
Pfalme 109. fa NT VS. 7ho.eR$uen{.B.f M. .

N fpeechleffe filence doe not hold, O God, thy tongue alvvayes :

O God,cuen thou (1 fay) that art the God of all my praife.

Oxford Tune. TENO% or PUynfong.

N fpe'echlefle filence doe not hold, O God, thy tongue alvvayf"

Q God, euen thou ( I fay ) that ait the God of all my praife.

zThe wicked tongue & guilfull mouth catch all hisgoods and ftore :

on mo difclofed be: And let the ftrangcrs fpoyle the fruits

Andthey with falfe and lying tongue of all his toyle before.
hauefpoken vnto me. i Le there be none to pittiehsm,
let there be none at all

5 They did befet me round about That on his children fatherlefle

. with words of hatefull fpight will let their mercy fall.
Without all caufe of my defert
againftme they did fight.
4 For my good will they weremyfoes,
The fecond fart,
but then gan I to pray
My good with ilimy friendlinerTe. i} And fo let his pofteritie
for euer be deftroyd:
with hate they did repay.
Their name out-blotted in the age
that after shallfucceed.
5Set thou the wicked ouerhim,
toruue the vppet hand: Let not his fathers vvickedncfle
from Gods remembrance fall
At his right hand eke fufferthou
his hatefull foe to ftand.
And let thou not his mothers flnne
When he is iudged, let him then be done away at aljj.
condemned be therein
And let the prayer that he makes 1 5 But in the prefence of the Iftd ^
let them remaine for aye
be turned into finne.
That from the earth theirmemory
he may cut cleane away.
S Few be his dayes,his charge alfb
16 Sith mercy he forgat to shew*
let thou another take
His children let befatherlcflfe, but did purfue with fpight

his v vifi a widdow make* The troubled man, and thought to flay
10 Let his ofspring be vagabonds, the wofull hearted wight.
to beg and feeke their bread:
Wandring out of the wafted place 17 As hedidcurfingloue, it shall
where earft they haue beene fed. betide vnto him fe
And as he did not blefling loue,
%l Let conctous extortioners it shall be fr him fro.
: .:: :: :

PfAlmeto?, MED 1 VS. Tho.^HeHf.B.cfM. 19

f- N fpeechleffe fil^ncc doc not hold, O God, thy tongue a 1 wayes""

OGod, euen thou (I fay) that art the God of all my praife.


N fpeechleflefilence doc not hold, O God, thy tongue aivvayes

God, cuen thou (1 fay) that art the God of all my praife.

18 As he with curfingclad himfelfe, 25 And I alfo a vile teproach,

water shall
fo it like to them was made to be :
[nto his bowels, and like oyle And they that did vpon melooke,
into his bones befall. did shake their heads at mee,
36 But thon O Lord that art my God
so As garment let it be to him, mine aide and fuccour be
tocouerhim for aye: According to thy mercy Lord
And as a girdle wherewith he faue and deliuer me.
shall girded be alway.
20 Loe let thisfame be from the Lord
27 And they shal know theiby that this,
the guerdon of my foe
Lord is thy mighty hand
Yta, and of thofe that euill fpeake And that thou, thou haft done it Lord,
againft myfoulc alfo.
fo shall they vnderftand.
aS Although they curfe with fpite.yet
at But thouO Lord that art my God, shalt bleffe with lotting voyce: (thou
deale thou I fay vvith me s

They shall arife and come to shame,

After thy name deliuer mc,
thy feruant shall reioyce.
for good thy mercies be
2*Becaufein depth of great diftreffc,
I needy am and pooret 20 Let them becloathed all with shame,
^.nd ek^ within my pained brefc that enemies are to me =

my heart is wounded fore. And vvith confufion *s a cloake

eke couere<f let them be.
The thirdpart. 30 But greatly 1 will vvith my mouth
glue thanks vnto the lord;
23 depart away,
Euen fo doe I And I among the multitude
as doth declining shade his praifes will recordt
And as the Grashopper, fo I
am shaken off and fade. For he vvith help at his righthand,
34. With fafting long from needfull food will ftand thepoore man by:
enfeebled are my knees To faue him from the man that would
And allher fatnefle hath my flesh condemne his foule todye.
enforced becne to tecJc.
S>4 Pfalme no. CA NT VS. Tho. M.

H E Lojd did fay vnto myLori, fit thou on my right hand :

V'T Till I haue

f si
wade thy foes a
H *

\ ^l l
whereon thy feete may
l Hjp=t ftand,-

Chichsfler Tune. T E NO R, or PUynfong.

HB Lord did fay vnto my Lord, fit thou on my right hand :

li^lllilililiiliiipiig^ made thy foes

Till I haue a ftoole whereon thy feete may ftand.

2 The Lord of Sion Tend

shall out the people offer thee.
the fcepter of thymight Yea, with an holy worshipping
Amid thymottallfoesbe thou, then shall they offer all*.
the ruler in their fight. Thy birth dew is the dew that doth
ftom worn be of morning fall.
3And in the day on which thy raigne,
and power they shall fee 4 The Lord hath fworne & neuer vvilM
Then hereby free-will offrings shall repent what he doth fay

Pfahme ill. CANT VS. Tho.KtuenJ.'B.ofM.

Ith heart I doc accord to praife and laud the Lord, in pre.

r #** I
I H. ft~* |
f p=k$
fence of tfce iuft ; For great his workes are^found, t^o fearc^h them fuch

are bound, as doe h^im loueand truft. His w'orkes are glorious," alio his

2 FrenchTune. T E NO R y or Eabmden. fO
wisiiiilSlli=i=iillPii I th heart I doe accord to praife and laud the Lord, in pre-

fence of the iuft : For great his works arefound, to fearch them fuch

are bound, as dos Ioue and truft; His workes are glorious, alio Ms

Pfalmeiie. CANTVS. Tho.T^mnf.B.ofM. i$>*

\ \

H E Lord did fay vnto

l|l| H
my Lord,

thou on

light hand


Till I haue made thy foes a ftoolc, whereon thy feet shall ftaud.

T V" '
I *'t H '
' I 1-H-HrP
HE Lord did fay vnto my Lord, fit thou on my right kand
Till I
I 1 , t'|i

haue made thy foes a ftoolc* whereon thyfeete shall {fand.

M II i n
By the order of Mclchhedech, the place with bodiesdead
thou art a Prieft for aye. And oucr diners countries shall
5 The Lord thy God on thy right hand in funder mite the head, f

that ftandeth for thy ftay 7 And he shall drinke out of the brooke,
phall wound for thee the ftately kings, that runneth in the way :
I vpon his wrathfull day. Therefore he shall lift vp on hye
his ry* u head lhat da V*
6 The heathen he shall iudge and fill

Tfalme I II. MSB IVS. Tbe.Rwnt.B of'M.

T..L i - t J~~ - J *_ _ : tu ...J 1 i -.L _ *


fence of the ifcft : For great his workes are found, to fearch them futh

are bound, asdoehim loue and truft. His workes are glorious, alfo his


Ith heart 1 doe accord, to prayfe and laud thcLord, in pre-

fence ofthe



arebound, asdoehiro-loue andtniA.
For great



\ ^ are found,

His workes are glorious,

to fearch them fucli

ffit3a aifohii

righteoufneffe it doth endure for c- uer. His wondrous vvorkes he would

mmmmtmmmm we ftill remember should, his mercy fayleth ne-

T E NO %px Playnfong.

righteoufneffe it doth endure for euer. His wondrous works he would

we ftill remember should, his mercy faileth neuer,

5 Such as to him loue beare By lightnings and by thunders :

A portion full faire VVhen he the heathens land

He hath vp for them laid Did glue into theirhand.
Forthisthey shall vveii finde. Where they beheld his wonders.
He will them haue in minde,
And keepe them as he faid. 7 Of all his vvorkes enfueth
< For he did not difdaine Both iudgement, right and truth,
His vvorkes to shew them plaine whereto his ftatutcs tend.

Pfalme \ i 2. CANT VS.

He man is bleft that God doth feare, And that his lavves doth

loue indeed: His feed onearth Will vpreare, And bleftefuehas from hitn

f 1 1 r'lf ff'i ^f,i

His rightcoufnes endure shal
proceed: His houfe with good he will fulfill . ftill.

I. High Dutch Tune. TENOR, otFaburdm. '

He man is biert that God doth feare, And that his lavves doth

loue indeed : His feed on earth God will vprcare, And blcflc fuch as from him

proceed ; His boufc with good he vviUfaljjU; His righteoufnes endure shal ft il.
: :


righteoufaeue it doth endure for euer. His wondrous works hec would

~JEEiEi?^!*Ei3 H== i

^vcftill remember shdnk , his mercy faileth n* tier.

g-rs --=.
righteoufnefle it doth endure for euer. His wondrous vvorkes hcevvould

we uillrcmembcr should, his mcr* cy faileth ncuer.

SThcy are decreed fure, His holy name be feared,

For euer to endure,
VVhich equitie doth end 10 Who fo with heart fullfaine
Redemption he gaue True wifedomc would attaine,
His people for to fane. ThcLotd feare and obey
9 And hath alio required Such as his lawes doc keepe
His promife not to faile, Shall knowledge haue full decpe :
But alv vayes to preuaile : His prayfe shall laftfor aye*

Pfalme 103. MED I VS. G.Kithj.

iigp %
we roan is bleft that God tfoth feare, And thathis lavves doth

me indeed: His feed on earth

loue God will vpreare, And blefle fuch as from him

p roced : Hit houfe with good he will fiilfill: His ri ghtcoufnes endure sbal flill


He man is bleftthat God doth fearer And that his lavves doth

fcue indeed : Hts feedon earth God will vpreare, And blefle fuch as from him

, ptoceed: His h.oufe with good he will fulfill: His righteoufnes endure *bal ftill.
4 Vni^
i?8 Vfdmewx. 1
4 Vnto the righteous doth rtnfe He doth by iudgement things expend. / 1
In trouble ioy. in darknefTe lights
Companion is in his eyes, e Andfurely fuch shall neuer ftile, 1
And mercy alvvaycs in his fight. For in remembrance had is he,
5Y ea, pitty movcth ftuh to lend. y No tidings ill can make him quaile,

TfJmellti CANTVS. Tho.Rauev/.'B.ofAf.

Yp*^TT E children
which do ferue
l I "I i
the Lord,praifeye hisname with gf one ac#

cord: Yea, blefTed be alwaies his name, from the rifingef the Sun,

till it returne where it begun, is to be praifed with great fame. The Lord

P all people doth furmount, as for his glory we may count, aboue the hca-

uens hie to be, vvithGodthe Lord who may compare, whofe dwellings

1 1 the heauens are? of fuch great power and force is he.
TEN OR, or Waynfbng. G#
* E children which doe feme the Lord,praifeye his name with one ac-

cord: Yea,bleffcd be afwayes his name, who from the rifing of the Sun,

till it returne where it begun, is tobe praifed with great fame. The Lord

all people doth furmount, as for his glory we may count, aboue the hea-

uens hie tobc, with God the tord who may compare, vvhofe dwellings in

the heauens are^ of fuch great power and force is heS
6 He doth abafe himlelfc wcknow, 7 The needy out of duft to draw*
Things to behold botfc here beloWt And eke the poore whichfaelp none favf
And attb in heaue n aboue. His onely mercy did him aiouc.
Vfdmewt. 199
Who in the Lord fuxe hope doth fee. Hisri^hteoufnefle shall ftill remainet
i His heart js firmc his fearejs paft, And his eftate withpraife abide,
For he shall fee his fees dovvne cait. Though that the wicked men dtfdairie.
10 y ea, gnash his teeth thereat shall he
9 Re did well for the poore prouide. And fo confutu e his fta te to fee.
MS D VS. The Rmenf. H.of M.
Pfalme 1 i ; . I

E children which do feme the Lord, praife ye his name with one ac-

cord Ycajbleffed be alvvayes his name, who from tnerifing of the Sun,

returne where
till it it begun, is to be praifcd with great fame. The Lord
-^-^--r-x-A-X-T- P
we may
^11 people doh furmount, as for his gloiy count, aboue the hca-

with God whomay
pens hie to be the Lord, compare,whofe dwellings

|T'* '
in the heauens are
Ui-J =^CTB
. of fuch great power and force is he.
E which children do feme the Lord,praifeyehis name with one ac-

cord, yea, blefledbe aMwayes his name, who from the rifing of the Sun,

till it returne where it begun, is to be praifed with great fame.The Lord

. all p'.opU doth furmount, as for his glory we may count, a- boue the

heauenshie to be, . with cod the Lord may compare,whoie dwellings

in the heauens are 1 of fuch greatpo
and force is hee.
I And fo him fct in high degree, 9 The barrenhedoth make to beare,
V Vith P rince:. of great dignitie, And with great ioy her fruit to reare,
That rule his people wi^h &reatfaice. therefore prajfe ye his holy name.
loo Tfdmei\. CANTVS. Edward BUnkfl ll

n H*nTrr*MKvRoHsaadrefle.
Hen Ifrael by Gods addreffe, from Pharaos land was bent i

lliiiilliiiiS' and in the fame Maine went.

And Iacobs houfe the ftrangers left,

Low Dutch Tune. T E NO ^ or Flajnfong.

VV Tf , ,
c .
addrefle. from Pharaos land was bent

iiiliillliilillll^pS the grangers left, and in the fame traine went,

And Iacobs houfc
2 In luda God his glory shew'd, rccukdbackwardly.
his holinefltmoft bright: 4 As Rams afraid the mountaines skipt,

So did the Ifraelites declare their ftrength did them fbrfake

his kingdom e, power, and might, And as the filly trembling Lambs
their tops did beate and shake.
j The fea faw, and fodainely
5 What aild thee fea as all ama2M,
as all amaz'd did flyc
The roaring ftreames of Iordans floud fo fodainelj to flye

Pfalme us. CANTVS Simon Stubbs.

Ot"vn-tovs Lord, not to vs, but to thy namegiue praifc:

Jiiliiliiiliiiiiii^ that are in thee alvvayes.

Both for thymercy and thy truth,

Torke Tnne. TENO\m PhjjfH_

* ^ Ot *rA _ irt
vs tLord,
vnto ... vs.
not to vs, but to thy name gtm^raifc,

Both lot thy mercy and thy truth, that are in thee alwayesi

shall the heathen fcorners lay, and doe notheare at all:

j VVhy
where is their God become $ And noles eke they formed haue.
and doc not faicll withall.
| Our God in hcauenis, and what

he will, that hath he done. they haue and handle not,

7 And hands
Idols lilucrareand gold, and feeteanddoe notgoe:
4 Their
vvorke of ens hands they be: A throat they haucyet through the fame
do not fpeake, they make no found to blov/. .

5 They haue a moutb,and likfto them

and eyes and doe not fee. (heads a $ Thofe that make them,are
* And they tome caus ioync4 tothcis and thofifYYhofUufttheyW;
: : : :

Pfalme 1 14. ME DIVS. Sdrvard Blancks. 201

* * Hen Ifrael byGods addrcfle, from Pharaos landwas bent

And lacobs houfe the Grangers left, and in the fame traine went.


w Hen Ifrael by Gods addreffe, from Pharaos 1 ind was bent


5 -
And lacobs
J i J
houfe the ft
M u l i M
ran gets left, and in the fame traine
Ye rowling waues of Iordaus floud, and dread his mighty hand
why ran ye backvvardly 1
Before the face of lacobs God
6 Why shooke ye hils as Rams afraid feare ye both fea and land. (rocks
why did your ftrength fo shake h
8 1 meane the God which from hard
Why did your tops as trembling Lambs
doth caufemaine flouds appcarc
for feare quiuer ana" quake s.

And from the ftony flint didmake

7 O earth confeuethy foueraigne Lord,' gush outthefountaines clearc.

?(alme uj. MSB I vs. Simon Stubbs.

O t vn-to vs Lord, not to vs, but to thy name giue praife

Both for thy mercy and thy truth, that are in thee alvvayes.

Ot vnto vs Lordi not toys, but to thy name giue praife,

Both for thy mercy and thy truth, that are in thee alvvayes.
9 O Ifrael truft in the Lord, his b letting he will shew.
their help and shield is he.
13 Them that be fearers of the lord,
10 O
Aarons houfe truft in the Lord, the Lord will taue them all

their help and shield is he : Euen he will blcfle them euery one,
11 Truft ye the Lord that feare the Lord the great and eke thefmall.
their help andshield is he ; 14 To you (I fay) the liuing Lord,
12 TheLordhathmindfullboeneofVS, will multiplyhis grace
and will vs bleflealfo: To you,anq to the children that ^
On Ifrads and on Aarons houfe f hall follow of your race

O 15; Yet
tot VfMmew^.
*5 the blctTcd of the Lord,
Ye arc 16 The hestiens, yea, the heauens hic
eucuof the Lcvd I fay, belong vnto the I ord :
V V' ich both the heauen and the earth The earth vnto the fonnes of men
hath made and fct m ftay. he gaue of free accord.

Pfaime 116. CA NT VS. 7 bo R.iutr,f,

B.o{ M,

.sj|j i iX|.
Loue the Lord, becaufe my voyce
rrT f t i ttm
and prayer heard hath nee:

When in
i r
hel.ow'dhis care to me.
i HI .

mucbefier Tune. TENOR, or ?Uyn[ong.

^* Loue the Lord, becaufe my voyce and prayer heard hath bee:

VVhen in my dayes I caldon him, he bovv d his eare tome* c

$B uen when the fnares of cruell death and he relieucd me.

about befct me round 7 And now my foule fith thou
: art fafe,
VVhen painesof hel me caught,& when returne vnto thy reft;
I woe and forrovv found. For largely loe the Lord to thee,
his bountie hath cxpreft.
4. Vponthe name of Godthe Lord m m

then did I call and fay : * Becaufe thou haft deliucred,

Deliuer thou my foule Lord, O rny foulefrom deadlythrall

I doe thee humbly pray.

M y moiftned eyne rrommomnfull tcare*
< TheLord is verymercifull. my Aiding fectcfrom fall.
andiuftheisalfo: 9 Before the Lord I in theland

And in ourGod companion, of life will vvalke therefore

10 I beleeue therefore I fpeak*
doth plentifuUy flow.
, .
c . , . f tor I was troubled lore.
* The Lord in fafetiedoth prcferue,

all thofe that fimplebe:
was in vvofull mifcrie,
1 m inecona Wu
CANTVS. Tho.%>t4cnf.B.ef M.

n sgiii^i^iiiii^Jii
V->f t_ - '
iu ye nations of the vrorld, ptaife ye the Lord
alwyes: And

Cambridge Time. TENOR, or Playnjong^

^ All 7 c nation* of the world, praif ye tht Lrd

alwayes :
: .

L They that bedead,do not with
praife i8 But vve will praife the Lord our
from henceforth and for aye :
fct forth the Lords
Nor any that into the place Sound ye the praties of the Lord,
praife yee the Lord I fay.
of filencc doe goc dovvne.

Pfdme\\6. MED1VS. Tho.\Raf$t*f.B.ofM.

* Loue the Lord, becauferay voyce and prayer heard hath hee :


n n j 1

ia my dayes Icaldonhim, he bevv'd his care to roe.

, =t= t -f-r

* Loue the Lordbecaufe my voyce and prayer heard hath heet

uti' n fin '

,.i ''rrTq r~~ i

When my dayes 1 cald on him,

in he bwd his eare to mce.

11 1 faid in my diftwiTe and feare, 15 Thy feruant Lord thy ferttantloe,

1 doe my felfe confeflfej
that all men lyers be :

11 What shall I pay the Lord for all Sonne of thy handmaid, thou ha A broke
his benefits tome *i the bonds of mydiftrefle.
1 J The vvholfome cup of fauing health 17 And I will offer vp to thee
Ithankefuliy will take a facrifice of praife :

And on the Lords name I will call, Andl will call vpon the name
when 1 my prayer make. of God the Lord alwayes,

1*4 1 to the Lord will pay the vowes, iS I to the Lord will pay the vowes,
that I haue him behight g ; that I haue him behight s
Yea, euen at this prefent time, Yea, euen at this prefent time,
in all the peoples fight. in all the peoples fight.

15 Right deare and ptecious in his fight, 19 Yea,in the courts of Godsow n houfe,
the Lord doth ayeefteeme and in the miditof thee,
The death of all his holy ones, O thou Ierufalera 1 fay,
what eucr men doedeeme. wheiefore the Lord praife ye.

Tfalme 117. MSDIfS. The.Rauenf.B .of M.

All ye nations of the ?vorld, praife ye the Lord alwayes :



Ail ?e nations of the world, praife ye the Lord alwayes : Ar.d

* Oi aU
S5 all ye people euery where fet forth his noble praife,

TSNO R 3 otPl4yfon^

all ye people euery where let forth bis noble praife,

* For great his kindneu"e is to vs, fiis truth endures for aye t

Pfalme 1 1 8. __CANTVS. Simon Stubbt.

Giucfc thanks vnto the Lord, for gracious is hce: Becanfe

his mercy doth endure for euer towards thee.

M*rtyrsTunt. 7 ZV ft, or PUynfong.

Giuc ye thanks vnto the Lord, for graciousis hce : Bccaufe

his mercy dothendure for euer towards thee.

i Let Ifrael confefle and fay,
8 Better itis to truftin God,
his mercy durcs for aye then in mans mortall feed
J Now letthehoufeof Aaron fay 9 Or to put confidence in Kings,
his mercy dures for aye* orPrinces intheir need
10 All nations haue enclofcd me
4 Let all that feare the Lord our God, and compafled me round

euen novv confefle and fay, But in the nameof God will I
The mercy of the Lord our God aiine enemies confound*
endurethftillforaye. ^
5 In trouble and in heauineiTe 11 They kept me in on euery (idet
vnto the Lord I cryM they kept me in 1 fay
Which loilinglyheard me at large, But through the Lords moft mighty naa*
myfutewas notdenide. I shall workc their decay,
u They came about me all like Bees,
6 The Lord himfelfe is on my fide, but yet in the i^ords name
1 will not (land in doubt, I quencht their thornes that wereenrc
Nor feare what man can doe to me, and will deftroy the fame.
v?hen God ftands me about*
7The Lord doth take my part with them The fecond part.
that help to fuccour mee
therefore I shall fee my defirc a; Thou haft with force thruft fore at
yfounine enemie* that 1 indeed might fall ; (me,
: :

MED1VS. 205


fet forth his noble y-raUe.

"all ye people tueryvrhere

fJaime 1 1 8. MED 1 VS. Simon Stubbs.

for gracious is he:Becaufe

V.) Giue ye thanks VBtothe Lord,

dure for euer towards thee.



o Giue ye tbankes vnto the Lord, for gracious is he : Becaufe

his mercy doth endure for euer towards thee.

But hath not giucn mecueryct

But through the Lord I found fuch help, may
were vanquish t alls to death as ye fee.
that they
14. The Lord is my defence and ftrcngth,
10 Set open yntorne the gates
my ioy , my mirth and fong i
of truth andrighteoufnciTe :
Hee is become for me indeed*
That I may enter into them
a Sauioux moft ftrong.
the Lords praife to confefle.
of the Lord our God ao This is the gate euenof the Lord,
x< The right hand
which shall not fo be shut
doth bring to paffe great things:
of ioy and health But good and righteous men alvvay
He caufeth voyce
shall enter into it.
in righteous mens dvvcllings. ;
%6 The right hand of theLord doth
moft mighty things to paffe r he third part.
His hand hath the prehcmincncc, 31 Twill giue thanks totheeO Loivl,
his force is as it was.
becaufe thou haft hcard inc :
liue And art become moftlouingly
i 7 T will not dye but euer
a Sauiour vnto me.
to vttcrand declare among
might & wondfous power 2 j The Aone which ere this time
The Lord his
the builders was refusM.
his wetkes and what they are.
Isnow become the corner Hone
it The Lord himfclfe hath chaftencd*
and chitfely to be vf'd.
andhathconeftedxnee; ~ ?TIuS
5 Pfalmc\i%.
i; This was the mightie * votkc of God in heart, in mindc, and thought.
this was the Lords owne fad*.
And marueiious to hchoid
it is 25 Now helpe vs Lord, and profper vs ]

with eyes that noble act. we wish with one accord :

*4 This is the ioyfull day indeed, 26 Bleffed be he that comes to vS,
which God himftlfe hath wrought, in the name of the Lord.
Let vs be glad and ioy therein, 27 God is the Lord thatshevv'th vs ligh^

Pfaime 119, CANT VS. G.Ftmaby'B.cfAf.

Leffed are they that perfect ar<s and pure in mindc and heart

VVhofe lines andconaerfa- tion from Gods lavves ncuer ftart. Bleffed are

rt Hf . ^i"' f r'r*
they that giue themfelues
his ftatutes to obferue :

Seeking the Lord with

all their heart, arid neuer from him fvvcrue.

B Leffed are they that perfect are, and pure in mindc and heart.

VVhofe liues andconuerfation from Gods lavves netier ftait. Bleffed are

they that giue themfelues his ftatutesto obferue: Seeking the Lord with

all their heart, and neuer from him fvverue.

3 Doubtlcfle fuch men goe
not aftray. vvhil'ft I thus fet mine eies :

nor doe no wicked thing: And bend my minde alvvayestomufe

Which ftedfaflly vvalke in his pathe r, . ou thy f acred decrees.
vvithoutany wandring.
x* It is thy will and commandement,
Thcn vyin , >r f ^ ri ht hart

that with attentiue heed:

and * ific

rhy not>le and diume precepts,

yvhcn I hall le ^ nc th i udgerac ts

and likwvifc pro e the fame, (iuft,

we lcarne and keepe indeed.
g And vvholIy vvill j giuc my felfe,
5 Oh would to God it might thee pleafe to keepethy lavves moft right
my vvayes fo to addrefle : Forfakc me not for euerLord,
That might both in heart and voyce,
I but shew thy grace and might.
thy lavves keepe andconfefle.
BETH. The fecond Part#
4 So should no shame my life attaint, p By what meanes may a yong man beft
: : ::

ffdme 1 18.
feinde ye therefore fvith cord Thou artmy God and I will praife
Your facrifke to the altar, thy mercies towards me.
and giue thankes w> the Lord. 29 O giue yee thankes vnto the Lord
for gracious is he :
at Thou art my God I will confcif:, Becaufe his mcicydoth endure,
and render thanks to thee ? for euer towards mee.

Pfalmt 119 MED / VS. G. Bmwbj B. ofM.

Lcfled arc they that perfect arc, and pure in niinde and heart

VVhofe liues and cornier- fa- ti-on from Gods l.ivvcs ncnet ftait. Blcflcdare

they thatgiuethemfelues hisfta- tutcs toobferue: Seeking the Lord with

all their heart, and neuer from him fWerue.

B A 9 S VS.
Leflcd are they that perfect are, and pureinmiudeand heart

VVhofe liues and conuerfation from Gods lawes neuer ftart. Bk fled are

they that giue themfelues his ftatwtes toobteuie: Seeking the Lord with

all their heart, and neuer from him fweruc.

his life learne to amend \ Thy ftatutcs of moll worthy fame
If that he marke and kcepe thy word, O Lord teach me therefore.
and therein his time fpend.
My lips haue neuer ceaft to preach,
xo Vufainedly I haue thee fought,
and publish day and night
and thus feeking abide \
O neuer fuffer me O Lor \
Thy i-udgementsall whkh dii proceed,
from thy mouth full of might,
from thy precepts to Aide.
t4 Thy
teftlmonies and thy waies,
11 Within my heart $c fecret thoughts, pleafc me no If fTe indeed,
th" word 1 haue hid fliil Then all the treafures of the earth,
That t might not at any time, which worldlings make their meede.
offend thy godly will,
ii We roagnific thy name O Lord, 15 Of thy precepts T will ftill raufe,
and praife trice cuerawrc : and thereto frame my Mike :

O4 A$
c Tfdme 119- I
At at a m*rke fo will I aime,
tfcy precepts and thy lem
thy waieshow 1 may vvalke Thy worksthen will] meditate,
t 6 My onely ioy shall be fo fixt,
and lay them vp in ftore.
and on thy la vves fo fet
2 My loule I fcele f jore oppreft,
That nothing can me fo farre blind,
thatitmelteth for griefe:
that I thy word forget.
According to thy word therefore
haft Lord to fend reliefc.
G J M EL. Tbelll.Tart.
J 7Gra?t
rothy fenunt now fuch grace 19 From lying and deceitfull lips,
let thy grace me defend:
as may my life prolong
Thy holy word then will I keepe And that I maylearnc thee to loue
both in my heart and tongue. thy holy law me fend.
50 The way of truth both ftrait

18Mine eyes which were dimaiid shut furc &

fo oyi n and make bright I hauc chofen and found :

That of thy law & meruailous vvorkes I fet thy iudgements me before

1 may hauethe clccre fight. which keepeme fafe andfound.

Z9 I am a ftranger in this earth, si Sincethen (O Lord) I forc*d my felfe

thy couenants to embrace
vvandring now here now there:
Thy word therefore to me difclofe, Let me therefore haue no rebuke,
my footftepsfor to cleere. nor check in any cafe.
ao My foulc is 5*Then will I run. with ioyfull cheare
rauisht with deface,
andneuerisat reft where thy word doth me call I

But feekes to know thy iudgements When thou ha-ft fet my heart at lirgc
aud what may pleafethee and rid me out of thrall.

2i The proud men and malitious, H E. The V. Tart.

thou haft dcitroyde cachone:
me Lord in the righttrade
33 InftrucT:
And curled are fuch as doe not
ofthy ftatutes diuine i
thy hefts attend vpon.
And it to keepe eucnto the end
2 2 Lord turne from me rebuke &
shame, my heart I will enclin'c.
which wicked men confpire
$4. Grant me the knowledge of thy law
For I hane kept thy couenants,
and I shall it obey :
with zeale as hot as fire. With heart and minde & al! my might*
I will it keepe I fay.
2; The princesgreat in counfell fate,
and did againft me fpeake: 35 In the right path of thy precepts,
But tfienthy feruant thought how he
guide me Lord I require:
thy ftatutcs might not breake.
None other pleaftire doe I wish,
24 For why < thy couenants are my ioy, nor greater thing defire.
and my great hearts folacc :
36 Incline mine heart thy lawes to keep
They feme inftead of counfcllers, and couenantsto embrace:
my matters for to pane. And from

all filthy auarice,

Lord shield me with thy grace.
DALETH. rhc iuwrart.
35 T am alas as brought to graue, 37 From vaine defires and worldly lufts
and turne backe mine eies and fight
alttbft trjrn*d toduft:
Reftore therefore my lifeagaine, Giue me the fjurit of life and power
as thy promife is iuft. to walke thy waies aright.

2 5 My wayes when $8 Confirme thy gracious promife Lord,

1 acknowledged,
with uiercie thou didft heare which thou haft made to me :
H~arc now eft/bone and me inftrud: Which am thy feruant andde loue
thy lawes to loue and feare. and feare nothing but thee.

17 I each me once throughly for to know J? Reproach and shame which I dofeare
: : : : : : : '

Pfalmeiiy. 209
from me O Letd expell Yet would I not thy law forfake*
for thou doeftiudge with equitie, as he that vvere forlorne.
and therein doft excell. 5 2 But call to mlnde Lord thy great
40 Behold my hearts defireis" bent shew'd to our fathers old : (workes
thy lawes to keepe for aye Whereby I felt my ioyfurmount,
xord Arengthen me fo with thy grace, my gricfe an hundrethfold.
that it pcrforme I may.
53 But yet alas for fearel quake,
VjIV. The VI. Tart. how wicked meii
Thy law forfooke and did procure
41 Thy mercies great and manifold
thy iudgements whoknowes when
letmeobtaineO xord:
54 And as for mc I fram d my fongs,

Thy faning health let me enioy,

thyftatutesto exalt !

according to thy word, When I among theftrangers dwelt,

42 So shall I flop the flandrous mouths and thoughts gan meaffault.
of lewd men and vniuft:
For in thy faithfull promifes vpon thy name O Lord*
5$ I thought
ftands my comfort and truft.
by night whenothers fleepc:
As for thy law I alfo kept,
4; The word of truth within my mouth and euer will it keepe.
let euerftiilbe preft
5* This grace I did obtainc becaufe
For in thy iudgements vvonderfull
thy couenants fvveet anddearc
my hope doth ftand and reft. I did embrace, and alfo keepe
44 And whilft that breath within my with reuerence and with fcare.
doth naturall life preferue (breft

Yea, till this world shall be difiblu'd,

thy law will I obfcrue. HETH. TbgprIII.<Par.t.
57 O God which art my part and lot*
45 So vvalke will I^asfet at large> my comfort and my fhy
and made free from all dread :
I haue decreed and promifed,
Becaufe I fought how for to keepe thylaw to keepe al way.
thy precepts and thy teed.
5$ Mine earneft heart did humbly fue
46 Thy nobleadtsl vvilldcfcribe, in prefence or thy face :
as things ofmoft great fame As thou therefore haft promifed.
Euen before Kings I will thein blaz;, Lord graunt mc of thy grace.
and shrinke no whit for shame.
47 1 will reioyce thentoobey 59 My life I haue examined,
thy worthy hefts and will: and tride my fecret heart:
Watch euermore I haue loud bed, Which to thy ftatutes caufed me
andfb will lone them (Hit. my feet ftraight toconuert.
48My hand will I lift to thy lawes, 60I did not ftay nor linger long,
I haue dearely fought i as they that floathfull are
And pra&ife thy commandements, But haftely thy lawes to kecpe.
in will, in deed, and thought. 1 did my felfe prepare.

ZAIT^. The VU.Vart. 61 The cruel! bands of wicked men,

49 Thy promifc which thou madft to me haue made of me their pray:
thy fewant Lord remember : Yet would I not thy law forget,
For therein haue I put my truft, nor from thee goeaftray.
and confidence for euer.
$2 Thy righteous iudgements towards
50 It hmy comfort and my ioy, fo great is and fohie: (me
when troubles me aflaile That euen at midnight I will rife,
Tor vvere me life not by thy word, thy name to magnifte.
my life would foone me faile.
51 The proud & fuch as God contend Companionam I to all them,
ftill made of rac a fcorne : which fcare thee in their heart
Uo Pfalmellp
And neither will nor dread,
for letie the caufeiuil needs bemuft.
from thy eominandements ftart. 76 Now of thy goodnette I thee pray,
9A Thy mercies lord moft plentiful! fbme coqifort to me fend
doe all the world fulfills As thou to me thy feruart hetft,
Oh teach me how I may obey fo from all ill me s head.
thy ftatutesand thy will.

TETH. The IX. Part. 77 Thy tender mercies poure on mee,

and I shall furely Hue :
% According to thy promtfeLord, For ioy and confolation both/
fo haft thou with me dealt thy lawes to medoe giue.
For of thy grace in fundry forts, 78 Confound the proud whole falfe pre*
haue I thy feruant felt. is me for to deftroy. .

66 Teach me to iudge alway aright, But as for me thy hefts to know,
and glue me knowledge fure: I will my felfeimploy.
For certainely beleeue I doe,
that thy precepts are pure. 79 Who fo with reuerewee do thee fcare
me let them retires
* 7 Ere thou didft touch me with thy rod, And fuch as doe thy couenants know,
I err'd and wentaftray
and them alone defiie.
But now I Jceepe thy holy word,
50 My heart vvithout all waucring,
And make it all my ftay.
let on thy lawes be bent
6% Thou art both good and gracious,
That no confufion come to me,
and giueftmoft liberally :
whereby I should be shenu
Thine ordinances how to keepe,
therefore O Lord teach me.
CATH* rbeXl.Tart.
69 The proud &
wicked men haue forg'd
againft memany a lye 51 Uy fonle doth faint and ceafeth not
Yet thy cemmandcroents 0x11 obferue, thy fauing health to czauei
with ail my heart will I. And for thy words fake dill I truft,
70 Their harts are fwolne with worldly m y hearts defire to haue.
as greafe fo a te they fat : (wealth ti Mine eyes doe faile with looking for
But in thy law duel delight, thy word,and thus I fay:
and nothing feeke but that. O when wilt thou me comfort Lord 1
why doft thou thus delay s.
71 happy time may I well fay,
when thou didft mecorred: Sj As a skin bottle inthefmoake,
For as a guide to learne thy lawes, fo ami parent and dride:
thy rod did me direct. Yet will 1 not out ofmy heart
71 So that to me thy word and law, let thy cotnmandements Aide.
is dearer manifold 84 Alas how long shall I yet Hue,
Then thousands grcatof filuer and gold! before I fee the houres
orought thit can be told. That on my foes which me torment,
thy vengeance thou wilt poure i
JOD. The X. Tart. SyPrefumptuous men haue digged pits
71 Seeingthy hands haue made me Lord, thinking to make me fure 1
to be thy creatures Thus contrary againft thy law*
Graunt knowledge likewifehow to my hurt they doe procure,
toput thy lawes in vre. (ieame 86 But thy comma ndements are all true,
74 So they that feare thee shall reioyce, and caufelefle they me grieue:
when euer they me fees To thee therefore I doe complainc,
Becaufe I haue learnd by thy word, that thou mighteft me rtlicuc.
to put my truft in thee.
$7 A Imoft they had me cleane deftroyd,
7y When with thy rod the world is and brought me quite to grounds
I know the caufe is iuft : (plagued, Yet bythyftatutes 1 abode,
when thou doft correct me Lord* and therein fuccour found.
: : :
: : :: : ::

Pfalmc 211
gS ft eftore me Lord agiine to life. the auncient men In deede
for thy mercies excell And all becaufe to keepe thy lawes,
And fe shall I thy couenints keepe 1 held it aye beftreede.
till death my life txpell.
lot My feete I haue refrained eke
LJiMET). The XILPart, from euery euill way:
Becaufe that I continually
So Inheauen Lord where thoudoft thy word might keepe 1 fiy.
thy word i's ftablisht fure : (dwell ioa I haue not iweru'd from thy iudge-
And shall for all eternity*
nor yet shronke any dellt (ments
faftgrauen there indure. For why* thou haft me taught thereby,
to Fromageto age thy truth abides, to Hue godly and well.
as doth the earth vvitneflfe
VVhofe ground*worke tbou hail laid fo ioj O
Lord how fweet vnto my tail
as no tongue can exprefle. (fure,
findel thy words alway
#r Euen to this day we may well fee, Doubtlcfle nohony in my mouth,
how all things perfeuere: feele ought fo fweet I may.
According to thy ordinance, 104 Thy lavves haue me fuch wife dome
for ail things thee reucre. that vtterlyl hate " (learnd.
Had it not beene that in thy lav?, All wicked and vngodly waies,
my fou lc had comfott fought: in euery kinde of rate.
Long time ere now in roy diftreffe
I had beene brought to nought.
N VN. The XI III. Part.
91 Therefore I will thy precepts aye> a lanterne to my feete
Euen as
in memory keepe faft: fo doth thy word shine bright:
By them thou haft my life reftord,
And to my pathes where eucr I goe,
when I was at laft caft.
it is a flaming light.
9+ No wight to me can title make, 106 I haue both fvvorne and will per-
for I amoncly thine:
moft ccrtainelydoubtlefle (forme *.

Siuc me therefore for to thy lavves That I will keepe thy iudgements iuft,
mine eares and heart encline. and them in lite exprefie.
95The wicked men doe feeke my bane,
107 Affliction hath me fore oppreft,
and therefore lye in wait
and brought me to deaths doore i
hull the while considered
O Lord as thou haft promifed,
thy noble acts and great.
fo me to life reftorc.
$6 nothing in this wide world,
1 fee
105 The offerings which with hart and
at length which hath not end
moft franckly 1 thee giue, ( voice
But thy commandements and thy word,
Accept, and teach me how I miy
beyond all end extend.
after thy iudgements line.

MEM. The XII I. Fart. 2

09 My fbule is ayefo in my hand,
that dangers meafiaile
97 What great dem*e,and feruent lone
Yet doe 1 not thy law forget,
doe I bcare to thy la wS
nor it to keepe will faile.
All the day long my whole deuife
isonely on thy law.
Ho Although the wicked lay their nets
to catch me at a bay :
9% thy word hath taught me farre to
Yet did I not from thy precepts
my foes in policy: (pafle,
oncefwerueor goeaftray.
For ftill I keepe it as a thing
of moft excellency.
in Thy lavves I haue fo claim* d alrvay
09 My teachett which did me inftruft, as mine ovvne heritage
in knowledge I excell And why 1 for therein I delight,
Becaufe 1 doe thy couenants keepe, and fet my whole courage,
and them to others tell. in For euermore 1 haue beene bent,
2eo In wifedome I doc pafTc ftlfo* thy ftatutes to fulfill
Euen fb like wife wito the end teach me alio to kuovf.
I will continue ftill.

SAMZCH. 125 Thy humbU feruant Lord lam,

TbeXV.Tart. gramme to Tnderftand
li J &
The crafty thoughts double hearts
How by thy ftatutes I may know,
I doe alvvaics detoft i
But as far thy law and precepts,
beft what to take in hand.
I count them euer beft.
i*6 It is now *ne Lord to beginne,
for truth i s quite decayd
114Thou art my hid and fecret place, Thy law likewife they hau c
my shield of ftrong defence : tranfgrcft,
and none againft them faid.
Therefore I haue thy promites,
lookt for with patience.
?*7 T his is the caufe wherefore I loue
thy lawes better thengold
xi$Goeto therefore ye wicked men,

Oricwels fine which arc efteem'd

depart from me anonet moft coftly to be fold.
Forthe commandements will I keepe,
128 1 thought thy precepts all moft tuft
of God my Lord alone,
and fo them laydin flora
j if As thou haft promifd fo performe, All craftie and malicious wates
that death me not aflaile j
I doe abhor re therefore*
Nor let my hopeabufc me fo,
that through diftruft I quaile.
PE. The XV
II. Fart.
117 Vphold me and I shall be fafe, U9 Thycouenants are moft wondcrfull,
for ought they doe or fay : and full of things profound ;
And in thy ftatu tespleafuretake My foule therefore doth keep them fure,
will I both night and day. when they are ttide and found.
118 Thou haft trod fnch vnderthy feet, i?o When men fiift enter into thy word
as doe thy ftatutes breake they nde a light moft cleere
For naught auailes their fubtilty And very idiots tnderftand,
their counfell is but weake. when they is read or heare.

no LikedrofTe thoucafts the wicked ijiForioy I haue both gapt & breathe
where euer they goc or dv veil to know thy cotnmandemeut
s (out
Therefore can las thy ilatutes, That I might guide my life thereby
loue nothing halfe fb well. I fought what thing it meant; *

120 My flesh alas is taken with feare, 132 With mercy and compaifion both,
as though it werebenumbd : behold me from aboue:
For when I foe thy iudgements,ftraight As thou arc wont to behold fuch
I am as one aftond* as thy name feareand loue*

til Hired my footfteps by thy word,

^ilN. The XV
I. Part.
m doe the thing thatlawfullis,

andgiue to all men right ?

that 1 thy will may know:
And nenerletiniquitie,
thy feruant ouerthrow.
Refigne me not to them that would
134 Froiuflanderous tongues anddeadly
pprcflTem e vvith their might t prcferue and keept me fure * (hato
it? But for thy feruant furetie be,
Thy precepts then will 1 obferue,
in that thing that is good
and put them eke in vre*
That proud men giue me not the foile,
which rage as they were wood: rjj Thy countenance which doth fur*
*** Mine eyes with wayting are now the Sunnein his bright hew : (mounf
thy health fo much I ccaue : (blinde, Let shine on me and by thy law,
And eke thy righteous promife Lord, teach me what to efche w.
whereby thou wilt me faue. i}6 Out of mine eyes great flouds gush
124 Intreat thy feruant louingly, of dreary teares and tell (out

and fauour to him show When I behold how wicked men

Thy ftatuces of moft excellency. thylawcskee|fcflrWr adH

: ; s : : :

. Pfalme 119. tl\

tA V H. The XVl I J. 'Part. '49 Incliue thine care te heare my voice
and pity on me take :

*i7 In t"* 1? Pint I*** tnou

art luft t As thou was wont fo iudge me Lord,
1 the wicked though they grudge :
left life should me forfake.
And when thou doft fentenc e pronounce 4s My foes draw neare and do procure,
thou art a righteous iudge. my death malicioufly:
l)Z Te fender right and flee from guile, Which from thy lav? arc far gone back
are two chiefe points moft hye: and ft raid from it lewdly.
And fuch as thou haft in thy law,
coinmaundcd vs ftrakly. 151The i fore O
Lord approch thou neere
for ncede doth fb defire ?

ijp With zealeand wrath am cen-

I And all thy precepts true they are,
and euen pinde away : (fum { d then helpe I thee require.
To fee my foes thy word forget, 5* By thy commandments I haue learni
for ought that 1 doe may. not now but long agoc .

140 So pure and perfect is thy word, That they rcmaine foreuermoKe*
as any heart candeeme : thou haft them grounded lb.
And 1 thy feruant nothing more
doe louc or yet efteeme.
RESH. The XX. Part.
141 And though I be nothing fet by,
as one of bale degree
i$ } My trouble and affliction,
confider and behold
Yet doe I not thy hefts forget*
nor shrinke away from thee.
De liner me for of thy law
1 euer take fa ft hold.
142 Thy rightcoufneftc Lord is moft iuft
for euer to endure:
i%\Defend my good and righteous caufe
Aifo thy law is truth it felfe,
with fpecdme fuctour fends
moftconftant and moft pure. From death as thou haft prom i fed,
Lord keepe me and defend.
Trouble & griefe haue feas'd on me
and brought me wondrous low: 155 As for the wicked far they are

Yet doe I fttll of thy precepts from hauing health and grace
delight to heare and know* Whereby thcymight thy ftatutes know
they enter notthe trace*
144 The righteoufnes of thy iudgemeuts
doth hit for euermore 156 Great are thy mercies Lord I grant
Then teach them me for euen in then what tongue can themattaine <i

my life lyeth vpinftore. And as thou haft me iiidg'd ere now,

fo let me life obtaine.
KQTH. The XIX. Part
145 With feruentheartl cald andcride, 157 Though many men did trouble me,
nowaufwete me O Lord : and perfecute me fore
That thy commandemcuts to obferue, Yet from thy lawes I neuer shronk*
I may fuliy ac< ord. nor wentawry therefore.
146 To thee my God I make my fute, 158 And truth it is for griefe I die,
with moft humble requeft when I thefe traitors fee:
Saue me therefore and I willkeepe, Becaufe they iceepe no whit thy word,
thy precepts and thy heft. noryct feeke to know thee*

447 To thee cry I euen in themorne, 159 Behold for I doe loue thy lawes,,
before the day waxe light with heart moft glad and faine
Becaufe that 1 haue in thy word, As thou art goo i and gracious Lord*
my confidence whole plight. 4-cftore my lifeagaine*
148 Mine eyes preuent the watch by 106 What thy word dothdecree,nmftbc
and ere they call 1 wake : (nighl and fo it hath beeneeuer:
That by delating on thy word Thy righteous judgements are aifo
I wight; Home comfort tafce. <noft tcue> and decay neuer.
214 P (timet to.
SCH1N. The XX I. Tart. \$% Great pe tee and reft shall all fuch
which doe thy flat utes leue, (ham
i6i Princes hauc bought by cruelty
No danger shall their quiet date,
caufcletfetomake me couch: empaire or oncererooue,
But all in vaine, for of thy word, 166 Mineonely health & comfort Lord,
thefearedid my heart touch.

I looke for at thy hands

161 And certainclyeuen of thy word,
And therefore haue- 1 done thofe things
I was more merry and glad:
which thoudidftme command.
Then he that of rich fpoiks andprayes
great ftore and plenty had.
16 7 Thy hwes haue beene my exercifc
16 j Asforallltcs and faulty,
hate moft and deteft:
which my foule much defir*d :
For why thy holy lav ves doc I,
So much my lone to them was bent,
a&oue all things lone heft. that nought elfe I requird.
i \6 Seuen times a day I praife the Lord 16$ Thyftatutes and coramandements,
tinging with hart and voice kept thou knowft aright

Thy righteous ads and wonderfull, For all the things that I haue done,
fo caufe me to reioyce. are prefent in thy fight.

Pfclme 1 zo. C A NT VS. Tho. %auenfB. o{M.

N trouble and in thrall vnto the Lord 1 call, and he doth mee

comfort. Deliuer me,I fay, fromjlyers lips alv vay , and tongues of falic report,

I . Italian Tme. TENOR, or Faburden.

N trouble and in thrall vntothe Lord I call, and he doth me

comfort. Deliuer me,i fay, from lyers lips alway, and tongues of falfe report*
3 What vantage or what thing. Of hot confuroing fire.
Gets thou thus for to fting,
Thou falfe and flattering lierS 6 Alas to long I flackc,
4 Thy tongue doth hurt I weene, V Vithin thefe tents To blacke :
No ltfle then arrowes keene Which Kcdars are by name,
Pblme tii. CANT VS. G. Farnafa B. of M.

T ifr
Lift tYI IHA cunt
mine eyes to Ci
Si- \tt Kill
on hill, '
(mm whence
from t~m
"iT doe
Ar^m i r+m r\A

4 French Tune. TE MO 7^ or PUjnfong.

Lift mine eyes to Si- on hill, from v? hence J doc attend,
: : ;

tl *
Pftlme 1 20,
rbXXll. Tart. ^JMS * ft<cl1 '
{ AV. and fpecdely me faue
O Lord let my complaint and cry For thy commandements toobferue,
before thy face appoare: cbofen O Lord 1 hauc.
find as thou haftmepromtfe made, 174 Of thee alone Lord 1 craue
lb teach me thee to feare. for other 1 know noue
7 My humble replication, And in thy law and nothing elfe
toward thee let finde accefle I doc delight alone.
And grant mt Lorddeliuerance,
fox fo is thy promife.
long dayes to
lips thy praifesfpeak
my 175 Grant mee therefore
? 7 i Then
shall 0*"*
thy name to magnifie :
after moft ample fort meicifull,
When thou thy ftatutes haft me taught And of thy iudgements
let me thy fauou r try.
wherein ftands my comfort :

176 For lvvas loft and went

x7 2My tongue shall ling & preach thy much like a wandring sheepe:
and on this wife fayshall, (wotd
Gods famous acls and noble lavves, Oh feckc me for 1 haue not faild
thy commandements tokeepc.
areiuft and pcrfeft all

I ui.-j
N trouble
xt and :-tKr
in thrall a ii
ixraii vnw
vntothe tord
sue *-wiM 1 call,
and he doth mec


- N Trouble
trouble and in tnran
thrall theLord Ix
?nto tncj-u*u

of falfe report.
coiromDeliuerme, I fay, from Ucrs lips alway. and tongues
By whom thy flocke elect, I came a peaceto make,
And all of Ifaacks foft : And fet a quiet life,
are put to open shame. But when my tale was told,
* * Caufeleffe I was contiold,

7 With them that peaccdid* hate,

*<n*V) By/ them that would haue ftnfe.

Pfalme ill. MED IV S. G. T*rn*bj B. of M,

* Xiftnuneeye$wSi- onhill, from whence I Awattend,

* ""~ *~Llft mine eyes to Si- on hill, $o wbc X doe t**^

1 16 CANTVS.

^ that fuccour God me fend- The mighty God ine fuccour will> which

m illSil
heaucn and earth framed* and all things theiein na- wed.

TE NO R , or Playnfeuqr.

that fuccour God me fend. The mighty God me fuccom will> which

heauen and earth framed, and all things therein named.
5Thy foote from flip he will preferuc, But hiseyes shall cuer watch.
And will thecfafely keepe
For he will neuer fleepe. 5 The Lord is thy warrant alway,
4 Loe, he that doth I fracl confer ne, The Lord eke doth thee couer,
No ileepe at all can him catch, As at thy right hand euer.

Pfalme ill. CANT VS. G. FarndjB. o{M.

Did in heart reioyce to heare the peoples voyce, inof- fciing Co

willingly, For let vsvp iay they, and in the Lords houfe pray, thus fpake the folk

1 full louingly,
Ourfeete that wan* dred wide shall in thy gates abide*

5. French Tunc, TNO%ox PUj*fong. 1^

in heart reioyce to heare the peoples voyce, in offering fb vvil-

lingly : For let vs vp t fay they, and in the Lords houfe pray, thus fpake the

folk full louingly* Our fesw that Y?aadre4 ?vidc shall in thy gates abide*
IhatTuccowGodme fend. The mighty God me fucc our will, which

^Laucn and earth framed, and all tilings therein named,

giillfillilitiililiiiiiii which
that luccour God me fend. The mighty God me fixecouj will,

faeauen and earth framed, and all things therein named.

<5The Sunne shal notthee parch by diy And will thy lifcfure fane:
Nor the Moone not halfe io bright. And thou alfo shalt hauc.
Shall with cold thee hurt by night. Sin all thy bufinrfife good iucceffe:
Where cuer thou goeit in or out,
7 The Lord vvil keep thee from diflreffe, God will thy things Uringout.

Pfa/mc 122. MSB J VS. G. Farnaby B. of AC

Did in heart retoyce to heare the peoples voyce,in offering To vvil-

lingly : For let vs vp fay they, and in the Lords houte pray, thusfpake the

folk full louingly, Ourfcete that wan- drcdwide shallin :hy gates abida,

bass Vs.

Did in heart reioyce to heare the peoples voyce, in cifciingfo

willingly For let vs vp fay they, and in the Lords houfe pray, thus $$kt the

folk 'full louinfily. Our feetc that vvandred wide shall in tWgafec* abide; -
*i8 CANT VS.

O thou le* rufaiera full faire, which art fo feemely let, much like a

Citie neat, the like whereof is not elfe where.

TENO %, or tUjafag.
O thou Ierufalem full faire, which art fo feemcly fet, much like a

Citie neat, the like whereof rs not elfe where

4 The tribes vvithonc accord, 5 For there are Thrones erec^,
The tribes of God the Lord And that for this refpeft,
Are thitherbent their way to take: Tofet forth iuflice orderly
So God before did tell t Which Thrones right to maintained
That there his Tfraell To Dauids houfe pertain*,
Thcirprayeis should together make. His folke to iudge accordingly.

Pfalme 123. CANTVS. Tho^enf B. of M.

Lord that heauen doft poffefle, I lift mine eyes to thee

Euca as the feruant liftech his, his maiftcrs hands to fee.

tfindfor or Eaton Tme. T E N O 7^ or PUynfong.

&0~ Lord that heauen doftpoffefle, I lift mine eyes to thee

uen as the feruant lifteth his, his maiftcrs hands to fee*

i As handmaides watch their miftrifle $ Lord graunt vs thy companion*

fonie grace for to atchieue : (han&, and made in thy fight
5 vvebchold the Lord our God, For we are Hid and ouercomc
yil he doe vs forgiuc. with hatred aud defpight.
At ED IP S. %\$

O thou lczufalem full faire, ?vhicb art fo fcemely fct, much like a

Cltie neat> the like whereof is not clfe where,


V'fU'n O thou Ierufalem full faire,

*l Mil ar. !'
which art
fo fceme- ly fct, much
like a

Citie neat, the like whereof is not elfe where*

To pray let vs not eeafe, 8 I wish thy profperousftate,

For lerufalems peace : For my poo re brethrens fake
Thy friends God profpet mightily. That comfort baue by meanes of thee*
7 Peace be thy vralles about, 9 Gods houfe doth me allure,
And profper thee throughout Thy wealth for to ptocuro,
thy places eke continually* So much alwayes as lyeth in me*

Pfalmeui. MS D I VS. Tho.'^uenf.B.of M.

o Lord that beauea doll yofflsfle, IKftmineeycs to thee:

uen as the ft man t lifteth his, hismaiftcrs hands to fee.


Lord that heauen doft peiTe/fir, I lift mine eyes to thee:

Buen as the feruant lifteth his, his maiftera hands to fee.

^Ourmindesbeftuft with gteatfcbufcei Doe make ofvstheir mocking flocke,

the rkp and worldly wife the pro 4 doe v s d sfpi ft
, Pa Now
iio Pfcfaexi4. CANT VS. Tho.Ratte(.'B.ofMi .

Ovv Ifrael may fay- and that truely, if that the Lord had not

our caufe matntaind : Ifthat the Lord had not our right fuftaina, When all

the world againft vsfuii- oufly made their vprores, and faid v?ee

should all dye.

C Tremh Tme.
. TENO R, or Fabnrden.

Ovv may and that truely, if that the

Lord had not

Ifrael fay,

trr m.-hH-. i t '


our caufemaintaind : If that the Lord had not our right fuftaind, VVhen

wee made their vprores* and faid
all the world againft vs furiotifly

illiishould all dye.

3 Now long agoe, So had they now,
they had dcuour'dvs all our Hues euen brought to thrall.
And fwailowed quicke.
for ought that we could d'ecme, 5 The raging Areamcs,
Such was their rage, &ofc proud in roaring noifc s

as we might well cftceme. Had long agoe.

4 And as the flouds, uerwhelmed vs in the deepe*
with raightie force doe fall But louedbeGod

rfalmet 25. CANT VS. G. Farnafy B.ofM.

ci^Hlliiiii^iiii^i Veil as in God the Lord doe truft, as Mount Sion shall Stately ftand;

2 fJiqh Dutch Tune.

. 7 E NO R, or PUynfong.

Mount Sion shall firmely ftytfi

Vch asin God the Lord doc uuft, as
: ;

fJaime MET) 1 VS. TkeAaMnf.B.ofM, ill

Ovv Ifrael may fay, and tbattruely, if that the Lord hid not

our caufe rraintaind: if that the Lord had not our right fuftaind,


all the world againft vs furioufly made their vproros, and fa id wee

should all dye.

Ovv Ifrael may fay, and that tritely, if that the Lord had not


our caufe maintaind: if that the Lord had not our right fuftaind, When

all the world againft vs furi- oufly made their vprores, andfaid wee

=m should all dye.

Which doth vs fafely keepes Eicapeth away,

From bloudy teeth, right fo it fareth with vs
and theiemod cruell voice: Broke are their nets,
VVhich as a pray, aud vvehaue fcapzdthus.
toeate vs would reioyec. S God that made hcauen,
and earth is our hclpe then
j E nen as a bird, His name hath faued vs,
put of the fowlers gin from thefe wicked men.

Ffalme 125. ME D 1 VS. G. Varmby B.of

swfon God Vch as in

n H* ,
the Lord doe trufl,as

Mount Sion
* LU J:
shall Srmely ftaud


**** .r i f~l T J J r
Mount Sion ,shall finneiv
\ ...... 71 r. i a. _ 1
Vcbas in God the Lord
I 1

doe ttuft, as ftand:

Pi And

And be remoued at no hind, the Lord will count them right and toft,

fo that they shall be fare for eucr to endure*

e i^iipg=iiiQ^i!iiig|!
And beremouedat no hand, the Lord will count them right and iuft,

fo that they shall be fure for eucr to endure.
r As mighty nioitntaincsfruge & great, They neuer neeide to feare.
Ietufalem about doe clofe :
$o will the Lord be vnto thofe, 3 For though the righteous try doth he,

VVho on htsgodly vvilldoe wajt, Bymaking wicked men hisrod:

S ufh arc to hira fo deare, left they through grief forfake their God

tsinother of the fame. CA N'T VS. Alhfon.

Hofe Anenut
that doeput
Wrvfr that
rheir confidence
their cnnfiAencfi vnon the
vpon f onl our
hc iord nut- rin^ a#.1
God oncl? .

AndHye to him for his de- fence in all their need and mifery,

7. French Tme> T NO %^ or Faburder. up. \o. &m

Hofe that doe put theirconfidence vpon the Lord our God onely s

And flye to him fot his defence in all their need and mifery.
Their faith is fure firme to endure, His faithful 1 people doth defend:
Grounded on Chrift the corner ftone : Standing them Uyafluredly,
Moued with none ill, but ftandeth ftill From this time forth world without end
Stedfaft like to Mount Sion.
Right wife and good is our Lord God
Ar.d as about Ierufalem, And will not jfurTer certainely
The mightie Mis doe it compafle The finncrs and vngod lies rod
Sothat no enemies come to them. To tarry vpon his family.
To hurt the towne in any cafe, Left they alfo from God should got^
So God indeed in euery aecde, Falling to ffnne and vvickcdneflei

And be remoued at no hand, the Lord will cotin; them right and iuft,

lo that they shall be Aire for eucr to endure.


And be remoucl -,t nohand, the Lord will count them right and iuft,

fo that they shalt be fure for cuex to endure.

It shall not as their lot ftillbc. By crooked vvaies which they out fought
4 Giue Lord to thoie thy light, The Lord vviil ftirely bring to nought.
VVhofe fccartsarc true and right: With works moft vile they shall abide*
But peace with Ifraell,
But as for fuch is tutne , For enermore shall dwell.

Another of the fume. ME D1VS. % Allifon.

t h
y f 'J-^ * rr r
Hofe that doe put their confidence vpon the Lord our God onely
And flye to him for his defence in all theic need and mife-


Hofc that doe put their confidence vpon the Lord our God

And flye to him for his defence in all their need and mifery.
OLord defend, world without end, But Lord graunt peace to Ifrael.
Thy chriftUn flock through thy goodnes.
Glory to God the father of might,
O Lord doe good to Chriftiansall, And to the Sonne cur Sauiour
That fledfaft in thy word abide j
And to the holy Gho&vvhofe light
Snch as willingly from God fall,
Shine in our hearts and vsfuccour.
Andto falfe do&iinc daily flidc. That the right way from day to d.iy
Suchvvill the Lord fcattcr abroad,
With hypocrites thrown down to hell
We may walke and him glorifie
VVith hearts de/ire,aR thatare hrt re
them fend pame-s without end. Worship the Lord and ray, Amen
?4 Whfn
i24 Pfatmti%6.' CAN'TFS.V ,hhnfo*.

V Hen thatthe Lord againehis Siqn had forth
fort] brought from

bondage great and alfo feruitudc exueame : His vvorke was fuch as did

furmount mans heart and thought, fo that we were much like to them

that vfe to dreame

:ame : O ur mouthes vvere vvithlaughter
Our v fillled then, and

g==r= r .

eke our tongues did shew vs ioyfull men.

TE NO % or Playnfong.

Hen that the Lord againe his Ston had forth brought from

bondage great and alfoferuitude extreame : *His vvorke was fuch as did

funrioiint mans heart and thought* fo that vve were much like to them

that vfc to dreame i Our mouthes vvere with laughter filled then, and

cfcc our tongues did shew vs ioyfull men.

z The heathen folke, Wherefore to Joy

vvere forced then this to confeffe, vve haue good caufeas vvc1>eUn
Hoy v that the Lord, 4 O Lord goe forth,
i'or them alfo great things had do::e. thou canft our bondage end:
But much more vve, Astodtfarts,
and therefore can confciTc no lefle, the flowing lijsers fend, /
: P[alme\%6. MED I VS. .Iohn{oa. 2 t

Henthat the Lord againe his Sion hadforth brought from

bondage great and alio fetuitude extreame: his vvorke was fuch as did

iurmount mans heart and thought, fothat we were much like to them

that vfe to dreame : Our mouthes were with la lighter filled then, and

eke our tongnes did shew vs loyfull men*


Henthat the Lord againehis Sion had forth brought from

bondage great and alfo feruitude extreame: His vvorke was fuch asdid

iurmount mans heart and thought, fo that we were much like to them

that vfc todreame i Our mouthes were with laughter filledthen, and

eke our tongues did shew vs ioy full men.

5FuUtvueitis, Forthat their foes,

that they which fovv in teares indeed, full oftennimes did them annoy:
A time will come, But their rcrurne,
yvhen they shall rcape with mirth and with ioy they shall furely fee

6 They went and wept, (ioy, Their shcaues home bring,

in baring of their precious feed, and not impaired be,

* *6 Pfalme i 7 . f A NTVS G. Kirby,

Xcept the Lord the houfe doe mike, And thereunto do fet hishand :

P What
men j.^i-\.:u:.
doe A^rtJ
build it cannot ftand. t Sl_ihAi 2....-:
Likewife j
in vaine men undertake

Cities and holds to watch and ward, Except the Lord be their fafeguard.

I . High Dutch Tune. TENO %or F*bnrden.

Xcept the Lord the houfe doe make, And thereunto do fet his hand:

What men doe build it cannot ftand. Likewife invame men vndertake

Cities and holds to watch and ward, Except the Lord be their fafeguard.
Though ye rife early in the morne, 3 Tkerforc marke ?vel,when euerye fee
And'fo at night goe late to bed. That men hauc heiresto enioy theirland
Feeding full hardly with brownbread, It is the gift of Gods ovvne hand t
Yet vr ere your labor loft and worne : For Godhimfelfe doth multiply*
But they whom God doth loue and l^eep Of his great liberality.
Xtceiue all things with quiet fleep. The blefltng of pofterity.

Pfalme fANTVS. Tho.i(#He*{.B.*fM.

Lefled art tsou that foareft God, and walkcft in his way : For

of thy labour thou shah eate, hap. py art thou I fay.

Cambridge Tune. T E N O /?, or Playnjong.

^ teffed art thou that fcarcft God* and walkeft in his way : For

of thy labour thou shalt c*tc> hap- py artthouttf/*-
: :

Pfdmei27t MSDIVS. iG.Kirky. 2*7

Xcept the Lord the houfe doc make, And thereunto do let his hand

What men doe build it cannot ftan<L
ft i
in vaine
men yndcrtake
Cities and holds to watch and ward, Except the Lord be their Safeguard.


Xcept the Lord the houfe doe make, And thereunto doc fet his hand:

What men dee build it cannot (land. Like wife in vaine men vndertake

Cities and holds towatch and ward, Except the Lord be their fafeguard.
And when the children come to age, % O well is him that hath his quiuer.
they grow in ftrengrh and acuuenefTe, Furnish*t with fuch artillery
Inperfon and in comelinefie : For when in perill he shall he,
So that a shaft shot with courage Such one shall neither shake nor shiner.
Of one that hath a moft ftrong arrae. When that he pleadcth before the iudgo
Flieth not fo fvvifi nor doth like harme* Againft his foes that bearc him grudge *

Pfalme 128. ME D I VS. 7ho. %auenf,B. ef M.

Leflcd art thou that feareft God, and walkeft in his way: For

of thy labour thou shah eate happy art thou I fay,


Lefied art thou that feareft God* and walked in his way: For

i i'lT'l vrrH
ef thy labour thou shalt eat?, happy art thou I fay.
228 Pfalme\l%.

j Like fruitfull vines on thy honlj} fide, 4 Thus art thou Meft that feareft God,
ib doth thy wife fpringout : and he shall let thee fee
Thy children (land like Oliue plants, $ The promifed Jcrufalera,
thy table round about. and his fclicitie.

Pfalme i a p# CA NTVS . lohn Btnnet.

Ftthey,now Iftael may fay, me from myyouth anaild : Oft

they atfaild me from my youth, yet neuer they preuaiid.

Che/hire T*ne. TE N O R y
ox Ttaynfrnqr.

Ft they, now Ifrael may fay, me from my youth afTaild : Oft

they afi>Ud me from my youth, yet neuer they preuaiid.

3,Vponmy back theplovrers plovv'd 5 They that hate mee shall be ashamed
and furrowes long did caft : and turned backe alfo.
4The righteous Lord hath cut the cords 6 And made as graflfe vpon the houfe.
of wicked foes at fott. which withcreth ere it grow.

Pfalme no. CdNTfS. Tbo.Ttfutnf.B.of M.

L fr T' ifHt Ord to thee I

make my mono
J' *I"
when dangers mee oppteffe :

ll=pfpgfipili j^|igp2|ppE^f
I call, I figh, plame and grone, trufting to finde rcleafc Heare nov?

9. French Tune. TS NO or Fabkr&en.

/Z- =-5:2: .2^.*-|g^

Ord to thee 1 make my monc when dangers mee epprefle :

l call, X ugh, plaine and grone, truiUng to finde xeicafe. Hearc now

i Thou shale thy children! children fee, And likcvvife grace on Ifracl,
CO thy great toyu tncic afe i pisfy eritic and peace;

Pfdme 1 2 9. M D I VS. John Bemet.

CUM ..U Ft they,

now Ifrael may fay, me from my youth affaild : Oft

they affaild me from my youth, yet neucr they prcuaild.


Ft they, now Ifrael may fay, me from my youth affaild : Ofi

they affaild me trom my youth, yet ncuer they preuaild,

7 Whereof the mower cannot fiade, 8 Nor paflers by pray God on tham,
enough to fill his hand a to let his blefling fall
Uor e can fill fits lap, that goeth Nor fay,vvebkfle you in the name
to gleane vpon the lW, of God the Lord at all*

Pfalmt 130. MSOIVS. Tho. Hguenf.B.of M.

Ordto thee 1 make my mone when dangers me epprefle

1 call> I fighjplaine, and grone, trufcing tofinde leleafe. Hearc now


^""^ Ord to thee I makemy mone when dangers me opprefle

I caU, 1 %h,plaia* grew*, tufting to*Jc*fe. Keare now

O Lord

O toid my requ* ft, for it is full due time \ And let thine care 3 aye be

prcft vnto this pray- er mine.

TE or Fabur&en.

O Lord my rfqueft, for it is full due time : And let thine eares aye be

pi eft vnto this prayer mine.

jO Lord our God, if thou vvaigh should feare before thy face.
ourfinncs and themperufc
VVhosh.ill then cfcape or fay-, 5ln God I put my whole truft,
I can myfeh'e excufe } my fbule waithon his will:
4 But Lord thou art merciful], For his promife is moft iuft
andtui'nftt v.% thy grace: and 1 hope therein (till*
That we with hearts moft carefujil. 6 My foule to God hath regard,

Pfalmciti. CANT VS. Tho.RMtnf/B.of M,

m 'u
I am not puft

in minde, I
i f "if fri-tr
haue no fcornefull eye : I doe

notcxercife myfelfe in thingsthat be too hyc.

Low Dntch Tune. TENO%or Plajnfon^

Lord lam not puft in minde, I haue no fcornefull eye: I doe

not excrcifc my fcKe in things that be too hye.

j But as thechild that watned is, So haue I Lord behaud my felfe >
euen from his mothers breft : in (ilence and in reft.

Pftlme 15 a. CAN TVS. The. %mmf.B. of M.

*V * "Emembei D*uids troubles Lord, how to th Lord he ftvore,

TENOR, or FUynfong.
\ m J" Jy "

EmcmbcjrPauidi troubles Lord, hoyy so the Lord he fworc,



O Lordmy requeft , for it is full due time : And let thine cares aye be

prcft vnt this pray- ernune.

m 3z
O Lord sry requcft,
re< for it is full due time : And let thine eaies aye be

""^""preft virto t^is prayer mine.

? vishingfor Mm
alvvay He is that God of mercy,
More then they that watch and ward, that his deliuer mutt.
to fee the dawning day* 8 For he it is that mud faue
Hraclfrom hisfinne.
7 Let Tfrael then boldly, And all fuch as furely haue
in the Lord put his truft ; their confidence in him.

Tfalme M SB I VS. The.RAuenf.B.ofM.

Lord I am not putt inminde, I haue no fcornefull eye: 1 doe

Botcxercilc my felfe in things that be too hye.


Lord 1 am not putt

Ifrael truft in the Lord,

i' mm
in minde,

not extrcile my felfe in things that be too hye.

1 haue

From this time forth

no fcornefull eye:

for epcrmore,
I doe

Jet him be all thy ltay : from age to age for aye.

Emembcr D auids troubles Lord, how to the Lord hee fv vore,

bass vs.

Emembe* Dauids troubles Lord, how to the Lord he fwore,

: : :


and vovv'd a vow to Iacobs God, to keepe for euermorc. I will not come

within my houtc, nor climbevp to ray bed, nor let my temples take their

reft, or the eyes in my head.

TENOR* or PUynfong.

andvow'davow to Iacobs GoJ, to keepe for euermoie, 1 will not come

within my houfc, nor climbe vp to my bed, nor let my temples take their

reft, or the eyes in my head*

5 Till haue found out for the Lord,

I Both thou and the arke of thy ftrength
a place tofit thereon : the pi efence of thy grace.
An houfc tot Iacobs God to be
9 Let all thy priefts be clothed Lord,
an habitation.
6 We heard of it at Ephrata,
with tttith
all thy
and righteou fnelfe
Saints and holy men*
there did we he3re this found:
And in the fields and fonefts there,
ling all with ioyfulnefle.

thefe voyecs firft we found.

10 And for thy feruant Dauidsfake,
refufe not Lord \ fay
?VVc will affay and goe in now, The face of thine annointed, Lord,
his tabernacle there : norturne thy face away.
Before his foot-ftoole to fall downc,
vpon our knees in fcaie. The fecwd part,
S Arife O Lord, arife I fay, MThe Lord to Dauid fwore in truth,
into thy refting place and will notshtinke from it

Pfa/mei^ CANTVS. M,

Hov^ happy a thing it^s,

and ioy full for to fee" Brethren to-

Winchefier Tme. TE NO 2^ or PUynfong.

How J>appy a thing it is, and ioyfwU for to fee Brethren ^

: : 1

MET) TVS. *3

will not come

4 vovv'd a vow to lacobs God, to keepe for euermorc. I

within my hou'e. not climbe vp to tny bed. norletmy^pto^etou^

reft, or the eyes in my head.


^ euermSe. Uvill not couie^

afd v.w^ svo^wTa^ OoJ | to kpe for !

within my houfc, climb" vp to

nor climbe
* mv bed,
my bed. nor let my temples take their


reft, or the eyes in my head.

the needy that be there.

Saying the fruit of thy body,
vponthy icate shall fit. 16 Yea,I will deck and cloth her priefts
ii And if thy fonnes my couenant keepe with my faluatlon j
that I shall learneeach one: And all her Saints shall finfi for ioy
Then shall their fonnes for euerfit of my protection.
vpon thy princely throne. 17 There will Ifurelymake the horn*
xjThe Lord hirafclfe hath chofc Sion, Fori haue there ordatnde for mine
and loues therein to dwell a lanthorne bright and good.
14 Saying this is my refting place,
I loue and like it well.
11As for his enem ics I will cloth
b left with great increafe with shame for euermorc :
5 And I will
her victuals euety where But I will caufe his crownc to shine
And I will fatisfie with bread, more fresh then heretofore.

Pfalmex-^. MS D I VS. Tho. 'Rattenf.B.of M.

U|cujjit!t! '

if h 1

How happy a thing it is, and ioyfull fo: to fee. Brethren
ioyfullfor w-


1 tKin. k
kt%v a
Hovi happy tog iti* anA iovfiill fnttofee* Brethren to-
is* andioyfuilfonofec,
*34 CANT VS.
gethcrfift to hold the band of adftlc.

TENO %. or Playnfenz.
gethct fait to hold the band ofamitie.

alt calrfito mindc the fwect perfume, j Itwet not Karons head alone,
and that coftly ointment : but drencht his beard throughout 8
Which on the facrifkers head, And finally it did runne dovrne
by Gods precept was fpent. his rich attire about.

Pfalme I J4. CANT VS. M Peiyfo* B. <tfM.

Ehold and haue regard, ye feruants of the Lord : Which rnhif

houfeby night do: watch, ptaife him with one accord.

Southwell Tune. T EN 0% or PUjnfae.

15^*-^ Ehold and haue regard, ye feruants of the lord : Which in his

houfe by night doe watch, praifehim yvith one accord.

vp your hands on hye
Lift A nd giue the Lord his praifesdne,
yntohis holy place : his benefits embrace*

Pfalme i ; * . C A NT VS. % Atlifo.

<P Timtmfm the T f\rA praife

*ht Lord nr-atf* him, nni Ci* him,
htm. praife hint prayfe him with
nrivf* him wuieK one
nrtm ac*

^4"fO ' T*TT|,y 'lfn' [ t'''

cord : praife him ftlll all ye that be the feruants of the Lord. O praife
TE NO%ot FaMe.
ofa il > ? M'm f
Praife the Lord, praife him,praifc him,praife him with oe
f t-

cord: O praife him ftill ail ye that be the feruants of the Lord. O praift

:1 H :

g ether ftft whold the band of amitie.


getherfart to hold the band of amitie.

And a$ the lower ground doth

f drinke, 5 Euen fo the Lord doth poureon them
the derv of Hermon hill his bkflings manifold :

And Sion with her filuer drops, Whofe hearts & minds without al guile
the fields y yith fruit dotfi fill . this knot doe kcepe and hold.

7 fa/me 154. MEDJVS.^ M.PeirfonB.ofM.


n li 1:
1 1
1 1 1

Ehold and hauc regardt yeefcruants of the Lord:

n 1 ' I
' 1

Which in his

houfc by night doe watch, praife him with one accord,

Bi^iPiii^iiii^iM Ehold and hauc regard, yc feruants of the Lord : Which in his

houfe by night doe watch, praife bim ?vith one accord,

I For why the Lord who did, Doth Sion blcffc, and will conferue
both earth and heauen fume : for euerraore the fame*

PUlme 1 ? 5. ME T>1VS % Afci*.

u f|
" n* *'i
1 '

Praife the Lord, praife him, praife hiai, praife him with one

cord: O praife him ftill all ye that be the feruants of the Lord. O praife

Praife the Lord,praife Mm, praife him.praife him with one ac-

cord : O waifchim ftill all yc that be the fcruants of the Lord. O praife
* 35 CANTVS.
him ye that ftand and be in the houfe of the Lord: Yeof his court, and

of his koufe,praife him with one accord.

TE NO R . or PUynfonv.

him ye that ftand and be in the houfc of the Lord I Ye of his court,and

of his houfe, praife him with one accord.

| Praifc ye the Lord for he is good, He bringeth forth the windes alfo,
flng prailes to his name: he made nothing in vaine.
It is a comely and good thing 8 He fmote the firft borne of each thing
alwayes to doe the fame. inEgypt thattooJce reft
4 For why S the Lord hath chofc lacob, He fpartd there noliuingthing,
his very ovvne you fee : the man nor yet thebeaft.
So hath he chofen IfraeJ, o He haih in thee shewd wonders grcai
his treafure for to be.
O Egypt void of vaunts
5 For this I know and am right fure, On Pnaraoh thy curfedking,
theLord is very great: and his feucrc fcruants.
He is indeed aboue all Gods, 10He fmote then many nations,
moft eafietointrcat. and did great adts and things
For whatfoeiier pleafed him, Heflew the great and mightieft
all that full well he wrought andchiefeft of their kings.
In heaucn, in earth and in the tea, 11 Sebon king of the Amorites,
vvhich he hath fram'd of nought. andOg king of Bafan
7 He lifts vp clouds euen fiom the earth He flevvalfo the kingdoraesail,
be makes lightnings andraine ; that were of Canaan*

Pfalme i%6* CA NT VS. G. Kirbj.


Raife ye the Lord.for hee

1 1
l II M
for his mercy en. dureth for

endurethfor cucr.
ueE Giuepraifc vnto the Godof Gods, for hismercy
TENOR, or Vlaynfeng.
A R7ife"ye the Lord, for he is good", for his mere y endureth for

wrToittt jraTfc vntoAc God of God*, fo* Mi mercy tnduseth fox wr.
:: :

Menu's. n7

~"^"^nf^pirite*hii^vitii one accord.

^ htaSat7ndand be in the Itoufe of the Lord ,
^gofhtt court.aaaof

S E$3>
his houfe> praife him with one accord*
Li And gaue their land to Ifrael 17 They eke haue eares, andheareno-
aa heritage we iee their mouthesbe brethles quitc.(thing
To Ifrael his owne people
an heritage to be* 18 VVhcrcfore alhhey are like to them
tbat% dothfet them forth :
The foondpart. And likewife thofe that trufiin them
\t Thy name O Lord shall Aillcndtire, or thinke they be ought worth.
jand thy memoriall 19 O all ye houfe of Ifrael,
Throughout all generations, fee that ye praife the Lord :
Ithat are or euer shall. And ye that be of Aarons houfe,
b The Lord shall furclynovv auenge praife him with one accord.
his people all indeed :

^nd to his feruantshe will shew a And ye that be of Leuies houfe

fauourin time of neede. praife yelikevvife the Lord:

[5 The Idols of the heathen are made, And all that Hand in awe of him,
in all rhcir coafts and lauds praife bhh with one accord.
Of and of gold be they,
filuer 21 And out of S ion found his praife,

the vvorke euen of mens hands. the great praife of the Lord ;
16 They haue their mouthes & cannot VVhich dvvelieth in Ierufalenj,
andeies and haue no fight: (fpcake. praife him with one accord.

PJaime 1^6. MED I VS. G.Kirby.

good, for his mercy e.ulnreth for

Raifefe""thcLordforhe is

11 , ,
er .Glue
VMOiheGod of Godt,
for hismcrcyendurcth for euer.


A1 mi'


the Lord fotlc

is good, for his mercy endure th for

Ci& GiuipMifcvntothcGodofGods, forMsraeicy endmcth *or
238 CANT VS.
Giue pray fcvnto the lord of Lords, forhismer- cy endureth for

e- uer. Which onely doth great vvonnrous ?vorkes, for his mercy eniureth

for euer.

TENO R,OTPLjr>{og.

Giue prai(evn- to the tord of Lords* forhismer- cy endurcth for

euer. Which nely doth great wondrous workes, for his mercy eodureth


5 Which by his wifedome made the hea- Ii And Ifrael brought out from them,
for his mercy endurcth foreuer. (uem for his mercy endureth for euer.
6 which on the waters ftretcht thecatth i % with mighty hand & ftretched arraes
for his mercy endureth for euer. for his mercy endureth for euer.
7 Which made great lights to shine a- 1 j Which cut the red fea in two parts
forhis mercy endurcth for cuer (broad mercy endureth for euer,
for his
Z As Suime to rule the lightfome day I4. Ard
mayp3fle there through
for his mercy endureth for cuer, for his mercy endureth for euer.
9 The Moone & ftars to guide the night: if And drowned Pharaoh & his hoafi,
for his mercie endureth for euer. for his mercy endureth foreuer.
10 Which fmote Egypt with their firft 16 Through wiJderneflchis people led %
for his mercy endufetb for euer. (bom for his mercy endureth for euer.

Another ef the fame. CANT VS. G. Kir by.

Ol n
Laud the Lord benigne, whofe mercies laftfor aye : Giue

TENO % or PUjnfong.

3- Qh- l
I I f

the Lerd benigne,

' i
whofc mercies
Murlatyfor aye i Giue
MED IV S, i%9

for his mercy endure th for

Giue praife ?n to the Lord of Lords,

I" "TT l

uer.VVhich onely doth great vyondrous Yvorkes,

for his mercy endurn^

for e- uer,


Giue praife vnto the Lord or Lords,

for his
mercy endureth tot

e- ner. Which onely doth great wondrous works, for his mercy endureth

for e- uer.

fmite great mighty Remembring vs in bare eftate,

7 He which did 2}
for his mercy endureth for euer, (kings tor his mercy endureth for euer.
sS And which hath Htine the mighty *4 And from oppreflfors relcued ys,
; for his mercy endureth for euer.(kings for his mercy endureth for euer.
ko As Schoti king of Amoritca,
for his mercy endureth foe euer. *< VThich gtueth food vnto ali flesh,
to AndOg the King of Bafan land, forhis mercy endureth forcutr.
forhis mercy endureth for euer. arfPraifeyethe God ofheauen aboue,
forhis mercy endureth for euer.
t t And gane their land for heritage* 27 Giue thankes vnto the Lord of Lords,
terhis mercy endureth for euer, for hit mercy endureth for euer%
it Euen to his feruant IfraelL
for his mercy endureth for euer.

Another eftbe fame. MED IV S. G. Kirhj.

T aiiJ the
Laud tYi* Lotd b*nirne whofe mercies
"LmA benigne* laft for aye:
av Giue


^^pfp^ Laud the *xd

, ,
I j

whofe mercies
j j

iaft for
aye :
240 CANT VS.
w ) lU
thankes and praifesfing
. Mrn
To God of Gods
f I fay

D.i! ij
For certainely,His raer-

11 1
r h"i '
cics dure,Bothfiimc and fure, Eternal, ly.

TENOT^ot PUynftng.

thanks and praifesfing To God of Gods I fay : For certainely, His rocr.

cies dure,Both firrae and fare. Eternal- ly.

3 The Lord of Lords praifeye* 7 G reat lights hee made to vs,

V Vhofe mercies aye do ; dure For why*: his loue is aye:
<j Great wonders onely he I Such as the Suune we fee,
Doth vvorke by his greatpovver s To rule the lightfotue day t

For certainely, For certainely* &c.

His mercies dure
Both firrae and fure* And eke theMoonefo cleerc,
Eternally, Which shineth in our fight:
And Starres that doeappeare,
5 Which God omnipotent. To guide the darklbme night
1>y his great vvifedome hie; For certainely, #c.
The heauenly firmament,
Did frame as we doe fee io With grieuous plagues and fore
For certainely, All Egypt fmote he then :

His mercies dare : Thefirit bornelcffc and more,

Bothflrme astdfure, He (lew of beaft s and men: ;

Eternally. For certainely, &c.

6 Yea, he the heauie charge. it And from amidfl their land,

Of all the earth did ftretch His Ifraei forth brought
A nd on the waters large, 12 Which he with mightie hand
The fame he did out retch And ftretchedamie hath wrought:
For certainely, &c. For certainely, &c;

Hen as wee fata in Baby- Ion,

m the Riuers round about

TSNOR, or Playnfag.

Hen as we fate in Babylon, the Riuers round about 1

: :

1UEDIVS. 24'

H' T' l I r
thanks and prayfcs fing
l 't'i
f tT \ fay :
tf i*
Fercertainely, His mer-

cics dure, Both firmc and fine, Eternal- ly.


thankes and praifes fing To God of Gods I fay : For certainely, His msr-

cics dure,both firmc and furc.Etcroally,

15 The Sea he cut in two. to And Og the Giant large, >

Which flood vp like a wall: Of Bafan King alfo :

14 And made through it to goe 7 1 V Vhofe land and heritage,

Hischofen children all: He gaue hispeople tho:
For certainely, &c For certainely, Sec,

15But there he whelmed then. zi Euenvnto Ifrael.

The proud King Pharao: liisfcruantdccre I fay :
With his huge hod of men. He gaue the fame to dwell,
And Charrets eke alfo: And there abide for aye:
Forccrtiinely,&c. For certainely, &c.
z6 Who led through vYtldcmcfie, 2jTo mindc he didvs call,
His people fate and found t In our tnoft bafe degree:
And for his loue enilcfle 24 And from oppreflors all,
17 Great kings he brought to ground : In fafeiie fet vs tree :

For certainely, &c. For certainely, &c.

18And flew with puiflant hand, 15 All flesh on earth abroad,
Kings mightie and of fame. With food he doth fulfill:
As of Amor ites land, 26 Wherefore of the God,
19 Sehon the King by name To laud be it your will:
For ceminely, 5cc. For certainely, &c.

Pfalme 137. MED I VS. Tbo.Rauenr. B. ofM.

wp aui^pfoTtH^-t-T
Hen as we fate in Babylon, thcRiucrs round a. bout


Hen as we /ate inBa- by* Ion, the Riuers round about:



u f f i f HfM'
and in remembrance of Si- on,
'* f,
T - "
the teares for griefe butft out.
ui'5 o um
out Harps ana
n.irp* iniuumcms
and infttumcnts a
^ the
i Willow wets
w uiwvf trees vpon
m : Foriij

that place men for their vie bad planted ma- ry one,

TENOR, or PUjnj*g.

and in remembrance of Sion, the teares for grir> burft out.

mm Wee

hangd out Harps and Inftruments the
Willow trees vpon For in

that placemen for their vfe had planted many one.

J Then they to whom wepviftneis were * But yet if I lerufalcra,
faid to vs tauntingly : out of my heart let fade :
Now letts hcare your Hebrew fongs, Then let my fingers quite forget*
and pleafant melody. the warbling Harp to guide,
4 Alas faidwewho can once frame, 6 And let my tongue withiu my mouth,
his forrowhtll heart to ring betide for euerfafl
The praifesof our liuing God, If that I ioy before I fee,
thus wider aftrang* King i thy full deliuerance paft.

PfMlmeitf. C^NT PS. lohn Mdton.

Hee yvil I piayfe tvith my whole Lord my God alvvaic ji

Eucn in the prcfence of the God, I will aduance thy praife,

Torke Tune. T E NOT\,ot flaynfong.

Hee will I prayfe with my whole heart, my Lord my God alwaies:

Eucn inthe prcfence f the Gds I vr ill aduance tby pratf*

: :

MED1VS. 243

m and in
remembrance of Si- on, the tcarcs lot griefe built out. Wee

hang*d our Harps ami Inftrumeots the Willow uees vp- en : For in

that place men for their vfc had planted many one.

and in remembrance of Sion, thetearesforgriefc burftout. Wee

hangd our Harpf and i#ruments tht VVillovy trees vpon : For in

that place men for their vfe had planted many one.
r Therefore O Lord remember now* 9 Euen fo shalt thou O
the curfed noife and cry : at length to duft be brought
That Bdoms fonnes againft vs made* And happy shall that man be cald,
when they razde our city. that our reuenge hath wrought.
8Remember Lord their cruell words, 10 Yea bleffed shall that man be cald*
when as with one accord : that takes thy children young*
[They cried, on fack,& raze their wait To dash their bones againft hardftanci t
iudefpight of the Lord* which lie the Arrets among,

Pfalme 1 1, %. ME T> 1 VS. Iohn Mtlun.

Hee will I praife with my yyhole heart, my Lord my God alfvayeJ

Euen in the pretence of the Gods I will aduance tby prayfe.


* Hee will I praife vyith my whole heart, my Lord myGod alwaycss

Euen in the preftnet of the Gods I yy ill aduaucc thy piaife.
244 Pfalrnei 38,
Toward thy holy tempi e I and thou haft made a Ifo
will looke and warship thee The power of incrcafed ftrength
A nd praifed with my thankfuil mouth within my foulc to grow.
thy holy name shall be.
4 Yea, all the kings on earth they shall
2 Euen for thy Iouing kindneflfe fake*
gtuepraife to thee O Lord:
and for thy truth withall:
For they of thy moft holy mouth
For thou thy name haft by thy word
haue heard the mighty word.
aduanced ouer all.
5 They of the waies of God the Lord
3 When I did call thou heardelt me, in finging shall entreat:

Pfalme n9 . CANT VS. Hjcbard isjllifm.

OfPfl Lord thou haft me tride and knowne,my fitting thou doft know


i f b il Ly -y *
HI nij ||

Andriung eke, my thoughts a far thou vnderftaudft alio*

1{ochefter Tune . 7 NO% or Plajnfong.

Lord thott haft me tride and knowne, my fitting thou doft know:

And riling eke, my thoughts a far thou vnderrtandft alfo.

* My pathes,yea,and my lying dovvne 9 Yea, letme take themorning wings,

thou compafTeft alvvates : and let me goe and hide
5 And by familiar cuftome art, Euen ther* where are thefartheft parts,
acquainted with my waies* where flowing fe a doth Aide.
10 Yea, euen thethcr alfo shall

tongue ( O Lord) thyreaching hand me guide

*No word is in my
And thy right hand shall hold me fad,
but knowne iris to thee :

and make me to abide.

5 Thou me behinde holdft and before,
thou thy hand on me.
ir Yea,if I fay thedarkneffe shall
6 Too wonclerfull aboue my reach
yet shroud me from thy fight

(Lord) is thy cunning skill ;

Loe,euen alfo the darkeft night,
It is fo hierhat I thefame
about me shall be light.
cannot amine vntili.
12 Ycajdarkneffehidcth not from thce
but night doth shine as day
7 From fight of thy al.feeing fpiitc To thee the darknefie and the light
Lord whether shall I goe *i
arc both alike alway.
Orwhether shall I flie away
thy prefence to fcapc fro i The fecond part.
% To heauen if I mount aloft, 1}For thou poffeffed haft my raincs,
loe> thou art prefent there and tbou haft cowered me
In hell if I lie downc below, When I within my mothers vvombc
euen thcic thou doft appease. cnclofcd was by thee.

: : : :: : ::

PpUme\%%. 45
fcecaufe the glory of the Lord, thou wih rrretch out thy hand*
. it is exceeding great.
8 Vpon the wrath of all my foe
$ The Lord is hie and yet he doth and be
fa tied shall I
behold the lowly fprit By thy right hand the Lord God will
But he contemning knovves afar perform e his vvorke to me,
the proud and lofty wight, o Thy mercy Lord endures for aye,
y Although inmidft of trouble I Lord doe me not forftk*
doe vvaike.yet shall I Hand : Fori ake me not which am the vvorke,
Renewed by thce(0 my Lord) which thine owne hand did make*

Pfidm 139. MSB IVS. Richard <>Attifon.

.Lord thou haft metride and knowne, my fitting thou doft ki.ow

iliiiiiliiilllllli^Ii^ my thoughts a
And rifing eke> far thou vnderftandft alfo.


Lord thou haft me tride and knovvne, my fitting thou doft know

And riling eke, my thoughts a far thou vnderftandft alfo.

14 Thee will I praifc, made fearefully, io The wicked and the bloudy men,
and vvondroufly I am: oh, that thou wouldt fl flay
Thy workes are marueilous, right well Euen thofe ( O God) to whom depart^
my foulc doth know the fame* depart from me 1 fay.
ao Euen thofe of thee O
Lordmy God,
15 My bones they are not hid from thee that fpeake full wickedly
although in fecret place Thofe that are lifted vp in vaine,
lhaue beene mad* and in the earth being enemies to thee.
beneath I shaped was.
Id When I was foimlcfle then thine eie at Hate I not them that hate thee Lord,
law me, fori n thy booke and tbatin earneft wife
Was written all, nought was before, Contend I not againftthem all*
that after fasti ion tookc. againftthee thatarife i
22 1 hate them with vnfainedhate*
17 The thoughts tbetfore of thee O God euen as my vtterfocs
how dcare are they to me \ Try me(0 God) and know my heart*
And or them all, how pafing great my thoughtsproue and difclofe*
the endlefle numbers be S
it If I should count them, loe their fun 23 Consider Lord if wickedncfife ft

ra oe then the fand I fee: in me there any be:

And v vhenfoeuer 1 awake ^nd in thy way (O Lordmy guide)
jeiipilftiUvfithtbee. ft? cuts ica*ttfeoHe >
%\<d rfalmenm. CAHTVS. Tho.Raueiif.'B.ofAf,

Ord faue me from the euill man, and from the cruell wight

Deliucr me, which e* uill doe imagine in their jpritc.

Wells or GUftnbury Tune. T E NO R, OtPUjnfon^

Ord faue me from the e- uill man, and from the cruell wight

t * 4 T.'tt'lTI'i'l '

Deliucr rae,vvhich euill doe imagine in their fprite<

Which make on me continuall war, VVith cords, in my path-vvaies,and gins*
their ro' guesloe they hauevvhet. forme eke haue they fet.
I Like ferpents vndcrncath their lips
is adders poifonfet. 6 Therefore I faid vntothe Lord,
thou art my God alone
4 Keepeme(0 Lord) from wicked hands Heare me O Lord,Oheare my voice,
preferue me to abide wherewith L pray and mone.
Free from the cruell man that meanes 7 O Lord my God thou onely art
to caufc my ftcps to Aide. the ftrength that faueth me
5 The proud haue laid a fnare for me, My head in day of battell hath
and they haue fpreada net: beene eoucrcd ftill by thee.

Pfslme 141. CANTVS. . Hooper.

Lord vpon thee doe I call,Lord hafte thee vnto me: Andhearken

Lord vnto my voice, when I doe cry to thee. As incenfe let my prayer

a be directed in thine eyes : and the vplifting of my hands, as

TE MO or Playnfenjr.

Lord vpon thee doe I call, Lord hafte thee vnto me : And hearken

lord vnto my voyce, when I doe cry to tbce. As incenfe let my prayer

dircfod in thine eyes: And the vplifting of my bands* AS

: : :

Pfalmei^o. MED 1 VS. Tho.T^uenf.B.of M. t

*' Ord faue mc from the cuill man, and from the ctucll wight

Dcliuer me, which cuill doe imagine in their (prite. *

^* Ord faue me from the cuill man, and from the cruell vyight

Deliucrme, v vhich euill doe imagiue in their fprite.

t Let not O Lord the wicked haue And in deepe pits, fo as they may
the end ofhis deure nor rifeout of the lime.
Pcrformc not his ill thought, left he uTor no backbiters shall on earth,
with pride be fct on fire, be fetin (table plight
o Of them that compafle me about, And euillto deftru&ion ftill
the chiefeft of them all shall haunt the cruell wight*
Lord let the milchiefe of their lips,
ill know the Lord the afflitted will
vpon thcmfclnes befall. rcuenge and iudge the poore.
lo Let ceales fall on them, let him caft The iuft shall praifc thy name, iuA shall
them in confumtng flame: dwell with thee euemiore.

P(alme\4c\. MED I VS. . Hooper.

Lord vpon thee doe 1 call, Lord hafte thee vnto met And hearken

Lord vnto my voyce,
my 1 doe cry to thee* As inccnie let prayer

be directed in thine eyes: and the vplifting of my hands,


Lordvpon thee doc I call.Lordhiftethee vnto me. And hearken

Lord vnto my voyce, vvhen I doe cry to thee. As incenfe let my prayer

be directed la thine eyes: anxi the vplifting of my hands, as


Cttcning facrifLc.

!/ -c A c/ a, or rUynftog*

4m=im cuening facrificc.

3 My Lord for guiding of my mouth for that is good forme:

thon a watch before :
fet Let him reproue me, and the fame
And alfo of my mouinglips a precious oyleshallbe.
OLordkeepc thou the dore. Suchfmiting shall not breakemy hWd,
4 That I should wicked works commit the time shall shortly fall:
incline thou not my heart : When 1 shall in their mifety
VVith ill men of their delicates make prayers for them all.
Lord let me eate no part.
6 Then yyhen h) ftony placcJ ddvylte
5 But let the righteous finite meLo.d their tudges ihallbc caih

Pfalme j 41 . CAN TVS. mlliam Harrifon.

Efore the Lord God with my voyce, I did fend out my cry; And

with my drained voyce vn- to the Lord God prayed I.

TSNO or P lay n fang.


& Blilliiiiilliliiililii^
Lord with my my
Bfore the <iod voyce, 1 did fend out cry And

with God ftrainedvoycevnto the Lord prayed I.
3 My mediations in his light, In way where 1 did vvalke a fnare
to pouredid not fpare t
I they flily laid forme.
And in the prcfence of the Lord, 4 I look' t and viewed on my right haud,
my trouble did declare. but none there would me know :

P(dme\4l. CANTVS. JohnTornkj^ BjfifM

*-'' & *r
heare my prayer,
Old hcare water, heark plamt, that 1 doc
the plaint, make to tneqi

Gloscfier Tme. TE NO A\ or Vlaynfong.

*~* Oid hcaw my Pravc^Mi* to jtaint* thai l<frs make to tbec
: : :.


mm encning lacrifue.
iiiiilll cuening facrificc".

Then shal they heare my vvords,for then my foule forfaken be.

they haue a pleafrnt taft. 9 Which they haue laid to catch liie in*
7 Our bones about the graurs mouth, Lord keepe me from the fnare :

loe fcattcred are they found : A nd from the fubtill gins of them,
As he that hevvechvvood,or he that wicked workers are.
that diggeth in the ground.
JQ Thc yvickcd |nt0 thcir ovvnc ncts
S But Omy Lord my God, mine eies together letthem fall t
doe looke vp vnto thee : While I doe by thy hclpe efcape
In thee is all my rruft, let not thc danger of them alu

Pfidme 1 4 z. MSB J VS. tVitlUm Harrifott.

Efore thc Lord God with my voyce, 1 did fend out my cry: And

with my
God drained voyce vn- to thc Lord prayed 3.


Efore the Lord God vvitti my voyce, i did fend out my cry And

with my (trained voyce vnto the Lord God prayed I.

5 Then cried I Lord to thee> and /aid, for mc too ftiong they be.
my hopethou ouelyart
Thou in thcland of lining art .7 That I may praifc thy name my foule
my portion and my part. from prifon Lord bring out
6 Heark to my cry, for lam brought, When thou art good to me, the iuft
fulllovv,deliuerme shall preafe me round about.
From them that doe me perfecute,

P(Almem< MET) IVS. UhnTomQm B M M


Ord heare my prayer, heark the plaint,

^^^gg that 1 doc make to thee

j,W. V> Ord heare my

I l l'y J f ,|i
prayer,rieark the plaint, that
i rf
I doc make
to ?hee :

R Lord

Lord in thy natiue truth, and in thy iuftice anfvrcrc me.

a> $ '
IfH it l4* 'fU \~
Lord in thy natiue truth, and in thy iufticeanfwere me.
% Iniudgement with thy feruant Lord, j YetI record tiatt paft, in all
oh, enter not at all : thy vvorkes I meditate
For iuftified be in thy fight, Yea,in thy vvorkes 1 meditate*
not one that liueth shall- that thy hands haue create.
6 To thee O Lord my God, loe I
IThe enemy bath purfu'd my foule, doe ftretch my crauing hand? ;
my life to ground haththrovvne : My loule detereth after thee,
And laid me in the dark like them, as doth the thirty lands.
that dead are long agone.
4 Within me in perplexity, 7 Heare mo with fpeed my fpiritdoth
was mine accombred fpirit : hide notthy face me fro j (faile

And in me was my troubled heart, t\ic shall I be like them thatdowne

amafed ; and affright. into the pit doegoe*

Pfalmex44. CANTVS. Tho.Raueitf.'B.ofM.

" Left be the Lord my ftrength that doth inftrucl my hands to fight

The Lord that doth my fingers frame to battell by his might*

Hereford Tune. TENO%or PUinfon^.

^ Leil be the Lord my ftrengtb that doth tnftrud my hands to fight t

^ ^

The Lord that doth my fi igers fr ame to battell byhismight.

a He is my good nefle, fort and tower* 5 As fleeting shade, bow down OLord
deliuerer and shield, theheauens and defcend.
1 n him I t ruf>, my people he (fmo.ike
fubdues to me to yeeld. 6 The mountaines touch and they ihall
cart forth thylightering flame
a O ord whit thing is man that he.
And fcattfr them, thine arrovves shoot,
thou holdft fo high in priced confume them vviththefame.
Orfonneof man that vpon him, 7 Send down thy hand euen from aboue
thou thtnkeft in this wife 1 O Lord deliuer me

4. Man is but J ike to vanitie, Take me from waters great, from hand
ibpartehisdayestoend. of ft rangers make me free.

MET) ifS, 2;

i^lililllliiliilliE thy iuftice aufy verc mc

lord in thy natiue truth,and in


Lord in thy natiue truth,and in thy iuftice anfvvcre me*

8 Let me thy lotting kindneflein xet thy good fpirit into the land
the morning heare and know : or mercy me conuay,
For in thee is my truft, shew me
the way that J shall gee. 11 For thy names fake with quieting
me make
aliue doc thou ;
9 For I lift vpmyfoule to thee, Andout of trouble bring rayfoule,
OLorddcliuerme euen for thy iuiticefake.
From ill mine enemies, for I 1 2 A.tid for thy mercy flay my foea,
haue hidden me with thee. O Lorddcltroy ihem all
3o Teach me to doe thyvvil^for thou, That doe oppreffe my fouie s for I
thou art my God I fayj thy feruant am and shall.

Pfntmei^. MED IV S; The. TZauenf.B. of M.

Left be the Lord my ftrength that doth inftruft wy hands to fight :

The Lord that doth my fingers frame to battell by hismight.


Left be the Lord my ftrength that doth inftrmft my hands to fight :

The Lord th?t doth my fingers frame to battell by his might.
% Whofe fubtill mouth of vanity Vntoh/s feruant Dauidhelp,
and fondne ITe doth entreat from hartftill fwoid he brings.
And their right hand,i6 a light hand 11 From ftrangcrs hand me iaucand
of faishood and deceit, wholcmouthestalke vanity: (siaeU
o A new fong 1 will fing O God, And their right hand, is.a right h-inU
and finging will 1 be :
of guile and fubtilty.
Oti Violi and on Infttument,
tenAringed vn to thee. 12 That our ions may be athe o hints*
whom growing youth doth leare %
lo Euen heit is that nely giues Ourdiu^titers as c;irud corner ftones*
daiiueranee to Kings

like to a pallace ratre.

2 St Pfatme 144.
U Our garnets fiilland plenty may, ten thoufands may abound.
with fundry forts be found : (4 Our Oxen beto labor ftrong
Our sheep bring thoufands in our Greets that none doe vs inuade:

PfalmtiqS CANTVS. E.Hoeper.

Hce will l laud my God and King, and blefTe thy name for aye:

For eucr will I praife thy name, and blefTe thee day by day. dreat

isthe Lord, moft worthy praife, his greatnefTe none can reach : From

" race to race they shall thy works prayfe, and thy power preach.

TENO%,qt PUynfon^

^ "*
Heewill I laud my GodandKing, and bleffe thy name for aye

I praife thy name, and bleffe thee day by day. Great

For euer will

15 Lord,
IIJC A-Orai moft worthy ^ L*.v,
w"ii; praife, his greatnefle
none can rcach:
_ ^_

||glllliilll^li=ii=| praife, and thy power preach*

race to race they shall thy workes
to anger he is flow.
5 1 of thy glorious ma left y
the beauty will record 9 Yea* good to all, and all his workes,
A nd meditate vpon thy workes, his mercy doth exceed t
moft wonderful! O Loid 10 Lo,all thy works do praife thee
S And they shall of thy power and of and doe thy honour fpread.
thy fearefull ads declare it Thy Saints doe blefTe thee,and they do
And 1 to publish alrabroad thy kingdomes glory show
2 And blaze thy power to
caiifc the
thy greatnefTe will not fpare. 1
mention shall of men his power to know.
7 A "4 they into the
breakeof thy goedrcfle great Thefecond part.
And I aloud thy righteoufnefTc
in finging shall rcpeate.
1 I; And of his mightie kingdome eke,
JThe Lord our God is gracious, to fpread the glorious praife
and mercifull alfo Thy kingdome Lord a kingdome is

Of great abounding mercy, and that doth endure alvvayes.

: :

There be so goings out, no cry fuch blefling s are fo ftor'd i
within our ftreets be made: Yea, bleffed all the people are
xj the people bleffed are that with vvhofe cod is God the Lord.

PJalme 145. MED IVS. 2? Hooper.

Uec will I laud my God and King, and bleffe thy name for aye:

For euer will I praife thy name, and bleffe thee day by day. Great

isthcLord,moft worthy praife, his greatneffe none can reach: From

Niiilililflllilii power preach,

race to race they shall thy works praife, and thy

Hcc will I laud my God and King, and bleffe thy name for aye:

For eucr will I prayfc thy name, and bleffe thte day by day. Great

111 is the Lord, moft worthy praife,

his grcatneffe none can reach : From

race to race they shall thy workes ptaifc, and thy power preach.
14 And thy dominion through each age iS Ncerc all he is that callon him,
endures without decay in truth that on him call-
The Lord vpholdcth them that fall, ip He the dciires which they requite
their Hiding he doth itay. thatfearc him wiilfulfiLlt
15 The eyes of all doe wait on thc And he will heare them when they cry,
thou doll them all relieue: and faue them aiihe will.
And thou to each fuflicing food
in feafon due doft giue. 20 The Lcrd prefcrues all thofc to him
that beare a louing Jjeart t
\6 Thou openeft thy bounteous hand,
and bounteoufly doft All But he allthem that wicked arc
All things whatfoeuerdoch Hue, will vtterly fubucrt.
21 My thankful! mouth shal gladly fpeak
with gifts of thy good will.
the praifes of the Lord
17 The Lord is tuft in all his vvayes, All flesh to praife his holy name
his workes are holy all: for euer shall accord.
54 Pfa*"e CANT VS.
1 Thhn Sennet,

M jSTrtT"y trf Kf y-f-H-n* .

Y foule praifethou the Lord alwayes, my God I will confelfe :

s- '

*-- * t * 1

Wfale breath and life prolong my dayes, my tongue no time shall ceafc

Chefare Tune. T ENO~R, or PUj nfong<

Y foule praife thou the Lord alwayes, my God I vvillconfe0e:

While breath and life prolong my day:s> my tongue no time shall cea^J
j Trial not tnVvorldly Princes then, that man I fay,
5OI1 ->ppy is
though they abound in wealth : whom I aceos God doth ayde
Nor in the fonnes of mortallmen, And he whofe hope dorn not decay,
in whom thereis no health* but 011 the Lord is ilaid.

4 For why ? theirbreath dothfoonede- 5 Which made the earth & waters deep
to eatth anone they fall : (part, the heaucns high withall :

And then the counfcls of their hearts Which doth his word & promife keepe
decay and perish all. in truth and ever shall.

Vfalme 147. CA N T VS. The.Rmenf. B.ofM.

Raife ye the Lord, for it is good vn- to our God to fing : for it is

pleafant,and to praife it i$ a comely thing.

Manchefter Tune. T E NO R, or ?Upfong.

w- pliilliiliiiiiiliiiiiilli
Raife ye the Lord,for it is good vn-to our God to fing: for it is

pleafant, and to prayfe it is a comely thing.


Pfalme j 46 . MED IP S, hbn Bennett 2 f

Y foitle praife thou the Lord alvvayes, my God I vvill confefl^

VVhilebreath and life prolong my dayc f, my tongue no time shallceafe.


Y foule praife thou the Lord alvvayes, my Godl will confefle:

While breath and life prolong my dayes, my tongue no time shall ccafe.
7 With right alvvayes he doth proceed, 9 hc doth defend the father Jefic,
forfuch as fuffcr wrong : and Grangers fad in heart
Thepoore and hungry he dothfeede, And quit thevviddovv from diftreffe,
and loofe the fetters ftrong. and ill mens vvaies fa bucrt.

I The Lord doth fend the blinde their 10 Thy Lord and God eternally,
the lame to linbes reftore i (fight O Sion dill shall raigne *,

The Lord ( I fay/ doth loue the right, In time of allpoileritic,

andiuftmaneuermore. for eucr to remainc.

fldme 147. ME V 1 VS. To.\aMenf. B.of M,

Raifc ye the Lord, for it is good vn. to our God to fing : for it is

plcalant, and to praife it is a comely thing.


/- the
Raifffyc Lord,
--.j for
- w- good
it is ^ppvM vn.
r ii w our
to vw* God
wwi to
til frig :
J*** it

" r
is plcaiant.and to prayfe it

a comely thing,
R 4
,,i I
5* T(dme 147.
3 The Lord his owne Ierufalem, S Hecoucrs heauen with loudi& for
Lebuildeth vp alone: the earth prepareth raine*
Andthedifperftof Ifraei And on the mountaincshe doth ma*ke
doth gather into one. the grarTe to grow againe.
5 He heales the broken in thfir heart 9 He giuc s to beafis their food, and t
their fore$ yp dth he binde: young Rauens when they cry.
4 He counts the number of the Star$> 10 Hispleaiure not in flrength of horfc,
and names them in their kinde. nor in mar s legs doth lye.
5 Great is the-Lord great is his pov?er, 11 But in alt thofe that fearcthe Lord,
ais wifedome infinite. the Lord hath his delight
6 The Lord relieuesthe rneek,& throws And fuch as doe attend vpon
to ground the wicked wight. his mercies shining light.

7Sing vntoGod the Lord with praife,

ynto the Lord rtioyce : The frondpart.
And to our God vppn the Harp, it O praife the Lord Ierufalem,
aduance your tinging voyce. thy God O S ion pray fe:

Pfalme 1 48. CA NTVS . G. Kirby.

Iik" laude vnto the Lord, from heauen than is fo hie : Prayfe him

indeede and word, aboue the ftar- ry skyc. And alfoyee, his Angels all,

armies royall, praife him with glee.

TE NOR.oxPhyr.fon?.
^Gii^illpiiiiiililtilll laude vnto the Lord, from heauen that is fohiei Prayfe him

in deede and vyord, aboue the ftarry skie. Andalfoyee, his Angels all,

11 =!ipi=gp
armies royall, prayfe him with glee.
? Prayfehim both Moone and Sunne, At his voyce did appcare
vvhich are fo cleare and bright: All tilings in their degree :

he Tame of vou be doiK, Which he fee fa**,

Ye gHfterings Stars of light. To them he made
4 And eke no lefle, A law and trade
Yc iieauens faire: For aye tolaft.
5 And Clouds of the aire,
liis laud exprclfc. 7 Extoll and prayfe Gods name*
On earth ye Dragons fell,
For at his word they were Alldeepesdoe yethc fame,
All forniea as we fee ; Font becomuieth you well.
: :

PJ time 147. 257

Ij For the bars hath forged ftrong,
lie the cold who can abide <
wherewith thy gates he fheys, i$ He fendeth forth his mightie word,
14 Thy children he hath bleft in thee, andmelteth them againe;
and in thy borders he
His windc he makes to blow, and then
Doth fettle peace, and with the flower the waters flow anuine.
ofwheate r e filleth thee.
i<? The doftrine of his holy word,

to Iacob doth he shew

15 And his commandemenr vpou His ftatutes and his iudgeinents he
the earth be fendeth out
giues Ifrael to know.
And eke his word with fpeedy courfe
doth fvviftly runne about. 20 With euery nation hath he not
16 He giucth fnow like vvol,hoare froft fo dealt, nor haue they knowne
like ashes he doth fpread : His fccrctcounfels, ye therefore,
17 Likemoifcls calls his ife thereof prayfeye the Lord alone.

Pfalme 148 MS 1 VS. G.Kirh.

G' mmmwmmm
luelaude vnto thcLord, fromheauen that is fo hie : Praifc him


t i i| i?vrnf
in dcede and ?vord, aboue the ftar- ry skie. And

alfo yee, his

Angels all,

aiaiiesioyaU, praife him vrith g!:e.


Iue laude vnto the Lord, from heauen that is io hie : Praife him

in deede and word, abouc the ftarry skie. And alfo yee, his Angels all,

8 Him
armies royall, praife him with glee.
magnifie And YVormes creeping
Fiie, Haile, Ife, Snow, that on earth dwe 11.
And ftormes that blow,
at his decree. ii All Kings both more and lefle,
With all their pompons tuinc,
9 The hils and mountaines all, Princes and Indies
And trees that fruitful! are, That in the world remaine
The Cedars great and tall Exalt his name.
His worthy praifc declare; izYong men and m aide s>
10 Bcafts and Cattcll, Old men and babes
J,Birds flying, Doe yc the fame,
tj For
258 Pfalmcitf.
i} Forhis name shall we proue, 14 For ftire he shall*
To be moft excellent, Bxalt with blifle:
Whofe praife is far about* The home of his,
The earth and firmament. And helpe them all*
Pfa/me 149. C^NTVS. Stmcn&tMs.

Ing yee vmothe- Lord our God, a ne?v reioycing fong : And

W letfne
lettfie praifcofhim
Praifcofhim be heard his ho- among,
lv Saints arac

Martjrs Tune. T E NO T\, or Playnfon^

Ing ye vnto the Lord our God, a new reioycing fong : And

let the praife of him be heard his holy Saints among.

2 Let Ifrael reioyce in him, /Ing praifes of the fame.

that made him of nothing : 4 For why \ the Lord his pleafure all
A nd let the feede of S ion eke, hath in his people fet i

be ioyfull in their King. And by deliuerance he will raife

the meeke to glory great.
j Let them found praife with voice of
vntohis holy name *.
(flute, 1 With glory and with honour no??.
And v?iththe Timbrcll and the Harp let all the Saints reioyce:

Pfalme I fO. CANTVS. Tho,%auen(. B. cfM.

Held vnto God the mightie Lord, praife in his Sanctuary:

And prayfe hirai u the firmament, that shewes his power on hie.

Wwchefter Tune. TE NO % or Playn(on%.

Ee Id vnto God the mightie Lord, pra ife in his Sanctuary :

And praife him in the firmament, that shewes his power on hie.
% Aduance his name and praife him in 3His praifes with the princely noyfe*
his migjtie acts alv?ayes s of lounding trumpets blow ;

According to his excellency , Prayfe nim vpon the vipil,

of greitncffc giue him prayfe, vpon the harp alfo.
; :

Pfalmcufi. a59
K His Sainfc all shall forth tell, 16 Andalfo they,
H is praifc and vvorthineflc : That with good will
The children of Ifrael, His words fulfill,
Each one both more and leffe and them obey.

P fa/me 149* MSDIVS Simon Stubbs.

Ing yeevnto the Lord our Cod a new rcioycing fong: And

let the praife of him be heard his holy Saints among,

Ing ye vn to the Lord our God, a new reioycing fong: And

Ski t '
let the praife
of him be heard his
holy Saints among.
And now aloud vpon their beds the people with their hands:
aduance their finging voice. 8 To bind their ftately kings in chained
6 And in their mouthesletbe the alts their Lords in yton bands.
of God themighty Lord p Toex.cuteon them the doome,
And in their hands eke let them beare that v vvitten is before
a double edged fword. This honour all his S.iints haue,

7 To plague the heathen and corrctf P raifc > e thc Lo1 *

?(alme 150. MSB IPS. Tho.%*m*T.B .of M.

Held vnto God the mightie Lord> praile in his San&uarie :

And praile him in the firmament, that shewes his power on hje.

God Ecldvn- to the mightie Lord, praife in his Sanftuarie :

And praife him in the firmament, that shewes his power on hie.

4 Praife him withTimbvelfc with Flute 6 What euer hath the benefit
Organs and Virginals : of breathing praife the Lotd:
5 With f -undingSimbals praifeyehim, to praife the name of God the lord
praife him with loud Simbato. agree with one accord.
2*0 A Pfalme before Morning Prayer.CA NT VS. T.Tdllis
Cannon 2. parts in one.

- *R Itff* +ht> Lord

Raife O ye
the T t\vA O vw r^Aiittlc
Gentils fill
all, uirKJ
which /K tilth
hath krnn^tiuii into his"
broughtyou L2

light: O praifc him all people mortal!* as it is moft vrorthie and rigbt.

TENO %OT PUynfont.

Raife the Lord O ye Gentiles all,which hath brought you into his

light : O praifc him all people mortall, as it is tuoft worthie and right.
For he is fulldetermined, And the Lords truth be ye a(Turcd>
o.i vs to poure out his mercy : abideth perpetually,

A Pfalme before Suenin^ Prayer. C A NTVS. T%

Bhold now gtue heede fuch as be the Lords feruants faithful! and

true: Come praife the Lord euery degree, with fuch fongs as to hitnaicdue*

T8NOR. or Fburden.

Ehoid now giue iSeedefuchas be the Lords leruants faithfulland

" |,|
111 I,,.. I
' '
I *t"JI
true : Come praife the Lord euery degree, with fuch fongs as to him are due.

O ye that md in the Lords houfc,

Lift vp your hands in his holy place,
Euen inour owne Gods manfion : Yea, and that inthc time of night.*
Praife yc the Lordfo bounteous , Praife ye the lord which giucth ai grace
Which workcth our faluation . For he is a Lord f great might.

zAudilfrael. CANT VS. Tho.%aHen{.B.ofM.

Ttend my people and giue eare, of ferly things I will thee tell

TEN OR, or TUynfong. ^

U. X ^Tfendmy peojiraud"giu7car: of ferly things I will thee tell.

A Pfafae before Morning Prajtr. MED I VS. T. Tadis, $6 1

piTii^iifcHii^liliSRaifc the Lord O ye Gentiles all, which hathbrought you into his

light: O prnife him all people mortals as it is moft worthy and right.

O Kaije the Lord ye Gentiles all, which hath brought you into his

lighu O praiie him all people rcoi as it is moft worthy and righ"^-
Glory be to God the Father, With the holy Gholt in like manner,
And to Icfus Chrift histrue fonne t Now and ateueiy fea&n,
*s4 Pfalme before Emmn^ Ptajer. M
SD I VS. 7. R.

Ehold novvgiue heed fuch as be the Lords feruants faithfull and

true: Come praife the Lord cue- ly degiee, vvithluch fongs as to him are due.

now giue hcede fuch
as be
'f t
the Lords feruants faith-
full and

true: Come praife the Lordcuery degree. with fuch fongs asto him ate due*
Then shall the Lord out of Sion, Cvvcr Giue to you ard jour nation,
Which made beau en & earth by his po- His blcffing, mercy, and fauour.

*sfdtlfr*cl. MSDIVS. Tho^Rauenj.B.tfM.

* TKBdmy people and giue care, ofTetly tHirgsi will thteteU

Aspiiirjiiiiiiiiiiiiitl will thee tell:
Ttcnd mrpeopU and giue arc efferly things I

fee thn my words in mind thou beare,and to my precepts ltAcn f yell

TENO % or Faburien.
See that my wosds in mindethou beare, and to my precepts liften well.
i T thy foueraignc Lord and God,
am 4 The Lord from work the feauenthday
Which hath thee brought fromcareftill And brought all thingsto perfect end :

and eke reclaimed fro Pnaraos rod,(thral So thou and thine that day take reft,
Make thee no Gods on them to call* That to Gods hefts ye may attend*

z Nor fashioned forme of any thing, 5 Vnto thy parents honour giue,
In heauen or earth to worship it : As Gods coraraandementsdoe pretend,
For I thy God by rcuengtnp, That thou long daies & good nuift liut
with grieuous plagues this fin wiHrnite. In earth whcie God a place doth lend

\ Take not invainc his holy name, <5 Beware ofmurthcrand cruell hate.
Abufe it not after {hy will : 7 All filthy fornication feare.
For (o thou mightft foon purchafe blame 8 See thou ftealenot in any rate,
And in his wrath he would thee fpill. 9 Falfe witncfleagainftno man beare.

The Lords payer, CA N TVS. G. Kirby.

Vr Father which in heauen art, and makft vs all one brotherhood,

to call vpon thee with one heart, our heauenly Father and our God, graunt
we pray not with lips alone, but with the heartsdeepe fighand grone.

I High Dutch Tne T E NO% or Fafmrdtn.

Vr Father which in heauen art, and makft vs all one brotherhood,

to call vpon thee with one heart, our heauenly father and our God, graunt

we pray not with lips alone, but with the hearts decpe figft and grone*


MED I VS. l6 l

See that ay words in minde thou bearc, and to my precepts liften well.


See that my words in minde thou beare, and tomyprccepu li* Aenv?ell.

l Thy neighborshoufe wish nottohaue To keepe thefe lawes after thy will
His wife,or ought that he calth mine: Thy might therefore O Chrift we craiie
His field,hisOxe, his Afle.his SUuc, That we in thee may them fulfil*.
Or any thing which is not thine.
Lord fot thy names fake grant vsthtt
Thou art our ftrength O Sauiour Cfcrift
Of thee to fpeed how should we miffe
In whom our tre&fure doth confiftl
The fpirit of grace graunt vsO lord
To keepe thefe lawesourhcartsreftore:
And caufevsall with one accord, To thee for euermore be prailfc.
To magnifie thy name therefore. With the father in each refpect:
And with the holy fpirit alvvaies,
For of our fclucs no ftrength we haue The comforter of thine clec^t.

The Lords frsyer. MED IV S. G. Kirh-

Vr Father which in heauenart, and makft vs all one brotherhood,

to call vpon thee with one heart, our heauenly Father andour God, graunt

we %h
pray not with lips alone, but witn the hearts deep and grone.


Vr Father which inheauen art, and makft vs all one brotherhood,

to call vponthce wi^ one heart, our heauenly Father and otir God, graunt

we ptay not with lips alone, but with the heatts deep tfgh and grone.
254 The Lords Praytr.
Thybleffed nameoe fanftfied. Thy will be done tvitfc diligence*
Thy holy word might vs inflame, Like as in heauen in earth alfo
jn holy lifefor toatside, In trouble graunt vs patience,
To m Jgnifiethy holy name Thee to obey in wealth and woe:
From all errorsdefend and keepe Let not flesh, bloudor any ill
The little flockc of thy poorc aheepe. Preuaile againft thy holy will:

Thy kingdome come euen at this houre, Giue vs this day ourdaily bread,
And henceforth etterhftin gly And all other good gifts of thine
Thy holy Ghoft into vs pourc, Keepe vsfrom war and from bloud-shed
VVith moitplenteoufly
all his gifts Alfo from fickneflfe, dearth and pine
From Sathans rage and filthy band That we may Hue in quietnefle.
Defend vs with thy mighty hand. Without all greedy carefulnefle.

The Creed. CANT VS. G.Kirby.

Ll my beliefs and confidence is inthe Lord of might : The

Father which all things hath made, the day and eke the night. The

heanens and the firmament, and alfo many a ftarre: the earth and all that

^ <r
is nh r\\ paffc
therein, v*kich v%+fTt* mans v.fifm* -fartv
ir,m<n< reafon favre.

T E NO % or PUynfeng,

Ll my beiiefc and confidence is In the Lord of might: The

Father which all thingshath made, the day and eke the night. The

heauens and the firmament, and al- fo many a ftarre : the earth and all that

is therein, which pau*e mans reafon farre.

And in manner I beleeue,
like Conceiued by the holy Ghoft,
In Chrift our Lord his Sonne : His holy word doth me allure:
Coequall with the Dei tie, And ofhis mother Mary borne,
And man in flesh and bone* Yet sbee a Virgin pure.

The Lords Prayer.

Forgiuc vs our oftncesaU, O Lcrdfroaicuilidcliuttvs,
Ulicue ourcarefull conscience, The day es and times are daugeieus 2
is we forgiuc both great and nnall, From eucilafting, death hue ys,
Which vnto vs haue done offence: And in ourlaft need comfort vs s

Prepare vs Lord for to feme thee, A end to vs bequeathe

In perfect loue and vnitic. Into thy hands our fouies tcZiU

> Lord into temptation For thou O Lord art Xing of kings,
Lead vs not when the fiend doth ra ge, And thou haft power ouct all:
Co vvithftand Insinuation Thy glory sbineth in all things,
iiue poyver and (trength to euery age, In the vvide world vniuerfalU-
Armc and make ftrong thy feeble hore. Amen,let it be done O Lord,
With faith and with the holy Ghoft. That we hauc prai'd with one accordi

The Creed. MET) I VS. G-Kirhj.

LI my beliefe and confidence is in the Lord of might: ihc

Father which all things hath made, the day and eke the night. The

heanens and the firmament, and alfo manyaftarre: theeartnand all

thsc is therein, which paffenuns rcafon farre.


Ll my beliefe and confidence is in the Lord of might: The

Father which The
all thingshach made, the day and eke the night.

heauens and the firmament, and al- fo many a farce : the earth and all

that is therein, which pane mans reafon farrc.
fcecaufe mankinde to Sathan was, And fuffcringmoft gricuouc painc
For fin ne in bond and thrall. The Pilate bcin I udgc
He came and offered vp-hiaafcjfil V Vas crucified on the Croffe,
? death, 50 fcujcvsaU, And thereat did no: grudge*
:: : :

166 The Creedei

And To he died in the flesh* On Gods rigfec band hit father deere*
But quickned in thefpirit According to his will*
His body then was buried,
As if our vie and right. Vntill the day of iudgement come*
Hisfpiritdid after this defcend When he shall come againe
Into the lower parts : VVith Angels powcr,yet of that day
To them that long in darkneflcwerc, We all be vncertaine.
The true light of their hearts. To iudgeall people rlghteoufl?.
And in the third day of his death* Whom he hath dearely bought:
Herofe to lifeagaine: The liumg and the dead alfo,
To the'nd he might be glorified, which he hath made of nought*
Out of all griefeand paine And in the holy fpirit of God*
Afcending to theheauens hie, Myfaitbtofatisfic:
To fit in glory ftill The third pexibn in Trinitie
A Prayer to the holy Ghoft. CA NT VS. John Milton.
=riz~=:r~r::f =:+::^
^rf tff f frfl
Ome holy fpirit the God of might,

comforter of vs all : Teach

vs to know thy word aright, that we doe neucr fall*

Torke Tune. T S NO % or Playnfong.

Ome holy fpirit the God of might* comforter of vs all Teach


vs to weknow thy word aright, that doe neuer fall;

Oholy Ghoft vific our coaft, and therein Hue anddfe*
defend vs with thy shield :
Againft allfinne and vvickednefle,
O holy Spirit direct aright,
the preachers of thy word
Lord help vs winne the field.
That thou by them maift cut down <!nm
Lordkeepe out King and his Counfell, as it were with a fvvordr
andgiue them will and might Depart not from thofe paftorspure,
To per feu ere in thy Gofpell, but aide them at all neede
which can put finne to flight: VVhich breake tovs the bread of life*
O Lord which giueft thy holy word, whereon our foules doe feede.
lend Preachers plentcoufly:
Thai in the famewe may accord* OBleffed s giritoftruth keepe v*

Ddpacem, CANTVS. Tbo.Raueuf.'B.ofM 4

lue peace fothefeour dayea O Lord, great dangera are now at bands

t. High 'Dutch Time. TE NO T^ot Vtburien.

luc peace ft theft oitt dayci O Loid,great danger* c aw tUw*
: :: : : :

The Creede. Z6j

kleeue I ftedfaftljr. And then shallChrift our Sauiour,
The holy and Catholike Church, The Sheepe and Goats deuide:
That Gods vvorddoth maintaine And gitte life eucrlaftingly,
knd holy Scripture doth allow, To thofc whom he hath tridrt
Which Sathan doth difdainc. Within bisrealme celcfliaU,
In glory for to reft
And alio I doe truft to haue,
death With all the holy company.
iy leius Chrift his
teleafe and pardon for my finnes,
Of Saints and Angels bleft.
Lndthatonely by faith.
What time all flesh shall rife againe Which ferue the Lord omnipotent,
Obediently each home:
lefore the God of might
Lnd fee him with their bodily eies,
To whom be alldominiou,
fVhich now doth giue them light.,
and puile for eucrmore.

4 Prayer to the holy Ghr0. M ED IV S. hhn Miltm.

Ome holy fpint theGod of might, comtortcr of vs all: Teach

! vs to know chj word aright > that we doe ne- ucr fall*


TnirJr the
fpirit rh< finrl^f might,
mi<kr rnmfnftni- of
comforter nf\tc ill
vs all

vs to know thy word aright, that we doe neuer fail.

In peace and vhttle to nations far and nye:
ecpe vs from fefts and errors all, And teach them all thy holy word
and from all papiftry . that we may fing to thee;
Jonuert all thofe that are our foes,
and bring them to thy light All glory to the Trinitic,
that thcy.and we
may wcllagrcet that is of raighticsmoft !
andpraife thee day and night. The Uuing father and the fonn*
> Lord increafe our faith in vs, and eke the holy Ghoft.
and louefo to abound: As it ftath beene in all the time,
That man and wife be voideof ftrife, that hath beene heretofore:
and neighbours about vs round, As it is now, and fo shall be,
n our time giue thy peace (O Lord) henceforth for euermore.

Iue f & inibtfcoux dayes O Unreal dangers arc now at h*nd :


thine ctfeniies with one accord, Chrifls name in eue- ry land. Sceke to

deface, roote out and race, thy true right worship indeed: Bethouthe

flay, Lord we thee pray, thou hdpit alone in ali need*

TENO%,ot Faburien.

thine enemies with one accord, Chrifts name in eucry landt Sceke to

ii^Iiiillillllllill^iiil Be thou the

deface, route out ami race, thy true right worship indeed j

ilay, Lord we thee pray, thou helpft alone in ali neede.

Giue vs that peace which wee doc Thy healthfull word,

Through misbcleefe and 111 life: (lack, Some persecute and oppreffH
Thy word to offer thou doeft notflack, Some with the mouth
VVhich we vnkindly gain itriue : Confcfle the truth,
with fire and fword, without finccre godllnofTc.

The Lamentation. CANT VS. Tho. Raven f.B. of

Lord in thee is all my trufl, giue eare vntomy wofull crv:

Refute me not that am vniuft, but bowing dovvne thyheauenly eye*


Lord in thee is all my truft, giue eare vnto my wofutf cry:

Refufe me nor tjws am vniuft, fcu^bowing dovvne thy hcaucyJy eye.


MSD1VS. id
ililiii^iiiiiilfe Chrifisname heuery land.
thine enemies with one accord, Seeke to

de- face, roote out and race, thy true right worship in deed Fe thou the

flay, lordvve thee pray, tho j hclpft a- lone in all needc.


thiue enemies with one accord, Chrifls name in eucry land, Seeke to

islillfiliip=iitSliilii thy true right vvotship h\ died

deface, roote out and race, : Be thou the-

flay, Lord
thee pray, thou helpft alone in all needc,

5iue peace, & vsthyfpirit ^o 7 vnfend> War and bloudshcd,

f Vith gricfe and repentance true Through thy fvveet nicrcie arid grace
Do pierce our hatts our liu<.s to arjend, ^ay from vs Aide :

&nd by faith Chrift rcnue, Thy truth may bide,

That feare and dread, And shine in cucry place, i

The Lamentation. ME D1 VS. lho.l^%e4.B]n(M.

lord in thee is -ill my truft, :

giue eare vuto my vvofull cry :

Rcfufe nienot that am vniuftj but bovving dovvne thy heauen'y Cye.

BASST'S. ait

Ijordm thee my truft, my vvofull

is all giue eare vnto cry:

Rcfufe me not that am unhid, but bowing down thy hcaui!y eve
$; -
: >/ 'Behold
s 7o CANTVS.

" Behold bow I doe ftill lament my finnes, wherein 1 doe offend j

O Lord for them shall I be shent, Sich thee to pleafe I doe entend.

TE NO R, or fhfnfong.

Behold how I doe ftill lament my finnes,?vhcrein I doe offend :

iiliilliill liSiiiiiill
O Lord for them shall I be shcnt, fith thee to pleafe 1 doe entend.
No no, not fo, thy will is bent, To thee therefore ftill shall I cry,
to deale wilh finners in thine ire: towash away my finfull crime:
Sut when in heart they shall repent, Thy bloud O Lord is not yet dry,
thou grantft with fpeed theiriuft dcfire. but that it may helpe me in time.

nyi Thankef-gwing* CANT VS. Simon Stubbs. i

He Lord be thanked for I vis gifts, and mercies cue rmore >

* That he doth shew vnto his Saint to him be laud therefore.

Martyrs Tune. TE NO\ ovPlaynfong*

He Lord be thanked for his gifts, and mercies cuermorc,


That he doth shew vnto his Saints, to him be la"d therefore.

Our tongues cannot fp praife the Lord, fuch mercies of thcLord
as he doth right deferne TJvou docft deferue moltworthily, .

Our hearts cannot of hiin fo thinke, ofhrnuo be abhord.

as he doth vs prefcrtie.
fought elfe but fin and wretchednc/f
His benefits they 1? e fo great, doth reft within our hearts
tovs that bebut finne: And ftubbcrnely againft the Lord,
That at our hands forrecorapence > we daily play our parts.
there is no hope to winne. The Sunne aboue in firmamen%
O finfull flesh that should** haue, that is to vs a light*
MEDirS. 27*

p yMi
Behold how
I doe
lament, my


,pr r
t doe offend

O Lord for them shall I be sheiit, Sith thee to pleafe I doe entend.


Behold hovr I doe ftill lament, my finnes wherein 1 doe offend :

O Lord for them shall I be shent, Sith thec to pleafe I doc entend.
Hafte theeO Lord, hafte thee Ifay, Where thou doft raigne eternally,
to poure on me thy gifts of grace i with God which oncedid down thee
Th3t wheii this life shall fleet away, Where Angels fing continually, (fen4
in heauen with thee 1 may haue place. tothtc be praife world without end.

MSB J VS. Simon Stubbs

j< 4-

He Lord be thanked for his gifts, and mercies eucnnore

That hedothiriwvato his Saints, to himbe land therefore.

Me Lord be thanked for his gifts, and mercies euermore :

That he doth shew vntb his Saints, to him belaud therefore.
I)oth shew it felfe more clecre &-pure hate is to them no let.
Alfo earth and all therein,
The heaueris aboue and all thefein, of G6d it is in a we
more holy are then wee It doch obferue the Formers will,
They feme the Lord in their cftate, byskilfull natures lav v.
each one in his degree. Thefea and all that is therein.
They doe not ftriuefor raaftership, doth bend when God doth beck t
nor flack their office fct : The fpirits beneath doc tremble all,
Sut fear* the Lord and doe his will, undfeare his wrathfull check.
34 But
But vrt ataiforwfeo'n alitor* Arii that we should not yet fdrgei
were-wa^e-, them for to rule, what gooi he to v $ wrought
Poe not ro ^ now or lone the
lord, A figne heUft'our eyes to tell,
ps doth the Ox;
or Mule. that he our todies bought.
A law he gaue for vs to know, )n Bread -and-V Vine here vifible
what W3S his holy v/iU ;
vntoour eyeandtafte:
He wo' i!d vs good" "But ws would not His mercies "great tr-u maift record *

if th at bis fpir i t thou haft.


Not one of vs that feeketh out As once the Corne did lme and grow,
the Lord of life to pleafe : and vvas cut downe with Sithet
}Tor doe the th in&that might vs ioyne And threshed out with many (hipe c n
to Ch-iiu" ard qui ^ cafe. tit of the h uske'todviuei
Thus are we all his enemies, And as the mill with violence
we can it not denie: didteatr h out To fmall
A nd he agaihe ef his food wRl* And ma-ice it like to earthly duft
would not that we should dye. not fpwing it arall.

Therefore when remedy vvas nche A*nd astlieQuen with fire hot*
to bring vs vnjto.Kfe: did dofe it vp tnheate
The Sonne of t?o4 ou<* flesh he tnoke And all this done that I haue (M
toendonr inott^lftrifc. : that itShuuW Veour meate.
And alhtiw? Lvv of God the lord, So w is the Loid in his ripeage
. he did oVay;
irfui.1 cut downc bycruell death ; ,

And y?o* the storfe,

for joyr/innes His fouiche ga ue to torment *great 3
his bloud our debts did pay. and yeelutd vphis breath.

APr.tjerm C A NT f S. Tho^ntnj^

Pff jfcfcr'ue vs Lor<f-b v thy ticere word. from T4irke&: Popedefend'viXotd:


which both would thruft out-O&j^thronejdar Lord LefusChriil tnydeercfon

3 .Tli^k Dutch TuvtTS N O R, or fStrde*, ]

^ -
Refer i* vs Lord by thy dcere vvord, ft 6~n Turk 5; Pope defend vs lord ?

which both would thruft cut of his, throne* our Lord -lefns Chrift thj <tyere Jots
: i

$<*ufc that he fd>S might be So i $ the Lord and his whole Church,
an euerlaftlng bread : though he in U men fit.

With much rcproch and troubles great As many trapes make but one ? vine,
hi* life on earth he led. fe should vv c be but one,
And as the grapes in plcafani time Jnfaith and loue in Chti ft aboue,
arcprefted very fore: and vnto Chrift alone.
And SS? Xl*>
let to grow no more.
teadinf a lift without all ft.ifc,
in quiet reft and peace
JBecaufc the inyce that in them is From crude and from malice both
as comfortable drinke our hearts and tonguos to ccifc.
We should receiue andioyfull be, Which if we doe then shall vvc shw
vvhen iorrowesroake vs shiinke. that we his chofen be:
So Chrift his.blo.ud out preflcd vyas By faith in him to Uadi life
vvlth nailei, and eke with fpeare as alwayes willed he.
The iuvceyvftertofdoth faue all thofc And that vvc may lb doe indeed
thatrightly doc him feaie. i

God fend vs all his grace

Andasthe eorries by vnitie Then after death vvc shall he fate

into one loafe arc knit i
with him to haue a place.

Keferue vs lordby thy ce ere word, frcoi Turk #Pcpe defend vi lord:

"yvhich both f^piiM th^utVcJ^ his tLrcne, cur Xcs d^I ^A, s Ci^t fj^Ta^^n*

bas sys.

Refernc vs Lord by thydaare word, from Turk Pope defend vsLordj


whichboth would thruft out* of his throne,our lord Iefus Chiifl th>
dear e Son.
Then Hub g pod in petfons three, In all out need fovs defend, fend,
ihy ii^c Wpraifedln vnific s that vvc mayj>raife thee vvorlJ.without

Ppflmt 12 0. CANTVS.

And tongues of falfe re- port-

VVh h 3fe &*r**l&*

^fw ?i ^
and[Welch Tunes of the Pfalmes.
Repetition of the English, Scottish,
looke ii.tothe fecond Rerctition of
shem, and you shall finde it amended.
Agcnerall Confeflionof finnes, with other Praycnfo
the Morning and Eucning, to be vfed in Families,
Andfublkke AJfemblies.

e befeech thee, that wee may beftoyn

b Moft merciful and louing this
Father,whofe loue da
is inn*- T vvh ^y in thyferuice, fo that *U\
^nite,andwhofemercyen- our thoughts, words *nd deeds may re 1

Ldureth for euer. V Ve fin- dovf ne to the glory of thy name, & goo*
example of our brethren. And as it hatfcl
k full creatures, mining in
r ^,T chine vnfpeakable good plcafed thee to make the Sunne to shin*
neffe and lone towards vs, doe appeare *r* the earth to iue v* bodily light
this morning before thy dtnine maieftie,
c "en fo youchfafc to illuminate our vai
raoft humbly confeffing our manifold fins
derftandmg with the bright neftc of thjs
and innumerable ttanfgreffions of thy fp"it,to dirccl; ?s m the way of righte*
command ementsSr fatherly vvil againft oufncutvfo that what thing foeuer we
thee onelyagainft thce(o Lord)haue we shall apply our felues vnto, our fpecial*
finned.v vc acknowledge oufoffences, we care and purpofe may be to walke in thj
accufe our felues vnto thee (O merciful! feare,& to ferueand honour thce,iooking
Lord)and will not hide our vnrighteouf- for all our wealth & prefperit'tc to com*
nefle. finde in our felues nothing but from thy onely ble(fing,and that we mays
ignorance of thy will , dtfobediencet take nothing in hand, wMch shall not be-
miftruft.doubtfuincfTe in thy goodnelfe. agreeable to thy raoftbkffed will. Fur-
and irtcredulitie, hatred andkoutempt of thermpfc. that wee n^intfieh fort tra?
fpiritual things felfc-loue, confidence in ueUforoitr bodies and for. this prefeng
urfclues, and fementluftingaCtcrcar. life, that we may haue alwaies a further
nail things of this world : and this tree regard/that is,to the heauenly lifc,vvhicl

of out, corrupt nature bringeth foorth thou hjj/t promifed to thy children: an<
continually in vs none other fruits, but in the meane feafon, that it may pie ale
rotten and vnfartory workesof the flesh* thee to preferue and defend, vs. both if
in thoughts Words and doings^vnto con- body & foule,to ftrengttien vs*againftal
demnation. Wherefore we humbly be- the temptations of the diuell, and to dc<
feech thy fatherly goodnefTceuen for thy liuer vs from all perils and dangers thai
Son lefus Chriits fake, whom thou haft may happen vnto vs, if wee be not de-
ict forth for a purchaferof mercy to vs,
fendc i vyith thy godly power. And for as
through faith in his Moud,maKeourharts to begin wel,& not to continue,
is northing : we befeech thee to receiue
cleane,take away out ftony hearts, and
giuc vnto vs tme and liuely faith,work- vs not onely this day iuto thy holy p;
ing tn -vsvnfafned repentance & amend- tedtion, but alfo foe the time
ment of our finfulllife.Haue mercy vpon whole life, continuing and increafing
vs dojly thy good grace and gifts ther
vs, and foreiue vs our finnes for thySons
vntill thou shalt bng?s to that hap
fake, certific our confcicnceiof the
mifllon of the fame by thy noly.fptrit, by
tow.where we shall fully^artd for eu
whofebperation fo mortifie in vs ouroid be xo * nc<i vnto thy Son lefus Chnfio
man, the whole body of finne, that wo^wui which is the true light ofo

continually dying vnto finne.mav walke

>foules,shtning day &
night perpetually
in newneffe of life, to the glor'yof thy
an <* to thc " d that we
may obtainefucfi
holy name, through lefus Chriit <*ut SaV
h3nd,youchfafe(njoft mercu
forgiue arid forget all our
inour, Amen. J?
nnnes, which we (haue heretofore com-
Aprayer for tht Morning mittcd againft thee, and for thine infinit
OEternall God and heauenly Father, mercyesfake to pardon the fame,a* thott
f.eing that by thy great mercy, wee haft promifed to thofe that aske of thet
Mae quietly pafJcd this night, gtaunt with Vnfaine4 hearts, fox whom as fot
tut felues, m male ur humble petiti-
ons vnto thee, in the name of thy Sonne
and glory. And albeit wee be but
werme$& duft, yet thou art our creator,
our Lord 8c Sauiour Iefus Chrift, in fuch and we be the vvorke of thy hands, yea
fort as hee hath taught vs faying : Our thou art our father, and we thy children*
Father which art, Sec. thou artourShcpheard & we thy flockc,
thou ait our Redeemer and we thy peo-
AnBuemngTrayer. ple, whom thou haft deerely bought*
lord God, Father eucrlafting and thou art our Ood,andvve are thine inhe-
fullof pittie, we acknowledge and
ritance. Correct vs vox therefore inthin*
confetfe, that wee be not worthy to
anger(0 Lordour God; ncyther accor-
lift vp our eyes to bcaucn, much letfeta
ding to ourdefcrts do thou punish vs,but
fcrefent our felues before thy dinine ma-
mercifully chaftice vs with a fatherly
icftie, with confidence that thou wilt
affection, that all the vvorld may know*
'hcarc our prayers & grant our requefts,
that at what time foeuer a (inner doth
if we confider our ovvne wretched de-
repent him of his finnefrom thebottome
fcruings. For our conferences doe accufe
of his heart, thou wilt put away allhis
vs,and our finnes vvitnefle againft vs,and
vvickednefle out of thy remembrance, as
we know that thou art an vpright iudge, thou haft proruiled by thy holy Prophet.
which doft no t iuftifie the finncrs and Finally ,forafmuch as it hath pleafed thee
wicked men, but punisheft the faults of to make the night for man to reft in, at
fuch as tranfgrefle thy commandemcnts.
thou haft ordained him the day totrauell,
Yet mbft mcrcifull Father, fince it hath grant O deere Father, that we e may fb
pleafed thee to command vs to call vpon
take our bodily reft, that our foulcs may
thee in all our troubles and adoufi-
continually watch for the time that our
tics, promifing euen then to helpe vs
Lord Iefus Chrift shall appeare forour
when wee feele our felues, as it were full deliuerance out of this mortall life",
fvvailoWed vp of death and defperation,
and in the meane feafon, that wee be
we vtterly renounce' all vvorldly confi-
not ouercome by any fantafies,dreams,or
dence andtruft,and fly to. thy ioucraigne
other temptations, but may fully fet our
goodneffe as our oncly (lay and refuge,
rotndes vpon thee,louc thee.fcarc thec&
befeeching thee not to call to remem-
reft in thee,in fuch fort that ourveiy deep
brance otir manifold finnes and vvicked-
alfo may be to the glory of thy holy
nefle.whereby wee continually prouoke
name. Furthermore that our ileepe be
thy v with & indignation againft vs, nei-
not exceffiue or ouermuch, after the in-
ther our negligence,nor our vnkindnctfe,
fatiable deHrc of the flesh, but onely
which haue neither worthily eftecmed, fufficient to content bur yveake nature,
nor in our Hues fufficicntly expretTcd the
that we may the better be difpofed to
Tweet comfort of thy Gajpell repealed liuc in all godly conuerfation, tp the glo-
vnto vs, but rather to accept the obedi-
ry of thy holynamCjand piofic of our bre-
ence and death of thy fbnne lcfus Chrift
thrcn, through Iefus chrift our Lord; lr%
cUr Lord, who by offering vp his body in
whofename vvc make our humble peti-
ftaifice once for all, hath made a fuffici.
tions vnto thee, as hee hath taught vs t
cuerecbm pence for all our finnes. Haue jjying:
Our Father. &c.
Aercy therefore vpon vs (O Lord) and (

fbfrgiueVs our offence*, teach vs by thy

k*fif Spirit that wee may rightly vvcign
Prayer Afor true repentance. !

them '^earneltiy repent vs for the fame t

\i Oft gratious God, and mcrcifull Fa!
AndPtfniUchthe rathcr(0 Lord our God) lvJ
ther of our Sauiour Iefus Chr'tft.
Vccaufe that the reprobate, and fuch as
becaufe I haue finned and done wicked-
then* haft for fake n cannot praile thee nor
ly, and through thy goodnefte haue rccci*
call vpon thy name -
but the repenting ued a defiie of Repentance, vvhereunto
hart, the forrovvfull mihcljtheconfcience
this thy loug-furfring doth draw my hard
Ptucfled, hungring and thirfling foi thy
heart> 1 befeech thee for thy great mer-
f race, shall eucrojorc fet forth thy praifc
cies frkc in Chrift, * worke the fama
Repentance !n ee, and by thy Spirit, death vntilt his camming agalne, to de-.
jower and grace, fo to humbl,mortifie a clare and witnefle before the world>tha t
and fcare my conscience for my fianes to by him alone W^e haue recciued Ubertie
filiation, that in thy good time thou and life: that by him alone thou doft ac-
naift comfort and quicken mec againe, knowledge vs to be thy children and
through lefitfChriftchy deareiy bcloued hcyres* th t byhim alone we haue en.
Sonne* So be it. trance to the throne of thy grace, that by
hi-i! alone we a?e poffefled into our fpU

A before the recehing rkuall ktngdome to eat? and drinke at

his tible and with whom we haue our
of the holy Communion. :

comieriation prcfently inheauen.and by

O Father of m 3 rcy and God of all con-

whom our M
yes stall be raifed vp a-
folation, feeing all creature doe >tiu g 3,nLe the dnft, and shall be placed*

knovtfedge and conf ffe thee to be their

^vitb him m
that endieflV ioy which t on

Gouemour and Lord it becommeth vs } C O Father of mercy) haft prepared for

the workmanship of thin? wne hands,
wi w eictf: before the foundation of the
at all times to reuerence & magnifie thy
world was laid. And thefe moft inettK
godly ffiaicftiej firA, for that thou haft
created vs to tMneowne Image, & fimi-
litude but chiefly becaufe thou haft d It-
mable benefits we acknowledge & con*,
reeeiued of thy free mercy ft
by tbineonely bcloued'Son lefts
Chat. For the which therefore we thy
tiered w from that euerlafttng death and
congregation, mo ;ed by thy holy fpirtt,
damnation,tnto which fathm drew man-
render to thee al thanks, praife and
kinde by the mcanes of Gn,from the bon
g^y ^t euer end cuct.
dage whereof, neither man nor Angell
?vJs able to make vs free : but thou (O


AJ '

lord) rich in mercy and infinite in good- *A thwfcgMiHg' dfttr thtrecpiffig
Heffb, haft piouided our redemption to of the Eoly Communion. MJ
ftand |n thine only and vvelbeloucd Son, *
f : ^ Jt% 9t

whom of very loue thou diditgiue to be \A& mercifull Father, wee .render
AVJ ynto
made man
like.vnto vs in all things, fin thee all praife, thanks, honour, I
cxcepted.that in his body hee might ve- and glory, for that it hath pleafed jthec
ceiue the punishment of our tranfgrcfli * of thy great mtrcjc to graunt vnto vs" 1
on, by his death to mike Satisfaction to miftrable finners, fo excellent a gift and
thy inftice, and by hferefurredtion to de- tieafure,is'to rccdiie vs into die fellovv-
itroy him that was the atfthotfr of death,' shipand Company, of thy deere Son lefus,
tnd fo to bring againe life to the world, Chriftour Lord, whom thou haftdeline-
from which the wholeofspring of Adam red to death for vs, & haft giucn him vnto
vvasmoft iuftly exiled. O Lord wee ac^ vs a neceftary food and nourishment. onto,
knowledge that no creature was able to euerlafting life> n d noyv wee feftfeecb
comprehend the length, breadth, depth,' thee alfo (O heauenly father) to grant
t isre^ueft* t^at th ou ncuer fuffer ys to,

and height of that thy moft excellent

ioue which moued thee to shew mercy become fo vn.kinde as to forget fp Worr
where none was deferued, topromifc thy bene^tSjjbut.rAtiier imprint &faflen,
and giue lift where death had gotten vi- them fttre in our hearts, that yveV may recciue w into tly grace vvheii grow and increase daily u:ore ai4 aioiO'

vye could doe nothing but sebeU- againft in true faith s which continually i^exer-
thymaieftie eifedin all manneiof good vvorjce'iaan^
The blindc dulneffe of our coiTUpt na. fomuch therafher < O t.g.rd) coruirmc f^*
tute Vvlllaot fuffer vs lufficiently to |n thefe perillotisdaics Sc rage ot te\h2n r
weigh thefe thy moft ample benefits.Yet that we
may couflantly (land and conti-
jteuertheleflTe at the commandement of nuein the confeflfipn of the fame* to the
lefus Chrift cnir Lord* we prefent our aduancemcnt of ihy gloiy,vyhich art
fciues to tf-isthy table, which he hath God oner all chings and kl(jfl<C
; i
!eft to be yfed in recmbrace of his for cucr Am$i\*
1 .

A Table for the number of the whole Pfalme*, and

alfo in whatteafeyou may finde euexy of them.

Pfalme. A Folio. Pfalme. L Folio-

$9 ALL laud and pray fe. 04 6 Lord in thy. 31
49 **All people hearken. o* 16 Lord kecpe me. 44
7$- Attend ray peopletomy law. 26 Lord be my Iudge. 60
81 Amid the preaie. 150 Lord plead my.
25 71
loo All people that. 7 42 Like as the Hart.
1 84
B 68 LetGodaiife. 12a
Jc Be light and glad. 148 7a Lord giue thy iudgements, 150
aliened are they. 206 86 Lord bow thine eare. 154
mf Bkfled art thou. 2 z6 83 Lord God of health. 156
JJ4 Behold and haue regard. a?4 150 Lord to thee I. 22 $
14a Before the Lord God. 248 140 Lord faue me. 2 46
144 Bleft be the Lord. 250 Hi Lord hcare my prayer. 24$
Z$ Doe not O God. i5 o 2$ My shepheard. 56*
E 4? My heart doth take in hand. 88
J7 Except the Lord, 226 62 My foule to God, 116
G 7* My Lord my God.
10 Giue to the Lord. 64 io? My foule giue laud. 176*
37 Gfudge not to fee. 76 My foule praife.
104 180
4$ Great the Lord.
9i My foule praife.
54 God faue me for. ^04
105 Giue praifes vnto God. K
jBx 115 Not vnto vs. :oo
107 Giue thanks vnto the Lord. i38
U} Novvlfrael. 2 20
24* Gius laud vnto. O
H O Lord how are 1 2$
U Help Lord for. 40
4 O God that art. 30
i* Hov? long wilt ? 4o O Lord my God.
51 Hauc mercy on me God. jco O God our Lord,
$ ?4
5* Haue mercy Lord on me. 10$ O Lord within.
if 4a
*7 Haue mercy no vs Lord. j %% O Lord giue eare.
17 46
73 How euer it be. 11 % O Godmyftrength.
18 4*
$4 Hovv pieafantis i 151 '%% O Lord how ioy full 5 52
51 He that within. 16a OGodmy God.
?2, ?4
Incline thine eare.
I $r O Lord I put my truft. 65
5 so
IX 44 Our cares haue heard. 86
ItruftinGod. 58
ao In trouble and.
51 9 Lord confider m y. *S
35 I lift my heart to thee.
52 55 O God giue eare. KJ*5
58 60 O Lord thou didft. IIS
14 I will giua laud and honour. 70 O God my God I watch.
63 118
39 I faid I will looke. 78 OLord vnto my voyce.
64 IiS
40 I waited long. So O God to me take heede,
70 128
4J: Iudge and reuenge. 84 79 O Lord the GentiicSe
77 I with my voyce. i?8
4>4 O-Loidthoudoft.
$> It is a thing. l6 ,
100 In God the Lord.
9% O come let vs.
W I mercy will.
10* In fpeechleflc.
98 Ofingyerjcvv.
loa O hear e my prayer.
116 I loue the Lord.
2 JI 108 O
God my heart. Xj?0
I20 In trouble and in
202 ii7 O all ye nations *a
thrall. %i n9
lax I Ogiucyethankes. 204
lift mine
113 O Lord that heauen.
eyes. 214
X** I <iid in km\ xtioyec. m n 9 Oft they now,
Pfalme. Folio4 Pfalme. V ytf*
i?i o Lord I am not. a$o 7jVnto thee God. lt6
i? j O how happy a thing 5 2* a YV
l J5 O praifc the Lord. 2*4 1 Why did the. ,$
j 2$ O hud the Lord. *;6 9 With heart and. 95
I?0 Lord thou haft. $44 10 What is the.
141 Q Lord vpon thee doe I call. 246* 5* Why doft thou tyrant 1 1^
P 74 Why art thou Lord s . 1*4
2* Put me not to
rebuke. 7% 1 11 With heart I doe accord. 104
Jo^Praifeye the Lord. 1S4 1 '4 Whenlfrad.
x^PraifeyetheLord. x\6 1;6 When that the Lord. 224
\\y Praile ye the. ij4 ill Whenas we fat. ,Z
#1 Regard O Lord. 114 5 j Yee righteous in the Lord. 70
1? t Remember Dauids. *jo 4? Yec people alL 90
S 5* Yec Rulers. Jlo
59 Send aid and. iio 6"* Yec men on earth. 120
09 Saue me O God. 126 21; Yet children.
9$ Sing ye vvith praife. i$f 150 Y eeld fnto God. a I .

lij Such as in God. azo

i \9 Sing vf ynto God. ajf
T TbefeyejhaU bcuu in the be*
1 The man ginningof the Booke.
isbleft. *4
14 There, is no God. 4* Come holy G ho ft . c
19 The heauensand. jo O Lord of whom I doe depend. 4
j The Lord is onely. 5^ O Come and let ys now reioyce. '

*4 The earth is all. 5t We praife thee cod. 6

?7 The Lord is both. 62 O all ye workes of God the Lord, t
ai " Thou art O Lord. 0* 2 Theonely Lord of Ifracl. j
a* Them an isbleft. it My fouledothmagnifie the Lord. 1*
%6 The wicked with. 74 O Lord becaufe my hearts defire. 14
41 The man is bleft. ft What man focucr he be that. 14
46 The Lord is our defence. SS O Lord turnenot away thy face, if
. 50 The mighty God. 94. Our Father which in heauen art. 20
5j The foolish man in that. 104 Heark Ifrael, and what I fay. so .

57 Take pitty for. 10$ Where righteoufnefle doth lay; *a

4k Thy praife alone. 1*0
y6 5*o all that now. 1 jf

- Jo" Thou rtear&rhat. 140*

Thefefollm after the Tfalmes.
,U Thou haft beene merciful!. Ifl*
JF7 That kie shall. i<6 Praife the Lord O ye Gentiles. 2 tfo
fp To (ing the mercies. 15$ Behold now giue heed. 269
90 Thou Lord haft. loo Attend my people and giue eare. z6o
5? The Lord as King. 164 Our Father which in heauen art.:**
97 The Lord doth raigne. 170 Allmybeliefe and confidence. 20*4
99 The Lord doth raigne. 17a Come hoi y fpirit the God of. 266
210 TheLord did fay. 194 Giue peace inthefeour da yes. 166
111 The man is bleft. 196 O Lord in thee is ail my truft. 2 6t
125 Thofe that doe put. a ra- The Lord be thanked for his. 270
il* Thee will I praife. *4* Preferuevs Lord by thy deere. 27a
m Tfc< will X laud* ij* Alfo ccrtunc godly Prayer 174


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