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Traditional vs Digital Marketing

In todays world, while Technology & Internet is getting more powerful

everyday, the question arises what kind of marketing is good for your business
Traditional or Digital?

Lets check what are the facts .

Digital Marketing by the numbers

Over 100 BILLION Monthly GOOGLE SEARCHES [2.3 million searches per
58% of adult smartphone owners say they search for a local business on
their phone at least daily.
89% say they search at least weekly.
64% World population owns smartphone & its growing!
1.8 BILLION Users on Facebook [More than Chinas Population]
Internet population spends at least 2+ Hour a day on Social Media.

Why Digital is Better?

1. Reach the Global Audience
Through Digital Marketing, you can reach the audience from around the globe as
well as your local audience.

2. Audience can choose

Your audience can choose how they want to receive your content. While one
person likes to read a blog post, another person likes to watch a YouTube video.

3. More interaction with your audience

Digital Marketing encourages interaction. You can encourage your Prospects,
clients. and followers to take actions. The can visit your website & read about
your products and services. Moreover, they can rate them, buy them and provide
feedback which is visible to your market.

4. Cost Efficient
Digital marketing is cost-efficient. You might have to invest on paid ads online;
however, the cost is still cheaper compared to traditional marketing.

5. Data and results are easily recorded

You can check on your campaigns at any time through Digital Marketing tools.
So, you can measure in real time what is or is not working for your business
online. And then, you can adapt very quickly to improve your strategy.

6. Level playing field

Digital Marketing strategy enables you to compete with any competitor
regardless of size. Traditionally a smaller retailer would struggle to match the
finesse of the fixtures and fittings of its larger competitors.

7. Real-time results
You dont have to wait weeks for a boost to your business. You can see the
numbers of visitors of your site. You can check how its subscribers increase, peak
trading times, conversion rates and much more at the touch of a button.

8. Brand Development
A well-maintained website with quality content is the game changer. You can
target the needs and add value to your target audience. And this will definitely
provide significant value and lead generation opportunities.

9. Getting Viral
Do you know, how often do your sales flyers get passed around instantly by your
customers and prospects? Not Much! But, when you use social media share
buttons on your website, email and social media channels, your message are
shared incredibly quickly.

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