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Doreen Pang

Mrs. Trainor

AP Psychology

8 September 2016

Module 25: Getting Information In

How We Encode

Sensory memory
Some external stimuli is processed consciously
Coded into working mem.
Some are processed unconsciously
Coded into long-term mem.
Unconscious Processing

Automatic Processing

Automatically process
Info. processed one absorbs with little to no effort
Encode where something is

on a page
Subconsciously encode

sequence of the day

Where your coat

Retracing steps
Keep track of how many

times something happen

Third time Ive

ran into her today

Parallel process
No attention paid
Happens at the same time
Hard to shut off
Native language on truck cant but read
Some forms requires effort and practice at first
Learning to read
Effortful processing can become automatic

Effortful Process

Lot of info. Is processed auto, but others take time and effort
Content of this chapter
Effortful processing produces durable and and

accessible mem.
Used when learning new mem
Learning names
Conscious repetition
Hermann Ebbinghaus Experiment
Memory through repetition
Ebb. grew impatient with phil. Speculations
Conduct own scientific experiment
Create nonsense words
A vowel between two

Randomly selected sample of syllables
Tried to recall
As #rep inc., time taken to relearn dec.
The amount remembered depends on the time spent

Overlearning increases retention

Effortful processing makes perf. For novel verbal info

Other interesting phenomena:
Next-in-line effect
When we are next in line, we

focus on our own performance and often fail to

process the last persons words

Info. presented seconds before our sleep

is seldom remembered
But info presented the hour

before sleep is well-remembered

Taped info played during sleep is

registered but not remembered

W/o rehearsal sleep

learning doesnt occur

Info is better retained when rehearsals

is over time
Spacing effect

Harry Bahrick and family Experiment

Practiced foreign language word translations a

given number of time

Ranging 14-56 days
Longer space between practice sessions, better the

Those who learn quickly also forget quickly
Memorizing phone numbers
Expanding spaced rehearsal
Repeat number
Wait a few seconds
Repeat number again
Wait longer
Serial position effect
People remember first and last items better than

Learning coworkers names
First few is good, last few not so much
Sometimes repeating info is not enough to store for recall

What We Encode

We process info in 3 ways

Encoding its meaning
Encoding its image
Mentally organizing it

Encoding Meaning

We encode by associating with what we know/imagine

Eye-screem ice cream or I scream
Figure out through context
We remember things not as what they were but by how we

encode them
Gordon Bower and Daniel Morrow
Minds are similar to theatre directors
Asked to recall a show

The best encoding system?

Visual encoding
Acoustic encoding
Work well with rhyming
What sobriety conceals,

alcohol reveals
If the glove doesnt fit, you

must acquit
Semantic encoding
Fergus Craik and Endel Tulving
Flashed words at people and asked a question that

required the ppl to process the words

Appearance of letters
The sound of the words
The meaning of the words
Semantic encoding yielded better memory than

shallow memory of acoustic, especially visual

John Bransford and Marcia Johnson
Students was asked to remember a raw script
w/o context, they had hard time

remembering it
When told it was about washing clothes,

it was easier to remember

Ebbinghaus concluded that learning sensical material was 90%

easier than learning nonsensical material

Self-reference effect
One profits from finding personal meaning when


Visual Encoding

We struggle to remember formulas, def., and dates but we

remember everything that happens yesterday

Mental pictures
We remember concrete words that makes visuals

more than abstract

Plastic surgery twin images
We sometimes recall our experiences in snapshots of their best

and worst moments

Rosy retrospection
People tend to recall events as a camping holiday

more positively than they evaluated them at the time

Disney world
Mnemonic devices
Named after the Greek word for memory
Aids to remembering lengthy passages and speeches
Method of loci
Imagined themselves moving through a

familiar series of locations

Associates each place with a

visual rep. Of the to-be-remembered topic

Speaker would mentally visit each

location to retrieve the associated image

Peg-word system
First memorize a jingle
One is a bun; two is a shoe;

three is a tree
Soon you will be able to count by peg

words instead of numbers

bun , shoe, tree
Then visually associate the peg words

with to-be-remembered words

Carrots stuck in a bun, shoes

fill w/ milk

Organizing Information for Encoding

Organizing is very important for memorization

When we can organize info into

meaningful units/chunks
Occurs naturally
We all remember information best when

we can organize it into personally meaningful

Aids recall of unfamiliar material
Chunks of number for remembering
I personally think its easier in Chinese
Memorizing all dates of

presidential inauguration as one chain

When ppl develop expertise in an area, they process

info in hierarchies composed of a few broad concepts divided

and subdivided into narrower concepts and facts

We can retrieve info more efficiently
Gordon Bower
When words were presented in groups,

recall was two to three times better

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