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Ried ele Ba TT -— - ‘STEM & BACK AVAILABLE] aa SEAT GURFACE (BODY SEAT a IEC BEAT WEBACK | sew _|ancsear |VALABL NO. NOMINAL | WATERIAL | WARONESS HARORESS| HAFONESS B00" sea ‘TRIM TYPE. (HB) MIN, ae. Iesuniesosins (HB) (HB) RING i feaiterio) antec TET Re eae a0 Tas | 2 | 0 750 eran] a ETFS AEEFSOL arate aC RYE 5] gona tacren a TEST OPS ATE FSD - "2S | Hardtaced Trim 5 350 1 AS.13 E or RCo-Cr ane # : ae Sep aore a Tai Gta IBEESTO aeRO — | ES 5 | Warataod | Co-cre g | see | As 13 ER Oo Cra ype —| Aare ata, a0 | 260-2 | ad —| “KZ S| Booed [ear | Bats 7 Tae Tas | ae ae | a | Feend | 136] 501 HEATON. NEF 8 | Hardiaces | Co-CrA g 950 i AS.13 E of RCO-CrA JT | ae - aoe Seats 0 air one NSF | eae] ar | eT 5 narorw0,v0 | aware | ao | X¥z TNE 8 UE o | mt | meu | a cae AZ Mate weno | a a | xve se BEST CPa ATSOESTS aera | a az Woe] hee} Msi 82 WE " noon, Bees preanowwo | a a | ewe virtaces | tims | 3501 wpeencen sere | ean] TSOP aM. RIOD 1? | Hardaced Trim 5 350 i A5.13 E of RCo-CrA aoe “ s aNZ [Ay 20 |-Toorsanr | ~~ a —| nase nanos) —| —eeronanoao [a ae sa [or 25 na) e258 | —a ASTON BASE NOSET Merauced | “awe | ob Nae erAcoua arsncoeo | a | xy is [Haraeces | Goong [350 8 ieis€o ROSGA eae a ap erz ie [Haraueor [coon g | a0-e REISE orRGOGIA aerate [a oes a7 | Warasse | Oson-g [350 6 HEiSEo AGEOR nae — a ae te [ Horaacer [Goong [0 REISE orAGoG eran —[—3 ae io soa —[rocranruc| a SCF ETO wets [a a erz 20 | Ste Y8Cr-BNi-LC | ¢ AS51-CF3M, A182-FS16L_ A27ETSEL a d KX | Fardeced | Coc 9 | as TEGE a RCSeR arate —[ a a RYZ oncan| Wore] TESTEPE MEETS, 21S | Hardtaced Tam 5 350 i ‘5.13 E of RCo-CrA ar - : ae | Hata | Geom a | isisEorRcoe area —| a oxy "228 | Hardiaced Tams 950 1 |AS.13 E or RCO-CrA_ aEren. « " ets Bea cranes] TAS GFaG, RGDESET mete [a az sir and] eras] TES-GFECRIBEF7 "298 | Hardlaced Trim 5 350 i 5.13 E or ACo-Cré ane « = ¥Se za | Hareced | Goce 9 | 350 REISE o ROG sista —[—a az : aA 25 | Hest 4 mecnraw | esosmoor | a | xyz | Farin | Coo a | a TERE a nooo a a erz a Z OTT, ‘o55| a os toot erosion | a | xv rrdaces | Tims | 9601 sstotermences [Raney Sea 26 |“ (c270) f (657410276) Seu £ pels eerie | Hares | COORG |S Weise or nCocm srenicare | —a a Kye Taste Z TSCA, vas | “cares ‘mareniaer) ssrantoers | a | xz Mea | tums | 3501 asa Ecrncoo "27 [rea 600 a aac Cat Be noReTD —| — BiaeRoSm—]—a apa | Handaced | COORG 0 ABTS GOO sieen600 | —a aye Trae 7 Tap ab, BSCR 278 |g Harctaced| Trims 350 i ‘AS.19 E or ACo-CrA ee * bl RNS KINKA = ‘STEW a BACK AVAILABLE! aml ‘SEAT SURFACE (BODY SEAT & DISC SEAT) nae stem | eacksear| AVAILABLE NO. | NOMINAL | MATERIAL | HARDNESS "HARDNESS | HARDNESS | BODY SEAT| Trim | TPE | (HB) MIN. es eae (HB) (He) RING sais ROE CWENG, i oy oie +28 | Inconel 62 6 See ute Nooses d MZ "28H | Hardlacod | CoA g | 3606 AB, 13 E or ACOA BANE NOSED dan(- 8 XZ Tcone! 625 é BEGIN, ves | 8 'B564-NOGE2S ase. Nose2s 6 4 XN,Z Hardlaced | tims | 3601 | 5,13 E or ACOA "23 Inconet 600 d 'A351-CT15C, BS64-NOBS00 eaoenoweoo [a a xvZ oC g | 3506 1,13 E or AGOGIA aoe nose00 | 4 a [| xv2 d "RSET-CTISC, B5G4-NORGOO 295 |a'Hardtaces| Tims | 3501 185,13 E or ACOA eee < is aCe 730 | Inconel 625 é ‘B54 NOSES BAD NOSED é d XZ CoGAg | 850.6 AS, 13 E or RGOGA A25 NOREES @ @ XYZ alia "BS6-NOREDS y Trim § 3501 AS. 19 E of RCO-CrA Eee Nees 2: ss Pe ‘A351-CKSMCUN ‘RaToS254 ‘A800-CO4NCu, CD4MCUN, CEBMN, 991008, "31 | Duplex ‘ (CESMN, COBH, COSNN, 532750 6 6 XYZ ‘CDaNWCUN, 182-44, F51, E59 ‘RATS SSIBE ‘oil | Hardiaced | co-cra g | 350 @ AS, 13 E or ACOA soia03, ‘ ‘ XYZ 832750 : Duplex a “ABET-CKBMGUN [ABQO-COANCU, CD&MCUN, CEBMN, | pag cay 8 ‘CESMN, CDBMN, CDSNN, bagel aa "18 NCO 931808, 4 ‘ XYZ a 1832750 A162. F51, F59 Harstaced |_trms | 3501 AS, 13 E or AOO-GIA | The other combination Notes: “Tem numbers correspond to API 602. (a) These trim numbers are not included in AP! 602. (©) Type of Body Soat Ring: xX. : Renewable seat (API602 Prossed) Y : Seabwelded 2 Integral (6c) Body and Disc Seat surtaces should be 250 HB minimum witha 50 HE minimum differential Bowoen the Body and Dise Seat surfaces (@)_ KINKA\s standard hardness. (6) Diferential nardnass botwoon tho Body and Dise Seat surfaces ie not required. ()_Incuding trademarked mateals such as Stelite 6, Stoody 6, and Walle 6. (8) KINKA's standard harafacing with a maximum icon content of 25 percent (0) Diferentialnarcnass between the Body and Dise Seat aurtacos shall be KINKA’ standard

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