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January 24, 2017

Dawson Creek will be a visionary community that works together for innovative social,
cultural, economic and environmental vitality.

The Corporation of the City of Dawson Creek will be a forward looking, honest,
respectful, fair, accessible and collaborative government that prides itself on responsive
fiscal stewardship and holds the trust and confidence of the community.

The Corporate Mission of the City of Dawson Creek is to provide excellence in service
and leadership that promotes a dynamic community within a healthy environment for
all generations.

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2017 Budget Report ..................................................................................... 4

Vision, Mission & Guiding Principles ........................................................... 34

2017 Budget Timeline ................................................................................. 35

2017 Council Meeting Schedule .................................................................. 36

2017 Acting Mayor Schedule ...................................................................... 37

2017 Annual Budget ................................................................................. 38

Appendix A Assessment Data ............................................................. 39-44

Appendix B Tax Rates Information. .................................................... 45-66

Appendix C Operating Revenues..67-77

Appendix D Operating Expenditures .................................................. 79-86

Appendix E Debt Summary................................................................. 87-90

Appendix F Financial Reports ........................................................... 91-230

Appendix G Capital Plan & Projects ................................................ 231-307

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DATE: January 24, 2017 REPORT NO.: 17-007

SUBMITTED BY: Shelly Woolf, CPA, CA FILE NO.: 3-1-3

Chief Financial Officer

SUBJECT: 2017 Draft 1 Budget Report

To provide Council with Draft 1 of the 2017 Financial Plan for review and proposed changes.

Presenting this draft of the 2017 Financial Plan is the second step in developing the Financial Plan
Bylaw for 2017 following Councils adoption of the Budget timeline and assumptions in November of
2016. These assumptions have been used as a basis for Draft 1 of the Plan and are as follows:

1. That the 2017 Budget Timeline be approved as presented;

2. That the 2017 public consultation process be modernized to use the Citys website and other
online platforms to provide budget information to a wider demographic; further, that if
contentious issues arise during the process that Council agrees to host two face-to-face town hall
meetings to gather feedback from the public;

3. That the 2017 Five Year Financial Plan be based on the principles and values included in the Citys
Vision, Mission and Guiding Principle documents, Councils 2015-2018 Strategic Planning
document and other bylaw and policy documents;

4. That the list of City services funded in 2016 form the basis for the 2017 budget absent a new City
Services policy;

5. That the methodology used in preparing the 2017 Financial Plan be based on an integrated and
long term approach to setting tax rates, fees and charges and service provision;

6. That any funding gap created in the current operations budget from rising service and program
costs and lower than forecast operating revenues be funded by a combination of modest tax rate
increases, modest targeted service reductions and modest reductions to the 2017 capital plan;

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7. That the Long Term Development Plan and the Annual Development Plan as presented be used as
the Citys guide to Peace River Agreement funding use; and

8. That Council begin budget discussions for 2017 with provisions for Administration to provide a
statement of impact on fiscal gap for all capital projects and a potential reduction in services.

The package as in previous years includes a narrative summary of the Plan with additional appendices
highlighting the details of the backup information that make up the amounts in the Plan. The budget
itself is secondary to the strategic plan which has already been set by Council; resourcing this plan is
made up of many changes within the budget envelopes to realign resources to complete Councils
strategic plan.

The first draft focuses on setting the 2017 tax rates. Taxation combined with Peace River Agreement
funds and other revenues provide the necessary funding for current service provision, capital
upgrades and future replacement of equipment and unforeseen contingencies. The underlying
principles used in preparing the Plan are the same as in previous years, more specifically that tax rates
remain stable and affordable, and that they be maintained at a level that ensures service provision is
carried out effectively in the short and long term.

In order to ensure long term sustainability, annual revenues and expenditures are looked at in the
context of historical trends and future requirements. The process is very integrated in that changes in
one component often affect all the other components. For 2017, the revenue side of the budget has
seen the most change. Late in the process on January 27, 2017 staff received the current year Peace
River Agreement funding amount. The original budget forecast was $15M; however, with a drop of
$1.1M to $13,896,597 a few last minute adjustments were required to bring the budget into balance.
Basically, the quick fix was to adjust the 60/40 capital/operational allocation included in the Peace
River Agreement Long Term Development down from $15M to $13.9M. This did not affect the
operational budget, only the transfer to capital, leaving a lower balance in the general capital reserve
at the end of the year. This however should not be considered a long term strategy for dealing with
the lower PRA funding or decreases in other funding. A long term approach to dealing with increasing
levels of operational spending is needed, as mentioned in the fiscal gap stewardship statement. It is
staffs intention to bring together a Draft Plan that supports Councils overarching priorities, strategies
for achieving these priorities and a Draft Financial Plan that integrates ongoing changes in the external
and internal environments so that Councils goals and objectives for the community are met.

The main recommendations included in the 2017 Draft Plan are provided to support Councils
overarching Vision and Strategic Priorities as follows:

Corporate Vision

The Corporation of the City of Dawson Creek will be a forward looking, honest, respectful, fair,
accessible and collaborative government that prides itself on responsive fiscal stewardship and
holds the trust and confidence of the community. The budget integrates this vision as follows:

By putting the community and customer first by being responsive to ongoing

By funding infrastructure and operational services at sufficient levels that

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support ongoing community activities;

By supporting long term tax rate stability so that short term wants dont create
long term problems;
By paying attention to affordability measures so small business, young families
and fixed income residents can continue the quality of life they enjoy in this
community; and
By working to keep the Citys revenues and spending at levels that provide for a
resilient and flexible position over the long term.

Strategic Plan Focus Areas

A. Fiscal Responsibility and Sustainability

Integrating Councils Fiscal Gap Stewardship Statement into the Plan:
The Council of the City of Dawson Creek believes that the future quality
of life in the community will be compromised if the current trends in
revenues and expenditures are not addressed. Revenues are not
growing fast enough to fund predicted future expenditures, especially
for necessary infrastructure. Council intends to develop a range of
solutions to protect the future of the community and urges our current
citizens to actively engage with us in this vital work.

For Example in 2017 :

- Decrease in operating revenues $700K;
- Increase in operating expenses $1.3M;
- Some proposed adjustments have been included in the Plan. Long
term strategies will be necessary to ensure long term stability.

Keeping the Citys tax rates stable and affordable:

Long term rate setting is important to ensure stability and affordability;
Residential tax rate proposed at $5.26 up from $5.16 (1.94% increase);
Commercial, major and light industrial tax rates set at $17.09 up from
$16.75 (2.03% increase).

Modest service decrease adjustments in 2017 to compensate for the low

growth environment, areas of declining revenues and increased costs in
commitments, contracts and agreements:
Operating expenditures estimated at $39.6M compared to $38.3M in
2016 (3.37% increase);
Modest decreases in spending to compensate for added costs in other
areas include:
Legislative - decrease ($119K);
Land Development - decrease ($217K);
Economic Development - decrease ($158K);
Energy Planning and Sustainability - decrease ($47K);
Community Services - decrease ($51K);
Debt Servicing - decrease ($77K); and
Other - combined decrease ($146K).

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Maintaining sufficient flexibility in the plan by ensuring budget envelopes have

room for unforeseen changes and maintaining operating surpluses at levels that
support long term sustainability:
The general operating budget has a $1.8M or 5.5% gap to accommodate
for unexpected costs due to weather related events, changes in
assessments from appeals, contract and insurance renewals and future
commitments by Council; and
Ending Operating Surplus $2.2M ($762K in Operating Funds, $1.4M in
Appropriated Surplus).

B. Quality Sustainable Infrastructure

Completing last years capital plan $22,432,047;
Proposing a modest current year capital plan $9,104,750;
Continue integrating the Asset Management Framework into long term capital
Maintaining sufficient capital surplus to ensure long term sustainability and
flexibility in securing third party funding:
Ending Capital Surplus $9.9M ($3.9M general capital fund, $928K water
capital fund, $5M sewer capital fund).

C. Community Development and Quality of Life

Completing the Official Community Plan (OCP) update;
Participating in the South Peace Comprehensive Development Plan review; and
Prioritizing City Services after the OCP is completed.

D. Vibrant and Diversified Economy

Implementing the Economic Development Plan and Strategy;
Resourcing an Economic Development Officer;
Working with the Tourism Advisory Committee to Implement the Tourism Plan;
Continued effort and focus on collaboration to advance partnering
opportunities and support the Citys service partners.

E. Organizational Capacity
Resourcing staff transitions as part of the Citys organizational succession plan.

Preparing the Citys budget is not only about rearranging numbers, often common themes arise from
the process that tell the story of not only what is changing but how and why. The 2017 budget
includes a few of these underlying themes such as acknowledging 2017 as a transition year,
understanding that priority to past commitments is needed to complete unfinished work and realizing
that building internal organizational capacity is needed to ensure efficient and effective service
provision over the long term.

2017 is a Transitional Year

Externally, significant global changes are taking place creating much uncertainty to the world
economy. Changes from the US election are expected to cause significant changes to the Canadian
economy, but are not yet known. The 2017 Provincial election is scheduled for May which always

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brings with it a measure of uncertainty. Recent announcements by the Canadian government for new
pipelines and infrastructure projects also have significant effects to our Citys local environment. Oil
and gas activity around the region has picked up in the last quarter of 2016 however for most of the
year activity was slow for many businesses and only recently are employees getting back to work.
Assessment growth was marginal compared to historical trends and the Citys revenues are not rising
at the same pace they once were.

Internally, the organization is going through tremendous change. A new CAO was appointed by
Council starting in 2017. Having access to the retiring CAO as an advisor will assist with this transition;
however, it leaves the Director of Community Services position open. This position has been posted
and interviewing for the position took place February 2nd and 3rd. This leaves a big gap to be filled
with management of the community services budget being one of the largest areas of spending. The
new Director will need time to get familiar with this function and begin working effectively with the
rest of the senior management team. In addition, many other management positions have new
people coming to their departments such as the Deputy Director of Corporate Administration, the
Safety Manager and the Facilities Manager. As well, the Deputy Chief Financial Officer is scheduled to
retire in mid-2018 and the Chief Financial Officer is within five years of retiring. Finding replacements
for these two Finance positions is being discussed so that cross training can be carried out to reduce
the risk this gap may eventually create. This changeover trend will take some time to manoeuver
through and settle. Providing adequate training and support for these new people will be critical to
ensure an effective and efficient change over. The 2017 Plan is presented with sufficient flexibility to
deal with these uncertainties and changes.

Honouring Past Commitments

The 2017 Plan is also about completing initiatives and projects that started in 2015 and 2016.
Completing the Official Community Plan review, partnering in the South Peace Comprehensive
Development Plan review, implementing both the Economic Development Plan and the Tourism Plan
and moving the Fiscal Gap initiative and asset management plans forward all take dedicated staff
resources. These are all special project initiatives that need to be completed apart from the day to
day operations of the City. The Fee for Service and Grants Policy review and Fees and Charges Review
also need to be completed.

In addition, the City was very successful last year in securing Federal and Provincial government
program funding for some very large capital projects. Approximately $10.6M in extra funding was
secured for capital and operating projects and programs. Some of these approvals/projects are
carried forward to 2017 which will need to be completed within the approved time frames in
accordance with the specific funding agreements. Carry over projects from the 2016 Capital Plan
amount to over $22M which is a significant undertaking. It is recommended that these past
commitments be completed before venturing into new commitments.

Building Capacity
The 2017 Plan is also about building organizational capacity. As City services have expanded and
activity around the region has increased, demands on the organization have presented themselves
where traditionally they didnt exist. Activity related to development, building inspection, animal
control, policing and fire services have all ramped up not to mention construction because of the 2016
flood and increased capital plan. 2016 was a pivotal year where internal capacity was overextended.
There is definitely a backlog as staff work to stay ahead of day to day requirements, provide coverage
for short term staff vacancies, meet with partnering agencies and groups on special initiatives and

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special events and carry out the Citys capital plan. In addition to the volume of work, the complexity
has also increased where multi year projects often funded through government grants and partnering
arrangements require more staff time for compliance reporting, partnering relationships and
contractual agreement monitoring. Additionally, technologies are advancing quickly and although it is
frustrating having to keep up with all these changes there is great opportunity to harness these tools
to carry out City business. In any event, the City is positioned well to tackle these uncertainties and
changes, and staff will continue to work diligently to move Councils strategic plan forward.

2017 Budget
The appendices to this report provide useful information to support the Draft Plan and should be
reviewed in conjunction with the executive summary:

Appendix A - Assessments
Appendix B - Tax Rates
Appendix C - Operating Revenues
Appendix D - Operating Expenditures
Appendix E - Debt
Appendix F - Financial Reports
Appendix G - Capital Plan

Process and Format

The senior management team has completed the first draft of the 2017 Financial Plan using the same
process as in previous years. Council is asked to review the document and provide changes if required.
The package is organized to highlight the underlying financial components that support the Plan
including assessments, tax rates, program revenues and expenditures and a proposed capital plan.
Once the 2017 Draft 1 Plan is reviewed by Council, changes will be made prior to the second budget
meeting on February 20, 2017 and be discussed with interested residents at the Public Consultation
session on March 6, 2017. If no changes are recommended by Council, staff will begin working on
preparing the five year plan to include 2018 to 2021 and ensure the Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw is
completed prior to May 15, 2017.

The main focus of the first draft plan as mentioned before is to set the proposed tax rates. Changes in
assessments are reviewed and a comprehensive analysis is completed on various tax rate changes.
The decision to tax at a certain level and to set the annual tax rates not only determines the 2017
spending envelope for both operating and capital, but also affects future tax rates, service provision
and capital investment, as well as future expectations of the community. The underlying principles
used in the Draft are to set rates that are affordable with minimal volatility year over year. Equity
among classes is important and keeping the residential to commercial ratio under 3 is a desired target
as well as being responsive to economic changes. The rate recommended is at a level that, with other
sources of revenue, is sufficient to cover spending levels for community service provision and capital
investment that both Council and the community has requested, as well as to ensure a sufficient level
of surplus is available for unforeseen events and/or emergencies and future capital investment. All
these considerations are looked at before making a recommendation to Council.

It should be noted that the rate recommended at this stage in the process is based on the information
available at the time of writing this report. There are many amounts that are forecasted that are
updated when the information becomes available. Amounts that could have a significant effect

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include 2016 year end changes, assessment roll changes from the completed to revised roll and
additional Council requests to the end of the budgeting process.

Preliminary tax rates are set based on the completed assessment roll; however, the tax levy is
prepared on the revised roll received after March 31, 2017. Often there are adjustments in the
roll from supplementary changes (i.e. sales, errors, reclassifications or from appeals.) BC
Assessment reports that the completed roll is 90% accurate. The January Risk to Roll report
has not yet been received nor have staff received any information on any 2017 assessment
Yearend amounts have not been finalized at this time. 2016 invoicing is still coming in and the
tangible capital asset transactions need to be completed. These items affect the carry forward
operating surplus, which is used as part of the 2017 funding envelope. A contingency of about
$75K has been set aside for these adjustments. To date, the surplus used to fund the 2017 Plan
is $3.5M (General Fund $1.8M, Water Fund $1.5M, Sewer Fund $200K).

Often, throughout the three month budgeting process, Council makes changes to the original
Draft or gets requests from residents or groups to address a particular item. In this case,
funding from one area will need to be redirected from another area of the Plan.

The Draft as presented has minimal general fund ending operating surplus, however there is
gap within the plan to deal with unexpected risks.

In summary, the Draft Plan is a rolling document and changes can and will be made throughout the
process prior to adopting the final bylaw. However, historically most changes occur within the
spending levels and not with the tax rates once they are proposed.

Assessments Appendix A
The following factors regarding assessments are considered before setting current tax rates:

Are assessments increasing or decreasing?

Are folio counts increasing or decreasing?
What is the mix of assessment and how is it changing?
What is the average assessment?
How many folios are above or below the average?
How is the market value distributed?

Although investment activity slowed in 2016 affecting market changes to the roll, new construction
from previous years has provided positive growth to the base in all classes. The overall base shows a
marginal decrease of $3.4M or .19% compared to a $52M or a 3.09% increase in 2016. This stems
directly from market changes to the 2017 residential assessment base which decreased by $13.5M or
1.09%. The commercial, major and light industrial classes however all show increases of 1.53%,
11.27% and 7.59% made up primarily of new construction additions. Approximately $25M in new
construction comes on to the roll in 2017 mitigating the affects of the lower than average residential
market changes.

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Overall assessment base decrease .19% compared to a 3.09% increase in 2016

Residential assessment decrease 1.09% compared to a 4.08% increase in 2016

Commercial assessment increase 1.53% compared to 1.61% in 2016

Residential new construction increase 1.09% compared to 3.04% in 2016

Commercial new construction increase 1.85% compared to 5.51% in 2016

Residential vs Commercial Assessment Values Increase 2001 - 2017




800,000,000 R




2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017


The assessment base itself is made up of seven classes residential, utilities, major industry, light
industry, business (commercial), recreation/non profit and farm. The components of the base can vary
greatly from community to community and often have significant effects on how much a home owner
or small business owner will pay. If a community has a large industrial base, often the residential and
commercial rates will be lower. In Dawson Creek, most taxation is levied on residential and
commercial classes (97.9%) because these classes make up most of the Citys assessment base. 70.6%
(2016 71.2%) of the assessment base is residential, 27.3% (2016 26.9%) is business and only 2.1%
(2016 1.9%) is utilities, major and light industrial, farm and not for profit assessment. The change in
mix shows that the residential base dropped marginally as the commercial, major and light industrial
bases increased marginally. Annual changes in the assessment base and the mix are considered when
setting tax rates.

Residential and commercial assessment make up 97.9% (2016 98.1%) of the total
assessment base

The average taxable residential assessment for 2017 is $258,146 (2016 - $256,194) and the average
taxable commercial assessment is $560,759 (2016 - $550,787). These averages are considered when
setting the tax rates and are useful when comparing provincial data. They can also be useful in
determining who pays what tax. For example, in Dawson Creek 61.60% (2016 59.63%) of the
residential folios are below the average and only make up 38.37% (2016 36.82%) of the value of the
assessment base while 38.40% (2016 40.37%) of the folios are higher than average and make up
61.63% (2016 63.18%) of the value.

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The average taxable residential assessment is $258,146 compared to $256,194 in 2016

The average taxable commercial assessment is $560,759 compared to $550,787 in 2016

On the commercial base 75.7% (2016 78.6%) of folios are below the average and make up 19.1%
(2016 22.2%) of the value, while 24.3% (2016 21.4%) of the folios are higher than average and
make up 80.9% (2016 77.8%) of the value.

This is important because it gives us information on where most of the market value lies and who is
paying most of the tax when changes are made to the tax rate. With the recent investment in Dawson
Creek, new construction coming on line has not only moved the averages up but has provided more
value on the top end, thereby providing more tax dollars from the above average group in both
residential and commercial classes.

Additionally, a single family dwelling valued at $256,194 in 2016 has increased in value by 20.35% over
the last five years paying total fees and charges of $3,731 compared to its benchmarking communities
at 29.21% paying total fees and charges of $3,364. This is approximately 10.9% above the comparable
communities and is used as an indicator for tax rate setting.

Refer to Appendix A for further assessment information.

Tax Rates Appendix B

The residential tax rate for 2017 is recommended to be set at $5.26 per $1,000 of assessment; an
increase of $.10/$1000 or 1.94%. When flat tax is included the effective rate is $6.38 (2016=$6.25).
(Flat tax is $100 for a vacant lot and $300 for an improved lot). In addition, the commercial, major and
light industrial tax rates for 2017 are recommended to be set at $17.09 per $1,000 of assessment; an
increase of $.34/$1,000 or 2.03%. The 2% increase is recommended to ensure levels over the long
term are maintained to fund ongoing city services.

Proposed residential rate $5.26 1.94% increase

Proposed commercial, major and light industrial rates $17.09 2.03% increase
Proposed utilities $42.72 2% increase (regulated at 2.5X commercial)
Proposed farm, recreation and not for profit $6.38 2% increase

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Tax Rate Per $1,000 of assessment 2017 2016

tax rate tax rate

Residential $ 5.26 $ 5.16

Utilities $ 42.72 $ 41.88

Major industry $ 17.09 $ 16.75

Light industry $ 17.09 $ 16.75

Business and other $ 17.09 $ 16.75

Rec/non profit $ 6.38 $ 6.25

Farm $ 6.38 $ 6.25

Based on the proposed residential rate of $5.26, an average single family dwelling unit valued at
$258,146 (2016=$256,194) will pay $35.89 more in municipal taxes than in 2016. Based on this rate
2077 (43.55%), (2016=2,042=42.66%) homeowners will pay less municipal taxes than in 2016, 72
properties will see no change and 2,250 (47.18%), (2016=1,606=33.56%) will pay less than a $100
increase. In total, 98.49% (2016=94.36%) of residential owners in Dawson Creek will pay less than a
$300 increase.

2,077 (43.55%) of residential folios (homeowners) will pay less municipal taxes than in 2016
98.49% of residential taxpayers will pay < $300 increase
Average single family dwelling - municipal tax increase $35.89

Dawson Creek 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Average assessment 219,817 230,477 245,512 250,087 256,194 $ 258,146

Tax rate per $ 1000 of assessment 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.26

Tax dollars 1,134.26 1,189.26 1,266.84 1,290.45 1,321.96 1,357.85

Flat tax 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00

Municipal taxes paid 1,434.26 1,489.26 1,566.84 1,590.45 1,621.96 1,657.85

Variance from previous year 35.85 55.01 77.58 23.61 31.51 $ 35.89

Increase in taxes 1999 - 2017 $ 819.45

Average Annual Increase $ 45.52

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In addition, 43.26% (2016 52.19%) of homeowners claiming a higher home owner grant (seniors and
disabled) will see a decrease in taxes. The basic home owner grant (HOG) is $770 and the higher home
owner grant (HOG) for seniors and disabled home owners is $1,045. After claiming the grant amount,
homeowners receiving a regular HOG are estimated to pay $2,013, an increase of $57.95 (including
municipal and other government tax) from that paid in 2016. Those home owners receiving an
increased HOG are estimated to pay $1,738. A comparison of taxes paid on an average residential
assessment from 1999 to 2017 shows an increase of $819.45 over the 18 year period or an average
annual increase of $45.52.

Average Single Family Dwelling (SFD) - 2017 municipal taxes after HOG - $2,013 ($168/
month) up $5/month from 2016
Average Single Family Dwelling (SFD) - 2017 municipal taxes after increased HOG - $1,738
($145/ month) up $5/month from 2016

Setting the variable residential rate at $5.26 generates $6.45M in tax, an increase of $53,026. $71,282
of this increase is generated from new construction offset by a decrease of $18,256 in market change.
Alternatively, $78,527 of the increase comes from properties above the average assessment whereas
properties below the average assessed value, as a whole save $25,500 compared to last year. Setting
the rate at this level captures almost all of the new construction value but protects lower than
average assessments. The marginal increase on average assessed properties of $35.89 also meets the
affordability measures with a minimal $5/month increase. (Combined with the sewer fee increase of
$5/month residents living in an average assessed property will pay an extra $10/month or $120/year
for fees and taxes combined.
Alternatively, Council could choose to lower or increase the residential tax rate. An adjustment to the
residential rate of $.10 (1.9%) changes tax revenue by $122,671. Listed below are a number of

Residential Rate $5.26 $ 53,026 (recommended)

Residential Rate $5.36 - $ 175,698

Residential Rate $5.16 - ($69,644)

Residential Rate $5.00 - ($265,918)

If Council chose to increase the rate to $5.36 instead of $5.26 a 3.9% increase, approximately
98.13% of the residential folios would still pay less than a $300 tax increase which is one of the
measures reviewed, however the annual dollar increase would move from $35.89 to $61.70, an
additional take of $25.81. Although this may be affordable to some, for others, such as fixed income
residents it may not be. Combining the proposed tax increase of $35.89 with the sewer infrastructure
increase of $60 annually keeps the increase under $100 at $96 whereas the higher increase pushes
this to $122. The $5.26 rate is recommended because it captures most of the new construction value,
results in a lower increase of $35.89 on an average assessed property and takes into consideration the
integration with other fees and charges.

Based on the proposed commercial tax rate of $17.09, an average commercial property valued at
$560,759 (2016=$550,787) will pay $358 more than in 2016. Further analysis shows that 111 (11.2%)
(2016=145=14.6%) of business properties will pay less municipal taxes than in 2016, 134 (13.5%)
(2016=676=68.3%) will see no change and 419 (42.3%) (2016=89=8.9%) will pay less than a $100

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increase. In summary, 826 (83.43%), (2016=925=93.43%) of the 990 commercial folios will pay less
than a $300 increase. The mix of the commercial base is important to the rate recommendation as
well. 749 (75.6%) (2016=755=76.3%) of the folios are under average and 241 (24.4%), (2016=235
=23.7%) are over the average, however most of the extra tax revenue from this class $263K (2016=
$184,655) comes from higher valued commercial properties or big business, whereas under average
properties, as a whole contribute an additional $31K. $6.5M (80.9%), (2016=$6.1M=78%) of taxation
revenue from the commercial class comes from above average properties with only $1.5M (19.1%),
(2016= $1.7M=22%) coming from under average properties. A 2% increase to the tax rate still
provides affordability protection to most small business which have had a slow year in 2016.

The recommended commercial tax rate of $17.09 generates an additional $294,855 in tax revenue
with $147,550 (50%) coming from new construction. In summary:

83.43% of commercial properties will pay <$300 increase

Average commercial property - municipal tax increase $358
Average commercial property - municipal taxes $9,583 ($799 per month)

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ^
Dawson Creek 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Average assessment 339,286 363,213 397,493 446,395 497,112 538,907 550,787 560,759

Tax rate per $ 1000 19.15 18.50 17.50 17.25 16.75 16.75 16.75 17.09

Municipal taxes paid 6,497.33 6,719.44 6,956.13 7,700.31 8,326.63 9,026.69 9,225.68 9,583.37

Variance from previous year 1,184.36 222.11 236.69 744.19 626.31 700.07 198.99 357.69

Increase in taxes 1999 - 2017 6,754.11

Average Annual Increase $ 375.23

Approximately 50% of the tax increase from the commercial class comes from new construction and
50% comes from market. It should be noted however that by changing the commercial rate, the utility
rate also changes because it is set at 2.5X the commercial rate. The major and light industrial classes
would also change (if the consolidated rate structure is maintained).

The average assessed commercial property will pay $9,583 instead of $9,226, an increase over last
year of $357 or an extra $29.75 per month.

A comparison of taxes paid on an average commercial assessment from 1999 to 2017 shows an
increase of $6,754 over the 18 year period or an average annual increase of $375.

A commercial tax rate of $17.09 generates $294,855 in additional tax and new construction
accounts for $147,550 (50%) of the increase

The commercial base only makes up 27.3% of the total assessment base therefore a rate change of
$.10 in the commercial rate only changes tax revenue by $47,440. Various alternatives are listed

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Commercial Rate $17.09 increase $ 294,855

Commercial Rate $16.75 increase $ 133,559
Commercial Rate $16.50 increase $ 14,958
Commercial Rate $17.25 increase $ 370,760

Other Classes
Other changes in rates include the following:

The utilities rate is regulated to a maximum of 2.5 times the commercial rate. Therefore this rate is
recommended to increase to $42.72 up from $41.88. Setting the utilities rate at this level will
generate $67,831 in taxation revenue, an increase of $1,487 from 2016.

In 2010, the commercial rate, light industrial and major industrial rates were consolidated to a one
rate system. In order to maintain this model, major industrial and light industrial rates are
recommended to also increase to $17.09/$1,000 of assessment.

Setting the major industrial rate at this level will generate $354,703 in taxation, an increase of $42,265
compared to 2016. The assessment base in this class increased by 11.27% compared to 2016. The
significant change to this class was from a reclassification of one property from commercial to major
industrial. Increases to all properties are marginal. Also, it should be noted that the Province extends a
60% credit on school taxes to all major industrial properties.

A tax rate of $17.09/$1000 for light industrial will result in $215,678 in taxation with an increase
$19,204. There are 20 properties in this classification with 16 properties realizing a reduction or no
change and the other 4 properties contributing most of the increase.

Who Pays What

The 2017 proposed rates result in 47% (2016-48%) of taxation revenue coming from residential
owners and 53% (2016-52%) of taxation revenues coming from non-residential property owners.
However, if we remove the utilities, major and light industrial components out of the mix, 49.1%
(2016-49.7%) comes from residential and 50.9% (2016-50.3%) comes from business. The proposed
rate structure changes the equity split slightly in the opposite direction of what is desired but is still
within a 2% range. The changes are shown below:

(R=residential contribution)
(NR=non residential contribution)
(B = business/commercial contribution)

2017 49.1% R - 50.9% B (Difference is $ 286,935 more from business)

2016 49.7% R - 50.3% B (Difference is $ 93,072 more from business)

2015 49.1% R - 50.9% B (Difference is $277,966 more from business)
2014 49.6% R - 50.4% B (Difference is $121,822 more from business)
2013 50.4% R - 49.5% B (Difference is $108,361 more from residential)

The mix of residential to non-residential split over the last five years has changed as follows:

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2017 47.19% R - 52.81% NR

2016 47.93% R - 52.07% NR

2015 46.67% R - 53.33% NR
2014 47.18% R - 52.82% NR
2013 48.12% R - 51.88% NR

If Council chooses to approve the rates as proposed, the business to residential rate ratio (including
flat tax) will be 2.68:1, the same as in 2016. The recommended target is to ensure this ratio remains
under 3:1. Ratios over the last ten years are as follows:

2017 2.68:1 2013 2.70:1 2010 2.91:1

2016 2.68:1 2012 2.72:1 2009 3.06:1
2015 2.71:1 2011 2.85:1 2008 3.29:1
2014 2.66:1

In summary, the tax rate structure proposed for 2017 is recommended after considering the following

Dollar increase/decrease by class;

Dollar increase/decrease in total;
Affordability of increase;
Historical trends and changes;
Use of averages;
Responsiveness to economic conditions; and
Equity among classes.

The proposed 2017 rate structure is recommended based on strong sustainable principles developed
in 2010. It considers changes in the assessment base, the assessment mix to the applicable rates and
considers affordability and the distribution of increase/decrease.

A 2% tax rate increase is recommended to ensure all new construction dollars are captured and
considers the long term need to fund ongoing increases in service delivery costs.

The other item that was considered in making the current recommendation for the residential tax rate
was the 2016 provincial benchmarking amounts. Last year Dawson Creek placed 103 out of 161
municipalities (2016-105 out of 161) for total charges levied on an average assessed representative
house and 109 (2016-112) for municipal variable tax. This means that 102 municipalities had lower
total charges and 108 municipalities had lower variable taxes. This shows that Dawson Creeks
provincial benchmarking position on total fees and charges and residential variable tax rates level has
improved. Two to three more communities in BC now have higher total charges and variable tax rates
than Dawson Creek. Even though each community has its own needs and wants it is still helpful to
consider this affordability measure in the context of the bigger picture and sustainable patterns.

Presenting affordability measures into the tax rate setting decision provides confidence to the public
and brings with it long term stability protecting those most vulnerable. Trends are shown below:

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Total Charges - Representative House

Average Total
Year Assessment Charges Placement Total Higher Lower
2016 $ 256,194 $ 3,731 103 161 58 102
2015 250,087 3,562 105 161 56 104
2014 245,512 3,426 99 160 61 98
2013 230,477 3,314 94 161 67 93
2012 219,817 3,297 97 160 63 96
2011 212,870 2,957 86 160 74 85
2010 199,115 3,004 96 160 64 95
2009 186,548 2,927 97 160 63 96
2008 185,203 2,789 97 160 63 96
2007 156,570 2,560 93 157 64 92
2006 116,534 2,458 91 157 66 90
2005 99,212 2,252 89 156 67 88

Dawson Creek's position has moved from 105th position in 2015 to 103rd position in 2016

Municipal Variable Taxes - Representative House

Average Municipal
Year Assessment Taxes Placement Total Higher Lower
2016 $ 256,194 $ 1,622 109 161 52 108
2015 250,087 1,590 112 161 49 111
2014 245,512 1,567 114 160 46 113
2013 230,477 1,489 113 160 47 112
2012 219,817 1,434 111 160 49 110
2011 212,870 1,398 115 160 45 114
2010 199,115 1,327 114 160 46 113
2009 186,548 1,298 116 160 44 115
2008 185,203 1,198 112 160 48 111
2007 156,570 1,059 104 157 53 103
2006 116,534 982 102 157 55 101
2005 99,212 908 98 156 58 97

Dawson Creek's position has moved from 112th in 2015 to 109th in 2016

Refer to Appendix B for additional information.

Other taxes - Chetwynd Industrial Tax Sharing decrease

The City has a tax sharing agreement with the District of Chetwynd on the Chetwynd Land Pulp Mill
half way between the two communities. Based on the current assessment the forecasted amount for
2017 and the previous eight years is as follows:

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2017 $ 143,280 2014 $170,352 2011 $ 210,974

2016 155,412 2013 186,696 2010 224,006
2015 161,726 2012 200,174 2009 247,205

This shows an example of why reviewing integration in the model is important, as mentioned earlier.
When one revenue source declines another must increase to fund and maintain existing services.


Top Ten Taxpayers

Additionally, staff reviews the top ten tax payers to see if the City is highly dependent on one sector
for non-residential tax and therefore subject to significant risk of lost tax revenue. The table below
shows that the top ten taxpayers are a good mix of Class 4, 5 and 6 contributing $1.36M (2016-
$1.37M) in tax (15.6% of non-residential tax; 16.1% in 2016).

Forestry 1 $ 6,242,000 5 $ 104,554 7.67%

Hotels 3 34,277,000 6 469,586 34.45%
Grocery 1 7,518,000 6 243,026 17.83%
Oil & Gas 2 14,561,000 4 244,919 17.97%
Retail 3 25,024,000 6 301,031 22.08%
Number of Accounts 10 $ 87,622,000 $ 1,363,115 100.00%

Grants in lieu
Grants in lieu are budgeted at $746K up from $707K in 2016 and are based on a combination of
revenues from tax exempt provincial and federal properties as well as 1% utility taxes from BC Hydro,
Telus, PNG and Shaw.

Policing Agreement
Presently, the City and the Province have a 70/30 cost sharing agreement, whereby the City pays 70%
of the cost of policing and the Province pays 30%. If and when the population exceeds 15,000 the City
will be responsible for 90% of the cost. Presently, the Citys population is estimated at 12,653 (BC
Stats (2014). Applying a 2% growth factor results in the City reaching the 15,000 mark by 2023. To
fund this extra 30%, an additional annual amount of $1,308,568 would be required for policing costs.
Based on this information, this equates to a residential tax rate increase of $.42/$1,000 and a
commercial tax rate increase of $1.35/$1,000 or an 8% increase.

Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw

Bylaw 4326 exempts various not for profit organizations and Churches from paying tax. The total
amount exempted for 2017 is $407,731 (2016 - $410,615) based on 2016 tax rates. One new applicant
was granted $6,199 in tax exemption for the first time in 2017.

Tax Deferments
The Province has a tax deferment program whereby certain property owners can apply to defer their
property taxes in the case of hardship and/or for families with children. In 2016, the City processed 17
applications totalling $37,807; (2015-15 applications amounting to $20,242). This compares to 25
applications processed in 2010 amounting to $48,217. No significant change in tax deferment
applications suggests that the Citys residential property taxes are affordable.

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Operating Revenues Appendix C

Estimated operating revenues for 2017 are approximately $47.3M compared to $48.0M in 2016, a
decrease of $700K from the 2016 budget and a decrease of $910K from 2016 actual, mostly due to
the drop in Peace River Agreement funding.

Total operating revenues come from the following sources:

2017 37.07% taxation, 33.94% government transfers, 28.98% fees, charges and other

2016 36.48% taxation, 34.97% government transfers, 28.55% fees, charges and other
2015 37.03% taxation, 33.53% government transfers, 29.44% fees, charges and other
2014 37.24% taxation, 33.08% government transfers, 29.68% fees, charges and other
2013 36.22% taxation, 33.06% government transfers, 30.72% fees, charges and other
2012 35.65% taxation, 33.61% government transfers, 32.11% fees, charges and other
2011 36.02% taxation, 32.90% government transfers, 31.09% fees, charges and other

As a percentage of the mix, taxation revenues are estimated to increase by .59% (2016 .55%
decrease), government transfers to decrease by 1.03% (2016- increase 1.44%) and fees, charges and
other revenues to increase by .43% (2016-.89% decrease). The trends listed above show minimal
change from 2016 and the stabilization of revenues in all categories. Government transfers including
the Peace River Agreement grant make up just over 1/3 of the Citys revenues and have been
relatively stable since 2011. With the provincial government capping the PRA funds at $50M until
2020 the City is more susceptible to decreases in this transfer if other communities have higher
population growth or if in boundary Classes 2,4 and 5 continue to increase. This risk will need to be
mitigated by building more contingency into the Five Year Plan. Increases in fees and charges will also
need to be increased to compensate for this vulnerability.

Water and Sewer fund fees and charges have been conservatively forecasted based on 2016 actuals.
Water utility fees are forecasted at $5M compared to $5.3M in 2016. In 2016 the City saw bulk
potable water sales decrease but non potable use increase. A conservative estimate on bulk non
potable water sales is always forecasted due to the volatility of the oil and gas sector. Sewer revenues
are forecasted to increase with the additional infrastructure fee increase generating about $450K.

Presently, staff is working through the fees and charges review which should be completed in 2017.

Proposed Strategies for Addressing Increased Subsidy Levels

To address the declining service fees staff looked at subsidy levels in 2016 compared to 2013 3 years
ago. The comparison shows marginal changes between 5% - 10% up or down for most areas
including transit, cemetery, climbing wall, aquatic centre, and the arenas. On the other hand subsidy
levels increased substantially in three main areas the airport (31.8%), waste pickup (26.61%) and out
of school care (26.99%). The dollar subsidy increases for these three areas are $161,950, $114,395
and $35,665 respectively. Staff suggests that the following strategies be considered to address these
areas as follows:

In 2016 revenues declined to $426K from $1.3M in 2013 - a 67% decrease over three years. Expenses
on the other hand declined by approximately 37% increasing the 2016 subsidy to $782,120. This

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equates to an annual residential tax rate of $.25 or $64.54 on an average single family dwelling and an
annual commercial tax rate of $.81 or $454.21 on an average assessed commercial property. The 2016
capital investment to the airport was $827,492 offset marginally by government transfers of $22,332
thereby doubling the above amounts. As the airport ages more capital investment will be needed to
maintain ongoing regulatory and safety standards to ensure public safety. A number of long term
options need to be considered carefully going forward. Changing the business model from a passenger
service airport to some other model may be inevitable. Undertaking a public private benefit
assessment similar to what the City does for recreation fees may also be useful. Another alternative
would be to carry out a public consultation exercise similar to the Sure Water campaign where various
funding options were discussed with the public to gauge their support for various investment levels. In
any case Council will have to decide going forward whether further capital investment will provide any
positive rate of return and continue to monitor affordability levels year to year. In addition, the
management contract expires July 31, 2019. No change is recommended at this time other than to
have the manager review the budget to see if maintaining 2016 spending levels is an option.
Presently the budget includes an increase of $81,222 or a 7.28% increase. No further changes are
proposed as Council is currently committed to reviewing the airport runway extension option.

Waste Services
In 2016, expenses in the waste services division were higher than revenues by approximately $114K
(R=$696,599; E= $810,995 suggesting a fee increase in this area is necessary. This deficit was created
mostly from higher landfill charges due to mixed loads, higher labour costs for downtown cleanup and
increased regulatory costs for composting which are all covered by waste collection fees. For 2016,
this deficit will be covered off from appropriated reserves for this service however staff is suggesting
that a fee increase be approved starting June 1, 2017 of $4.00/month which will generate an
additional $200K annually. Alternatively, Council can direct staff to investigate the costs of a recycling
and/or composting pickup service to see if this would provide a more cost effective approach to the
increasing costs. No increase has been included in the Plan as there is sufficient reserve to cover off
any deficit in 2017 pending Councils decision to move forward with either alternative.

Out of School Care

Staff reviewed this service area as part of the 2016 budget process. Enrollments continue to decline
and the service can be accommodated by external home providers. Staff is therefore recommending
fees be increased to cover 100% of the cost of the service or alternatively that the City divest itself
from providing this service after the current school year is finished. The cost of this service is
approximately $130K and is traditionally subsidized by 50%. The 2017 Draft Plan includes an
adjustment to revenues to provide for 100% cost recovery.

Service Provision Spending Appendix D

The City provides many services for the community including protective services such as policing, fire,
building inspection, bylaw enforcement, safety and animal control; transportation services such as
road and street maintenance, airport and transit service and recreation services including the
operations and maintenance of many recreational facilities and parks. In addition the water and sewer
utility services are managed in separate funds that are self funding. Some services are 100% covered
by fees such as the utility funds and waste services. Building inspection and Bylaw enforcement are
covered by building permit revenue and business licensing, however most other services are partially
or fully subsidized by taxation and Peace River Agreement funding. All together there are 41 cost
centers. The Citys Service Policy is scheduled to be updated after the Official Community Plan Review

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is completed in 2017 where Council will work to re-establish their priority services with consideration
given to Councils new Fiscal Gap Stewardship Statement.

2017 Operational Plan

The operational budget of $39.6M covers spending for these City services. The Plan includes a 3.37%
increase compared to the 2016 Plan of $38.3M. Three funds are used to track spending as follows:

Fund 2017 2016 $ Change % Change

General $30,472,497 $29,699,231 $773,266 2.6%
Water $3,273,825 $2,921,309 $352,516 1.2%
Sewer $1,500,779 $1,261,009 $239,770 1.9%
Debt Servicing $4,329,676 $4,406,320 ($76,644) (1.7%)
Total $39,576,777 $38,287,869 $1,288,908 3.4%

The general fund incorporates a 2.6% increase which is lower than historical trends. Most of the
increase relates to compensation increases approved in 2016. Dollars for senior staff transition plans
have been allocated in addition to funding for the new Economic Development officer and amounts
for the renegotiated CUPE contract. In order to cover these increases, adjustments in other areas
were held at 2016 levels or adjusted down. This years operational plan reprioritizes funding for
staffing in priority areas C Community Development and Quality of Life, D - Vibrant and Diversified
Economy and E Organizational Capacity from Councils 2015-2018 Strategic Plans. A summary of
estimates for the major compensation increases are shown in the table below:

General Fund Increase $

CAO transition plan $50,000
CFO and Deputy CFO $100,000
transition plan
Economic $87,000
Development Officer
Exempt staff $130,000
review increases
CUPE contract $142,000
Benefits increase $100,000
Total Expense $609,000

Water and sewer funds are supported by user fees and are self funded. The operational plans for the
utilities include increases to wages arising from the exempt management compensation review and
the new CUPE contract negotiated in 2016. Repairs are the other main area of increase to support
changing out three vaults and other scheduled maintenance. There is sufficient gap in ending surplus
and within the budgets themselves to support a satisfactory level of flexibility and resilience for any
unexpected repairs or line breaks. The sewer infrastructure fee increase that began in 2017 is related
more to debt servicing and capital upgrades. Both funds are financially stable and no further fee
increases are required to support theses funds operationally.

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Other Spending Increases

The 2017 Draft Plan began by using a 1.0% target increase, however many budget lines are increased
for one-time add-ins, contract increases, supply cost increases or other spending decisions made by
Council. Other decrease adjustments were incorporated into the Plan to offset these increases. City
staff manages service costs based on an envelope basis. This means that while actual results within
line items may be over or under from year to year, managers are accountable to ensure the envelope
stays within budget. If actual expenses within an envelope go over budget, managers for other service
areas are asked to reduce spending to accommodate the over-expenditure. This is to ensure the
entire budget envelope remains in balance. Using this approach allows managers to provide the
service that is necessary at a particular point in time in an efficient and effective manner without
undue regulatory restriction. Responsiveness to unforeseen circumstances and flexibility to manage is
critical in a local government environment because the range of service is so broad and spending is
often dependent on uncontrollable factors like weather. Citizen expectations and safety issues also
affect various decisions.

Another advantage of service envelope spending is that it reduces year-over-year volatility and takes
into account trend information for service provision. This is especially important in transportation,
recreation and the water and utility funds, as these areas are more susceptible to weather and major
maintenance issues. In addition, one time spending may be up in one service area in one year and
then down in the next as planning initiatives and or events change as per Council direction. Extra
consulting expenses are often incurred at the planning stage, but once this is completed and an action
plan developed, planning costs will then be directed to another area.

The table below highlights information by service envelope.

2017 B 2016 B

Total Operating Expenditures % Change $ Change $ 39,576,778 $ 38,287,869

General Government Services 7.42% 295,161 4,274,743 3,979,582

Protective Services 5.27% 433,055 8,645,715 8,212,660

Transportation Services 3.27% 207,647 6,557,725 6,350,078

Environmental Waste Services 16.48% 113,381 801,486 688,105

Public Health and Welfare Services -1.65% (2,055) 122,122 124,177

Environmental Development Services -22.96% (422,361) 1,417,061 1,839,422

Recreational and Cultural Services 1.75% 148,438 8,653,645 8,505,207

Debt Services -1.74% (76,644) 4,329,676 4,406,320

Water Services 12.07% 352,516 3,273,825 2,921,309

Sewer Services 19.01% 239,771 1,500,780 1,261,009

Total Operating Expenditures 3.37% $ 1,288,909 $ 39,576,778 $ 38,287,869

Table Compares Budget to Budget

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Alternatively, the table below itemizes spending by segment. (The table does not include principle
Class Account Description 2016FINPLAN2' 2017 Finplan2' 2017FP2-2016FP2
Staffing Salaries, Wages & Employee Benefits 13,965,557.98 14,807,233.86 841,675.88
Travel & Training 430,509.10 461,972.45 31,463.35
Staffing Total $ 14,396,067.08 $ 15,269,206.31 $ 873,139.23
Corporate Advertising 115,614.00 95,748.00 - 19,866.00
Audit and Legal 137,891.00 138,957.00 1,066.00
Consulting 942,228.00 427,828.00 - 514,400.00
Telephone 143,801.00 141,941.00 - 1,860.00
Memberships 53,602.68 56,059.46 2,456.78
Subscriptions & Periodicals 12,607.66 12,434.53 - 173.13
Corporate Total 1,405,744.34 872,967.99 -$ 532,776.35
Service Cost Contracted & Gen. Service 10,739,058.23 11,495,118.06 756,059.83
Materials, Goods & Supplies 2,215,320.24 2,237,904.89 22,584.65
Utilities 1,509,671.34 1,529,648.59 19,977.25
Service Cost Total $ 14,464,049.81 $ 15,262,671.54 $ 798,621.73
Infrastructure Cost Equipment Pool Charge Out 1,482,986.28 1,587,862.52 104,876.24
Insurance 504,976.00 521,476.00 16,500.00
Interst on LT Debt 1,833,271.00 1,785,605.00 - 47,666.00
Repairs & Mtce. 1,034,360.35 1,150,299.52 115,939.17
Infrastructure Cost Total $ 4,855,593.63 $ 5,045,243.04 $ 189,649.41
Grant Grant and Sponsorship 307,317.00 341,452.00 34,135.00
Grant Total $ 307,317.00 $ 341,452.00 $ 34,135.00
Other Others 286,049.71 241,603.22 - 44,446.49
MFA Principle 2,573,049.00 2,544,071.97 - 28,977.03
Other Total 2,859,098.71 2,785,675.19 -$ 73,423.52
Variance - 1.25 - 438.07 - 436.82
Grand Total $ 38,287,869.32 $ 39,576,778.00 $ 1,288,908.68

Some of the 2017 Operational Spending Increases are explained below:

Service Increase Requests

The only additional service request under budget consideration is the $100,000 request from the
South Peace Historical Society for a full time archivist and rent subsidy. This amount has been added
in to the Community Grants section of the budget.

General Government Services increase -$295K

General government services include legislative, administration, finance, IT and city hall building costs.
The increases/decreases are outlined below as follows:

Legislative decrease -$119K

The decrease in this area relates mostly to cost savings in consulting.

Administration increase +$125K

This increase includes exempt staff wage and benefit increases and the extra costs related to
the CAO transition plan as mentioned above.

Finance increase -$109K

This increase includes staff wage and benefit increases and the extra costs related to the CFO
and Deputy CFO transition plan. Consulting costs are carried forward for support with the
asset management framework and employee benefits review. There is a $10K grant to assist
with the asset management project.

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Information Technology (IT) increase -$164K

$150K of this increase is related to replacing the recreation services scheduling and
payments software as the old one is obsolete and will not be supported past September

Insurance TBD
2016 budgeted insurance costs were approximately $505K for all City assets including liability
insurance. Staff is in the process of renewing the Citys insurance but amounts are not yet known. Any
significant changes will be reported out to Council and compensated within the Plan.

Land Development decrease - $217K

The 2017 change relates to a decrease in consulting costs as staff are in place to complete the Official
Community Plan review. As well there is a $100K decrease in costs directly related to the Citys tax
sale properties. Only one property valued at $6,900 was deemed to be purchased by the City in 2016
which is significantly lower than in previous years.

Economic Development decrease - $158K

Extra costs for the new Economic Development position of $109K are offset by decreased costs of
$254K related to the North Central Local Government conference held last year (which was offset by
equal revenues).

Sustainability and Energy Planning decrease $47K

Contracts and supplies were adjusted down to compensate for wage adjustments.

Environmental Waste increase +$113K

The main increase is related to the contract increase (due to higher house counts) and the added
landfill costs. Staff is recommending a fee increase or a service change to compensate for the added
landfill costs as previously mentioned in the revenue section.

Policing - increase +343K

The policing budget is primarily beyond Councils control as the Federal and Provincial governments
set the member rates. The policing budget is forecasted to rise from $4.4M in 2016 to $4.7M in 2017.
25 full time positions are funded at a cost of $118,034 (70% of $168,620) for each member plus
overtime of $102,477. No additional contract members are proposed for 2017 as the department
works diligently to bring the staff contingency to approved levels. This service is cost shared with the
Province, whereby the Province pays 30% and the City pays 70%. Also, additional funds of about $65K
had to be set aside for mandatory training and DNA testing - more downloaded costs by the Federal
government to provincial and local governments by way of the cost sharing agreement.

Fire Department increase +$61K

Wage and benefit increases are offset by decreases in consulting and vehicle rental costs. Further
increases may be necessary once the Vancouver contract is ratified however a reserve from lower
benefit accruals may help alleviate these additional costs.

Bylaw Enforcement decrease - $1K

Staffing cost increases were offset by decreases in other line items to maintain the budget envelope at
the 2016 level.

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Safety increase +$49K

The main increase is related to staff wages and benefits for the new Safety Manager.

Common Services decrease - $35K

The main decrease relates to the drop in consulting services (budgeted in 2016 for the storm water
management plan to be completed in July, 2017) but they are offset somewhat by rental costs related
to the public works building facilities and higher equipment pool charges. This budget envelope still
includes a $100K snowplowing contingency for unforeseen weather events.

Public Works - increase +$140K

The increase relates mainly from aligning wages and benefits to the new operations model (some
adjustments were missed in the budget last year by me) and additional allocations for street cleaning
and streetlight maintenance.

Airport Services increase $81K

The increase relates to some budget alignments for sand supplies, fuel station repairs and other
contracts. As mentioned above, staff is recommending that the manager review the budget envelope
to maintain costs at the 2016 budget level in light of rising subsidy levels.

Labour Costs - increase +177K

The CUPE contract was renegotiated in 2016 with the following increases:
January 1, 2016 1.75%
January 1, 2017 1.75%
January 1, 2018 2%
January 1, 2019 2%

The IAFF contract was also renegotiated.

Council remuneration increased by the September CPI rate of 1.3%. The Mayors remuneration
increases from $56,540 to $57,275 and Councillor remuneration increases from $17,375 to $17,601

BC CPI and Canadian CPI at the end of November, 2016 was 1.6% and 1.2% respectively.

Planning Initiatives
The major public consultation session and planning initiative for 2017 is the review of the Citys
Official Community Plan.

Sustainability Items
Carbon Offset Liability - Preliminary estimates for GHG emissions for 2016 are not yet estimated.
(2015=3,016; 2014=3,499; 2013=3,163). Carbon offset purchases for 2017 are estimated to cost
$66,963 but will be adjusted once the 2016 GHG level is calculated. A market price of $20 per tonne
will be applied to determine the liability. This amount will be offset by a refund of carbon tax paid of

Transfer to Carbon Reserve - The transfer to the Carbon Reserve is estimated at $385,295 based on a
1.0% increase. Once the 2016 GHG level is calculated, a $5 increase will be applied (City Policy) up to

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$120 per tonne of carbon and the budget amount will be updated. $390,000 from the carbon reserve
is budgeted to be transferred to the capital fund and used to fund the energy efficiency projects
included in the plan. Any changes from estimates will be reported out to Council.

Special Events in 2017

Metis Nation British Columbia TBD - September
World U17 Hockey Tournament - $100K - October

Community Grants and Fee for Service Groups increase -$23.5K

Historically, the funding allocation for the Citys community grants and fee for service payments come
from gaming revenues. These revenues have been declining in recent years. The 2016 budget
allocation was set at $795,600 however 2016 actual amounts only came in at about $550,000. For this
reason the 2017 budget revenue allocation has been reduced to this same amount. Gaming revenues
over the last five years are as follows:

2016 $546,170
2015 $701,643
2014 $781,087
2013 $843,139
2012 $833,993

To compensate for this decrease in revenue, staff is recommending that the community grants budget
be reduced to $25K with most Fee for Service agreements held at 2016 amounts. Two other changes
recommended by staff are to reduce the grant to the DC Exhibition Association to $5,000 and to
remove the $10,200 grant to the DC Stables and Arena Association. These two reductions are
proposed to offset rising costs in each service area. For 2017, the budget envelope for the Lakota
Centre has been set at a $100K subsidy. The Exhibition Grounds budget envelope has been set at a
subsidy level of $115K including the reduced fireworks grant of $5,000. In order to continue funding
rising utility and other facility costs a reduction in the annual grant is an option to hold the budget
envelope at affordable levels. Staff has included the $100K budget request from the South Peace
Historical Society as mentioned above. The Library budget has been set at $599K and the board has
reduced their book grant request to $58K down from $59K to compensate for expected wage
increases. Total community grants and fee for service agreements have now reached the $1M mark.

Proposed Changes
Community Grants and Sponsorships $50K to $25K
Dawson Creek Exhibition Association Fire Works Grant $10K to $5K
Dawson Creek Stables and Arena Grant $ 10K to $0
Additionally, Staff recommends that other partners receiving annual grant amounts be contacted to
determine whether they would be agreeable to a 20% reduction in subsidy for the current year due to
the lower than anticipated gaming revenues. These would include the South Peace Arts Council,
Kiwanis Band, South Peace Community Resource Society, Step Up and Ride, Mile O Cruisers and
Kiwanis Trade Fair. Working with the Citys partners through this low growth period is essential to
maintaining long term City support.

In summary, the operational budget results in a 3.4% increase including the highlights mentioned

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above. The budget also incorporates sufficient gap within many envelopes to ensure flexibility for
unforeseen events and opportunities. With the volatility in market conditions affecting the
community and the present marginal revenue growth, increased discipline and prioritization will be
required to keep cost pressures down. Every decision having a financial effect to the Citys budget
both positive and negative should be made with this is mind, so that in the coming years the two can
remain in balance.

Debt Servicing Appendix E

The Citys outstanding long term debt at December 31, 2016 decreased by approximately $3.2M to
$33,613,378 compared to $36,832,820 in 2015; or an 8.7% decrease.

No new borrowing is recommended for 2017.

The Citys projected long term debt balance to December 31, 2017 is estimated at $30,422,914.

Debt servicing costs are projected to decrease by $76,644 in 2017 from $4,406,320 in 2016 to
$4,329,676. Most of this decrease is in the general fund.

60% of the payments relate to general capital debt and 40% relate to the utility funds. Approximately
$80K (5.26%) of the general fund debt payments are paid for through local area service levies.

At the end of 2016, the City used 35.51% of its debt capacity in accordance with Ministry regulation.
This position gives the City significant flexibility for future borrowing.

The Citys Debt Management Policy sets the debt servicing limit at 15% on a consolidated basis and for
each individual fund. The 2017 consolidated debt servicing level is at 10.9% which is below the 15%
limit however both the water and sewer levels are at 26.7% respectively. The debt servicing policy
was waived for both utility funds to borrow for necessary infrastructure upgrades.

Presently, long term interest rates remain low and are at 2.85% on a ten year borrowing which gives
the City flexibility if borrowing is required over the next year.

Proposed Strategy
In 2015, the Peace River agreement was signed which gave the City revenue certainty into the future.
One of objectives of the agreement is to assist the City in addressing its infrastructure deficit.
Traditionally, borrowing was incurred to deal with necessary infrastructure upgrades because capital
reserves and current revenues were insufficient to pay for them. Paying for them over time through
future debt servicing accomplished this goal but pushed the cost of doing so onto future taxpayers.

Current asset management principles recommend that taxes and fees and charges be set at rates that
include lifecycle costing which basically helps fund current depreciation in order to ensure there are
funds available when the asset needs to be replaced. This is difficult to accomplish because the City is
still paying for debt servicing costs related to assets constructed ten and twenty years ago.

In order to move forward from a traditional borrowing model to a modern asset management model
it is recommended that any reduction in debt servicing cost under a 10% benchmark, starting in 2018
be set aside in a restricted capital reserve for future replacement until such time that current
depreciation costs are funded depending on the PRA funding levels. If Council is in favour of this

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strategy a forecast model will be provided at the same time the five year plan is presented.

2017 Capital Plan Appendix G

The 2017 Proposed Capital Plan includes $31,536,797 in capital expenditures including $9,104,750 in
new proposals and $22,432,047 in carry forward projects. Deferred capital requests of $1,983,021 are
provided for Council to review but have not been included in the Plan.

Capital Plan Funding

The 2017 Capital Plan of $31.5M is funded mostly through capital reserves, government transfers and
transfers from the operating funds as follows:

Transfer from general capital reserve Transfer from water capital reserve $8,639,221
Transfer from sewer capital reserve $1,823,079 Transfer from equipment pool reserve $630,000
Transfer from carbon reserve $390,000
Transfer from general revenue $5,700,000 Transfer from water utility $1,500,000
Transfer from sewer utility $2,000,000

Additionally, government grants of $10.27M are included as funding to support the Plan.

The budget assumption report approved by Council in November outlined the Peace River agreement
funding allocation to capital as follows:

2017 2018 2019 2020 TOTAL

Operations and Maintenance 6,000,000 5,850,000 5,700,000 5,700,000 23,250,000
Capital 9,000,000 9,150,000 9,300,000 9,600,000 37,050,000
Total 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,000,000 15,300,000 60,300,000
Operations/Capital % Split 40/60 39/61 38/61 37/62 39/61

The above Long Term Development Plan was approved by Council on November 7, 2016.

On January 27, 2017 staff received the updated Peace River Agreement funding for this year and have
made the following adjustments to the Long Term Development Plan as follows:

2017 2018 2019 2020 TOTAL

Operations and Maintenance 5,558,639 5,600,000 5,600,000 5,712,000 22,470,639
Capital 8,337,958 8,400,000 8,400,000 8,568,000 33,705,958
Total 13,896,597 14,000,000 14,000,000 14,280,000 56,176,597
Operations/Capital % Split 40/60 40/60 40/60 40/60 40/60

Staff requests that Council approve the revised Plan as amended. Because the report was required
to be sent to the Ministry by January 31, 2017, staff has already sent it to the Ministry.

2016 Carry Forward Projects

Many 2016 projects are multi year and therefore carried over to 2017. The 2016 carry forward
projects amount to $22,432,047 and are funded through capital reserves and carry over government

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transfers as listed in the table below.

Division Department Project # Title Carry Forward

Protective Fire EC1406 Fire Training Site Imp - Year 5 261,458

GC1623 Rescue Truck 400,000

Protective Total 661,458

Cemetery Cemetery GC1626 Brookside Walking Path (Extra$) 125,000

Cemetery Total 125,000

Recreation Arena GC1609 Memorial Arena/Kin Arena/Curling Rink Chiller System Upgrade 295,184

Community Services GC1628 Curling Rink 43,650

Recreation Total 338,834

Transportation Public Works GC1509 10 Street Sidewalk (107 Avenue to Bridge) (Extra$) 30,000

GC1603 Airport - Terminal Building Outside Lighting 17,288

GC1604 Airport - Terminal Building Windows 41,000

GC1614 10 Street (Alaska Avenue to 104 Avenue) 68,834

GC1615 7th Street & 122 Avenue Box Culvert (Ski Hill drainage) 140,277

GC1619 Airport Drainage Project 86,265

GC1624 10th Street Bridge 255,908

GC1631 Northern Lights College (Project Change) 450,000

GC1632 Airport - Walkway Cover & Side Walk Upgrade 146,150

Transportation Total 1,235,722

Water Water WC1504 Treated Water Reservoir - Year 3 3,029,434

WC1508 Water Treatment System - Year 2 4,659,470

WC1804 Raw Water Reservoir - Year 2 6,824,050

Water Total 14,512,954

Sewer Sewer SC1502 West of 17th Street - 98 Avenue to Golf Course 186,349

SC1503 2nd Street Sanidump (NDIT) 175,029

SC1504 Trucked Waste Facility 4,639,127

SC1602 Chamberlain Drive Sanitary Flood Mitigation 557,574

Sewer Total 5,558,079

Grand Total $ 22,432,047

The 2017 Proposed Capital Projects of $9,104,750 are shown in Appendix G. This year they are
organized by service area and the energy projects that were previously grouped together have been
separated to show which facility the work is being done at. Only cover sheets were provided in the
package, but backup details can be provided upon request. It should be noted that the Trucked Waste
Facility shows $3,735,000 in government grants pending approval of the grant application already
submitted. If this grant is denied a two year schedule would be needed to split the funding or
alternatively a borrowing would have to be approved by Council.

In addition, with the City moving to use more modern asset management principles some projects
included in capital will be accounted for through operations when they are capitalized or expensed in
accordance with PSAB 3150 standards. Historically, this requirement does not have any material
effects to the Plan, however if significant transfers from these adjustments are required they will be
reported out to Council in the yearend financial report.

Due to time constraints, statements of fiscal impact for all capital projects as requested by Council

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have not been included in the Capital Plan but staff will work towards this goal as directed.

Proposed Funding
Division Project # Title
Spending GRF CRF WUF EPR Govt Transfer Partnering

GG - Admin GC1613 Energy - Block Heater Controls -City Hall 1,000 1,000

GC1810 Energy - LED Lighting Retrofits - City Hall 18,780 18,780

GG - Admin Total 19,780 - 19,780 - - - -

Protective GC1745 RCMP - Camera Upgrade 50,000 50,000

GC1752 RCMP Evidence Locker Expansion 170,000 170,000

GC1754 Energy - LED Lighting Retrofits - RCMP 15,650 15,650

GC1755 Energy - Block Heater Controls -RCMP 1,000 1,000

GC1756 Energy - LED Lighting Retrofits - Fire Hall 18,780 18,780

GC1757 Energy - Block Heater Controls -Fire Hall 1,000 1,000

Protective Total 256,430 220,000 36,430 - - - -

Recreation EC 1708 Ice Machine Replacement 125,000 125,000

EC1709 Ride On Floor Scrubber Replacement 24,000 24,000

GC1743 Curling Rink Slab Replacement 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000

GC1744 Art Gallery -NAR Trencher Garden 30,000 30,000

GC1713 Energy - EEC - Mechanical Equipment Upgrade 47,000 - 47,000

GC1730 EEC - Highway Electronic Marquee Sign Installation 375,000 125,000 250,000

GC1731 EEC - Point of Sale (PCI Compliance) 180,000 180,000

GC1732 EEC - Duct Work Repair/Improvement/Heat Exchanger 61,250 61,250

GC1734 EEC - Fire Stop/Electrical Room/End Caps 95,000 95,000

GC1738 EEC - Radios - Life Safety 137,500 137,500

GC1739 EEC - Portable Concessions 30,000 30,000

GC1748 Energy- EEC - Dry Flooring Retrofit 300,000 300,000

GC1758 Energy - LED Lighting Retrofits - Exhibition & Parks 3,130 3,130

GC1746 KBAC - Facility Assessment Phase 1 Projects 105,000 105,000

GC1750 KBAC - Facility Assessment Phase 2 Projects 50,000 50,000

GC1747 Kin Arena - Kin Flat Roof Replace 55,000 55,000

GC1759 Energy - LED Lighting Retrofits - Kin Arena 3,130 3,130

GC1760 Energy - LED Lighting Retrofits - Library 6,260 6,260

GC1761 Energy - LED Lighting Retrofits - Memorial Arena 3,130 3,130

GC1762 Energy - LED Lighting Retrofits - Multiplex 234,750 234,750

GC1763 Energy - Block Heater Controls -Multiplex 2,000 2,000

GC1764 Energy - LED Lighting Retrofits - NAR Park 6,260 6,260

EC1707 Recreation - Pick up Truck 40,000 40,000

Recreation Total 3,413,410 2,168,750 305,660 - 189,000 500,000 250,000

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Proposed Funding
Division Project # Title
Spending GRF CRF WUF EPR Govt Transfer Partnering

Transportation GC1724 Airport Drainage Project 167,000 167,000

GC1765 Energy - LED Lighting Retrofits - Airport 3,130 3,130

GC1722 Downtown Street Lights Replacement 125,000 125,000

GC1733 Public Works Building Project 200,000 200,000

GC1720 Energy - Streetlight LED Retrofit 25,000 25,000

EC1703 Transportation - Heavy Duty Eqpt Grader 630,000 630,000

GC1706 Transportation - Bus Shelters 25,000 18,000 7,000

GC1715 Roadwork- 13St (108 Av-Traffic Circle) 400,000 400,000

GC1721 Roads/St - 10th Street Bridge Replacement 3,000,000 3,000,000

GC1741 Multi-Use Path - 17th Street (87Av-93Av) 205,000 205,000

GC1742 Pedestrian Bridge East of Dawson Mall 385,000 385,000

Transportation Total 5,165,130 4,500,000 28,130 - 630,000 - 7,000

Utilities WC1601 Water Meter Replacement Program - Year 2 250,000 250,000

Utilities Total 250,000 - - 250,000 - - -

Grand Total $ 9,104,750 $ 6,888,750 $ 390,000 $ 250,000 $ 819,000 $ 500,000 $ 257,000

Deferred Capital

Deferred capital project specifics amounting to $1,983,021 are included as a separate schedule in
Appendix G. Senior staff reviewed all submissions and deferred the following projects, not so much
from funding constraints but capacity constraints. Some projects were deferred until such time that
specific planning initiatives were completed such as construction drawings and design from the Fire
Hall Renovation Viability Study and the Airport Runway Extension Plan.

It should be pointed out that capital spending is only necessary to support priority service provision.
Deciding where limited resources should be allocated will become more difficult in the future and it
will be necessary to focus spending to areas that are either a Council and/or community priority. Both
the fiscal gap initiative and the AGLG recommendation (to use business case/risk analysis) suggest this
strategy will need to be used sooner rather than later. It is important to invest in infrastructure that
supports efficient and effective service areas but this can only be accomplished if resources are
allocated to both operations and capital in a balanced manner. Completing the 2016 carry forward
projects will take significant staff time to complete, however the 2017 proposed schedule allows for
Council approval so that any projects unfinished can start early in 2018.

In summary, the City is positioned well to continue forward with Councils Strategic Priorities. The
recommended Plan includes a 2% increase to tax rates which generates an additional $300K, a revised
long term plan for the Peace River Agreement funding, some proposed strategies for ongoing cost
pressures in operational spending and a substantial Capital Plan.

Council may choose to change any of the components of the Plan as presented.

One option that Council might want to consider regarding setting the 2017 residential rate is to
increase the rate higher than the recommended 2% lift. For example, a residential rate of $5.49,
(6.4%) increase, all others remaining at the recommended rates brings the residential/business split to
an equal amount of approximately $8.1M each with a business to residential ratio down to 2.59:1
from 2.67:1. On an average assessed home this is about a $95 increase over last years tax bill. This
level of increase would generate approximately $300K more in revenue than the recommended rate.

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Alternatively, if Council wishes to collect more tax for specific spending by raising the residential tax
rate, each $.10 (1.9%) increase generates about $125K.

A second option for Council is to consider abandoning the consolidated rate structure for commercial,
light industrial and major industrial rates. However, because the Citys major and light industrial
assessment bases are minimal, significant increases would need to be levied to generate any
substantial revenue increases. For example, changing major and light industrial rates to $18.00 from
$17.09 would only generate an extra $30K in revenue. This was not part of the recommendation
because the City is still working on attracting new investment in these classes. If Council wishes to
collect more tax for specific spending by raising the non commercial rates as a whole, each $.10 (1.9%)
increase generates about $51K.

(1) Social As included in the Report

(2) Environmental As included in the Report

(3) Personnel As included in the Report

(4) Financial As included in the Report

GUIDING PRINCIPLES As presented in the Plan.

STRATEGIC PRIORITIES As presented in the Plan.

As the 2017 Plan is a rolling document; staff will continue to make revisions as further information
becomes available and from Council direction.

That Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: 2017 Draft 1 Budget Report be received;
further, that Council accept and approve the 2017 tax rate structure, operational plan and the capital
plan included in the 2017 Financial Plan Draft 1 as presented, subject to changes required from the
public consultation process; further, that Staff be directed to move forward with the five proposed
strategies for airport services, waste services, out of school care, community grants and debt servicing
to mitigate the fiscal gap created from declining revenues and increasing costs presented the budget

Respectfully submitted,

Shelly Woolf, CPA, CA

Chief Financial Officer

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City of Dawson Creek Strategic Plan

2015 2018

Corporate Vision:
The Corporation of the City of Dawson Creek will be a forward looking, honest, respectful, fair, accessible and
collaborative government that prides itself on responsive fiscal stewardship and holds the trust and
confidence of the community.

Focus Area:
Fiscal Responsibility and Sustainability
Quality Sustainable Infrastructure
Community Development and Quality of Life
Vibrant and Diversified Economy
Organizational Capacity

2015 Actions
A. Fiscal Responsibility and Sustainability
Council adopt a Corporate Vision reflecting their strategic focus
Council develop a clear statement of purpose for the Fiscal Gap Initiative
Council develop core values/guarding principles for the Fiscal Gap Initiative
Council establish targets for buy-in by internal and external stakeholders for the Fiscal Gap Initiative
Council review in detail the City Services Policy
Council pursue an extension to the Fair Share M.O.U.
Staff develop for Council and the Community educational materials relative to the Fiscal Gap Initiative

B. Quality Sustainable Infrastructure

Staff continue the Tangible Capital Assets project
Council review and approve Phase II of the Tangible Capital Assets Management Plan

C. Community Development and Quality of Life

Staff provide a process map, timeline and budget for a review/update of the Official Community Plan
in 2016

D. Vibrant and Diversified Economy

Council review current commitments for the Tourism Sector
Council review the contract with Global Entertainment
Staff provide Council detail regarding current economic development efforts of the City
Council consider establishing a position to oversee economic development (EDO) for the 2016 budget

E. Organizational Capacity
No action in 2015
Staff develop an organizational needs assessment coupled with a retention and succession plan in

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Dawson Creek will be a visionary community that works together for innovative social,
cultural, economic and environmental vitality.

The Corporation of the City of Dawson Creek will be a forward looking, honest, respectful, fair, accessible and
collaborative government that prides itself on responsive fiscal stewardship and holds the trust and confidence
of the community.

The Corporate Mission of the City of Dawson Creek is to provide excellence in service and leadership that
promotes a dynamic community within a healthy environment for all generations.

We will have a reputation for acting with integrity and will We will foster a culture of creativity, innovation, and
earn the trust of our stakeholders by: learning by:
Keeping promises. Encouraging cooperative and collaborative thinking.
Pledging to align our actions with the guiding principles Employing open dialogue and wide input into decision
that support our vision. making and planning.
Modeling competence and anchoring behaviour on Supporting risk taking and challenging conventional
enduring values. practices.
Communicating with care and respect. Including learning opportunities in all actions.
Working to develop positive relationships.
Sharing information in timely and comprehensive ways.
We will optimize opportunities for healthy living by:
Developing an environment free from undue risk.
We will create an invitational climate by: Providing opportunities to enhance physical,
Ensuring all individuals have equal access to services emotional, and spiritual well-being.
and opportunities for success. Enhancing the cleanliness and aesthetic appearance of
Seeking ways to reflect and celebrate the diversity of our community.
our community and ensuring physical accessibility. Promoting physical activity.
Engaging people in issues that directly affect them.
Maintaining and strengthening our links to the First
Nations, Aboriginal and Metis populations. We will strive to make decisions that reflect the needs and
Making literacy concerns a core component of desires of our community by:
communication strategies. Providing opportunities for engaged, active citizens to
help create and participate in developing solutions for
pressing issues.
We will strengthen the communitys economic vitality by: Encouraging a wide range of agencies and citizens to
Establishing a climate that encourages responsible take a meaningful role in decision-making.
economic development.
Honouring small and big business partnerships and
contributions. We will achieve excellence in all our endeavours by:
Focusing on and promoting the opportunities for Incorporating principles of excellence in all our
economic development that are inherent in our actions.
community and region. Developing shared goals to serve the long term
Encouraging projects that serve the local community interests of the community.
and enhance regional self sufficiency in areas such as Establishing appropriate measures of success and being
power, general supply, and food. accountable for the level of achievement of shared

We will nurture engagement in a collective sense of

belonging and contribution by: We will demonstrate respect for the future of the earth by:
Celebrating arts, heritage and culture. Fostering recycling, reuse and reduced consumption.
Creating recreational opportunities. Promoting, demonstrating and using renewable
Providing opportunities for life-long learning. energy.
Optimizing transportation and movement around the Advocating for the preservation of clean air, clean
city. water and healthy land.
Working to reduce crime rates and opportunities for
crime in our community.

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2017 Budget Timeline

October Budget worksheets distributed to all senior managers for updated information

7 Council to discuss and approve the 2017 budget timeline and assumptions
21 Council receives the updated BC Assessment preview assessment roll report
15 Senior Managers to have operating budget changes submitted to Finance
30 Senior Managers to have capital budget changes submitted to Finance

December Updated information is consolidated and analyzed for the the 2017 Draft 1 Consolidated Budget Report

9 Council receives the updated BC Assessment completed assessment roll report
23 Finance to confirm preliminary carry forward surplus and reserve balances available for 2017 budget
Finance to distribute draft consolidated budget amounts to Senior Managers for review

6 Council's First Budget Meeting (2017 Annual Plan - Draft 1) - Council Chambers - (1:00 PM)
Discuss proposed tax rates and operations budget
20 Council's Second Budget Meeting (Draft 2 Changes) - Council Chambers - (1:00 PM)
Complete operations budget, review and discuss capital budget projects

6 Public Consultation Session - Council Chambers - Monday (1:00 PM)

31 Staff receives the BC Assessment Revised assessment roll report to calculate the tax levy

24 Council's Third Budget Meeting (Five Year Plan) - Council Chambers - (1:00 PM)
24 Draft Financial Statements presented for approval
28 Tax rate information received from other tax authorities for tax rate bylaw

8 Council to approve first three readings for the Financial Plan and Tax Rate Bylaws
Auditor Presentation on Approved Financial Statements
* 10 Council to adopt the Financial Plan and Tax Rate Bylaws
15 Legislative deadline for Financial Plan and Tax Rate Bylaw

*need special meeting **spring break March 20-31

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January 9
23 *Committee of the Whole
February 6
20 *Committee of the Whole

March 6
20 *Committee of the Whole
April 3
24 *Committee of the Whole

May 8
29 *Committee of the Whole

June 12
26 *Committee of the Whole

July 17

August 21

September 11

October 2
23 *Committee of the Whole

November 6
20 *Committee of the Whole

December 4
18 *Committee of the Whole

LGLA Vancouver February 1st - 3rd

NCLGA Terrace May 3rd - 5th
FCM Ottawa June 1st - 4th
LGMA Penticton May 16th - 18th
UBCM Vancouver September 27th - 28th

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January Councillor Parslow
February Councillor Parslow
March Councillor McFadyen
April Councillor McFadyen
May Councillor Gevatkoff
June Councillor Gevatkoff
July Councillor Rogers
August Councillor Rogers
September Councillor Wilbur
October Councillor Wilbur
November Councillor Shuman
December Councillor Shuman

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1 Net municipal property taxes $ 16,795,902 17.8%
2 Surplus - capital - 2016 carryforward 20,484,538 21.7% Sources of Funding
3 Peace River Agreement (Fairshare) 13,896,597 14.7% $25,000,000
4 Taxes collected on behalf of other governments (TBD) 10,133,218 10.7%
5 Water utility fees & charges 4,994,746 5.3%
6 General fund fees & charges 3,309,762 3.5%
7 Surplus - operating - 2016 carryforward 4,946,181 5.2%
8 Sewer utility fees & charges 4,154,000 4.4% $15,000,000
9 Surplus - restricted - 2016 carryforward 854,740 0.9%
10 Debt proceeds for capital projects - 0.0%
11 Other government transfers 2,167,958 2.3% $10,000,000
12 Other revenue from own sources 1,188,264 1.3%
13 Grants in lieu of taxes 746,078 0.8% $5,000,000
14 Capital revenues 10,238,396 10.8%
15 Return on investments 489,575 0.5%
16 Cemetery reserve revenues 3,985 0.0% $0
$ 94,403,940 100.0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Total Expenditures for Municipal Services & Capital Upgrades

1 Capital expenditures $ 31,536,797 33.4%
2 Ending consolidated surplus 13,157,147 13.9%
3 Transfer to other governments (TBD) 10,133,218 10.7%
4 Recreation services 8,653,645 9.2%
5 Protective services 8,645,715 9.2%
6 Transportation services 6,557,725 6.9%
7 Debt servicing 4,329,676 4.6%
8 General government services 4,274,743 4.5%
9 Water utility 3,273,825 3.5%
10 Environmental development services 1,417,061 1.5%
11 Sewer utility 1,500,779 1.6% $10,000,000

12 Environmental waste services 801,486 0.8%

13 Cemetery services 122,122 0.1% $5,000,000
$ 94,403,940 100.0%
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

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APPENDIX A Assessment Data

A1 - Assessment Comparison 2017 Completed vs 2016 Revised ...................................................... 40

A2 - Assessment Information Statistical History Amounts and Graph ........................................ 41

A3 - Average Residential Assessment Single Family Dwelling Assessment ................................. 42

A4 - Average Residential Assessment Single Family Dwelling Assessment ................................. 43

A5 - Total Taxes and User Charges on a Representative House ... 44

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The Corporation of the City of Dawson Creek

A1 - Assessment (General) Comparison 2017 C vs 2016R
Prepared by: SWoolf, CFO
Updated by: CSchribar
Date Updated: January 4, 2017

General Assessment (Net Taxable Values) %

Revised Completed Inc/Dec Increase/ Non Market Non Market

2016 2017 2016R vs 2017C Decrease Inc/Dec % of Inc/Dec

Residential $ 1,240,256,300 $ 1,226,711,000 (13,545,300) -1.09% $13,551,700 -100.05%

Utilities 1,584,345 1,587,800 3,455 0.22% (5,500) -159.19%

Major industry 18,653,000 20,755,000 2,102,000 11.27% 2,389,000 113.65%

Light industry 11,729,800 12,620,100 890,300 7.59% 514,400 57.78%

Business and other 467,242,721 474,402,271 7,159,550 1.53% 8,633,700 120.59%

Rec/non profit 653,900 676,600 22,700 3.47% - -

Farm 270,355 263,577 (6,778) -2.51% 11 -0.16%

$ 1,740,390,421 $ 1,737,016,348 (3,374,073) -0.19% 25,083,311 -743.41%

Residential $ 1,240,256,300 $ 1,226,711,000 (13,545,300) -1.09%

Non residential 500,134,121 510,305,348 10,171,227 2.03%
$ 1,740,390,421 $ 1,737,016,348 $ (3,374,073) -0.19%


The above schedule shows the annual percentage increase (decrease) by category of assessment taken from BC Assessment's
Completed Roll

The 2017 residential assessment decreased by 1.09% compared to 2016. The market decrease is $13,545,300 (2.38%)
offset by a non market (new construction) increase of $13,551,700 (1.09%).

The 2017 commercial assessment increased by .78 % compared to 2016. The market decrease is $8,633,700 (1.07%)
offset by a non market (new construction) increase of $8,633,700 1.85%.

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The City of Dawson Creek

A2 - Statistical History - Amounts and Graph
Assessment Information Graph
Updated: January 16, 2017 by S Woolf

R = Residential
C = Commercial
Ratio Analysis
Assessment Folios

Year Net Taxable Assessment Year Folio Count R to C R to C

2001 287,608,170 76,777,201 2001 3956 929 3.75 4.26
2002 293,480,263 77,642,651 2002 3949 925 3.78 4.27
2003 296,913,661 85,362,601 2003 3943 914 3.48 4.31
2004 320,539,445 99,532,151 2004 3950 921 3.22 4.29
2005 378,862,800 115,871,401 2005 3946 919 3.27 4.29
2006 447,012,500 128,433,442 2006 4026 924 3.48 4.36
2007 619,152,300 163,219,438 2007 4085 924 3.79 4.42
2008 737,915,800 231,798,901 2008 4122 925 3.18 4.46
2009 753,372,495 242,914,701 2009 4164 968 3.10 4.30
2010 831,852,900 287,100,447 2010 4223 971 2.90 4.35
2011 910,723,600 305,098,759 2011 4304 966 2.99 4.46
2012 962,840,200 335,881,664 2012 4343 969 2.87 4.48
2013 1,032,405,800 375,968,303 2013 4418 968 2.75 4.56
2014 1,127,711,100 424,533,780 2014 4530 988 2.66 4.59
2015 1,199,040,300 463,460,271 2015 4688 996 2.59 4.71
2016 1,240,256,300 467,242,721 2016 4758 981 2.65 4.85
2017 1,226,711,000 474,402,271 2017 4752 980 2.59 4.85

Residential vs Commercial Assessment Values Increase 2001 - 2017




800,000,000 R




2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017


Increasing assessments for both residential and commerical properties

indicates a positive investment climate

Residential vs Commercial Folio Count Increase 2001 - 2017










2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

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The City of Dawson Creek

A3 - Average Residential Assessment - Single Family Dwelling
2017 Financial Plan
Updated: October 4, 2016 by Celma Schribar
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Percentage Inc % Over Five

Northern Communities
Fort St John 151,177 171,786 217,997 253,251 252,720 259,023 274,035 280,839 299,299 324,890 352,146 374,050 36.50%

Terrace 115,296 122,963 139,928 178,244 180,271 184,140 192,238 202,380 212,569 235,528 303,879 298,909 55.49%

Mackenzie 81,747 86,437 99,067 100,661 89,137 77,172 97,254 104,350 111,634 132,734 142,957 142,895 46.93%

Prince Rupert 95,704 119,775 147,245 168,702 168,224 162,195 166,501 166,418 175,489 190,719 222,566 246,142 47.83%

Smithers 119,180 127,063 150,442 188,588 192,149 209,265 223,142 232,629 238,541 244,788 254,778 261,687 17.27%

Similar Size and Services

Kitimat 91,596 96,257 108,142 129,512 130,710 156,508 126,918 136,759 174,189 220,956 306,629 269,518 112.36%

Williams Lake 115,908 125,566 141,874 178,298 179,907 185,655 194,563 196,544 197,744 198,354 200,130 198,520 2.03%

Quesnel 92,402 98,836 117,648 144,217 144,637 157,397 165,607 162,142 164,120 164,633 165,365 171,407 3.50%

Squamish 342,444 363,242 382,345 446,174 451,565 459,280 479,692 468,089 465,250 467,029 490,155 580,501 21.02%

Powell River 133,755 168,719 210,638 241,185 241,923 236,917 247,111 234,366 224,699 217,221 217,069 221,517 -10.36%

Competitor - Labour Relations

Port Moody 443,524 493,480 595,270 672,216 674,010 647,527 705,389 735,045 760,622 759,343 808,631 938,092 32.99%

Courtney 173,169 212,471 247,183 284,358 284,790 286,685 299,325 301,464 300,307 297,068 301,474 311,220 3.97%

Salmon Arm 157,997 187,138 238,938 297,874 302,061 291,249 301,027 294,205 287,143 280,357 287,834 314,444 4.46%

Cranbrook 121,470 146,287 189,887 253,863 256,643 260,866 253,094 253,127 248,208 249,014 254,413 263,587 4.15%

Competitor - Fire and Policing

Kitimat 91,596 96,257 108,142 129,512 130,710 156,508 126,918 136,759 174,189 220,956 306,629 269,518 112.36%

Quesnel 92,402 98,836 117,648 144,217 144,637 157,397 165,607 162,142 164,120 164,633 165,365 171,407 3.50%

Terrace 115,296 122,963 139,928 178,244 180,271 184,140 192,238 202,380 235,528 235,258 303,879 298,909 55.49%

Comox 217,183 260,324 309,996 340,221 339,844 336,015 350,229 357,721 351,017 346,591 347,407 353,689 0.99%

Salmon Arm 157,997 187,138 238,938 297,874 302,061 291,249 301,027 294,205 280,357 280,357 287,834 314,444 4.46%

Average of Benchmarking Communities 153,150 172,923 205,329 243,537 244,541 247,326 255,890 259,030 266,580 275,286 301,007 315,813 29.21%

Dawson Creek - Average SFD Assessment 99,212 116,534 156,570 185,203 186,548 199,115 212,870 219,817 230,477 245,512 250,087 256,194 20.35%

**average single family dwelling per Ministry website

^counted twice in sample average

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The City of Dawson Creek

A4 - Average Residential Assessment - Single Family Dwelling
2017 Financial Plan
Updated: October 4,2016 by Celma Schribar

2016 Total Residential

Community 2016 Assessment 2016 Municipal Taxes Property Taxes and
Northern Communities
Fort St. John 374,050 1,780 4,286

Terrace 298,909 1,426 3,100

Mackenzie 142,895 786 2,041

Prince Rupert 246,142 1,662 3,815

Smithers 261,687 1,253 3,099

Similar Size and Services

Kitimat 269,518 1,027 2,174

Williams Lake 198,520 1,150 2,922

Quesnel 171,407 793 2,546

Squamish 580,501 2,560 4,942

Powell River 221,517 1,755 3,269

Competitor - Labour Relations

Port Moody 938,092 3,015 5,872

Courtenay 311,220 1,330 3,580

Salmon Arm 314,444 1,494 3,600

Cranbrook 263,587 1,956 3,592

Competitor - Fire and Policing

Kitimat 269,518 1,027 2,174

Quesnel 171,407 793 2,546

Terrace 298,909 1,426 3,100

Comox 353,689 1,247 3,650

Salmon Arm 314,444 1,494 3,600

Average of Benchmarking Communities $ 315,813 $ 1,472 $ 3,364

Dawson Creek - Average SFD Assessment $ 256,194 $ 1,622 $ 3,731

**average single family dwelling per Ministry website

^counted twice in sample average

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City of Dawson Creek

A5 - Total Taxes and User Charges on a Representative House
Updated: October 3, 2016 by Celma Schribar

Total Charges - Representative House

Average Total
Year Assessment Charges Placement Total Higher Lower
2016 $ 256,194 $ 3,731 103 161 58 102
2015 250,087 3,562 105 161 56 104
2014 245,512 3,426 99 160 61 98
2013 230,477 3,314 94 161 67 93
2012 219,817 3,297 97 160 63 96
2011 212,870 2,957 86 160 74 85
2010 199,115 3,004 96 160 64 95
2009 186,548 2,927 97 160 63 96
2008 185,203 2,789 97 160 63 96
2007 156,570 2,560 93 157 64 92
2006 116,534 2,458 91 157 66 90
2005 99,212 2,252 89 156 67 88

Dawson Creek's position has moved from 105th position in 2015 to 103rd position in 2016

Municipal Variable Taxes - Representative House

Average Municipal
Year Assessment Taxes Placement Total Higher Lower
2016 $ 256,194 $ 1,622 109 161 52 108
2015 250,087 1,590 112 161 49 111
2014 245,512 1,567 114 160 46 113
2013 230,477 1,489 113 160 47 112
2012 219,817 1,434 111 160 49 110
2011 212,870 1,398 115 160 45 114
2010 199,115 1,327 114 160 46 113
2009 186,548 1,298 116 160 44 115
2008 185,203 1,198 112 160 48 111
2007 156,570 1,059 104 157 53 103
2006 116,534 982 102 157 55 101
2005 99,212 908 98 156 58 97

Dawson Creek's position has moved from 112th in 2015 to 109th in 2016


There are 161 reporting municipalities in total

The 161 ranked municipality is the highest taxed municipality
A rank of 80 is the midpoint
Information for this schedule was downloaded from the following
website link: http//

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APPENDIX B Tax Rate Information

B1 - Proposed Tax Rates All Classes ....................................................................................... 46

B2 - Proposed Tax Rate Summary............................................................................................. 47

B3 - Summary of Taxation Revenues ........................................................................................ 48

B4 - Graph of Taxation Split ...................................................................................................... 49

B5 - Tax Rate Disclosure Schedule ............................................................................................ 50

B6 - Average Residential SFD - Historical Summary - Taxes Paid .......................................... 51

B7 - Average Residential Taxes Paid After HOG..................................................................... 52

B7.1 - Average Residential Taxes Paid After Increased HOG ................................................. 53

B8 - Average Commercial Property- Historical Summary - Taxes Paid ..................................... 54

B9 Assessment Value of Top Ten Tax Payers ......................................................................... 55

Proposed Rates: .................................................................................................................. 56-62

B10 - Residential Tax Rate $5.26
B10.1 - Residential Rate Summary including over and under average

B11 - Commercial Tax Rate $17.09

B11.1 - Commercial Rate Summary including over and under average

B12 - Utility Tax Rate $42.72

B13 - Major Industrial Tax Rate $17.09

B14 - Light Industrial Tax Rate $17.09

Other Rates - no increase: .................................................................................................. 63-66

B15 - Residential Tax Rate $5.16
B16 - Commercial Tax Rate $16.75
B17 Major Industrial Tax Rate $16.75
B18 Light Industrial Tax Rate $16.75

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The Corporation of the City of Dawson Creek

B1 - Proposed 2017 Tax Rates - All Classes
2017 Financial Plan

Tax Rate Per $1,000 of assessment 2017 2016

tax rate tax rate

Residential $ 5.26 $ 5.16

Utilities $ 42.72 $ 41.88

Major industry $ 17.09 $ 16.75

Light industry $ 17.09 $ 16.75

Business and other $ 17.09 $ 16.75

Rec/non profit $ 6.38 $ 6.25

Farm $ 6.38 $ 6.25

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The City of Dawson Creek

B2 - Proposed Tax Rate Summary
December 31, 2017 2017 2016

1. Residential Tax Rate $ 5.26 $ 5.16 $ 0.10

Dollar Increase on Average Single Family Dwelling $ 35.89 $ 36.38

$ 258,146 (2016 - $256,194)

98.49 % of residential owners will pay < $300 increase

Rate % Increase (Decrease) 1.94%

2. Commercial Tax Rate $ 17.09 $ 16.75 $ 0.34

Dollar Increase on Average Commercial Property $ 357.69 $ 198.99

$ 560,759 (2016 - $ 550,787)
83.43 % of commercial property owners will pay < $ 300 increase

Rate % Increase (Decrease) 2.03%

3. Residential to Commercial Ratio (Flat Tax Included) $ 2.68 $ 2.68

4. A $.10 change in residential rate equals $ 122,671 ($.50 equals $613,355)

5. A $.10 change in commercial rate equals $ 47,440 ($.50 equals $237,200)

6. Total Tax Revenues $16.57M $16.26 $ 0.34M

Residential Contribution 7.82 7.79 0.03

Commercial Contribution 8.10 7.88 0.22
Other Contribution 0.65 0.59 0.06

1. Changes in assessment base

2. Changes in new assessments

3. Inflation

4. Changes in other revenue sources

5. Revenue requirements to provide city services and capital investment

6. Affordability of increase

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The Corporation of the City of Dawson Creek

B3 - Summary of Taxation Revenues
December 31, 2017
Updated: 01.20.2017 by SW
2017 2016 Increase

Residential variable rate $ 5.26 $ 5.16 $ 0.10

Business tax rate 17.09 16.75 0.34

Analysis of taxation revenue

1-0150-0000-5102 General municipal 15,204,244 14,908,173 296,071

1-0150-0000-5104 General debt - - -
N1 14,908,173 14,908,173 296,071

1-0150-0000-5106 Flat tax-improved 1,343,400 1,330,200 13,200

1-0150-0000-5108 Flat tax-vacant 24,700 25,500 (800)
N2 1,368,100 1,355,700 12,400

1-0150-0000-5110 Chetwynd Industrial N3 143,280 155,412 (12,132)

1-0150-0000-5112 Local Area Service levy N4 80,278 148,316 (68,038)

General Revenue Taxation $ 16,499,831 $ 16,567,601 $ 228,301

N1: Updated - general fund debt servicing costs not paid for by Local area service levies paid for by Peace River Agreement funding

N2: Adjusted to actual per completed roll

N3: Estimated receivable from District of Chetwynd (At risk - Chetwynd Mechanical Pulp Inc - filing for permanent closure)

N4: Based on actual Local Area Service payments

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City of Dawson Creek

B4 - Who Pays the Tax
2017 Taxation Split
Updated: January 20,2017

Who Pays the Tax

Light Industry 215,678

Major Industry 354,703 1%
Rec, Non Profit & Farm
Utilities 67,831 1% 5,999 0%


Residential Utilities
Commercial 7,820,600 47%
8,107,535 49%
Major Industry

Light Industry

Rec, Non Profit & Farm

Residential 7,820,600 Residential 7,820,600

Commercial 8,107,535 Non Residential 8,751,746
Utilities 67,831
Major Industry 354,703
Light Industry 215,678
Rec, Non Profit & Farm 5,999

Residential vs Non Residential

7,820,600 , 47% Residential
Non Residential, Non Residential
8,751,746 , 53%

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The Corporation of the City of Dawson Creek

B5 - Tax Rate Disclosure Schedule
2017 Taxation Revenues
December 31, 2017
Updated: January 16, 2017 14,908,173 15,204,244

Estimated Completed 2016 Ratio Taxation % of Tax Completed 2017 Ratio Taxation % of Tax
Roll 2016 tax rate Revenue Revenue Roll 2017 tax rate Revenue Revenue

Residential 1,247,903,900 5.16 - 6,439,184 1,226,711,000 5.26 6,452,500

Flat tax 4,071 - - - 1,330,200 4,478 - - 1,343,400
228 - - - 25,500 247 - - 24,700
- 6.25 1:1 7,794,884 47.93% - 6.38 1:1 7,820,600 47.19%
Utilities 1,584,345 41.88 6.70 66,344 0.41% 1,587,800 42.72 6.70 67,831 0.41%
- - - - - -
Major industry 18,653,000 16.75 2.68 312,438 1.92% 20,755,000 17.09 2.68 354,703 2.14%
- - - - - -
Light industry 11,729,800 16.75 2.68 196,474 1.21% 12,620,100 17.09 2.68 215,678 1.30%
- - - - - -
Business and other 470,922,721 16.75 2.68 7,887,956 48.50% 474,402,271 17.09 2.68 8,107,535 48.92%
- - - - - -
Rec/non profit 653,900 6.25 1.00 4,087 0.03% 676,600 6.38 1.00 4,317 0.03%
- - - - - -
Farm 270,355 6.25 1.00 1,690 0.01% 263,577 6.38 1.00 1,682 0.01%
- - - -
- - - -
1,751,718,021 - - 16,263,873 100.00% 1,737,016,348 16,572,344 100.00%
- - -
Residential 1,247,903,900 - 7,794,884 47.93% 1,226,711,000 7,820,600 47.19%
Non residential 503,814,121 - 8,468,989 52.07% 510,305,348 8,751,744 52.81%
1,751,718,021 - - 16,263,873 100.00% 1,737,016,348 16,572,344 100.00%

Regulation 329/96 Taxation Rate Cap for Class 2 ( Refer Volume 1 Regulations)
> of $ 40 for each $ 1,000 of assessed value and 2.5 times the Class 6 rate 41.88 42.72

The increase in 2016 taxation revenue amounts to: $16,263,873 370,976 The increase in 2017 taxation revenue amounts to: $ 308,472 308,472

Residential contribution in dollars 377,081 44.04% Residential contribution in dollars 25,716 8.34%
Non residential contribution in dollars (6,105) 55.96% Non residential contribution in dollars 282,756 91.66%
$ 370,976 100.00% $ 308,472 100.00%
The above scenario suggests the following increases:

A tax rate of $5.16 generates $16,263,873 A tax rate of $5.26 generates $ 15,204,244

Class 2 tax rate is capped at 2.5 times Class 6 tax rate at $ 41.88 Class 2 tax rate is capped at 2.5 times Class 6 tax rate at $ 42.72

The increase in taxation revenue from 2015 amounts to $ 370,976 The increase in taxation revenue compared to 2016 amounts to $ 308,472

Percentage increase to taxation revenues is 2.74% Percentage increase to taxation revenues is 1.99%

Percentage increase in the residential tax rate is 0.00% Percentage increase in the residential tax rate is 1.94%

Percentage increase in business tax rate is 0.00% Percentage increase in business tax rate is 2.03%

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The City of Dawson Creek

B6 - Average Residential - SFD - Historical Summary - Taxes Paid
2017 Financial Plan
Updated January 11, 2017
** ** ** ** ** ^
Dawson Creek 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Average assessment 219,817 230,477 245,512 250,087 256,194 $ 258,146

Tax rate per $ 1000 of assessment 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.16 5.26

Tax dollars 1,134.26 1,189.26 1,266.84 1,290.45 1,321.96 1,357.85

Flat tax 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00

Municipal taxes paid 1,434.26 1,489.26 1,566.84 1,590.45 1,621.96 1,657.85

Variance from previous year 35.85 55.01 77.58 23.61 31.51 $ 35.89

Increase in taxes 1999 - 2017 $ 819.45

Average Annual Increase $ 45.52

^2017 completed roll detailed folios
* calculated from revised assessment/number of folios
** per Ministry website
1999 - 2011 data behind hidden columns

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The City of Dawson Creek

B7 - Average Residential - Single Family Dwelling - Taxes Paid
After Home Owner Grant
2017 Financial Plan
Updated January 11, 2017
** **
Dawson Creek 2017 2016

Average assessment $ 258,146 $ 256,194

Tax rate per $ 1000 $ 5.26 $ 5.16

Municipal Tax dollars $ 35.89 1,357.85 1,321.96

Other Government Taxes* $ 22.06 1,125.17 1,103.11

Flat tax 300.00 300.00

Property Taxes payable 2,783.02 2,725.07

Less: Home Owner Grant (770.00) (770.00)

Total Property Taxes paid after grant 2,013.02 1,955.07

Increase includes taxes from other governments $ 57.95 $ 36.38

*2017 Collections for other governments estimated at 2% increase over 2016

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The City of Dawson Creek

B7.1 - Average Residential - Taxes Paid
After Increased Home Owner Grant
2017 Financial Plan
Updated January 11, 2017
** ***
Dawson Creek 2017 2016

Average assessment $ 258,146 $ 256,194

Tax rate per $ 1000 $ 5.26 $ 5.16

Municipal Tax dollars $ 35.89 1,357.85 1,321.96

Other Government Taxes* $ 22.06 1,125.17 1,103.11

Flat tax 300.00 300.00

Property Taxes payable 2,783.02 2,725.07

Less Increased Home Owner Grant (1,045.00) (1,045.00)

Total Property Taxes paid after increased grant 1,738.02 1,680.07

Increase includes taxes from other governments $ 57.95 $ 36.38

*2017 Collections for other governments estimated at 2% increase over 2016

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The City of Dawson Creek

B8 - Average Commercial Property - Historical Summary - Taxes Paid
2017 Financial Plan
Updated: January 20, 2017
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ^
Dawson Creek 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Average assessment 339,286 363,213 397,493 446,395 497,112 538,907 550,787 560,759

Tax rate per $ 1000 19.15 18.50 17.50 17.25 16.75 16.75 16.75 17.09

Municipal taxes paid 6,497.33 6,719.44 6,956.13 7,700.31 8,326.63 9,026.69 9,225.68 9,583.37

Variance from previous year 1,184.36 222.11 236.69 744.19 626.31 700.07 198.99 357.69

Increase in taxes 1999 - 2017 6,754.11

Average Annual Increase $ 375.23

^ calculated from completed assessment/taxable number of folios

* calculated from revised assessment/number of folios
**revised assessment/taxable properties (restated 2010-2016)

1999 - 2009 data behind hidden columns

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City of Dawson Creek

B9 - Assessment Values of Top Ten Tax Payers
Proposed Properties Taxes for 2017 (17.09)
December 31, 2017

Roll# Name Assessment Class Property Taxes

2017 Forestry 1 5 106,675.78 7.67%

Hotels 3 6 479,118.15 34.45%
Grocery 1 6 128,482.62 9.24%
Oil & Gas 2 4 248,847.49 17.89%
Retail 3 6 427,660.16 30.75%
Number of Accounts 10 1,390,784.20 100.00%

2016 Forestry 1 5 104,403.00 7.63%

Hotels 4 6 609,147.00 44.54%
Grocery 2 6 223,194.00 16.32%
Oil & Gas 1 4 128,891.00 9.42%
Retail 2 6 302,036.00 22.08%
Number of Accounts 10 1,367,671.00 100.00%

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City of Dawson Creek

B10 - Assessment Values of Residential Properties
Estimated 2017 Property Taxes

2016 Assessment Values

2016 Municipal
Roll # Land Buildings Total Taxes (5.16)

Report Total: 344,701,900 895,506,100 1,240,208,000 6,399,473.28

2017 Assessment Values

2017 Municipal
Roll # Land Buildings Total Taxes

Report Total: 322,653,300 904,057,700 1,226,711,000 6,452,499.86

Increase in
Property Taxes

Range of increase # of properties Total $ increase

N1 Decrease in Taxes 2,077 -136,671.39
No Change 72 0.00
< $100 2,250 65,494.51
$100 - $200 249 34,820.61
$200 - $300 49 4,697 98.49% 11,786.34 (24,569.93) -46.34%
$300 - $400 12 3,947.34
$400 - $500 8 20 0.42% 3,577.09 7,524.42 14.19%
$500 - $600 3 1,660.23
$600 - $700 5 3,110.88
$700 - $800 3 2,232.05
$800 - $900 2 1,696.28
$900 - $1,000 2 1,936.73
N2 > $1,000 37 52 1.09% 59,435.92 70,072.09 132.15%

4,769 4,769 100.00% 53,026.58 53,026.58 100.00%

N1: Decrease of taxes includes 13 rolls that are inactive in 2017 ($7,223.48)

N2: Increase over $1,000 includes 3 new rolls in 2017

Assessment Average
Larger HOG Over # Over $ Under # Under $
324 464 -67,286.34 1613 -69,385.05
0 0 0.00 72 0.00
383 1096 37,146.09 1154 28,348.42
37 199 28,590.86 50 6,229.75
2 39 9,163.05 10 2,623.29
2 9 2,980.72 3 966.62
0 3 1,301.14 5 2,275.95
1 1 589.81 2 1,070.41
0 4 2,456.66 1 654.22
0 2 1,515.12 1 716.94
0 2 1,696.28 0 0.00
0 1 937.67 1 999.06
0 37 59,435.92 0 0.00

749 1,857 78,526.98 2,912 -25,500.40 53,026.58

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City of Dawson Creek

B10.1 Residential Over or Under Average
Estimated 2017 Property Taxes
Proposed Residential Municipal Tax Rates
2016 rate 2017 Proposed Rate
5.00 5.16 5.26 5.36

Total 2017 Municipal Taxes 6,133,555.00 6,329,828.76 6,452,499.86 6,575,170.96

Revenues Increased (Decreased) (265,918.28) (69,644.52) 53,026.58 175,697.68

Over Average Under Average Over Average Under Average Over Average Under Average Over Average Under Average

Breakdown of Increase: $ # $ # $ # $ # $ # $ # $ # $ #
Taxes decreased or no change (195,709.42) 1600 (159,385.68) 2764 (102,427.03) 1217 (97,332.56) 2174 (67,286.34) 464 (69,385.05) 1685 (50,462.72) 232 (53,554.96) 1207
Taxes increased up to $100 8,343.66 170 4,118.48 120 16,916.54 445 13,814.87 693 37,146.09 1096 28,348.42 1154 60,065.14 1136 55,948.14 1618
Taxes increased up to $300 5,937.27 37 3,512.85 18 20,996.04 141 5,322.02 33 37,753.91 238 8,853.04 60 67,158.53 418 10,165.90 69
Taxes increased up to $1,000 9,104.79 15 5,243.48 10 11,250.35 19 6,152.78 12 11,477.40 22 6,683.19 13 16,648.65 34 7,460.66 17
Taxes increased over $1,000 52,916.29 35 0.00 0 55,662.47 35 0.00 0 59,435.92 37 0.00 0 61,245.99 37 1,022.36 1

Increase in Property Taxes (119,407.41) 1,857 - 146,510.87 2,912 2,398.37 1,857 - 72,042.89 2,912 78,526.98 1,857 - 25,500.40 2,912 154,655.59 1,857 21,042.09 2,912

2017 Average Assessment 257,137

$ # Average
Under Average Assessment 478,871,700 38.37% 2,948 61.60% 162,440
Over Average Assessment 769,032,200 61.63% 1,838 38.40% 418,407

1,247,903,900 100.00% 4,786 100.00%

2016 Average Assessment 250,087

$ # Average
Under Average Assessment 441,433,900 36.82% 2,854 59.63% 154,672
Over Average Assessment 757,432,200 63.18% 1,932 40.37% 392,046

1,198,866,100 100.00% 4,786 100.00%

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City of Dawson Creek

B11 - Assessment Values of Commercial Properties
Proposed Properties Taxes for 2017

2016 Assessment Values

2016 Municipal
Roll # Land Buildings Total Taxes (16.75)

Report Total: 162,393,677.00 304,034,944.00 466,428,621.00 7,812,679.40

2017 Assessment Values

2017 Proposed
Roll # Land Buildings Total Municipal Taxes

Report Total: 159,742,973.00 314,659,298.00 474,402,271.00 8,107,534.81

Increase in
Property Taxes


Range of increase # of properties Total $ increase Assessment Average

Refund of taxes Over # Over $ Under# Under $
> $1,000 34 (126,403.02) 27 (104,437.59) 7 (21,965.44)
< $1,000 77 (18,986.70) 17 (5,521.43) 60 (13,465.27)
No change 134 0.00 0 0.00 134 0.00
< $100 419 14,443.73 1 18.54 418 14,425.19
$100 - $200 112 15,848.76 24 4,181.02 88 11,667.74
$200 - $300 50 826 83.43% 12,822.58 (102,274.65) -34.69% 44 11,341.08 6 1,481.49
$300 - $400 32 11,336.60 28 9,937.27 4 1,399.34
$400 - $500 17 7,448.00 14 6,202.78 3 1,245.22
$500 - $600 15 8,234.65 11 6,014.14 4 2,220.51
$600 - $700 12 7,681.79 8 5,096.44 4 2,585.35
$700 - $800 6 4,419.03 5 3,677.98 1 741.05
$800 - $900 6 5,091.84 5 4,237.34 1 854.50
$900 - $1,000 5 93 9.39% 4,735.30 48,947.22 16.60% 3 2,922.50 2 1,812.80
$1,000 - $2,000 26 26 2.63% 35,990.98 35,990.98 12.21% 15 21,110.00 11 14,880.98
$2,000 - $3,000 17 41,997.53 11 28,244.25 6 13,753.28
$3,000 - $4,000 7 24,801.57 7 24,801.57 0 0.00
$4,000 - $5,000 7 31 3.13% 31,754.51 98,553.61 33.42% 7 31,754.51 0 0.00
$5,000 - $10,000 5 35,942.18 5 35,942.18 0 0.00
$10,000 - $20,000 5 73,304.09 5 73,304.09 0 0.00
$20,000 - $30,000 4 104,391.98 4 104,391.98 0 0.00
>$30,000 0 14 1.41% 0.00 213,638.25 0.72 0 0.00 0 0.00

990 990 100.00% 294,855.41 294,855.41 100.00% 241 263,218.66 749 31,636.75 294,855.41

N1 Refund of taxes includes 3 inactive tax rolls from 2016 totalling $11637.90

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City of Dawson Creek

B11.1 Commercial Rate Summary including over and under average
Proposed Properties Taxes for 2017
Proposed Commercial Municipal Tax Rates
2016 rate 2017 Proposed Rate
16.50 16.75 17.25 17.09

Total 2017 Municipal Taxes 7,827,637.47 7,946,238.04 8,183,439.17 8,107,534.81

Revenues Increased 14,958.07 133,558.64 370,759.77 294,855.41

Breakdown of increase: $ # $ # $ # $ #
Taxes changed up to $300 -267,956.12 915 -180,696.49 899 -82,620.95 781 -102,274.65 826
Taxes changed up to $1,000 14,488.55 24 20,607.53 36 72,010.30 129 48,947.22 93
Taxes changed up to $2,000 26,116.70 18 20,543.88 15 49,579.68 34 35,990.98 26
Taxes changed up to $5,000 54,014.14 19 74,070.18 26 90,182.83 28 98,553.61 31
Taxes changed over $5,000 188,294.80 14 199,033.55 14 241,407.93 18 213,638.25 14

Increase in Property Taxes 14,958.07 990 133,558.64 990 370,559.77 990 294,855.41 990
New Construction 24,094.78 3 24,604.08 3 25,622.68 3 25,296.72 3

N1 Refund of taxes includes 3 inactive tax rolls from 2016 totalling $11,637.90
N2 New Buildings are properties that had no improvements in 2016


On 16.75 rate $ #
Under Average Assessment 1,751,285.71 748
Over Average Assessment 6,194,952.33 241

7,946,238.04 989

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City of Dawson Creek

B12 - Assessment Values of Utility Properties
Estimated 2017 Property Taxes

2016 Assessment Values

2016 Municipal
Roll # Land Buildings Total Taxes (41.88)

Report Total: 427,325.00 7,955,020.00 8,382,345.00 351,052.61

2017 Assessment Values

2017 Municipal
Roll # Land Buildings Total Taxes

Report Total: 422,725.00 8,004,075.00 8,426,800.00 359,992.90

Increase in
Property Taxes

Range of increase # of properties Total $ increase

Decrease in Taxes 3 11.11% -793.69 -8.88%
No Change 8 29.63% 0.00 0.00%
$1 - $1,000 14 51.85% 1,714.50 19.18%
> $1,000 2 7.41% 8,019.48 89.70%

27 - 100.00% 8,940.29 - 100.00%

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City of Dawson Creek

B13 - Assessment Values of Major Industrial Properties
Estimated 2017 Property Taxes

2016 Assessment Values

2016 Municipal
Roll # Land Buildings Total Taxes (16.75)

Report Total: 4,060,000.00 14,593,000.00 18,653,000.00 312,437.75

2017 Assessment Values

2017 Municipal
Roll # Land Buildings Total Taxes (17.09)

Report Total: 4,637,000.00 16,118,000.00 20,755,000.00 354,702.95

Increase in
Property Taxes

Range of increase # of properties Total $ increase

Decrease in taxes 2 (699.12) -1.65%

No Change - 0.00 0.00%
Increase in taxes 2 42,964.32 101.65%
4 42,265.20 100.00%

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City of Dawson Creek

B14 - Assessment Values of Light Industrial Properties
Estimated 2017 Property Taxes

2016 Assessment Values

2016 Municipal
Roll # Land Buildings Total Taxes (16.75)

Report Total: 3,708,600.00 8,021,200.00 11,729,800.00 196,474.15

2017 Assessment Values

2017 Municipal
Roll # Land Buildings Total Taxes

Report Total: 4,173,700.00 8,446,400.00 12,620,100.00 215,677.51

Increase in
Property Taxes

Range of increase # of properties Total $ increase

Decrease < $10,000 0 0.00% 0.00 0.00%
Decrease < $1,000 3 13.64% (731.76) -3.81%
No Change 3 13.64% 0.00 0.00%
Increase < $1,000 12 54.55% 852.06 4.44%
Increase > $1,000 4 18.18% 19,083.06 99.37%

22 - 81.82% 19,203.36 0 100.00%

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City of Dawson Creek

B15 - Residential Tax Rate - no change
Estimated 2017 Property Taxes

2016 Assessment Values

2016 Municipal
Roll # Land Buildings Total Taxes (5.16)

Report Total: 344,701,900 895,506,100 1,240,208,000 6,399,473.28

2017 Assessment Values

2017 Municipal
Roll # Land Buildings Total Taxes

Report Total: 322,653,300 904,057,700 1,226,711,000 6,329,828.76

Increase in
Property Taxes

Assessment Average
Range of increase # of properties Total $ increase Larger HOG Over # Over $ Under # Under $
N1 Decrease in Taxes 3,171 -199,759.60 506 1146 -102,427.03 2025 -97,332.56
No Change 218 0.00 29 71 0.00 149 0.00
< $100 1,140 30,731.41 188 445 16,916.54 693 13,814.87
$100 - $200 146 19,552.79 22 124 16,935.64 22 2,617.15
$200 - $300 28 4,703 98.62% 6,765.28 (142,710.12) 204.91% 2 17 4,060.40 11 2,704.87
$300 - $400 10 3,453.59 1 6 2,043.36 4 1,410.23
$400 - $500 4 14 0.29% 1,796.20 5,249.78 -7.54% 0 1 407.64 3 1,388.56
$500 - $600 7 3,930.37 1 5 2,884.44 2 1,045.93
$600 - $700 2 1,327.15 0 1 698.15 1 629.00
$700 - $800 3 2,228.60 0 2 1,525.30 1 703.31
$800 - $900 1 823.02 0 1 823.02 0 0.00
$900 - $1,000 4 3,844.20 0 3 2,868.44 1 975.76
N2 > $1,000 35 52 1.09% 55,662.47 67,815.82 -97.37% 0 35 55,662.47 0 0.00

4,769 4,769 100.00% -69,644.52 (69,644.52) 100.00% 749 1,857 2,398.37 2,912 -72,042.89 -69,644.52

N1: Decrease of taxes includes 13 rolls that are inactive in 2017 ($7,223.48)

N2: Increase over $1,000 includes 3 new rolls in 2017

Larger HOG Assessment Average

Range of increase Larger HOG Over # Over $ Under # Under $
Decrease in Taxes 506 186 -7,561.46 321 -12,585.24
No Change 29 27 0.00 2 0.00
< $100 188 61 2,401.98 127 1,984.54
$100 - $200 22 17 2,126.44 5 514.97
$200 - $300 2 2 524.77 0 0.00
$300 - $400 1 0 0.00 1 317.34
$400 - $500 0 0 0.00 0 0.00
$500 - $600 1 1 561.92 0 0.00
$600 - $700 0 0 0.00 0 0.00
$700 - $800 0 0 0.00 0 0.00
$800 - $900 0 0 0.00 0 0.00
$900 - $1,000 0 0 0.00 0 0.00
> $1,000 0 0 0.00 0 0.00

749 294 -1,946.35 456 -9,768.40 -11,714.75

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01/31/2017 Page 64 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

B16 Commercial Tax Rate $16.75 - no change
Proposed Properties Taxes for 2017

2016 Assessment Values

2016 Municipal
Roll # Land Buildings Total Taxes (16.75)

Report Total: 162,393,677.00 304,034,944.00 466,428,621.00 7,812,679.40

2017 Assessment Values

2017 Proposed
Roll # Land Buildings Total Municipal Taxes

Report Total: 159,742,973.00 314,659,298.00 474,402,271.00 7,946,238.04

Increase in
Property Taxes


Range of increase # of properties Total $ increase Assessment Average

Refund of taxes Over # Over $ Under# Under $
> $1,000 39 (161,481.73) 30 (137,003.28) 9 (24,478.45)
< $1,000 116 (24,150.15) 27 (10,971.25) 88 (13,178.90)
No change 654 0.00 121 0.00 532 0.00
< $100 70 1,565.29 17 396.97 55 1,168.31
$100 - $200 14 1,882.70 9 1,221.08 5 661.63
$200 - $300 6 899 90.81% 1,487.40 (180,696.49) -135.29% 2 479.05 4 1,008.35
$300 - $400 7 2,316.53 3 938.00 4 1,378.53
$400 - $500 7 3,271.28 5 2,294.75 2 976.53
$500 - $600 9 4,663.20 4 2,060.25 5 2,602.95
$600 - $700 4 2,571.13 2 1,306.50 2 1,264.63
$700 - $800 2 1,490.75 2 1,490.75 0 0.00
$800 - $900 4 3,400.25 1 887.75 3 2,512.50
$900 - $1,000 3 36 3.64% 2,894.40 20,607.53 15.43% 0 0.00 3 2,894.40
$1,000 - $2,000 15 15 1.52% 20,543.88 20,543.88 15.38% 7 9,733.43 8 10,810.45
$2,000 - $3,000 19 45,921.80 13 32,692.65 6 13,229.15
$3,000 - $4,000 4 14,957.75 4 14,957.75 0 0.00
$4,000 - $5,000 3 26 2.63% 13,190.63 74,070.18 55.46% 3 13,190.63 0 0.00
$5,000 - $10,000 5 33,707.70 5 33,707.70 0 0.00
$10,000 - $20,000 5 68,812.35 5 68,812.35 0 0.00
$20,000 - $30,000 4 96,513.50 4 96,513.50 0 0.00
>$30,000 0 14 1.41% 0.00 199,033.55 1.49 0 0.00 0 0.00

990 990 100.00% 133,558.64 133,558.64 100.00% 264 132,708.58 726 850.06 133,558.64

N1 Refund of taxes includes 3 inactive tax rolls from 2016 totalling $11,637.90

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City of Dawson Creek

B17 Major Industrial Tax Rate $16.75 - no change
Estimated 2017 Property Taxes

2016 Assessment Values

2016 Municipal
Roll # Land Buildings Total Taxes (16.75)

Report Total: 4,060,000.00 14,593,000.00 18,653,000.00 312,437.75

2017 Assessment Values

2017 Municipal
Roll # Land Buildings Total Taxes (16.75)

Report Total: 4,637,000.00 16,118,000.00 20,755,000.00 347,646.25

Increase in
Property Taxes

Range of increase # of properties Total $ increase

Decrease in taxes 2 (4,824.00) -13.70%

No Change - 0.00 0.00%
Increase in taxes 2 40,032.50 113.70%
4 35,208.50 100.00%

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City of Dawson Creek

B18 - Light Industrial Tax Rate $16.75 - no change
Estimated 2017 Property Taxes

2016 Assessment Values

2016 Municipal
Roll # Land Buildings Total Taxes (16.75)

Report Total: 3,708,600.00 8,021,200.00 11,729,800.00 196,474.15

2017 Assessment Values

2017 Municipal
Roll # Land Buildings Total Taxes

Report Total: 4,173,700.00 8,446,400.00 12,620,100.00 211,386.68

Increase in
Property Taxes

Range of increase # of properties Total $ increase

Decrease < $10,000 0 0.00% (1,842.50) -12.36%
Decrease < $1,000 5 25.00% (1,041.85) -6.99%
No Change 9 45.00% 0.00 0.00%
Increase < $1,000 2 10.00% 102.18 0.69%
Increase > $1,000 4 20.00% 17,694.70 118.66%

20 - 80.00% 14,912.53 0 100.00%

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APPENDIX C Operating Revenue

C1 - Operating Revenue Where the Money Comes From .........................................................68

C2 - Operating Revenue - Comparatives to 2016 Budget and 2016 Actual .................................69

C3 - Taxation Revenue ..................................................................................................................70

C4 - Taxation Revenue Comparatives to 2016 Budget to 2016 Actual ......................................71

C5 - Fees and Charges .................................................................................................................72

C6 - Fees and Charges Comparatives to 2016 Budget .............................................................. 73

C7 - Fees and Charges Comparatives to 2016 Actual ................................................................74

C8 - Government Transfers ...........................................................................................................75

C9 - Government Transfers Comparatives to 2016 Budget .......................................................76

C10- Government Transfers Comparatives to 2016 Actual ....................................................... 77

C11- Peace River Agreement Revenue ........................................................................................78

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The City of Dawson Creek

C1 - Where The Money Comes From
2017 Operating Revenues
Updated on Jan 30 2017 by Celma Schribar

2017B % 2017B $ 2016B % 2016B $

Total Operating Revenues $ 47,325,831 $ 48,026,426

Taxation (including grants in lieu) 37.07% 17,541,980 35.76% 17,173,886

Fees and Charges (Including utilities) 26.32% 12,458,508 24.78% 11,901,114

Other revenues (including gaming, franchise fees, interest) 2.66% 1,260,788 3.82% 1,832,506

Government Transfers 33.94% 16,064,555 35.64% 17,118,920

Total Operating Revenues 100.00% $ 47,325,831 100.00% $ 48,026,426

Where the Money Comes From in 2017

Government Transfers, 34%

Taxation, 37%

Other revenues, 3%

Fees and Charges, 26%

Where the Money Came From in 2016

Government Transfers, 35% Taxation, 36%

Other revenues, 4%

Fees and Charges, 25%

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The City of Dawson Creek

C2 - Comparatives to 2016 Budget and 2016 Actual
Updated on Jan 21 2017 by SW

Table 1 $ Change B to B $ Change B to A 2017B 2016B 2016A

Total Operating Revenues $ 47,325,831 $ 48,026,426 $ 48,235,876

Taxation (including grants in lieu) 368,094 397,830 17,541,980 17,173,886 17,144,150

Fees and Charges (Including utilities) 557,394 265,560 12,458,508 11,901,114 12,192,948

Other revenues (including gaming, franchise fees) (571,718) (292,474) 1,260,788 1,832,506 1,553,262

Government Transfers (1,054,365) (1,280,961) 16,064,555 17,118,920 17,345,516

Total Operating Revenues $ (700,595) $ (910,045) $ 47,325,831 $ 48,026,426 $ 48,235,876

Table 2 % Change B to B % Change B to A 2017B 2016B 2016A

Total Operating Revenues $ 47,325,831 $ 48,026,426 $ 48,235,876

Taxation (including grants in lieu) 2.14% 2.32% 17,541,980 17,173,886 17,144,150

Fees and Charges (Including utilities) 4.68% 2.18% 12,458,508 11,901,114 12,192,948

Other revenues (including gaming, franchise fees) -31.20% -18.83% 1,260,788 1,832,506 1,553,262

Government Transfers -6.16% -7.38% 16,064,555 17,118,920 17,345,516

Total Operating Revenues -1.46% -1.89% $ 47,325,831 $ 48,026,426 $ 48,235,876

* B - Budget A - Actual

Table 1 highlights dollar change in revenues compared to 2016 Budget and 2016 Actual
Table 2 highlights percentage change in revenues compared to 2016 Budget and 2016 Actual

Major Changes Explanation

Taxation revenue down Variance in budget to budget based on proposed rates

Variance to actual is based on revised roll - 2016 was under budget due
to supplementary assessment changes

Fees and charges down Major increase due to sewer infrastructure fee increase and completing recreation user fee review

Other revenues down Decrease in gaming and PNG franchise fee revenues closer to actual
NCLGA conference in 2016

Government transfers down Most transfers at 2016 levels, 911 transfer down for change over
Peace River Agreement major decrease of $1.1M

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The City of Dawson Creek

C3 - 2017 Taxation
Updated on Jan 21 2017 by SW
% of B 2017 B $

Municipal General 86.67% $ 15,204,244

Flat Tax Improved Property 7.66% 1,343,400

Flat Tax Vacant Property 0.14% 24,700

Chetwynd Industrial Sharing 0.82% 143,280

Local Improvement Projects 0.46% 80,278

Grants in lieu 4.25% 746,078

Taxation 100.00% $ 17,541,980

* B - Budget A - Actual

Highlights components of taxation

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The City of Dawson Creek

C4 - Taxation Revenue - Comparatives - 2017 Budget to 2016 Budget and 2016 Actual
Updated on Jan 13 2017 by Celma Schribar

% Increase 2017B 2016B

Municipal General 2.68% $ 15,204,244 $ 14,807,071

Flat tax Improved Property 0.99% 1,343,400 1,330,200

Flat tax Vacant Property -3.14% 24,700 25,500

Chetwynd Industrial Sharing -7.81% 143,280 155,412

Local Improvement Projects -45.87% 80,278 148,316

Grants in lieu 5.47% 746,078 707,387

Taxation 2.14% $ 17,541,980 $ 17,173,886

Above table compares budget to budget

% Increase 2017B 2016A

Municipal General 2.83% $ 15,204,244 $ 14,785,510

Flat tax Improved Property 0.54% 1,343,400 1,336,200

Flat tax Vacant Property -4.26% 24,700 25,800

Chetwynd Industrial Sharing -7.81% 143,280 155,412

Local Improvement Projects -41.93% 80,278 138,250

Grants in lieu 5.14% 746,078 709,594

Taxation 2.28% $ 17,541,980 $ 17,150,765

* B - Budget A - Actual
Above table compares budget to actual

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The City of Dawson Creek

C5 - 2017 Fees and Charges
Updated on January 21, 2016 by SW

2017B % 2017B $

Policing 2.11% $ 263,408

Fire Department 0.20% 25,000

Building Inspection 2.35% 292,575

Building Licensing 1.64% 204,251

BC Transit fees 1.13% 141,229

Air Transportation fees 3.62% 450,861

Waste pickup fees 5.56% 692,500

Cemetery service fees 0.41% 50,500

Land Development Fees 0.06% 7,000

Ball Diamond User Fees 0.06% 8,000

Soccer Field User Fees 0.03% 4,000

Climbing Wall 0.16% 20,000

Aquatic Centre fees 4.15% 517,521

Recreation program fees 0.58% 72,333

Out of School Care fees 0.85% 106,500

Kin Arena fees 1.42% 176,896

Memorial Arena fees 2.22% 277,188

Water Utility fees 40.09% 4,994,746

Sewer Utility fees 33.34% 4,154,000

Fees and Charges 100.00% $ 12,458,508

* B - Budget A - Actual

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The City of Dawson Creek

C6 - Fees and Charges - Comparatives to 2016 Budget
Updated on January 20, 2016 by Celma Schribar

% Increase 2017B 2016B

Policing 1.00% $ 263,408 $ 260,800

Fire Department -23.41% 25,000 32,640

Building Inspection 31.49% 292,575 222,500

Building Licensing 1.09% 204,251 202,040

Parking Violations 0.00% - -

BC Transit fees 0.15% 141,229 141,017

Air Transportation fees 1.00% 450,861 446,397

Waste pickup fees 3.06% 692,500 671,941

Cemetery service fees 1.00% 50,500 50,000

Land Development Fees 37.25% 7,000 5,100

Ball Diamond User Fees -23.48% 8,000 10,455

Soccer Field User Fees 53.02% 4,000 2,614

Climbing Wall 12.53% 20,000 17,774

Aquatic Centre fees 1.00% 517,521 512,397

Recreation program fees 1.00% 72,333 71,617

Out of School Care fees 19.84% 106,500 88,868

Kin Arena fees 20.00% 176,896 147,416

Memorial Arena fees 1.00% 277,188 274,444

Water Utility fees -0.29% 4,994,746 5,009,096

Sewer Utility fees 11.25% 4,154,000 3,734,000

Fees and Charges 4.68% $ 12,458,508 $ 11,901,114

* B - Budget A - Actual

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The City of Dawson Creek

C7 - Fees and Charges Comparatives to 2016 Actuals
Updated on January 30, 2017 by SW

% Increase 2017 B 2016 A

Policing 9.02% $ 263,408 $ 241,616

Fire Department -4.46% 25,000 26,168

Building Inspection -3.63% 292,575 303,582

Building Licensing -3.93% 204,251 212,602

BC Transit fees 18.46% 141,229 119,224

Air Transportation fees 5.69% 450,861 426,598

Waste pickup fees -0.59% 692,500 696,599

Cemetery service fees 2.91% 50,500 49,072

Land Development Fees 4.09% 7,000 6,725

Ball Diamond User Fees 6.49% 8,000 7,512

Soccer Field User Fees 11.87% 4,000 3,576

Climbing Wall fees 0.55% 20,000 19,891

Aquatic Centre fees 1.37% 517,521 510,511

Recreation program fees 30.36% 72,333 55,489

Out of School Care fees 67.53% 106,500 63,570

Kin Arena fees 5.08% 176,896 168,350

Memorial Arena fees 3.91% 277,188 266,765

Small Town Love - 2,900

Water Utility fees -6.31% 4,994,746 5,331,328

Sewer Utility fees 12.85% 4,154,000 3,680,870

Fees and Charges 2.18% $ 12,458,508 $ 12,192,948

* B - Budget A - Actual

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The City of Dawson Creek

C8 - 2017 Government Transfers
Updated on January 30, 2017 by SW

% of B 2017 B

Traffic Fine Revenue 1.21% $ 195,125

Small Communities Grant 2.01% 322,964

Community Works Gas Tax 3.37% 541,125

Peace River Agreement - Fair Share 86.50% 13,896,597

Regional District Fire Service 1.46% 234,077

Regional District 911 Service 1.24% 200,000

Out of School Care 0.12% 18,500

Regional District Sub Regional Recreation 2.74% 440,851

Regional Water Shed 0.25% 40,000

Planning Grants - BC Hydro 0.00% -

Other ** 1.09% 175,316

Government Transfers 100.00% $ 16,064,555

* B - Budget A - Actual
** Other - Includes Misc Provincial Grants, Arterial Street Lighting, Northern Development Initiative Trust, Other, Sustainability

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The City of Dawson Creek

C9 - Government Transfers Comparatives to 2016 Budget
Updated on January 30, 2017 by SW

% Increase 2017 B 2016 B

Traffic Fine Revenue 1.00% $ 195,125 $ 193,193

Small Communities Grant 1.00% 322,964 319,766

Community Works Gas Tax 0.00% 541,125 541,125

Peace River Agreement (Fair Share) -7.19% 13,896,597 14,972,804

Regional District Fire Service 17.42% 234,077 199,356

Regional District 911 Service -15.97% 200,000 238,000

Out of School Care -10.65% 18,500 20,706

Regional District Sub Regional Recreation 4.87% 440,851 420,390

Regional Watershed 0.00% 40,000 40,000

Other ** 1.00% 175,316 173,580

Government Transfers -6.16% $ 16,064,555 $ 17,118,920

* B - Budget A - Actual
** Other - Includes Misc Provincial Grants, Arterial Street Lighting, Northern Development Initiative Trust, Other, Sustainability

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The City of Dawson Creek

C10 Government Transfers Comparatives to 2016 Actual
Updated on January 30, 2017 by SW

% Increase 2017 B 2016 A

Traffic Fine Revenue 2.70% $ 195,125 $ 190,001

Small Communities Grant -4.48% 322,964 338,097

Community Works Gas Tax 0.00% 541,125 541,125

Peace River Agreement (Fair Share) -7.19% 13,896,597 14,972,804

Regional District Fire Service 15.39% 234,077 202,856

Regional District 911 Service -14.12% 200,000 232,871

Out of School Care 4.99% 18,500 17,621

Regional District Sub Regional Recreation 4.87% 440,851 420,390

Regional Water Shed 0.00% 40,000 40,000

Other ** -55.02% 175,316 389,751

Government Transfers -7.38% $ 16,064,555 $ 17,345,516

* B - Budget A - Actual
** Other - Includes Misc Provincial Grants, Arterial Street Lighting, Northern Development Initiative Trust, Other, Sustainability, EMBC Flood Reimbursement

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Long-term Development Plan for the Local Government of: The Corporation of the City of Dawson Creek

Date Adopted by the Local Gov: Revised (January 31, 2017) TBA

For Calendar Years 2017 to 2020 (E.G. 2016-20; 2021-25; 2026-30; & 2031-35)

0 2017 2018 2019 2020 TOTAL

General Government and Development
Total - - - - - -
Transportation and Transit
Planning - - - - -
Operations and Maintenance 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,112,000 8,112,000
Capital 5,584,672 7,985,459 8,168,807 8,468,807 30,207,745
Total 7,584,672 9,985,459 10,168,807 10,580,807 38,319,745
Total - - - - -
Total - - - - -
Solid Waste Management & Recycling
Total - - - - -
Protective Services
Planning -
Operations and Maintenance 3,558,639 3,600,000 3,600,000 3,600,000 14,358,639
Capital - -
Total 3,558,639 3,600,000 3,600,000 3,600,000 14,358,639
Parks, Recreation, and Culture
Planning - - - - -
Operations and Maintenance -
Capital 2,753,286 414,541 231,193 99,193 3,498,213
Total 2,753,286 414,541 231,193 99,193 3,498,213
Planning -
Operations and Maintenance -
Capital -
Total - - - - -

Operations and Maintenance 5,558,639 5,600,000 5,600,000 5,712,000 22,470,639
Capital 8,337,958 8,400,000 8,400,000 8,568,000 33,705,958
Total 13,896,597 14,000,000 14,000,000 14,280,000 56,176,597
Operations/Capital % Split 40/60 40/60 40/60 40/60 40/60

I hereby certify that this Long-term Development Plan (Plan) is a materially reasonable estimate of expected planning, operating, and capital expenditures over the five-year
term specified in this Plan, and is presented in accordance with the requirements of the Peace River Agreement .

Financial Officer of the Local Government as defined under Section 149 of the Community Charter or 237 of the Local Government Act

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APPENDIX D Operating Expenditures

D1 - 2017 Operating Expenditures .......................................................................................... 80

D2 - Operating Expenditures 2016 Budget Comparatives ..................................................... 81

D3 - Operating Expenditures 2016 Actual Comparatives ...................................................... 82

D4 - Service Costs Paid by Fees and Charges ............................................................................ 83

D5 - Service Costs Paid by Government Transfers.................................................................... 84

D6 - Community Grants and Fee For Service ............................................................................ 85

D7 - Consulting .......................................................................................................................... 86

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The City of Dawson Creek

D1 - 2017 Operating Expenditures
Updated on January 22, 2017 by SW

Total Operating Expenditures $ 39,576,778

General Government Services 10.80% 4,274,743

Protective Services 21.85% 8,645,715
Transportation Services 16.57% 6,557,725
Environmental Waste Services 2.03% 801,486
Public Health and Welfare Services 0.31% 122,122
Environmental Development Services 3.58% 1,417,061
Recreational and Cultural Services 21.87% 8,653,645
Debt Services 10.94% 4,329,676
Water Services 8.27% 3,273,825
Sewer Services 3.79% 1,500,780
Total Operating Expenditures 100.00% $ 39,576,778

Table highlights components of operating expenditures by division

2017 Budgeted Expenditures

General Government Services Protective Services Transportation Services Environmental Waste Services
Public Health and Welfare Services Environmental Development Services Recreational and Cultural Services Debt Services
Water Services Sewer Services






0% 2%

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The City of Dawson Creek

D2 - Operating Expenditures 2016 Budget Comparatives
Updated on January 22, 2017 by Celma Schribar

2017 B 2016 B

Total Operating Expenditures % Change $ Change $ 39,576,778 $ 38,287,869

General Government Services 7.42% 295,161 4,274,743 3,979,582

Protective Services 5.27% 433,055 8,645,715 8,212,660

Transportation Services 3.27% 207,647 6,557,725 6,350,078

Environmental Waste Services 16.48% 113,381 801,486 688,105

Public Health and Welfare Services -1.65% (2,055) 122,122 124,177

Environmental Development Services -22.96% (422,361) 1,417,061 1,839,422

Recreational and Cultural Services 1.75% 148,438 8,653,645 8,505,207

Debt Services -1.74% (76,644) 4,329,676 4,406,320

Water Services 12.07% 352,516 3,273,825 2,921,309

Sewer Services 19.01% 239,771 1,500,780 1,261,009

Total Operating Expenditures 3.37% $ 1,288,909 $ 39,576,778 $ 38,287,869

Table Compares Budget to Budget

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The City of Dawson Creek

D3 Operating Expenditures 2016 Actual Comparatives
Updated on January 22, 2017 by SW

2017 B 2016 A

Total Operating Expenditures % Change $ Change $ 39,576,778 $ 36,423,389

General Government Services 17.18% 626,762 4,274,743 3,647,981

Protective Services 10.43% 816,689 8,645,715 7,829,026

Transportation Services 0.72% 46,990 6,557,725 6,510,735

Environmental Waste Services -1.17% (9,507) 801,486 810,993

Public Health and Welfare Services 6.51% 7,469 122,122 114,653

Environmental Development Services 4.44% 60,295 1,417,061 1,356,766

Recreational and Cultural Services 3.87% 322,266 8,653,645 8,331,379

Debt Services -1.42% (62,328) 4,329,676 4,392,004

Water Services 44.19% 1,003,409 3,273,825 2,270,416

Sewer Services 29.44% 341,344 1,500,780 1,159,436

Total Operating Expenditures 8.66% $ 3,153,389 $ 39,576,778 $ 36,423,389

Table Compares Budget to Actual

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The City of Dawson Creek

D4 - 2017 Service Cost Paid by Fees and Charges
Updated on January 22, 2017 by SW

% of Service Paid
by Fees and
Charges Fees and Charges Service Cost
Policing 5.62% $ 263,408 4,689,884

Fire Department 0.76% 25,000 3,273,552

Building Inspection / Bylaw Enforcement / Parking/Dog Control 95.68% 496,826 519,280

BC Transit 17.82% 141,229 792,654

Air Transportation 37.67% 450,861 1,196,938

Waste pickup 86.40% 692,500 801,486

Cemetery Service 41.35% 50,500 122,122

Land Development Fees 2.46% 7,000 284,356

Climbing Wall 36.36% 20,000 55,000

Aquatic Centre 28.67% 517,521 1,805,384

Recreation Programs 133.28% 72,333 54,272

Out of School Care 81.92% 106,500 130,000

Kin Arena 39.35% 176,896 449,548

Memorial Arena 34.94% 277,190 793,427

Water Utility 152.57% 4,994,746 3,273,825

Sewer Utility 276.79% 4,154,000 1,500,779

Service Cost Paid by Fees and Charges 63.04% $ 12,446,510 $ 19,742,507

Table highlights area of service paid for by Fees and Charges

^programming only
*no cost centre for ball diamonds and soccer fields - fees of $12,000 excluded from table

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The City of Dawson Creek

D5 - 2017 Service Cost Paid by Government Transfers
Updated on January 22, 2017 by SW

% of Service Paid Government

by Govt Trfers Transfers Service Cost
Administration - Small Communities Grant 7.56% $ 322,964 $ 4,274,743

Economic Development 9.31% 80,356 862,778

Policing - Traffic Fine Revenue 4.16% 195,125 4,689,884

Fire Department - Cost sharing with PRRD 7.15% 234,077 3,273,552

Aquatic Centre - Sub Regional Recreation PRRD 14.46% 261,093 1,805,384

Out of School Care - Child Care Grant 14.23% 18,500 130,000

Kin Arena - Sub Regional Recreation PRRD 14.46% 65,013 449,548

Memorial Arena - Sub Regional Recreation PRRD 14.46% 114,745 793,427

Service Cost Paid by Government Transfers 7.94% $ 1,291,873 $ 16,279,316

Table highlights area of service paid for by government transfers excluding Peace River Agreement (Fair Share)

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The City of Dawson Creek

2017 Budget Working Paper
D6 - Community Grants and FFS
Updated on January 22, 2017 by SW

Department Name: Community Service Grants and Fee For Service 2017 Budget 2016 Budget
Total Department Budget $ 1,002,161 $ 978,680

Dollar Increase 23,481 (1,768)

Percentage Increase

1-0810-0000-6622 Miscellaneous Grants Various 25,000 50,000

1-0810-0001-6622 South Peace Arts Council FFS Special events and promotions Service 15,300 15,300

1-0830-0000-6622 South Peace Art Gallery FFS Operation of Community Art Gallery Service 21,012 21,012

FFS Promotion of the City of DC locally, provincially,

1-0845-0000-6622 Kiwanis Band nationally Service 5,100 5,100

1-0831-0000-6622 Mile O Park Society Operation of Pioneer Village, City Campsite, Rotary Lake Service 69,340 72,805

1-0811-0000-6622 Beautification Committee FFS Beautification of City Parks and Boulevards Service - -

1-0837-0000-6622 Kiwanis Performing Arts Centre FFS Promotion of the Performing Arts Service - -

1-0846-0000-6622 South Peace Historical Society FFS Protection and safeguarding of community archives Service 100,000 6,000

235,752 170,217

1-1070-0000-6622 DC Exhibition Association Included in Exhibition Grounds Event 5,000 25,200

1-0855-0000-6622 DC Stables & Arenas Included in Lakota Centre Service - 10,200

1-0213-0000-6205 South Peace Community Resource Society Included in protective services Service 34,914 34,568

1-0360-2601-6622 Step Up and Ride Included in Transit service Service 25,500 25,500

1-0251-0000-6205 SPCA FFS Included in regulatory services Service 140,000 140,000

1-1080-0000-6622 DC Public Library Included in Recreation Service 58,000 59,000

1-0730-4071-6622 Mile O Cruisers Included in economic development Event 10,200 10,200

1-0730-1065-6622 Kiwanis - Trade Fair FFS Included in economic development Event 7,000 7,000
Included in economic development (annual
1-0730-1055-6205 Alaska Highway Community Funding contribution) Service - 10,000 *

1-0740-0000-6205 Tourism DC FFS Included in economic development Service 367,824 368,824

Included in economic development -part of Contract
from 1-0730-0000-6205 31,000 31,000

1-0750-0000-6205 Visitor Centre FFS Included in economic development Service 86,971 86,971

766,409 808,463

$ 1,002,161 $ 978,680

* Removed March 7, 2016 Council Meeting

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City of Dawson Creek

D7 - Consulting
Updated on January 22, 2017 by SW

Consulting Account Description Note 2017B 2016B

General Government 1-0101-0000-6225 Leg - Consulting N1 10,000 50,000

1-0101-1041-6225 Leg - Intergovernmental relations - Consulting N2 10,000 60,000
1-0130-0000-6205 Admin - Contracts (consulting included) 25,000 65,000
1-0140-0000-6225 Finance - Consulting N3 40,000 40,000

Protective Services 1-0220-0000-6225 Fire Dept - Consulting N4 - 20,000

1-0253-0000-6225 Safety - Consulting Services N5 - -

Environmental Development 1-0710-0000-6225 Env Plan/Zoning - Consulting Services N6 70,000 250,000

1-0730-0000-6225 Economic Development consulting N7 25,250 25,000

Recreational and Cultural Services 1-0850-0000-6225 Multiplex - Consulting services 2,500

1-1000-0000-6225 Parks and Recreation- - Consulting N8 5,050 5,000
1-1060-0000-6225 Mem Arena - Consulting N8 10,300 90,000

Transportation Services 1-0310-0000-6225 Com Serv - Consultant Serv. N9 40,000 195,000

Air Transport 1-0400-0000-6225 Air Tnspt - Consulting -

Water Services 2-1201-0000-6225 Wat Admin - Consultant Serv. N10 50,000 117,000

2-1204-1600-6225 Scada - Computers - Consultants N11 10,000 10,000

2-1204-6010-6225 Scada - Radio - Consultants N12 5,000 5,000
2-1205-1500-6225 Watersales - Bldgs - Consulting N13 5,228 5,228
2-1206-0000-6225 Watershed - - Consultants N14 15,000 15,000
2-1207-0000-6225 Weir - - Consultants N15 89,500 70,000
2-1241-1500-6225 WTP - Buildings - Consultants N16 5,000 5,000

Sewer Services 3-1400-0000-6225 Sewage Op - Consulting N17 35,000 35,000

3-1404-1600-6225 Scada - Computers - Consultant Services N18 2,500 2,500
Consulting Total 452,828 $ 1,067,228

N1: Fiscal Gap Workplan To be determined - 50,000

No allocation No allocation 10,000

N2 Provincial Government Lobbying Ascent - 60,000

Compensation Review Dave Mitchell - 5,000
Spectra Venue Management Contract Review Huggett & Associates - 15,000
Records Management Review To be determined 25,000 25,000
Renegotiation of Labour Contracts Support To be determined - 20,000
No allocation No allocation 10,000 -

N3 Asset Management To be determined 20,000 20,000

Insurance valuation Suncorp Valuation - 20,000
Benefit Review To be determined 20,000 -

N4 Fire Station Feasibility Study -

Fire Station Phase 2 from Needs Assessment - 20,000

N5 Occupational Health & Safety, WCB Regulations McMullen & Associates - training updates - -

N6 Industrial Lands Planning Workshop Urban Systems Ltd. -

Development Assistance To be determined - 50,000
Road condition assessment To be determined - -
Official Community Plan Review To be determined 70,000 200,000
Long term Economic Development Plan To be determined 25,250 25,000

N7 BC Safety Authority costs/Liquor Control Regulations Regulatory asssistance - 2,500

N8 Other As needed 5,050 5,000

Memorial Arena/Kin Arena needs assessment Brian Johnston - PERC 10,300 90,000

N9 Planning Assistance Urban Systems Ltd. - 45,000

Storm Water Management Plan To be determined 40,000 150,000

N10 Wat Admin - Consultant Serv. Urban Systems Ltd. 50,000 117,000

N101 Scada - Computers - Consultants IITS/ICI 10,000 10,000

N12 Scada - Radio - Consultants IITS/ICI 5,000 5,000

N13 Watersales - Bldgs - Consulting IITS/ ICI 5,228 5,228

N14 Watershed - - Consultants Urban Systems Ltd. 15,000 15,000

N15 Various projects various consultants 89,500 70,000

Release trial N4 Consulting
BH Fish Passage Terra Tech
Assessment video Urban Systems Ltd
vegetation survey Kerr Wood Leidal
water balance study ICI Electrical

N16 WTP - Buildings - Consultants Urban Systems Ltd. 5,000 5,000

N17 Sewer Development Cost Charge Project Urban Systems Ltd. 35,000 35,000
Kerr Woold Leidal
Nelson Environmental

N18 Scada - Computers - Consultant Services IITS/ICI - Scada Support 2,500 2,500

$ 452,828 $ 1,067,228

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APPENDIX E Debt Summary

E1 - 2017 Debt Summary .......................................................................................................... 88

E2 - 2017 Municipal Security Issuing Continuity Schedule ....................................................... 89

E3 - 2017 Debt Payments Trend Graph .................................................................................... 90

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The City of Dawson Creek

E1 - Debt Summary
December 31, 2017 Current Rates (January 19, 2017)
Variable 1.44%
The City has used 35.51% of it's borrowing capacity at December 31, 2016. 10 year 2.85%
20 year 3.55%

Debenture Debt, Leasing Debt and Short Term Capital Debt

Debt outstanding at December 31, 2017 $ 30,422,914 (projected)

Debt outstanding at December 31, 2016 33,616,378 (per MFA position report)

Debt outstanding at December 31, 2015 36,832,820

Debt outstanding at December 31, 2014 30,621,453

Debt outstanding at December 31, 2013 29,260,707

Debt outstanding at December 31, 2012 29,058,370

Average interest on 2015 Debt Outstanding 4.40%

Residential Business
Debt Servicing Costs Amount General Water Sewer General Fund Tax RateGeneral Fund Tax Rate

2017 Budgeted Debt Servicing Costs 4,282,607 2,539,380 1,195,290 547,937 $ 0.81 $ 2.62
10.88% of proposed operating budget

2016 Budgeted Debt Servicing Costs 4,406,320 2,640,890 1,217,493 547,937 $ 0.79 $ 2.57
11.49% of proposed operating budget
2015 Budgeted Debt Servicing Costs 4,171,560 2,629,214 1,228,280 314,066 $ 0.83 $ 2.71
11.14% of proposed operating budget
2014 Budgeted Debt Servicing Costs 3,881,322 2,498,747 1,063,417 319,158 $ 0.79 $ 2.57
10.97% of proposed operating budget

g g
Residential Business
2017 Proposed New Borrowings Amount Principal Interest Total Payment Tax rate Tax rate


- - - - $ - $ -

** Tax rate equivalent (general fund debt servicing only)

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City of Dawson Creek

E2 - Security Issuing Continuity
December 31, 2016
Updated: January 19, 2017

Municipality L/A By-Law Temporary Purpose FP Bylaw Amount of Amount Borrowing Term of Amount of Debt
Number Borrowing borrowing Already Authority Issue Issue Servicing Add
Bylaw Number authorized borrowed Remaining On

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8
DC - 2009 Final Failed Referendum Failed 3,993,200 - - - - -
DC - 2010 Final No proposed borrowing - - - - - -
DC - 2011
DC 4080 Calvin Kruk Centre for the Arts 4,000,000 4,000,000 20 years 4,000,000 250,327
DC 4107 Asphalt/Overlay/gutter/sidewalk - LAS 2,630,000 114,395 10 years 81,007 9,096
DC 4108 Capital Improvements - Roadwork - LAS 804,005 10 years 804,005 90,282
DC 4109 Capital Improvements - Roadwork 1,711,600 10 years 1,505,256 169,027
(Fall 2013 SI 126) 4121 4128 Truck Filling Station* 1,000,000 1,000,000 10 years 535,496 65,218
DC 2011 Final 7,630,000 7,630,000 6,925,764 583,950
DC - 2012
(Spring 2013 SI 124) 4140 4148 Capital Improvements - various 2,925,000 2,925,000 - 2,925,000 10 years 2,700,000 309,936
DC 4141 Failed Road reconstruction** 481,632 - - - 10 years -
DC 4142 Failed Capital Improvement - Roadwork** 518,368 - - - 10 years -
DC 2012 Final 3,925,000 2,925,000 0 2,925,000 2,700,000 309,936
(Fall 2014 SI130) 4166 4167 2013 Capital Improvements - Roadwork ( 2,790,000 2,790,000 10 years 2,790,000 371,882
Road, sidewalk & storm)
(Fall 2014 SI130) 4168 4169 2013 Capital Improvements - Waterworks (Loran 3,500,000 3,500,000 10 years 3,500,000 466,518
Treated Water Reservoir)
4170 4171 2013 Capital Improvements - Sewerworks (Trunkline)** 5,000,000 - 20 years
Adjustment CF - 5,000,000 20 years
DC 2013 Final 6,290,000 6,290,000 - - - 6,290,000 838,400
DC 4211 4231 2014 Capital Improvements - LAS Project 14-01 21,697 21,697 10 years 2,892
DC 4212 4232 2014 Capital Improvements - LAS Project 14-02 64,193 64,193 10 years 8,556
DC 4213 4233 2014 Capital Improvements - LAS Project 14-03 271,110 271,110 10 years 36,137
(Spring 2015 SI131) 4215 4234 2014 Capital Improvements - Roadwork (Road, 1,900,000 1,900,000 10 years 1,382,000 148,208
sidewalk & storm)

(Spring 2015 SI131) 4216 4235 2014 Capital Improvements - Sidewalks 450,000 450,000 10 years 450,000 48,259
(Fall 2015 SI133) 4199 4200 2013 Capital Improvements CF - Sewerworks (Trunkline)** 8,000,000 8,000,000 20 years 7,000,000 440,028
DC 2014 Final 10,707,000 10,707,000 - - - 8,832,000 684,080
(Spring 2017) 4264 4265 2015 LAS 15-01- 104 Ave (8th - 13th Street) 266,796 266,796 10 years 176,043 20,638
DC 2015 Final 266,796 266,796 - - - 176,043 20,638
4316 4334 2016 LAS 16-02 (15th Street, 108th 111th Ave) 63,122 63,122 10 years
DC 2016 Final 63,122 63,122 - - - - -

Accumulated Total
32,875,118 27,881,918 24,923,807 2,437,004
amount of Issues

* Project not complete

**LAS Project not approved

Total SI borrowing over 8 years $ 24,923,807

Total FP borrowing over 8 years $ 32,875,118

Average $ 3,115,476

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01/31/2017 Page 90 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

E3 Debt Expenses - Trend Graph
December 31, 2017

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017B
Interest Expenditures 1,459,269.52 1,292,952.79 1,441,158.17 1,905,748.86 1,880,068.49 1,738,903.02 1,660,969.14 1,692,199.91 1,708,655 1,707,520 1,739,373.00 1,770,086.00 1,732,475.00
Principal Payments 1,256,281.64 1,289,490.70 2,532,739.11 1,877,470.68 2,600,098.74 2,291,975.10 2,242,602.99 2,246,560.09 2,276,999 1,752,308 2,276,208.00 2,573,050.00 2,544,072.00
2,715,551.16 2,582,443.49 3,973,897.28 3,783,219.54 4,480,167.23 4,030,878.12 3,903,572.13 3,938,760.00 3,985,653.89 3,459,828.03 4,015,581.00 4,343,136.00 4,276,547.00

Debt Expenses (2005-2017)






2,500,000.00 Principal Payments

Interest Expenditures




2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017B

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APPENDIX F Financial Reports

F1 2017 Operating Expense by Service Report ......................................................................92-138

F2 2017 Operating Expense by Function Report .................................................................139-186

F3 2016 Working Trial Balance Report ................................................................................187-230

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01/31/2017 Page 92 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0100-0000-1110 Petty cash and floats - VSM 76,514.50 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1111 Petty cash and floats 2,320.00 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1116 Bank - payroll 10,039.22 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1118 Bank - MFA term deposit 58.30 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1121 Bank - Chequing account 5,575,965.87 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1124 Bank - Venue Spectrum Management 1,186,642.88 0 0.00%
1-0360-0000-1132 Bank - BC transit deposits 0.91 0 0.00%
1-0450-0000-1132 Bank - Aviation fuel deposits 4.98 0 0.00%
General 6,851,546.66 0 0 0 0.00%

4-1500-0000-1132 GC - Bank - Reserve Funds 7,413,000.21 0 0.00%

5-1600-0000-1132 WC - Bank - Reserve Funds 8,217,006.20 0 0.00%
5-1600-0000-1135 WC - Bank - DCC Reserve Funds 710,668.09 0 0.00%
6-1700-0000-1132 SC - Bank - Reserve Funds 4,785,365.29 0 0.00%
6-1700-0000-1135 SC - Bank - DCC Reserve Bank 63,350.84 0 0.00%
Capital Reserves 21,189,390.63 0 0 0 0.00%

7-1805-0000-1132 Land Sale Reserve - Bank 257,244.88 0 0.00%

7-1810-0000-1132 Off Street Parking - Bank 14,126.56 0 0.00%
7-1817-0000-1132 Parkland Reserve - Bank 9,416.18 0 0.00%
7-1820-0000-1132 Tax Sale Land Reserve - Bank 74,494.08 0 0.00%
9-1880-0000-1132 Equipment Pool Reserve - Bank 499,512.82 0 0.00%
Statutory Reserves 854,794.52 0 0 0 0.00%

8-1835-0000-1136 BCR - Bank 105,494.88 0 0.00%

8-1840-0000-1138 CCR - Bank 183,250.51 0 0.00%
Cemetery Reserves 288,745.39 0 0 0 0.00%

CASH AND BANK 29,184,477.20 0 0 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-1212 Receivables 135,171.88 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-1213 Allowance for doubtful accounts 3,693.98 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1224 Receivables - Parks and Recreation 56,401.19 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1226 Yearend receivables 1,119,397.91 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1229 Yearend receivables - Venue Spectrum Management 279,138.05 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1232 Computer purchase receivables 7,521.09 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1246 Direct deposit advances receivable 1,198.00 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1281 Taxes receivable - current 1,455,319.53 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1282 Taxes receivable - tax sale property 69,388.16 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1283 Taxes receivable - Homowner Grants 10,252.91 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1285 Taxes receivable - arrears 800,432.00 0 0.00%
1-0100-1300-1293 Utility Clearing Receivables 299.62 0 0.00%
1-0100-1300-1299 P&R - Online Clearing Account 775.00 0 0.00%
1-0100-1900-1236 Custom Receivables 5,287.50 0 0.00%
2-1200-0000-1292 Receivables - water utiltiy 1,272,162.73 0 0.00%
4-1500-0000-1212 GC - Receivables 70,932.39 0 0.00%
5-1600-0000-1212 WC - Receivables 463,667.00 0 0.00%
RECEIVABLES 5,751,038.94 0 0 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-1405 Property subject to redemption 69,388.16 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-1410 Property not subject to redemption 227,322.90 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1415 Allowance for property acquired for taxes -296,711.06 0 0.00%
7-1805-0000-1410 Reserve Land - Property Not for Sale 781,769.55 0 0.00%
7-1805-0000-1415 Reserve Land Sale - Allowance -781,769.55 0 0.00%
7-1805-0000-1420 LSR - Unsold land 15,800.00 0 0.00%
7-1805-0000-1425 LSR - Allowance for unsold land -15,800.00 0 0.00%

4-1500-0000-1505 GC - MFA Reserve Deposits 1,346,404.91 0 0.00%

5-1600-0000-1505 WC - MFA Reserve Deposits 845,761.09 0 0.00%
6-1700-0000-1505 SC - MFA Reserve Deposits 291,655.74 0 0.00%
MFA DEPOSITS AND DEMAND NOTES 2,483,821.74 0 0 0 0.00%

4-1500-0000-2105 GC - Temporary borrowing -173,225.68 0 0.00%

TEMPORARY BORROWING -173,225.68 0 0 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-2212 Payables and Accruals -1,689,452.04 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-2213 Yearend payables - Venue Spectrum Management -455,796.54 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2214 Yearend payables -2,125,491.46 0 0.00%

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01/31/2017 Page 93 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0100-0000-2217 Business License deposits payable -140.63 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2222 Bid bonds and deposits payable -1,525,230.69 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2223 Covenant refunds payable -61,420.00 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2236 Gen Govt - Class Rental Deposit Holding -50.00 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2239 Flex time payable -20,897.04 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2240 Vacation pay accrual - part time -764.59 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2241 Vacation pay accrual - full time -481,991.44 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2242 Sick Accrual -1,500,823.67 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2251 Income tax dedn payable -126,947.59 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2252 EI dedn payable -12,311.72 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2253 CPP dedn payable -30,720.56 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2254 Group life dedn payable -15,938.19 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2255 Municipal pension dedn payable -107,368.41 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2256 Union dues payable -3,100.67 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2257 CSB dedn payable -1,053.36 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2258 RSP dedn payable -3,145.36 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2259 MSP dedn payable -3,926.45 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2260 Dental dedn payable -3,971.69 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2261 EHB dedn payable -4,319.84 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2262 WCB payable -51,262.72 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2265 Payroll clearing payable -150,581.42 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2268 Banked overtime payable -191,369.02 0 0.00%
2-1200-0000-2228 Water utility meter deposits payable -9,364.22 0 0.00%
2-1200-0000-2229 Water utility TRT deposits payable -3,950.00 0 0.00%
4-1500-0000-2212 GC - Payables -338,092.30 0 0.00%
6-1700-0000-2212 SC - Payables -128,577.39 0 0.00%
5-1600-0000-2212 WC - Payables -342,789.03 0 0.00%
PAYABLES AND ACCRUALS -9,390,848.04 0 0 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-2215 Accrued interest payable -285,867.46 0 0.00%

ACCRUED INTEREST ON LONG TERM DEBT -285,867.46 0 0 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-2270 Due from general capital fund 2,153,643.05 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-2271 Due from water utility fund 446,277.15 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2272 Due from water capital fund -144,972.17 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2273 Due from sewer utility fund -304,757.04 0 0.00%
2-1200-0000-2274 WU - Due from general revenue fund -446,277.15 0 0.00%
3-1400-0000-2275 SU - Due from general revenue fund 304,757.04 0 0.00%
4-1500-0000-2276 GC - Due from general revenue fund -2,153,643.05 0 0.00%
5-1600-0000-2275 WC - Due from general revenue fund 144,972.17 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-2310 Deferred revenue -37,313.12 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-2311 Deferred revenue - GS -953,794.17 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2238 Class Unearned Revenue -2,477.18 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2312 Deferred Revenue/Class -30,888.64 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2320 Business licence deferred revenue -41,067.50 0 0.00%
1-0812-0000-2310 Kindness Meters - Deferred Revenue -5,402.22 0 0.00%
2-1200-0000-2310 WO - WS - - Deferred Revenue -192,610.33 0 0.00%
3-1400-0000-2310 SO - SS - Deferred Revenue -42.00 0 0.00%
5-1600-0000-2310 WC - Deferred Revenue -710,668.08 0 0.00%
6-1700-0000-2310 SC - Deferred Revenue -63,350.84 0 0.00%

DEFERRED REVENUE -2,037,614.08 0 0 0 0.00%

4-1500-0000-2410 GC - Cash Deposit Liability -319,431.17 0 0.00%

4-1500-0000-2420 GC - Demand note -1,026,973.74 0 0.00%
5-1600-0000-2410 WC - Cash Deposit Liability -259,263.29 0 0.00%
5-1600-0000-2420 WC - Demand note -586,497.80 0 0.00%
6-1700-0000-2410 SC - Cash Deposit Liability -90,173.37 0 0.00%
6-1700-0000-2420 SC - Demand note -201,482.37 0 0.00%
MFA DEBT RESERVE -2,483,821.74 0 0 0 0.00%

4-1500-0000-2510 GC - Debnture debt - MFA -19,498,586.05 0 0.00%

5-1600-0000-2510 WC - Debenture debt - MFA -8,951,604.24 0 0.00%
6-1700-0000-2510 SC - Debenture debt - MFA -7,736,238.27 0 0.00%
LONG TERM DEBT -36,186,428.56 0 0 0 0.00%

6-1700-0000-2520 SC - Long Term Capital Obligation -8,981,285.00 0 0.00%

-8,981,285.00 0 0 0 0.00%

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01/31/2017 Page 94 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
NET FINANCIAL ASSETS -22,119,752.68 0 0 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-1310 Prepaid expense 175,463.10 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-1320 Prepaid expense - Venue Spectrum Management -8,998.95 0 0.00%
PREPAID EXPENSES 166,464.15 0 0 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-3105 Inventory - stationery 17,221.34 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-3110 Inventory - flags 20,707.10 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3115 Inventory - lapel pins 28,031.69 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3120 Inventory - stores 6,171.69 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3121 Inventory - garbage carts 9,982.98 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3122 Inventory - signs 39,624.61 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3125 Inventory - tools 7,631.23 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3130 Inventory - automotive 30,366.46 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3132 Inventory - aviation fuel 21,874.99 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3135 Inventory - Natural Gasoline -11,235.33 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3140 Inventory - diesel 23,345.45 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3150 Inventory - sand 64,782.92 0 0.00%
2-1200-0000-3120 WU - inventory 118,891.88 0 0.00%
3-1400-0000-3120 SU - inventory 2,917.37 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3160 Inventory-Airport de-icers 7,000.00 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3165 Inventory-Airport Wafers and Spac 19,715.00 0 0.00%

INVENTORIES 407,029.38 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3201 General Government 34,257.66 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3201 Transportation 12,000.00 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3201 Water Services 315,241.90 0 0.00%
Total Vacant Land 361,499.56 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3202 General Government 128,378.56 0 0.00%

4-0400-0000-3202 Airport 4,819.56 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3202 Recreation 89,976.08 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3202 Water Services 90,369.24 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3202 Sewer Services 1.00 0 0.00%
Total Building Sites 313,544.44 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0800-0000-3208 Recreation 5,195,064.93 0 0.00%

Total Parkland 5,195,064.93 0 0 0 0.00%

5-1200-0000-3210 Water Services 148,885.03 0 0.00%

6-1400-0000-3210 Sewer Services 7,500.00 0 0.00%
Total Reservoir & Lagoon Sites 156,385.03 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3203 Transportation 90,433.05 0 0.00%

Total Parking Lots 90,433.05 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0600-0000-3204 Cemeteries 2.00 0 0.00%

Total Reserved Land 2.00 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3205 Transportation 500.00 0 0.00%

Total Right of Ways 500.00 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3206 Transportation 11,914.62 0 0.00%

Total Land Under Roads 11,914.62 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3214 General Government 446,025.80 0 0.00%

4-0210-0000-3214 Policing 17,826.37 0 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3214 Fire Department 46,057.07 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3214 Transportation 684,065.54 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3214 Airport 173,005.07 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3214 Recreation 1,738,890.46 0 0.00%
Total Parking Lot Improvements 3,105,870.31 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3212 Transportation 24,814.90 0 0.00%

4-0400-0000-3212 Airport 397,597.18 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3212 Recreation 56,665.77 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3212 Sewer Services 55,000.00 0 0.00%
Total Fencing 534,077.85 0 0 0 0.00%

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01/31/2017 Page 95 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2

4-0220-0000-3213 Fire Department 103,804.48 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3213 Transportation 52,902.41 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3213 Airport 146,931.19 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3213 Recreation 2,578,222.20 0 0.00%
Total Landscaping 2,881,860.28 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3914 General Government - AD -72,155.33 0 0.00%

4-0210-0000-3914 Policing - AD -2,673.96 0 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3914 Fire Department - AD -46,057.07 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3914 Transportation - AD -311,378.33 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3914 Airport - AD -99,613.72 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3914 Recreation - AD -906,375.20 0 0.00%
Total Parking Lot Accumulated Depreciation

4-0320-0000-3912 Transportation - AD -3,722.24 0 0.00%

4-0400-0000-3912 Airport - AD -269,737.18 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3912 Recreation - AD -36,832.77 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3912 Sewer Services - AD -8,250.00 0 0.00%
Total Fencing Accumulated Depreciation

4-0220-0000-3913 Fire Department - LI - Landscaping - AD -15,570.66 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3913 Transportation - AD -29,096.32 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3913 Airport - AD -12,978.81 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3913 Recreation - AD -1,490,969.63 0 0.00%

Total Land Improvements Accumulated Depreciation -3,305,411.22 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3221 General Government 531,876.95 0 0.00%

4-0210-0000-3221 Policing 2,063,366.14 0 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3221 Fire Department 2,082.13 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3221 Transportation 693,839.53 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3221 Airport 759,672.79 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3221 Recreation 54,830,520.18 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3221 Water Services 3,559,523.00 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3221 Sewer Services 20,634,619.39 0 0.00%
Total Building Base Structures 83,075,500.11 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3222 General Government 3,067,011.65 0 0.00%

4-0210-0000-3222 Policing 899,764.22 0 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3222 Fire Department 1,044,884.79 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3222 Transportation 691,372.88 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3222 Airport 763,632.02 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3222 Recreation 35,624,131.35 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3222 Water Services 7,929,228.08 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3222 Sewer Services 624,490.64 0 0.00%
Total Building Improvements 50,644,515.63 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3921 BS - General Government - AD -531,876.95 0 0.00%

4-0210-0000-3921 BS - Policing - AD -1,114,276.64 0 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3921 BS - Fire Department - AD -2,082.13 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3921 BS - Transportation - AD -203,173.22 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3921 BS - Airport - AD -265,281.76 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3921 BS - Recreation - AD -9,176,690.29 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3921 BS - Water Services - AD -688,664.84 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3921 BS - Sewer Services - AD -2,015,521.11 0 0.00%
4-0160-0000-3922 BI - General Government - AD -1,424,564.52 0 0.00%
4-0210-0000-3922 BI - Policing - AD -270,347.36 0 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3922 BI - Fire Department - AD -263,577.47 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3922 BI - Transportation - AD -657,659.26 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3922 BI - Airport - AD -420,118.77 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3922 BI - Recreation - AD -9,313,368.91 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3922 BI - Water Services - AD -4,561,052.15 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3922 BI - Sewer Services - AD -110,888.40 0 0.00%
Total Building Accumulated Depreciation -31,019,143.78 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3741 General Government Services 18,112.98 0 0.00%

4-0700-0000-3741 Development Services 105,585.48 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3741 Recreation Services 70,101.70 0 0.00%
Total Cars 193,800.16 0 0 0 0.00%

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01/31/2017 Page 96 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2

4-0220-0000-3742 Fire Department Services 195,084.38 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3742 Transportation Services 394,539.01 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3742 Airport Services 30,370.76 0 0.00%
4-0700-0000-3742 Development Services 17,928.93 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3742 Recreation Services 153,160.08 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3742 Water Services 131,517.36 0 0.00%
Total Pickup Trucks 922,600.52 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3743 Dump Trucks 668,429.60 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3744 Tractors 75,579.28 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3745 Utility Trucks 616,952.72 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3747 Street Cleaning Equipment 2,416,276.30 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3748 Loaders/Backhoes 799,890.30 0 0.00%
Total Road Maintenance Equipment 4,577,128.20 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0220-0000-3750 Fire Department Services 1,836,266.65 0 0.00%

Total Fire Trucks 1,836,266.65 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3752 General Government Services 723,246.45 0 0.00%

4-0220-0000-3751 Fire Department Services 324,850.70 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3752 Transportation Services 845,310.91 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3752 Airport Services 313,441.71 0 0.00%
4-0500-0000-3752 Waste Services 75,418.12 0 0.00%
4-0700-0000-3752 Development Services 38,687.58 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3752 Recreation Services 4,320,361.02 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3752 Water Services 905,796.97 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3752 Sewer Services 183,943.50 0 0.00%
Total Miscellaneous Equipment 7,731,056.96 0 0 0 0.00%

5-1200-0000-3755 Water Services 1,703,043.82 0 0.00%

Total Hydrants 1,703,043.82 0 0 0 0.00%

Total Equipment 16,963,896.31 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3941 Cars - Gen Govt - AD -12,937.85 0 0.00%

4-0700-0000-3941 Cars - Development Services - AD -102,233.01 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3941 Cars - Recreation - AD -70,101.70 0 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3942 Pickup Trucks - Fire Department - AD -188,938.83 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3942 Pickup Trucks - Transportation - AD -230,284.19 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3942 Pickup Trucks - Airport - AD -30,370.76 0 0.00%
4-0700-0000-3942 Pickup Trucks - Development Services - AD -17,928.93 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3942 Pickup Trucks - Recreation - AD -128,565.79 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3942 Pickup Trucks - Water Services - AD -85,966.44 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3943 Dump Trucks - Transportation - AD -499,036.41 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3944 Tractors - Transportation - AD -75,579.28 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3945 Utility Trucks - Transportation - AD -382,745.25 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3947 Street Cleaning - Transportation - AD -1,187,547.81 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3948 Loaders/Backhoes - Transportation - AD -639,863.79 0 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3950 Fire Trucks - AD -645,179.43 0 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3951 Fire Equipment - AD -115,883.76 0 0.00%
4-0160-0000-3952 Misc - GG - AD -537,283.66 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3952 Misc - Transporation - AD -597,828.15 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3952 Misc - Airport - AD -193,242.71 0 0.00%
4-0500-0000-3952 Misc - Waste Services - AD -22,625.43 0 0.00%
4-0700-0000-3952 Misc - Development Services - AD -7,737.52 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3952 Misc - Recreation - AD -2,923,750.02 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3952 Misc - Water Services - AD -708,806.78 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3952 Misc - Sewer Services - AD -146,113.28 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3955 Hydrants - WS - AD -545,439.31 0 0.00%
Equipment Accumulated Depreciation -10,095,990.09 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3801 Arterial 3,940,877.55 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3802 Industrial 5,274,045.85 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3803 Collector 8,376,675.22 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3804 Local 36,356,887.51 0 0.00%
Total Roads and Streets 53,948,486.13 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3805 Paths and Lanes 1,230,812.91 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3806 Bridges 232,067.47 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3807 Streetlights 1,679,573.66 0 0.00%

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01/31/2017 Page 97 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
4-0320-0000-3808 Traffic Lights 157,175.00 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3808 Traffic Lights - Airport 1,493,679.88 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3809 Sidewalks 5,920,290.01 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3810 Storm Drainage 7,866,980.57 0 0.00%
Total Other 18,580,579.50 0 0 0 0.00%
Total Transportation Infrastructure 72,529,065.63 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3901 Arterial - AD -3,084,786.92 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3902 Industrial - AD -3,385,342.95 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3903 Collector - AD -4,217,789.29 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3904 Local - AD -17,551,179.30 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3905 Paths and Lanes - AD -529,410.73 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3906 Bridges - AD -142,510.89 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3907 Streetlights - AD -608,323.98 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3908 Traffic Lights - AD -92,152.53 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3908 Traffic Lights Airport - AD -647,261.29 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3909 Sidewalks - AD -2,804,181.72 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3910 Storm Drainage - AD -1,875,495.85 0 0.00%
Total Transportation Infrastructure Accumulated Depr -34,938,435.45 0 0 0 0.00%

5-1200-0000-3861 Transmission Lines 10,602,659.16 0 0.00%

5-1200-0000-3862 Distribution Lines 14,092,273.53 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3863 Services 6,676,149.08 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3864 Reservoirs 3,760,524.70 0 0.00%
Water Utility Infrastructure 35,131,606.47 0 0 0 0.00%

6-1400-0000-3871 Collection Lines 8,906,143.84 0 0.00%

6-1400-0000-3872 Trunk Lines 8,319,506.32 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3874 Services 1,320,925.88 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3875 Miscellaneous 5,522,248.75 0 0.00%
Sewer Infrastructure 24,068,824.79 0 0 0 0.00%
Total Utility Infrastructure 59,200,431.26 0 0 0 0.00%

5-1200-0000-3961 Transmission Lines - AD -2,122,077.81 0 0.00%

5-1200-0000-3962 Distribution Lines - AD -4,524,163.01 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3963 Services - AD -1,443,890.20 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3964 Reservoirs - AD -1,294,726.56 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3971 Collection Lines - AD -3,190,415.96 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3972 Trunk Lines - AD -526,846.68 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3974 Services - AD -398,953.10 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3975 Misc - AD -2,286,785.97 0 0.00%
Total Utility Infrastructure Accumulated Depreciation -15,787,859.29 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3899 General Capital - GG 71,139.47 0 0.00%

4-0220-0000-3899 General Capital - FD 193,712.46 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3899 General Capital - TS 20,350.43 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3899 General Capital - RC 2,121,281.98 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3899 Water Capital - WS 430,046.08 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3899 Sewer Capital - SS 139,895.29 0 0.00%
Total Work In Progress 2,976,425.71 0 0 0 0.00%

Total Tangible Capital Assets 202,894,146.89 0 0 0 0.00%

NON FINANCIAL ASSETS 203,467,640.42 0 0 0 0.00%

NET MUNICIPAL POSITION 181,347,887.74 0 0 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-4111 GR - Fund balance 2,143,646.28 2,110,008 1,800,000 -310,008 85.31%

1-0100-0000-4113 GR - Working fund reserves 1,454,701.35 900,792 900,792 0 100.00%
1-0100-0000-4114 GR - Appropriated Reserves 553,909 545,389 -8,520 98.46%
2-0100-0000-4111 WU - Fund balance 677,191.23 677,191 1,500,000 822,809 221.50%
3-0100-0000-4111 SU - Fund balance 308,393.66 308,394 200,000 -108,394 64.85%
OPERATING FUNDS 4,583,932.52 4,550,294 4,946,181 395,887 108.70%

4-1500-0000-4210 GC - Capital Reserve 4,585,277.25 4,864,551 7,482,167 2,617,616 153.81%

5-1600-0000-4212 WC - Capital Reserve 8,111,603.88 8,455,070 8,217,006 -238,064 97.18%
6-1700-0000-4210 SC - Capital Reserve 5,255,254.09 5,278,906 4,785,365 -493,541 90.65%
CAPITAL FUNDS 17,952,135.22 18,598,527 20,484,538 1,886,011 110.14%

7-1805-0000-4320 LSR - Land Sale Reserve Fund 254,212.72 254,213 257,245 3,032 101.19%

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01/31/2017 Page 98 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
7-1810-0000-4330 OSP - Off Street Parking Reserve Fund 13,960.07 13,960 14,127 167 101.20%
7-1817-0000-4320 PKL - Parkland Reserve Fund 9,305.19 9,305 9,416 111 101.19%
7-1820-0000-4350 TSRF - Tax Sale Land Reserve Fund 73,616.02 73,616 74,494 878 101.19%
9-1880-0000-4310 EP - Equipment Pool Reserve Fund 699,904.54 699,905 499,458 -200,447 71.36%
RESERVE FUNDS 1,050,998.54 1,050,999 854,740 -196,259 81.33%

8-1835-0000-4410 BCR - Reserve Fund 102,405.50 0 0.00%

8-1840-0000-4410 CCR - Reserve Fund 181,527.01 0 0.00%
CEMETERY FUNDS 283,932.51 0 0 0 0.00%

4-1500-0000-4510 GC - Investment in capital assets 109,370,664.80 0 0.00%

5-1600-0000-4510 WC - investment in capital assets 25,423,188.67 0 0.00%
6-1700-0000-4510 SC - investment in capital assets 20,312,975.71 0 0.00%
INVESTMENT IN CAPITAL ASSETS 155,106,829.18 0 0 0 0.00%
OPENING SURPLUS 23,870,998.79 24,199,820 26,285,459 2,085,639 108.62%

ANNUAL SURPLUS 2,370,059.77 -24,199,820 -26,285,459 -2,085,639 108.62%

CLOSING SURPLUS 181,347,887.74 0 0 0 0.00%

1-0150-0000-5102 Tax - Municipal General 12,529,051.57 14,807,071 15,204,244 397,173 102.68%

1-0150-0000-5104 Tax - Municipal Debt 2,256,457.53 0 0.00%
1-0150-0000-5106 Tax - Flat Tax - Improved Property 1,336,200.00 1,330,200 1,343,400 13,200 100.99%
1-0150-0000-5108 Tax - Flat Tax - Vacant Land 25,800.00 25,500 24,700 -800 96.86%
1-0150-0000-5110 Tax - Chetwynd Industrial Sharing 155,412.00 155,412 143,280 -12,132 92.19%
1-0150-0000-5112 Tax - Local Area Service Projects 138,249.51 148,316 80,278 -68,038 54.13%
General Municipal Taxes 16,441,170.61 16,466,499 16,795,902 329,403 102.00%
Net Municipal Property Taxes 16,441,170.61 16,466,499 16,795,902 329,403 102.00%

1-0150-0000-5122 Tax - School - Residential 3,479,403.47 3,479,539 3,549,129 69,590 102.00%

1-0150-0000-5124 Tax - School - Non - Residential 2,940,797.08 3,008,757 3,068,933 60,176 102.00%
1-0150-0000-5126 Tax - Peace River Regional Hospital District 1,486,445.28 1,488,241 1,518,006 29,765 102.00%
1-0150-0000-5128 Tax - BC Assessment Authority 156,235.90 156,444 159,572 3,128 102.00%
1-0150-0000-5130 Tax - Peace River Regional District 1,798,743.55 1,801,039 1,837,059 36,020 102.00%
1-0150-0000-5132 Tax - Municipal Finance Authority 509.05 509 519 10 101.96%
1-0150-8100-6645 Tax - Transmission - PRRD -1,801,038.55 -1,801,039 -1,837,059 -36,020 102.00%
1-0150-8100-6648 Tax - Transmission - School - Res -3,479,403.47 -6,488,296 -6,618,062 -129,766 102.00%
1-0150-8100-6649 Tax - Transmission - School - Com -2,943,170.48 0 0.00%
1-0150-8100-6650 Tax - Transmission - PRHD -1,488,241.00 -1,488,241 -1,518,006 -29,765 102.00%
1-0150-8100-6651 Tax - Transmission - BCAA -156,385.69 -156,444 -159,572 -3,128 102.00%
1-0150-8100-6652 Tax - Transmission - MFA -509.53 -509 -519 -10 101.96%
Collections for Other Governments -6,614.39 0 0 0 0.00%

1-0150-0000-5202 Tax - Canada Post Properties 21,021.27 21,021 5,645 -15,377 26.85%
1-0150-0000-5204 Tax - Provincial Properties 118,417.49 117,798 109,897 -7,901 93.29%
1-0150-0000-5206 Tax - BC Housing Properties 43,618.00 39,611 33,568 -6,043 84.74%
1-0150-0000-5208 Tax - BC Rail Properties 5,644.75 5,645 8,521 2,876 150.95%
1-0150-0000-5210 Tax - BC Hydro - 1% Utiltiy tax 373,611.20 376,032 457,629 81,597 121.70%
1-0150-0000-5212 Tax - Telus 1% Utility tax 33,430.05 33,430 78,225 44,795 234.00%
1-0150-0000-5214 Tax - Pacific Northern Natural Gas 1% Utility tax 94,225.97 94,226 19,865 -74,361 21.08%
1-0150-0000-5216 Tax - Shaw Cable 1% Utility tax 19,625.00 19,625 32,728 13,103 166.77%
Grants in lieu 709,593.73 707,387 746,078 38,691 105.47%

1-0210-0000-5302 Police - Prisoner Expense Rebates 150,002.34 165,000 166,650 1,650 101.00%
1-0210-0000-5304 Police - Security Checks 18,079.82 17,000 17,170 170 101.00%
1-0210-0000-5404 Police - Lease Rental 73,533.60 78,800 79,588 788 101.00%
Policing Revenues 241,615.76 260,800 263,408 2,608 101.00%

1-0220-0000-5304 Fire Dept - Revenue 22,417.60 17,340 25,000 7,660 144.18%

1-0220-0000-5306 Fire Dept - Chetwynd Mechanical Pulp Inc 15,300 0 -15,300 0.00%
1-0220-0000-5409 Fire Dept - Pouce Coupe Fire Inspections 3,750.00 0 0.00%
Fire Department Services 26,167.60 32,640 25,000 -7,640 76.59%

1-0230-0000-5402 Bldg Insp - Building Permits 234,149.38 200,000 235,000 35,000 117.50%
1-0230-0000-5404 Bldg Insp - Moving & Demolition Permits 900.00 0 0.00%
1-0230-0000-5406 Bldg Insp - Plumbing Permits 1,923.00 7,500 7,575 75 101.00%
1-0230-0000-5410 Bldg Insp - Outside Services 333.20 0 0.00%
1-0230-0000-5412 Bldg Insp - Other Licences & Permits 66,276.76 15,000 50,000 35,000 333.33%
Building Inspection Fees 303,582.34 222,500 292,575 70,075 131.49%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 99 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0240-0000-5402 Business Licenses 205,657.46 202,040 204,251 2,211 101.09%
1-0240-0000-5417 Bylaw - Fees, Licenses and Permits 6,945.00 0 0.00%
Business Licenses 212,602.46 202,040 204,251 2,211 101.09%

1-0360-0000-5302 BC Trans - BC Transit Receipts 119,223.88 141,017 141,229 212 100.15%

1-0400-0000-5402 Air Tnspt - Hangar Site Rentals 9,512.22 7,766 7,844 78 101.00%
1-0400-0000-5404 Air Tnspt - Miscellaneous 41.20 0 0.00%
1-0400-0000-5406 Air Tnspt - Scheduled Landing Fees 19,885.75 25,000 25,250 250 101.00%
1-0400-0000-5408 Air Tnspt - Non - Scheduled Landing Fees 30,609.75 34,808 35,156 348 101.00%
1-0400-0000-5410 Air Tnspt - Car Leasing 19,335.10 23,930 24,170 239 101.00%
1-0400-0000-5416 Air Tnspt - Parking Space Rentals 1,086.46 2,219 2,241 22 101.00%
1-0400-3000-5402 Air Tnspt - Rentals & Leases 11,000.00 11,220 11,332 112 101.00%
1-0400-4029-5302 Air Tnspt - Aircraft De - icing - Revenue 8,826.63 1,664 1,681 17 101.00%
1-0410-0000-5402 Air Term - Office Rentals 7,513.50 9,790 9,888 98 101.00%
1-0410-0000-5404 Air Term - Terminal Charges 51,859.00 50,000 50,500 500 101.00%
1-0450-0000-5410 Fuel Stn - Airport Fuel Sales 266,928.85 280,000 282,800 2,800 101.00%
Air Transportation 426,598.46 446,397 450,861 4,464 101.00%

1-0505-0000-5302 EHS - Waste - Collection 671,387.46 650,301 670,000 19,699 103.03%

1-0505-0000-5304 EHS - Waste - Bag Tags 2,710.62 0 0.00%
1-0505-0000-5305 EHS - Waste - Recycling Revenues 81.90 0 0.00%
1-0540-0000-5306 EHS - Landfill - PRRD Transportation Rebate 22,419.21 21,640 22,500 860 103.98%
Environmental Waste Services 696,599.19 671,941 692,500 20,559 103.06%

1-0610-0000-5302 City Cem - Open/Closing of Graves 10,896.25 25,000 25,250 250 101.00%
1-0610-0000-5304 City Cem - Lettering & Installation 5,306.90 0 0.00%
1-0610-0000-5402 City Cem - Sale of Plots 4,025.00 0 0.00%
1-0610-0000-5406 City Cem - Monument Installations 2,056.50 0 0.00%
1-0620-0000-5302 Brksde Cem - Open/Closing of Graves 15,927.50 25,000 25,250 250 101.00%
1-0620-0000-5402 Brksde Cem - Sale of Plots 6,095.00 0 0.00%
1-0620-0000-5406 Brksde Cem - Monument Installations 4,764.37 0 0.00%
Cemetery Fees 49,071.52 50,000 50,500 500 101.00%

1-0709-0000-5302 Rezoning/Subdivision & Application Fees 6,725.00 5,100 7,000 1,900 137.25%
Land Development Fees 6,725.00 5,100 7,000 1,900 137.25%

1-0730-1029-5408 Ec Dev - Small Town Love - Revenue 2,900.00 0 0.00%

Economic Development 2,900.00 0 0 0 0.00%

1-0818-0000-5302 Ball Diamonds - User Fees 7,512.31 10,455 8,000 -2,455 76.52%
1-0819-0000-5302 Soccer Fields - User Fees 3,575.56 2,614 4,000 1,386 153.04%
User Fees 11,087.87 13,069 12,000 -1,069 91.82%

1-0925-0000-5302 Climbing Wall - Public Revenue 10,386.54 7,841 10,000 2,159 127.53%
1-0925-0000-5303 Climbing Wall - Programs 5,721.58 4,705 6,000 1,295 127.53%
1-0925-0000-5304 Climbing Wall - Gear 1,274.00 1,568 1,500 -68 95.65%
1-0925-0000-5402 Climbing Wall - Rentals 2,508.43 3,659 2,500 -1,159 68.32%
Climbing Wall Fees 19,890.55 17,774 20,000 2,227 112.53%

1-0950-0000-5302 KB Aquatic Centre - Public Swimming 355,240.53 357,000 360,570 3,570 101.00%
1-0950-0000-5303 KB Aquatic Centre - Swimming Lessons 65,409.13 62,730 63,357 627 101.00%
1-0950-0000-5305 KB Aquatic Centre - Fitness Programs 21,965.97 31,365 31,679 314 101.00%
1-0950-0000-5307 KB Aquatic Centre - Merchant Sales 8,931.30 4,182 4,224 42 101.00%
1-0950-0000-5402 KB Aquatic Centre - Facility Rentals 48,253.93 41,820 42,238 418 101.00%
1-0950-4301-5302 KB Aquatic Centre - Leadership Courses 10,710.63 15,300 15,453 153 101.00%
Swimming Pool Fees 510,511.49 512,397 517,521 5,124 101.00%

1-1000-0000-5302 Pks & Rec - Special Events 2,414.83 7,319 7,392 73 101.00%
1-1000-0000-5306 Pks & Rec - Programs - Taxable 29,688.67 31,365 31,679 314 101.00%
1-1000-0000-5308 Pks & Rec - Programs - Non - Taxable 23,385.51 28,229 28,511 282 101.00%
1-1000-0000-5404 Pks & Rec - Seasonal Brochure Revenue 4,705 4,752 47 101.00%
Recreation Program Fees 55,489.01 71,617 72,333 716 101.00%

1-1021-0000-5304 Out of School Care - Parent Funded 63,581.92 88,868 106,500 17,633 119.84%
1-1022-0000-5304 City Kids - Parent Funded -12.00 0 0.00%
Youth Care Fees 63,569.92 88,868 106,500 17,633 119.84%

1-1050-0000-5302 Kin Arena - Rental - Ice 154,691.54 130,688 160,000 29,313 122.43%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 100 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-1050-0000-5303 Kin Arena - Programs 1,445.00 4,182 4,224 42 101.00%
1-1050-0000-5304 Kin Arena - Rental - Floor Dry 9,553.65 9,410 9,504 94 101.00%
1-1050-0000-5404 Kin Arena - Arena Advertising Signs 2,009.02 2,091 2,112 21 101.00%
1-1050-0000-5406 Kin Arena - Skate Shop Rental 1,046 1,056 10 101.00%
1-1050-0000-5408 Kin Arena - Miscellaneous Rentals 650.00 0 0.00%
1-1060-0000-5302 Mem Arena - Rental - Ice 191,245.64 193,418 195,352 1,934 101.00%
1-1060-0000-5303 Mem Arena - Programs 6,572.57 10,455 10,560 105 101.00%
1-1060-0000-5304 Mem Arena - Rental - Dry 9,553.65 8,364 8,448 84 101.00%
1-1060-0000-5306 Mem Arena - Public Skating 6,179.31 3,659 3,696 37 101.00%
1-1060-0000-5308 Mem Arena - Public Skating - Youth 3,796.42 1,046 1,056 10 101.00%
1-1060-0000-5310 Mem Arena - Drop In Hockey 9,003.44 6,273 6,336 63 101.00%
1-1060-0000-5402 Mem Arena - Arena Concession Rental 5,000.00 5,228 5,280 52 101.00%
1-1060-0000-5404 Mem Arena - Arena Advertising Signs 22,345.09 29,274 29,567 293 101.00%
1-1060-0000-5406 Mem Arena - Miscellaneous Rentals 13,069.37 16,728 16,895 167 101.00%
Arena Fees 435,114.70 421,859 454,083 32,224 107.64%

Fees and Charges 3,180,749.75 3,158,018 3,309,762 151,744 104.81%

1-0100-0000-5302 Sundry Revenue 27,382.70 41,067 30,000 -11,067 73.05%

1-0100-0000-5402 Partnering Contributions 98,510.86 0 100,000 100,000 0.00%
1-0100-0000-5512 BC Gaming Commissions 546,169.82 795,600 550,000 -245,600 69.13%
1-0150-0000-5302 School Tax Admin Fee 8,488.30 8,364 8,500 136 101.63%
1-0150-0000-5306 Process Service Fees 4,580.00 7,650 4,000 -3,650 52.29%
1-0150-0000-5402 Penalties on Taxes 185,570.15 142,800 190,000 47,200 133.05%
1-0150-0000-5404 Interest on Arrears 60,862.12 35,700 65,000 29,300 182.07%
1-0150-0000-5406 Interest on Delinquent 7,639.13 9,180 7,500 -1,680 81.70%
1-0150-0000-5408 Tax Sale Charges 3,317.19 8,160 5,000 -3,160 61.27%
1-0160-0000-5402 Natural Gas (PNG) Concession Fee 175,000.00 285,600 175,000 -110,600 61.27%
1-0350-0000-5302 Private Alley Lighting 255.60 261 264 3 101.00%
1-0709-0000-5402 City Land Leases and Rentals 500.00 16,830 500 -16,330 2.97%
1-0730-1039-5402 NCLGA Conference - Registrations 212,024.77 259,000 0 -259,000 0.00%
1-0780-0000-5402 Energy Planning - Rebate Program 136,114.00 51,000 50,000 -1,000 98.04%
1-1000-0000-5402 Partnering Contributions - Recreation 0.00 54,484 2,500 -51,984 4.59%
1-1000-0000-5406 Recreation Services Insurance Recoveries 3,280.00 0 0.00%
1-1000-4302-5402 Recreation Programs - Rentals 2,198.69 0 0.00%
1-1000-4307-5401 Rec Services 2015 < 17 World Hockey Event - Misc Reve -4,500.00 0 0.00%
1-1000-4307-5402 Rec Services 2015 < 17 World Hockey Event 4,828.52 0 0.00%
1-1020-1500-5402 Building - Rentals 5,879.19 9,908 0 -9,908 0.00%
2-1200-0000-5405 Land Rentals 4,402.00 4,402 0 -4,402 0.00%
Other Revenues 1,482,503.04 1,730,006 1,188,264 -541,743 68.69%

1-0210-0000-5502 GR - Federal - Police - Traffic Fine Revenue Sharing 190,001.00 193,193 195,125 1,932 101.00%
1-0100-0000-5500 GR - Provincial - Misc Grants 10,428.58 10,000 10,100 100 101.00%
1-0100-0000-5504 GR - Provincial - Small Communities Grant 338,097.00 319,766 322,964 3,198 101.00%
1-0100-0000-5505 GR - Provincial - Community Works Gas Tax Revenue 541,124.60 541,125 541,125 0 100.00%
1-0100-0000-5508 GR - Peace River Agreement (Fair Share) 14,972,804.00 14,972,804 13,896,597 -1,076,207 92.81%
1-0220-0000-5502 GR - PRRD - Fire Dpt - RD Fire Service 202,856.00 199,356 234,077 34,721 117.42%
1-0220-0000-5504 GR - PRRD - Fire Dpt - 911 Fire Dispatch 232,871.20 238,000 200,000 -38,000 84.03%
1-1021-0000-5302 GR - Provincial Government - OSC - Subsidy 8,529.74 8,160 8,500 340 104.17%
1-1021-0000-5306 GR - Provincial Government - OSC - Funding Assistan 9,091.36 12,546 10,000 -2,546 79.71%
1-0340-0000-5502 GR - BC Hydro - Arterial Street Lighting 915.48 1,020 1,030 10 101.00%
1-0320-2100-5402 GR - Rds & St - Flooding - Provincial Grant 194,420.39 0 0.00%
1-0730-0000-5500 GR - Northern Development Initiative Trust 89,100.00 79,560 80,356 796 101.00%
1-0730-0000-5501 GR - PRRD South Peace Economic Development 20,500.00 0 0.00%
1-0770-0000-5504 GR - Sustainability - Government Transfers -614.28 0 0.00%
1-0780-0000-5502 GR - Carbon Tax Rebate 75,001.00 83,000 83,830 830 101.00%
1-0800-0000-5502 GR - PRRD Sub - Regional Recreation Requisition 420,390.00 420,390 440,851 20,461 104.87%
2-1200-0000-5503 WU - PRRD - Regional 40,000.00 40,000 40,000 0 100.00%
Government Transfers 17,345,516.07 17,118,920 16,064,555 -1,054,366 93.84%

1-1100-0000-5602 FS - Interest on Investments 65,645.97 100,000 70,000 -30,000 70.00%

1-1100-0000-5604 FS - Interest on Loans & Advances 5,112.66 2,500 2,525 25 101.00%
Return on Investments 70,758.63 102,500 72,525 -29,975 70.76%

General Operating Revenues 39,223,677.44 39,283,330 38,177,085 -1,106,245 97.18%

2-1200-0000-5901 WU - Sales - NP Metered Bulk Water Sales 612,123.75 300,000 303,000 3,000 101.00%
2-1200-0000-5902 WU - Sales - Metered 2,354,521.69 2,400,000 2,424,000 24,000 101.00%
2-1200-0000-5903 WU - Sales - Metered - Fixed Charge 1,624,227.21 1,500,000 1,515,000 15,000 101.00%
2-1200-0000-5910 WU - Sales - Pouce Coupe 100,396.00 115,000 116,150 1,150 101.00%
2-1200-0000-5912 WU - Sales - Pouce Coupe Cap 9,096.00 9,096 9,096 0 100.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 101 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
2-1200-0000-5914 WU - Bulk Stn Sales - Smart Cards 606,253.67 650,000 600,000 -50,000 92.31%
2-1200-0000-5920 WU - Miscellaneous revenues 22,475.65 30,000 25,000 -5,000 83.33%
2-1200-0000-5922 WU - Water Meter Repairs 2,234.29 5,000 2,500 -2,500 50.00%
Water Utility Revenues 5,331,328.26 5,009,096 4,994,746 -14,350 99.71%

3-1400-0000-5902 SU - Sewer Service Charge 1,327,197.29 1,500,000 1,300,000 -200,000 86.67%

3-1400-0000-5903 SU - Sales - Metered - Fixed Charge 1,713,938.92 1,700,000 2,145,000 445,000 126.18%
3-1400-0000-5910 SU - Sewer Service Fees - PRRD 33,406.56 34,000 34,000 0 100.00%
3-1400-0000-5912 SU - Sewer Smart Card 362,504.77 200,000 375,000 175,000 187.50%
3-1400-0000-5914 SU - Reclaimed Water Sales 243,812.59 300,000 300,000 0 100.00%
3-1400-0000-5920 SU - Miscellaneous Revenues 10.00 0 0.00%
Sewer Utility Revenues 3,680,870.13 3,734,000 4,154,000 420,000 111.25%
Total Utility Revenues 9,012,198.39 8,743,096 9,148,746 405,650 104.64%

Total Operating Revenues 48,235,875.83 48,026,426 47,325,831 -700,595 98.54%

1-0101-0000-6185 Leg - Interlock 0.00 11,317 0 -11,317 0.00%

1-0101-0000-6225 Leg - Consulting 4,345.80 50,000 10,000 -40,000 20.00%
1-0101-0000-6235 Leg - Public Relations 16,515.91 36,613 25,000 -11,613 68.28%
1-0101-0000-6245 Leg - Insurance 1,040.00 1,000 1,010 10 101.00%
1-0101-0000-6390 Leg - Commissary 2,793.75 5,100 5,151 51 101.00%
1-0101-0000-6615 Leg - Memberships 17,026.95 20,400 20,604 204 101.00%
1-0101-1041-6225 Leg - Intergovernmental relations 60,657.14 60,000 10,000 -50,000 16.67%
1-0102-0000-6115 Mayor - Wages 56,086.35 57,275 58,306 1,031 101.80%
1-0102-0000-6601 Mayor - Travel 13,520.12 16,000 16,160 160 101.00%
1-0102-0000-6602 Mayor - Mileage 4,236.71 3,060 3,091 31 101.00%
1-0102-0000-6604 Mayor - Accommodations 8,478.39 8,000 8,080 80 101.00%
1-0102-0000-6606 Mayor - Vehicle Rental 1,132 1,143 11 101.00%
1-0102-0000-6608 Mayor - Conventions & Delegations 4,342.76 6,120 6,181 61 101.00%
1-0102-0000-6620 Mayor - Miscellaneous 69.55 5,100 5,151 51 101.00%
1-0103-0000-6115 Council - Wages 103,383.15 105,606 107,508 1,902 101.80%
1-0103-0000-6195 Council - Benefits 2,914.61 4,438 4,482 44 101.00%
1-0103-0000-6601 Council - Travel 11,609.17 12,000 12,120 120 101.00%
1-0103-0000-6602 Council - Mileage 1,748.79 5,000 5,050 50 101.00%
1-0103-0000-6604 Council - Accommodations 6,816.64 12,000 12,120 120 101.00%
1-0103-0000-6608 Council - Convention & Delegation 6,292.05 15,000 15,150 150 101.00%
1-0103-0000-6621 Council - Contingency 10,000 0 -10,000 0.00%
Legislative Expenditures 321,877.84 445,161 326,307 -118,854 73.30%

1-0130-0000-6105 Admin - Wages - Management 354,737.52 335,000 370,000 35,000 110.45%

1-0130-0000-6106 Admin - Special Payments - Management 240.00 0 0.00%
1-0130-0000-6110 Admin - Wages - Exempt 291,126.84 307,161 350,000 42,839 113.95%
1-0130-0000-6120 Admin - Wages - CUPE 462.29 0 0.00%
1-0130-0000-6195 Admin - Benefits 147,446.35 172,000 188,818 16,818 109.78%
1-0130-0000-6205 Admin - Contracts 41,651.38 72,000 45,400 -26,600 63.06%
1-0130-0000-6215 Admin - Advertising 27,122.41 33,150 25,000 -8,150 75.41%
1-0130-0000-6230 Admin - Training & Seminars 6,705.21 10,000 10,100 100 101.00%
1-0130-0000-6250 Admin - Legal Services 111,119.75 106,641 107,707 1,066 101.00%
1-0130-0000-6260 Admin - Negotiations 16,269.47 20,000 0 -20,000 0.00%
1-0130-0000-6301 Admin - Stationery Supplies 5,785.91 5,658 5,715 57 101.00%
1-0130-0000-6310 Admin - Postage 241.90 300 303 3 101.00%
1-0130-0000-6320 Admin - Subscriptions & Periodicals 3,882.03 6,120 6,181 61 101.00%
1-0130-0000-6350 Admin - Supplies 1,537.60 1,132 1,143 11 101.00%
1-0130-0000-6357 Admin - Contract Reimbursements 250.00 566 500 -66 88.37%
1-0130-0000-6404 Admin - Telephone 6,046.19 8,160 8,242 82 101.00%
1-0130-0000-6601 Admin - Travel 15,392.10 10,000 15,000 5,000 150.00%
1-0130-0000-6602 Admin - Mileage 6,504.22 7,000 7,070 70 101.00%
1-0130-0000-6604 Admin - Accommodations 8,312.18 12,000 12,120 120 101.00%
1-0130-0000-6606 Admin - Vehicle Rental 2,263 2,286 23 101.00%
1-0130-0000-6608 Admin - Conventions & Delegations 7,698.95 10,000 10,100 100 101.00%
1-0130-0000-6615 Admin - Memberships 4,572.32 4,914 4,963 49 101.00%
1-0130-0000-6620 Admin - Miscellaneous 191.43 1,088 1,099 11 101.00%
1-0130-1025-6215 Admin - Recruit - Advertising 5,460.04 7,319 10,000 2,682 136.64%
1-0130-1025-6225 Admin - Recruite - Consultant Serv. 300.00 0 0.00%
1-0130-1025-6601 Admin - Recruite - Travel 1,531.81 3,137 3,168 31 101.00%
1-0130-1025-6604 Admin - Recruite - Accommodations 304.80 1,046 1,056 10 101.00%
1-0130-1025-6620 Admin - Recruit - Miscellaneous 2,328.54 5,228 80,000 74,773 1530.37%
1-0130-1028-6350 Admin - Employee Recognition - Supplies 5,571.90 10,000 10,100 100 101.00%
1-0130-1029-6350 Admin - Social Commitee - Supplies 9,246.00 9,246 9,338 92 101.00%
1-0130-1820-6205 Admin - Equipment Office - Contracts 24,547.20 30,600 30,906 306 101.00%
1-0130-1820-6350 Admin - Equip. Office - Supplies 6,750.47 5,658 5,715 57 101.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 102 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0100-0000-6670 GG - Cash Over Short 19.93 0 0.00%
Administration 1,113,356.74 1,197,385 1,322,029 124,644 110.41%

1-0140-0000-6105 Fin - Wages - Management 153,772.79 156,376 252,850 96,474 161.69%

1-0140-0000-6110 Fin - Wages - Exempt 78,570.05 89,004 92,500 3,496 103.93%
1-0140-0000-6120 Fin - Wages - CUPE 364,099.96 378,222 385,000 6,778 101.79%
1-0140-0000-6195 Fin - Benefits 151,937.56 155,901 157,460 1,559 101.00%
1-0140-0000-6205 Fin - Contracts 3,500.00 0 0.00%
1-0140-0000-6215 Fin - Advertising 8,267.33 5,919 5,978 59 101.00%
1-0140-0000-6220 Fin - Audit 31,250.00 31,250 31,250 0 100.00%
1-0140-0000-6225 Fin - Consulting 1,000.00 40,000 40,000 0 100.00%
1-0140-0000-6230 Fin - Training & Seminars 4,165.05 10,000 10,000 0 100.00%
1-0140-0000-6301 Fin - Stationery Supplies 11,403.84 8,713 7,500 -1,213 86.08%
1-0140-0000-6310 Fin - Postage 64.53 261 100 -161 38.30%
1-0140-0000-6320 Fin - Subscriptions & Periodicals 1,059.47 1,256 1,000 -256 79.62%
1-0140-0000-6357 Fin - Union Contracts Reimbursements 150.00 510 200 -310 39.22%
1-0140-0000-6390 Fin - Commissary 255 250 -5 98.04%
1-0140-0000-6404 Fin - Telephone 3,869.70 2,600 2,626 26 101.00%
1-0140-0000-6601 Fin - Travel 3,480.07 4,182 4,224 42 101.00%
1-0140-0000-6602 Fin - Mileage 1,268.51 1,000 1,010 10 101.00%
1-0140-0000-6604 Fin - Accommodations 294.00 2,153 2,175 22 101.00%
1-0140-0000-6608 Fin - Conventions & Delegations 768.57 2,000 2,020 20 101.00%
1-0140-0000-6615 Fin - Memberships 3,215.92 2,358 5,000 2,642 212.04%
1-0140-1820-6205 Fin - Equipment Office - Contracts 9,975.91 9,146 9,238 91 101.00%
1-0140-1820-6350 Fin - Equipment Office - Supplies 973.87 5,228 5,280 52 101.00%
Finance Expenditures 833,087.13 906,334 1,015,660 109,326 112.06%

1-0140-1600-6361 IT - Equipment Pool Chg Out 38,570.88 41,820 41,000 -820 98.04%
1-0140-1600-6205 IT - Computer - Contracts 362,630.98 395,000 375,000 -20,000 94.94%
1-0140-1601-6205 IT - Licencing/Service Agreements - Contract 147,135.66 179,665 361,225 181,560 201.05%
1-0140-1602-6205 IT - Website - Contracts 26,017.43 30,600 30,600 0 100.00%
1-0140-1603-6350 IT - Hardware - Supplies 72,202.60 59,500 57,500 -2,000 96.64%
1-0140-1604-6350 IT - Software - Supplies 8,349.01 20,000 20,000 0 100.00%
1-0140-1605-6350 IT - Ink/Toner - Supplies 63,186.79 55,000 60,000 5,000 109.09%
IT Expenditures 718,093.35 781,585 945,325 163,740 120.95%

1-0160-0000-6120 Oth Gen - Wages - CUPE 90,846.43 65,867 66,525 659 101.00%
1-0160-0000-6195 Oth Gen - Benefits 24,662.94 16,975 17,145 170 101.00%
1-0160-0000-6205 Oth Gen - Contracts 308.00 0 0.00%
1-0160-0000-6245 Oth Gen - Insurance 154,402.51 133,367 150,000 16,633 112.47%
1-0160-0000-6310 Oth Gen - Postage 40,015.00 45,267 45,720 453 101.00%
1-0160-0000-6350 Oth Gen - Supplies 566 571 6 101.00%
1-0160-0000-6390 Oth Gen - Commissary 3,368.96 5,000 5,050 50 101.00%
1-0160-0000-6402 Oth Gen - Water/Sewer/Garbage 5,122.14 5,304 5,357 53 101.00%
1-0160-0000-6404 Oth Gen - Telephone 24,590.71 21,420 21,634 214 101.00%
1-0160-0000-6406 Oth Gen - Natural Gas 9,275.06 15,683 15,839 157 101.00%
1-0160-0000-6408 Oth Gen - Electricity 22,636.59 19,865 20,063 199 101.00%
1-0160-0000-6634 Oth Gen - AR Uncollectables 32,619.15 10,000 10,100 100 101.00%
1-0160-1500-6120 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Wages - CUPE 43,565.09 30,320 30,623 303 101.00%
1-0160-1500-6195 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Benefits 10,347.85 7,214 7,287 72 101.00%
1-0160-1500-6205 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Contracts 21,160.07 21,755 21,972 218 101.00%
1-0160-1500-6245 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Insurance 14,082.00 45,250 45,702 453 101.00%
1-0160-1500-6335 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 3,853.74 12,977 6,107 -6,870 47.06%
1-0160-1500-6350 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Supplies 20,792.92 13,053 20,183 7,131 154.63%
1-0160-1500-6361 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Equip Pool Chg Out 7,997.83 5,108 7,649 2,541 149.74%
1-0160-1500-6364 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 11,305.04 11,317 11,430 113 101.00%
1-0160-1500-6392 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Medical & Laundry 1,735.27 653 1,659 1,007 254.22%
1-0160-1540-6205 Oth Gen - Janitorial - Contracts 56,149.49 61,357 53,971 -7,386 87.96%
1-0160-1540-6350 Oth Gen - Janitorial - Supplies 2,813.80 4,527 3,572 -955 78.91%
1-0160-1700-6120 Oth Gen - Grounds - Wages CUPE 16,389.71 15,683 15,839 157 101.00%
1-0160-1700-6195 Oth Gen - Grounds - Benefits 3,986.38 4,329 4,372 43 101.00%
1-0160-1700-6205 Oth Gen - Grounds - Contracts 1,154 1,166 12 101.00%
1-0160-1700-6350 Oth Gen - Grounds - Supplies 1,154 1,166 12 101.00%
1-0160-1700-6361 Oth Gen - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,321.57 4,265 4,307 43 101.00%
1-0160-1700-6364 Oth Gen - Grounds - Electrical Repairs 1,154 1,166 12 101.00%
1-0160-1820-6205 Oth Gen - Equip.Office - Contracts 8,918.75 11,095 11,206 111 101.00%
1-0160-1820-6335 Oth Gen - Equip.Office - Repairs & Mtce. 577 583 6 101.00%
1-0160-1820-6350 Oth Gen - Equip.Office - Supplies 1,107.29 5,439 5,493 54 101.00%
1-0160-1830-6205 Oth Gen - Auction - Contractors 1,126.63 0 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 103 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0160-3120-6205 Oth Gen - Security - Contracts 331.67 1,088 1,099 11 101.00%
1-0100-1900-6120 Gen Govt - Custom - Wages CUPE 558.96 0 0.00%
1-0100-1900-6195 Gen Govt - Custom - Benefits 130.28 0 0.00%
1-0100-1900-6361 Gen Govt - Custom - Equipment Pool Chg Out 4,237.03 0 0.00%
1-0160-1500-6699 Oth Gen - Bldings - Operating Capital 33,752.20 51,000 51,510 510 101.00%
1-0160-0000-6362 Oth Gen - EP Surplus Adjustment -14,568.87 -1,172 -1,161 12 99.00%
Other General Expenditures 659,942.19 648,608 664,906 16,299 102.51%

1-0161-0000-6360 Election - Equipment - Other 1,069.71 510 515 5 101.00%

Election Expenditures 1,069.71 510 515 5 101.00%

GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 3,647,426.96 3,979,582 4,274,743 295,161 107.42%

1-0150-0000-6247 Tax - Improvements(City Lots) 1,088 0 -1,088 0.00%

1-0150-1100-6215 Tax - Tax Sale - Tax Sale 544 0 -544 0.00%
1-0150-1100-6255 Tax - Tax Sale - Land Registry 1,632 0 -1,632 0.00%
1-0150-1110-6210 Tax - Tax Sale Purchase - Administration 2,175 0 -2,175 0.00%
1-0150-1110-6630 Tax - Tax Sale Purchase - Properties 115,522 6,900 -108,622 5.97%
1-0140-0000-6255 Fin - Land Registry 1,020 0 -1,020 0.00%
1-0710-0000-6110 Environmental Plan/Zoning - Wages - Exempt 92,692.59 83,640 92,500 8,860 110.59%
1-0710-0000-6120 Environmental Plan/Zoning - Wages - CUPE 37,832.00 0 60,000 60,000 0.00%
1-0710-0000-6195 Environmental Plan/Zoning - Benefits 26,811.11 15,996 16,156 160 101.00%
1-0710-0000-6205 Environmental Plan/Zoning - Development Cost Sharin 91.80 0 0.00%
1-0710-0000-6225 Environmental Plan/Zoning - Consultant Services 30,630.01 250,000 70,000 -180,000 28.00%
1-0710-0000-6230 Environmental Plan/Zoning- -Training & Seminars 450.00 0 5,000 5,000 0.00%
1-0710-0000-6350 Environmental Plan/Zoning - Supplies 33.96 0 0.00%
1-0710-0000-6370 Environmental Plan/Zoning - Land Transfer Costs 27,094.90 30,000 30,300 300 101.00%
1-0710-0000-6601 Environmental Plan/Zoning - Travel 1,920.84 0 1,000 1,000 0.00%
1-0710-0000-6604 Environmental Plan/Zoning- -Accommodations 470.40 0 0.00%
1-0710-0000-6608 Environmental Plan/Zoning- -Conventions & Delegation 619.00 0 2,500 2,500 0.00%
Land Development Expenditures 218,646.61 501,617 284,356 -217,261 56.69%

1-0730-0000-6105 Ec Dev - Wages - Management 0 87,021 87,021 0.00%

1-0730-0000-6195 Ec Dev - Benefits 0 21,754 21,754 0.00%
1-0730-0000-6205 Ec Dev - Contracts 126,062.60 165,100 166,751 1,651 101.00%
1-0730-0000-6215 Ec Dev - Advertising 9,426.00 15,996 16,156 160 101.00%
1-0730-0000-6225 Ec Dev - Consulting 25,000 25,250 250 101.00%
1-0730-0000-6235 Ec Dev - Public Relations 1,308.69 23,766 24,004 238 101.00%
1-0730-0000-6320 Ec Dev - Subscriptions & Periodicals 164.00 1,500 1,515 15 101.00%
1-0730-0000-6350 Ec Dev - Supplies 16,386.50 18,360 3,500 -14,860 19.06%
1-0730-0000-6601 Ec Dev - Travel 376.25 2,175 2,197 22 101.00%
1-0730-0000-6604 Ec Dev - Accommodations 544 549 5 101.00%
1-0730-0000-6608 Ec Dev - Conventions & Delegations 5,332 5,385 53 101.00%
1-0730-0000-6615 Ec Dev - Memberships 595.00 1,088 1,099 11 101.00%
1-0730-1029-6350 Ec Dev - Small Town Love - Supplies 4,048.59 0 0.00%
1-0730-1039-6205 Ec Dev - NCLGA Conference - Contracts 193,330.96 254,000 0 -254,000 0.00%
1-0730-1039-6350 Ec Dev - NCLGA Conference - Supplies 18,693.81 0 0.00%
1-0730-1049-6235 Ec Dev - Oil & Natural Gas Projects - Public Relations 2,193 2,215 22 101.00%
1-0730-1050-6205 Ec Dev - Oil & Natural Gas Conference - Contracts 15,141.38 25,500 25,755 255 101.00%
1-0730-1050-6301 Ec Dev - Oil & Natural Gas Conference - Supplies 1,213.35 0 0.00%
1-0730-1065-6350 Ec Dev - Trade Fair - Supplies 8,403.63 7,140 7,211 71 101.00%
1-0730-1065-6622 Ec Dev - Trade Fair - Miscellaneous Grant 7,000.00 7,000 7,000 0 100.00%
1-0730-4071-6622 Ec Dev - Mile O Cruisers - FFS 10,200.00 10,200 10,200 0 100.00%
1-0740-0000-6205 Tourism - Contracts 368,823.96 368,824 367,824 -1,000 99.73%
1-0740-0000-6245 Tourism - Insurance 416.00 416 420 4 101.00%
1-0750-0000-6205 Visitor Inf Centre - Contracts 86,970.96 86,971 86,971 0 100.00%
Economic Development Expenditures 868,561.68 1,021,105 862,778 -158,328 84.49%

1-0770-0000-6120 Sustainability - Wages - CUPE 27,647.80 28,292 28,575 283 101.00%

1-0770-0000-6195 Sustainability - Benefits 8,246.73 7,073 7,144 71 101.00%
1-0770-0000-6205 Sustainability - Contracts 12,086.25 24,400 10,000 -14,400 40.98%
1-0770-0000-6361 Sustainability - Equipment Pool Chg Out 2,579.16 2,600 2,626 26 101.00%
1-0770-0000-6404 Sustainability - Telephone 747.12 1,280 1,292 13 101.00%
1-0770-2012-6205 Sustainability - Carbon Offset Liability - Contracts 78,495.00 66,300 66,963 663 101.00%
1-0770-0000-6215 Sustainability - Advertising 2,225.00 0 0.00%
1-0770-0000-6350 Sustainability - Supplies 5,088.75 31,414 10,000 -21,414 31.83%
1-0770-0000-6615 Sustainability - Memberships 100.00 2,500 2,525 25 101.00%
1-0780-0000-6110 Energy Planning - Wages - Exempt 90,758.61 85,313 90,000 4,687 105.49%
1-0780-0000-6195 Energy Planning - Benefits 23,038.47 21,328 21,541 213 101.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 104 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0780-0000-6120 Energy Planning - Wages - CUPE 207.90 0 0.00%
1-0780-0000-6205 Energy Planning - Contracts 9,515.89 27,000 17,000 -10,000 62.96%
1-0780-0000-6215 Energy Planning - Advertising 1,840.00 0 0.00%
1-0780-0000-6230 Energy Planning - Training & Seminars 465.19 2,000 2,020 20 101.00%
1-0780-0000-6350 Energy Planning - Supplies 3,902.13 13,200 6,200 -7,000 46.97%
1-0780-0000-6601 Energy Planning - Travel 1,978.41 2,500 2,525 25 101.00%
1-0780-0000-6604 Energy Planning - Accommodation 635.61 1,500 1,515 15 101.00%
Energy Planning & Sustainability Expenditures 269,558.02 316,700 269,927 -46,773 85.23%

ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURES 1,356,766.31 1,839,422 1,417,061 -422,361 77.04%

1-0500-0000-6402 Waste Services - Water/Sewer/Garbage 3,495.30 3,468 3,503 35 101.00%

1-0500-1510-6205 Waste Services - Recycling - Contracts 5,481.97 2,774 2,801 28 101.00%
1-0500-4010-6120 Waste Services - Dwntwn Cleanup - Wages - CUPE 66,889.11 50,184 50,686 502 101.00%
1-0500-4010-6195 Waste Services - Dwntwn Cleanup - Benefits 16,599.79 13,037 13,167 130 101.00%
1-0500-4010-6350 Waste Services - Dwntwn Cleanup - Supplies 285.47 1,109 1,121 11 101.00%
1-0500-4010-6361 Waste Services - Dwntwn Cleanup - Equip Pool Chg O 6,803.02 17,706 17,883 177 101.00%
1-0505-0000-6205 Garbage - Curbside Contract 468,117.74 437,325 500,000 62,675 114.33%
1-0505-0000-6215 Garbage - Advertising 1,664 1,681 17 101.00%
1-0505-0000-6350 Garbage - Supplies 31,501.30 15,000 20,000 5,000 133.33%
1-0505-0000-6621 Garbage - Bag Tag Commission Exp 1,154 0 -1,154 0.00%
1-0515-0000-6120 Compost - Wages - CUPE 18,252.18 12,546 12,671 125 101.00%
1-0515-0000-6195 Compost - Benefits 4,940.01 4,161 4,202 42 101.00%
1-0515-0000-6205 Compost - Contracts 18,754.55 6,657 6,724 67 101.00%
1-0515-0000-6350 Compost - Supplies 555 560 6 101.00%
1-0515-0000-6361 Compost - Equip Pool Chg Out 36,852.18 15,970 16,130 160 101.00%
1-0520-0000-6120 Cleanup - Wages - CUPE 2,683.16 4,182 4,224 42 101.00%
1-0520-0000-6195 Cleanup - Benefits 113.29 1,387 1,401 14 101.00%
1-0520-0000-6205 Cleanup - Contracts 13,768.72 21,755 21,972 218 101.00%
1-0520-0000-6215 Cleanup - Advertising 1,150.00 1,664 1,681 17 101.00%
1-0520-0000-6350 Cleanup - Supplies 507.14 555 560 6 101.00%
1-0520-0000-6361 Cleanup - Equip Pool Chg Out 133.16 727 734 7 101.00%
1-0520-0000-6615 Clean Up - Memberships 550.00 0 0.00%
1-0540-0000-6205 Landfill - Contracts 125,891.69 84,844 130,000 45,156 153.22%
1-0500-0000-6362 Waste Services - EP Surplus Adjustment -11,774.90 -10,317 -10,214 103 99.00%

ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE SERVICE EXPENDITURES 810,994.88 688,105 801,486 113,381 116.48%

1-0210-0000-6120 Police - Wages - CUPE 470,449.30 445,740 450,197 4,457 101.00%

1-0210-0000-6195 Police - Benefits 109,678.00 111,435 112,549 1,114 101.00%
1-0210-0000-6205 Police - Contracts 2,659,579.90 2,950,850 3,163,650 212,800 107.21%
1-0210-0000-6206 Police - Contracts - Overtime 110,682.40 102,477 155,000 52,523 151.25%
1-0210-0000-6230 Police - Training & Seminars 314.00 2,814 40,000 37,186 1421.37%
1-0210-0000-6357 Police - Union Contract Reimbursements 542 300 -242 55.39%
1-0210-0000-6402 Police - Water/Sewer/Garbage 17,640.95 15,402 15,556 154 101.00%
1-0210-0000-6404 Police - Telephone 688.71 816 824 8 101.00%
1-0210-0000-6620 Police - Miscellaneous 542 547 5 101.00%
1-0210-1104-6205 Police - Addn - Contracts 46,158.76 25,954 50,000 24,046 192.65%
1-0210-1500-6120 Police - Bldgs - Wages - CUPE 15,899.32 18,692 18,878 187 101.00%
1-0210-1500-6195 Police - Bldgs - Benefits 3,758.06 4,673 4,719 47 101.00%
1-0210-1500-6205 Police - Bldgs - Contracts 8,638.69 11,095 11,206 111 101.00%
1-0210-1500-6245 Police - Bldgs - Insurance 6,361.00 6,373 6,437 64 101.00%
1-0210-1500-6335 Police - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 3,749.35 29,580 14,876 -14,704 50.29%
1-0210-1500-6350 Police - Bldgs - Supplies 19,096.60 10,824 26,399 15,574 243.89%
1-0210-1500-6361 Police - Bldgs - Equip Pool Chg Out 248.84 231 233 2 101.00%
1-0210-1500-6364 Police - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 11,619.31 5,412 5,466 54 101.00%
1-0210-1500-6365 Police - Bldgs - Mechanical Repairs 5,412 0 -5,412 0.00%
1-0210-1500-6392 Police - Bldgs - Medical & Laundry 1,777.60 530 536 5 101.00%
1-0210-1500-6406 Police - Bldgs - Natural Gas 7,207.13 10,455 10,560 105 101.00%
1-0210-1500-6408 Police - Bldgs - Electricity 13,612.67 12,546 12,671 125 101.00%
1-0210-1540-6205 Police - Janitorial - Contracts 36,104.88 39,509 39,904 395 101.00%
1-0210-1540-6350 Police - Janitorial - Supplies 4,208.21 6,494 6,559 65 101.00%
1-0210-1600-6205 Police - Computer - Contracts 69,063.64 50,388 60,000 9,612 119.08%
1-0210-1700-6120 Police - Grounds - Wages - CUPE 3,721.24 6,273 6,336 63 101.00%
1-0210-1700-6195 Police - Grounds - Benefits 850.85 2,774 2,801 28 101.00%
1-0210-1700-6361 Police - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,623.07 3,670 3,706 37 101.00%
1-0211-0000-6402 Telecom - Water/Sewer/Garbage 513.07 561 567 6 101.00%
1-0211-0000-6406 Telecom - Natural Gas 2,005.85 2,614 2,640 26 101.00%
1-0211-0000-6408 Telecom - Electricity 3,288.74 2,823 2,851 28 101.00%
1-0211-1500-6120 Telecom - Bldgs - Wages - CUPE 479.27 1,046 1,056 10 101.00%
1-0211-1500-6195 Telecom - Bldgs - Benefits 105.51 555 560 6 101.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 105 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0211-1500-6205 Telecom - Bldgs - Contracts 1,076.99 1,020 1,030 10 101.00%
1-0211-1500-6245 Telecom - Bldgs - Insurance 604.00 651 658 7 101.00%
1-0211-1500-6335 Telecom - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 900.00 0 0.00%
1-0211-1500-6350 Telecom - Bldgs - Supplies 1,800.50 1,082 1,093 11 101.00%
1-0211-1500-6364 Telecom - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 952.95 1,082 1,093 11 101.00%
1-0211-1500-6392 Telecom - Bldgs - Medical & Laundry 505.88 530 536 5 101.00%
1-0211-1540-6205 Telecom - Janitorial - Contracts 13,216.88 14,114 14,255 141 101.00%
1-0211-1540-6350 Telecom - Janitorial - Supplies 1,082 1,093 11 101.00%
1-0212-0000-6120 Prison - Wages - CUPE 329,966.60 303,195 306,227 3,032 101.00%
1-0212-0000-6195 Prison - Benefits 82,977.18 72,226 72,948 722 101.00%
1-0212-0000-6350 Prison - Supplies 67.44 0 0.00%
1-0212-0000-6390 Prison - Commissary 14,671.85 19,971 20,171 200 101.00%
1-0212-0000-6392 Prison - Medical & Laundry 7,618.36 8,200 8,282 82 101.00%
1-0213-0000-6205 VicServ - Contracts 34,568.00 34,568 34,914 346 101.00%
Policing Expenditures 4,119,051.55 4,346,821 4,689,884 343,063 107.89%

1-0220-0000-6105 Fire Dpt - Wages - Management 121,484.80 114,954 120,000 5,046 104.39%
1-0220-0000-6110 Fire Dpt - Wages - Exempt 114,237.79 108,136 109,217 1,081 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6120 Fire Dpt - Wages - CUPE 0.00 1,129 1,140 11 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6125 Fire Dpt - Wages - IAFF 1,674,002.59 1,800,000 1,818,000 18,000 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6140 Fire Dpt - Long Service Bonus 1,560.00 1,377 2,550 1,173 185.19%
1-0220-0000-6150 Fire Dpt - Wages - Overtime 242,317.11 195,793 230,158 34,365 117.55%
1-0220-0000-6155 Fire Dpt - Sick Leave Bank 34,651.72 92,916 93,845 929 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6157 Fire Dpt - Sick Leave Accrual Bank 96,170.62 0 0.00%
1-0220-0000-6190 Fire Dpt - FF Force Gratuity 21,751.19 25,000 25,250 250 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6195 Fire Dpt - Benefits 553,265.32 510,000 515,100 5,100 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6225 Fire Dpt - Consulting 20,000 0 -20,000 0.00%
1-0220-0000-6230 Fire Dpt - Training & Seminars 35,853.04 50,000 50,500 500 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6245 Fire Dpt - Insurance - Liab. 2,180.50 2,500 2,525 25 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6301 Fire Dpt - Stationery Supplies 1,042.57 1,154 1,166 12 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6310 Fire Dpt - Postage 116.93 109 110 1 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6320 Fire Dpt - Subscriptions & Periodicals 305.01 577 583 6 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6335 Fire Dpt - EP maintenance 63,771.30 60,000 60,600 600 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6355 Fire Dpt - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allow. 38,940.75 41,872 42,291 419 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6357 Fire Dpt - Union Contracts Reimbursements 100.00 566 500 -66 88.37%
1-0220-0000-6361 Fire Dpt - Equip Pool Chg Out 82.10 0 0.00%
1-0220-0000-6392 Fire Dpt - Medical/Laundry 3,923.80 5,272 5,325 53 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6402 Fire Dpt - Water/Sewer/Garbage 9,046.41 9,078 9,169 91 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6404 Fire Dpt - Telephone 7,166.83 8,670 8,757 87 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6406 Fire Dpt - Natural Gas 2,858.40 5,228 5,280 52 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6408 Fire Dpt - Electricity 9,033.60 8,155 8,236 82 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6601 Fire Dpt - Travel 78.49 2,219 2,241 22 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6604 Fire Dpt - Accommodations 2,125.89 3,395 3,429 34 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6606 Fire Dpt - Vehicle Rental 16,320 0 -16,320 0.00%
1-0220-0000-6608 Fire Dpt - Conventions & Delegations 6,047.10 11,317 11,430 113 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6615 Fire Dpt - Memberships 4,659.91 3,328 3,362 33 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6620 Fire Dpt - Miscellaneous 1,245 1,257 12 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6640 Fire Dpt - Rights & Licences 1,035.00 1,188 1,200 12 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6661 Fire Dpt - Prevention 1,207.81 5,547 5,603 55 101.00%
1-0220-1500-6120 Fire Dpt - Bldgs - Wages - CUPE 4,662.98 9,410 9,504 94 101.00%
1-0220-1500-6195 Fire Dpt - Bldgs - Benefits 1,087.82 1,245 1,257 12 101.00%
1-0220-1500-6205 Fire Dpt - Bldgs - Contracts 1,782.78 11,317 11,430 113 101.00%
1-0220-1500-6245 Fire Dpt - Bldgs - Insurance 6,696.39 6,292 6,355 63 101.00%
1-0220-1500-6335 Fire Dpt - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 12,492.93 21,332 21,546 213 101.00%
1-0220-1500-6350 Fire Dpt - Bldgs - Supplies 4,217.27 11,317 11,430 113 101.00%
1-0220-1500-6361 Fire Dpt - Bldgs - Equip Pool Chg Out 813.86 98 99 1 101.00%
1-0220-1500-6364 Fire Dpt - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 2,454.25 5,658 5,715 57 101.00%
1-0220-1800-6335 Fire Dpt - Equip.Other - Repairs & Mtce. 2,933.54 10,455 10,560 105 101.00%
1-0220-1800-6350 Fire Dpt - Equip.Other - Supplies 31,293.17 10,000 30,000 20,000 300.00%
1-0220-1820-6205 Fire Dpt - Office Equip Other - Contracts 3,371.90 5,547 5,603 55 101.00%
1-0220-6010-6335 Fire Dpt - Radio - Repairs & Mtce. 881.69 0 0.00%
1-0220-6010-6350 Fire Dpt - Radio - Supplies 1,484.76 9,082 9,173 91 101.00%
1-0221-0000-6230 911 - Training & Seminars 905 914 9 101.00%
1-0221-0000-6364 911 - Electrical Repairs 231 233 2 101.00%
1-0222-0000-6125 Reg FF - Wages - FF 515.50 0 0.00%
1-0223-0000-6350 Fire Dept Training Centre- -Supplies 33.96 0 0.00%
1-0223-0000-6406 Fire Dept Training Centre- -Natural Gas 355.59 0 3,402 3,402 0.00%
1-0223-1500-6335 Fire Dept Training Centre-Bldg-Repairs & Main 0 2,000 2,000 0.00%
1-0223-1700-6120 Fire Dept Training Centre-Grounds-CUPE Wages 349.80 0 1,125 1,125 0.00%
1-0223-1700-6195 Fire Dept Training Centre-Grounds-Benefits 81.09 0 375 375 0.00%
1-0223-1700-6361 Fire Dept Training Centre-Grounds-Equip Pool 15.43 0 1,500 1,500 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 106 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0252-0000-6230 PEP - Training & Seminars 315.89 1,985 2,005 20 101.00%
1-0252-0000-6350 PEP - Supplies 1,427.54 0 0.00%
1-0252-0000-6404 PEP - Telephone 276.00 306 309 3 101.00%
1-0252-0000-6615 PEP - Memberships 190 192 2 101.00%
Fire Department Expenditures 3,126,560.72 3,212,417 3,273,552 61,134 101.90%

1-0230-0000-6120 Bldg Insp - Wages - CUPE 73,799.03 141,143 140,000 -1,143 99.19%
1-0230-0000-6195 Bldg Insp - Benefits 22,207.78 33,992 35,000 1,008 102.97%
1-0230-0000-6205 Bldg Insp - Contracts 29,444.83 0 0.00%
1-0230-0000-6215 Bldg Insp - Advertising 2,263 2,286 23 101.00%
1-0230-0000-6230 Bldg Insp - Training & Seminars 2,316.20 2,829 2,857 28 101.00%
1-0230-0000-6301 Bldg Insp - Stationery Supplies 624.33 0 0.00%
1-0230-0000-6320 Bldg Insp - Subscriptions & Periodicals 585.19 226 229 2 101.00%
1-0230-0000-6350 Bldg Insp - Supplies 371.44 0 0.00%
1-0230-0000-6361 Bldg Insp - Equip Pool Chg Out 9,690.00 10,131 10,232 101 101.00%
1-0230-0000-6404 Bldg Insp - Telephone 1,322.40 2,040 2,060 20 101.00%
1-0230-0000-6601 Bldg Insp - Travel 1,128.70 2,774 2,801 28 101.00%
1-0230-0000-6602 Bldg Insp - Mileage 74.78 0 0.00%
1-0230-0000-6604 Bldg Insp - Accommodations 1,392.60 1,132 1,143 11 101.00%
1-0230-0000-6608 Bldg Insp - Conventions & Delegations 1,784.24 1,698 1,715 17 101.00%
1-0230-0000-6615 Bldg Insp - Memberships 1,200.00 1,632 1,648 16 101.00%
Building Inspection 145,941.52 199,859 199,972 113 100.06%

1-0240-0000-6120 Bylaw Enf - Wages - CUPE 129,282.86 139,052 140,443 1,391 101.00%
1-0240-0000-6195 Bylaw Enf - Benefits 39,944.30 32,371 32,694 324 101.00%
1-0240-0000-6215 Bylaw Enf - Advertising 932.80 619 625 6 101.00%
1-0240-0000-6230 Bylaw Enf - Training & Seminars 4,500 1,500 -3,000 33.33%
1-0240-0000-6275 Bylaw Enf - Towing 525.00 555 560 6 101.00%
1-0240-0000-6301 Bylaw Enf - Stationery Supplies 606.64 1,500 1,515 15 101.00%
1-0240-0000-6350 Bylaw Enf - Supplies 965.77 500 505 5 101.00%
1-0240-0000-6355 Bylaw Enf - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allow. 469.49 1,000 1,010 10 101.00%
1-0240-0000-6361 Bylaw Enf - Equip Pool Chg Out 4,845.00 9,000 9,090 90 101.00%
1-0240-0000-6392 Bylaw Enf - Medical & Laundry 190.48 309 313 3 101.00%
1-0240-0000-6404 Bylaw Enf - Telephone 1,365.08 1,224 1,236 12 101.00%
1-0240-0000-6602 Bylaw Enf - Mileage 250 253 3 101.00%
1-0240-0000-6608 Bylaw Enf - Conventions & Delegations 1,698 1,715 17 101.00%
1-0240-0000-6615 Bylaw Enf - Memberships 120.00 170 171 2 101.00%
1-0240-0000-6362 Protective Services - EP Surplus Adjustment -5,065.90 -12,446 -12,322 124 99.00%
Bylaw Enforcement 174,181.52 180,301 179,308 -993 99.45%

1-0251-0000-6205 SPCA - Contracts 140,000.00 140,000 140,000 0 100.00%

Animal Control 140,000.00 140,000 140,000 0 100.00%

1-0253-0000-6110 Safety - Wages - Exempt 54,615.58 65,000 85,000 20,000 130.77%

1-0253-0000-6120 Safety - Wages - CUPE 32,023.93 34,502 35,000 499 101.44%
1-0253-0000-6195 Safety - Benefits 23,475.77 20,000 30,000 10,000 150.00%
1-0253-0000-6225 Safety - Consulting Services 5,228.35 0 0.00%
1-0253-0000-6230 Safety - Training & Seminars 705.00 5,500 5,000 -500 90.91%
1-0253-0000-6320 Safety - Subscriptions & Periodicals 520 500 -20 96.15%
1-0253-0000-6350 Safety - Supplies 4,905.15 5,202 5,000 -202 96.12%
1-0253-0000-6404 Safety - Telephone 1,249.69 883 1,000 117 113.25%
1-0253-0000-6604 Safety - Accommodations 1,104 1,000 -104 90.58%
1-0253-0000-6615 Safety - Memberships 552 500 -52 90.58%
Safety 122,203.47 133,263 163,000 29,738 122.31%
Regulatory Service Expenditures 582,326.51 653,422 682,279 28,857 104.42%

PROTECTIVE SERVICES EXPENDITURES 7,827,938.78 8,212,660 8,645,715 433,055 105.27%

1-0610-0000-6120 City Cem - Wages CUPE 14,999.38 20,500 20,000 -500 97.56%
1-0610-0000-6195 City Cem - Benefits 3,142.74 5,228 5,000 -228 95.64%
1-0610-0000-6205 City Cem - Contracts 2,040 15,000 12,960 735.29%
1-0610-0000-6350 City Cem - Supplies 709.28 5,100 5,000 -100 98.04%
1-0610-0000-6361 City Cem - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,238.27 4,148 4,148 0 100.00%
1-0610-4020-6120 City Cem - Grave Digging - Wages - CUPE 11,649.78 6,273 7,500 1,227 119.56%
1-0610-4020-6195 City Cem - Grave Digging - Benefits 2,539.40 1,600 2,250 650 140.66%
1-0610-4020-6350 City Cem - Grave Digging - Supplies 520 0 -520 0.00%
1-0610-4020-6361 City Cem - Grave Digging - Equip Pool Chg Out 5,537.97 1,465 5,000 3,535 341.36%
1-0610-4030-6120 City Cem - Columbarium - Wages - CUPE 1,025 0 -1,025 0.00%
1-0610-4030-6195 City Cem - Columbarium - Benefits 523 0 -523 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 107 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0610-4030-6350 City Cem - Columbarium - Supplies 26,970.85 3,060 2,000 -1,060 65.36%
1-0610-0000-6362 City Cem - EP Surplus Adjustment -1,705.48 0 0.00%
1-0620-0000-6120 Brksde Cem - Wages - CUPE 16,466.30 20,500 20,000 -500 97.56%
1-0620-0000-6195 Brksde Cem - Benefits 3,408.50 4,182 5,000 818 119.56%
1-0620-0000-6205 Brksde Cem - Contracts 0.00 23,060 2,000 -21,060 8.67%
1-0620-0000-6215 Brksde Cem - Advertising 110.40 0 0.00%
1-0620-0000-6350 Brksde Cem - Supplies 1,745.22 6,120 5,000 -1,120 81.70%
1-0620-0000-6361 Brksde Cem - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,094.96 4,357 4,357 0 100.00%
1-0620-4020-6120 Brksde Cem - Grave Digging - Wages - CUPE 14,403.97 12,300 14,000 1,700 113.82%
1-0620-4020-6195 Brksde Cem - Grave Digging - Benefits 3,597.32 3,921 4,200 279 107.12%
1-0620-4020-6350 Brksde Cem - Grave Digging - Supplies 1,020 1,000 -20 98.04%
1-0620-4020-6361 Brksde Cem - Grave Digging - Equip Pool Chg Out 10,451.28 3,568 7,000 3,432 196.19%
1-0620-0000-6362 Brksde Cem - EP Surplus Adjustment -4,240.32 -6,333 -6,333 0 100.00%
1-0640-0000-6120 St. Emiles - Wages - CUPE 443.73 0 0.00%
1-0640-0000-6195 St. Emiles - Benefits 89.70 0 0.00%

CEMETERY MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURES 114,653.25 124,177 122,122 -2,055 98.35%

1-0310-0000-6105 Com Serv - Wages - Management 233,878.37 221,430 247,000 25,570 111.55%
1-0310-0000-6110 Com Serv - Wages - Exempt 736.10 0 0.00%
1-0310-0000-6120 Com Serv - Wages - CUPE 448,799.40 412,506 416,631 4,125 101.00%
1-0310-0000-6195 Com Serv - Benefits 168,203.28 158,484 160,069 1,585 101.00%
1-0310-0000-6205 Com Serv - Contracts 53,714.14 54,994 54,994 0 100.00%
1-0310-0000-6215 Com Serv - Advertising 1,103.50 544 544 0 100.00%
1-0310-0000-6225 Com Serv - Consultant Serv. 272,471.93 195,000 40,000 -155,000 20.51%
1-0310-0000-6230 Com Serv - Training & Seminars 22,249.64 7,500 15,000 7,500 200.00%
1-0310-0000-6301 Com Serv - Stationery Supplies 5,873.96 1,698 1,698 0 100.00%
1-0310-0000-6310 Com Serv - Postage 262.81 109 109 0 100.00%
1-0310-0000-6320 Com Serv - Subscriptions & Periodicals 460.25 544 544 0 100.00%
1-0310-0000-6350 Com Serv - Supplies 22,081.63 21,328 21,328 0 100.00%
1-0310-0000-6355 Com Serv - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allow. 9,422.98 9,619 9,619 0 100.00%
1-0310-0000-6357 Com Serv - Union Contracts Reimbursements 1,010.63 1,698 1,500 -198 88.36%
1-0310-0000-6361 Com Serv - Equip Pool Chg Out 124,935.93 94,514 127,044 32,530 134.42%
1-0310-0000-6390 Com Serv - Commissary 4,505.38 4,527 4,527 0 100.00%
1-0310-0000-6392 Com Serv - Medical/Laundry 2,899.12 1,088 1,088 0 100.00%
1-0310-0000-6402 Com Serv - Water/Sewer/Garbage 16,596.61 13,056 13,056 0 100.00%
1-0310-0000-6404 Com Serv - Telephone 9,829.12 12,240 12,240 0 100.00%
1-0310-0000-6406 Com Serv - Natural Gas 17,956.43 26,138 26,138 0 100.00%
1-0310-0000-6408 Com Serv - Electricity 18,142.09 18,819 18,819 0 100.00%
1-0310-0000-6601 Com Serv - Travel 2,689.40 1,800 1,800 0 100.00%
1-0310-0000-6602 Com Serv - Mileage 11,865.68 5,228 5,228 0 100.00%
1-0310-0000-6604 Com Serv - Accommodations 2,905.67 0 0.00%
1-0310-0000-6615 Com Serv - Memberships 4,105.26 4,500 4,500 0 100.00%
1-0310-0000-6680 Com Serv - Contingency 100,000 100,000 0 100.00%
1-0310-1500-6120 Com Serv - Bldgs - Wages - CUPE 108,930.69 67,901 68,580 679 101.00%
1-0310-1500-6195 Com Serv - Bldgs - Benefits 36,738.29 16,975 17,145 170 101.00%
1-0310-1500-6205 Com Serv - Bldgs - Contracts 30,610.02 16,975 16,975 0 100.00%
1-0310-1500-6245 Com Serv - Bldgs - Insurance 5,450.42 6,314 6,314 0 100.00%
1-0310-1500-6280 Com Serv - Bldgs - Rentals 65,807.08 16,642 65,000 48,358 390.57%
1-0310-1500-6335 Com Serv - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 4,043.81 1,762 1,762 0 100.00%
1-0310-1500-6350 Com Serv - Bldgs - Supplies 21,003.43 23,930 23,930 0 100.00%
1-0310-1500-6361 Com Serv - Bldgs - Equip Pool Chg Out 5,200.62 8,010 8,010 0 100.00%
1-0310-1500-6364 Com Serv - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 6,560.59 5,658 5,658 0 100.00%
1-0310-1500-6392 Com Serv - Bldgs - Medical & Laundry 780.36 1,414 1,414 0 100.00%
1-0310-1500-6402 Com Serv - Bldgs - Water/Sewer/Garbage 510.00 746 746 0 100.00%
1-0310-1500-6406 Com Serv - Bldgs - Natural Gas 1,364.14 1,568 1,568 0 100.00%
1-0310-1540-6205 Com Serv - Janitorial - Contracts 24,938.88 28,424 28,424 0 100.00%
1-0310-1540-6350 Com Serv - Janitorial - Supplies 1,273.25 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
1-0310-1820-6205 Com Serv - Equipment Office - Contracts 11,858.26 0 0.00%
1-0310-1820-6350 Com Serv - Equipment Office - Supplies 9,266.06 15,300 15,300 0 100.00%
1-0310-3120-6205 Com Serv - Security - Contacts 2,522.50 1,088 1,088 0 100.00%
1-0310-4040-6360 Com Serv - Survey Costs - Supplies 752.34 11,210 11,210 0 100.00%
Common Services 1,794,310.05 1,592,412 1,557,731 -34,681 97.82%

1-0320-0000-6110 Rds & Str - Wages - Exempt 94,441.47 80,000 90,000 10,000 112.50%
1-0320-0000-6120 Rds & Str - Wages - CUPE 45,316.89 35,700 36,057 357 101.00%
1-0320-0000-6195 Rds & Str - Benefits 35,933.64 4,665 35,000 30,335 750.19%
1-0320-0000-6408 Rds & Str - Electricity 2,836.73 1,568 1,568 0 100.00%
1-0320-2010-6120 Rds & Str - Grading - Wages - CUPE 14,261.17 14,423 14,568 144 101.00%
1-0320-2010-6195 Rds & Str - Grading - Benefits 3,858.97 3,606 3,642 36 101.00%
1-0320-2010-6361 Rds & Str - Grading - Equip Pool Chg Out 34,343.97 38,826 38,826 0 100.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 108 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0320-2020-6120 Rds & Str - Gravel St. Rep. - Wages - CUPE 6,820.85 5,439 5,493 54 101.00%
1-0320-2020-6195 Rds & Str - Gravel St. Rep - Benefits 1,992.88 1,360 1,373 14 101.00%
1-0320-2020-6205 Rds & Str - Gravel St. Rep - Contracts 19,825.44 20,000 20,000 0 100.00%
1-0320-2020-6350 Rds & Str - Gravel St. Rep - Supplies 24,167.31 27,737 27,737 0 100.00%
1-0320-2020-6361 Rds & Str - Gravel St. Rep - Equip Pool Chg Out 13,135.68 15,383 15,383 0 100.00%
1-0320-2030-6120 Rds & Str - Pave Rep & Crackfil - Wages - CUPE 39,224.33 36,260 36,623 363 101.00%
1-0320-2030-6195 Rds & Str - Pave Rep & Crackfil - Benefits 9,205.96 9,065 9,156 91 101.00%
1-0320-2030-6205 Rds & Str - Pave Rep & Crackfil - Contracts 193,141.96 204,000 204,000 0 100.00%
1-0320-2030-6350 Rds & Str - Pave Rep & Crackfil - Supplies 52,200.60 58,321 58,321 0 100.00%
1-0320-2030-6361 Rds & Str - Pave Rep & Crackf - Equip Pool Chg Out 26,296.51 35,608 35,608 0 100.00%
1-0320-2040-6120 Rds & Str - Crackfilling - Wages CUPE 8,406.00 10,540 10,646 105 101.00%
1-0320-2040-6195 Rds & Str - Crackfilling - Benefits 2,378.47 2,635 2,661 26 101.00%
1-0320-2040-6350 Rds & Str - Crackfilling - Supplies 6,435.10 10,455 10,455 0 100.00%
1-0320-2040-6361 Rds & Str - Crackfilling - Equip Pool Chg Out 7,869.98 4,540 9,845 5,306 216.88%
1-0320-2050-6120 Rds & Str - Dust Control - Wages - CUPE 495.13 2,774 2,801 28 101.00%
1-0320-2050-6195 Rds & Str - Dust Control - Benefits 83.76 693 700 7 101.00%
1-0320-2050-6205 Rds & Str - Dust Control - Contracts 50,791.21 36,938 36,938 0 100.00%
1-0320-2050-6350 Rds & Str - Dust Control - Supplies 6,102 6,102 0 100.00%
1-0320-2050-6361 Rds & Str - Dust Control - Equip Pool Chg Out 4,305 4,305 0 100.00%
1-0320-2060-6120 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Repairs - Wages CUPE 968.20 1,132 1,143 11 101.00%
1-0320-2060-6195 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Repairs - Benefits 215.22 283 286 3 101.00%
1-0320-2060-6205 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Repairs - Contracts 68,962.41 55,475 55,475 0 100.00%
1-0320-2060-6350 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Repairs - Supplies 507.77 566 566 0 100.00%
1-0320-2060-6361 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Repairs - Equip Pool Chg Out 139 139 0 100.00%
1-0320-2061-6120 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Plowing - Wages - CUPE 23,337.85 17,315 17,488 173 101.00%
1-0320-2061-6195 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Plowing - Benefits 4,376.13 4,329 4,372 43 101.00%
1-0320-2061-6350 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Plowing - Supplies 502.69 1,731 1,731 0 100.00%
1-0320-2061-6361 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Plowing - Equip Pool Chg Out 8,153.16 12,463 12,463 0 100.00%
1-0320-2070-6120 Rds & Str - St.Sewer Inc MH/CB - Wages CUPE 12,893.85 16,975 17,145 170 101.00%
1-0320-2070-6195 Rds & Str - St.Sewer Inc MH/CB - Benefits 3,484.45 4,244 4,286 42 101.00%
1-0320-2070-6205 Rds & Str - St.Sewer Inc MH/CB - Contracts 15,867.99 27,737 27,737 0 100.00%
1-0320-2070-6350 Rds & Str - St.Sewer Inc MH/CB - Supplies 2,379.44 11,317 11,317 0 100.00%
1-0320-2070-6361 Rds & Str - St.Sewer Inc MH/CB - Equip Pool Ch 7,103.30 16,124 16,124 0 100.00%
1-0320-2080-6120 Rds & Str - Drainage - Wages CUPE 16,358.35 32,234 32,556 322 101.00%
1-0320-2080-6195 Rds & Str - Drainage - Benefits 3,726.10 6,729 6,796 67 101.00%
1-0320-2080-6205 Rds & Str - Drainage - Contracts 134,863.32 161,200 162,812 1,612 101.00%
1-0320-2080-6350 Rds & Str - Drainage - Supplies 8,888.70 7,547 7,547 0 100.00%
1-0320-2080-6361 Rds & Str - Drainage - Equip Pool Chg Out 13,773.84 45,347 45,347 0 100.00%
1-0320-2090-6120 Rds & Str - Steaming - Wages - CUPE 48,513.58 50,926 51,435 509 101.00%
1-0320-2090-6195 Rds & Str - Steaming - Benefits 8,030.78 11,543 11,659 115 101.00%
1-0320-2090-6205 Rds & Str - Steaming - Contracts 16,316 16,316 0 100.00%
1-0320-2090-6350 Rds & Str - Steaming - Supplies 1,632.41 2,263 2,263 0 100.00%
1-0320-2090-6361 Rds & Str - Steaming - Equip Pool Chg Out 18,462.84 34,774 34,774 0 100.00%
1-0320-2100-6120 Rds & Str - Flooding - Wages CUPE 21,672.29 0 0.00%
1-0320-2100-6195 Rds & Str - Flooding - Benefits 3,454.73 0 0.00%
1-0320-2100-6205 Rds & Str - Flooding - Contracts 431,130.29 0 0.00%
1-0320-2100-6350 Rds & Str - Flooding - Supplies 21,548.04 0 0.00%
1-0320-2100-6361 Rds & Str - Flooding-Equipment Pool Chg Out 18,343.36 0 0.00%
1-0320-2110-6120 Rds & Str - St.Cleaning/Sweeping - Wages CUPE 39,448.42 55,988 56,548 560 101.00%
1-0320-2110-6195 Rds & Str - St.Cleaning/Sweeping - Benefits 11,378.69 13,997 14,137 140 101.00%
1-0320-2110-6350 Rds & Str - St.Cleaning/Sweeping - Supplies 6,894.53 6,393 6,393 0 100.00%
1-0320-2110-6361 Rds & Str - St.Cleaning/Sweeping - Equip Pool Chg 91,026.01 90,000 114,244 24,244 126.94%
1-0320-2120-6120 Rds & Str - Sanding - Wages - CUPE 70,257.26 57,716 58,293 577 101.00%
1-0320-2120-6195 Rds & Str - Sanding - Benefits 13,392.97 14,429 14,573 144 101.00%
1-0320-2120-6350 Rds & Str - Sanding - Supplies 124,952.88 158,436 158,436 0 100.00%
1-0320-2120-6361 Rds & Str - Sanding - Equip Pool Chg Out 74,272.49 81,164 81,164 0 100.00%
1-0320-2130-6120 Rds & Str - Snow Removal - Wages CUPE 13,220.93 23,765 24,003 238 101.00%
1-0320-2130-6195 Rds & Str - Snow Removal - Benefits 2,501.10 5,941 6,001 59 101.00%
1-0320-2130-6205 Rds & Str - Snow Removal - Contracts 63,964.00 153,000 153,000 0 100.00%
1-0320-2130-6215 Rds & Str - Snow Removal - Advertising 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
1-0320-2130-6275 Rds & Str - Snow Removal - Towing 2,309 2,309 0 100.00%
1-0320-2130-6350 Rds & Str - Snow Removal - Supplies 716.15 1,154 1,154 0 100.00%
1-0320-2130-6361 Rds & Str - Snow Removal - Equipment Pool 37,688.80 79,654 79,654 0 100.00%
1-0320-2131-6120 Rds & Str - Snow Plowing - Wages CUPE 93,448.18 151,335 152,848 1,513 101.00%
1-0320-2131-6195 Rds & Str - Snow Plowing - Benefits 18,236.58 18,750 18,938 188 101.00%
1-0320-2131-6205 Rds & Str - Snow Plowing - Contracts 36,427.50 102,000 102,000 0 100.00%
1-0320-2131-6350 Rds & Str - Snow Plowing - Supplies 1,109 1,109 0 100.00%
1-0320-2131-6361 Rds & Str - Snow Plowing - Equip Pool Chg Out 159,702.56 207,968 207,968 0 100.00%
1-0320-2140-6120 Rds & Str - Arterial Hwys - Wages CUPE 23,967.26 20,778 20,985 208 101.00%
1-0320-2140-6195 Rds & Str - Arterial Hwys - Benefits 4,888.32 5,194 5,246 52 101.00%
1-0320-2140-6205 Rds & Str - Arterial Hwys - Contracts 4,900.00 51,000 51,000 0 100.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 109 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0320-2140-6350 Rds & Str - Arterial Hwys - Supplies 2,941.68 4,040 4,040 0 100.00%
1-0320-2140-6361 Rds & Str - Arterial Hwys - Equip Pool Chg Out 15,406.54 22,002 22,002 0 100.00%
1-0320-2150-6120 Rds & Str - Barricades - Wages CUPE 4,537.58 2,886 5,915 3,029 204.97%
1-0320-2150-6195 Rds & Str - Barricades - Benefits 1,088.30 721 1,629 908 225.79%
1-0320-2150-6350 Rds & Str - Barricades - Supplies 957.06 1,109 2,121 1,012 191.17%
1-0320-2150-6361 Rds & Str - Barricades - Equip Pool Chg Out 257.58 696 696 0 100.00%
1-0330-0000-6120 Bridges - Wages - CUPE 116.80 1,347 1,360 13 101.00%
1-0330-0000-6195 Bridges - Benefits 28.11 337 340 3 101.00%
1-0330-0000-6245 Bridges - Insurance 8,068.17 7,962 7,962 0 100.00%
1-0330-0000-6350 Bridges - Supplies 23.76 566 566 0 100.00%
1-0330-0000-6361 Bridges - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,205 2,205 0 100.00%
1-0340-0000-6120 Street Lights - Wages - CUPE 1,382.23 1,088 1,099 11 101.00%
1-0340-0000-6195 Street Lights - Benefits 428.92 272 275 3 101.00%
1-0340-0000-6205 Street Lights - Contracts 80,753.80 15,683 80,000 64,318 510.12%
1-0340-0000-6335 Street Lights - Repairs & Mtce. 8,372.84 0 0.00%
1-0340-0000-6350 Street Lights - Supplies 379.78 1,154 1,154 0 100.00%
1-0340-0000-6361 Street Lights - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,884.37 1,518 1,762 244 116.09%
1-0340-0000-6408 Street Lights - Electricity 251,544.63 240,465 240,465 0 100.00%
1-0350-2201-6120 Traf Serv - St. Signs - Wages CUPE 56,480.43 43,510 43,945 435 101.00%
1-0350-2201-6195 Traf Serv - St. Signs - Benefits 13,484.97 10,877 10,986 109 101.00%
1-0350-2201-6350 Traf Serv - St. Signs - Supplies 37,114.46 43,510 43,510 0 100.00%
1-0350-2201-6361 Traf Serv - St. Signs - Equip Pool Chg Out 4,263.38 20,639 20,639 0 100.00%
1-0350-2202-6120 Traf Serv - Line Painting - Wages CUPE 12,080.78 9,742 12,045 2,303 123.64%
1-0350-2202-6195 Traf Serv - Line Painting - Benefits 3,638.35 2,774 3,521 747 126.94%
1-0350-2202-6205 Traf Serv - Line Painting - Contracts 9,445.00 31,992 15,000 -16,992 46.89%
1-0350-2202-6350 Traf Serv - Line Painting - Supplies 10,182.89 13,863 13,863 0 100.00%
1-0350-2202-6361 Traf Serv - Line Painting - Equipment Pool Chg Out 9,628.10 5,671 11,462 5,792 202.13%
1-0350-2203-6120 Traf Serv - Crosswalk Painting - Wages CUPE 40,206.00 44,380 44,824 444 101.00%
1-0350-2203-6195 Traf Serv - Crosswalk Painting - Benefits 10,831.33 11,095 11,206 111 101.00%
1-0350-2203-6350 Traf Serv - Crosswalk Painting - Supplies 11,270.10 20,910 20,910 0 100.00%
1-0350-2203-6361 Traf Serv - Crosswalk Painting - Equip Pool Chg Ou 9,782.89 9,955 9,955 0 100.00%
1-0350-2210-6120 Traf Serv - Traffic Lights - Wages CUPE 120.61 1,154 1,166 12 101.00%
1-0350-2210-6195 Traf Serv - Traffic Lights - Benefits 28.48 289 291 3 101.00%
1-0350-2210-6205 Traf Serv - Traffic Lights - Contracts 714.92 3,328 3,328 0 100.00%
1-0350-2210-6335 Traf Serv - Traffic Lights - Repairs & Maint. 4,846.28 0 0.00%
1-0350-2210-6350 Traf Serv - Traffic Lights - Supplies 39.60 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
1-0350-2210-6361 Traf Serv - Traffic Lights - Equip Pool Chg Out 248.84 577 577 0 100.00%
1-0350-2210-6408 Traf Serv - Traffic Lights - Electricity 1,357.38 5,228 5,228 0 100.00%
1-0310-0000-6362 Traf Serv - EP Surplus Adjustment -250,130.31 -227,499 -227,499 0 100.00%
Public Works Expenditures 2,847,706.36 2,870,042 3,010,403 140,360 104.89%

1-0360-0000-6205 BC Trans - Contracts 614,461.00 724,942 745,473 20,531 102.83%

1-0360-1500-6245 BC Trans - Bus Shelters - Insurance 140.86 139 140 1 101.00%
1-0360-2600-6120 BC Trans - Bus Shelters - Wages - CUPE 8,453.08 11,095 11,206 111 101.00%
1-0360-2600-6195 BC Trans - Bus Shelters - Benefits 1,992.69 2,774 2,801 28 101.00%
1-0360-2600-6335 BC Trans - Bus Shelters - Repairs & Mtce. 134.60 0 0.00%
1-0360-2600-6350 BC Trans - Bus Shelters - Supplies 6,421.00 5,412 5,466 54 101.00%
1-0360-2600-6361 BC Trans - Bus Shelters - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,920.78 2,046 2,067 20 101.00%
1-0360-2601-6622 BC Trans - Step Up & Ride - Misc Grant 25,500.00 25,500 25,500 0 100.00%
BC Transit Service Expenditures 660,024.01 771,908 792,654 20,746 102.69%

1-0400-0000-6120 Air Tnspt. - Wages - CUPE 18,015.65 23,086 23,317 231 101.00%
1-0400-0000-6195 Air Tnspt. - Benefits 3,876.60 5,772 5,829 58 101.00%
1-0400-0000-6205 Air Tnspt. - Contracts 99,823.75 99,600 126,100 26,500 126.61%
1-0400-0000-6215 Air Tnspt. - Advertising 8,937.96 2,886 2,915 29 101.00%
1-0400-0000-6230 Air Tnspt. - Training & Seminars 578.57 8,670 8,757 87 101.00%
1-0400-0000-6235 Air Tnspt. - Public Relations 522.09 3,463 3,498 35 101.00%
1-0400-0000-6245 Air Tnspt. - Insurance Liability 8,090.00 9,000 9,090 90 101.00%
1-0400-0000-6301 Air Tnspt. - Stationery Supplies 864.26 1,731 1,749 17 101.00%
1-0400-0000-6310 Air Tnspt. - Postage 29.07 0 0.00%
1-0400-0000-6320 Air Tnspt. - Subscriptions & Periodicals 1,947.18 1,154 1,166 12 101.00%
1-0400-0000-6350 Air Tnspt. - Supplies 2,522.50 3,463 3,498 35 101.00%
1-0400-0000-6355 Air Tnspt. - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allow. 1,397.20 497 492 -5 99.00%
1-0400-0000-6357 Air Tnspt. - Union Contracts Reimbursement 200.00 0 0.00%
1-0400-0000-6361 Air Tnspt. - Equipment Pool Chg Out 49,397.52 58,757 59,345 588 101.00%
1-0400-0000-6402 Air Tnspt. - Water/Sewer/Garbage 422.00 245 243 -2 99.00%
1-0400-0000-6404 Air Tnspt. - Telephone 13,899.11 14,790 14,938 148 101.00%
1-0400-0000-6408 Air Tnspt. - Sewage Lift Station(Electricity) 2,155.05 2,102 2,081 -21 99.00%
1-0400-0000-6601 Air Tnspt. - Travel 11,935.42 10,200 10,302 102 101.00%
1-0400-0000-6602 Air Tnspt. - Milage 7,800.00 7,140 7,211 71 101.00%
1-0400-0000-6604 Air Tnspt. - Accommodations 8,438.77 8,000 8,080 80 101.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 110 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0400-0000-6608 Air Tnspt. - Conventions & Delegations 8,329.55 10,000 10,100 100 101.00%
1-0400-0000-6615 Air Tnspt. - Memberships 2,564.00 5,439 5,493 54 101.00%
1-0400-0000-6620 Air Tnspt. - Miscellaneous 8,660.42 0 0.00%
1-0400-1500-6245 Air Tnspt. - Bldgs - Insurance 1,190.00 20 20 0 101.00%
1-0400-1540-6350 Air Tnspt. - Janitorial - Supplies 127.06 2,886 2,915 29 101.00%
1-0400-1700-6120 Air Tnspt. - Grounds - Wages CUPE 15,083.26 18,469 18,654 185 101.00%
1-0400-1700-6195 Air Tnspt. - Grounds - Benefits 4,305.24 4,617 4,663 46 101.00%
1-0400-1700-6335 Air Tnspt. - Grounds - Repairs & Mtce. 1,121.80 3,463 3,498 35 101.00%
1-0400-1700-6350 Air Tnspt. - Grounds - Supplies 3,294.64 3,732 3,770 37 101.00%
1-0400-1700-6361 Air Tnspt. - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 8,896.14 9,150 9,242 92 101.00%
1-0400-2030-6120 Air Tnspt. - Pavement Repairs - Wages - CUPE 821.75 5,772 5,829 58 101.00%
1-0400-2030-6195 Air Tnspt. - Pavement Repairs - Benefits 217.28 1,443 1,457 14 101.00%
1-0400-2030-6350 Air Tnspt. - Pavement Repairsl - Supplies 1,154 1,166 12 101.00%
1-0400-2130-6120 Air Tnspt. - Snow Removal - Wages CUPE 47,682.79 34,629 34,976 346 101.00%
1-0400-2130-6195 Air Tnspt. - Snow Removal - Benefits 6,401.40 8,657 8,744 87 101.00%
1-0400-2130-6350 Air Tnspt. - Snow Removal - Supplies 6,634.00 5,100 5,151 51 101.00%
1-0400-2130-6361 Air Tnspt. - Snow Removal - Equip Pool Chg Out 74,387.76 88,474 93,586 5,111 105.78%
1-0400-3070-6120 Air Tnspt. - Hanger - Wages - CUPE 1,450.45 2,309 2,332 23 101.00%
1-0400-3070-6195 Air Tnspt. - Hanger - Benefits 291.69 577 583 6 101.00%
1-0400-3070-6245 Air Tnspt. - Hanger - Insurance 1,101.98 1,065 1,076 11 101.00%
1-0400-3070-6335 Air Tnspt. - Hanger - Repairs & Mtce. 3,113.52 7,319 7,392 73 101.00%
1-0400-3070-6350 Air Tnspt. - Hanger - Supplies 1,797.25 5,100 5,151 51 101.00%
1-0400-3070-6364 Air Tnspt. - Hanger - Electrical Repairs 1,568 1,584 16 101.00%
1-0400-3070-6406 Air Tnspt. - Hanger - Natural Gas 4,912.98 5,228 5,280 52 101.00%
1-0400-3070-6408 Air Tnspt. - Hanger - Electricity 4,900.44 1,255 1,267 13 101.00%
1-0400-3080-6408 Air Tnspt. - Car Rental Lot - Electricity 1,046 1,056 10 101.00%
1-0400-3120-6205 Air Tnspt. - Security - Contracts 37,685.00 25,395 25,649 254 101.00%
1-0400-3120-6350 Air Tnspt. - Security - Supplies 749.10 2,550 2,576 26 101.00%
1-0400-4029-6350 Air Tnspt. - Aircraft De - icing - Supplies 3,824.01 8,080 8,161 81 101.00%
1-0400-4029-6361 Air Tnspt. - Aircraft De - Icing - Equip Pool Chg Ou 49,714.97 39,422 47,049 7,627 119.35%
1-0400-4080-6120 Air Tnspt. - Grasscut - Wages - CUPE 15,752.43 5,772 5,829 58 101.00%
1-0400-4080-6195 Air Tnspt. - Grasscut - Benefits 4,175.01 1,443 1,457 14 101.00%
1-0400-4080-6361 Air Tnspt. - Grasscut - Equip Pool Chg Out 3,109.20 3,250 3,283 33 101.00%
1-0410-0000-6402 Air Term. - Water/Sewer/Garbage 5,244.64 5,406 5,460 54 101.00%
1-0410-0000-6406 Air Term. - Natural Gas 3,822.95 8,364 8,448 84 101.00%
1-0410-0000-6408 Air Term. - Electricity 16,462.80 18,819 19,007 188 101.00%
1-0410-1500-6120 Air Term. - Bldgs - Wages - CUPE 8,078.18 8,657 8,744 87 101.00%
1-0410-1500-6195 Air Term. - Bldgs - Benefits 1,939.37 2,164 2,186 22 101.00%
1-0410-1500-6205 Air Term. - Bldgs - Contracts 11,157.11 11,543 11,659 115 101.00%
1-0410-1500-6245 Air Term. - Bldgs - Insurance 3,459.98 3,171 3,203 32 101.00%
1-0410-1500-6335 Air Term. - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 22,028.19 31,365 31,679 314 101.00%
1-0410-1500-6350 Air Term. - Bldgs - Supplies 15,452.81 0 0.00%
1-0410-1500-6364 Air Term. - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 3,927.14 10,455 10,560 105 101.00%
1-0410-1540-6205 Air Term. - Janitorial - Contracts 38,164.88 46,528 46,490 -38 99.92%
1-0410-1540-6350 Air Term. - Janitorial - Supplies 2,145.22 1,464 1,478 15 101.00%
1-0410-3120-6205 Air Term - Security - Contracts 96.75 0 0.00%
1-0420-0000-6120 Flt Serv Tower - Wages CUPE 70.22 0 0.00%
1-0420-0000-6195 Flt Serv Tower - Benefits 28.37 0 0.00%
1-0420-1500-6245 Nav Air - Buildings - Insurance 2,266.89 2,078 2,099 21 101.00%
1-0420-1500-6335 Nav Air - Buildings - Repairs & Mtce. 5,770.27 5,332 5,385 53 101.00%
1-0420-1500-6350 Nav Air - Buildings - Supplies 1,863.13 2,091 2,112 21 101.00%
1-0420-1500-6364 Nav Air - Buildings - Electrical Repairs 523 528 5 101.00%
1-0420-1500-6402 Nav Air - Buildings - Water/Sewer/Garbage 2,686.52 2,856 2,885 29 101.00%
1-0420-1500-6406 Nav Air - Buildings - Natural Gas 3,641.94 1,568 1,584 16 101.00%
1-0420-1500-6408 Nav Air - Buildings - Electricity 9,436.81 7,319 7,392 73 101.00%
1-0430-0000-6120 Airfield - Wages - CUPE 107,041.38 46,173 46,634 462 101.00%
1-0430-0000-6195 Airfield - Benefits 33,088.91 11,543 11,659 115 101.00%
1-0430-0000-6205 Airfield - Contracts 11,886.64 11,543 11,659 115 101.00%
1-0430-0000-6245 Airfield - Insurance 26,440.00 26,934 27,203 269 101.00%
1-0430-0000-6335 Airfield - Repairs & Mtce. 11,208.79 5,772 5,829 58 101.00%
1-0430-0000-6350 Airfield - Supplies 14,565.86 5,772 5,829 58 101.00%
1-0430-2040-6120 Airfield - Crackfilling - Wages - CUPE 2,678.75 3,463 3,498 35 101.00%
1-0430-2040-6195 Airfield - Crackfilling - Benefits 672.15 866 874 9 101.00%
1-0430-2040-6350 Airfield - Crackfilling - Supplies 148.08 6,273 6,336 63 101.00%
1-0430-2040-6361 Airfield - Crackfilling - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,397.88 1,462 1,476 15 101.00%
1-0430-2080-6205 Airfield - Drainage Ditches - Contracts 5,000.00 5,772 5,829 58 101.00%
1-0430-2080-6350 Airfield - Drainage Ditches - Supplies 398.47 0 0.00%
1-0430-2202-6335 Airfield - Line Painting - Repairs & Mtce. 13,592 13,727 136 101.00%
1-0430-2202-6350 Airfield - Line Painting - Supplies 1,154 1,166 12 101.00%
1-0430-3090-6120 Airfield - Lighting - Wages - CUPE 4,028.23 5,772 5,829 58 101.00%
1-0430-3090-6195 Airfield - Lighting - Benefits 814.63 1,443 1,457 14 101.00%

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01/31/2017 Page 111 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0430-3090-6350 Airfield - Lighting - Supplies 6,933.24 5,772 5,829 58 101.00%
1-0430-3090-6364 Airfield - Lighting - Electrical Repairs 3,227.55 9,180 9,272 92 101.00%
1-0430-3100-6120 Airfield - Sand/Urea - Wages - CUPE 1,777.15 1,154 1,166 12 101.00%
1-0430-3100-6195 Airfield - Sand/Urea - Benefits 223.65 289 291 3 101.00%
1-0430-3100-6350 Airfield - Sand/Urea - Supplies 14,210.08 17,315 40,000 22,685 231.02%
1-0430-3100-6361 Airfield - Sand/Urea - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,544.72 2,661 2,687 27 101.00%
1-0430-3140-6120 Airfield - Bird Control - Wages - CUPE 21,397.39 5,772 5,829 58 101.00%
1-0430-3140-6195 Airfield - Bird Control - Benefits 5,581.89 1,443 1,457 14 101.00%
1-0430-3140-6350 Airfield - Bird Control - Supplies 6,578.06 6,273 6,336 63 101.00%
1-0430-3150-6245 Airfield Electrical Centre - Insurance 1,769.67 880 889 9 101.00%
1-0430-3150-6364 Airfield Electrical Centre - Electrical Repairs 168.00 5,772 5,829 58 101.00%
1-0430-3150-6408 Airfield Electrical Centre - Electricity 10,595.46 10,455 10,560 105 101.00%
1-0450-0000-6120 Fuel Stn - Wages - CUPE 2,690.00 5,772 5,829 58 101.00%
1-0450-0000-6195 Fuel Stn - Benefits 658.58 1,443 1,457 14 101.00%
1-0450-0000-6205 Fuel Stn - Contracts 10,626.47 7,140 7,211 71 101.00%
1-0450-0000-6245 Fuel Stn - Insurance 192.07 153 155 2 101.00%
1-0450-0000-6335 Fuel Stn - Repairs & Mtce. 13,457.60 5,228 15,000 9,773 286.94%
1-0450-0000-6350 Fuel Stn - Supplies 3,449.03 1,731 1,749 17 101.00%
1-0450-0000-6385 Fuel Stn - Aviation fuel 207,986.55 200,000 202,000 2,000 101.00%
1-0450-0000-6404 Fuel Stn - Telephone 688.71 816 824 8 101.00%
1-0450-0000-6408 Fuel Stn - Electricity 1,005.34 1,046 1,056 10 101.00%
1-0470-0000-6120 Air Cafe' - Wages - CUPE 515.29 0 0.00%
1-0470-0000-6195 Air Cafe' - Benefits 145.67 0 0.00%
1-0470-0000-6205 Air Caf - Contracts 1,685.25 0 0.00%
1-0470-0000-6335 Air Caf - Repairs & Mtce. 5,471.18 4,705 4,752 47 101.00%
1-0470-0000-6364 Air Caf - Electrical Repairs 1,467.92 0 0.00%
1-0400-0000-6362 Air Tnspt. - EP Surplus Adjustment -56,585.35 -71,455 -70,741 715 99.00%
Air Transportation Expenditures 1,208,722.93 1,115,716 1,196,938 81,222 107.28%

TRANSPORTATION SERVICES EXPENDITURES 6,510,763.35 6,350,078 6,557,725 207,647 103.27%

1-0820-0000-6110 Pks & Play - Wages - Exempt 34,026 18,366 -15,660 53.98%
1-0820-0000-6120 Pks & Play - Wages - CUPE 132,353.79 150,061 150,061 0 100.00%
1-0820-0000-6195 Pks & Play - Benefits 30,523.72 58,848 58,848 0 100.00%
1-0820-0000-6205 Pks & Play - Contracts 13,680.24 18,450 10,635 -7,816 57.64%
1-0820-0000-6230 Pks & Play - Training & Seminars 504.37 1,732 1,732 0 100.00%
1-0820-0000-6245 Pks & Play - Insurance 259 259 0 100.00%
1-0820-0000-6280 Pks & Play - Rentals 50.08 0 0.00%
1-0820-0000-6320 Pks & Play - Subscriptions & Periodicals 625.55 0 0.00%
1-0820-0000-6335 Pks & Play - Repairs & Mtce. 50.08 0 0.00%
1-0820-0000-6350 Pks & Play - Supplies 16,618.88 9,385 9,385 0 100.00%
1-0820-0000-6355 Pks & Play - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allowance 1,273 1,273 0 100.00%
1-0820-0000-6357 Pks & Play - Union Contract Reimbrusements 314.96 552 500 -52 90.58%
1-0820-0000-6361 Pks & Play - Equipment Pool Chg Out 68,354.44 78,331 78,331 1 100.00%
1-0820-0000-6601 Pks & Play - Travel 228.58 2,330 1,000 -1,330 42.92%
1-0820-0000-6604 Pks & Play - Accommodations 1,208 0 -1,208 0.00%
1-0820-0000-6615 Pks & Play - Memberships 552 0 -552 0.00%
1-0820-2131-6120 Pks & Play - Facility Snowplow - Wages CUPE 20,579.00 20,370 20,370 0 100.00%
1-0820-2131-6195 Pks & Play - Facility Snowplow - Benefits 4,044.92 5,093 5,093 0 100.01%
1-0820-2131-6205 Pks & Play - Facility Snowplow - Contracts 10,404 10,404 0 100.00%
1-0820-2131-6350 Pks & Play - Facility Snowplow - Supplies 3,602.06 1,104 1,104 0 100.00%
1-0820-2131-6361 Pks & Play - Facility Snowplow - Equip Pool Ch 10,490.56 9,835 9,835 0 100.00%
1-0820-4059-6120 Pks & Play - Tree Replacement - Wages - CUPE 27,917.31 15,375 25,529 10,154 166.04%
1-0820-4059-6195 Pks & Play - Tree Replacement - Benefits 7,061.59 3,844 3,844 0 100.01%
1-0820-4059-6361 Pks & Play - Tree Replacement - Equipment Pool Char 8,577.05 9,582 9,582 0 100.00%
1-0820-4059-6350 Pks & Play - Tree Replacement - Supplies 41,343.60 15,918 31,077 15,159 195.23%
1-0820-4060-6120 Pks & Play - Tree Maintenance - Wages - CUPE 15,489.93 16,975 16,975 0 100.00%
1-0820-4060-6195 Pks & Play - Tree Maintenance - Benefits 2,171.88 4,244 4,244 0 100.00%
1-0820-4060-6205 Pks & Play - Tree Maintenance - Contracts 29,780.00 60,000 40,600 -19,400 67.67%
1-0820-4060-6350 Pks & Play - Tree Maintenance - Supplies 1,015.32 2,208 2,208 0 100.00%
1-0820-4060-6361 Pks & Play - Tree Maintenance - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,027.62 3,404 3,404 0 100.00%
1-0820-4061-6361 Pks & Play - Tree Removal Storm - Equip Pool Chg O 95.50 0 0.00%
1-0820-4070-6120 Pks & Play - Parks Cleanup - Wages - CUPE 7,255.65 12,222 12,222 0 100.00%
1-0820-4070-6195 Pks & Play - Parks Cleanup - Benefits 1,341.64 3,056 3,056 0 100.01%
1-0820-4070-6205 Pks & Play - Parks Cleanup - Contracts 14,559.95 9,551 9,551 0 100.00%
1-0820-4070-6350 Pks & Play - Parks Cleanup - Supplies 1,656 0 -1,656 0.00%
1-0820-4070-6361 Pks & Play - Parks Cleanup - Equipment Pool Chg Ou 2,147.77 3,687 3,687 0 100.00%
1-0820-4080-6120 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Wages - CUPE 39,860.95 33,950 33,950 0 100.00%
1-0820-4080-6195 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Benefits 8,925.75 8,488 8,488 0 100.00%
1-0820-4080-6350 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Supplies 932.78 1,656 1,656 0 100.00%
1-0820-4080-6361 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Equip Pool Chg Out 9,416.27 11,199 11,199 0 100.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 112 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0820-4081-6120 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Blvds. - Wages - CUPE 14,711.08 17,042 17,042 0 100.00%
1-0820-4081-6195 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Blvds. - Benefits 3,271.38 4,299 4,299 0 99.99%
1-0820-4081-6205 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Blvds - Contracts 1,656 1,000 -656 60.39%
1-0820-4081-6350 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Blvds. - Supplies 12.69 552 0 -552 0.00%
1-0820-4081-6361 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Blvds. - Equip Pool Chg Out 4,199.03 6,076 6,076 0 100.00%
1-0820-4082-6120 Pks & Play - Grasscut - City Lots - Wages - CUPE 7,034.18 1,132 1,132 0 100.03%
1-0820-4082-6195 Pks & Play - Grasscut - City Lots - Benefits 1,611.37 283 283 0 100.03%
1-0820-4082-6205 Pks & Play - Grasscut - City Lots - Contracts 1,082.58 0 0.00%
1-0820-4082-6350 Pks & Play - Grasscut - City Lots - Supplies 552 0 -552 0.00%
1-0820-4082-6361 Pks & Play - Grasscut - City Lots - Equip Pool Chg O 66.58 566 566 0 100.03%
1-0820-4084-6120 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Ditches - Wages - CUPE 6,494.86 6,273 6,273 0 100.00%
1-0820-4084-6195 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Ditches - Benefits 1,805.71 1,568 1,568 0 99.98%
1-0820-4084-6205 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Dtiches - Contracts 41,344.00 30,308 42,011 11,703 138.61%
1-0820-4084-6215 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Ditches - Advertising 1,104 0 -1,104 0.00%
1-0820-4084-6350 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Ditches - Supplies 552 0 -552 0.00%
1-0820-4085-6361 Pks & Play - Fertilizing - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,405.32 0 1,405 1,405 0.00%
1-0820-4086-6120 Pks & Play - Walkway - Wage CUPE 1,760.50 1,132 1,132 0 100.03%
1-0820-4086-6195 Pks & Play - Walkway - Benefits 316.93 283 283 0 100.03%
1-0820-4086-6245 Pks & Play - Walkway - Insurance 773.19 752 752 0 100.00%
1-0820-4086-6361 Pks & Play - Walkway - Equip Pool Chg Out 69 69 0 100.47%
1-0820-4130-6120 Pks & Play - Watering - Wages - CUPE 36,531.56 50,926 50,926 0 100.00%
1-0820-4130-6195 Pks & Play - Watering - Benefits 7,253.74 12,731 12,731 0 100.00%
1-0820-4130-6205 Pks & Play - Watering - Contracts 1,075.00 7,959 2,039 -5,920 25.61%
1-0820-4130-6350 Pks & Play - Watering - Supplies 5,471.67 552 6,558 6,006 1187.96%
1-0820-4130-6361 Pks & Play - Watering - Equip Pool Chg Out 15,884.32 28,754 28,754 0 100.00%
1-0820-4140-6120 Pks & Play - Trail Maintenance - Wages - CUPE 4,577.40 11,095 11,095 0 100.00%
1-0820-4140-6195 Pks & Play - Trail Maintenance - Benefits 1,221.37 2,263 2,263 0 99.98%
1-0820-4140-6350 Pks & Play - Trail Maintenance - Supplies 785.56 1,082 1,082 0 100.00%
1-0820-4140-6361 Pks & Play - Trail Maintenanc - Equip Pool Chg Out 266.32 425 425 0 99.91%
1-0820-4150-6120 Pks & Play - Banners - Wages - CUPE 2,294.97 6,790 6,790 0 100.00%
1-0820-4150-6195 Pks & Play - Banners - Benefits 536.87 1,698 1,698 0 100.03%
1-0820-4150-6350 Pks & Play - Banners - Supplies 5,600.72 9,551 9,551 0 100.00%
1-0820-4150-6361 Pks & Play - Banners - Equip. Pool Chg. Out 1,318.44 1,351 1,351 0 100.00%
1-0820-4160-6120 Pks & Play - Flower Beds - Wages - CUPE 98,030.09 95,860 95,860 0 100.00%
1-0820-4160-6195 Pks & Play - Flower Beds - Benefits 19,703.42 23,704 23,704 0 100.00%
1-0820-4160-6215 Pks & Play - Flower Beds - Advertising 552 0 -552 0.00%
1-0820-4160-6350 Pks & Play - Flower Beds - Supplies 83,098.70 85,932 85,932 0 100.00%
1-0820-4160-6361 Pks & Play - Flower Beds - Equip Pool Chg Out 9,351.42 18,560 18,560 0 100.00%
1-0820-4400-6350 Pks & Play - Signage - Supplies 5,190.64 2,208 2,208 0 100.00%
1-0820-4400-6361 Pks & Play - Signage - Equip Pool Chg Out 332.90 566 566 0 100.03%
1-0820-4410-6120 Pks & Play - Sports Facilities - Wages CUPE 68,615.48 69,710 69,710 0 100.00%
1-0820-4410-6195 Pks & Play - Sports Facilites - Benefits 16,191.98 18,683 18,683 0 100.00%
1-0820-4410-6205 Pks & Play - Sports Facilites - Contracts 14,528.64 12,989 12,989 0 100.00%
1-0820-4410-6245 Pks & Play - Sports Facilities - Insurance (Soccer Park) 718.45 559 559 0 100.00%
1-0820-4410-6350 Pks & Play - Sports Facilities - Supplies 25,445.38 43,777 43,777 0 100.00%
1-0820-4410-6361 Pks & Play - Sports Facilities - Equip Pool Chg Ou 10,235.10 18,808 18,808 0 100.00%
1-0820-4410-6408 Pks & Play - Sport Facilities - Electricity 4,762.40 1,538 1,538 1 100.03%
1-0843-0000-6120 Pest & Weed - Wages CUPE 356.74 5,439 5,439 0 100.01%
1-0843-0000-6195 Pest & Weed - Benefits 85.03 1,360 1,360 0 100.02%
1-0843-0000-6205 Pest & Weed - Contracts 25,026.00 27,061 27,061 0 100.00%
1-0843-0000-6350 Pest & Weed - Supplies 1,318.37 1,104 1,104 0 100.00%
1-0843-0000-6361 Pest & Weed - Equipment Pool Chg Out 66.58 1,727 1,727 0 99.99%
Parks and Playground Expenditures 1,072,706.45 1,260,337 1,247,206 -13,131 98.96%

1-0810-0000-6622 Rec Facil & Com Serv - Misc Grant 12,740.00 50,000 25,000 -25,000 50.00%
1-0810-0001-6622 South Peace Arts Council Grant 15,300.00 15,300 15,300 0 100.00%
1-0830-0000-6622 Art Gallery - Misc Grant 21,012.00 21,012 21,012 0 100.00%
1-0831-0000-6622 Rotary Park - Misc Grant 69,340.00 72,805 69,340 -3,465 95.24%
1-0845-0000-6622 Kiwanis Band - FFS 5,100.00 5,100 5,100 0 100.00%
1-0846-0000-6622 South Peace Historical Society - Misc Grant 6,000.00 6,000 100,000 94,000 1666.67%
Community Grants and Fee for Service 129,492.00 170,217 235,752 65,535 138.50%

1-0810-1500-6120 Bldgs - Wages - CUPE 1,007.52 0 4,000 4,000 0.00%

1-0810-1500-6195 Bldgs - Benefits 223.68 0 1,000 1,000 0.00%
1-0810-1500-6245 Bldgs - Aid Comm. Projects 140.88 0 0.00%
1-0810-1500-6361 Bldgs - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,334 1,334 0 100.04%
1-0810-4050-6120 Xmas Lighting - Wages - CUPE 4,074.41 6,790 6,790 0 100.00%
1-0810-4050-6195 Xmas Lighting - Benefits 795.93 1,698 1,698 0 100.03%
1-0810-4050-6205 Xmas Lighting - Contracts 646.32 2,206 2,206 0 100.00%
1-0810-4050-6245 Xmas Lighting - Insurance 37.00 38 38 0 100.00%
1-0810-4050-6350 Xmas Lighting - Supplies 785.72 5,000 2,500 -2,500 50.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 113 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0810-4050-6361 Xmas Lighting - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,711.04 2,779 2,779 0 100.01%
1-0810-4050-6408 Xmas Lighting - Electricity 3,588 3,588 1 100.01%
1-0812-0000-6350 Kindness Meters - Supplies 5,766.82 0 0.00%
1-0812-0000-6623 Kindness Meters - Donation Expense 1,174.50 0 0.00%
1-0819-0000-6402 Soccer Fields- -Water/Sewer/Garbage 12,740.12 0 0.00%
1-0821-0000-6120 Creek - Wages - CUPE 1,641.66 5,483 5,483 0 99.99%
1-0821-0000-6195 Creek - Benefits 272.84 816 816 0 100.02%
1-0821-0000-6205 Creek - Contracts 16,777.62 9,117 17,208 8,091 188.75%
1-0821-0000-6361 Creek - Equip Pool Chg Out 133.16 4,016 4,016 0 100.00%
1-0822-0000-6120 102/103 Ave - Wages - CUPE 4,018.41 11,317 11,317 0 100.00%
1-0822-0000-6195 102/103 Ave - Benefits 754.37 2,829 2,829 0 99.99%
1-0822-0000-6205 102/103 Ave - Contracts 1,104 1,104 0 100.00%
1-0822-0000-6350 102/103 Ave - Supplies 4,416 2,500 -1,916 56.61%
1-0822-0000-6361 102/103 Ave - Equipment Pool Charge Out 199.74 3,753 3,753 0 100.01%
1-0823-0000-6120 NAR Park - Wages CUPE 68.00 226 0 -226 0.00%
1-0823-0000-6195 NAR Park - Benefits 11.69 57 0 -57 0.00%
1-0823-0000-6335 NAR Park - Repairs & Mtce. 552 0 -552 0.00%
1-0823-0000-6402 NAR Park - Water/Sewer/Garbage 6,517.13 8,100 8,100 0 100.00%
1-0823-0000-6404 NAR Park - Telephone 4,303.39 4,500 4,500 0 100.00%
1-0823-0000-6406 NAR Park - Natural Gas 4,492.06 6,663 6,663 1 100.01%
1-0823-0000-6408 NAR Park - Electricity 6,889.67 7,688 7,688 1 100.01%
1-0823-1073-6205 NAR Park - Blue Goose Caboose - Contracts 1,104 1,104 0 100.00%
1-0823-1500-6120 NAR Park - Buildings - CUPE Wages 8,808.29 10,658 10,658 0 100.00%
1-0823-1500-6195 NAR Park - Buildings - Benefits 1,934.31 2,665 2,665 0 100.00%
1-0823-1500-6205 NAR Park - Bldgs - Contract 10,411.69 11,773 11,773 0 100.00%
1-0823-1500-6245 NAR Park - Bldgs - Insurance 5,825.23 5,681 5,681 0 100.00%
1-0823-1500-6350 NAR Park - Bldgs - Supplies 3,651.74 2,760 2,760 0 100.00%
1-0823-1500-6364 NAR Park - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 2,454.25 4,416 4,416 0 100.00%
1-0823-1700-6120 NAR Park - Grounds - Wages CUPE 12,129.05 14,679 14,679 0 100.00%
1-0823-1700-6195 NAR Park - Grounds - Benefits 2,923.57 3,392 3,392 0 99.99%
1-0823-1700-6205 NAR Park - Grounds - Contracts 11,695 4,812 -6,883 41.15%
1-0823-1700-6350 NAR Park - Grounds - Supplies 3,519.08 3,987 3,987 0 100.00%
1-0823-1700-6361 NAR Park - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 672.87 4,116 4,116 0 99.99%
1-0823-3120-6205 NAR Park - Security - Contracts 45.00 3,312 1,345 -1,967 40.61%
1-0825-1500-6120 Pioneer Village - Bldgs - Wages CUPE 1,141.52 5,658 5,658 0 99.99%
1-0825-1500-6195 Pioneer Village - Bldgs - Benefits 306.18 1,415 1,415 0 100.03%
1-0825-1500-6335 Pioneer Village - Repairs & Mtce. 1,700.66 3,312 2,500 -812 75.48%
1-0825-1500-6350 Pioneer Village - Supplies 152.86 552 552 0 100.00%
1-0825-1700-6120 Pioneer Village - Grounds - Wages CUPE 10,921.13 15,375 15,375 0 100.00%
1-0825-1700-6195 Pioneer Village - Grounds - Benefits 2,089.35 3,844 3,844 0 100.01%
1-0825-1700-6205 Pioneer Village - Grounds - Contracts 3,121 2,500 -621 80.10%
1-0825-1700-6350 Pioneer Village - Grounds - Supplies 1,561 1,000 -561 64.06%
1-0825-1700-6361 Pioneer Village - Grounds - Equip Pool Chrg Out 965.42 4,388 4,388 0 100.00%
1-0828-0000-6402 Curl Rink - Water/Sewer/Garbage 10,002.59 0 0.00%
1-0828-0000-6406 Curl Rink - Natural Gas 12,796.05 0 0.00%
1-0828-0000-6408 Curl Rink - Electricity 12,862.31 0 0.00%
1-0828-1500-6120 Curl Rink - Bldgs - Wages - CUPE 1,806.57 566 566 0 100.03%
1-0828-1500-6195 Curl Rink - Bldgs - Benefits 437.80 141 141 0 99.67%
1-0828-1500-6205 Curl Rink - Bldgs - Contracts 4,398.60 36,263 12,626 -23,637 34.82%
1-0828-1500-6245 Curl Rink - Bldgs - Insurance 8,073.18 7,790 7,790 0 100.00%
1-0828-1500-6335 Curl Rink - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 765.28 552 552 0 100.00%
1-0828-1500-6350 Curl Rink - Bldgs - Supplies 4,708.02 1,082 1,082 0 100.00%
1-0828-1500-6364 Curl Rink - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 2,061.55 1,656 1,656 0 100.00%
1-0828-1500-6408 Curl Rink - Bldgs - Electricity 0 10,000 10,000 0.00%
1-0828-1700-6120 Curl Rink - Grounds - Wages CUPE 566 0 -566 0.00%
1-0828-1700-6195 Curl Rink - Grounds - Benefits 141 0 -141 0.00%
1-0828-1700-6361 Curl Rink - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 630 0 -630 0.00%
1-0828-3120-6205 Curl Rink - Security - Contracts 2,655.67 3,566 3,566 0 100.00%
1-0829-0000-6120 Aid to Com Proj - Wages - CUPE 3,463.73 12,000 8,536 -3,464 71.13%
1-0829-0000-6195 Aid to Com Proj - Benefits 567.67 3,000 2,433 -567 81.10%
1-0829-0000-6350 Aid to Com Proj - Supplies 10,518.99 15,000 4,481 -10,519 29.87%
1-0829-0000-6361 Aid to Com Proj - Equip Pool Chg Out 166.45 0 0.00%
1-0829-0000-6408 Aid to Com Proj - Electricity 154.85 0 0.00%
1-0831-1500-6245 Rotary Park - Bldgs - Insurance 9,924.67 6,776 6,776 0 100.00%
1-0832-0000-6120 Skating Rinks - Wages - CUPE 8,488 0 -8,488 0.00%
1-0832-0000-6195 Skating Rinks - Benefits 2,122 0 -2,122 0.00%
1-0832-0000-6361 Skating Rinks - Equip Pool Charge Out 1,533.24 10,250 10,250 0 100.00%
1-0832-4400-6350 Skating Rinks - Signage - Supplies 66.98 552 552 0 100.00%
1-0833-0000-6245 Harry Morrow - Insurance 1,000.00 1,241 1,241 0 100.00%
1-0833-0000-6350 Harry Morrow - Supplies 284.55 0 0.00%
1-0833-0000-6402 Harry Morrow - Water/Sewer/Garbage 12,600.68 0 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 114 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0833-1700-6335 Harry Morrow - Grounds - Repairs & Mtce. 131.96 0 0.00%
1-0833-1700-6361 Harry Morrow - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,083.68 2,136 0 -2,136 0.00%
1-0834-0000-6205 Parade Float - Contracts 552 552 0 100.00%
1-0834-0000-6350 Parade Float - Supplies 2,060.01 5,306 5,306 0 100.00%
1-0835-0000-6120 Skating Ovals - Wages - CUPE 5,314.71 3,883 3,883 0 99.99%
1-0835-0000-6195 Skating Ovals - Benefits 1,070.12 971 971 0 100.02%
1-0835-0000-6335 Skating Ovals - Repairs & Mtce. 43.22 0 0.00%
1-0835-0000-6361 Skating Ovals - Equip Pool Chg. Out 5,935.24 4,331 4,331 0 100.01%
1-0837-0000-6120 KPAC - Wages 707.50 0 0.00%
1-0837-0000-6195 KPAC - Benefits 179.67 0 0.00%
1-0837-0000-6245 KPAC - Insurance 595.11 1,312 0 -1,312 0.00%
1-0838-0000-6120 Light Up - Wages CUPE 4,162.45 3,395 3,395 0 100.00%
1-0838-0000-6195 Light Up - Benefits 544.73 849 849 0 100.03%
1-0838-0000-6205 Light Up - Contracts 1,198.70 2,871 2,000 -871 69.66%
1-0838-0000-6215 Light Up - Advertising 800.00 2,208 1,500 -708 67.93%
1-0838-0000-6280 Light Up - Rentals 1,083.91 0 0.00%
1-0838-0000-6350 Light Up - Supplies 789.48 2,208 1,500 -708 67.93%
1-0838-0000-6361 Light Up - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,957.62 1,392 1,392 0 100.00%
1-0838-0000-6390 Light Up - Commissary 299.20 0 0.00%
1-0838-4050-6361 Light Up - Christmas Lighting - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,975.69 0 0.00%
1-0840-0000-6120 Adoption Program - Wages CUPE 495.51 1,245 750 -495 60.25%
1-0840-0000-6195 Adoption Program - Benefits 80.88 311 311 0 99.93%
1-0840-0000-6350 Adoption Program - Supplies 277.49 2,760 1,000 -1,760 36.23%
1-0840-0000-6361 Adoption Program - Equipment 162.08 127 127 0 99.92%
1-0841-0000-6120 Skateboard Park - Wages CUPE 4,070.59 6,790 6,790 0 100.00%
1-0841-0000-6195 Skateboard Park - Benefits 1,088.46 1,698 1,698 0 100.03%
1-0841-0000-6205 Skateboard Park - Contracts 1,082 1,082 0 100.00%
1-0841-0000-6245 Skateboard Park - Insurance 494.41 484 484 0 100.00%
1-0841-0000-6350 Skateboard Park - Supplies 55.31 1,104 1,104 0 100.00%
1-0841-0000-6361 Skateboard Park - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,132 1,132 0 100.03%
Community Services Expenditures 284,343.04 374,060 322,935 -51,126 86.33%

1-0844-1500-6120 CK Art Centre - Blding - Wages - CUPE 30,362.70 30,600 30,906 306 101.00%
1-0844-1500-6195 CK Art Centre - Blding - Benefits 7,174.86 7,650 7,727 77 101.00%
1-0844-1500-6402 CK Art Centre - Blding - Water/Sewer/Garbage 16,770.36 17,340 17,513 173 101.00%
1-0844-1500-6404 CK Art Centre - Blding - Telephone 3,506.16 5,100 5,151 51 101.00%
1-0844-1500-6406 CK Art Centre - Blding - Natural Gas 14,397.99 32,275 17,598 -14,677 54.52%
1-0844-1500-6408 CK Art Centre - Blding - Electricity 50,244.51 20,910 36,119 15,209 172.74%
1-0844-1500-6205 CK Art Centre - Blding - Contracts 48,803.76 10,000 10,100 100 101.00%
1-0844-1500-6245 CK Art Centre - Blding - Insurance 29,436.09 29,187 29,479 292 101.00%
1-0844-1500-6350 CK Art Centre - Blding - Supplies 11,677.93 15,060 15,211 151 101.00%
CK Art Centre Building 212,374.36 168,122 169,803 1,681 101.00%

1-0850-0000-6225 Multiplex - Consulting services 2,500 0 -2,500 0.00%

1-0850-0000-6350 Multiplex - Supplies 5,918 0 -5,918 0.00%
1-0850-1700-6120 Multiplex - Grounds - Wages - CUPE 3,724.82 5,547 5,000 -547 90.13%
1-0850-1700-6195 Multiplex - Grounds - Benefits 740.72 1,387 1,250 -137 90.13%
1-0850-1700-6205 Multiplex - Grounds - Contracts 44,587.91 71,400 45,000 -26,400 63.03%
1-0850-1700-6350 Multiplex - Grounds - Supplies 2,840.54 2,122 2,000 -122 94.25%
1-0850-1700-6361 Multiplex - Grounds - Equip Pool Charge Out 4,548.88 5,390 5,000 -390 92.76%
Multiplex Expenditures 56,442.87 94,265 58,250 -36,015 61.79%

1-0860-0000-6361 Encana Events Centre - Equip Pool Chg Out 186,513.71 190,938 192,847 1,909 101.00%
1-0860-0000-6205 Encana Events Centre - Contracts 1,455,614.74 1,550,000 1,550,000 0 100.00%
1-0860-1500-6205 Encana Events Centre - Bldings - Contracts 5,153.92 5,202 5,254 52 101.00%
1-0860-1500-6245 Encana Events Centre - Building - Insurance 66,196.18 58,267 58,850 583 101.00%
Encana Events Centre Expenditures 1,713,478.55 1,804,407 1,806,951 2,544 100.14%

1-0855-0000-6402 Lakota Centre - Water, Sewer, Garbage 6,782.91 7,242 7,000 -242 96.66%
1-0855-0000-6406 Lakota Centre - Natural Gas 22,600.63 36,593 30,000 -6,593 81.98%
1-0855-0000-6408 Lakota Centre - Electricity 43,221.72 37,638 40,000 2,362 106.28%
1-0855-0000-6622 Lakota Centre - Stables & Arena - Misc Grant 10,200.00 10,200 0 -10,200 0.00%
1-0855-1500-6205 Lakota Centre - Building - Contracts 2,394.92 5,306 4,000 -1,306 75.39%
1-0855-1500-6245 Lakota Centre - Building - Insurance 14,485.43 12,119 15,000 2,881 123.77%
1-0855-1540-6205 Lakota Centre - Janitorial - Contracts 3,416.88 3,714 4,000 286 107.70%
Lakota Centre Expenditures 103,102.49 112,812 100,000 -12,812 88.64%

1-0865-0000-6205 Walking Track - Contracts 14,812.50 12,485 15,000 2,515 120.14%

Walking Track Expenditures 14,812.50 12,485 15,000 2,515 120.14%

1-0900-0000-6404 Swim Pool - Telephone 1,020 0 -1,020 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 115 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0900-0000-6406 Swim Pool - Natural Gas 157 0 -157 0.00%
1-0900-0000-6408 Swim Pool - Electricity 80.26 105 0 -105 0.00%
1-0900-1500-6245 Swim Pool - Bldgs - Insurance 314.27 671 0 -671 0.00%
Centennial Swimming Pool Expenditures 394.53 1,952 0 -1,952 0.00%

1-0925-0000-6120 Climbing Wall - Wages - CUPE 38,208.43 44,540 40,000 -4,540 89.81%
1-0925-0000-6195 Climbing Wall - Benefits 7,311.17 6,526 10,000 3,474 153.22%
1-0925-0000-6215 Climbing Wall - Advertising 624 0 -624 0.00%
1-0925-0000-6230 Climbing Wall - Training & Seminars 3,641 0 -3,641 0.00%
1-0925-0000-6320 Climbing Wall - Subscriptions & Periodicals 90.00 0 0.00%
1-0925-0000-6335 Climbing Wall - Repairs & Mtce. 4,832.71 2,081 0 -2,081 0.00%
1-0925-0000-6350 Climbing Wall - Supplies 2,637.92 5,202 5,000 -202 96.12%
1-0925-0000-6355 Climbing Wall - Cloth/Footwear/Tool Allowance 796 0 -796 0.00%
Climbing Wall Expenditures 53,080.23 63,410 55,000 -8,410 86.74%

1-0950-0000-6205 KBAC - Contracts 3,329.39 10,259 5,359 -4,900 52.24%

1-0950-0000-6235 KBAC - Public Relations 22.78 0 0.00%
1-0950-0000-6110 KBAC - Wages - Exempt 44,392.45 41,659 45,000 3,341 108.02%
1-0950-0000-6120 KBAC - Wages - CUPE 919,602.07 887,407 896,281 8,874 101.00%
1-0950-0000-6195 KBAC - Benefits 241,908.64 193,984 195,923 1,940 101.00%
1-0950-0000-6215 KBAC - Advertising 389.68 13,249 5,000 -8,249 37.74%
1-0950-0000-6230 KBAC - Training & Seminars 6,006.17 6,624 6,690 66 101.00%
1-0950-0000-6301 KBAC - Stationery Supplies 3,396.51 5,520 5,575 55 101.00%
1-0950-0000-6320 KBAC - Subscriptions & Periodicals 999.73 386 390 4 101.00%
1-0950-0000-6350 KBAC - Supplies 4,792.07 30,297 15,303 -14,994 50.51%
1-0950-0000-6355 KBAC - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allow. 2,160.57 3,312 3,345 33 101.00%
1-0950-0000-6357 KBAC - Union Contracts Reimbursements 552 500 -52 90.58%
1-0950-0000-6380 KBAC - Chemicals 70,921.53 55,204 60,000 4,796 108.69%
1-0950-0000-6390 KBAC - Commissary 583.32 2,208 2,230 22 101.00%
1-0950-0000-6402 KBAC - Water/Sewer/Garbage 42,740.20 62,220 59,337 -2,883 95.37%
1-0950-0000-6404 KBAC - Telephone 12,335.60 12,240 12,362 122 101.00%
1-0950-0000-6406 KBAC - Natural Gas 33,900.96 52,275 52,798 523 101.00%
1-0950-0000-6408 KBAC - Electricity 64,832.56 57,503 58,078 575 101.00%
1-0950-0000-6601 KBAC - Travel 519.28 2,185 2,207 22 101.00%
1-0950-0000-6602 KBAC - Mileage 1,005.63 1,656 1,673 17 101.00%
1-0950-0000-6604 KBAC - Accommodations 618.47 2,931 2,960 29 101.00%
1-0950-0000-6606 KBAC - Vehicle rental 552 558 6 101.00%
1-0950-0000-6608 KBAC - Conventions & Delegations 1,053.81 1,000 1,010 10 101.00%
1-0950-0000-6615 KBAC - Memberships 836.18 552 558 6 101.00%
1-0950-0000-6620 KBAC - Miscellaneous 8,879.07 552 558 6 101.00%
1-0950-0000-6640 KBAC - Rights & Licences 999.24 1,104 1,115 11 101.00%
1-0950-0000-6670 KBAC - Cash over (short) 4.71 166 168 2 101.00%
1-0950-1500-6120 KBAC - Bldgs - Wages CUPE 127,335.49 131,475 132,790 1,315 101.00%
1-0950-1500-6195 KBAC - Bldgs - Benefits 31,138.71 24,331 24,574 243 101.00%
1-0950-1500-6205 KBAC - Bldgs - Contracts 4,509.90 11,514 11,629 115 101.00%
1-0950-1500-6245 KBAC - Bldgs - Insurance 18,391.04 28,865 29,154 289 101.00%
1-0950-1500-6335 KBAC - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 76,307.04 16,561 26,727 10,166 161.38%
1-0950-1500-6350 KBAC - Bldgs - Supplies 37,135.17 37,142 41,400 4,258 111.46%
1-0950-1500-6361 KBAC - Bldgs - Equip Pool Chg Otu 28,873.56 21,494 29,127 7,633 135.51%
1-0950-1500-6364 KBAC - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 19,763.44 5,520 17,000 11,480 307.97%
1-0950-1500-6365 KBAC - Bldgs - Mechanical Repairs 8,117.79 2,561 28,000 25,439 1093.32%
1-0950-1500-6392 KBAC - Bldgs - Medical & Laundry 2,796.99 1,040 1,050 10 101.00%
1-0950-1700-6120 KBAC - Grounds - Wages - CUPE 1,773.15 1,731 1,749 17 101.00%
1-0950-1700-6195 KBAC - Grounds - Benefits 396.30 433 437 4 101.00%
1-0950-1700-6361 KBAC - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 582.72 1,928 1,947 19 101.00%
1-0950-1820-6205 KBAC - Equip Office - Contracts 8,651.10 5,520 5,575 55 101.00%
1-0950-3120-6205 KBAC - Security - Contracts 10,137.17 0 3,000 3,000 0.00%
1-0950-4180-6230 KBAC - Recertification - Training & Seminars 3,864 3,903 39 101.00%
1-0950-4300-6350 KBAC - Special Programs - Supplies 1,357.98 2,124 2,145 21 101.00%
1-0950-4300-6390 KBAC - Special Programs - Commissary 1,950.38 0 0.00%
1-0950-4301-6350 KBAC - Leadership Courses 5,075.38 0 0.00%
1-0950-0000-6699 KBAC - Replacement equipment 20,202.63 20,808 10,200 -10,608 49.02%
Kenn Borek Aquatic Centre Expenditures 1,870,726.56 1,762,508 1,805,384 42,876 102.43%

1-1000-0000-6105 Pks & Rec - Wages - Management 105,178.11 114,954 117,300 2,346 102.04%
1-1000-0000-6110 Pks & Rec - Wages - Exempt 82,079.68 119,092 160,000 40,908 134.35%
1-1000-0000-6120 Pks & Rec - Wages - CUPE 226,723.57 237,848 240,226 2,378 101.00%
1-1000-0000-6195 Pks & Rec - Benefits 111,277.84 115,236 116,388 1,152 101.00%
1-1000-0000-6205 Pks & Rec - Contracts 2,900.00 0 0.00%
1-1000-0000-6225 Pks & Rec - Consulting 6,294.03 5,000 5,050 50 101.00%
1-1000-0000-6215 Pks & Rec - Advertising 12,622.68 15,978 11,138 -4,840 69.71%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 116 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-1000-0000-6230 Pks & Rec - Training & Seminars 2,892.28 4,140 4,181 41 101.00%
1-1000-0000-6301 Pks & Rec - Stationery Supplies 7,037.05 5,412 5,466 54 101.00%
1-1000-0000-6350 Pks & Rec - Supplies 1,260.91 1,082 16,093 15,011 1487.32%
1-1000-0000-6357 Pks & Rec - Union Contracts Reimbursement 219.81 331 500 169 151.06%
1-1000-0000-6361 Pks & Rec - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,422.56 2,484 2,508 25 101.00%
1-1000-0000-6390 Pks & Rec - Commissary 595.99 552 558 6 101.00%
1-1000-0000-6404 Pks & Rec - Telephone 6,417.64 6,630 6,696 66 101.00%
1-1000-0000-6601 Pks & Rec - Travel 1,465.27 6,323 4,323 -2,000 68.37%
1-1000-0000-6602 Pks & Rec - Mileage 1,040.66 1,000 1,010 10 101.00%
1-1000-0000-6604 Pks & Rec - Accomodations 1,166.85 2,450 2,475 25 101.00%
1-1000-0000-6608 Pks & Rec - Conventions & Delegations 369.79 2,916 2,945 29 101.00%
1-1000-0000-6615 Pks & Rec - Memberships 406.19 1,353 1,367 14 101.00%
1-1000-0000-6634 Pks & Rec - Uncolelctables AR 808.50 0 0.00%
1-1000-1820-6205 Pks & Rec - Equipment - Contracts 11,653.52 0 0.00%
1-1000-1820-6350 Pks & Rec - Equipment Office - Supplies 74.90 1,312 1,325 13 101.00%
1-1000-4300-6120 Pks & Rec - Special Events - Wages - CUPE 804.66 0 0.00%
1-1000-4300-6195 Pks & Rec - Special Events - Benefits 149.25 0 0.00%
1-1000-4300-6205 Pks & Rec - Special Events. - Contracts 3,824.25 3,526 3,561 35 101.00%
1-1000-4300-6215 Pks & Rec - Special Events - Advertising 160.50 0 3,000 3,000 0.00%
1-1000-4300-6350 Pks & Rec - Special Events - Supplies 5,106.86 4,416 6,460 2,044 146.29%
1-1000-4300-6390 Pks & Rec - Special Events - Commissary 907.16 552 558 6 101.00%
1-1000-4302-6120 Pks & Rec - Rec Programs - Wages CUPE 116.84 0 0.00%
1-1000-4302-6195 Pks & Rec - Rec Programs - Benefits 35.91 0 0.00%
1-1000-4302-6205 Pks & Rec - Rec Programs - Contracts 35,188.51 29,440 29,734 294 101.00%
1-1000-4302-6280 Pks & Rec - Rec Programs - Rentals 3,470.00 3,000 3,030 30 101.00%
1-1000-4302-6350 Pks & Rec - Rec Programs - Supplies 6,428.66 4,161 6,266 2,105 150.59%
1-1000-4302-6360 Pks & Rec - Rec Programs - Equipment - Other 91.80 0 0.00%
1-1000-4302-6361 Pks & Rec - Rec Programs - Equip Pool Chg Out 34 34 0 101.01%
1-1000-4302-6604 Pks & Rec - Rec Programs - Accommodations 1,613 1,629 16 101.00%
1-1000-4305-6205 Pks & Rec - 2017 World U17 Hockey Event - Contract 0 100,000 100,000 0.00%
1-1000-4305-6235 Pks & Rec - 2017 World U17 Hockey Event - Public Rela 348.79 0 0.00%
1-1000-4305-6350 Pks & Rec - 2017 World U17 Hockey Event - Supplies 61.48 0 0.00%
1-1000-4305-6601 Pks & Rec - 2017 World U17 Hockey Event - Travel 1,543.28 0 0.00%
1-1000-4305-6604 Pks & Rec - 2017 World U17 Hockey Event - Accomoda 392.16 0 0.00%
1-1000-4305-6606 Pks & Rec - 2017 World U17 Hockey Event - Vehicle Re 213.18 0 0.00%
1-1000-4307-6205 Pks & Rec - 2015 World U17 Hockey Event - Contracts 123,204.75 0 0.00%
1-1000-4307-6280 Pks & Rec - 2015 World U17 Hockey Event - 17 Rentals 3,500.00 0 0.00%
1-1000-4307-6350 Pks & Rec - 2015 World U17 Hockey Event - Supplies -1,357.30 0 0.00%
1-1000-4307-6601 Pks & Rec - 2015 World U17 Hockey Event - Travel -1,252.64 0 0.00%
1-1000-4307-6604 Pks & Rec - 2015 World U17 Hockey Event - Accomoda 3,670.92 0 0.00%
1-0800-0000-6362 Rec Serv - EP Surplus Adjustment -126,363.58 -104,373 -103,329 1,044 99.00%
Recreation Program Expenditures 645,153.27 586,461 750,493 164,032 127.97%

1-1020-1500-6120 YCC - Bldgs - Wages CUPE 6,530.74 4,040 0 -4,040 0.00%

1-1020-1500-6195 YCC - Bldgs - Benefits 1,528.51 1,010 0 -1,010 0.00%
1-1020-1500-6205 YCC - Bldgs - Contracts 1,084.74 2,760 0 -2,760 0.00%
1-1020-1500-6245 YCC - Bldgs - Insurance 1,796.62 3,834 0 -3,834 0.00%
1-1020-1500-6335 YCC - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 1,446.91 5,937 0 -5,937 0.00%
1-1020-1500-6350 YCC - Bldgs - Supplies 4,754.87 552 0 -552 0.00%
1-1020-1500-6364 YCC - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 725.48 1,325 0 -1,325 0.00%
1-1020-1500-6392 YCC - Bldgs - Medical/Laundry 208 0 -208 0.00%
1-1020-1500-6402 YCC - Bldgs - Water/Sewer/Garbage 6,224.14 1,836 0 -1,836 0.00%
1-1020-1500-6404 YCC - Bldgs - Telephone 2,058.13 2,244 0 -2,244 0.00%
1-1020-1500-6406 YCC - Bldgs - Natural Gas 2,772.62 6,273 0 -6,273 0.00%
1-1020-1500-6408 YCC - Bldgs - Electricity 2,700.32 2,614 0 -2,614 0.00%
1-1020-1540-6350 YCC - Janitorial - Supplies 334.60 1,500 0 -1,500 0.00%
1-1020-3120-6205 YCC - Security - Contracts 2,993.67 1,040 0 -1,040 0.00%
1-1021-0000-6120 OSC - Wages - CUPE 86,767.75 90,037 90,000 -37 99.96%
1-1021-0000-6195 OSC - Benefits 19,099.72 19,239 22,500 3,261 116.95%
1-1021-0000-6215 OSC - Advertising 1,104 0 -1,104 0.00%
1-1021-0000-6230 OSC - Training & Seminars 313.70 2,165 1,000 -1,165 46.19%
1-1021-0000-6280 OSC - Rentals 2,434.31 2,165 2,500 335 115.47%
1-1021-0000-6350 OSC - Supplies 4,442.46 5,907 5,000 -907 84.65%
1-1021-0000-6390 OSC - Commissary 4,915.68 5,520 5,000 -520 90.58%
1-1021-0000-6392 OSC - Medical & Laundry 40.00 0 0.00%
1-1021-0000-6404 OSC - Telephone 3,519.62 3,672 3,500 -172 95.32%
1-1021-0000-6601 OSC - Travel 1,082 500 -582 46.21%
Youth Care Expenditures 156,484.59 166,063 130,000 -36,063 78.28%

1-1050-0000-6110 Kin Arena - Wages - Exempt 22,196.25 20,830 22,500 1,670 108.02%
1-1050-0000-6120 Kin Arena - Wages - CUPE 124,300.23 98,457 99,441 985 101.00%

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01/31/2017 Page 117 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-1050-0000-6195 Kin Arena - Benefits 31,986.26 29,090 29,381 291 101.00%
1-1050-0000-6215 Kin Arena - Advertising 484.02 552 558 6 101.00%
1-1050-0000-6225 Kin Arena - Consulting Services 1,500.00 0 0.00%
1-1050-0000-6230 Kin Arena - Training & Seminars 426.22 624 630 6 101.00%
1-1050-0000-6301 Kin Arena - Stationery Supplies 824.16 520 525 5 101.00%
1-1050-0000-6320 Kin Arena - Subscription & Periodicals 116 117 1 101.00%
1-1050-0000-6350 Kin Arena - Supplies 7,602.58 15,606 15,762 156 101.00%
1-1050-0000-6355 Kin Arena - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allowance 1,921.47 1,561 1,577 16 101.00%
1-1050-0000-6357 Kin Arena - Union Contract Reimbursements 104 0 -104 0.00%
1-1050-0000-6361 Kin Arena - Equip Pool Chg Out 13,658.52 13,984 14,124 140 101.00%
1-1050-0000-6390 Kin Arena - Commissary 646.76 520 525 5 101.00%
1-1050-0000-6402 Kin Arena - Water/Sewer/Garbage 21,967.04 20,400 20,604 204 101.00%
1-1050-0000-6404 Kin Arena - Telephone 3,836.04 4,182 4,224 42 101.00%
1-1050-0000-6406 Kin Arena - Natural Gas 22,346.10 20,910 21,119 209 101.00%
1-1050-0000-6408 Kin Arena - Electricity 29,998.64 36,593 36,958 366 101.00%
1-1050-0000-6601 Kin Arena - Travel 585.32 1,040 1,050 10 101.00%
1-1050-0000-6602 Kin Arena - Mileage 1,029.67 1,000 1,010 10 101.00%
1-1050-0000-6604 Kin Arena - Accomodations 1,040 1,050 10 101.00%
1-1050-0000-6608 Kin Arena - Conventions & Delegations 345.00 0 0.00%
1-1050-0000-6615 Kin Arena - Memberships 383.09 0 0.00%
1-1050-1500-6120 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Wages CUPE 38,347.85 29,231 29,523 292 101.00%
1-1050-1500-6195 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Benefits 10,247.17 6,911 6,980 69 101.00%
1-1050-1500-6205 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Contracts 8,668.18 2,653 2,680 27 101.00%
1-1050-1500-6245 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Insurance 8,085.67 7,728 7,805 77 101.00%
1-1050-1500-6335 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 19,860.42 34,333 26,676 -7,657 77.70%
1-1050-1500-6350 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Supplies 18,819.10 21,848 22,066 218 101.00%
1-1050-1500-6364 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 15,031.81 6,242 14,304 8,062 229.16%
1-1050-1500-6365 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Mechanical Repairs 1,040 1,050 10 101.00%
1-1050-1500-6392 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Medical & Laundry 916.39 520 525 5 101.00%
1-1050-1700-6120 Kin Arena - Grounds - Wages CUPE 1,731 1,749 17 101.00%
1-1050-1700-6195 Kin Arena - Grounds - Benefits 433 437 4 101.00%
1-1050-1700-6361 Kin Arena - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,397 2,421 24 101.00%
1-1050-1800-6350 Kin Arena - Equipment - Other - Supplies 1,538.12 0 0.00%
1-1050-3120-6205 Kin Arena - Security - Contracts 3,513.17 5,545 5,600 55 101.00%
1-1050-4190-6120 Kin Arena - Rink Patrol - Wages - CUPE 16,676.54 21,755 16,972 -4,782 78.02%
1-1050-4190-6195 Kin Arena - Rink Patrol - Benefits 4,011.82 5,439 5,493 54 101.00%
1-1050-4300-6120 Kin Arena - Special Programs - Wages - CUPE 351.46 2,175 2,197 22 101.00%
1-1050-4300-6195 Kin Arena - Special Programs - Benefits 87.66 544 549 5 101.00%
1-1050-4300-6350 Kin Arena - Special Programs - Supplies 650.49 1,040 1,050 10 101.00%
1-1050-5010-6205 Kin Arena - Ice Plant - Contracts 2,035.00 10,924 11,033 109 101.00%
1-1050-5010-6335 Kin Arena - Ice Plant - Repairs & Mtce. 8,906.04 10,924 11,033 109 101.00%
1-1050-5010-6350 Kin Arena - Ice Plant - Supplies 7,899.07 8,162 8,244 82 101.00%
Kin Arena Expenditures 451,683.33 448,705 449,548 844 100.19%

1-1060-0000-6110 Mem Arena - Wages - Exempt 23,709.43 20,830 29,038 8,208 139.41%
1-1060-0000-6120 Mem Arena - Wages - CUPE 275,365.15 241,252 243,665 2,413 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6195 Mem Arena - Benefits 75,777.59 55,786 56,344 558 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6215 Mem Arena - Advertising 971.52 1,104 1,115 11 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6225 Mem Arena - Consulting 6,194.03 30,000 10,300 -19,700 34.33%
1-1060-0000-6230 Mem Arena - Training & Seminars 1,521.42 1,561 1,577 16 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6280 Mem Arena - Rentals 5,987.15 2,650 2,677 27 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6301 Mem Arena - Stationery Supplies 1,332.18 1,040 1,050 10 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6320 Mem Arena - Subscriptions & Periodicals 208 210 2 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6350 Mem Arena - Supplies 8,350.09 10,404 10,508 104 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6355 Mem Arena - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allow. 1,703.08 561 567 6 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6357 Mem Arena - Union Contracts Reimbursements 552 0 -552 0.00%
1-1060-0000-6361 Mem Arena - Equip Pool Chg Out 10,841.68 10,858 10,966 109 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6390 Mem Arena - Commissary 726.56 520 525 5 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6402 Mem Arena - Water/Sewer/Garbage 31,111.57 26,520 26,785 265 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6404 Mem Arena - Telephone 11,292.31 12,240 12,362 122 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6406 Mem Arena - Natural Gas 33,719.41 28,229 28,511 282 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6408 Mem Arena - Electricity 127,217.34 40,800 56,208 15,408 137.76%
1-1060-0000-6601 Mem Arena - Travel 1,010.44 2,081 2,102 21 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6602 Mem Arena - Mileage 1,011.23 1,040 1,050 10 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6604 Mem Arena - Accomodations 1,040 1,050 10 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6608 Mem Arena - Conventions & Delegations 646.24 1,040 1,050 10 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6615 Mem Arena - Memberships 203.09 312 315 3 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6640 Mem Arena - Rights & Licences 140.69 0 0.00%
1-1060-1500-6120 Mem Arena - Bldgs - Wages CUPE 47,698.53 69,055 69,745 691 101.00%
1-1060-1500-6195 Mem Arena - Bldgs - Benefits 12,578.85 19,385 19,578 194 101.00%
1-1060-1500-6205 Mem Arena - Bldgs - Contracts 7,464.76 50,000 10,500 -39,500 21.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 118 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-1060-1500-6245 Mem Arena - Bldgs - Insurance 17,285.49 16,410 16,575 164 101.00%
1-1060-1500-6335 Mem Arena - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 18,752.92 29,131 29,422 291 101.00%
1-1060-1500-6350 Mem Arena - Bldgs - Supplies 22,102.70 15,606 15,762 156 101.00%
1-1060-1500-6364 Mem Arena - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 21,238.62 3,121 20,152 17,031 645.70%
1-1060-1500-6392 Mem Arena - Bldgs - Medical & Laundry 2,004.97 1,040 1,050 10 101.00%
1-1060-1700-6120 Mem Arena - Grounds - Wages CUPE 384.31 1,731 1,749 17 101.00%
1-1060-1700-6195 Mem Arena - Grounds - Benefits 83.81 433 437 4 101.00%
1-1060-1700-6350 Mem Arena - Grounds - Supplies 250.00 110 111 1 101.00%
1-1060-1700-6361 Mem Arena - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 490.61 2,636 2,663 26 101.00%
1-1060-1800-6361 Mem Arena - Equip Other - Equip Pool Chg Out 66.58 0 0.00%
1-1060-1820-6205 Mem Arena - Equipment - Contracts 6,095.57 0 0.00%
1-1060-1820-6350 Mem Arena - Office Equipment - Supplies 231.33 221 223 2 101.00%
1-1060-3120-6205 Mem Arena - Security - Contracts 3,558.17 4,162 4,204 42 101.00%
1-1060-4190-6120 Mem Arena - Rink Patrol - Wages - CUPE 49,689.53 21,755 45,972 24,218 211.32%
1-1060-4190-6195 Mem Arena - Rink Patrol - Benefits 10,443.84 5,439 5,493 54 101.00%
1-1060-4300-6120 Mem Arena - Special Programs - Wages - CUPE 1,730.33 2,774 2,801 28 101.00%
1-1060-4300-6195 Mem Arena - Special Programs - Benefits 335.89 555 560 6 101.00%
1-1060-4300-6205 Mem Arena - Special Programs - Contracts 11,790.08 10,000 10,100 100 101.00%
1-1060-4300-6350 Mem Arena - Special Programs - Supplies 2,756.78 2,122 2,143 21 101.00%
1-1060-5010-6205 Mem Arena - Ice Plant - Contracts 2,061.78 11,593 11,709 116 101.00%
1-1060-5010-6335 Mem Arena - Ice Plant - Repairs & Mtce. 7,430.58 16,561 16,727 166 101.00%
1-1060-5010-6350 Mem Arena - Ice Plant - Supplies 8,120.43 6,624 6,690 66 101.00%
1-1060-5020-6120 Mem Arena - Summer Ice - Wages - CUPE 3,579.93 0 0.00%
1-1060-5020-6195 Mem Arena - Summer Ice - Benefits 670.98 0 0.00%
1-1060-5020-6335 Mem Arena - Summer Ice - Repairs & Mtce. 2,493.57 520 525 5 101.00%
1-1060-5020-6350 Mem Arena - Summer Ice - Supplies 1,812.46 0 0.00%
1-1060-5040-6350 Mem Arena - Sound System - Supplies 552 558 6 101.00%
Memorial Arena Expenditures 882,035.60 782,163 793,427 11,264 101.44%
Arena Expenditures 1,333,718.93 1,230,868 1,242,975 12,108 100.98%

1-1070-0000-6361 Exhib Gnds - Equip Pool Chg Out 299.61 5,547 5,000 -547 90.13%
1-1070-0000-6402 Exhib Gnds - Water/Sewer/Garbage 15,801.48 4,266 15,000 10,734 351.65%
1-1070-0000-6406 Exhib Gnds - Natural Gas 3,370.86 7,319 6,000 -1,319 81.98%
1-1070-0000-6408 Exhib Gnds - Electricity 14,224.24 15,683 15,000 -683 95.65%
1-1070-0000-6622 Exhib Gnds - Misc Grant 10,200.00 25,200 5,000 -20,200 19.84%
1-1070-1068-6402 Exhib Gnds - Fall Fair - Water/Sewer/Garbage 162.75 4,080 0 -4,080 0.00%
1-1070-1500-6120 Exhib Gnds - Bldgs - Wages - CUPE 3,536.78 2,774 4,000 1,226 144.21%
1-1070-1500-6195 Exhib Gnds - Bldgs - Benefits 733.70 693 1,000 307 144.21%
1-1070-1500-6245 Exhib Gnds - Bldgs - Insurance 5,148.90 5,221 5,500 279 105.34%
1-1070-1500-6335 Exhib Gnds - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 3,485.15 5,306 5,000 -306 94.23%
1-1070-1500-6350 Exhib Gnds - Bldgs - Supplies 4,554.21 0 5,000 5,000 0.00%
1-1070-1500-6361 Exhib Gnds - Bldgs - Equip Pool Chg Out 214.88 0 0.00%
1-1070-1700-6120 Exhib Gnds - Grounds - Wages - CUPE 19,471.45 15,533 20,000 4,467 128.76%
1-1070-1700-6195 Exhib Gnds - Grounds - Benefits 4,316.22 3,883 5,000 1,117 128.76%
1-1070-1700-6205 Exhib Gnds - Grounds - Contracts 14,759.38 8,490 16,500 8,010 194.35%
1-1070-1700-6335 Exhib Gnds - Grounds - Repairs & Mtce. 175.07 0 0.00%
1-1070-1700-6350 Exhib Gnds - Grounds - Supplies 2,495.25 6,898 3,000 -3,898 43.49%
1-1070-1700-6361 Exhib Gnds - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,458.44 4,160 4,000 -160 96.14%
Exhibition Grounds Expenditures 104,408.37 115,053 115,000 -53 99.95%

1-1080-0000-6110 Pub Lib - Wages - Exempt 73,914.18 70,000 72,000 2,000 102.86%
1-1080-0000-6120 Pub Lib - Wages - CUPE 270,328.52 290,000 300,000 10,000 103.45%
1-1080-0000-6140 Pub Lib - Long Service Bonus 2,040.00 0 0.00%
1-1080-0000-6195 Pub Lib - Benefits 77,100.56 90,000 90,000 0 100.00%
1-1080-0000-6301 Pub Lib - Stationery Supplies 0.00 221 223 2 101.00%
1-1080-0000-6357 Pub Lib - Union Contract Reimbursements 50.00 221 200 -21 90.50%
1-1080-0000-6622 Pub Lib - Misc Grant 59,000.00 59,000 58,000 -1,000 98.31%
1-1080-1500-6120 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Wages CUPE 13,446.80 8,887 8,976 89 101.00%
1-1080-1500-6195 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Benefits 3,211.20 2,309 2,332 23 101.00%
1-1080-1500-6205 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Contracts 6,646.63 7,729 7,806 77 101.00%
1-1080-1500-6245 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Insurance 6,297.00 5,780 5,838 58 101.00%
1-1080-1500-6335 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 2,931.91 0 0.00%
1-1080-1500-6350 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Supplies 4,253.51 5,520 5,575 55 101.00%
1-1080-1500-6361 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,179.66 226 229 2 101.00%
1-1080-1500-6364 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 9,166.42 2,165 2,187 22 101.00%
1-1080-1500-6392 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Medical & Laundry 1,797.65 2,208 2,230 22 101.00%
1-1080-1540-6205 Pub Lib - Janitorial - Contracts 37,416.88 29,226 34,518 5,292 118.11%
1-1080-1540-6350 Pub Lib - Janitorial - Supplies 1,525.58 2,165 2,187 22 101.00%
1-1080-1700-6120 Pub Lib - Grounds - Wages CUPE 3,910.47 2,718 2,745 27 101.00%
1-1080-1700-6195 Pub Lib - Grounds - Benefits 820.20 679 686 7 101.00%
1-1080-1700-6350 Pub Lib - Grounds - Supplies 541 546 5 101.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 119 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-1080-1700-6361 Pub Lib - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,156.41 1,011 1,021 10 101.00%
1-1080-3120-6205 Pub Lib - Security - Contracts 3,480.17 1,581 1,597 16 101.00%
Public Library Expenditures 580,673.75 582,187 598,895 16,709 102.87%

RECREATION SERVICES EXPENDITURES 8,331,392.49 8,505,207 8,653,645 148,438 101.75%

1-1100-0000-6502 FS - Interest on Prepayment of Taxes 6,054.32 5,000 5,050 50 101.00%

1-1100-8010-6506 FS - Credit Line - Interest 1.51 2,000 2,020 20 101.00%
1-1100-8010-6508 FS - Bank Charges 40,038.59 41,000 40,000 -1,000 97.56%
1-1100-8012-6510 FS - MFA - SI - Interest 1,040,606.17 1,042,470 1,006,461 -36,009 96.55%
1-1100-8022-6516 FS - WIP - Interest 2,773.02 6,000 6,060 60 101.00%
2-1100-8012-6510 FS - MFA - SI - Interest 500,649.29 508,099 497,312 -10,787 97.88%
3-1100-8012-6510 FS - MFA - SI - Interest 228,831.28 228,702 228,702 0 100.00%
Interest Expenditures 1,818,954.18 1,833,271 1,785,605 -47,667 97.40%

1-1100-8012-7504 FS - GRF - MFA - SI - Principle 1,544,420.40 1,544,420 1,526,859 -17,561 98.86%

2-1100-8012-7504 FS - WUF - MFA - SI Principle 709,394.49 709,394 697,978 -11,416 98.39%
3-1100-8012-7504 FS - SUF - MFA - SI Principle 319,235.39 319,235 319,235 0 100.00%
Principal Payments 2,573,050.28 2,573,049 2,544,072 -28,977 98.87%

DEBT SERVICES EXPENDITURES 4,392,004.46 4,406,320 4,329,676 -76,644 98.26%

Total Operating Expenditures 32,991,940.48 34,105,551 34,802,173 696,622 102.04%

2-1200-0000-6110 Wat Op - Wages - Exempt 98,316.09 88,107 95,000 6,893 107.82%

2-1200-0000-6120 Wat Op - Wages CUPE 22,289.64 30,805 31,113 308 101.00%
2-1200-0000-6195 Wat Op - Benefits 35,407.39 7,700 36,030 28,330 467.92%
2-1200-0000-6230 Wat Op - Training & Seminars 13,866.18 11,317 11,317 0 100.00%
2-1200-0000-6350 Wat Op - Supplies -5,690.48 2,886 2,886 0 100.00%
2-1200-0000-6355 Wat Op - Repairs & Mtce. 680.92 0 0.00%
2-1200-0000-6361 Wat Op - Equip Pool Chg Out 110,727.36 113,235 113,235 0 100.00%
2-1200-0000-6602 Wat Op - Mileage 817.14 0 0.00%
2-1200-0000-6615 Wat Op - Memberships 2,272.00 2,175 2,175 0 100.00%
2-1200-0000-6640 Wat Op - Rights & Licences 5,700.99 4,660 4,660 0 100.00%
2-1200-1800-6350 Wat Op - Equipment Other - Supplies 1,903.37 0 0.00%
2-1200-1820-6350 Wat Op - Equipment Office - Supplies 636.47 1,385 1,385 0 100.00%
2-1200-6000-6227 Wat Op - Wat Gen - Lab Analysis 3,780.85 1,658 1,658 0 100.00%
2-1200-6000-6235 Wat Op - Wat Gen - Public Relations 1,154 1,154 0 100.00%
2-1200-6000-6291 Wat Op - Wat Gen - Fees (Inc. BCR Fees) 2,844.16 1,731 1,731 0 100.00%
2-1200-6049-6120 Wat Op - Cross Connection Prog - Wages CUPE 3,915.46 2,400 2,424 24 101.00%
2-1200-6049-6195 Wat Op - Cross Connection Prog - Benefits 982.76 600 606 6 101.00%
2-1200-6049-6230 Wat Op - Cross Connection Prog - Training 5,666.00 849 849 0 100.00%
2-1200-6049-6350 Wat Op - Cross Connection Prog - Supplies 4,048.08 1,154 3,500 2,346 303.21%
2-1200-6049-6615 Wat Op - Cross Connection Prog - Memberships 450.68 500 500 0 100.00%
2-1200-6050-6120 Wat Op - Main Repairs - Wages CUPE 696.67 33,950 34,290 340 101.00%
2-1200-6050-6195 Wat Op - Main Repairs - Benefits 2,440.17 8,488 8,573 85 101.00%
2-1200-6050-6205 Wat Op - Main Repairs - Contracts 14,448.93 21,755 21,755 0 100.00%
2-1200-6050-6350 Wat Op - Main Repairs - Supplies 5,803.16 11,095 11,095 0 100.00%
2-1200-6050-6361 Wat Op - Main Repairs - Equip Pool Chg Out 3,609.36 11,167 11,167 0 100.00%
2-1200-6051-6120 Wat Op - Flushing Program - Wages CUPE 562.75 4,800 4,848 48 101.00%
2-1200-6051-6195 Wat Op - Flushing Program - Benefits 129.66 1,200 1,212 12 101.00%
2-1200-6051-6350 Wat Op - Flushing Program - Supplies 44.85 2,500 2,500 0 100.00%
2-1200-6051-6361 Wat Op - Flushing Program - Equip Pool Chg Out 5,600 5,600 0 100.00%
2-1200-6052-6120 Wat Op - Flushing Unscheduled - Wages CUPE 359.71 1,109 1,121 11 101.00%
2-1200-6052-6195 Wat Op - Flushing Unscheduled - Benefits 1.87 277 280 3 101.00%
2-1200-6052-6361 Wat Op - Flushing Unscheduled - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,774 2,774 0 100.00%
2-1200-6053-6120 Wat Op - Valve Checks - Wages CUPE 25,771.79 10,389 10,493 104 101.00%
2-1200-6053-6195 Wat Op - Valve Checks - Benefits 5,789.60 2,597 2,623 26 101.00%
2-1200-6053-6350 Wat Op - Valve Checks - Supplies 154.79 577 577 0 100.00%
2-1200-6053-6361 Wat Op - Valve Checks - Equip Pool Chg Out 3,761.77 7,171 7,171 0 100.00%
2-1200-6054-6120 Wat Op - Valve Repairs - Wages CUPE 4,905.57 23,086 23,317 231 101.00%
2-1200-6054-6195 Wat Op - Valve Repairs - Benefits 1,182.81 5,772 5,829 58 101.00%
2-1200-6054-6205 Wat Op - Valve Repairs - Contracts 51,369.34 21,755 21,755 0 100.00%
2-1200-6054-6350 Wat Op - Valve Repairs - Supplies 9,088.53 32,632 32,632 0 100.00%
2-1200-6054-6361 Wat Op - Valve Repairs - Equip Pool Chg Out 4,649.26 16,270 16,270 0 100.00%
2-1200-6055-6120 Wat Op - Serv Connect - Wages CUPE 5,996.30 23,086 23,317 231 101.00%
2-1200-6055-6195 Wat Op - Serv Connect - Benefits 1,207.64 5,772 5,829 58 101.00%
2-1200-6055-6205 Wat Op - Serv Connect - Contracts 75,823.33 34,629 130,000 95,371 375.40%
2-1200-6055-6350 Wat Op - Serv Connect - Supplies 2,273.48 21,755 21,755 0 100.00%
2-1200-6055-6361 Wat Op - Serv Connect - Equip Pool Chg. Out 6,151.01 10,499 10,499 0 100.00%
2-1200-6056-6120 Wat Op - Serv Connect Thawing - Wages CUPE 1,132 1,143 11 101.00%

Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge... Page 121 of 309
ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 120 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
2-1200-6056-6195 Wat Op - Serv Connect Thawing - Benefits 283 286 3 101.00%
2-1200-6056-6350 Wat Op - Serv Connect Thawing - Supplies 566 566 0 100.00%
2-1200-6056-6361 Wat Op - Serv Connect Thawing - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,664 1,664 0 100.00%
2-1200-6057-6120 Wat Op - Serv Connect Bleeders - Wages CUPE 5,858.65 3,263 5,000 1,737 153.22%
2-1200-6057-6195 Wat Op - Serv Connect Bleeders - Benefits 1,614.12 816 1,500 684 183.87%
2-1200-6057-6350 Wat Op - Serv Connect Bleeders - Supplies 150.00 566 566 0 100.00%
2-1200-6057-6361 Wat Op - Serv Connect Bleeders - Equip Pool Chg Ou 2,663.20 1,602 2,120 518 132.36%
2-1200-6058-6120 Wat Op - Curb Box Repairs - Wages CUPE 17,140.60 17,315 17,488 173 101.00%
2-1200-6058-6195 Wat Op - Curb Box Repairs - Benefits 4,037.11 4,329 4,372 43 101.00%
2-1200-6058-6350 Wat Op - Curb Box Repairs - Supplies 3,011.30 5,332 5,332 0 100.00%
2-1200-6058-6361 Wat Op - Curb Box Repairs - Equip.Pool Chg Out 16,329.93 13,578 13,578 0 100.00%
2-1200-6059-6120 Wat Op - Hydrant - Checks - Wages CUPE 24,757.19 11,543 22,500 10,957 194.92%
2-1200-6059-6195 Wat Op - Hydrant - Checks - Benefits 7,536.00 2,886 6,750 3,864 233.90%
2-1200-6059-6361 Wat Op - Hydrant Checks - Equip Pool Chg Out 5,251.08 9,921 9,921 0 100.00%
2-1200-6060-6120 Wat Op - Hydrant Repairs - Wages CUPE 47,424.55 43,034 43,464 430 101.00%
2-1200-6060-6195 Wat Op - Hydrant Repairs - Benefits 11,980.49 10,758 10,866 108 101.00%
2-1200-6060-6205 Wat Op - Hydrant Repairs - Contracts 14,779.74 5,772 5,772 0 100.00%
2-1200-6060-6350 Wat Op - Hydrant Repairs - Supplies 1,216.83 16,975 16,975 0 100.00%
2-1200-6060-6361 Wat Op - Hydrant Repairs - Equip Pool Chg Out 7,010.36 19,099 19,099 0 100.00%
2-1200-6061-6120 Wat Op - Water Meters - Wages - CUPE 66,713.26 61,713 62,330 617 101.00%
2-1200-6061-6195 Wat Op - Water Meters - Benefits 18,854.60 15,429 15,583 154 101.00%
2-1200-6061-6205 Wat Op - Water Meters - Contracts 21,824.84 135,000 350,000 215,000 259.26%
2-1200-6061-6350 Wat Op - Water Meters - Supplies 58,060.61 102,000 75,000 -27,000 73.53%
2-1200-6061-6361 Wat Op - Water Meters - Equip Pool Chg Out 5,439 5,439 0 100.00%
2-1201-0000-6215 Wat Admin - Advertising 869.15 5,439 5,439 0 100.00%
2-1201-0000-6225 Wat Admin - Consultant Serv. 54,982.98 117,000 50,000 -67,000 42.74%
2-1201-0000-6230 Wat Admin - Training & Seminars 1,185.01 5,772 5,772 0 100.00%
2-1201-0000-6301 Wat Admin - Stationery Supplies 69.55 577 577 0 100.00%
2-1201-0000-6350 Wat Admin - Supplies 489.23 0 0.00%
2-1201-0000-6361 Wat Admin - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,783.28 2,899 2,899 0 100.00%
2-1201-0000-6404 Wat Admin - Telephone 10,203.06 8,160 8,160 0 100.00%
2-1201-0000-6602 Wat Admin - Mileage 566 566 0 100.00%
2-1201-1600-6350 Wat Admin - Computer - Supplies 1,900.22 4,040 4,040 0 100.00%
2-1201-6000-6615 Wat Admin - Wat Gen - Memberships 748.74 1,088 1,088 0 100.00%
2-1202-0000-6120 Bill & Collec - Wages - CUPE 17,220.40 57,716 58,293 577 101.00%
2-1202-0000-6195 Bill & Collec - Benefits 4,263.88 14,429 14,573 144 101.00%
2-1202-0000-6335 Bill & Collec - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allow. 1,309.97 2,719 2,719 0 100.00%
2-1202-0000-6361 Bill & Collec - Equip Pool Chg Out 17,000.14 17,639 17,639 0 100.00%
2-1203-0000-6120 Turn On/Off - Wages - CUPE 4,464.98 5,658 5,715 57 101.00%
2-1203-0000-6195 Turn On/Off - Benefits 549.97 1,415 1,429 14 101.00%
2-1203-0000-6361 Turn On/Off - Equip Pool Chg Out 565.93 2,304 2,304 0 100.00%
2-1204-1600-6225 Scada - Computers - Consultants 6,235.62 10,000 10,000 0 100.00%
2-1204-1600-6286 Scada - Computers - Programing 28,927.50 5,772 16,000 10,228 277.22%
2-1204-1600-6350 Scada - Computers - Supplies 21,511.08 5,772 16,000 10,228 277.22%
2-1204-1600-6360 Scada - Computers - Equip. Other 568.20 0 0.00%
2-1204-1820-6335 Scada - Equipment Office - Repairs & Mtce. 490.55 1,731 1,731 0 100.00%
2-1204-6010-6225 Scada - Radio - Consultants 5,000 5,000 0 100.00%
2-1204-6010-6335 Scada - Radio - Repairs & Mtce. 6,926 6,926 0 100.00%
2-1205-0000-6361 Watersales - Equip Pool Chg Out 70 70 0 100.00%
2-1205-1500-6120 Watersales - Buildings - Wages CUPE 1,372.62 0 0.00%
2-1205-1500-6195 Watersales - Bldgs - Benefits 185.68 0 0.00%
2-1205-1500-6205 Watersales - Bldgs - Contracts 4,320.12 1,088 50,000 48,912 4596.69%
2-1205-1500-6225 Watersales - Bldgs - Consulting 5,228 5,228 0 100.00%
2-1205-1500-6245 Watersales - Bldgs - Insurance 737.19 727 727 0 100.00%
2-1205-1500-6335 Watersales - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 11,891.52 5,772 5,772 0 100.00%
2-1205-1500-6350 Watersales - Bldgs - Supplies 3,353.54 2,219 2,219 0 100.00%
2-1205-1500-6364 Watersales - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 3,299.01 7,922 7,922 0 100.00%
2-1205-1500-6365 Watersales - Bldgs - Mechanical Repairs 1,455.07 5,772 5,772 0 100.00%
2-1205-1500-6408 Watersales - Bldgs - Electricity 8,577.98 7,841 7,841 0 100.00%
2-1205-2000-6120 Watersales - Rds & St Gen - Wages 140.83 0 0.00%
2-1205-2000-6195 Watersales - Rds & St Gen - Benefits 32.43 0 0.00%
2-1205-2010-6361 Watersales - Grading - Equip Pool Chg Out 536.81 0 0.00%
2-1205-3120-6335 Watersales - Security - Repairs & Mtce. 2,000 2,000 0 100.00%
2-1206-0000-6120 Watershed - Wages CUPE 103,333.89 160,000 161,600 1,600 101.00%
2-1206-0000-6195 Watershed - Benefits 23,037.24 40,000 40,400 400 101.00%
2-1206-0000-6205 Watershed - Contracts 22,022.96 51,000 20,000 -31,000 39.22%
2-1206-0000-6225 Watershed - Consultants 15,000 15,000 0 100.00%
2-1206-0000-6227 Watershed - Lab Analysis 38,634.70 50,000 40,000 -10,000 80.00%
2-1206-0000-6230 Watershed - Training & Seminars 3,644.07 3,570 3,570 0 100.00%
2-1206-0000-6235 Watershed - Public Relations 7,382.18 9,180 9,180 0 100.00%
2-1206-0000-6280 Watershed - Rentals 28.89 3,200 600 -2,600 18.75%

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City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
2-1206-0000-6285 Watershed - Planning Study 20,725.75 46,920 35,000 -11,920 74.60%
2-1206-0000-6291 Watershed - Fees 1,385.92 2,540 1,700 -840 66.93%
2-1206-0000-6315 Watershed - Memberships 340.00 408 700 292 171.57%
2-1206-0000-6335 Watershed - Repairs & Maintenance 1,100.00 1,632 1,632 0 100.00%
2-1206-0000-6350 Watershed - Supplies 10,267.06 10,455 10,455 0 100.00%
2-1206-0000-6361 Watershed - Equip Pool Chg Out 9,035.04 10,144 10,144 0 100.00%
2-1206-0000-6608 Watershed - Conventions & Delegations 4,315.60 8,000 8,000 0 100.00%
2-1206-0000-6620 Watershed - Miscellaneous 2,265.69 2,719 2,719 0 100.00%
2-1207-0000-6225 Weir - Consultants 65,849.99 70,000 89,500 19,500 127.86%
2-1207-0000-6335 Weir - Repairs & Mtce. 25,450.84 55,000 50,120 -4,880 91.13%
2-1208-1500-6120 WTP - Buildings - CUPE Wages 13,341.29 30,600 30,906 306 101.00%
2-1208-1500-6195 WTP - Buildings - Benefits 3,049.60 7,650 7,727 77 101.00%
2-1208-1500-6245 WTP House - Bldgs - Insurance 329.27 290 290 0 100.00%
2-1208-1500-6335 WTP House - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 2,818.96 2,719 2,719 0 100.00%
2-1208-1500-6364 WTP House - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 366.47 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
2-1208-1500-6406 WTP House - Bldgs - Natural Gas 524.51 1,046 1,046 0 100.00%
2-1208-1500-6408 WTP House - Bldgs - Electricity 327.20 523 523 0 100.00%
2-1210-0000-6120 Power & Pumping - Wages CUPE 73,185 73,917 732 101.00%
2-1210-0000-6195 Power & Pumping - Benefits 18,296 18,479 183 101.00%
2-1210-0000-6361 Power & Pumping - Equip Pool Chg Out 5,772 5,772 0 100.00%
2-1215-0000-6120 Arras Pumphouse - Wages CUPE 3,472.69 0 0.00%
2-1215-0000-6195 Arras Pumphouse - Benefits 836.10 0 0.00%
2-1215-1500-6120 Arras Pumphouse - Bldgs - Wages 1,925.55 0 0.00%
2-1215-1500-6195 Arras Pumphouse - Bldgs - Benefits 461.91 0 0.00%
2-1215-1500-6245 Arras Pumphouse - Bldgs - Insurance 1,172.72 1,121 1,121 0 100.00%
2-1215-1500-6335 Arras Pumphouse - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 1,190.71 32,309 32,309 0 100.00%
2-1215-1500-6350 Arras Pumphouse - Bldgs - Supplies 3,511.51 0 0.00%
2-1215-1500-6364 Arras Pumphouse - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 1,221.16 2,309 2,309 0 100.00%
2-1215-1500-6404 Arras Pumphouse - Bldgs - Telephone 564.80 765 765 0 100.00%
2-1215-1500-6408 Arras Pumphouse - Bldgs - Electricity 40,413.90 36,593 36,593 0 100.00%
2-1215-3120-6635 Arras Pumphouse - Security - Repairs & Mtce. 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
2-1215-6000-6335 Arras Pumphouse - General - Repairs & Mtce. 0 35,000 35,000 0.00%
2-1215-6000-6350 Arras Pumphouse - General - Supplies 1,240.49 0 0.00%
2-1215-6000-6364 Arras Pumphouse - General - Electrical Repairs 1,089.58 0 0.00%
2-1215-6000-6365 Arras Pumphouse - General - Mechanical Repairs 4,429.36 11,317 11,317 0 100.00%
2-1216-0000-6120 Devereaux Booster - Wages - CUPE 2,453.68 0 0.00%
2-1216-0000-6195 Devereaux Booster - Benefits 571.72 0 0.00%
2-1216-0000-6404 Devereaux Booster - Telecomemetry - Telephone 2,601.17 2,907 2,907 0 100.00%
2-1216-1500-6245 Devereaux Booster - Bldgs - Insurance 1,265.28 1,130 1,130 0 100.00%
2-1216-1500-6335 Devereaux Booster - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 1,396.93 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
2-1216-1500-6364 Devereaux Booster - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 960.19 3,137 3,137 0 100.00%
2-1216-1500-6365 Devereaux Booster - Bldgs - Mechanical Repairs 5,658 5,658 0 100.00%
2-1216-1500-6408 Devereaux Booster - Bldgs - Electricity 27,354.92 36,593 36,593 0 100.00%
2-1217-0000-6120 Hansen Pumphouse - Wages CUPE 4,278.92 1,200 3,212 2,012 267.67%
2-1217-0000-6195 Hansen Pumphouse - Benefits 1,109.74 300 964 664 321.20%
2-1217-0000-6361 Hansen Pumphouse - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,200 1,200 0 100.00%
2-1217-1500-6245 Hansen Pumphouse - Bldgs - Insurance 36.01 1,278 1,278 0 100.00%
2-1217-1500-6335 Hansen Pumphouse - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 4,343.61 2,661 2,661 0 100.00%
2-1217-1500-6350 Hansen Pumphouse - Bldgs - Supplies 32.10 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
2-1217-1500-6364 Hansen Pumphouse - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 604.80 5,658 5,658 0 100.00%
2-1217-1500-6408 Hansen Pumphouse - Bldgs - Electricity 72,623.55 73,185 73,185 0 100.00%
2-1231-0000-6120 Parkhill Pumphouse - Wages - CUPE 2,980.61 0 0.00%
2-1231-0000-6195 Parkhill Pumphouse - Benefits 758.34 0 0.00%
2-1231-1500-6120 Parkhill Pumphouse - Buildings - Wages CUPE 1,994.82 0 0.00%
2-1231-1500-6195 Parkhill Pumphouse - Buildings - Benefits 511.24 0 0.00%
2-1231-1500-6245 Parkhill Pumphouse - Buildings - Insurance 1,481.63 1,569 1,569 0 100.00%
2-1231-1500-6335 Parkhill Pumphouse - Buildings - Repairs & Mtce. 19,648.49 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
2-1231-1500-6360 Parkhill Pumphouse - Buildings - Equipment Other 3,466.41 0 0.00%
2-1231-1500-6364 Parkhill Pumphouse - Buildings - Electrical Repair 5,502.92 3,395 3,395 0 100.00%
2-1231-1500-6365 Parkhill Pumphouse - Buildings - Mechanical Repair 1,865.26 5,658 5,658 0 100.00%
2-1231-1500-6406 Parkhill Pumphouse - Buildings - Natural Gas 1,099.54 2,509 2,509 0 100.00%
2-1231-1500-6408 Parkhill Pumphouse - Buildings - Electricity 8,456.80 20,910 20,910 0 100.00%
2-1231-3120-6350 Parkhill Pumphouse - Security - Supplies 1,724.52 1,698 1,698 0 100.00%
2-1232-0000-6120 Alaska Booster - Wages - CUPE 4,201.18 0 0.00%
2-1232-0000-6195 Alaska Booster - Benefits 1,024.88 0 0.00%
2-1232-1500-6245 Alaska Booster - Buildings - Insurance 948.00 823 823 0 100.00%
2-1232-1500-6335 Alaska Booster - Buildings - Repairs & Mtce. 176.40 1,698 1,698 0 100.00%
2-1232-1500-6360 Alaska Booster - Buildings - Equip. Other 3,884.01 0 0.00%
2-1232-1500-6364 Alaska Booster - Buildings - Electrical Repairs 1,121.46 2,263 2,263 0 100.00%
2-1232-1500-6365 Alaska Booster - Buildings - Mechanical Repairs 4,527 4,527 0 100.00%
2-1232-1500-6406 Alaska Booster - Buildings - Natural Gas 231.53 1,046 1,046 0 100.00%

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City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
2-1232-1500-6408 Alaska Booster - Buildings - Electricity 14,815.05 18,819 18,819 0 100.00%
2-1232-3120-6335 Alaska Booster - Security - Repairs & Mtce. 2,829 2,829 0 100.00%
2-1232-3120-6350 Alaska Booster - Security - Supplies 1,698 1,698 0 100.00%
2-1233-1500-6120 Pouce Coupe Booster - Bldgs - Wages CUPE 5,541.49 0 0.00%
2-1233-1500-6195 Pouce Coupe Booster - Bldgs - Benefits 1,064.00 0 0.00%
2-1233-1500-6245 Pouce Coupe Booster - Bldgs - Insurance 399.90 430 430 0 100.00%
2-1233-1500-6335 Pouce Coupe Booster - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 313.31 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
2-1233-1500-6360 Pouce Coupe Booster - Bldgs - Equipment - Other 7,027.32 0 0.00%
2-1233-1500-6364 Pouce Coupe Booster - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 3,777.15 1,066 1,066 0 100.00%
2-1233-1500-6365 Pouce Coupe Booster - Bldgs - Mechanical Repairs 1,109 1,109 0 100.00%
2-1233-1500-6408 Pouce Coupe Booster - Bldgs - Electricity 1,556.95 1,568 1,568 0 100.00%
2-1233-3120-6350 Pouce Coupe Booster - Security - Supplies 555 555 0 100.00%
2-1234-1500-6120 Loran Booster Stn - Buildings - CUPE Wages 2,911.57 0 0.00%
2-1234-1500-6195 Loran Booster Stn - Benefits 700.71 0 0.00%
2-1234-1500-6245 Loran Booster Stn - Insurance 2,017.00 2,150 2,150 0 100.00%
2-1234-1500-6335 Loran Booster Stn - Repairs & Mtce. 2,481.81 2,091 2,091 0 100.00%
2-1234-1500-6361 Loran Booster Stn - Equipment Pool Chq Out 523 523 0 100.00%
2-1234-1500-6364 Loran Booster Stn - Electrical Repairs 2,091 2,091 0 100.00%
2-1234-1500-6365 Loran Booster Stn - Mechanical Repairs 3,137 3,137 0 100.00%
2-1234-1500-6406 Loran Booster Stn - Natural Gas 3,137 3,137 0 100.00%
2-1234-1500-6408 Loran Booster Stn - Electricity 9,518.62 10,455 10,455 0 100.00%
2-1234-3120-6350 Loran Booster Stn - Security Supplies 784.97 0 0.00%
2-1240-0000-6120 Purif & Trtmt - Wages 93,981.17 73,185 73,917 732 101.00%
2-1240-0000-6195 Purif & Trtmt - Benefits 21,341.10 18,296 18,479 183 101.00%
2-1240-0000-6350 Purif & Trtmt - Supplies 5,196.30 15,000 15,000 0 100.00%
2-1240-0000-6355 Purif & Trtmt - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allow. 696.31 2,829 2,829 0 100.00%
2-1240-0000-6361 Purif & Trtmt - Equip Pool Chg Out 5,311.68 5,540 5,540 0 100.00%
2-1240-0000-6404 Purif & Trtmt - Telephone 3,055.06 3,264 3,264 0 100.00%
2-1241-0000-6390 WTP - Commissary 379.82 905 905 0 100.00%
2-1241-0000-6402 WTP - Water/Sewer/Garbage 655.14 612 612 0 100.00%
2-1241-1500-6120 WTP - Buildings - Wages CUPE 55,124.85 0 0.00%
2-1241-1500-6195 WTP - Buildings - Benefits 11,757.56 0 0.00%
2-1241-1500-6205 WTP - Buildings - Contracts 8,249.37 26,138 26,138 0 100.00%
2-1241-1500-6225 WTP - Buildings - Consultants 5,000 5,000 0 100.00%
2-1241-1500-6245 WTP - Buildings - Insurance 20,004.23 19,327 19,327 0 100.00%
2-1241-1500-6280 WTP - Buildings - Rentals 2,886 2,886 0 100.00%
2-1241-1500-6335 WTP - Buildings - Repairs & Mtce. 18,081.00 23,086 23,086 0 100.00%
2-1241-1500-6350 WTP - Buildings - Supplies 13,296.99 5,772 5,772 0 100.00%
2-1241-1500-6364 WTP - Buildings - Electrical Repairs 12,994.97 9,053 9,053 0 100.00%
2-1241-1500-6365 WTP - Buildings - Mechanical Repairs 3,596.23 16,642 16,642 0 100.00%
2-1241-1500-6404 WTP - Buildings - Telephone 931.31 0 0.00%
2-1241-1500-6406 WTP - Buildings - Natural Gas 5,034.54 11,501 11,501 0 100.00%
2-1241-1500-6408 WTP - Buildings - Electricity 42,824.86 47,048 47,048 0 100.00%
2-1241-1540-6205 WTP - Janitorial - Contracts 2,263 2,263 0 100.00%
2-1241-1540-6350 WTP - Janitorial - Supplies 317.05 1,154 1,154 0 100.00%
2-1241-1600-6205 WTP - Computers - Contracts 1,000 1,000 0 100.00%
2-1241-1700-6120 WTP - Grounds - Wages CUPE 17,712.39 10,455 10,560 105 101.00%
2-1241-1700-6195 WTP - Grounds - Benefits 4,382.36 2,614 2,640 26 101.00%
2-1241-1700-6335 WTP - Grounds - Repairs & Mtce. 29,570.11 35,000 35,000 0 100.00%
2-1241-1800-6350 WTP - Equip.Other - Supplies 6,078.85 4,617 4,617 0 100.00%
2-1241-1820-6350 WTP - Equip.Office - Supplies 332.51 577 577 0 100.00%
2-1241-3120-6335 WTP - Security - Repairs & Mtce. 10,590.25 4,617 4,617 0 100.00%
2-1241-6010-6350 WTP - Radios - Supplies 2,363.24 0 0.00%
2-1241-6030-6350 WTP - Treatment - Supplies 4,546.37 6,505 6,505 0 100.00%
2-1241-6030-6380 WTP - Treatment - Chemicals 102,471.92 73,185 73,185 0 100.00%
2-1242-0000-6335 Sludge Pond - Repairs & Mtce. 4,438 4,438 0 100.00%
2-1242-0000-6361 Sludge Pond - PW24 2,226.36 2,327 2,327 0 100.00%
2-1246-1500-6335 WTP V Chambers - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 1,032.74 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
2-1246-1500-6360 WTP V Chambers - Bldgs - Equipment Other 1,689.06 0 0.00%
2-1246-1500-6364 WTP V Chambers - Bldgs - Electrical Repair 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
2-1252-6000-6120 Supply Line - Water General - Wages - CUPE 1,200 1,212 12 101.00%
2-1252-6000-6195 Supply Line - Water General - Benefits 300 720 420 240.00%
2-1252-6000-6335 Supply Line - Water General - Repairs & Mtce. 1,315.43 28,791 28,791 0 100.00%
2-1252-6000-6361 Supply Line - Water General - Equip Pool Chg Out 717 717 0 100.00%
2-1252-6020-6335 Supply Line - Cathodic - Repairs & Mtce. 5,267.35 15,300 15,300 0 100.00%
2-1252-6020-6408 Supply Line - Cathodic - Electricity 4,832.49 4,182 4,182 0 100.00%
2-1253-0000-6120 Hart Reservoir - Wages - CUPE 2,849.15 1,200 2,400 1,200 200.00%
2-1253-0000-6195 Hart Reservoir - Benefits 703.77 300 303 3 101.00%
2-1253-1700-6335 Hart Reservoir - Grounds - Repairs & Mtce. 4,367.73 4,527 4,527 0 100.00%
2-1254-0000-6120 Trail Reservoir - Wages - CUPE 4,914.74 2,400 3,424 1,024 142.67%
2-1254-0000-6195 Trail Reservoir - Benefits 1,162.57 600 1,027 427 171.20%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 123 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
2-1254-1500-6335 Trail Reservoir - Buildings - Repairs & Maintenanc 486.97 22,634 22,634 0 100.00%
2-1254-1500-6408 Trail Reservoir - Buildings - Electricity 3,263.51 4,182 4,182 0 100.00%
2-1254-1700-6205 Trail Reservoir - Grounds - Contracts 6,371.53 0 0.00%
2-1254-1700-6621 Trail Reservoir - Grounds - Miscellaneous 9,730.60 15,300 15,300 0 100.00%
2-1254-6000-6350 Trail Reservoir - Water Gen - Repairs & Mtce. 267.50 0 0.00%
2-1255-1500-6335 Hart Metering - Buildings - Repairs & Mtce. 176.40 2,263 2,263 0 100.00%
2-1255-1500-6364 Hart Metering - Buildings - Electrical Repairs 346.42 0 0.00%
2-1255-1500-6408 Hart Metering - Buildings - Electricity 964.46 1,568 1,568 0 100.00%
2-1256-1500-6335 Trail Metering - Buildings - Repairs & Mtce. 2,263 2,263 0 100.00%
2-1256-1500-6364 Trail Metering - Buildings - Electrical Repairs 75.60 0 0.00%
2-1257-0000-6120 Harald Hansen Reservoir - Wages CUPE 1,033.97 0 1,000 1,000 0.00%
2-1257-0000-6195 Harald Hansen Reservoir - Benefits 259.13 0 300 300 0.00%
2-1257-0000-6335 Harald Hansen Reservoir - Repairs & Mtce. 6,112.39 15,683 15,683 0 100.00%
2-1257-1500-6245 Harald Hansen Reservoir - Buildings - Insurance 1,065.00 0 0.00%
2-1258-0000-6120 Loran Reservoir - CUPE Wages 2,157.82 0 2,000 2,000 0.00%
2-1258-0000-6195 Loran Reservoir - Benefits 547.42 0 600 600 0.00%
2-1258-0000-6245 Loran Reservoir - Insurance 3,403.00 3,159 3,159 0 100.00%
2-1258-0000-6335 Loran Reservoir - Repairs & Mtce. 0.00 5,109 5,109 0 100.00%
2-1258-0000-6350 Loran Reservoir - Supplies 748.63 10,723 10,723 0 100.00%
2-1258-0000-6361 Loran Reservoir - Equip Pool Chg Out 55.81 209 209 0 100.00%
2-1260-1500-6335 Parkhill Metering - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce 10,382.99 2,263 2,263 0 100.00%
2-1261-0000-6120 Parkhill Reservoir - Wages - CUPE 2,692.58 1,200 1,212 12 101.00%
2-1261-0000-6195 Parkhill Reservoir - Benefits 507.87 300 303 3 101.00%
2-1261-0000-6361 Parkhill Reservoir - Equip Pool Chg Out 70 70 0 100.00%
2-1261-1500-6245 Parkhill Reservoir - Bldgs - Insurance 7,944.97 7,725 7,725 0 100.00%
2-1261-1700-6205 Parkhill Reservoir - Grounds - Contracts 1,046 1,046 0 100.00%
2-1261-6000-6335 Parkhill Reservoir - Water Gen. - Repairs & Mtce. 5.35 2,263 2,263 0 100.00%
2-1261-6000-6350 Parkhill Reservoir - Water Gen. - Supplies 1,271.95 10,200 10,200 0 100.00%
2-1200-0000-6362 WS - EP Surplus Adjustment -58,711.01 -91,475 -91,475 0 100.00%
WATER UTILITY EXPENDITURES 2,270,422.01 2,921,309 3,273,825 352,516 112.07%

3-1400-0000-6110 Sewage Op - Wages - Exempt 0 85,000 85,000 0.00%

3-1400-0000-6120 Sewage Op - Wages - CUPE 21,394.13 30,000 30,300 300 101.00%
3-1400-0000-6195 Sewage Op - Benefits 4,366.58 7,500 7,575 75 101.00%
3-1400-0000-6225 Sewage Op - Sewage Consultants 23,702.00 35,000 35,000 0 100.00%
3-1400-0000-6227 Sewage Op - Lab Analysis 23,940.05 4,527 14,500 9,973 320.32%
3-1400-0000-6230 Sewage Op - Training & Seminars 564.47 4,438 4,438 0 100.00%
3-1400-0000-6301 Sewage Op - Stationery Supplies 305.39 0 0.00%
3-1400-0000-6350 Sewage Op - Supplies 2,545.29 0 0.00%
3-1400-0000-6355 Sewage Op - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allow. 322.17 566 566 0 100.00%
3-1400-0000-6360 Sewage Op - Equipment - Other 144.29 0 0.00%
3-1400-0000-6361 Sewage Op - Equip Pool Chg Out 26,351.52 33,415 33,415 0 100.00%
3-1400-0000-6615 Sewage Op - Memberships 400.00 0 0.00%
3-1400-0000-6640 Sewage Op - Rights & Licences 3,629.98 4,527 4,527 0 100.00%
3-1400-1600-6350 Sewage Op - Computer - Supplies 2,829 2,829 0 100.00%
3-1400-7050-6120 Sewage Op - Main Repairs - Wages CUPE 6,815.12 4,617 4,663 46 101.00%
3-1400-7050-6195 Sewage Op - Main Repairs - Benefits 1,575.79 1,154 1,166 12 101.00%
3-1400-7050-6205 Sewage Op - Main Repairs - Contracts 108,615.54 158,980 220,570 61,590 138.74%
3-1400-7050-6350 Sewage Op - Main Repairs - Supplies 2,459.36 11,317 11,317 0 100.00%
3-1400-7050-6361 Sewage Op - Main Repairs - Equip Pool Chg Out 4,472.71 3,593 5,620 2,027 156.41%
3-1400-7051-6120 Sewage Op - Manhole Rep - Wages CUPE 7,260.77 8,657 8,744 87 101.00%
3-1400-7051-6195 Sewage Op - Manhole Rep - Benefits 1,751.31 2,164 2,186 22 101.00%
3-1400-7051-6205 Sewage Op - Manhole Rep - Contracts 10,793.40 4,438 10,000 5,562 225.33%
3-1400-7051-6350 Sewage Op - Manhole Rep - Supplies 15,845.98 11,317 11,317 0 100.00%
3-1400-7051-6361 Sewage Op - Manhole Rep - Equip Pool Chg Out 4,331.85 4,938 4,938 0 100.00%
3-1400-7052-6120 Sewage Op - Service Conn - Wages CUPE 1,864.37 11,317 11,430 113 101.00%
3-1400-7052-6195 Sewage Op - Service Conn - Benefits 423.01 2,886 2,915 29 101.00%
3-1400-7052-6205 Sewage Op - Service Conn - Contracts 78,581.01 15,683 25,000 9,318 159.41%
3-1400-7052-6350 Sewage Op - Service Conn - Supplies 4,460.56 6,790 6,790 0 100.00%
3-1400-7052-6361 Sewage Op - Service Conn - Equip. Pool Chg Out 3,256.35 5,073 5,073 0 100.00%
3-1400-7053-6120 Sewage Op - Flushing Prog. - Wages CUPE 58,659.19 62,243 62,865 622 101.00%
3-1400-7053-6195 Sewage Op - Flushing Prog. - Benefits 17,749.78 15,872 16,031 159 101.00%
3-1400-7053-6350 Sewage Op - Flushing Prog. - Supplies 569.08 1,731 1,731 0 100.00%
3-1400-7053-6361 Sewage Op - Flushing Prog. - Equip Pool Chg Out 48,731.24 49,439 49,439 0 100.00%
3-1400-7054-6120 Sewage Op - Flushing Unsched - Wages CUPE 8,881.07 5,093 5,144 51 101.00%
3-1400-7054-6195 Sewage Op - Flushing Unsched - Benefits 1,620.93 1,299 1,312 13 101.00%
3-1400-7054-6361 Sewage Op - Flushing Unsched - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,952.47 1,175 1,175 0 100.00%
3-1402-0000-6120 Sewage Treatment Op - Wages 34,211.06 73,185 73,917 732 101.00%
3-1402-0000-6195 Sewage Treatment Op - Benefits 13,219.05 18,296 18,479 183 101.00%
3-1402-0000-6361 Sewage Treatment Plant Op - Equip Pool Chg Out 5,824.20 6,083 6,083 0 100.00%
3-1403-1500-6335 Sani Dump - Buildings - Repairs & Mtce. 907.20 25,000 25,000 0 100.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 124 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
3-1403-1500-6361 Sani Dump - Buildings - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,151.88 372 800 428 214.94%
3-1404-1600-6225 Scada - Computers - Consultant Services 12,843.42 2,500 2,500 0 100.00%
3-1404-1600-6286 Scada - Computers - Programing 550.00 0 0.00%
3-1404-1600-6350 Scada - Computers - Supplies 931.01 0 0.00%
3-1404-1800-6350 Scada - Equipment Other - Supplies 390.55 0 0.00%
3-1404-6010-6335 Scada - Radio - Repairs & Mtce. 440.00 1,109 1,109 0 100.00%
3-1405-0000-6120 Sani Dump - Wages CUPE 1,408.74 4,800 4,848 48 101.00%
3-1405-0000-6195 Sani Dump - Benefits 378.44 1,200 1,212 12 101.00%
3-1405-1500-6245 Sani Dump - Bldg - Insurance 168.91 164 164 0 100.00%
3-1405-7000-6335 Sani Dump - Sewer General - Repairs & Maint. 5,228 5,228 0 100.00%
3-1405-7000-6364 Sani Dump - Sewer General - Electrical Repairs 566 566 0 100.00%
3-1415-0000-6120 Bill & Collec - Wages CUPE 12,489.92 28,292 28,575 283 101.00%
3-1415-0000-6195 Bill & Collec - Benefits 4,185.88 7,073 7,144 71 101.00%
3-1420-0000-6620 Sewage Collect - Miscellaneous 6,100.00 0 0.00%
3-1422-0000-6620 LP Monitoring Stn - Miscellaneous 122.48 0 0.00%
3-1422-1500-6245 LP Monitoring Stn - Buildings - Insurance 119.23 117 117 0 100.00%
3-1424-0000-6408 Pinecrest Lift Station - Electricity 96.55 157 157 0 100.00%
3-1425-0000-6120 115th Lift Station - Wages CUPE 6,693.83 9,600 9,696 96 101.00%
3-1425-0000-6195 115th Lift Station - Benefits 1,419.98 2,400 2,424 24 101.00%
3-1425-0000-6364 115th Lift Station - Electrical Repairs 378.00 5,658 5,658 0 100.00%
3-1425-0000-6365 115th Lift Station - Mechanical Repairs 14,951.62 5,658 5,658 0 100.00%
3-1425-1500-6245 115th Lift Station - Buildings - Insurance 1,304.58 1,404 1,404 0 100.00%
3-1425-1500-6335 115th Lift Station - Buildings - Repairs & Mtce. 123.00 2,263 2,263 0 100.00%
3-1425-1500-6350 115th Lift Station - Buildings - Supplies 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
3-1425-1500-6364 115th Lift Station - Buildings - Electrical Repair 703.14 0 0.00%
3-1425-1500-6404 115th Lift Station - Buildings - Telephone 738.85 816 816 0 100.00%
3-1425-1500-6408 115th Lift Station - Buildings - Electricity 14,599.25 20,910 20,910 0 100.00%
3-1427-0000-6120 Hart Hwy LIft Stn - Wages - CUPE 2,241.68 2,400 2,424 24 101.00%
3-1427-0000-6195 Hart Hwy Lift Stn - Benefits 428.93 600 606 6 101.00%
3-1427-0000-6335 Hart Hwy Lift Stn - Repairs & Mtce. 24,692.80 12,614 12,614 0 100.00%
3-1427-0000-6350 Hart Hwy Lift Stn - Supplies 4,250.50 500 1,000 500 200.00%
3-1427-0000-6408 Hart Hwy Lift Stn - Electricity 151.20 0 0.00%
3-1427-1500-6245 Hart Hwy Lift Stn - Buildings - Insurance 332.97 342 342 0 100.00%
3-1427-1500-6335 Hart Hwy Lift Stn - Buildings - Repairs & Mtce. 117.48 0 0.00%
3-1427-1500-6408 Hart Hwy Lift Stn - Buildings - Electricity 1,399.82 1,046 1,046 0 100.00%
3-1428-0000-6120 Heritage Park Lift Stn - Wages - CUPE 1,408.48 1,200 2,000 800 166.67%
3-1428-0000-6195 Heritage Park Lift Stn - Benefits 318.44 300 303 3 101.00%
3-1428-0000-6335 Heritage Park Lift Stn - Repairs & Mtce. 75.60 33,000 33,000 0 100.00%
3-1428-1500-6245 Heritage Park Lift Stn - Bldg - Insurance 312.52 337 337 0 100.00%
3-1429-0000-6120 Airport Lift Station - Wages - CUPE 2,472.39 1,200 1,212 12 101.00%
3-1429-0000-6195 Airport Lift Station - Benefits 528.05 300 600 300 200.00%
3-1429-0000-6335 Airport Lift Station - Repairs & Mtce. 1,777.44 10,000 10,000 0 100.00%
3-1429-0000-6408 Airport Lift Station - Electricity 896.86 1,046 1,046 0 100.00%
3-1429-0000-6620 Airport Lift Station - Miscellaneous 26.54 0 0.00%
3-1429-1500-6245 Airport Lift Station - Bldg - Insurance 119.65 112 112 0 100.00%
3-1430-0000-6120 Chilton Lift Station - Wages - CUPE 1,411.60 1,200 1,212 12 101.00%
3-1430-0000-6195 Chilton Lift Station - Benefits 307.86 300 303 3 101.00%
3-1430-0000-6335 Chilton Lift Station - Repairs & Mtce. 75.60 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
3-1431-0000-6120 Water Reclamation Facility - Wages - CUPE 82,614.57 60,000 60,600 600 101.00%
3-1431-0000-6195 Water Reclamation Facility - Benefits 18,471.75 15,000 15,150 150 101.00%
3-1431-0000-6205 Water Reclamation Facility - Contracts 55,180.09 30,000 30,000 0 100.00%
3-1431-0000-6225 Water Reclamation Facility - Consultant Fees 1,200.00 0 0.00%
3-1431-0000-6227 Water Reclamation Facility - Lab Analysis 17,955.11 70,000 70,000 0 100.00%
3-1431-0000-6335 Water Reclamation Facility - Repairs & Maint 4,679.53 20,000 20,000 0 100.00%
3-1431-0000-6350 Water Reclamation Facility - Supplies 13,483.59 31,365 31,365 0 100.00%
3-1431-0000-6361 Water Reclamation Facility - Equip Pool Chg Out 767 767 0 100.00%
3-1431-1500-6245 Water Reclamation Facility - Buildings - Insurance 13,360.00 12,852 12,852 0 100.00%
3-1431-1500-6335 Water Reclamation Facility - Buildings - Repairs & Ma 3,730.34 500 3,000 2,500 600.00%
3-1431-1500-6402 Water Reclamation Facility - Buildings - Water/Sewer 1,213.87 714 714 0 100.00%
3-1431-1500-6406 Water Reclamation Facility - Buildings - Natural Gas 2,719 2,719 0 100.00%
3-1431-1500-6408 Water Reclamation Facility - Buildings - Electricity 18,820.75 20,910 20,910 0 100.00%
3-1431-1500-6364 Water Reclamation Facility - Buildings - Electrical Rep 8,297.48 2,175 2,175 0 100.00%
3-1431-1500-6365 Water Reclamation Facility - Buildings - Mechanical R 781.80 2,175 2,175 0 100.00%
3-1431-1500-6350 Water Reclamation Facility - Buildings - Supplies 1,517.11 1,000 1,000 0 100.00%
3-1432-0000-6120 Harper Lift Station - Wages CUPE 3,911.69 1,200 2,500 1,300 208.33%
3-1432-0000-6195 Harper Lift Station - Benefits 967.24 300 750 450 250.00%
3-1432-0000-6335 Harper Lift Station - Repairs & Mtce. 2,435.83 1,568 1,568 0 100.00%
3-1432-0000-6361 Harper Lift Station - Equip Pool Chg Out 168 168 0 100.00%
3-1433-0000-6120 Hansen Lift Station - Wages CUPE 5,647.34 1,200 4,000 2,800 333.33%
3-1433-0000-6195 Hansen Lift Station - Benefits 863.42 300 1,200 900 400.00%
3-1433-0000-6335 Hansen Lift Station - Repairs & Mtce. 26,178.98 2,666 12,000 9,334 450.11%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 125 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
3-1433-0000-6408 Hansen Lift Station - Electricity 1,451.85 1,046 1,046 0 100.00%
3-1433-0000-6620 Hansen Lift Station - Miscellaneous 151.20 0 0.00%
3-1450-0000-6120 Power & Pumping - Wages - CUPE 108.00 0 0.00%
3-1450-0000-6195 Power & Pumping - Benefits 30.07 0 0.00%
3-1450-0000-6361 Power & Pumping - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,655.84 2,771 2,771 0 100.00%
3-1451-0000-6120 Blower Building - Wages - CUPE 8,708.20 4,800 4,848 48 101.00%
3-1451-0000-6195 Blower Building - Benefits 1,773.89 1,200 1,212 12 101.00%
3-1451-0000-6364 Blower Building - Electrical Repairs 1,250.07 5,658 5,658 0 100.00%
3-1451-0000-6365 Blower Building - Mechanical Repairs 10,536.78 0 0.00%
3-1451-0000-6620 Blower Building - Miscellaneous 36.96 0 0.00%
3-1451-1500-6245 Blower Building - Building - Insurance 3,149.59 3,380 3,380 0 100.00%
3-1451-1500-6335 Blower Building - Building - Repairs & Mtce. 9,574.67 2,263 45,286 43,023 2000.82%
3-1451-1500-6350 Blower Building - Building - Supplies 651.40 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
3-1451-1500-6360 Blower Building - Building - Equipment Other 1,209.60 0 0.00%
3-1451-1500-6404 Blower Building - Building - Telephone 746.90 816 816 0 100.00%
3-1451-1500-6408 Blower Building - Building - Electricity 114,748.79 125,460 125,460 0 100.00%
3-1455-0000-6120 Lagoons Main - Wages CUPE 3,093.27 9,600 9,696 96 101.00%
3-1455-0000-6195 Lagoons Main - Benefits 741.92 2,400 2,424 24 101.00%
3-1455-0000-6205 Lagoons Main - Contracts 32,825.11 40,000 40,000 0 100.00%
3-1455-0000-6335 Lagoons Main - Repairs & Mtce. 19,053.14 5,658 5,658 0 100.00%
3-1455-0000-6350 Lagoons Main - Supplies 9,260.71 10,000 10,000 0 100.00%
3-1455-0000-6361 Lagoons Main - Equip Pool Chg Out 3,110.65 6,492 6,492 0 100.00%
3-1455-0000-6364 Lagoons Main - Electrical Repairs 4,142.87 0 0.00%
3-1455-0000-6408 Lagoons Main - Electricity 618.16 523 523 0 100.00%
3-1400-0000-6362 SS - EP Surplus Adjustment -29,634.81 -43,959 -43,959 0 100.00%
SEWER UTILITY EXPENDITURES 1,159,439.26 1,261,009 1,500,779 239,770 119.01%


BEFORE TRANSFERS 36,421,801.75 38,287,869 39,576,778 1,288,908 103.37%

1-0100-8012-7505 General revenue fund debt principal -1,544,420.40 -1,544,420 -1,526,859 17,561 98.86%
2-1200-8012-7505 Water revenue fund debt principal -709,394.00 -709,394 -697,978 11,416 98.39%
3-1400-8012-7505 Sewer revenue fund debt principal -319,235.39 -319,235 -319,235 0 100.00%
Debt Principal Adjustment to Transfers -2,573,049.79 -2,573,049 -2,544,072 28,977 98.87%


EXCLUDING DEBT PRINCIPAL 33,848,751.96 35,714,820 37,032,706 1,317,885 103.69%

1-0100-0000-8200 Transfer DP to general capital fund 1,544,420.40 1,544,420 1,526,859 -17,561 98.86%
2-1200-0000-8200 Transfer DP to water capital fund 709,394.00 709,394 697,978 -11,416 98.39%
3-1400-0000-8200 Transfer DP to sewer capital fund 319,235.39 319,235 319,235 0 100.00%
Debt Principal Transfers to Capital 2,573,049.79 2,573,049 2,544,072 -28,977 98.87%


INCLUDING PRINCIPAL TRANSFERS 36,421,801.75 38,287,869 39,576,777 1,288,908 103.37%


BEFORE FUNDING TRANSFERS 11,814,074.08 9,738,557 7,749,054 -1,989,503 79.57%

1-0770-0000-8025 Transfer to Carbon Reserve 381,480 385,295 3,815 101.00%

1-0770-0000-8000 Transfer from Carbon Reserve to Capital 390,000.00 390,000 390,000 0 100.00%

TRANSFER TO GENERAL RESERVE NET -390,000.00 -8,520 -4,705 3,815 55.23%

1-0100-0000-8000 Transfer to Capital 7,808,906.00 7,808,906 5,885,000 -1,923,906 75.36%

2-1200-0000-8000 Transfer to Capital 1,000,000.00 1,000,000 1,500,000 500,000 150.00%
3-1400-0000-8000 Transfer to Capital 2,030,000.00 2,030,000 2,000,000 -30,000 98.52%
TRANSFER TO CAPITAL 10,838,906.00 10,838,906 9,385,000 -1,453,906 86.59%

1-1150-0000-8008 Transfer from Cemeteries 2,716.21 3,946 3,985 39 100.99%

TRANSFER FROM CEMETERY 2,716.21 3,946 3,985 39 100.99%

1-0100-0000-8101 GRF - Transfer Surplus to EP 470,434.73 475,240 568,951 93,711 119.72%

2-1200-0000-8103 WRF - Transfer Surplus to EP 58,711.01 100,091 101,092 1,001 101.00%
3-1400-0000-8104 SRF - Transfer Surplus to EP 29,634.79 48,099 50,571 2,472 105.14%
TRANSFER TO EQUIPMENT POOL 558,780.53 623,431 720,614 97,184 115.59%

CURRENT OPERATING SURPLUS AFTER TRFERS 29,103.76 -2,109,834 -2,742,575 -632,742 129.99%
4-1500-0000-5400 GC - Capital Contributions 0 7,000 7,000 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 126 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
4-1500-0000-5500 GC - Government Transfers 100,293.39 22,332 622,663 600,331 2788.21%
4-1500-0000-5602 GC - Interest revenue 123,054.37 33,813 100,000 66,187 295.74%
4-1500-0000-5608 GC - MFA rebates 3,866.81 0 0.00%
4-1500-0000-5612 GC - Actuarial Adjustment 279,274.24 0 0.00%
4-1500-0000-5701 GC - Cash Commutations 47,121.11 63,123 0 -63,123 0.00%
4-1500-0000-5702 GC - Partnering Contribution 341,656.36 1,791,736 0 -1,791,736 0.00%
4-1500-0000-5800 GC - Proceeds on Disposal of Capital Assets 14,220.64 0 0.00%
4-1515-0000-5800 GC - Equip - Proceeds on Disposal of Capital Assets 1.00 0 0.00%
4-1533-0000-5710 GC - Bridges - Insurance Proceeds 909,278.81 0 0.00%
General Capital Revenue 1,818,766.73 1,911,004 729,663 -1,181,341 38.18%

5-1600-0000-5400 WC - Capital Contributions 5,877.79 0 0.00%

5-1600-0000-5500 WC - Government Transfers 1,099,441.17 3,224,051 5,873,733 2,649,682 182.18%
5-1600-0000-5602 WC - Interest revenue 103,326.89 102,000 100,000 -2,000 98.04%
5-1600-0000-5612 WC - Actuarial Adjustment 343,466.01 0 0.00%
5-1600-0000-5608 WC - MFA rebates 13,756.82 0 0.00%
Water Capital Revenue 1,565,868.68 3,326,051 5,973,733 2,647,682 179.60%

6-1700-0000-5400 SC - Capital Contributions 116,500.00 0 0 0 0.00%

6-1700-0000-5500 SC - Government Transfers 0 3,735,000 3,735,000 0.00%
6-1700-0000-5602 SC - Interest revenue 67,295.31 40,739 60,000 19,261 147.28%
6-1700-0000-5612 SC - Actuarial Adjustment 23,651.59 0 0.00%
6-1700-0000-5614 SC - Amortization of Capital Obligation 1,658,992.00 0 0.00%
Sewer Capital Revenue 1,866,438.90 40,739 3,795,000 3,754,261 9315.44%

TOTAL CAPITAL REVENUES 5,251,074.31 5,277,794 10,498,396 5,220,602 198.92%

4-1500-0000-7000 GC - Debt Proceeds 63,123 0 -63,123 0.00%

TOTAL DEBT PROCEEDS 0.00 63,123 0 -63,123 0.00%

4-1500-0000-8201 GC - Debt payments 1,544,420.40 1,544,420 1,526,859 -17,561 98.86%

5-1600-0000-8201 WC - Debt payments 709,394.00 709,394 697,978 -11,416 98.39%
6-1700-0000-8201 SC - Debt payments 319,235.39 319,235 319,235 0 100.00%
Total Debt Payments 2,573,049.79 2,573,049 2,544,072 -28,977 98.87%

4-1500-0000-8001 GC - Transfer from Operating 7,808,906.00 7,808,906 5,885,000 -1,923,906 75.36%

4-1500-0000-8003 GC - Transfer from Statutory Reserves 765,000.00 765,000 630,000 -135,000 82.35%
4-1500-0000-8004 GC - Transfer from Operating (Carbon ) Reserves 390,000.00 390,000 390,000 0 100.00%

4-1500-0000-8200 GC - Debt Principal Funding Transfer 1,544,420.40 1,544,420 1,526,859 -17,561 98.86%
5-1600-0000-8200 WC - Debt Principal Funding Transfer 709,394.00 709,394 697,978 -11,416 98.39%
6-1700-0000-8200 SC - Debt Principal Funding Transfer 319,235.39 319,235 319,235 0 100.00%

5-1600-0000-8001 WC - Transfer from Operating 1,000,000.00 1,000,000 1,500,000 500,000 150.00%

6-1700-0000-8001 SC - Transfer from Operating 2,030,000.00 2,030,000 2,000,000 -30,000 98.52%

TOTAL TRANSFERS 14,566,955.79 14,566,955 12,949,072 -1,617,883 88.89%

TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDING 19,818,030.10 19,907,872 23,447,468 3,539,596 117.78%

4-1500-0000-6700 GC - Land 81,249.14 80,000 0 -80,000 0.00%

LAND AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS 81,249.14 80,000 0 -80,000 0.00%

4-1880-0000-6700 EP - Equipment Pool Purchases 655,748.30 685,000 819,000 134,000 119.56%

4-1880-0000-6705 EP - Equipment Pool Purchases 6,312.69 0 0.00%
EQUIPMENT POOL 662,060.99 685,000 819,000 134,000 119.56%

4-1515-0000-6700 GCE - General Equipment Upgrades 0 0 0 0.00%

4-1515-1201-6700 GCE - Airport Equipment 30,436 0 -30,436 0.00%
4-1515-1202-6700 GCE - City Hall Equipment 46,158.38 75,000 0 -75,000 0.00%
4-1515-1207-6700 GCE - Firefighting equipment 87,124.90 495,438 0 -495,438 0.00%
4-1515-1215-6700 GCE - Multiplex equipment 25,505.20 25,000 0 -25,000 0.00%
4-1515-4042-6700 GCE - Airport Tracking & Surveillance 41,203.22 0 0.00%
MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 199,991.70 625,874 0 -625,874 0.00%

4-1510-1201-6700 GCB - City Hall - Building Upgrades 114,698.86 130,000 8,035,750 7,905,750 6181.35%
4-1510-0000-6700 GCB - General Building Upgrades 0.00 0 2,361,014 2,361,014 0.00%
4-1510-1301-6700 GCB - Energy Efficient Projects 296,106.63 390,000 0 -390,000 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 127 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
4-1510-1202-6700 GCB - Curling Rink Upgrades 50,000 0 -50,000 0.00%
4-1510-1215-6700 GCB - Multiplex Upgrades 180,150.88 367,200 0 -367,200 0.00%
4-1510-1242-6700 GCB - Bus Shelters - Expense 21,980.78 25,000 0 -25,000 0.00%
4-1510-1251-6700 GCB - CK Arts Centre - Eligible costs 0.00 51,765 0 -51,765 0.00%
4-1510-1251-6701 GCB - CK Arts Centre - Ineligible costs 266.32 0 0.00%
4-1510-1261-6700 GCB - Kenn Borek Aquatic Centre Upgrades 55,000 0 -55,000 0.00%
4-1510-1262-6700 GCB - Memorial Arena Upgrades 500,000 0 -500,000 0.00%
4-1510-3200-6700 GCB - Airport Building Upgrades 20,975.64 259,000 0 -259,000 0.00%
4-1510-3229-6700 GCB - Aiport Term. Outside Lighting 12,711.56 0 0.00%
4-1510-3231-6700 GCB - Airport Term. Walkway/Sidewalk 3,850.00 0 0.00%
4-1510-4321-6700 GCB - YCC Demolition 215,826.83 50,000 0 -50,000 0.00%
4-1510-4322-6700 GCB - Grandview Demolition 303,963.08 900,000 0 -900,000 0.00%
4-1510-4324-6700 GCB - Centennial Pool Demolition 254,919.34 525,000 0 -525,000 0.00%
4-1510-5023-6700 GCB - EEC - Upper Lobby Wall 212,294.05 0 0.00%
4-1510-5201-6700 GCB - Curling Rink-Upgrade 6,350.00 0 0.00%
4-1510-5226-6700 GCB - Mem/Kin Arena Refrigeration 84,310.68 269,276 0 -269,276 0.00%
4-1510-5229-6700 GCB - Memorial/Kin/Curling Rink Upgrade 204,815.53 0 0.00%
BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES 1,933,220.18 3,572,241 10,396,764 6,824,523 291.04%

4-1530-0000-6700 GCR - RS - Road Upgrades 0 0 0 0.00%

4-1530-1206-6700 GCR - RS - NLC Partnering Project 1,832,000 0 -1,832,000 0.00%
4-1530-2720-6700 GCR - RS - Streetlights 170,972.21 125,000 0 -125,000 0.00%
4-1530-2781-6120 GCR - RS - 10th Street (Alaska Ave) - CUPE Wages 1,423.80 0 0.00%
4-1530-2781-6700 GCR - RS - 10th Street (Alaska Ave) 441,166.03 510,000 0 -510,000 0.00%
4-1530-2782-6120 GCR - RS - 15th Street (108 Ave) - CUPE Wages 1,725.17 0 0 0 0.00%
4-1530-2782-6700 GCR - RS - 15 Street (108 Avenue) 604,151.58 540,000 0 -540,000 0.00%
4-1530-2783-6120 GCR - RS --8th Street (96-100 Ave) -CUPE Wages 2,947.41 0 0.00%
4-1530-2783-6700 GCR - RS - 8th Street (96-100 Avenue) 765,661.58 870,000 0 -870,000 0.00%
4-1532-1205-6700 GCR - RS - Storm Drainage Upgrade (Fair Grounds) 380,000 0 -380,000 0.00%
4-1532-2784-6700 GCR - RS - Storm Drainage - 10th Street Bridge 136,749.28 0 0.00%
4-1532-2825-6700 GCR - RS - Storm Drainage, Ski Hill Drain/Ditch Replace 239,722.72 380,000 0 -380,000 0.00%
4-1532-2825-6120 GCR - RS - Storm Drainage - Ski Hill Dr - CUPE Wages 961.10 0 0.00%
4-1533-2975-6700 GCR - RS - Bridges-15th Street Bridge Rebuild- 792,913.60 0 0.00%
ROADS AND STREETS 3,158,394.48 4,637,000 0 -4,637,000 0.00%

4-1535-2827-6700 GCS - 10 St (107 Ave to Bridge), 241,031.64 173,400 0 -173,400 0.00%

4-1535-2827-6120 GCS - 10 St (107 Ave to Bridge), CUPE Wages 339.30 0 0.00%
4-1535-2829-6120 GCS - 13 Street - 105 Av-CUPE Wages 717.93 0 0.00%
4-1535-2829-6700 GCS - 13 St - (105 Avenue) 289,781.15 403,000 0 -403,000 0.00%
4-1535-2830-6120 GCS - 13 St (102 Ave) - CUPE Wages 901.29 0 0.00%
4-1535-2830-6700 GCS - 13 St (102 Avenue) 279,171.25 315,000 0 -315,000 0.00%
SIDEWALKS 811,942.56 891,400 0 -891,400 0.00%

4-1525-1215-6700 GCL - Landscaping 62,720.56 70,000 0 -70,000 0.00%

4-1515-1204-6700 GCL - Fire Training Site Improvement 161,763.26 301,051 0 -301,051 0.00%
4-1525-3205-6700 GCL - Airport Parking and Grounds Improvements 137,250.94 213,056 0 -213,056 0.00%
4-1525-3223-6700 GCL - Airport - ACAP - Drainage 24,382.22 0 0.00%
LAND IMPROVEMENTS 386,116.98 584,107 0 -584,107 0.00%

4-1545-4141-6700 GCP - Parks-Brookside Walking Path 1,500.00 0 0.00%

4-1545-4181-6700 GCP - Parks-Mile 0 Splash Park 100,000.00 0 0.00%
4-1545-4182-6120 GCP - Parks-Mile 0 Park NDIT Project-CUPE Wages 802.89 0 0.00%
4-1545-4182-6195 GCP - Parks-Mile 0 Park NDIT Project-Benefits 16.61 0 0.00%
4-1545-4182-6700 GCP - Parks-Mile 0 Park NDIT Project 436,719.00 0 0.00%
4-1545-4276-6120 GCP - Park Upgrades and Amenities - Wages 5,925.73 0 0.00%
4-1545-4276-6195 GCP - Park Upgrades and Amenities - Benefits 1,501.31 0 0.00%
4-1545-4276-6700 GCP - Park Upgrades and Amenities 19,231.17 850,000 0 -850,000 0.00%
PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS 565,696.71 850,000 0 -850,000 0.00%

GENERAL FUND CAPITAL 7,798,672.74 11,925,622 11,215,764 -709,858 94.05%

5-1600-6000-6700 WC - Annual upgrades 1,222.50 132,586 14,512,954 14,380,368 10946.07%

5-1600-6251-6700 WC - Treated Water Reservoir 1,808,375.44 4,836,077 250,000 -4,586,077 5.17%
5-1600-6252-6700 WC - New Water Treatment System 59,295.55 220,766 0 -220,766 0.00%
5-1600-6254-6700 WC - Capital Water, WTP Fencing 17,670.15 90,000 0 -90,000 0.00%
5-1600-6255-6700 WC - Water Meter Replacement 241,150.00 250,000 0 -250,000 0.00%
5-1600-6256-6120 WC - 600 Block Water Servicing -CUPE Wages 774.71 0 0.00%
5-1600-6256-6700 WC - 600 Block Water Servicing 156,027.61 80,000 0 -80,000 0.00%
5-1600-6257-6700 WC - Raw Water Reservoir 175,950.40 0 0.00%
WATER FUND CAPITAL 2,460,466.36 5,609,429 14,762,954 9,153,525 263.18%

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01/31/2017 Page 128 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2

6-1700-7000-6700 SC - Annual upgrades 0 5,558,079 5,558,079 0.00%

6-1700-7233-6700 SC - Mainline Replacements 1,027,918.50 1,843,345 0 -1,843,345 0.00%
6-1700-7242-6700 SC - 2nd Street Sanidump 141,786.33 0 0.00%
6-1700-7247-6120 SC - W.17 St - 98 Ave to Golf Course-CUPE Wages 33.93 0 0.00%
6-1700-7248-6700 SC - Sewer - Trucked Waste Rec.Facility - Expense 257,402.80 0 0.00%
6-1700-7249-6700 SC - Chamberlain Dr. Sanitary Flood 1,279,326.16 1,830,000 0 -1,830,000 0.00%
6-1700-7250-6120 SC - 600 Block Sewer Servicing -CUPE Wages 774.71 110,000 0 -110,000 0.00%
6-1700-7250-6700 SC - 600 Block Sewer Servicing 93.27 0 0.00%
SEWER FUND CAPITAL 2,707,335.70 3,783,345 5,558,079 1,774,734 146.91%

TOTAL CAPITAL 12,966,474.80 21,318,396 31,536,797 10,218,401 147.93%

4-1500-0000-7500 GC - Temporary Borrowing Repayment 87,110.32 0 0.00%

87,110.32 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0160-0000-6750 GG Depreciation 239,418 226,997 -12,421 94.81%

4-0210-0000-6750 PO Depreciation 84,454 84,454 0 100.00%
4-0220-0000-6750 FD Depreciation 159,674 153,529 -6,145 96.15%
4-0320-0000-6750 TS Depreciation 2,223,513 2,141,434 -82,079 96.31%
4-0400-0000-6750 AT Depreciation 136,369 136,369 0 100.00%
4-0500-0000-6750 WS Depreciation 7,542 7,542 0 100.00%
4-0700-0000-6750 DS Depreciation 7,221 3,869 -3,352 53.58%
4-0800-0000-6750 RC Depreciation 3,349,066 3,330,014 -19,052 99.43%

GC Depreciation 0.00 6,207,257 6,084,208 -123,049 98.02%

5-1200-0000-6750 WS Depreciation 984,837 984,215 -622 99.94%
6-1400-0000-6750 SS Depreciation 814,007 814,007 0 100.00%
Total Depreciation 0.00 8,006,101 7,882,430 -123,671 98.46%

4-1500-0000-6999 Depreciation Transfer -6,207,257 -6,084,208 123,049 98.02%

5-1200-0000-6999 Depreciation Transfer -984,837 -984,215 622 99.94%
6-1400-0000-6999 Depreciation Transfer -814,007 -814,007 0 100.00%
Total Depreciation Transfer 0.00 -8,006,101 -7,882,430 123,671 98.46%

6-1700-0000-6775 Amortization of Capital Obligation 1,658,992.00 0 0.00%

1,658,992.00 0 0 0 0.00%

CAPITAL SURPLUS 2,532,403.19 -3,983,573 -10,633,401 -6,649,828 266.93%

7-1805-0000-5602 LSR - Interest revenue 3,032.16 320 3,000 2,680 937.73%

7-1810-0000-5602 OSP - Interest revenue 166.49 160 160 0 100.02%
7-1817-0000-5602 PKL - Interest Revenue 110.99 117 120 3 102.56%
7-1820-0000-5602 TSRF - Interest revenue 878.06 533 540 7 101.27%
9-1880-0000-5602 EP - Interest revenue 5,772.61 3,199 3,231 32 101.00%
9-1880-0000-5700 EP - Disposal of Capital Assets 0 150,000 150,000 0.00%
Statutory Reserve Revenue 9,960.31 4,329 157,051 152,722 3627.61%

7-1805-0000-8000 Transfer to General Capital Fund 80,000 0 -80,000 0.00%

9-1880-0000-8004 Transfer to General Capital Fund 765,000.00 685,000 630,000 -55,000 91.97%
Statutory Reserve Transfers 765,000.00 765,000 630,000 -135,000 82.35%

8-1835-0000-5001 BSC - Perpetual Care Revenue 3,089.38 0 0.00%

8-1835-0000-5602 BSC - Interest 979.19 1,280 1,292 13 101.00%
Brookside Cemetery Reserve Revenue 4,068.57 1,280 1,292 13 101.00%

8-1840-0000-5001 CCR - Perpetual Care revenue 1,723.50 0 0.00%

8-1840-0000-5602 CCR - Interest 1,737.02 2,666 2,693 27 101.00%
City Cemetery Reserve Revenue 3,460.52 2,666 2,693 27 101.00%

8-1835-0000-8000 BSC - Transfer to General Operating Fund 979.19 1,280 1,292 13 101.00%
8-1840-0000-8000 CC - Transfer to General Operating Fund 1,737.02 2,666 2,693 27 101.00%
Cemetery Reserve Transfers 2,716.21 3,946 3,985 39 101.00%

9-1880-9010-5800 Equip Pool - Misc. Equip - Revenue 401,030.31 0 0.00%

9-1880-9102-5800 Equip Pool - C2 - 20091Pontiac Torrent - Revenue 4,845.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9104-5800 Equip Pool - C4 - 2007 Toyota Prius - Revenue 4,845.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9105-5800 Equip Pool - C5 - 1999 Sonoma PU - Revenue 3,633.75 0 0.00%

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01/31/2017 Page 129 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
9-1880-9106-5800 Equip Pool - C6 - 2007 Ford Escape - Revenue 4,845.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9107-5800 Equip Pool - C7 - 2007 Ford Escape - Revenue 4,845.12 0 0.00%
9-1880-9108-5800 Equip Pool - C8 - 2007 Ford Escape - Revenue 4,845.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9109-5800 Equip Pool - C9 - 2007 Ford Escape - Revenue 4,869.23 0 0.00%
9-1880-9110-5800 Equip Pool - C10 - 2007 Ford Escape - Revenue 4,845.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9116-5800 Equip Pool - PT6 - 2000 Dodge Dakota - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9121-5800 Equip Pool - PT11 - 1996 GMC Van - Revenue 7,067.07 0 0.00%
9-1880-9123-5800 Equip Pool - PT13 - 2003 Chev 4 X 4 - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9124-5800 Equip Pool - PT14 - 1999 GMC Van - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9125-5800 Equip Pool - PT15 - 1999 GMC Safari Van - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9126-5800 Equip Pool - PT16 - 1999 Ford F150 PU - Revenue 8,314.32 0 0.00%
9-1880-9127-5800 Equip Pool - PT17 - 2000 Ford PU - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9128-5800 Equip Pool - PT18 - 2000 Ford PU - Revenue 6,235.65 0 0.00%
9-1880-9131-5800 Equip Pool - PT21 - 2001 Savana Van - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9134-5800 Equip Pool - PT24 - 2001 Chev S10 - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9139-5800 Equip Pool - PT29 - 2005 Ford 3/4t - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9140-5800 Equip Pool - PT30 - 2005 Ford PU - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9141-5800 Equip Pool - PT31 - 2009 Sierra Pickup - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9142-5800 Equip Pool - PT32 - 2010 Savana Van - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9143-5800 Equip Pool - PT33 - 2000 Jeep Cherokee - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9144-5800 Equip Pool - PT34 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Reven 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9145-5800 Equip Pool - PT35 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Reven 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9147-5800 Equip Pool - PT37 - 2011 Ford PU - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9148-5800 Equip Pool - PT38 - 2012 Chev Silverado PU - Revenu 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9149-5800 Equip Pool - PT39 - 2012 Chev Silverado PU - Revenu 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9150-5800 Equip Pool - PT40 - 2013 Ford F150 Crew Cab - Reven 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9151-5800 Equip Pool - PT41 - 2013 Ford F150 Crewcab - Reven 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9152-5800 Equip Pool - PT42 - 2013 Ford CG E250 Van - Revenu 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9153-5800 Equip Pool - PT43 - 2013 1500 Dodge Ram - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9154-5800 Equip Pool - PT44 - 2014 Ford F150 - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9155-5800 Equip Pool - PT45 - 2014 Ford F250 - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9156-5800 Equip Pool - PT46 - 2016 Ram 1500 PU - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9157-5800 Equip Pool - PT47 - 2016 Ram 1500 PU - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9201-5800 Equip Pool - DT1 - 2003 Freightliner DT - Revenue 25,144.53 0 0.00%
9-1880-9202-5800 Equip Pool - DT2 - 2007 Int'l Tandem Sand Truck - Re 65,007.24 0 0.00%
9-1880-9204-5800 Equip Pool - DT4 - 2011 Int 7400 DT - Revenue 28,605.80 0 0.00%
9-1880-9208-5800 Equip Pool - DT8 - 1998 Int'l - Runway DT - Revenue 12,723.84 0 0.00%
9-1880-9209-5800 Equip Pool - DT9 - 2012 Int'l Water Truck - Revenue 11,961.50 0 0.00%
9-1880-9231-5800 Equip Pool - UT1 - 1999 GMC 1 Ton Crewcab - Reven 8,314.32 0 0.00%
9-1880-9233-5800 Equip Pool - UT3 - 2003 Ford F350 - Revenue 12,050.98 0 0.00%
9-1880-9234-5800 Equip Pool - UT4 - 2003 Ford F350 - Revenue 6,092.08 0 0.00%
9-1880-9235-5800 Equip Pool - UT5 - 2003 F350 - Revenue 4,094.71 0 0.00%
9-1880-9236-5800 Equip Pool - UT6 - 2000 Ford 1t. - Revenue 99.87 0 0.00%
9-1880-9237-5800 Equip Pool - UT7 - 2000 Ford 1t. - Revenue 18,875.43 0 0.00%
9-1880-9239-5800 Equip Pool - UT9 - 1992 Inter Ladder Truck - Revenue 3,995.28 0 0.00%
9-1880-9240-5800 Equip Pool - UT10 - 2007 Chev 4x4 1 Ton - Revenue 5,655.43 0 0.00%
9-1880-9241-5800 Equip Pool - UT11 - 1997 Chev 1t. - Revenue 1,564.63 0 0.00%
9-1880-9243-5800 Equip Pool - UT13 - 2008 Ford F550 - Revenue 5,459.58 0 0.00%
9-1880-9244-5800 Equip Pool - UT14 - 2008 Ford F550 - Revenue 13,550.09 0 0.00%
9-1880-9245-5800 Equip Pool - UT15 - 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 - Reve 33.29 0 0.00%
9-1880-9246-5800 Equip Pool - UT16 - 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 - Reve 28,030.22 0 0.00%
9-1880-9247-5800 Equip Pool - UT17 - 2012 Ford F550DRW DBT - Reven 28,762.56 0 0.00%
9-1880-9248-5800 Equip Pool - UT18 - 2013 F550 - Revenue 16,478.55 0 0.00%
9-1880-9249-5800 Equip Pool - UT19 - 2014 Chev Silverado - Revenue 20,240.32 0 0.00%
9-1880-9250-5800 Equip Pool - UT20 - 2014 Chev Silverado 3500 - Reve 18,899.98 0 0.00%
9-1880-9305-5800 Equip Pool - FT5 - 2005 JD Tractor - Revenue 976.19 0 0.00%
9-1880-9306-5800 Equip Pool - FT6 - 1995 Ford Tractor - Revenue 366.72 0 0.00%
9-1880-9307-5800 Equip Pool - FT7 - 2005 New Holland Tractor - Reven 3,778.92 0 0.00%
9-1880-9323-5800 Equip Pool - LB3 - 2003 JD Wheel Loader - Revenue 13,470.36 0 0.00%
9-1880-9324-5800 Equip Pool - LB4 - 2005 JD Loader - Revenue 12,753.05 0 0.00%
9-1880-9325-5800 Equip Pool - LB5 - 2007 JD 544J Loader - Revenue 64,605.07 0 0.00%
9-1880-9327-5800 Equip Pool - LB7 - 2009 JD444K Wheel Loader - Reve 38,352.46 0 0.00%
9-1880-9328-5800 Equip Pool - LB8 - 2014 JD 310SK Backhoe Load - Reve 21,804.60 0 0.00%
9-1880-9354-5800 Equip Pool - MG4 - 1997 Komatsu Grdr. - Revenue 63,545.38 0 0.00%
9-1880-9355-5800 Equip Pool - MG5 - 2008 JD770D Grader. - Revenue 85,628.89 0 0.00%
9-1880-9404-5800 Equip Pool - PE4 - 1997 Trackless MT Mower - Reven 400.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9405-5800 Equip Pool - PE5 - Tracaire Aerator - Revenue 231.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9406-5800 Equip Pool - PE6 - Pulverizer & Seeder - Revenue 80.52 0 0.00%
9-1880-9409-5800 Equip Pool - PE8 - Chipper - Revenue 516.60 0 0.00%
9-1880-9410-5800 Equip Pool - PE10 - 2004 John Deere Rideon - Reven 1,450.08 0 0.00%
9-1880-9411-5800 Equip Pool - PE11 - 1986 Parks Util.Trlr. - Revenue 228.24 0 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 130 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
9-1880-9412-5800 Equip Pool - PE12 - Rotovator - Revenue 176.16 0 0.00%
9-1880-9415-5800 Equp Pool - E15 - 2003 JD Walk Mower - Revenue 410.40 0 0.00%
9-1880-9417-5800 Equip Pool - PE17 - Powertrim Grass Edger - Revenue 87.48 0 0.00%
9-1880-9418-5800 Equip Pool - PE18 - 2005 Trackless MT5 - Revenue 8,958.36 0 0.00%
9-1880-9419-5800 Equip Pool - PE19 - Smithco Lawn Sweeper - Revenu 1,348.80 0 0.00%
9-1880-9420-5800 Equip Pool - PE20 - 2008 Utility Dump Tlr - Revenue 516.24 0 0.00%
9-1880-9421-5800 Equip Pool - PE21 - 2001 Olympia Ice Machine - Reve 5,937.84 0 0.00%
9-1880-9424-5800 Equip Pool - PE24 - 1995 Olympia Ice Machine - Reve 4,774.92 0 0.00%
9-1880-9425-5800 Equip Pool - PE25 - 1979 LeClair Ice Machine - Reven 1,337.28 0 0.00%
9-1880-9426-5800 Equip Pool - PE26 - Trackless MT - Revenue 5,010.36 0 0.00%
9-1880-9428-5800 Equip Pool - PE28 - MB Walk Sweeper - Revenue 224.88 0 0.00%
9-1880-9429-5800 Equip Pool - PE29 - Trail Tech Car Trailer - Revenue 436.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9431-5800 Equip Pool - PE31 - 2006 JD 1435 Com Mower - Reve 1,344.96 0 0.00%
9-1880-9435-5800 Equip Pool - PE35 - 2007 Dakota 420 Top Dresser - R 2,083.68 0 0.00%
9-1880-9437-5800 Equip Pool - PE37 - 2010 MT6 Trackless - Revenue 6,374.04 0 0.00%
9-1880-9438-5800 Equip Pool - PE38 - 2011 JD WH48A Mower - Revenu 397.56 0 0.00%
9-1880-9439-5800 Equip Pool - PE39 - 2011 JD WH48A Mower - Revenu 397.56 0 0.00%
9-1880-9442-5800 Equip Pool - PE42 - 2012 MadVac - Revenue 5,027.88 0 0.00%
9-1880-9443-5800 Equip Pool - PE43 - 2013 E - ME3B Turf Edger - Reven 56.40 0 0.00%
9-1880-9444-5800 Equip Pool - PE44 - 2015 Royal Trailer - Revenue 429.48 0 0.00%
9-1880-9445-5800 Equip Pool - PE45 - 2014 JD Utility Trailer - Revenue 960.12 0 0.00%
9-1880-9446-5800 Equip Pool - PE46 - 2015 JD1550 Terrain Mower - Re 1,306.80 0 0.00%
9-1880-9447-5800 Equip Pool - PE47 - 2015 Turfco Seeder - Revenue 1,405.32 0 0.00%
9-1880-9448-5800 Equip Pool - PE48 - 2016 Trackless MT6 - Revenue 622.10 0 0.00%
9-1880-9501-5800 Equip Pool - PW1 - 2008 Challenger Shop Steamer 410.16 0 0.00%
9-1880-9502-5800 Equip Pool - PW2 - 1982 Vibrator Roller - Revenue 986.40 0 0.00%
9-1880-9504-5800 Equip Pool - PW4 - 1985 Marathon Tar Pot - Revenue 1,397.88 0 0.00%
9-1880-9505-5800 Equip Pool - PW5 - Shoring System & Trlr. - Revenue 1,583.52 0 0.00%
9-1880-9507-5800 Equip Pool - PW7 - Nikon Survey Equip. - Revenue 2,502.48 0 0.00%
9-1880-9508-5800 Equip Pool - PW8 - Build a Box Shoring - Revenue 1,388.64 0 0.00%
9-1880-9509-5800 Equip Pool - PW9 - 1999 AMZ Paver - Revenue 4,712.52 0 0.00%
9-1880-9512-5800 Equip Pool - PW12 - Thompson Trash Pump - Revenu 3,168.36 0 0.00%
9-1880-9513-5800 Equip Pool - PW13 - 2CX Sewer Inspect. System - Rev 852.24 0 0.00%
9-1880-9514-5800 Equip Pool - PW14 - 2" Honda Trash Pump - Revenue 35.04 0 0.00%
9-1880-9517-5800 Equip Pool - PW17 - 1998 Canuck Steamer - Revenue 1,978.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9518-5800 Equip Pool - PW18 - 2007 C17BSL Sewer Camera - Re 620.64 0 0.00%
9-1880-9519-5800 Equip Pool - PW19 - 2009 Rainbow Utility Trailer - Re 162.60 0 0.00%
9-1880-9520-5800 Equip Pool - PW20 - Welder - Revenue 19.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9521-5800 Equip Pool - PW21 - 2003 Arctic Cat Quad - Revenue 496.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9522-5800 Equip Pool - PW22 - 2004 Portable Steamer - Revenu 418.32 0 0.00%
9-1880-9523-5800 Equip Pool - PW23 - 2004 16' Carhaul Trlr - Revenue 209.28 0 0.00%
9-1880-9524-5800 Equip Pool - PW24 - 2004 Godwin Pump - Revenue 2,121.72 0 0.00%
9-1880-9525-5800 Equip Pool - PW25 - 2004 Sewer Main Man Lift - Rev 946.68 0 0.00%
9-1880-9526-5800 Equip Pool - PW26 - 1998 Steamer - Revenue 1,978.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9527-5800 Equip Pool - PW27 - 2004 Model 320 Linemarker - Re 4,125.24 0 0.00%
9-1880-9529-5800 Equip Pool - PW29 - Shop Pressure Washer - Revenu 285.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9530-5800 Equip Pool - PW30 - 1976 McCoy Trlr. - Revenue 167.52 0 0.00%
9-1880-9533-5800 Equip Pool - PW33 - 2004 10 FT Sander - Revenue 1,565.52 0 0.00%
9-1880-9534-5800 Equip Pool - PW34 - 2007 Ingersall Rand Comp - Rev 1,357.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9537-5800 Equip Pool - PW37 - 2009 Hyd Pavement Breaker 1,308.96 0 0.00%
9-1880-9539-5800 Equip Pool - PW39 - 1992 Ford De - Icer Truck - Reve 19,198.08 0 0.00%
9-1880-9541-5800 Equip Pool - PW41 - 2013 Marathon Tar Kettle - Reve 2,474.88 0 0.00%
9-1880-9542-5800 Equip Pool - PW42 - 2014 Polaris ATV Ranger - Reven 672.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9543-5800 Equip Pool - PW43 - 2014 Load Trail Carhauler - Reve 408.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9544-5800 Equip Pool - PW44 - 2014 Swenson Sander - Revenue 292.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9546-5800 Equip Pool - PW46 - 2016 JD XUV590I-Revenue 690.54 0 0.00%
9-1880-9547-5800 Equip Pool - PW47 - 2016 Rainbow ATV Trailer-Revenue 128.22 0 0.00%
9-1880-9605-5800 Equip Pool - SCS5 - 2003 Epoke System Spreader - Re 19,198.08 0 0.00%
9-1880-9607-5800 Equip Pool - SCS7 - 2003 RPM Snowblower - Revenue 19,198.08 0 0.00%
9-1880-9610-5800 Equip Pool - SCS10 - 1978 SMI Snowblower - Revenu 19,198.08 0 0.00%
9-1880-9612-5800 Equip Pool - SCS12 - Vohl Runway Sweeper - Revenu 19,198.08 0 0.00%
9-1880-9613-5800 Equip Pool - SCS13 - 2001 Vohl Runway Sweeper - Re 19,198.08 0 0.00%
9-1880-9614-5800 Equip Pool - SCS14 - 1999 SDI Aircraft DeIcer - Reven 19,198.08 0 0.00%
9-1880-9615-5800 Equip Pool - SCS15 - 2005 Elgin Road Sweeper - Reve 39,739.86 0 0.00%
9-1880-9616-5800 Equip Pool - SCS16 - 2013 Larue Snow Blower - Reve 6,095.37 0 0.00%
9-1880-9617-5800 Equip Pool - SCS17 - 2015 Schwarze Sweeper - Reve 47,803.02 0 0.00%
9-1880-9618-5800 Equip Pool - SCS18 - 2014 Raiko Pave Breaker - Reven 11,198.81 0 0.00%
9-1880-9619-5800 Equip Pool - SCS19 - 2015 Vactor Int'l 7600 - Revenue 82,275.05 0 0.00%
9-1880-9801-5800 Equip.Pool - Mobile Radios - Revenue 2,952.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9901-5800 Equip.Pool - Zamboni - Revenue 6,150.72 0 0.00%
EP Revenues 1,731,595.41 0 0 0 0.00%

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01/31/2017 Page 131 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2

9-1880-0000-6408 EP - Electricity 209.11 0 0.00%

9-1880-9010-6120 Equip Pool - Misc. Equipment - Wages 85,334.35 0 0.00%
9-1880-9010-6195 Equip Pool - Misc Equip - Benefits 27,356.41 0 0.00%
9-1880-9010-6361 Equip Pool - Misc Equip - Equip Pool Chg Out 461.52 0 0.00%
9-1880-9010-6800 Equip Pool - Misc. Equip - Expense 81,743.01 0 819,000 819,000 0.00%
9-1880-9101-6120 Equip Pool - C1 - 1998 Safari Van - Wages 148.98 0 0.00%
9-1880-9101-6195 Equip Pool - C1 - 1998 Safari - Benefits 50.92 0 0.00%
9-1880-9102-6120 Equip Pool - C2 - 2009 Pontiac Torrent - Wages 40.63 0 0.00%
9-1880-9102-6195 Equip Pool - C2 - 2009 Pontiac Torrent - Benefits 9.77 0 0.00%
9-1880-9102-6800 Equip Pool - C2 - 2009 Pontiac Torrent - Expenses 2,302.02 0 0.00%
9-1880-9104-6120 Equip Pool - C4 - 2007 Toyota Prius - Wages 523.07 0 0.00%
9-1880-9104-6195 Equip Pool - C4 - 2007 Toyota Prius - Benefits 124.61 0 0.00%
9-1880-9104-6800 Equip Pool - C4 - 2007 Toyota Prius - Expense 3,147.94 0 0.00%
9-1880-9105-6120 Equip Pool - C5 - 1999 Sonoma PU - Wages 144.60 0 0.00%
9-1880-9105-6195 Equip Pool - C5 - 1999 Sonoma PU - Benefits 46.23 0 0.00%
9-1880-9105-6800 Equip Pool - C5 - 1999 Sonoma PU - Exp 476.82 0 0.00%
9-1880-9106-6120 Equip Pool - C6 - 2007 Ford Escape - Wages 606.91 0 0.00%
9-1880-9106-6195 Equip Pool - C6 - 2007 Ford Escape - Benefits 129.65 0 0.00%
9-1880-9106-6800 Equip Pool - C6 - 2007 Ford Escape - Expense 4,511.28 0 0.00%
9-1880-9107-6120 Equip Pool - C7 - 2007 Ford Escape - Wages 378.97 0 0.00%
9-1880-9107-6195 Equip Pool - C7 - 2007 Ford Escape - Benefits 114.27 0 0.00%
9-1880-9107-6800 Equip Pool - C7 - 2007 Ford Escape - Expense 2,908.11 0 0.00%
9-1880-9108-6120 Equip Pool - C8 - 2007 Ford Escape - Wages 72.30 0 0.00%
9-1880-9108-6195 Equip Pool - C8 - 2007 Ford Escape - Benefits 20.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9108-6800 Equip Pool - C8 - 2007 Ford Escape - Expenses 2,379.18 0 0.00%
9-1880-9109-6120 Equip Pool - C9 - 2007 Ford Escape - Wages 595.90 0 0.00%
9-1880-9109-6195 Equip Pool - C9 - 2007 Ford Escape - Benefits 141.40 0 0.00%
9-1880-9109-6800 Equip Pool - C9 - 2007 Ford Escape - Expenses 4,719.74 0 0.00%
9-1880-9110-6120 Equip Pool - C10 - 2007 Ford Escape - Wages 306.88 0 0.00%
9-1880-9110-6195 Equip Pool - C10 - 2007 Ford Escape - Benefits 69.87 0 0.00%
9-1880-9110-6800 Equip Pool - C10 - 2007 Ford Escape - Expenses 2,259.76 0 0.00%
9-1880-9121-6120 Equip Pool - PT11 - 1996 GMC Van - Wages 71.10 0 0.00%
9-1880-9121-6195 Equip Pool - PT11 1996 GMC Van - Benefits 18.12 0 0.00%
9-1880-9121-6800 Equip Pool - PT11 - 1996 GMC Van - Exp 771.38 0 0.00%
9-1880-9123-6120 Equip Pool - PT13 - 2003 Chev 4x4 - Wages 1,298.78 0 0.00%
9-1880-9123-6195 Equip Pool - PT13 - 2003 Chev 4x4 - Benefits 356.70 0 0.00%
9-1880-9123-6800 Equip Pool - PT13 - 2003 Chev 4x4 Exp 3,725.13 0 0.00%
9-1880-9124-6120 Equip Pool - PT14 - 1999 GMC Van - Wages 540.06 0 0.00%
9-1880-9124-6195 Equip Pool - PT14 - 1999 GMC Van - Benefits 141.86 0 0.00%
9-1880-9124-6800 Equip Pool - PT14 - 1999 GMC Van - Exp 3,730.08 0 0.00%
9-1880-9126-6120 Equip Pool - PT16 - 1999 Ford F150 PU - Wages 1,025.63 0 0.00%
9-1880-9126-6195 Equip Pool - PT16 - 1999 Ford F150 PU - Benefits 263.05 0 0.00%
9-1880-9126-6800 Equip Pool - PT16 - 1999 Ford F150 PU - Exp 2,214.04 0 0.00%
9-1880-9127-6120 Equip Pool - PT17 - 2000 Ford PU - Wages 546.10 0 0.00%
9-1880-9127-6195 Equip Pool - PT17 - 2000 Ford PU - Benefits 134.53 0 0.00%
9-1880-9127-6800 Equip Pool - PT17 - 2000 Ford PU - Exp 2,958.84 0 0.00%
9-1880-9128-6120 Equip Pool - PT18 - 2000 Ford PU - Wages 71.10 0 0.00%
9-1880-9128-6195 Equip Pool - Pt18 - 2000 Ford PU - Benefits 18.12 0 0.00%
9-1880-9128-6800 Equip Pool - PT18 - 2000 Ford PU - Exp 139.01 0 0.00%
9-1880-9131-6120 Equip Pool - PT21 - 2001 Savana Van - Wages 420.33 0 0.00%
9-1880-9131-6195 Equip Pool - PT21 - 2001 Savana Van - Benefits 85.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9131-6800 Equip Pool - PT21 - 2001 Savana Van - Exp 2,684.64 0 0.00%
9-1880-9134-6120 Equip Pool - PT24 - 2001 Chev S10 - Wages 309.33 0 0.00%
9-1880-9134-6195 Equip Pool - PT24 - 2001 Chev S10 - Benefits 71.31 0 0.00%
9-1880-9134-6800 Equip Pool - PT24 - 2001 Chev S10 - Exp 1,836.91 0 0.00%
9-1880-9136-6120 Equip Pool - PT26 - 1997 Chev Chyann PU - Wages 190.69 0 0.00%
9-1880-9136-6195 Equip Pool - PT26 - 1997 Chev Chyann PU - Benefits 38.31 0 0.00%
9-1880-9137-6800 Equip Pool - PT27 - 1997 Chev Chyann PU - Exp 327.50 0 0.00%
9-1880-9139-6120 Equip Pool - PT29 - 2005 3/4t Ford PU - Wages CUPE 926.11 0 0.00%
9-1880-9139-6195 Equip Pool - PT29 - 2005 3/4t PU - Benefits 285.89 0 0.00%
9-1880-9139-6800 Equip Pool - PT29 - 2005 Ford 3/4t Ext.Cab - Exp 10,206.92 0 0.00%
9-1880-9140-6120 Equip Pool - PT30 2005 Ford PU - Wages CUPE 620.98 0 0.00%
9-1880-9140-6195 Equip Pool - PT30 2005 Ford PU - Benefits 158.33 0 0.00%
9-1880-9140-6800 Equip Pool - PT30 2005 Ford PU - Exp 5,141.90 0 0.00%
9-1880-9141-6120 Equip Pool - PT31 - 2009 Sierra Pickup - Wages 498.50 0 0.00%
9-1880-9141-6195 Equip Pool - PT31 - 2009 Sierra Pickup - Benefits 121.21 0 0.00%
9-1880-9141-6800 Equip Pool - PT31 - 2009 Sierra Pickup - Exp 5,009.40 0 0.00%
9-1880-9142-6120 Equip Pool - PT32 - 2010 Savanna Van - Wages 377.63 0 0.00%
9-1880-9142-6195 Equip Pool - PT32 - 2010 Savanna Van - Benefits 113.85 0 0.00%
9-1880-9142-6800 Equip Pool - PT32 - 2010 Savanna Van - Expense 2,408.28 0 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 132 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
9-1880-9143-6120 Equip Pool - PT33 - 2000 Jeep Cherokee - Wages 443.91 0 0.00%
9-1880-9143-6195 Equip Pool - PT33 - 2000 Jeep Cherokee - Benefits 105.91 0 0.00%
9-1880-9143-6800 Equip Pool - PT33 - 2000 Jeep Cherokee - Expense 1,679.01 0 0.00%
9-1880-9144-6120 Equip Pool - PT34 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Wage 484.41 0 0.00%
9-1880-9144-6195 Equip Pool - PT34 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Benef 126.54 0 0.00%
9-1880-9144-6800 Equip Pool - PT34 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Exp 6,342.02 0 0.00%
9-1880-9145-6120 Equip Pool - PT35 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Wage 707.04 0 0.00%
9-1880-9145-6195 Equip Pool - PT35 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Benef 179.07 0 0.00%
9-1880-9145-6800 Equip Pool - PT35 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Exp 6,048.88 0 0.00%
9-1880-9146-6120 Equip Pool - PT36 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Wage 242.55 0 0.00%
9-1880-9146-6195 Equip Pool - PT36 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Benef 46.58 0 0.00%
9-1880-9146-6800 Equip Pool - PT36 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Exp 266.41 0 0.00%
9-1880-9147-6800 Equip Pool - PT37 - 2011 Ford PU - Exp 9,524.73 0 0.00%
9-1880-9147-6120 Equip Pool - PT37 - 2011 Ford PU - Wages 298.78 0 0.00%
9-1880-9147-6195 Equip Pool - PT37 - 2011 Ford PU - Benefits 89.90 0 0.00%
9-1880-9148-6800 Equip Pool - PT38 - 2012 Chev Silverado PU - Expense 3,481.83 0 0.00%
9-1880-9148-6120 Equip Pool - PT38 - 2012 Chev Silverado PU - Wages 406.54 0 0.00%
9-1880-9148-6195 Equip Pool - PT38 - 2012 Chev Silverado PU - Benefit 124.73 0 0.00%
9-1880-9149-6800 Equip Pool - PT39 - 2012 Chev Silverado PU - Expense 3,253.07 0 0.00%
9-1880-9149-6120 Equip Pool - PT39 - 2012 Chev Silverado PU - Wages 576.76 0 0.00%
9-1880-9149-6195 Equip Pool - PT39 - 2012 Chev Silverado PU - Benefit 83.56 0 0.00%
9-1880-9150-6120 Equip Pool - PT40 - 2013 Ford F150 Crew Cab - CUPE W 1,462.35 0 0.00%
9-1880-9150-6195 Equip Pool - PT40 - 2013 Ford F150 Crew Cab - Benefit 303.71 0 0.00%
9-1880-9150-6800 Equip Pool - PT40 - 2013 Ford F150 Crew Cab - Expense 4,237.81 0 0.00%
9-1880-9151-6120 Equip Pool - PT41 - 2013 Ford F150 Crewcab - CUPE W 202.16 0 0.00%
9-1880-9151-6195 Equip Pool - PT41 - 2013 Ford F150 Crewcab - Benefits 51.42 0 0.00%
9-1880-9151-6800 Equip Pool - PT41 - 2013 Ford F150 Crewcab - Expense 3,889.74 0 0.00%
9-1880-9152-6120 Equip Pool - PT42 - 2013 Ford CG E250 Van - CUPE Wag 507.64 0 0.00%
9-1880-9152-6195 Equip Pool - PT42 - 2013 Ford CG E250 Van - Benefits 106.77 0 0.00%
9-1880-9152-6800 Equip Pool - PT42 - 2013 Ford CG E250 Van - Expense 7,179.52 0 0.00%
9-1880-9153-6120 Equip Pool - PT43 - 2013 1500 Dodge Ram - CUPE Wa 211.29 0 0.00%
9-1880-9153-6195 Equip Pool - PT43 - 2013 1500 Dodge Ram - Benefits 49.62 0 0.00%
9-1880-9153-6800 Equip Pool - PT43 - 2013 1500 Dodge Ram - Expense 3,706.61 0 0.00%
9-1880-9154-6120 Equip Pool - PT44 - 2014 Ford F150 - CUPE Wages 203.66 0 0.00%
9-1880-9154-6195 Equip Pool - PT44 - 2014 Ford F150 - Benefits 30.24 0 0.00%
9-1880-9154-6800 Equip Pool - PT44 - 2014 Ford F150 - Expense 6,205.22 0 0.00%
9-1880-9155-6120 Equip Pool - PT45 - 2014 Ford F250 - CUPE Wages 392.25 0 0.00%
9-1880-9155-6195 Equip Pool - PT45 - 2014 Ford F250 - Benefits 114.51 0 0.00%
9-1880-9155-6800 Equip Pool - PT45 - 2014 Ford F250 - Expense 8,494.13 0 0.00%
9-1880-9156-6120 Equip Pool - PT46 - 2016 Ram 1500 PU - CUPE Wages 286.61 0 0.00%
9-1880-9156-6195 Equip Pool - PT46 - 2016 Ram 1500 PU - Benefits 51.72 0 0.00%
9-1880-9156-6800 Equip Pool - PT46 - 2016 Ram 1500 PU - Expense 6,073.30 0 0.00%
9-1880-9157-6120 Equip Pool - PT47 - 2016 Ram 1500 PU - CUPE Wages 208.16 0 0.00%
9-1880-9157-6195 Equip Pool - PT47 - 2016 Ram 1500 PU - Benefits 49.67 0 0.00%
9-1880-9157-6800 Equip Pool - PT47 - 2016 Ram 1500 PU - Expense 2,815.11 0 0.00%
9-1880-9158-6120 Equip Pool - PT48 - 2006 Ford F150 4x4-CUPE Wages 879.66 0 0.00%
9-1880-9158-6195 Equip Pool - PT48 - 2006 Ford F150 4x4-CUPE Benefits 224.34 0 0.00%
9-1880-9158-6800 Equip Pool - PT48 - 2006 Ford F150 4x4-CUPE Expense 4,182.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9159-6120 Equip Pool - PT49 - 2016 Ford F250 - CUPE Wages 369.23 0 0.00%
9-1880-9159-6195 Equip Pool - PT49 - 2016 Ford F250 - Benefits 110.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9159-6800 Equip Pool - PT49 - 2016 Ford F250 - Expense 740.65 0 0.00%
9-1880-9160-6120 Equip Pool - PT50-2017 Ford F-350, CUPE Wages 1,946.39 0 0.00%
9-1880-9160-6195 Equip Pool - PT50-2017 Ford F-350 - Benefits 596.62 0 0.00%
9-1880-9160-6800 Equip Pool - PT50-2017 Ford F-350 - Expense 1,052.40 0 0.00%
9-1880-9201-6120 Equip Pool - DT1 2003 Freightliner DT - CUPE Wages 2,241.14 0 0.00%
9-1880-9201-6195 Equip Pool - DT1 2003 Freightliner DT - Benefits 495.66 0 0.00%
9-1880-9201-6800 Equip Pool - DT1 2003 Freightliner DT - Exp 5,017.46 0 0.00%
9-1880-9202-6120 Equip Pool - DT2 - 2007 Int'l Tandem Sand Truck - W 8,464.96 0 0.00%
9-1880-9202-6195 Equip Pool - DT2 - 2007 Int'l Tandem Sand Truck - Be 1,917.47 0 0.00%
9-1880-9202-6800 Equip Pool - DT2 - 2007 Int'l Tandem Sand Truck - Exp 16,964.43 0 0.00%
9-1880-9204-6120 Equip Pool - DT4 - 2011 Int 7400 DT - Wages 5,484.71 0 0.00%
9-1880-9204-6195 Equip Pool - DT4 - 2011 Int 7400 DT - Benefits 1,210.61 0 0.00%
9-1880-9204-6800 Equip Pool - DT4 - 2011 Int 7400 DT - Expense 6,927.28 0 0.00%
9-1880-9205-6120 Equip Pool - DT5 - 1982 Heavy DT - Wages 1,333.37 0 0.00%
9-1880-9205-6195 Equip Pool - DT5 - 1982 Heavy DT - Benefits 359.74 0 0.00%
9-1880-9205-6800 Equip Pool - DT5 - 1982 Heavy DT - Exp 1,374.31 0 0.00%
9-1880-9208-6120 Equip Pool - DT8 - 1998 Int'l Runway DT - Wages 3,348.58 0 0.00%
9-1880-9208-6195 Equip Pool - DT8 - 1998 Int'l Runway DT - Benefits 775.17 0 0.00%
9-1880-9208-6800 Equip Pool - DT8 - 1998 Int'l - Runway DT - Exp 5,591.66 0 0.00%
9-1880-9209-6120 Equip Pool - DT9 - 2012 Int'l Water Truck - Wages 1,480.99 0 0.00%
9-1880-9209-6195 Equip Pool - DT9 - 2012 Int'l Water Truck - Benefits 319.06 0 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 133 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
9-1880-9209-6800 Equip Pool - DT9 - 2012 Int'l Water Truck - Expense 4,751.91 0 0.00%
9-1880-9231-6120 Equip Pool - UT1 - 1999 GMC 1 Ton Crewcab - Wages 403.40 0 0.00%
9-1880-9231-6195 Equip Pool - UT1 - 1999 GMC 1 Ton - Benefits 90.18 0 0.00%
9-1880-9231-6800 Equip Pool - UT1 - 1999 GMC 1 Ton Crewcab - Exp 2,017.78 0 0.00%
9-1880-9232-6120 Equip Pool - UT2 - 1987 Ford 1t. - Wages 72.30 0 0.00%
9-1880-9232-6195 Equip Pool - UT2 - 1987 Ford 1t. - Benefits 20.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9233-6120 Equip Pool - UT3 Ford F350 - Wage 4,082.19 0 0.00%
9-1880-9233-6195 Equip Pool - UT3 Ford 350 - Benefits 1,019.62 0 0.00%
9-1880-9233-6800 Equip Pool - UT3 2003 Ford F350 - Exp 3,725.13 0 0.00%
9-1880-9234-6120 Equip Pool - UT4 2003 Ford F350 - Wage 2,068.75 0 0.00%
9-1880-9234-6195 Equip Pool - UT4 2003 Ford 350 - Benefits 472.07 0 0.00%
9-1880-9234-6800 Equip Pool - UT4 2003 Ford F350 - Exp 3,184.33 0 0.00%
9-1880-9235-6120 Equip Pool - UT5 2003 F350 - Wage 837.53 0 0.00%
9-1880-9235-6195 Equip Pool - UT5 2003 F350 - Benefits 178.48 0 0.00%
9-1880-9235-6800 Equip Pool - UT5 2003 F350 - Exp 2,993.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9236-6120 Equip Pool - UT6 - 2000 Ford 1T - Wages 71.10 0 0.00%
9-1880-9236-6195 Equip Pool - UT6 2000 Ford 1T - Benefits 18.12 0 0.00%
9-1880-9236-6800 Equip Pool - UT6 - 2000 Ford 1T - Exp 203.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9237-6120 Equip Pool - UT7 - 2000 Ford 1T - Wages 999.45 0 0.00%
9-1880-9237-6195 Equip Pool - UT7 - 2000 Ford 1T - Benefits 248.48 0 0.00%
9-1880-9237-6800 Equip Pool - UT7 - 2000 Ford 1T - Exp 4,874.57 0 0.00%
9-1880-9239-6120 Equip Pool - UT9 - 1992 Inter. Ladder Truck - Wage 959.40 0 0.00%
9-1880-9239-6195 Equip Pool - UT9 - 1992 Inter Ladder Tk - Benefits 180.23 0 0.00%
9-1880-9239-6800 Equip Pool - UT9 - 1992 International Ladder Truck 1,926.45 0 0.00%
9-1880-9240-6120 Equip Pool - UT10 - 2007 Chev 4x4 1 Ton - Wages CUP 3,119.30 0 0.00%
9-1880-9240-6195 Equip Pool - UT10 - 2007 Chev 4x4 1 Ton - Benefits 716.54 0 0.00%
9-1880-9240-6800 Equip Pool - UT10 - 2007 Chev 4x4 1 Ton - Expenses 4,996.68 0 0.00%
9-1880-9241-6120 Equip Pool - UT11 - 1997 Chev 1t. - Wages 529.71 0 0.00%
9-1880-9241-6195 Equip Pool - UT11 - 1997 Chev 1t. - Benefits 112.74 0 0.00%
9-1880-9241-6800 Equip Pool - UT11 - 1997 Chev 1t. - Exp 3,966.05 0 0.00%
9-1880-9242-6800 Equip Pool - UT12 - 1999 Chev 1t. - Exp 140.86 0 0.00%
9-1880-9243-6120 Equip Pool - UT13 - 2008 Ford 550 - Wages 1,882.67 0 0.00%
9-1880-9243-6195 Equip Pool - UT13 - 2008 Ford 550 - Benefits 435.59 0 0.00%
9-1880-9243-6800 Equip Pool - UT13 - 2008 Ford 550 - Expense 2,893.74 0 0.00%
9-1880-9244-6120 Equip Pool - UT14 - 2008 Ford 550 - Wages 3,304.02 0 0.00%
9-1880-9244-6195 Equip Pool - UT14 - 2008 Ford 550 - Benefits 831.07 0 0.00%
9-1880-9244-6800 Equip Pool - UT14 - 2008 Ford 550 - Expense 4,563.32 0 0.00%
9-1880-9245-6120 Equip Pool - UT15 - 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 - Wage 712.26 0 0.00%
9-1880-9245-6195 Equip Pool - UT15 - 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 - Benef 148.89 0 0.00%
9-1880-9245-6800 Equip Pool - UT15 - 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 - Expen 8,035.67 0 0.00%
9-1880-9246-6120 Equip Pool - UT16 - 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 - Wage 2,789.37 0 0.00%
9-1880-9246-6195 Equip Pool - UT16 - 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 - Benef 678.58 0 0.00%
9-1880-9246-6800 Equip Pool - UT16 - 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 - Expen 10,475.34 0 0.00%
9-1880-9247-6120 Equip Pool - UT17 - 2012 Ford F550DRW DBT - Wages 1,332.80 0 0.00%
9-1880-9247-6195 Equip Pool - UT17 - 2012 Ford F550DRW DBT - Benefits 273.61 0 0.00%
9-1880-9247-6800 Equip Pool - UT17 - 2012 Ford F550DRW DBT - Expense 5,152.56 0 0.00%
9-1880-9248-6120 Equip Pool - UT18 - 2013 F550 - CUPE Wages 1,046.43 0 0.00%
9-1880-9248-6195 Equip Pool - UT18 - 2013 F550 - Benefits 291.14 0 0.00%
9-1880-9248-6800 Equip Pool - UT18 - 2013 F550 - Expense 5,159.64 0 0.00%
9-1880-9249-6120 Equip Pool - UT19 - 2014 Chev Silverado - CUPE Wages 2,498.13 0 0.00%
9-1880-9249-6195 Equip Pool - UT19 - 2014 Chev Silverado - Benefits 675.99 0 0.00%
9-1880-9249-6800 Equip Pool - UT19 - 2014 Chev Silverado - Expense 5,482.87 0 0.00%
9-1880-9250-6120 Equip Pool - UT20 - 2014 Chev Silverado 3500 - CUPE W 2,163.65 0 0.00%
9-1880-9250-6195 Equip Pool - UT20 - 2014 Chev Silverado 3500 - Benefit 650.56 0 0.00%
9-1880-9250-6800 Equip Pool - UT20 - 2014 Chev Silverado 3500 - Expens 5,296.24 0 0.00%
9-1880-9305-6120 Equip Pool - FT5 - 2005 JD Tractor - Wages - CUPE 1,178.10 0 0.00%
9-1880-9305-6195 Equip Pool - FT5 - 2005 JD Tractor - Benefits 282.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9305-6800 Equip Pool - FT5 - 2005 JD Tractor - Expense 1,240.06 0 0.00%
9-1880-9306-6120 Equip Pool - FT6 - 1995 Ford Tractor - Wages 5,014.38 0 0.00%
9-1880-9306-6195 Equip Pool - FT6 - 1995 Ford Tractor - Benefits 1,419.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9306-6800 Equip Pool - FT6 - 1995 Ford Tractor - Exp 15,508.60 0 0.00%
9-1880-9307-6120 Equip Pool - FT7 2005 New Holland Tractor - Wages 928.60 0 0.00%
9-1880-9307-6195 Equip Pool - FT7 2005 New Holland Tractor - Benefi 324.74 0 0.00%
9-1880-9307-6800 Equip Pool - FT7 2005 New Holland Tractor - Exp 4,573.28 0 0.00%
9-1880-9322-6120 Equip Pool - LB2 - 2005 JD Loader - Wages 77.82 0 0.00%
9-1880-9322-6195 Equip Pool - LB2 - 2005 JD Loader - Benefits 18.71 0 0.00%
9-1880-9323-6120 Equip Pool - LB3 JD Wheel Loader - Wage 4,664.77 0 0.00%
9-1880-9323-6195 Equip Pool - LB3 JD Wheel Loader - Benefits 1,238.31 0 0.00%
9-1880-9323-6800 Equip Pool - LB3 2003 JD Wheel Loader - Exp 6,860.61 0 0.00%
9-1880-9324-6120 Equip Pool - LB4 - 2005 JD Loader - Wages 1,819.69 0 0.00%
9-1880-9324-6195 Equip Pool - LB4 - 2005 JD Loader - Benefit 458.42 0 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 134 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
9-1880-9324-6800 Equip Pool - LB4 - 2005 JD Loader - Exp 4,890.28 0 0.00%
9-1880-9325-6120 Equip Pool - LB5 - 2007 JD 544J Loader - Wages 5,672.47 0 0.00%
9-1880-9325-6195 Equip Pool - LB5 - 2007 JD 544J Loader - Benefits 1,126.55 0 0.00%
9-1880-9325-6800 Equip Pool - LB5 - 2007 JD 544J Loader - Exp 18,588.74 0 0.00%
9-1880-9327-6120 Equip Pool - LB7 - 2009 JD444K Wheel Loader - Wage 9,390.10 0 0.00%
9-1880-9327-6195 Equip Pool - LB7 - 2009 JD444K Wheel Loader - Bene 2,181.53 0 0.00%
9-1880-9327-6800 Equip Pool - LB7 - 2009 JD444K Wheel Loader - Expe 22,577.60 0 0.00%
9-1880-9328-6120 Equip Pool - LB8 - 2014 JD 310SK Backhoe Load - CUP 995.78 0 0.00%
9-1880-9328-6195 Equip Pool - LB8 - 2014 JD 310SK Backhoe Load - Bene 222.16 0 0.00%
9-1880-9328-6800 Equip Pool - LB8 - 2014 JD 310SK Backhoe Load - Expe 4,180.68 0 0.00%
9-1880-9354-6120 Equip Pool - MG4 - 1997 Komatsu Grdr. - Wages 5,818.37 0 0.00%
9-1880-9354-6195 Equip Pool - MG4 - 1987 Komatsu Grdr - Benefits 1,288.91 0 0.00%
9-1880-9354-6800 Equip Pool - MG4 - 1997 Komatsu Grdr. - Exp 21,529.75 0 0.00%
9-1880-9355-6120 Equip Pool - JD770D 2008 Grader - Wages 7,376.39 0 0.00%
9-1880-9355-6195 Equip Pool - JD770D 2008 Grader - Benefits 1,747.95 0 0.00%
9-1880-9355-6800 Equip Pool - JD770D 2008 Grader - Expense 19,649.02 0 0.00%
9-1880-9390-6120 Equip Pool - Airport Miscellaneous - Wages 252.96 0 0.00%
9-1880-9390-6195 Equip Pool - Airport Miscellaneous - Benefits 71.12 0 0.00%
9-1880-9401-6120 Equip Pool - PE1 - 1995 Ransommes Rideon - Wages 197.92 0 0.00%
9-1880-9401-6195 Equip Pool - PE1 - 1995 Ransommes Rideon - Benefits 59.94 0 0.00%
9-1880-9402-6800 Equip Pool - PE2 - Advenger Floorcleaner - Exp 114.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9403-6120 Equip Pool - PE3 - 1986 H/M Float Trlr. - Wages 901.12 0 0.00%
9-1880-9403-6195 Equip Pool - PE3 - 1986 H/M Float Trlr - Benefits 220.38 0 0.00%
9-1880-9403-6800 Equip Pool - PE3 - 1986 H/M Float Trlr. - Exp 196.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9404-6120 Equip Pool - PE4 - 1997 - Trackless MT Mower - Wag 144.60 0 0.00%
9-1880-9404-6195 Equip Pool - PE4 - 1997 Trackless Mt Mower - Benefit 40.89 0 0.00%
9-1880-9404-6800 Equip Pool - PE4 - 1997 Trackless MT Mower - Exp 237.03 0 0.00%
9-1880-9406-6120 Equip Pool - PE6 - Pulverizer & Seeder - Wages 759.76 0 0.00%
9-1880-9406-6195 Equip Pool - PE6 - Pulverizer & Seeder - Benefits 165.29 0 0.00%
9-1880-9407-6120 Equip Pool - PE7 - MOTT Side Cutter Attch. - Wages 4,045.05 0 0.00%
9-1880-9407-6195 Equip Pool - PE7 - MOTT Sidecutter Attch. - Benefits 928.08 0 0.00%
9-1880-9410-6800 Equip Pool - PE10 - 2004 John Deere Rideon - Exp 3,208.23 0 0.00%
9-1880-9411-6120 Equip Pool - PE11 - 1986 Parks Util.Trlr. - Wages 1,029.95 0 0.00%
9-1880-9411-6195 Equip Pool - PE11 - 1986 Parks Util.Trlr - Benefits 221.53 0 0.00%
9-1880-9411-6800 Equip Pool - PE11 - 1986 Parks Util.Trlr. - Exp 290.66 0 0.00%
9-1880-9412-6800 Equip Pool - PE12 - Rotovator - Exp 34.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9413-6120 Equip Pool - PE13 - 1995 Parks Trlr. - Wages 465.01 0 0.00%
9-1880-9413-6195 Equip Pool - PE13 - 1995 Parks - Benefits 119.47 0 0.00%
9-1880-9413-6800 Equip Pool - PE13 - 1995 Parks Trlr. - Exp 323.93 0 0.00%
9-1880-9415-6120 Equip Pool - PE15 2003 JD Walk Mower - Wages CUPE 104.63 0 0.00%
9-1880-9415-6195 Equip Pool - PE15 - 2003 JD Walk Mower - Benefits 24.42 0 0.00%
9-1880-9416-6120 Equip Pool - PE16 - 2003 JD Walk Mower - Wages 1,180.11 0 0.00%
9-1880-9416-6195 Equip Pool - PE19 - Smithco Lawn Sweeper - Benefits 277.25 0 0.00%
9-1880-9418-6120 Equip Pool - PE18 - 2005 Trackless MT5 - Wages CUPE 6,218.90 0 0.00%
9-1880-9418-6195 Equip Pool - PE18 - 2005 Trackless MT5 - Benefits 1,520.37 0 0.00%
9-1880-9418-6800 Equip Pool - PE18 - 2005 Trackless MT - Exp 10,816.32 0 0.00%
9-1880-9420-6800 Equip Pool - PE20 - 2008 Utility Dump Tlr - Exp 196.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9421-6120 Equip Pool - PE21 - 2001 Olympia Ice Machine - Wage 2,008.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9421-6195 Equip Pool - PE21 - 2001 Olympia Ice Machine - Ben 366.27 0 0.00%
9-1880-9421-6800 Equip Pool - PE21 - 2001 Olympia Ice Machine - Exp 9,473.97 0 0.00%
9-1880-9424-6120 Equip Pool - PE24 - 1995 Olympia Ice Machine - Wage 2,423.01 0 0.00%
9-1880-9424-6195 Equip Pool - PE24 - 1995 Olympia Ice Mch - Benefits 579.54 0 0.00%
9-1880-9424-6800 Equip Pool - PE24 - 1995 Olympia Ice Machine - Exp 10,035.61 0 0.00%
9-1880-9425-6120 Equip Pool - PE25 - 1979 LeClair Ice Machine - Wages 40.63 0 0.00%
9-1880-9425-6195 Equip Pool - PE25 - 1979 LeClair Ice Machine - Benef 9.77 0 0.00%
9-1880-9426-6800 Equip Pool - PE26 - Trackless MT - Exp 67.19 0 0.00%
9-1880-9429-6120 Equip Pool - PE29 Trail Tech Car Trailer - Wages C 515.14 0 0.00%
9-1880-9429-6195 Equip Pool - PE29 Trail Tech Car Trailer - Benefit 86.89 0 0.00%
9-1880-9429-6800 Equip Pool - PE29 Trail Tech Car Trailer - Exp 202.49 0 0.00%
9-1880-9430-6120 Equip Pool - PE30 - 2006 JD Ride on Mower - Wages C 1,472.48 0 0.00%
9-1880-9430-6195 Equip Pool - PE30 - 2006 Ride On Mower - Benefits 418.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9430-6800 Equip Pool - PE30 - 2006 JD Ride On Mower 3,401.58 0 0.00%
9-1880-9431-6120 Equip Pool - PE31 - 2006 JD Com Mower - Wages CUP 559.75 0 0.00%
9-1880-9431-6195 Equip Pool - PE31 - 2006 JD Com Mower - Benefits 121.24 0 0.00%
9-1880-9431-6800 Equip Pool - PE31 - 2006 JD 1435 Com Mower - Exp 2,842.45 0 0.00%
9-1880-9435-6800 Equip Pool - PE35 - 2007 Dakota 420 Top Dresser - Ex 312.23 0 0.00%
9-1880-9436-6800 Equip Pool - PE36 - 2010 S205 Bobcat Skidsteer Loader 1,945.36 0 0.00%
9-1880-9436-6120 Equip Pool - PE36 - 2010 S205 Bobcat Skidsteer Loader 488.53 0 0.00%
9-1880-9436-6195 Equip Pool - PE36 - 2010 S205 Bobcat Skidsteer Loader 123.98 0 0.00%
9-1880-9437-6800 Equip Pool - PE37 - 2010 MT6 Trackless - Exp 31,395.22 0 0.00%
9-1880-9437-6120 Equip Pool - PE37 - 2010 MT6 Trackless - Wages 4,517.82 0 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 135 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
9-1880-9437-6195 Equip Pool - PE37 - 2010 MT6 Trackless - Benefits 743.46 0 0.00%
9-1880-9438-6800 Equip Pool - PE38 - 2011 JD WH48A Mowers - Expens 812.27 0 0.00%
9-1880-9438-6120 Equip Pool - PE38 - 2011 JD WH48A Mower - Wages 347.50 0 0.00%
9-1880-9438-6195 Equip Pool - PE38 - 2011 JD WH48A Mower - Benefits 86.18 0 0.00%
9-1880-9439-6800 Equip Pool - PE39 - 2011 JD WH48A Mower - Expense 1,039.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9439-6120 Equip Pool - PE39 - 2011 JD WH48A Mower - Wages 418.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9439-6195 Equip Pool - PE39 - 2011 JD WH48A Mower - Benefits 105.84 0 0.00%
9-1880-9440-6800 Equip Pool - PE40 - 2011 Trackless (Lease) - Expense 408.14 0 0.00%
9-1880-9441-6120 Equip Pool - PE41 - 2012 Big Tex Uty Trailer - Wages 146.42 0 0.00%
9-1880-9441-6195 Equip Pool - PE41 - 2012 Big Tex Uty Trailer - Benef 40.11 0 0.00%
9-1880-9441-6800 Equip Pool - PE41 - 2012 Big Tex Uty Trailer - Expen 63.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9442-6120 Equip Pool - PE42 - 2012 MadVac - Wages CUPE 144.60 0 0.00%
9-1880-9442-6195 Equip Pool - PE42 - 2012 MadVac - Benefits 74.32 0 0.00%
9-1880-9442-6800 Equip Pool - PE42 - 2012 MadVac - Expense 619.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9444-6800 Equip Pool - PE44 - 2015 Royal Trailer - Expense 175.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9445-6120 Equip Pool - PE45 - 2014 JD Utility Trailer - CUPE Wa 558.12 0 0.00%
9-1880-9445-6195 Equip Pool - PE45 - 2014 JD Utility Trailer - Benefits 120.26 0 0.00%
9-1880-9445-6800 Equip Pool - PE45 - 2014 JD Utility Trailer - Expense 738.05 0 0.00%
9-1880-9446-6120 Equip Pool - PE46 - 2015 JD1550 Terrain Mower - CU 878.71 0 0.00%
9-1880-9446-6195 Equip Pool - PE46 - 2015 JD1550 Terrain Mower - Be 170.16 0 0.00%
9-1880-9446-6800 Equip Pool - PE46 - 2015 JD1550 Terrain Mower - Ex 2,037.01 0 0.00%
9-1880-9447-6800 Equip Pool - PE47 - 2015 Turfco Seeder - Expense 8.03 0 0.00%
9-1880-9448-6120 Equip Pool - PE48 - 2016 Trackless MT6 - CUPE - Wag 4,965.98 0 0.00%
9-1880-9448-6195 Equip Pool - PE48 - 2016 Trackless MT6 - Benefit 1,262.58 0 0.00%
9-1880-9448-6800 Equip Pool - PE48 - 2016 Trackless MT6 - Expense 43,243.04 0 0.00%
9-1880-9449-6120 Equip Pool - PE49 - 2016 Kubota Lawnmower - Wages 108.45 0 0.00%
9-1880-9449-6195 Equip Pool - PE49 - 2016 Kubora Lawnmower - Benefits 26.76 0 0.00%
9-1880-9449-6800 Equip Pool - PE49 - 2016 Kubota Lawnmower-Expense 123.63 0 0.00%
9-1880-9501-6120 Equip Pool - PW1 - 2008 Challenger Shop Steamer 131.05 0 0.00%
9-1880-9501-6195 Equip Pool - PW1 - 2008 Challenger Shop Steamer - B 26.34 0 0.00%
9-1880-9505-6120 Equip Pool - PW5 - Shoring System & Trlr. - Wages 204.30 0 0.00%
9-1880-9505-6195 Equip Pool - PW5 - Shoring System Trlr - Benefits 30.94 0 0.00%
9-1880-9505-6800 Equip Pool - PW5 - Shoring System & Trlr. - Exp 214.43 0 0.00%
9-1880-9508-6120 Equip Pool - PW8 - Build a Box Shoring - Wages 2.70 0 0.00%
9-1880-9508-6195 Equip Pool - PW8 - Build a Box Shoring - Benefits 0.74 0 0.00%
9-1880-9508-6800 Equip Pool - PW8 - Build a Box Shoring - Exp 158.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9509-6120 Equip Pool - PW9 - 1999 AMZ Paver - Wages 2,272.70 0 0.00%
9-1880-9509-6195 Equip Pool - PW9 - 1999 AMZ Paver - Benefits 720.28 0 0.00%
9-1880-9509-6800 Equip Pool - PW9 - 1999 AMZ Paver - Exp 4,609.09 0 0.00%
9-1880-9512-6120 Equip Pool - PW12 - Thompson Trash Pump - Wages 487.80 0 0.00%
9-1880-9512-6195 Equip Pool - PW12 - thompson Trash Pump - Benefits 206.35 0 0.00%
9-1880-9512-6800 Equip Pool - PW12 - Thompson Trash Pump - Exp 411.47 0 0.00%
9-1880-9513-6800 Equip Pool - PW13 - 2CX Sewer Inspect. System - Exp 49.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9515-6800 Equip Pool - PW15 - Home Built Utility Trlr. - Exp 96.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9517-6120 Equip Pool - PW17 - 1998 Canuck Steamer - Wages 1,062.72 0 0.00%
9-1880-9517-6195 Equip Pool - PW17 - 1998 Canuck Steamer - Benefits 227.09 0 0.00%
9-1880-9517-6800 Equip Pool - PW17 - 1998 Canuck Steamer - Exp 1,887.31 0 0.00%
9-1880-9519-6800 Equip Pool - PW19 - 2009 Rainbow Utility Trailer - Expe 146.72 0 0.00%
9-1880-9521-6120 Equip Pool - PW21 2003 Arctic Cat Quad - Wage 285.90 0 0.00%
9-1880-9521-6195 Equip Pool - PW21 2003 Arctic Cat Quad - Benefits 55.33 0 0.00%
9-1880-9521-6800 Equip Pool - Pw21 2003 Arctic Cat Quad - Exp 349.42 0 0.00%
9-1880-9522-6800 Equip Pool - PW22 - 2004 Portable Steamer - Exp 39.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9523-6120 Equip Pool - PW23 2004 16' Carhaul Trlr - Wages CU 138.60 0 0.00%
9-1880-9523-6195 Equip Pool - PW23 2004 16'Carhaul Trlr - Benefits 49.11 0 0.00%
9-1880-9523-6800 Equip Pool - PW23 2004 16' CarHaul Trlr - Expense 196.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9524-6800 Equip Pool - PW24 - 2004 Godwin Pump - Exp 489.86 0 0.00%
9-1880-9525-6800 Equip Pool - PW25 - 2004 Sewer Main Man Lift - Exp 89.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9526-6120 Equip Pool - PW26 - 1998 Steamer - Wages 973.98 0 0.00%
9-1880-9526-6195 Equip Pool - PW26 - 1998 Steamer - Benefits 222.80 0 0.00%
9-1880-9526-6800 Equip Pool - PW26 - 1998 Steamer - Exp 1,013.69 0 0.00%
9-1880-9527-6120 Equip Pool - PW27 - 2004 Model 320 Line Marker - W 1,002.15 0 0.00%
9-1880-9527-6195 Equip Pool - PW27 - 2004 Model 320 Linemarker - Be 296.11 0 0.00%
9-1880-9527-6800 Equip Pool - PW27 - 2004 Model 320 Linemarker - Exp 2,309.70 0 0.00%
9-1880-9530-6120 Equip Pool - PW30 - 1976 McCoy Trlr. - Wages 204.30 0 0.00%
9-1880-9530-6195 Equip Pool - PW30 - 1976 McCoy Trlr - Benefits 31.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9530-6800 Equip Pool - PW30 - 1976 McCoy Trlr. - Exp 248.41 0 0.00%
9-1880-9533-6120 Equip Pool - PW33 - 2004 10 FT Sander - Wages CUPE 1,245.24 0 0.00%
9-1880-9533-6195 Equip Pool - PW33 - 2004 10 FT Sander - Benefits 292.39 0 0.00%
9-1880-9533-6800 Equip Pool - PW33 - 2004 10 FT Sander - Exp 118.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9534-6120 Equip Pool - PW34 - 2007 Ingersall Rand Comp - Wage 420.93 0 0.00%
9-1880-9534-6195 Equip Pool - PW34 - 2007 Ingersall Rand Comp - Bene 76.85 0 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 136 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
9-1880-9534-6800 Equip Pool - PW34 - 2007 Ingersall Rand Comp - Exp 620.82 0 0.00%
9-1880-9535-6120 Equip Pool - PW35 - 2012 Stirling Util Tlr - Wages 385.80 0 0.00%
9-1880-9535-6195 Equip Pool - PW35 - 2012 Stirling Util Tlr - Benefit 78.26 0 0.00%
9-1880-9535-6800 Equip Pool - PW35 - 2012 Stirling Util Tlr - Exp 365.64 0 0.00%
9-1880-9536-6120 Equip Pool - PW36 - 2007 Henderson Slide in Sander 1,717.40 0 0.00%
9-1880-9536-6195 Equip Pool - PW36 - 2007 Henderson Slide in Sander 336.23 0 0.00%
9-1880-9536-6800 Equip Pool - PW36 - 2007 Henderson Slide in Sander 4,322.66 0 0.00%
9-1880-9537-6800 Equip Pool - PW37 - 2009 Hyd Pavement Breaker 143.58 0 0.00%
9-1880-9538-6120 Equip Pool - PW38 - 2012 ABU Tilt Deck Trlr - Wages 499.43 0 0.00%
9-1880-9538-6195 Equip Pool - PW38 - 2012 ABU 20' Tilt Trlr - Benefit 91.38 0 0.00%
9-1880-9538-6800 Equip Pool - PW38 - 2012 ABU 20" Tilt Deck Trlr - Ex 208.04 0 0.00%
9-1880-9539-6120 Equip Pool - PW39 - 1992 Ford De - Icer Truck - CUPE W 2,751.34 0 0.00%
9-1880-9539-6195 Equip Pool - PW39 - 1992 Ford De - Icer Truck - Benefit 603.65 0 0.00%
9-1880-9539-6800 Equip Pool - PW39 - 1992 Ford De - Icer Truck - Expens 13,719.70 0 0.00%
9-1880-9540-6120 Equip Pool - PW40 - 2012 Triton Trandem Trlr - CUPE W 210.60 0 0.00%
9-1880-9540-6195 Equip Pool - PW40 - 2012 Triton Trandem Trlr - Benefit 74.66 0 0.00%
9-1880-9540-6800 Equip Pool - PW40 - 2012 Triton Trandem Trailer - Exp 175.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9541-6800 Equip Pool - PW41 - 2013 Marathon Tar Kettle - Expe 402.73 0 0.00%
9-1880-9542-6120 Equip Pool - PW42 - 2014 Polaris ATV Ranger - Wage 169.92 0 0.00%
9-1880-9542-6195 Equip Pool - PW42 - 2014 Polaris ATV Ranger - Benef 54.94 0 0.00%
9-1880-9542-6800 Equip Pool - PW42 - 2014 Polaris ATV Ranger - Expen 555.03 0 0.00%
9-1880-9543-6120 Equip Pool - PW43 - 2014 Load Trail Carhauler - Wag 338.62 0 0.00%
9-1880-9543-6195 Equip Pool - PW43 - 2014 Load Trail Carhauler - Bene 83.63 0 0.00%
9-1880-9543-6800 Equip Pool - PW43 - 2014 Load Trail Carhauler - Expe 196.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9544-6120 Equip Pool - PW44 - 2014 Swenson Sander - Wages 129.33 0 0.00%
9-1880-9544-6195 Equip Pool - PW44 - 2014 Swenson Sander - Benefits 24.13 0 0.00%
9-1880-9545-6120 Equip Pool - PW45 - 2016 Portable Speed Sign-Wages 142.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9545-6195 Equip Pool - PW45 - 2016 Portable Speed Sign-Benef 18.63 0 0.00%
9-1880-9545-6800 Equip Pool - PW45 - 2016 Portable Speed Sign-Expens 276.81 0 0.00%
9-1880-9546-6800 Equip Pool - PW46 - 2016 JD XUV590I-Expense 14,522.53 0 0.00%
9-1880-9547-6800 Equip Pool - PW47 - 2016 Rainbow ATV Trailer-Expens 8.03 0 0.00%
9-1880-9601-6120 Equip Pool - SCS1 - 1996 Vactor Flusher - Wages 449.46 0 0.00%
9-1880-9601-6195 Equip Pool - SCS1 - 1996 Vactor Flusher - Benefits 107.13 0 0.00%
9-1880-9605-6800 Equip Pool - SCS5 - 2003 Epoke System Spreader - Exp 446.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9606-6120 Equip Pool - SCS6 - 1998 Mobil Sweeper - Wages 31.78 0 0.00%
9-1880-9606-6195 Equip Pool - SCS6 1998 Mobil Sweeper - Benefits 6.39 0 0.00%
9-1880-9607-6120 Equip Pool - SCS7 2003 RPM Snowblower - Wage 6,056.54 0 0.00%
9-1880-9607-6195 Equip Pool - SCS7 2003 RPM Snowblower - Benefits 1,169.69 0 0.00%
9-1880-9607-6800 Equip Pool - SCS7 2003 RPM Snowblower - Exp 14,420.84 0 0.00%
9-1880-9608-6800 Equip Pool - SCS8 - 2008 Int'l Vactor Truck - Expens 172.65 0 0.00%
9-1880-9612-6120 Equip Pool - SCS12 - Vohl Runway Sweeper - Wages 8,570.34 0 0.00%
9-1880-9612-6195 Equip Pool - SCS12 - Vohl Runway Sweeper - Benefits 2,126.22 0 0.00%
9-1880-9612-6800 Equip Pool - SCS12 - Vohl Runway Sweeper - Exp 19,249.94 0 0.00%
9-1880-9613-6120 Equip Pool - SCS13 - 2001 Vohl Runway Sweeper - Wa 7,344.50 0 0.00%
9-1880-9613-6195 Equip Pool - SCS13 2 - - 1 Vohl Runway Sweep - Bene 1,321.28 0 0.00%
9-1880-9613-6800 Equip Pool - SCS13 - 2001 Vohl Runway Sweeper - Exp 12,553.15 0 0.00%
9-1880-9614-6120 Equip Pool - SCS14 - 1999 SDI Aircraft DeIcer - Wage 1,050.03 0 0.00%
9-1880-9614-6195 Equip Pool - SCS14 - 1999 SDI Aircraft DeIcer - Bene 283.97 0 0.00%
9-1880-9614-6800 Equip Pool - SCS14 - 1999 SDI Aircraft DeIcer - Exp 1,041.06 0 0.00%
9-1880-9615-6120 Equip Pool - SCS15 - 2006 Elgin Road Sweeper - Wage 15,979.60 0 0.00%
9-1880-9615-6195 Equip Pool - SCS15 - 2006 Elgin Road Sweeper - Benef 3,297.01 0 0.00%
9-1880-9615-6800 Equip Pool - SCS15 - 2006 Elgin Road Sweeper - Exp 25,725.65 0 0.00%
9-1880-9616-6120 Equip Pool - SCS16 - 2013 Larue Snow Blower - Wages 2,126.64 0 0.00%
9-1880-9616-6195 Equip Pool - SCS16 - 2013 Larue Snow Blower - Benefit 473.59 0 0.00%
9-1880-9616-6800 Equip Pool - SCS16 - 2013 Larue Snow Blower - Expens 3,824.49 0 0.00%
9-1880-9617-6120 Equip Pool - SCS17 - 2015 Schwarze Sweeper - CUPE 5,473.40 0 0.00%
9-1880-9617-6195 Equip Pool - SCS17 - 2015 Schwarze Sweeper - Bene 1,673.25 0 0.00%
9-1880-9617-6800 Equip Pool - SCS17 - 2015 Schwarze Sweeper - Expe 43,052.57 0 0.00%
9-1880-9618-6120 Equip Pool - SCS18 - 2014 Raiko Pave Breaker - CUPE W 34.65 0 0.00%
9-1880-9618-6195 Equip Pool - SCS18 - 2014 Raiko Pave Breaker - Benefit 8.67 0 0.00%
9-1880-9618-6800 Equip Pool - SCS18 - 2014 Raiko Pavement Breaker 469.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9619-6120 Equip Pool - SCS19 - 2015 Vactor Int'l 7600 - CUPE Wa 8,696.89 0 0.00%
9-1880-9619-6195 Equip Pool - SCS19 - 2015 Vactor Int'l 7600 - Benefits 1,990.41 0 0.00%
9-1880-9619-6800 Equip Pool - SCS19 - 2015 Vactor Int'l 7600 - Expense 22,818.22 0 0.00%
9-1880-9620-6120 Equip Pool - SCS20 - 2016 Towga Sweeper-CUPE Wage 3,218.67 0 0.00%
9-1880-9620-6195 Equip Pool - SCS20 - 2016 Towga Sweeper-Benefits 772.46 0 0.00%
9-1880-9620-6800 Equip Pool - SCS20 - 2016 Towga Sweeper-Expense 3,960.85 0 0.00%
9-1880-9801-6800 Equip.Pool - Mobile Radios - Exp 4,129.83 0 0.00%
9-1880-9901-6120 Equip Pool - Zamboni - Wages 78.54 0 0.00%
9-1880-9901-6195 Equip Pool - Zamboni - Benefits 21.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9901-6800 Equip.Pool - Zamboni - Exp 489.00 0 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 137 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
EP Expenditures 1,172,814.87 0 819,000 819,000 0.00%

EP Revenues over Expenditures 558,780.54 0 -819,000 -819,000 0.00%

9-1880-0000-5000 EP - Revenues -1,731,595.41 1,955,910 2,066,418 110,508 105.65%

9-1880-0000-6000 EP - Expenditures -1,172,814.88 1,332,479 1,345,804 13,325 101.00%
EP Revenue over Expenditures Closing -558,780.53 623,431 720,614 97,184 115.59%

9-1880-0000-8101 EP - Trfer from GRF 470,434.73 475,240 568,951 93,711 119.72%

9-1880-0000-8103 EP - Trfer from WRF 58,711.01 100,091 101,092 1,001 101.00%
9-1880-0000-8102 EP - Trfer from SRF 29,634.79 48,099 50,571 2,472 105.14%
EP Transfers from Operating 558,780.53 623,430 720,614 97,184 115.59%

9-1890-9001-6800 Firehall Equip - FD1 - 1984 RD Int'l Pumper Exp 60,000 60,600 600 101.00%
9-1890-9002-6800 Firehall Equip - FD2 - 2000 Ford Rescue - Exp 3,549.16 0 0.00%
9-1890-9003-6120 Firehall Equip - FD3 - 2001 HME Ladder Trk. - Wages 301.14 0 0.00%
9-1890-9003-6195 Firehall Equip - FD3 - 2001 HM - Benefits 81.52 0 0.00%
9-1890-9003-6800 Firehall Equip - FD3 - 2001 HME Ladder Trk. - Exp 3,867.63 0 0.00%
9-1890-9005-6120 Firehall Equip - FD5 - 2008 Chev Silverado - Wages 707.32 0 0.00%
9-1890-9005-6195 Firehall Equip - FD5 - 2008 Chev Silverado - Benefits 186.63 0 0.00%
9-1890-9005-6800 Firehall Equip - FD5 - 2008 Chev Silverado - Exp 7,175.52 0 0.00%
9-1890-9008-6120 Firehall Equip - FD08 - 2016 Ford F350 - Wages 95.36 0 0.00%
9-1890-9008-6195 Firehall Equip - FD08 - 2016 Ford F350 - Benefits 19.30 0 0.00%
9-1890-9008-6800 Firehall Equip - FD08 - 2016 Ford F350 - Expense 2,607.23 0 0.00%
9-1890-9013-6120 Firehall Equip - FD13 - 1996 RD Int'l Tanker - Wages 145.65 0 0.00%
9-1890-9013-6195 Firehall Equip - FD13 - 1996 RD Int'l Tanker - Benef 20.95 0 0.00%
9-1890-9013-6800 Firehall Equip - FD13 - 1996 RD Int'l Tanker - Exp 2,866.55 0 0.00%
9-1890-9014-6120 Firehall Equip - FD14 - 1998 Amertek Truck - Wages 213.90 0 0.00%
9-1890-9014-6195 Firehall Equip - FD14 1998 Amerteck Truck - Benefi 41.05 0 0.00%
9-1890-9014-6800 Firehall Equip - FD14 - 1988 Amertek Truck - Exp 15,436.06 0 0.00%
9-1890-9016-6800 Firehall Equip - FD16 - 2001 Dodge Ram Exp 782.23 0 0.00%
9-1890-9017-6120 Firehall Equip - FD17 - 2006 F150 4x4 - Wages 642.89 0 0.00%
9-1890-9017-6195 Firehall Equip - FD17 - 2006 F150 4x4 - Benefits 145.88 0 0.00%
9-1890-9017-6800 Firehall Equip - FD17 - 2006 F150 4x4 - Exp 1,881.86 0 0.00%
9-1890-9018-6120 Firehall Equip - FD18 - 2006 Spartan FT - Wages 427.82 0 0.00%
9-1890-9018-6195 Firehall Equip - FD18 - 2006 Spartan FT - Benefits 49.52 0 0.00%
9-1890-9018-6800 Firehall Equip - FD18 - 2006 Spartan FT - Exp 6,145.92 0 0.00%
9-1890-9019-6800 Firehall Equip - FD19 - 2010 Chev Silverado - Expense 2,504.07 0 0.00%
9-1890-9020-6120 Firehall Equip - FD20 - 2013 Spartan Fire Truck - Wag 264.33 0 0.00%
9-1890-9020-6195 Firehall Equip - FD20 - 2013 Spartan Fire Truck - Ben 35.61 0 0.00%
9-1890-9020-6800 Firehall Equip - FD20 - 2013 Spartan Fire Truck - Expe 7,905.54 0 0.00%
9-1890-9021-6120 Firehall Equip - FD21 - 2016 Fo - CUPE Wages 299.11 0 0.00%
9-1890-9021-6195 Firehal Equip - FD21 - 2016 Ford - Benefits 30.87 0 0.00%
9-1890-9021-6800 Firehal Equip - FD21 - 2016 Ford - Expense 5,183.35 0 0.00%
9-1890-9090-6120 Firehall Equip - Misc. Equip. - Wages 129.59 0 0.00%
9-1890-9090-6195 Firehall Equip - Misc Equip - Benefits 27.74 0 0.00%
Fire EP Expenditures 63,771.30 60,000 60,600 600 101.00%

Fire EP Revenues over Expenditures -63,771.30 -60,000 -60,600 -600 101.00%

9-1890-0000-8000 Fire EP Transfer to Fire dept maintenance -63,771.30 -60,000 -60,600 -600 101.00%

Annual Consolidated Surplus 1,811,280.15 -6,230,647 -13,947,311 -7,716,664 223.85%

General Revenue Fund 1,812,467.17 347,135 42,877 -304,258 12.35%

Water Utility Fund 1,513,744.69 491,796 464,540 -27,256 94.46%
Sewer Utility Fund 222,123.07 155,349 254,713 99,364 163.96%
Subtotal Operating Funds 3,548,334.93 994,279 762,129 -232,150 76.65%
General Appropriated Fund 1,064,701.35 1,446,181 1,441,476 -4,705 99.67%
Operating Fund Surplus 4,613,036.28 2,440,460 2,203,605 -236,855 90.29%

General Capital Reserve Fund 7,482,166.92 3,876,962 3,901,066 24,104 100.62%

Water Capital Reserve Fund 8,217,006.20 7,171,692 927,785 -6,243,907 12.94%
Sewer Capital Reserve Fund 4,785,365.29 3,566,300 5,022,286 1,455,986 140.83%
Capital Fund Surplus 20,484,538.41 14,614,954 9,851,137 -4,763,817 67.40%

Equipment Pool Reserve Fund 499,457.68 641,534 743,303 101,769 115.86%

Other Statutory Reserve Funds 355,281.70 272,224 359,102 86,878 131.91%
Statutory Reserve Fund Surplus 854,739.38 913,758 1,102,405 188,647 120.65%

Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge... Page 139 of 309
ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 138 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F1 Service - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For Twelve Months Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
Brookside Cemetery Fund Surplus 105,494.88 0 0 0 0.00%
City Cemetery Fund Surplus 183,250.51 0 0 0 0.00%
Total Cemetery Surplus 288,745.39 0 0 0 0.00%

Accumulated Surplus before Investment in TCA 26,241,059.46 17,969,173 13,157,148 -4,812,025 73.22%

GC Investment in TCA 109,370,664.80 0 0 0 0.00%

WC Investment in TCA 25,423,188.67 0 0 0 0.00%
SC Investment in TCA 20,312,975.71 0 0 0 0.00%
Investment in TCA 155,106,829.18 0 0 0 0.00%

FS Accumulated Surplus 181,347,888.64 17,969,173 13,157,148 -4,812,025 73.22%

Celma-2017 Budget Comparison - Service WTB - Current Celma-Budget Comparison

Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge... Page 140 of 309
ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 139 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0100-0000-1110 Petty cash and floats - VSM 76,514.50 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1111 Petty cash and floats 2,320.00 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1116 Bank - payroll 10,039.22 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1118 Bank - MFA term deposit 58.30 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1121 Bank - Chequing account 5,575,965.87 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1124 Bank - Venue Spectrum Management 1,186,642.88 0 0.00%
1-0360-0000-1132 Bank - BC transit deposits 0.91 0 0.00%
1-0450-0000-1132 Bank - Aviation fuel deposits 4.98 0 0.00%
General 6,851,546.66 0 0 0 0.00%

4-1500-0000-1132 GC - Bank - Reserve Funds 7,413,000.21 0 0.00%

5-1600-0000-1132 WC - Bank - Reserve Funds 8,217,006.20 0 0.00%
5-1600-0000-1135 WC - Bank - DCC Reserve Funds 710,668.09 0 0.00%
6-1700-0000-1132 SC - Bank - Reserve Funds 4,785,365.29 0 0.00%
6-1700-0000-1135 SC - Bank - DCC Reserve Bank 63,350.84 0 0.00%
Capital Reserves 21,189,390.63 0 0 0 0.00%

7-1805-0000-1132 Land Sale Reserve - Bank 257,244.88 0 0.00%

7-1810-0000-1132 Off Street Parking - Bank 14,126.56 0 0.00%
7-1817-0000-1132 Parkland Reserve - Bank 9,416.18 0 0.00%
7-1820-0000-1132 Tax Sale Land Reserve - Bank 74,494.08 0 0.00%
9-1880-0000-1132 Equipment Pool Reserve - Bank 499,512.82 0 0.00%
Statutory Reserves 854,794.52 0 0 0 0.00%

8-1835-0000-1136 BCR - Bank 105,494.88 0 0.00%

8-1840-0000-1138 CCR - Bank 183,250.51 0 0.00%
Cemetery Reserves 288,745.39 0 0 0 0.00%

CASH AND BANK 29,184,477.20 0 0 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-1212 Receivables 135,171.88 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-1213 Allowance for doubtful accounts 3,693.98 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1224 Receivables - Parks and Recreation 56,401.19 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1226 Yearend receivables 1,119,397.91 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1229 Yearend receivables - Venue Spectrum Management 279,138.05 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1232 Computer purchase receivables 7,521.09 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1246 Direct deposit advances receivable 1,198.00 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1281 Taxes receivable - current 1,455,319.53 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1282 Taxes receivable - tax sale property 69,388.16 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1283 Taxes receivable - Homowner Grants 10,252.91 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1285 Taxes receivable - arrears 800,432.00 0 0.00%
1-0100-1300-1293 Utility Clearing Receivables 299.62 0 0.00%
1-0100-1300-1299 P&R - Online Clearing Account 775.00 0 0.00%
1-0100-1900-1236 Custom Receivables 5,287.50 0 0.00%
2-1200-0000-1292 Receivables - water utiltiy 1,272,162.73 0 0.00%
4-1500-0000-1212 GC - Receivables 70,932.39 0 0.00%
5-1600-0000-1212 WC - Receivables 463,667.00 0 0.00%
RECEIVABLES 5,751,038.94 0 0 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-1405 Property subject to redemption 69,388.16 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-1410 Property not subject to redemption 227,322.90 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1415 Allowance for property acquired for taxes -296,711.06 0 0.00%
7-1805-0000-1410 Reserve Land - Property Not for Sale 781,769.55 0 0.00%
7-1805-0000-1415 Reserve Land Sale - Allowance -781,769.55 0 0.00%
7-1805-0000-1420 LSR - Unsold land 15,800.00 0 0.00%
7-1805-0000-1425 LSR - Allowance for unsold land -15,800.00 0 0.00%

4-1500-0000-1505 GC - MFA Reserve Deposits 1,346,404.91 0 0.00%

5-1600-0000-1505 WC - MFA Reserve Deposits 845,761.09 0 0.00%
6-1700-0000-1505 SC - MFA Reserve Deposits 291,655.74 0 0.00%
MFA DEPOSITS AND DEMAND NOTES 2,483,821.74 0 0 0 0.00%

4-1500-0000-2105 GC - Temporary borrowing -173,225.68 0 0.00%

TEMPORARY BORROWING -173,225.68 0 0 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-2212 Payables and Accruals -1,689,452.04 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-2213 Yearend payables - Venue Spectrum Management -455,796.54 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2214 Yearend payables -2,125,491.46 0 0.00%

Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge... Page 141 of 309
ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 140 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0100-0000-2217 Business License deposits payable -140.63 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2222 Bid bonds and deposits payable -1,525,230.69 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2223 Covenant refunds payable -61,420.00 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2236 Gen Govt - Class Rental Deposit Holding -50.00 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2239 Flex time payable -20,897.04 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2240 Vacation pay accrual - part time -764.59 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2241 Vacation pay accrual - full time -481,991.44 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2242 Sick Accrual -1,500,823.67 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2251 Income tax dedn payable -126,947.59 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2252 EI dedn payable -12,311.72 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2253 CPP dedn payable -30,720.56 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2254 Group life dedn payable -15,938.19 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2255 Municipal pension dedn payable -107,368.41 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2256 Union dues payable -3,100.67 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2257 CSB dedn payable -1,053.36 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2258 RSP dedn payable -3,145.36 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2259 MSP dedn payable -3,926.45 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2260 Dental dedn payable -3,971.69 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2261 EHB dedn payable -4,319.84 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2262 WCB payable -51,262.72 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2265 Payroll clearing payable -150,581.42 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2268 Banked overtime payable -191,369.02 0 0.00%
2-1200-0000-2228 Water utility meter deposits payable -9,364.22 0 0.00%
2-1200-0000-2229 Water utility TRT deposits payable -3,950.00 0 0.00%
4-1500-0000-2212 GC - Payables -338,092.30 0 0.00%
6-1700-0000-2212 SC - Payables -128,577.39 0 0.00%
5-1600-0000-2212 WC - Payables -342,789.03 0 0.00%
PAYABLES AND ACCRUALS -9,390,848.04 0 0 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-2215 Accrued interest payable -285,867.46 0 0.00%

ACCRUED INTEREST ON LONG TERM DEBT -285,867.46 0 0 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-2270 Due from general capital fund 2,153,643.05 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-2271 Due from water utility fund 446,277.15 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2272 Due from water capital fund -144,972.17 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2273 Due from sewer utility fund -304,757.04 0 0.00%
2-1200-0000-2274 WU - Due from general revenue fund -446,277.15 0 0.00%
3-1400-0000-2275 SU - Due from general revenue fund 304,757.04 0 0.00%
4-1500-0000-2276 GC - Due from general revenue fund -2,153,643.05 0 0.00%
5-1600-0000-2275 WC - Due from general revenue fund 144,972.17 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-2310 Deferred revenue -37,313.12 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-2311 Deferred revenue - GS -953,794.17 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2238 Class Unearned Revenue -2,477.18 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2312 Deferred Revenue/Class -30,888.64 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2320 Business licence deferred revenue -41,067.50 0 0.00%
1-0812-0000-2310 Kindness Meters - Deferred Revenue -5,402.22 0 0.00%
2-1200-0000-2310 WO - WS - - Deferred Revenue -192,610.33 0 0.00%
3-1400-0000-2310 SO - SS - Deferred Revenue -42.00 0 0.00%
5-1600-0000-2310 WC - Deferred Revenue -710,668.08 0 0.00%
6-1700-0000-2310 SC - Deferred Revenue -63,350.84 0 0.00%

DEFERRED REVENUE -2,037,614.08 0 0 0 0.00%

4-1500-0000-2410 GC - Cash Deposit Liability -319,431.17 0 0.00%

4-1500-0000-2420 GC - Demand note -1,026,973.74 0 0.00%
5-1600-0000-2410 WC - Cash Deposit Liability -259,263.29 0 0.00%
5-1600-0000-2420 WC - Demand note -586,497.80 0 0.00%
6-1700-0000-2410 SC - Cash Deposit Liability -90,173.37 0 0.00%
6-1700-0000-2420 SC - Demand note -201,482.37 0 0.00%
MFA DEBT RESERVE -2,483,821.74 0 0 0 0.00%

4-1500-0000-2510 GC - Debnture debt - MFA -19,498,586.05 0 0.00%

5-1600-0000-2510 WC - Debenture debt - MFA -8,951,604.24 0 0.00%
6-1700-0000-2510 SC - Debenture debt - MFA -7,736,238.27 0 0.00%
LONG TERM DEBT -36,186,428.56 0 0 0 0.00%

6-1700-0000-2520 SC - Long Term Capital Obligation -8,981,285.00 0 0.00%

-8,981,285.00 0 0 0 0.00%

Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge... Page 142 of 309
ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 141 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
NET FINANCIAL ASSETS -22,119,752.68 0 0 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-1310 Prepaid expense 175,463.10 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-1320 Prepaid expense - Venue Spectrum Management -8,998.95 0 0.00%
PREPAID EXPENSES 166,464.15 0 0 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-3105 Inventory - stationery 17,221.34 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-3110 Inventory - flags 20,707.10 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3115 Inventory - lapel pins 28,031.69 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3120 Inventory - stores 6,171.69 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3121 Inventory - garbage carts 9,982.98 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3122 Inventory - signs 39,624.61 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3125 Inventory - tools 7,631.23 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3130 Inventory - automotive 30,366.46 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3132 Inventory - aviation fuel 21,874.99 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3135 Inventory - Natural Gasoline -11,235.33 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3140 Inventory - diesel 23,345.45 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3150 Inventory - sand 64,782.92 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3160 Inventory-Airport de-icers 7,000.00 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3165 Inventory-Airport Wafers and Spac 19,715.00 0 0.00%
2-1200-0000-3120 WU - inventory 118,891.88 0 0.00%
3-1400-0000-3120 SU - inventory 2,917.37 0 0.00%
INVENTORIES 407,029.38 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3201 General Government 34,257.66 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3201 Transportation 12,000.00 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3201 Water Services 315,241.90 0 0.00%
Total Vacant Land 361,499.56 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3202 General Government 128,378.56 0 0.00%

4-0400-0000-3202 Airport 4,819.56 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3202 Recreation 89,976.08 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3202 Water Services 90,369.24 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3202 Sewer Services 1.00 0 0.00%
Total Building Sites 313,544.44 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0800-0000-3208 Recreation 5,195,064.93 0 0.00%

Total Parkland 5,195,064.93 0 0 0 0.00%

5-1200-0000-3210 Water Services 148,885.03 0 0.00%

6-1400-0000-3210 Sewer Services 7,500.00 0 0.00%
Total Reservoir & Lagoon Sites 156,385.03 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3203 Transportation 90,433.05 0 0.00%

Total Parking Lots 90,433.05 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0600-0000-3204 Cemeteries 2.00 0 0.00%

Total Reserved Land 2.00 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3205 Transportation 500.00 0 0.00%

Total Right of Ways 500.00 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3206 Transportation 11,914.62 0 0.00%

Total Land Under Roads 11,914.62 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3214 General Government 446,025.80 0 0.00%

4-0210-0000-3214 Policing 17,826.37 0 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3214 Fire Department 46,057.07 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3214 Transportation 684,065.54 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3214 Airport 173,005.07 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3214 Recreation 1,738,890.46 0 0.00%
Total Parking Lot Improvements 3,105,870.31 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3212 Transportation 24,814.90 0 0.00%

4-0400-0000-3212 Airport 397,597.18 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3212 Recreation 56,665.77 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3212 Sewer Services 55,000.00 0 0.00%
Total Fencing 534,077.85 0 0 0 0.00%

Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge... Page 143 of 309
ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 142 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2

4-0220-0000-3213 Fire Department 103,804.48 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3213 Transportation 52,902.41 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3213 Airport 146,931.19 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3213 Recreation 2,578,222.20 0 0.00%
Total Landscaping 2,881,860.28 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3914 General Government - AD -72,155.33 0 0.00%

4-0210-0000-3914 Policing - AD -2,673.96 0 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3914 Fire Department - AD -46,057.07 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3914 Transportation - AD -311,378.33 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3914 Airport - AD -99,613.72 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3914 Recreation - AD -906,375.20 0 0.00%
Total Parking Lot Accumulated Depreciation

4-0320-0000-3912 Transportation - AD -3,722.24 0 0.00%

4-0400-0000-3912 Airport - AD -269,737.18 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3912 Recreation - AD -36,832.77 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3912 Sewer Services - AD -8,250.00 0 0.00%
Total Fencing Accumulated Depreciation

4-0220-0000-3913 Fire Department - LI - Landscaping - AD -15,570.66 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3913 Transportation - AD -29,096.32 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3913 Airport - AD -12,978.81 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3913 Recreation - AD -1,490,969.63 0 0.00%

Total Land Improvements Accumulated Depreciation -3,305,411.22 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3221 General Government 531,876.95 0 0.00%

4-0210-0000-3221 Policing 2,063,366.14 0 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3221 Fire Department 2,082.13 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3221 Transportation 693,839.53 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3221 Airport 759,672.79 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3221 Recreation 54,830,520.18 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3221 Water Services 3,559,523.00 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3221 Sewer Services 20,634,619.39 0 0.00%
Total Building Base Structures 83,075,500.11 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3222 General Government 3,067,011.65 0 0.00%

4-0210-0000-3222 Policing 899,764.22 0 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3222 Fire Department 1,044,884.79 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3222 Transportation 691,372.88 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3222 Airport 763,632.02 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3222 Recreation 35,624,131.35 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3222 Water Services 7,929,228.08 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3222 Sewer Services 624,490.64 0 0.00%
Total Building Improvements 50,644,515.63 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3921 BS - General Government - AD -531,876.95 0 0.00%

4-0210-0000-3921 BS - Policing - AD -1,114,276.64 0 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3921 BS - Fire Department - AD -2,082.13 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3921 BS - Transportation - AD -203,173.22 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3921 BS - Airport - AD -265,281.76 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3921 BS - Recreation - AD -9,176,690.29 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3921 BS - Water Services - AD -688,664.84 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3921 BS - Sewer Services - AD -2,015,521.11 0 0.00%
4-0160-0000-3922 BI - General Government - AD -1,424,564.52 0 0.00%
4-0210-0000-3922 BI - Policing - AD -270,347.36 0 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3922 BI - Fire Department - AD -263,577.47 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3922 BI - Transportation - AD -657,659.26 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3922 BI - Airport - AD -420,118.77 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3922 BI - Recreation - AD -9,313,368.91 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3922 BI - Water Services - AD -4,561,052.15 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3922 BI - Sewer Services - AD -110,888.40 0 0.00%
Total Building Accumulated Depreciation -31,019,143.78 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3741 General Government Services 18,112.98 0 0.00%

4-0700-0000-3741 Development Services 105,585.48 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3741 Recreation Services 70,101.70 0 0.00%
Total Cars 193,800.16 0 0 0 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 143 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
4-0220-0000-3742 Fire Department Services 195,084.38 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3742 Transportation Services 394,539.01 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3742 Airport Services 30,370.76 0 0.00%
4-0700-0000-3742 Development Services 17,928.93 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3742 Recreation Services 153,160.08 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3742 Water Services 131,517.36 0 0.00%
Total Pickup Trucks 922,600.52 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3743 Dump Trucks 668,429.60 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3744 Tractors 75,579.28 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3745 Utility Trucks 616,952.72 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3747 Street Cleaning Equipment 2,416,276.30 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3748 Loaders/Backhoes 799,890.30 0 0.00%
Total Road Maintenance Equipment 4,577,128.20 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0220-0000-3750 Fire Department Services 1,836,266.65 0 0.00%

Total Fire Trucks 1,836,266.65 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3752 General Government Services 723,246.45 0 0.00%

4-0220-0000-3751 Fire Department Services 324,850.70 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3752 Transportation Services 845,310.91 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3752 Airport Services 313,441.71 0 0.00%
4-0500-0000-3752 Waste Services 75,418.12 0 0.00%
4-0700-0000-3752 Development Services 38,687.58 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3752 Recreation Services 4,320,361.02 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3752 Water Services 905,796.97 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3752 Sewer Services 183,943.50 0 0.00%
Total Miscellaneous Equipment 7,731,056.96 0 0 0 0.00%

5-1200-0000-3755 Water Services 1,703,043.82 0 0.00%

Total Hydrants 1,703,043.82 0 0 0 0.00%

Total Equipment 16,963,896.31 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3941 Cars - Gen Govt - AD -12,937.85 0 0.00%

4-0700-0000-3941 Cars - Development Services - AD -102,233.01 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3941 Cars - Recreation - AD -70,101.70 0 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3942 Pickup Trucks - Fire Department - AD -188,938.83 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3942 Pickup Trucks - Transportation - AD -230,284.19 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3942 Pickup Trucks - Airport - AD -30,370.76 0 0.00%
4-0700-0000-3942 Pickup Trucks - Development Services - AD -17,928.93 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3942 Pickup Trucks - Recreation - AD -128,565.79 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3942 Pickup Trucks - Water Services - AD -85,966.44 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3943 Dump Trucks - Transportation - AD -499,036.41 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3944 Tractors - Transportation - AD -75,579.28 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3945 Utility Trucks - Transportation - AD -382,745.25 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3947 Street Cleaning - Transportation - AD -1,187,547.81 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3948 Loaders/Backhoes - Transportation - AD -639,863.79 0 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3950 Fire Trucks - AD -645,179.43 0 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3951 Fire Equipment - AD -115,883.76 0 0.00%
4-0160-0000-3952 Misc - GG - AD -537,283.66 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3952 Misc - Transporation - AD -597,828.15 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3952 Misc - Airport - AD -193,242.71 0 0.00%
4-0500-0000-3952 Misc - Waste Services - AD -22,625.43 0 0.00%
4-0700-0000-3952 Misc - Development Services - AD -7,737.52 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3952 Misc - Recreation - AD -2,923,750.02 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3952 Misc - Water Services - AD -708,806.78 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3952 Misc - Sewer Services - AD -146,113.28 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3955 Hydrants - WS - AD -545,439.31 0 0.00%
Equipment Accumulated Depreciation -10,095,990.09 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3801 Arterial 3,940,877.55 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3802 Industrial 5,274,045.85 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3803 Collector 8,376,675.22 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3804 Local 36,356,887.51 0 0.00%
Total Roads and Streets 53,948,486.13 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3805 Paths and Lanes 1,230,812.91 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3806 Bridges 232,067.47 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3807 Streetlights 1,679,573.66 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3808 Traffic Lights 157,175.00 0 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 144 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
4-0400-0000-3808 Traffic Lights - Airport 1,493,679.88 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3809 Sidewalks 5,920,290.01 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3810 Storm Drainage 7,866,980.57 0 0.00%
Total Other 18,580,579.50 0 0 0 0.00%
Total Transportation Infrastructure 72,529,065.63 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3901 Arterial - AD -3,084,786.92 0 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3902 Industrial - AD -3,385,342.95 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3903 Collector - AD -4,217,789.29 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3904 Local - AD -17,551,179.30 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3905 Paths and Lanes - AD -529,410.73 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3906 Bridges - AD -142,510.89 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3907 Streetlights - AD -608,323.98 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3908 Traffic Lights - AD -92,152.53 0 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3908 Traffic Lights Airport - AD -647,261.29 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3909 Sidewalks - AD -2,804,181.72 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3910 Storm Drainage - AD -1,875,495.85 0 0.00%
Total Transportation Infrastructure Accumulated Depr -34,938,435.45 0 0 0 0.00%

5-1200-0000-3861 Transmission Lines 10,602,659.16 0 0.00%

5-1200-0000-3862 Distribution Lines 14,092,273.53 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3863 Services 6,676,149.08 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3864 Reservoirs 3,760,524.70 0 0.00%
Water Utility Infrastructure 35,131,606.47 0 0 0 0.00%

6-1400-0000-3871 Collection Lines 8,906,143.84 0 0.00%

6-1400-0000-3872 Trunk Lines 8,319,506.32 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3874 Services 1,320,925.88 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3875 Miscellaneous 5,522,248.75 0 0.00%
Sewer Infrastructure 24,068,824.79 0 0 0 0.00%
Total Utility Infrastructure 59,200,431.26 0 0 0 0.00%

5-1200-0000-3961 Transmission Lines - AD -2,122,077.81 0 0.00%

5-1200-0000-3962 Distribution Lines - AD -4,524,163.01 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3963 Services - AD -1,443,890.20 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3964 Reservoirs - AD -1,294,726.56 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3971 Collection Lines - AD -3,190,415.96 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3972 Trunk Lines - AD -526,846.68 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3974 Services - AD -398,953.10 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3975 Misc - AD -2,286,785.97 0 0.00%
Total Utility Infrastructure Accumulated Depreciation -15,787,859.29 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3899 General Capital - GG 71,139.47 0 0.00%

4-0220-0000-3899 General Capital - FD 193,712.46 0 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3899 General Capital - TS 20,350.43 0 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3899 General Capital - RC 2,121,281.98 0 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3899 Water Capital - WS 430,046.08 0 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3899 Sewer Capital - SS 139,895.29 0 0.00%
Total Work In Progress 2,976,425.71 0 0 0 0.00%

Total Tangible Capital Assets 202,894,146.89 0 0 0 0.00%

NON FINANCIAL ASSETS 203,467,640.42 0 0 0 0.00%

NET MUNICIPAL POSITION 181,347,887.74 0 0 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-4111 GR - Fund balance 2,143,646.28 2,110,008 1,800,000 -310,008 85.31%

1-0100-0000-4113 GR - Working fund reserves 1,454,701.35 900,792 900,792 0 100.00%
1-0100-0000-4114 GR - Appropriated Reserves 553,909 545,389 -8,520 98.46%
2-0100-0000-4111 WU - Fund balance 677,191.23 677,191 1,500,000 822,809 221.50%
3-0100-0000-4111 SU - Fund balance 308,393.66 308,394 200,000 -108,394 64.85%
OPERATING FUNDS 4,583,932.52 4,550,294 4,946,181 395,887 108.70%

4-1500-0000-4210 GC - Capital Reserve 4,585,277.25 4,864,551 7,482,167 2,617,616 153.81%

5-1600-0000-4212 WC - Capital Reserve 8,111,603.88 8,455,070 8,217,006 -238,064 97.18%
6-1700-0000-4210 SC - Capital Reserve 5,255,254.09 5,278,906 4,785,365 -493,541 90.65%
CAPITAL FUNDS 17,952,135.22 18,598,527 20,484,538 1,886,011 110.14%

7-1805-0000-4320 LSR - Land Sale Reserve Fund 254,212.72 254,213 257,245 3,032 101.19%
7-1810-0000-4330 OSP - Off Street Parking Reserve Fund 13,960.07 13,960 14,127 167 101.20%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 145 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
7-1817-0000-4320 PKL - Parkland Reserve Fund 9,305.19 9,305 9,416 111 101.19%
7-1820-0000-4350 TSRF - Tax Sale Land Reserve Fund 73,616.02 73,616 74,494 878 101.19%
9-1880-0000-4310 EP - Equipment Pool Reserve Fund 699,904.54 699,905 499,458 -200,447 71.36%
RESERVE FUNDS 1,050,998.54 1,050,999 854,740 -196,259 81.33%

8-1835-0000-4410 BCR - Reserve Fund 102,405.50 0 0.00%

8-1840-0000-4410 CCR - Reserve Fund 181,527.01 0 0.00%
CEMETERY FUNDS 283,932.51 0 0 0 0.00%

4-1500-0000-4510 GC - Investment in capital assets 109,370,664.80 0 0.00%

5-1600-0000-4510 WC - investment in capital assets 25,423,188.67 0 0.00%
6-1700-0000-4510 SC - investment in capital assets 20,312,975.71 0 0.00%
INVESTMENT IN CAPITAL ASSETS 155,106,829.18 0 0 0 0.00%
OPENING SURPLUS 23,870,998.79 24,199,820 26,285,459 2,085,639 108.62%

ANNUAL SURPLUS 2,370,059.77 -24,199,820 -26,285,459 -2,085,639 108.62%

CLOSING SURPLUS 181,347,887.74 0 0 0 0.00%

1-0150-0000-5102 Tax - Municipal General 12,529,051.57 14,807,071 15,204,244 397,173 102.68%

1-0150-0000-5104 Tax - Municipal Debt 2,256,457.53 0 0.00%
1-0150-0000-5106 Tax - Flat Tax - Improved Property 1,336,200.00 1,330,200 1,343,400 13,200 100.99%
1-0150-0000-5108 Tax - Flat Tax - Vacant Land 25,800.00 25,500 24,700 -800 96.86%
1-0150-0000-5110 Tax - Chetwynd Industrial Sharing 155,412.00 155,412 143,280 -12,132 92.19%
1-0150-0000-5112 Tax - Local Area Service Projects 138,249.51 148,316 80,278 -68,038 54.13%
General Municipal Taxes 16,441,170.61 16,466,499 16,795,902 329,403 102.00%
Net Municipal Property Taxes 16,441,170.61 16,466,499 16,795,902 329,403 102.00%

1-0150-0000-5122 Tax - School - Residential 3,479,403.47 3,479,539 3,549,129 69,590 102.00%

1-0150-0000-5124 Tax - School - Non - Residential 2,940,797.08 3,008,757 3,068,933 60,176 102.00%
1-0150-0000-5126 Tax - Peace River Regional Hospital District 1,486,445.28 1,488,241 1,518,006 29,765 102.00%
1-0150-0000-5128 Tax - BC Assessment Authority 156,235.90 156,444 159,572 3,128 102.00%
1-0150-0000-5130 Tax - Peace River Regional District 1,798,743.55 1,801,039 1,837,059 36,020 102.00%
1-0150-0000-5132 Tax - Municipal Finance Authority 509.05 509 519 10 101.96%
1-0150-8100-6645 Tax - Transmission - PRRD -1,801,038.55 -1,801,039 -1,837,059 -36,020 102.00%
1-0150-8100-6648 Tax - Transmission - School - Res -3,479,403.47 -6,488,296 -6,618,062 -129,766 102.00%
1-0150-8100-6649 Tax - Transmission - School - Com -2,943,170.48 0 0.00%
1-0150-8100-6650 Tax - Transmission - PRHD -1,488,241.00 -1,488,241 -1,518,006 -29,765 102.00%
1-0150-8100-6651 Tax - Transmission - BCAA -156,385.69 -156,444 -159,572 -3,128 102.00%
1-0150-8100-6652 Tax - Transmission - MFA -509.53 -509 -519 -10 101.96%
Collections for Other Governments -6,614.39 0 0 0 0.00%

1-0150-0000-5202 Tax - Canada Post Properties 21,021.27 21,021 5,645 -15,377 26.85%
1-0150-0000-5204 Tax - Provincial Properties 118,417.49 117,798 109,897 -7,901 93.29%
1-0150-0000-5206 Tax - BC Housing Properties 43,618.00 39,611 33,568 -6,043 84.74%
1-0150-0000-5208 Tax - BC Rail Properties 5,644.75 5,645 8,521 2,876 150.95%
1-0150-0000-5210 Tax - BC Hydro - 1% Utiltiy tax 373,611.20 376,032 457,629 81,597 121.70%
1-0150-0000-5212 Tax - Telus 1% Utility tax 33,430.05 33,430 78,225 44,795 234.00%
1-0150-0000-5214 Tax - Pacific Northern Natural Gas 1% Utility tax 94,225.97 94,226 19,865 -74,361 21.08%
1-0150-0000-5216 Tax - Shaw Cable 1% Utility tax 19,625.00 19,625 32,728 13,103 166.77%
Grants in lieu 709,593.73 707,387 746,078 38,691 105.47%

1-0210-0000-5302 Police - Prisoner Expense Rebates 150,002.34 165,000 166,650 1,650 101.00%
1-0210-0000-5304 Police - Security Checks 18,079.82 17,000 17,170 170 101.00%
1-0210-0000-5404 Police - Lease Rental 73,533.60 78,800 79,588 788 101.00%
Policing Revenues 241,615.76 260,800 263,408 2,608 101.00%

1-0220-0000-5304 Fire Dept - Revenue 22,417.60 17,340 25,000 7,660 144.18%

1-0220-0000-5306 Fire Dept - Chetwynd Mechanical Pulp Inc 15,300 0 -15,300 0.00%
1-0220-0000-5409 Fire Dept - Pouce Coupe Fire Inspections 3,750.00 0 0.00%
Fire Department Services 26,167.60 32,640 25,000 -7,640 76.59%

1-0230-0000-5402 Bldg Insp - Building Permits 234,149.38 200,000 235,000 35,000 117.50%
1-0230-0000-5404 Bldg Insp - Moving & Demolition Permits 900.00 0 0.00%
1-0230-0000-5406 Bldg Insp - Plumbing Permits 1,923.00 7,500 7,575 75 101.00%
1-0230-0000-5410 Bldg Insp - Outside Services 333.20 0 0.00%
1-0230-0000-5412 Bldg Insp - Other Licences & Permits 66,276.76 15,000 50,000 35,000 333.33%
Building Inspection Fees 303,582.34 222,500 292,575 70,075 131.49%

1-0240-0000-5402 Business Licenses 205,657.46 202,040 204,251 2,211 101.09%

Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge... Page 147 of 309
ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 146 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0240-0000-5417 Bylaw - Fees, Licenses and Permits 6,945.00 0 0.00%
Business Licenses 212,602.46 202,040 204,251 2,211 101.09%

1-0360-0000-5302 BC Trans - BC Transit Receipts 119,223.88 141,017 141,229 212 100.15%

1-0400-0000-5402 Air Tnspt - Hangar Site Rentals 9,512.22 7,766 7,844 78 101.00%
1-0400-0000-5404 Air Tnspt - Miscellaneous 41.20 0 0.00%
1-0400-0000-5406 Air Tnspt - Scheduled Landing Fees 19,885.75 25,000 25,250 250 101.00%
1-0400-0000-5408 Air Tnspt - Non - Scheduled Landing Fees 30,609.75 34,808 35,156 348 101.00%
1-0400-0000-5410 Air Tnspt - Car Leasing 19,335.10 23,930 24,170 239 101.00%
1-0400-0000-5416 Air Tnspt - Parking Space Rentals 1,086.46 2,219 2,241 22 101.00%
1-0400-3000-5402 Air Tnspt - Rentals & Leases 11,000.00 11,220 11,332 112 101.00%
1-0400-4029-5302 Air Tnspt - Aircraft De - icing - Revenue 8,826.63 1,664 1,681 17 101.00%
1-0410-0000-5402 Air Term - Office Rentals 7,513.50 9,790 9,888 98 101.00%
1-0410-0000-5404 Air Term - Terminal Charges 51,859.00 50,000 50,500 500 101.00%
1-0450-0000-5410 Fuel Stn - Airport Fuel Sales 266,928.85 280,000 282,800 2,800 101.00%
Air Transportation 426,598.46 446,397 450,861 4,464 101.00%

1-0505-0000-5302 EHS - Waste - Collection 671,387.46 650,301 670,000 19,699 103.03%

1-0505-0000-5304 EHS - Waste - Bag Tags 2,710.62 0 0.00%
1-0505-0000-5305 EHS - Waste - Recycling Revenues 81.90 0 0.00%
1-0540-0000-5306 EHS - Landfill - PRRD Transportation Rebate 22,419.21 21,640 22,500 860 103.98%
Environmental Waste Services 696,599.19 671,941 692,500 20,559 103.06%

1-0610-0000-5302 City Cem - Open/Closing of Graves 10,896.25 25,000 25,250 250 101.00%
1-0610-0000-5304 City Cem - Lettering & Installation 5,306.90 0 0.00%
1-0610-0000-5402 City Cem - Sale of Plots 4,025.00 0 0.00%
1-0610-0000-5406 City Cem - Monument Installations 2,056.50 0 0.00%
1-0620-0000-5302 Brksde Cem - Open/Closing of Graves 15,927.50 25,000 25,250 250 101.00%
1-0620-0000-5402 Brksde Cem - Sale of Plots 6,095.00 0 0.00%
1-0620-0000-5406 Brksde Cem - Monument Installations 4,764.37 0 0.00%
Cemetery Fees 49,071.52 50,000 50,500 500 101.00%

1-0709-0000-5302 Rezoning/Subdivision & Application Fees 6,725.00 5,100 7,000 1,900 137.25%
Land Development Fees 6,725.00 5,100 7,000 1,900 137.25%

1-0730-1029-5408 Ec Dev - Small Town Love - Revenue 2,900.00 0 0.00%

Economic Development 2,900.00 0 0 0 0.00%

1-0818-0000-5302 Ball Diamonds - User Fees 7,512.31 10,455 8,000 -2,455 76.52%
1-0819-0000-5302 Soccer Fields - User Fees 3,575.56 2,614 4,000 1,386 153.04%
User Fees 11,087.87 13,069 12,000 -1,069 91.82%

1-0925-0000-5302 Climbing Wall - Public Revenue 10,386.54 7,841 10,000 2,159 127.53%
1-0925-0000-5303 Climbing Wall - Programs 5,721.58 4,705 6,000 1,295 127.53%
1-0925-0000-5304 Climbing Wall - Gear 1,274.00 1,568 1,500 -68 95.65%
1-0925-0000-5402 Climbing Wall - Rentals 2,508.43 3,659 2,500 -1,159 68.32%
Climbing Wall Fees 19,890.55 17,774 20,000 2,227 112.53%

1-0950-0000-5302 KB Aquatic Centre - Public Swimming 355,240.53 357,000 360,570 3,570 101.00%
1-0950-0000-5303 KB Aquatic Centre - Swimming Lessons 65,409.13 62,730 63,357 627 101.00%
1-0950-0000-5305 KB Aquatic Centre - Fitness Programs 21,965.97 31,365 31,679 314 101.00%
1-0950-0000-5307 KB Aquatic Centre - Merchant Sales 8,931.30 4,182 4,224 42 101.00%
1-0950-0000-5402 KB Aquatic Centre - Facility Rentals 48,253.93 41,820 42,238 418 101.00%
1-0950-4301-5302 KB Aquatic Centre - Leadership Courses 10,710.63 15,300 15,453 153 101.00%
Swimming Pool Fees 510,511.49 512,397 517,521 5,124 101.00%

1-1000-0000-5302 Pks & Rec - Special Events 2,414.83 7,319 7,392 73 101.00%
1-1000-0000-5306 Pks & Rec - Programs - Taxable 29,688.67 31,365 31,679 314 101.00%
1-1000-0000-5308 Pks & Rec - Programs - Non - Taxable 23,385.51 28,229 28,511 282 101.00%
1-1000-0000-5404 Pks & Rec - Seasonal Brochure Revenue 4,705 4,752 47 101.00%
Recreation Program Fees 55,489.01 71,617 72,333 716 101.00%

1-1021-0000-5304 Out of School Care - Parent Funded 63,581.92 88,868 106,500 17,633 119.84%
1-1022-0000-5304 City Kids - Parent Funded -12.00 0 0.00%
Youth Care Fees 63,569.92 88,868 106,500 17,633 119.84%

1-1050-0000-5302 Kin Arena - Rental - Ice 154,691.54 130,688 160,000 29,313 122.43%
1-1050-0000-5303 Kin Arena - Programs 1,445.00 4,182 4,224 42 101.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 147 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-1050-0000-5304 Kin Arena - Rental - Floor Dry 9,553.65 9,410 9,504 94 101.00%
1-1050-0000-5404 Kin Arena - Arena Advertising Signs 2,009.02 2,091 2,112 21 101.00%
1-1050-0000-5406 Kin Arena - Skate Shop Rental 1,046 1,056 10 101.00%
1-1050-0000-5408 Kin Arena - Miscellaneous Rentals 650.00 0 0.00%
1-1060-0000-5302 Mem Arena - Rental - Ice 191,245.64 193,418 195,352 1,934 101.00%
1-1060-0000-5303 Mem Arena - Programs 6,572.57 10,455 10,560 105 101.00%
1-1060-0000-5304 Mem Arena - Rental - Dry 9,553.65 8,364 8,448 84 101.00%
1-1060-0000-5306 Mem Arena - Public Skating 6,179.31 3,659 3,696 37 101.00%
1-1060-0000-5308 Mem Arena - Public Skating - Youth 3,796.42 1,046 1,056 10 101.00%
1-1060-0000-5310 Mem Arena - Drop In Hockey 9,003.44 6,273 6,336 63 101.00%
1-1060-0000-5402 Mem Arena - Arena Concession Rental 5,000.00 5,228 5,280 52 101.00%
1-1060-0000-5404 Mem Arena - Arena Advertising Signs 22,345.09 29,274 29,567 293 101.00%
1-1060-0000-5406 Mem Arena - Miscellaneous Rentals 13,069.37 16,728 16,895 167 101.00%
Arena Fees 435,114.70 421,859 454,083 32,224 107.64%

Fees and Charges 3,180,749.75 3,158,018 3,309,762 151,744 104.81%

1-0100-0000-5302 Sundry Revenue 27,382.70 41,067 30,000 -11,067 73.05%

1-0100-0000-5402 Partnering Contributions 98,510.86 0 100,000 100,000 0.00%
1-0100-0000-5512 BC Gaming Commissions 546,169.82 795,600 550,000 -245,600 69.13%
1-0150-0000-5302 School Tax Admin Fee 8,488.30 8,364 8,500 136 101.63%
1-0150-0000-5306 Process Service Fees 4,580.00 7,650 4,000 -3,650 52.29%
1-0150-0000-5402 Penalties on Taxes 185,570.15 142,800 190,000 47,200 133.05%
1-0150-0000-5404 Interest on Arrears 60,862.12 35,700 65,000 29,300 182.07%
1-0150-0000-5406 Interest on Delinquent 7,639.13 9,180 7,500 -1,680 81.70%
1-0150-0000-5408 Tax Sale Charges 3,317.19 8,160 5,000 -3,160 61.27%
1-0160-0000-5402 Natural Gas (PNG) Concession Fee 175,000.00 285,600 175,000 -110,600 61.27%
1-0350-0000-5302 Private Alley Lighting 255.60 261 264 3 101.00%
1-0709-0000-5402 City Land Leases and Rentals 500.00 16,830 500 -16,330 2.97%
1-0730-1039-5402 NCLGA Conference - Registrations 212,024.77 259,000 0 -259,000 0.00%
1-0780-0000-5402 Energy Planning - Rebate Program 136,114.00 51,000 50,000 -1,000 98.04%
1-1000-0000-5402 Partnering Contributions - Recreation 0.00 54,484 2,500 -51,984 4.59%
1-1000-0000-5406 Recreation Services Insurance Recoveries 3,280.00 0 0.00%
1-1000-4302-5402 Recreation Programs - Rentals 2,198.69 0 0.00%
1-1000-4307-5401 Rec Services 2015 < 17 World Hockey Event - Misc Reve -4,500.00 0 0.00%
1-1000-4307-5402 Rec Services 2015 < 17 World Hockey Event 4,828.52 0 0.00%
1-1020-1500-5402 Building - Rentals 5,879.19 9,908 0 -9,908 0.00%
2-1200-0000-5405 Land Rentals 4,402.00 4,402 0 -4,402 0.00%
Other Revenues 1,482,503.04 1,730,006 1,188,264 -541,743 68.69%

1-0210-0000-5502 GR - Federal - Police - Traffic Fine Revenue Sharing 190,001.00 193,193 195,125 1,932 101.00%
1-0100-0000-5500 GR - Provincial - Misc Grants 10,428.58 10,000 10,100 100 101.00%
1-0100-0000-5504 GR - Provincial - Small Communities Grant 338,097.00 319,766 322,964 3,198 101.00%
1-0100-0000-5505 GR - Provincial - Community Works Gas Tax Revenue 541,124.60 541,125 541,125 0 100.00%
1-0100-0000-5508 GR - Peace River Agreement (Fair Share) 14,972,804.00 14,972,804 13,896,597 -1,076,207 92.81%
1-0220-0000-5502 GR - PRRD - Fire Dpt - RD Fire Service 202,856.00 199,356 234,077 34,721 117.42%
1-0220-0000-5504 GR - PRRD - Fire Dpt - 911 Fire Dispatch 232,871.20 238,000 200,000 -38,000 84.03%
1-1021-0000-5302 GR - Provincial Government - OSC - Subsidy 8,529.74 8,160 8,500 340 104.17%
1-1021-0000-5306 GR - Provincial Government - OSC - Funding Assistan 9,091.36 12,546 10,000 -2,546 79.71%
1-0340-0000-5502 GR - BC Hydro - Arterial Street Lighting 915.48 1,020 1,030 10 101.00%
1-0320-2100-5402 GR - Rds & St - Flooding - Provincial Grant 194,420.39 0 0.00%
1-0730-0000-5500 GR - Northern Development Initiative Trust 89,100.00 79,560 80,356 796 101.00%
1-0730-0000-5501 GR - PRRD South Peace Economic Development 20,500.00 0 0.00%
1-0770-0000-5504 GR - Sustainability - Government Transfers -614.28 0 0.00%
1-0780-0000-5502 GR - Carbon Tax Rebate 75,001.00 83,000 83,830 830 101.00%
1-0800-0000-5502 GR - PRRD Sub - Regional Recreation Requisition 420,390.00 420,390 440,851 20,461 104.87%
2-1200-0000-5503 WU - PRRD - Regional 40,000.00 40,000 40,000 0 100.00%
Government Transfers 17,345,516.07 17,118,920 16,064,555 -1,054,366 93.84%

1-1100-0000-5602 FS - Interest on Investments 65,645.97 100,000 70,000 -30,000 70.00%

1-1100-0000-5604 FS - Interest on Loans & Advances 5,112.66 2,500 2,525 25 101.00%
Return on Investments 70,758.63 102,500 72,525 -29,975 70.76%

General Operating Revenues 39,223,677.44 39,283,330 38,177,085 -1,106,245 97.18%

2-1200-0000-5901 WU - Sales - NP Metered Bulk Water Sales 612,123.75 300,000 303,000 3,000 101.00%
2-1200-0000-5902 WU - Sales - Metered 2,354,521.69 2,400,000 2,424,000 24,000 101.00%
2-1200-0000-5903 WU - Sales - Metered - Fixed Charge 1,624,227.21 1,500,000 1,515,000 15,000 101.00%
2-1200-0000-5910 WU - Sales - Pouce Coupe 100,396.00 115,000 116,150 1,150 101.00%
2-1200-0000-5912 WU - Sales - Pouce Coupe Cap 9,096.00 9,096 9,096 0 100.00%
2-1200-0000-5914 WU - Bulk Stn Sales - Smart Cards 606,253.67 650,000 600,000 -50,000 92.31%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 148 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
2-1200-0000-5920 WU - Miscellaneous revenues 22,475.65 30,000 25,000 -5,000 83.33%
2-1200-0000-5922 WU - Water Meter Repairs 2,234.29 5,000 2,500 -2,500 50.00%
Water Utility Revenues 5,331,328.26 5,009,096 4,994,746 -14,350 99.71%

3-1400-0000-5902 SU - Sewer Service Charge 1,327,197.29 1,500,000 1,300,000 -200,000 86.67%

3-1400-0000-5903 SU - Sales - Metered - Fixed Charge 1,713,938.92 1,700,000 2,145,000 445,000 126.18%
3-1400-0000-5910 SU - Sewer Service Fees - PRRD 33,406.56 34,000 34,000 0 100.00%
3-1400-0000-5912 SU - Sewer Smart Card 362,504.77 200,000 375,000 175,000 187.50%
3-1400-0000-5914 SU - Reclaimed Water Sales 243,812.59 300,000 300,000 0 100.00%
3-1400-0000-5920 SU - Miscellaneous Revenues 10.00 0 0.00%
Sewer Utility Revenues 3,680,870.13 3,734,000 4,154,000 420,000 111.25%
Total Utility Revenues 9,012,198.39 8,743,096 9,148,746 405,650 104.64%

Total Operating Revenues 48,235,875.83 48,026,426 47,325,831 -700,595 98.54%

1-0130-0000-6105 Admin, Wages, Management 354,737.52 335,000 370,000 35,000 110.45%

1-0140-0000-6105 Fin, Wages, Management 153,772.79 156,376 252,850 96,474 161.69%
1-0220-0000-6105 Fire Dpt, Wage, Management 121,484.80 114,954 120,000 5,046 104.39%
1-0310-0000-6105 Commercial Services, Wages, Management 233,878.37 221,430 247,000 25,570 111.55%
1-0730-0000-6105 GO, Economic Development, , Management 0 87,021 87,021 0.00%
1-1000-0000-6105 Pks & Rec, Wages , Management 105,178.11 114,954 117,300 2,346 102.04%
1-0130-0000-6106 GO, Administrative, , Special Payments - Management 240.00 0 0.00%

Salaries - Management 969,291.59 942,714 1,194,171 251,457 126.67%

1-0130-0000-6110 GO, Administrative, Wages - Exempt 291,126.84 307,161 350,000 42,839 113.95%
1-0140-0000-6110 GO, Financial, Wages - Exempt 78,570.05 89,004 92,500 3,496 103.93%
1-0220-0000-6110 GO, FD, Wages - Exempt 114,237.79 108,136 109,217 1,081 101.00%
1-0253-0000-6110 GO, Safety, Wages - Exempt 54,615.58 65,000 85,000 20,000 130.77%
1-0310-0000-6110 GO, Commercial Services, Wages - Exempt 736.10 0 0.00%
1-0320-0000-6110 GO, TS, Wages - Exempt 94,441.47 80,000 90,000 10,000 112.50%
1-0710-0000-6110 GO, Environmental Plan/Zoning, Wages - Exempt 92,692.59 83,640 92,500 8,860 110.59%
1-0780-0000-6110 GO, Energy Planning, Wages - Exempt 90,758.61 85,313 90,000 4,687 105.49%
1-0820-0000-6110 GO, Parks & Playgrounds, Wages - Exempt 34,026 18,366 -15,660 53.98%
1-0950-0000-6110 GO, KB Aquatic Centre, Wages - Exempt 44,392.45 41,659 45,000 3,341 108.02%
1-1000-0000-6110 GO, Pks & Rec, Wages - Exempt 82,079.68 119,092 160,000 40,908 134.35%
1-1050-0000-6110 GO, Kin Arena, Wages - Exempt 22,196.25 20,830 22,500 1,670 108.02%
1-1060-0000-6110 GO, Memorial Arena, Wages - Exempt 23,709.43 20,830 29,038 8,208 139.41%
1-1080-0000-6110 GO, Public Library, Wages - Exempt 73,914.18 70,000 72,000 2,000 102.86%
2-1200-0000-6110 WO, WS, Wages - Exempt 98,316.09 88,107 95,000 6,893 107.82%
3-1400-0000-6110 SO, SS, Wages - Exempt 0 85,000 85,000 0.00%

Salaries - Exempt 1,161,787.11 1,212,798 1,436,122 223,324 118.41%

1-0102-0000-6115 GO, Mayor, Mayor & Council 56,086.35 57,275 58,306 1,031 101.80%
1-0103-0000-6115 GO, Council, Mayor & Council 103,383.15 105,606 107,508 1,902 101.80%

Salaries - Mayor/Council 159,469.50 162,881 165,814 2,933 101.80%

1-0100-1900-6120 Gen Govt - Custom - Wages CUPE 558.96 0 0.00%

1-0130-0000-6120 Admin - - Wages CUPE 462.29 0 0.00%
1-0140-0000-6120 Fin - Wages - CUPE 364,099.96 378,222 385,000 6,778 101.79%
1-0160-0000-6120 Oth Gen - Wages - CUPE 90,846.43 65,867 66,525 659 101.00%
1-0160-1500-6120 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Wages - CUPE 43,565.09 30,320 30,623 303 101.00%
1-0160-1700-6120 Oth Gen - Grounds - Wages CUPE 16,389.71 15,683 15,839 157 101.00%
1-0210-0000-6120 Police - Wages - CUPE 470,449.30 445,740 450,197 4,457 101.00%
1-0210-1700-6120 Police - Grounds - Wages - CUPE 3,721.24 6,273 6,336 63 101.00%
1-0210-1500-6120 Police - Bldgs - Wages - CUPE 15,899.32 18,692 18,878 187 101.00%
1-0211-1500-6120 Telecom - Bldgs - Wages - CUPE 479.27 1,046 1,056 10 101.00%
1-0212-0000-6120 Prison - Wages - CUPE 329,966.60 303,195 306,227 3,032 101.00%
1-0220-1500-6120 Fire Dpt - Bldgs - Wages - CUPE 4,662.98 9,410 9,504 94 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6120 Fire Dpt - - Wages CUPE 0.00 1,129 1,140 11 101.00%
1-0223-1700-6120 Fire Dept Training Centre-Grounds-CUPE Wages 349.80 0 1,125 1,125 0.00%
1-0230-0000-6120 Bldg Insp - Wages - CUPE 73,799.03 141,143 140,000 -1,143 99.19%
1-0240-0000-6120 Bylaw Enf - Wages - CUPE 129,282.86 139,052 140,443 1,391 101.00%
1-0253-0000-6120 Safety - Wages - CUPE 32,023.93 34,502 35,000 499 101.44%
1-0310-0000-6120 Com Serv - Wages - CUPE 448,799.40 412,506 416,631 4,125 101.00%
1-0310-1500-6120 Com Serv - Bldgs - Wages - CUPE 108,930.69 67,901 68,580 679 101.00%
1-0320-2131-6120 Rds & Str - Snow Plowing - Wages CUPE 93,448.18 151,335 152,848 1,513 101.00%
1-0320-2140-6120 Rds & Str - Arterial Hwys - Wages CUPE 23,967.26 20,778 20,985 208 101.00%
1-0320-2150-6120 Rds & Str - Barricades - Wages CUPE 4,537.58 2,886 5,915 3,029 204.97%
1-0320-2080-6120 Rds & Str - Drainage - Wages CUPE 16,358.35 32,234 32,556 322 101.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 149 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0320-2090-6120 Rds & Str - Steaming - Wages - CUPE 48,513.58 50,926 51,435 509 101.00%
1-0320-2100-6120 Rds & Str - Flooding - Wages CUPE 21,672.29 0 0.00%
1-0320-2110-6120 Rds & Str - St.Cleaning/Sweeping - Wages CUPE 39,448.42 55,988 56,548 560 101.00%
1-0320-2120-6120 Rds & Str - Sanding - Wages - CUPE 70,257.26 57,716 58,293 577 101.00%
1-0320-2130-6120 Rds & Str - Snow Removal - Wages CUPE 13,220.93 23,765 24,003 238 101.00%
1-0320-2010-6120 Rds & Str - Grading - Wages - CUPE 14,261.17 14,423 14,568 144 101.00%
1-0320-2020-6120 Rds & Str - Gravel St. Rep. - Wages - CUPE 6,820.85 5,439 5,493 54 101.00%
1-0320-2030-6120 Rds & Str - Pave Rep & Crackfil - Wages - CUPE 39,224.33 36,260 36,623 363 101.00%
1-0320-2050-6120 Rds & Str - Dust Control - Wages - CUPE 495.13 2,774 2,801 28 101.00%
1-0320-2060-6120 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Repairs - Wages CUPE 968.20 1,132 1,143 11 101.00%
1-0320-2061-6120 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Plowing - Wages-CUPE 23,337.85 17,315 17,488 173 101.00%
1-0320-2040-6120 Rds & Str - Crackfilling - Wages CUPE 8,406.00 10,540 10,646 105 101.00%
1-0320-2070-6120 Rds & Str - St.Sewer Inc MH/CB - Wages CUPE 12,893.85 16,975 17,145 170 101.00%
1-0320-0000-6120 Rds & Str - - CUPE Wages 45,316.89 35,700 36,057 357 101.00%
1-0330-0000-6120 Bridges - Wages - CUPE 116.80 1,347 1,360 13 101.00%
1-0340-0000-6120 Street Lights - Wages - CUPE 1,382.23 1,088 1,099 11 101.00%
1-0350-2201-6120 Traf Serv - St. Signs - Wages CUPE 56,480.43 43,510 43,945 435 101.00%
1-0350-2202-6120 Traf Serv - Line Painting - Wages CUPE 12,080.78 9,742 12,045 2,303 123.64%
1-0350-2203-6120 Traf Serv - Crosswalk Painting - Wages CUPE 40,206.00 44,380 44,824 444 101.00%
1-0350-2210-6120 Traf Serv - Traffic Lights - Wages CUPE 120.61 1,154 1,166 12 101.00%
1-0360-2600-6120 BC Trans - Bus Shelters - Wages - CUPE 8,453.08 11,095 11,206 111 101.00%
1-0400-3070-6120 Air Tnspt. - Hanger - Wages - CUPE 1,450.45 2,309 2,332 23 101.00%
1-0400-2130-6120 Air Tnspt. - Snow Removal - Wages CUPE 47,682.79 34,629 34,976 346 101.00%
1-0400-2030-6120 Air Tnspt. - Pavement Repairs - Wages - CUPE 821.75 5,772 5,829 58 101.00%
1-0400-4080-6120 Air Tnspt. - Grasscut - Wages - CUPE 15,752.43 5,772 5,829 58 101.00%
1-0400-0000-6120 Air Tnspt. - Wages - CUPE 18,015.65 23,086 23,317 231 101.00%
1-0400-1700-6120 Air Tnspt. - Grounds - Wages CUPE 15,083.26 18,469 18,654 185 101.00%
1-0410-1500-6120 Air Term. - Bldgs - Wages - CUPE 8,078.18 8,657 8,744 87 101.00%
1-0420-0000-6120 GO-Nav Air - - Wages CUPE 70.22 0 0.00%
1-0430-0000-6120 Airfield - Wages - CUPE 107,041.38 46,173 46,634 462 101.00%
1-0430-2040-6120 Airfield - Crackfilling - Wages - CUPE 2,678.75 3,463 3,498 35 101.00%
1-0430-3090-6120 Airfield - Lighting - Wages - CUPE 4,028.23 5,772 5,829 58 101.00%
1-0430-3100-6120 Airfield - Sand/Urea - Wages - CUPE 1,777.15 1,154 1,166 12 101.00%
1-0430-3140-6120 Airfield - Wildlife Control - Wages - CUPE 21,397.39 5,772 5,829 58 101.00%
1-0450-0000-6120 Fuel Stn - Wages - CUPE 2,690.00 5,772 5,829 58 101.00%
1-0470-0000-6120 Air Cafe' - Wages - CUPE 515.29 0 0.00%
1-0500-4010-6120 Env Hlth Serv - Dwntwn Cleanup - Wages - CUPE 66,889.11 50,184 50,686 502 101.00%
1-0515-0000-6120 Compost - - Wages CUPE 18,252.18 12,546 12,671 125 101.00%
1-0520-0000-6120 Cleanup - Wages - CUPE 2,683.16 4,182 4,224 42 101.00%
1-0610-0000-6120 City Cem - Wages CUPE 14,999.38 20,500 20,000 -500 97.56%
1-0610-4020-6120 City Cem - Grave Digging - Wages - CUPE 11,649.78 6,273 7,500 1,227 119.56%
1-0610-4030-6120 City Cem - Columbarium - Wages - CUPE 1,025 0 -1,025 0.00%
1-0620-4020-6120 Brksde Cem - Grave Digging - Wages - CUPE 14,403.97 12,300 14,000 1,700 113.82%
1-0620-0000-6120 Brksde Cem - Wages - CUPE 16,466.30 20,500 20,000 -500 97.56%
1-0640-0000-6120 St Emiles - Wages - CUPE 443.73 0 0.00%
1-0710-0000-6120 GO-Environmental Plan/Zoning- -CUPE Wages 37,832.00 0 60,000 60,000 0.00%
1-0770-0000-6120 Sustainability - Wages Cupe 27,647.80 28,292 28,575 283 101.00%
1-0780-0000-6120 Energy Planning - Wages Cupe 207.90 0 0.00%
1-0810-1500-6120 Rec Facil & Com Serv - Bldgs - Wages CUPE 1,007.52 0 4,000 4,000 0.00%
1-0810-4050-6120 Rec Facil & Com Serv - Xmas Lighting - Wages - CUPE 4,074.41 6,790 6,790 0 100.00%
1-0820-4059-6120 Parks & Playg-Tree Replac- Wages 27,917.31 15,375 25,529 10,154 166.04%
1-0820-4060-6120 Pks & Play - Tree Maintenance - Wages - CUPE 15,489.93 16,975 16,975 0 100.00%
1-0820-4070-6120 Pks & Play - Parks Cleanup - Wages - CUPE 7,255.65 12,222 12,222 0 100.00%
1-0820-4080-6120 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Wages - CUPE 39,860.95 33,950 33,950 0 100.00%
1-0820-4081-6120 Pks & Play - Grasscut-Blvds. - Wages - CUPE 14,711.08 17,042 17,042 0 100.00%
1-0820-4082-6120 Pks & Play - Grasscut-City Lots - Wages - CUPE 7,034.18 1,132 1,132 0 100.03%
1-0820-4084-6120 Pks & Play - Grasscut-Ditches - Wages - CUPE 6,494.86 6,273 6,273 0 100.00%
1-0820-4086-6120 Parks & Play - Walkway - Wage CUPE 1,760.50 1,132 1,132 0 100.03%
1-0820-4130-6120 Pks & Play - Watering - Wages - CUPE 36,531.56 50,926 50,926 0 100.00%
1-0820-4140-6120 Pks & Play - Trail Maintenance - Wages - CUPE 4,577.40 11,095 11,095 0 100.00%
1-0820-4150-6120 Pks & Play - Banners - Wages - CUPE 2,294.97 6,790 6,790 0 100.00%
1-0820-4160-6120 Pks & Play - Flower Beds - Wages - CUPE 98,030.09 95,860 95,860 0 100.00%
1-0820-2131-6120 Pks & Play - Facility Snowplow - Wages CUPE 20,579.00 20,370 20,370 0 100.00%
1-0820-4410-6120 Pks & Play - Sports Facilities - Wages CUPE 68,615.48 69,710 69,710 0 100.00%
1-0820-0000-6120 Pks & Play - Wages - CUPE 132,353.79 150,061 150,061 0 100.00%
1-0821-0000-6120 Creek - Wages - CUPE 1,641.66 5,483 5,483 0 99.99%
1-0822-0000-6120 102/103 Ave - Wages - CUPE 4,018.41 11,317 11,317 0 100.00%
1-0823-0000-6120 NAR Park - Wages CUPE 68.00 226 0 -226 0.00%
1-0823-1700-6120 NAR Park - Grounds - Wages CUPE 12,129.05 14,679 14,679 0 100.00%
1-0823-1500-6120 NAR Park - Buildings - CUPE Wages 8,808.29 10,658 10,658 0 100.00%
1-0825-1700-6120 Pioneer Village - Grounds - Wages 10,921.13 15,375 15,375 0 100.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 150 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0825-1500-6120 Pioneer Village - Bldgs - Wages CUPE 1,141.52 5,658 5,658 0 99.99%
1-0828-1700-6120 Curl Rink - Grounds - Wages CUPE 566 0 -566 0.00%
1-0828-1500-6120 Curl Rink - Bldgs - Wages - CUPE 1,806.57 566 566 0 100.03%
1-0829-0000-6120 Aid to Com Proj - Wages - CUPE 3,463.73 12,000 8,536 -3,464 71.13%
1-0832-0000-6120 Skating Rinks - Wages CUPE 8,488 0 -8,488 0.00%
1-0835-0000-6120 Skating Ovals - Wages - CUPE 5,314.71 3,883 3,883 0 99.99%
1-0837-0000-6120 KPAC - Wages CUPE 707.50 0 0.00%
1-0838-0000-6120 Light Up - - Wages CUPE 4,162.45 3,395 3,395 0 100.00%
1-0840-0000-6120 Adoption Program - - Wages CUPE 495.51 1,245 750 -495 60.25%
1-0841-0000-6120 Skateboard Park - - Wages CUPE 4,070.59 6,790 6,790 0 100.00%
1-0843-0000-6120 Pest & Weed - Wages CUPE 356.74 5,439 5,439 0 100.01%
1-0844-1500-6120 CK Art Centre - Wages CUPE 30,362.70 30,600 30,906 306 101.00%
1-0850-1700-6120 GR-Mulitplex - Grounds - Wages CUPE 3,724.82 5,547 5,000 -547 90.13%
1-0925-0000-6120 Climbing Wall - Wages CUPE 38,208.43 44,540 40,000 -4,540 89.81%
1-0950-0000-6120 KB Aquatic Centre- Wages- CUPE 919,602.07 887,407 896,281 8,874 101.00%
1-0950-1700-6120 KB Aquatic Centre - Grounds - Wages - CUPE 1,773.15 1,731 1,749 17 101.00%
1-0950-1500-6120 KB Aquatic Centre - Bldgs - Wages CUPE 127,335.49 131,475 132,790 1,315 101.00%
1-1000-4300-6120 Pks & Rec - Special Events - Wages - CUPE 804.66 0 0.00%
1-1000-4302-6120 Pks & Rec - Rec Programs - Wages CUPE 116.84 0 0.00%
1-1000-0000-6120 Pks & Rec - Wages - CUPE 226,723.57 237,848 240,226 2,378 101.00%
1-1020-1500-6120 YCC - Bldgs - Wages CUPE 6,530.74 4,040 0 -4,040 0.00%
1-1021-0000-6120 OSC - Wages - CUPE 86,767.75 90,037 90,000 -37 99.96%
1-1050-0000-6120 Kin Arena - Wages - CUPE 124,300.23 98,457 99,441 985 101.00%
1-1050-1500-6120 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Wages CUPE 38,347.85 29,231 29,523 292 101.00%
1-1050-1700-6120 Kin Arena - Grounds - Wages CUPE 1,731 1,749 17 101.00%
1-1050-4190-6120 Kin Arena - Rink Patrol - Wages - CUPE 16,676.54 21,755 16,972 -4,782 78.02%
1-1050-4300-6120 Kin Arena - Special Programs - Wages - CUPE 351.46 2,175 2,197 22 101.00%
1-1060-4190-6120 Mem Arena - Rink Patrol - Wages - CUPE 49,689.53 21,755 45,972 24,218 211.32%
1-1060-4300-6120 Mem Arena - Special Programs - Wages - CUPE 1,730.33 2,774 2,801 28 101.00%
1-1060-5020-6120 Mem Arena - Summer Ice - Wages - CUPE 3,579.93 0 0.00%
1-1060-1700-6120 Mem Arena - Grounds - Wages CUPE 384.31 1,731 1,749 17 101.00%
1-1060-1500-6120 Mem Arena - Bldgs - Wages CUPE 47,698.53 69,055 69,745 691 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6120 Mem Arena - Wages - CUPE 275,365.15 241,252 243,665 2,413 101.00%
1-1070-1500-6120 Exhib Gnds - Bldgs - Wages - CUPE 3,536.78 2,774 4,000 1,226 144.21%
1-1070-1700-6120 Exhib Gnds - Grounds - Wages - CUPE 19,471.45 15,533 20,000 4,467 128.76%
1-1080-1700-6120 Pub Lib - Grounds - Wages CUPE 3,910.47 2,718 2,745 27 101.00%
1-1080-1500-6120 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Wages CUPE 13,446.80 8,887 8,976 89 101.00%
1-1080-0000-6120 Pub Lib - Wages - CUPE 270,328.52 290,000 300,000 10,000 103.45%
2-1200-6049-6120 Wat Op - Cross Connection Prog - Wages CUPE 3,915.46 2,400 2,424 24 101.00%
2-1200-6050-6120 Wat Op - Main Repairs - Wages CUPE 696.67 33,950 34,290 340 101.00%
2-1200-6051-6120 Wat Op - Flushing Program-Wages CUPE 562.75 4,800 4,848 48 101.00%
2-1200-6052-6120 Wat Op - Flushing Unscheduled - Wages CUPE 359.71 1,109 1,121 11 101.00%
2-1200-6053-6120 Wat Op - Valve Checks - Wages CUPE 25,771.79 10,389 10,493 104 101.00%
2-1200-6054-6120 Wat Op - Valve Repairs - Wages CUPE 4,905.57 23,086 23,317 231 101.00%
2-1200-6055-6120 Wat Op - Serv Connect - Wages CUPE 5,996.30 23,086 23,317 231 101.00%
2-1200-6056-6120 Wat Op - Serv Connect Thawing - Wages CUPE 1,132 1,143 11 101.00%
2-1200-6057-6120 Wat Op - Serv Connect Bleeders - Wages CUPE 5,858.65 3,263 5,000 1,737 153.22%
2-1200-6058-6120 Wat Op - Curb Box Repairs - Wages CUPE 17,140.60 17,315 17,488 173 101.00%
2-1200-6059-6120 Wat Op - Hydrant-Checks - Wages CUPE 24,757.19 11,543 22,500 10,957 194.92%
2-1200-6060-6120 Wat Op - Hydrant Repairs - Wages CUPE 47,424.55 43,034 43,464 430 101.00%
2-1200-6061-6120 Wat Op - Water Meters - Wages- CUPE 66,713.26 61,713 62,330 617 101.00%
2-1200-0000-6120 Wat Op - - Wages CUPE 22,289.64 30,805 31,113 308 101.00%
2-1202-0000-6120 Bill & Collec - Wages - CUPE 17,220.40 57,716 58,293 577 101.00%
2-1203-0000-6120 Turn On/Off - Wages - CUPE 4,464.98 5,658 5,715 57 101.00%
2-1205-1500-6120 Watersales - Buildings - Wages CUPE 1,372.62 0 0.00%
2-1205-2000-6120 Watersales - Rds & St Gen - Wages 140.83 0 0.00%
2-1206-0000-6120 WO- Watershed - Wages CUPE- 103,333.89 160,000 161,600 1,600 101.00%
2-1208-1500-6120 WO-Water Treatment Plant-Buildings-CUPE Wages 13,341.29 30,600 30,906 306 101.00%
2-1210-0000-6120 Power & Pumping - - Wages CUPE 73,185 73,917 732 101.00%
2-1215-1500-6120 Arras Pumphouse-Buildings-Wages 1,925.55 0 0.00%
2-1215-0000-6120 Arras Pumphouse - Wages CUPE 3,472.69 0 0.00%
2-1216-0000-6120 Devereaux Booster - Wages - CUPE 2,453.68 0 0.00%
2-1217-0000-6120 Hansen Pumphouse - - Wages CUPE 4,278.92 1,200 3,212 2,012 267.67%
2-1231-1500-6120 Parkhill Pumphouse - Buildings - Wages CUPE 1,994.82 0 0.00%
2-1231-0000-6120 Parkhill Pumphouse - Wages - CUPE 2,980.61 0 0.00%
2-1232-0000-6120 Alaska Booster - Wages - CUPE 4,201.18 0 0.00%
2-1233-1500-6120 Pouce Coupe Booster - Bldg - Wages CUPE 5,541.49 0 0.00%
2-1234-1500-6120 WO-Loran Booster Stn-Buildings-CUPE Wages 2,911.57 0 0.00%
2-1240-0000-6120 Purif & Trtmt - - Wages 93,981.17 73,185 73,917 732 101.00%
2-1241-1500-6120 WTP - Buildings - Wages CUPE 55,124.85 0 0.00%
2-1241-1700-6120 WTP - Grounds - Wages CUPE 17,712.39 10,455 10,560 105 101.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 151 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
2-1252-6000-6120 Supply Line - Water General - Wages - CUPE 1,200 1,212 12 101.00%
2-1253-0000-6120 Hart Reservoir - Wages - CUPE 2,849.15 1,200 2,400 1,200 200.00%
2-1254-0000-6120 Trail Reservoir - Wages - CUPE 4,914.74 2,400 3,424 1,024 142.67%
2-1257-0000-6120 Harald Hansen Reservoir - - Wages CUPE 1,033.97 0 1,000 1,000 0.00%
2-1258-0000-6120 WO-Loran Reservoir- -CUPE Wages 2,157.82 0 2,000 2,000 0.00%
2-1261-0000-6120 Parkhill Reservoir - Wages - CUPE 2,692.58 1,200 1,212 12 101.00%
3-1400-0000-6120 Sewage Op. - Wages - CUPE 21,394.13 30,000 30,300 300 101.00%
3-1400-7050-6120 Sewage Op. - Main Repairs - Wages CUPE 6,815.12 4,617 4,663 46 101.00%
3-1400-7051-6120 Sewage Op. - Manhole Rep - Wages CUPE 7,260.77 8,657 8,744 87 101.00%
3-1400-7052-6120 Sewage Op.- Service Conn - Wages CUPE 1,864.37 11,317 11,430 113 101.00%
3-1400-7053-6120 Sewage Op. - Flushing Prog. - Wages CUPE 58,659.19 62,243 62,865 622 101.00%
3-1400-7054-6120 Sewage Op. - Flushing Unsched - Wages CUPE 8,881.07 5,093 5,144 51 101.00%
3-1402-0000-6120 Sewage Treatment Op - - Wages 34,211.06 73,185 73,917 732 101.00%
3-1405-0000-6120 Sani Dump - Wages CUPE 1,408.74 4,800 4,848 48 101.00%
3-1415-0000-6120 Bill & Collec - - Wages CUPE 12,489.92 28,292 28,575 283 101.00%
3-1425-0000-6120 115th Lift Station - - Wages CUPE 6,693.83 9,600 9,696 96 101.00%
3-1427-0000-6120 Hart Hwy LIft Stn - Wages - CUPE 2,241.68 2,400 2,424 24 101.00%
3-1428-0000-6120 Heritage Park Lift Stn - Wages - CUPE 1,408.48 1,200 2,000 800 166.67%
3-1429-0000-6120 Airport Lift Station - Wages - CUPE 2,472.39 1,200 1,212 12 101.00%
3-1430-0000-6120 Chilton Lift Station - Wages - CUPE 1,411.60 1,200 1,212 12 101.00%
3-1431-0000-6120 SUF - Water Reclamation Facility - Wages - CUPE 82,614.57 60,000 60,600 600 101.00%
3-1432-0000-6120 SO- Harper Lift Station - Wages CUPE- 3,911.69 1,200 2,500 1,300 208.33%
3-1433-0000-6120 SO- Hansen Lift Station - Wages CUPE- 5,647.34 1,200 4,000 2,800 333.33%
3-1450-0000-6120 Power & Pumping - - Wages- CUPE 108.00 0 0.00%
3-1451-0000-6120 Blower Building - Wages - CUPE 8,708.20 4,800 4,848 48 101.00%
3-1455-0000-6120 Lagoons Main - - Wages CUPE 3,093.27 9,600 9,696 96 101.00%

Wage - CUPE 6,901,084.53 6,912,532 7,089,181 176,649 102.56%

1-0220-0000-6125 GO, FD, Firefighters - Wages 1,674,002.59 1,800,000 1,818,000 18,000 101.00%
1-0222-0000-6125 GO, Regional Fire Fighters, Firefighters - Wages 515.50 0 0.00%

Wage - FF 1,674,518.09 1,800,000 1,818,000 18,000 101.00%

1-0220-0000-6140 GO, FD, , Long Service Bonus 1,560.00 1,377 2,550 1,173 185.19%
1-1080-0000-6140 GO, Public Library, , Long Service Bonus 2,040.00 0 0.00%

Long Service Bonus 3,600.00 1,377 2,550 1,173 185.19%

1-0220-0000-6150 GO, FD, , FF - Overtime Paid 242,317.11 195,793 230,158 34,365 117.55%

Overtime Paid 242,317.11 195,793 230,158 34,365 117.55%

1-0220-0000-6155 GO, FD, , Sickday - Banked 34,651.72 92,916 93,845 929 101.00%

Sick Day Bank 34,651.72 92,916 93,845 929 101.00%

1-0220-0000-6157 GO, FD, , FF - Sick Leave Accrual Bank 96,170.62 0 0.00%

Sick Leave Acrrual Bank 96,170.62 0 0 0 0.00%

1-0101-0000-6185 GO, Legislative, , Interlock 0.00 11,317 0 -11,317 0.00%

Interlock 0.00 11,317 0 -11,317 0.00%

1-0220-0000-6190 GO, FD, , FF - Volunteer Gratuity 21,751.19 25,000 25,250 250 101.00%

FF - Volunteer Gratuity 21,751.19 25,000 25,250 250 101.00%

1-0100-1900-6195 Gen Govt - Custom - Benefits 130.28 0 0.00%

1-0103-0000-6195 Council - - Benefits 2,914.61 4,438 4,482 44 101.00%
1-0130-0000-6195 Admin - Benefits 147,446.35 172,000 188,818 16,818 109.78%
1-0140-0000-6195 Fin - Benefits 151,937.56 155,901 157,460 1,559 101.00%
1-0160-0000-6195 Oth Gen - Benefits 24,662.94 16,975 17,145 170 101.00%
1-0160-1500-6195 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Benefits 10,347.85 7,214 7,287 72 101.00%
1-0160-1700-6195 Oth Gen - Grounds - Benefits 3,986.38 4,329 4,372 43 101.00%
1-0210-0000-6195 Police - Benefits 109,678.00 111,435 112,549 1,114 101.00%
1-0210-1500-6195 Police - Bldgs - Benefits 3,758.06 4,673 4,719 47 101.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 152 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0210-1700-6195 Police - Grounds - Benefits 850.85 2,774 2,801 28 101.00%
1-0211-1500-6195 Telecom - Bldgs - Benefits 105.51 555 560 6 101.00%
1-0212-0000-6195 Prison - Benefits 82,977.18 72,226 72,948 722 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6195 Fire Dpt - Benefits 553,265.32 510,000 515,100 5,100 101.00%
1-0220-1500-6195 Fire Dpt - Bldgs - Benefits 1,087.82 1,245 1,257 12 101.00%
1-0223-1700-6195 Fire Dept Training Centre-Grounds-Benefits 81.09 0 375 375 0.00%
1-0230-0000-6195 Bldg Insp - Benefits 22,207.78 33,992 35,000 1,008 102.97%
1-0240-0000-6195 Bylaw Enf - Benefits 39,944.30 32,371 32,694 324 101.00%
1-0253-0000-6195 Safety - Benefits 23,475.77 20,000 30,000 10,000 150.00%
1-0310-0000-6195 Com Serv - Benefits 168,203.28 158,484 160,069 1,585 101.00%
1-0310-1500-6195 Com Serv - Bldgs - Benefits 36,738.29 16,975 17,145 170 101.00%
1-0320-2070-6195 Rds & Str - St.Sewer Inc MH/CB - Benefits 3,484.45 4,244 4,286 42 101.00%
1-0320-2131-6195 Rds & Str - Snow Plowing - Benefits 18,236.58 18,750 18,938 188 101.00%
1-0320-2140-6195 Rds & Str - Arterial Hwys - Benefits 4,888.32 5,194 5,246 52 101.00%
1-0320-2150-6195 Rds & Str - Barricades - Benefits 1,088.30 721 1,629 908 225.79%
1-0320-2010-6195 Rds & Str - Grading - Benefits 3,858.97 3,606 3,642 36 101.00%
1-0320-2020-6195 Rds & Str - Gravel St. Rep - Benefits 1,992.88 1,360 1,373 14 101.00%
1-0320-2030-6195 Rds & Str - Pave Rep & Crackfil - Benefits 9,205.96 9,065 9,156 91 101.00%
1-0320-2040-6195 Rds & Str - Crackfilling - Benefits 2,378.47 2,635 2,661 26 101.00%
1-0320-2050-6195 Rds & Str - Dust Control - Benefits 83.76 693 700 7 101.00%
1-0320-2060-6195 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Repairs - Benefits 215.22 283 286 3 101.00%
1-0320-2061-6195 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Plowing - Benefits 4,376.13 4,329 4,372 43 101.00%
1-0320-2080-6195 Rds & Str - Drainage - Benefits 3,726.10 6,729 6,796 67 101.00%
1-0320-2090-6195 Rds & Str - Steaming - Benefits 8,030.78 11,543 11,659 115 101.00%
1-0320-2100-6195 Rds & Str - Flooding - Benefits 3,454.73 0 0.00%
1-0320-2110-6195 Rds & Str - St.Cleaning/Sweeping - Benefits 11,378.69 13,997 14,137 140 101.00%
1-0320-2120-6195 Rds & Str - Sanding - Benefits 13,392.97 14,429 14,573 144 101.00%
1-0320-2130-6195 Rds & Str - Snow Removal - Benefits 2,501.10 5,941 6,001 59 101.00%
1-0320-0000-6195 Rds & Str - - Benefits 35,933.64 4,665 35,000 30,335 750.19%
1-0330-0000-6195 Bridges - - Benefits 28.11 337 340 3 101.00%
1-0340-0000-6195 Street Lights - - Benefits 428.92 272 275 3 101.00%
1-0350-2201-6195 Traf Serv - St. Signs - Benefits 13,484.97 10,877 10,986 109 101.00%
1-0350-2202-6195 Traf Serv - Line Painting - Benefits 3,638.35 2,774 3,521 747 126.94%
1-0350-2203-6195 Traf Serv - Crosswalk Painting - Benefits 10,831.33 11,095 11,206 111 101.00%
1-0350-2210-6195 Traf Serv - Traffic Lights - Benefits 28.48 289 291 3 101.00%
1-0360-2600-6195 BC Trans - Bus Shelters - Benefits 1,992.69 2,774 2,801 28 101.00%
1-0400-3070-6195 Air Tnspt. - Hanger - Benefits 291.69 577 583 6 101.00%
1-0400-4080-6195 Air Tnspt. - Grasscut - Benefits 4,175.01 1,443 1,457 14 101.00%
1-0400-2130-6195 Air Tnspt. - Snow Removal - Benefits 6,401.40 8,657 8,744 87 101.00%
1-0400-2030-6195 Air Tnspt. - Pavement Repairs - Benefits 217.28 1,443 1,457 14 101.00%
1-0400-0000-6195 Air Tnspt. - Benefits 3,876.60 5,772 5,829 58 101.00%
1-0400-1700-6195 Air Tnspt. - Grounds - Benefits 4,305.24 4,617 4,663 46 101.00%
1-0410-1500-6195 Air Term. - Bldgs - Benefits 1,939.37 2,164 2,186 22 101.00%
1-0420-0000-6195 GO-Nav Air - - Benefits 28.37 0 0.00%
1-0430-0000-6195 Airfield - Benefits 33,088.91 11,543 11,659 115 101.00%
1-0430-2040-6195 Airfield - Crackfilling - Benefits 672.15 866 874 9 101.00%
1-0430-3090-6195 Airfield - Lighting - Benefits 814.63 1,443 1,457 14 101.00%
1-0430-3100-6195 Airfield - Sand/Urea - Benefits 223.65 289 291 3 101.00%
1-0430-3140-6195 Airfield - Bird Control - Benefits 5,581.89 1,443 1,457 14 101.00%
1-0450-0000-6195 Fuel Stn - Benefits 658.58 1,443 1,457 14 101.00%
1-0470-0000-6195 Air Cafe' - Wages - Benefits 145.67 0 0.00%
1-0500-4010-6195 Env Hlth Serv - Dwntwn Cleanup - Benefits 16,599.79 13,037 13,167 130 101.00%
1-0515-0000-6195 Compost - - Benefits 4,940.01 4,161 4,202 42 101.00%
1-0520-0000-6195 Cleanup - Benefits 113.29 1,387 1,401 14 101.00%
1-0610-0000-6195 City Cem - - Benefits 3,142.74 5,228 5,000 -228 95.64%
1-0610-4030-6195 City Cem - Columbarium - Benefits 523 0 -523 0.00%
1-0610-4020-6195 City Cem - Grave Digging - Benefits 2,539.40 1,600 2,250 650 140.66%
1-0620-4020-6195 Brksde Cem - Grave Digging - Benefits 3,597.32 3,921 4,200 279 107.12%
1-0620-0000-6195 Brksde Cem - Benefits 3,408.50 4,182 5,000 818 119.56%
1-0640-0000-6195 St Emiles - Benefits 89.70 0 0.00%
1-0710-0000-6195 GO-Environmental Plan/Zoning- -Benefits 26,811.11 15,996 16,156 160 101.00%
1-0730-0000-6195 Ec Dev - Benefits 0 21,754 21,754 0.00%
1-0770-0000-6195 Sustainability - Benefits 8,246.73 7,073 7,144 71 101.00%
1-0780-0000-6195 Energy Planning- -Benefits 23,038.47 21,328 21,541 213 101.00%
1-0810-1500-6195 Rec Facil & Com Serv - Bldgs - Benefits 223.68 0 1,000 1,000 0.00%
1-0810-4050-6195 Rec Facil & Com Serv - Xmas Lighting - Benefits 795.93 1,698 1,698 0 100.03%
1-0820-4059-6195 Parks & Playg-Tree Replac- Benefits 7,061.59 3,844 3,844 0 100.01%
1-0820-4060-6195 Pks & Play - Tree Maintenance - Benefits 2,171.88 4,244 4,244 0 100.00%
1-0820-4070-6195 Pks & Play - Parks Cleanup - Benefits 1,341.64 3,056 3,056 0 100.01%
1-0820-4080-6195 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Benefits 8,925.75 8,488 8,488 0 100.00%
1-0820-4081-6195 Pks & Play - Grasscut-Blvds. - Benefits 3,271.38 4,299 4,299 0 99.99%

Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge... Page 154 of 309
ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 153 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0820-4082-6195 Pks & Play - Grasscut-City Lots - Benefits 1,611.37 283 283 0 100.03%
1-0820-4084-6195 Pks & Play - Grasscut-Ditches - Benefits 1,805.71 1,568 1,568 0 99.98%
1-0820-4086-6195 Parks & Play - Walkway - Benefits 316.93 283 283 0 100.03%
1-0820-4130-6195 Pks & Play - Watering - Benefits 7,253.74 12,731 12,731 0 100.00%
1-0820-4140-6195 Pks & Play - Trail Maintenance - Benefits 1,221.37 2,263 2,263 0 99.98%
1-0820-4150-6195 Pks & Play - Banners - Benefits 536.87 1,698 1,698 0 100.03%
1-0820-4160-6195 Pks & Play - Flower Beds - Benefits 19,703.42 23,704 23,704 0 100.00%
1-0820-2131-6195 Pks & Play - Facility Snowplow - Benefits 4,044.92 5,093 5,093 0 100.01%
1-0820-4410-6195 Pks & Play - Sports Facilites - Benefits 16,191.98 18,683 18,683 0 100.00%
1-0820-0000-6195 Pks & Play - Benefits 30,523.72 58,848 58,848 0 100.00%
1-0821-0000-6195 Creek - Benefits 272.84 816 816 0 100.02%
1-0822-0000-6195 102/103 Ave - - Benefits 754.37 2,829 2,829 0 99.99%
1-0823-0000-6195 NAR Park - - Benefits 11.69 57 0 -57 0.00%
1-0823-1500-6195 NAR Park - Buildings - Benefits 1,934.31 2,665 2,665 0 100.00%
1-0823-1700-6195 NAR Park - Grounds - Benefits 2,923.57 3,392 3,392 0 99.99%
1-0825-1700-6195 Pioneer Village - Grounds - Benefits 2,089.35 3,844 3,844 0 100.01%
1-0825-1500-6195 Pioneer Village - Bldgs - Benefits 306.18 1,415 1,415 0 100.03%
1-0828-1500-6195 Curl Rink - Bldgs - Benefits 437.80 141 141 0 99.67%
1-0828-1700-6195 Curl Rink - Grounds - Benefits 141 0 -141 0.00%
1-0829-0000-6195 Aid to Com Proj - Benefits 567.67 3,000 2,433 -567 81.10%
1-0832-0000-6195 Skating Rinks - Benefits 2,122 0 -2,122 0.00%
1-0835-0000-6195 Skating Ovals - - Benefits 1,070.12 971 971 0 100.02%
1-0837-0000-6195 KPAC - Benefits 179.67 0 0.00%
1-0838-0000-6195 Light Up - - Benefits 544.73 849 849 0 100.03%
1-0840-0000-6195 Adoption Program - - Benefits 80.88 311 311 0 99.93%
1-0841-0000-6195 Skateboard Park - - Benefits 1,088.46 1,698 1,698 0 100.03%
1-0843-0000-6195 Pest & Weed - Benefits 85.03 1,360 1,360 0 100.02%
1-0844-1500-6195 CK Art Centre - Benefits 7,174.86 7,650 7,727 77 101.00%
1-0850-1700-6195 GR-Multiplex - Grounds - Benefits 740.72 1,387 1,250 -137 90.13%
1-0925-0000-6195 Climbing Wall - Benefits 7,311.17 6,526 10,000 3,474 153.22%
1-0950-0000-6195 KB Aquatic Centre - Benefits 241,908.64 193,984 195,923 1,940 101.00%
1-0950-1500-6195 KB Aquatic Centre - Bldgs - Benefits 31,138.71 24,331 24,574 243 101.00%
1-0950-1700-6195 KB Aquatic Centre - Grounds - Benefits 396.30 433 437 4 101.00%
1-1000-4300-6195 Pks & Rec - Special Events - Benefits 149.25 0 0.00%
1-1000-4302-6195 Pks & Rec - Rec Programs - Benefits 35.91 0 0.00%
1-1000-0000-6195 Pks & Rec - Benefits 111,277.84 115,236 116,388 1,152 101.00%
1-1020-1500-6195 YCC - Bldgs - Benefits 1,528.51 1,010 0 -1,010 0.00%
1-1021-0000-6195 OSC - Benefits 19,099.72 19,239 22,500 3,261 116.95%
1-1050-0000-6195 Kin Arena - Benefits 31,986.26 29,090 29,381 291 101.00%
1-1050-1500-6195 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Benefits 10,247.17 6,911 6,980 69 101.00%
1-1050-4300-6195 Kin Arena - Special Programs - Benefits 87.66 544 549 5 101.00%
1-1050-4190-6195 Kin Arena - Rink Patrol - Benefits 4,011.82 5,439 5,493 54 101.00%
1-1050-1700-6195 Kin Arena - Grounds - Benefits 433 437 4 101.00%
1-1060-1700-6195 Mem Arena - Grounds - Benefits 83.81 433 437 4 101.00%
1-1060-4190-6195 Mem Arena - Rink Patrol - Benefits 10,443.84 5,439 5,493 54 101.00%
1-1060-4300-6195 Mem Arena - Special Programs - Benefits 335.89 555 560 6 101.00%
1-1060-5020-6195 Mem Arena - Summer Ice - Benefits 670.98 0 0.00%
1-1060-1500-6195 Mem Arena - Bldgs - Benefits 12,578.85 19,385 19,578 194 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6195 Mem Arena - Benefits 75,777.59 55,786 56,344 558 101.00%
1-1070-1500-6195 Exhib Gnds - Bldgs - Benefits 733.70 693 1,000 307 144.21%
1-1070-1700-6195 Exhib Gnds - Grounds - Benefits 4,316.22 3,883 5,000 1,117 128.76%
1-1080-1700-6195 Pub Lib - Grounds - Benefits 820.20 679 686 7 101.00%
1-1080-1500-6195 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Benefits 3,211.20 2,309 2,332 23 101.00%
1-1080-0000-6195 Pub Lib - Benefits 77,100.56 90,000 90,000 0 100.00%
2-1200-0000-6195 Wat Op - - Benefits 35,407.39 7,700 36,030 28,330 467.92%
2-1200-6049-6195 Wat Op - Cross Connection Prog - Benefits 982.76 600 606 6 101.00%
2-1200-6050-6195 Wat Op - Main Repairs - Benefits 2,440.17 8,488 8,573 85 101.00%
2-1200-6051-6195 Wat Op - Flushing Program-Benefits 129.66 1,200 1,212 12 101.00%
2-1200-6052-6195 Wat Op - Flushing Unscheduled - Benefits 1.87 277 280 3 101.00%
2-1200-6053-6195 Wat Op - Valve Checks - Benefits 5,789.60 2,597 2,623 26 101.00%
2-1200-6054-6195 Wat Op - Valve Repairs - Benefits 1,182.81 5,772 5,829 58 101.00%
2-1200-6055-6195 Wat Op - Serv Connect - Benefits 1,207.64 5,772 5,829 58 101.00%
2-1200-6056-6195 Wat Op - Serv Connect Thawing - Benefits 283 286 3 101.00%
2-1200-6057-6195 Wat Op - Serv Connect Bleeders - Benefits 1,614.12 816 1,500 684 183.87%
2-1200-6058-6195 Wat Op - Curb Box Repairs - Benefits 4,037.11 4,329 4,372 43 101.00%
2-1200-6059-6195 Wat Op - Hydrant-Checks - Benefits 7,536.00 2,886 6,750 3,864 233.90%
2-1200-6060-6195 Wat Op - Hydrant Repairs - Benefits 11,980.49 10,758 10,866 108 101.00%
2-1200-6061-6195 Wat Op - Water Meters - Benefits 18,854.60 15,429 15,583 154 101.00%
2-1202-0000-6195 Bill & Collec - Benefits 4,263.88 14,429 14,573 144 101.00%
2-1203-0000-6195 Turn On/Off - Benefits 549.97 1,415 1,429 14 101.00%
2-1205-1500-6195 Watersales - Bldgs - Benefits 185.68 0 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 154 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
2-1205-2000-6195 Watersales - Rds & St Gen. - Benefits 32.43 0 0.00%
2-1206-0000-6195 WO- Watershed - Benefits- 23,037.24 40,000 40,400 400 101.00%
2-1208-1500-6195 WO-Water Treatment Plant-Buildings-Benefits 3,049.60 7,650 7,727 77 101.00%
2-1210-0000-6195 Power & Pumping - - Benefits 18,296 18,479 183 101.00%
2-1215-1500-6195 Arras Pumphouse-Buildings-Benefits 461.91 0 0.00%
2-1215-0000-6195 Arras Pumphouse - Benefits 836.10 0 0.00%
2-1216-0000-6195 Devereaux Booster - Benefits 571.72 0 0.00%
2-1217-0000-6195 Hansen Pumphouse - - Benefits 1,109.74 300 964 664 321.20%
2-1231-1500-6195 Parkhill Pumphouse - Buildings - Benefits 511.24 0 0.00%
2-1231-0000-6195 Parkhill Pumphouse - Benefits 758.34 0 0.00%
2-1232-0000-6195 Alaska Booster - Benefits 1,024.88 0 0.00%
2-1233-1500-6195 Pouce Coupe Booster - Bldg - Benefits 1,064.00 0 0.00%
2-1234-1500-6195 WO-Loran Booster Stn-Buildings-Benefits 700.71 0 0.00%
2-1240-0000-6195 Purif & Trtmt - - Benefits 21,341.10 18,296 18,479 183 101.00%
2-1241-1500-6195 WTP - Buildings - Benefits 11,757.56 0 0.00%
2-1241-1700-6195 WTP - Grounds - Benefits 4,382.36 2,614 2,640 26 101.00%
2-1252-6000-6195 Supply Line - Water General - Benefits 300 720 420 240.00%
2-1253-0000-6195 Hart Reservoir - Benefits 703.77 300 303 3 101.00%
2-1254-0000-6195 Trail Reservoir - Benefits 1,162.57 600 1,027 427 171.20%
2-1257-0000-6195 Harald Hansen Reservoir - - Benefits 259.13 0 300 300 0.00%
2-1258-0000-6195 WO-Loran Reservoir- -Benefits 547.42 0 600 600 0.00%
2-1261-0000-6195 Parkhill Reservoir - Benefits 507.87 300 303 3 101.00%
3-1400-0000-6195 Sewage Op. - Benefits 4,366.58 7,500 7,575 75 101.00%
3-1400-7050-6195 Sewage Op. - Main Repairs - Benefits 1,575.79 1,154 1,166 12 101.00%
3-1400-7051-6195 Sewage Op. - Manhole Rep - Benefits 1,751.31 2,164 2,186 22 101.00%
3-1400-7052-6195 Sewage Op. - Service Conn - Benefits 423.01 2,886 2,915 29 101.00%
3-1400-7053-6195 Sewage Op. - Flushing Prog. - Benefits 17,749.78 15,872 16,031 159 101.00%
3-1400-7054-6195 Sewage Op. - Flushing Unsched - Benefits 1,620.93 1,299 1,312 13 101.00%
3-1402-0000-6195 Sewage Treatment Op - - Benefits 13,219.05 18,296 18,479 183 101.00%
3-1405-0000-6195 Sani Dump - Benefits 378.44 1,200 1,212 12 101.00%
3-1415-0000-6195 Bill & Collec - Benefits 4,185.88 7,073 7,144 71 101.00%
3-1425-0000-6195 115th Lift Station - Benefits 1,419.98 2,400 2,424 24 101.00%
3-1427-0000-6195 Hart Hwy Lift Stn - Benefits 428.93 600 606 6 101.00%
3-1428-0000-6195 Heritage Park Lift Stn - Benefits 318.44 300 303 3 101.00%
3-1429-0000-6195 Airport Lift Station - Benefits 528.05 300 600 300 200.00%
3-1430-0000-6195 Chilton Lift Station - Benefits 307.86 300 303 3 101.00%
3-1431-0000-6195 SUF - Water Reclamation Facility - Benefits 18,471.75 15,000 15,150 150 101.00%
3-1432-0000-6195 SO- Harper Lift Station - Benefits- 967.24 300 750 450 250.00%
3-1433-0000-6195 SO- Hansen Lift Station - Benefits- 863.42 300 1,200 900 400.00%
3-1450-0000-6195 Power & Pumping - - Benefits 30.07 0 0.00%
3-1451-0000-6195 Blower Building - Benefits 1,773.89 1,200 1,212 12 101.00%
3-1455-0000-6195 Lagoons Main - Benefits 741.92 2,400 2,424 24 101.00%

Benefit 2,711,028.31 2,602,038 2,747,443 145,405 105.59%

1-0130-0000-6357 Admin - Contract Reimbursements 250.00 566 500 -66 88.37%

1-0140-0000-6357 Fin - Union Contracts Reimbursements 150.00 510 200 -310 39.22%
1-0210-0000-6357 Police - - Union Contract Reimbursements 542 300 -242 55.39%
1-0220-0000-6357 Fire Dpt - Union Contracts Reimbursements 100.00 566 500 -66 88.37%
1-0310-0000-6357 Com Serv - Union Contracts Reimbursements 1,010.63 1,698 1,500 -198 88.36%
1-0400-0000-6357 Air Tnspt. - Union Contracts Reimbursement 200.00 0 0.00%
1-0820-0000-6357 Pks & Play - Union Contract Reimbrusements 314.96 552 500 -52 90.58%
1-0950-0000-6357 KB Aquatic Centre - Union Contracts Reimbursements 552 500 -52 90.58%
1-1000-0000-6357 Pks & Rec - Union Contracts Reimbursement 219.81 331 500 169 151.06%
1-1050-0000-6357 Kin Arena - Union Contract Reimbursements 104 0 -104 0.00%
1-1060-0000-6357 Mem Arena - Union Contracts Reimbursements 552 0 -552 0.00%
1-1080-0000-6357 Pub Lib - Union Contract Reimbursements 50.00 221 200 -21 90.50%

Union Contract Reimbursements 2,295.40 6,193 4,700 -1,493 75.89%

SALARIES, WAGES & EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 13,977,965.17 13,965,558 14,807,234 841,676 106.03%

1-0130-0000-6205 GO-Administrative- -Contracts 41,651.38 72,000 45,400 -26,600 63.06%

1-0130-1820-6205 Admin - Equipment Office - Contracts 24,547.20 30,600 30,906 306 101.00%
1-0140-1820-6205 Fin - Equipment Office - Contracts 9,975.91 9,146 9,238 91 101.00%
1-0140-1600-6205 Fin - IT - Contracts 362,630.98 395,000 375,000 -20,000 94.94%
1-0140-0000-6205 Fin - - Contracts 3,500.00 0 0.00%
1-0140-1601-6205 Fin - IT - Licencing/Service Agreements - Contract 147,135.66 179,665 361,225 181,560 201.05%
1-0140-1602-6205 Fin - IT - Website-Contracts 26,017.43 30,600 30,600 0 100.00%
1-0160-1830-6205 Oth Gen - Auction - Contractors 1,126.63 0 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 155 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0160-3120-6205 Oth Gen - Security - Contracts 331.67 1,088 1,099 11 101.00%
1-0160-0000-6205 Oth Gen - Contracts 308.00 0 0.00%
1-0160-1700-6205 Oth Gen - Grounds - Contracts 1,154 1,166 12 101.00%
1-0160-1820-6205 Oth Gen - Equip.Office - Contracts 8,918.75 11,095 11,206 111 101.00%
1-0160-1500-6205 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Contracts 21,160.07 21,755 21,972 218 101.00%
1-0160-1540-6205 Oth Gen - Janitorial - Contracts 56,149.49 61,357 53,971 -7,386 87.96%
1-0210-1540-6205 Police - Janitorial - Contracts 36,104.88 39,509 39,904 395 101.00%
1-0210-1500-6205 Police - Bldgs - Contracts 8,638.69 11,095 11,206 111 101.00%
1-0210-1600-6205 Police - Computer - Contracts 69,063.64 50,388 60,000 9,612 119.08%
1-0210-0000-6205 Police - Contracts 2,659,579.90 2,950,850 3,163,650 212,800 107.21%
1-0210-1104-6205 GO-PO-DNA Analysis Serviices RCMP-Contracts 46,158.76 25,954 50,000 24,046 192.65%
1-0211-1500-6205 Telecom - Bldgs - Contracts 1,076.99 1,020 1,030 10 101.00%
1-0211-1540-6205 Telecom - Janitorial - Contracts 13,216.88 14,114 14,255 141 101.00%
1-0213-0000-6205 VicServ - Contracts 34,568.00 34,568 34,914 346 101.00%
1-0220-1500-6205 Fire Dpt - Bldgs - Contracts 1,782.78 11,317 11,430 113 101.00%
1-0220-1820-6205 Fire Dpt - Office Equip Other - Contracts 3,371.90 5,547 5,603 55 101.00%
1-0230-0000-6205 GO-Building Inspection- -Contracts 29,444.83 0 0.00%
1-0251-0000-6205 SPCA - Contracts 140,000.00 140,000 140,000 0 100.00%
1-0310-0000-6205 Comm Ser - Contracts 53,714.14 54,994 54,994 0 100.00%
1-0310-1820-6205 Com Serv - Equipment Office - Contracts 11,858.26 0 0.00%
1-0310-1540-6205 Public Works - Janitorial - Contracts 24,938.88 28,424 28,424 0 100.00%
1-0310-1500-6205 Com Serv - Bldgs - Contracts 30,610.02 16,975 16,975 0 100.00%
1-0310-3120-6205 Com Serv - Security - Contacts 2,522.50 1,088 1,088 0 100.00%
1-0320-2090-6205 Rds & Str - Steaming - Contracts 16,316 16,316 0 100.00%
1-0320-2130-6205 Rds & Str - Snow Removal - Contracts 63,964.00 153,000 153,000 0 100.00%
1-0320-2030-6205 Rds & Str - Pave Rep & Crackfil - Contracts 193,141.96 204,000 204,000 0 100.00%
1-0320-2080-6205 Rds & Str - Drainage - Contracts 134,863.32 161,200 162,812 1,612 101.00%
1-0320-2060-6205 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Repairs - Contracts 68,962.41 55,475 55,475 0 100.00%
1-0320-2070-6205 Rds & Str - St.Sewer Inc MH/CB - Contracts 15,867.99 27,737 27,737 0 100.00%
1-0320-2140-6205 Rds & Str - Arterial Hwys - Contracts 4,900.00 51,000 51,000 0 100.00%
1-0320-2020-6205 Rds & Str - Gravel St. Rep - Contracs 19,825.44 20,000 20,000 0 100.00%
1-0320-2050-6205 Rds & Str - Dust Control - Contracts 50,791.21 36,938 36,938 0 100.00%
1-0320-2131-6205 Rds & Str - Snow Plowing - Contracts 36,427.50 102,000 102,000 0 100.00%
1-0320-2100-6205 Rds & St - Flooding - Contracts 431,130.29 0 0.00%
1-0340-0000-6205 Street Lights - - Contracts 80,753.80 15,683 80,000 64,318 510.12%
1-0350-2202-6205 Traf Serv - Line Painting - Contracts 9,445.00 31,992 15,000 -16,992 46.89%
1-0350-2210-6205 Traf Serv - Traffic Lights - Contracts 714.92 3,328 3,328 0 100.00%
1-0360-0000-6205 BC Trans - Contracts 614,461.00 724,942 745,473 20,531 102.83%
1-0400-0000-6205 Air Tnspt. - Contracts 99,823.75 99,600 126,100 26,500 126.61%
1-0400-3120-6205 Air Tnspt. - Security - Contracts 37,685.00 25,395 25,649 254 101.00%
1-0410-3120-6205 Air Term - Security - Contracts 96.75 0 0.00%
1-0410-1540-6205 Air Term - Janitorial - Contracts 38,164.88 46,528 46,490 -38 99.92%
1-0410-1500-6205 Air Term. - Bldgs - Contracts 11,157.11 11,543 11,659 115 101.00%
1-0430-2080-6205 Airfield - Drainage Ditches - Contracts 5,000.00 5,772 5,829 58 101.00%
1-0430-0000-6205 Airfield - Contracts 11,886.64 11,543 11,659 115 101.00%
1-0450-0000-6205 Fuel Stn - Contracts 10,626.47 7,140 7,211 71 101.00%
1-0470-0000-6205 Air Caf - Contracts 1,685.25 0 0.00%
1-0500-1510-6205 Waste Services - Recycling - Contracts 5,481.97 2,774 2,801 28 101.00%
1-0505-0000-6205 Garbage - Contract Residential 468,117.74 437,325 500,000 62,675 114.33%
1-0515-0000-6205 Compost - - Contracts 18,754.55 6,657 6,724 67 101.00%
1-0520-0000-6205 Cleanup - Contracts 13,768.72 21,755 21,972 218 101.00%
1-0540-0000-6205 Landfill - Contracts 125,891.69 84,844 130,000 45,156 153.22%
1-0610-0000-6205 City Cem - - Contracts 2,040 15,000 12,960 735.29%
1-0620-0000-6205 Brksde Cem - - Contracts 0.00 23,060 2,000 -21,060 8.67%
1-0710-0000-6205 Env Plan - Development Cost Sharing 91.80 0 0.00%
1-0730-1050-6205 Ec Dev - Energy Conference - Contracts 15,141.38 25,500 25,755 255 101.00%
1-0730-1039-6205 Ec Dev - NCMA - Contracts 193,330.96 254,000 0 -254,000 0.00%
1-0730-0000-6205 Ec Dev - - Contracts 126,062.60 165,100 166,751 1,651 101.00%
1-0740-0000-6205 Tourism - Contracts 368,823.96 368,824 367,824 -1,000 99.73%
1-0750-0000-6205 Visitor Inf Centre - - Contracts 86,970.96 86,971 86,971 0 100.00%
1-0770-0000-6205 Sustainability - Contracts 12,086.25 24,400 10,000 -14,400 40.98%
1-0770-2012-6205 Sustainability - Carbon Offset Liability - Contrac 78,495.00 66,300 66,963 663 101.00%
1-0780-0000-6205 Energy Planning - Contracts 9,515.89 27,000 17,000 -10,000 62.96%
1-0810-4050-6205 Rec Facil & Com Serv - Xmas Lighting - Contracts 646.32 2,206 2,206 0 100.00%
1-0820-4060-6205 Pks & Play - Tree Maintenance - Contracts 29,780.00 60,000 40,600 -19,400 67.67%
1-0820-4070-6205 Pks & Play - Parks Cleanup - Contracts 14,559.95 9,551 9,551 0 100.00%
1-0820-4081-6205 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Blvds - Contracts 1,656 1,000 -656 60.39%
1-0820-4082-6205 Pks & Play - Grasscut-City Lots - Contracts 1,082.58 0 0.00%
1-0820-4084-6205 Pks & Play - Grasscut-Dtiches - Contracts 41,344.00 30,308 42,011 11,703 138.61%
1-0820-4130-6205 Pks & Play - Watering - Contracts 1,075.00 7,959 2,039 -5,920 25.61%
1-0820-4410-6205 Pks & Play - Sports Facilites - Contracts 14,528.64 12,989 12,989 0 100.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 156 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0820-2131-6205 Pks & Play - Facility Snowplow - Contracts 10,404 10,404 0 100.00%
1-0820-0000-6205 Pks & Play - Contracts 13,680.24 18,450 10,635 -7,816 57.64%
1-0821-0000-6205 Creek - Contracts 16,777.62 9,117 17,208 8,091 188.75%
1-0822-0000-6205 102/103 Ave - - Contracts 1,104 1,104 0 100.00%
1-0823-1700-6205 NAR Park - Grounds - Contracts 11,695 4,812 -6,883 41.15%
1-0823-1500-6205 NAR Park - Bldgs - Contract 10,411.69 11,773 11,773 0 100.00%
1-0823-1073-6205 NAR Park - Blue Goose Caboose - Contracts 1,104 1,104 0 100.00%
1-0823-3120-6205 NAR Park - Security - Contracts 45.00 3,312 1,345 -1,967 40.61%
1-0825-1700-6205 Pioneer Village - Grounds - Contracts 3,121 2,500 -621 80.10%
1-0828-1500-6205 Curl Rink - Bldgs - Contracts 4,398.60 36,263 12,626 -23,637 34.82%
1-0828-3120-6205 Curl Rink - Security - Contracts 2,655.67 3,566 3,566 0 100.00%
1-0834-0000-6205 Parade Float - Contracts 552 552 0 100.00%
1-0838-0000-6205 Light Up - - Contracts 1,198.70 2,871 2,000 -871 69.66%
1-0841-0000-6205 Skateboard Park - Contracts 1,082 1,082 0 100.00%
1-0843-0000-6205 Pest & Weed - Contracts 25,026.00 27,061 27,061 0 100.00%
1-0844-1500-6205 CK Art Centre - Bldg - Contracts 48,803.76 10,000 10,100 100 101.00%
1-0850-1700-6205 GR-Mulitplex - Grounds - Contracts 44,587.91 71,400 45,000 -26,400 63.03%
1-0855-1500-6205 Lakota Centre - Buildings - Contracts 2,394.92 5,306 4,000 -1,306 75.39%
1-0855-1540-6205 Lakota Centre - Janitorial - Contracts 3,416.88 3,714 4,000 286 107.70%
1-0860-1500-6205 Encana Events Centre - Bldings - Contracts 5,153.92 5,202 5,254 52 101.00%
1-0860-0000-6205 Encana Event Centre - Contracts 1,455,614.74 1,550,000 1,550,000 0 100.00%
1-0865-0000-6205 Walking Track - Contracts 14,812.50 12,485 15,000 2,515 120.14%
1-0950-1500-6205 KB Aquatic Centre - Bldgs - Contracts 4,509.90 11,514 11,629 115 101.00%
1-0950-1820-6205 KB Aquatic Centre - Equip Office - Contracts 8,651.10 5,520 5,575 55 101.00%
1-0950-0000-6205 KB Aquatic Centre - contracts 3,329.39 10,259 5,359 -4,900 52.24%
1-0950-3120-6205 KB Aquatic Centre - Security - Contracts 10,137.17 0 3,000 3,000 0.00%
1-1000-4300-6205 Pks & Rec - Special Events - Contracts 3,824.25 3,526 3,561 35 101.00%
1-1000-4302-6205 Pks & Rec - Rec Programs - Contracts 35,188.51 29,440 29,734 294 101.00%
1-1000-4307-6205 GO-Pks & Rec-2015 World Under-Contracts 123,204.75 0 0.00%
1-1000-4305-6205 Pks & Rec - 2017 World U17 Hockey Event - Contract 0 100,000 100,000 0.00%
1-1000-0000-6205 Pks & Rec - Contracts 2,900.00 0 0.00%
1-1000-1820-6205 GO-Pks & Rec-Office Equipment-Contracts 11,653.52 0 0.00%
1-1020-1500-6205 YCC - Bldgs - Contracts 1,084.74 2,760 0 -2,760 0.00%
1-1020-3120-6205 YCC - Security - Contracts 2,993.67 1,040 0 -1,040 0.00%
1-1050-1500-6205 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Contracts 8,668.18 2,653 2,680 27 101.00%
1-1050-3120-6205 Kin Arena - Security - Contracts 3,513.17 5,545 5,600 55 101.00%
1-1050-5010-6205 Kin Arena - Ice Plant - Contracts 2,035.00 10,924 11,033 109 101.00%
1-1060-5010-6205 Mem Arena - Ice Plant - Contracts 2,061.78 11,593 11,709 116 101.00%
1-1060-4300-6205 Mem Arena - Special Programs - Contracts 11,790.08 10,000 10,100 100 101.00%
1-1060-3120-6205 Mem Arena - Security - Contracts 3,558.17 4,162 4,204 42 101.00%
1-1060-1820-6205 GO-Memorial Arena-Office Equipment-Contracts 6,095.57 0 0.00%
1-1060-1500-6205 Mem Arena - Bldgs - Contracts 7,464.76 50,000 10,500 -39,500 21.00%
1-1070-1700-6205 Exhib Grnds - Grounds - Contracts 14,759.38 8,490 16,500 8,010 194.35%
1-1080-1500-6205 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Contracts 6,646.63 7,729 7,806 77 101.00%
1-1080-1540-6205 Pub Lib - Janitorial - Contracts 37,416.88 29,226 34,518 5,292 118.11%
1-1080-3120-6205 Pub Lib - Security - Contracts 3,480.17 1,581 1,597 16 101.00%
2-1200-6050-6205 Wat Op - Main Repairs - Contracts 14,448.93 21,755 21,755 0 100.00%
2-1200-6054-6205 Wat Op - Valve Repairs - Contracts 51,369.34 21,755 21,755 0 100.00%
2-1200-6055-6205 Wat Op - Serv Connect - Contracts 75,823.33 34,629 130,000 95,371 375.40%
2-1200-6060-6205 Wat Op - Hydrant Repairs - Contracts 14,779.74 5,772 5,772 0 100.00%
2-1200-6061-6205 Wat Op - Water Meters - Contracts 21,824.84 135,000 350,000 215,000 259.26%
2-1205-1500-6205 Watersales - Bldgs - Contracts 4,320.12 1,088 50,000 48,912 4596.69%
2-1206-0000-6205 Watershed-Contracts 22,022.96 51,000 20,000 -31,000 39.22%
2-1241-1600-6205 WTP - Computers - Contracts 1,000 1,000 0 100.00%
2-1241-1540-6205 WTP - Janitorial - Contracts 2,263 2,263 0 100.00%
2-1241-1500-6205 WTP - Buildings - Contracts 8,249.37 26,138 26,138 0 100.00%
2-1254-1700-6205 Trail Reservoir - Grounds - Contracts 6,371.53 0 0.00%
2-1261-1700-6205 Parkhill Reservoir - Grounds - Contracts 1,046 1,046 0 100.00%
3-1400-7050-6205 Sewage Op.- Main Repairs - Contracts 108,615.54 158,980 220,570 61,590 138.74%
3-1400-7051-6205 Sewage Op - Manhole Rep - Contracts 10,793.40 4,438 10,000 5,562 225.33%
3-1400-7052-6205 Sewage Op. - Service Conn - Contracts 78,581.01 15,683 25,000 9,318 159.41%
3-1431-0000-6205 SUF - Water Reclamation Facility - Contracts 55,180.09 30,000 30,000 0 100.00%
3-1455-0000-6205 Lagoons Main - - Contracts 32,825.11 40,000 40,000 0 100.00%

Contract 9,906,179.10 10,287,743 10,984,617 696,874 106.77%

1-0210-0000-6206 GO, PO, , Police - Contracts - OT 110,682.40 102,477 155,000 52,523 151.25%

Contract - Overtime 110,682.40 102,477 155,000 52,523 151.25%

1-0150-1110-6210 GO, Taxation, Tax Sale Purchase, Tax Sale - Administration 2,175 0 -2,175 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 157 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2

Adminitration 0.00 2,175 0 -2,175 0.00%

2-1200-6000-6227 Wat Op - Wat Gen - Lab Analysis 3,780.85 1,658 1,658 0 100.00%
2-1206-0000-6227 Watershed - - Lab Analysis 38,634.70 50,000 40,000 -10,000 80.00%
3-1400-0000-6227 Sewage Op. - Lab Analysis 23,940.05 4,527 14,500 9,973 320.32%
3-1431-0000-6227 SO-Water Reclamation Facility- - Lab Analysis 17,955.11 70,000 70,000 0 100.00%

Lab Analysis 84,310.71 126,185 126,158 -27 99.98%

1-0101-0000-6235 Leg - Public Relations 16,515.91 36,613 25,000 -11,613 68.28%

1-0400-0000-6235 Air Tnspt - Public Relations 522.09 3,463 3,498 35 101.00%
1-0730-0000-6235 Ec Dev - Public Relations 1,308.69 23,766 24,004 238 101.00%
1-0730-1049-6235 Ec Dev - Oil & Gas Projects - Public Relations 2,193 2,215 22 101.00%
1-0950-0000-6235 KB Aquatic Centre - - Public Relations 22.78 0 0.00%
1-1000-4305-6235 Pks & Rec - 2017 World U17 Hockey Event - Public R 348.79 0 0.00%
2-1200-6000-6235 Wat Op - Wat Gen - Public Relations 1,154 1,154 0 100.00%
2-1206-0000-6235 Watershed - - Public Relations 7,382.18 9,180 9,180 0 100.00%

Public Relations 26,100.44 76,370 65,050 -11,319 85.18%

1-0150-0000-6247 GO, Taxation, , City Lots 1,088 0 -1,088 0.00%

Improvement (Parking Lot) 0.00 1,088 0 -1,088 0.00%

1-0140-0000-6255 GO, Financial, , Land Registry 1,020 0 -1,020 0.00%

1-0150-1100-6255 GO, Taxation, Tax Sale, Land Registry 1,632 0 -1,632 0.00%

Land Registry 0.00 2,652 0 -2,652 0.00%

1-0130-0000-6260 GO, Administrative, , Negotiations 16,269.47 20,000 0 -20,000 0.00%

Negotiations 16,269.47 20,000 0 -20,000 0.00%

1-0240-0000-6275 Bylaw Enf - Towing 525.00 555 560 6 101.00%

1-0320-2130-6275 GO, TS, Snow Removal, Towing 2,309 2,309 0 100.00%

Towing 525.00 2,863 2,869 6 100.19%

1-0310-1500-6280 Com Serv - Bldgs - Rentals 65,807.08 16,642 65,000 48,358 390.57%
1-0820-0000-6280 Pks & Play - Rentals 50.08 0 0.00%
1-0838-0000-6280 Light Up - - Rentals 1,083.91 0 0.00%
1-1000-4307-6280 GO-Pks & Rec-2015 World Under 1-Rentals 3,500.00 0 0.00%
1-1000-4302-6280 Pks & Rec - Rec Programs - Rentals 3,470.00 3,000 3,030 30 101.00%
1-1021-0000-6280 OSC - Rentals 2,434.31 2,165 2,500 335 115.47%
1-1060-0000-6280 Mem Arena - Rentals 5,987.15 2,650 2,677 27 101.00%
2-1206-0000-6280 Watershed - - Rentals 28.89 3,200 600 -2,600 18.75%
2-1241-1500-6280 WTP - Buildings - Rentals 2,886 2,886 0 100.00%

Rentals 82,361.42 30,543 76,692 46,149 251.09%

2-1206-0000-6285 WO, Watershed, , Planning Study 20,725.75 46,920 35,000 -11,920 74.60%

Planning Study 20,725.75 46,920 35,000 -11,920 74.60%

2-1204-1600-6286 Scada - Computers - Programing 28,927.50 5,772 16,000 10,228 277.22%

3-1404-1600-6286 Scada - Computers - Programing 550.00 0 0.00%

Scada Computer Upgrades 29,477.50 5,772 16,000 10,228 277.22%

2-1200-6000-6291 Wat Op - Wat Gen - Fees (Inc. BCR Fees) 2,844.16 1,731 1,731 0 100.00%
2-1206-0000-6291 Watershed - - Fees 1,385.92 2,540 1,700 -840 66.93%

Fee 4,230.08 4,271 3,431 -840 80.33%

1-0710-0000-6370 Environmental Plan/Zoning, , Blank 27,094.90 30,000 30,300 300 101.00%

Environmental Plan/Zoning - Land Transfer 27,094.90 30,000 30,300 300 101.00%

CONTRACTED & GEN. SERVICE 10,307,956.77 10,739,058 11,495,118 756,060 107.04%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 158 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2

1-0130-0000-6301 Admin - Stationery Supplies 5,785.91 5,658 5,715 57 101.00%

1-0140-0000-6301 Fin - Stationery Supplies 11,403.84 8,713 7,500 -1,213 86.08%
1-0220-0000-6301 Fire Dpt - Stationery Supplies 1,042.57 1,154 1,166 12 101.00%
1-0230-0000-6301 Bldg Insp - Stationery Supplies 624.33 0 0.00%
1-0240-0000-6301 Bylaw Enf - Stationery Supplies 606.64 1,500 1,515 15 101.00%
1-0310-0000-6301 Com Serv - Stationery Supplies 5,873.96 1,698 1,698 0 100.00%
1-0400-0000-6301 Air Tnspt. - Stationery Supplies 864.26 1,731 1,749 17 101.00%
1-0730-1050-6301 Ec Dev - Energy Conference - Supplies 1,213.35 0 0.00%
1-0950-0000-6301 KB Aquatic Centre - Stationery Supplies 3,396.51 5,520 5,575 55 101.00%
1-1000-0000-6301 Pks & Rec - Stationery Supplies 7,037.05 5,412 5,466 54 101.00%
1-1050-0000-6301 Kin Arena - Stationery Supplies 824.16 520 525 5 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6301 Mem Arena - Stationery Supplies 1,332.18 1,040 1,050 10 101.00%
1-1080-0000-6301 Pub Lib - Stationery Supplies 0.00 221 223 2 101.00%
2-1201-0000-6301 Wat Admin - Stationery Supplies 69.55 577 577 0 100.00%
3-1400-0000-6301 Sewage Op. - Stationery Supplies 305.39 0 0.00%

Stationary Supplies 40,379.70 33,745 32,759 -985 97.08%

1-0130-0000-6310 Admin - Postage 241.90 300 303 3 101.00%

1-0140-0000-6310 Fin - Postage 64.53 261 100 -161 38.30%
1-0160-0000-6310 Oth Gen - Postage 40,015.00 45,267 45,720 453 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6310 Fire Dpt - Postage 116.93 109 110 1 101.00%
1-0310-0000-6310 Com Serv - Postage 262.81 109 109 0 100.00%
1-0400-0000-6310 Air Tnspt. - Postage 29.07 0 0.00%

Postage 40,730.24 46,046 46,342 296 100.64%

1-0130-1029-6350 Admin - Social Commitee - Supplies 9,246.00 9,246 9,338 92 101.00%

1-0130-1028-6350 Admin - Employee Recognition - Supplies 5,571.90 10,000 10,100 100 101.00%
1-0130-1820-6350 Admin - Equip. Office - Supplies 6,750.47 5,658 5,715 57 101.00%
1-0130-0000-6350 Admin - - Supplies 1,537.60 1,132 1,143 11 101.00%
1-0140-1820-6350 Fin - Equipment Office - Supplies 973.87 5,228 5,280 52 101.00%
1-0140-1603-6350 Fin - IT - Hardware-Supplies 72,202.60 59,500 57,500 -2,000 96.64%
1-0140-1604-6350 Fin- IT - Software-Supplies 8,349.01 20,000 20,000 0 100.00%
1-0140-1605-6350 Fin - IT - Ink/Toner-Supplies 63,186.79 55,000 60,000 5,000 109.09%
1-0160-1820-6350 Oth Gen - Equip.Office - Supplies 1,107.29 5,439 5,493 54 101.00%
1-0160-1540-6350 Oth Gen - Janitorial - Supplies 2,813.80 4,527 3,572 -955 78.91%
1-0160-1700-6350 Oth Gen - Grounds - Supplies 1,154 1,166 12 101.00%
1-0160-1500-6350 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Supplies 20,792.92 13,053 20,183 7,131 154.63%
1-0160-0000-6350 Oth Gen - Supplies 566 571 6 101.00%
1-0210-1500-6350 Police - Bldgs - Supplies 19,096.60 10,824 26,399 15,574 243.89%
1-0210-1540-6350 Police - Janitorial - Supplies 4,208.21 6,494 6,559 65 101.00%
1-0211-1540-6350 Telecom - Janitorial - Supplies 1,082 1,093 11 101.00%
1-0211-1500-6350 Telecom - Bldgs - Supplies 1,800.50 1,082 1,093 11 101.00%
1-0212-0000-6350 Prison - Supplies 67.44 0 0.00%
1-0220-1500-6350 Fire Dpt - Bldgs - Supplies 4,217.27 11,317 11,430 113 101.00%
1-0220-1800-6350 Fire Dpt - Equip.Other - Supplies 31,293.17 10,000 30,000 20,000 300.00%
1-0220-6010-6350 Fire Dpt - Radio - Supplies 1,484.76 9,082 9,173 91 101.00%
1-0223-0000-6350 GO-Fire Dept Training Centre- -Supplies 33.96 0 0.00%
1-0230-0000-6350 Bldg Inspec - - Supplies 371.44 0 0.00%
1-0240-0000-6350 Bylaw Enf - Supplies 965.77 500 505 5 101.00%
1-0252-0000-6350 PEP - Supplies 1,427.54 0 0.00%
1-0253-0000-6350 Safety - Supplies 4,905.15 5,202 5,000 -202 96.12%
1-0310-0000-6350 Com Serv - Supplies 22,081.63 21,328 21,328 0 100.00%
1-0310-1500-6350 Com Serv - Bldgs - Supplies 21,003.43 23,930 23,930 0 100.00%
1-0310-1540-6350 Public Works - Janitorial - Supplies 1,273.25 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
1-0310-1820-6350 Com Serv - Equipment Office - Supplies 9,266.06 15,300 15,300 0 100.00%
1-0320-2030-6350 Rds & Str - Pave Rep & Crackfil -Supplies 52,200.60 58,321 58,321 0 100.00%
1-0320-2080-6350 Rds & Str - Drainage - Supplies 8,888.70 7,547 7,547 0 100.00%
1-0320-2090-6350 Rds & Str - Steaming - Supplies 1,632.41 2,263 2,263 0 100.00%
1-0320-2130-6350 Rds & Str - Snow Removal - Supplies 716.15 1,154 1,154 0 100.00%
1-0320-2131-6350 Rds & St - Snow Plowing - Supplies 1,109 1,109 0 100.00%
1-0320-2100-6350 Rds & St - Flooding - Supplies 21,548.04 0 0.00%
1-0320-2060-6350 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Repairs - Supplies 507.77 566 566 0 100.00%
1-0320-2070-6350 Rds & Str - St.Sewer Inc MH/CB - Supplies 2,379.44 11,317 11,317 0 100.00%
1-0320-2061-6350 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Plowing - Supplies 502.69 1,731 1,731 0 100.00%
1-0320-2110-6350 Rds & Str - St.Cleaning/Sweeping - Supplies 6,894.53 6,393 6,393 0 100.00%
1-0320-2140-6350 Rds & Str - Arterial Hwys - Supplies 2,941.68 4,040 4,040 0 100.00%
1-0320-2150-6350 Rds & Str - Barricades - Supplies 957.06 1,109 2,121 1,012 191.17%
1-0320-2120-6350 Rds & Str - Sanding - Supplies 124,952.88 158,436 158,436 0 100.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 159 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0320-2020-6350 Rds & Str - Gravel St. Rep - Supplies 24,167.31 27,737 27,737 0 100.00%
1-0320-2050-6350 Rds & Str - Dust Control - Supplies 6,102 6,102 0 100.00%
1-0320-2040-6350 Rds & Str - Crackfilling - Supplies 6,435.10 10,455 10,455 0 100.00%
1-0330-0000-6350 Bridges - - Supplies 23.76 566 566 0 100.00%
1-0340-0000-6350 Street Lights - Supplies 379.78 1,154 1,154 0 100.00%
1-0350-2210-6350 Traf Serv - Traffic Lights - Supplies 39.60 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
1-0350-2201-6350 Traf Serv - St. Signs - Supplies 37,114.46 43,510 43,510 0 100.00%
1-0350-2202-6350 Traf Serv - Line Painting - Supplies 10,182.89 13,863 13,863 0 100.00%
1-0350-2203-6350 Traf Serv - Crosswalk Painting - Supplies 11,270.10 20,910 20,910 0 100.00%
1-0360-2600-6350 BC Trans - Bus Shelters - Supplies 6,421.00 5,412 5,466 54 101.00%
1-0400-1540-6350 Air Tnspt. - Janitorial - Supplies 127.06 2,886 2,915 29 101.00%
1-0400-1700-6350 Air Tnspt - Grounds - Supplies 3,294.64 3,732 3,770 37 101.00%
1-0400-0000-6350 Air Tnspt. - Supplies 2,522.50 3,463 3,498 35 101.00%
1-0400-3070-6350 Air Tnspt. - Hanger - Supplies 1,797.25 5,100 5,151 51 101.00%
1-0400-4029-6350 Air Trnspt - Aircraft De-icing - Supplies 3,824.01 8,080 8,161 81 101.00%
1-0400-3120-6350 Air Tnspt. - Security - Supplies 749.10 2,550 2,576 26 101.00%
1-0400-2130-6350 Air Tnspt. - Snow Removal - Supplies 6,634.00 5,100 5,151 51 101.00%
1-0400-2030-6350 Air Tnspt. - Pavement Repairsl - Supplies 1,154 1,166 12 101.00%
1-0410-1540-6350 GO-Air Terminal-Janitorial-Supplies 2,145.22 1,464 1,478 15 101.00%
1-0410-1500-6350 Air Term. - Bldgs - Supplies 15,452.81 0 0.00%
1-0420-1500-6350 GO-NAV Air - Bldgs - Supplies 1,863.13 2,091 2,112 21 101.00%
1-0430-0000-6350 Airfield - Supplies 14,565.86 5,772 5,829 58 101.00%
1-0430-2040-6350 Airfield - Crackfilling - Supplies 148.08 6,273 6,336 63 101.00%
1-0430-2080-6350 Airfield - Drainage Ditches - Supplies 398.47 0 0.00%
1-0430-2202-6350 Airfield - Line Painting - Supplies 1,154 1,166 12 101.00%
1-0430-3140-6350 Airfield - Bird Control - Supplies 6,578.06 6,273 6,336 63 101.00%
1-0430-3090-6350 Airfield - Lighting - Supplies 6,933.24 5,772 5,829 58 101.00%
1-0430-3100-6350 Airfield - Sand/Urea - Supplies 14,210.08 17,315 40,000 22,685 231.02%
1-0450-0000-6350 Fuel Stn - Supplies 3,449.03 1,731 1,749 17 101.00%
1-0500-4010-6350 Env Hlth Serv - Dwntwn Cleanup - Supplies 285.47 1,109 1,121 11 101.00%
1-0505-0000-6350 GO-Garbage- -Supplies 31,501.30 15,000 20,000 5,000 133.33%
1-0515-0000-6350 Compost - Supplies 555 560 6 101.00%
1-0520-0000-6350 Cleanup - Supplies 507.14 555 560 6 101.00%
1-0610-0000-6350 City Cem - Supplies 709.28 5,100 5,000 -100 98.04%
1-0610-4020-6350 City Cem - Grave Digging - Supplies 520 0 -520 0.00%
1-0610-4030-6350 City Cem - Columbarium - Supplies 26,970.85 3,060 2,000 -1,060 65.36%
1-0620-4020-6350 Brksde Cem - Grave Digging - Supplies 1,020 1,000 -20 98.04%
1-0620-0000-6350 Brksde Cem - Supplies 1,745.22 6,120 5,000 -1,120 81.70%
1-0710-0000-6350 Environmental Plan/Zoning- -Supplies 33.96 0 0.00%
1-0730-0000-6350 Ec Dev - Supplies 16,386.50 18,360 3,500 -14,860 19.06%
1-0730-1029-6350 Ec Dev - Small Town Love - Supplies 4,048.59 0 0.00%
1-0730-1039-6350 Ec Dev - NCMA - Supplies 18,693.81 0 0.00%
1-0730-1065-6350 Ec Dev - Trade Fair - Supplies 8,403.63 7,140 7,211 71 101.00%
1-0770-0000-6350 Sustainability - Supplies 5,088.75 31,414 10,000 -21,414 31.83%
1-0780-0000-6350 Energy Planning - Supplies 3,902.13 13,200 6,200 -7,000 46.97%
1-0810-4050-6350 Rec Facil & Com Serv - Xmas Lighting - Supplies 785.72 5,000 2,500 -2,500 50.00%
1-0812-0000-6350 GO-Kindness Meters- -Supplies 5,766.82 0 0.00%
1-0820-2131-6350 Pks & Play - Facility Snowplow - Supplies 3,602.06 1,104 1,104 0 100.00%
1-0820-0000-6350 Pks & Play - Supplies 16,618.88 9,385 9,385 0 100.00%
1-0820-4060-6350 Pks & Play - Tree Maintenance - Supplies 1,015.32 2,208 2,208 0 100.00%
1-0820-4070-6350 Pks & Play - Parks Cleanup - Supplies 1,656 0 -1,656 0.00%
1-0820-4080-6350 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Supplies 932.78 1,656 1,656 0 100.00%
1-0820-4081-6350 Pks & Play - Grasscut-Blvds. - Supplies 12.69 552 0 -552 0.00%
1-0820-4082-6350 Pks & Play - Grasscut-City Lots - Supplies 552 0 -552 0.00%
1-0820-4084-6350 Pks & Play - Grasscut-Ditches - Supplies 552 0 -552 0.00%
1-0820-4130-6350 Pks & Play - Watering - Supplies 5,471.67 552 6,558 6,006 1187.96%
1-0820-4140-6350 Pks & Play - Trail Maintenance - Supplies 785.56 1,082 1,082 0 100.00%
1-0820-4150-6350 Pks & Play - Banners - Supplies 5,600.72 9,551 9,551 0 100.00%
1-0820-4160-6350 Pks & Play - Flower Beds - Supplies 83,098.70 85,932 85,932 0 100.00%
1-0820-4059-6350 Parks & Playg-Tree Replacement-Supplies 41,343.60 15,918 31,077 15,159 195.23%
1-0820-4400-6350 Pks & Play - Signage - Supplies 5,190.64 2,208 2,208 0 100.00%
1-0820-4410-6350 Pks & Play - Sports Facilities - Supplies 25,445.38 43,777 43,777 0 100.00%
1-0822-0000-6350 102/103 Ave - Supplies 4,416 2,500 -1,916 56.61%
1-0823-1700-6350 NAR Park - Grounds - Supplies 3,519.08 3,987 3,987 0 100.00%
1-0823-1500-6350 NAR Park - Bldgs - Supplies 3,651.74 2,760 2,760 0 100.00%
1-0825-1700-6350 Pioneer Village - Grounds -Supplies 1,561 1,000 -561 64.06%
1-0825-1500-6350 Pioneer Village - Supplies 152.86 552 552 0 100.00%
1-0828-1500-6350 Curl Rink - Bldgs - Supplies 4,708.02 1,082 1,082 0 100.00%
1-0829-0000-6350 Aid to Com Proj - Supplies 10,518.99 15,000 4,481 -10,519 29.87%
1-0832-4400-6350 Skating Rinks - Signage - Supplies 66.98 552 552 0 100.00%
1-0833-0000-6350 Harry Morrow - Supplies 284.55 0 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 160 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0834-0000-6350 Parade Float - Supplies 2,060.01 5,306 5,306 0 100.00%
1-0838-0000-6350 Light Up - - Supplies 789.48 2,208 1,500 -708 67.93%
1-0840-0000-6350 Adoption Program - - Supplies 277.49 2,760 1,000 -1,760 36.23%
1-0841-0000-6350 Skateboard Park - - Supplies 55.31 1,104 1,104 0 100.00%
1-0843-0000-6350 Pest & Weed - Supplies 1,318.37 1,104 1,104 0 100.00%
1-0844-1500-6350 CK Art Centre - Bldg - Supplies 11,677.93 15,060 15,211 151 101.00%
1-0850-0000-6350 Multiplex - Supplies 5,918 0 -5,918 0.00%
1-0850-1700-6350 GR-Multiplex - Grounds - Supplies 2,840.54 2,122 2,000 -122 94.25%
1-0925-0000-6350 Climbing Wall - Supplies 2,637.92 5,202 5,000 -202 96.12%
1-0950-0000-6350 KB Aquatic Centre-supplies 4,792.07 30,297 15,303 -14,994 50.51%
1-0950-1500-6350 KB Aquatic Centre - Bldgs - Supplies 37,135.17 37,142 41,400 4,258 111.46%
1-0950-4300-6350 KB Aquatic Centre - Special Programs - Supplies 1,357.98 2,124 2,145 21 101.00%
1-0950-4301-6350 GO-KB Aquatic Centre-Leadership Courses-Supplies 5,075.38 0 0.00%
1-1000-4307-6350 GO-Pks & Rec-2015 World Under -Supplies -1,357.30 0 0.00%
1-1000-4305-6350 Pks & Rec - 2017 World U17 Hockey Event - Supplies 61.48 0 0.00%
1-1000-4300-6350 Pks & Rec - Special Events - Supplies 5,106.86 4,416 6,460 2,044 146.29%
1-1000-4302-6350 Pks & Rec - Rec Programs - Supplies 6,428.66 4,161 6,266 2,105 150.59%
1-1000-1820-6350 Pks & Rec - Equipment Office - Supplies 74.90 1,312 1,325 13 101.00%
1-1000-0000-6350 Pks & Rec - Supplies 1,260.91 1,082 16,093 15,011 1487.32%
1-1020-1500-6350 YCC - Bldgs - Supplies 4,754.87 552 0 -552 0.00%
1-1020-1540-6350 YCC - Janitorial - Supplies 334.60 1,500 0 -1,500 0.00%
1-1021-0000-6350 OSC - Supplies 4,442.46 5,907 5,000 -907 84.65%
1-1050-1500-6350 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Supplies 18,819.10 21,848 22,066 218 101.00%
1-1050-0000-6350 Kin Arena - Supplies 7,602.58 15,606 15,762 156 101.00%
1-1050-1800-6350 Kin Arena - Equipment - Other - Supplies 1,538.12 0 0.00%
1-1050-4300-6350 Kin Arena - Special Programs - Supplies 650.49 1,040 1,050 10 101.00%
1-1050-5010-6350 Kin Arena - Ice Plant - Supplies 7,899.07 8,162 8,244 82 101.00%
1-1060-5010-6350 Mem Arena - Ice Plant - Supplies 8,120.43 6,624 6,690 66 101.00%
1-1060-5020-6350 Mem Arena - Summer Ice - Supplies 1,812.46 0 0.00%
1-1060-4300-6350 Mem Arena - Special Programs - Supplies 2,756.78 2,122 2,143 21 101.00%
1-1060-1820-6350 Mem Arena - Office Equipment - Supplies 231.33 221 223 2 101.00%
1-1060-5040-6350 Mem Arena - Sound System - Supplies 552 558 6 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6350 Mem Arena - Supplies 8,350.09 10,404 10,508 104 101.00%
1-1060-1500-6350 Mem Arena - Bldgs - Supplies 22,102.70 15,606 15,762 156 101.00%
1-1060-1700-6350 Mem Arena - Grounds - Supplies 250.00 110 111 1 101.00%
1-1070-1700-6350 Exhib Gnds - Grounds - Supplies 2,495.25 6,898 3,000 -3,898 43.49%
1-1070-1500-6350 Exhib Gnds - Bldgs - Supplies 4,554.21 0 5,000 5,000 0.00%
1-1080-1500-6350 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Supplies 4,253.51 5,520 5,575 55 101.00%
1-1080-1700-6350 Pub Lib - Grounds - Supplies 541 546 5 101.00%
1-1080-1540-6350 Pub Lib - Janitorial - Supplies 1,525.58 2,165 2,187 22 101.00%
2-1200-0000-6350 Wat Op - - Supplies -5,690.48 2,886 2,886 0 100.00%
2-1200-6051-6350 Wat Op - Flushing Prog - Supplies 44.85 2,500 2,500 0 100.00%
2-1200-6053-6350 Water Op - Valve Checks - Supplies 154.79 577 577 0 100.00%
2-1200-6054-6350 Wat Op - Valve Repairs - Supplies 9,088.53 32,632 32,632 0 100.00%
2-1200-6055-6350 Wat Op - Serv Connect - Supplies 2,273.48 21,755 21,755 0 100.00%
2-1200-6056-6350 Wat Op - Serv Connect Thawing - Supplies 566 566 0 100.00%
2-1200-6058-6350 Wat Op - Curb Box Repairs - Supplies 3,011.30 5,332 5,332 0 100.00%
2-1200-6060-6350 Wat Op - Hydrant Repairs - Supplies 1,216.83 16,975 16,975 0 100.00%
2-1200-6061-6350 Wat Op - Water Meters - Supplies 58,060.61 102,000 75,000 -27,000 73.53%
2-1200-6050-6350 Wat Op - Main Repairs - Supplies 5,803.16 11,095 11,095 0 100.00%
2-1200-6049-6350 Wat Op - Cross Connection Prog - Supplies 4,048.08 1,154 3,500 2,346 303.21%
2-1200-6057-6350 Wat Op - Serv Connect Bleeders - Supplies 150.00 566 566 0 100.00%
2-1200-1820-6350 Wat Op - Equipment Office - Supplies 636.47 1,385 1,385 0 100.00%
2-1200-1800-6350 Wat Op - Equipment Other - Supplies 1,903.37 0 0.00%
2-1201-0000-6350 Wat Admin - Supplies 489.23 0 0.00%
2-1201-1600-6350 Wat Admin - Computer - Supplies 1,900.22 4,040 4,040 0 100.00%
2-1204-1600-6350 Scada - Computers - Supplies 21,511.08 5,772 16,000 10,228 277.22%
2-1205-1500-6350 Watersales - Bldgs - Supplies 3,353.54 2,219 2,219 0 100.00%
2-1206-0000-6350 Watershed - - Supplies 10,267.06 10,455 10,455 0 100.00%
2-1215-1500-6350 Arras Pumphouse - Bldgs - Supplies 3,511.51 0 0.00%
2-1215-6000-6350 Arras Pumphouse - General - Supplies 1,240.49 0 0.00%
2-1217-1500-6350 Hansen Pumphouse - Bldgs - Supplies 32.10 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
2-1231-3120-6350 Parkhill Pumphouse - Security - Supplies 1,724.52 1,698 1,698 0 100.00%
2-1232-3120-6350 Alaska Booster - Security - Supplies 1,698 1,698 0 100.00%
2-1233-3120-6350 Pouce Coupe Booster - Security - Supplies 555 555 0 100.00%
2-1234-3120-6350 WO-Loran Booster Stn-Security-Supplies 784.97 0 0.00%
2-1240-0000-6350 Purif & Trtmt - - Supplies 5,196.30 15,000 15,000 0 100.00%
2-1241-1500-6350 WTP - Buildings - Supplies 13,296.99 5,772 5,772 0 100.00%
2-1241-1540-6350 WTP - Janitorial - Supplies 317.05 1,154 1,154 0 100.00%
2-1241-1800-6350 WTP - Equip.Other - Supplies 6,078.85 4,617 4,617 0 100.00%
2-1241-1820-6350 WTP - Equip.Office - Supplies 332.51 577 577 0 100.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 161 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
2-1241-6010-6350 WTP - Radios - Supplies 2,363.24 0 0.00%
2-1241-6030-6350 WTP - Treatment - Supplies 4,546.37 6,505 6,505 0 100.00%
2-1254-6000-6350 Trail Reservoir - Water Gen - Repairs & Mtce. 267.50 0 0.00%
2-1258-0000-6350 WO-Loran Reservoir- -Supplies 748.63 10,723 10,723 0 100.00%
2-1261-6000-6350 Parkhill Reservoir - Water Gen. - Supplies 1,271.95 10,200 10,200 0 100.00%
3-1400-7050-6350 Sewage Op. - Main Repairs - Supplies 2,459.36 11,317 11,317 0 100.00%
3-1400-7051-6350 Sewage Op - Manhole Rep - Supplies 15,845.98 11,317 11,317 0 100.00%
3-1400-7052-6350 Sewage Op. - Service Conn - Supplies 4,460.56 6,790 6,790 0 100.00%
3-1400-7053-6350 Sewage Op - Flushing Prog. - Supplies 569.08 1,731 1,731 0 100.00%
3-1400-1600-6350 Sewage Op. - Computer - Supplies 2,829 2,829 0 100.00%
3-1400-0000-6350 Sewage Op. - Supplies 2,545.29 0 0.00%
3-1404-1600-6350 Scada - Computers - Supplies 931.01 0 0.00%
3-1404-1800-6350 Scada - Equipment Other - Supplies 390.55 0 0.00%
3-1425-1500-6350 115th Lift Station - Buildings - Supplies 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
3-1427-0000-6350 Hart Hwy Lift Stn - Supplies 4,250.50 500 1,000 500 200.00%
3-1431-0000-6350 SUF - Water Reclamation Facility - Supplies 13,483.59 31,365 31,365 0 100.00%
3-1431-1500-6350 SO-Water Reclamation Facility-Buildings- Supplies 1,517.11 1,000 1,000 0 100.00%
3-1451-1500-6350 Blower Building - Building - Supplies 651.40 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
3-1455-0000-6350 Lagoons Main - - Supplies 9,260.71 10,000 10,000 0 100.00%

Supplies 1,458,113.34 1,674,611 1,690,593 15,982 100.95%

1-0220-0000-6355 Fire Dpt - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allow. 38,940.75 41,872 42,291 419 101.00%
1-0240-0000-6355 Bylaw Enf - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allow. 469.49 1,000 1,010 10 101.00%
1-0310-0000-6355 Com Serv - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allow. 9,422.98 9,619 9,619 0 100.00%
1-0400-0000-6355 Air Tnspt. - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allow. 1,397.20 497 492 -5 99.00%
1-0820-0000-6355 Pks & Play - - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allowance 1,273 1,273 0 100.00%
1-0925-0000-6355 Climbing Wall - Cloth/Footwear/Tool Allowance 796 0 -796 0.00%
1-0950-0000-6355 KB Aquatic Centre - - Clothing/Footwear/Tool 2,160.57 3,312 3,345 33 101.00%
1-1050-0000-6355 Kin Arena - - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allowance 1,921.47 1,561 1,577 16 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6355 Mem Arena - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allow. 1,703.08 561 567 6 101.00%
2-1200-0000-6355 Wat Op - - Repairs & Mtce. 680.92 0 0.00%
2-1240-0000-6355 Purif Trtmt - - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allow. 696.31 2,829 2,829 0 100.00%
3-1400-0000-6355 Sewage Op. - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allow. 322.17 566 566 0 100.00%

Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allowance 57,714.94 63,886 63,569 -318 99.50%

1-0950-0000-6380 GO, KB Aquatic Centre, , Chemicals 70,921.53 55,204 60,000 4,796 108.69%
2-1241-6030-6380 WO, Water Treatment Plant, Treatment, Chemicals 102,471.92 73,185 73,185 0 100.00%

Chemicals 173,393.45 128,389 133,185 4,796 103.74%

1-0450-0000-6385 GO, Fuel Station, , Aviation Fuel & Planning Study 207,986.55 200,000 202,000 2,000 101.00%

Fuel 207,986.55 200,000 202,000 2,000 101.00%

1-0101-0000-6390 Leg - - Commissary 2,793.75 5,100 5,151 51 101.00%

1-0140-0000-6390 Fin - Commissary 255 250 -5 98.04%
1-0160-0000-6390 Oth Gen - Commissary 3,368.96 5,000 5,050 50 101.00%
1-0212-0000-6390 Prison - Commissary 14,671.85 19,971 20,171 200 101.00%
1-0310-0000-6390 Com Serv - Commissary 4,505.38 4,527 4,527 0 100.00%
1-0838-0000-6390 Light Up - - Commissary 299.20 0 0.00%
1-0950-4300-6390 KB Aquatic Centre - Special Programs - Commissary 1,950.38 0 0.00%
1-0950-0000-6390 KB Aquatic Centre- - Commissary 583.32 2,208 2,230 22 101.00%
1-1000-0000-6390 Pks & Rec -Pks & Rec- Commissary- 595.99 552 558 6 101.00%
1-1000-4300-6390 Pks & Rec - Special Events - Commissary 907.16 552 558 6 101.00%
1-1021-0000-6390 OSC - - Commissary 4,915.68 5,520 5,000 -520 90.58%
1-1050-0000-6390 Kin Arena - - Commissary 646.76 520 525 5 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6390 Mem Arena - Commissary 726.56 520 525 5 101.00%
2-1241-0000-6390 WTP - - Commissary 379.82 905 905 0 100.00%

Commissary 36,344.81 45,630 45,449 -181 99.60%

1-0160-1500-6392 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Medical & Laundry 1,735.27 653 1,659 1,007 254.22%
1-0210-1500-6392 Police - Bldgs - Medical & Laundry 1,777.60 530 536 5 101.00%
1-0211-1500-6392 Telecom - Bldgs - Medical & Laundry 505.88 530 536 5 101.00%
1-0212-0000-6392 Prison - Medical & Laundry 7,618.36 8,200 8,282 82 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6392 Fire Dpt - Medical/Laundry 3,923.80 5,272 5,325 53 101.00%
1-0240-0000-6392 Bylaw Enf - Medical & Laundry 190.48 309 313 3 101.00%
1-0310-0000-6392 Com Serv - - Medical/Laundry 2,899.12 1,088 1,088 0 100.00%
1-0310-1500-6392 Com Serv - Bldgs - Medical & Laundry 780.36 1,414 1,414 0 100.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 162 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0950-1500-6392 KB Aquatic Centre - Bldgs - Medical & Laundry 2,796.99 1,040 1,050 10 101.00%
1-1020-1500-6392 YCC - Bldgs - Medical/Laundry 208 0 -208 0.00%
1-1021-0000-6392 OSC - Medical & Laundry 40.00 0 0.00%
1-1050-1500-6392 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Medical & Laundry 916.39 520 525 5 101.00%
1-1060-1500-6392 Mem Arena - Bldgs - Medical & Laundry 2,004.97 1,040 1,050 10 101.00%
1-1080-1500-6392 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Medical & Laundry 1,797.65 2,208 2,230 22 101.00%

Medical & Laundry 26,986.87 23,013 24,008 995 104.32%

MATERIALS, GOODS & SUPPLIES 2,041,649.90 2,215,320 2,237,905 22,585 101.02%

1-0160-0000-6402 Oth Gen - Water/Sewer/Garbage 5,122.14 5,304 5,357 53 101.00%

1-0210-0000-6402 Police - Water/Sewer/Garbage 17,640.95 15,402 15,556 154 101.00%
1-0211-0000-6402 Telecom - Water/Sewer/Garbage 513.07 561 567 6 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6402 Fire Dpt - Water/Sewer/Garbage 9,046.41 9,078 9,169 91 101.00%
1-0310-0000-6402 Com Serv - Water/Sewer/Garbage 16,596.61 13,056 13,056 0 100.00%
1-0310-1500-6402 Com Serv - Bldgs - Water/Sewer/Garbage 510.00 746 746 0 100.00%
1-0400-0000-6402 Air Tnspt. - Water/Sewer/Garbage 422.00 245 243 -2 99.00%
1-0410-0000-6402 Air Term. - Water/Sewer/Garbage 5,244.64 5,406 5,460 54 101.00%
1-0420-1500-6402 GO-Nav Air-Buildings-Water/Sewer/Garbage 2,686.52 2,856 2,885 29 101.00%
1-0500-0000-6402 Env Hlth Serv - Water/Sewer/Garbage 3,495.30 3,468 3,503 35 101.00%
1-0819-0000-6402 Soccer Fields- -Water/Sewer/Garbage 12,740.12 0 0.00%
1-0823-0000-6402 NAR Park - - Water/Sewer/Garbage 6,517.13 8,100 8,100 0 100.00%
1-0828-0000-6402 GO-Curling Rink- -Water/Sewer/Garbage 10,002.59 0 0.00%
1-0833-0000-6402 Harry Morrow - Water/Sewer/Garbage 12,600.68 0 0.00%
1-0844-1500-6402 CK Art Centre - Bldg - Water/Sewer/Garbage 16,770.36 17,340 17,513 173 101.00%
1-0855-0000-6402 Lakota Centre - Water/Sewer/Garbage 6,782.91 7,242 7,000 -242 96.66%
1-0950-0000-6402 KB Aquatic Centre-water,sewer,garbage 42,740.20 62,220 59,337 -2,883 95.37%
1-1020-1500-6402 YCC - Bldgs - Water/Sewer/Garbage 6,224.14 1,836 0 -1,836 0.00%
1-1050-0000-6402 Kin Arena - Water/Sewer/Garbage 21,967.04 20,400 20,604 204 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6402 Mem Arena - Water/Sewer/Garbage 31,111.57 26,520 26,785 265 101.00%
1-1070-0000-6402 Exhib Gnds - Water/Sewer/Garbage 15,801.48 4,266 15,000 10,734 351.65%
1-1070-1068-6402 GO-Exhibition Grounds-Fall Fair-Water/Sewer/Garbag 162.75 4,080 0 -4,080 0.00%
2-1241-0000-6402 WTP - - Water/Sewer/Garbage 655.14 612 612 0 100.00%
3-1431-1500-6402 SO-Water Reclamation Facilit-Buildings-Water/Sewer 1,213.87 714 714 0 100.00%

Water/Sewer/Garbage 246,567.62 209,452 212,206 2,754 101.31%

1-0160-0000-6406 Oth Gen - Gas 9,275.06 15,683 15,839 157 101.00%

1-0210-1500-6406 Police - Bldgs - Gas 7,207.13 10,455 10,560 105 101.00%
1-0211-0000-6406 Telecom - Gas 2,005.85 2,614 2,640 26 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6406 Fire Dpt - Gas 2,858.40 5,228 5,280 52 101.00%
1-0223-0000-6406 Fire Dept Training Centre- -GAS 355.59 0 3,402 3,402 0.00%
1-0310-0000-6406 Com Serv - Gas 17,956.43 26,138 26,138 0 100.00%
1-0310-1500-6406 Com Serv - Bldgs - Gas 1,364.14 1,568 1,568 0 100.00%
1-0400-3070-6406 Air Tnspt. - Hanger - Gas 4,912.98 5,228 5,280 52 101.00%
1-0410-0000-6406 Air Term. - Gas 3,822.95 8,364 8,448 84 101.00%
1-0420-1500-6406 GO-Nav Air-Buildings-GAS 3,641.94 1,568 1,584 16 101.00%
1-0823-0000-6406 NAR Park - - Gas 4,492.06 6,663 6,663 1 100.01%
1-0828-0000-6406 GO-Curling Rink- -GAS 12,796.05 0 0.00%
1-0844-1500-6406 CK Art Centre - Bldg - Gas 14,397.99 32,275 17,598 -14,677 54.52%
1-0855-0000-6406 Lakota Centre - - Gas 22,600.63 36,593 30,000 -6,593 81.98%
1-0900-0000-6406 Swim Pool - Gas 157 0 -157 0.00%
1-0950-0000-6406 KB Aquatic Centre- Gas 33,900.96 52,275 52,798 523 101.00%
1-1020-1500-6406 YCC - Bldgs - Gas 2,772.62 6,273 0 -6,273 0.00%
1-1050-0000-6406 Kin Arena - Gas 22,346.10 20,910 21,119 209 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6406 Mem Arena - Gas 33,719.41 28,229 28,511 282 101.00%
1-1070-0000-6406 Exhib Gnds - Gas 3,370.86 7,319 6,000 -1,319 81.98%
2-1208-1500-6406 WTP House - Bldgs - Gas 524.51 1,046 1,046 0 100.00%
2-1231-1500-6406 Parkhill Pumphouse - Buildings - Gas 1,099.54 2,509 2,509 0 100.00%
2-1232-1500-6406 Alaska Booster - Buildings - Gas 231.53 1,046 1,046 0 100.00%
2-1234-1500-6406 WO-Loran Booster Stn-Buildings-GAS 3,137 3,137 0 100.00%
2-1241-1500-6406 WTP - Buildings - Gas 5,034.54 11,501 11,501 0 100.00%
3-1431-1500-6406 SO-Water Reclamation Facility-Buildings- Gas 2,719 2,719 0 100.00%

Gas 210,687.27 289,493 265,383 -24,110 91.67%

1-0160-0000-6408 Oth Gen - Electricity 22,636.59 19,865 20,063 199 101.00%

1-0210-1500-6408 Police - Bldgs - Electricity 13,612.67 12,546 12,671 125 101.00%
1-0211-0000-6408 Telecom - Electricity 3,288.74 2,823 2,851 28 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6408 Fire Dpt - Electricity 9,033.60 8,155 8,236 82 101.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 163 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0310-0000-6408 Com Serv - Electricity 18,142.09 18,819 18,819 0 100.00%
1-0320-0000-6408 Rds & Str - Electricity 2,836.73 1,568 1,568 0 100.00%
1-0340-0000-6408 Street Lights - Electricity 251,544.63 240,465 240,465 0 100.00%
1-0350-2210-6408 Traf Serv - Traffic Lights - Electricity 1,357.38 5,228 5,228 0 100.00%
1-0400-3070-6408 Air Tnspt. - Hanger - Electricity 4,900.44 1,255 1,267 13 101.00%
1-0400-3080-6408 Air Tnspt. - Car Rental Lot - Electricity 1,046 1,056 10 101.00%
1-0400-0000-6408 Air Tnspt. - Sewage Lift Station(Electricity) 2,155.05 2,102 2,081 -21 99.00%
1-0410-0000-6408 Air Term. - Electricity 16,462.80 18,819 19,007 188 101.00%
1-0420-1500-6408 GO-Nav Air-Buildings-Electricity 9,436.81 7,319 7,392 73 101.00%
1-0430-3150-6408 Airfield - Electrical Centre - Electricity 10,595.46 10,455 10,560 105 101.00%
1-0450-0000-6408 Fuel Stn - Electricity 1,005.34 1,046 1,056 10 101.00%
1-0810-4050-6408 GO-Rec Facilities Comm. Se-Christmas L-Electricity 3,588 3,588 1 100.01%
1-0820-4410-6408 Parks & Play - Sport Facilities - Electricity 4,762.40 1,538 1,538 1 100.03%
1-0823-0000-6408 NAR Park - - Electricity 6,889.67 7,688 7,688 1 100.01%
1-0828-0000-6408 GO-Curling Rink- -Electricity 12,862.31 0 0.00%
1-0828-1500-6408 Curl Rink - Bldgs - Electricity 0 10,000 10,000 0.00%
1-0829-0000-6408 Aid to Com Proj - - Electricity 154.85 0 0.00%
1-0844-1500-6408 CK Art Centre - Blg - Bldg - Electricity 50,244.51 20,910 36,119 15,209 172.74%
1-0855-0000-6408 Lakota Centre - - Electricity 43,221.72 37,638 40,000 2,362 106.28%
1-0900-0000-6408 Swim Pool - Electricity 80.26 105 0 -105 0.00%
1-0950-0000-6408 KB Aquatic Centre- Electricity 64,832.56 57,503 58,078 575 101.00%
1-1020-1500-6408 YCC - Bldgs - Electricity 2,700.32 2,614 0 -2,614 0.00%
1-1050-0000-6408 Kin Arena - Electricity 29,998.64 36,593 36,958 366 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6408 Mem Arena - Electricity 127,217.34 40,800 56,208 15,408 137.76%
1-1070-0000-6408 Exhib Gnds - Electricity 14,224.24 15,683 15,000 -683 95.65%
2-1205-1500-6408 Watersales - Bldgs - Electricity 8,577.98 7,841 7,841 0 100.00%
2-1208-1500-6408 WTP House - Bldgs - Electricity 327.20 523 523 0 100.00%
2-1215-1500-6408 Arras Pumphouse - Bldgs - Electricity 40,413.90 36,593 36,593 0 100.00%
2-1216-1500-6408 Devereaux Booster - Bldgs - Electricity 27,354.92 36,593 36,593 0 100.00%
2-1217-1500-6408 Hansen Pumphouse - Bldgs - Electricity 72,623.55 73,185 73,185 0 100.00%
2-1231-1500-6408 Parkhill Pumphouse - Buildings - Electricity 8,456.80 20,910 20,910 0 100.00%
2-1232-1500-6408 Alaska Booster - Buildings - Electricity 14,815.05 18,819 18,819 0 100.00%
2-1233-1500-6408 Pouce Coupe Booster - Bldgs - Electricity 1,556.95 1,568 1,568 0 100.00%
2-1234-1500-6408 WO-Loran Booster Stn-Buildings-Electricity 9,518.62 10,455 10,455 0 100.00%
2-1241-1500-6408 WTP - Buildings - Electricity 42,824.86 47,048 47,048 0 100.00%
2-1252-6020-6408 Supply Line - Cathodic - Electricity 4,832.49 4,182 4,182 0 100.00%
2-1254-1500-6408 Trail Reservoir - Buildings - Electricity 3,263.51 4,182 4,182 0 100.00%
2-1255-1500-6408 Hart Metering - Buildings - Electricity 964.46 1,568 1,568 0 100.00%
3-1424-0000-6408 SU - Pinecrest Lift Station - Electricity 96.55 157 157 0 100.00%
3-1425-1500-6408 115th Lift Station - Buildings - Electricity 14,599.25 20,910 20,910 0 100.00%
3-1427-1500-6408 Hart Hwy Lift Stn - Buildings - Electricity 1,399.82 1,046 1,046 0 100.00%
3-1427-0000-6408 Hart Hwy Lift Stn - Electricity 151.20 0 0.00%
3-1429-0000-6408 Airport Lift Station - - Electricity 896.86 1,046 1,046 0 100.00%
3-1431-1500-6408 SO-Water Reclamation Facility-Bldings - Electricit 18,820.75 20,910 20,910 0 100.00%
3-1433-0000-6408 SO- Hansen Lift Station - Electricity- 1,451.85 1,046 1,046 0 100.00%
3-1451-1500-6408 Blower Building - Building - Electricity 114,748.79 125,460 125,460 0 100.00%
3-1455-0000-6408 Lagoons Main - - Electricity 618.16 523 523 0 100.00%

Electricity 1,112,510.67 1,010,727 1,052,060 41,333 104.09%

UTILITIES 1,569,765.56 1,509,671 1,529,649 19,977 101.32%

1-1100-0000-6502 FS - Interest on Prepayment of Taxes 6,054.32 5,000 5,050 50 101.00%

Operating Loan 6,054.32 5,000 5,050 50 101.00%

1-1100-8010-6506 FS - Credit Line - Interest 1.51 2,000 2,020 20 101.00%

Interest 1.51 2,000 2,020 20 101.00%

1-1100-8010-6508 GO, Fiscal Services, Operating Loans, Bank Charges 40,038.59 41,000 40,000 -1,000 97.56%

Bank Charges 40,038.59 41,000 40,000 -1,000 97.56%

1-1100-8012-6510 FS - Debent MFA - Interest 1,040,606.17 1,042,470 1,006,461 -36,009 96.55%

2-1100-8012-6510 FS - Debent MFA - Interest 500,649.29 508,099 497,312 -10,787 97.88%
3-1100-8012-6510 Fiscal Serv - Debent MFA - Interest 228,831.28 228,702 228,702 0 100.00%

MFA Interest 1,770,086.74 1,779,271 1,732,475 -46,797 97.37%

1-1100-8022-6516 GO, Fiscal Services, 2012 Roadwork, Interest 2,773.02 6,000 6,060 60 101.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 164 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
WIP Interest 2,773.02 6,000 6,060 60 101.00%

INTEREST ON LT DEBT 1,818,954.18 1,833,271 1,785,605 -47,667 97.40%

2-1206-0000-6315 WO, Watershed, , Memberships 340.00 408 700 292 171.57%

Watershed Membershp 340.00 408 700 292 171.57%

1-0130-0000-6320 Admin - Subscriptions & Periodicals 3,882.03 6,120 6,181 61 101.00%

1-0140-0000-6320 Fin - Subscriptions & Periodicals 1,059.47 1,256 1,000 -256 79.62%
1-0220-0000-6320 Fire Dpt - Subscriptions & Periodicals 305.01 577 583 6 101.00%
1-0230-0000-6320 Bldg Insp - Subscriptions & Periodicals 585.19 226 229 2 101.00%
1-0253-0000-6320 Safety - Subscriptions & Periodicals 520 500 -20 96.15%
1-0310-0000-6320 Com Serv - Subscriptions & Periodicals 460.25 544 544 0 100.00%
1-0400-0000-6320 Air Tnspt. - Subscriptions & Periodicals 1,947.18 1,154 1,166 12 101.00%
1-0730-0000-6320 Ec Dev - - Subscriptions & Periodicals 164.00 1,500 1,515 15 101.00%
1-0820-0000-6320 Pks & Play - - Subscriptions & Periodicals 625.55 0 0.00%
1-0925-0000-6320 Climbing Wall - Subscriptions & Periodicals 90.00 0 0.00%
1-0950-0000-6320 KB Aquatic Centre - Subscriptions & Periodicals 999.73 386 390 4 101.00%
1-1050-0000-6320 Kin Arena - - Subscription & Periodicals 116 117 1 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6320 Mem Arena - - Subscriptions & Periodicals 208 210 2 101.00%

Subscriptions & Periodicals 10,118.41 12,608 12,435 -173 98.63%

1-0161-0000-6360 Election - Equipment - Other 1,069.71 510 515 5 101.00%

1-0310-4040-6360 Com Serv - Survey Costs - Supplies 752.34 11,210 11,210 0 100.00%
1-1000-4302-6360 Pks & Rec - Rec Programs - Equipment - Other 91.80 0 0.00%
2-1204-1600-6360 Scada - Computers - Equip. Other 568.20 0 0.00%
2-1231-1500-6360 Parkhill Pumphouse - Buildings - Equipment Other 3,466.41 0 0.00%
2-1232-1500-6360 Alaska Booster - Buildings - Equip. Other 3,884.01 0 0.00%
2-1233-1500-6360 Pouce Coupe Booster - Bldgs - Equipment-Other 7,027.32 0 0.00%
2-1246-1500-6360 WTP V Chambers - Bldgs - Equipment Other 1,689.06 0 0.00%
3-1400-0000-6360 Sewage Op. - Equipment - Other 144.29 0 0.00%
3-1451-1500-6360 Blower Building - Building - Equipment Other 1,209.60 0 0.00%

Equipment Other 19,902.74 11,720 11,725 5 100.04%

1-0101-0000-6615 Leg - Memberships 17,026.95 20,400 20,604 204 101.00%

1-0130-0000-6615 Admin - Memberships 4,572.32 4,914 4,963 49 101.00%
1-0140-0000-6615 Fin - Memberships 3,215.92 2,358 5,000 2,642 212.04%
1-0220-0000-6615 Fire Dpt - Memberships 4,659.91 3,328 3,362 33 101.00%
1-0230-0000-6615 Bldg Insp - Memberships 1,200.00 1,632 1,648 16 101.00%
1-0240-0000-6615 Bylaw Enf - - Memberships 120.00 170 171 2 101.00%
1-0252-0000-6615 PEP - - Memberships 190 192 2 101.00%
1-0253-0000-6615 Safety - Memberships 552 500 -52 90.58%
1-0310-0000-6615 Com Serv - - Memberships 4,105.26 4,500 4,500 0 100.00%
1-0400-0000-6615 Air Tnspt. - - Memberships 2,564.00 5,439 5,493 54 101.00%
1-0520-0000-6615 Clean Up - - Memberships 550.00 0 0.00%
1-0730-0000-6615 Ec Dev - - Memberships 595.00 1,088 1,099 11 101.00%
1-0770-0000-6615 Sustainability - Memberships 100.00 2,500 2,525 25 101.00%
1-0820-0000-6615 Pks & Play - - Memberships 552 0 -552 0.00%
1-0950-0000-6615 KB Aquatic Centre - - Memberships 836.18 552 558 6 101.00%
1-1000-0000-6615 Pks & Rec -Pks & Rec- Memberships- 406.19 1,353 1,367 14 101.00%
1-1050-0000-6615 Kin Arena - Memberships 383.09 0 0.00%
1-1060-0000-6615 Mem Arena - Memberships 203.09 312 315 3 101.00%
2-1200-0000-6615 Wat Op - - Memberships 2,272.00 2,175 2,175 0 100.00%
2-1200-6049-6615 Wat Op - Cross Connection Prog - Memberships 450.68 500 500 0 100.00%
2-1201-6000-6615 Wat Admin - Wat Gen - Memberships 748.74 1,088 1,088 0 100.00%
3-1400-0000-6615 Sewage Op. - Memberships 400.00 0 0.00%

Memberships 44,409.33 53,603 56,059 2,457 104.58%

1-0102-0000-6620 Mayor - Misc. Exp 69.55 5,100 5,151 51 101.00%

1-0130-0000-6620 Admin - Misc. Exp 191.43 1,088 1,099 11 101.00%
1-0130-1025-6620 Admin - Recruit - Miscellaneous 2,328.54 5,228 80,000 74,773 1530.37%
1-0210-0000-6620 Police - Miscellaneous 542 547 5 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6620 Fire Dpt - Misc. Exp 1,245 1,257 12 101.00%
1-0400-0000-6620 Air Tnspt. - Misc. Exp 8,660.42 0 0.00%

Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge... Page 166 of 309
ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 165 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0950-0000-6620 KB Aquatic Centre - Miscellaneous 8,879.07 552 558 6 101.00%
2-1206-0000-6620 Watershed - - Miscellaneous 2,265.69 2,719 2,719 0 100.00%
3-1420-0000-6620 Sewage Collect - - Miscellaneous 6,100.00 0 0.00%
3-1422-0000-6620 LP Monitoring Stn - - Miscellaneous 122.48 0 0.00%
3-1429-0000-6620 Airport Lift Station - - Miscellaneous 26.54 0 0.00%
3-1433-0000-6620 SO- Hansen Lift Station - Miscellaneous- 151.20 0 0.00%
3-1451-0000-6620 Blower Building - - Miscellaneous 36.96 0 0.00%

Miscellaneous 28,831.88 16,473 91,331 74,858 554.43%

1-0103-0000-6621 Council - Contingency 10,000 0 -10,000 0.00%

1-0505-0000-6621 Garbage - - Bag Tag Commission Exp 1,154 0 -1,154 0.00%
2-1254-1700-6621 Trail Reservoir - Grounds - Miscellaneous 9,730.60 15,300 15,300 0 100.00%
1-0812-0000-6623 GO, Kindness Meters, , Donation Expense 1,174.50 0 0.00%
Trail Reservoir - Miscellaneous 10,905.10 26,454 15,300 -11,154 57.84%

1-0150-1110-6630 GO, Taxation, Tax Sale Purchase, 115,522 6,900 -108,622 5.97%

Uncollectable 0.00 115,522 6,900 -108,622 5.97%

1-0160-0000-6634 Oth Gen - Uncollectables-AR 32,619.15 10,000 10,100 100 101.00%

1-1000-0000-6634 GO-Pks & Rec- Uncolelctables AR- 808.50 0 0.00%

Uncollectables-AR 33,427.65 10,000 10,100 100 101.00%

1-0220-0000-6640 Fire Dpt - Rights & Licences 1,035.00 1,188 1,200 12 101.00%
1-0950-0000-6640 KB Aquatic Centre - - Rights & Licences 999.24 1,104 1,115 11 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6640 Mem Arena - - Rights & Licences 140.69 0 0.00%
2-1200-0000-6640 Wat Op - - Rights & Licences 5,700.99 4,660 4,660 0 100.00%
3-1400-0000-6640 Sewage Op. - - Rights & Licences 3,629.98 4,527 4,527 0 100.00%

Rights & Licenses 11,505.90 11,479 11,502 23 100.20%

1-0220-0000-6661 GO, FD, , Prevention 1,207.81 5,547 5,603 55 101.00%

Prevention 1,207.81 5,547 5,603 55 101.00%

1-0100-0000-6670 GG - Cash Over Short 19.93 0 0.00%
1-0950-0000-6670 KB Aquatic Centre- - Cash Over/Short 4.71 166 168 2 101.00%

Cash Over/Short 24.64 166 168 2 101.00%

1-0310-0000-6680 GO, Commercial Services, , Contingency 100,000 100,000 0 100.00%

Contingency 0.00 100,000 100,000 0 100.00%

1-0160-1500-6699 Oth Gen - Bldings - Operating Capital 33,752.20 51,000 51,510 510 101.00%
1-0950-0000-6699 KB Aquatic -Replacement Equipment 20,202.63 20,808 10,200 -10,608 49.02%

Building operating Cpaital/ Minor 53,954.83 71,808 61,710 -10,098 85.94%

OTHERS 214,628.29 435,788 383,533 -52,256 88.01%
1-0130-0000-6230 Admin - Training & Seminars 6,705.21 10,000 10,100 100 101.00%
1-0140-0000-6230 Fin - Training & Seminars 4,165.05 10,000 10,000 0 100.00%
1-0210-0000-6230 Police - - Training & Seminars 314.00 2,814 40,000 37,186 1421.37%
1-0220-0000-6230 Fire Dpt - Training & Seminars 35,853.04 50,000 50,500 500 101.00%
1-0221-0000-6230 911 - Training & Seminars 905 914 9 101.00%
1-0230-0000-6230 Bldg Insp - Training & Seminars 2,316.20 2,829 2,857 28 101.00%
1-0240-0000-6230 Bylaw Enf - Training & Seminars 4,500 1,500 -3,000 33.33%
1-0252-0000-6230 PEP - Training & Seminars 315.89 1,985 2,005 20 101.00%
1-0253-0000-6230 Safety - Training & Seminars 705.00 5,500 5,000 -500 90.91%
1-0310-0000-6230 Com Serv - - Training & Seminars 22,249.64 7,500 15,000 7,500 200.00%
1-0400-0000-6230 Air Tnspt. - Training & Seminars 578.57 8,670 8,757 87 101.00%
1-0710-0000-6230 Environmental Plan/Zoning- -Training & Seminars 450.00 0 5,000 5,000 0.00%
1-0780-0000-6230 Energy Planning- -Training & Seminars 465.19 2,000 2,020 20 101.00%
1-0820-0000-6230 Pks & Play - Training & Seminars 504.37 1,732 1,732 0 100.00%
1-0925-0000-6230 Climbing Wall - Training & Seminars 3,641 0 -3,641 0.00%
1-0950-0000-6230 KB Aquatic Centre - Training & Seminars 6,006.17 6,624 6,690 66 101.00%
1-0950-4180-6230 KB Aquatic Centre - Cert - Training & Seminars 3,864 3,903 39 101.00%
1-1000-0000-6230 Pks & Rec - Training & Seminars 2,892.28 4,140 4,181 41 101.00%
1-1021-0000-6230 OSC - Training & Seminars 313.70 2,165 1,000 -1,165 46.19%
1-1050-0000-6230 Kin Arena - Training & Seminars 426.22 624 630 6 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6230 Mem Arena - Training & Seminars 1,521.42 1,561 1,577 16 101.00%
2-1200-0000-6230 Wat Op - - Training & Seminars 13,866.18 11,317 11,317 0 100.00%
2-1200-6049-6230 Wat Op - Cross Connection Prog - Training 5,666.00 849 849 0 100.00%
2-1201-0000-6230 Wat Admin - Training & Seminars 1,185.01 5,772 5,772 0 100.00%
2-1206-0000-6230 Watershed - - Training & Seminars 3,644.07 3,570 3,570 0 100.00%

Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge... Page 167 of 309
ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 166 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
3-1400-0000-6230 Sewage Op. - Training & Seminars 564.47 4,438 4,438 0 100.00%

Training & Seminars 110,707.68 157,000 199,312 42,312 126.95%

1-0102-0000-6601 Mayor - - Travel 13,520.12 16,000 16,160 160 101.00%
1-0103-0000-6601 Council - - Travel 11,609.17 12,000 12,120 120 101.00%
1-0130-0000-6601 Admin - Travel 15,392.10 10,000 15,000 5,000 150.00%
1-0130-1025-6601 Admin - Recruite - Travel 1,531.81 3,137 3,168 31 101.00%
1-0140-0000-6601 Fin - Travel 3,480.07 4,182 4,224 42 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6601 Fire Dpt - Travel 78.49 2,219 2,241 22 101.00%
1-0230-0000-6601 Bldg Insp - Travel 1,128.70 2,774 2,801 28 101.00%
1-0310-0000-6601 Com Serv - Travel 2,689.40 1,800 1,800 0 100.00%
1-0400-0000-6601 Air Tnspt. - Travel 11,935.42 10,200 10,302 102 101.00%
1-0710-0000-6601 Env Dev - Travel 1,920.84 0 1,000 1,000 0.00%
1-0730-0000-6601 Ec Dev - Travel 376.25 2,175 2,197 22 101.00%
1-0780-0000-6601 Energy Planning-Travel 1,978.41 2,500 2,525 25 101.00%
1-0820-0000-6601 Pks & Play - - Travel 228.58 2,330 1,000 -1,330 42.92%
1-0950-0000-6601 KB Aquatic Centre - Travel 519.28 2,185 2,207 22 101.00%
1-1000-0000-6601 Pks & Rec -Pks & Rec- Travel- 1,465.27 6,323 4,323 -2,000 68.37%
1-1000-4307-6601 GO-Pks & Rec-2015 World Under 17-Travel -1,252.64 0 0.00%
1-1000-4305-6601 Pks & Rec - 2017 World U17 Hockey Event - Travel 1,543.28 0 0.00%
1-1021-0000-6601 OSC - Travel 1,082 500 -582 46.21%
1-1050-0000-6601 Kin Arena - Travel 585.32 1,040 1,050 10 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6601 Mem Arena - Travel 1,010.44 2,081 2,102 21 101.00%

Travel 69,740.31 82,028 84,721 2,693 103.28%

1-0102-0000-6602 Mayor - - Mileage 4,236.71 3,060 3,091 31 101.00%
1-0103-0000-6602 Council - Mileage 1,748.79 5,000 5,050 50 101.00%
1-0130-0000-6602 Admin - Mileage 6,504.22 7,000 7,070 70 101.00%
1-0140-0000-6602 Fin - Mileage 1,268.51 1,000 1,010 10 101.00%
1-0230-0000-6602 Bldg Insp - Mileage 74.78 0 0.00%
1-0240-0000-6602 Bylaw Enf - Mileage 250 253 3 101.00%
1-0310-0000-6602 Com Serv - Mileage 11,865.68 5,228 5,228 0 100.00%
1-0400-0000-6602 Air Tnspt. - Milage 7,800.00 7,140 7,211 71 101.00%
1-0950-0000-6602 KB Aquatic Centre- - Mileage 1,005.63 1,656 1,673 17 101.00%
1-1000-0000-6602 Pks & Rec - Mileage 1,040.66 1,000 1,010 10 101.00%
1-1050-0000-6602 Kin Arena - Mileage 1,029.67 1,000 1,010 10 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6602 Mem Arena - Mileage 1,011.23 1,040 1,050 10 101.00%
2-1200-0000-6602 Wat Op - - Mileage 817.14 0 0.00%
2-1201-0000-6602 Wat Admin - Mileage 566 566 0 100.00%

Mileage 38,403.02 33,939 34,221 281 100.83%

1-0102-0000-6604 Mayor - - Accommodations 8,478.39 8,000 8,080 80 101.00%
1-0103-0000-6604 Council - - Accommodations 6,816.64 12,000 12,120 120 101.00%
1-0130-0000-6604 Admin - Accommodations 8,312.18 12,000 12,120 120 101.00%
1-0130-1025-6604 Admin - Recruite - Accommodations 304.80 1,046 1,056 10 101.00%
1-0140-0000-6604 Fin - Accommodations 294.00 2,153 2,175 22 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6604 Fire Dpt - Accommodations 2,125.89 3,395 3,429 34 101.00%
1-0230-0000-6604 Bldg Insp - Accommodations 1,392.60 1,132 1,143 11 101.00%
1-0253-0000-6604 Safety - Accommodations 1,104 1,000 -104 90.58%
1-0310-0000-6604 Com Serv - Accommodations 2,905.67 0 0.00%
1-0400-0000-6604 Air Tnspt. - Accommodations 8,438.77 8,000 8,080 80 101.00%
1-0710-0000-6604 Environmental Plan/Zoning- -Accomodations 470.40 0 0.00%
1-0730-0000-6604 Ec Dev - Accommodations 544 549 5 101.00%
1-0780-0000-6604 Energy Planning- -Accomodations 635.61 1,500 1,515 15 101.00%
1-0820-0000-6604 Pks & Play - - Accommodations 1,208 0 -1,208 0.00%
1-0950-0000-6604 KB Aquatic Centre - Accomodations 618.47 2,931 2,960 29 101.00%
1-1000-0000-6604 Pks & Rec -Pks & Rec- Accomodations- 1,166.85 2,450 2,475 25 101.00%
1-1000-4302-6604 Pks & Rec - Rec Programs - Accommodations 1,613 1,629 16 101.00%
1-1000-4307-6604 GO-Pks & Rec-2015 World Und-Accomodatio 3,670.92 0 0.00%
1-1000-4305-6604 Pks & Rec - 2017 World U17 Hockey Event - Accomoda 392.16 0 0.00%
1-1050-0000-6604 Kin Arena - Accomodations 1,040 1,050 10 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6604 Mem Arena - Accomodations 1,040 1,050 10 101.00%

Accomodations 46,023.35 61,155 60,432 -724 98.82%

1-0102-0000-6606 Mayor - Vehicle Rental 1,132 1,143 11 101.00%

1-0130-0000-6606 Admin - Vehicle Rental 2,263 2,286 23 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6606 Fire Dpt - Vehicle Rental 16,320 0 -16,320 0.00%
1-0950-0000-6606 KB Aquatic Centre - - Vehicle Rental 552 558 6 101.00%
1-1000-4305-6606 Pks & Rec - 2017 World U17 Hockey Event - Vehicle 213.18 0 0.00%

Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge... Page 168 of 309
ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 167 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
Vehicle Rental 213.18 20,267 3,987 -16,281 19.67%
1-0102-0000-6608 Mayor--Conventions & Delegations 4,342.76 6,120 6,181 61 101.00%
1-0103-0000-6608 Council - Convention & Delegation 6,292.05 15,000 15,150 150 101.00%
1-0130-0000-6608 Admin - Conventions & Delegations 7,698.95 10,000 10,100 100 101.00%
1-0140-0000-6608 Fin - Conventions & Delegations 768.57 2,000 2,020 20 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6608 Fire Dpt - Conventions & Delegations 6,047.10 11,317 11,430 113 101.00%
1-0230-0000-6608 Bldg Insp - Conventions & Delegations 1,784.24 1,698 1,715 17 101.00%
1-0240-0000-6608 Bylaw Enf - - Conventions & Delegations 1,698 1,715 17 101.00%
1-0400-0000-6608 Air Tnspt. - Conventions & Delegations 8,329.55 10,000 10,100 100 101.00%
1-0710-0000-6608 Environmental Plan/Zoning- -Conventions & Deleg 619.00 0 2,500 2,500 0.00%
1-0730-0000-6608 Ec Dev - Conventions & Delegations 5,332 5,385 53 101.00%
1-0950-0000-6608 KB Aquatic Centre - Conventions & Delegations 1,053.81 1,000 1,010 10 101.00%
1-1000-0000-6608 Pks & Rec - Conventions & Delegations 369.79 2,916 2,945 29 101.00%
1-1050-0000-6608 Kin Arena - Conventions & Delegations 345.00 0 0.00%
1-1060-0000-6608 Mem Arena - Conventions & Delegations 646.24 1,040 1,050 10 101.00%
2-1206-0000-6608 Watershed - Conventions & Delegations 4,315.60 8,000 8,000 0 100.00%

Conventions & Delegations 42,612.66 76,120 79,301 3,181 104.18%

TRAVEL & TRAINING 307,700.20 430,509 461,972 31,463 107.31%
1-0130-0000-6215 Admin - Advertising 27,122.41 33,150 25,000 -8,150 75.41%
1-0130-1025-6215 Admin - Recruit - Advertising 5,460.04 7,319 10,000 2,682 136.64%
1-0140-0000-6215 Fin - Advertising 8,267.33 5,919 5,978 59 101.00%
1-0150-1100-6215 Tax - Tax Sale - Tax Sale 544 0 -544 0.00%
1-0230-0000-6215 Bldg Insp - - Advertising 2,263 2,286 23 101.00%
1-0240-0000-6215 Bylaw Enf - Advertising 932.80 619 625 6 101.00%
1-0310-0000-6215 Com Serv - - Advertising 1,103.50 544 544 0 100.00%
1-0320-2130-6215 Rds & Str - Snow Removal - Advertising 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
1-0400-0000-6215 Air Tnspt. - Advertising 8,937.96 2,886 2,915 29 101.00%
1-0505-0000-6215 Garbage - - Advertising 1,664 1,681 17 101.00%
1-0520-0000-6215 Cleanup - Advertising 1,150.00 1,664 1,681 17 101.00%
1-0620-0000-6215 Brksde Cem - Advertising 110.40 0 0.00%
1-0730-0000-6215 Ec Dev - Advertising 9,426.00 15,996 16,156 160 101.00%
1-0770-0000-6215 Sustainability - Advertising 2,225.00 0 0.00%
1-0780-0000-6215 Energy Planning - Advertising 1,840.00 0 0.00%
1-0820-4084-6215 Pks & Play - Grasscut-Ditches - Advertising 1,104 0 -1,104 0.00%
1-0820-4160-6215 Pks & Play - Flower Beds - Advertising 552 0 -552 0.00%
1-0838-0000-6215 Light Up - - Advertising 800.00 2,208 1,500 -708 67.93%
1-0925-0000-6215 Climbing Wall - Advertising 624 0 -624 0.00%
1-0950-0000-6215 KB Aquatic Centre - Advertising 389.68 13,249 5,000 -8,249 37.74%
1-1000-0000-6215 Pks & Rec - Advertising 12,622.68 15,978 11,138 -4,840 69.71%
1-1000-4300-6215 Pks & Rec - Special Events - Advertising 160.50 0 3,000 3,000 0.00%
1-1021-0000-6215 OSC - - Advertising 1,104 0 -1,104 0.00%
1-1050-0000-6215 Kin Arena-Advertising 484.02 552 558 6 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6215 Mem Arena-Advertising 971.52 1,104 1,115 11 101.00%
2-1201-0000-6215 Wat Admin - Advertising 869.15 5,439 5,439 0 100.00%

Advertising 82,872.99 115,613 95,747 -19,867 82.82%

ADVERTISING 82,872.99 115,613 95,747 -19,867 82.82%

1-0360-2601-6622 BC Trans - Step Up & Ride - Misc Grant 25,500.00 25,500 25,500 0 100.00%
1-0730-4071-6622 Ec Dev - Mile O Cruisers- FFS 10,200.00 10,200 10,200 0 100.00%
1-0730-1065-6622 Ec Dev - Trade Fair - FFS 7,000.00 7,000 7,000 0 100.00%
1-0810-0001-6622 CS-South Peace Arts Council Grant 15,300.00 15,300 15,300 0 100.00%
1-0810-0000-6622 Rec Facil & Com Serv - Misc Grant 12,740.00 50,000 25,000 -25,000 50.00%
1-0830-0000-6622 Art Gallery - Misc Grant 21,012.00 21,012 21,012 0 100.00%
1-0831-0000-6622 Rotary Park - Misc Grant 69,340.00 72,805 69,340 -3,465 95.24%
1-0845-0000-6622 Kiwanis Band - Fee For Service 5,100.00 5,100 5,100 0 100.00%
1-0846-0000-6622 South Peace Historical Society- -Miscellaneous 6,000.00 6,000 100,000 94,000 1666.67%
1-0855-0000-6622 Lakota Centre - Stables & Arena Misc Grant 10,200.00 10,200 0 -10,200 0.00%
1-1070-0000-6622 Exhib Gnds - Misc Grant 10,200.00 25,200 5,000 -20,200 19.84%
1-1080-0000-6622 Pub Lib - Misc Grant 59,000.00 59,000 58,000 -1,000 98.31%

Miscellaneous Grant 251,592.00 307,317 341,452 34,135 111.11%

GRANT & SPONSORSHIP 251,592.00 307,317 341,452 34,135 111.11%

1-0101-0000-6225 Leg - - Consulting 4,345.80 50,000 10,000 -40,000 20.00%
1-0101-1041-6225 Leg - Intergovernmental relations 60,657.14 60,000 10,000 -50,000 16.67%
1-0130-1025-6225 Admin - Recruite - Consultant Serv. 300.00 0 0.00%
1-0140-0000-6225 GO-Financial- -Consulting 1,000.00 40,000 40,000 0 100.00%
1-0220-0000-6225 Fire Dept - Consulting 20,000 0 -20,000 0.00%
1-0253-0000-6225 Safety - Consulting Services 5,228.35 0 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 168 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0310-0000-6225 Com Serv - Consultant Serv. 272,471.93 195,000 40,000 -155,000 20.51%
1-0710-0000-6225 Env Plan/Zone - Consultant Serv. 30,630.01 250,000 70,000 -180,000 28.00%
1-0730-0000-6225 Ec Dev - - Consulting 25,000 25,250 250 101.00%
1-0850-0000-6225 Multiplex - Consulting services 2,500 0 -2,500 0.00%
1-1000-0000-6225 GO-Pks & Rec- - Consulting 6,294.03 5,000 5,050 50 101.00%
1-1050-0000-6225 Kin Arena - - Consulting Services 1,500.00 0 0.00%
1-1060-0000-6225 Memorial Arena- -Consulting 6,194.03 30,000 10,300 -19,700 34.33%
2-1201-0000-6225 Wat Admin - Consultant Serv. 54,982.98 117,000 50,000 -67,000 42.74%
2-1204-1600-6225 Scada - Computers - Consultants 6,235.62 10,000 10,000 0 100.00%
2-1204-6010-6225 Scada - Radio - Consultants 5,000 5,000 0 100.00%
2-1205-1500-6225 Watersales - Bldgs - Consulting 5,228 5,228 0 100.00%
2-1206-0000-6225 Watershed - - Consultants 15,000 15,000 0 100.00%
2-1207-0000-6225 Weir - - Consultants 65,849.99 70,000 89,500 19,500 127.86%
2-1241-1500-6225 WTP - Buildings - Consultants 5,000 5,000 0 100.00%
3-1400-0000-6225 Sewage Op. - Sewage Consultants 23,702.00 35,000 35,000 0 100.00%
3-1404-1600-6225 Scada - Computers - Consultant Services 12,843.42 2,500 2,500 0 100.00%
3-1431-0000-6225 SUF - Water Reclamation Facility - Consultant Fees 1,200.00 0 0.00%

Consulting 553,435.30 942,228 427,828 -514,400 45.41%

CONSULTING 553,435.30 942,228 427,828 -514,400 45.41%

1-0160-1820-6335 Oth Gen - Equip.Office - Repairs & Mtce. 577 583 6 101.00%
1-0160-1500-6335 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 3,853.74 12,977 6,107 -6,870 47.06%
1-0210-1500-6335 Police - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 3,749.35 29,580 14,876 -14,704 50.29%
1-0211-1500-6335 Telecom - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 900.00 0 0.00%
1-0220-1500-6335 Fire Dpt - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 12,492.93 21,332 21,546 213 101.00%
1-0220-1800-6335 Fire Dpt - Equip.Other - Repairs & Mtce. 2,933.54 10,455 10,560 105 101.00%
1-0220-6010-6335 Fire Dpt - Radio - Repairs & Mtce. 881.69 0 0.00%
1-0220-0000-6335 Fire Dept - EP maintenance 63,771.30 60,000 60,600 600 101.00%
1-0223-1500-6335 Fire Dept Training Centre-Buildings-Repairs & Main 0 2,000 2,000 0.00%
1-0310-1500-6335 Com Serv - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 4,043.81 1,762 1,762 0 100.00%
1-0340-0000-6335 Street Lights - Repairs & Mtce. 8,372.84 0 0.00%
1-0350-2210-6335 GO-Traffic Services-Traffic Lights-Repairs & Mtce. 4,846.28 0 0.00%
1-0360-2600-6335 BC Trans - Bus Shelters - Repairs & Mtce. 134.60 0 0.00%
1-0400-3070-6335 Air Tnspt. - Hanger - Repairs & Mtce. 3,113.52 7,319 7,392 73 101.00%
1-0400-1700-6335 Air Tnspt. - Grounds - Repairs & Mtce. 1,121.80 3,463 3,498 35 101.00%
1-0410-1500-6335 Air Term. - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 22,028.19 31,365 31,679 314 101.00%
1-0420-1500-6335 Nav Air - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 5,770.27 5,332 5,385 53 101.00%
1-0430-2202-6335 Airfield - Line Painting - Repairs & Mtce. 13,592 13,727 136 101.00%
1-0430-0000-6335 Airfield - Repairs & Mtce. 11,208.79 5,772 5,829 58 101.00%
1-0450-0000-6335 Fuel Stn - Repairs & Mtce. 13,457.60 5,228 15,000 9,773 286.94%
1-0470-0000-6335 Air Caf - Repairs & Mtce. 5,471.18 4,705 4,752 47 101.00%
1-0820-0000-6335 Pks & Play - Repairs & Mtce. 50.08 0 0.00%
1-0823-0000-6335 NAR Park - Repairs & Mtce. 552 0 -552 0.00%
1-0825-1500-6335 Pioneer Village - Repairs & Mtce. 1,700.66 3,312 2,500 -812 75.48%
1-0828-1500-6335 Curl Rink - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 765.28 552 552 0 100.00%
1-0833-1700-6335 Harry Morrow - Grounds - Repairs & Mtce. 131.96 0 0.00%
1-0835-0000-6335 Skating Ovals - - Repairs & Mtce. 43.22 0 0.00%
1-0925-0000-6335 Climbing Wall - Repairs & Mtce. 4,832.71 2,081 0 -2,081 0.00%
1-0950-1500-6335 KB Aquatic Centre - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 76,307.04 16,561 26,727 10,166 161.38%
1-1020-1500-6335 YCC - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 1,446.91 5,937 0 -5,937 0.00%
1-1050-1500-6335 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 19,860.42 34,333 26,676 -7,657 77.70%
1-1050-5010-6335 Kin Arena - Ice Plant - Repairs & Mtce. 8,906.04 10,924 11,033 109 101.00%
1-1060-5010-6335 Mem Arena - Ice Plant - Repairs & Mtce. 7,430.58 16,561 16,727 166 101.00%
1-1060-5020-6335 Mem Arena - Summer Ice - Repairs & Mtce. 2,493.57 520 525 5 101.00%
1-1060-1500-6335 Mem Arena - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 18,752.92 29,131 29,422 291 101.00%
1-1070-1500-6335 Exhib Gnds - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 3,485.15 5,306 5,000 -306 94.23%
1-1070-1700-6335 Exhib Gnds - Grounds - Repairs & Mtce. 175.07 0 0.00%
1-1080-1500-6335 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 2,931.91 0 0.00%
2-1202-0000-6335 Bill & Collec - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allow. 1,309.97 2,719 2,719 0 100.00%
2-1204-1820-6335 Scada - Equipment Office - Repairs & Mtce. 490.55 1,731 1,731 0 100.00%
2-1204-6010-6335 Scada - Radio - Repairs & Mtce. 6,926 6,926 0 100.00%
2-1205-3120-6335 Watersales - Security - Repairs & Mtce. 2,000 2,000 0 100.00%
2-1205-1500-6335 Watersales - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 11,891.52 5,772 5,772 0 100.00%
2-1206-0000-6335 Watershed - Repairs & Maintenance 1,100.00 1,632 1,632 0 100.00%
2-1207-0000-6335 Weir - - Repairs & Mtce. 25,450.84 55,000 50,120 -4,880 91.13%
2-1208-1500-6335 WTP House - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 2,818.96 2,719 2,719 0 100.00%
2-1215-1500-6335 Arras Pumphouse - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 1,190.71 32,309 32,309 0 100.00%
2-1215-6000-6335 Arras Pumphouse - General - Repairs & Mtce. 0 35,000 35,000 0.00%
2-1216-1500-6335 Devereaux Booster - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 1,396.93 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
2-1217-1500-6335 Hansen Pumphouse - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 4,343.61 2,661 2,661 0 100.00%

Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge... Page 170 of 309
ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 169 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
2-1231-1500-6335 Parkhill Pumphouse - Buildings - Repairs & Mtce. 19,648.49 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
2-1232-3120-6335 Alaska Booster - Security - Repairs & Mtce. 2,829 2,829 0 100.00%
2-1232-1500-6335 Alaska Booster - Buildings - Repairs & Mtce. 176.40 1,698 1,698 0 100.00%
2-1233-1500-6335 Pouce Coupe Booster - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 313.31 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
2-1234-1500-6335 WO-Loran Booster Stn-Buildings-Repairs & Mtce. 2,481.81 2,091 2,091 0 100.00%
2-1241-1500-6335 WTP - Buildings - Repairs & Mtce. 18,081.00 23,086 23,086 0 100.00%
2-1241-3120-6335 WTP - Security - Repairs & Mtce. 10,590.25 4,617 4,617 0 100.00%
2-1241-1700-6335 WTP - Grounds - Repairs & Mtce. 29,570.11 35,000 35,000 0 100.00%
2-1242-0000-6335 Sludge Pond - - Repairs & Mtce. 4,438 4,438 0 100.00%
2-1246-1500-6335 WTP V Chambers - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 1,032.74 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
2-1252-6000-6335 Supply Line - Water General - Repairs & Mtce. 1,315.43 28,791 28,791 0 100.00%
2-1252-6020-6335 Supply Line - Cathodic - Repairs & Mtce. 5,267.35 15,300 15,300 0 100.00%
2-1253-1700-6335 Hart Reservoir - Grounds - Repairs & Mtce. 4,367.73 4,527 4,527 0 100.00%
2-1254-1500-6335 Trail Reservoir - Buildings - Repairs & Maintenanc 486.97 22,634 22,634 0 100.00%
2-1255-1500-6335 Hart Metering - Buildings - Repairs & Mtce. 176.40 2,263 2,263 0 100.00%
2-1256-1500-6335 Trail Metering - Buildings - Repairs & Mtce. 2,263 2,263 0 100.00%
2-1257-0000-6335 Harald Hansen Reservoir - - Repairs & Mtce. 6,112.39 15,683 15,683 0 100.00%
2-1258-0000-6335 WO-Loran Reservoir- -Repairs & Mtce. 0.00 5,109 5,109 0 100.00%
2-1260-1500-6335 Parkhill Metering - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce 10,382.99 2,263 2,263 0 100.00%
2-1261-6000-6335 Parkhill Reservoir - Water Gen. - Repairs & Mtce. 5.35 2,263 2,263 0 100.00%
3-1403-1500-6335 Sani Dump - Buildings - Repairs & Mtce. 907.20 25,000 25,000 0 100.00%
3-1404-6010-6335 Scada - Radio - Repairs & Mtce. 440.00 1,109 1,109 0 100.00%
3-1405-7000-6335 Sani Dump - Sewer General - Repairs & Maint. 5,228 5,228 0 100.00%
3-1425-1500-6335 115th Lift Station - Buildings - Repairs & Mtce. 123.00 2,263 2,263 0 100.00%
3-1427-0000-6335 Hart Hwy Lift Stn - - Repairs & Mtce. 24,692.80 12,614 12,614 0 100.00%
3-1427-1500-6335 Hart Hwy Lift Stn. - Buildings - Repairs & Mtce. 117.48 0 0.00%
3-1428-0000-6335 Heritage Park Lift Stn - - Repairs & Mtce. 75.60 33,000 33,000 0 100.00%
3-1429-0000-6335 Airport Lift Station - - Repairs & Mtce. 1,777.44 10,000 10,000 0 100.00%
3-1430-0000-6335 Chilton Lift Station - - Repairs & Mtce. 75.60 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
3-1431-1500-6335 SUF--Water Reclamation Facility-Buildings- R&M 3,730.34 500 3,000 2,500 600.00%
3-1431-0000-6335 SUF - Water Reclamation Facility - Repairs & Maint 4,679.53 20,000 20,000 0 100.00%
3-1432-0000-6335 SO- Harper Lift Station - Repairs & Mtce.- 2,435.83 1,568 1,568 0 100.00%
3-1433-0000-6335 SO- Hansen Lift Station - Repairs & Mtce.- 26,178.98 2,666 12,000 9,334 450.11%
3-1451-1500-6335 Blower Building - Building - Repairs & Mtce. 9,574.67 2,263 45,286 43,023 2000.82%
3-1455-0000-6335 Lagoons Main - - Repairs & Mtce. 19,053.14 5,658 5,658 0 100.00%

Repairs & Mice 571,328.37 755,081 825,288 70,206 109.30%

1-0160-1500-6364 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 11,305.04 11,317 11,430 113 101.00%
1-0160-1700-6364 Oth Gen - Grounds - Electrical Repairs 1,154 1,166 12 101.00%
1-0210-1500-6364 Police - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 11,619.31 5,412 5,466 54 101.00%
1-0211-1500-6364 Telecom - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 952.95 1,082 1,093 11 101.00%
1-0220-1500-6364 Fire Dpt - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 2,454.25 5,658 5,715 57 101.00%
1-0221-0000-6364 911 - Electrical Repairs 231 233 2 101.00%
1-0310-1500-6364 Com Serv - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 6,560.59 5,658 5,658 0 100.00%
1-0400-3070-6364 Air Tnspt. - Hanger - Electrical Repairs 1,568 1,584 16 101.00%
1-0410-1500-6364 Air Term. - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 3,927.14 10,455 10,560 105 101.00%
1-0420-1500-6364 GO-Nav Air-Buildings-Electrical Repairs 523 528 5 101.00%
1-0430-3090-6364 Airfield - Lighting - Electrical Repairs 3,227.55 9,180 9,272 92 101.00%
1-0430-3150-6364 Airfield - Electrical Centre - Electrical Repairs 168.00 5,772 5,829 58 101.00%
1-0470-0000-6364 Air Caf - Electrical Repairs 1,467.92 0 0.00%
1-0823-1500-6364 NAR Park - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 2,454.25 4,416 4,416 0 100.00%
1-0828-1500-6364 Curl Rink - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 2,061.55 1,656 1,656 0 100.00%
1-0950-1500-6364 KB Aquatic centre - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 19,763.44 5,520 17,000 11,480 307.97%
1-1020-1500-6364 YCC - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 725.48 1,325 0 -1,325 0.00%
1-1050-1500-6364 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 15,031.81 6,242 14,304 8,062 229.16%
1-1060-1500-6364 Mem Arena - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 21,238.62 3,121 20,152 17,031 645.70%
1-1080-1500-6364 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 9,166.42 2,165 2,187 22 101.00%
2-1205-1500-6364 Watersales - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 3,299.01 7,922 7,922 0 100.00%
2-1208-1500-6364 WTP House - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 366.47 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
2-1215-1500-6364 Arras Pumphouse - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 1,221.16 2,309 2,309 0 100.00%
2-1215-6000-6364 Arras Pumphouse - General - Electrical Repairs 1,089.58 0 0.00%
2-1216-1500-6364 Devereaux Booster - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 960.19 3,137 3,137 0 100.00%
2-1217-1500-6364 Hansen Pumphouse - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 604.80 5,658 5,658 0 100.00%
2-1231-1500-6364 Parkhill Pumphouse - Buildings - Electrical Repair 5,502.92 3,395 3,395 0 100.00%
2-1232-1500-6364 Alaska Booster - Buildings - Electrical Repairs 1,121.46 2,263 2,263 0 100.00%
2-1233-1500-6364 Pouce Coupe Booster - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 3,777.15 1,066 1,066 0 100.00%
2-1234-1500-6364 WO-Loran Booster Stn-Buildings-Electrical Repairs 2,091 2,091 0 100.00%
2-1241-1500-6364 WTP - Buildings - Electrical Repairs 12,994.97 9,053 9,053 0 100.00%
2-1246-1500-6364 WTP V Chambers - Bldgs - Electrical Repair 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%
2-1255-1500-6364 Hart Metering - Buildings - Electrical Repairs 346.42 0 0.00%
2-1256-1500-6364 Trail Metering - Buildings - Electrical Repairs 75.60 0 0.00%

Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge... Page 171 of 309
ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 170 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
3-1405-7000-6364 Sani Dump - Sewer General - Electrical Repairs 566 566 0 100.00%
3-1425-0000-6364 115th Lift Station - - Electrical Repairs 378.00 5,658 5,658 0 100.00%
3-1425-1500-6364 115th Lift Station - Buildings - Electrical Repair 703.14 0 0.00%
3-1431-1500-6364 SO-Water Reclamation Facility-Buildings- Elect Rep 8,297.48 2,175 2,175 0 100.00%
3-1451-0000-6364 Blower Building - - Electrical Repairs 1,250.07 5,658 5,658 0 100.00%
3-1455-0000-6364 Lagoons Main - - Electrical Repairs 4,142.87 0 0.00%

Electrical Repairs 158,255.61 135,672 171,466 35,794 126.38%

1-0210-1500-6365 Police - Bldgs - Mechanical Repairs 5,412 0 -5,412 0.00%
1-0950-1500-6365 KB Aquatic Centre - Bldgs - Mechanical Repairs 8,117.79 2,561 28,000 25,439 1093.32%
1-1050-1500-6365 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Mechanical Repairs 1,040 1,050 10 101.00%
2-1205-1500-6365 Watersales - Bldgs - Mechanical Repairs 1,455.07 5,772 5,772 0 100.00%
2-1215-6000-6365 Arras Pumphouse - General - Mechanical Repairs 4,429.36 11,317 11,317 0 100.00%
2-1216-1500-6365 Devereaux Booster-Bldings-Mechanical Repairs 5,658 5,658 0 100.00%
2-1231-1500-6365 Parkhill Pumphouse - Buildings - Mechanical Repair 1,865.26 5,658 5,658 0 100.00%
2-1232-1500-6365 Alaska Booster - Buildings - Mechanical Repairs 4,527 4,527 0 100.00%
2-1233-1500-6365 Pouce Coupe Booster - Bldgs - Mechanical Repairs 1,109 1,109 0 100.00%
2-1234-1500-6365 WO-Loran Booster Stn-Buildings-Mechanical Repairs 3,137 3,137 0 100.00%
2-1241-1500-6365 WTP - Buildings - Mechanical Repairs 3,596.23 16,642 16,642 0 100.00%
3-1425-0000-6365 115th Lift Station - - Mechanical Repairs 14,951.62 5,658 5,658 0 100.00%
3-1431-1500-6365 SO-Water Reclamation Facility-Buildings- Mech Repa 781.80 2,175 2,175 0 100.00%
3-1451-0000-6365 Blower Building - - Mechanical Repairs 10,536.78 0 0.00%

Mechanical Repairs 45,733.91 70,667 90,705 20,037 128.35%

2-1215-3120-6635 Arras Pumphouse - Security - Repairs & Mtce. 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%

Arras Pumphouses - Security - Repair 0.00 1,132 1,132 0 100.00%

REPAIRS & MTCE. 775,317.89 962,552 1,088,590 126,037 113.09%
1-0130-0000-6404 Admin - Telephones 6,046.19 8,160 8,242 82 101.00%
1-0140-0000-6404 Fin - Telephones 3,869.70 2,600 2,626 26 101.00%
1-0160-0000-6404 Oth Gen - Telephones 24,590.71 21,420 21,634 214 101.00%
1-0210-0000-6404 Police - Telephones 688.71 816 824 8 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6404 Fire Dpt - Telephones 7,166.83 8,670 8,757 87 101.00%
1-0230-0000-6404 Bldg Insp - Telephones 1,322.40 2,040 2,060 20 101.00%
1-0240-0000-6404 Bylaw Enf - Telephones 1,365.08 1,224 1,236 12 101.00%
1-0252-0000-6404 PEP - Telephones 276.00 306 309 3 101.00%
1-0253-0000-6404 Safety - Telephone 1,249.69 883 1,000 117 113.25%
1-0310-0000-6404 Com Serv - Telephones 9,829.12 12,240 12,240 0 100.00%
1-0400-0000-6404 Air Tnspt. - Telephones 13,899.11 14,790 14,938 148 101.00%
1-0450-0000-6404 Fuel Stn - Telephones 688.71 816 824 8 101.00%
1-0770-0000-6404 GO-Sustainability- - Telephones 747.12 1,280 1,292 13 101.00%
1-0823-0000-6404 NAR Park - Telephone 4,303.39 4,500 4,500 0 100.00%
1-0844-1500-6404 CK Art Centre - Bldg - Telephones 3,506.16 5,100 5,151 51 101.00%
1-0900-0000-6404 Swim Pool - Telephones 1,020 0 -1,020 0.00%
1-0950-0000-6404 KB Aquatic Centre - Telephones 12,335.60 12,240 12,362 122 101.00%
1-1000-0000-6404 Pks & Rec - Telephones 6,417.64 6,630 6,696 66 101.00%
1-1020-1500-6404 YCC - Bldgs - Telephones 2,058.13 2,244 0 -2,244 0.00%
1-1021-0000-6404 OSC - Telephones 3,519.62 3,672 3,500 -172 95.32%
1-1050-0000-6404 Kin Arena - Telephones 3,836.04 4,182 4,224 42 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6404 Mem Arena - Telephones 11,292.31 12,240 12,362 122 101.00%
2-1201-0000-6404 Wat Admin - Telephones 10,203.06 8,160 8,160 0 100.00%
2-1215-1500-6404 Arras Pumphouse - Bldgs - Telephones 564.80 765 765 0 100.00%
2-1216-0000-6404 Devereaux Booster - Telecomemetry - Telephones 2,601.17 2,907 2,907 0 100.00%
2-1240-0000-6404 Purif & Trtmt - - Telephones 3,055.06 3,264 3,264 0 100.00%
2-1241-1500-6404 WTP - Buildings - Telephones 931.31 0 0.00%
3-1425-1500-6404 115th Lift Station - Buildings - Telephones 738.85 816 816 0 100.00%
3-1451-1500-6404 Blower Building - Building - Telephones 746.90 816 816 0 100.00%

Telephone 137,849.41 143,801 141,507 -2,294 98.40%

TELEPHONE 137,849.41 143,801 141,507 -2,294 98.40%

1-0100-1900-6361 Gen Govt - Custom - Equipment Pool Chg Out 4,237.03 0 0.00%
1-0140-1600-6361 Fin - IT - Equipment Pool Chg Out 38,570.88 41,820 41,000 -820 98.04%
1-0160-1700-6361 Oth Gen - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,321.57 4,265 4,307 43 101.00%
1-0160-1500-6361 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Equip Pool Chg Out 7,997.83 5,108 7,649 2,541 149.74%
1-0210-1500-6361 Police - Bldgs - Equip Pool Chg Out 248.84 231 233 2 101.00%
1-0210-1700-6361 Police - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,623.07 3,670 3,706 37 101.00%
1-0220-1500-6361 Fire Dpt - Bldgs - Equip Pool Chg Out 813.86 98 99 1 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6361 Fire Dept - - Equip Pool Chg Out 82.10 0 0.00%
1-0223-1700-6361 Fire Dept Training Centre-Grounds-Equipment Pool 15.43 0 1,500 1,500 0.00%
1-0230-0000-6361 Bldg Insp - Equip Pool Chg Out 9,690.00 10,131 10,232 101 101.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 171 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0240-0000-6361 Bylaw Enf - Equip Pool Chg Out 4,845.00 9,000 9,090 90 101.00%
1-0310-0000-6361 Com Serv - Equip Pool Chg Out 124,935.93 94,514 127,044 32,530 134.42%
1-0310-1500-6361 Com Serv - Bldgs - Equip Pool Chg Out 5,200.62 8,010 8,010 0 100.00%
1-0320-2080-6361 Rds & Str - Drainage - Equip Pool Chg Out 13,773.84 45,347 45,347 0 100.00%
1-0320-2090-6361 Rds & Str - Steaming - Equip Pool Chg Out 18,462.84 34,774 34,774 0 100.00%
1-0320-2030-6361 Rds & Str - Pave Rep & Crackf - Equip Pool Chg Out 26,296.51 35,608 35,608 0 100.00%
1-0320-2120-6361 Rds & Str - Sanding - Equip Pool Chg Out 74,272.49 81,164 81,164 0 100.00%
1-0320-2110-6361 Rds & Str - St.Cleaning/Sweeping - Equip Pool Chg 91,026.01 90,000 114,244 24,244 126.94%
1-0320-2140-6361 Rds & Str - Arterial Hwys - Equip Pool Chg Out 15,406.54 22,002 22,002 0 100.00%
1-0320-2150-6361 Rds & Str - Barricades - Equip Pool Chg Out 257.58 696 696 0 100.00%
1-0320-2061-6361 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Plowing - Equip Pool Chg Out 8,153.16 12,463 12,463 0 100.00%
1-0320-2131-6361 Rds & Str - Snow Plowing - Equip Pool Chg Out 159,702.56 207,968 207,968 0 100.00%
1-0320-2020-6361 Rds & Str - Gravel St. Rep - Equip Pool Chg Out 13,135.68 15,383 15,383 0 100.00%
1-0320-2050-6361 Rds & Str - Dust Control - Equip Pool Chg Out 4,305 4,305 0 100.00%
1-0320-2040-6361 Rds & Str - Crackfilling - Equip Pool Chg Out 7,869.98 4,540 9,845 5,306 216.88%
1-0320-2060-6361 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Repairs - Equip Pool Chg Out 139 139 0 100.00%
1-0320-2070-6361 Rds & Str - St.Sewer Inc MH/CB - Equip Pool Ch 7,103.30 16,124 16,124 0 100.00%
1-0320-2100-6361 TS-Flooding-Equipment Pool Chg Out 18,343.36 0 0.00%
1-0320-2130-6361 Rds & Str - Snow Removal - Equipment Pool 37,688.80 79,654 79,654 0 100.00%
1-0320-2010-6361 Rds & Str - Grading - Equip Pool Chg Out 34,343.97 38,826 38,826 0 100.00%
1-0330-0000-6361 Bridges - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,205 2,205 0 100.00%
1-0340-0000-6361 Street Lights - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,884.37 1,518 1,762 244 116.09%
1-0350-2201-6361 Traf Serv - St. Signs - Equip Pool Chg Out 4,263.38 20,639 20,639 0 100.00%
1-0350-2202-6361 Traf Serv - Line Painting - Equipment Pool Chg Out 9,628.10 5,671 11,462 5,792 202.13%
1-0350-2210-6361 Traf Serv - Traffic Lights - Equip Pool Chg Out 248.84 577 577 0 100.00%
1-0350-2203-6361 Traf Serv - Crosswalk Painting - Equip Pool Chg Ou 9,782.89 9,955 9,955 0 100.00%
1-0360-2600-6361 BC Trans - Bus Shelters - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,920.78 2,046 2,067 20 101.00%
1-0400-4029-6361 Air Trnspt - Aircraft De-Icing - Equip Pool Chg Ou 49,714.97 39,422 47,049 7,627 119.35%
1-0400-4080-6361 Air Tnspt. - Grasscut - Equip Pool Chg Out 3,109.20 3,250 3,283 33 101.00%
1-0400-0000-6361 Air Tnspt. - Equipment Pool Chg Out 49,397.52 58,757 59,345 588 101.00%
1-0400-2130-6361 Air Tnspt. - Snow Removal - Equip Pool Chg Out 74,387.76 88,474 93,586 5,111 105.78%
1-0400-1700-6361 Air Tnspt. - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 8,896.14 9,150 9,242 92 101.00%
1-0430-2040-6361 Airfield - Crackfilling - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,397.88 1,462 1,476 15 101.00%
1-0430-3100-6361 Airfield - Sand/Urea - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,544.72 2,661 2,687 27 101.00%
1-0500-4010-6361 Env Hlth Serv - Dwntwn Cleanup - Equip Pool Chg Ou 6,803.02 17,706 17,883 177 101.00%
1-0515-0000-6361 Compost - - Equip Pool Chg Out 36,852.18 15,970 16,130 160 101.00%
1-0520-0000-6361 Cleanup - Equip Pool Chg Out 133.16 727 734 7 101.00%
1-0610-0000-6361 City Cem - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,238.27 4,148 4,148 0 100.00%
1-0610-4020-6361 City Cem - Grave Digging - Equip Pool Chg Out 5,537.97 1,465 5,000 3,535 341.36%
1-0620-4020-6361 Brksde Cem - Grave Digging - Equip Pool Chg Out 10,451.28 3,568 7,000 3,432 196.19%
1-0620-0000-6361 Brksde Cem - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,094.96 4,357 4,357 0 100.00%
1-0770-0000-6361 GO-Sustainability- -Equipment Pool Chg Out 2,579.16 2,600 2,626 26 101.00%
1-0810-1500-6361 Rec Facil & Com Ser - Bldgs - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,334 1,334 0 100.04%
1-0810-4050-6361 Rec Facil & Com Serv - Xmas Lighting - Equip Pool C 2,711.04 2,779 2,779 0 100.01%
1-0820-4061-6361 Pks & Play - Tree Removal Storm - Equip Pool Chg O 95.50 0 0.00%
1-0820-4086-6361 Parks & Play - Walkway - Equip Pool Chg Out 69 69 0 100.47%
1-0820-4410-6361 Pks & Play - Sports Facilities - Equip Pool Chg Ou 10,235.10 18,808 18,808 0 100.00%
1-0820-4085-6361 Pks & Play - Fertilizing - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,405.32 0 1,405 1,405 0.00%
1-0820-4059-6361 GO-Pks & Play -Tree Replacement-Equip Pool Chg Out 8,577.05 9,582 9,582 0 100.00%
1-0820-4080-6361 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Equip Pool Chg Out 9,416.27 11,199 11,199 0 100.00%
1-0820-4060-6361 Pks & Play - Tree Maintenance - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,027.62 3,404 3,404 0 100.00%
1-0820-4070-6361 Pks & Play - Parks Cleanup - Equipment Pool Chg Ou 2,147.77 3,687 3,687 0 100.00%
1-0820-4081-6361 Pks & Play - Grasscut-Blvds. - Equip Pool Chg Out 4,199.03 6,076 6,076 0 100.00%
1-0820-4082-6361 Pks & Play - Grasscut-City Lots - Equip Pool Chg O 66.58 566 566 0 100.03%
1-0820-4130-6361 Pks & Play - Watering - Equip Pool Chg Out 15,884.32 28,754 28,754 0 100.00%
1-0820-4140-6361 Pks & Play - Trail Maintenanc - Equip Pool Chg Out 266.32 425 425 0 99.91%
1-0820-4150-6361 Pks & Play - Banners - Equip. Pool Chg. Out 1,318.44 1,351 1,351 0 100.00%
1-0820-4160-6361 Pks & Play - Flower Beds - Equip Pool Chg Out 9,351.42 18,560 18,560 0 100.00%
1-0820-4400-6361 Pks & Play - Signage - Equip Pool Chg Out 332.90 566 566 0 100.03%
1-0820-0000-6361 Pks & Play - Equipment Pool Chg Out 68,354.44 78,331 78,331 1 100.00%
1-0820-2131-6361 Pks & Play - Facility Snowplow - Equip Pool Ch 10,490.56 9,835 9,835 0 100.00%
1-0821-0000-6361 Creek - - Equip Pool Chg Out 133.16 4,016 4,016 0 100.00%
1-0822-0000-6361 102/103 Ave - - Equipment Pool Charge Out 199.74 3,753 3,753 0 100.01%
1-0823-1700-6361 NAR Park - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 672.87 4,116 4,116 0 99.99%
1-0825-1700-6361 Pioneer Village - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 965.42 4,388 4,388 0 100.00%
1-0828-1700-6361 Curl Rink - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 630 0 -630 0.00%
1-0829-0000-6361 Aid to Com Proj - - Equip Pool Chg Out 166.45 0 0.00%
1-0832-0000-6361 Skating Rinks - Equipment Pool Charge Out 1,533.24 10,250 10,250 0 100.00%
1-0833-1700-6361 Harry Morrow - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,083.68 2,136 0 -2,136 0.00%
1-0835-0000-6361 Skating Ovals - - Equip Pool Chg. Out 5,935.24 4,331 4,331 0 100.01%
1-0838-0000-6361 Light Up - - Equipment Pool Chg. Out 1,957.62 1,392 1,392 0 100.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 172 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
1-0838-4050-6361 Light Up - Christmas Lighting - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,975.69 0 0.00%
1-0840-0000-6361 Adoption Program - Equipment 162.08 127 127 0 99.92%
1-0841-0000-6361 Skateboard Park - - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,132 1,132 0 100.03%
1-0843-0000-6361 Pest & Weed - Equipment Pool Chg Out 66.58 1,727 1,727 0 99.99%
1-0850-1700-6361 GR-Mulitplex - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 4,548.88 5,390 5,000 -390 92.76%
1-0860-0000-6361 Encana Event Centre - Equip Pool Chg Out 186,513.71 190,938 192,847 1,909 101.00%
1-0950-1500-6361 KB Aquatic Centre - Bldgs - Equip Pool Chg Otu 28,873.56 21,494 29,127 7,633 135.51%
1-0950-1700-6361 KB Aquatic Centre - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 582.72 1,928 1,947 19 101.00%
1-1000-0000-6361 Pks & Rec - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,422.56 2,484 2,508 25 101.00%
1-1000-4302-6361 Pks & Rec - Rec Programs - Equip Pool Chg Out 34 34 0 101.01%
1-1050-1700-6361 Kin Arena - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,397 2,421 24 101.00%
1-1050-0000-6361 Kin Arena - Equip Pool Chg Out 13,658.52 13,984 14,124 140 101.00%
1-1060-0000-6361 Mem Arena - Equip Pool Chg Out 10,841.68 10,858 10,966 109 101.00%
1-1060-1700-6361 Mem Arena - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 490.61 2,636 2,663 26 101.00%
1-1060-1800-6361 Mem Arena - Equip Other - Equip Pool Chg Out 66.58 0 0.00%
1-1070-1700-6361 Exhib Gnds - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,458.44 4,160 4,000 -160 96.14%
1-1070-1500-6361 Exhib Gnds - Bldgs - Equip Pool Chg Out 214.88 0 0.00%
1-1070-0000-6361 Exhib Gnds - Equip Pool Chg Out 299.61 5,547 5,000 -547 90.13%
1-1080-1500-6361 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,179.66 226 229 2 101.00%
1-1080-1700-6361 Pub Lib - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,156.41 1,011 1,021 10 101.00%
2-1200-0000-6361 Wat Op - Equip Pool Chg Out 110,727.36 113,235 113,235 0 100.00%
2-1200-6050-6361 Wat Op - Main Repairs - Equip Pool Chg Out 3,609.36 11,167 11,167 0 100.00%
2-1200-6051-6361 Wat Op - Flushing Program - Equip Pool Chg Out 5,600 5,600 0 100.00%
2-1200-6053-6361 Wat Op - Valve Checks - Equip Pool Chg Out 3,761.77 7,171 7,171 0 100.00%
2-1200-6054-6361 Wat Op - Valve Repairs - Equip Pool Chg Out 4,649.26 16,270 16,270 0 100.00%
2-1200-6055-6361 Wat Op - Serv Connect - Equip Pool Chg. Out 6,151.01 10,499 10,499 0 100.00%
2-1200-6056-6361 Wat Op - Serv Connect Thawing - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,664 1,664 0 100.00%
2-1200-6058-6361 Wat Op - Curb Box Repairs - Equip.Pool Chg Out 16,329.93 13,578 13,578 0 100.00%
2-1200-6059-6361 Wat Op - Hydrant Checks - Equip Pool Chg Out 5,251.08 9,921 9,921 0 100.00%
2-1200-6060-6361 Wat Op - Hydrant Repairs - Equip Pool Chg Out 7,010.36 19,099 19,099 0 100.00%
2-1200-6061-6361 Wat Op - Water Meters - Equip Pool Chg Out 5,439 5,439 0 100.00%
2-1200-6057-6361 Wat Op - Serv Connect Bleeders - Equip Pool Chg Ou 2,663.20 1,602 2,120 518 132.36%
2-1200-6052-6361 Wat Op - Flushing Unscheduled - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,774 2,774 0 100.00%
2-1201-0000-6361 Wat Admin - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,783.28 2,899 2,899 0 100.00%
2-1202-0000-6361 Bill & Collect - - Equipment Pool Chg Out 17,000.14 17,639 17,639 0 100.00%
2-1203-0000-6361 Turn On/Off - - Equip Pool Chg Out 565.93 2,304 2,304 0 100.00%
2-1205-0000-6361 Watersales - - Equip Pool Chg Out 70 70 0 100.00%
2-1205-2010-6361 Watersales - Grading - Equip Pool Chg. Out 536.81 0 0.00%
2-1206-0000-6361 Watershed - - Equip Pool Charge Out 9,035.04 10,144 10,144 0 100.00%
2-1210-0000-6361 Power & Pumping - - Equip Pool Chg Out 5,772 5,772 0 100.00%
2-1217-0000-6361 Hansen Pumphouse - - Equipment Pool Chg Out 1,200 1,200 0 100.00%
2-1234-1500-6361 WO-Loran Booster Stn-Buildings-Equipment Pool Chg 523 523 0 100.00%
2-1240-0000-6361 Purif & Trtmnt - Equip Pool Chg Out 5,311.68 5,540 5,540 0 100.00%
2-1242-0000-6361 Sludge Pond - PW24 2,226.36 2,327 2,327 0 100.00%
2-1252-6000-6361 Supply Line - Water General - Equip Pool Chg Out 717 717 0 100.00%
2-1258-0000-6361 WO-Loran Reservoir- -Equipment Pool Chg Out 55.81 209 209 0 100.00%
2-1261-0000-6361 Parkhill Reservoir - - Equip Pool Chg Out 70 70 0 100.00%
3-1400-0000-6361 Sewage Op - Equip Pool Chg Out 26,351.52 33,415 33,415 0 100.00%
3-1400-7050-6361 Sewage Op. - Main Repairs - Equip Pool Chg Out 4,472.71 3,593 5,620 2,027 156.41%
3-1400-7051-6361 Sewage Op. - Manhole Rep. - Equip Pool Chg Out 4,331.85 4,938 4,938 0 100.00%
3-1400-7052-6361 Sewage Op. - Service Conn - Equip. Pool Chg Out 3,256.35 5,073 5,073 0 100.00%
3-1400-7053-6361 Sewage Op. - Flushing Prog. - Equip Pool Chg Out 48,731.24 49,439 49,439 0 100.00%
3-1400-7054-6361 Sewage Op. - Flushing Unsched - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,952.47 1,175 1,175 0 100.00%
3-1402-0000-6361 Sewage Treatment Plant Op - - Equip Pool Chg Out 5,824.20 6,083 6,083 0 100.00%
3-1403-1500-6361 Sani Dump - Buildings - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,151.88 372 800 428 214.94%
3-1431-0000-6361 SO-Water Reclamation Facility- -Equipment Pool Chg 767 767 0 100.00%
3-1432-0000-6361 SO- Harper Lift Station - Equip Pool Chg Out- 168 168 0 100.00%
3-1450-0000-6361 Power & Pumping - - Equipment Pool Chg Out 2,655.84 2,771 2,771 0 100.00%
3-1455-0000-6361 Lagoons Main - Equip Pool Chg Out 3,110.65 6,492 6,492 0 100.00%

Equipment Pool Charge Out 1,726,831.69 2,040,296 2,143,169 102,874 105.04%

1-0160-0000-6362 Oth Gen - EP Surplus Adjustment -14,568.87 -1,172 -1,161 12 99.00%

1-0240-0000-6362 Prot Serv- - EP Surplus Adjustment -5,065.90 -12,446 -12,322 124 99.00%
1-0310-0000-6362 Trans Ser - EP Surplus Adjustment -250,130.31 -227,499 -227,499 0 100.00%
1-0400-0000-6362 Air Transpt - EP Surplus Adjustment -56,585.35 -71,455 -70,741 715 99.00%
1-0500-0000-6362 Env Waste - EP Surplus Adju -11,774.90 -10,317 -10,214 103 99.00%
1-0610-0000-6362 City Cem - EP Surplus Adjustment -1,705.48 0 0.00%
1-0620-0000-6362 BS Cem - EP Surplus Adjustment -4,240.32 -6,333 -6,333 0 100.00%
1-0800-0000-6362 GO-RC- -EP Surplus Adjustment -126,363.58 -104,373 -103,329 1,044 99.00%
2-1200-0000-6362 WS - EP Surplus Adjustment -58,711.01 -91,475 -91,475 0 100.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 173 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
3-1400-0000-6362 SS - EP Surplus Adjustment -29,634.81 -43,959 -43,959 0 100.00%

EP Surplus Adjustment -558,780.53 -569,030 -567,032 1,998 99.65%

EQUIPMENT POOL CHARGE OUT 1,168,051.16 1,471,266 1,576,137 104,871 107.13%
1-0101-0000-6245 Leg - Insurance 1,040.00 1,000 1,010 10 101.00%
1-0160-1500-6245 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Insurance 14,082.00 45,250 45,702 453 101.00%
1-0160-0000-6245 Oth Gen - Insurance 154,402.51 133,367 150,000 16,633 112.47%
1-0210-1500-6245 Police - Bldgs - Insurance 6,361.00 6,373 6,437 64 101.00%
1-0211-1500-6245 Telecom - Bldgs - Insurance 604.00 651 658 7 101.00%
1-0220-1500-6245 Fire Dpt - Bldgs - Insurance 6,696.39 6,292 6,355 63 101.00%
1-0220-0000-6245 Fire Dpt - Insurance - Liab. 2,180.50 2,500 2,525 25 101.00%
1-0310-1500-6245 Com Serv - Bldgs - Insurance 5,450.42 6,314 6,314 0 100.00%
1-0330-0000-6245 GO-Bridges- -Insurance 8,068.17 7,962 7,962 0 100.00%
1-0360-1500-6245 BC Transit-Buildings-Insurance 140.86 139 140 1 101.00%
1-0400-1500-6245 Air Tnspt. - Bldgs - Insurance 1,190.00 20 20 0 101.00%
1-0400-3070-6245 Air Tnspt - Hanger - Insurance 1,101.98 1,065 1,076 11 101.00%
1-0400-0000-6245 Air Tnspt. - Insurance 8,090.00 9,000 9,090 90 101.00%
1-0410-1500-6245 Air Term. - Bldgs - Insurance 3,459.98 3,171 3,203 32 101.00%
1-0420-1500-6245 GO-Nav Air-Buildings-Insurance 2,266.89 2,078 2,099 21 101.00%
1-0430-3150-6245 Airfield Electrical Centre - Insurance 1,769.67 880 889 9 101.00%
1-0430-0000-6245 GO-Airfield- -Insurance 26,440.00 26,934 27,203 269 101.00%
1-0450-0000-6245 GO-Fuel Station- -Insurance 192.07 153 155 2 101.00%
1-0740-0000-6245 Tourism- -Insurance 416.00 416 420 4 101.00%
1-0810-1500-6245 Rec Facil & Com Serv - Bldgs - Aid Comm. Projects 140.88 0 0.00%
1-0810-4050-6245 GO-Rec Facilities Comm. Serv-Christmas L-Insurance 37.00 38 38 0 100.00%
1-0820-4086-6245 GO-Parks & Playgrounds-Walkway-Insurance 773.19 752 752 0 100.00%
1-0820-4410-6245 GO-Parks & Playgrounds-Sports Facilities-Insurance 718.45 559 559 0 100.00%
1-0820-0000-6245 Pks & Play - Insurance 259 259 0 100.00%
1-0823-1500-6245 NAR Park - Bldgs - Insurance 5,825.23 5,681 5,681 0 100.00%
1-0828-1500-6245 Curl Rink - Bldgs - Insurance 8,073.18 7,790 7,790 0 100.00%
1-0831-1500-6245 Rotary Park - Bldgs - Insurance 9,924.67 6,776 6,776 0 100.00%
1-0833-0000-6245 GO-Harry Morrow- -Insurance 1,000.00 1,241 1,241 0 100.00%
1-0837-0000-6245 KPAC - Insurance 595.11 1,312 0 -1,312 0.00%
1-0841-0000-6245 GO-Skateboard Park- -Insurance 494.41 484 484 0 100.00%
1-0844-1500-6245 CK Art Centre - -Insurance 29,436.09 29,187 29,479 292 101.00%
1-0855-1500-6245 Lakota Centre - Buildings - Insurance 14,485.43 12,119 15,000 2,881 123.77%
1-0860-1500-6245 Encana Event Centre - Building - Insurance 66,196.18 58,267 58,850 583 101.00%
1-0900-1500-6245 Swim Pool - Bldgs - Insurance 314.27 671 0 -671 0.00%
1-0950-1500-6245 KB Aquatic Centre - Bldgs - Insurance 18,391.04 28,865 29,154 289 101.00%
1-1020-1500-6245 YCC - Bldgs - Insurance 1,796.62 3,834 0 -3,834 0.00%
1-1050-1500-6245 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Insurance 8,085.67 7,728 7,805 77 101.00%
1-1060-1500-6245 Mem Arena - Bldgs - Insurance 17,285.49 16,410 16,575 164 101.00%
1-1070-1500-6245 Exhib Gnds - Bldgs - Insurance 5,148.90 5,221 5,500 279 105.34%
1-1080-1500-6245 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Insurance 6,297.00 5,780 5,838 58 101.00%
2-1205-1500-6245 Watersales - Bldgs - Insurance 737.19 727 727 0 100.00%
2-1208-1500-6245 WTP House - Bldg - Insurance 329.27 290 290 0 100.00%
2-1215-1500-6245 Arras Pumphouse - Bldgs - Insurance 1,172.72 1,121 1,121 0 100.00%
2-1216-1500-6245 Devereaux Booster - Bldgs - Insurance 1,265.28 1,130 1,130 0 100.00%
2-1217-1500-6245 WUF-Hansen Pumphouse-Buildings- Insurance 36.01 1,278 1,278 0 100.00%
2-1231-1500-6245 Parkhill Pumphouse - Bldgs - Insurance 1,481.63 1,569 1,569 0 100.00%
2-1232-1500-6245 Alaska Booster - Bldgs - Insurance 948.00 823 823 0 100.00%
2-1233-1500-6245 Pouce Coupe Booster - Bldg - Insurance 399.90 430 430 0 100.00%
2-1234-1500-6245 WO-Loran Booster Stn-Buildings-Insurance 2,017.00 2,150 2,150 0 100.00%
2-1241-1500-6245 WTP - Bldgs - Insurance 20,004.23 19,327 19,327 0 100.00%
2-1257-1500-6245 WO-Harald Hansen Reservoir-Buildings-Insurance 1,065.00 0 0.00%
2-1258-0000-6245 WO-Loran Reservoir- -Insurance 3,403.00 3,159 3,159 0 100.00%
2-1261-1500-6245 Parkhill Res - Bldgs - Insurance 7,944.97 7,725 7,725 0 100.00%
3-1405-1500-6245 Sani Dump - Bldg - Insurance 168.91 164 164 0 100.00%
3-1422-1500-6245 LP Monitoring Stn - Bldg - Insurance 119.23 117 117 0 100.00%
3-1425-1500-6245 115 Avenue Lift Station - Bldg - Insurance 1,304.58 1,404 1,404 0 100.00%
3-1427-1500-6245 Hart Hwy Lift St - Bldgs - Insurance 332.97 342 342 0 100.00%
3-1428-1500-6245 Heritage Park Lift Stn - Bldg - Insurance 312.52 337 337 0 100.00%
3-1429-1500-6245 Airport Lift Stn - Bldg - Insurance 119.65 112 112 0 100.00%
3-1431-1500-6245 SO-Water Reclamation Facility-Buildings- Insurance 13,360.00 12,852 12,852 0 100.00%
3-1451-1500-6245 Blower Building - Bldg - Insurance 3,149.59 3,380 3,380 0 100.00%

Insurance 498,642.90 504,976 521,474 16,497 103.27%

INSURANCE 498,642.90 504,976 521,474 16,497 103.27%

1-0140-0000-6220 Fin - Audit 31,250.00 31,250 31,250 0 100.00%

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01/31/2017 Page 174 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2

Audit 31,250.00 31,250 31,250 0 100.00%

1-0130-0000-6250 Admin - Legal Services 111,119.75 106,641 107,707 1,066 101.00%

Legal Services 111,119.75 106,641 107,707 1,066 101.00%

AUDIT & LEGAL 142,369.75 137,891 138,957 1,066 100.77%

1-1100-8012-7504- FS - Debent MFA - Principle 1,544,420.40 1,544,420 1,526,859 -17,561 98.86%

2-1100-8012-7504- FS - Debent MFA - Principle 709,394.49 709,394 697,978 -11,416 98.39%
3-1100-8012-7504- Fiscal Serv - Debent MFA - Principle 319,235.39 319,235 319,235 0 100.00%

MFA Principle 2,573,050.28 2,573,049 2,544,072 -28,977 98.87%

MFA PRINCIPLE 2,573,050.28 2,573,049 2,544,072 -28,977 98.87%


BEFORE TRANS 36,421,801.75 38,287,869 39,576,778 1,288,908 103.37%

1-0100-8012-7505 Debt Principal Trfr Adjustment -1,544,420.40 -1,544,420 -1,526,859 17,561 98.86%
2-1200-8012-7505 Debt Principal Trfr Adjustment -709,394.00 -709,394 -697,978 11,416 98.39%
3-1400-8012-7505 Debt Principal Trfr Adjustment -319,235.39 -319,235 -319,235 0 100.00%
Debt Principal Adjustment to Transfers -2,573,049.79 -2,573,049 -2,544,072 28,977 98.87%


EXCLUDING DEBT PRINCIPAL 33,848,751.96 35,714,820 37,032,706 1,317,885 103.69%

1-0100-0000-8200 Transfer Debt Principal to GCF 1,544,420.40 1,544,420 1,526,859 -17,561 98.86%
2-1200-0000-8200 Transfer Debt Principal to WCF 709,394.00 709,394 697,978 -11,416 98.39%
3-1400-0000-8200 Transfer to SCF 319,235.39 319,235 319,235 0 100.00%

DEBT PRINCIPAL TRANSFERS TO CAPITAL 2,573,049.79 2,573,049 2,544,072 -28,977 98.87%

INCLUDING PRINCIPAL TRANSFERS 36,421,801.75 38,287,869 39,576,777 1,288,908 103.37%

NET OPERATING SURPLUS BEFORE FUNDING TRANS 11,814,074.08 9,738,557 7,749,053 -1,989,504 79.57%

1-0770-0000-8025 Transfer to Carbon Reserve 381,480 385,295 3,815 101.00%

1-0770-0000-8000 Transfer from Carbon Reserve to Capital 390,000.00 390,000 390,000 0 100.00%

TRANSFER TO GENERAL RESERVE NET 390,000.00 390,000 390,000 0 100.00%

1-0100-0000-8000 Transfer to Capital 7,808,906.00 7,808,906 5,885,000 -1,923,906 75.36%

2-1200-0000-8000 Transfer to Capital 1,000,000.00 1,000,000 1,500,000 500,000 150.00%
3-1400-0000-8000 Transfer to Capital 2,030,000.00 2,030,000 2,000,000 -30,000 98.52%
TRANSFER TO CAPITAL 10,838,906.00 10,838,906 9,385,000 -1,453,906 86.59%

1-1150-0000-8008 Transfer from Cemeteries 2,716.21 3,946 3,985 39 100.99%

TRANSFER FROM CEMETERY 2,716.21 3,946 3,985 39 100.99%

1-0100-0000-8101 GRF - Transfer Surplus to EP 470,434.73 475,240 568,951 93,711 119.72%

2-1200-0000-8103 WRF - Transfer Surplus to EP 58,711.01 100,091 101,092 1,001 101.00%
3-1400-0000-8104 SRF - Transfer Surplus to EP 29,634.79 48,099 50,571 2,472 105.14%
TRANSFER TO EQUIPMENT POOL 558,780.53 623,431 720,614 97,184 115.59%

CURRENT OPERATING SURPLUS AFTER TRANSFERS 29,103.76 -2,109,834 -2,742,576 -632,742 129.99%

4-1500-0000-5400 GC - Capital Contributions 0 7,000 7,000 0.00%

4-1500-0000-5500 GC - Government Transfers 100,293.39 22,332 622,663 600,331 2788.21%
4-1500-0000-5602 GC - Interest revenue 123,054.37 33,813 100,000 66,187 295.74%
4-1500-0000-5608 GC - MFA rebates 3,866.81 0 0.00%
4-1500-0000-5612 GC - Actuarial Adjustment 279,274.24 0 0.00%
4-1500-0000-5701 GC - Cash Commutations 47,121.11 63,123 0 -63,123 0.00%
4-1500-0000-5702 GC - Partnering Contribution 341,656.36 1,791,736 0 -1,791,736 0.00%
4-1500-0000-5800 GC - Proceeds on Disposal of Capital Assets 14,220.64 0 0.00%
4-1515-0000-5800 GC - Equip - Proceeds on Disposal of Capital Assets 1.00 0 0.00%
4-1533-0000-5710 GC - Bridges - Insurance Proceeds 909,278.81 0 0.00%

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01/31/2017 Page 175 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
General Capital Revenue 1,818,766.73 1,911,004 729,663 -1,181,341 38.18%

5-1600-0000-5400 WC - Capital Contributions 5,877.79 0 0.00%

5-1600-0000-5500 WC - Government Transfers 1,099,441.17 3,224,051 5,873,733 2,649,682 182.18%
5-1600-0000-5602 WC - Interest revenue 103,326.89 102,000 100,000 -2,000 98.04%
5-1600-0000-5612 WC - Actuarial Adjustment 343,466.01 0 0.00%
5-1600-0000-5608 WC - MFA rebates 13,756.82 0 0.00%
Water Capital Revenue 1,565,868.68 3,326,051 5,973,733 2,647,682 179.60%

6-1700-0000-5400 SC - Capital Contributions 116,500.00 0 0 0 0.00%

6-1700-0000-5500 SC - Government Transfers 0 3,735,000 3,735,000 0.00%
6-1700-0000-5602 SC - Interest revenue 67,295.31 40,739 60,000 19,261 147.28%
6-1700-0000-5612 SC - Actuarial Adjustment 23,651.59 0 0.00%
6-1700-0000-5614 SC - Amortization of Capital Obligation 1,658,992.00 0 0.00%
Sewer Capital Revenue 1,866,438.90 40,739 3,795,000 3,754,261 9315.44%

TOTAL CAPITAL REVENUES 5,251,074.31 5,277,794 10,498,396 5,220,602 198.92%

4-1500-0000-7000 GC - Debt Proceeds 63,123 0 -63,123 0.00%

TOTAL DEBT PROCEEDS 0.00 63,123 0 -63,123 0.00%

4-1500-0000-8201 GC - Debt payments 1,544,420.40 1,544,420 1,526,859 -17,561 98.86%

5-1600-0000-8201 WC - Debt payments 709,394.00 709,394 697,978 -11,416 98.39%
6-1700-0000-8201 SC - Debt payments 319,235.39 319,235 319,235 0 100.00%
Total Debt Payments 2,573,049.79 2,573,049 2,544,072 -28,977 98.87%

4-1500-0000-8001 GC - Transfer from Operating 7,808,906.00 7,808,906 5,885,000 -1,923,906 75.36%

4-1500-0000-8003 GC - Transfer from Statutory Reserves 765,000.00 765,000 630,000 -135,000 82.35%
4-1500-0000-8004 GC - Transfer from Operating (Carbon ) Reserves 390,000.00 390,000 390,000 0 100.00%

4-1500-0000-8200 GC - Debt Principal Funding Transfer 1,544,420.40 1,544,420 1,526,859 -17,561 98.86%
5-1600-0000-8200 WC - Debt Principal Funding Transfer 709,394.00 709,394 697,978 -11,416 98.39%
6-1700-0000-8200 SC - Debt Principal Funding Transfer 319,235.39 319,235 319,235 0 100.00%

5-1600-0000-8001 WC - Transfer from Operating 1,000,000.00 1,000,000 1,500,000 500,000 150.00%

6-1700-0000-8001 SC - Transfer from Operating 2,030,000.00 2,030,000 2,000,000 -30,000 98.52%

TOTAL TRANSFERS 14,566,955.79 14,566,955 12,949,072 -1,617,883 88.89%

TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDING 19,818,030.10 19,907,872 23,447,468 3,539,596 117.78%

4-1500-0000-6700 GC - Land 81,249.14 80,000 0 -80,000 0.00%

LAND AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS 81,249.14 80,000 0 -80,000 0.00%

4-1880-0000-6700 EP - Equipment Pool Purchases 655,748.30 685,000 819,000 134,000 119.56%

4-1880-0000-6705 EP - Equipment Pool Purchases 6,312.69 0 0.00%
EQUIPMENT POOL 662,060.99 685,000 819,000 134,000 119.56%

4-1515-0000-6700 GCE - General Equipment Upgrades 0 0 0 0.00%

4-1515-1201-6700 GCE - Airport Equipment 30,436 0 -30,436 0.00%
4-1515-1202-6700 GCE - City Hall Equipment 46,158.38 75,000 0 -75,000 0.00%
4-1515-1207-6700 GCE - Firefighting equipment 87,124.90 495,438 0 -495,438 0.00%
4-1515-1215-6700 GCE - Multiplex equipment 25,505.20 25,000 0 -25,000 0.00%
4-1515-4042-6700 GCE - Airport Tracking & Surveillance 41,203.22 0 0.00%
MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 199,991.70 625,874 0 -625,874 0.00%

4-1510-1201-6700 GCB - City Hall - Building Upgrades 114,698.86 130,000 8,035,750 7,905,750 6181.35%
4-1510-0000-6700 GCB - General Building Upgrades 0.00 0 2,361,014 2,361,014 0.00%
4-1510-1301-6700 GCB - Energy Efficient Projects 296,106.63 390,000 0 -390,000 0.00%
4-1510-1202-6700 GCB - Curling Rink Upgrades 50,000 0 -50,000 0.00%
4-1510-1215-6700 GCB - Multiplex Upgrades 180,150.88 367,200 0 -367,200 0.00%
4-1510-1242-6700 GCB - Bus Shelters - Expense 21,980.78 25,000 0 -25,000 0.00%
4-1510-1251-6700 GCB - CK Arts Centre - Eligible costs 0.00 51,765 0 -51,765 0.00%
4-1510-1251-6701 GCB - CK Arts Centre - Ineligible costs 266.32 0 0.00%
4-1510-1261-6700 GCB - Kenn Borek Aquatic Centre Upgrades 55,000 0 -55,000 0.00%
4-1510-1262-6700 GCB - Memorial Arena Upgrades 500,000 0 -500,000 0.00%
4-1510-3200-6700 GCB - Airport Building Upgrades 20,975.64 259,000 0 -259,000 0.00%
4-1510-3229-6700 GCB - Aiport Term. Outside Lighting 12,711.56 0 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 176 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
4-1510-3231-6700 GCB - Airport Term. Walkway/Sidewalk 3,850.00 0 0.00%
4-1510-4321-6700 GCB - YCC Demolition 215,826.83 50,000 0 -50,000 0.00%
4-1510-4322-6700 GCB - Grandview Demolition 303,963.08 900,000 0 -900,000 0.00%
4-1510-4324-6700 GCB - Centennial Pool Demolition 254,919.34 525,000 0 -525,000 0.00%
4-1510-5023-6700 GCB - EEC - Upper Lobby Wall 212,294.05 0 0.00%
4-1510-5201-6700 GCB - Curling Rink-Upgrade 6,350.00 0 0.00%
4-1510-5226-6700 GCB - Mem/Kin Arena Refrigeration 84,310.68 269,276 0 -269,276 0.00%
4-1510-5229-6700 GCB - Memorial/Kin/Curling Rink Upgrade 204,815.53 0 0.00%
BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES 1,933,220.18 3,572,241 10,396,764 6,824,523 291.04%

4-1530-0000-6700 GCR - RS - Road Upgrades 0 0 0 0.00%

4-1530-1206-6700 GCR - RS - NLC Partnering Project 1,832,000 0 -1,832,000 0.00%
4-1530-2720-6700 GCR - RS - Streetlights 170,972.21 125,000 0 -125,000 0.00%
4-1530-2781-6120 GCR - RS - 10th Street (Alaska Ave) - CUPE Wages 1,423.80 0 0.00%
4-1530-2781-6700 GCR - RS - 10th Street (Alaska Ave) 441,166.03 510,000 0 -510,000 0.00%
4-1530-2782-6120 GCR - RS - 15th Street (108 Ave) - CUPE Wages 1,725.17 0 0 0 0.00%
4-1530-2782-6700 GCR - RS - 15 Street (108 Avenue) 604,151.58 540,000 0 -540,000 0.00%
4-1530-2783-6120 GCR - RS --8th Street (96-100 Ave) -CUPE Wages 2,947.41 0 0.00%
4-1530-2783-6700 GCR - RS - 8th Street (96-100 Avenue) 765,661.58 870,000 0 -870,000 0.00%
4-1532-1205-6700 GCR - RS - Storm Drainage Upgrade (Fair Grounds) 380,000 0 -380,000 0.00%
4-1532-2784-6700 GCR - RS - Storm Drainage - 10th Street Bridge 136,749.28 0 0.00%
4-1532-2825-6700 GCR - RS - Storm Drainage, Ski Hill Drain/Ditch Replace 239,722.72 380,000 0 -380,000 0.00%
4-1532-2825-6120 GCR - RS - Storm Drainage - Ski Hill Dr - CUPE Wages 961.10 0 0.00%
4-1533-2975-6700 GCR - RS - Bridges-15th Street Bridge Rebuild- 792,913.60 0 0.00%
ROADS AND STREETS 3,158,394.48 4,637,000 0 -4,637,000 0.00%

4-1535-2827-6700 GCS - 10 St (107 Ave to Bridge), 241,031.64 173,400 0 -173,400 0.00%

4-1535-2827-6120 GCS - 10 St (107 Ave to Bridge), CUPE Wages 339.30 0 0.00%
4-1535-2829-6120 GCS - 13 Street - 105 Av-CUPE Wages 717.93 0 0.00%
4-1535-2829-6700 GCS - 13 St - (105 Avenue) 289,781.15 403,000 0 -403,000 0.00%
4-1535-2830-6120 GCS - 13 St (102 Ave) - CUPE Wages 901.29 0 0.00%
4-1535-2830-6700 GCS - 13 St (102 Avenue) 279,171.25 315,000 0 -315,000 0.00%
SIDEWALKS 811,942.56 891,400 0 -891,400 0.00%

4-1525-1215-6700 GCL - Landscaping 62,720.56 70,000 0 -70,000 0.00%

4-1515-1204-6700 GCL - Fire Training Site Improvement 161,763.26 301,051 0 -301,051 0.00%
4-1525-3205-6700 GCL - Airport Parking and Grounds Improvements 137,250.94 213,056 0 -213,056 0.00%
4-1525-3223-6700 GCL - Airport - ACAP - Drainage 24,382.22 0 0.00%
LAND IMPROVEMENTS 386,116.98 584,107 0 -584,107 0.00%

4-1545-4141-6700 GCP - Parks-Brookside Walking Path 1,500.00 0 0.00%

4-1545-4181-6700 GCP - Parks-Mile 0 Splash Park 100,000.00 0 0.00%
4-1545-4182-6120 GCP - Parks-Mile 0 Park NDIT Project-CUPE Wages 802.89 0 0.00%
4-1545-4182-6195 GCP - Parks-Mile 0 Park NDIT Project-Benefits 16.61 0 0.00%
4-1545-4182-6700 GCP - Parks-Mile 0 Park NDIT Project 436,719.00 0 0.00%
4-1545-4276-6120 GCP - Park Upgrades and Amenities - Wages 5,925.73 0 0.00%
4-1545-4276-6195 GCP - Park Upgrades and Amenities - Benefits 1,501.31 0 0.00%
4-1545-4276-6700 GCP - Park Upgrades and Amenities 19,231.17 850,000 0 -850,000 0.00%
PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS 565,696.71 850,000 0 -850,000 0.00%

GENERAL FUND CAPITAL 7,798,672.74 11,925,622 11,215,764 -709,858 94.05%

5-1600-6000-6700 WC - Annual upgrades 1,222.50 132,586 14,512,954 14,380,368 10946.07%

5-1600-6251-6700 WC - Treated Water Reservoir 1,808,375.44 4,836,077 250,000 -4,586,077 5.17%
5-1600-6252-6700 WC - New Water Treatment System 59,295.55 220,766 0 -220,766 0.00%
5-1600-6254-6700 WC - Capital Water, WTP Fencing 17,670.15 90,000 0 -90,000 0.00%
5-1600-6255-6700 WC - Water Meter Replacement 241,150.00 250,000 0 -250,000 0.00%
5-1600-6256-6120 WC - 600 Block Water Servicing -CUPE Wages 774.71 0 0.00%
5-1600-6256-6700 WC - 600 Block Water Servicing 156,027.61 80,000 0 -80,000 0.00%
5-1600-6257-6700 WC - Raw Water Reservoir 175,950.40 0 0.00%
WATER FUND CAPITAL 2,460,466.36 5,609,429 14,762,954 9,153,525 263.18%

6-1700-7000-6700 SC - Annual upgrades 0 5,558,079 5,558,079 0.00%

6-1700-7233-6700 SC - Mainline Replacements 1,027,918.50 1,843,345 0 -1,843,345 0.00%
6-1700-7242-6700 SC - 2nd Street Sanidump 141,786.33 0 0.00%
6-1700-7247-6120 SC - W.17 St - 98 Ave to Golf Course-CUPE Wages 33.93 0 0.00%
6-1700-7248-6700 SC - Sewer - Trucked Waste Rec.Facility - Expense 257,402.80 0 0.00%
6-1700-7249-6700 SC - Chamberlain Dr. Sanitary Flood 1,279,326.16 1,830,000 0 -1,830,000 0.00%
6-1700-7250-6120 SC - 600 Block Sewer Servicing -CUPE Wages 774.71 110,000 0 -110,000 0.00%
6-1700-7250-6700 SC - 600 Block Sewer Servicing 93.27 0 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 177 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
SEWER FUND CAPITAL 2,707,335.70 3,783,345 5,558,079 1,774,734 146.91%

TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 12,966,474.80 21,318,396 31,536,797 10,218,401 147.93%

4-1500-0000-7500 GC - Temporary Borrowing Repayment 87,110.32 0 0.00%

Temporary Borrowing Repayment 87,110.32 0 0 0 0.00%

4-0160-0000-6750 GG Depreciation 239,418 226,997 -12,421 94.81%

4-0210-0000-6750 PO Depreciation 84,454 84,454 0 100.00%
4-0220-0000-6750 FD Depreciation 159,674 153,529 -6,145 96.15%
4-0320-0000-6750 TS Depreciation 2,223,513 2,141,434 -82,079 96.31%
4-0400-0000-6750 AT Depreciation 136,369 136,369 0 100.00%
4-0500-0000-6750 WS Depreciation 7,542 7,542 0 100.00%
4-0700-0000-6750 DS Depreciation 7,221 3,869 -3,352 53.58%
4-0800-0000-6750 RC Depreciation 3,349,066 3,330,014 -19,052 99.43%

GC Depreciation 0.00 6,207,257 6,084,208 -123,049 98.02%

5-1200-0000-6750 WS Depreciation 984,837 984,215 -622 99.94%
6-1400-0000-6750 SS Depreciation 814,007 814,007 0 100.00%
Total Depreciation 0.00 8,006,101 7,882,430 -123,671 98.46%

4-1500-0000-6999 Depreciation Transfer -6,207,257 -6,084,208 123,049 98.02%

5-1200-0000-6999 Depreciation Transfer -984,837 -984,215 622 99.94%
6-1400-0000-6999 Depreciation Transfer -814,007 -814,007 0 100.00%
Total Depreciation Transfer 0.00 -8,006,101 -7,882,430 123,671 98.46%

6-1700-0000-6775 Amortization of Capital Obligation 1,658,992.00 0 0.00%

Amortization of Capital Obligation 1,658,992.00 0 0 0 0.00%

CAPITAL SURPLUS 2,532,403.19 -3,983,573 -10,633,401 -6,649,828 266.93%

7-1805-0000-5602 LSR - Interest revenue 3,032.16 320 3,000 2,680 937.73%

7-1810-0000-5602 OSP - Interest revenue 166.49 160 160 0 100.02%
7-1817-0000-5602 PKL - Interest Revenue 110.99 117 120 3 102.56%
7-1820-0000-5602 TSRF - Interest revenue 878.06 533 540 7 101.27%
9-1880-0000-5602 EP - Interest revenue 5,772.61 3,199 3,231 32 101.00%
9-1880-0000-5700 EP - Disposal of Capital Assets 0 150,000 150,000 0.00%
Statutory Reserve Revenue 9,960.31 4,329 157,051 152,722 3627.61%

7-1805-0000-8000 Transfer to General Capital Fund 80,000 0 -80,000 0.00%

9-1880-0000-8004 Transfer to General Capital Fund 765,000.00 685,000 630,000 -55,000 91.97%
Statutory Reserve Transfers 765,000.00 765,000 630,000 -135,000 82.35%

8-1835-0000-5001 BSC - Perpetual Care Revenue 3,089.38 0 0.00%

8-1835-0000-5602 BSC - Interest 979.19 1,280 1,292 13 101.00%
Brookside Cemetery Reserve Revenue 4,068.57 1,280 1,292 13 101.00%

8-1840-0000-5001 CCR - Perpetual Care revenue 1,723.50 0 0.00%

8-1840-0000-5602 CCR - Interest 1,737.02 2,666 2,693 27 101.00%
City Cemetery Reserve Revenue 3,460.52 2,666 2,693 27 101.00%

8-1835-0000-8000 BSC - Transfer to General Operating Fund 979.19 1,280 1,292 13 101.00%
8-1840-0000-8000 CC - Transfer to General Operating Fund 1,737.02 2,666 2,693 27 101.00%
Cemetery Reserve Transfers 2,716.21 3,946 3,985 39 101.00%

9-1880-9010-5800 Equip Pool - Misc. Equip - Revenue 401,030.31 0 0.00%

9-1880-9102-5800 Equip Pool - C2 - 20091Pontiac Torrent - Revenue 4,845.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9104-5800 Equip Pool - C4 - 2007 Toyota Prius - Revenue 4,845.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9105-5800 Equip Pool - C5 - 1999 Sonoma PU - Revenue 3,633.75 0 0.00%
9-1880-9106-5800 Equip Pool - C6 - 2007 Ford Escape - Revenue 4,845.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9107-5800 Equip Pool - C7 - 2007 Ford Escape - Revenue 4,845.12 0 0.00%
9-1880-9108-5800 Equip Pool - C8 - 2007 Ford Escape - Revenue 4,845.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9109-5800 Equip Pool - C9 - 2007 Ford Escape - Revenue 4,869.23 0 0.00%
9-1880-9110-5800 Equip Pool - C10 - 2007 Ford Escape - Revenue 4,845.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9116-5800 Equip Pool - PT6 - 2000 Dodge Dakota - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9121-5800 Equip Pool - PT11 - 1996 GMC Van - Revenue 7,067.07 0 0.00%
9-1880-9123-5800 Equip Pool - PT13 - 2003 Chev 4 X 4 - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9124-5800 Equip Pool - PT14 - 1999 GMC Van - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 178 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
9-1880-9125-5800 Equip Pool - PT15 - 1999 GMC Safari Van - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9126-5800 Equip Pool - PT16 - 1999 Ford F150 PU - Revenue 8,314.32 0 0.00%
9-1880-9127-5800 Equip Pool - PT17 - 2000 Ford PU - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9128-5800 Equip Pool - PT18 - 2000 Ford PU - Revenue 6,235.65 0 0.00%
9-1880-9131-5800 Equip Pool - PT21 - 2001 Savana Van - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9134-5800 Equip Pool - PT24 - 2001 Chev S10 - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9139-5800 Equip Pool - PT29 - 2005 Ford 3/4t - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9140-5800 Equip Pool - PT30 - 2005 Ford PU - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9141-5800 Equip Pool - PT31 - 2009 Sierra Pickup - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9142-5800 Equip Pool - PT32 - 2010 Savana Van - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9143-5800 Equip Pool - PT33 - 2000 Jeep Cherokee - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9144-5800 Equip Pool - PT34 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Reven 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9145-5800 Equip Pool - PT35 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Reven 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9147-5800 Equip Pool - PT37 - 2011 Ford PU - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9148-5800 Equip Pool - PT38 - 2012 Chev Silverado PU - Revenu 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9149-5800 Equip Pool - PT39 - 2012 Chev Silverado PU - Revenu 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9150-5800 Equip Pool - PT40 - 2013 Ford F150 Crew Cab - Reven 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9151-5800 Equip Pool - PT41 - 2013 Ford F150 Crewcab - Reven 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9152-5800 Equip Pool - PT42 - 2013 Ford CG E250 Van - Revenu 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9153-5800 Equip Pool - PT43 - 2013 1500 Dodge Ram - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9154-5800 Equip Pool - PT44 - 2014 Ford F150 - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9155-5800 Equip Pool - PT45 - 2014 Ford F250 - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9156-5800 Equip Pool - PT46 - 2016 Ram 1500 PU - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9157-5800 Equip Pool - PT47 - 2016 Ram 1500 PU - Revenue 8,314.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9201-5800 Equip Pool - DT1 - 2003 Freightliner DT - Revenue 25,144.53 0 0.00%
9-1880-9202-5800 Equip Pool - DT2 - 2007 Int'l Tandem Sand Truck - Re 65,007.24 0 0.00%
9-1880-9204-5800 Equip Pool - DT4 - 2011 Int 7400 DT - Revenue 28,605.80 0 0.00%
9-1880-9208-5800 Equip Pool - DT8 - 1998 Int'l - Runway DT - Revenue 12,723.84 0 0.00%
9-1880-9209-5800 Equip Pool - DT9 - 2012 Int'l Water Truck - Revenue 11,961.50 0 0.00%
9-1880-9231-5800 Equip Pool - UT1 - 1999 GMC 1 Ton Crewcab - Reven 8,314.32 0 0.00%
9-1880-9233-5800 Equip Pool - UT3 - 2003 Ford F350 - Revenue 12,050.98 0 0.00%
9-1880-9234-5800 Equip Pool - UT4 - 2003 Ford F350 - Revenue 6,092.08 0 0.00%
9-1880-9235-5800 Equip Pool - UT5 - 2003 F350 - Revenue 4,094.71 0 0.00%
9-1880-9236-5800 Equip Pool - UT6 - 2000 Ford 1t. - Revenue 99.87 0 0.00%
9-1880-9237-5800 Equip Pool - UT7 - 2000 Ford 1t. - Revenue 18,875.43 0 0.00%
9-1880-9239-5800 Equip Pool - UT9 - 1992 Inter Ladder Truck - Revenue 3,995.28 0 0.00%
9-1880-9240-5800 Equip Pool - UT10 - 2007 Chev 4x4 1 Ton - Revenue 5,655.43 0 0.00%
9-1880-9241-5800 Equip Pool - UT11 - 1997 Chev 1t. - Revenue 1,564.63 0 0.00%
9-1880-9243-5800 Equip Pool - UT13 - 2008 Ford F550 - Revenue 5,459.58 0 0.00%
9-1880-9244-5800 Equip Pool - UT14 - 2008 Ford F550 - Revenue 13,550.09 0 0.00%
9-1880-9245-5800 Equip Pool - UT15 - 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 - Reve 33.29 0 0.00%
9-1880-9246-5800 Equip Pool - UT16 - 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 - Reve 28,030.22 0 0.00%
9-1880-9247-5800 Equip Pool - UT17 - 2012 Ford F550DRW DBT - Reven 28,762.56 0 0.00%
9-1880-9248-5800 Equip Pool - UT18 - 2013 F550 - Revenue 16,478.55 0 0.00%
9-1880-9249-5800 Equip Pool - UT19 - 2014 Chev Silverado - Revenue 20,240.32 0 0.00%
9-1880-9250-5800 Equip Pool - UT20 - 2014 Chev Silverado 3500 - Reve 18,899.98 0 0.00%
9-1880-9305-5800 Equip Pool - FT5 - 2005 JD Tractor - Revenue 976.19 0 0.00%
9-1880-9306-5800 Equip Pool - FT6 - 1995 Ford Tractor - Revenue 366.72 0 0.00%
9-1880-9307-5800 Equip Pool - FT7 - 2005 New Holland Tractor - Reven 3,778.92 0 0.00%
9-1880-9323-5800 Equip Pool - LB3 - 2003 JD Wheel Loader - Revenue 13,470.36 0 0.00%
9-1880-9324-5800 Equip Pool - LB4 - 2005 JD Loader - Revenue 12,753.05 0 0.00%
9-1880-9325-5800 Equip Pool - LB5 - 2007 JD 544J Loader - Revenue 64,605.07 0 0.00%
9-1880-9327-5800 Equip Pool - LB7 - 2009 JD444K Wheel Loader - Reve 38,352.46 0 0.00%
9-1880-9328-5800 Equip Pool - LB8 - 2014 JD 310SK Backhoe Load - Reve 21,804.60 0 0.00%
9-1880-9354-5800 Equip Pool - MG4 - 1997 Komatsu Grdr. - Revenue 63,545.38 0 0.00%
9-1880-9355-5800 Equip Pool - MG5 - 2008 JD770D Grader. - Revenue 85,628.89 0 0.00%
9-1880-9404-5800 Equip Pool - PE4 - 1997 Trackless MT Mower - Reven 400.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9405-5800 Equip Pool - PE5 - Tracaire Aerator - Revenue 231.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9406-5800 Equip Pool - PE6 - Pulverizer & Seeder - Revenue 80.52 0 0.00%
9-1880-9409-5800 Equip Pool - PE8 - Chipper - Revenue 516.60 0 0.00%
9-1880-9410-5800 Equip Pool - PE10 - 2004 John Deere Rideon - Reven 1,450.08 0 0.00%
9-1880-9411-5800 Equip Pool - PE11 - 1986 Parks Util.Trlr. - Revenue 228.24 0 0.00%
9-1880-9412-5800 Equip Pool - PE12 - Rotovator - Revenue 176.16 0 0.00%
9-1880-9415-5800 Equp Pool - E15 - 2003 JD Walk Mower - Revenue 410.40 0 0.00%
9-1880-9417-5800 Equip Pool - PE17 - Powertrim Grass Edger - Revenue 87.48 0 0.00%
9-1880-9418-5800 Equip Pool - PE18 - 2005 Trackless MT5 - Revenue 8,958.36 0 0.00%
9-1880-9419-5800 Equip Pool - PE19 - Smithco Lawn Sweeper - Revenu 1,348.80 0 0.00%
9-1880-9420-5800 Equip Pool - PE20 - 2008 Utility Dump Tlr - Revenue 516.24 0 0.00%
9-1880-9421-5800 Equip Pool - PE21 - 2001 Olympia Ice Machine - Reve 5,937.84 0 0.00%
9-1880-9424-5800 Equip Pool - PE24 - 1995 Olympia Ice Machine - Reve 4,774.92 0 0.00%
9-1880-9425-5800 Equip Pool - PE25 - 1979 LeClair Ice Machine - Reven 1,337.28 0 0.00%

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01/31/2017 Page 179 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
9-1880-9426-5800 Equip Pool - PE26 - Trackless MT - Revenue 5,010.36 0 0.00%
9-1880-9428-5800 Equip Pool - PE28 - MB Walk Sweeper - Revenue 224.88 0 0.00%
9-1880-9429-5800 Equip Pool - PE29 - Trail Tech Car Trailer - Revenue 436.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9431-5800 Equip Pool - PE31 - 2006 JD 1435 Com Mower - Reve 1,344.96 0 0.00%
9-1880-9435-5800 Equip Pool - PE35 - 2007 Dakota 420 Top Dresser - R 2,083.68 0 0.00%
9-1880-9437-5800 Equip Pool - PE37 - 2010 MT6 Trackless - Revenue 6,374.04 0 0.00%
9-1880-9438-5800 Equip Pool - PE38 - 2011 JD WH48A Mower - Revenu 397.56 0 0.00%
9-1880-9439-5800 Equip Pool - PE39 - 2011 JD WH48A Mower - Revenu 397.56 0 0.00%
9-1880-9442-5800 Equip Pool - PE42 - 2012 MadVac - Revenue 5,027.88 0 0.00%
9-1880-9443-5800 Equip Pool - PE43 - 2013 E - ME3B Turf Edger - Reven 56.40 0 0.00%
9-1880-9444-5800 Equip Pool - PE44 - 2015 Royal Trailer - Revenue 429.48 0 0.00%
9-1880-9445-5800 Equip Pool - PE45 - 2014 JD Utility Trailer - Revenue 960.12 0 0.00%
9-1880-9446-5800 Equip Pool - PE46 - 2015 JD1550 Terrain Mower - Re 1,306.80 0 0.00%
9-1880-9447-5800 Equip Pool - PE47 - 2015 Turfco Seeder - Revenue 1,405.32 0 0.00%
9-1880-9448-5800 Equip Pool - PE48 - 2016 Trackless MT6 - Revenue 622.10 0 0.00%
9-1880-9501-5800 Equip Pool - PW1 - 2008 Challenger Shop Steamer 410.16 0 0.00%
9-1880-9502-5800 Equip Pool - PW2 - 1982 Vibrator Roller - Revenue 986.40 0 0.00%
9-1880-9504-5800 Equip Pool - PW4 - 1985 Marathon Tar Pot - Revenue 1,397.88 0 0.00%
9-1880-9505-5800 Equip Pool - PW5 - Shoring System & Trlr. - Revenue 1,583.52 0 0.00%
9-1880-9507-5800 Equip Pool - PW7 - Nikon Survey Equip. - Revenue 2,502.48 0 0.00%
9-1880-9508-5800 Equip Pool - PW8 - Build a Box Shoring - Revenue 1,388.64 0 0.00%
9-1880-9509-5800 Equip Pool - PW9 - 1999 AMZ Paver - Revenue 4,712.52 0 0.00%
9-1880-9512-5800 Equip Pool - PW12 - Thompson Trash Pump - Revenu 3,168.36 0 0.00%
9-1880-9513-5800 Equip Pool - PW13 - 2CX Sewer Inspect. System - Rev 852.24 0 0.00%
9-1880-9514-5800 Equip Pool - PW14 - 2" Honda Trash Pump - Revenue 35.04 0 0.00%
9-1880-9517-5800 Equip Pool - PW17 - 1998 Canuck Steamer - Revenue 1,978.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9518-5800 Equip Pool - PW18 - 2007 C17BSL Sewer Camera - Re 620.64 0 0.00%
9-1880-9519-5800 Equip Pool - PW19 - 2009 Rainbow Utility Trailer - Re 162.60 0 0.00%
9-1880-9520-5800 Equip Pool - PW20 - Welder - Revenue 19.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9521-5800 Equip Pool - PW21 - 2003 Arctic Cat Quad - Revenue 496.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9522-5800 Equip Pool - PW22 - 2004 Portable Steamer - Revenu 418.32 0 0.00%
9-1880-9523-5800 Equip Pool - PW23 - 2004 16' Carhaul Trlr - Revenue 209.28 0 0.00%
9-1880-9524-5800 Equip Pool - PW24 - 2004 Godwin Pump - Revenue 2,121.72 0 0.00%
9-1880-9525-5800 Equip Pool - PW25 - 2004 Sewer Main Man Lift - Rev 946.68 0 0.00%
9-1880-9526-5800 Equip Pool - PW26 - 1998 Steamer - Revenue 1,978.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9527-5800 Equip Pool - PW27 - 2004 Model 320 Linemarker - Re 4,125.24 0 0.00%
9-1880-9529-5800 Equip Pool - PW29 - Shop Pressure Washer - Revenu 285.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9530-5800 Equip Pool - PW30 - 1976 McCoy Trlr. - Revenue 167.52 0 0.00%
9-1880-9533-5800 Equip Pool - PW33 - 2004 10 FT Sander - Revenue 1,565.52 0 0.00%
9-1880-9534-5800 Equip Pool - PW34 - 2007 Ingersall Rand Comp - Rev 1,357.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9537-5800 Equip Pool - PW37 - 2009 Hyd Pavement Breaker 1,308.96 0 0.00%
9-1880-9539-5800 Equip Pool - PW39 - 1992 Ford De - Icer Truck - Reve 19,198.08 0 0.00%
9-1880-9541-5800 Equip Pool - PW41 - 2013 Marathon Tar Kettle - Reve 2,474.88 0 0.00%
9-1880-9542-5800 Equip Pool - PW42 - 2014 Polaris ATV Ranger - Reven 672.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9543-5800 Equip Pool - PW43 - 2014 Load Trail Carhauler - Reve 408.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9544-5800 Equip Pool - PW44 - 2014 Swenson Sander - Revenue 292.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9546-5800 Equip Pool - PW46 - 2016 JD XUV590I-Revenue 690.54 0 0.00%
9-1880-9547-5800 Equip Pool - PW47 - 2016 Rainbow ATV Trailer-Revenue 128.22 0 0.00%
9-1880-9605-5800 Equip Pool - SCS5 - 2003 Epoke System Spreader - Re 19,198.08 0 0.00%
9-1880-9607-5800 Equip Pool - SCS7 - 2003 RPM Snowblower - Revenue 19,198.08 0 0.00%
9-1880-9610-5800 Equip Pool - SCS10 - 1978 SMI Snowblower - Revenu 19,198.08 0 0.00%
9-1880-9612-5800 Equip Pool - SCS12 - Vohl Runway Sweeper - Revenu 19,198.08 0 0.00%
9-1880-9613-5800 Equip Pool - SCS13 - 2001 Vohl Runway Sweeper - Re 19,198.08 0 0.00%
9-1880-9614-5800 Equip Pool - SCS14 - 1999 SDI Aircraft DeIcer - Reven 19,198.08 0 0.00%
9-1880-9615-5800 Equip Pool - SCS15 - 2005 Elgin Road Sweeper - Reve 39,739.86 0 0.00%
9-1880-9616-5800 Equip Pool - SCS16 - 2013 Larue Snow Blower - Reve 6,095.37 0 0.00%
9-1880-9617-5800 Equip Pool - SCS17 - 2015 Schwarze Sweeper - Reve 47,803.02 0 0.00%
9-1880-9618-5800 Equip Pool - SCS18 - 2014 Raiko Pave Breaker - Reven 11,198.81 0 0.00%
9-1880-9619-5800 Equip Pool - SCS19 - 2015 Vactor Int'l 7600 - Revenue 82,275.05 0 0.00%
9-1880-9801-5800 Equip.Pool - Mobile Radios - Revenue 2,952.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9901-5800 Equip.Pool - Zamboni - Revenue 6,150.72 0 0.00%
EP Revenues 1,731,595.41 0 0 0 0.00%

9-1880-0000-6408 EP - Electricity 209.11 0 0.00%

9-1880-9010-6120 Equip Pool - Misc. Equipment - Wages 85,334.35 0 0.00%
9-1880-9010-6195 Equip Pool - Misc Equip - Benefits 27,356.41 0 0.00%
9-1880-9010-6361 Equip Pool - Misc Equip - Equip Pool Chg Out 461.52 0 0.00%
9-1880-9010-6800 Equip Pool - Misc. Equip - Expense 81,743.01 0 819,000 819,000 0.00%
9-1880-9101-6120 Equip Pool - C1 - 1998 Safari Van - Wages 148.98 0 0.00%
9-1880-9101-6195 Equip Pool - C1 - 1998 Safari - Benefits 50.92 0 0.00%
9-1880-9102-6120 Equip Pool - C2 - 2009 Pontiac Torrent - Wages 40.63 0 0.00%

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01/31/2017 Page 180 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
9-1880-9102-6195 Equip Pool - C2 - 2009 Pontiac Torrent - Benefits 9.77 0 0.00%
9-1880-9102-6800 Equip Pool - C2 - 2009 Pontiac Torrent - Expenses 2,302.02 0 0.00%
9-1880-9104-6120 Equip Pool - C4 - 2007 Toyota Prius - Wages 523.07 0 0.00%
9-1880-9104-6195 Equip Pool - C4 - 2007 Toyota Prius - Benefits 124.61 0 0.00%
9-1880-9104-6800 Equip Pool - C4 - 2007 Toyota Prius - Expense 3,147.94 0 0.00%
9-1880-9105-6120 Equip Pool - C5 - 1999 Sonoma PU - Wages 144.60 0 0.00%
9-1880-9105-6195 Equip Pool - C5 - 1999 Sonoma PU - Benefits 46.23 0 0.00%
9-1880-9105-6800 Equip Pool - C5 - 1999 Sonoma PU - Exp 476.82 0 0.00%
9-1880-9106-6120 Equip Pool - C6 - 2007 Ford Escape - Wages 606.91 0 0.00%
9-1880-9106-6195 Equip Pool - C6 - 2007 Ford Escape - Benefits 129.65 0 0.00%
9-1880-9106-6800 Equip Pool - C6 - 2007 Ford Escape - Expense 4,511.28 0 0.00%
9-1880-9107-6120 Equip Pool - C7 - 2007 Ford Escape - Wages 378.97 0 0.00%
9-1880-9107-6195 Equip Pool - C7 - 2007 Ford Escape - Benefits 114.27 0 0.00%
9-1880-9107-6800 Equip Pool - C7 - 2007 Ford Escape - Expense 2,908.11 0 0.00%
9-1880-9108-6120 Equip Pool - C8 - 2007 Ford Escape - Wages 72.30 0 0.00%
9-1880-9108-6195 Equip Pool - C8 - 2007 Ford Escape - Benefits 20.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9108-6800 Equip Pool - C8 - 2007 Ford Escape - Expenses 2,379.18 0 0.00%
9-1880-9109-6120 Equip Pool - C9 - 2007 Ford Escape - Wages 595.90 0 0.00%
9-1880-9109-6195 Equip Pool - C9 - 2007 Ford Escape - Benefits 141.40 0 0.00%
9-1880-9109-6800 Equip Pool - C9 - 2007 Ford Escape - Expenses 4,719.74 0 0.00%
9-1880-9110-6120 Equip Pool - C10 - 2007 Ford Escape - Wages 306.88 0 0.00%
9-1880-9110-6195 Equip Pool - C10 - 2007 Ford Escape - Benefits 69.87 0 0.00%
9-1880-9110-6800 Equip Pool - C10 - 2007 Ford Escape - Expenses 2,259.76 0 0.00%
9-1880-9121-6120 Equip Pool - PT11 - 1996 GMC Van - Wages 71.10 0 0.00%
9-1880-9121-6195 Equip Pool - PT11 1996 GMC Van - Benefits 18.12 0 0.00%
9-1880-9121-6800 Equip Pool - PT11 - 1996 GMC Van - Exp 771.38 0 0.00%
9-1880-9123-6120 Equip Pool - PT13 - 2003 Chev 4x4 - Wages 1,298.78 0 0.00%
9-1880-9123-6195 Equip Pool - PT13 - 2003 Chev 4x4 - Benefits 356.70 0 0.00%
9-1880-9123-6800 Equip Pool - PT13 - 2003 Chev 4x4 Exp 3,725.13 0 0.00%
9-1880-9124-6120 Equip Pool - PT14 - 1999 GMC Van - Wages 540.06 0 0.00%
9-1880-9124-6195 Equip Pool - PT14 - 1999 GMC Van - Benefits 141.86 0 0.00%
9-1880-9124-6800 Equip Pool - PT14 - 1999 GMC Van - Exp 3,730.08 0 0.00%
9-1880-9126-6120 Equip Pool - PT16 - 1999 Ford F150 PU - Wages 1,025.63 0 0.00%
9-1880-9126-6195 Equip Pool - PT16 - 1999 Ford F150 PU - Benefits 263.05 0 0.00%
9-1880-9126-6800 Equip Pool - PT16 - 1999 Ford F150 PU - Exp 2,214.04 0 0.00%
9-1880-9127-6120 Equip Pool - PT17 - 2000 Ford PU - Wages 546.10 0 0.00%
9-1880-9127-6195 Equip Pool - PT17 - 2000 Ford PU - Benefits 134.53 0 0.00%
9-1880-9127-6800 Equip Pool - PT17 - 2000 Ford PU - Exp 2,958.84 0 0.00%
9-1880-9128-6120 Equip Pool - PT18 - 2000 Ford PU - Wages 71.10 0 0.00%
9-1880-9128-6195 Equip Pool - Pt18 - 2000 Ford PU - Benefits 18.12 0 0.00%
9-1880-9128-6800 Equip Pool - PT18 - 2000 Ford PU - Exp 139.01 0 0.00%
9-1880-9131-6120 Equip Pool - PT21 - 2001 Savana Van - Wages 420.33 0 0.00%
9-1880-9131-6195 Equip Pool - PT21 - 2001 Savana Van - Benefits 85.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9131-6800 Equip Pool - PT21 - 2001 Savana Van - Exp 2,684.64 0 0.00%
9-1880-9134-6120 Equip Pool - PT24 - 2001 Chev S10 - Wages 309.33 0 0.00%
9-1880-9134-6195 Equip Pool - PT24 - 2001 Chev S10 - Benefits 71.31 0 0.00%
9-1880-9134-6800 Equip Pool - PT24 - 2001 Chev S10 - Exp 1,836.91 0 0.00%
9-1880-9136-6120 Equip Pool - PT26 - 1997 Chev Chyann PU - Wages 190.69 0 0.00%
9-1880-9136-6195 Equip Pool - PT26 - 1997 Chev Chyann PU - Benefits 38.31 0 0.00%
9-1880-9137-6800 Equip Pool - PT27 - 1997 Chev Chyann PU - Exp 327.50 0 0.00%
9-1880-9139-6120 Equip Pool - PT29 - 2005 3/4t Ford PU - Wages CUPE 926.11 0 0.00%
9-1880-9139-6195 Equip Pool - PT29 - 2005 3/4t PU - Benefits 285.89 0 0.00%
9-1880-9139-6800 Equip Pool - PT29 - 2005 Ford 3/4t Ext.Cab - Exp 10,206.92 0 0.00%
9-1880-9140-6120 Equip Pool - PT30 2005 Ford PU - Wages CUPE 620.98 0 0.00%
9-1880-9140-6195 Equip Pool - PT30 2005 Ford PU - Benefits 158.33 0 0.00%
9-1880-9140-6800 Equip Pool - PT30 2005 Ford PU - Exp 5,141.90 0 0.00%
9-1880-9141-6120 Equip Pool - PT31 - 2009 Sierra Pickup - Wages 498.50 0 0.00%
9-1880-9141-6195 Equip Pool - PT31 - 2009 Sierra Pickup - Benefits 121.21 0 0.00%
9-1880-9141-6800 Equip Pool - PT31 - 2009 Sierra Pickup - Exp 5,009.40 0 0.00%
9-1880-9142-6120 Equip Pool - PT32 - 2010 Savanna Van - Wages 377.63 0 0.00%
9-1880-9142-6195 Equip Pool - PT32 - 2010 Savanna Van - Benefits 113.85 0 0.00%
9-1880-9142-6800 Equip Pool - PT32 - 2010 Savanna Van - Expense 2,408.28 0 0.00%
9-1880-9143-6120 Equip Pool - PT33 - 2000 Jeep Cherokee - Wages 443.91 0 0.00%
9-1880-9143-6195 Equip Pool - PT33 - 2000 Jeep Cherokee - Benefits 105.91 0 0.00%
9-1880-9143-6800 Equip Pool - PT33 - 2000 Jeep Cherokee - Expense 1,679.01 0 0.00%
9-1880-9144-6120 Equip Pool - PT34 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Wage 484.41 0 0.00%
9-1880-9144-6195 Equip Pool - PT34 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Benef 126.54 0 0.00%
9-1880-9144-6800 Equip Pool - PT34 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Exp 6,342.02 0 0.00%
9-1880-9145-6120 Equip Pool - PT35 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Wage 707.04 0 0.00%
9-1880-9145-6195 Equip Pool - PT35 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Benef 179.07 0 0.00%
9-1880-9145-6800 Equip Pool - PT35 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Exp 6,048.88 0 0.00%

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01/31/2017 Page 181 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
9-1880-9146-6120 Equip Pool - PT36 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Wage 242.55 0 0.00%
9-1880-9146-6195 Equip Pool - PT36 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Benef 46.58 0 0.00%
9-1880-9146-6800 Equip Pool - PT36 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Exp 266.41 0 0.00%
9-1880-9147-6800 Equip Pool - PT37 - 2011 Ford PU - Exp 9,524.73 0 0.00%
9-1880-9147-6120 Equip Pool - PT37 - 2011 Ford PU - Wages 298.78 0 0.00%
9-1880-9147-6195 Equip Pool - PT37 - 2011 Ford PU - Benefits 89.90 0 0.00%
9-1880-9148-6800 Equip Pool - PT38 - 2012 Chev Silverado PU - Expense 3,481.83 0 0.00%
9-1880-9148-6120 Equip Pool - PT38 - 2012 Chev Silverado PU - Wages 406.54 0 0.00%
9-1880-9148-6195 Equip Pool - PT38 - 2012 Chev Silverado PU - Benefit 124.73 0 0.00%
9-1880-9149-6800 Equip Pool - PT39 - 2012 Chev Silverado PU - Expense 3,253.07 0 0.00%
9-1880-9149-6120 Equip Pool - PT39 - 2012 Chev Silverado PU - Wages 576.76 0 0.00%
9-1880-9149-6195 Equip Pool - PT39 - 2012 Chev Silverado PU - Benefit 83.56 0 0.00%
9-1880-9150-6120 Equip Pool - PT40 - 2013 Ford F150 Crew Cab - CUPE W 1,462.35 0 0.00%
9-1880-9150-6195 Equip Pool - PT40 - 2013 Ford F150 Crew Cab - Benefit 303.71 0 0.00%
9-1880-9150-6800 Equip Pool - PT40 - 2013 Ford F150 Crew Cab - Expense 4,237.81 0 0.00%
9-1880-9151-6120 Equip Pool - PT41 - 2013 Ford F150 Crewcab - CUPE W 202.16 0 0.00%
9-1880-9151-6195 Equip Pool - PT41 - 2013 Ford F150 Crewcab - Benefits 51.42 0 0.00%
9-1880-9151-6800 Equip Pool - PT41 - 2013 Ford F150 Crewcab - Expense 3,889.74 0 0.00%
9-1880-9152-6120 Equip Pool - PT42 - 2013 Ford CG E250 Van - CUPE Wag 507.64 0 0.00%
9-1880-9152-6195 Equip Pool - PT42 - 2013 Ford CG E250 Van - Benefits 106.77 0 0.00%
9-1880-9152-6800 Equip Pool - PT42 - 2013 Ford CG E250 Van - Expense 7,179.52 0 0.00%
9-1880-9153-6120 Equip Pool - PT43 - 2013 1500 Dodge Ram - CUPE Wa 211.29 0 0.00%
9-1880-9153-6195 Equip Pool - PT43 - 2013 1500 Dodge Ram - Benefits 49.62 0 0.00%
9-1880-9153-6800 Equip Pool - PT43 - 2013 1500 Dodge Ram - Expense 3,706.61 0 0.00%
9-1880-9154-6120 Equip Pool - PT44 - 2014 Ford F150 - CUPE Wages 203.66 0 0.00%
9-1880-9154-6195 Equip Pool - PT44 - 2014 Ford F150 - Benefits 30.24 0 0.00%
9-1880-9154-6800 Equip Pool - PT44 - 2014 Ford F150 - Expense 6,205.22 0 0.00%
9-1880-9155-6120 Equip Pool - PT45 - 2014 Ford F250 - CUPE Wages 392.25 0 0.00%
9-1880-9155-6195 Equip Pool - PT45 - 2014 Ford F250 - Benefits 114.51 0 0.00%
9-1880-9155-6800 Equip Pool - PT45 - 2014 Ford F250 - Expense 8,494.13 0 0.00%
9-1880-9156-6120 Equip Pool - PT46 - 2016 Ram 1500 PU - CUPE Wages 286.61 0 0.00%
9-1880-9156-6195 Equip Pool - PT46 - 2016 Ram 1500 PU - Benefits 51.72 0 0.00%
9-1880-9156-6800 Equip Pool - PT46 - 2016 Ram 1500 PU - Expense 6,073.30 0 0.00%
9-1880-9157-6120 Equip Pool - PT47 - 2016 Ram 1500 PU - CUPE Wages 208.16 0 0.00%
9-1880-9157-6195 Equip Pool - PT47 - 2016 Ram 1500 PU - Benefits 49.67 0 0.00%
9-1880-9157-6800 Equip Pool - PT47 - 2016 Ram 1500 PU - Expense 2,815.11 0 0.00%
9-1880-9158-6120 Equip Pool - PT48 - 2006 Ford F150 4x4-CUPE Wages 879.66 0 0.00%
9-1880-9158-6195 Equip Pool - PT48 - 2006 Ford F150 4x4-CUPE Benefits 224.34 0 0.00%
9-1880-9158-6800 Equip Pool - PT48 - 2006 Ford F150 4x4-CUPE Expense 4,182.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9159-6120 Equip Pool - PT49 - 2016 Ford F250 - CUPE Wages 369.23 0 0.00%
9-1880-9159-6195 Equip Pool - PT49 - 2016 Ford F250 - Benefits 110.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9159-6800 Equip Pool - PT49 - 2016 Ford F250 - Expense 740.65 0 0.00%
9-1880-9160-6120 Equip Pool - PT50-2017 Ford F-350, CUPE Wages 1,946.39 0 0.00%
9-1880-9160-6195 Equip Pool - PT50-2017 Ford F-350 - Benefits 596.62 0 0.00%
9-1880-9160-6800 Equip Pool - PT50-2017 Ford F-350 - Expense 1,052.40 0 0.00%
9-1880-9201-6120 Equip Pool - DT1 2003 Freightliner DT - Wages CUPE 2,241.14 0 0.00%
9-1880-9201-6195 Equip Pool - DT1 2003 Freightliner DT - Benefits 495.66 0 0.00%
9-1880-9201-6800 Equip Pool - DT1 2003 Freightliner DT - Exp 5,017.46 0 0.00%
9-1880-9202-6120 Equip Pool - DT2 - 2007 Int'l Tandem Sand Truck - W 8,464.96 0 0.00%
9-1880-9202-6195 Equip Pool - DT2 - 2007 Int'l Tandem Sand Truck - Be 1,917.47 0 0.00%
9-1880-9202-6800 Equip Pool - DT2 - 2007 Int'l Tandem Sand Truck - Exp 16,964.43 0 0.00%
9-1880-9204-6120 Equip Pool - DT4 - 2011 Int 7400 DT - Wages 5,484.71 0 0.00%
9-1880-9204-6195 Equip Pool - DT4 - 2011 Int 7400 DT - Benefits 1,210.61 0 0.00%
9-1880-9204-6800 Equip Pool - DT4 - 2011 Int 7400 DT - Expense 6,927.28 0 0.00%
9-1880-9205-6120 Equip Pool - DT5 - 1982 Heavy DT - Wages 1,333.37 0 0.00%
9-1880-9205-6195 Equip Pool - DT5 - 1982 Heavy DT - Benefits 359.74 0 0.00%
9-1880-9205-6800 Equip Pool - DT5 - 1982 Heavy DT - Exp 1,374.31 0 0.00%
9-1880-9208-6120 Equip Pool - DT8 - 1998 Int'l Runway DT - Wages 3,348.58 0 0.00%
9-1880-9208-6195 Equip Pool - DT8 - 1998 Int'l Runway DT - Benefits 775.17 0 0.00%
9-1880-9208-6800 Equip Pool - DT8 - 1998 Int'l - Runway DT - Exp 5,591.66 0 0.00%
9-1880-9209-6800 Equip Pool - DT9 - 2012 Int'l Water Truck - Expense 4,751.91 0 0.00%
9-1880-9209-6120 Equip Pool - DT9 - 2012 Int'l Water Truck - Wages 1,480.99 0 0.00%
9-1880-9209-6195 Equip Pool - DT9 - 2012 Int'l Water Truck - Benefits 319.06 0 0.00%
9-1880-9231-6120 Equip Pool - UT1 - 1999 GMC 1 Ton Crewcab - Wages 403.40 0 0.00%
9-1880-9231-6195 Equip Pool - UT1 - 1999 GMC 1 Ton - Benefits 90.18 0 0.00%
9-1880-9231-6800 Equip Pool - UT1 - 1999 GMC 1 Ton Crewcab - Exp 2,017.78 0 0.00%
9-1880-9232-6120 Equip Pool - UT2 - 1987 Ford 1t. - Wages 72.30 0 0.00%
9-1880-9232-6195 Equip Pool - UT2 - 1987 Ford 1t. - Benefits 20.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9233-6120 Equip Pool - UT3 Ford F350 - Wage 4,082.19 0 0.00%
9-1880-9233-6195 Equip Pool - UT3 Ford 350 - Benefits 1,019.62 0 0.00%
9-1880-9233-6800 Equip Pool - UT3 2003 Ford F350 - Exp 3,725.13 0 0.00%

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01/31/2017 Page 182 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
9-1880-9234-6120 Equip Pool - UT4 2003 Ford F350 - Wage 2,068.75 0 0.00%
9-1880-9234-6195 Equip Pool - UT4 2003 Ford 350 - Benefits 472.07 0 0.00%
9-1880-9234-6800 Equip Pool - UT4 2003 Ford F350 - Exp 3,184.33 0 0.00%
9-1880-9235-6120 Equip Pool - UT5 2003 F350 - Wage 837.53 0 0.00%
9-1880-9235-6195 Equip Pool - UT5 2003 F350 - Benefits 178.48 0 0.00%
9-1880-9235-6800 Equip Pool - UT5 2003 F350 - Exp 2,993.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9236-6120 Equip Pool - UT6 - 2000 Ford 1T - Wages 71.10 0 0.00%
9-1880-9236-6195 Equip Pool - UT6 2000 Ford 1T - Benefits 18.12 0 0.00%
9-1880-9236-6800 Equip Pool - UT6 - 2000 Ford 1T - Exp 203.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9237-6120 Equip Pool - UT7 - 2000 Ford 1T - Wages 999.45 0 0.00%
9-1880-9237-6195 Equip Pool - UT7 - 2000 Ford 1T - Benefits 248.48 0 0.00%
9-1880-9237-6800 Equip Pool - UT7 - 2000 Ford 1T - Exp 4,874.57 0 0.00%
9-1880-9239-6120 Equip Pool - UT9 - 1992 Inter. Ladder Truck - Wage 959.40 0 0.00%
9-1880-9239-6195 Equip Pool - UT9 - 1992 Inter Ladder Tk - Benefits 180.23 0 0.00%
9-1880-9239-6800 Equip Pool - UT9 - 1992 International Ladder Truck 1,926.45 0 0.00%
9-1880-9240-6120 Equip Pool - UT10 - 2007 Chev 4x4 1 Ton - Wages CUP 3,119.30 0 0.00%
9-1880-9240-6195 Equip Pool - UT10 - 2007 Chev 4x4 1 Ton - Benefits 716.54 0 0.00%
9-1880-9240-6800 Equip Pool - UT10 - 2007 Chev 4x4 1 Ton - Expenses 4,996.68 0 0.00%
9-1880-9241-6120 Equip Pool - UT11 - 1997 Chev 1t. - Wages 529.71 0 0.00%
9-1880-9241-6195 Equip Pool - UT11 - 1997 Chev 1t. - Benefits 112.74 0 0.00%
9-1880-9241-6800 Equip Pool - UT11 - 1997 Chev 1t. - Exp 3,966.05 0 0.00%
9-1880-9242-6800 Equip Pool - UT12 - 1999 Chev 1t. - Exp 140.86 0 0.00%
9-1880-9243-6120 Equip Pool - UT13 - 2008 Ford 550 - Wages 1,882.67 0 0.00%
9-1880-9243-6195 Equip Pool - UT13 - 2008 Ford 550 - Benefits 435.59 0 0.00%
9-1880-9243-6800 Equip Pool - UT13 - 2008 Ford 550 - Expense 2,893.74 0 0.00%
9-1880-9244-6120 Equip Pool - UT14 - 2008 Ford 550 - Wages 3,304.02 0 0.00%
9-1880-9244-6195 Equip Pool - UT14 - 2008 Ford 550 - Benefits 831.07 0 0.00%
9-1880-9244-6800 Equip Pool - UT14 - 2008 Ford 550 - Expense 4,563.32 0 0.00%
9-1880-9245-6120 Equip Pool - UT15 - 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 - Wage 712.26 0 0.00%
9-1880-9245-6195 Equip Pool - UT15 - 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 - Benef 148.89 0 0.00%
9-1880-9245-6800 Equip Pool - UT15 - 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 - Expen 8,035.67 0 0.00%
9-1880-9246-6120 Equip Pool - UT16 - 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 - Wage 2,789.37 0 0.00%
9-1880-9246-6195 Equip Pool - UT16 - 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 - Benef 678.58 0 0.00%
9-1880-9246-6800 Equip Pool - UT16 - 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 - Expen 10,475.34 0 0.00%
9-1880-9247-6120 Equip Pool - UT17 - 2012 Ford F550DRW DBT - Wages 1,332.80 0 0.00%
9-1880-9247-6195 Equip Pool - UT17 - 2012 Ford F550DRW DBT - Benefits 273.61 0 0.00%
9-1880-9247-6800 Equip Pool - UT17 - 2012 Ford F550DRW DBT - Expense 5,152.56 0 0.00%
9-1880-9248-6120 Equip Pool - UT18 - 2013 F550 - CUPE Wages 1,046.43 0 0.00%
9-1880-9248-6195 Equip Pool - UT18 - 2013 F550 - Benefits 291.14 0 0.00%
9-1880-9248-6800 Equip Pool - UT18 - 2013 F550 - Expense 5,159.64 0 0.00%
9-1880-9249-6120 Equip Pool - UT19 - 2014 Chev Silverado - CUPE Wages 2,498.13 0 0.00%
9-1880-9249-6195 Equip Pool - UT19 - 2014 Chev Silverado - Benefits 675.99 0 0.00%
9-1880-9249-6800 Equip Pool - UT19 - 2014 Chev Silverado - Expense 5,482.87 0 0.00%
9-1880-9250-6120 Equip Pool - UT20 - 2014 Chev Silverado 3500 - CUPE W 2,163.65 0 0.00%
9-1880-9250-6195 Equip Pool - UT20 - 2014 Chev Silverado 3500 - Benefit 650.56 0 0.00%
9-1880-9250-6800 Equip Pool - UT20 - 2014 Chev Silverado 3500 - Expens 5,296.24 0 0.00%
9-1880-9305-6120 Equip Pool - FT5 - 2005 JD Tractor - Wages - CUPE 1,178.10 0 0.00%
9-1880-9305-6195 Equip Pool - FT5 - 2005 JD Tractor - Benefits 282.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9305-6800 Equip Pool - FT5 - 2005 JD Tractor - Expense 1,240.06 0 0.00%
9-1880-9306-6120 Equip Pool - FT6 - 1995 Ford Tractor - Wages 5,014.38 0 0.00%
9-1880-9306-6195 Equip Pool - FT6 - 1995 Ford Tractor - Benefits 1,419.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9306-6800 Equip Pool - FT6 - 1995 Ford Tractor - Exp 15,508.60 0 0.00%
9-1880-9307-6120 Equip Pool - FT7 2005 New Holland Tractor - Wages 928.60 0 0.00%
9-1880-9307-6195 Equip Pool - FT7 2005 New Holland Tractor - Benefi 324.74 0 0.00%
9-1880-9307-6800 Equip Pool - FT7 2005 New Holland Tractor - Exp 4,573.28 0 0.00%
9-1880-9322-6120 Equip Pool - LB2 - 2005 JD Loader - Wages 77.82 0 0.00%
9-1880-9322-6195 Equip Pool - LB2 - 2005 JD Loader - Benefits 18.71 0 0.00%
9-1880-9323-6120 Equip Pool - LB3 JD Wheel Loader - Wage 4,664.77 0 0.00%
9-1880-9323-6195 Equip Pool - LB3 JD Wheel Loader - Benefits 1,238.31 0 0.00%
9-1880-9323-6800 Equip Pool - LB3 2003 JD Wheel Loader - Exp 6,860.61 0 0.00%
9-1880-9324-6120 Equip Pool - LB4 - 2005 JD Loader - Wages 1,819.69 0 0.00%
9-1880-9324-6195 Equip Pool - LB4 - 2005 JD Loader - Benefit 458.42 0 0.00%
9-1880-9324-6800 Equip Pool - LB4 - 2005 JD Loader - Exp 4,890.28 0 0.00%
9-1880-9325-6120 Equip Pool - LB5 - 2007 JD 544J Loader - Wages 5,672.47 0 0.00%
9-1880-9325-6195 Equip Pool - LB5 - 2007 JD 544J Loader - Benefits 1,126.55 0 0.00%
9-1880-9325-6800 Equip Pool - LB5 - 2007 JD 544J Loader - Exp 18,588.74 0 0.00%
9-1880-9327-6120 Equip Pool - LB7 - 2009 JD444K Wheel Loader - Wage 9,390.10 0 0.00%
9-1880-9327-6195 Equip Pool - LB7 - 2009 JD444K Wheel Loader - Bene 2,181.53 0 0.00%
9-1880-9327-6800 Equip Pool - LB7 - 2009 JD444K Wheel Loader - Expe 22,577.60 0 0.00%
9-1880-9328-6120 Equip Pool - LB8 - 2014 JD 310SK Backhoe Load - CUP 995.78 0 0.00%
9-1880-9328-6195 Equip Pool - LB8 - 2014 JD 310SK Backhoe Load - Bene 222.16 0 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 183 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
9-1880-9328-6800 Equip Pool - LB8 - 2014 JD 310SK Backhoe Load - Expe 4,180.68 0 0.00%
9-1880-9354-6120 Equip Pool - MG4 - 1997 Komatsu Grdr. - Wages 5,818.37 0 0.00%
9-1880-9354-6195 Equip Pool - MG4 - 1987 Komatsu Grdr - Benefits 1,288.91 0 0.00%
9-1880-9354-6800 Equip Pool - MG4 - 1997 Komatsu Grdr. - Exp 21,529.75 0 0.00%
9-1880-9355-6120 Equip Pool - JD770D 2008 Grader - Wages 7,376.39 0 0.00%
9-1880-9355-6195 Equip Pool - JD770D 2008 Grader - Benefits 1,747.95 0 0.00%
9-1880-9355-6800 Equip Pool - JD770D 2008 Grader - Expense 19,649.02 0 0.00%
9-1880-9390-6120 Equip Pool - Airport Miscellaneous - Wages 252.96 0 0.00%
9-1880-9390-6195 Equip Pool - Airport Miscellaneous - Benefits 71.12 0 0.00%
9-1880-9401-6120 Equip Pool - PE1 - 1995 Ransommes Rideon - Wages 197.92 0 0.00%
9-1880-9401-6195 Equip Pool - PE1 - 1995 Ransommes Rideon - Benefits 59.94 0 0.00%
9-1880-9402-6800 Equip Pool - PE2 - Advenger Floorcleaner - Exp 114.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9403-6120 Equip Pool - PE3 - 1986 H/M Float Trlr. - Wages 901.12 0 0.00%
9-1880-9403-6195 Equip Pool - PE3 - 1986 H/M Float Trlr - Benefits 220.38 0 0.00%
9-1880-9403-6800 Equip Pool - PE3 - 1986 H/M Float Trlr. - Exp 196.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9404-6120 Equip Pool - PE4 - 1997 - Trackless MT Mower - Wag 144.60 0 0.00%
9-1880-9404-6195 Equip Pool - PE4 - 1997 Trackless Mt Mower - Benefit 40.89 0 0.00%
9-1880-9404-6800 Equip Pool - PE4 - 1997 Trackless MT Mower - Exp 237.03 0 0.00%
9-1880-9406-6120 Equip Pool - PE6 - Pulverizer & Seeder - Wages 759.76 0 0.00%
9-1880-9406-6195 Equip Pool - PE6 - Pulverizer & Seeder - Benefits 165.29 0 0.00%
9-1880-9407-6120 Equip Pool - PE7 - MOTT Side Cutter Attch. - Wages 4,045.05 0 0.00%
9-1880-9407-6195 Equip Pool - PE7 - MOTT Sidecutter Attch. - Benefits 928.08 0 0.00%
9-1880-9410-6800 Equip Pool - PE10 - 2004 John Deere Rideon - Exp 3,208.23 0 0.00%
9-1880-9411-6120 Equip Pool - PE11 - 1986 Parks Util.Trlr. - Wages 1,029.95 0 0.00%
9-1880-9411-6195 Equip Pool - PE11 - 1986 Parks Util.Trlr - Benefits 221.53 0 0.00%
9-1880-9411-6800 Equip Pool - PE11 - 1986 Parks Util.Trlr. - Exp 290.66 0 0.00%
9-1880-9412-6800 Equip Pool - PE12 - Rotovator - Exp 34.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9413-6120 Equip Pool - PE13 - 1995 Parks Trlr. - Wages 465.01 0 0.00%
9-1880-9413-6195 Equip Pool - PE13 - 1995 Parks - Benefits 119.47 0 0.00%
9-1880-9413-6800 Equip Pool - PE13 - 1995 Parks Trlr. - Exp 323.93 0 0.00%
9-1880-9415-6120 Equip Pool - PE15 2003 JD Walk Mower - Wages CUPE 104.63 0 0.00%
9-1880-9415-6195 Equip Pool - PE15 - 2003 JD Walk Mower - Benefits 24.42 0 0.00%
9-1880-9416-6120 Equip Pool - PE16 - 2003 JD Walk Mower - Wages 1,180.11 0 0.00%
9-1880-9416-6195 Equip Pool - PE19 - Smithco Lawn Sweeper - Benefits 277.25 0 0.00%
9-1880-9418-6120 Equip Pool - PE18 - 2005 Trackless MT5 - Wages CUPE 6,218.90 0 0.00%
9-1880-9418-6195 Equip Pool - PE18 - 2005 Trackless MT5 - Benefits 1,520.37 0 0.00%
9-1880-9418-6800 Equip Pool - PE18 - 2005 Trackless MT - Exp 10,816.32 0 0.00%
9-1880-9420-6800 Equip Pool - PE20 - 2008 Utility Dump Tlr - Exp 196.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9421-6120 Equip Pool - PE21 - 2001 Olympia Ice Machine - Wage 2,008.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9421-6195 Equip Pool - PE21 - 2001 Olympia Ice Machine - Ben 366.27 0 0.00%
9-1880-9421-6800 Equip Pool - PE21 - 2001 Olympia Ice Machine - Exp 9,473.97 0 0.00%
9-1880-9424-6120 Equip Pool - PE24 - 1995 Olympia Ice Machine - Wage 2,423.01 0 0.00%
9-1880-9424-6195 Equip Pool - PE24 - 1995 Olympia Ice Mch - Benefits 579.54 0 0.00%
9-1880-9424-6800 Equip Pool - PE24 - 1995 Olympia Ice Machine - Exp 10,035.61 0 0.00%
9-1880-9425-6120 Equip Pool - PE25 - 1979 LeClair Ice Machine - Wages 40.63 0 0.00%
9-1880-9425-6195 Equip Pool - PE25 - 1979 LeClair Ice Machine - Benef 9.77 0 0.00%
9-1880-9426-6800 Equip Pool - PE26 - Trackless MT - Exp 67.19 0 0.00%
9-1880-9429-6120 Equip Pool - PE29 Trail Tech Car Trailer - Wages C 515.14 0 0.00%
9-1880-9429-6195 Equip Pool - PE29 Trail Tech Car Trailer - Benefit 86.89 0 0.00%
9-1880-9429-6800 Equip Pool - PE29 Trail Tech Car Trailer - Exp 202.49 0 0.00%
9-1880-9430-6120 Equip Pool - PE30 - 2006 JD Ride on Mower - Wages C 1,472.48 0 0.00%
9-1880-9430-6195 Equip Pool - PE30 - 2006 Ride On Mower - Benefits 418.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9430-6800 Equip Pool - PE30 - 2006 JD Ride On Mower 3,401.58 0 0.00%
9-1880-9431-6120 Equip Pool - PE31 - 2006 JD Com Mower - Wages CUP 559.75 0 0.00%
9-1880-9431-6195 Equip Pool - PE31 - 2006 JD Com Mower - Benefits 121.24 0 0.00%
9-1880-9431-6800 Equip Pool - PE31 - 2006 JD 1435 Com Mower - Exp 2,842.45 0 0.00%
9-1880-9435-6800 Equip Pool - PE35 - 2007 Dakota 420 Top Dresser - Ex 312.23 0 0.00%
9-1880-9436-6800 Equip Pool - PE36 - 2010 S205 Bobcat Skidsteer Loader 1,945.36 0 0.00%
9-1880-9436-6120 Equip Pool - PE36 - 2010 S205 Bobcat Skidsteer Loader 488.53 0 0.00%
9-1880-9436-6195 Equip Pool - PE36 - 2010 S205 Bobcat Skidsteer Loader 123.98 0 0.00%
9-1880-9437-6800 Equip Pool - PE37 - 2010 MT6 Trackless - Exp 31,395.22 0 0.00%
9-1880-9437-6120 Equip Pool - PE37 - 2010 MT6 Trackless - Wages 4,517.82 0 0.00%
9-1880-9437-6195 Equip Pool - PE37 - 2010 MT6 Trackless - Benefits 743.46 0 0.00%
9-1880-9438-6800 Equip Pool - PE38 - 2011 JD WH48A Mowers - Expens 812.27 0 0.00%
9-1880-9438-6120 Equip Pool - PE38 - 2011 JD WH48A Mower - Wages 347.50 0 0.00%
9-1880-9438-6195 Equip Pool - PE38 - 2011 JD WH48A Mower - Benefits 86.18 0 0.00%
9-1880-9439-6800 Equip Pool - PE39 - 2011 JD WH48A Mower - Expense 1,039.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9439-6120 Equip Pool - PE39 - 2011 JD WH48A Mower - Wages 418.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9439-6195 Equip Pool - PE39 - 2011 JD WH48A Mower - Benefits 105.84 0 0.00%
9-1880-9440-6800 Equip Pool - PE40 - 2011 Trackless (Lease) - Expense 408.14 0 0.00%
9-1880-9441-6120 Equip Pool - PE41 - 2012 Big Tex Uty Trailer - Wages 146.42 0 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 184 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
9-1880-9441-6195 Equip Pool - PE41 - 2012 Big Tex Uty Trailer - Benef 40.11 0 0.00%
9-1880-9441-6800 Equip Pool - PE41 - 2012 Big Tex Uty Trailer - Expen 63.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9442-6120 Equip Pool - PE42 - 2012 MadVac - Wages CUPE 144.60 0 0.00%
9-1880-9442-6195 Equip Pool - PE42 - 2012 MadVac - Benefits 74.32 0 0.00%
9-1880-9442-6800 Equip Pool - PE42 - 2012 MadVac - Expense 619.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9444-6800 Equip Pool - PE44 - 2015 Royal Trailer - Expense 175.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9445-6120 Equip Pool - PE45 - 2014 JD Utility Trailer - CUPE Wa 558.12 0 0.00%
9-1880-9445-6195 Equip Pool - PE45 - 2014 JD Utility Trailer - Benefits 120.26 0 0.00%
9-1880-9445-6800 Equip Pool - PE45 - 2014 JD Utility Trailer - Expense 738.05 0 0.00%
9-1880-9446-6120 Equip Pool - PE46 - 2015 JD1550 Terrain Mower - CU 878.71 0 0.00%
9-1880-9446-6195 Equip Pool - PE46 - 2015 JD1550 Terrain Mower - Be 170.16 0 0.00%
9-1880-9446-6800 Equip Pool - PE46 - 2015 JD1550 Terrain Mower - Ex 2,037.01 0 0.00%
9-1880-9447-6800 Equip Pool - PE47 - 2015 Turfco Seeder - Expense 8.03 0 0.00%
9-1880-9448-6120 Equip Pool - PE48 - 2016 Trackless MT6 - CUPE - Wag 4,965.98 0 0.00%
9-1880-9448-6195 Equip Pool - PE48 - 2016 Trackless MT6 - Benefit 1,262.58 0 0.00%
9-1880-9448-6800 Equip Pool - PE48 - 2016 Trackless MT6 - Expense 43,243.04 0 0.00%
9-1880-9449-6120 Equip Pool - PE49 - 2016 Kubota Lawnmower - Wages 108.45 0 0.00%
9-1880-9449-6195 Equip Pool - PE49 - 2016 Kubora Lawnmower - Benefits 26.76 0 0.00%
9-1880-9449-6800 Equip Pool - PE49 - 2016 Kubota Lawnmower-Expense 123.63 0 0.00%
9-1880-9501-6120 Equip Pool - PW1 - 2008 Challenger Shop Steamer 131.05 0 0.00%
9-1880-9501-6195 Equip Pool - PW1 - 2008 Challenger Shop Steamer - B 26.34 0 0.00%
9-1880-9505-6120 Equip Pool - PW5 - Shoring System & Trlr. - Wages 204.30 0 0.00%
9-1880-9505-6195 Equip Pool - PW5 - Shoring System Trlr - Benefits 30.94 0 0.00%
9-1880-9505-6800 Equip Pool - PW5 - Shoring System & Trlr. - Exp 214.43 0 0.00%
9-1880-9508-6120 Equip Pool - PW8 - Build a Box Shoring - Wages 2.70 0 0.00%
9-1880-9508-6195 Equip Pool - PW8 - Build a Box Shoring - Benefits 0.74 0 0.00%
9-1880-9508-6800 Equip Pool - PW8 - Build a Box Shoring - Exp 158.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9509-6120 Equip Pool - PW9 - 1999 AMZ Paver - Wages 2,272.70 0 0.00%
9-1880-9509-6195 Equip Pool - PW9 - 1999 AMZ Paver - Benefits 720.28 0 0.00%
9-1880-9509-6800 Equip Pool - PW9 - 1999 AMZ Paver - Exp 4,609.09 0 0.00%
9-1880-9512-6120 Equip Pool - PW12 - Thompson Trash Pump - Wages 487.80 0 0.00%
9-1880-9512-6195 Equip Pool - PW12 - thompson Trash Pump - Benefits 206.35 0 0.00%
9-1880-9512-6800 Equip Pool - PW12 - Thompson Trash Pump - Exp 411.47 0 0.00%
9-1880-9513-6800 Equip Pool - PW13 - 2CX Sewer Inspect. System - Exp 49.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9515-6800 Equip Pool - PW15 - Home Built Utility Trlr. - Exp 96.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9517-6120 Equip Pool - PW17 - 1998 Canuck Steamer - Wages 1,062.72 0 0.00%
9-1880-9517-6195 Equip Pool - PW17 - 1998 Canuck Steamer - Benefits 227.09 0 0.00%
9-1880-9517-6800 Equip Pool - PW17 - 1998 Canuck Steamer - Exp 1,887.31 0 0.00%
9-1880-9519-6800 Equip Pool - PW19 - 2009 Rainbow Utility Trailer - Expe 146.72 0 0.00%
9-1880-9521-6120 Equip Pool - PW21 2003 Arctic Cat Quad - Wage 285.90 0 0.00%
9-1880-9521-6195 Equip Pool - PW21 2003 Arctic Cat Quad - Benefits 55.33 0 0.00%
9-1880-9521-6800 Equip Pool - Pw21 2003 Arctic Cat Quad - Exp 349.42 0 0.00%
9-1880-9522-6800 Equip Pool - PW22 - 2004 Portable Steamer - Exp 39.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9523-6120 Equip Pool - PW23 2004 16' Carhaul Trlr - Wages CU 138.60 0 0.00%
9-1880-9523-6195 Equip Pool - PW23 2004 16'Carhaul Trlr - Benefits 49.11 0 0.00%
9-1880-9523-6800 Equip Pool - PW23 2004 16' CarHaul Trlr - Expense 196.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9524-6800 Equip Pool - PW24 - 2004 Godwin Pump - Exp 489.86 0 0.00%
9-1880-9525-6800 Equip Pool - PW25 - 2004 Sewer Main Man Lift - Exp 89.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9526-6120 Equip Pool - PW26 - 1998 Steamer - Wages 973.98 0 0.00%
9-1880-9526-6195 Equip Pool - PW26 - 1998 Steamer - Benefits 222.80 0 0.00%
9-1880-9526-6800 Equip Pool - PW26 - 1998 Steamer - Exp 1,013.69 0 0.00%
9-1880-9527-6120 Equip Pool - PW27 - 2004 Model 320 Line Marker - W 1,002.15 0 0.00%
9-1880-9527-6195 Equip Pool - PW27 - 2004 Model 320 Linemarker - Be 296.11 0 0.00%
9-1880-9527-6800 Equip Pool - PW27 - 2004 Model 320 Linemarker - Exp 2,309.70 0 0.00%
9-1880-9530-6120 Equip Pool - PW30 - 1976 McCoy Trlr. - Wages 204.30 0 0.00%
9-1880-9530-6195 Equip Pool - PW30 - 1976 McCoy Trlr - Benefits 31.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9530-6800 Equip Pool - PW30 - 1976 McCoy Trlr. - Exp 248.41 0 0.00%
9-1880-9533-6120 Equip Pool - PW33 - 2004 10 FT Sander - Wages CUPE 1,245.24 0 0.00%
9-1880-9533-6195 Equip Pool - PW33 - 2004 10 FT Sander - Benefits 292.39 0 0.00%
9-1880-9533-6800 Equip Pool - PW33 - 2004 10 FT Sander - Exp 118.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9534-6120 Equip Pool - PW34 - 2007 Ingersall Rand Comp - Wage 420.93 0 0.00%
9-1880-9534-6195 Equip Pool - PW34 - 2007 Ingersall Rand Comp - Bene 76.85 0 0.00%
9-1880-9534-6800 Equip Pool - PW34 - 2007 Ingersall Rand Comp - Exp 620.82 0 0.00%
9-1880-9535-6120 Equip Pool - PW35 - 2012 Stirling Util Tlr - Wages 385.80 0 0.00%
9-1880-9535-6195 Equip Pool - PW35 - 2012 Stirling Util Tlr - Benefit 78.26 0 0.00%
9-1880-9535-6800 Equip Pool - PW35 - 2012 Stirling Util Tlr - Exp 365.64 0 0.00%
9-1880-9536-6120 Equip Pool - PW36 - 2007 Henderson Slide in Sander 1,717.40 0 0.00%
9-1880-9536-6195 Equip Pool - PW36 - 2007 Henderson Slide in Sander 336.23 0 0.00%
9-1880-9536-6800 Equip Pool - PW36 - 2007 Henderson Slide in Sander 4,322.66 0 0.00%
9-1880-9537-6800 Equip Pool - PW37 - 2009 Hyd Pavement Breaker 143.58 0 0.00%
9-1880-9538-6120 Equip Pool - PW38 - 2012 ABU Tilt Deck Trlr - Wages 499.43 0 0.00%

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City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
9-1880-9538-6195 Equip Pool - PW38 - 2012 ABU 20' Tilt Trlr - Benefit 91.38 0 0.00%
9-1880-9538-6800 Equip Pool - PW38 - 2012 ABU 20" Tilt Deck Trlr - Ex 208.04 0 0.00%
9-1880-9539-6120 Equip Pool - PW39 - 1992 Ford De - Icer Truck - CUPE W 2,751.34 0 0.00%
9-1880-9539-6195 Equip Pool - PW39 - 1992 Ford De - Icer Truck - Benefit 603.65 0 0.00%
9-1880-9539-6800 Equip Pool - PW39 - 1992 Ford De - Icer Truck - Expens 13,719.70 0 0.00%
9-1880-9540-6120 Equip Pool - PW40 - 2012 Triton Trandem Trlr - CUPE W 210.60 0 0.00%
9-1880-9540-6195 Equip Pool - PW40 - 2012 Triton Trandem Trlr - Benefit 74.66 0 0.00%
9-1880-9540-6800 Equip Pool - PW40 - 2012 Triton Trandem Trailer - Exp 175.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9541-6800 Equip Pool - PW41 - 2013 Marathon Tar Kettle - Expe 402.73 0 0.00%
9-1880-9542-6120 Equip Pool - PW42 - 2014 Polaris ATV Ranger - Wage 169.92 0 0.00%
9-1880-9542-6195 Equip Pool - PW42 - 2014 Polaris ATV Ranger - Benef 54.94 0 0.00%
9-1880-9542-6800 Equip Pool - PW42 - 2014 Polaris ATV Ranger - Expen 555.03 0 0.00%
9-1880-9543-6120 Equip Pool - PW43 - 2014 Load Trail Carhauler - Wag 338.62 0 0.00%
9-1880-9543-6195 Equip Pool - PW43 - 2014 Load Trail Carhauler - Bene 83.63 0 0.00%
9-1880-9543-6800 Equip Pool - PW43 - 2014 Load Trail Carhauler - Expe 196.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9544-6120 Equip Pool - PW44 - 2014 Swenson Sander - Wages 129.33 0 0.00%
9-1880-9544-6195 Equip Pool - PW44 - 2014 Swenson Sander - Benefits 24.13 0 0.00%
9-1880-9545-6120 Equip Pool - PW45 - 2016 Portable Speed Sign-Wages 142.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9545-6195 Equip Pool - PW45 - 2016 Portable Speed Sign-Benef 18.63 0 0.00%
9-1880-9545-6800 Equip Pool - PW45 - 2016 Portable Speed Sign-Expens 276.81 0 0.00%
9-1880-9546-6800 Equip Pool - PW46 - 2016 JD XUV590I-Expense 14,522.53 0 0.00%
9-1880-9547-6800 Equip Pool - PW47 - 2016 Rainbow ATV Trailer-Expens 8.03 0 0.00%
9-1880-9601-6120 Equip Pool - SCS1 - 1996 Vactor Flusher - Wages 449.46 0 0.00%
9-1880-9601-6195 Equip Pool - SCS1 - 1996 Vactor Flusher - Benefits 107.13 0 0.00%
9-1880-9605-6800 Equip Pool - SCS5 - 2003 Epoke System Spreader - Exp 446.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9606-6120 Equip Pool - SCS6 - 1998 Mobil Sweeper - Wages 31.78 0 0.00%
9-1880-9606-6195 Equip Pool - SCS6 1998 Mobil Sweeper - Benefits 6.39 0 0.00%
9-1880-9607-6120 Equip Pool - SCS7 2003 RPM Snowblower - Wage 6,056.54 0 0.00%
9-1880-9607-6195 Equip Pool - SCS7 2003 RPM Snowblower - Benefits 1,169.69 0 0.00%
9-1880-9607-6800 Equip Pool - SCS7 2003 RPM Snowblower - Exp 14,420.84 0 0.00%
9-1880-9608-6800 Equip Pool - SCS8 - 2008 Int'l Vactor Truck - Expens 172.65 0 0.00%
9-1880-9612-6120 Equip Pool - SCS12 - Vohl Runway Sweeper - Wages 8,570.34 0 0.00%
9-1880-9612-6195 Equip Pool - SCS12 - Vohl Runway Sweeper - Benefits 2,126.22 0 0.00%
9-1880-9612-6800 Equip Pool - SCS12 - Vohl Runway Sweeper - Exp 19,249.94 0 0.00%
9-1880-9613-6120 Equip Pool - SCS13 - 2001 Vohl Runway Sweeper - Wa 7,344.50 0 0.00%
9-1880-9613-6195 Equip Pool - SCS13 2 - - 1 Vohl Runway Sweep - Bene 1,321.28 0 0.00%
9-1880-9613-6800 Equip Pool - SCS13 - 2001 Vohl Runway Sweeper - Exp 12,553.15 0 0.00%
9-1880-9614-6120 Equip Pool - SCS14 - 1999 SDI Aircraft DeIcer - Wage 1,050.03 0 0.00%
9-1880-9614-6195 Equip Pool - SCS14 - 1999 SDI Aircraft DeIcer - Bene 283.97 0 0.00%
9-1880-9614-6800 Equip Pool - SCS14 - 1999 SDI Aircraft DeIcer - Exp 1,041.06 0 0.00%
9-1880-9615-6120 Equip Pool - SCS15 - 2006 Elgin Road Sweeper - Wage 15,979.60 0 0.00%
9-1880-9615-6195 Equip Pool - SCS15 - 2006 Elgin Road Sweeper - Benef 3,297.01 0 0.00%
9-1880-9615-6800 Equip Pool - SCS15 - 2006 Elgin Road Sweeper - Exp 25,725.65 0 0.00%
9-1880-9616-6120 Equip Pool - SCS16 - 2013 Larue Snow Blower - Wages 2,126.64 0 0.00%
9-1880-9616-6195 Equip Pool - SCS16 - 2013 Larue Snow Blower - Benefit 473.59 0 0.00%
9-1880-9616-6800 Equip Pool - SCS16 - 2013 Larue Snow Blower - Expens 3,824.49 0 0.00%
9-1880-9617-6120 Equip Pool - SCS17 - 2015 Schwarze Sweeper - CUPE 5,473.40 0 0.00%
9-1880-9617-6195 Equip Pool - SCS17 - 2015 Schwarze Sweeper - Bene 1,673.25 0 0.00%
9-1880-9617-6800 Equip Pool - SCS17 - 2015 Schwarze Sweeper - Expe 43,052.57 0 0.00%
9-1880-9618-6120 Equip Pool - SCS18 - 2014 Raiko Pave Breaker - CUPE W 34.65 0 0.00%
9-1880-9618-6195 Equip Pool - SCS18 - 2014 Raiko Pave Breaker - Benefit 8.67 0 0.00%
9-1880-9618-6800 Equip Pool - SCS18 - 2014 Raiko Pavement Breaker 469.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9619-6120 Equip Pool - SCS19 - 2015 Vactor Int'l 7600 - CUPE Wa 8,696.89 0 0.00%
9-1880-9619-6195 Equip Pool - SCS19 - 2015 Vactor Int'l 7600 - Benefits 1,990.41 0 0.00%
9-1880-9619-6800 Equip Pool - SCS19 - 2015 Vactor Int'l 7600 - Expense 22,818.22 0 0.00%
9-1880-9620-6120 Equip Pool - SCS20 - 2016 Towga Sweeper-CUPE Wage 3,218.67 0 0.00%
9-1880-9620-6195 Equip Pool - SCS20 - 2016 Towga Sweeper-Benefits 772.46 0 0.00%
9-1880-9620-6800 Equip Pool - SCS20 - 2016 Towga Sweeper-Expense 3,960.85 0 0.00%
9-1880-9801-6800 Equip.Pool - Mobile Radios - Exp 4,129.83 0 0.00%
9-1880-9901-6120 Equip Pool - Zamboni - Wages 78.54 0 0.00%
9-1880-9901-6195 Equip Pool - Zamboni - Benefits 21.20 0 0.00%
9-1880-9901-6800 Equip.Pool - Zamboni - Exp 489.00 0 0.00%
EP Expenditures 1,172,814.87 0 819,000 819,000 0.00%

EP Revenues over Expenditures 558,780.54 0 -819,000 -819,000 0.00%

9-1880-0000-5000 EP - Revenues -1,731,595.41 1,955,910 2,066,418 110,508 105.65%

9-1880-0000-6000 EP - Expenditures -1,172,814.88 1,332,479 1,345,804 13,325 101.00%
EP Revenue over Expenditures Closing -558,780.53 623,431 720,614 97,184 115.59%

9-1880-0000-8101 EP - Trfer from GRF 470,434.73 475,240 568,951 93,711 119.72%

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City of Dawson Creek

F2 - Function - Budget Comparison Report - 2017 vs 2016
For the Twelve Months Ending Ending December 31, 2016

2016 2016FINPLAN2 2017 Finplan2 2017F2 vs 2016F2 2017F2 % of 2016F2
9-1880-0000-8103 EP - Trfer from WRF 58,711.01 100,091 101,092 1,001 101.00%
9-1880-0000-8102 EP - Trfer from SRF 29,634.79 48,099 50,571 2,472 105.14%
EP Transfers from Operating 558,780.53 623,430 720,614 97,184 115.59%

9-1890-9001-6800 Firehall Equip - FD1 - 1984 RD Int'l Pumper Exp 60,000 60,600 600 101.00%
9-1890-9002-6800 Firehall Equip - FD2 - 2000 Ford Rescue - Exp 3,549.16 0 0.00%
9-1890-9003-6120 Firehall Equip - FD3 - 2001 HME Ladder Trk. - Wages 301.14 0 0.00%
9-1890-9003-6195 Firehall Equip - FD3 - 2001 HM - Benefits 81.52 0 0.00%
9-1890-9003-6800 Firehall Equip - FD3 - 2001 HME Ladder Trk. - Exp 3,867.63 0 0.00%
9-1890-9005-6120 Firehall Equip - FD5 - 2008 Chev Silverado - Wages 707.32 0 0.00%
9-1890-9005-6195 Firehall Equip - FD5 - 2008 Chev Silverado - Benefits 186.63 0 0.00%
9-1890-9005-6800 Firehall Equip - FD5 - 2008 Chev Silverado - Exp 7,175.52 0 0.00%
9-1890-9008-6120 Firehall Equip - FD08 - 2016 Ford F350 - Wages 95.36 0 0.00%
9-1890-9008-6195 Firehall Equip - FD08 - 2016 Ford F350 - Benefits 19.30 0 0.00%
9-1890-9008-6800 Firehall Equip - FD08 - 2016 Ford F350 - Expense 2,607.23 0 0.00%
9-1890-9013-6120 Firehall Equip - FD13 - 1996 RD Int'l Tanker - Wages 145.65 0 0.00%
9-1890-9013-6195 Firehall Equip - FD13 - 1996 RD Int'l Tanker - Benef 20.95 0 0.00%
9-1890-9013-6800 Firehall Equip - FD13 - 1996 RD Int'l Tanker - Exp 2,866.55 0 0.00%
9-1890-9014-6120 Firehall Equip - FD14 - 1998 Amertek Truck - Wages 213.90 0 0.00%
9-1890-9014-6195 Firehall Equip - FD14 1998 Amerteck Truck - Benefi 41.05 0 0.00%
9-1890-9014-6800 Firehall Equip - FD14 - 1988 Amertek Truck - Exp 15,436.06 0 0.00%
9-1890-9016-6800 Firehall Equip - FD16 - 2001 Dodge Ram Exp 782.23 0 0.00%
9-1890-9017-6120 Firehall Equip - FD17 - 2006 F150 4x4 - Wages 642.89 0 0.00%
9-1890-9017-6195 Firehall Equip - FD17 - 2006 F150 4x4 - Benefits 145.88 0 0.00%
9-1890-9017-6800 Firehall Equip - FD17 - 2006 F150 4x4 - Exp 1,881.86 0 0.00%
9-1890-9018-6120 Firehall Equip - FD18 - 2006 Spartan FT - Wages 427.82 0 0.00%
9-1890-9018-6195 Firehall Equip - FD18 - 2006 Spartan FT - Benefits 49.52 0 0.00%
9-1890-9018-6800 Firehall Equip - FD18 - 2006 Spartan FT - Exp 6,145.92 0 0.00%
9-1890-9019-6800 Firehall Equip - FD19 - 2010 Chev Silverado - Expense 2,504.07 0 0.00%
9-1890-9020-6120 Firehall Equip - FD20 - 2013 Spartan Fire Truck - Wag 264.33 0 0.00%
9-1890-9020-6195 Firehall Equip - FD20 - 2013 Spartan Fire Truck - Ben 35.61 0 0.00%
9-1890-9020-6800 Firehall Equip - FD20 - 2013 Spartan Fire Truck - Expe 7,905.54 0 0.00%
9-1890-9021-6120 Firehall Equip - FD21 - 2016 Fo - CUPE Wages 299.11 0 0.00%
9-1890-9021-6195 Firehal Equip - FD21 - 2016 Ford - Benefits 30.87 0 0.00%
9-1890-9021-6800 Firehal Equip - FD21 - 2016 Ford - Expense 5,183.35 0 0.00%
9-1890-9090-6120 Firehall Equip - Misc. Equip. - Wages 129.59 0 0.00%
9-1890-9090-6195 Firehall Equip - Misc Equip - Benefits 27.74 0 0.00%
Fire EP Expenditures 63,771.30 60,000 60,600 600 101.00%

Fire EP Revenues over Expenditures -63,771.30 -60,000 -60,600 -600 101.00%

9-1890-0000-8000 Fire EP Transfer to Fire dept maintenance -63,771.30 -60,000 -60,600 -600 101.00%

Annual Consolidated Surplus 1,811,280.15 -6,230,647 -13,947,311 -7,716,664 223.85%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
1-0100-0000-1110 Petty cash and floats - VSM 23,250.00 23,250.00 76,514.50 -76,515 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1111 Petty cash and floats 2,220.00 2,220.00 2,320.00 -2,320 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1116 Bank - payroll 29.81 29.81 10,039.22 -10,039 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1118 Bank - MFA term deposit 58.02 58.02 58.30 -58 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1121 Bank - Chequing account 5,450,890.22 5,450,890.22 5,539,711.51 -5,539,712 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1124 Bank - Venue Spectrum Management 2,055,891.31 2,055,891.31 1,186,642.88 -1,186,643 0.00%
1-0360-0000-1132 Bank - BC transit deposits 0.49 0.49 0.91 -1 0.00%
1-0450-0000-1132 Bank - Aviation fuel deposits 2.16 2.16 4.98 -5 0.00%
General 7,532,342.01 7,532,342.01 6,815,292.30 0 -6,815,292 0.00%

4-1500-0000-1132 GC - Bank - Reserve Funds 4,864,551.49 4,864,551.49 7,413,000.21 -7,413,000 0.00%

5-1600-0000-1132 WC - Bank - Reserve Funds 8,455,069.89 8,455,069.89 8,217,006.20 -8,217,006 0.00%
5-1600-0000-1135 WC - Bank - DCC Reserve Funds 521,379.58 521,379.58 710,668.09 -710,668 0.00%
6-1700-0000-1132 SC - Bank - Reserve Funds 5,278,904.55 5,278,904.55 4,785,365.29 -4,785,365 0.00%
6-1700-0000-1135 SC - Bank - DCC Reserve Bank 63,350.84 -63,351 0.00%
Capital Reserves 19,119,905.51 19,119,905.51 21,189,390.63 0 -21,189,391 0.00%

7-1805-0000-1132 Land Sale Reserve - Bank 254,212.72 254,212.72 257,244.88 -257,245 0.00%
7-1810-0000-1132 Off Street Parking - Bank 13,960.07 13,960.07 14,126.56 -14,127 0.00%
7-1817-0000-1132 Parkland Reserve - Bank 9,305.19 9,305.19 9,416.18 -9,416 0.00%
7-1820-0000-1132 Tax Sale Land Reserve - Bank 73,616.02 73,616.02 74,494.08 -74,494 0.00%
9-1880-0000-1132 Equipment Pool Reserve - Bank 699,904.54 699,904.54 535,767.18 -535,767 0.00%
Statutory Reserves 1,050,998.54 1,050,998.54 891,048.88 0 -891,049 0.00%

8-1835-0000-1136 BCR - Bank 0.00 0.00 105,494.88 -105,495 0.00%

8-1840-0000-1138 CCR - Bank 0.00 0.00 183,250.51 -183,251 0.00%
Cemetery Reserves 0.00 0.00 288,745.39 0 -288,745 0.00%

CASH AND BANK 27,703,246.06 27,703,246.06 29,184,477.20 0 -29,184,477 0.00%

1-0100-0000-1212 Receivables 226,298.18 226,298.18 135,171.88 -135,172 0.00%

1-0100-0000-1213 Allowance for doubtful accounts 1,702.49 1,702.49 3,693.98 -3,694 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1216 GST receivable 5,772.47 5,772.47 0.00 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1224 Receivables - Parks and Recreation 47,953.10 47,953.10 56,401.19 -56,401 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1226 Yearend receivables 1,343,414.26 1,343,414.26 1,119,397.91 -1,119,398 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1228 NSF cheques receivable 295.00 295.00 0.00 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1229 Yearend receivables - Venue Spectrum Management 147,484.12 147,484.12 279,138.05 -279,138 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1230 General suspense receivable 107.01 107.01 0.00 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1232 Computer purchase receivables 4,361.61 4,361.61 7,521.09 -7,521 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1246 Direct deposit advances receivable 1,198.00 1,198.00 1,198.00 -1,198 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1281 Taxes receivable - current 1,299,874.08 1,299,874.08 1,455,319.53 -1,455,320 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1282 Taxes receivable - tax sale property 122,386.56 122,386.56 69,388.16 -69,388 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1283 Taxes receivable - Homowner Grants 0.00 0.00 10,252.91 -10,253 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1285 Taxes receivable - arrears 448,579.60 448,579.60 800,432.00 -800,432 0.00%
1-0100-1300-1293 Utility Clearing Receivables 337.41 337.41 299.62 -300 0.00%
1-0100-1300-1299 P&R - Online Clearing Account 30.34 30.34 775.00 -775 0.00%
1-0100-1900-1236 Custom Receivables 972.82 972.82 5,287.50 -5,288 0.00%
2-1200-0000-1292 Receivables - water utiltiy 1,318,876.82 1,318,876.82 1,246,910.63 -1,246,911 0.00%
4-1500-0000-1212 GC - Receivables 251,304.64 251,304.64 70,932.39 -70,932 0.00%
5-1600-0000-1212 WC - Receivables 93,497.83 93,497.83 463,667.00 -463,667 0.00%
RECEIVABLES 5,314,446.34 5,314,446.34 5,725,786.84 0 -5,725,787 0.00%

1-0100-0000-1405 Property subject to redemption 122,386.56 122,386.56 69,388.16 -69,388 0.00%

1-0100-0000-1410 Property not subject to redemption 227,322.90 227,322.90 227,322.90 -227,323 0.00%
1-0100-0000-1415 Allowance for property acquired for taxes -349,709.46 -349,709.46 -296,711.06 296,711 0.00%
7-1805-0000-1410 Reserve Land - Property Not for Sale 781,769.55 781,769.55 781,769.55 -781,770 0.00%
7-1805-0000-1415 Reserve Land Sale - Allowance -781,769.55 -781,769.55 -781,769.55 781,770 0.00%
7-1805-0000-1420 LSR - Unsold land 15,800.00 15,800.00 15,800.00 -15,800 0.00%
7-1805-0000-1425 LSR - Allowance for unsold land -15,800.00 -15,800.00 -15,800.00 15,800 0.00%

4-1500-0000-1505 GC - MFA Reserve Deposits 1,346,404.91 1,346,404.91 1,346,404.91 -1,346,405 0.00%

5-1600-0000-1505 WC - MFA Reserve Deposits 845,761.09 845,761.09 845,761.09 -845,761 0.00%
6-1700-0000-1505 SC - MFA Reserve Deposits 291,655.74 291,655.74 291,655.74 -291,656 0.00%
MFA DEPOSITS AND DEMAND NOTES 2,483,821.74 2,483,821.74 2,483,821.74 0 -2,483,822 0.00%

4-1500-0000-2105 GC - Temporary borrowing -260,336.00 -260,336.00 -173,225.68 173,226 0.00%

TEMPORARY BORROWING -260,336.00 -260,336.00 -173,225.68 0 173,226 0.00%

1-0100-0000-2212 Payables and Accruals -1,655,836.47 -1,655,836.47 -1,689,452.04 1,689,452 0.00%

1-0100-0000-2213 Yearend payables - Venue Spectrum Management -741,370.40 -741,370.40 -455,796.54 455,797 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2214 Yearend payables -1,354,519.53 -1,354,519.53 -2,125,491.46 2,125,491 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2216 PST payable -13,428.91 -13,428.91 0.00 0 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2217 Business License deposits payable -609.40 -609.40 -140.63 141 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2222 Bid bonds and deposits payable -1,941,250.41 -1,941,250.41 -1,525,230.69 1,525,231 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2223 Covenant refunds payable -85,108.00 -85,108.00 -61,420.00 61,420 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2236 Gen Govt - Class Rental Deposit Holding -50.00 50 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 188 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
1-0100-0000-2239 Flex time payable -21,929.61 -21,929.61 -20,897.04 20,897 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2240 Vacation pay accrual - part time -467.18 -467.18 -764.59 765 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2241 Vacation pay accrual - full time -491,065.27 -491,065.27 -481,991.44 481,991 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2242 Sick Accrual -1,516,938.86 -1,516,938.86 -1,500,823.67 1,500,824 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2251 Income tax dedn payable -109,357.22 -109,357.22 -126,947.59 126,948 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2252 EI dedn payable -12,757.71 -12,757.71 -12,311.72 12,312 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2253 CPP dedn payable -27,495.31 -27,495.31 -30,720.56 30,721 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2254 Group life dedn payable -31,262.19 -31,262.19 -15,938.19 15,938 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2255 Municipal pension dedn payable -102,456.20 -102,456.20 -107,368.41 107,368 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2256 Union dues payable -2,406.76 -2,406.76 -3,100.67 3,101 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2257 CSB dedn payable -2,661.48 -2,661.48 -1,053.36 1,053 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2258 RSP dedn payable -2,796.78 -2,796.78 -3,145.36 3,145 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2259 MSP dedn payable -2,655.32 -2,655.32 -3,926.45 3,926 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2260 Dental dedn payable -2,699.93 -2,699.93 -3,971.69 3,972 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2261 EHB dedn payable -3,082.48 -3,082.48 -4,319.84 4,320 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2262 WCB payable -42,434.23 -42,434.23 -51,262.72 51,263 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2265 Payroll clearing payable -118,179.61 -118,179.61 -150,581.42 150,581 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2268 Banked overtime payable -187,214.90 -187,214.90 -191,369.02 191,369 0.00%
2-1200-0000-2228 Water utility meter deposits payable -9,364.22 -9,364.22 -9,364.22 9,364 0.00%
2-1200-0000-2212 Wat Op - Accounts Payable -35,354.03 -35,354.03 0.00 0 0.00%
2-1200-0000-2229 Water utility TRT deposits payable -3,950.00 -3,950.00 -3,950.00 3,950 0.00%
4-1500-0000-2212 GC - Payables -548,360.99 -548,360.99 -338,092.30 338,092 0.00%
6-1700-0000-2212 SC - Payables 0.00 0.00 -128,577.39 128,577 0.00%
5-1600-0000-2212 WC - Payables -234,147.95 -234,147.95 -342,789.03 342,789 0.00%
PAYABLES AND ACCRUALS -9,301,161.35 -9,301,161.35 -9,390,848.04 0 9,390,848 0.00%

1-0100-0000-2215 Accrued interest payable -290,175.94 -290,175.94 -285,867.46 285,867 0.00%

ACCRUED INTEREST ON LONG TERM DEBT -290,175.94 -290,175.94 -285,867.46 0 285,867 0.00%

1-0100-0000-2270 Due from general capital fund 2,153,643.05 2,153,643.05 2,153,643.05 -2,153,643 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2271 Due from water utility fund 446,277.15 446,277.15 446,277.15 -446,277 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2272 Due from water capital fund -144,972.17 -144,972.17 -144,972.17 144,972 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2273 Due from sewer utility fund -304,757.04 -304,757.04 -304,757.04 304,757 0.00%
2-1200-0000-2274 WU - Due from general revenue fund -446,277.15 -446,277.15 -446,277.15 446,277 0.00%
3-1400-0000-2275 SU - Due from general revenue fund 304,757.04 304,757.04 304,757.04 -304,757 0.00%
4-1500-0000-2276 GC - Due from general revenue fund -2,153,643.05 -2,153,643.05 -2,153,643.05 2,153,643 0.00%
5-1600-0000-2275 WC - Due from general revenue fund 144,972.17 144,972.17 144,972.17 -144,972 0.00%

1-0100-0000-2310 Deferred revenue -18,390.00 -18,390.00 -37,313.12 37,313 0.00%

1-0100-0000-2311 Deferred revenue - GS -1,513,896.99 -1,513,896.99 -953,794.17 953,794 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2238 Class Unearned Revenue -230.27 -230.27 -2,477.18 2,477 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2312 Deferred Revenue/Class -36,880.43 -36,880.43 -30,888.64 30,889 0.00%
1-0100-0000-2320 Business licence deferred revenue -56,147.50 -56,147.50 -41,067.50 41,068 0.00%
1-0812-0000-2310 Kindness Meters - Deferred Revenue -5,402.22 5,402 0.00%
2-1200-0000-2310 WO - WS - - Deferred Revenue -204,304.85 -204,304.85 -192,610.33 192,610 0.00%
3-1400-0000-2310 SO - SS - Deferred Revenue -42.00 42 0.00%
5-1600-0000-2310 WC - Deferred Revenue -521,379.57 -521,379.57 -710,668.08 710,668 0.00%
6-1700-0000-2310 SC - Deferred Revenue -63,350.84 63,351 0.00%

DEFERRED REVENUE -2,351,229.61 -2,351,229.61 -2,037,614.08 0 2,037,614 0.00%

4-1500-0000-2410 GC - Cash Deposit Liability -319,431.17 -319,431.17 -319,431.17 319,431 0.00%

4-1500-0000-2420 GC - Demand note -1,026,973.74 -1,026,973.74 -1,026,973.74 1,026,974 0.00%
5-1600-0000-2410 WC - Cash Deposit Liability -259,263.29 -259,263.29 -259,263.29 259,263 0.00%
5-1600-0000-2420 WC - Demand note -586,497.80 -586,497.80 -586,497.80 586,498 0.00%
6-1700-0000-2410 SC - Cash Deposit Liability -90,173.37 -90,173.37 -90,173.37 90,173 0.00%
6-1700-0000-2420 SC - Demand note -201,482.37 -201,482.37 -201,482.37 201,482 0.00%
MFA DEBT RESERVE -2,483,821.74 -2,483,821.74 -2,483,821.74 0 2,483,822 0.00%

4-1500-0000-2510 GC - Debnture debt - MFA -19,777,860.29 -19,777,860.29 -19,498,586.05 19,498,586 0.00%

5-1600-0000-2510 WC - Debenture debt - MFA -9,295,070.25 -9,295,070.25 -8,951,604.24 8,951,604 0.00%
6-1700-0000-2510 SC - Debenture debt - MFA -7,759,889.86 -7,759,889.86 -7,736,238.27 7,736,238 0.00%
LONG TERM DEBT -36,832,820.40 -36,832,820.40 -36,186,428.56 0 36,186,429 0.00%

6-1700-0000-2520 SC - Long Term Capital Obligation -10,640,277.00 -10,640,277.00 -8,981,285.00 8,981,285 0.00%
-10,640,277.00 -10,640,277.00 -8,981,285.00 0 8,981,285 0.00%

NET FINANCIAL ASSETS -26,658,307.90 -26,658,307.90 -22,145,004.78 0 22,145,005 0.00%

1-0100-0000-1310 Prepaid expense 192,494.84 192,494.84 175,463.10 -175,463 0.00%

1-0100-0000-1320 Prepaid expense - Venue Spectrum Management 172,999.43 172,999.43 -8,998.95 8,999 0.00%
PREPAID EXPENSES 365,494.27 365,494.27 166,464.15 0 -166,464 0.00%

1-0100-0000-3105 Inventory - stationery 18,050.80 18,050.80 17,221.34 -17,221 0.00%

1-0100-0000-3110 Inventory - flags 23,141.10 23,141.10 20,707.10 -20,707 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3115 Inventory - lapel pins 27,084.91 27,084.91 28,031.69 -28,032 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3120 Inventory - stores 5,907.94 5,907.94 6,171.69 -6,172 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3121 Inventory - garbage carts 8,460.42 8,460.42 9,982.98 -9,983 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 189 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
1-0100-0000-3122 Inventory - signs 40,038.02 40,038.02 39,624.61 -39,625 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3125 Inventory - tools 6,813.42 6,813.42 7,631.23 -7,631 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3130 Inventory - automotive 36,309.47 36,309.47 30,366.46 -30,366 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3132 Inventory - aviation fuel 32,746.36 32,746.36 21,874.99 -21,875 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3135 Inventory - Natural Gasoline 11,949.76 11,949.76 -11,235.33 11,235 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3140 Inventory - diesel 14,020.11 14,020.11 23,345.45 -23,345 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3150 Inventory - sand 60,635.40 60,635.40 64,782.92 -64,783 0.00%
2-1200-0000-3120 WU - inventory 57,664.66 57,664.66 118,891.88 -118,892 0.00%
3-1400-0000-3120 SU - inventory 3,636.62 3,636.62 2,917.37 -2,917 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3160 Inventory-Airport de-icers 7,000.00 -7,000 0.00%
1-0100-0000-3165 Inventory-Airport Wafers and Spac 19,715.00 -19,715 0.00%

INVENTORIES 346,458.99 346,458.99 407,029.38 0 -407,029 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3201 General Government 34,257.66 34,257.66 34,257.66 -34,258 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3201 Transportation 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 -12,000 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3201 Water Services 315,241.90 315,241.90 315,241.90 -315,242 0.00%
Total Vacant Land 361,499.56 361,499.56 361,499.56 0 -361,500 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3202 General Government 128,378.56 128,378.56 128,378.56 -128,379 0.00%

4-0400-0000-3202 Airport 4,819.56 4,819.56 4,819.56 -4,820 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3202 Recreation 89,976.08 89,976.08 89,976.08 -89,976 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3202 Water Services 90,369.24 90,369.24 90,369.24 -90,369 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3202 Sewer Services 1.00 1.00 1.00 -1 0.00%
Total Building Sites 313,544.44 313,544.44 313,544.44 0 -313,544 0.00%

4-0800-0000-3208 Recreation 5,195,064.93 5,195,064.93 5,195,064.93 -5,195,065 0.00%

Total Parkland 5,195,064.93 5,195,064.93 5,195,064.93 0 -5,195,065 0.00%

5-1200-0000-3210 Water Services 148,885.03 148,885.03 148,885.03 -148,885 0.00%

6-1400-0000-3210 Sewer Services 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 -7,500 0.00%
Total Reservoir & Lagoon Sites 156,385.03 156,385.03 156,385.03 0 -156,385 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3203 Transportation 90,433.05 90,433.05 90,433.05 -90,433 0.00%

Total Parking Lots 90,433.05 90,433.05 90,433.05 0 -90,433 0.00%

4-0600-0000-3204 Cemeteries 2.00 2.00 2.00 -2 0.00%

Total Reserved Land 2.00 2.00 2.00 0 -2 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3205 Transportation 500.00 500.00 500.00 -500 0.00%

Total Right of Ways 500.00 500.00 500.00 0 -500 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3206 Transportation 11,914.62 11,914.62 11,914.62 -11,915 0.00%

Total Land Under Roads 11,914.62 11,914.62 11,914.62 0 -11,915 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3214 General Government 446,025.80 446,025.80 446,025.80 -446,026 0.00%

4-0210-0000-3214 Policing 17,826.37 17,826.37 17,826.37 -17,826 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3214 Fire Department 46,057.07 46,057.07 46,057.07 -46,057 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3214 Transportation 684,065.54 684,065.54 684,065.54 -684,066 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3214 Airport 173,005.07 173,005.07 173,005.07 -173,005 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3214 Recreation 1,738,890.46 1,738,890.46 1,738,890.46 -1,738,890 0.00%
Total Parking Lot Improvements 3,105,870.31 3,105,870.31 3,105,870.31 0 -3,105,870 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3212 Transportation 24,814.90 24,814.90 24,814.90 -24,815 0.00%

4-0400-0000-3212 Airport 397,597.18 397,597.18 397,597.18 -397,597 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3212 Recreation 56,665.77 56,665.77 56,665.77 -56,666 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3212 Sewer Services 55,000.00 55,000.00 55,000.00 -55,000 0.00%
Total Fencing 534,077.85 534,077.85 534,077.85 0 -534,078 0.00%

4-0220-0000-3213 Fire Department 103,804.48 103,804.48 103,804.48 -103,804 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3213 Transportation 52,902.41 52,902.41 52,902.41 -52,902 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3213 Airport 146,931.19 146,931.19 146,931.19 -146,931 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3213 Recreation 2,578,222.20 2,578,222.20 2,578,222.20 -2,578,222 0.00%
Total Landscaping 2,881,860.28 2,881,860.28 2,881,860.28 0 -2,881,860 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3914 General Government - AD -72,155.33 -72,155.33 -72,155.33 72,155 0.00%

4-0210-0000-3914 Policing - AD -2,673.96 -2,673.96 -2,673.96 2,674 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3914 Fire Department - AD -46,057.07 -46,057.07 -46,057.07 46,057 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3914 Transportation - AD -311,378.33 -311,378.33 -311,378.33 311,378 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3914 Airport - AD -99,613.72 -99,613.72 -99,613.72 99,614 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3914 Recreation - AD -906,375.20 -906,375.20 -906,375.20 906,375 0.00%
Total Parking Lot Accumulated Depreciation

4-0320-0000-3912 Transportation - AD -3,722.24 -3,722.24 -3,722.24 3,722 0.00%

4-0400-0000-3912 Airport - AD -269,737.18 -269,737.18 -269,737.18 269,737 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3912 Recreation - AD -36,832.77 -36,832.77 -36,832.77 36,833 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 190 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
6-1400-0000-3912 Sewer Services - AD -8,250.00 -8,250.00 -8,250.00 8,250 0.00%
Total Fencing Accumulated Depreciation

4-0220-0000-3913 Fire Department - LI - Landscaping - AD -15,570.66 -15,570.66 -15,570.66 15,571 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3913 Transportation - AD -29,096.32 -29,096.32 -29,096.32 29,096 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3913 Airport - AD -12,978.81 -12,978.81 -12,978.81 12,979 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3913 Recreation - AD -1,490,969.63 -1,490,969.63 -1,490,969.63 1,490,970 0.00%

Total Land Improvements Accumulated Depreciation -3,305,411.22 -3,305,411.22 -3,305,411.22 0 3,305,411 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3221 General Government 531,876.95 531,876.95 531,876.95 -531,877 0.00%

4-0210-0000-3221 Policing 2,063,366.14 2,063,366.14 2,063,366.14 -2,063,366 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3221 Fire Department 2,082.13 2,082.13 2,082.13 -2,082 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3221 Transportation 693,839.53 693,839.53 693,839.53 -693,840 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3221 Airport 759,672.79 759,672.79 759,672.79 -759,673 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3221 Recreation 54,830,520.18 54,830,520.18 54,830,520.18 -54,830,520 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3221 Water Services 3,559,523.00 3,559,523.00 3,559,523.00 -3,559,523 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3221 Sewer Services 20,634,619.39 20,634,619.39 20,634,619.39 -20,634,619 0.00%
Total Building Base Structures 83,075,500.11 83,075,500.11 83,075,500.11 0 -83,075,500 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3222 General Government 3,067,011.65 3,067,011.65 3,067,011.65 -3,067,012 0.00%

4-0210-0000-3222 Policing 899,764.22 899,764.22 899,764.22 -899,764 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3222 Fire Department 1,044,884.79 1,044,884.79 1,044,884.79 -1,044,885 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3222 Transportation 691,372.88 691,372.88 691,372.88 -691,373 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3222 Airport 763,632.02 763,632.02 763,632.02 -763,632 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3222 Recreation 35,624,131.35 35,624,131.35 35,624,131.35 -35,624,131 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3222 Water Services 7,929,228.08 7,929,228.08 7,929,228.08 -7,929,228 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3222 Sewer Services 624,490.64 624,490.64 624,490.64 -624,491 0.00%
Total Building Improvements 50,644,515.63 50,644,515.63 50,644,515.63 0 -50,644,516 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3921 BS - General Government - AD -531,876.95 -531,876.95 -531,876.95 531,877 0.00%

4-0210-0000-3921 BS - Policing - AD -1,114,276.64 -1,114,276.64 -1,114,276.64 1,114,277 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3921 BS - Fire Department - AD -2,082.13 -2,082.13 -2,082.13 2,082 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3921 BS - Transportation - AD -203,173.22 -203,173.22 -203,173.22 203,173 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3921 BS - Airport - AD -265,281.76 -265,281.76 -265,281.76 265,282 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3921 BS - Recreation - AD -9,176,690.29 -9,176,690.29 -9,176,690.29 9,176,690 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3921 BS - Water Services - AD -688,664.84 -688,664.84 -688,664.84 688,665 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3921 BS - Sewer Services - AD -2,015,521.11 -2,015,521.11 -2,015,521.11 2,015,521 0.00%
4-0160-0000-3922 BI - General Government - AD -1,424,564.52 -1,424,564.52 -1,424,564.52 1,424,565 0.00%
4-0210-0000-3922 BI - Policing - AD -270,347.36 -270,347.36 -270,347.36 270,347 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3922 BI - Fire Department - AD -263,577.47 -263,577.47 -263,577.47 263,577 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3922 BI - Transportation - AD -657,659.26 -657,659.26 -657,659.26 657,659 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3922 BI - Airport - AD -420,118.77 -420,118.77 -420,118.77 420,119 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3922 BI - Recreation - AD -9,313,368.91 -9,313,368.91 -9,313,368.91 9,313,369 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3922 BI - Water Services - AD -4,561,052.15 -4,561,052.15 -4,561,052.15 4,561,052 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3922 BI - Sewer Services - AD -110,888.40 -110,888.40 -110,888.40 110,888 0.00%
Total Building Accumulated Depreciation -31,019,143.78 -31,019,143.78 -31,019,143.78 0 31,019,144 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3741 General Government Services 18,112.98 18,112.98 18,112.98 -18,113 0.00%

4-0700-0000-3741 Development Services 105,585.48 105,585.48 105,585.48 -105,585 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3741 Recreation Services 70,101.70 70,101.70 70,101.70 -70,102 0.00%
Total Cars 193,800.16 193,800.16 193,800.16 0 -193,800 0.00%

4-0220-0000-3742 Fire Department Services 195,084.38 195,084.38 195,084.38 -195,084 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3742 Transportation Services 394,539.01 394,539.01 394,539.01 -394,539 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3742 Airport Services 30,370.76 30,370.76 30,370.76 -30,371 0.00%
4-0700-0000-3742 Development Services 17,928.93 17,928.93 17,928.93 -17,929 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3742 Recreation Services 153,160.08 153,160.08 153,160.08 -153,160 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3742 Water Services 131,517.36 131,517.36 131,517.36 -131,517 0.00%
Total Pickup Trucks 922,600.52 922,600.52 922,600.52 0 -922,601 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3743 Dump Trucks 668,429.60 668,429.60 668,429.60 -668,430 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3744 Tractors 75,579.28 75,579.28 75,579.28 -75,579 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3745 Utility Trucks 616,952.72 616,952.72 616,952.72 -616,953 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3747 Street Cleaning Equipment 2,416,276.30 2,416,276.30 2,416,276.30 -2,416,276 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3748 Loaders/Backhoes 799,890.30 799,890.30 799,890.30 -799,890 0.00%
Total Road Maintenance Equipment 4,577,128.20 4,577,128.20 4,577,128.20 0 -4,577,128 0.00%

4-0220-0000-3750 Fire Department Services 1,836,266.65 1,836,266.65 1,836,266.65 -1,836,267 0.00%

Total Fire Trucks 1,836,266.65 1,836,266.65 1,836,266.65 0 -1,836,267 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3752 General Government Services 723,246.45 723,246.45 723,246.45 -723,246 0.00%

4-0220-0000-3751 Fire Department Services 324,850.70 324,850.70 324,850.70 -324,851 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3752 Transportation Services 845,310.91 845,310.91 845,310.91 -845,311 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3752 Airport Services 313,441.71 313,441.71 313,441.71 -313,442 0.00%
4-0500-0000-3752 Waste Services 75,418.12 75,418.12 75,418.12 -75,418 0.00%
4-0700-0000-3752 Development Services 38,687.58 38,687.58 38,687.58 -38,688 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3752 Recreation Services 4,320,361.02 4,320,361.02 4,320,361.02 -4,320,361 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3752 Water Services 905,796.97 905,796.97 905,796.97 -905,797 0.00%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
6-1400-0000-3752 Sewer Services 183,943.50 183,943.50 183,943.50 -183,944 0.00%
Total Miscellaneous Equipment 7,731,056.96 7,731,056.96 7,731,056.96 0 -7,731,057 0.00%

5-1200-0000-3755 Water Services 1,703,043.82 1,703,043.82 1,703,043.82 -1,703,044 0.00%

Total Hydrants 1,703,043.82 1,703,043.82 1,703,043.82 0 -1,703,044 0.00%

Total Equipment 16,963,896.31 16,963,896.31 16,963,896.31 0 -16,963,896 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3941 Cars - Gen Govt - AD -12,937.85 -12,937.85 -12,937.85 12,938 0.00%

4-0700-0000-3941 Cars - Development Services - AD -102,233.01 -102,233.01 -102,233.01 102,233 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3941 Cars - Recreation - AD -70,101.70 -70,101.70 -70,101.70 70,102 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3942 Pickup Trucks - Fire Department - AD -188,938.83 -188,938.83 -188,938.83 188,939 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3942 Pickup Trucks - Transportation - AD -230,284.19 -230,284.19 -230,284.19 230,284 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3942 Pickup Trucks - Airport - AD -30,370.76 -30,370.76 -30,370.76 30,371 0.00%
4-0700-0000-3942 Pickup Trucks - Development Services - AD -17,928.93 -17,928.93 -17,928.93 17,929 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3942 Pickup Trucks - Recreation - AD -128,565.79 -128,565.79 -128,565.79 128,566 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3942 Pickup Trucks - Water Services - AD -85,966.44 -85,966.44 -85,966.44 85,966 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3943 Dump Trucks - Transportation - AD -499,036.41 -499,036.41 -499,036.41 499,036 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3944 Tractors - Transportation - AD -75,579.28 -75,579.28 -75,579.28 75,579 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3945 Utility Trucks - Transportation - AD -382,745.25 -382,745.25 -382,745.25 382,745 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3947 Street Cleaning - Transportation - AD -1,187,547.81 -1,187,547.81 -1,187,547.81 1,187,548 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3948 Loaders/Backhoes - Transportation - AD -639,863.79 -639,863.79 -639,863.79 639,864 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3950 Fire Trucks - AD -645,179.43 -645,179.43 -645,179.43 645,179 0.00%
4-0220-0000-3951 Fire Equipment - AD -115,883.76 -115,883.76 -115,883.76 115,884 0.00%
4-0160-0000-3952 Misc - GG - AD -537,283.66 -537,283.66 -537,283.66 537,284 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3952 Misc - Transporation - AD -597,828.15 -597,828.15 -597,828.15 597,828 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3952 Misc - Airport - AD -193,242.71 -193,242.71 -193,242.71 193,243 0.00%
4-0500-0000-3952 Misc - Waste Services - AD -22,625.43 -22,625.43 -22,625.43 22,625 0.00%
4-0700-0000-3952 Misc - Development Services - AD -7,737.52 -7,737.52 -7,737.52 7,738 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3952 Misc - Recreation - AD -2,923,750.02 -2,923,750.02 -2,923,750.02 2,923,750 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3952 Misc - Water Services - AD -708,806.78 -708,806.78 -708,806.78 708,807 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3952 Misc - Sewer Services - AD -146,113.28 -146,113.28 -146,113.28 146,113 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3955 Hydrants - WS - AD -545,439.31 -545,439.31 -545,439.31 545,439 0.00%
Equipment Accumulated Depreciation -10,095,990.09 -10,095,990.09 -10,095,990.09 0 10,095,990 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3801 Arterial 3,940,877.55 3,940,877.55 3,940,877.55 -3,940,878 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3802 Industrial 5,274,045.85 5,274,045.85 5,274,045.85 -5,274,046 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3803 Collector 8,376,675.22 8,376,675.22 8,376,675.22 -8,376,675 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3804 Local 36,356,887.51 36,356,887.51 36,356,887.51 -36,356,888 0.00%
Total Roads and Streets 53,948,486.13 53,948,486.13 53,948,486.13 0 -53,948,486 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3805 Paths and Lanes 1,230,812.91 1,230,812.91 1,230,812.91 -1,230,813 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3806 Bridges 232,067.47 232,067.47 232,067.47 -232,067 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3807 Streetlights 1,679,573.66 1,679,573.66 1,679,573.66 -1,679,574 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3808 Traffic Lights 157,175.00 157,175.00 157,175.00 -157,175 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3808 Traffic Lights - Airport 1,493,679.88 1,493,679.88 1,493,679.88 -1,493,680 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3809 Sidewalks 5,920,290.01 5,920,290.01 5,920,290.01 -5,920,290 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3810 Storm Drainage 7,866,980.57 7,866,980.57 7,866,980.57 -7,866,981 0.00%
Total Other 18,580,579.50 18,580,579.50 18,580,579.50 0 -18,580,580 0.00%
Total Transportation Infrastructure 72,529,065.63 72,529,065.63 72,529,065.63 0 -72,529,066 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3901 Arterial - AD -3,084,786.92 -3,084,786.92 -3,084,786.92 3,084,787 0.00%

4-0320-0000-3902 Industrial - AD -3,385,342.95 -3,385,342.95 -3,385,342.95 3,385,343 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3903 Collector - AD -4,217,789.29 -4,217,789.29 -4,217,789.29 4,217,789 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3904 Local - AD -17,551,179.30 -17,551,179.30 -17,551,179.30 17,551,179 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3905 Paths and Lanes - AD -529,410.73 -529,410.73 -529,410.73 529,411 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3906 Bridges - AD -142,510.89 -142,510.89 -142,510.89 142,511 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3907 Streetlights - AD -608,323.98 -608,323.98 -608,323.98 608,324 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3908 Traffic Lights - AD -92,152.53 -92,152.53 -92,152.53 92,153 0.00%
4-0400-0000-3908 Traffic Lights Airport - AD -647,261.29 -647,261.29 -647,261.29 647,261 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3909 Sidewalks - AD -2,804,181.72 -2,804,181.72 -2,804,181.72 2,804,182 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3910 Storm Drainage - AD -1,875,495.85 -1,875,495.85 -1,875,495.85 1,875,496 0.00%
Total Transportation Infrastructure Accumulated Depre -34,938,435.45 -34,938,435.45 -34,938,435.45 0 34,938,435 0.00%

5-1200-0000-3861 Transmission Lines 10,602,659.16 10,602,659.16 10,602,659.16 -10,602,659 0.00%

5-1200-0000-3862 Distribution Lines 14,092,273.53 14,092,273.53 14,092,273.53 -14,092,274 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3863 Services 6,676,149.08 6,676,149.08 6,676,149.08 -6,676,149 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3864 Reservoirs 3,760,524.70 3,760,524.70 3,760,524.70 -3,760,525 0.00%
Water Utility Infrastructure 35,131,606.47 35,131,606.47 35,131,606.47 0 -35,131,606 0.00%

6-1400-0000-3871 Collection Lines 8,906,143.84 8,906,143.84 8,906,143.84 -8,906,144 0.00%

6-1400-0000-3872 Trunk Lines 8,319,506.32 8,319,506.32 8,319,506.32 -8,319,506 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3874 Services 1,320,925.88 1,320,925.88 1,320,925.88 -1,320,926 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3875 Miscellaneous 5,522,248.75 5,522,248.75 5,522,248.75 -5,522,249 0.00%
Sewer Infrastructure 24,068,824.79 24,068,824.79 24,068,824.79 0 -24,068,825 0.00%
Total Utility Infrastructure 59,200,431.26 59,200,431.26 59,200,431.26 0 -59,200,431 0.00%

5-1200-0000-3961 Transmission Lines - AD -2,122,077.81 -2,122,077.81 -2,122,077.81 2,122,078 0.00%

5-1200-0000-3962 Distribution Lines - AD -4,524,163.01 -4,524,163.01 -4,524,163.01 4,524,163 0.00%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
5-1200-0000-3963 Services - AD -1,443,890.20 -1,443,890.20 -1,443,890.20 1,443,890 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3964 Reservoirs - AD -1,294,726.56 -1,294,726.56 -1,294,726.56 1,294,727 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3971 Collection Lines - AD -3,190,415.96 -3,190,415.96 -3,190,415.96 3,190,416 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3972 Trunk Lines - AD -526,846.68 -526,846.68 -526,846.68 526,847 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3974 Services - AD -398,953.10 -398,953.10 -398,953.10 398,953 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3975 Misc - AD -2,286,785.97 -2,286,785.97 -2,286,785.97 2,286,786 0.00%
Total Utility Infrastructure Accumulated Depreciation -15,787,859.29 -15,787,859.29 -15,787,859.29 0 15,787,859 0.00%

4-0160-0000-3899 General Capital - GG 71,139.47 71,139.47 71,139.47 -71,139 0.00%

4-0220-0000-3899 General Capital - FD 193,712.46 193,712.46 193,712.46 -193,712 0.00%
4-0320-0000-3899 General Capital - TS 20,350.43 20,350.43 20,350.43 -20,350 0.00%
4-0800-0000-3899 General Capital - RC 2,121,281.98 2,121,281.98 2,121,281.98 -2,121,282 0.00%
5-1200-0000-3899 Water Capital - WS 430,046.08 430,046.08 430,046.08 -430,046 0.00%
6-1400-0000-3899 Sewer Capital - SS 139,895.29 139,895.29 139,895.29 -139,895 0.00%
Total Work In Progress 2,976,425.71 2,976,425.71 2,976,425.71 0 -2,976,426 0.00%

Total Tangible Capital Assets 202,894,146.89 202,894,146.89 202,894,146.89 0 -202,894,147 0.00%

NON FINANCIAL ASSETS 203,606,100.15 203,606,100.15 203,467,640.42 0 -203,467,640 0.00%

NET MUNICIPAL POSITION 176,947,792.25 176,947,792.25 181,322,635.64 0 -181,322,636 0.00%

1-0100-0000-4111 GR - Fund balance 1,541,211.36 1,541,211.36 2,143,646.28 2,110,008 -33,638 101.59%

1-0100-0000-4113 GR - Working fund reserves 1,832,651.35 1,832,651.35 1,454,701.35 900,792 -553,909 161.49%
1-0100-0000-4114 GR - Appropriated Reserves 553,909 553,909 0.00%
2-0100-0000-4111 WU - Fund balance 1,520,386.06 1,520,386.06 677,191.23 677,191 0 100.00%
3-0100-0000-4111 SU - Fund balance 819,911.04 819,911.04 308,393.66 308,394 0 100.00%
OPERATING FUNDS 5,714,159.81 5,714,159.81 4,583,932.52 4,550,294 -33,639 100.74%

4-1500-0000-4210 GC - Capital Reserve 4,132,275.84 4,132,275.84 4,585,277.25 4,864,551 279,274 94.26%

5-1600-0000-4212 WC - Capital Reserve 6,902,921.39 6,902,921.39 8,111,603.88 8,455,070 343,466 95.94%
6-1700-0000-4210 SC - Capital Reserve 2,638,949.97 2,638,949.97 5,255,254.09 5,278,906 23,652 99.55%
CAPITAL FUNDS 13,674,147.20 13,674,147.20 17,952,135.22 18,598,527 646,392 96.52%

7-1805-0000-4320 LSR - Land Sale Reserve Fund 250,971.89 250,971.89 254,212.72 254,213 0 100.00%
7-1810-0000-4330 OSP - Off Street Parking Reserve Fund 13,782.10 13,782.10 13,960.07 13,960 0 100.00%
7-1817-0000-4320 PKL - Parkland Reserve Fund 9,186.57 9,186.57 9,305.19 9,305 0 100.00%
7-1820-0000-4350 TSRF - Tax Sale Land Reserve Fund 72,677.51 72,677.51 73,616.02 73,616 0 100.00%
9-1880-0000-4310 EP - Equipment Pool Reserve Fund 807,455.44 807,455.44 699,904.54 699,905 0 100.00%
RESERVE FUNDS 1,154,073.51 1,154,073.51 1,050,998.54 1,050,999 0 100.00%

8-1835-0000-4410 BCR - Reserve Fund 0.00 0.00 102,405.50 -102,406 0.00%

8-1840-0000-4410 CCR - Reserve Fund 0.00 0.00 181,527.01 -181,527 0.00%
CEMETERY FUNDS 0.00 0.00 283,932.51 0 -283,933 0.00%

4-1500-0000-4510 GC - Investment in capital assets 109,004,280.24 109,004,280.24 109,370,664.80 -109,370,665 0.00%

5-1600-0000-4510 WC - investment in capital assets 25,079,722.66 25,079,722.66 25,423,188.67 -25,423,189 0.00%
6-1700-0000-4510 SC - investment in capital assets 18,630,332.12 18,630,332.12 20,312,975.71 -20,312,976 0.00%
INVESTMENT IN CAPITAL ASSETS 152,714,335.02 152,714,335.02 155,106,829.18 0 -155,106,829 0.00%
OPENING SURPLUS 20,542,380.52 20,542,380.52 23,870,998.79 24,199,820 328,821 98.64%

ANNUAL SURPLUS 3,691,076.71 3,691,076.71 2,344,807.67 -24,199,820 -26,544,628 -9.69%

CLOSING SURPLUS 176,947,792.25 176,947,792.25 181,322,635.64 0 -181,322,636 0.00%

1-0150-0000-5102 Tax - Municipal General 12,228,528.66 12,228,528.66 12,529,051.57 14,807,071 2,278,019 84.62%
1-0150-0000-5104 Tax - Municipal Debt 2,202,099.40 2,202,099.40 2,256,457.53 -2,256,458 0.00%
1-0150-0000-5106 Tax - Flat Tax - Improved Property 1,309,800.00 1,309,800.00 1,336,200.00 1,330,200 -6,000 100.45%
1-0150-0000-5108 Tax - Flat Tax - Vacant Land 27,800.00 27,800.00 25,800.00 25,500 -300 101.18%
1-0150-0000-5110 Tax - Chetwynd Industrial Sharing 161,726.40 161,726.40 155,412.00 155,412 0 100.00%
1-0150-0000-5112 Tax - Local Area Service Projects 131,854.54 131,854.54 138,249.51 148,316 10,066 93.21%
General Municipal Taxes 16,061,809.00 16,061,809.00 16,441,170.61 16,466,499 25,328 99.85%
Net Municipal Property Taxes 16,061,809.00 16,061,809.00 16,441,170.61 16,466,499 25,328 99.85%

1-0150-0000-5122 Tax - School - Residential 3,511,304.47 3,511,304.47 3,479,403.47 3,479,539 136 100.00%
1-0150-0000-5124 Tax - School - Non - Residential 3,071,884.37 3,071,884.37 2,940,797.08 3,008,757 67,960 97.74%
1-0150-0000-5126 Tax - Peace River Regional Hospital District 1,452,212.93 1,452,212.93 1,486,445.28 1,488,241 1,796 99.88%
1-0150-0000-5128 Tax - BC Assessment Authority 163,444.57 163,444.57 156,235.90 156,444 208 99.87%
1-0150-0000-5130 Tax - Peace River Regional District 1,804,596.64 1,804,596.64 1,798,743.55 1,801,039 2,295 99.87%
1-0150-0000-5132 Tax - Municipal Finance Authority 494.39 494.39 509.05 509 0 100.01%
1-0150-8100-6645 Tax - Transmission - PRRD -1,831,027.90 -1,831,027.90 -1,801,038.55 -1,801,039 0 100.00%
1-0150-8100-6648 Tax - Transmission - School - Res -3,511,304.47 -3,511,304.47 -3,479,403.47 -6,488,296 -3,008,893 53.63%
1-0150-8100-6649 Tax - Transmission - School - Com -3,071,884.37 -3,071,884.37 -2,943,170.48 2,943,170 0.00%
1-0150-8100-6650 Tax - Transmission - PRHD -1,473,827.00 -1,473,827.00 -1,488,241.00 -1,488,241 0 100.00%
1-0150-8100-6651 Tax - Transmission - BCAA -166,106.80 -166,106.80 -156,385.69 -156,444 -58 99.96%
1-0150-8100-6652 Tax - Transmission - MFA -498.83 -498.83 -509.53 -509 1 100.10%
Collections for Other Governments -50,712.00 -50,712.00 -6,614.39 0 6,614 0.00%

1-0150-0000-5202 Tax - Canada Post Properties 21,021.51 21,021.51 21,021.27 21,021 0 100.00%

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01/31/2017 Page 193 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
1-0150-0000-5204 Tax - Provincial Properties 117,797.75 117,797.75 118,417.49 117,798 -620 100.53%
1-0150-0000-5206 Tax - BC Housing Properties 39,610.78 39,610.78 43,618.00 39,611 -4,007 110.12%
1-0150-0000-5208 Tax - BC Rail Properties 5,644.75 5,644.75 5,644.75 5,645 0 100.00%
1-0150-0000-5210 Tax - BC Hydro - 1% Utiltiy tax 337,493.05 337,493.05 373,611.20 376,032 2,420 99.36%
1-0150-0000-5212 Tax - Telus 1% Utility tax 34,405.13 34,405.13 33,430.05 33,430 0 100.00%
1-0150-0000-5214 Tax - Pacific Northern Natural Gas 1% Utility tax 61,381.77 61,381.77 94,225.97 94,226 0 100.00%
1-0150-0000-5216 Tax - Shaw Cable 1% Utility tax 19,030.00 19,030.00 19,625.00 19,625 0 100.00%
Grants in lieu 636,384.74 636,384.74 709,593.73 707,387 -2,207 100.31%

1-0210-0000-5302 Police - Prisoner Expense Rebates 181,054.85 181,054.85 150,002.34 165,000 14,998 90.91%
1-0210-0000-5304 Police - Security Checks 18,165.22 18,165.22 18,079.82 17,000 -1,080 106.35%
1-0210-0000-5404 Police - Lease Rental 233,717.06 233,717.06 73,533.60 78,800 5,266 93.32%
Policing Revenues 432,937.13 432,937.13 241,615.76 260,800 19,184 92.64%

1-0220-0000-5304 Fire Dept - Revenue 17,518.25 17,518.25 22,417.60 17,340 -5,078 129.28%
1-0220-0000-5306 Fire Dept - Chetwynd Mechanical Pulp Inc 15,300 15,300 0.00%
1-0220-0000-5409 Fire Dept - Pouce Coupe Fire Inspections 1,250.00 1,250.00 3,750.00 -3,750 0.00%
Fire Department Services 18,768.25 18,768.25 26,167.60 32,640 6,472 80.17%

1-0230-0000-5402 Bldg Insp - Building Permits 186,536.35 186,536.35 234,149.38 200,000 -34,149 117.07%
1-0230-0000-5404 Bldg Insp - Moving & Demolition Permits 600.00 600.00 900.00 -900 0.00%
1-0230-0000-5406 Bldg Insp - Plumbing Permits 8,419.75 8,419.75 1,923.00 7,500 5,577 25.64%
1-0230-0000-5410 Bldg Insp - Outside Services 8,590.54 8,590.54 333.20 -333 0.00%
1-0230-0000-5412 Bldg Insp - Other Licences & Permits 7,367.00 7,367.00 66,276.76 15,000 -51,277 441.85%
Building Inspection Fees 211,513.64 211,513.64 303,582.34 222,500 -81,082 136.44%

1-0240-0000-5402 Business Licenses 203,426.36 203,426.36 205,657.46 202,040 -3,617 101.79%

1-0240-0000-5417 Bylaw - Fees, Licenses and Permits 4,955.00 4,955.00 6,945.00 -6,945 0.00%
Business Licenses 208,381.36 208,381.36 212,602.46 202,040 -10,562 105.23%

1-0360-0000-5302 BC Trans - BC Transit Receipts 139,639.77 139,639.77 119,223.88 141,017 21,793 84.55%

1-0400-0000-5402 Air Tnspt - Hangar Site Rentals 6,442.64 6,442.64 9,512.22 7,766 -1,746 122.48%
1-0400-0000-5404 Air Tnspt - Miscellaneous 148.59 148.59 41.20 -41 0.00%
1-0400-0000-5406 Air Tnspt - Scheduled Landing Fees 23,664.00 23,664.00 19,885.75 25,000 5,114 79.54%
1-0400-0000-5408 Air Tnspt - Non - Scheduled Landing Fees 33,045.65 33,045.65 30,609.75 34,808 4,198 87.94%
1-0400-0000-5410 Air Tnspt - Car Leasing 23,733.01 23,733.01 19,335.10 23,930 4,595 80.80%
1-0400-0000-5416 Air Tnspt - Parking Space Rentals 1,050.00 1,050.00 1,086.46 2,219 1,133 48.96%
1-0400-3000-5402 Air Tnspt - Rentals & Leases 10,897.03 10,897.03 11,000.00 11,220 220 98.04%
1-0400-4029-5302 Air Tnspt - Aircraft De - icing - Revenue 12,465.31 12,465.31 8,826.63 1,664 -7,162 530.37%
1-0410-0000-5402 Air Term - Office Rentals 7,513.50 7,513.50 7,513.50 9,790 2,276 76.75%
1-0410-0000-5404 Air Term - Terminal Charges 54,256.00 54,256.00 51,859.00 50,000 -1,859 103.72%
1-0450-0000-5410 Fuel Stn - Airport Fuel Sales 265,029.11 265,029.11 266,928.85 280,000 13,071 95.33%
Air Transportation 438,244.84 438,244.84 426,598.46 446,397 19,799 95.56%

1-0505-0000-5302 EHS - Waste - Collection 649,626.87 649,626.87 671,361.10 650,301 -21,060 103.24%
1-0505-0000-5304 EHS - Waste - Bag Tags 2,021.94 2,021.94 2,710.62 -2,711 0.00%
1-0505-0000-5305 EHS - Waste - Recycling Revenues 226.50 226.50 81.90 -82 0.00%
1-0520-0000-5402 EHS - Cleanup - Clean Up Donations 1,000.00 1,000.00 0 0.00%
1-0540-0000-5306 EHS - Landfill - PRRD Transportation Rebate 21,380.68 21,380.68 22,419.21 21,640 -779 103.60%
Environmental Waste Services 674,255.99 674,255.99 696,572.83 671,941 -24,632 103.67%

1-0610-0000-5302 City Cem - Open/Closing of Graves 15,927.50 15,927.50 10,896.25 25,000 14,104 43.59%
1-0610-0000-5304 City Cem - Lettering & Installation 3,419.63 3,419.63 5,306.90 -5,307 0.00%
1-0610-0000-5402 City Cem - Sale of Plots 2,555.00 2,555.00 4,025.00 -4,025 0.00%
1-0610-0000-5406 City Cem - Monument Installations 1,818.00 1,818.00 2,056.50 -2,057 0.00%
1-0620-0000-5302 Brksde Cem - Open/Closing of Graves 11,270.00 11,270.00 15,927.50 25,000 9,073 63.71%
1-0620-0000-5402 Brksde Cem - Sale of Plots 6,325.00 6,325.00 6,095.00 -6,095 0.00%
1-0620-0000-5406 Brksde Cem - Monument Installations 3,315.30 3,315.30 4,764.37 -4,764 0.00%
Cemetery Fees 44,630.43 44,630.43 49,071.52 50,000 928 98.14%

1-0709-0000-5302 Rezoning/Subdivision & Application Fees 10,575.00 10,575.00 6,725.00 5,100 -1,625 131.86%
Land Development Fees 10,575.00 10,575.00 6,725.00 5,100 -1,625 131.86%

1-0730-0000-5408 Ec Dev - Small Town Love Program 4,564.60 4,564.60 0.00 0 0.00%
1-0730-1029-5408 Ec Dev - Small Town Love - Revenue 2,900.00 -2,900 0.00%
Economic Development 4,564.60 4,564.60 2,900.00 0 -2,900 0.00%

1-0818-0000-5302 Ball Diamonds - User Fees 8,562.32 8,562.32 7,512.31 10,455 2,943 71.85%
1-0819-0000-5302 Soccer Fields - User Fees 4,394.98 4,394.98 3,575.56 2,614 -962 136.80%
User Fees 12,957.30 12,957.30 11,087.87 13,069 1,981 84.84%

1-0925-0000-5302 Climbing Wall - Public Revenue 8,781.70 8,781.70 10,386.54 7,841 -2,545 132.46%
1-0925-0000-5303 Climbing Wall - Programs 4,141.60 4,141.60 5,721.58 4,705 -1,017 121.61%
1-0925-0000-5304 Climbing Wall - Gear 1,058.00 1,058.00 1,274.00 1,568 294 81.24%
1-0925-0000-5402 Climbing Wall - Rentals 1,089.55 1,089.55 2,508.43 3,659 1,151 68.55%
Climbing Wall Fees 15,070.85 15,070.85 19,890.55 17,774 -2,117 111.91%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B

1-0950-0000-5302 KB Aquatic Centre - Public Swimming 374,050.14 374,050.14 355,240.53 357,000 1,759 99.51%
1-0950-0000-5303 KB Aquatic Centre - Swimming Lessons 68,235.09 68,235.09 65,409.13 62,730 -2,679 104.27%
1-0950-0000-5305 KB Aquatic Centre - Fitness Programs 26,002.53 26,002.53 21,965.97 31,365 9,399 70.03%
1-0950-0000-5307 KB Aquatic Centre - Merchant Sales 8,716.76 8,716.76 8,931.30 4,182 -4,749 213.57%
1-0950-0000-5402 KB Aquatic Centre - Facility Rentals 37,254.92 37,254.92 48,253.93 41,820 -6,434 115.38%
1-0950-4301-5302 KB Aquatic Centre - Leadership Courses 13,097.18 13,097.18 10,710.63 15,300 4,589 70.00%
Swimming Pool Fees 527,356.62 527,356.62 510,511.49 512,397 1,886 99.63%

1-1000-0000-5302 Pks & Rec - Special Events 357.40 357.40 2,414.83 7,319 4,904 33.00%
1-1000-0000-5306 Pks & Rec - Programs - Taxable 28,612.27 28,612.27 29,688.67 31,365 1,676 94.66%
1-1000-0000-5308 Pks & Rec - Programs - Non - Taxable 39,776.14 39,776.14 23,385.51 28,229 4,843 82.84%
1-1000-0000-5404 Pks & Rec - Seasonal Brochure Revenue 4,705 4,705 0.00%
Recreation Program Fees 68,745.81 68,745.81 55,489.01 71,617 16,128 77.48%

1-1021-0000-5304 Out of School Care - Parent Funded 75,940.36 75,940.36 63,581.92 88,868 25,286 71.55%
1-1022-0000-5304 City Kids - Parent Funded -12.00 12 0.00%
Youth Care Fees 75,940.36 75,940.36 63,569.92 88,868 25,298 71.53%

1-1050-0000-5302 Kin Arena - Rental - Ice 159,728.29 159,728.29 154,691.54 130,688 -24,004 118.37%
1-1050-0000-5303 Kin Arena - Programs 1,445.00 4,182 2,737 34.55%
1-1050-0000-5304 Kin Arena - Rental - Floor Dry 8,989.59 8,989.59 9,553.65 9,410 -144 101.53%
1-1050-0000-5404 Kin Arena - Arena Advertising Signs 2,009.02 2,091 82 96.08%
1-1050-0000-5406 Kin Arena - Skate Shop Rental 1,046 1,046 0.00%
1-1050-0000-5408 Kin Arena - Miscellaneous Rentals 650.00 -650 0.00%
1-1060-0000-5302 Mem Arena - Rental - Ice 93,564.30 93,564.30 191,245.64 193,418 2,172 98.88%
1-1060-0000-5303 Mem Arena - Programs 6,301.25 6,301.25 6,572.57 10,455 3,882 62.87%
1-1060-0000-5304 Mem Arena - Rental - Dry 11,953.35 11,953.35 9,553.65 8,364 -1,190 114.22%
1-1060-0000-5306 Mem Arena - Public Skating 4,331.22 4,331.22 6,179.31 3,659 -2,520 168.87%
1-1060-0000-5308 Mem Arena - Public Skating - Youth 1,489.20 1,489.20 3,796.42 1,046 -2,751 363.12%
1-1060-0000-5310 Mem Arena - Drop In Hockey 7,721.82 7,721.82 9,003.44 6,273 -2,730 143.53%
1-1060-0000-5402 Mem Arena - Arena Concession Rental 2,500.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 5,228 228 95.65%
1-1060-0000-5404 Mem Arena - Arena Advertising Signs 22,345.09 29,274 6,929 76.33%
1-1060-0000-5406 Mem Arena - Miscellaneous Rentals 5,592.13 5,592.13 13,069.37 16,728 3,659 78.13%
1-1060-5021-5302 Mem Arena - Encana Ice Rental: User Fees 19,805.80 19,805.80 0 0.00%
Arena Fees 321,976.95 321,976.95 435,114.70 421,859 -13,255 103.14%

Fees and Charges 3,205,558.90 3,205,558.90 3,180,723.39 3,158,018 -22,706 100.72%

1-0100-0000-5302 Sundry Revenue 57,699.14 57,699.14 27,382.70 41,067 13,684 66.68%

1-0100-0000-5402 Partnering Contributions 1,000.00 1,000.00 98,510.86 -98,511 0.00%
1-0100-0000-5512 BC Gaming Commissions 701,643.18 701,643.18 546,169.82 795,600 249,430 68.65%
1-0130-0000-5304 Insurance Investigations 55.00 55.00 0 0.00%
1-0150-0000-5302 School Tax Admin Fee 8,706.05 8,706.05 8,488.30 8,364 -124 101.49%
1-0150-0000-5306 Process Service Fees 5,760.00 5,760.00 4,580.00 7,650 3,070 59.87%
1-0150-0000-5402 Penalties on Taxes 150,834.60 150,834.60 185,570.15 142,800 -42,770 129.95%
1-0150-0000-5404 Interest on Arrears 36,741.33 36,741.33 60,862.12 35,700 -25,162 170.48%
1-0150-0000-5406 Interest on Delinquent 9,810.23 9,810.23 7,639.13 9,180 1,541 83.21%
1-0150-0000-5408 Tax Sale Charges 36,755.46 36,755.46 3,317.19 8,160 4,843 40.65%
1-0160-0000-5402 Natural Gas (PNG) Concession Fee 234,413.35 234,413.35 175,000.00 285,600 110,600 61.27%
1-0350-0000-5302 Private Alley Lighting 255.60 255.60 255.60 261 6 97.89%
1-0709-0000-5402 City Land Leases and Rentals 500.00 500.00 500.00 16,830 16,330 2.97%
1-0730-1039-5402 NCLGA Conference - Registrations 212,024.77 259,000 46,975 81.86%
1-0780-0000-5402 Energy Planning - Rebate Program 143,851.88 143,851.88 136,114.00 51,000 -85,114 266.89%
1-0840-0000-5402 Adoption Program - Sponsorship 1,955.20 1,955.20 0 0.00%
1-1000-0000-5402 Partnering Contributions - Recreation 20,746.25 20,746.25 0.00 54,484 54,484 0.00%
1-1000-0000-5406 Recreation Services Insurance Recoveries 2,565.00 2,565.00 3,280.00 -3,280 0.00%
1-1000-4302-5402 Recreation Programs - Rentals 1,328.70 1,328.70 2,198.69 -2,199 0.00%
1-1000-4307-5307 Rec Services 2015 < 17 World Hockey Event - Merchant 18,762.39 18,762.39 0 0.00%
1-1000-4307-5401 Rec Services 2015 < 17 World Hockey Event - Misc Reve 478,155.65 478,155.65 -4,500.00 4,500 0.00%
1-1000-4307-5402 Rec Services 2015 < 17 World Hockey Event 439,293.63 439,293.63 4,828.52 -4,829 0.00%
1-1020-1500-5402 Building - Rentals 9,247.54 9,247.54 5,879.19 9,908 4,029 59.34%
2-1200-0000-5405 Land Rentals 4,402.00 4,402.00 4,402.00 4,402 0 100.00%
Other Revenues 2,364,482.18 2,364,482.18 1,482,503.04 1,730,006 247,503 85.69%

1-0210-0000-5502 GR - Federal - Police - Traffic Fine Revenue Sharing 214,659.00 214,659.00 190,001.00 193,193 3,192 98.35%
1-0100-0000-5500 GR - Provincial - Misc Grants 1,000.00 1,000.00 10,428.58 10,000 -429 104.29%
1-0100-0000-5504 GR - Provincial - Small Communities Grant 355,295.00 355,295.00 338,097.00 319,766 -18,331 105.73%
1-0100-0000-5505 GR - Provincial - Community Works Gas Tax Revenue 523,495.60 523,495.60 541,124.60 541,125 0 100.00%
1-0100-0000-5508 GR - Peace River Agreement (Fair Share) 14,588,147.00 14,588,147.00 14,972,804.00 14,972,804 0 100.00%
1-0220-0000-5502 GR - PRRD - Fire Dpt - RD Fire Service 221,126.00 221,126.00 202,856.00 199,356 -3,500 101.76%
1-0220-0000-5504 GR - PRRD - Fire Dpt - 911 Fire Dispatch 232,871.20 232,871.20 232,871.20 238,000 5,129 97.85%
1-1021-0000-5302 GR - Provincial Government - OSC - Subsidy 9,255.23 9,255.23 8,529.74 8,160 -370 104.53%
1-1021-0000-5306 GR - Provincial Government - OSC - Funding Assistan 10,701.62 10,701.62 9,091.36 12,546 3,455 72.46%
1-0340-0000-5502 GR - BC Hydro - Arterial Street Lighting 1,372.00 1,372.00 915.48 1,020 105 89.75%
1-0320-2100-5402 GR - Rds & St - Flooding - Provincial Grant 194,420.39 -194,420 0.00%
1-0730-0000-5500 GR - Northern Development Initiative Trust 46,900.00 46,900.00 89,100.00 79,560 -9,540 111.99%
1-0730-0000-5501 GR - PRRD South Peace Economic Development 15,000.00 15,000.00 20,500.00 -20,500 0.00%
1-0770-0000-5504 GR - Sustainability - Government Transfers 223.81 223.81 -614.28 614 0.00%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
1-0780-0000-5502 GR - Carbon Tax Rebate 81,419.00 81,419.00 75,001.00 83,000 7,999 90.36%
1-0800-0000-5502 GR - PRRD Sub - Regional Recreation Requisition 419,040.00 419,040.00 420,390.00 420,390 0 100.00%
2-1200-0000-5503 WU - PRRD - Regional 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000 0 100.00%
Government Transfers 16,760,505.46 16,760,505.46 17,345,516.07 17,118,920 -226,596 101.32%

1-1100-0000-5602 FS - Interest on Investments 87,194.13 87,194.13 65,645.97 100,000 34,354 65.65%

1-1100-0000-5604 FS - Interest on Loans & Advances 3,946.28 3,946.28 5,112.66 2,500 -2,613 204.51%
Return on Investments 91,140.41 91,140.41 70,758.63 102,500 31,741 69.03%

General Operating Revenues 39,069,168.69 39,069,168.69 39,223,651.08 39,283,330 59,679 99.85%

2-1200-0000-5901 WU - Sales - NP Metered Bulk Water Sales 598,248.00 598,248.00 612,416.25 300,000 -312,416 204.14%
2-1200-0000-5902 WU - Sales - Metered 2,500,912.05 2,500,912.05 2,344,919.65 2,400,000 55,080 97.70%
2-1200-0000-5903 WU - Sales - Metered - Fixed Charge 1,607,235.99 1,607,235.99 1,624,365.92 1,500,000 -124,366 108.29%
2-1200-0000-5910 WU - Sales - Pouce Coupe 114,478.00 114,478.00 100,396.00 115,000 14,604 87.30%
2-1200-0000-5912 WU - Sales - Pouce Coupe Cap 9,096.00 9,096.00 9,096.00 9,096 0 100.00%
2-1200-0000-5914 WU - Bulk Stn Sales - Smart Cards 644,324.85 644,324.85 606,253.67 650,000 43,746 93.27%
2-1200-0000-5920 WU - Miscellaneous revenues 38,562.44 38,562.44 22,475.65 30,000 7,524 74.92%
2-1200-0000-5922 WU - Water Meter Repairs 3,355.78 3,355.78 2,234.29 5,000 2,766 44.69%
Water Utility Revenues 5,516,213.11 5,516,213.11 5,322,157.43 5,009,096 -313,061 106.25%

3-1400-0000-5902 SU - Sewer Service Charge 1,508,891.44 1,508,891.44 1,321,442.15 1,500,000 178,558 88.10%
3-1400-0000-5903 SU - Sales - Metered - Fixed Charge 1,692,421.85 1,692,421.85 1,703,639.15 1,700,000 -3,639 100.21%
3-1400-0000-5910 SU - Sewer Service Fees - PRRD 34,029.27 34,029.27 33,406.56 34,000 593 98.25%
3-1400-0000-5912 SU - Sewer Smart Card 219,661.95 219,661.95 362,504.77 200,000 -162,505 181.25%
3-1400-0000-5914 SU - Reclaimed Water Sales 113,224.97 113,224.97 243,812.59 300,000 56,187 81.27%
3-1400-0000-5920 SU - Miscellaneous Revenues 10.00 10.00 10.00 -10 0.00%
Sewer Utility Revenues 3,568,239.48 3,568,239.48 3,664,815.22 3,734,000 69,185 98.15%
Total Utility Revenues 9,084,452.59 9,084,452.59 8,986,972.65 8,743,096 -243,877 102.79%

Total Operating Revenues 48,153,621.28 48,153,621.28 48,210,623.73 48,026,426 -184,197 100.38%

1-0101-0000-6185 Leg - Interlock 8,250.00 8,250.00 0.00 11,317 11,317 0.00%

1-0101-0000-6225 Leg - Consulting 7,089.28 7,089.28 4,345.80 50,000 45,654 8.69%
1-0101-0000-6235 Leg - Public Relations 10,790.98 10,790.98 16,515.91 36,613 20,097 45.11%
1-0101-0000-6245 Leg - Insurance 960.00 960.00 1,040.00 1,000 -40 104.00%
1-0101-0000-6390 Leg - Commissary 4,761.36 4,761.36 2,793.75 5,100 2,306 54.78%
1-0101-0000-6615 Leg - Memberships 16,196.63 16,196.63 17,026.95 20,400 3,373 83.47%
1-0101-1014-6610 Leg - Fair Share Renegotiation - Project Cost 66,276.41 66,276.41 0 0.00%
1-0101-1041-6225 Leg - Intergovernmental relations 83,175.00 83,175.00 60,657.14 60,000 -657 101.10%
1-0102-0000-6115 Mayor - Wages 55,101.16 55,101.16 56,086.35 57,275 1,189 97.92%
1-0102-0000-6601 Mayor - Travel 8,597.21 8,597.21 13,520.12 16,000 2,480 84.50%
1-0102-0000-6602 Mayor - Mileage 2,613.13 2,613.13 4,236.71 3,060 -1,177 138.45%
1-0102-0000-6604 Mayor - Accommodations 4,242.31 4,242.31 8,478.39 8,000 -478 105.98%
1-0102-0000-6606 Mayor - Vehicle Rental 1,132 1,132 0.00%
1-0102-0000-6608 Mayor - Conventions & Delegations 5,198.63 5,198.63 4,342.76 6,120 1,777 70.96%
1-0102-0000-6620 Mayor - Miscellaneous 171.14 171.14 69.55 5,100 5,030 1.36%
1-0103-0000-6115 Council - Wages 101,334.43 101,334.43 103,383.15 105,606 2,223 97.90%
1-0103-0000-6195 Council - Benefits 2,859.75 2,859.75 2,914.61 4,438 1,523 65.67%
1-0103-0000-6601 Council - Travel 12,161.25 12,161.25 11,609.17 12,000 391 96.74%
1-0103-0000-6602 Council - Mileage 4,360.59 4,360.59 1,748.79 5,000 3,251 34.98%
1-0103-0000-6604 Council - Accommodations 12,136.21 12,136.21 6,816.64 12,000 5,183 56.81%
1-0103-0000-6608 Council - Convention & Delegation 15,297.07 15,297.07 6,292.05 15,000 8,708 41.95%
1-0103-0000-6621 Council - Contingency 10,000 10,000 0.00%
Legislative Expenditures 421,572.54 421,572.54 321,877.84 445,161 123,283 72.31%

1-0130-0000-6105 Admin - Wages - Management 309,606.02 309,606.02 354,737.52 335,000 -19,738 105.89%
1-0130-0000-6106 Admin - Special Payments - Management 240.00 -240 0.00%
1-0130-0000-6110 Admin - Wages - Exempt 242,022.91 242,022.91 291,126.84 307,161 16,034 94.78%
1-0130-0000-6120 Admin - Wages - CUPE 244.84 244.84 462.29 -462 0.00%
1-0130-0000-6195 Admin - Benefits 137,400.64 137,400.64 147,446.35 172,000 24,554 85.72%
1-0130-0000-6205 Admin - Contracts 7,014.10 7,014.10 41,651.38 72,000 30,349 57.85%
1-0130-0000-6215 Admin - Advertising 21,424.00 21,424.00 27,122.41 33,150 6,028 81.82%
1-0130-0000-6230 Admin - Training & Seminars 4,532.29 4,532.29 6,705.21 10,000 3,295 67.05%
1-0130-0000-6250 Admin - Legal Services 136,920.99 136,920.99 111,119.75 106,641 -4,479 104.20%
1-0130-0000-6260 Admin - Negotiations 22,204.84 22,204.84 16,269.47 20,000 3,731 81.35%
1-0130-0000-6301 Admin - Stationery Supplies 7,332.99 7,332.99 5,785.91 5,658 -128 102.25%
1-0130-0000-6310 Admin - Postage 177.91 177.91 241.90 300 58 80.63%
1-0130-0000-6320 Admin - Subscriptions & Periodicals 4,362.79 4,362.79 3,882.03 6,120 2,238 63.43%
1-0130-0000-6350 Admin - Supplies 1,356.74 1,356.74 1,537.60 1,132 -406 135.87%
1-0130-0000-6357 Admin - Contract Reimbursements 50.00 50.00 250.00 566 316 44.18%
1-0130-0000-6404 Admin - Telephone 6,407.54 6,407.54 6,046.19 8,160 2,114 74.10%
1-0130-0000-6601 Admin - Travel 7,935.85 7,935.85 15,392.10 10,000 -5,392 153.92%
1-0130-0000-6602 Admin - Mileage 6,279.86 6,279.86 6,504.22 7,000 496 92.92%
1-0130-0000-6604 Admin - Accommodations 11,039.04 11,039.04 8,312.18 12,000 3,688 69.27%
1-0130-0000-6606 Admin - Vehicle Rental 2,263 2,263 0.00%
1-0130-0000-6608 Admin - Conventions & Delegations 7,209.90 7,209.90 7,698.95 10,000 2,301 76.99%
1-0130-0000-6615 Admin - Memberships 4,345.29 4,345.29 4,572.32 4,914 342 93.05%
1-0130-0000-6620 Admin - Miscellaneous 6,634.08 6,634.08 191.43 1,088 896 17.60%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
1-0130-1025-6215 Admin - Recruit - Advertising 2,599.89 2,599.89 5,460.04 7,319 1,858 74.61%
1-0130-1025-6225 Admin - Recruite - Consultant Serv. 300.00 -300 0.00%
1-0130-1025-6601 Admin - Recruite - Travel 1,580.46 1,580.46 1,531.81 3,137 1,605 48.84%
1-0130-1025-6604 Admin - Recruite - Accommodations 344.84 344.84 304.80 1,046 741 29.15%
1-0130-1025-6620 Admin - Recruit - Miscellaneous 8,340.80 8,340.80 2,328.54 5,228 2,899 44.54%
1-0130-1028-6350 Admin - Employee Recognition - Supplies 8,516.45 8,516.45 5,571.90 10,000 4,428 55.72%
1-0130-1029-6350 Admin - Social Commitee - Supplies 9,246.00 9,246 0 100.00%
1-0130-1820-6205 Admin - Equipment Office - Contracts 30,117.85 30,117.85 24,547.20 30,600 6,053 80.22%
1-0130-1820-6350 Admin - Equip. Office - Supplies 642.63 642.63 6,750.47 5,658 -1,092 119.30%
1-0100-0000-6670 GG - Cash Over Short -5.00 -5.00 19.93 -20 0.00%
Administration 996,640.54 996,640.54 1,113,356.74 1,197,385 84,028 92.98%

1-0140-0000-6105 Fin - Wages - Management 156,969.68 156,969.68 153,772.79 156,376 2,603 98.34%
1-0140-0000-6110 Fin - Wages - Exempt 89,037.96 89,037.96 78,570.05 89,004 10,434 88.28%
1-0140-0000-6120 Fin - Wages - CUPE 354,342.39 354,342.39 364,099.96 378,222 14,122 96.27%
1-0140-0000-6195 Fin - Benefits 137,852.60 137,852.60 151,937.56 155,901 3,963 97.46%
1-0140-0000-6205 Fin - Contracts 3,500.00 -3,500 0.00%
1-0140-0000-6215 Fin - Advertising 5,825.00 5,825.00 8,267.33 5,919 -2,348 139.67%
1-0140-0000-6220 Fin - Audit 27,700.00 27,700.00 31,250.00 31,250 0 100.00%
1-0140-0000-6225 Fin - Consulting 1,000.00 40,000 39,000 2.50%
1-0140-0000-6230 Fin - Training & Seminars 2,022.14 2,022.14 4,165.05 10,000 5,835 41.65%
1-0140-0000-6301 Fin - Stationery Supplies 14,205.05 14,205.05 11,403.84 8,713 -2,691 130.88%
1-0140-0000-6310 Fin - Postage 64.53 261 197 24.71%
1-0140-0000-6320 Fin - Subscriptions & Periodicals 877.70 877.70 1,059.47 1,256 197 84.35%
1-0140-0000-6357 Fin - Union Contracts Reimbursements 289.00 289.00 150.00 510 360 29.41%
1-0140-0000-6390 Fin - Commissary 100.60 100.60 255 255 0.00%
1-0140-0000-6404 Fin - Telephone 2,766.07 2,766.07 3,869.70 2,600 -1,270 148.83%
1-0140-0000-6601 Fin - Travel 476.19 476.19 3,480.07 4,182 702 83.22%
1-0140-0000-6602 Fin - Mileage 1,059.32 1,059.32 1,268.51 1,000 -269 126.85%
1-0140-0000-6604 Fin - Accommodations 558.48 558.48 294.00 2,153 1,859 13.66%
1-0140-0000-6608 Fin - Conventions & Delegations 768.57 2,000 1,231 38.43%
1-0140-0000-6615 Fin - Memberships 2,118.43 2,118.43 3,215.92 2,358 -858 136.38%
1-0140-0000-6620 Fin - Miscellaneous 152.95 152.95 0 0.00%
1-0140-1820-6205 Fin - Equipment Office - Contracts 9,588.75 9,588.75 9,975.91 9,146 -830 109.07%
1-0140-1820-6350 Fin - Equipment Office - Supplies 401.79 401.79 973.87 5,228 4,254 18.63%
Finance Expenditures 806,344.10 806,344.10 833,087.13 906,334 73,247 91.92%

1-0140-1600-6361 IT - Equipment Pool Chg Out 38,570.88 38,570.88 38,570.88 41,820 3,249 92.23%
1-0140-1600-6205 IT - Computer - Contracts 362,193.03 362,193.03 362,630.98 395,000 32,369 91.81%
1-0140-1601-6205 IT - Licencing/Service Agreements - Contract 96,154.17 96,154.17 147,135.66 179,665 32,529 81.89%
1-0140-1602-6205 IT - Website - Contracts 23,031.30 23,031.30 26,017.43 30,600 4,583 85.02%
1-0140-1603-6350 IT - Hardware - Supplies 62,966.43 62,966.43 72,202.60 59,500 -12,703 121.35%
1-0140-1604-6350 IT - Software - Supplies 2,969.67 2,969.67 8,349.01 20,000 11,651 41.75%
1-0140-1605-6350 IT - Ink/Toner - Supplies 52,265.89 52,265.89 63,186.79 55,000 -8,187 114.89%
IT Expenditures 638,151.37 638,151.37 718,093.35 781,585 63,492 91.88%

1-0160-0000-6120 Oth Gen - Wages - CUPE 69,967.29 69,967.29 90,846.43 65,867 -24,980 137.93%
1-0160-0000-6195 Oth Gen - Benefits 17,023.22 17,023.22 24,662.94 16,975 -7,688 145.29%
1-0160-0000-6205 Oth Gen - Contracts 2,383.86 2,383.86 308.00 -308 0.00%
1-0160-0000-6245 Oth Gen - Insurance 143,815.06 143,815.06 154,402.51 133,367 -21,036 115.77%
1-0160-0000-6310 Oth Gen - Postage 36,532.12 36,532.12 40,015.00 45,267 5,252 88.40%
1-0160-0000-6350 Oth Gen - Supplies 498.53 498.53 566 566 0.00%
1-0160-0000-6390 Oth Gen - Commissary 4,120.89 4,120.89 3,368.96 5,000 1,631 67.38%
1-0160-0000-6402 Oth Gen - Water/Sewer/Garbage 4,925.88 4,925.88 5,122.14 5,304 182 96.57%
1-0160-0000-6404 Oth Gen - Telephone 25,666.31 25,666.31 24,590.71 21,420 -3,171 114.80%
1-0160-0000-6406 Oth Gen - Natural Gas 12,380.90 12,380.90 9,275.06 15,683 6,407 59.14%
1-0160-0000-6408 Oth Gen - Electricity 25,091.65 25,091.65 22,636.59 19,865 -2,772 113.95%
1-0160-0000-6634 Oth Gen - AR Uncollectables 13,447.10 13,447.10 32,619.15 10,000 -22,619 326.19%
1-0160-1500-6120 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Wages - CUPE 34,364.96 34,364.96 43,565.09 30,320 -13,246 143.69%
1-0160-1500-6195 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Benefits 7,376.73 7,376.73 10,347.85 7,214 -3,133 143.43%
1-0160-1500-6205 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Contracts 20,968.64 20,968.64 21,160.07 21,755 595 97.27%
1-0160-1500-6245 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Insurance 17,033.62 17,033.62 14,082.00 45,250 31,168 31.12%
1-0160-1500-6335 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 3,399.90 3,399.90 3,853.74 12,977 9,123 29.70%
1-0160-1500-6350 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Supplies 28,192.24 28,192.24 20,792.92 13,053 -7,740 159.30%
1-0160-1500-6361 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Equip Pool Chg Out 5,418.69 5,418.69 7,997.83 5,108 -2,890 156.57%
1-0160-1500-6364 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 16,266.65 16,266.65 11,305.04 11,317 12 99.90%
1-0160-1500-6392 Oth Gen - Bldgs - Medical & Laundry 1,801.92 1,801.92 1,735.27 653 -1,083 265.88%
1-0160-1540-6205 Oth Gen - Janitorial - Contracts 57,296.88 57,296.88 56,149.49 61,357 5,208 91.51%
1-0160-1540-6350 Oth Gen - Janitorial - Supplies 1,525.36 1,525.36 2,813.80 4,527 1,713 62.16%
1-0160-1700-6120 Oth Gen - Grounds - Wages CUPE 13,467.35 13,467.35 16,389.71 15,683 -707 104.51%
1-0160-1700-6195 Oth Gen - Grounds - Benefits 3,095.27 3,095.27 3,986.38 4,329 342 92.09%
1-0160-1700-6205 Oth Gen - Grounds - Contracts 1,154 1,154 0.00%
1-0160-1700-6350 Oth Gen - Grounds - Supplies 187.74 187.74 1,154 1,154 0.00%
1-0160-1700-6361 Oth Gen - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,041.62 1,041.62 2,321.57 4,265 1,943 54.44%
1-0160-1700-6364 Oth Gen - Grounds - Electrical Repairs 1,154 1,154 0.00%
1-0160-1820-6205 Oth Gen - Equip.Office - Contracts 9,567.28 9,567.28 8,918.75 11,095 2,176 80.39%
1-0160-1820-6335 Oth Gen - Equip.Office - Repairs & Mtce. 53.23 53.23 577 577 0.00%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
1-0160-1820-6350 Oth Gen - Equip.Office - Supplies 0.00 0.00 1,107.29 5,439 4,331 20.36%
1-0160-1830-6205 Oth Gen - Auction - Contractors 127.86 127.86 1,126.63 -1,127 0.00%
1-0160-3120-6205 Oth Gen - Security - Contracts 534.51 534.51 331.67 1,088 756 30.49%
1-0100-1900-6120 Gen Govt - Custom - Wages CUPE 0.00 0.00 558.96 -559 0.00%
1-0100-1900-6195 Gen Govt - Custom - Benefits 0.00 0.00 130.28 -130 0.00%
1-0100-1900-6361 Gen Govt - Custom - Equipment Pool Chg Out 0.00 0.00 4,237.03 -4,237 0.00%
1-0160-1500-6699 Oth Gen - Bldings - Operating Capital 52,066.50 52,066.50 33,752.20 51,000 17,248 66.18%
1-0160-0000-6362 Oth Gen - EP Surplus Adjustment -15,415.59 -15,415.59 -14,568.87 -1,172 13,396 1242.65%
Other General Expenditures 614,224.17 614,224.17 659,942.19 648,608 -11,335 101.75%

1-0161-0000-6215 Election - Advertising 475.00 475.00 0 0.00%

1-0161-0000-6360 Election - Equipment - Other 317.57 317.57 1,069.71 510 -560 209.75%
Election Expenditures 792.57 792.57 1,069.71 510 -560 209.75%

GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENDITURES 3,477,725.29 3,477,725.29 3,647,426.96 3,979,582 332,155 91.65%

1-0150-0000-6247 Tax - Improvements(City Lots) 1,088 1,088 0.00%

1-0150-1100-6215 Tax - Tax Sale - Tax Sale 544 544 0.00%
1-0150-1100-6255 Tax - Tax Sale - Land Registry 1,632 1,632 0.00%
1-0150-1110-6210 Tax - Tax Sale Purchase - Administration 1,674.20 1,674.20 2,175 2,175 0.00%
1-0150-1110-6630 Tax - Tax Sale Purchase - Properties 115,522 115,522 0.00%
1-0140-0000-6255 Fin - Land Registry 127.44 127.44 1,020 1,020 0.00%
1-0710-0000-6110 Environmental Plan/Zoning - Wages - Exempt 70,090.98 70,090.98 92,692.59 83,640 -9,053 110.82%
1-0710-0000-6120 Environmental Plan/Zoning - Wages - CUPE 12,234.84 12,234.84 37,832.00 -37,832 0.00%
1-0710-0000-6195 Environmental Plan/Zoning - Benefits 16,023.69 16,023.69 26,811.11 15,996 -10,815 167.61%
1-0710-0000-6205 Environmental Plan/Zoning - Development Cost Sharing 91.80 -92 0.00%
1-0710-0000-6225 Environmental Plan/Zoning - Consultant Services 115,623.16 115,623.16 30,630.01 250,000 219,370 12.25%
1-0710-0000-6230 Environmental Plan/Zoning- -Training & Seminars 450.00 -450 0.00%
1-0710-0000-6350 Environmental Plan/Zoning - Supplies 205.50 205.50 33.96 -34 0.00%
1-0710-0000-6370 Environmental Plan/Zoning - Land Transfer Costs 15,712.14 15,712.14 27,094.90 30,000 2,905 90.32%
1-0710-0000-6601 Environmental Plan/Zoning - Travel 1,920.84 -1,921 0.00%
1-0710-0000-6604 Environmental Plan/Zoning- -Accommodations 470.40 -470 0.00%
1-0710-0000-6608 Environmental Plan/Zoning- -Conventions & Delegations 619.00 -619 0.00%
Land Development Expenditures 231,691.95 231,691.95 218,646.61 501,617 282,970 43.59%

1-0730-0000-6205 Ec Dev - Contracts 77,204.61 77,204.61 126,062.60 165,100 39,037 76.36%

1-0730-0000-6215 Ec Dev - Advertising 2,900.00 2,900.00 9,426.00 15,996 6,570 58.93%
1-0730-0000-6225 Ec Dev - Consulting 25,000 25,000 0.00%
1-0730-0000-6235 Ec Dev - Public Relations 27,629.29 27,629.29 1,308.69 23,766 22,457 5.51%
1-0730-0000-6320 Ec Dev - Subscriptions & Periodicals 164.00 1,500 1,336 10.93%
1-0730-0000-6350 Ec Dev - Supplies 21,034.32 21,034.32 16,386.50 18,360 1,974 89.25%
1-0730-0000-6601 Ec Dev - Travel 376.25 2,175 1,799 17.30%
1-0730-0000-6604 Ec Dev - Accommodations 544 544 0.00%
1-0730-0000-6608 Ec Dev - Conventions & Delegations 50.00 50.00 5,332 5,332 0.00%
1-0730-0000-6615 Ec Dev - Memberships 595.00 595.00 595.00 1,088 493 54.70%
1-0730-1029-6350 Ec Dev - Small Town Love - Supplies 4,048.59 -4,049 0.00%
1-0730-1039-6205 Ec Dev - NCLGA Conference - Contracts 193,330.96 254,000 60,669 76.11%
1-0730-1039-6350 Ec Dev - NCLGA Conference - Supplies 18,693.81 -18,694 0.00%
1-0730-1049-6235 Ec Dev - Oil & Natural Gas Projects - Public Relations 2,193 2,193 0.00%
1-0730-1050-6205 Ec Dev - Oil & Natural Gas Conference - Contracts 1,250.00 1,250.00 15,141.38 25,500 10,359 59.38%
1-0730-1050-6301 Ec Dev - Oil & Natural Gas Conference - Supplies 1,213.35 -1,213 0.00%
1-0730-1055-6205 Ec Dev - Alaska Hwy Int. Corridor - Contracts 10,000.00 10,000.00 0 0.00%
1-0730-1065-6120 Ec Dev - Trade Fair - Wages CUPE 138.84 138.84 0 0.00%
1-0730-1065-6195 Ec Dev - Trade Fair - Benefits 20.31 20.31 0 0.00%
1-0730-1065-6215 Ec Dev - Trade Fair - Advertising 100.00 100.00 0 0.00%
1-0730-1065-6350 Ec Dev - Trade Fair - Supplies 3,266.64 3,266.64 8,403.63 7,140 -1,264 117.70%
1-0730-1065-6622 Ec Dev - Trade Fair - Miscellaneous Grant 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000 0 100.00%
1-0730-4071-6622 Ec Dev - Mile O Cruisers - FFS 10,200.00 10,200.00 10,200.00 10,200 0 100.00%
1-0740-0000-6205 Tourism - Contracts 368,823.96 368,823.96 368,823.96 368,824 0 100.00%
1-0740-0000-6245 Tourism - Insurance 399.00 399.00 416.00 416 0 100.00%
1-0750-0000-6205 Visitor Inf Centre - Contracts 86,970.96 86,970.96 86,970.96 86,971 0 100.00%
Economic Development Expenditures 617,582.93 617,582.93 868,561.68 1,021,105 152,544 85.06%

1-0770-0000-6120 Sustainability - Wages - CUPE 28,762.03 28,762.03 27,647.80 28,292 644 97.72%
1-0770-0000-6195 Sustainability - Benefits 7,241.40 7,241.40 8,246.73 7,073 -1,174 116.59%
1-0770-0000-6205 Sustainability - Contracts 740.00 740.00 12,086.25 24,400 12,314 49.53%
1-0770-0000-6361 Sustainability - Equipment Pool Chg Out 2,579.16 2,579.16 2,579.16 2,600 21 99.20%
1-0770-0000-6404 Sustainability - Telephone 832.89 832.89 747.12 1,280 533 58.38%
1-0770-2012-6205 Sustainability - Carbon Offset Liability - Contracts 71,100.00 71,100.00 78,495.00 66,300 -12,195 118.39%
1-0770-0000-6215 Sustainability - Advertising 150.00 150.00 2,225.00 -2,225 0.00%
1-0770-0000-6350 Sustainability - Supplies 12,037.12 12,037.12 5,088.75 31,414 26,325 16.20%
1-0770-0000-6615 Sustainability - Memberships 3,500.00 3,500.00 100.00 2,500 2,400 4.00%
1-0780-0000-6110 Energy Planning - Wages - Exempt 85,546.54 85,546.54 90,758.61 85,313 -5,446 106.38%
1-0780-0000-6195 Energy Planning - Benefits 21,560.79 21,560.79 23,038.47 21,328 -1,710 108.02%
1-0780-0000-6120 Energy Planning - Wages - CUPE 207.90 -208 0.00%
1-0780-0000-6205 Energy Planning - Contracts 17,774.44 17,774.44 9,515.89 27,000 17,484 35.24%
1-0780-0000-6215 Energy Planning - Advertising 75.00 75.00 1,840.00 -1,840 0.00%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
1-0780-0000-6230 Energy Planning - Training & Seminars 465.19 2,000 1,535 23.26%
1-0780-0000-6350 Energy Planning - Supplies 5,450.86 5,450.86 3,902.13 13,200 9,298 29.56%
1-0780-0000-6601 Energy Planning - Travel 1,647.69 1,647.69 1,978.41 2,500 522 79.14%
1-0780-0000-6604 Energy Planning - Accommodation 406.35 406.35 635.61 1,500 864 42.37%
Energy Planning & Sustainability Expenditures 259,404.27 259,404.27 269,558.02 316,700 47,142 85.11%

ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURES 1,108,679.15 1,108,679.15 1,356,766.31 1,839,422 482,656 73.76%

1-0500-0000-6402 Waste Services - Water/Sewer/Garbage 3,356.80 3,356.80 3,495.30 3,468 -27 100.79%
1-0500-1510-6205 Waste Services - Recycling - Contracts 3,426.32 3,426.32 5,481.97 2,774 -2,708 197.64%
1-0500-4010-6120 Waste Services - Dwntwn Cleanup - Wages - CUPE 60,792.09 60,792.09 66,889.11 50,184 -16,705 133.29%
1-0500-4010-6195 Waste Services - Dwntwn Cleanup - Benefits 14,112.41 14,112.41 16,599.79 13,037 -3,563 127.33%
1-0500-4010-6350 Waste Services - Dwntwn Cleanup - Supplies 386.64 386.64 285.47 1,109 824 25.73%
1-0500-4010-6361 Waste Services - Dwntwn Cleanup - Equip Pool Chg Ou 6,370.25 6,370.25 6,803.02 17,706 10,903 38.42%
1-0505-0000-6120 Garbage - Wages - CUPE 2,436.36 2,436.36 0 0.00%
1-0505-0000-6195 Garbage - Benefits 551.82 551.82 0 0.00%
1-0505-0000-6205 Garbage - Curbside Contract 429,749.00 429,749.00 468,117.74 437,325 -30,793 107.04%
1-0505-0000-6215 Garbage - Advertising 1,664 1,664 0.00%
1-0505-0000-6350 Garbage - Supplies -8,064.52 -8,064.52 31,501.30 15,000 -16,501 210.01%
1-0505-0000-6621 Garbage - Bag Tag Commission Exp 5.85 5.85 1,154 1,154 0.00%
1-0515-0000-6120 Compost - Wages - CUPE 10,965.07 10,965.07 18,252.18 12,546 -5,706 145.48%
1-0515-0000-6195 Compost - Benefits 2,814.86 2,814.86 4,940.01 4,161 -779 118.73%
1-0515-0000-6205 Compost - Contracts 6,238.09 6,238.09 18,754.55 6,657 -12,098 281.73%
1-0515-0000-6350 Compost - Supplies 476.19 476.19 555 555 0.00%
1-0515-0000-6361 Compost - Equip Pool Chg Out 20,402.51 20,402.51 36,852.18 15,970 -20,882 230.76%
1-0520-0000-6120 Cleanup - Wages - CUPE 2,778.11 2,778.11 2,683.16 4,182 1,499 64.16%
1-0520-0000-6195 Cleanup - Benefits 184.55 184.55 113.29 1,387 1,274 8.17%
1-0520-0000-6205 Cleanup - Contracts 15,877.26 15,877.26 13,768.72 21,755 7,986 63.29%
1-0520-0000-6215 Cleanup - Advertising 1,546.00 1,546.00 1,150.00 1,664 514 69.10%
1-0520-0000-6350 Cleanup - Supplies 194.34 194.34 507.14 555 48 91.42%
1-0520-0000-6361 Cleanup - Equip Pool Chg Out 332.94 332.94 133.16 727 593 18.33%
1-0520-0000-6615 Clean Up - Memberships 550.00 -550 0.00%
1-0540-0000-6205 Landfill - Contracts 121,483.70 121,483.70 125,891.69 84,844 -41,048 148.38%
1-0500-0000-6362 Waste Services - EP Surplus Adjustment -9,180.03 -9,180.03 -11,774.90 -10,317 1,457 114.13%

ENVIRONMENTAL WASTE SERVICE EXPENDITURES 687,236.61 687,236.61 810,994.88 688,105 -122,890 117.86%

1-0210-0000-6120 Police - Wages - CUPE 464,667.74 464,667.74 470,449.30 445,740 -24,709 105.54%
1-0210-0000-6195 Police - Benefits 98,265.13 98,265.13 109,678.00 111,435 1,757 98.42%
1-0210-0000-6205 Police - Contracts 2,387,869.79 2,387,869.79 2,659,579.90 2,950,850 291,270 90.13%
1-0210-0000-6206 Police - Contracts - Overtime 97,415.93 97,415.93 110,682.40 102,477 -8,205 108.01%
1-0210-0000-6230 Police - Training & Seminars 249.30 249.30 314.00 2,814 2,500 11.16%
1-0210-0000-6357 Police - Union Contract Reimbursements 542 542 0.00%
1-0210-0000-6392 Police - Medical & Laundry 85.47 85.47 0 0.00%
1-0210-0000-6402 Police - Water/Sewer/Garbage 16,871.28 16,871.28 17,640.95 15,402 -2,239 114.54%
1-0210-0000-6404 Police - Telephone 813.93 813.93 688.71 816 127 84.40%
1-0210-0000-6620 Police - Miscellaneous 542 542 0.00%
1-0210-1104-6205 Police - Addn - Contracts 46,158.76 25,954 -20,205 177.85%
1-0210-1500-6120 Police - Bldgs - Wages - CUPE 16,040.47 16,040.47 15,899.32 18,692 2,792 85.06%
1-0210-1500-6195 Police - Bldgs - Benefits 3,489.65 3,489.65 3,758.06 4,673 915 80.43%
1-0210-1500-6205 Police - Bldgs - Contracts 9,965.76 9,965.76 8,638.69 11,095 2,456 77.86%
1-0210-1500-6245 Police - Bldgs - Insurance 6,347.75 6,347.75 6,361.00 6,373 12 99.81%
1-0210-1500-6335 Police - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 37,170.93 37,170.93 3,749.35 29,580 25,831 12.68%
1-0210-1500-6350 Police - Bldgs - Supplies 8,040.41 8,040.41 19,096.60 10,824 -8,272 176.42%
1-0210-1500-6361 Police - Bldgs - Equip Pool Chg Out 332.91 332.91 248.84 231 -18 107.79%
1-0210-1500-6364 Police - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 9,367.84 9,367.84 11,619.31 5,412 -6,207 214.69%
1-0210-1500-6365 Police - Bldgs - Mechanical Repairs 5,412 5,412 0.00%
1-0210-1500-6392 Police - Bldgs - Medical & Laundry 3,641.96 3,641.96 1,777.60 530 -1,247 335.14%
1-0210-1500-6406 Police - Bldgs - Natural Gas 7,961.54 7,961.54 7,207.13 10,455 3,248 68.93%
1-0210-1500-6408 Police - Bldgs - Electricity 13,149.01 13,149.01 13,612.67 12,546 -1,067 108.50%
1-0210-1540-6205 Police - Janitorial - Contracts 36,240.96 36,240.96 36,104.88 39,509 3,404 91.38%
1-0210-1540-6350 Police - Janitorial - Supplies 4,064.99 4,064.99 4,208.21 6,494 2,286 64.80%
1-0210-1600-6205 Police - Computer - Contracts 61,787.13 61,787.13 69,063.64 50,388 -18,676 137.06%
1-0210-1700-6120 Police - Grounds - Wages - CUPE 2,006.40 2,006.40 3,721.24 6,273 2,552 59.32%
1-0210-1700-6195 Police - Grounds - Benefits 564.93 564.93 850.85 2,774 1,923 30.68%
1-0210-1700-6361 Police - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,599.82 1,599.82 2,623.07 3,670 1,047 71.48%
1-0211-0000-6402 Telecom - Water/Sewer/Garbage 545.97 545.97 513.07 561 48 91.46%
1-0211-0000-6406 Telecom - Natural Gas 1,907.85 1,907.85 2,005.85 2,614 608 76.74%
1-0211-0000-6408 Telecom - Electricity 2,707.16 2,707.16 3,288.74 2,823 -466 116.50%
1-0211-1500-6120 Telecom - Bldgs - Wages - CUPE 839.34 839.34 479.27 1,046 566 45.84%
1-0211-1500-6195 Telecom - Bldgs - Benefits 183.80 183.80 105.51 555 449 19.02%
1-0211-1500-6205 Telecom - Bldgs - Contracts 1,132.26 1,132.26 1,076.99 1,020 -57 105.59%
1-0211-1500-6245 Telecom - Bldgs - Insurance 769.75 769.75 604.00 651 47 92.78%
1-0211-1500-6335 Telecom - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 121.54 121.54 900.00 -900 0.00%
1-0211-1500-6350 Telecom - Bldgs - Supplies 368.76 368.76 1,800.50 1,082 -718 166.37%
1-0211-1500-6364 Telecom - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 2,278.25 2,278.25 952.95 1,082 129 88.06%
1-0211-1500-6392 Telecom - Bldgs - Medical & Laundry 530.52 530.52 505.88 530 25 95.38%
1-0211-1540-6205 Telecom - Janitorial - Contracts 11,876.88 11,876.88 13,216.88 14,114 897 93.65%
1-0211-1540-6350 Telecom - Janitorial - Supplies 153.48 153.48 1,082 1,082 0.00%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
1-0212-0000-6120 Prison - Wages - CUPE 310,679.82 310,679.82 329,966.60 303,195 -26,772 108.83%
1-0212-0000-6195 Prison - Benefits 75,729.02 75,729.02 82,977.18 72,226 -10,751 114.89%
1-0212-0000-6350 Prison - Supplies 398.70 398.70 67.44 -67 0.00%
1-0212-0000-6390 Prison - Commissary 20,948.79 20,948.79 14,671.85 19,971 5,299 73.47%
1-0212-0000-6392 Prison - Medical & Laundry 7,802.41 7,802.41 7,618.36 8,200 582 92.91%
1-0213-0000-6205 VicServ - Contracts 34,568.00 34,568.00 34,568.00 34,568 0 100.00%
Policing Expenditures 3,761,553.33 3,761,553.33 4,119,051.55 4,346,821 227,769 94.76%

1-0220-0000-6105 Fire Dpt - Wages - Management 123,258.67 123,258.67 121,484.80 114,954 -6,531 105.68%
1-0220-0000-6110 Fire Dpt - Wages - Exempt 113,976.49 113,976.49 114,237.79 108,136 -6,102 105.64%
1-0220-0000-6120 Fire Dpt - Wages - CUPE 43.33 43.33 0.00 1,129 1,129 0.00%
1-0220-0000-6125 Fire Dpt - Wages - IAFF 1,668,261.04 1,668,261.04 1,674,002.59 1,800,000 125,997 93.00%
1-0220-0000-6140 Fire Dpt - Long Service Bonus 1,560.00 1,560.00 1,560.00 1,377 -183 113.29%
1-0220-0000-6150 Fire Dpt - Wages - Overtime 219,065.57 219,065.57 242,317.11 195,793 -46,524 123.76%
1-0220-0000-6155 Fire Dpt - Sick Leave Bank 27,737.92 27,737.92 34,651.72 92,916 58,264 37.29%
1-0220-0000-6157 Fire Dpt - Sick Leave Accrual Bank 89,747.10 89,747.10 96,170.62 -96,171 0.00%
1-0220-0000-6190 Fire Dpt - FF Force Gratuity 8,055.60 8,055.60 21,751.19 25,000 3,249 87.00%
1-0220-0000-6195 Fire Dpt - Benefits 524,327.57 524,327.57 553,265.32 510,000 -43,265 108.48%
1-0220-0000-6205 Fire Dpt - Contracts 709.10 709.10 0 0.00%
1-0220-0000-6225 Fire Dpt - Consulting 33,659.55 33,659.55 20,000 20,000 0.00%
1-0220-0000-6230 Fire Dpt - Training & Seminars 45,664.57 45,664.57 35,853.04 50,000 14,147 71.71%
1-0220-0000-6245 Fire Dpt - Insurance - Liab. 2,427.00 2,427.00 2,180.50 2,500 320 87.22%
1-0220-0000-6301 Fire Dpt - Stationery Supplies 846.35 846.35 1,042.57 1,154 112 90.32%
1-0220-0000-6310 Fire Dpt - Postage 12.30 12.30 116.93 109 -8 107.50%
1-0220-0000-6320 Fire Dpt - Subscriptions & Periodicals 214.29 214.29 305.01 577 272 52.85%
1-0220-0000-6335 Fire Dpt - EP maintenance 44,929.06 44,929.06 63,771.30 60,000 -3,771 106.29%
1-0220-0000-6355 Fire Dpt - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allow. 33,416.52 33,416.52 38,940.75 41,872 2,932 93.00%
1-0220-0000-6357 Fire Dpt - Union Contracts Reimbursements 150.00 150.00 100.00 566 466 17.67%
1-0220-0000-6361 Fire Dpt - Equip Pool Chg Out 82.10 -82 0.00%
1-0220-0000-6392 Fire Dpt - Medical/Laundry 2,836.64 2,836.64 3,923.80 5,272 1,349 74.42%
1-0220-0000-6402 Fire Dpt - Water/Sewer/Garbage 8,666.76 8,666.76 9,046.41 9,078 32 99.65%
1-0220-0000-6404 Fire Dpt - Telephone 9,167.29 9,167.29 7,166.83 8,670 1,503 82.66%
1-0220-0000-6406 Fire Dpt - Natural Gas 3,773.97 3,773.97 2,858.40 5,228 2,369 54.68%
1-0220-0000-6408 Fire Dpt - Electricity 8,203.08 8,203.08 9,033.60 8,155 -879 110.78%
1-0220-0000-6601 Fire Dpt - Travel 1,715.42 1,715.42 78.49 2,219 2,141 3.54%
1-0220-0000-6604 Fire Dpt - Accommodations 2,774.62 2,774.62 2,125.89 3,395 1,269 62.62%
1-0220-0000-6606 Fire Dpt - Vehicle Rental 14,368.15 14,368.15 16,320 16,320 0.00%
1-0220-0000-6608 Fire Dpt - Conventions & Delegations 5,025.00 5,025.00 6,047.10 11,317 5,270 53.43%
1-0220-0000-6615 Fire Dpt - Memberships 2,932.91 2,932.91 4,659.91 3,328 -1,331 140.00%
1-0220-0000-6620 Fire Dpt - Miscellaneous 81.57 81.57 1,245 1,245 0.00%
1-0220-0000-6640 Fire Dpt - Rights & Licences 1,035.00 1,035.00 1,035.00 1,188 153 87.10%
1-0220-0000-6661 Fire Dpt - Prevention 3,668.92 3,668.92 1,207.81 5,547 4,340 21.77%
1-0220-1500-6120 Fire Dpt - Bldgs - Wages - CUPE 4,186.55 4,186.55 4,662.98 9,410 4,747 49.56%
1-0220-1500-6195 Fire Dpt - Bldgs - Benefits 874.69 874.69 1,087.82 1,245 157 87.38%
1-0220-1500-6205 Fire Dpt - Bldgs - Contracts 6,127.40 6,127.40 1,782.78 11,317 9,534 15.75%
1-0220-1500-6245 Fire Dpt - Bldgs - Insurance 5,165.25 5,165.25 6,696.39 6,292 -405 106.43%
1-0220-1500-6335 Fire Dpt - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 10,476.82 10,476.82 12,492.93 21,332 8,839 58.56%
1-0220-1500-6350 Fire Dpt - Bldgs - Supplies 4,832.08 4,832.08 4,217.27 11,317 7,100 37.27%
1-0220-1500-6361 Fire Dpt - Bldgs - Equip Pool Chg Out 813.86 98 -716 828.10%
1-0220-1500-6364 Fire Dpt - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 3,547.21 3,547.21 2,454.25 5,658 3,204 43.37%
1-0220-1800-6335 Fire Dpt - Equip.Other - Repairs & Mtce. 3,376.27 3,376.27 2,933.54 10,455 7,521 28.06%
1-0220-1800-6350 Fire Dpt - Equip.Other - Supplies 29,212.54 29,212.54 31,293.17 10,000 -21,293 312.93%
1-0220-1820-6205 Fire Dpt - Office Equip Other - Contracts 6,102.24 6,102.24 3,371.90 5,547 2,176 60.78%
1-0220-6010-6335 Fire Dpt - Radio - Repairs & Mtce. 1,096.45 1,096.45 881.69 -882 0.00%
1-0220-6010-6350 Fire Dpt - Radio - Supplies 8,291.37 8,291.37 1,484.76 9,082 7,598 16.35%
1-0221-0000-6230 911 - Training & Seminars 359.77 359.77 905 905 0.00%
1-0221-0000-6364 911 - Electrical Repairs 231 231 0.00%
1-0222-0000-6125 Reg FF - Wages - FF 515.50 -516 0.00%
1-0223-0000-6350 Fire Dept Training Centre- -Supplies 33.96 -34 0.00%
1-0223-0000-6406 Fire Dept Training Centre- -Natural Gas 355.59 -356 0.00%
1-0223-1700-6120 Fire Dept Training Centre-Grounds-CUPE Wages 349.80 -350 0.00%
1-0223-1700-6195 Fire Dept Training Centre-Grounds-Benefits 81.09 -81 0.00%
1-0223-1700-6361 Fire Dept Training Centre-Grounds-Equip Pool 15.43 -15 0.00%
1-0252-0000-6230 PEP - Training & Seminars 602.86 602.86 315.89 1,985 1,669 15.91%
1-0252-0000-6350 PEP - Supplies 1,427.54 -1,428 0.00%
1-0252-0000-6404 PEP - Telephone 276.30 276.30 276.00 306 30 90.20%
1-0252-0000-6615 PEP - Memberships 190 190 0.00%
Fire Department Expenditures 3,086,839.16 3,086,839.16 3,126,560.72 3,212,417 85,857 97.33%

1-0230-0000-6120 Bldg Insp - Wages - CUPE 144,682.84 144,682.84 73,799.03 141,143 67,343 52.29%
1-0230-0000-6195 Bldg Insp - Benefits 31,041.68 31,041.68 22,207.78 33,992 11,784 65.33%
1-0230-0000-6205 Bldg Insp - Contracts 29,444.83 -29,445 0.00%
1-0230-0000-6215 Bldg Insp - Advertising 2,263 2,263 0.00%
1-0230-0000-6230 Bldg Insp - Training & Seminars 2,254.70 2,254.70 2,316.20 2,829 513 81.87%
1-0230-0000-6301 Bldg Insp - Stationery Supplies 849.01 849.01 624.33 -624 0.00%
1-0230-0000-6320 Bldg Insp - Subscriptions & Periodicals 114.29 114.29 585.19 226 -359 258.56%
1-0230-0000-6350 Bldg Insp - Supplies 371.44 -371 0.00%
1-0230-0000-6361 Bldg Insp - Equip Pool Chg Out 9,690.00 9,690.00 9,690.00 10,131 441 95.65%
1-0230-0000-6404 Bldg Insp - Telephone 1,322.40 1,322.40 1,322.40 2,040 718 64.82%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
1-0230-0000-6601 Bldg Insp - Travel 1,066.49 1,066.49 1,128.70 2,774 1,645 40.69%
1-0230-0000-6602 Bldg Insp - Mileage 74.78 -75 0.00%
1-0230-0000-6604 Bldg Insp - Accommodations 1,710.20 1,710.20 1,392.60 1,132 -261 123.06%
1-0230-0000-6608 Bldg Insp - Conventions & Delegations 1,784.24 1,698 -87 105.11%
1-0230-0000-6615 Bldg Insp - Memberships 1,391.25 1,391.25 1,200.00 1,632 432 73.55%
1-0230-0000-6620 Bldg Insp - Miscellaneous 44.32 44.32 0 0.00%
Building Inspection 194,167.18 194,167.18 145,941.52 199,859 53,917 73.02%

1-0240-0000-6120 Bylaw Enf - Wages - CUPE 135,466.34 135,466.34 129,282.86 139,052 9,769 92.97%
1-0240-0000-6195 Bylaw Enf - Benefits 34,848.79 34,848.79 39,944.30 32,371 -7,574 123.40%
1-0240-0000-6215 Bylaw Enf - Advertising 1,914.15 1,914.15 932.80 619 -314 150.69%
1-0240-0000-6230 Bylaw Enf - Training & Seminars 4,431.61 4,431.61 4,500 4,500 0.00%
1-0240-0000-6275 Bylaw Enf - Towing 465.00 465.00 525.00 555 30 94.64%
1-0240-0000-6301 Bylaw Enf - Stationery Supplies 1,385.35 1,385.35 606.64 1,500 893 40.44%
1-0240-0000-6350 Bylaw Enf - Supplies 346.40 346.40 965.77 500 -466 193.15%
1-0240-0000-6355 Bylaw Enf - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allow. 470.68 470.68 469.49 1,000 531 46.95%
1-0240-0000-6361 Bylaw Enf - Equip Pool Chg Out 4,845.00 4,845.00 4,845.00 9,000 4,155 53.83%
1-0240-0000-6392 Bylaw Enf - Medical & Laundry 190.48 190.48 190.48 309 119 61.55%
1-0240-0000-6404 Bylaw Enf - Telephone 985.03 985.03 1,365.08 1,224 -141 111.53%
1-0240-0000-6602 Bylaw Enf - Mileage 13.25 13.25 250 250 0.00%
1-0240-0000-6608 Bylaw Enf - Conventions & Delegations 1,698 1,698 0.00%
1-0240-0000-6615 Bylaw Enf - Memberships 120.00 170 50 70.69%
1-0240-0000-6362 Protective Services - EP Surplus Adjustment -6,853.48 -6,853.48 -5,065.90 -12,446 -7,380 40.70%
Bylaw Enforcement 178,508.60 178,508.60 174,181.52 180,301 6,119 96.61%

1-0251-0000-6205 SPCA - Contracts 140,000.00 140,000.00 140,000.00 140,000 0 100.00%

Animal Control 140,000.00 140,000.00 140,000.00 140,000 0 100.00%

1-0253-0000-6110 Safety - Wages - Exempt 12,528.67 12,528.67 54,615.58 65,000 10,384 84.02%
1-0253-0000-6120 Safety - Wages - CUPE 30,155.96 30,155.96 32,023.93 34,502 2,478 92.82%
1-0253-0000-6195 Safety - Benefits 9,409.03 9,409.03 23,475.77 20,000 -3,476 117.38%
1-0253-0000-6225 Safety - Consulting Services 19,130.00 19,130.00 5,228.35 -5,228 0.00%
1-0253-0000-6230 Safety - Training & Seminars 705.00 5,500 4,795 12.82%
1-0253-0000-6320 Safety - Subscriptions & Periodicals 520 520 0.00%
1-0253-0000-6350 Safety - Supplies 9,260.14 9,260.14 4,905.15 5,202 297 94.29%
1-0253-0000-6404 Safety - Telephone 198.36 198.36 1,249.69 883 -367 141.53%
1-0253-0000-6604 Safety - Accommodations 1,104 1,104 0.00%
1-0253-0000-6615 Safety - Memberships 552 552 0.00%
Safety 80,682.16 80,682.16 122,203.47 133,263 11,059 91.70%
Regulatory Service Expenditures 593,357.94 593,357.94 582,326.51 653,422 71,096 89.12%

PROTECTIVE SERVICES EXPENDITURES 7,441,750.43 7,441,750.43 7,827,938.78 8,212,660 384,721 95.32%

1-0610-0000-6120 City Cem - Wages CUPE 15,852.09 15,852.09 14,999.38 20,500 5,501 73.17%
1-0610-0000-6195 City Cem - Benefits 3,453.37 3,453.37 3,142.74 5,228 2,085 60.11%
1-0610-0000-6205 City Cem - Contracts 2,040 2,040 0.00%
1-0610-0000-6350 City Cem - Supplies 3,217.98 3,217.98 709.28 5,100 4,391 13.91%
1-0610-0000-6361 City Cem - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,704.93 1,704.93 2,238.27 4,148 1,910 53.96%
1-0610-4020-6120 City Cem - Grave Digging - Wages - CUPE 12,921.71 12,921.71 11,649.78 6,273 -5,377 185.71%
1-0610-4020-6195 City Cem - Grave Digging - Benefits 2,965.36 2,965.36 2,539.40 1,600 -940 158.75%
1-0610-4020-6350 City Cem - Grave Digging - Supplies 21.40 21.40 520 520 0.00%
1-0610-4020-6361 City Cem - Grave Digging - Equip Pool Chg Out 7,700.12 7,700.12 5,537.97 1,465 -4,073 378.08%
1-0610-4030-6120 City Cem - Columbarium - Wages - CUPE 1,025 1,025 0.00%
1-0610-4030-6195 City Cem - Columbarium - Benefits 523 523 0.00%
1-0610-4030-6350 City Cem - Columbarium - Supplies 5,040.28 5,040.28 26,970.85 3,060 -23,911 881.40%
1-0610-0000-6362 City Cem - EP Surplus Adjustment -7,479.22 -7,479.22 -1,705.48 1,705 0.00%
1-0620-0000-6120 Brksde Cem - Wages - CUPE 13,537.25 13,537.25 16,466.30 20,500 4,034 80.32%
1-0620-0000-6195 Brksde Cem - Benefits 2,818.05 2,818.05 3,408.50 4,182 774 81.50%
1-0620-0000-6205 Brksde Cem - Contracts 0.00 23,060 23,060 0.00%
1-0620-0000-6215 Brksde Cem - Advertising 110.40 -110 0.00%
1-0620-0000-6350 Brksde Cem - Supplies 1,177.69 1,177.69 1,745.22 6,120 4,375 28.52%
1-0620-0000-6361 Brksde Cem - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,490.82 2,490.82 2,094.96 4,357 2,262 48.08%
1-0620-4020-6120 Brksde Cem - Grave Digging - Wages - CUPE 12,249.07 12,249.07 14,403.97 12,300 -2,104 117.11%
1-0620-4020-6195 Brksde Cem - Grave Digging - Benefits 2,925.59 2,925.59 3,597.32 3,921 324 91.74%
1-0620-4020-6350 Brksde Cem - Grave Digging - Supplies 3.56 3.56 1,020 1,020 0.00%
1-0620-4020-6361 Brksde Cem - Grave Digging - Equip Pool Chg Out 7,912.05 7,912.05 10,451.28 3,568 -6,883 292.92%
1-0620-0000-6362 Brksde Cem - EP Surplus Adjustment -3,854.53 -3,854.53 -4,240.32 -6,333 -2,093 66.96%
1-0630-0000-6361 Pioneer Cem - Equip Pool Chg Out 233.03 233.03 0 0.00%
1-0640-0000-6120 St. Emiles - Wages - CUPE 297.37 297.37 443.73 -444 0.00%
1-0640-0000-6195 St. Emiles - Benefits 59.30 59.30 89.70 -90 0.00%

CEMETERY MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURES 85,247.27 85,247.27 114,653.25 124,177 9,523 92.33%

1-0310-0000-6105 Com Serv - Wages - Management 210,536.67 210,536.67 233,878.37 221,430 -12,448 105.62%
1-0310-0000-6110 Com Serv - Wages - Exempt 25,703.10 25,703.10 736.10 -736 0.00%
1-0310-0000-6120 Com Serv - Wages - CUPE 268,769.45 268,769.45 448,799.40 412,506 -36,293 108.80%
1-0310-0000-6170 Com Serv - Standby 944.96 944.96 0 0.00%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
1-0310-0000-6195 Com Serv - Benefits 112,776.99 112,776.99 168,203.28 158,484 -9,719 106.13%
1-0310-0000-6205 Com Serv - Contracts 12,517.76 12,517.76 53,714.14 54,994 1,280 97.67%
1-0310-0000-6215 Com Serv - Advertising 1,323.40 1,323.40 1,103.50 544 -560 202.90%
1-0310-0000-6225 Com Serv - Consultant Serv. 115,995.80 115,995.80 272,471.93 195,000 -77,472 139.73%
1-0310-0000-6230 Com Serv - Training & Seminars 10,550.01 10,550.01 22,249.64 7,500 -14,750 296.66%
1-0310-0000-6301 Com Serv - Stationery Supplies 6,374.98 6,374.98 5,873.96 1,698 -4,176 346.03%
1-0310-0000-6310 Com Serv - Postage 357.07 357.07 262.81 109 -154 241.62%
1-0310-0000-6320 Com Serv - Subscriptions & Periodicals 510.04 510.04 460.25 544 84 84.63%
1-0310-0000-6350 Com Serv - Supplies 34,641.25 34,641.25 22,081.63 21,328 -753 103.53%
1-0310-0000-6355 Com Serv - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allow. 10,403.88 10,403.88 9,422.98 9,619 196 97.96%
1-0310-0000-6357 Com Serv - Union Contracts Reimbursements 1,383.77 1,383.77 1,010.63 1,698 687 59.54%
1-0310-0000-6361 Com Serv - Equip Pool Chg Out 115,958.88 115,958.88 124,935.93 94,514 -30,422 132.19%
1-0310-0000-6390 Com Serv - Commissary 4,587.61 4,587.61 4,505.38 4,527 21 99.53%
1-0310-0000-6392 Com Serv - Medical/Laundry 2,349.68 2,349.68 2,899.12 1,088 -1,811 266.53%
1-0310-0000-6402 Com Serv - Water/Sewer/Garbage 14,652.64 14,652.64 16,596.61 13,056 -3,541 127.12%
1-0310-0000-6404 Com Serv - Telephone 10,497.15 10,497.15 9,829.12 12,240 2,411 80.30%
1-0310-0000-6406 Com Serv - Natural Gas 20,750.86 20,750.86 17,956.43 26,138 8,181 68.70%
1-0310-0000-6408 Com Serv - Electricity 17,922.00 17,922.00 18,142.09 18,819 677 96.40%
1-0310-0000-6601 Com Serv - Travel 3,093.82 3,093.82 2,689.40 1,800 -889 149.41%
1-0310-0000-6602 Com Serv - Mileage 5,915.82 5,915.82 11,865.68 5,228 -6,638 226.99%
1-0310-0000-6604 Com Serv - Accommodations 587.50 587.50 2,905.67 -2,906 0.00%
1-0310-0000-6615 Com Serv - Memberships 3,944.49 3,944.49 4,105.26 4,500 395 91.23%
1-0310-0000-6680 Com Serv - Contingency 100,000 100,000 0.00%
1-0310-1500-6120 Com Serv - Bldgs - Wages - CUPE 105,068.23 105,068.23 108,930.69 67,901 -41,030 160.43%
1-0310-1500-6195 Com Serv - Bldgs - Benefits 27,563.87 27,563.87 36,738.29 16,975 -19,763 216.42%
1-0310-1500-6205 Com Serv - Bldgs - Contracts 38,061.80 38,061.80 30,610.02 16,975 -13,635 180.32%
1-0310-1500-6245 Com Serv - Bldgs - Insurance 4,989.30 4,989.30 5,450.42 6,314 864 86.32%
1-0310-1500-6280 Com Serv - Bldgs - Rentals 14,857.08 14,857.08 65,807.08 16,642 -49,165 395.42%
1-0310-1500-6335 Com Serv - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 5,342.88 5,342.88 4,043.81 1,762 -2,282 229.48%
1-0310-1500-6350 Com Serv - Bldgs - Supplies 31,857.90 31,857.90 21,003.43 23,930 2,927 87.77%
1-0310-1500-6361 Com Serv - Bldgs - Equip Pool Chg Out 3,955.64 3,955.64 5,200.62 8,010 2,809 64.93%
1-0310-1500-6364 Com Serv - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 6,860.25 6,860.25 6,560.59 5,658 -902 115.94%
1-0310-1500-6392 Com Serv - Bldgs - Medical & Laundry 1,155.71 1,155.71 780.36 1,414 634 55.19%
1-0310-1500-6402 Com Serv - Bldgs - Water/Sewer/Garbage 593.40 593.40 510.00 746 236 68.32%
1-0310-1500-6406 Com Serv - Bldgs - Natural Gas 1,537.31 1,537.31 1,364.14 1,568 204 86.98%
1-0310-1540-6205 Com Serv - Janitorial - Contracts 25,076.88 25,076.88 24,938.88 28,424 3,485 87.74%
1-0310-1540-6350 Com Serv - Janitorial - Supplies 1,019.87 1,019.87 1,273.25 1,132 -142 112.51%
1-0310-1820-6205 Com Serv - Equipment Office - Contracts 8,059.86 8,059.86 11,858.26 -11,858 0.00%
1-0310-1820-6350 Com Serv - Equipment Office - Supplies 9,579.07 9,579.07 9,266.06 15,300 6,034 60.56%
1-0310-3120-6205 Com Serv - Security - Contacts 509.88 509.88 2,522.50 1,088 -1,435 231.90%
1-0310-4040-6360 Com Serv - Survey Costs - Supplies 5,919.90 5,919.90 752.34 11,210 10,458 6.71%
Common Services 1,305,058.41 1,305,058.41 1,794,310.05 1,592,412 -201,898 112.68%

1-0320-0000-6110 Rds & Str - Wages - Exempt 13,664.41 13,664.41 94,441.47 80,000 -14,441 118.05%
1-0320-0000-6120 Rds & Str - Wages - CUPE 15,873.51 15,873.51 45,316.89 35,700 -9,617 126.94%
1-0320-0000-6195 Rds & Str - Benefits 15,914.60 15,914.60 35,933.64 4,665 -31,268 770.20%
1-0320-0000-6408 Rds & Str - Electricity 1,621.55 1,621.55 2,836.73 1,568 -1,268 180.89%
1-0320-0000-6699 Rds & Str - Minor Equipment 4,258.60 4,258.60 0 0.00%
1-0320-2010-6120 Rds & Str - Grading - Wages - CUPE 4,048.85 4,048.85 14,261.17 14,423 162 98.88%
1-0320-2010-6195 Rds & Str - Grading - Benefits 1,370.10 1,370.10 3,858.97 3,606 -253 107.02%
1-0320-2010-6361 Rds & Str - Grading - Equip Pool Chg Out 9,288.42 9,288.42 34,343.97 38,826 4,482 88.46%
1-0320-2020-6120 Rds & Str - Gravel St. Rep. - Wages - CUPE 12,645.06 12,645.06 6,820.85 5,439 -1,382 125.41%
1-0320-2020-6195 Rds & Str - Gravel St. Rep - Benefits 3,260.39 3,260.39 1,992.88 1,360 -633 146.57%
1-0320-2020-6205 Rds & Str - Gravel St. Rep - Contracts 18,123.56 18,123.56 19,825.44 20,000 175 99.13%
1-0320-2020-6350 Rds & Str - Gravel St. Rep - Supplies 35,514.58 35,514.58 24,167.31 27,737 3,570 87.13%
1-0320-2020-6361 Rds & Str - Gravel St. Rep - Equip Pool Chg Out 22,191.38 22,191.38 13,135.68 15,383 2,247 85.39%
1-0320-2030-6120 Rds & Str - Pave Rep & Crackfil - Wages - CUPE 33,230.90 33,230.90 39,224.33 36,260 -2,964 108.18%
1-0320-2030-6195 Rds & Str - Pave Rep & Crackfil - Benefits 8,131.83 8,131.83 9,205.96 9,065 -141 101.55%
1-0320-2030-6205 Rds & Str - Pave Rep & Crackfil - Contracts 268,962.67 268,962.67 193,141.96 204,000 10,858 94.68%
1-0320-2030-6350 Rds & Str - Pave Rep & Crackfil - Supplies 66,993.19 66,993.19 52,200.60 58,321 6,120 89.51%
1-0320-2030-6361 Rds & Str - Pave Rep & Crackf - Equip Pool Chg Out 25,165.14 25,165.14 26,296.51 35,608 9,311 73.85%
1-0320-2040-6120 Rds & Str - Crackfilling - Wages CUPE 9,740.12 9,740.12 8,406.00 10,540 2,134 79.75%
1-0320-2040-6195 Rds & Str - Crackfilling - Benefits 2,426.36 2,426.36 2,378.47 2,635 257 90.26%
1-0320-2040-6350 Rds & Str - Crackfilling - Supplies 4,255.08 4,255.08 6,435.10 10,455 4,020 61.55%
1-0320-2040-6361 Rds & Str - Crackfilling - Equip Pool Chg Out 6,410.62 6,410.62 7,869.98 4,540 -3,330 173.36%
1-0320-2050-6120 Rds & Str - Dust Control - Wages - CUPE 2,470.50 2,470.50 495.13 2,774 2,279 17.85%
1-0320-2050-6195 Rds & Str - Dust Control - Benefits 725.22 725.22 83.76 693 610 12.08%
1-0320-2050-6205 Rds & Str - Dust Control - Contracts 36,000.00 36,000.00 50,791.21 36,938 -13,853 137.50%
1-0320-2050-6350 Rds & Str - Dust Control - Supplies 7,845.97 7,845.97 6,102 6,102 0.00%
1-0320-2050-6361 Rds & Str - Dust Control - Equip Pool Chg Out 3,469.28 3,469.28 4,305 4,305 0.00%
1-0320-2060-6120 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Repairs - Wages CUPE 10,583.30 10,583.30 968.20 1,132 163 85.55%
1-0320-2060-6195 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Repairs - Benefits 2,876.29 2,876.29 215.22 283 68 76.07%
1-0320-2060-6205 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Repairs - Contracts 73,681.00 73,681.00 68,962.41 55,475 -13,488 124.31%
1-0320-2060-6350 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Repairs - Supplies 507.77 566 58 89.74%
1-0320-2060-6361 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Repairs - Equip Pool Chg Out 139 139 0.00%
1-0320-2061-6120 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Plowing - Wages - CUPE 44,454.69 44,454.69 23,337.85 17,315 -6,023 134.79%
1-0320-2061-6195 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Plowing - Benefits 8,428.20 8,428.20 4,376.13 4,329 -47 101.10%
1-0320-2061-6350 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Plowing - Supplies 3.74 3.74 502.69 1,731 1,229 29.03%
1-0320-2061-6361 Rds & Str - Sidewalk Plowing - Equip Pool Chg Out 14,190.13 14,190.13 8,153.16 12,463 4,310 65.42%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
1-0320-2070-6120 Rds & Str - St.Sewer Inc MH/CB - Wages CUPE 11,702.09 11,702.09 12,893.85 16,975 4,081 75.96%
1-0320-2070-6195 Rds & Str - St.Sewer Inc MH/CB - Benefits 2,655.25 2,655.25 3,484.45 4,244 759 82.11%
1-0320-2070-6205 Rds & Str - St.Sewer Inc MH/CB - Contracts 81,362.20 81,362.20 15,867.99 27,737 11,869 57.21%
1-0320-2070-6350 Rds & Str - St.Sewer Inc MH/CB - Supplies 6,257.02 6,257.02 2,379.44 11,317 8,937 21.03%
1-0320-2070-6361 Rds & Str - St.Sewer Inc MH/CB - Equip Pool Ch 8,478.02 8,478.02 7,103.30 16,124 9,020 44.06%
1-0320-2080-6120 Rds & Str - Drainage - Wages CUPE 14,653.61 14,653.61 16,358.35 32,234 15,876 50.75%
1-0320-2080-6195 Rds & Str - Drainage - Benefits 3,729.63 3,729.63 3,726.10 6,729 3,003 55.37%
1-0320-2080-6205 Rds & Str - Drainage - Contracts 173,807.12 173,807.12 134,863.32 161,200 26,337 83.66%
1-0320-2080-6350 Rds & Str - Drainage - Supplies 521.41 521.41 8,888.70 7,547 -1,342 117.78%
1-0320-2080-6361 Rds & Str - Drainage - Equip Pool Chg Out 18,150.79 18,150.79 13,773.84 45,347 31,573 30.37%
1-0320-2090-6120 Rds & Str - Steaming - Wages - CUPE 49,686.19 49,686.19 48,513.58 50,926 2,412 95.26%
1-0320-2090-6195 Rds & Str - Steaming - Benefits 9,444.86 9,444.86 8,030.78 11,543 3,512 69.57%
1-0320-2090-6205 Rds & Str - Steaming - Contracts 28,145.00 28,145.00 16,316 16,316 0.00%
1-0320-2090-6350 Rds & Str - Steaming - Supplies 2,522.79 2,522.79 1,632.41 2,263 631 72.12%
1-0320-2090-6361 Rds & Str - Steaming - Equip Pool Chg Out 17,126.80 17,126.80 18,462.84 34,774 16,312 53.09%
1-0320-2100-6120 Rds & Str - Flooding - Wages CUPE 21,672.29 -21,672 0.00%
1-0320-2100-6195 Rds & Str - Flooding - Benefits 3,454.73 -3,455 0.00%
1-0320-2100-6205 Rds & Str - Flooding - Contracts 431,130.29 -431,130 0.00%
1-0320-2100-6350 Rds & Str - Flooding - Supplies 21,548.04 -21,548 0.00%
1-0320-2100-6361 Rds & Str - Flooding-Equipment Pool Chg Out 18,343.36 -18,343 0.00%
1-0320-2110-6120 Rds & Str - St.Cleaning/Sweeping - Wages CUPE 54,387.98 54,387.98 39,448.42 55,988 16,540 70.46%
1-0320-2110-6195 Rds & Str - St.Cleaning/Sweeping - Benefits 14,931.21 14,931.21 11,378.69 13,997 2,618 81.29%
1-0320-2110-6215 Rds & Str - St.Cleaning/Sweeping - Advertising 352.00 352.00 0 0.00%
1-0320-2110-6350 Rds & Str - St.Cleaning/Sweeping - Supplies 7,169.49 7,169.49 6,894.53 6,393 -502 107.84%
1-0320-2110-6361 Rds & Str - St.Cleaning/Sweeping - Equip Pool Chg 97,364.05 97,364.05 91,026.01 90,000 -1,026 101.14%
1-0320-2120-6120 Rds & Str - Sanding - Wages - CUPE 68,618.90 68,618.90 70,257.26 57,716 -12,541 121.73%
1-0320-2120-6195 Rds & Str - Sanding - Benefits 13,627.69 13,627.69 13,392.97 14,429 1,036 92.82%
1-0320-2120-6350 Rds & Str - Sanding - Supplies 85,561.88 85,561.88 124,952.88 158,436 33,483 78.87%
1-0320-2120-6361 Rds & Str - Sanding - Equip Pool Chg Out 70,607.90 70,607.90 74,272.49 81,164 6,892 91.51%
1-0320-2130-6120 Rds & Str - Snow Removal - Wages CUPE 20,527.49 20,527.49 13,220.93 23,765 10,544 55.63%
1-0320-2130-6195 Rds & Str - Snow Removal - Benefits 3,047.58 3,047.58 2,501.10 5,941 3,440 42.10%
1-0320-2130-6205 Rds & Str - Snow Removal - Contracts 129,831.67 129,831.67 63,964.00 153,000 89,036 41.81%
1-0320-2130-6215 Rds & Str - Snow Removal - Advertising 528.00 528.00 1,132 1,132 0.00%
1-0320-2130-6275 Rds & Str - Snow Removal - Towing 2,309 2,309 0.00%
1-0320-2130-6350 Rds & Str - Snow Removal - Supplies 1,440.63 1,440.63 716.15 1,154 438 62.04%
1-0320-2130-6361 Rds & Str - Snow Removal - Equipment Pool 45,388.27 45,388.27 37,688.80 79,654 41,965 47.32%
1-0320-2131-6120 Rds & Str - Snow Plowing - Wages CUPE 78,597.76 78,597.76 93,448.18 151,335 57,887 61.75%
1-0320-2131-6195 Rds & Str - Snow Plowing - Benefits 16,290.87 16,290.87 18,236.58 18,750 514 97.26%
1-0320-2131-6205 Rds & Str - Snow Plowing - Contracts 109,241.95 109,241.95 36,427.50 102,000 65,573 35.71%
1-0320-2131-6350 Rds & Str - Snow Plowing - Supplies 116.60 116.60 1,109 1,109 0.00%
1-0320-2131-6361 Rds & Str - Snow Plowing - Equip Pool Chg Out 110,140.38 110,140.38 159,702.56 207,968 48,265 76.79%
1-0320-2140-6120 Rds & Str - Arterial Hwys - Wages CUPE 3,986.72 3,986.72 23,967.26 20,778 -3,190 115.35%
1-0320-2140-6195 Rds & Str - Arterial Hwys - Benefits 819.43 819.43 4,888.32 5,194 306 94.11%
1-0320-2140-6205 Rds & Str - Arterial Hwys - Contracts 4,900.00 51,000 46,100 9.61%
1-0320-2140-6350 Rds & Str - Arterial Hwys - Supplies 337.31 337.31 2,941.68 4,040 1,098 72.81%
1-0320-2140-6361 Rds & Str - Arterial Hwys - Equip Pool Chg Out 6,573.63 6,573.63 15,406.54 22,002 6,595 70.02%
1-0320-2150-6120 Rds & Str - Barricades - Wages CUPE 1,792.03 1,792.03 4,537.58 2,886 -1,652 157.24%
1-0320-2150-6195 Rds & Str - Barricades - Benefits 414.11 414.11 1,088.30 721 -367 150.85%
1-0320-2150-6350 Rds & Str - Barricades - Supplies 957.06 1,109 152 86.26%
1-0320-2150-6361 Rds & Str - Barricades - Equip Pool Chg Out 133.16 133.16 257.58 696 439 36.99%
1-0330-0000-6120 Bridges - Wages - CUPE 3,686.86 3,686.86 116.80 1,347 1,230 8.67%
1-0330-0000-6195 Bridges - Benefits 893.68 893.68 28.11 337 309 8.34%
1-0330-0000-6245 Bridges - Insurance 7,611.50 7,611.50 8,068.17 7,962 -106 101.33%
1-0330-0000-6335 Bridges - Repairs & Mtce. 43,422.77 43,422.77 0 0.00%
1-0330-0000-6350 Bridges - Supplies 2,075.61 2,075.61 23.76 566 542 4.20%
1-0330-0000-6361 Bridges - Equip Pool Chg Out 932.12 932.12 2,205 2,205 0.00%
1-0340-0000-6120 Street Lights - Wages - CUPE 71.07 71.07 1,382.23 1,088 -294 127.07%
1-0340-0000-6195 Street Lights - Benefits 13.65 13.65 428.92 272 -157 157.73%
1-0340-0000-6205 Street Lights - Contracts 86,053.43 86,053.43 80,753.80 15,683 -65,071 514.93%
1-0340-0000-6335 Street Lights - Repairs & Mtce. 11,103.19 11,103.19 8,372.84 -8,373 0.00%
1-0340-0000-6350 Street Lights - Supplies 4,045.98 4,045.98 379.78 1,154 775 32.90%
1-0340-0000-6361 Street Lights - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,675.89 1,675.89 1,884.37 1,518 -366 124.13%
1-0340-0000-6364 Street Lights - Electrical Repairs 2,526.98 2,526.98 0 0.00%
1-0340-0000-6408 Street Lights - Electricity 224,321.65 224,321.65 251,544.63 240,465 -11,080 104.61%
1-0350-2201-6120 Traf Serv - St. Signs - Wages CUPE 66,350.47 66,350.47 56,480.43 43,510 -12,971 129.81%
1-0350-2201-6195 Traf Serv - St. Signs - Benefits 14,580.71 14,580.71 13,484.97 10,877 -2,608 123.97%
1-0350-2201-6335 Traf Serv - St. Signs - Repairs & Mtce. 139.33 139.33 0 0.00%
1-0350-2201-6350 Traf Serv - St. Signs - Supplies 55,060.31 55,060.31 37,114.46 43,510 6,395 85.30%
1-0350-2201-6361 Traf Serv - St. Signs - Equip Pool Chg Out 12,715.00 12,715.00 4,263.38 20,639 16,376 20.66%
1-0350-2202-6120 Traf Serv - Line Painting - Wages CUPE 10,590.83 10,590.83 12,080.78 9,742 -2,339 124.00%
1-0350-2202-6195 Traf Serv - Line Painting - Benefits 2,465.56 2,465.56 3,638.35 2,774 -865 131.17%
1-0350-2202-6205 Traf Serv - Line Painting - Contracts 20,832.15 20,832.15 9,445.00 31,992 22,547 29.52%
1-0350-2202-6350 Traf Serv - Line Painting - Supplies 12,406.83 12,406.83 10,182.89 13,863 3,680 73.45%
1-0350-2202-6361 Traf Serv - Line Painting - Equipment Pool Chg Out 5,756.57 5,756.57 9,628.10 5,671 -3,957 169.78%
1-0350-2203-6120 Traf Serv - Crosswalk Painting - Wages CUPE 34,715.27 34,715.27 40,206.00 44,380 4,174 90.60%
1-0350-2203-6195 Traf Serv - Crosswalk Painting - Benefits 8,107.13 8,107.13 10,831.33 11,095 264 97.62%
1-0350-2203-6350 Traf Serv - Crosswalk Painting - Supplies 10,273.68 10,273.68 11,270.10 20,910 9,640 53.90%
1-0350-2203-6361 Traf Serv - Crosswalk Painting - Equip Pool Chg Ou 4,195.10 4,195.10 9,782.89 9,955 172 98.27%
1-0350-2210-6120 Traf Serv - Traffic Lights - Wages CUPE 348.10 348.10 120.61 1,154 1,034 10.45%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 203 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
1-0350-2210-6195 Traf Serv - Traffic Lights - Benefits 51.68 51.68 28.48 289 260 9.87%
1-0350-2210-6205 Traf Serv - Traffic Lights - Contracts 439.99 439.99 714.92 3,328 2,614 21.48%
1-0350-2210-6335 Traf Serv - Traffic Lights - Repairs & Maint. 2,500.48 2,500.48 4,846.28 -4,846 0.00%
1-0350-2210-6350 Traf Serv - Traffic Lights - Supplies 39.60 1,132 1,092 3.50%
1-0350-2210-6361 Traf Serv - Traffic Lights - Equip Pool Chg Out 248.84 577 328 43.12%
1-0350-2210-6408 Traf Serv - Traffic Lights - Electricity 2,889.62 2,889.62 1,357.38 5,228 3,870 25.97%
1-0310-0000-6362 Traf Serv - EP Surplus Adjustment -190,468.58 -190,468.58 -250,130.31 -227,499 22,631 109.95%
Public Works Expenditures 2,620,275.32 2,620,275.32 2,847,706.36 2,870,042 22,336 99.22%

1-0360-0000-6205 BC Trans - Contracts 711,848.00 711,848.00 614,461.00 724,942 110,481 84.76%

1-0360-1500-6245 BC Trans - Bus Shelters - Insurance 133.25 133.25 140.86 139 -2 101.34%
1-0360-2600-6120 BC Trans - Bus Shelters - Wages - CUPE 4,912.97 4,912.97 8,453.08 11,095 2,642 76.19%
1-0360-2600-6195 BC Trans - Bus Shelters - Benefits 1,240.08 1,240.08 1,992.69 2,774 781 71.84%
1-0360-2600-6335 BC Trans - Bus Shelters - Repairs & Mtce. 134.60 -135 0.00%
1-0360-2600-6350 BC Trans - Bus Shelters - Supplies 674.27 674.27 6,421.00 5,412 -1,009 118.64%
1-0360-2600-6361 BC Trans - Bus Shelters - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,347.42 1,347.42 2,920.78 2,046 -875 142.75%
1-0360-2601-6622 BC Trans - Step Up & Ride - Misc Grant 25,500.00 25,500.00 25,500.00 25,500 0 100.00%
BC Transit Service Expenditures 745,655.99 745,655.99 660,024.01 771,908 111,884 85.51%

1-0400-0000-6120 Air Tnspt. - Wages - CUPE 9,133.33 9,133.33 18,015.65 23,086 5,071 78.04%
1-0400-0000-6195 Air Tnspt. - Benefits 1,810.66 1,810.66 3,876.60 5,772 1,895 67.17%
1-0400-0000-6205 Air Tnspt. - Contracts 131,503.42 131,503.42 99,823.75 99,600 -224 100.22%
1-0400-0000-6215 Air Tnspt. - Advertising 3,625.77 3,625.77 8,937.96 2,886 -6,052 309.72%
1-0400-0000-6230 Air Tnspt. - Training & Seminars 9,428.40 9,428.40 578.57 8,670 8,091 6.67%
1-0400-0000-6235 Air Tnspt. - Public Relations 983.29 983.29 522.09 3,463 2,941 15.08%
1-0400-0000-6245 Air Tnspt. - Insurance Liability 8,090.00 8,090.00 8,090.00 9,000 910 89.89%
1-0400-0000-6301 Air Tnspt. - Stationery Supplies 2,926.39 2,926.39 864.26 1,731 867 49.91%
1-0400-0000-6310 Air Tnspt. - Postage 29.07 -29 0.00%
1-0400-0000-6320 Air Tnspt. - Subscriptions & Periodicals 1,266.56 1,266.56 1,947.18 1,154 -793 168.69%
1-0400-0000-6350 Air Tnspt. - Supplies 161.80 161.80 2,522.50 3,463 940 72.84%
1-0400-0000-6355 Air Tnspt. - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allow. 142.86 142.86 1,397.20 497 -900 281.21%
1-0400-0000-6357 Air Tnspt. - Union Contracts Reimbursement 206.00 206.00 200.00 -200 0.00%
1-0400-0000-6361 Air Tnspt. - Equipment Pool Chg Out 49,397.52 49,397.52 49,397.52 58,757 9,360 84.07%
1-0400-0000-6402 Air Tnspt. - Water/Sewer/Garbage 222.00 222.00 422.00 245 -177 172.24%
1-0400-0000-6404 Air Tnspt. - Telephone 15,788.51 15,788.51 13,899.11 14,790 891 93.98%
1-0400-0000-6408 Air Tnspt. - Sewage Lift Station(Electricity) 2,644.21 2,644.21 2,155.05 2,102 -53 102.52%
1-0400-0000-6601 Air Tnspt. - Travel 11,217.77 11,217.77 11,935.42 10,200 -1,735 117.01%
1-0400-0000-6602 Air Tnspt. - Milage 7,800.00 7,800.00 7,800.00 7,140 -660 109.24%
1-0400-0000-6604 Air Tnspt. - Accommodations 12,028.24 12,028.24 8,438.77 8,000 -439 105.48%
1-0400-0000-6608 Air Tnspt. - Conventions & Delegations 10,152.34 10,152.34 8,329.55 10,000 1,670 83.30%
1-0400-0000-6615 Air Tnspt. - Memberships 5,945.00 5,945.00 2,564.00 5,439 2,875 47.14%
1-0400-0000-6620 Air Tnspt. - Miscellaneous 9,640.62 9,640.62 8,660.42 -8,660 0.00%
1-0400-1500-6245 Air Tnspt. - Bldgs - Insurance 1,204.25 1,204.25 1,190.00 20 -1,170 5950.00%
1-0400-1540-6350 Air Tnspt. - Janitorial - Supplies 641.22 641.22 127.06 2,886 2,759 4.40%
1-0400-1600-6350 Air Tnspt. - Computer - Supplies 21.35 21.35 0 0.00%
1-0400-1700-6120 Air Tnspt. - Grounds - Wages CUPE 8,783.03 8,783.03 15,083.26 18,469 3,386 81.67%
1-0400-1700-6195 Air Tnspt. - Grounds - Benefits 2,100.54 2,100.54 4,305.24 4,617 312 93.24%
1-0400-1700-6335 Air Tnspt. - Grounds - Repairs & Mtce. 3,232.82 3,232.82 1,121.80 3,463 2,341 32.39%
1-0400-1700-6350 Air Tnspt. - Grounds - Supplies 745.78 745.78 3,294.64 3,732 438 88.27%
1-0400-1700-6361 Air Tnspt. - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 7,897.44 7,897.44 8,896.14 9,150 254 97.22%
1-0400-2030-6120 Air Tnspt. - Pavement Repairs - Wages - CUPE 1,060.22 1,060.22 821.75 5,772 4,950 14.24%
1-0400-2030-6195 Air Tnspt. - Pavement Repairs - Benefits 228.29 228.29 217.28 1,443 1,226 15.06%
1-0400-2030-6350 Air Tnspt. - Pavement Repairsl - Supplies 1,605.00 1,605.00 1,154 1,154 0.00%
1-0400-2130-6120 Air Tnspt. - Snow Removal - Wages CUPE 35,591.65 35,591.65 47,682.79 34,629 -13,053 137.69%
1-0400-2130-6195 Air Tnspt. - Snow Removal - Benefits 5,546.56 5,546.56 6,401.40 8,657 2,256 73.94%
1-0400-2130-6350 Air Tnspt. - Snow Removal - Supplies 19,666.00 19,666.00 6,634.00 5,100 -1,534 130.08%
1-0400-2130-6361 Air Tnspt. - Snow Removal - Equip Pool Chg Out 74,387.76 74,387.76 74,387.76 88,474 14,087 84.08%
1-0400-3070-6120 Air Tnspt. - Hanger - Wages - CUPE 2,427.62 2,427.62 1,450.45 2,309 858 62.83%
1-0400-3070-6195 Air Tnspt. - Hanger - Benefits 618.37 618.37 291.69 577 285 50.54%
1-0400-3070-6245 Air Tnspt. - Hanger - Insurance 1,083.00 1,083.00 1,101.98 1,065 -37 103.47%
1-0400-3070-6335 Air Tnspt. - Hanger - Repairs & Mtce. 760.89 760.89 3,113.52 7,319 4,205 42.54%
1-0400-3070-6350 Air Tnspt. - Hanger - Supplies 1,080.43 1,080.43 1,797.25 5,100 3,303 35.24%
1-0400-3070-6364 Air Tnspt. - Hanger - Electrical Repairs 228.41 228.41 1,568 1,568 0.00%
1-0400-3070-6406 Air Tnspt. - Hanger - Natural Gas 6,738.22 6,738.22 4,912.98 5,228 315 93.98%
1-0400-3070-6408 Air Tnspt. - Hanger - Electricity 2,090.52 2,090.52 4,900.44 1,255 -3,646 390.60%
1-0400-3080-6408 Air Tnspt. - Car Rental Lot - Electricity 1,046 1,046 0.00%
1-0400-3120-6205 Air Tnspt. - Security - Contracts 30,320.00 30,320.00 37,685.00 25,395 -12,290 148.40%
1-0400-3120-6350 Air Tnspt. - Security - Supplies 818.51 818.51 749.10 2,550 1,801 29.38%
1-0400-4029-6350 Air Tnspt. - Aircraft De - icing - Supplies 11,705.64 11,705.64 3,824.01 8,080 4,256 47.33%
1-0400-4029-6361 Air Tnspt. - Aircraft De - Icing - Equip Pool Chg Ou 38,516.16 38,516.16 49,714.97 39,422 -10,293 126.11%
1-0400-4080-6120 Air Tnspt. - Grasscut - Wages - CUPE 7,804.13 7,804.13 15,752.43 5,772 -9,981 272.93%
1-0400-4080-6195 Air Tnspt. - Grasscut - Benefits 2,378.93 2,378.93 4,175.01 1,443 -2,732 289.35%
1-0400-4080-6361 Air Tnspt. - Grasscut - Equip Pool Chg Out 3,109.20 3,109.20 3,109.20 3,250 141 95.65%
1-0410-0000-6402 Air Term. - Water/Sewer/Garbage 5,840.54 5,840.54 5,244.64 5,406 161 97.02%
1-0410-0000-6406 Air Term. - Natural Gas 4,993.36 4,993.36 3,822.95 8,364 4,541 45.71%
1-0410-0000-6408 Air Term. - Electricity 13,922.33 13,922.33 16,462.80 18,819 2,356 87.48%
1-0410-1500-6120 Air Term. - Bldgs - Wages - CUPE 14,779.49 14,779.49 8,078.18 8,657 579 93.31%
1-0410-1500-6195 Air Term. - Bldgs - Benefits 3,368.28 3,368.28 1,939.37 2,164 225 89.61%
1-0410-1500-6205 Air Term. - Bldgs - Contracts 9,505.00 9,505.00 11,157.11 11,543 386 96.66%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
1-0410-1500-6245 Air Term. - Bldgs - Insurance 2,748.75 2,748.75 3,459.98 3,171 -289 109.11%
1-0410-1500-6335 Air Term. - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 17,589.78 17,589.78 22,028.19 31,365 9,337 70.23%
1-0410-1500-6350 Air Term. - Bldgs - Supplies 8,898.33 8,898.33 15,452.81 -15,453 0.00%
1-0410-1500-6364 Air Term. - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 3,709.41 3,709.41 3,927.14 10,455 6,528 37.56%
1-0410-1540-6205 Air Term. - Janitorial - Contracts 38,990.58 38,990.58 38,164.88 46,528 8,363 82.03%
1-0410-1540-6350 Air Term. - Janitorial - Supplies 1,323.85 1,323.85 2,145.22 1,464 -682 146.56%
1-0410-3120-6205 Air Term - Security - Contracts 114.51 114.51 96.75 -97 0.00%
1-0420-0000-6120 Flt Serv Tower - Wages CUPE 527.53 527.53 70.22 -70 0.00%
1-0420-0000-6195 Flt Serv Tower - Benefits 169.73 169.73 28.37 -28 0.00%
1-0420-1500-6245 Nav Air - Buildings - Insurance 1,804.00 1,804.00 2,266.89 2,078 -189 109.09%
1-0420-1500-6335 Nav Air - Buildings - Repairs & Mtce. 7,536.46 7,536.46 5,770.27 5,332 -438 108.22%
1-0420-1500-6350 Nav Air - Buildings - Supplies 2,340.64 2,340.64 1,863.13 2,091 228 89.10%
1-0420-1500-6364 Nav Air - Buildings - Electrical Repairs 523 523 0.00%
1-0420-1500-6402 Nav Air - Buildings - Water/Sewer/Garbage 2,640.85 2,640.85 2,686.52 2,856 169 94.07%
1-0420-1500-6406 Nav Air - Buildings - Natural Gas 4,135.21 4,135.21 3,641.94 1,568 -2,074 232.23%
1-0420-1500-6408 Nav Air - Buildings - Electricity 8,417.07 8,417.07 9,436.81 7,319 -2,118 128.94%
1-0430-0000-6120 Airfield - Wages - CUPE 89,517.55 89,517.55 107,041.38 46,173 -60,869 231.83%
1-0430-0000-6195 Airfield - Benefits 18,311.87 18,311.87 33,088.91 11,543 -21,546 286.65%
1-0430-0000-6205 Airfield - Contracts 18,140.34 18,140.34 11,886.64 11,543 -343 102.98%
1-0430-0000-6245 Airfield - Insurance 26,440.00 26,934 494 98.17%
1-0430-0000-6335 Airfield - Repairs & Mtce. 3,291.82 3,291.82 11,208.79 5,772 -5,437 194.21%
1-0430-0000-6350 Airfield - Supplies 3,574.96 3,574.96 14,565.86 5,772 -8,794 252.37%
1-0430-2040-6120 Airfield - Crackfilling - Wages - CUPE 2,113.41 2,113.41 2,678.75 3,463 784 77.35%
1-0430-2040-6195 Airfield - Crackfilling - Benefits 585.30 585.30 672.15 866 194 77.64%
1-0430-2040-6350 Airfield - Crackfilling - Supplies 1,758.13 1,758.13 148.08 6,273 6,125 2.36%
1-0430-2040-6361 Airfield - Crackfilling - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,397.88 1,397.88 1,397.88 1,462 64 95.64%
1-0430-2080-6205 Airfield - Drainage Ditches - Contracts 5,000.00 5,772 772 86.63%
1-0430-2080-6350 Airfield - Drainage Ditches - Supplies 398.47 -398 0.00%
1-0430-2202-6120 Airfield - Line Painting - Wages - CUPE 479.55 479.55 0 0.00%
1-0430-2202-6195 Airfield - Line Painting - Benefits 47.48 47.48 0 0.00%
1-0430-2202-6335 Airfield - Line Painting - Repairs & Mtce. 11,990.00 11,990.00 13,592 13,592 0.00%
1-0430-2202-6350 Airfield - Line Painting - Supplies 1,154 1,154 0.00%
1-0430-3090-6120 Airfield - Lighting - Wages - CUPE 7,041.19 7,041.19 4,028.23 5,772 1,743 69.79%
1-0430-3090-6195 Airfield - Lighting - Benefits 1,404.44 1,404.44 814.63 1,443 628 56.46%
1-0430-3090-6350 Airfield - Lighting - Supplies 2,542.80 2,542.80 6,933.24 5,772 -1,162 120.13%
1-0430-3090-6364 Airfield - Lighting - Electrical Repairs 10,646.57 10,646.57 3,227.55 9,180 5,952 35.16%
1-0430-3100-6120 Airfield - Sand/Urea - Wages - CUPE 3,208.75 3,208.75 1,777.15 1,154 -623 153.96%
1-0430-3100-6195 Airfield - Sand/Urea - Benefits 573.69 573.69 223.65 289 65 77.50%
1-0430-3100-6350 Airfield - Sand/Urea - Supplies 91,453.07 91,453.07 14,210.08 17,315 3,105 82.07%
1-0430-3100-6361 Airfield - Sand/Urea - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,544.72 2,544.72 2,544.72 2,661 116 95.64%
1-0430-3140-6120 Airfield - Bird Control - Wages - CUPE 22,544.24 22,544.24 21,397.39 5,772 -15,626 370.74%
1-0430-3140-6195 Airfield - Bird Control - Benefits 5,144.16 5,144.16 5,581.89 1,443 -4,139 386.85%
1-0430-3140-6350 Airfield - Bird Control - Supplies 1,861.58 1,861.58 6,578.06 6,273 -305 104.86%
1-0430-3150-6245 Airfield Electrical Centre - Insurance 2,113.25 2,113.25 1,769.67 880 -890 201.10%
1-0430-3150-6364 Airfield Electrical Centre - Electrical Repairs 3,689.79 3,689.79 168.00 5,772 5,604 2.91%
1-0430-3150-6408 Airfield Electrical Centre - Electricity 9,280.95 9,280.95 10,595.46 10,455 -140 101.34%
1-0450-0000-6120 Fuel Stn - Wages - CUPE 2,720.21 2,720.21 2,690.00 5,772 3,082 46.61%
1-0450-0000-6195 Fuel Stn - Benefits 656.45 656.45 658.58 1,443 784 45.64%
1-0450-0000-6205 Fuel Stn - Contracts 9,453.02 9,453.02 10,626.47 7,140 -3,486 148.83%
1-0450-0000-6245 Fuel Stn - Insurance 163.00 163.00 192.07 153 -39 125.54%
1-0450-0000-6335 Fuel Stn - Repairs & Mtce. 5,715.60 5,715.60 13,457.60 5,228 -8,230 257.44%
1-0450-0000-6350 Fuel Stn - Supplies 1,582.31 1,582.31 3,449.03 1,731 -1,718 199.20%
1-0450-0000-6385 Fuel Stn - Aviation fuel 170,230.88 170,230.88 207,986.55 200,000 -7,987 103.99%
1-0450-0000-6404 Fuel Stn - Telephone 813.93 813.93 688.71 816 127 84.40%
1-0450-0000-6408 Fuel Stn - Electricity 936.59 936.59 1,005.34 1,046 40 96.16%
1-0470-0000-6120 Air Cafe' - Wages - CUPE 515.29 -515 0.00%
1-0470-0000-6195 Air Cafe' - Benefits 145.67 -146 0.00%
1-0470-0000-6205 Air Caf - Contracts 1,685.25 -1,685 0.00%
1-0470-0000-6335 Air Caf - Repairs & Mtce. 3,990.94 3,990.94 5,471.18 4,705 -766 116.29%
1-0470-0000-6350 Air Caf - Supplies 226.00 226.00 0 0.00%
1-0470-0000-6364 Air Caf - Electrical Repairs 1,467.92 -1,468 0.00%
1-0400-0000-6362 Air Tnspt. - EP Surplus Adjustment -69,228.56 -69,228.56 -56,585.35 -71,455 -14,870 79.19%
Air Transportation Expenditures 1,162,380.19 1,162,380.19 1,208,722.93 1,115,716 -93,007 108.34%

TRANSPORTATION SERVICES EXPENDITURES 5,833,369.91 5,833,369.91 6,510,763.35 6,350,078 -160,685 102.53%

1-0820-0000-6110 Pks & Play - Wages - Exempt 10,949.85 10,949.85 34,026 34,026 0.00%
1-0820-0000-6120 Pks & Play - Wages - CUPE 160,222.84 160,222.84 132,353.79 150,061 17,707 88.20%
1-0820-0000-6195 Pks & Play - Benefits 40,529.09 40,529.09 30,523.72 58,848 28,324 51.87%
1-0820-0000-6205 Pks & Play - Contracts 16,502.23 16,502.23 13,680.24 18,450 4,770 74.15%
1-0820-0000-6230 Pks & Play - Training & Seminars 896.42 896.42 504.37 1,732 1,228 29.12%
1-0820-0000-6245 Pks & Play - Insurance 134.25 134.25 259 259 0.00%
1-0820-0000-6280 Pks & Play - Rentals 50.08 -50 0.00%
1-0820-0000-6320 Pks & Play - Subscriptions & Periodicals 1,078.15 1,078.15 625.55 -626 0.00%
1-0820-0000-6335 Pks & Play - Repairs & Mtce. 50.08 -50 0.00%
1-0820-0000-6350 Pks & Play - Supplies 20,824.89 20,824.89 16,618.88 9,385 -7,234 177.08%
1-0820-0000-6355 Pks & Play - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allowance 1,273 1,273 0.00%
1-0820-0000-6357 Pks & Play - Union Contract Reimbrusements 538.39 538.39 314.96 552 237 57.06%
1-0820-0000-6361 Pks & Play - Equipment Pool Chg Out 68,562.42 68,562.42 68,354.44 78,331 9,976 87.26%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
1-0820-0000-6601 Pks & Play - Travel 228.58 2,330 2,101 9.81%
1-0820-0000-6604 Pks & Play - Accommodations 1,208 1,208 0.00%
1-0820-0000-6615 Pks & Play - Memberships 238.70 238.70 552 552 0.00%
1-0820-2131-6120 Pks & Play - Facility Snowplow - Wages CUPE 10,852.07 10,852.07 20,579.00 20,370 -209 101.02%
1-0820-2131-6195 Pks & Play - Facility Snowplow - Benefits 2,103.55 2,103.55 4,044.92 5,093 1,048 79.43%
1-0820-2131-6205 Pks & Play - Facility Snowplow - Contracts 10,404 10,404 0.00%
1-0820-2131-6350 Pks & Play - Facility Snowplow - Supplies 4,293.98 4,293.98 3,602.06 1,104 -2,498 326.27%
1-0820-2131-6361 Pks & Play - Facility Snowplow - Equip Pool Ch 6,335.73 6,335.73 10,490.56 9,835 -656 106.67%
1-0820-4059-6120 Pks & Play - Tree Replacement - Wages - CUPE 1,955.73 1,955.73 27,917.31 15,375 -12,542 181.58%
1-0820-4059-6195 Pks & Play - Tree Replacement - Benefits 350.21 350.21 7,061.59 3,844 -3,218 183.72%
1-0820-4059-6361 Pks & Play - Tree Replacement - Equipment Pool Chargeout 8,577.05 9,582 1,005 89.51%
1-0820-4059-6350 Pks & Play - Tree Replacement - Supplies 41,343.60 15,918 -25,426 259.73%
1-0820-4060-6120 Pks & Play - Tree Maintenance - Wages - CUPE 9,961.84 9,961.84 15,489.93 16,975 1,485 91.25%
1-0820-4060-6195 Pks & Play - Tree Maintenance - Benefits 1,296.39 1,296.39 2,171.88 4,244 2,072 51.18%
1-0820-4060-6205 Pks & Play - Tree Maintenance - Contracts 31,167.62 31,167.62 29,780.00 60,000 30,220 49.63%
1-0820-4060-6350 Pks & Play - Tree Maintenance - Supplies 4,212.84 4,212.84 1,015.32 2,208 1,193 45.98%
1-0820-4060-6361 Pks & Play - Tree Maintenance - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,631.32 1,631.32 1,027.62 3,404 2,376 30.19%
1-0820-4061-6205 Pks & Play - Tree Removal Storm - Contracts 3,064.00 3,064.00 0 0.00%
1-0820-4061-6361 Pks & Play - Tree Removal Storm - Equip Pool Chg O 66.59 66.59 95.50 -96 0.00%
1-0820-4070-6120 Pks & Play - Parks Cleanup - Wages - CUPE 6,448.45 6,448.45 7,255.65 12,222 4,967 59.36%
1-0820-4070-6195 Pks & Play - Parks Cleanup - Benefits 1,190.83 1,190.83 1,341.64 3,056 1,714 43.91%
1-0820-4070-6205 Pks & Play - Parks Cleanup - Contracts 12,655.72 12,655.72 14,559.95 9,551 -5,009 152.44%
1-0820-4070-6350 Pks & Play - Parks Cleanup - Supplies 450.30 450.30 1,656 1,656 0.00%
1-0820-4070-6361 Pks & Play - Parks Cleanup - Equipment Pool Chg Ou 2,980.15 2,980.15 2,147.77 3,687 1,539 58.25%
1-0820-4080-6120 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Wages - CUPE 36,010.83 36,010.83 39,860.95 33,950 -5,910 117.41%
1-0820-4080-6195 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Benefits 7,430.81 7,430.81 8,925.75 8,488 -438 105.16%
1-0820-4080-6350 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Supplies 836.02 836.02 932.78 1,656 723 56.33%
1-0820-4080-6361 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Equip Pool Chg Out 9,183.47 9,183.47 9,416.27 11,199 1,783 84.08%
1-0820-4081-6120 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Blvds. - Wages - CUPE 10,897.27 10,897.27 14,711.08 17,042 2,331 86.32%
1-0820-4081-6195 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Blvds. - Benefits 2,398.32 2,398.32 3,271.38 4,299 1,028 76.09%
1-0820-4081-6205 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Blvds - Contracts 1,656 1,656 0.00%
1-0820-4081-6350 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Blvds. - Supplies 12.69 552 539 2.30%
1-0820-4081-6361 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Blvds. - Equip Pool Chg Out 3,301.28 3,301.28 4,199.03 6,076 1,877 69.11%
1-0820-4082-6120 Pks & Play - Grasscut - City Lots - Wages - CUPE 4,055.61 4,055.61 7,034.18 1,132 -5,903 621.57%
1-0820-4082-6195 Pks & Play - Grasscut - City Lots - Benefits 722.01 722.01 1,611.37 283 -1,328 569.55%
1-0820-4082-6205 Pks & Play - Grasscut - City Lots - Contracts 1,082.58 -1,083 0.00%
1-0820-4082-6350 Pks & Play - Grasscut - City Lots - Supplies 552 552 0.00%
1-0820-4082-6361 Pks & Play - Grasscut - City Lots - Equip Pool Chg O 66.58 66.58 66.58 566 499 11.77%
1-0820-4084-6120 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Ditches - Wages - CUPE 6,065.84 6,065.84 6,494.86 6,273 -222 103.54%
1-0820-4084-6195 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Ditches - Benefits 1,240.39 1,240.39 1,805.71 1,568 -237 115.14%
1-0820-4084-6205 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Dtiches - Contracts 32,000.00 32,000.00 41,344.00 30,308 -11,036 136.41%
1-0820-4084-6215 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Ditches - Advertising 246.40 246.40 1,104 1,104 0.00%
1-0820-4084-6350 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Ditches - Supplies 552 552 0.00%
1-0820-4084-6361 Pks & Play - Grasscut - Ditches - Equip Pool Chg Out 66.58 66.58 0 0.00%
1-0820-4085-6361 Pks & Play - Fertilizing - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,405.32 1,405.32 1,405.32 -1,405 0.00%
1-0820-4086-6120 Pks & Play - Walkway - Wage CUPE 367.58 367.58 1,760.50 1,132 -629 155.57%
1-0820-4086-6195 Pks & Play - Walkway - Benefits 54.42 54.42 316.93 283 -34 112.02%
1-0820-4086-6245 Pks & Play - Walkway - Insurance 734.00 734.00 773.19 752 -21 102.82%
1-0820-4086-6361 Pks & Play - Walkway - Equip Pool Chg Out 66.58 66.58 69 69 0.00%
1-0820-4130-6120 Pks & Play - Watering - Wages - CUPE 41,644.62 41,644.62 36,531.56 50,926 14,394 71.73%
1-0820-4130-6195 Pks & Play - Watering - Benefits 8,265.73 8,265.73 7,253.74 12,731 5,478 56.98%
1-0820-4130-6205 Pks & Play - Watering - Contracts 5,123.00 5,123.00 1,075.00 7,959 6,884 13.51%
1-0820-4130-6350 Pks & Play - Watering - Supplies 1,159.19 1,159.19 5,471.67 552 -4,920 991.24%
1-0820-4130-6361 Pks & Play - Watering - Equip Pool Chg Out 24,899.60 24,899.60 15,884.32 28,754 12,870 55.24%
1-0820-4140-6120 Pks & Play - Trail Maintenance - Wages - CUPE 2,571.37 2,571.37 4,577.40 11,095 6,518 41.26%
1-0820-4140-6195 Pks & Play - Trail Maintenance - Benefits 532.50 532.50 1,221.37 2,263 1,042 53.96%
1-0820-4140-6350 Pks & Play - Trail Maintenance - Supplies 785.56 1,082 296 72.60%
1-0820-4140-6361 Pks & Play - Trail Maintenanc - Equip Pool Chg Out 377.63 377.63 266.32 425 159 62.61%
1-0820-4150-6120 Pks & Play - Banners - Wages - CUPE 4,012.32 4,012.32 2,294.97 6,790 4,495 33.80%
1-0820-4150-6195 Pks & Play - Banners - Benefits 984.63 984.63 536.87 1,698 1,161 31.63%
1-0820-4150-6350 Pks & Play - Banners - Supplies 5,210.42 5,210.42 5,600.72 9,551 3,950 58.64%
1-0820-4150-6361 Pks & Play - Banners - Equip. Pool Chg. Out 1,318.44 1,318.44 1,318.44 1,351 33 97.59%
1-0820-4160-6120 Pks & Play - Flower Beds - Wages - CUPE 102,779.99 102,779.99 98,030.09 95,860 -2,170 102.26%
1-0820-4160-6195 Pks & Play - Flower Beds - Benefits 19,957.25 19,957.25 19,703.42 23,704 4,000 83.12%
1-0820-4160-6215 Pks & Play - Flower Beds - Advertising 552 552 0.00%
1-0820-4160-6350 Pks & Play - Flower Beds - Supplies 78,416.52 78,416.52 83,098.70 85,932 2,833 96.70%
1-0820-4160-6361 Pks & Play - Flower Beds - Equip Pool Chg Out 13,506.97 13,506.97 9,351.42 18,560 9,208 50.39%
1-0820-4400-6350 Pks & Play - Signage - Supplies 10,000.00 10,000.00 5,190.64 2,208 -2,983 235.08%
1-0820-4400-6361 Pks & Play - Signage - Equip Pool Chg Out 332.90 566 233 58.83%
1-0820-4410-6120 Pks & Play - Sports Facilities - Wages CUPE 61,236.80 61,236.80 68,615.48 69,710 1,095 98.43%
1-0820-4410-6195 Pks & Play - Sports Facilites - Benefits 14,182.12 14,182.12 16,191.98 18,683 2,491 86.67%
1-0820-4410-6205 Pks & Play - Sports Facilites - Contracts 19,710.00 19,710.00 14,528.64 12,989 -1,540 111.85%
1-0820-4410-6245 Pks & Play - Sports Facilities - Insurance (Soccer Park) 542.00 542.00 718.45 559 -159 128.52%
1-0820-4410-6350 Pks & Play - Sports Facilities - Supplies 39,784.92 39,784.92 25,445.38 43,777 18,332 58.12%
1-0820-4410-6361 Pks & Play - Sports Facilities - Equip Pool Chg Ou 10,887.51 10,887.51 10,235.10 18,808 8,573 54.42%
1-0820-4410-6408 Pks & Play - Sport Facilities - Electricity 1,369.37 1,369.37 4,762.40 1,538 -3,225 309.75%
1-0820-4411-6620 Pks & Play - Amortized debt 2,928.62 2,928.62 0 0.00%
1-0843-0000-6120 Pest & Weed - Wages CUPE 4,992.77 4,992.77 356.74 5,439 5,082 6.56%
1-0843-0000-6195 Pest & Weed - Benefits 787.14 787.14 85.03 1,360 1,275 6.25%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
1-0843-0000-6205 Pest & Weed - Contracts 24,875.50 24,875.50 25,026.00 27,061 2,035 92.48%
1-0843-0000-6350 Pest & Weed - Supplies 1,148.77 1,148.77 1,318.37 1,104 -214 119.42%
1-0843-0000-6361 Pest & Weed - Equipment Pool Chg Out 233.05 233.05 66.58 1,727 1,661 3.85%
Parks and Playground Expenditures 1,042,082.61 1,042,082.61 1,072,706.45 1,260,337 187,630 85.11%

1-0810-0000-6622 Rec Facil & Com Serv - Misc Grant 60,540.00 60,540.00 12,740.00 50,000 37,260 25.48%
1-0810-0001-6622 South Peace Arts Council Grant 15,300.00 15,300.00 15,300.00 15,300 0 100.00%
1-0830-0000-6622 Art Gallery - Misc Grant 51,012.00 51,012.00 21,012.00 21,012 0 100.00%
1-0831-0000-6622 Rotary Park - Misc Grant 72,640.00 72,640.00 69,340.00 72,805 3,465 95.24%
1-0845-0000-6622 Kiwanis Band - FFS 5,100.00 5,100.00 5,100.00 5,100 0 100.00%
1-0846-0000-6622 South Peace Historical Society - Misc Grant 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000 0 100.00%
Community Grants and Fee for Service 210,592.00 210,592.00 129,492.00 170,217 40,725 76.07%

1-0810-1500-6120 Bldgs - Wages - CUPE 245.99 245.99 1,007.52 -1,008 0.00%

1-0810-1500-6195 Bldgs - Benefits 46.60 46.60 223.68 -224 0.00%
1-0810-1500-6245 Bldgs - Aid Comm. Projects 0.00 0.00 140.88 -141 0.00%
1-0810-1500-6361 Bldgs - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,334 1,334 0.00%
1-0810-4050-6120 Xmas Lighting - Wages - CUPE 5,010.37 5,010.37 4,074.41 6,790 2,716 60.01%
1-0810-4050-6195 Xmas Lighting - Benefits 1,234.10 1,234.10 795.93 1,698 902 46.89%
1-0810-4050-6205 Xmas Lighting - Contracts 646.32 2,206 1,560 29.30%
1-0810-4050-6245 Xmas Lighting - Insurance 36.00 36.00 37.00 38 1 97.37%
1-0810-4050-6350 Xmas Lighting - Supplies 647.58 647.58 785.72 5,000 4,214 15.71%
1-0810-4050-6361 Xmas Lighting - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,711.04 2,711.04 2,711.04 2,779 68 97.56%
1-0810-4050-6408 Xmas Lighting - Electricity 3,588 3,588 0.00%
1-0812-0000-6350 Kindness Meters - Supplies 5,766.82 -5,767 0.00%
1-0812-0000-6623 Kindness Meters - Donation Expense 1,174.50 -1,175 0.00%
1-0819-0000-6402 Soccer Fields- -Water/Sewer/Garbage 12,740.12 -12,740 0.00%
1-0821-0000-6120 Creek - Wages - CUPE 1,641.66 5,483 3,842 29.94%
1-0821-0000-6195 Creek - Benefits 272.84 816 543 33.44%
1-0821-0000-6205 Creek - Contracts 7,665.00 7,665.00 16,777.62 9,117 -7,661 184.03%
1-0821-0000-6361 Creek - Equip Pool Chg Out 133.16 4,016 3,883 3.32%
1-0822-0000-6120 102/103 Ave - Wages - CUPE 4,934.22 4,934.22 4,018.41 11,317 7,298 35.51%
1-0822-0000-6195 102/103 Ave - Benefits 959.04 959.04 754.37 2,829 2,075 26.66%
1-0822-0000-6205 102/103 Ave - Contracts 1,104 1,104 0.00%
1-0822-0000-6350 102/103 Ave - Supplies 1,418.96 1,418.96 4,416 4,416 0.00%
1-0822-0000-6361 102/103 Ave - Equipment Pool Charge Out 814.77 814.77 199.74 3,753 3,553 5.32%
1-0823-0000-6120 NAR Park - Wages CUPE 68.00 226 158 30.04%
1-0823-0000-6195 NAR Park - Benefits 11.69 57 45 20.66%
1-0823-0000-6335 NAR Park - Repairs & Mtce. 14.08 14.08 552 552 0.00%
1-0823-0000-6402 NAR Park - Water/Sewer/Garbage 6,153.96 6,153.96 6,517.13 8,100 1,583 80.46%
1-0823-0000-6404 NAR Park - Telephone 5,087.61 5,087.61 4,303.39 4,500 197 95.63%
1-0823-0000-6406 NAR Park - Natural Gas 6,859.02 6,859.02 4,492.06 6,663 2,170 67.42%
1-0823-0000-6408 NAR Park - Electricity 6,320.30 6,320.30 6,889.67 7,688 798 89.62%
1-0823-1073-6205 NAR Park - Blue Goose Caboose - Contracts 1,104 1,104 0.00%
1-0823-1500-6120 NAR Park - Buildings - CUPE Wages 5,168.81 5,168.81 8,808.29 10,658 1,850 82.64%
1-0823-1500-6195 NAR Park - Buildings - Benefits 1,039.60 1,039.60 1,934.31 2,665 731 72.58%
1-0823-1500-6205 NAR Park - Bldgs - Contract 12,022.68 12,022.68 10,411.69 11,773 1,361 88.44%
1-0823-1500-6245 NAR Park - Bldgs - Insurance 5,275.50 5,275.50 5,825.23 5,681 -144 102.54%
1-0823-1500-6350 NAR Park - Bldgs - Supplies 5,028.23 5,028.23 3,651.74 2,760 -892 132.31%
1-0823-1500-6364 NAR Park - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 1,330.31 1,330.31 2,454.25 4,416 1,962 55.58%
1-0823-1700-6120 NAR Park - Grounds - Wages CUPE 13,781.35 13,781.35 12,129.05 14,679 2,550 82.63%
1-0823-1700-6195 NAR Park - Grounds - Benefits 3,357.26 3,357.26 2,923.57 3,392 469 86.18%
1-0823-1700-6205 NAR Park - Grounds - Contracts 11,695 11,695 0.00%
1-0823-1700-6350 NAR Park - Grounds - Supplies 212.89 212.89 3,519.08 3,987 468 88.26%
1-0823-1700-6361 NAR Park - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 499.37 499.37 672.87 4,116 3,444 16.35%
1-0823-3120-6205 NAR Park - Security - Contracts 343.53 343.53 45.00 3,312 3,267 1.36%
1-0824-1900-6361 Pioneer Village - Custom - Equip Pool Chg Out 7,169.92 7,169.92 0 0.00%
1-0825-1500-6120 Pioneer Village - Bldgs - Wages CUPE 2,219.86 2,219.86 1,141.52 5,658 4,517 20.17%
1-0825-1500-6195 Pioneer Village - Bldgs - Benefits 354.23 354.23 306.18 1,415 1,108 21.64%
1-0825-1500-6335 Pioneer Village - Repairs & Mtce. 2,686.16 2,686.16 1,700.66 3,312 1,611 51.35%
1-0825-1500-6350 Pioneer Village - Supplies 150.62 150.62 152.86 552 399 27.69%
1-0825-1700-6120 Pioneer Village - Grounds - Wages CUPE 14,589.40 14,589.40 10,921.13 15,375 4,454 71.03%
1-0825-1700-6195 Pioneer Village - Grounds - Benefits 2,715.13 2,715.13 2,089.35 3,844 1,754 54.36%
1-0825-1700-6205 Pioneer Village - Grounds - Contracts 1,972.00 1,972.00 3,121 3,121 0.00%
1-0825-1700-6350 Pioneer Village - Grounds - Supplies 233.97 233.97 1,561 1,561 0.00%
1-0825-1700-6361 Pioneer Village - Grounds - Equip Pool Chrg Out 6,595.14 6,595.14 965.42 4,388 3,423 22.00%
1-0828-0000-6402 Curl Rink - Water/Sewer/Garbage 7,068.86 7,068.86 10,002.59 -10,003 0.00%
1-0828-0000-6406 Curl Rink - Natural Gas 6,187.99 6,187.99 12,796.05 -12,796 0.00%
1-0828-0000-6408 Curl Rink - Electricity 6,805.52 6,805.52 12,862.31 -12,862 0.00%
1-0828-1500-6120 Curl Rink - Bldgs - Wages - CUPE 313.03 313.03 1,806.57 566 -1,241 319.28%
1-0828-1500-6195 Curl Rink - Bldgs - Benefits 56.14 56.14 437.80 141 -296 309.49%
1-0828-1500-6205 Curl Rink - Bldgs - Contracts 6,897.02 6,897.02 4,398.60 36,263 31,864 12.13%
1-0828-1500-6245 Curl Rink - Bldgs - Insurance 7,329.21 7,329.21 8,073.18 7,790 -283 103.63%
1-0828-1500-6335 Curl Rink - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 46,033.83 46,033.83 765.28 552 -213 138.64%
1-0828-1500-6350 Curl Rink - Bldgs - Supplies 1,253.00 1,253.00 4,708.02 1,082 -3,626 435.12%
1-0828-1500-6364 Curl Rink - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 2,240.86 2,240.86 2,061.55 1,656 -406 124.49%
1-0828-1700-6120 Curl Rink - Grounds - Wages CUPE 566 566 0.00%
1-0828-1700-6195 Curl Rink - Grounds - Benefits 141 141 0.00%
1-0828-1700-6361 Curl Rink - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 630 630 0.00%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
1-0828-3120-6205 Curl Rink - Security - Contracts 2,357.15 2,357.15 2,655.67 3,566 910 74.47%
1-0829-0000-6120 Aid to Com Proj - Wages - CUPE 869.92 869.92 3,463.73 12,000 8,536 28.86%
1-0829-0000-6195 Aid to Com Proj - Benefits 185.01 185.01 567.67 3,000 2,432 18.92%
1-0829-0000-6350 Aid to Com Proj - Supplies 10,518.99 15,000 4,481 70.13%
1-0829-0000-6361 Aid to Com Proj - Equip Pool Chg Out 166.45 -166 0.00%
1-0829-0000-6408 Aid to Com Proj - Electricity 147.80 147.80 154.85 -155 0.00%
1-0831-1500-6245 Rotary Park - Bldgs - Insurance 6,825.18 6,825.18 9,924.67 6,776 -3,149 146.47%
1-0832-0000-6120 Skating Rinks - Wages - CUPE 8,488 8,488 0.00%
1-0832-0000-6195 Skating Rinks - Benefits 2,122 2,122 0.00%
1-0832-0000-6361 Skating Rinks - Equip Pool Charge Out 1,533.24 1,533.24 1,533.24 10,250 8,717 14.96%
1-0832-4400-6350 Skating Rinks - Signage - Supplies 66.98 552 485 12.13%
1-0833-0000-6245 Harry Morrow - Insurance 956.25 956.25 1,000.00 1,241 241 80.58%
1-0833-0000-6350 Harry Morrow - Supplies 41.97 41.97 284.55 -285 0.00%
1-0833-0000-6402 Harry Morrow - Water/Sewer/Garbage 12,600.68 -12,601 0.00%
1-0833-1700-6335 Harry Morrow - Grounds - Repairs & Mtce. 131.96 -132 0.00%
1-0833-1700-6361 Harry Morrow - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,083.68 2,083.68 2,083.68 2,136 52 97.55%
1-0834-0000-6120 Parade Float - Wages - CUPE 728.06 728.06 0 0.00%
1-0834-0000-6195 Parade Float - Benefits 143.93 143.93 0 0.00%
1-0834-0000-6205 Parade Float - Contracts 552 552 0.00%
1-0834-0000-6350 Parade Float - Supplies 2,060.01 5,306 3,246 38.82%
1-0835-0000-6120 Skating Ovals - Wages - CUPE 3,625.49 3,625.49 5,314.71 3,883 -1,431 136.86%
1-0835-0000-6195 Skating Ovals - Benefits 721.15 721.15 1,070.12 971 -99 110.23%
1-0835-0000-6335 Skating Ovals - Repairs & Mtce. 43.22 -43 0.00%
1-0835-0000-6361 Skating Ovals - Equip Pool Chg. Out 3,882.28 3,882.28 5,935.24 4,331 -1,605 137.05%
1-0837-0000-6120 KPAC - Wages 874.69 874.69 707.50 -708 0.00%
1-0837-0000-6195 KPAC - Benefits 171.37 171.37 179.67 -180 0.00%
1-0837-0000-6245 KPAC - Insurance 1,252.25 1,252.25 595.11 1,312 717 45.36%
1-0838-0000-6120 Light Up - Wages CUPE 2,768.21 2,768.21 4,162.45 3,395 -767 122.60%
1-0838-0000-6195 Light Up - Benefits 189.63 189.63 544.73 849 304 64.18%
1-0838-0000-6205 Light Up - Contracts 100.00 100.00 1,198.70 2,871 1,672 41.75%
1-0838-0000-6215 Light Up - Advertising 1,000.00 1,000.00 800.00 2,208 1,408 36.23%
1-0838-0000-6280 Light Up - Rentals 1,179.14 1,179.14 1,083.91 -1,084 0.00%
1-0838-0000-6350 Light Up - Supplies 653.66 653.66 789.48 2,208 1,419 35.76%
1-0838-0000-6361 Light Up - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,358.40 1,358.40 1,957.62 1,392 -566 140.64%
1-0838-0000-6390 Light Up - Commissary 299.20 -299 0.00%
1-0838-4050-6361 Light Up - Christmas Lighting - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,672.20 1,672.20 1,975.69 -1,976 0.00%
1-0840-0000-6120 Adoption Program - Wages CUPE 495.51 1,245 749 39.80%
1-0840-0000-6195 Adoption Program - Benefits 80.88 311 230 25.99%
1-0840-0000-6350 Adoption Program - Supplies 180.83 180.83 277.49 2,760 2,483 10.05%
1-0840-0000-6361 Adoption Program - Equipment 162.08 127 -35 127.52%
1-0841-0000-6120 Skateboard Park - Wages CUPE 3,466.69 3,466.69 4,070.59 6,790 2,720 59.95%
1-0841-0000-6195 Skateboard Park - Benefits 854.32 854.32 1,088.46 1,698 609 64.12%
1-0841-0000-6205 Skateboard Park - Contracts 1,082 1,082 0.00%
1-0841-0000-6245 Skateboard Park - Insurance 456.50 456.50 494.41 484 -10 102.15%
1-0841-0000-6350 Skateboard Park - Supplies 113.51 113.51 55.31 1,104 1,049 5.01%
1-0841-0000-6361 Skateboard Park - Equip Pool Chg Out 66.58 66.58 1,132 1,132 0.00%
Community Services Expenditures 261,549.15 261,549.15 284,343.04 374,060 89,717 76.02%

1-0844-1500-6120 CK Art Centre - Blding - Wages - CUPE 29,958.20 29,958.20 30,362.70 30,600 237 99.22%
1-0844-1500-6195 CK Art Centre - Blding - Benefits 5,884.59 5,884.59 7,174.86 7,650 475 93.79%
1-0844-1500-6402 CK Art Centre - Blding - Water/Sewer/Garbage 16,917.76 16,917.76 16,770.36 17,340 570 96.71%
1-0844-1500-6404 CK Art Centre - Blding - Telephone 4,069.65 4,069.65 3,506.16 5,100 1,594 68.75%
1-0844-1500-6406 CK Art Centre - Blding - Natural Gas 24,105.09 24,105.09 14,397.99 32,275 17,877 44.61%
1-0844-1500-6408 CK Art Centre - Blding - Electricity 52,241.29 52,241.29 50,244.51 20,910 -29,335 240.29%
1-0844-1500-6205 CK Art Centre - Blding - Contracts 23,762.07 23,762.07 48,803.76 10,000 -38,804 488.04%
1-0844-1500-6245 CK Art Centre - Blding - Insurance 28,624.75 28,624.75 29,436.09 29,187 -249 100.85%
1-0844-1500-6350 CK Art Centre - Blding - Supplies 23,962.64 23,962.64 11,677.93 15,060 3,382 77.54%
CK Art Centre Building 209,526.04 209,526.04 212,374.36 168,122 -44,252 126.32%

1-0850-0000-6225 Multiplex - Consulting services 2,500 2,500 0.00%

1-0850-0000-6205 Multiplex - Contracts 2,445.00 2,445.00 0 0.00%
1-0850-0000-6350 Multiplex - Supplies 274.20 274.20 5,918 5,918 0.00%
1-0850-1700-6120 Multiplex - Grounds - Wages - CUPE 1,203.48 1,203.48 3,724.82 5,547 1,823 67.14%
1-0850-1700-6195 Multiplex - Grounds - Benefits 208.95 208.95 740.72 1,387 646 53.41%
1-0850-1700-6205 Multiplex - Grounds - Contracts 47,588.61 47,588.61 44,587.91 71,400 26,812 62.45%
1-0850-1700-6350 Multiplex - Grounds - Supplies 2,840.54 2,122 -719 133.86%
1-0850-1700-6361 Multiplex - Grounds - Equip Pool Charge Out 4,157.16 4,157.16 4,548.88 5,390 842 84.39%
Multiplex Expenditures 55,877.40 55,877.40 56,442.87 94,265 37,822 59.88%

1-0860-0000-6361 Encana Events Centre - Equip Pool Chg Out 186,280.68 186,280.68 186,513.71 190,938 4,424 97.68%
1-0860-0000-6205 Encana Events Centre - Contracts 1,530,965.38 1,530,965.38 1,455,614.74 1,550,000 94,385 93.91%
1-0860-1500-6120 Encana Events Centre - Buildings - Wages - CUPE 313.95 313.95 0 0.00%
1-0860-1500-6195 Encana Events Centre - Buildings - Benefits 68.38 68.38 0 0.00%
1-0860-1500-6205 Encana Events Centre - Bldings - Contracts 18,259.28 18,259.28 5,153.92 5,202 48 99.08%
1-0860-1500-6245 Encana Events Centre - Building - Insurance 64,208.50 64,208.50 66,196.18 58,267 -7,929 113.61%
Encana Events Centre Expenditures 1,800,096.17 1,800,096.17 1,713,478.55 1,804,407 90,928 94.96%

1-0855-0000-6402 Lakota Centre - Water, Sewer, Garbage 9,166.62 9,166.62 6,782.91 7,242 459 93.66%
1-0855-0000-6406 Lakota Centre - Natural Gas 30,901.13 30,901.13 22,600.63 36,593 13,992 61.76%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
1-0855-0000-6408 Lakota Centre - Electricity 47,573.02 47,573.02 43,221.72 37,638 -5,584 114.84%
1-0855-0000-6622 Lakota Centre - Stables & Arena - Misc Grant 10,200.00 10,200.00 10,200.00 10,200 0 100.00%
1-0855-1500-6205 Lakota Centre - Building - Contracts 1,590.00 1,590.00 2,394.92 5,306 2,911 45.14%
1-0855-1500-6245 Lakota Centre - Building - Insurance 38,789.25 38,789.25 14,485.43 12,119 -2,366 119.53%
1-0855-1540-6205 Lakota Centre - Janitorial - Contracts 2,876.88 2,876.88 3,416.88 3,714 297 92.00%
Lakota Centre Expenditures 141,096.90 141,096.90 103,102.49 112,812 9,709 91.39%

1-0865-0000-6205 Walking Track - Contracts 11,587.50 11,587.50 14,812.50 12,485 -2,328 118.64%
Walking Track Expenditures 11,587.50 11,587.50 14,812.50 12,485 -2,328 118.64%

1-0900-0000-6404 Swim Pool - Telephone 1,020 1,020 0.00%

1-0900-0000-6406 Swim Pool - Natural Gas 157 157 0.00%
1-0900-0000-6408 Swim Pool - Electricity 89.34 89.34 80.26 105 24 76.77%
1-0900-1500-6245 Swim Pool - Bldgs - Insurance 641.63 641.63 314.27 671 357 46.84%
Centennial Swimming Pool Expenditures 730.97 730.97 394.53 1,952 1,558 20.21%

1-0925-0000-6120 Climbing Wall - Wages - CUPE 39,074.39 39,074.39 38,208.43 44,540 6,332 85.78%
1-0925-0000-6195 Climbing Wall - Benefits 7,032.86 7,032.86 7,311.17 6,526 -785 112.02%
1-0925-0000-6215 Climbing Wall - Advertising 624 624 0.00%
1-0925-0000-6230 Climbing Wall - Training & Seminars 245.00 245.00 3,641 3,641 0.00%
1-0925-0000-6320 Climbing Wall - Subscriptions & Periodicals 130.00 130.00 90.00 -90 0.00%
1-0925-0000-6335 Climbing Wall - Repairs & Mtce. 277.93 277.93 4,832.71 2,081 -2,752 232.23%
1-0925-0000-6350 Climbing Wall - Supplies 4,915.13 4,915.13 2,637.92 5,202 2,564 50.71%
1-0925-0000-6355 Climbing Wall - Cloth/Footwear/Tool Allowance 129.85 129.85 796 796 0.00%
Climbing Wall Expenditures 51,805.16 51,805.16 53,080.23 63,410 10,330 83.71%

1-0950-0000-6205 KBAC - Contracts 3,730.11 3,730.11 3,329.39 10,259 6,930 32.45%

1-0950-0000-6235 KBAC - Public Relations 1,128.71 1,128.71 22.78 -23 0.00%
1-0950-0000-6110 KBAC - Wages - Exempt 42,201.12 42,201.12 44,392.45 41,659 -2,733 106.56%
1-0950-0000-6120 KBAC - Wages - CUPE 874,546.11 874,546.11 919,602.07 887,407 -32,195 103.63%
1-0950-0000-6195 KBAC - Benefits 208,235.81 208,235.81 241,908.64 193,984 -47,925 124.71%
1-0950-0000-6215 KBAC - Advertising 1,258.00 1,258.00 389.68 13,249 12,859 2.94%
1-0950-0000-6225 KBAC - Consulting 202.00 202.00 0 0.00%
1-0950-0000-6230 KBAC - Training & Seminars 5,590.73 5,590.73 6,006.17 6,624 618 90.67%
1-0950-0000-6301 KBAC - Stationery Supplies 3,378.32 3,378.32 3,396.51 5,520 2,123 61.53%
1-0950-0000-6320 KBAC - Subscriptions & Periodicals 53.94 53.94 999.73 386 -614 259.00%
1-0950-0000-6350 KBAC - Supplies 14,307.94 14,307.94 4,792.07 30,297 25,505 15.82%
1-0950-0000-6355 KBAC - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allow. 1,547.78 1,547.78 2,160.57 3,312 1,151 65.23%
1-0950-0000-6357 KBAC - Union Contracts Reimbursements 428.48 428.48 552 552 0.00%
1-0950-0000-6380 KBAC - Chemicals 89,780.08 89,780.08 70,921.53 55,204 -15,718 128.47%
1-0950-0000-6390 KBAC - Commissary 974.81 974.81 583.32 2,208 1,625 26.42%
1-0950-0000-6402 KBAC - Water/Sewer/Garbage 53,999.62 53,999.62 42,740.20 62,220 19,480 68.69%
1-0950-0000-6404 KBAC - Telephone 13,106.40 13,106.40 12,335.60 12,240 -96 100.78%
1-0950-0000-6406 KBAC - Natural Gas 46,351.67 46,351.67 33,900.96 52,275 18,374 64.85%
1-0950-0000-6408 KBAC - Electricity 71,359.55 71,359.55 64,832.56 57,503 -7,330 112.75%
1-0950-0000-6601 KBAC - Travel 173.93 173.93 519.28 2,185 1,666 23.77%
1-0950-0000-6602 KBAC - Mileage 1,183.36 1,183.36 1,005.63 1,656 650 60.73%
1-0950-0000-6604 KBAC - Accommodations 891.00 891.00 618.47 2,931 2,313 21.10%
1-0950-0000-6606 KBAC - Vehicle rental 552 552 0.00%
1-0950-0000-6608 KBAC - Conventions & Delegations 1,053.81 1,000 -54 105.38%
1-0950-0000-6615 KBAC - Memberships 407.00 407.00 836.18 552 -284 151.48%
1-0950-0000-6620 KBAC - Miscellaneous 30.00 30.00 8,879.07 552 -8,327 1608.53%
1-0950-0000-6640 KBAC - Rights & Licences 86.40 86.40 999.24 1,104 105 90.51%
1-0950-0000-6670 KBAC - Cash over (short) -11.45 -11.45 4.71 166 161 2.84%
1-0950-1500-6120 KBAC - Bldgs - Wages CUPE 117,362.40 117,362.40 127,335.49 131,475 4,139 96.85%
1-0950-1500-6195 KBAC - Bldgs - Benefits 25,048.96 25,048.96 31,138.71 24,331 -6,808 127.98%
1-0950-1500-6205 KBAC - Bldgs - Contracts 23,252.30 23,252.30 4,509.90 11,514 7,004 39.17%
1-0950-1500-6245 KBAC - Bldgs - Insurance 17,692.62 17,692.62 18,391.04 28,865 10,474 63.71%
1-0950-1500-6335 KBAC - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 11,812.07 11,812.07 76,307.04 16,561 -59,746 460.76%
1-0950-1500-6350 KBAC - Bldgs - Supplies 44,530.40 44,530.40 37,135.17 37,142 7 99.98%
1-0950-1500-6361 KBAC - Bldgs - Equip Pool Chg Otu 27,513.15 27,513.15 28,873.56 21,494 -7,379 134.33%
1-0950-1500-6364 KBAC - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 10,217.49 10,217.49 19,763.44 5,520 -14,243 358.03%
1-0950-1500-6365 KBAC - Bldgs - Mechanical Repairs 8,898.64 8,898.64 8,117.79 2,561 -5,557 316.98%
1-0950-1500-6392 KBAC - Bldgs - Medical & Laundry 3,003.60 3,003.60 2,796.99 1,040 -1,757 268.94%
1-0950-1600-6350 KBAC - Computer - Supplies 613.34 613.34 0 0.00%
1-0950-1600-6404 KBAC - Computer - Telephone 23.52 23.52 0 0.00%
1-0950-1700-6120 KBAC - Grounds - Wages - CUPE 628.23 628.23 1,773.15 1,731 -42 102.41%
1-0950-1700-6195 KBAC - Grounds - Benefits 143.05 143.05 396.30 433 37 91.55%
1-0950-1700-6335 KBAC - Grounds - Repairs & Mtce. 16.79 16.79 0 0.00%
1-0950-1700-6361 KBAC - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 84.19 84.19 582.72 1,928 1,345 30.22%
1-0950-1820-6205 KBAC - Equip Office - Contracts 9,934.57 9,934.57 8,651.10 5,520 -3,131 156.72%
1-0950-3120-6205 KBAC - Security - Contracts 1,222.74 1,222.74 10,137.17 -10,137 0.00%
1-0950-4180-6230 KBAC - Recertification - Training & Seminars 3,864 3,864 0.00%
1-0950-4300-6350 KBAC - Special Programs - Supplies 255.91 255.91 1,357.98 2,124 766 63.94%
1-0950-4300-6390 KBAC - Special Programs - Commissary 2,647.74 2,647.74 1,950.38 -1,950 0.00%
1-0950-4301-6350 KBAC - Leadership Courses 6,823.41 6,823.41 5,075.38 -5,075 0.00%
1-0950-0000-6699 KBAC - Replacement equipment 6,558.65 6,558.65 20,202.63 20,808 605 97.09%
Kenn Borek Aquatic Centre Expenditures 1,753,225.19 1,753,225.19 1,870,726.56 1,762,508 -108,218 106.14%

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01/31/2017 Page 209 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
1-1000-0000-6105 Pks & Rec - Wages - Management 120,143.87 120,143.87 105,178.11 114,954 9,776 91.50%
1-1000-0000-6110 Pks & Rec - Wages - Exempt 115,962.88 115,962.88 82,079.68 119,092 37,012 68.92%
1-1000-0000-6120 Pks & Rec - Wages - CUPE 207,463.95 207,463.95 226,723.57 237,848 11,124 95.32%
1-1000-0000-6195 Pks & Rec - Benefits 109,429.34 109,429.34 111,277.84 115,236 3,958 96.57%
1-1000-0000-6205 Pks & Rec - Contracts 10,362.40 10,362.40 2,900.00 -2,900 0.00%
1-1000-0000-6225 Pks & Rec - Consulting 1,035.96 1,035.96 6,294.03 5,000 -1,294 125.88%
1-1000-0000-6215 Pks & Rec - Advertising 9,600.00 9,600.00 12,622.68 15,978 3,355 79.00%
1-1000-0000-6230 Pks & Rec - Training & Seminars 2,319.17 2,319.17 2,892.28 4,140 1,248 69.86%
1-1000-0000-6301 Pks & Rec - Stationery Supplies 6,272.87 6,272.87 7,037.05 5,412 -1,625 130.03%
1-1000-0000-6350 Pks & Rec - Supplies 1,019.74 1,019.74 1,260.91 1,082 -179 116.54%
1-1000-0000-6357 Pks & Rec - Union Contracts Reimbursement 197.00 197.00 219.81 331 111 66.41%
1-1000-0000-6361 Pks & Rec - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,422.56 2,422.56 2,422.56 2,484 61 97.54%
1-1000-0000-6390 Pks & Rec - Commissary 478.48 478.48 595.99 552 -44 107.97%
1-1000-0000-6404 Pks & Rec - Telephone 6,849.74 6,849.74 6,417.64 6,630 212 96.80%
1-1000-0000-6601 Pks & Rec - Travel 384.60 384.60 1,465.27 6,323 4,858 23.17%
1-1000-0000-6602 Pks & Rec - Mileage 431.05 431.05 1,040.66 1,000 -41 104.07%
1-1000-0000-6604 Pks & Rec - Accomodations 881.71 881.71 1,166.85 2,450 1,283 47.63%
1-1000-0000-6608 Pks & Rec - Conventions & Delegations 238.10 238.10 369.79 2,916 2,546 12.68%
1-1000-0000-6615 Pks & Rec - Memberships 712.37 712.37 406.19 1,353 947 30.02%
1-1000-0000-6634 Pks & Rec - Uncolelctables AR -6,093.99 -6,093.99 808.50 -809 0.00%
1-1000-1820-6205 Pks & Rec - Equipment - Contracts 10,280.51 10,280.51 11,653.52 -11,654 0.00%
1-1000-1820-6350 Pks & Rec - Equipment Office - Supplies 495.09 495.09 74.90 1,312 1,237 5.71%
1-1000-4170-6602 Pks & Rec - Projects - Mileage 19.05 19.05 0 0.00%
1-1000-4300-6120 Pks & Rec - Special Events - Wages - CUPE 804.66 -805 0.00%
1-1000-4300-6195 Pks & Rec - Special Events - Benefits 149.25 -149 0.00%
1-1000-4300-6205 Pks & Rec - Special Events. - Contracts 205.16 205.16 3,824.25 3,526 -298 108.46%
1-1000-4300-6215 Pks & Rec - Special Events - Advertising 160.50 -161 0.00%
1-1000-4300-6350 Pks & Rec - Special Events - Supplies 452.10 452.10 5,106.86 4,416 -691 115.64%
1-1000-4300-6390 Pks & Rec - Special Events - Commissary 341.83 341.83 907.16 552 -355 164.34%
1-1000-4302-6120 Pks & Rec - Rec Programs - Wages CUPE 611.60 611.60 116.84 -117 0.00%
1-1000-4302-6195 Pks & Rec - Rec Programs - Benefits 129.81 129.81 35.91 -36 0.00%
1-1000-4302-6205 Pks & Rec - Rec Programs - Contracts 19,677.43 19,677.43 35,188.51 29,440 -5,749 119.53%
1-1000-4302-6280 Pks & Rec - Rec Programs - Rentals 950.00 950.00 3,470.00 3,000 -470 115.67%
1-1000-4302-6350 Pks & Rec - Rec Programs - Supplies 1,527.25 1,527.25 6,428.66 4,161 -2,268 154.50%
1-1000-4302-6360 Pks & Rec - Rec Programs - Equipment - Other 91.80 -92 0.00%
1-1000-4302-6361 Pks & Rec - Rec Programs - Equip Pool Chg Out 33.29 33.29 34 34 0.00%
1-1000-4302-6604 Pks & Rec - Rec Programs - Accommodations 1,613 1,613 0.00%
1-1000-4305-6235 Pks & Rec - 2017 World U17 Hockey Event - Public Relations 348.79 -349 0.00%
1-1000-4305-6350 Pks & Rec - 2017 World U17 Hockey Event - Supplies 61.48 -61 0.00%
1-1000-4305-6601 Pks & Rec - 2017 World U17 Hockey Event - Travel 1,543.28 -1,543 0.00%
1-1000-4305-6604 Pks & Rec - 2017 World U17 Hockey Event - Accomodations 392.16 -392 0.00%
1-1000-4305-6606 Pks & Rec - 2017 World U17 Hockey Event - Vehicle Rentals 213.18 -213 0.00%
1-1000-4307-6205 Pks & Rec - 2015 World U17 Hockey Event - Contracts 123,204.75 -123,205 0.00%
1-1000-4307-6235 Pks & Rec - 2015 World U17 Hockey Event - Public Rela 310.27 310.27 0 0.00%
1-1000-4307-6245 Pks & Rec - 2015 World U17 Hockey Event - Insurance 4,603.50 4,603.50 0 0.00%
1-1000-4307-6280 Pks & Rec - 2015 World U17 Hockey Event - 17 Rentals 169,244.00 169,244.00 3,500.00 -3,500 0.00%
1-1000-4307-6301 Pks & Rec - 2015 World U17 Hockey Event - Stationary 180.31 180.31 0 0.00%
1-1000-4307-6350 Pks & Rec - 2015 World U17 Hockey Event - Supplies 396,614.19 396,614.19 -1,357.30 1,357 0.00%
1-1000-4307-6601 Pks & Rec - 2015 World U17 Hockey Event - Travel 104,159.83 104,159.83 -1,252.64 1,253 0.00%
1-1000-4307-6604 Pks & Rec - 2015 World U17 Hockey Event - Accomoda 227,898.24 227,898.24 3,670.92 -3,671 0.00%
1-0800-0000-6362 Rec Serv - EP Surplus Adjustment -163,931.11 -163,931.11 -126,363.58 -104,373 21,990 121.07%
Recreation Program Expenditures 1,363,914.15 1,363,914.15 645,153.27 586,461 -58,692 110.01%

1-1020-1500-6120 YCC - Bldgs - Wages CUPE 5,287.77 5,287.77 6,530.74 4,040 -2,491 161.65%
1-1020-1500-6195 YCC - Bldgs - Benefits 1,031.20 1,031.20 1,528.51 1,010 -518 151.33%
1-1020-1500-6205 YCC - Bldgs - Contracts 15,064.00 15,064.00 1,084.74 2,760 1,675 39.30%
1-1020-1500-6245 YCC - Bldgs - Insurance 3,667.50 3,667.50 1,796.62 3,834 2,037 46.86%
1-1020-1500-6335 YCC - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 234.01 234.01 1,446.91 5,937 4,490 24.37%
1-1020-1500-6350 YCC - Bldgs - Supplies 712.69 712.69 4,754.87 552 -4,203 861.39%
1-1020-1500-6364 YCC - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 2,586.18 2,586.18 725.48 1,325 600 54.75%
1-1020-1500-6392 YCC - Bldgs - Medical/Laundry 208 208 0.00%
1-1020-1500-6402 YCC - Bldgs - Water/Sewer/Garbage 2,293.65 2,293.65 6,224.14 1,836 -4,388 339.01%
1-1020-1500-6404 YCC - Bldgs - Telephone 2,431.57 2,431.57 2,058.13 2,244 186 91.72%
1-1020-1500-6406 YCC - Bldgs - Natural Gas 4,931.15 4,931.15 2,772.62 6,273 3,500 44.20%
1-1020-1500-6408 YCC - Bldgs - Electricity 3,559.34 3,559.34 2,700.32 2,614 -87 103.31%
1-1020-1540-6350 YCC - Janitorial - Supplies 334.60 1,500 1,165 22.31%
1-1020-3120-6205 YCC - Security - Contracts 2,436.70 2,436.70 2,993.67 1,040 -1,954 287.85%
1-1021-0000-6120 OSC - Wages - CUPE 80,486.29 80,486.29 86,767.75 90,037 3,269 96.37%
1-1021-0000-6195 OSC - Benefits 15,980.84 15,980.84 19,099.72 19,239 139 99.28%
1-1021-0000-6215 OSC - Advertising 1,104 1,104 0.00%
1-1021-0000-6230 OSC - Training & Seminars 313.70 2,165 1,851 14.49%
1-1021-0000-6280 OSC - Rentals 2,689.96 2,689.96 2,434.31 2,165 -269 112.44%
1-1021-0000-6350 OSC - Supplies 2,891.38 2,891.38 4,442.46 5,907 1,465 75.21%
1-1021-0000-6390 OSC - Commissary 4,701.59 4,701.59 4,915.68 5,520 604 89.05%
1-1021-0000-6392 OSC - Medical & Laundry 40.00 -40 0.00%
1-1021-0000-6404 OSC - Telephone 4,038.85 4,038.85 3,519.62 3,672 152 95.85%
1-1021-0000-6601 OSC - Travel 1,082 1,082 0.00%
1-1021-0000-6602 OSC - Mileage 31.94 31.94 0 0.00%
1-1021-1540-6350 OSC - Janitorial - Supplies 641.76 641.76 0 0.00%

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01/31/2017 Page 210 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
Youth Care Expenditures 155,698.37 155,698.37 156,484.59 166,063 9,579 94.23%

1-1050-0000-6110 Kin Arena - Wages - Exempt 21,100.55 21,100.55 22,196.25 20,830 -1,366 106.56%
1-1050-0000-6120 Kin Arena - Wages - CUPE 122,843.06 122,843.06 124,300.23 98,457 -25,844 126.25%
1-1050-0000-6195 Kin Arena - Benefits 29,955.42 29,955.42 31,986.26 29,090 -2,896 109.95%
1-1050-0000-6215 Kin Arena - Advertising 484.02 552 68 87.68%
1-1050-0000-6225 Kin Arena - Consulting Services 1,500.00 -1,500 0.00%
1-1050-0000-6230 Kin Arena - Training & Seminars 503.07 503.07 426.22 624 198 68.30%
1-1050-0000-6301 Kin Arena - Stationery Supplies 1,449.69 1,449.69 824.16 520 -304 158.49%
1-1050-0000-6320 Kin Arena - Subscription & Periodicals 120.00 120.00 116 116 0.00%
1-1050-0000-6350 Kin Arena - Supplies 2,900.26 2,900.26 7,602.58 15,606 8,003 48.72%
1-1050-0000-6355 Kin Arena - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allowance 2,962.36 2,962.36 1,921.47 1,561 -360 123.09%
1-1050-0000-6357 Kin Arena - Union Contract Reimbursements 104 104 0.00%
1-1050-0000-6361 Kin Arena - Equip Pool Chg Out 13,658.52 13,658.52 13,658.52 13,984 326 97.67%
1-1050-0000-6390 Kin Arena - Commissary 1,098.66 1,098.66 646.76 520 -127 124.38%
1-1050-0000-6402 Kin Arena - Water/Sewer/Garbage 21,024.99 21,024.99 21,967.04 20,400 -1,567 107.68%
1-1050-0000-6404 Kin Arena - Telephone 5,707.48 5,707.48 3,836.04 4,182 346 91.73%
1-1050-0000-6406 Kin Arena - Natural Gas 23,751.09 23,751.09 22,346.10 20,910 -1,436 106.87%
1-1050-0000-6408 Kin Arena - Electricity 31,708.78 31,708.78 29,998.64 36,593 6,594 81.98%
1-1050-0000-6601 Kin Arena - Travel 720.72 720.72 585.32 1,040 455 56.28%
1-1050-0000-6602 Kin Arena - Mileage 911.49 911.49 1,029.67 1,000 -30 102.97%
1-1050-0000-6604 Kin Arena - Accomodations 248.31 248.31 1,040 1,040 0.00%
1-1050-0000-6608 Kin Arena - Conventions & Delegations 345.00 -345 0.00%
1-1050-0000-6615 Kin Arena - Memberships 383.09 -383 0.00%
1-1050-1500-6120 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Wages CUPE 40,993.23 40,993.23 38,347.85 29,231 -9,117 131.19%
1-1050-1500-6195 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Benefits 9,736.38 9,736.38 10,247.17 6,911 -3,336 148.27%
1-1050-1500-6205 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Contracts 5,002.87 5,002.87 8,668.18 2,653 -6,015 326.73%
1-1050-1500-6245 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Insurance 7,342.33 7,342.33 8,085.67 7,728 -358 104.63%
1-1050-1500-6335 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 66,949.54 66,949.54 19,860.42 34,333 14,473 57.85%
1-1050-1500-6350 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Supplies 24,359.73 24,359.73 18,819.10 21,848 3,029 86.14%
1-1050-1500-6364 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 9,685.90 9,685.90 15,031.81 6,242 -8,790 240.82%
1-1050-1500-6365 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Mechanical Repairs 1,040 1,040 0.00%
1-1050-1500-6392 Kin Arena - Bldgs - Medical & Laundry 802.31 802.31 916.39 520 -396 176.23%
1-1050-1600-6350 Kin Arena - Computer - Supplies 5.80 5.80 0 0.00%
1-1050-1700-6120 Kin Arena - Grounds - Wages CUPE 1,731 1,731 0.00%
1-1050-1700-6195 Kin Arena - Grounds - Benefits 433 433 0.00%
1-1050-1700-6361 Kin Arena - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,397 2,397 0.00%
1-1050-1800-6350 Kin Arena - Equipment - Other - Supplies 250.00 250.00 1,538.12 -1,538 0.00%
1-1050-3120-6205 Kin Arena - Security - Contracts 3,650.90 3,650.90 3,513.17 5,545 2,032 63.36%
1-1050-4190-6120 Kin Arena - Rink Patrol - Wages - CUPE 15,052.97 15,052.97 16,676.54 21,755 5,078 76.66%
1-1050-4190-6195 Kin Arena - Rink Patrol - Benefits 2,875.25 2,875.25 4,011.82 5,439 1,427 73.76%
1-1050-4300-6120 Kin Arena - Special Programs - Wages - CUPE 298.26 298.26 351.46 2,175 1,824 16.16%
1-1050-4300-6195 Kin Arena - Special Programs - Benefits 56.57 56.57 87.66 544 456 16.12%
1-1050-4300-6350 Kin Arena - Special Programs - Supplies 1,489.61 1,489.61 650.49 1,040 390 62.55%
1-1050-5010-6205 Kin Arena - Ice Plant - Contracts 4,537.98 4,537.98 2,035.00 10,924 8,889 18.63%
1-1050-5010-6335 Kin Arena - Ice Plant - Repairs & Mtce. 2,009.90 2,009.90 8,906.04 10,924 2,018 81.53%
1-1050-5010-6350 Kin Arena - Ice Plant - Supplies 17,880.72 17,880.72 7,899.07 8,162 263 96.78%
Kin Arena Expenditures 493,644.70 493,644.70 451,683.33 448,705 -2,979 100.66%

1-1060-0000-6110 Mem Arena - Wages - Exempt 21,100.39 21,100.39 23,709.43 20,830 -2,879 113.82%
1-1060-0000-6120 Mem Arena - Wages - CUPE 222,089.90 222,089.90 275,365.15 241,252 -34,113 114.14%
1-1060-0000-6195 Mem Arena - Benefits 51,378.67 51,378.67 75,777.59 55,786 -19,991 135.84%
1-1060-0000-6215 Mem Arena - Advertising 405.00 405.00 971.52 1,104 132 88.00%
1-1060-0000-6225 Mem Arena - Consulting 5,774.80 5,774.80 6,194.03 30,000 23,806 20.65%
1-1060-0000-6230 Mem Arena - Training & Seminars 2,514.07 2,514.07 1,521.42 1,561 40 97.46%
1-1060-0000-6280 Mem Arena - Rentals 5,730.46 5,730.46 5,987.15 2,650 -3,337 225.93%
1-1060-0000-6301 Mem Arena - Stationery Supplies 1,961.14 1,961.14 1,332.18 1,040 -292 128.09%
1-1060-0000-6320 Mem Arena - Subscriptions & Periodicals 120.00 120.00 208 208 0.00%
1-1060-0000-6350 Mem Arena - Supplies 7,559.96 7,559.96 8,350.09 10,404 2,054 80.26%
1-1060-0000-6355 Mem Arena - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allow. 3,215.25 3,215.25 1,703.08 561 -1,142 303.58%
1-1060-0000-6357 Mem Arena - Union Contracts Reimbursements 80.00 80.00 552 552 0.00%
1-1060-0000-6361 Mem Arena - Equip Pool Chg Out 10,575.36 10,575.36 10,841.68 10,858 16 99.85%
1-1060-0000-6390 Mem Arena - Commissary 2,726.40 2,726.40 726.56 520 -207 139.72%
1-1060-0000-6402 Mem Arena - Water/Sewer/Garbage 17,787.78 17,787.78 31,111.57 26,520 -4,592 117.31%
1-1060-0000-6404 Mem Arena - Telephone 13,708.03 13,708.03 11,292.31 12,240 948 92.26%
1-1060-0000-6406 Mem Arena - Natural Gas 23,729.29 23,729.29 33,719.41 28,229 -5,491 119.45%
1-1060-0000-6408 Mem Arena - Electricity 41,615.95 41,615.95 127,217.34 40,800 -86,417 311.81%
1-1060-0000-6601 Mem Arena - Travel 3,051.93 3,051.93 1,010.44 2,081 1,071 48.56%
1-1060-0000-6602 Mem Arena - Mileage 911.37 911.37 1,011.23 1,040 29 97.23%
1-1060-0000-6604 Mem Arena - Accomodations 1,681.07 1,681.07 1,040 1,040 0.00%
1-1060-0000-6608 Mem Arena - Conventions & Delegations 647.00 647.00 646.24 1,040 394 62.14%
1-1060-0000-6615 Mem Arena - Memberships 406.18 406.18 203.09 312 109 65.09%
1-1060-0000-6640 Mem Arena - Rights & Licences 71.22 71.22 140.69 -141 0.00%
1-1060-1500-6120 Mem Arena - Bldgs - Wages CUPE 67,151.35 67,151.35 47,698.53 69,055 21,356 69.07%
1-1060-1500-6195 Mem Arena - Bldgs - Benefits 14,591.29 14,591.29 12,578.85 19,385 6,806 64.89%
1-1060-1500-6205 Mem Arena - Bldgs - Contracts 9,176.32 9,176.32 7,464.76 50,000 42,535 14.93%
1-1060-1500-6245 Mem Arena - Bldgs - Insurance 15,006.09 15,006.09 17,285.49 16,410 -875 105.33%
1-1060-1500-6335 Mem Arena - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 35,155.19 35,155.19 18,752.92 29,131 10,378 64.37%
1-1060-1500-6350 Mem Arena - Bldgs - Supplies 41,522.66 41,522.66 22,102.70 15,606 -6,497 141.63%

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01/31/2017 Page 211 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
1-1060-1500-6364 Mem Arena - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 11,048.27 11,048.27 21,238.62 3,121 -18,118 680.51%
1-1060-1500-6392 Mem Arena - Bldgs - Medical & Laundry 882.20 882.20 2,004.97 1,040 -965 192.79%
1-1060-1600-6350 Mem Arena - Computer - Supplies 1,308.69 1,308.69 0 0.00%
1-1060-1700-6120 Mem Arena - Grounds - Wages CUPE 415.44 415.44 384.31 1,731 1,347 22.20%
1-1060-1700-6195 Mem Arena - Grounds - Benefits 83.18 83.18 83.81 433 349 19.36%
1-1060-1700-6350 Mem Arena - Grounds - Supplies 250.00 110 -140 227.27%
1-1060-1700-6361 Mem Arena - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 33.29 33.29 490.61 2,636 2,146 18.61%
1-1060-1800-6361 Mem Arena - Equip Other - Equip Pool Chg Out 72.78 72.78 66.58 -67 0.00%
1-1060-1820-6205 Mem Arena - Equipment - Contracts 5,452.98 5,452.98 6,095.57 -6,096 0.00%
1-1060-1820-6350 Mem Arena - Office Equipment - Supplies 231.33 221 -10 104.67%
1-1060-3120-6205 Mem Arena - Security - Contracts 3,401.65 3,401.65 3,558.17 4,162 604 85.49%
1-1060-4190-6120 Mem Arena - Rink Patrol - Wages - CUPE 46,401.82 46,401.82 49,689.53 21,755 -27,935 228.41%
1-1060-4190-6195 Mem Arena - Rink Patrol - Benefits 9,521.15 9,521.15 10,443.84 5,439 -5,005 192.03%
1-1060-4300-6120 Mem Arena - Special Programs - Wages - CUPE 1,084.01 1,084.01 1,730.33 2,774 1,043 62.38%
1-1060-4300-6195 Mem Arena - Special Programs - Benefits 274.90 274.90 335.89 555 219 60.55%
1-1060-4300-6205 Mem Arena - Special Programs - Contracts 12,000.04 12,000.04 11,790.08 10,000 -1,790 117.90%
1-1060-4300-6350 Mem Arena - Special Programs - Supplies 3,359.87 3,359.87 2,756.78 2,122 -635 129.91%
1-1060-5010-6205 Mem Arena - Ice Plant - Contracts 123,771.62 123,771.62 2,061.78 11,593 9,531 17.78%
1-1060-5010-6335 Mem Arena - Ice Plant - Repairs & Mtce. 352.50 352.50 7,430.58 16,561 9,130 44.87%
1-1060-5010-6350 Mem Arena - Ice Plant - Supplies 22,755.95 22,755.95 8,120.43 6,624 -1,496 122.59%
1-1060-5011-6350 Mem Arena - Chiller - Supplies 53.87 53.87 0 0.00%
1-1060-5020-6120 Mem Arena - Summer Ice - Wages - CUPE 3,579.93 -3,580 0.00%
1-1060-5020-6195 Mem Arena - Summer Ice - Benefits 670.98 -671 0.00%
1-1060-5020-6335 Mem Arena - Summer Ice - Repairs & Mtce. 1,250.00 1,250.00 2,493.57 520 -1,974 479.53%
1-1060-5020-6350 Mem Arena - Summer Ice - Supplies 423.44 423.44 1,812.46 -1,812 0.00%
1-1060-5021-6205 Mem Arena - Encana Ice Rental - Contracts 250,188.53 250,188.53 0 0.00%
1-1060-5040-6350 Mem Arena - Sound System - Supplies 552 552 0.00%
Memorial Arena Expenditures 1,115,580.30 1,115,580.30 882,035.60 782,163 -99,873 112.77%
Arena Expenditures 1,609,225.00 1,609,225.00 1,333,718.93 1,230,868 -102,851 108.36%

1-1070-0000-6361 Exhib Gnds - Equip Pool Chg Out 916.60 916.60 299.61 5,547 5,248 5.40%
1-1070-0000-6402 Exhib Gnds - Water/Sewer/Garbage 7,621.91 7,621.91 15,801.48 4,266 -11,536 370.44%
1-1070-0000-6406 Exhib Gnds - Natural Gas 2,958.04 2,958.04 3,370.86 7,319 3,948 46.06%
1-1070-0000-6408 Exhib Gnds - Electricity 14,780.23 14,780.23 14,224.24 15,683 1,458 90.70%
1-1070-0000-6622 Exhib Gnds - Misc Grant 10,200.00 10,200.00 10,200.00 25,200 15,000 40.48%
1-1070-1068-6402 Exhib Gnds - Fall Fair - Water/Sewer/Garbage 239.92 239.92 162.75 4,080 3,917 3.99%
1-1070-1500-6120 Exhib Gnds - Bldgs - Wages - CUPE 2,655.70 2,655.70 3,536.78 2,774 -763 127.51%
1-1070-1500-6195 Exhib Gnds - Bldgs - Benefits 620.19 620.19 733.70 693 -40 105.81%
1-1070-1500-6205 Exhib Gnds - Bldgs - Contracts 275.15 275.15 0 0.00%
1-1070-1500-6245 Exhib Gnds - Bldgs - Insurance 5,563.75 5,563.75 5,148.90 5,221 72 98.62%
1-1070-1500-6335 Exhib Gnds - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 913.64 913.64 3,485.15 5,306 1,821 65.68%
1-1070-1500-6350 Exhib Gnds - Bldgs - Supplies 9,528.21 9,528.21 4,554.21 -4,554 0.00%
1-1070-1500-6361 Exhib Gnds - Bldgs - Equip Pool Chg Out 266.32 266.32 214.88 -215 0.00%
1-1070-1700-6120 Exhib Gnds - Grounds - Wages - CUPE 13,181.78 13,181.78 19,471.45 15,533 -3,939 125.36%
1-1070-1700-6195 Exhib Gnds - Grounds - Benefits 2,531.83 2,531.83 4,316.22 3,883 -433 111.15%
1-1070-1700-6205 Exhib Gnds - Grounds - Contracts 13,380.17 13,380.17 14,759.38 8,490 -6,269 173.84%
1-1070-1700-6335 Exhib Gnds - Grounds - Repairs & Mtce. 175.07 -175 0.00%
1-1070-1700-6350 Exhib Gnds - Grounds - Supplies 5,747.49 5,747.49 2,495.25 6,898 4,403 36.17%
1-1070-1700-6361 Exhib Gnds - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 548.46 548.46 1,458.44 4,160 2,702 35.05%
Exhibition Grounds Expenditures 91,929.39 91,929.39 104,408.37 115,053 10,645 90.75%

1-1080-0000-6110 Pub Lib - Wages - Exempt 83,009.93 83,009.93 73,914.18 70,000 -3,914 105.59%
1-1080-0000-6120 Pub Lib - Wages - CUPE 273,877.73 273,877.73 270,328.52 290,000 19,671 93.22%
1-1080-0000-6140 Pub Lib - Long Service Bonus 1,980.00 1,980.00 2,040.00 -2,040 0.00%
1-1080-0000-6195 Pub Lib - Benefits 86,370.27 86,370.27 77,100.56 90,000 12,899 85.67%
1-1080-0000-6301 Pub Lib - Stationery Supplies 0.00 0.00 0.00 221 221 0.00%
1-1080-0000-6357 Pub Lib - Union Contract Reimbursements 150.00 150.00 50.00 221 171 22.62%
1-1080-0000-6622 Pub Lib - Misc Grant 59,000.00 59,000.00 59,000.00 59,000 0 100.00%
1-1080-1500-6120 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Wages CUPE 6,252.32 6,252.32 13,446.80 8,887 -4,560 151.31%
1-1080-1500-6195 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Benefits 1,451.22 1,451.22 3,211.20 2,309 -903 139.09%
1-1080-1500-6205 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Contracts 5,879.59 5,879.59 6,646.63 7,729 1,082 86.00%
1-1080-1500-6245 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Insurance 4,348.75 4,348.75 6,297.00 5,780 -517 108.94%
1-1080-1500-6335 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 261.00 261.00 2,931.91 -2,932 0.00%
1-1080-1500-6350 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Supplies 958.13 958.13 4,253.51 5,520 1,266 77.06%
1-1080-1500-6361 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Equip Pool Chg Out 632.51 632.51 2,179.66 226 -1,953 963.05%
1-1080-1500-6364 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 16,959.01 16,959.01 9,166.42 2,165 -7,001 423.39%
1-1080-1500-6392 Pub Lib - Bldgs - Medical & Laundry 1,185.90 1,185.90 1,797.65 2,208 410 81.42%
1-1080-1540-6205 Pub Lib - Janitorial - Contracts 39,656.90 39,656.90 37,416.88 29,226 -8,191 128.03%
1-1080-1540-6350 Pub Lib - Janitorial - Supplies 1,438.60 1,438.60 1,525.58 2,165 639 70.47%
1-1080-1700-6120 Pub Lib - Grounds - Wages CUPE 652.61 652.61 3,910.47 2,718 -1,192 143.86%
1-1080-1700-6195 Pub Lib - Grounds - Benefits 135.84 135.84 820.20 679 -141 120.80%
1-1080-1700-6350 Pub Lib - Grounds - Supplies 541 541 0.00%
1-1080-1700-6361 Pub Lib - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 66.58 66.58 1,156.41 1,011 -146 114.42%
1-1080-3120-6205 Pub Lib - Security - Contracts 2,531.65 2,531.65 3,480.17 1,581 -1,899 220.12%
Public Library Expenditures 586,798.54 586,798.54 580,673.75 582,187 1,513 99.74%

RECREATION SERVICES EXPENDITURES 9,345,734.54 9,345,734.54 8,331,392.49 8,505,207 173,815 97.96%

1-1100-0000-6502 FS - Interest on Prepayment of Taxes 7,216.92 7,216.92 6,054.32 5,000 -1,054 121.09%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
1-1100-8010-6506 FS - Credit Line - Interest 25.00 25.00 1.51 2,000 1,998 0.08%
1-1100-8010-6508 FS - Bank Charges 38,649.72 38,649.72 40,038.59 41,000 961 97.66%
1-1100-8012-6510 FS - MFA - SI - Interest 1,047,222.81 1,047,222.81 1,040,606.17 1,042,470 1,864 99.82%
1-1100-8022-6516 FS - WIP - Interest 8,705.26 8,705.26 2,773.02 6,000 3,227 46.22%
2-1100-8012-6510 FS - MFA - SI - Interest 518,824.30 518,824.30 500,649.29 508,099 7,450 98.53%
3-1100-8010-6506 FS - Interim - Interest 69,854.90 69,854.90 0 0.00%
3-1100-8012-6510 FS - MFA - SI - Interest 89,108.80 89,108.80 228,831.28 228,702 -129 100.06%
Interest Expenditures 1,779,607.71 1,779,607.71 1,818,954.18 1,833,271 14,317 99.22%

1-1100-8012-7504 FS - GRF - MFA - SI - Principle 1,496,059.84 1,496,059.84 1,544,420.40 1,544,420 0 100.00%

2-1100-8012-7504 FS - WUF - MFA - SI Principle 709,394.49 709,394.49 709,394.49 709,394 0 100.00%
3-1100-8012-7504 FS - SUF - MFA - SI Principle 70,753.86 70,753.86 319,235.39 319,235 0 100.00%
Principal Payments 2,276,208.19 2,276,208.19 2,573,050.28 2,573,049 -1 100.00%

DEBT SERVICES EXPENDITURES 4,055,815.90 4,055,815.90 4,392,004.46 4,406,320 14,316 99.68%

Total Operating Expenditures 32,035,559.10 32,035,559.10 32,991,940.48 34,105,551 1,113,611 96.73%

2-1200-0000-6110 Wat Op - Wages - Exempt 172,319.54 172,319.54 98,316.09 88,107 -10,209 111.59%
2-1200-0000-6120 Wat Op - Wages CUPE 127,579.41 127,579.41 22,289.64 30,805 8,515 72.36%
2-1200-0000-6195 Wat Op - Benefits 62,478.68 62,478.68 35,407.39 7,700 -27,707 459.84%
2-1200-0000-6230 Wat Op - Training & Seminars 4,606.19 4,606.19 13,866.18 11,317 -2,549 122.53%
2-1200-0000-6350 Wat Op - Supplies 6,259.85 6,259.85 -5,690.48 2,886 8,576 -197.19%
2-1200-0000-6355 Wat Op - Repairs & Mtce. 156.52 156.52 680.92 -681 0.00%
2-1200-0000-6361 Wat Op - Equip Pool Chg Out 111,319.08 111,319.08 110,727.36 113,235 2,508 97.79%
2-1200-0000-6602 Wat Op - Mileage 817.14 -817 0.00%
2-1200-0000-6615 Wat Op - Memberships 2,039.00 2,039.00 2,272.00 2,175 -97 104.44%
2-1200-0000-6640 Wat Op - Rights & Licences 3,053.12 3,053.12 5,700.99 4,660 -1,041 122.34%
2-1200-0000-6699 Wat Op - Minor Equipment 838.00 838.00 0 0.00%
2-1200-1800-6350 Wat Op - Equipment Other - Supplies 47.86 47.86 1,903.37 -1,903 0.00%
2-1200-1820-6350 Wat Op - Equipment Office - Supplies 636.47 1,385 749 45.95%
2-1200-6000-6227 Wat Op - Wat Gen - Lab Analysis 3,780.85 1,658 -2,123 228.04%
2-1200-6000-6235 Wat Op - Wat Gen - Public Relations 1,154 1,154 0.00%
2-1200-6000-6291 Wat Op - Wat Gen - Fees (Inc. BCR Fees) 2,412.94 2,412.94 2,844.16 1,731 -1,113 164.26%
2-1200-6049-6120 Wat Op - Cross Connection Prog - Wages CUPE 2,898.23 2,898.23 3,915.46 2,400 -1,515 163.14%
2-1200-6049-6195 Wat Op - Cross Connection Prog - Benefits 608.89 608.89 982.76 600 -383 163.79%
2-1200-6049-6230 Wat Op - Cross Connection Prog - Training 3,366.80 3,366.80 5,666.00 849 -4,817 667.55%
2-1200-6049-6350 Wat Op - Cross Connection Prog - Supplies 3,546.58 3,546.58 4,048.08 1,154 -2,894 350.69%
2-1200-6049-6615 Wat Op - Cross Connection Prog - Memberships 535.68 535.68 450.68 500 49 90.14%
2-1200-6050-6120 Wat Op - Main Repairs - Wages CUPE 24,926.15 24,926.15 696.67 33,950 33,254 2.05%
2-1200-6050-6195 Wat Op - Main Repairs - Benefits 7,667.87 7,667.87 2,440.17 8,488 6,047 28.75%
2-1200-6050-6205 Wat Op - Main Repairs - Contracts 64,078.75 64,078.75 14,448.93 21,755 7,306 66.42%
2-1200-6050-6350 Wat Op - Main Repairs - Supplies 16,298.10 16,298.10 5,803.16 11,095 5,292 52.30%
2-1200-6050-6361 Wat Op - Main Repairs - Equip Pool Chg Out 4,604.99 4,604.99 3,609.36 11,167 7,558 32.32%
2-1200-6051-6120 Wat Op - Flushing Program - Wages CUPE 1,597.94 1,597.94 562.75 4,800 4,237 11.72%
2-1200-6051-6195 Wat Op - Flushing Program - Benefits 252.89 252.89 129.66 1,200 1,070 10.81%
2-1200-6051-6350 Wat Op - Flushing Program - Supplies 44.85 2,500 2,455 1.79%
2-1200-6051-6361 Wat Op - Flushing Program - Equip Pool Chg Out 432.77 432.77 5,600 5,600 0.00%
2-1200-6052-6120 Wat Op - Flushing Unscheduled - Wages CUPE 359.71 1,109 750 32.42%
2-1200-6052-6195 Wat Op - Flushing Unscheduled - Benefits 1.87 277 276 0.67%
2-1200-6052-6361 Wat Op - Flushing Unscheduled - Equip Pool Chg Out 366.19 366.19 2,774 2,774 0.00%
2-1200-6053-6120 Wat Op - Valve Checks - Wages CUPE 13,349.64 13,349.64 25,771.79 10,389 -15,383 248.07%
2-1200-6053-6195 Wat Op - Valve Checks - Benefits 4,169.59 4,169.59 5,789.60 2,597 -3,192 222.92%
2-1200-6053-6350 Wat Op - Valve Checks - Supplies 2,656.25 2,656.25 154.79 577 422 26.82%
2-1200-6053-6361 Wat Op - Valve Checks - Equip Pool Chg Out 7,750.69 7,750.69 3,761.77 7,171 3,409 52.46%
2-1200-6054-6120 Wat Op - Valve Repairs - Wages CUPE 7,682.10 7,682.10 4,905.57 23,086 18,181 21.25%
2-1200-6054-6195 Wat Op - Valve Repairs - Benefits 2,177.68 2,177.68 1,182.81 5,772 4,589 20.49%
2-1200-6054-6205 Wat Op - Valve Repairs - Contracts 33,645.38 33,645.38 51,369.34 21,755 -29,615 236.13%
2-1200-6054-6350 Wat Op - Valve Repairs - Supplies 20,799.07 20,799.07 9,088.53 32,632 23,544 27.85%
2-1200-6054-6361 Wat Op - Valve Repairs - Equip Pool Chg Out 9,714.87 9,714.87 4,649.26 16,270 11,621 28.58%
2-1200-6055-6120 Wat Op - Serv Connect - Wages CUPE 1,665.58 1,665.58 5,996.30 23,086 17,090 25.97%
2-1200-6055-6195 Wat Op - Serv Connect - Benefits 329.28 329.28 1,207.64 5,772 4,564 20.92%
2-1200-6055-6205 Wat Op - Serv Connect - Contracts 66,276.82 66,276.82 75,823.33 34,629 -41,194 218.96%
2-1200-6055-6350 Wat Op - Serv Connect - Supplies 10,318.96 10,318.96 2,273.48 21,755 19,481 10.45%
2-1200-6055-6361 Wat Op - Serv Connect - Equip Pool Chg. Out 1,009.00 1,009.00 6,151.01 10,499 4,348 58.59%
2-1200-6056-6120 Wat Op - Serv Connect Thawing - Wages CUPE 123.48 123.48 1,132 1,132 0.00%
2-1200-6056-6195 Wat Op - Serv Connect Thawing - Benefits 283 283 0.00%
2-1200-6056-6350 Wat Op - Serv Connect Thawing - Supplies 566 566 0.00%
2-1200-6056-6361 Wat Op - Serv Connect Thawing - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,664 1,664 0.00%
2-1200-6057-6120 Wat Op - Serv Connect Bleeders - Wages CUPE 5,817.22 5,817.22 5,858.65 3,263 -2,595 179.54%
2-1200-6057-6195 Wat Op - Serv Connect Bleeders - Benefits 1,261.93 1,261.93 1,614.12 816 -798 197.85%
2-1200-6057-6350 Wat Op - Serv Connect Bleeders - Supplies 1,402.98 1,402.98 150.00 566 416 26.51%
2-1200-6057-6361 Wat Op - Serv Connect Bleeders - Equip Pool Chg Ou 1,198.51 1,198.51 2,663.20 1,602 -1,061 166.27%
2-1200-6058-6120 Wat Op - Curb Box Repairs - Wages CUPE 16,606.50 16,606.50 17,140.60 17,315 174 98.99%
2-1200-6058-6195 Wat Op - Curb Box Repairs - Benefits 3,425.84 3,425.84 4,037.11 4,329 292 93.26%
2-1200-6058-6350 Wat Op - Curb Box Repairs - Supplies 10,104.98 10,104.98 3,011.30 5,332 2,321 56.48%
2-1200-6058-6361 Wat Op - Curb Box Repairs - Equip.Pool Chg Out 14,279.39 14,279.39 16,329.93 13,578 -2,752 120.27%
2-1200-6059-6120 Wat Op - Hydrant - Checks - Wages CUPE 19,048.89 19,048.89 24,757.19 11,543 -13,214 214.47%
2-1200-6059-6195 Wat Op - Hydrant - Checks - Benefits 5,717.67 5,717.67 7,536.00 2,886 -4,650 261.14%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 213 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
2-1200-6059-6361 Wat Op - Hydrant Checks - Equip Pool Chg Out 6,758.47 6,758.47 5,251.08 9,921 4,670 52.93%
2-1200-6060-6120 Wat Op - Hydrant Repairs - Wages CUPE 45,682.40 45,682.40 47,424.55 43,034 -4,391 110.20%
2-1200-6060-6195 Wat Op - Hydrant Repairs - Benefits 10,527.86 10,527.86 11,980.49 10,758 -1,223 111.36%
2-1200-6060-6205 Wat Op - Hydrant Repairs - Contracts 18,796.78 18,796.78 14,779.74 5,772 -9,008 256.08%
2-1200-6060-6350 Wat Op - Hydrant Repairs - Supplies 21,016.81 21,016.81 1,216.83 16,975 15,758 7.17%
2-1200-6060-6361 Wat Op - Hydrant Repairs - Equip Pool Chg Out 13,200.90 13,200.90 7,010.36 19,099 12,089 36.71%
2-1200-6061-6120 Wat Op - Water Meters - Wages - CUPE 57,576.60 57,576.60 66,713.26 61,713 -5,000 108.10%
2-1200-6061-6195 Wat Op - Water Meters - Benefits 14,937.50 14,937.50 18,854.60 15,429 -3,426 122.20%
2-1200-6061-6205 Wat Op - Water Meters - Contracts 5,455.81 5,455.81 21,824.84 135,000 113,175 16.17%
2-1200-6061-6350 Wat Op - Water Meters - Supplies 82,650.19 82,650.19 58,060.61 102,000 43,939 56.92%
2-1200-6061-6361 Wat Op - Water Meters - Equip Pool Chg Out 5,439 5,439 0.00%
2-1201-0000-6215 Wat Admin - Advertising 750.00 750.00 869.15 5,439 4,570 15.98%
2-1201-0000-6225 Wat Admin - Consultant Serv. 107,814.93 107,814.93 54,982.98 117,000 62,017 46.99%
2-1201-0000-6230 Wat Admin - Training & Seminars 4,666.21 4,666.21 1,185.01 5,772 4,587 20.53%
2-1201-0000-6301 Wat Admin - Stationery Supplies 248.00 248.00 69.55 577 508 12.05%
2-1201-0000-6350 Wat Admin - Supplies 163.71 163.71 489.23 -489 0.00%
2-1201-0000-6361 Wat Admin - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,783.28 2,783.28 2,783.28 2,899 116 96.00%
2-1201-0000-6404 Wat Admin - Telephone 8,926.83 8,926.83 10,203.06 8,160 -2,043 125.04%
2-1201-0000-6602 Wat Admin - Mileage 1,035.05 1,035.05 566 566 0.00%
2-1201-1600-6350 Wat Admin - Computer - Supplies 1,900.22 4,040 2,140 47.03%
2-1201-6000-6615 Wat Admin - Wat Gen - Memberships 534.71 534.71 748.74 1,088 339 68.83%
2-1202-0000-6120 Bill & Collec - Wages - CUPE 13,606.11 13,606.11 17,220.40 57,716 40,495 29.84%
2-1202-0000-6195 Bill & Collec - Benefits 4,129.39 4,129.39 4,263.88 14,429 10,165 29.55%
2-1202-0000-6335 Bill & Collec - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allow. 511.82 511.82 1,309.97 2,719 1,409 48.17%
2-1202-0000-6361 Bill & Collec - Equip Pool Chg Out 16,933.56 16,933.56 17,000.14 17,639 639 96.38%
2-1203-0000-6120 Turn On/Off - Wages - CUPE 4,658.04 4,658.04 4,464.98 5,658 1,193 78.91%
2-1203-0000-6195 Turn On/Off - Benefits 844.40 844.40 549.97 1,415 865 38.88%
2-1203-0000-6361 Turn On/Off - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,714.60 1,714.60 565.93 2,304 1,738 24.56%
2-1204-1600-6225 Scada - Computers - Consultants 532.50 532.50 6,235.62 10,000 3,764 62.36%
2-1204-1600-6286 Scada - Computers - Programing 5,760.27 5,760.27 28,927.50 5,772 -23,156 501.21%
2-1204-1600-6350 Scada - Computers - Supplies 16,703.43 16,703.43 21,511.08 5,772 -15,740 372.71%
2-1204-1600-6360 Scada - Computers - Equip. Other 568.20 -568 0.00%
2-1204-1600-6620 Scada - Computers - Miscellaneous 212.00 212.00 0 0.00%
2-1204-1820-6335 Scada - Equipment Office - Repairs & Mtce. 2,352.39 2,352.39 490.55 1,731 1,241 28.33%
2-1204-6010-6225 Scada - Radio - Consultants 5,000 5,000 0.00%
2-1204-6010-6335 Scada - Radio - Repairs & Mtce. 3,507.98 3,507.98 6,926 6,926 0.00%
2-1205-0000-6361 Watersales - Equip Pool Chg Out 70 70 0.00%
2-1205-1500-6120 Watersales - Buildings - Wages CUPE 1,717.18 1,717.18 1,372.62 -1,373 0.00%
2-1205-1500-6195 Watersales - Bldgs - Benefits 281.48 281.48 185.68 -186 0.00%
2-1205-1500-6205 Watersales - Bldgs - Contracts 123.32 123.32 4,320.12 1,088 -3,232 397.16%
2-1205-1500-6225 Watersales - Bldgs - Consulting 5,228 5,228 0.00%
2-1205-1500-6245 Watersales - Bldgs - Insurance 696.00 696.00 737.19 727 -10 101.40%
2-1205-1500-6335 Watersales - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 2,819.42 2,819.42 11,891.52 5,772 -6,120 206.04%
2-1205-1500-6350 Watersales - Bldgs - Supplies 935.88 935.88 3,353.54 2,219 -1,135 151.13%
2-1205-1500-6364 Watersales - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 5,105.27 5,105.27 3,299.01 7,922 4,623 41.64%
2-1205-1500-6365 Watersales - Bldgs - Mechanical Repairs 1,990.20 1,990.20 1,455.07 5,772 4,317 25.21%
2-1205-1500-6408 Watersales - Bldgs - Electricity 6,856.02 6,856.02 8,577.98 7,841 -737 109.40%
2-1205-2000-6120 Watersales - Rds & St Gen - Wages 328.24 328.24 140.83 -141 0.00%
2-1205-2000-6195 Watersales - Rds & St Gen - Benefits 40.92 40.92 32.43 -32 0.00%
2-1205-2010-6361 Watersales - Grading - Equip Pool Chg Out 536.81 -537 0.00%
2-1205-3120-6335 Watersales - Security - Repairs & Mtce. 2,000 2,000 0.00%
2-1206-0000-6120 Watershed - Wages CUPE 67,837.05 67,837.05 103,333.89 160,000 56,666 64.58%
2-1206-0000-6195 Watershed - Benefits 15,965.17 15,965.17 23,037.24 40,000 16,963 57.59%
2-1206-0000-6205 Watershed - Contracts 12,287.01 12,287.01 22,022.96 51,000 28,977 43.18%
2-1206-0000-6225 Watershed - Consultants 12,438.88 12,438.88 15,000 15,000 0.00%
2-1206-0000-6227 Watershed - Lab Analysis 12,343.71 12,343.71 38,634.70 50,000 11,365 77.27%
2-1206-0000-6230 Watershed - Training & Seminars 2,719.67 2,719.67 3,644.07 3,570 -74 102.07%
2-1206-0000-6235 Watershed - Public Relations 7,955.14 7,955.14 7,382.18 9,180 1,798 80.42%
2-1206-0000-6280 Watershed - Rentals 20.22 20.22 28.89 3,200 3,171 0.90%
2-1206-0000-6285 Watershed - Planning Study 30,465.80 30,465.80 20,725.75 46,920 26,194 44.17%
2-1206-0000-6291 Watershed - Fees 2,554.33 2,554.33 1,385.92 2,540 1,154 54.56%
2-1206-0000-6315 Watershed - Memberships 425.00 425.00 340.00 408 68 83.33%
2-1206-0000-6335 Watershed - Repairs & Maintenance 1,100.00 1,632 532 67.42%
2-1206-0000-6350 Watershed - Supplies 5,217.51 5,217.51 10,267.06 10,455 188 98.20%
2-1206-0000-6361 Watershed - Equip Pool Chg Out 9,035.04 9,035.04 9,035.04 10,144 1,109 89.06%
2-1206-0000-6608 Watershed - Conventions & Delegations 1,782.11 1,782.11 4,315.60 8,000 3,684 53.95%
2-1206-0000-6620 Watershed - Miscellaneous 2,071.54 2,071.54 2,265.69 2,719 454 83.32%
2-1207-0000-6225 Weir - Consultants 95,892.47 95,892.47 65,849.99 70,000 4,150 94.07%
2-1207-0000-6335 Weir - Repairs & Mtce. 181,976.97 181,976.97 25,450.84 55,000 29,549 46.27%
2-1208-1500-6120 WTP - Buildings - CUPE Wages 5,806.34 5,806.34 13,341.29 30,600 17,259 43.60%
2-1208-1500-6195 WTP - Buildings - Benefits 1,246.65 1,246.65 3,049.60 7,650 4,600 39.86%
2-1208-1500-6245 WTP House - Bldgs - Insurance 278.50 278.50 329.27 290 -39 113.54%
2-1208-1500-6335 WTP House - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 191.70 191.70 2,818.96 2,719 -100 103.66%
2-1208-1500-6364 WTP House - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 1,976.20 1,976.20 366.47 1,132 765 32.38%
2-1208-1500-6406 WTP House - Bldgs - Natural Gas 713.25 713.25 524.51 1,046 521 50.17%
2-1208-1500-6408 WTP House - Bldgs - Electricity 446.75 446.75 327.20 523 196 62.59%
2-1210-0000-6120 Power & Pumping - Wages CUPE 73,185 73,185 0.00%
2-1210-0000-6195 Power & Pumping - Benefits 18,296 18,296 0.00%
2-1210-0000-6361 Power & Pumping - Equip Pool Chg Out 5,772 5,772 0.00%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
2-1215-0000-6120 Arras Pumphouse - Wages CUPE 3,560.68 3,560.68 3,472.69 -3,473 0.00%
2-1215-0000-6195 Arras Pumphouse - Benefits 736.20 736.20 836.10 -836 0.00%
2-1215-0000-6361 Arras Pumphouse - Equip Pool Chg Out 1,864.24 1,864.24 0 0.00%
2-1215-1500-6120 Arras Pumphouse - Bldgs - Wages 6,364.81 6,364.81 1,925.55 -1,926 0.00%
2-1215-1500-6195 Arras Pumphouse - Bldgs - Benefits 1,143.67 1,143.67 461.91 -462 0.00%
2-1215-1500-6245 Arras Pumphouse - Bldgs - Insurance 1,076.15 1,076.15 1,172.72 1,121 -52 104.61%
2-1215-1500-6335 Arras Pumphouse - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 4,142.70 4,142.70 1,190.71 32,309 31,118 3.69%
2-1215-1500-6350 Arras Pumphouse - Bldgs - Supplies 2,713.08 2,713.08 3,511.51 -3,512 0.00%
2-1215-1500-6364 Arras Pumphouse - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 4,135.63 4,135.63 1,221.16 2,309 1,087 52.90%
2-1215-1500-6404 Arras Pumphouse - Bldgs - Telephone 250.44 250.44 564.80 765 200 73.83%
2-1215-1500-6408 Arras Pumphouse - Bldgs - Electricity 39,119.34 39,119.34 40,413.90 36,593 -3,821 110.44%
2-1215-3120-6635 Arras Pumphouse - Security - Repairs & Mtce. 1,132 1,132 0.00%
2-1215-6000-6335 Arras Pumphouse - General - Repairs & Mtce. 43.87 43.87 0 0.00%
2-1215-6000-6350 Arras Pumphouse - General - Supplies 1,240.49 -1,240 0.00%
2-1215-6000-6364 Arras Pumphouse - General - Electrical Repairs 1,089.58 -1,090 0.00%
2-1215-6000-6365 Arras Pumphouse - General - Mechanical Repairs 29,685.69 29,685.69 4,429.36 11,317 6,887 39.14%
2-1216-0000-6120 Devereaux Booster - Wages - CUPE 1,103.37 1,103.37 2,453.68 -2,454 0.00%
2-1216-0000-6195 Devereaux Booster - Benefits 235.21 235.21 571.72 -572 0.00%
2-1216-0000-6404 Devereaux Booster - Telecomemetry - Telephone 3,074.11 3,074.11 2,601.17 2,907 306 89.48%
2-1216-1500-6245 Devereaux Booster - Bldgs - Insurance 1,162.10 1,162.10 1,265.28 1,130 -135 111.97%
2-1216-1500-6335 Devereaux Booster - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 3,029.09 3,029.09 1,396.93 1,132 -265 123.44%
2-1216-1500-6364 Devereaux Booster - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 432.00 432.00 960.19 3,137 2,176 30.61%
2-1216-1500-6365 Devereaux Booster - Bldgs - Mechanical Repairs 74.90 74.90 5,658 5,658 0.00%
2-1216-1500-6408 Devereaux Booster - Bldgs - Electricity 17,727.31 17,727.31 27,354.92 36,593 9,238 74.76%
2-1216-2130-6335 Devereaux Booster - Snowremoval - Repairs & Mtce. 550.00 550.00 0 0.00%
2-1217-0000-6120 Hansen Pumphouse - Wages CUPE 3,337.94 3,337.94 4,278.92 1,200 -3,079 356.58%
2-1217-0000-6195 Hansen Pumphouse - Benefits 622.49 622.49 1,109.74 300 -810 369.91%
2-1217-0000-6361 Hansen Pumphouse - Equip Pool Chg Out 233.03 233.03 1,200 1,200 0.00%
2-1217-1500-6245 Hansen Pumphouse - Bldgs - Insurance 1,230.10 1,230.10 36.01 1,278 1,242 2.82%
2-1217-1500-6335 Hansen Pumphouse - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 1,122.15 1,122.15 4,343.61 2,661 -1,682 163.22%
2-1217-1500-6350 Hansen Pumphouse - Bldgs - Supplies 98.66 98.66 32.10 1,132 1,100 2.84%
2-1217-1500-6364 Hansen Pumphouse - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 3,539.96 3,539.96 604.80 5,658 5,054 10.69%
2-1217-1500-6408 Hansen Pumphouse - Bldgs - Electricity 104,301.65 104,301.65 72,623.55 73,185 561 99.23%
2-1231-0000-6120 Parkhill Pumphouse - Wages - CUPE 2,449.08 2,449.08 2,980.61 -2,981 0.00%
2-1231-0000-6195 Parkhill Pumphouse - Benefits 523.36 523.36 758.34 -758 0.00%
2-1231-1500-6120 Parkhill Pumphouse - Buildings - Wages CUPE 1,414.91 1,414.91 1,994.82 -1,995 0.00%
2-1231-1500-6195 Parkhill Pumphouse - Buildings - Benefits 210.10 210.10 511.24 -511 0.00%
2-1231-1500-6245 Parkhill Pumphouse - Buildings - Insurance 1,507.39 1,507.39 1,481.63 1,569 87 94.43%
2-1231-1500-6335 Parkhill Pumphouse - Buildings - Repairs & Mtce. 2,171.39 2,171.39 19,648.49 1,132 -18,517 1736.22%
2-1231-1500-6360 Parkhill Pumphouse - Buildings - Equipment Other 3,466.41 -3,466 0.00%
2-1231-1500-6364 Parkhill Pumphouse - Buildings - Electrical Repair 2,046.29 2,046.29 5,502.92 3,395 -2,108 162.09%
2-1231-1500-6365 Parkhill Pumphouse - Buildings - Mechanical Repair 3,314.86 3,314.86 1,865.26 5,658 3,793 32.96%
2-1231-1500-6406 Parkhill Pumphouse - Buildings - Natural Gas 1,552.85 1,552.85 1,099.54 2,509 1,410 43.82%
2-1231-1500-6408 Parkhill Pumphouse - Buildings - Electricity 12,124.08 12,124.08 8,456.80 20,910 12,453 40.44%
2-1231-1700-6335 Parkhill Pumphouse - Grounds - Repairs & Mtce. 243.00 243.00 0 0.00%
2-1231-3120-6350 Parkhill Pumphouse - Security - Supplies 1,724.52 1,698 -27 101.59%
2-1231-6020-6335 Parkhill Pumphouse - Cathodic - Repairs & Mtce. 1,200.67 1,200.67 0 0.00%
2-1232-0000-6120 Alaska Booster - Wages - CUPE 2,664.22 2,664.22 4,201.18 -4,201 0.00%
2-1232-0000-6195 Alaska Booster - Benefits 520.84 520.84 1,024.88 -1,025 0.00%
2-1232-1500-6245 Alaska Booster - Buildings - Insurance 785.75 785.75 948.00 823 -125 115.19%
2-1232-1500-6335 Alaska Booster - Buildings - Repairs & Mtce. 802.50 802.50 176.40 1,698 1,521 10.39%
2-1232-1500-6360 Alaska Booster - Buildings - Equip. Other 3,884.01 -3,884 0.00%
2-1232-1500-6364 Alaska Booster - Buildings - Electrical Repairs 1,121.46 2,263 1,142 49.55%
2-1232-1500-6365 Alaska Booster - Buildings - Mechanical Repairs 4,527 4,527 0.00%
2-1232-1500-6406 Alaska Booster - Buildings - Natural Gas 736.14 736.14 231.53 1,046 814 22.15%
2-1232-1500-6408 Alaska Booster - Buildings - Electricity 18,770.72 18,770.72 14,815.05 18,819 4,004 78.72%
2-1232-3120-6335 Alaska Booster - Security - Repairs & Mtce. 521.62 521.62 2,829 2,829 0.00%
2-1232-3120-6350 Alaska Booster - Security - Supplies 1,698 1,698 0.00%
2-1232-6020-6335 Alaska Booster - Cathodic - Repairs & Mtce. 1,200.67 1,200.67 0 0.00%
2-1233-1500-6110 Pouce Coupe Booster - Bldgs - Wages - Exempt 124.17 124.17 0 0.00%
2-1233-1500-6120 Pouce Coupe Booster - Bldgs - Wages CUPE 2,986.26 2,986.26 5,541.49 -5,541 0.00%
2-1233-1500-6195 Pouce Coupe Booster - Bldgs - Benefits 584.84 584.84 1,064.00 -1,064 0.00%
2-1233-1500-6245 Pouce Coupe Booster - Bldgs - Insurance 413.41 413.41 399.90 430 30 93.00%
2-1233-1500-6335 Pouce Coupe Booster - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 915.00 915.00 313.31 1,132 818 27.69%
2-1233-1500-6360 Pouce Coupe Booster - Bldgs - Equipment - Other 7,027.32 -7,027 0.00%
2-1233-1500-6364 Pouce Coupe Booster - Bldgs - Electrical Repairs 974.31 974.31 3,777.15 1,066 -2,711 354.19%
2-1233-1500-6365 Pouce Coupe Booster - Bldgs - Mechanical Repairs 1,109 1,109 0.00%
2-1233-1500-6408 Pouce Coupe Booster - Bldgs - Electricity 1,355.23 1,355.23 1,556.95 1,568 11 99.28%
2-1233-3120-6350 Pouce Coupe Booster - Security - Supplies 555 555 0.00%
2-1233-6020-6335 Pouce Coupe Booster - Cathodic - Repairs & Mtce. 1,200.67 1,200.67 0 0.00%
2-1234-1500-6120 Loran Booster Stn - Buildings - CUPE Wages 862.20 862.20 2,911.57 -2,912 0.00%
2-1234-1500-6195 Loran Booster Stn - Benefits 156.86 156.86 700.71 -701 0.00%
2-1234-1500-6245 Loran Booster Stn - Insurance 2,017.00 2,150 133 93.81%
2-1234-1500-6335 Loran Booster Stn - Repairs & Mtce. 658.96 658.96 2,481.81 2,091 -391 118.69%
2-1234-1500-6361 Loran Booster Stn - Equipment Pool Chq Out 523 523 0.00%
2-1234-1500-6364 Loran Booster Stn - Electrical Repairs 3,430.66 3,430.66 2,091 2,091 0.00%
2-1234-1500-6365 Loran Booster Stn - Mechanical Repairs 2,998.69 2,998.69 3,137 3,137 0.00%
2-1234-1500-6406 Loran Booster Stn - Natural Gas 3,137 3,137 0.00%
2-1234-1500-6408 Loran Booster Stn - Electricity 6,391.04 6,391.04 9,518.62 10,455 936 91.04%

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01/31/2017 Page 215 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
2-1234-3120-6350 Loran Booster Stn - Security Supplies 784.97 -785 0.00%
2-1240-0000-6120 Purif & Trtmt - Wages 53,260.65 53,260.65 93,981.17 73,185 -20,796 128.42%
2-1240-0000-6195 Purif & Trtmt - Benefits 9,843.54 9,843.54 21,341.10 18,296 -3,045 116.64%
2-1240-0000-6350 Purif & Trtmt - Supplies 26,641.53 26,641.53 5,196.30 15,000 9,804 34.64%
2-1240-0000-6355 Purif & Trtmt - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allow. 1,183.15 1,183.15 696.31 2,829 2,133 24.61%
2-1240-0000-6361 Purif & Trtmt - Equip Pool Chg Out 5,311.68 5,311.68 5,311.68 5,540 228 95.88%
2-1240-0000-6404 Purif & Trtmt - Telephone 3,527.68 3,527.68 3,055.06 3,264 209 93.60%
2-1241-0000-6390 WTP - Commissary 1,231.82 1,231.82 379.82 905 526 41.95%
2-1241-0000-6402 WTP - Water/Sewer/Garbage 514.36 514.36 655.14 612 -43 107.05%
2-1241-1500-6120 WTP - Buildings - Wages CUPE 52,278.14 52,278.14 55,124.85 -55,125 0.00%
2-1241-1500-6195 WTP - Buildings - Benefits 10,160.82 10,160.82 11,757.56 -11,758 0.00%
2-1241-1500-6205 WTP - Buildings - Contracts 4,616.51 4,616.51 8,249.37 26,138 17,888 31.56%
2-1241-1500-6225 WTP - Buildings - Consultants 5,000 5,000 0.00%
2-1241-1500-6245 WTP - Buildings - Insurance 18,376.24 18,376.24 20,004.23 19,327 -677 103.50%
2-1241-1500-6280 WTP - Buildings - Rentals 2,886 2,886 0.00%
2-1241-1500-6335 WTP - Buildings - Repairs & Mtce. 17,938.03 17,938.03 18,081.00 23,086 5,005 78.32%
2-1241-1500-6350 WTP - Buildings - Supplies 16,489.02 16,489.02 13,296.99 5,772 -7,525 230.39%
2-1241-1500-6361 WTP - Buildings - Eqp Pool Charge Out 932.12 932.12 0 0.00%
2-1241-1500-6364 WTP - Buildings - Electrical Repairs 9,273.62 9,273.62 12,994.97 9,053 -3,942 143.54%
2-1241-1500-6365 WTP - Buildings - Mechanical Repairs 263.50 263.50 3,596.23 16,642 13,046 21.61%
2-1241-1500-6404 WTP - Buildings - Telephone 486.79 486.79 931.31 -931 0.00%
2-1241-1500-6406 WTP - Buildings - Natural Gas 6,681.48 6,681.48 5,034.54 11,501 6,466 43.78%
2-1241-1500-6408 WTP - Buildings - Electricity 43,877.84 43,877.84 42,824.86 47,048 4,223 91.02%
2-1241-1540-6205 WTP - Janitorial - Contracts 2,263 2,263 0.00%
2-1241-1540-6350 WTP - Janitorial - Supplies 1,083.57 1,083.57 317.05 1,154 837 27.47%
2-1241-1600-6205 WTP - Computers - Contracts 1,380.18 1,380.18 1,000 1,000 0.00%
2-1241-1700-6120 WTP - Grounds - Wages CUPE 6,305.06 6,305.06 17,712.39 10,455 -7,257 169.42%
2-1241-1700-6195 WTP - Grounds - Benefits 1,263.29 1,263.29 4,382.36 2,614 -1,769 167.67%
2-1241-1700-6335 WTP - Grounds - Repairs & Mtce. 27,311.13 27,311.13 29,570.11 35,000 5,430 84.49%
2-1241-1800-6350 WTP - Equip.Other - Supplies 119.24 119.24 6,078.85 4,617 -1,462 131.65%
2-1241-1820-6350 WTP - Equip.Office - Supplies 343.78 343.78 332.51 577 245 57.61%
2-1241-3120-6335 WTP - Security - Repairs & Mtce. 66.87 66.87 10,590.25 4,617 -5,973 229.36%
2-1241-6010-6350 WTP - Radios - Supplies 2,422.64 2,422.64 2,363.24 -2,363 0.00%
2-1241-6030-6350 WTP - Treatment - Supplies 4,580.77 4,580.77 4,546.37 6,505 1,959 69.89%
2-1241-6030-6380 WTP - Treatment - Chemicals 51,166.34 51,166.34 102,471.92 73,185 -29,287 140.02%
2-1242-0000-6335 Sludge Pond - Repairs & Mtce. 4,438 4,438 0.00%
2-1242-0000-6361 Sludge Pond - PW24 2,226.36 2,226.36 2,226.36 2,327 101 95.66%
2-1246-1500-6335 WTP V Chambers - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce. 767.41 767.41 1,032.74 1,132 99 91.26%
2-1246-1500-6360 WTP V Chambers - Bldgs - Equipment Other 1,689.06 -1,689 0.00%
2-1246-1500-6364 WTP V Chambers - Bldgs - Electrical Repair 1,132 1,132 0.00%
2-1252-6000-6120 Supply Line - Water General - Wages - CUPE 1,063.04 1,063.04 1,200 1,200 0.00%
2-1252-6000-6195 Supply Line - Water General - Benefits 275.74 275.74 300 300 0.00%
2-1252-6000-6335 Supply Line - Water General - Repairs & Mtce. 7,259.56 7,259.56 1,315.43 28,791 27,476 4.57%
2-1252-6000-6361 Supply Line - Water General - Equip Pool Chg Out 717 717 0.00%
2-1252-6020-6335 Supply Line - Cathodic - Repairs & Mtce. 26,073.80 26,073.80 5,267.35 15,300 10,033 34.43%
2-1252-6020-6408 Supply Line - Cathodic - Electricity 4,138.62 4,138.62 4,832.49 4,182 -650 115.55%
2-1253-0000-6120 Hart Reservoir - Wages - CUPE 1,016.24 1,016.24 2,849.15 1,200 -1,649 237.43%
2-1253-0000-6195 Hart Reservoir - Benefits 218.04 218.04 703.77 300 -404 234.59%
2-1253-1700-6335 Hart Reservoir - Grounds - Repairs & Mtce. 4,425.00 4,425.00 4,367.73 4,527 159 96.49%
2-1254-0000-6120 Trail Reservoir - Wages - CUPE 3,875.21 3,875.21 4,914.74 2,400 -2,515 204.78%
2-1254-0000-6195 Trail Reservoir - Benefits 783.97 783.97 1,162.57 600 -563 193.76%
2-1254-1500-6335 Trail Reservoir - Buildings - Repairs & Maintenanc 17,811.51 17,811.51 486.97 22,634 22,147 2.15%
2-1254-1500-6360 Trail Reservoir - Buildings - Equip.Other 354.17 354.17 0 0.00%
2-1254-1500-6408 Trail Reservoir - Buildings - Electricity 1,087.89 1,087.89 3,263.51 4,182 918 78.04%
2-1254-1700-6205 Trail Reservoir - Grounds - Contracts 6,371.53 -6,372 0.00%
2-1254-1700-6361 Trail Reservoir - Grounds - Equip Pool Chg Out 191.00 191.00 0 0.00%
2-1254-1700-6621 Trail Reservoir - Grounds - Miscellaneous 13,377.00 13,377.00 9,730.60 15,300 5,569 63.60%
2-1254-3120-6335 Trail Reservoir - Security - Repairs & Mtce. 66.87 66.87 0 0.00%
2-1254-6000-6350 Trail Reservoir - Water Gen - Repairs & Mtce. 35.62 35.62 267.50 -268 0.00%
2-1255-1500-6335 Hart Metering - Buildings - Repairs & Mtce. 176.40 2,263 2,087 7.79%
2-1255-1500-6364 Hart Metering - Buildings - Electrical Repairs 346.42 -346 0.00%
2-1255-1500-6408 Hart Metering - Buildings - Electricity 842.23 842.23 964.46 1,568 604 61.50%
2-1256-1500-6335 Trail Metering - Buildings - Repairs & Mtce. 2,263 2,263 0.00%
2-1256-1500-6364 Trail Metering - Buildings - Electrical Repairs 75.60 -76 0.00%
2-1257-0000-6120 Harald Hansen Reservoir - Wages CUPE 1,336.09 1,336.09 1,033.97 -1,034 0.00%
2-1257-0000-6195 Harald Hansen Reservoir - Benefits 237.78 237.78 259.13 -259 0.00%
2-1257-0000-6335 Harald Hansen Reservoir - Repairs & Mtce. 6,142.53 6,142.53 6,112.39 15,683 9,570 38.98%
2-1257-1500-6245 Harald Hansen Reservoir - Buildings - Insurance 0.00 0.00 1,065.00 -1,065 0.00%
2-1258-0000-6120 Loran Reservoir - CUPE Wages 3,597.36 3,597.36 2,157.82 -2,158 0.00%
2-1258-0000-6195 Loran Reservoir - Benefits 636.55 636.55 547.42 -547 0.00%
2-1258-0000-6245 Loran Reservoir - Insurance 5,279.92 5,279.92 3,403.00 3,159 -244 107.72%
2-1258-0000-6335 Loran Reservoir - Repairs & Mtce. 1,987.13 1,987.13 0.00 5,109 5,109 0.00%
2-1258-0000-6350 Loran Reservoir - Supplies 5,194.23 5,194.23 748.63 10,723 9,975 6.98%
2-1258-0000-6361 Loran Reservoir - Equip Pool Chg Out 233.06 233.06 55.81 209 153 26.69%
2-1260-1500-6335 Parkhill Metering - Bldgs - Repairs & Mtce 1,996.37 1,996.37 10,382.99 2,263 -8,120 458.74%
2-1261-0000-6120 Parkhill Reservoir - Wages - CUPE 1,781.95 1,781.95 2,692.58 1,200 -1,493 224.38%
2-1261-0000-6195 Parkhill Reservoir - Benefits 386.93 386.93 507.87 300 -208 169.29%
2-1261-0000-6361 Parkhill Reservoir - Equip Pool Chg Out 70 70 0.00%
2-1261-1500-6245 Parkhill Reservoir - Bldgs - Insurance 7,389.26 7,389.26 7,944.97 7,725 -220 102.85%

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ITEM 2.1

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
2-1261-1700-6205 Parkhill Reservoir - Grounds - Contracts 1,046 1,046 0.00%
2-1261-3120-6335 Parkhill Reservoir - Security - Repairs & Mtce. 401.24 401.24 0 0.00%
2-1261-6000-6335 Parkhill Reservoir - Water Gen. - Repairs & Mtce. 80.25 80.25 5.35 2,263 2,258 0.24%
2-1261-6000-6350 Parkhill Reservoir - Water Gen. - Supplies 7,208.74 7,208.74 1,271.95 10,200 8,928 12.47%
2-1200-0000-6362 WS - EP Surplus Adjustment -90,828.98 -90,828.98 -58,711.01 -91,475 -32,764 64.18%
WATER UTILITY EXPENDITURES 2,584,762.18 2,584,762.18 2,270,422.01 2,921,309 650,887 77.72%

3-1400-0000-6110 Sewage Op - Wages - Exempt 72,324.96 72,324.96 0 0.00%

3-1400-0000-6120 Sewage Op - Wages - CUPE 70,537.64 70,537.64 21,394.13 30,000 8,606 71.31%
3-1400-0000-6195 Sewage Op - Benefits 33,938.01 33,938.01 4,366.58 7,500 3,133 58.22%
3-1400-0000-6225 Sewage Op - Sewage Consultants 51,493.00 51,493.00 23,702.00 35,000 11,298 67.72%
3-1400-0000-6227 Sewage Op - Lab Analysis 23,940.05 4,527 -19,413 528.86%
3-1400-0000-6230 Sewage Op - Training & Seminars 4,007.74 4,007.74 564.47 4,438 3,874 12.72%
3-1400-0000-6291 Sewage Op - Fees 400.00 400.00 0 0.00%
3-1400-0000-6301 Sewage Op - Stationery Supplies 305.39 -305 0.00%
3-1400-0000-6350 Sewage Op - Supplies 618.77 618.77 2,545.29 -2,545 0.00%
3-1400-0000-6355 Sewage Op - Clothing/Footwear/Tool Allow. 322.17 566 244 56.94%
3-1400-0000-6360 Sewage Op - Equipment - Other 144.29 -144 0.00%
3-1400-0000-6361 Sewage Op - Equip Pool Chg Out 26,351.52 26,351.52 26,351.52 33,415 7,064 78.86%
3-1400-0000-6615 Sewage Op - Memberships 400.00 -400 0.00%
3-1400-0000-6640 Sewage Op - Rights & Licences 3,629.98 3,629.98 3,629.98 4,527 897 80.19%
3-1400-0000-6699 Sewage Op - Minor Equipment 6,646.75 6,646.75 0 0.00%
3-1400-1600-6350 Sewage Op - Computer - Supplies 2,829 2,829 0.00%
3-1400-7050-6120 Sewage Op - Main Repairs - Wages CUPE 4,686.77 4,686.77 6,815.12 4,617 -2,198 147.60%
3-1400-7050-6195 Sewage Op - Main Repairs - Benefits 788.88 788.88 1,575.79 1,154 -421 136.51%
3-1400-7050-6205 Sewage Op - Main Repairs - Contracts 170,347.11 170,347.11 108,615.54 158,980 50,365 68.32%
3-1400-7050-6350 Sewage Op - Main Repairs - Supplies 8,150.13 8,150.13 2,459.36 11,317 8,857 21.73%
3-1400-7050-6361 Sewage Op - Main Repairs - Equip Pool Chg Out 3,108.04 3,108.04 4,472.71 3,593 -879 124.47%
3-1400-7051-6120 Sewage Op - Manhole Rep - Wages CUPE 6,666.38 6,666.38 7,260.77 8,657 1,397 83.87%
3-1400-7051-6195 Sewage Op - Manhole Rep - Benefits 1,656.73 1,656.73 1,751.31 2,164 413 80.92%
3-1400-7051-6205 Sewage Op - Manhole Rep - Contracts 20,772.48 20,772.48 10,793.40 4,438 -6,355 243.21%
3-1400-7051-6335 Sewage Op - Manhole Rep - Repairs & Mtce. 97.87 97.87 0 0.00%
3-1400-7051-6350 Sewage Op - Manhole Rep - Supplies 18,854.02 18,854.02 15,845.98 11,317 -4,529 140.02%
3-1400-7051-6361 Sewage Op - Manhole Rep - Equip Pool Chg Out 3,931.95 3,931.95 4,331.85 4,938 606 87.73%
3-1400-7052-6120 Sewage Op - Service Conn - Wages CUPE 217.64 217.64 1,864.37 11,317 9,452 16.47%
3-1400-7052-6195 Sewage Op - Service Conn - Benefits 48.42 48.42 423.01 2,886 2,463 14.66%
3-1400-7052-6205 Sewage Op - Service Conn - Contracts 36,872.49 36,872.49 78,581.01 15,683 -62,899 501.07%
3-1400-7052-6350 Sewage Op - Service Conn - Supplies 760.00 760.00 4,460.56 6,790 2,330 65.69%
3-1400-7052-6361 Sewage Op - Service Conn - Equip. Pool Chg Out 2,640.33 2,640.33 3,256.35 5,073 1,816 64.19%
3-1400-7053-6120 Sewage Op - Flushing Prog. - Wages CUPE 52,430.66 52,430.66 58,659.19 62,243 3,583 94.24%
3-1400-7053-6195 Sewage Op - Flushing Prog. - Benefits 17,200.47 17,200.47 17,749.78 15,872 -1,878 111.83%
3-1400-7053-6350 Sewage Op - Flushing Prog. - Supplies 569.08 1,731 1,162 32.87%
3-1400-7053-6361 Sewage Op - Flushing Prog. - Equip Pool Chg Out 37,068.42 37,068.42 48,731.24 49,439 707 98.57%
3-1400-7054-6120 Sewage Op - Flushing Unsched - Wages CUPE 5,238.01 5,238.01 8,881.07 5,093 -3,789 174.39%
3-1400-7054-6195 Sewage Op - Flushing Unsched - Benefits 864.61 864.61 1,620.93 1,299 -322 124.82%
3-1400-7054-6361 Sewage Op - Flushing Unsched - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,460.29 2,460.29 1,952.47 1,175 -777 166.15%
3-1401-0000-6120 Sewage Admin - Wages CUPE 31.04 31.04 0 0.00%
3-1402-0000-6120 Sewage Treatment Op - Wages 25,729.34 25,729.34 34,211.06 73,185 38,974 46.75%
3-1402-0000-6195 Sewage Treatment Op - Benefits 3,864.27 3,864.27 13,219.05 18,296 5,077 72.25%
3-1402-0000-6361 Sewage Treatment Plant Op - Equip Pool Chg Out 5,824.20 5,824.20 5,824.20 6,083 259 95.75%
3-1403-1500-6120 Sani Dump - Buildings - Wages CUPE 571.88 571.88 0 0.00%
3-1403-1500-6195 Sani Dump - Buildings - Benefits 147.56 147.56 0 0.00%
3-1403-1500-6335 Sani Dump - Buildings - Repairs & Mtce. 3,134.05 3,134.05 907.20 25,000 24,093 3.63%
3-1403-1500-6350 Sani Dump - Buildings - Supplies 293.42 293.42 0 0.00%
3-1403-1500-6361 Sani Dump - Buildings - Equip Pool Chg Out 287.97 287.97 1,151.88 372 -780 309.48%
3-1404-1600-6225 Scada - Computers - Consultant Services 12,843.42 2,500 -10,343 513.74%
3-1404-1600-6286 Scada - Computers - Programing 2,826.02 2,826.02 550.00 -550 0.00%
3-1404-1600-6291 Scada - Computers - Fees 332.82 332.82 0 0.00%
3-1404-1600-6350 Scada - Computers - Supplies 3,021.58 3,021.58 931.01 -931 0.00%
3-1404-1600-6620 Scada - Computers - Miscellaneous 520.42 520.42 0 0.00%
3-1404-1800-6350 Scada - Equipment Other - Supplies 187.25 187.25 390.55 -391 0.00%
3-1404-6010-6335 Scada - Radio - Repairs & Mtce. 440.00 1,109 669 39.66%
3-1405-0000-6120 Sani Dump - Wages CUPE 13,565.41 13,565.41 1,408.74 4,800 3,391 29.35%
3-1405-0000-6195 Sani Dump - Benefits 2,060.12 2,060.12 378.44 1,200 822 31.54%
3-1405-1500-6245 Sani Dump - Bldg - Insurance 156.25 156.25 168.91 164 -5 102.99%
3-1405-3120-6291 Sani Dump - Security - Fees 95.10 95.10 0 0.00%
3-1405-3120-6335 Sani Dump - Security - Repairs & Mtce. 1,152.00 1,152.00 0 0.00%
3-1405-3120-6350 Sani Dump - Security - Supplies 56,644.55 56,644.55 0 0.00%
3-1405-7000-6335 Sani Dump - Sewer General - Repairs & Maint. 18,073.11 18,073.11 5,228 5,228 0.00%
3-1405-7000-6364 Sani Dump - Sewer General - Electrical Repairs 1,015.76 1,015.76 566 566 0.00%
3-1405-7000-6620 Sani Dump - Sewage General - Miscellaneous 144.45 144.45 0 0.00%
3-1415-0000-6120 Bill & Collec - Wages CUPE 12,535.61 12,535.61 12,489.92 28,292 15,802 44.15%
3-1415-0000-6195 Bill & Collec - Benefits 3,933.74 3,933.74 4,185.88 7,073 2,887 59.18%
3-1420-0000-6620 Sewage Collect - Miscellaneous 6,100.00 -6,100 0.00%
3-1422-0000-6620 LP Monitoring Stn - Miscellaneous 122.48 -122 0.00%
3-1422-1500-6245 LP Monitoring Stn - Buildings - Insurance 110.50 110.50 119.23 117 -2 101.91%
3-1424-0000-6408 Pinecrest Lift Station - Electricity 91.21 91.21 96.55 157 60 61.56%
3-1425-0000-6120 115th Lift Station - Wages CUPE 9,639.04 9,639.04 6,693.83 9,600 2,906 69.73%
3-1425-0000-6195 115th Lift Station - Benefits 1,875.67 1,875.67 1,419.98 2,400 980 59.17%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 217 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
3-1425-0000-6364 115th Lift Station - Electrical Repairs 378.00 5,658 5,280 6.68%
3-1425-0000-6365 115th Lift Station - Mechanical Repairs 15,892.23 15,892.23 14,951.62 5,658 -9,293 264.24%
3-1425-1500-6245 115th Lift Station - Buildings - Insurance 1,347.71 1,347.71 1,304.58 1,404 99 92.92%
3-1425-1500-6335 115th Lift Station - Buildings - Repairs & Mtce. 2,390.52 2,390.52 123.00 2,263 2,140 5.43%
3-1425-1500-6350 115th Lift Station - Buildings - Supplies 329.69 329.69 1,132 1,132 0.00%
3-1425-1500-6364 115th Lift Station - Buildings - Electrical Repair 3,976.64 3,976.64 703.14 -703 0.00%
3-1425-1500-6404 115th Lift Station - Buildings - Telephone 872.43 872.43 738.85 816 77 90.55%
3-1425-1500-6408 115th Lift Station - Buildings - Electricity 13,391.55 13,391.55 14,599.25 20,910 6,311 69.82%
3-1427-0000-6120 Hart Hwy LIft Stn - Wages - CUPE 2,884.63 2,884.63 2,241.68 2,400 158 93.40%
3-1427-0000-6195 Hart Hwy Lift Stn - Benefits 512.93 512.93 428.93 600 171 71.49%
3-1427-0000-6335 Hart Hwy Lift Stn - Repairs & Mtce. 3,209.00 3,209.00 24,692.80 12,614 -12,079 195.76%
3-1427-0000-6350 Hart Hwy Lift Stn - Supplies 1,520.99 1,520.99 4,250.50 500 -3,751 850.10%
3-1427-0000-6408 Hart Hwy Lift Stn - Electricity 151.20 -151 0.00%
3-1427-1500-6245 Hart Hwy Lift Stn - Buildings - Insurance 326.84 326.84 332.97 342 9 97.36%
3-1427-1500-6335 Hart Hwy Lift Stn - Buildings - Repairs & Mtce. 117.48 -117 0.00%
3-1427-1500-6408 Hart Hwy Lift Stn - Buildings - Electricity 986.83 986.83 1,399.82 1,046 -354 133.89%
3-1428-0000-6120 Heritage Park Lift Stn - Wages - CUPE 3,185.94 3,185.94 1,408.48 1,200 -208 117.37%
3-1428-0000-6195 Heritage Park Lift Stn - Benefits 664.03 664.03 318.44 300 -18 106.15%
3-1428-0000-6335 Heritage Park Lift Stn - Repairs & Mtce. 33,797.88 33,797.88 75.60 33,000 32,924 0.23%
3-1428-0000-6361 Heritage Park Lift Stn - Equipment Pool Chg 479.95 479.95 0 0.00%
3-1428-0000-6620 Heritage Park Lift Stn - Miscellaneous 366.53 366.53 0 0.00%
3-1428-1500-6245 Heritage Park Lift Stn - Bldg - Insurance 322.96 322.96 312.52 337 24 92.74%
3-1429-0000-6120 Airport Lift Station - Wages - CUPE 3,003.63 3,003.63 2,472.39 1,200 -1,272 206.03%
3-1429-0000-6195 Airport Lift Station - Benefits 617.48 617.48 528.05 300 -228 176.02%
3-1429-0000-6335 Airport Lift Station - Repairs & Mtce. 8,401.00 8,401.00 1,777.44 10,000 8,223 17.77%
3-1429-0000-6408 Airport Lift Station - Electricity 574.54 574.54 896.86 1,046 149 85.78%
3-1429-0000-6620 Airport Lift Station - Miscellaneous 26.54 -27 0.00%
3-1429-1500-6245 Airport Lift Station - Bldg - Insurance 107.50 107.50 119.65 112 -8 106.83%
3-1430-0000-6120 Chilton Lift Station - Wages - CUPE 2,758.44 2,758.44 1,411.60 1,200 -212 117.63%
3-1430-0000-6195 Chilton Lift Station - Benefits 480.11 480.11 307.86 300 -8 102.62%
3-1430-0000-6335 Chilton Lift Station - Repairs & Mtce. 2,475.82 2,475.82 75.60 1,132 1,056 6.68%
3-1431-0000-6120 Water Reclamation Facility - Wages - CUPE 58,438.65 58,438.65 82,614.57 60,000 -22,615 137.69%
3-1431-0000-6195 Water Reclamation Facility - Benefits 12,032.23 12,032.23 18,471.75 15,000 -3,472 123.15%
3-1431-0000-6205 Water Reclamation Facility - Contracts 83,386.30 83,386.30 55,180.09 30,000 -25,180 183.93%
3-1431-0000-6225 Water Reclamation Facility - Consultant Fees 3,353.40 3,353.40 1,200.00 -1,200 0.00%
3-1431-0000-6227 Water Reclamation Facility - Lab Analysis 78,345.01 78,345.01 17,955.11 70,000 52,045 25.65%
3-1431-0000-6335 Water Reclamation Facility - Repairs & Maint 5,404.30 5,404.30 4,679.53 20,000 15,320 23.40%
3-1431-0000-6350 Water Reclamation Facility - Supplies 27,629.19 27,629.19 13,483.59 31,365 17,881 42.99%
3-1431-0000-6361 Water Reclamation Facility - Equip Pool Chg Out 767 767 0.00%
3-1431-1500-6245 Water Reclamation Facility - Buildings - Insurance 12,380.58 12,380.58 13,360.00 12,852 -508 103.95%
3-1431-1500-6335 Water Reclamation Facility - Buildings - Repairs & Mai 3,270.70 3,270.70 3,730.34 500 -3,230 746.07%
3-1431-1500-6402 Water Reclamation Facility - Buildings - Water/Sewer/ 694.32 694.32 1,213.87 714 -500 170.01%
3-1431-1500-6406 Water Reclamation Facility - Buildings - Natural Gas 2,719 2,719 0.00%
3-1431-1500-6408 Water Reclamation Facility - Buildings - Electricity 17,765.20 17,765.20 18,820.75 20,910 2,089 90.01%
3-1431-1500-6364 Water Reclamation Facility - Buildings - Electrical Repa 1,882.37 1,882.37 8,297.48 2,175 -6,122 381.41%
3-1431-1500-6365 Water Reclamation Facility - Buildings - Mechanical Re 201.07 201.07 781.80 2,175 1,394 35.94%
3-1431-1500-6350 Water Reclamation Facility - Buildings - Supplies 1,086.55 1,086.55 1,517.11 1,000 -517 151.71%
3-1432-0000-6120 Harper Lift Station - Wages CUPE 3,537.70 3,537.70 3,911.69 1,200 -2,712 325.97%
3-1432-0000-6195 Harper Lift Station - Benefits 595.01 595.01 967.24 300 -667 322.41%
3-1432-0000-6335 Harper Lift Station - Repairs & Mtce. 3,865.42 3,865.42 2,435.83 1,568 -868 155.32%
3-1432-0000-6361 Harper Lift Station - Equip Pool Chg Out 168 168 0.00%
3-1433-0000-6120 Hansen Lift Station - Wages CUPE 4,608.90 4,608.90 5,647.34 1,200 -4,447 470.61%
3-1433-0000-6195 Hansen Lift Station - Benefits 856.65 856.65 863.42 300 -563 287.81%
3-1433-0000-6335 Hansen Lift Station - Repairs & Mtce. 26,355.05 26,355.05 26,178.98 2,666 -23,513 981.95%
3-1433-0000-6408 Hansen Lift Station - Electricity 1,614.53 1,614.53 1,451.85 1,046 -406 138.87%
3-1433-0000-6620 Hansen Lift Station - Miscellaneous 151.20 -151 0.00%
3-1450-0000-6120 Power & Pumping - Wages - CUPE 8,008.19 8,008.19 108.00 -108 0.00%
3-1450-0000-6195 Power & Pumping - Benefits 1,683.68 1,683.68 30.07 -30 0.00%
3-1450-0000-6361 Power & Pumping - Equip Pool Chg Out 2,655.84 2,655.84 2,655.84 2,771 115 95.86%
3-1451-0000-6120 Blower Building - Wages - CUPE 5,854.15 5,854.15 8,708.20 4,800 -3,908 181.42%
3-1451-0000-6195 Blower Building - Benefits 1,016.11 1,016.11 1,773.89 1,200 -574 147.82%
3-1451-0000-6364 Blower Building - Electrical Repairs 2,315.98 2,315.98 1,250.07 5,658 4,408 22.09%
3-1451-0000-6365 Blower Building - Mechanical Repairs 18,572.90 18,572.90 10,536.78 -10,537 0.00%
3-1451-0000-6620 Blower Building - Miscellaneous 36.96 -37 0.00%
3-1451-1500-6245 Blower Building - Building - Insurance 3,222.36 3,222.36 3,149.59 3,380 230 93.18%
3-1451-1500-6335 Blower Building - Building - Repairs & Mtce. 11,870.19 11,870.19 9,574.67 2,263 -7,311 423.03%
3-1451-1500-6350 Blower Building - Building - Supplies 3,627.71 3,627.71 651.40 1,132 480 57.56%
3-1451-1500-6360 Blower Building - Building - Equipment Other 144.00 144.00 1,209.60 -1,210 0.00%
3-1451-1500-6404 Blower Building - Building - Telephone 882.70 882.70 746.90 816 69 91.53%
3-1451-1500-6408 Blower Building - Building - Electricity 117,824.09 117,824.09 114,748.79 125,460 10,711 91.46%
3-1451-6020-6335 Blower Building - Cathodic - Repairs & Mtce. 1,200.67 1,200.67 0 0.00%
3-1455-0000-6120 Lagoons Main - Wages CUPE 7,686.88 7,686.88 3,093.27 9,600 6,507 32.22%
3-1455-0000-6195 Lagoons Main - Benefits 1,741.35 1,741.35 741.92 2,400 1,658 30.91%
3-1455-0000-6205 Lagoons Main - Contracts 35,171.13 35,171.13 32,825.11 40,000 7,175 82.06%
3-1455-0000-6335 Lagoons Main - Repairs & Mtce. 2,785.08 2,785.08 19,053.14 5,658 -13,395 336.72%
3-1455-0000-6350 Lagoons Main - Supplies 32,826.55 32,826.55 9,260.71 10,000 739 92.61%
3-1455-0000-6361 Lagoons Main - Equip Pool Chg Out 5,610.54 5,610.54 3,110.65 6,492 3,381 47.92%
3-1455-0000-6364 Lagoons Main - Electrical Repairs 4,142.87 -4,143 0.00%
3-1455-0000-6408 Lagoons Main - Electricity 483.84 483.84 618.16 523 -95 118.25%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 218 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
3-1400-0000-6362 SS - EP Surplus Adjustment -35,477.15 -35,477.15 -29,634.81 -43,959 -14,324 67.42%
SEWER UTILITY EXPENDITURES 1,514,562.13 1,514,562.13 1,159,439.26 1,261,009 101,570 91.95%


BEFORE TRANSFERS 36,134,883.41 36,134,883.41 36,421,801.75 38,287,869 1,866,068 95.13%

1-0100-8012-7505 General revenue fund debt principal -1,496,060.00 -1,496,060.00 -1,544,420.40 -1,544,420 0 100.00%
2-1200-8012-7505 Water revenue fund debt principal -709,394.00 -709,394.00 -709,394.00 -709,394 0 100.00%
3-1400-8012-7505 Sewer revenue fund debt principal -70,754.00 -70,754.00 -319,235.39 -319,235 0 100.00%
Debt Principal Adjustment to Transfers -2,276,208.00 -2,276,208.00 -2,573,049.79 -2,573,049 1 100.00%


EXCLUDING DEBT PRINCIPAL 33,858,675.41 33,858,675.41 33,848,751.96 35,714,820 1,866,068 94.78%

1-0100-0000-8200 Transfer DP to general capital fund 1,496,060.00 1,496,060.00 1,544,420.40 1,544,420 0 100.00%
2-1200-0000-8200 Transfer DP to water capital fund 709,394.00 709,394.00 709,394.00 709,394 0 100.00%
3-1400-0000-8200 Transfer DP to sewer capital fund 70,754.00 70,754.00 319,235.39 319,235 0 100.00%
Debt Principal Transfers to Capital 2,276,208.00 2,276,208.00 2,573,049.79 2,573,049 -1 100.00%


INCLUDING PRINCIPAL TRANSFERS 36,134,883.41 36,134,883.41 36,421,801.75 38,287,869 1,866,068 95.13%


BEFORE FUNDING TRANSFERS 12,018,737.87 12,018,737.87 11,788,821.98 9,738,557 -2,050,265 121.05%

1-0770-0000-8025 Transfer to Carbon Reserve 381,225.00 381,225.00 381,480 381,480 0.00%

1-0770-0000-8000 Transfer from Carbon Reserve to Capital 587,175.00 587,175.00 390,000.00 390,000 0 100.00%
1-0100-0000-8007 Transfer Adjustment to Carbon Reserve -381,225.00 -381,225.00 0 0.00%

1-0100-0000-8100 Transfer to Capital from General Reserves 172,000.00 172,000.00 0 0.00%

TRANSFER TO GENERAL RESERVE NET -377,950.00 -377,950.00 -390,000.00 -8,520 381,480 4577.46%

1-0100-0000-8000 Transfer to Capital 7,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 7,808,906.00 7,808,906 0 100.00%

2-1200-0000-8000 Transfer to Capital 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000 0 100.00%
3-1400-0000-8000 Transfer to Capital 2,300,000.00 2,300,000.00 2,030,000.00 2,030,000 0 100.00%
TRANSFER TO CAPITAL 11,800,000.00 11,800,000.00 10,838,906.00 10,838,906 0 100.00%

1-1150-0000-8008 Transfer from Cemeteries 2,927.09 2,927.09 2,716.21 3,946 1,230 68.83%
TRANSFER FROM CEMETERY 2,927.09 2,927.09 2,716.21 3,946 1,230 68.83%

1-0100-0000-8101 GRF - Transfer Surplus to EP 466,411.09 466,411.09 470,434.73 475,240 4,806 98.99%
2-1200-0000-8103 WRF - Transfer Surplus to EP 90,828.97 90,828.97 58,711.01 100,091 41,380 58.66%
3-1400-0000-8104 SRF - Transfer Surplus to EP 35,477.17 35,477.17 29,634.79 48,099 18,464 61.61%
TRANSFER TO EQUIPMENT POOL 592,717.23 592,717.23 558,780.53 623,431 64,650 89.63%

CURRENT OPERATING SURPLUS AFTER TRFERS -1,130,227.27 -1,130,227.27 3,851.66 -2,109,834 -2,113,685 -0.18%
4-1500-0000-5500 GC - Government Transfers 52,961.00 52,961.00 100,293.39 22,332 -77,961 449.10%
4-1500-0000-5602 GC - Interest revenue 97,479.72 97,479.72 123,054.37 33,813 -89,241 363.93%
4-1500-0000-5608 GC - MFA rebates 23,686.20 23,686.20 3,866.81 -3,867 0.00%
4-1500-0000-5612 GC - Actuarial Adjustment 270,407.53 270,407.53 279,274.24 -279,274 0.00%
4-1500-0000-5701 GC - Cash Commutations 68,946.89 68,946.89 47,121.11 63,123 16,002 74.65%
4-1500-0000-5702 GC - Partnering Contribution 308,622.41 308,622.41 341,656.36 1,791,736 1,450,080 19.07%
4-1500-0000-5800 GC - Proceeds on Disposal of Capital Assets 0.00 0.00 14,220.64 -14,221 0.00%
4-1515-0000-5800 GC - Equip - Proceeds on Disposal of Capital Assets 1.00 -1 0.00%
4-1500-0000-5900 GC - Gain on Sale of Capital Assets 60,786.15 60,786.15 0 0.00%
4-1533-0000-5710 GC - Bridges - Insurance Proceeds 909,278.81 -909,279 0.00%
General Capital Revenue 882,889.90 882,889.90 1,818,766.73 1,911,004 92,237 95.17%

5-1500-0000-5900 WC - Gain/Loss on Sale of TCA 350.00 350.00 0 0.00%

5-1600-0000-5400 WC - Capital Contributions 5,877.79 -5,878 0.00%
5-1600-0000-5500 WC - Government Transfers 93,497.83 93,497.83 1,099,441.17 3,224,051 2,124,610 34.10%
5-1600-0000-5602 WC - Interest revenue 104,062.81 104,062.81 103,326.89 102,000 -1,327 101.30%
5-1600-0000-5612 WC - Actuarial Adjustment 298,363.38 298,363.38 343,466.01 -343,466 0.00%
5-1600-0000-5608 WC - MFA rebates 2,095.55 2,095.55 13,756.82 -13,757 0.00%
Water Capital Revenue 498,369.57 498,369.57 1,565,868.68 3,326,051 1,760,182 47.08%

6-1700-0000-5400 SC - Capital Contributions 116,500.00 -116,500 0.00%

6-1700-0000-5500 SC - Government Transfers 400,000.00 400,000.00 0 0.00%
6-1700-0000-5602 SC - Interest revenue 48,122.86 48,122.86 67,295.31 40,739 -26,557 165.19%
6-1700-0000-5612 SC - Actuarial Adjustment 20,448.15 20,448.15 23,651.59 -23,652 0.00%
6-1700-0000-5614 SC - Amortization of Capital Obligation 1,658,992.00 1,658,992.00 1,658,992.00 -1,658,992 0.00%
Sewer Capital Revenue 2,127,563.01 2,127,563.01 1,866,438.90 40,739 -1,825,700 4581.48%

TOTAL CAPITAL REVENUES 3,508,822.48 3,508,822.48 5,251,074.31 5,277,794 26,719 99.49%

4-1500-0000-7000 GC - Debt Proceeds 1,004,558.37 1,004,558.37 63,123 63,123 0.00%

6-1700-0000-7000 SC - Debt Proceeds 7,048,789.10 7,048,789.10 0 0.00%

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01/31/2017 Page 219 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
TOTAL DEBT PROCEEDS 8,053,347.47 8,053,347.47 0.00 63,123 63,123 0.00%

4-1500-0000-8201 GC - Debt payments 1,496,060.00 1,496,060.00 1,544,420.40 1,544,420 0 100.00%

5-1600-0000-8201 WC - Debt payments 709,394.00 709,394.00 709,394.00 709,394 0 100.00%
6-1700-0000-8201 SC - Debt payments 70,754.00 70,754.00 319,235.39 319,235 0 100.00%
Total Debt Payments 2,276,208.00 2,276,208.00 2,573,049.79 2,573,049 -1 100.00%

4-1500-0000-8001 GC - Transfer from Operating 7,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 7,808,906.00 7,808,906 0 100.00%

4-1500-0000-8003 GC - Transfer from Statutory Reserves 709,000.00 709,000.00 765,000.00 765,000 0 100.00%
4-1500-0000-8004 GC - Transfer from Operating (Carbon ) Reserves 587,175.00 587,175.00 390,000.00 390,000 0 100.00%

4-1500-0000-8000 GC - Transfer to Capital Reserve (old) 172,000.00 172,000.00 0 0.00%

4-1500-0000-8200 GC - Debt Principal Funding Transfer 1,496,060.00 1,496,060.00 1,544,420.40 1,544,420 0 100.00%
5-1600-0000-8200 WC - Debt Principal Funding Transfer 709,394.00 709,394.00 709,394.00 709,394 0 100.00%
6-1700-0000-8200 SC - Debt Principal Funding Transfer 70,754.00 70,754.00 319,235.39 319,235 0 100.00%

5-1600-0000-8001 WC - Transfer from Operating 2,500,000.00 2,500,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000 0 100.00%

6-1700-0000-8001 SC - Transfer from Operating 2,300,000.00 2,300,000.00 2,030,000.00 2,030,000 0 100.00%

TOTAL TRANSFERS 15,544,383.00 15,544,383.00 14,566,955.79 14,566,955 -1 100.00%

TOTAL CAPITAL FUNDING 27,106,552.95 27,106,552.95 19,818,030.10 19,907,872 89,842 99.55%

4-1500-0000-6700 GC - Land 81,249.14 80,000 -1,249 101.56%

LAND AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS 0.00 0.00 81,249.14 80,000 -1,249 101.56%

4-1880-0000-6700 EP - Equipment Pool Purchases 638,766.46 638,766.46 655,748.30 685,000 29,252 95.73%
4-1880-0000-6705 EP - Equipment Pool Purchases 6,312.69 -6,313 0.00%
EQUIPMENT POOL 638,766.46 638,766.46 662,060.99 685,000 22,939 96.65%

4-1515-1103-6700 GCE - Firefighting Equipment 15,000.00 15,000.00 0 0.00%

4-1515-1201-6700 GCE - Airport Equipment 61,358.08 61,358.08 30,436 30,436 0.00%
4-1515-1202-6700 GCE - City Hall Equipment 46,158.38 75,000 28,842 61.54%
4-1515-1207-6700 GCE - Firefighting equipment 124,342.26 124,342.26 87,124.90 495,438 408,313 17.59%
4-1515-1215-6700 GCE - Multiplex equipment 294,328.55 294,328.55 25,505.20 25,000 -505 102.02%
4-1515-4042-6700 GCE - Airport Tracking & Surveillance 14,036.91 14,036.91 41,203.22 -41,203 0.00%
MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT 509,065.80 509,065.80 199,991.70 625,874 425,882 31.95%

4-1510-1201-6700 GCB - City Hall - Building Upgrades 114,698.86 130,000 15,301 88.23%
4-1510-1301-6700 GCB - Energy Efficient Projects 70,557.19 70,557.19 296,106.63 390,000 93,893 75.92%
4-1510-1202-6700 GCB - Curling Rink Upgrades 0.00 0.00 50,000 50,000 0.00%
4-1510-1207-6700 GCB - Fire Station Upgrades 44,023.88 44,023.88 0 0.00%
4-1510-1210-6700 GCB - Library Upgrades 160,184.94 160,184.94 0 0.00%
4-1510-1215-6700 GCB - Multiplex Upgrades 637,880.62 637,880.62 180,150.88 367,200 187,049 49.06%
4-1510-1222-6700 GCB - Fire Station Roof Replacement 176,335.00 176,335.00 0 0.00%
4-1510-1242-6120 GCB - Bus Shelters - Wages CUPE 27.50 27.50 0 0.00%
4-1510-1242-6700 GCB - Bus Shelters - Expense 8,430.78 8,430.78 21,980.78 25,000 3,019 87.92%
4-1510-1248-6700 GCB - RCMP Interior Upgrades 44,023.88 44,023.88 0 0.00%
4-1510-1251-6700 GCB - CK Arts Centre - Eligible costs 59,938.62 59,938.62 0.00 51,765 51,765 0.00%
4-1510-1251-6701 GCB - CK Arts Centre - Ineligible costs 33.29 33.29 266.32 -266 0.00%
4-1510-1261-6700 GCB - Kenn Borek Aquatic Centre Upgrades 55,000 55,000 0.00%
4-1510-1262-6700 GCB - Memorial Arena Upgrades 500,000 500,000 0.00%
4-1510-3200-6700 GCB - Airport Building Upgrades 20,975.64 259,000 238,024 8.10%
4-1510-3222-6700 GCB - Airport Terminal Roof 115,008.65 115,008.65 0 0.00%
4-1510-3229-6700 GCB - Aiport Term. Outside Lighting 12,711.56 -12,712 0.00%
4-1510-3231-6700 GCB - Airport Term. Walkway/Sidewalk 3,850.00 -3,850 0.00%
4-1510-4247-6700 GCB - NAR Station Upgrades 141,420.00 141,420.00 0 0.00%
4-1510-4249-6700 GCB - Art Gallery Exterior Painting 1,400,553.00 1,400,553.00 0.00 0 0.00%
4-1510-4321-6700 GCB - YCC Demolition 215,826.83 50,000 -165,827 431.65%
4-1510-4322-6700 GCB - Grandview Demolition 303,963.08 900,000 596,037 33.77%
4-1510-4324-6700 GCB - Centennial Pool Demolition 254,919.34 525,000 270,081 48.56%
4-1510-5023-6700 GCB - EEC - Upper Lobby Wall 212,294.05 -212,294 0.00%
4-1510-5201-6700 GCB - Curling Rink-Upgrade 6,350.00 -6,350 0.00%
4-1510-5226-6700 GCB - Mem/Kin Arena Refrigeration 1,703,619.98 1,703,619.98 84,310.68 269,276 184,965 31.31%
4-1510-5227-6700 GCB - Mem/Kin Arena Bldg Envelope 57,907.61 57,907.61 0.00 0 0.00%
4-1510-5229-6700 GCB - Memorial/Kin/Curling Rink Upgrade 204,815.53 -204,816 0.00%
4-1510-5228-6700 GCB - Mem/Kin Arena Drainage 121,201.79 121,201.79 0.00 0 0.00%
BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES 4,741,146.73 4,741,146.73 1,933,220.18 3,572,241 1,639,021 54.12%

4-1530-1206-6700 GCR - RS - NLC Partnering Project 1,832,000 1,832,000 0.00%

4-1530-2720-6120 GCR - RS - Streetlights - CUPE Wages 953.71 953.71 0 0.00%
4-1530-2720-6700 GCR - RS - Streetlights 313,210.08 313,210.08 170,972.21 125,000 -45,972 136.78%
4-1530-2781-6120 GCR - RS - 10th Street (Alaska Ave) - CUPE Wages 1,423.80 -1,424 0.00%
4-1530-2781-6700 GCR - RS - 10th Street (Alaska Ave) 441,166.03 510,000 68,834 86.50%
4-1530-2782-6120 GCR - RS - 15th Street (108 Ave) - CUPE Wages 1,725.17 0 -1,725 0.00%
4-1530-2782-6700 GCR - RS - 15 Street (108 Avenue) 604,151.58 540,000 -64,152 111.88%

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01/31/2017 Page 220 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
4-1530-2783-6120 GCR - RS --8th Street (96-100 Ave) -CUPE Wages 2,947.41 -2,947 0.00%
4-1530-2783-6700 GCR - RS - 8th Street (96-100 Avenue) 765,661.58 870,000 104,338 88.01%
4-1530-2823-6700 GCR - RS - 104 Ave (8 St to 13 St) 1,243,391.71 1,243,391.71 0 0.00%
4-1530-2823-6120 GCR - RS - 104 Ave (8 St to 13 St), CUPE Wages 2,540.82 2,540.82 0 0.00%
4-1530-2823-6195 GCR - RS - 104 Ave (8 St to 13 St), Benefits 129.08 129.08 0 0.00%
4-1530-2824-6700 GCR - RS - 8 St (90 Ave to 96 Ave) 826,811.75 826,811.75 0 0.00%
4-1530-2824-6120 GCR - RS - 8 St (90 Ave to 96 Ave), CUPE Wages 3,599.63 3,599.63 0 0.00%
4-1530-2824-6195 GCR - RS - 8 St (90 Ave to 96 Ave), Benefits 65.54 65.54 0 0.00%
4-1532-1205-6700 GCR - RS - Storm Drainage Upgrade (Fair Grounds) 0.00 0.00 380,000 380,000 0.00%
4-1532-2784-6700 GCR - RS - Storm Drainage - 10th Street Bridge 136,749.28 -136,749 0.00%
4-1532-2825-6700 GCR - RS - Storm Drainage, Ski Hill Drain/Ditch Replace 277,112.51 277,112.51 239,722.72 380,000 140,277 63.08%
4-1532-2825-6120 GCR - RS - Storm Drainage - Ski Hill Dr - CUPE Wages 572.47 572.47 961.10 -961 0.00%
4-1533-2975-6700 GCR - RS - Bridges-15th Street Bridge Rebuild- 792,913.60 -792,914 0.00%
ROADS AND STREETS 2,668,387.30 2,668,387.30 3,158,394.48 4,637,000 1,478,606 68.11%

4-1535-2826-6700 GCS - 14 St (94 Ave to 95 Ave) 112,780.02 112,780.02 0 0.00%

4-1535-2826-6120 GCS - 14 St (94 Ave to 95 Ave) - CUPE Wages 1,165.23 1,165.23 0 0.00%
4-1535-2827-6700 GCS - 10 St (107 Ave to Bridge), 5,915.03 5,915.03 241,031.64 173,400 -67,632 139.00%
4-1535-2827-6120 GCS - 10 St (107 Ave to Bridge), CUPE Wages 1,467.40 1,467.40 339.30 -339 0.00%
4-1535-2828-6700 GCS - 14 St (Alaska Ave to 102 Ave) 138,634.33 138,634.33 0 0.00%
4-1535-2828-6120 GCS - 14 St (Alaska Ave to 102 Ave) - CUPE Wages 537.28 537.28 0 0.00%
4-1535-2828-6195 GCS - 14 St (Alaska Ave to 102 Ave) - Benefits 11.78 11.78 0 0.00%
4-1535-2829-6120 GCS - 13 Street - 105 Av-CUPE Wages 717.93 -718 0.00%
4-1535-2829-6700 GCS - 13 St - (105 Avenue) 289,781.15 403,000 113,219 71.91%
4-1535-2830-6120 GCS - 13 St (102 Ave) - CUPE Wages 901.29 -901 0.00%
4-1535-2830-6700 GCS - 13 St (102 Avenue) 279,171.25 315,000 35,829 88.63%
SIDEWALKS 260,511.07 260,511.07 811,942.56 891,400 79,457 91.09%

4-1525-1215-6700 GCL - Landscaping 62,720.56 70,000 7,279 89.60%

4-1515-1204-6700 GCL - Fire Training Site Improvement 161,763.26 301,051 139,288 53.73%
4-1525-3205-6700 GCL - Airport Parking and Grounds Improvements 29,496.73 29,496.73 137,250.94 213,056 75,805 64.42%
4-1525-3223-6700 GCL - Airport - ACAP - Drainage 0.00 0.00 24,382.22 -24,382 0.00%
4-1525-3226-6700 GCL - KB Pool - North Side Park Lot 333,126.85 333,126.85 0 0.00%
4-1525-3226-6120 GCL - KB Pool - North Side P - CUPE Wages 1,890.73 1,890.73 0 0.00%
LAND IMPROVEMENTS 364,514.31 364,514.31 386,116.98 584,107 197,990 66.10%

4-1545-4141-6700 GCP - Parks-Brookside Walking Path 1,500.00 -1,500 0.00%

4-1545-4181-6700 GCP - Parks-Mile 0 Splash Park 100,000.00 -100,000 0.00%
4-1545-4182-6120 GCP - Parks-Mile 0 Park NDIT Project-CUPE Wages 802.89 -803 0.00%
4-1545-4182-6195 GCP - Parks-Mile 0 Park NDIT Project-Benefits 16.61 -17 0.00%
4-1545-4182-6700 GCP - Parks-Mile 0 Park NDIT Project 436,719.00 -436,719 0.00%
4-1545-4276-6120 GCP - Park Upgrades and Amenities - Wages 19,417.32 19,417.32 5,925.73 -5,926 0.00%
4-1545-4276-6195 GCP - Park Upgrades and Amenities - Benefits 4,235.62 4,235.62 1,501.31 -1,501 0.00%
4-1545-4276-6700 GCP - Park Upgrades and Amenities 64,246.38 64,246.38 19,231.17 850,000 830,769 2.26%
PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS 87,899.32 87,899.32 565,696.71 850,000 284,303 66.55%

GENERAL FUND CAPITAL 9,270,290.99 9,270,290.99 7,798,672.74 11,925,622 4,126,949 65.39%

5-1600-6000-6700 WC - Annual upgrades 57,163.11 57,163.11 1,222.50 132,586 131,364 0.92%

5-1600-6243-6700 WC - Highway 2 Water Main Extension 734.40 734.40 0 0.00%
5-1600-6244-6700 WC - Loran Booster Station Upgrade 79,923.30 79,923.30 0 0.00%
5-1600-6247-6700 WC - Mile Zero Park Metering 17,413.81 17,413.81 0 0.00%
5-1600-6248-6120 WC - 210 Rd N. Loran Res to 21St - CUPE Wages 1,285.01 1,285.01 0 0.00%
5-1600-6248-6700 WC - 210 Rd N. Loran Res to 21St 628,034.54 628,034.54 0 0.00%
5-1600-6248-6195 WC - 210 Rd N. Loran Res to 21St - Benefits 39.72 39.72 0 0.00%
5-1600-6250-6700 WC - WTP House Building Envelope 101,578.05 101,578.05 0 0.00%
5-1600-6251-6700 WC - Treated Water Reservoir 163,923.27 163,923.27 1,808,375.44 4,836,077 3,027,702 37.39%
5-1600-6252-6700 WC - New Water Treatment System 79,233.60 79,233.60 59,295.55 220,766 161,470 26.86%
5-1600-6253-6700 WC - Capital Water, Scada Upgrades 147,416.86 147,416.86 0.00 0 0.00%
5-1600-6254-6700 WC - Capital Water, WTP Fencing 169,475.40 169,475.40 17,670.15 90,000 72,330 19.63%
5-1600-6255-6700 WC - Water Meter Replacement 241,150.00 250,000 8,850 96.46%
5-1600-6256-6120 WC - 600 Block Water Servicing -CUPE Wages 774.71 -775 0.00%
5-1600-6256-6700 WC - 600 Block Water Servicing 156,027.61 80,000 -76,028 195.03%
5-1600-6257-6700 WC - Raw Water Reservoir 175,950.40 -175,950 0.00%
WATER FUND CAPITAL 1,446,221.07 1,446,221.07 2,460,466.36 5,609,429 3,148,963 43.86%

6-1700-7000-6700 SC - Annual upgrades 64,490.50 64,490.50 0 0 0.00%

6-1700-7233-6700 SC - Mainline Replacements 1,027,918.50 1,843,345 815,427 55.76%
6-1700-7242-6700 SC - 2nd Street Sanidump 13,220.41 13,220.41 141,786.33 -141,786 0.00%
6-1700-7244-6120 SC - Sewer Trunkline - CUPE Wages 2,645.40 2,645.40 0 0.00%
6-1700-7244-6195 SC - Sewer Trunkline - Benefits 550.90 550.90 0 0.00%
6-1700-7244-6700 SC - Sewer Trunkline 463,187.68 463,187.68 0.00 0 0.00%
6-1700-7247-6120 SC - W.17 St - 98 Ave to Golf Course-CUPE Wages 33.93 -34 0.00%
6-1700-7247-6700 SC - W.17 St - 98 Ave to Golf Course 123,204.88 123,204.88 0.00 0 0.00%
6-1700-7248-6700 SC - Sewer - Trucked Waste Rec.Facility - Expense 3,470.00 3,470.00 257,402.80 -257,403 0.00%
6-1700-7249-6700 SC - Chamberlain Dr. Sanitary Flood 1,279,326.16 1,830,000 550,674 69.91%
6-1700-7250-6120 SC - 600 Block Sewer Servicing -CUPE Wages 774.71 110,000 109,225 0.70%
6-1700-7250-6700 SC - 600 Block Sewer Servicing 93.27 -93 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 221 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
SEWER FUND CAPITAL 670,769.77 670,769.77 2,707,335.70 3,783,345 1,076,009 71.56%

TOTAL CAPITAL 11,387,281.83 11,387,281.83 12,966,474.80 21,318,396 8,351,921 60.82%

4-1500-0000-7500 GC - Temporary Borrowing Repayment 322,756.53 322,756.53 87,110.32 -87,110 0.00%

6-1700-0000-7500 SC - Temporary Borrowing Repayment 6,436,634.63 6,436,634.63 0 0.00%
6,759,391.16 6,759,391.16 87,110.32 0 -87,110 0.00%

4-0160-0000-6750 GG Depreciation 210,547.84 210,547.84 239,418 239,418 0.00%

4-0210-0000-6750 PO Depreciation 84,452.30 84,452.30 84,454 84,454 0.00%
4-0220-0000-6750 FD Depreciation 126,161.63 126,161.63 159,674 159,674 0.00%
4-0320-0000-6750 TS Depreciation 2,105,162.24 2,105,162.24 2,223,513 2,223,513 0.00%
4-0400-0000-6750 AT Depreciation 120,831.05 120,831.05 136,369 136,369 0.00%
4-0500-0000-6750 WS Depreciation 7,541.81 7,541.81 7,542 7,542 0.00%
4-0700-0000-6750 DS Depreciation 7,221.23 7,221.23 7,221 7,221 0.00%
4-0800-0000-6750 RC Depreciation 3,205,864.58 3,205,864.58 3,349,066 3,349,066 0.00%

GC Depreciation 5,867,782.68 5,867,782.68 0.00 6,207,257 6,207,257 0.00%

5-1200-0000-6750 WS Depreciation 902,174.40 902,174.40 984,837 984,837 0.00%
6-1400-0000-6750 SS Depreciation 716,424.99 716,424.99 814,007 814,007 0.00%
Total Depreciation 7,486,382.07 7,486,382.07 0.00 8,006,101 8,006,101 0.00%

4-1500-0000-6999 Depreciation Transfer -5,867,782.68 -5,867,782.68 -6,207,257 -6,207,257 0.00%

5-1200-0000-6999 Depreciation Transfer -902,174.40 -902,174.40 -984,837 -984,837 0.00%
6-1400-0000-6999 Depreciation Transfer -716,424.99 -716,424.99 -814,007 -814,007 0.00%
Total Depreciation Transfer -7,486,382.07 -7,486,382.07 0.00 -8,006,101 -8,006,101 0.00%

4-0320-0000-6760 GC - TS - - 1% MFA Holdback 30,300.10 30,300.10 0 0.00%

6-1400-0000-6760 SC - SS - - 1% MFA Holdback 70,000.00 70,000.00 0 0.00%
MFA 1% Expense 100,300.10 100,300.10 0.00 0 0 0.00%

6-1700-0000-6775 Amortization of Capital Obligation 1,658,992.00 1,658,992.00 1,658,992.00 -1,658,992 0.00%

1,658,992.00 1,658,992.00 1,658,992.00 0 -1,658,992 0.00%

CAPITAL SURPLUS 4,924,379.86 4,924,379.86 2,532,403.19 -3,983,573 -6,515,976 -63.57%

7-1805-0000-5602 LSR - Interest revenue 3,240.83 3,240.83 3,032.16 320 -2,712 947.79%
7-1810-0000-5602 OSP - Interest revenue 177.97 177.97 166.49 160 -7 104.08%
7-1817-0000-5602 PKL - Interest Revenue 118.63 118.63 110.99 117 6 94.86%
7-1820-0000-5602 TSRF - Interest revenue 938.50 938.50 878.06 533 -345 164.67%
9-1880-0000-5602 EP - Interest revenue 8,731.89 8,731.89 5,772.61 3,199 -2,573 180.44%
Statutory Reserve Revenue 13,207.82 13,207.82 9,960.31 4,329 -5,631 230.07%

7-1805-0000-8000 Transfer to General Capital Fund 80,000 80,000 0.00%

9-1880-0000-8004 Transfer to General Capital Fund 709,000.00 709,000.00 765,000.00 685,000 -80,000 111.68%
Statutory Reserve Transfers 709,000.00 709,000.00 765,000.00 765,000 0 100.00%

8-1835-0000-5001 BSC - Perpetual Care Revenue 0.00 0.00 3,089.38 -3,089 0.00%
8-1835-0000-5602 BSC - Interest 1,038.52 1,038.52 979.19 1,280 301 76.52%
Brookside Cemetery Reserve Revenue 1,038.52 1,038.52 4,068.57 1,280 -2,789 317.93%

8-1840-0000-5001 CCR - Perpetual Care revenue 0.00 0.00 1,723.50 -1,724 0.00%
8-1840-0000-5602 CCR - Interest 1,888.57 1,888.57 1,737.02 2,666 929 65.15%
City Cemetery Reserve Revenue 1,888.57 1,888.57 3,460.52 2,666 -794 129.80%

8-1835-0000-8000 BSC - Transfer to General Operating Fund 1,038.52 1,038.52 979.19 1,280 301 76.52%
8-1840-0000-8000 CC - Transfer to General Operating Fund 1,888.57 1,888.57 1,737.02 2,666 929 65.15%
Cemetery Reserve Transfers 2,927.09 2,927.09 2,716.21 3,946 1,230 68.84%

9-1880-9010-5800 Equip Pool - Misc. Equip - Revenue 405,047.44 405,047.44 401,030.31 -401,030 0.00%
9-1880-9102-5800 Equip Pool - C2 - 20091Pontiac Torrent - Revenue 4,845.00 4,845.00 4,845.00 -4,845 0.00%
9-1880-9104-5800 Equip Pool - C4 - 2007 Toyota Prius - Revenue 4,845.00 4,845.00 4,845.00 -4,845 0.00%
9-1880-9105-5800 Equip Pool - C5 - 1999 Sonoma PU - Revenue 4,845.00 4,845.00 3,633.75 -3,634 0.00%
9-1880-9106-5800 Equip Pool - C6 - 2007 Ford Escape - Revenue 4,845.00 4,845.00 4,845.00 -4,845 0.00%
9-1880-9107-5800 Equip Pool - C7 - 2007 Ford Escape - Revenue 4,845.05 4,845.05 4,845.12 -4,845 0.00%
9-1880-9108-5800 Equip Pool - C8 - 2007 Ford Escape - Revenue 4,845.00 4,845.00 4,845.00 -4,845 0.00%
9-1880-9109-5800 Equip Pool - C9 - 2007 Ford Escape - Revenue 4,845.00 4,845.00 4,869.23 -4,869 0.00%
9-1880-9110-5800 Equip Pool - C10 - 2007 Ford Escape - Revenue 4,845.00 4,845.00 4,845.00 -4,845 0.00%
9-1880-9116-5800 Equip Pool - PT6 - 2000 Dodge Dakota - Revenue 8,314.20 8,314.20 8,314.20 -8,314 0.00%
9-1880-9121-5800 Equip Pool - PT11 - 1996 GMC Van - Revenue 8,314.20 8,314.20 7,067.07 -7,067 0.00%
9-1880-9123-5800 Equip Pool - PT13 - 2003 Chev 4 X 4 - Revenue 8,314.20 8,314.20 8,314.20 -8,314 0.00%
9-1880-9124-5800 Equip Pool - PT14 - 1999 GMC Van - Revenue 8,314.20 8,314.20 8,314.20 -8,314 0.00%
9-1880-9125-5800 Equip Pool - PT15 - 1999 GMC Safari Van - Revenue 8,314.20 8,314.20 8,314.20 -8,314 0.00%
9-1880-9126-5800 Equip Pool - PT16 - 1999 Ford F150 PU - Revenue 8,314.25 8,314.25 8,314.32 -8,314 0.00%
9-1880-9127-5800 Equip Pool - PT17 - 2000 Ford PU - Revenue 8,314.20 8,314.20 8,314.20 -8,314 0.00%
9-1880-9128-5800 Equip Pool - PT18 - 2000 Ford PU - Revenue 8,314.20 8,314.20 6,235.65 -6,236 0.00%
9-1880-9131-5800 Equip Pool - PT21 - 2001 Savana Van - Revenue 8,372.40 8,372.40 8,314.20 -8,314 0.00%
9-1880-9134-5800 Equip Pool - PT24 - 2001 Chev S10 - Revenue 8,314.20 8,314.20 8,314.20 -8,314 0.00%
9-1880-9139-5800 Equip Pool - PT29 - 2005 Ford 3/4t - Revenue 8,314.20 8,314.20 8,314.20 -8,314 0.00%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
9-1880-9140-5800 Equip Pool - PT30 - 2005 Ford PU - Revenue 8,314.20 8,314.20 8,314.20 -8,314 0.00%
9-1880-9141-5800 Equip Pool - PT31 - 2009 Sierra Pickup - Revenue 8,314.20 8,314.20 8,314.20 -8,314 0.00%
9-1880-9142-5800 Equip Pool - PT32 - 2010 Savana Van - Revenue 8,314.20 8,314.20 8,314.20 -8,314 0.00%
9-1880-9143-5800 Equip Pool - PT33 - 2000 Jeep Cherokee - Revenue 8,314.20 8,314.20 8,314.20 -8,314 0.00%
9-1880-9144-5800 Equip Pool - PT34 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Revenu 8,314.20 8,314.20 8,314.20 -8,314 0.00%
9-1880-9145-5800 Equip Pool - PT35 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Revenu 8,314.20 8,314.20 8,314.20 -8,314 0.00%
9-1880-9147-5800 Equip Pool - PT37 - 2011 Ford PU - Revenue 8,314.20 8,314.20 8,314.20 -8,314 0.00%
9-1880-9148-5800 Equip Pool - PT38 - 2012 Chev Silverado PU - Revenu 8,314.20 8,314.20 8,314.20 -8,314 0.00%
9-1880-9149-5800 Equip Pool - PT39 - 2012 Chev Silverado PU - Revenu 8,314.20 8,314.20 8,314.20 -8,314 0.00%
9-1880-9150-5800 Equip Pool - PT40 - 2013 Ford F150 Crew Cab - Reven 8,372.40 8,372.40 8,314.20 -8,314 0.00%
9-1880-9151-5800 Equip Pool - PT41 - 2013 Ford F150 Crewcab - Reven 8,314.20 8,314.20 8,314.20 -8,314 0.00%
9-1880-9152-5800 Equip Pool - PT42 - 2013 Ford CG E250 Van - Revenu 8,314.20 8,314.20 8,314.20 -8,314 0.00%
9-1880-9153-5800 Equip Pool - PT43 - 2013 1500 Dodge Ram - Revenue 8,314.20 8,314.20 8,314.20 -8,314 0.00%
9-1880-9154-5800 Equip Pool - PT44 - 2014 Ford F150 - Revenue 8,692.50 8,692.50 8,314.20 -8,314 0.00%
9-1880-9155-5800 Equip Pool - PT45 - 2014 Ford F250 - Revenue 8,401.50 8,401.50 8,314.20 -8,314 0.00%
9-1880-9156-5800 Equip Pool - PT46 - 2016 Ram 1500 PU - Revenue 2,771.40 2,771.40 8,314.20 -8,314 0.00%
9-1880-9157-5800 Equip Pool - PT47 - 2016 Ram 1500 PU - Revenue 2,989.65 2,989.65 8,314.20 -8,314 0.00%
9-1880-9201-5800 Equip Pool - DT1 - 2003 Freightliner DT - Revenue 21,733.38 21,733.38 25,144.53 -25,145 0.00%
9-1880-9202-5800 Equip Pool - DT2 - 2007 Int'l Tandem Sand Truck - Re 50,820.90 50,820.90 65,007.24 -65,007 0.00%
9-1880-9204-5800 Equip Pool - DT4 - 2011 Int 7400 DT - Revenue 34,814.25 34,814.25 28,605.80 -28,606 0.00%
9-1880-9208-5800 Equip Pool - DT8 - 1998 Int'l - Runway DT - Revenue 12,723.84 12,723.84 12,723.84 -12,724 0.00%
9-1880-9209-5800 Equip Pool - DT9 - 2012 Int'l Water Truck - Revenue 11,067.23 11,067.23 11,961.50 -11,962 0.00%
9-1880-9231-5800 Equip Pool - UT1 - 1999 GMC 1 Ton Crewcab - Reven 8,314.25 8,314.25 8,314.32 -8,314 0.00%
9-1880-9233-5800 Equip Pool - UT3 - 2003 Ford F350 - Revenue 6,492.29 6,492.29 12,050.98 -12,051 0.00%
9-1880-9234-5800 Equip Pool - UT4 - 2003 Ford F350 - Revenue 6,283.50 6,283.50 6,092.08 -6,092 0.00%
9-1880-9235-5800 Equip Pool - UT5 - 2003 F350 - Revenue 4,052.92 4,052.92 4,094.71 -4,095 0.00%
9-1880-9236-5800 Equip Pool - UT6 - 2000 Ford 1t. - Revenue 13,083.37 13,083.37 99.87 -100 0.00%
9-1880-9237-5800 Equip Pool - UT7 - 2000 Ford 1t. - Revenue 11,851.65 11,851.65 18,875.43 -18,875 0.00%
9-1880-9239-5800 Equip Pool - UT9 - 1992 Inter Ladder Truck - Revenue 3,995.28 3,995.28 3,995.28 -3,995 0.00%
9-1880-9240-5800 Equip Pool - UT10 - 2007 Chev 4x4 1 Ton - Revenue 8,105.75 8,105.75 5,655.43 -5,655 0.00%
9-1880-9241-5800 Equip Pool - UT11 - 1997 Chev 1t. - Revenue 466.08 466.08 1,564.63 -1,565 0.00%
9-1880-9243-5800 Equip Pool - UT13 - 2008 Ford F550 - Revenue 8,755.89 8,755.89 5,459.58 -5,460 0.00%
9-1880-9244-5800 Equip Pool - UT14 - 2008 Ford F550 - Revenue 14,202.26 14,202.26 13,550.09 -13,550 0.00%
9-1880-9245-5800 Equip Pool - UT15 - 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 - Reve 466.09 466.09 33.29 -33 0.00%
9-1880-9246-5800 Equip Pool - UT16 - 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 - Reve 24,369.74 24,369.74 28,030.22 -28,030 0.00%
9-1880-9247-5800 Equip Pool - UT17 - 2012 Ford F550DRW DBT - Reven 20,507.75 20,507.75 28,762.56 -28,763 0.00%
9-1880-9248-5800 Equip Pool - UT18 - 2013 F550 - Revenue 12,451.13 12,451.13 16,478.55 -16,479 0.00%
9-1880-9249-5800 Equip Pool - UT19 - 2014 Chev Silverado - Revenue 16,645.74 16,645.74 20,240.32 -20,240 0.00%
9-1880-9250-5800 Equip Pool - UT20 - 2014 Chev Silverado 3500 - Reve 24,373.70 24,373.70 18,899.98 -18,900 0.00%
9-1880-9305-5800 Equip Pool - FT5 - 2005 JD Tractor - Revenue 724.29 724.29 976.19 -976 0.00%
9-1880-9306-5800 Equip Pool - FT6 - 1995 Ford Tractor - Revenue 366.72 366.72 366.72 -367 0.00%
9-1880-9307-5800 Equip Pool - FT7 - 2005 New Holland Tractor - Reven 3,778.92 3,778.92 3,778.92 -3,779 0.00%
9-1880-9322-5800 Equip Pool - LB2 - 2005 JD Loader - Revenue 5,194.63 5,194.63 0 0.00%
9-1880-9323-5800 Equip Pool - LB3 - 2003 JD Wheel Loader - Revenue 13,470.29 13,470.29 13,470.36 -13,470 0.00%
9-1880-9324-5800 Equip Pool - LB4 - 2005 JD Loader - Revenue 9,362.66 9,362.66 12,753.05 -12,753 0.00%
9-1880-9325-5800 Equip Pool - LB5 - 2007 JD 544J Loader - Revenue 56,768.10 56,768.10 64,605.07 -64,605 0.00%
9-1880-9327-5800 Equip Pool - LB7 - 2009 JD444K Wheel Loader - Reve 33,905.33 33,905.33 38,352.46 -38,352 0.00%
9-1880-9328-5800 Equip Pool - LB8 - 2014 JD 310SK Backhoe Load - Reve 5,723.32 5,723.32 21,804.60 -21,805 0.00%
9-1880-9354-5800 Equip Pool - MG4 - 1997 Komatsu Grdr. - Revenue 64,793.55 64,793.55 63,545.38 -63,545 0.00%
9-1880-9355-5800 Equip Pool - MG5 - 2008 JD770D Grader. - Revenue 57,450.27 57,450.27 85,628.89 -85,629 0.00%
9-1880-9404-5800 Equip Pool - PE4 - 1997 Trackless MT Mower - Reven 400.44 400.44 400.44 -400 0.00%
9-1880-9405-5800 Equip Pool - PE5 - Tracaire Aerator - Revenue 231.00 231.00 231.00 -231 0.00%
9-1880-9406-5800 Equip Pool - PE6 - Pulverizer & Seeder - Revenue 80.52 80.52 80.52 -81 0.00%
9-1880-9409-5800 Equip Pool - PE8 - Chipper - Revenue 516.60 516.60 516.60 -517 0.00%
9-1880-9410-5800 Equip Pool - PE10 - 2004 John Deere Rideon - Revenu 1,450.08 1,450.08 1,450.08 -1,450 0.00%
9-1880-9411-5800 Equip Pool - PE11 - 1986 Parks Util.Trlr. - Revenue 228.24 228.24 228.24 -228 0.00%
9-1880-9412-5800 Equip Pool - PE12 - Rotovator - Revenue 176.16 176.16 176.16 -176 0.00%
9-1880-9415-5800 Equp Pool - E15 - 2003 JD Walk Mower - Revenue 410.40 410.40 410.40 -410 0.00%
9-1880-9417-5800 Equip Pool - PE17 - Powertrim Grass Edger - Revenue 87.48 87.48 87.48 -87 0.00%
9-1880-9418-5800 Equip Pool - PE18 - 2005 Trackless MT5 - Revenue 8,958.36 8,958.36 8,958.36 -8,958 0.00%
9-1880-9419-5800 Equip Pool - PE19 - Smithco Lawn Sweeper - Revenue 1,348.80 1,348.80 1,348.80 -1,349 0.00%
9-1880-9420-5800 Equip Pool - PE20 - 2008 Utility Dump Tlr - Revenue 516.24 516.24 516.24 -516 0.00%
9-1880-9421-5800 Equip Pool - PE21 - 2001 Olympia Ice Machine - Reve 5,937.84 5,937.84 5,937.84 -5,938 0.00%
9-1880-9424-5800 Equip Pool - PE24 - 1995 Olympia Ice Machine - Reve 4,774.92 4,774.92 4,774.92 -4,775 0.00%
9-1880-9425-5800 Equip Pool - PE25 - 1979 LeClair Ice Machine - Reven 1,337.28 1,337.28 1,337.28 -1,337 0.00%
9-1880-9426-5800 Equip Pool - PE26 - Trackless MT - Revenue 5,010.36 5,010.36 5,010.36 -5,010 0.00%
9-1880-9428-5800 Equip Pool - PE28 - MB Walk Sweeper - Revenue 224.88 224.88 224.88 -225 0.00%
9-1880-9429-5800 Equip Pool - PE29 - Trail Tech Car Trailer - Revenue 436.44 436.44 436.44 -436 0.00%
9-1880-9431-5800 Equip Pool - PE31 - 2006 JD 1435 Com Mower - Reve 1,344.96 1,344.96 1,344.96 -1,345 0.00%
9-1880-9435-5800 Equip Pool - PE35 - 2007 Dakota 420 Top Dresser - R 2,083.68 2,083.68 2,083.68 -2,084 0.00%
9-1880-9437-5800 Equip Pool - PE37 - 2010 MT6 Trackless - Revenue 6,373.97 6,373.97 6,374.04 -6,374 0.00%
9-1880-9438-5800 Equip Pool - PE38 - 2011 JD WH48A Mower - Revenu 397.56 397.56 397.56 -398 0.00%
9-1880-9439-5800 Equip Pool - PE39 - 2011 JD WH48A Mower - Revenu 397.56 397.56 397.56 -398 0.00%
9-1880-9442-5800 Equip Pool - PE42 - 2012 MadVac - Revenue 5,027.88 5,027.88 5,027.88 -5,028 0.00%
9-1880-9443-5800 Equip Pool - PE43 - 2013 E - ME3B Turf Edger - Reven 56.40 56.40 56.40 -56 0.00%
9-1880-9444-5800 Equip Pool - PE44 - 2015 Royal Trailer - Revenue 429.48 429.48 429.48 -429 0.00%
9-1880-9445-5800 Equip Pool - PE45 - 2014 JD Utility Trailer - Revenue 960.12 960.12 960.12 -960 0.00%
9-1880-9446-5800 Equip Pool - PE46 - 2015 JD1550 Terrain Mower - Rev 1,306.80 1,306.80 1,306.80 -1,307 0.00%
9-1880-9447-5800 Equip Pool - PE47 - 2015 Turfco Seeder - Revenue 1,405.43 1,405.43 1,405.32 -1,405 0.00%

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ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 223 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
9-1880-9448-5800 Equip Pool - PE48 - 2016 Trackless MT6 - Revenue 622.10 -622 0.00%
9-1880-9501-5800 Equip Pool - PW1 - 2008 Challenger Shop Steamer 410.16 410.16 410.16 -410 0.00%
9-1880-9502-5800 Equip Pool - PW2 - 1982 Vibrator Roller - Revenue 986.40 986.40 986.40 -986 0.00%
9-1880-9504-5800 Equip Pool - PW4 - 1985 Marathon Tar Pot - Revenue 1,397.88 1,397.88 1,397.88 -1,398 0.00%
9-1880-9505-5800 Equip Pool - PW5 - Shoring System & Trlr. - Revenue 1,583.45 1,583.45 1,583.52 -1,584 0.00%
9-1880-9507-5800 Equip Pool - PW7 - Nikon Survey Equip. - Revenue 2,502.48 2,502.48 2,502.48 -2,502 0.00%
9-1880-9508-5800 Equip Pool - PW8 - Build a Box Shoring - Revenue 1,388.64 1,388.64 1,388.64 -1,389 0.00%
9-1880-9509-5800 Equip Pool - PW9 - 1999 AMZ Paver - Revenue 4,712.52 4,712.52 4,712.52 -4,713 0.00%
9-1880-9512-5800 Equip Pool - PW12 - Thompson Trash Pump - Revenu 3,168.29 3,168.29 3,168.36 -3,168 0.00%
9-1880-9513-5800 Equip Pool - PW13 - 2CX Sewer Inspect. System - Rev 852.24 852.24 852.24 -852 0.00%
9-1880-9514-5800 Equip Pool - PW14 - 2" Honda Trash Pump - Revenue 35.04 35.04 35.04 -35 0.00%
9-1880-9517-5800 Equip Pool - PW17 - 1998 Canuck Steamer - Revenue 1,978.44 1,978.44 1,978.44 -1,978 0.00%
9-1880-9518-5800 Equip Pool - PW18 - 2007 C17BSL Sewer Camera - Re 620.64 620.64 620.64 -621 0.00%
9-1880-9519-5800 Equip Pool - PW19 - 2009 Rainbow Utility Trailer - Re 162.60 162.60 162.60 -163 0.00%
9-1880-9520-5800 Equip Pool - PW20 - Welder - Revenue 19.44 19.44 19.44 -19 0.00%
9-1880-9521-5800 Equip Pool - PW21 - 2003 Arctic Cat Quad - Revenue 496.20 496.20 496.20 -496 0.00%
9-1880-9522-5800 Equip Pool - PW22 - 2004 Portable Steamer - Revenu 418.32 418.32 418.32 -418 0.00%
9-1880-9523-5800 Equip Pool - PW23 - 2004 16' Carhaul Trlr - Revenue 209.28 209.28 209.28 -209 0.00%
9-1880-9524-5800 Equip Pool - PW24 - 2004 Godwin Pump - Revenue 2,121.72 2,121.72 2,121.72 -2,122 0.00%
9-1880-9525-5800 Equip Pool - PW25 - 2004 Sewer Main Man Lift - Rev 946.68 946.68 946.68 -947 0.00%
9-1880-9526-5800 Equip Pool - PW26 - 1998 Steamer - Revenue 1,978.44 1,978.44 1,978.44 -1,978 0.00%
9-1880-9527-5800 Equip Pool - PW27 - 2004 Model 320 Linemarker - Re 4,125.24 4,125.24 4,125.24 -4,125 0.00%
9-1880-9529-5800 Equip Pool - PW29 - Shop Pressure Washer - Revenu 285.00 285.00 285.00 -285 0.00%
9-1880-9530-5800 Equip Pool - PW30 - 1976 McCoy Trlr. - Revenue 167.52 167.52 167.52 -168 0.00%
9-1880-9533-5800 Equip Pool - PW33 - 2004 10 FT Sander - Revenue 1,565.52 1,565.52 1,565.52 -1,566 0.00%
9-1880-9534-5800 Equip Pool - PW34 - 2007 Ingersall Rand Comp - Reve 1,357.37 1,357.37 1,357.44 -1,357 0.00%
9-1880-9537-5800 Equip Pool - PW37 - 2009 Hyd Pavement Breaker 1,308.96 1,308.96 1,308.96 -1,309 0.00%
9-1880-9539-5800 Equip Pool - PW39 - 1992 Ford De - Icer Truck - Reve 19,198.08 19,198.08 19,198.08 -19,198 0.00%
9-1880-9541-5800 Equip Pool - PW41 - 2013 Marathon Tar Kettle - Reve 2,474.88 2,474.88 2,474.88 -2,475 0.00%
9-1880-9542-5800 Equip Pool - PW42 - 2014 Polaris ATV Ranger - Reven 671.93 671.93 672.00 -672 0.00%
9-1880-9543-5800 Equip Pool - PW43 - 2014 Load Trail Carhauler - Reve 408.11 408.11 408.00 -408 0.00%
9-1880-9544-5800 Equip Pool - PW44 - 2014 Swenson Sander - Revenue 292.77 292.77 292.44 -292 0.00%
9-1880-9546-5800 Equip Pool - PW46 - 2016 JD XUV590I-Revenue 690.54 -691 0.00%
9-1880-9547-5800 Equip Pool - PW47 - 2016 Rainbow ATV Trailer-Revenue 128.22 -128 0.00%
9-1880-9605-5800 Equip Pool - SCS5 - 2003 Epoke System Spreader - Re 19,198.08 19,198.08 19,198.08 -19,198 0.00%
9-1880-9607-5800 Equip Pool - SCS7 - 2003 RPM Snowblower - Revenue 19,198.08 19,198.08 19,198.08 -19,198 0.00%
9-1880-9608-5800 Equip Pool - SCS8 - 2008 Int'l Vactor Truck - Revenue 72,033.73 72,033.73 0 0.00%
9-1880-9610-5800 Equip Pool - SCS10 - 1978 SMI Snowblower - Revenu 19,198.08 19,198.08 19,198.08 -19,198 0.00%
9-1880-9612-5800 Equip Pool - SCS12 - Vohl Runway Sweeper - Revenu 19,198.08 19,198.08 19,198.08 -19,198 0.00%
9-1880-9613-5800 Equip Pool - SCS13 - 2001 Vohl Runway Sweeper - Re 19,198.08 19,198.08 19,198.08 -19,198 0.00%
9-1880-9614-5800 Equip Pool - SCS14 - 1999 SDI Aircraft DeIcer - Reven 19,198.08 19,198.08 19,198.08 -19,198 0.00%
9-1880-9615-5800 Equip Pool - SCS15 - 2005 Elgin Road Sweeper - Reve 37,148.33 37,148.33 39,739.86 -39,740 0.00%
9-1880-9616-5800 Equip Pool - SCS16 - 2013 Larue Snow Blower - Reven 5,375.46 5,375.46 6,095.37 -6,095 0.00%
9-1880-9617-5800 Equip Pool - SCS17 - 2015 Schwarze Sweeper - Reven 50,778.98 50,778.98 47,803.02 -47,803 0.00%
9-1880-9618-5800 Equip Pool - SCS18 - 2014 Raiko Pave Breaker - Revenue 11,198.81 -11,199 0.00%
9-1880-9619-5800 Equip Pool - SCS19 - 2015 Vactor Int'l 7600 - Revenue 82,275.05 -82,275 0.00%
9-1880-9801-5800 Equip.Pool - Mobile Radios - Revenue 3,000.11 3,000.11 2,952.00 -2,952 0.00%
9-1880-9901-5800 Equip.Pool - Zamboni - Revenue 6,150.72 6,150.72 6,150.72 -6,151 0.00%
EP Revenues 1,632,864.79 1,632,864.79 1,731,595.41 0 -1,731,595 0.00%

9-1880-0000-6408 EP - Electricity 281.66 281.66 209.11 -209 0.00%

9-1880-9010-6120 Equip Pool - Misc. Equipment - Wages 75,118.98 75,118.98 85,334.35 -85,334 0.00%
9-1880-9010-6195 Equip Pool - Misc Equip - Benefits 24,915.96 24,915.96 27,356.41 -27,356 0.00%
9-1880-9010-6361 Equip Pool - Misc Equip - Equip Pool Chg Out 461.41 461.41 461.52 -462 0.00%
9-1880-9010-6800 Equip Pool - Misc. Equip - Expense 73,401.48 73,401.48 81,743.01 -81,743 0.00%
9-1880-9101-6120 Equip Pool - C1 - 1998 Safari Van - Wages 148.98 -149 0.00%
9-1880-9101-6195 Equip Pool - C1 - 1998 Safari - Benefits 50.92 -51 0.00%
9-1880-9102-6120 Equip Pool - C2 - 2009 Pontiac Torrent - Wages 681.88 681.88 40.63 -41 0.00%
9-1880-9102-6195 Equip Pool - C2 - 2009 Pontiac Torrent - Benefits 136.85 136.85 9.77 -10 0.00%
9-1880-9102-6800 Equip Pool - C2 - 2009 Pontiac Torrent - Expenses 5,505.26 5,505.26 2,302.02 -2,302 0.00%
9-1880-9104-6120 Equip Pool - C4 - 2007 Toyota Prius - Wages 758.51 758.51 523.07 -523 0.00%
9-1880-9104-6195 Equip Pool - C4 - 2007 Toyota Prius - Benefits 154.88 154.88 124.61 -125 0.00%
9-1880-9104-6800 Equip Pool - C4 - 2007 Toyota Prius - Expense 2,463.18 2,463.18 3,147.94 -3,148 0.00%
9-1880-9105-6120 Equip Pool - C5 - 1999 Sonoma PU - Wages 209.53 209.53 144.60 -145 0.00%
9-1880-9105-6195 Equip Pool - C5 - 1999 Sonoma PU - Benefits 47.09 47.09 46.23 -46 0.00%
9-1880-9105-6800 Equip Pool - C5 - 1999 Sonoma PU - Exp 1,513.62 1,513.62 476.82 -477 0.00%
9-1880-9106-6120 Equip Pool - C6 - 2007 Ford Escape - Wages 419.71 419.71 606.91 -607 0.00%
9-1880-9106-6195 Equip Pool - C6 - 2007 Ford Escape - Benefits 77.14 77.14 129.65 -130 0.00%
9-1880-9106-6800 Equip Pool - C6 - 2007 Ford Escape - Expense 3,230.66 3,230.66 4,511.28 -4,511 0.00%
9-1880-9107-6120 Equip Pool - C7 - 2007 Ford Escape - Wages 136.20 136.20 378.97 -379 0.00%
9-1880-9107-6195 Equip Pool - C7 - 2007 Ford Escape - Benefits 33.52 33.52 114.27 -114 0.00%
9-1880-9107-6800 Equip Pool - C7 - 2007 Ford Escape - Expense 2,550.53 2,550.53 2,908.11 -2,908 0.00%
9-1880-9108-6120 Equip Pool - C8 - 2007 Ford Escape - Wages 239.48 239.48 72.30 -72 0.00%
9-1880-9108-6195 Equip Pool - C8 - 2007 Ford Escape - Benefits 37.81 37.81 20.44 -20 0.00%
9-1880-9108-6800 Equip Pool - C8 - 2007 Ford Escape - Expenses 2,638.77 2,638.77 2,379.18 -2,379 0.00%
9-1880-9109-6120 Equip Pool - C9 - 2007 Ford Escape - Wages 231.95 231.95 595.90 -596 0.00%
9-1880-9109-6195 Equip Pool - C9 - 2007 Ford Escape - Benefits 45.25 45.25 141.40 -141 0.00%
9-1880-9109-6800 Equip Pool - C9 - 2007 Ford Escape - Expenses 4,841.20 4,841.20 4,719.74 -4,720 0.00%
9-1880-9110-6120 Equip Pool - C10 - 2007 Ford Escape - Wages 1,043.45 1,043.45 306.88 -307 0.00%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
9-1880-9110-6195 Equip Pool - C10 - 2007 Ford Escape - Benefits 288.40 288.40 69.87 -70 0.00%
9-1880-9110-6800 Equip Pool - C10 - 2007 Ford Escape - Expenses 2,647.74 2,647.74 2,259.76 -2,260 0.00%
9-1880-9111-6800 Equip Pool - PT1 - 1991 GMC Van - Exp 270.78 270.78 0 0.00%
9-1880-9113-6120 Equip Pool - PT3 - 1995 Ford PU - Wages 31.78 31.78 0 0.00%
9-1880-9113-6195 Equip Pool - PT3 - 1995 Ford - Benefits 3.82 3.82 0 0.00%
9-1880-9116-6120 Equip Pool - PT6 - 2000 Dodge Dakota - Wages 332.89 332.89 0 0.00%
9-1880-9116-6195 Equip Pool - PT6 - 2000 Dodge Dakota - Benefits 68.47 68.47 0 0.00%
9-1880-9116-6800 Equip Pool - PT6 - 2000 Dodge Dakota - Exp 1,929.34 1,929.34 0 0.00%
9-1880-9121-6120 Equip Pool - PT11 - 1996 GMC Van - Wages 323.59 323.59 71.10 -71 0.00%
9-1880-9121-6195 Equip Pool - PT11 1996 GMC Van - Benefits 86.83 86.83 18.12 -18 0.00%
9-1880-9121-6800 Equip Pool - PT11 - 1996 GMC Van - Exp 2,302.75 2,302.75 771.38 -771 0.00%
9-1880-9123-6120 Equip Pool - PT13 - 2003 Chev 4x4 - Wages 1,047.51 1,047.51 1,298.78 -1,299 0.00%
9-1880-9123-6195 Equip Pool - PT13 - 2003 Chev 4x4 - Benefits 139.35 139.35 356.70 -357 0.00%
9-1880-9123-6800 Equip Pool - PT13 - 2003 Chev 4x4 Exp 3,555.13 3,555.13 3,725.13 -3,725 0.00%
9-1880-9124-6120 Equip Pool - PT14 - 1999 GMC Van - Wages 2,089.12 2,089.12 540.06 -540 0.00%
9-1880-9124-6195 Equip Pool - PT14 - 1999 GMC Van - Benefits 430.17 430.17 141.86 -142 0.00%
9-1880-9124-6800 Equip Pool - PT14 - 1999 GMC Van - Exp 5,527.50 5,527.50 3,730.08 -3,730 0.00%
9-1880-9125-6800 Equip Pool - PT15 - 1999 GMC Safari Van - Exp 109.11 109.11 0 0.00%
9-1880-9126-6120 Equip Pool - PT16 - 1999 Ford F150 PU - Wages 297.38 297.38 1,025.63 -1,026 0.00%
9-1880-9126-6195 Equip Pool - PT16 - 1999 Ford F150 PU - Benefits 53.56 53.56 263.05 -263 0.00%
9-1880-9126-6800 Equip Pool - PT16 - 1999 Ford F150 PU - Exp 989.17 989.17 2,214.04 -2,214 0.00%
9-1880-9127-6120 Equip Pool - PT17 - 2000 Ford PU - Wages 158.91 158.91 546.10 -546 0.00%
9-1880-9127-6195 Equip Pool - PT17 - 2000 Ford PU - Benefits 18.18 18.18 134.53 -135 0.00%
9-1880-9127-6800 Equip Pool - PT17 - 2000 Ford PU - Exp 1,739.02 1,739.02 2,958.84 -2,959 0.00%
9-1880-9128-6120 Equip Pool - PT18 - 2000 Ford PU - Wages 316.18 316.18 71.10 -71 0.00%
9-1880-9128-6195 Equip Pool - Pt18 - 2000 Ford PU - Benefits 82.79 82.79 18.12 -18 0.00%
9-1880-9128-6800 Equip Pool - PT18 - 2000 Ford PU - Exp 1,492.28 1,492.28 139.01 -139 0.00%
9-1880-9129-6120 Equip Pool - PT19 - 1990 Chev PU - Wages 95.41 95.41 0 0.00%
9-1880-9129-6195 Equip Pool - PT19 - 1990 Chev PU - Benefits 19.16 19.16 0 0.00%
9-1880-9131-6120 Equip Pool - PT21 - 2001 Savana Van - Wages 487.20 487.20 420.33 -420 0.00%
9-1880-9131-6195 Equip Pool - PT21 - 2001 Savana Van - Benefits 172.51 172.51 85.44 -85 0.00%
9-1880-9131-6800 Equip Pool - PT21 - 2001 Savana Van - Exp 2,146.59 2,146.59 2,684.64 -2,685 0.00%
9-1880-9133-6120 Equip Pool - PT23 - 1992 GMC PU - Wages 31.78 31.78 0 0.00%
9-1880-9133-6195 Equip Pool - PT23 - 1992 GMC - Benefits 6.39 6.39 0 0.00%
9-1880-9133-6800 Equip Pool - PT23 - 1991 GMC PU - Exp 618.00 618.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9134-6120 Equip Pool - PT24 - 2001 Chev S10 - Wages 176.25 176.25 309.33 -309 0.00%
9-1880-9134-6195 Equip Pool - PT24 - 2001 Chev S10 - Benefits 41.77 41.77 71.31 -71 0.00%
9-1880-9134-6800 Equip Pool - PT24 - 2001 Chev S10 - Exp 1,156.27 1,156.27 1,836.91 -1,837 0.00%
9-1880-9136-6120 Equip Pool - PT26 - 1997 Chev Chyann PU - Wages 190.69 -191 0.00%
9-1880-9136-6195 Equip Pool - PT26 - 1997 Chev Chyann PU - Benefits 38.31 -38 0.00%
9-1880-9137-6120 Equip Pool - PT27 - 1997 Chev Chyann PU - Wages 284.40 284.40 0 0.00%
9-1880-9137-6195 Equip Pool - PT27 Chev Chyann PU - Benefits 79.88 79.88 0 0.00%
9-1880-9137-6800 Equip Pool - PT27 - 1997 Chev Chyann PU - Exp 327.50 -328 0.00%
9-1880-9138-6800 Equip Pool - PT28 Ford 1/2 PU - Exp 8.10 8.10 0 0.00%
9-1880-9139-6120 Equip Pool - PT29 - 2005 3/4t Ford PU - Wages CUPE 291.53 291.53 926.11 -926 0.00%
9-1880-9139-6195 Equip Pool - PT29 - 2005 3/4t PU - Benefits 55.97 55.97 285.89 -286 0.00%
9-1880-9139-6800 Equip Pool - PT29 - 2005 Ford 3/4t Ext.Cab - Exp 2,205.75 2,205.75 10,206.92 -10,207 0.00%
9-1880-9140-6120 Equip Pool - PT30 2005 Ford PU - Wages CUPE 907.91 907.91 620.98 -621 0.00%
9-1880-9140-6195 Equip Pool - PT30 2005 Ford PU - Benefits 161.22 161.22 158.33 -158 0.00%
9-1880-9140-6800 Equip Pool - PT30 2005 Ford PU - Exp 3,839.89 3,839.89 5,141.90 -5,142 0.00%
9-1880-9141-6120 Equip Pool - PT31 - 2009 Sierra Pickup - Wages 355.58 355.58 498.50 -499 0.00%
9-1880-9141-6195 Equip Pool - PT31 - 2009 Sierra Pickup - Benefits 76.10 76.10 121.21 -121 0.00%
9-1880-9141-6800 Equip Pool - PT31 - 2009 Sierra Pickup - Exp 7,345.67 7,345.67 5,009.40 -5,009 0.00%
9-1880-9142-6120 Equip Pool - PT32 - 2010 Savanna Van - Wages 833.45 833.45 377.63 -378 0.00%
9-1880-9142-6195 Equip Pool - PT32 - 2010 Savanna Van - Benefits 200.71 200.71 113.85 -114 0.00%
9-1880-9142-6800 Equip Pool - PT32 - 2010 Savanna Van - Expense 3,133.28 3,133.28 2,408.28 -2,408 0.00%
9-1880-9143-6120 Equip Pool - PT33 - 2000 Jeep Cherokee - Wages 827.11 827.11 443.91 -444 0.00%
9-1880-9143-6195 Equip Pool - PT33 - 2000 Jeep Cherokee - Benefits 162.73 162.73 105.91 -106 0.00%
9-1880-9143-6800 Equip Pool - PT33 - 2000 Jeep Cherokee - Expense 2,999.32 2,999.32 1,679.01 -1,679 0.00%
9-1880-9144-6120 Equip Pool - PT34 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Wage 558.99 558.99 484.41 -484 0.00%
9-1880-9144-6195 Equip Pool - PT34 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Benef 114.18 114.18 126.54 -127 0.00%
9-1880-9144-6800 Equip Pool - PT34 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Exp 3,488.76 3,488.76 6,342.02 -6,342 0.00%
9-1880-9145-6120 Equip Pool - PT35 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Wage 111.26 111.26 707.04 -707 0.00%
9-1880-9145-6195 Equip Pool - PT35 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Benef 26.42 26.42 179.07 -179 0.00%
9-1880-9145-6800 Equip Pool - PT35 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Exp 6,090.87 6,090.87 6,048.88 -6,049 0.00%
9-1880-9146-6120 Equip Pool - PT36 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Wage 31.78 31.78 242.55 -243 0.00%
9-1880-9146-6195 Equip Pool - PT36 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Benef 5.73 5.73 46.58 -47 0.00%
9-1880-9146-6800 Equip Pool - PT36 - 2011 Chev Silverado 3/4T - Exp 266.41 -266 0.00%
9-1880-9147-6800 Equip Pool - PT37 - 2011 Ford PU - Exp 6,959.27 6,959.27 9,524.73 -9,525 0.00%
9-1880-9147-6120 Equip Pool - PT37 - 2011 Ford PU - Wages 868.24 868.24 298.78 -299 0.00%
9-1880-9147-6195 Equip Pool - PT37 - 2011 Ford PU - Benefits 176.93 176.93 89.90 -90 0.00%
9-1880-9148-6800 Equip Pool - PT38 - 2012 Chev Silverado PU - Expense 6,360.29 6,360.29 3,481.83 -3,482 0.00%
9-1880-9148-6120 Equip Pool - PT38 - 2012 Chev Silverado PU - Wages 614.65 614.65 406.54 -407 0.00%
9-1880-9148-6195 Equip Pool - PT38 - 2012 Chev Silverado PU - Benefits 134.94 134.94 124.73 -125 0.00%
9-1880-9149-6800 Equip Pool - PT39 - 2012 Chev Silverado PU - Expense 4,591.74 4,591.74 3,253.07 -3,253 0.00%
9-1880-9149-6120 Equip Pool - PT39 - 2012 Chev Silverado PU - Wages 637.38 637.38 576.76 -577 0.00%
9-1880-9149-6195 Equip Pool - PT39 - 2012 Chev Silverado PU - Benefits 167.00 167.00 83.56 -84 0.00%
9-1880-9150-6120 Equip Pool - PT40 - 2013 Ford F150 Crew Cab - CUPE W 4,213.86 4,213.86 1,462.35 -1,462 0.00%
9-1880-9150-6195 Equip Pool - PT40 - 2013 Ford F150 Crew Cab - Benefits 1,074.11 1,074.11 303.71 -304 0.00%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
9-1880-9150-6800 Equip Pool - PT40 - 2013 Ford F150 Crew Cab - Expense 8,287.26 8,287.26 4,237.81 -4,238 0.00%
9-1880-9151-6120 Equip Pool - PT41 - 2013 Ford F150 Crewcab - CUPE Wa 1,525.52 1,525.52 202.16 -202 0.00%
9-1880-9151-6195 Equip Pool - PT41 - 2013 Ford F150 Crewcab - Benefits 354.86 354.86 51.42 -51 0.00%
9-1880-9151-6800 Equip Pool - PT41 - 2013 Ford F150 Crewcab - Expense 6,304.72 6,304.72 3,889.74 -3,890 0.00%
9-1880-9152-6120 Equip Pool - PT42 - 2013 Ford CG E250 Van - CUPE Wag 245.49 245.49 507.64 -508 0.00%
9-1880-9152-6195 Equip Pool - PT42 - 2013 Ford CG E250 Van - Benefits 59.36 59.36 106.77 -107 0.00%
9-1880-9152-6800 Equip Pool - PT42 - 2013 Ford CG E250 Van - Expense 4,307.01 4,307.01 7,179.52 -7,180 0.00%
9-1880-9153-6120 Equip Pool - PT43 - 2013 1500 Dodge Ram - CUPE Wag 452.07 452.07 211.29 -211 0.00%
9-1880-9153-6195 Equip Pool - PT43 - 2013 1500 Dodge Ram - Benefits 91.39 91.39 49.62 -50 0.00%
9-1880-9153-6800 Equip Pool - PT43 - 2013 1500 Dodge Ram - Expense 3,435.44 3,435.44 3,706.61 -3,707 0.00%
9-1880-9154-6120 Equip Pool - PT44 - 2014 Ford F150 - CUPE Wages 492.71 492.71 203.66 -204 0.00%
9-1880-9154-6195 Equip Pool - PT44 - 2014 Ford F150 - Benefits 135.73 135.73 30.24 -30 0.00%
9-1880-9154-6800 Equip Pool - PT44 - 2014 Ford F150 - Expense 5,833.49 5,833.49 6,205.22 -6,205 0.00%
9-1880-9155-6120 Equip Pool - PT45 - 2014 Ford F250 - CUPE Wages 74.92 74.92 392.25 -392 0.00%
9-1880-9155-6195 Equip Pool - PT45 - 2014 Ford F250 - Benefits 26.95 26.95 114.51 -115 0.00%
9-1880-9155-6800 Equip Pool - PT45 - 2014 Ford F250 - Expense 2,977.53 2,977.53 8,494.13 -8,494 0.00%
9-1880-9156-6120 Equip Pool - PT46 - 2016 Ram 1500 PU - CUPE Wages 210.47 210.47 286.61 -287 0.00%
9-1880-9156-6195 Equip Pool - PT46 - 2016 Ram 1500 PU - Benefits 50.26 50.26 51.72 -52 0.00%
9-1880-9156-6800 Equip Pool - PT46 - 2016 Ram 1500 PU - Expense 2,973.72 2,973.72 6,073.30 -6,073 0.00%
9-1880-9157-6120 Equip Pool - PT47 - 2016 Ram 1500 PU - CUPE Wages 68.10 68.10 208.16 -208 0.00%
9-1880-9157-6195 Equip Pool - PT47 - 2016 Ram 1500 PU - Benefits 20.96 20.96 49.67 -50 0.00%
9-1880-9157-6800 Equip Pool - PT47 - 2016 Ram 1500 PU - Expense 1,616.04 1,616.04 2,815.11 -2,815 0.00%
9-1880-9158-6120 Equip Pool - PT48 - 2006 Ford F150 4x4-CUPE Wages 879.66 -880 0.00%
9-1880-9158-6195 Equip Pool - PT48 - 2006 Ford F150 4x4-CUPE Benefits 224.34 -224 0.00%
9-1880-9158-6800 Equip Pool - PT48 - 2006 Ford F150 4x4-CUPE Expense 4,182.20 -4,182 0.00%
9-1880-9159-6120 Equip Pool - PT49 - 2016 Ford F250 - CUPE Wages 369.23 -369 0.00%
9-1880-9159-6195 Equip Pool - PT49 - 2016 Ford F250 - Benefits 110.00 -110 0.00%
9-1880-9159-6800 Equip Pool - PT49 - 2016 Ford F250 - Expense 740.65 -741 0.00%
9-1880-9160-6120 Equip Pool - PT50-2017 Ford F-350, CUPE Wages 1,946.39 -1,946 0.00%
9-1880-9160-6195 Equip Pool - PT50-2017 Ford F-350 - Benefits 596.62 -597 0.00%
9-1880-9160-6800 Equip Pool - PT50-2017 Ford F-350 - Expense 1,052.40 -1,052 0.00%
9-1880-9201-6120 Equip Pool - DT1 2003 Freightliner DT - CUPE Wages 2,491.65 2,491.65 2,241.14 -2,241 0.00%
9-1880-9201-6195 Equip Pool - DT1 2003 Freightliner DT - Benefits 457.92 457.92 495.66 -496 0.00%
9-1880-9201-6800 Equip Pool - DT1 2003 Freightliner DT - Exp 5,724.91 5,724.91 5,017.46 -5,017 0.00%
9-1880-9202-6120 Equip Pool - DT2 - 2007 Int'l Tandem Sand Truck - Wa 7,234.01 7,234.01 8,464.96 -8,465 0.00%
9-1880-9202-6195 Equip Pool - DT2 - 2007 Int'l Tandem Sand Truck - Be 1,431.06 1,431.06 1,917.47 -1,917 0.00%
9-1880-9202-6800 Equip Pool - DT2 - 2007 Int'l Tandem Sand Truck - Exp 21,322.75 21,322.75 16,964.43 -16,964 0.00%
9-1880-9203-6800 Equip Pool - DT3 - 1992 Int'l DT - Exp 42.00 42.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9204-6120 Equip Pool - DT4 - 2011 Int 7400 DT - Wages 6,029.85 6,029.85 5,484.71 -5,485 0.00%
9-1880-9204-6195 Equip Pool - DT4 - 2011 Int 7400 DT - Benefits 1,256.78 1,256.78 1,210.61 -1,211 0.00%
9-1880-9204-6800 Equip Pool - DT4 - 2011 Int 7400 DT - Expense 13,140.37 13,140.37 6,927.28 -6,927 0.00%
9-1880-9205-6120 Equip Pool - DT5 - 1982 Heavy DT - Wages 2,353.56 2,353.56 1,333.37 -1,333 0.00%
9-1880-9205-6195 Equip Pool - DT5 - 1982 Heavy DT - Benefits 414.71 414.71 359.74 -360 0.00%
9-1880-9205-6800 Equip Pool - DT5 - 1982 Heavy DT - Exp 3,744.49 3,744.49 1,374.31 -1,374 0.00%
9-1880-9208-6120 Equip Pool - DT8 - 1998 Int'l Runway DT - Wages 7,849.90 7,849.90 3,348.58 -3,349 0.00%
9-1880-9208-6195 Equip Pool - DT8 - 1998 Int'l Runway DT - Benefits 1,723.18 1,723.18 775.17 -775 0.00%
9-1880-9208-6800 Equip Pool - DT8 - 1998 Int'l - Runway DT - Exp 9,981.50 9,981.50 5,591.66 -5,592 0.00%
9-1880-9209-6120 Equip Pool - DT9 - 2012 Int'l Water Truck - Wages 1,166.49 1,166.49 1,480.99 -1,481 0.00%
9-1880-9209-6195 Equip Pool - DT9 - 2012 Int'l Water Truck - Benefits 268.81 268.81 319.06 -319 0.00%
9-1880-9209-6800 Equip Pool - DT9 - 2012 Int'l Water Truck - Expense 4,686.76 4,686.76 4,751.91 -4,752 0.00%
9-1880-9231-6120 Equip Pool - UT1 - 1999 GMC 1 Ton Crewcab - Wages 1,411.57 1,411.57 403.40 -403 0.00%
9-1880-9231-6195 Equip Pool - UT1 - 1999 GMC 1 Ton - Benefits 330.72 330.72 90.18 -90 0.00%
9-1880-9231-6800 Equip Pool - UT1 - 1999 GMC 1 Ton Crewcab - Exp 459.71 459.71 2,017.78 -2,018 0.00%
9-1880-9232-6120 Equip Pool - UT2 - 1987 Ford 1t. - Wages 244.05 244.05 72.30 -72 0.00%
9-1880-9232-6195 Equip Pool - UT2 - 1987 Ford 1t. - Benefits 65.32 65.32 20.44 -20 0.00%
9-1880-9233-6120 Equip Pool - UT3 Ford F350 - Wage 2,386.03 2,386.03 4,082.19 -4,082 0.00%
9-1880-9233-6195 Equip Pool - UT3 Ford 350 - Benefits 590.01 590.01 1,019.62 -1,020 0.00%
9-1880-9233-6800 Equip Pool - UT3 2003 Ford F350 - Exp 3,786.08 3,786.08 3,725.13 -3,725 0.00%
9-1880-9234-6120 Equip Pool - UT4 2003 Ford F350 - Wage 4,103.00 4,103.00 2,068.75 -2,069 0.00%
9-1880-9234-6195 Equip Pool - UT4 2003 Ford 350 - Benefits 1,015.44 1,015.44 472.07 -472 0.00%
9-1880-9234-6800 Equip Pool - UT4 2003 Ford F350 - Exp 4,654.07 4,654.07 3,184.33 -3,184 0.00%
9-1880-9235-6120 Equip Pool - UT5 2003 F350 - Wage 916.68 916.68 837.53 -838 0.00%
9-1880-9235-6195 Equip Pool - UT5 2003 F350 - Benefits 172.12 172.12 178.48 -178 0.00%
9-1880-9235-6800 Equip Pool - UT5 2003 F350 - Exp 3,906.58 3,906.58 2,993.20 -2,993 0.00%
9-1880-9236-6120 Equip Pool - UT6 - 2000 Ford 1T - Wages 688.80 688.80 71.10 -71 0.00%
9-1880-9236-6195 Equip Pool - UT6 2000 Ford 1T - Benefits 132.65 132.65 18.12 -18 0.00%
9-1880-9236-6800 Equip Pool - UT6 - 2000 Ford 1T - Exp 2,267.17 2,267.17 203.00 -203 0.00%
9-1880-9237-6120 Equip Pool - UT7 - 2000 Ford 1T - Wages 873.44 873.44 999.45 -999 0.00%
9-1880-9237-6195 Equip Pool - UT7 - 2000 Ford 1T - Benefits 219.90 219.90 248.48 -248 0.00%
9-1880-9237-6800 Equip Pool - UT7 - 2000 Ford 1T - Exp 5,702.61 5,702.61 4,874.57 -4,875 0.00%
9-1880-9239-6120 Equip Pool - UT9 - 1992 Inter. Ladder Truck - Wage 1,238.40 1,238.40 959.40 -959 0.00%
9-1880-9239-6195 Equip Pool - UT9 - 1992 Inter Ladder Tk - Benefits 264.88 264.88 180.23 -180 0.00%
9-1880-9239-6800 Equip Pool - UT9 - 1992 International Ladder Truck 2,202.22 2,202.22 1,926.45 -1,926 0.00%
9-1880-9240-6120 Equip Pool - UT10 - 2007 Chev 4x4 1 Ton - Wages CUP 4,222.45 4,222.45 3,119.30 -3,119 0.00%
9-1880-9240-6195 Equip Pool - UT10 - 2007 Chev 4x4 1 Ton - Benefits 829.76 829.76 716.54 -717 0.00%
9-1880-9240-6800 Equip Pool - UT10 - 2007 Chev 4x4 1 Ton - Expenses 5,080.79 5,080.79 4,996.68 -4,997 0.00%
9-1880-9241-6120 Equip Pool - UT11 - 1997 Chev 1t. - Wages 4,307.18 4,307.18 529.71 -530 0.00%
9-1880-9241-6195 Equip Pool - UT11 - 1997 Chev 1t. - Benefits 961.57 961.57 112.74 -113 0.00%
9-1880-9241-6800 Equip Pool - UT11 - 1997 Chev 1t. - Exp 5,127.32 5,127.32 3,966.05 -3,966 0.00%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
9-1880-9242-6120 Equip Pool - UT12 - 1999 Chev 1t. - Wages 340.54 340.54 0 0.00%
9-1880-9242-6195 Equip Pool - UT12 - 1999 Chev 1t. - Benefits 63.99 63.99 0 0.00%
9-1880-9242-6800 Equip Pool - UT12 - 1999 Chev 1t. - Exp 2,578.00 2,578.00 140.86 -141 0.00%
9-1880-9243-6120 Equip Pool - UT13 - 2008 Ford 550 - Wages 3,475.30 3,475.30 1,882.67 -1,883 0.00%
9-1880-9243-6195 Equip Pool - UT13 - 2008 Ford 550 - Benefits 790.76 790.76 435.59 -436 0.00%
9-1880-9243-6800 Equip Pool - UT13 - 2008 Ford 550 - Expense 6,054.49 6,054.49 2,893.74 -2,894 0.00%
9-1880-9244-6120 Equip Pool - UT14 - 2008 Ford 550 - Wages 3,227.34 3,227.34 3,304.02 -3,304 0.00%
9-1880-9244-6195 Equip Pool - UT14 - 2008 Ford 550 - Benefits 608.32 608.32 831.07 -831 0.00%
9-1880-9244-6800 Equip Pool - UT14 - 2008 Ford 550 - Expense 6,739.54 6,739.54 4,563.32 -4,563 0.00%
9-1880-9245-6120 Equip Pool - UT15 - 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 - Wages 286.80 286.80 712.26 -712 0.00%
9-1880-9245-6195 Equip Pool - UT15 - 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 - Benef 82.27 82.27 148.89 -149 0.00%
9-1880-9245-6800 Equip Pool - UT15 - 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 - Expen 5,519.01 5,519.01 8,035.67 -8,036 0.00%
9-1880-9246-6120 Equip Pool - UT16 - 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 - Wages 2,223.11 2,223.11 2,789.37 -2,789 0.00%
9-1880-9246-6195 Equip Pool - UT16 - 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 - Benef 496.46 496.46 678.58 -679 0.00%
9-1880-9246-6800 Equip Pool - UT16 - 2012 Chev Silverado 3500 - Expens 7,514.03 7,514.03 10,475.34 -10,475 0.00%
9-1880-9247-6120 Equip Pool - UT17 - 2012 Ford F550DRW DBT - Wages 3,235.50 3,235.50 1,332.80 -1,333 0.00%
9-1880-9247-6195 Equip Pool - UT17 - 2012 Ford F550DRW DBT - Benefits 710.95 710.95 273.61 -274 0.00%
9-1880-9247-6800 Equip Pool - UT17 - 2012 Ford F550DRW DBT - Expense 5,546.78 5,546.78 5,152.56 -5,153 0.00%
9-1880-9248-6120 Equip Pool - UT18 - 2013 F550 - CUPE Wages 633.87 633.87 1,046.43 -1,046 0.00%
9-1880-9248-6195 Equip Pool - UT18 - 2013 F550 - Benefits 135.35 135.35 291.14 -291 0.00%
9-1880-9248-6800 Equip Pool - UT18 - 2013 F550 - Expense 3,476.28 3,476.28 5,159.64 -5,160 0.00%
9-1880-9249-6120 Equip Pool - UT19 - 2014 Chev Silverado - CUPE Wages 2,690.38 2,690.38 2,498.13 -2,498 0.00%
9-1880-9249-6195 Equip Pool - UT19 - 2014 Chev Silverado - Benefits 594.29 594.29 675.99 -676 0.00%
9-1880-9249-6800 Equip Pool - UT19 - 2014 Chev Silverado - Expense 4,854.71 4,854.71 5,482.87 -5,483 0.00%
9-1880-9250-6120 Equip Pool - UT20 - 2014 Chev Silverado 3500 - CUPE W 5,597.27 5,597.27 2,163.65 -2,164 0.00%
9-1880-9250-6195 Equip Pool - UT20 - 2014 Chev Silverado 3500 - Benefit 1,410.27 1,410.27 650.56 -651 0.00%
9-1880-9250-6800 Equip Pool - UT20 - 2014 Chev Silverado 3500 - Expens 6,050.62 6,050.62 5,296.24 -5,296 0.00%
9-1880-9305-6120 Equip Pool - FT5 - 2005 JD Tractor - Wages - CUPE 204.30 204.30 1,178.10 -1,178 0.00%
9-1880-9305-6195 Equip Pool - FT5 - 2005 JD Tractor - Benefits 61.82 61.82 282.44 -282 0.00%
9-1880-9305-6800 Equip Pool - FT5 - 2005 JD Tractor - Expense 1,223.00 1,223.00 1,240.06 -1,240 0.00%
9-1880-9306-6120 Equip Pool - FT6 - 1995 Ford Tractor - Wages 1,863.68 1,863.68 5,014.38 -5,014 0.00%
9-1880-9306-6195 Equip Pool - FT6 - 1995 Ford Tractor - Benefits 527.61 527.61 1,419.00 -1,419 0.00%
9-1880-9306-6800 Equip Pool - FT6 - 1995 Ford Tractor - Exp 4,952.30 4,952.30 15,508.60 -15,509 0.00%
9-1880-9307-6120 Equip Pool - FT7 2005 New Holland Tractor - Wages 257.68 257.68 928.60 -929 0.00%
9-1880-9307-6195 Equip Pool - FT7 2005 New Holland Tractor - Benefi 44.08 44.08 324.74 -325 0.00%
9-1880-9307-6800 Equip Pool - FT7 2005 New Holland Tractor - Exp 3,087.55 3,087.55 4,573.28 -4,573 0.00%
9-1880-9322-6120 Equip Pool - LB2 - 2005 JD Loader - Wages 1,699.17 1,699.17 77.82 -78 0.00%
9-1880-9322-6195 Equip Pool - LB2 - 2005 JD Loader - Benefits 480.59 480.59 18.71 -19 0.00%
9-1880-9322-6800 Equip Pool - LB2 - 2005 JD Loader - Exp 2,340.06 2,340.06 0 0.00%
9-1880-9323-6120 Equip Pool - LB3 JD Wheel Loader - Wage 3,307.72 3,307.72 4,664.77 -4,665 0.00%
9-1880-9323-6195 Equip Pool - LB3 JD Wheel Loader - Benefits 911.03 911.03 1,238.31 -1,238 0.00%
9-1880-9323-6800 Equip Pool - LB3 2003 JD Wheel Loader - Exp 6,449.12 6,449.12 6,860.61 -6,861 0.00%
9-1880-9324-6120 Equip Pool - LB4 - 2005 JD Loader - Wages 2,282.02 2,282.02 1,819.69 -1,820 0.00%
9-1880-9324-6195 Equip Pool - LB4 - 2005 JD Loader - Benefit 494.55 494.55 458.42 -458 0.00%
9-1880-9324-6800 Equip Pool - LB4 - 2005 JD Loader - Exp 3,488.55 3,488.55 4,890.28 -4,890 0.00%
9-1880-9325-6120 Equip Pool - LB5 - 2007 JD 544J Loader - Wages 4,801.22 4,801.22 5,672.47 -5,672 0.00%
9-1880-9325-6195 Equip Pool - LB5 - 2007 JD 544J Loader - Benefits 1,046.57 1,046.57 1,126.55 -1,127 0.00%
9-1880-9325-6800 Equip Pool - LB5 - 2007 JD 544J Loader - Exp 17,448.33 17,448.33 18,588.74 -18,589 0.00%
9-1880-9327-6120 Equip Pool - LB7 - 2009 JD444K Wheel Loader - Wage 4,647.82 4,647.82 9,390.10 -9,390 0.00%
9-1880-9327-6195 Equip Pool - LB7 - 2009 JD444K Wheel Loader - Bene 925.50 925.50 2,181.53 -2,182 0.00%
9-1880-9327-6800 Equip Pool - LB7 - 2009 JD444K Wheel Loader - Expe 17,229.97 17,229.97 22,577.60 -22,578 0.00%
9-1880-9328-6120 Equip Pool - LB8 - 2014 JD 310SK Backhoe Load - CUPE 1,523.44 1,523.44 995.78 -996 0.00%
9-1880-9328-6195 Equip Pool - LB8 - 2014 JD 310SK Backhoe Load - Bene 314.55 314.55 222.16 -222 0.00%
9-1880-9328-6800 Equip Pool - LB8 - 2014 JD 310SK Backhoe Load - Expe 1,664.47 1,664.47 4,180.68 -4,181 0.00%
9-1880-9353-6120 Equip Pool - MG3 - 1980 Champion Grdr. - Wages 265.76 265.76 0 0.00%
9-1880-9353-6195 Equip Pool - MG3 - 1980 Champion Grader - Benefits 71.42 71.42 0 0.00%
9-1880-9354-6120 Equip Pool - MG4 - 1997 Komatsu Grdr. - Wages 6,337.97 6,337.97 5,818.37 -5,818 0.00%
9-1880-9354-6195 Equip Pool - MG4 - 1987 Komatsu Grdr - Benefits 1,359.42 1,359.42 1,288.91 -1,289 0.00%
9-1880-9354-6800 Equip Pool - MG4 - 1997 Komatsu Grdr. - Exp 18,548.71 18,548.71 21,529.75 -21,530 0.00%
9-1880-9355-6120 Equip Pool - JD770D 2008 Grader - Wages 5,192.66 5,192.66 7,376.39 -7,376 0.00%
9-1880-9355-6195 Equip Pool - JD770D 2008 Grader - Benefits 1,136.09 1,136.09 1,747.95 -1,748 0.00%
9-1880-9355-6800 Equip Pool - JD770D 2008 Grader - Expense 41,733.33 41,733.33 19,649.02 -19,649 0.00%
9-1880-9390-6120 Equip Pool - Airport Miscellaneous - Wages 69.06 69.06 252.96 -253 0.00%
9-1880-9390-6195 Equip Pool - Airport Miscellaneous - Benefits 18.03 18.03 71.12 -71 0.00%
9-1880-9401-6120 Equip Pool - PE1 - 1995 Ransommes Rideon - Wages 197.92 -198 0.00%
9-1880-9401-6195 Equip Pool - PE1 - 1995 Ransommes Rideon - Benefits 59.94 -60 0.00%
9-1880-9402-6800 Equip Pool - PE2 - Advenger Floorcleaner - Exp 111.00 111.00 114.00 -114 0.00%
9-1880-9403-6120 Equip Pool - PE3 - 1986 H/M Float Trlr. - Wages 1,042.60 1,042.60 901.12 -901 0.00%
9-1880-9403-6195 Equip Pool - PE3 - 1986 H/M Float Trlr - Benefits 286.68 286.68 220.38 -220 0.00%
9-1880-9403-6800 Equip Pool - PE3 - 1986 H/M Float Trlr. - Exp 696.46 696.46 196.00 -196 0.00%
9-1880-9404-6120 Equip Pool - PE4 - 1997 - Trackless MT Mower - Wage 60.95 60.95 144.60 -145 0.00%
9-1880-9404-6195 Equip Pool - PE4 - 1997 Trackless Mt Mower - Benefits 10.33 10.33 40.89 -41 0.00%
9-1880-9404-6800 Equip Pool - PE4 - 1997 Trackless MT Mower - Exp 75.00 75.00 237.03 -237 0.00%
9-1880-9406-6120 Equip Pool - PE6 - Pulverizer & Seeder - Wages 382.17 382.17 759.76 -760 0.00%
9-1880-9406-6195 Equip Pool - PE6 - Pulverizer & Seeder - Benefits 124.94 124.94 165.29 -165 0.00%
9-1880-9407-6120 Equip Pool - PE7 - MOTT Side Cutter Attch. - Wages 2,979.51 2,979.51 4,045.05 -4,045 0.00%
9-1880-9407-6195 Equip Pool - PE7 - MOTT Sidecutter Attch. - Benefits 670.08 670.08 928.08 -928 0.00%
9-1880-9410-6800 Equip Pool - PE10 - 2004 John Deere Rideon - Exp 2,335.96 2,335.96 3,208.23 -3,208 0.00%
9-1880-9411-6120 Equip Pool - PE11 - 1986 Parks Util.Trlr. - Wages 463.10 463.10 1,029.95 -1,030 0.00%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
9-1880-9411-6195 Equip Pool - PE11 - 1986 Parks Util.Trlr - Benefits 108.30 108.30 221.53 -222 0.00%
9-1880-9411-6800 Equip Pool - PE11 - 1986 Parks Util.Trlr. - Exp 186.00 186.00 290.66 -291 0.00%
9-1880-9412-6800 Equip Pool - PE12 - Rotovator - Exp 32.00 32.00 34.00 -34 0.00%
9-1880-9413-6120 Equip Pool - PE13 - 1995 Parks Trlr. - Wages 204.30 204.30 465.01 -465 0.00%
9-1880-9413-6195 Equip Pool - PE13 - 1995 Parks - Benefits 17.55 17.55 119.47 -119 0.00%
9-1880-9413-6800 Equip Pool - PE13 - 1995 Parks Trlr. - Exp 179.00 179.00 323.93 -324 0.00%
9-1880-9415-6120 Equip Pool - PE15 2003 JD Walk Mower - Wages CUPE 104.63 -105 0.00%
9-1880-9415-6195 Equip Pool - PE15 - 2003 JD Walk Mower - Benefits 24.42 -24 0.00%
9-1880-9415-6800 Equip Pool - PE15 - 2003 JD Walk Mower - Exp. 10.17 10.17 0 0.00%
9-1880-9416-6120 Equip Pool - PE16 - 2003 JD Walk Mower - Wages 554.73 554.73 1,180.11 -1,180 0.00%
9-1880-9416-6195 Equip Pool - PE19 - Smithco Lawn Sweeper - Benefits 156.68 156.68 277.25 -277 0.00%
9-1880-9418-6120 Equip Pool - PE18 - 2005 Trackless MT5 - Wages CUPE 5,912.27 5,912.27 6,218.90 -6,219 0.00%
9-1880-9418-6195 Equip Pool - PE18 - 2005 Trackless MT5 - Benefits 1,704.72 1,704.72 1,520.37 -1,520 0.00%
9-1880-9418-6800 Equip Pool - PE18 - 2005 Trackless MT - Exp 4,354.09 4,354.09 10,816.32 -10,816 0.00%
9-1880-9420-6800 Equip Pool - PE20 - 2008 Utility Dump Tlr - Exp 176.00 176.00 196.00 -196 0.00%
9-1880-9421-6120 Equip Pool - PE21 - 2001 Olympia Ice Machine - Wage 1,876.69 1,876.69 2,008.00 -2,008 0.00%
9-1880-9421-6195 Equip Pool - PE21 - 2001 Olympia Ice Machine - Ben 321.30 321.30 366.27 -366 0.00%
9-1880-9421-6800 Equip Pool - PE21 - 2001 Olympia Ice Machine - Exp 8,247.48 8,247.48 9,473.97 -9,474 0.00%
9-1880-9424-6120 Equip Pool - PE24 - 1995 Olympia Ice Machine - Wage 1,688.72 1,688.72 2,423.01 -2,423 0.00%
9-1880-9424-6195 Equip Pool - PE24 - 1995 Olympia Ice Mch - Benefits 413.14 413.14 579.54 -580 0.00%
9-1880-9424-6800 Equip Pool - PE24 - 1995 Olympia Ice Machine - Exp 9,682.03 9,682.03 10,035.61 -10,036 0.00%
9-1880-9425-6120 Equip Pool - PE25 - 1979 LeClair Ice Machine - Wages 284.73 284.73 40.63 -41 0.00%
9-1880-9425-6195 Equip Pool - PE25 - 1979 LeClair Ice Machine - Benef 56.41 56.41 9.77 -10 0.00%
9-1880-9425-6800 Equip Pool - PE25 - 1979 LeClair Ice Machine - Exp 228.09 228.09 0 0.00%
9-1880-9426-6120 Equip Pool - PE26 - Trackless MT - Wages 104.41 104.41 0 0.00%
9-1880-9426-6195 Equip Pool - PE26 Trackless MT - Benefits 20.95 20.95 0 0.00%
9-1880-9426-6800 Equip Pool - PE26 - Trackless MT - Exp 101.06 101.06 67.19 -67 0.00%
9-1880-9429-6120 Equip Pool - PE29 Trail Tech Car Trailer - Wages C 449.85 449.85 515.14 -515 0.00%
9-1880-9429-6195 Equip Pool - PE29 Trail Tech Car Trailer - Benefit 108.41 108.41 86.89 -87 0.00%
9-1880-9429-6800 Equip Pool - PE29 Trail Tech Car Trailer - Exp 308.01 308.01 202.49 -202 0.00%
9-1880-9430-6120 Equip Pool - PE30 - 2006 JD Ride on Mower - Wages C 190.89 190.89 1,472.48 -1,472 0.00%
9-1880-9430-6195 Equip Pool - PE30 - 2006 Ride On Mower - Benefits 27.87 27.87 418.44 -418 0.00%
9-1880-9430-6800 Equip Pool - PE30 - 2006 JD Ride On Mower 1,792.62 1,792.62 3,401.58 -3,402 0.00%
9-1880-9431-6120 Equip Pool - PE31 - 2006 JD Com Mower - Wages CUP 1,493.94 1,493.94 559.75 -560 0.00%
9-1880-9431-6195 Equip Pool - PE31 - 2006 JD Com Mower - Benefits 381.34 381.34 121.24 -121 0.00%
9-1880-9431-6800 Equip Pool - PE31 - 2006 JD 1435 Com Mower - Exp 1,551.30 1,551.30 2,842.45 -2,842 0.00%
9-1880-9432-6800 Equip Pool - PE32 - 2006 JD2305 Com Tractor - Exp 55.34 55.34 0 0.00%
9-1880-9435-6120 Equip Pool - PE35 - 2007 Dakota 420 Top Dresser - Wa 170.25 170.25 0 0.00%
9-1880-9435-6195 Equip Pool - PE35 - 2007 Dakota 420 Top Dresser - Be 44.15 44.15 0 0.00%
9-1880-9435-6800 Equip Pool - PE35 - 2007 Dakota 420 Top Dresser - Ex 333.42 333.42 312.23 -312 0.00%
9-1880-9436-6800 Equip Pool - PE36 - 2010 S205 Bobcat Skidsteer Loader 3,428.25 3,428.25 1,945.36 -1,945 0.00%
9-1880-9436-6120 Equip Pool - PE36 - 2010 S205 Bobcat Skidsteer Loader 414.60 414.60 488.53 -489 0.00%
9-1880-9436-6195 Equip Pool - PE36 - 2010 S205 Bobcat Skidsteer Loader 83.92 83.92 123.98 -124 0.00%
9-1880-9437-6800 Equip Pool - PE37 - 2010 MT6 Trackless - Exp 8,546.24 8,546.24 31,395.22 -31,395 0.00%
9-1880-9437-6120 Equip Pool - PE37 - 2010 MT6 Trackless - Wages 1,649.23 1,649.23 4,517.82 -4,518 0.00%
9-1880-9437-6195 Equip Pool - PE37 - 2010 MT6 Trackless - Benefits 333.13 333.13 743.46 -743 0.00%
9-1880-9438-6800 Equip Pool - PE38 - 2011 JD WH48A Mowers - Expense 1,221.98 1,221.98 812.27 -812 0.00%
9-1880-9438-6120 Equip Pool - PE38 - 2011 JD WH48A Mower - Wages 241.16 241.16 347.50 -348 0.00%
9-1880-9438-6195 Equip Pool - PE38 - 2011 JD WH48A Mower - Benefits 74.28 74.28 86.18 -86 0.00%
9-1880-9439-6800 Equip Pool - PE39 - 2011 JD WH48A Mower - Expense 496.93 496.93 1,039.44 -1,039 0.00%
9-1880-9439-6120 Equip Pool - PE39 - 2011 JD WH48A Mower - Wages 609.51 609.51 418.00 -418 0.00%
9-1880-9439-6195 Equip Pool - PE39 - 2011 JD WH48A Mower - Benefits 167.65 167.65 105.84 -106 0.00%
9-1880-9440-6120 Equip Pool - PE40 - 2011 Trackless (Lease) - Wages 2,628.77 2,628.77 0 0.00%
9-1880-9440-6195 Equip Pool - PE40 - 2011 Trackless (Lease) - Benefits 583.83 583.83 0 0.00%
9-1880-9440-6800 Equip Pool - PE40 - 2011 Trackless (Lease) - Expense 25,201.83 25,201.83 408.14 -408 0.00%
9-1880-9441-6120 Equip Pool - PE41 - 2012 Big Tex Uty Trailer - Wages 63.54 63.54 146.42 -146 0.00%
9-1880-9441-6195 Equip Pool - PE41 - 2012 Big Tex Uty Trailer - Benef 12.59 12.59 40.11 -40 0.00%
9-1880-9441-6800 Equip Pool - PE41 - 2012 Big Tex Uty Trailer - Expen 114.00 114.00 63.00 -63 0.00%
9-1880-9442-6120 Equip Pool - PE42 - 2012 MadVac - Wages CUPE 144.60 -145 0.00%
9-1880-9442-6195 Equip Pool - PE42 - 2012 MadVac - Benefits 74.32 -74 0.00%
9-1880-9442-6800 Equip Pool - PE42 - 2012 MadVac - Expense 967.00 967.00 619.00 -619 0.00%
9-1880-9444-6800 Equip Pool - PE44 - 2015 Royal Trailer - Expense 333.66 333.66 175.00 -175 0.00%
9-1880-9445-6120 Equip Pool - PE45 - 2014 JD Utility Trailer - CUPE Wag 289.81 289.81 558.12 -558 0.00%
9-1880-9445-6195 Equip Pool - PE45 - 2014 JD Utility Trailer - Benefits 32.02 32.02 120.26 -120 0.00%
9-1880-9445-6800 Equip Pool - PE45 - 2014 JD Utility Trailer - Expense 555.48 555.48 738.05 -738 0.00%
9-1880-9446-6120 Equip Pool - PE46 - 2015 JD1550 Terrain Mower - CU 72.15 72.15 878.71 -879 0.00%
9-1880-9446-6195 Equip Pool - PE46 - 2015 JD1550 Terrain Mower - Be 19.65 19.65 170.16 -170 0.00%
9-1880-9446-6800 Equip Pool - PE46 - 2015 JD1550 Terrain Mower - Exp 498.71 498.71 2,037.01 -2,037 0.00%
9-1880-9447-6120 Equip Pool - PE47 - 2015 Turfco Seeder - CUPE Wage 4.50 4.50 0 0.00%
9-1880-9447-6195 Equip Pool - PE47 - 2015 Turfco Seeder - Benefits 1.09 1.09 0 0.00%
9-1880-9447-6800 Equip Pool - PE47 - 2015 Turfco Seeder - Expense 9.80 9.80 8.03 -8 0.00%
9-1880-9448-6120 Equip Pool - PE48 - 2016 Trackless MT6 - CUPE - Wag 621.65 621.65 4,965.98 -4,966 0.00%
9-1880-9448-6195 Equip Pool - PE48 - 2016 Trackless MT6 - Benefit 112.84 112.84 1,262.58 -1,263 0.00%
9-1880-9448-6800 Equip Pool - PE48 - 2016 Trackless MT6 - Expense 4,570.42 4,570.42 43,243.04 -43,243 0.00%
9-1880-9449-6120 Equip Pool - PE49 - 2016 Kubota Lawnmower - Wages 108.45 -108 0.00%
9-1880-9449-6195 Equip Pool - PE49 - 2016 Kubora Lawnmower - Benefits 26.76 -27 0.00%
9-1880-9449-6800 Equip Pool - PE49 - 2016 Kubota Lawnmower-Expense 123.63 -124 0.00%
9-1880-9501-6120 Equip Pool - PW1 - 2008 Challenger Shop Steamer 131.05 -131 0.00%
9-1880-9501-6195 Equip Pool - PW1 - 2008 Challenger Shop Steamer - Be 26.34 -26 0.00%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
9-1880-9505-6120 Equip Pool - PW5 - Shoring System & Trlr. - Wages 204.30 -204 0.00%
9-1880-9505-6195 Equip Pool - PW5 - Shoring System Trlr - Benefits 30.94 -31 0.00%
9-1880-9505-6800 Equip Pool - PW5 - Shoring System & Trlr. - Exp 186.00 186.00 214.43 -214 0.00%
9-1880-9508-6120 Equip Pool - PW8 - Build a Box Shoring - Wages 2.70 -3 0.00%
9-1880-9508-6195 Equip Pool - PW8 - Build a Box Shoring - Benefits 0.74 -1 0.00%
9-1880-9508-6800 Equip Pool - PW8 - Build a Box Shoring - Exp 146.00 146.00 158.00 -158 0.00%
9-1880-9509-6120 Equip Pool - PW9 - 1999 AMZ Paver - Wages 3,341.72 3,341.72 2,272.70 -2,273 0.00%
9-1880-9509-6195 Equip Pool - PW9 - 1999 AMZ Paver - Benefits 843.94 843.94 720.28 -720 0.00%
9-1880-9509-6800 Equip Pool - PW9 - 1999 AMZ Paver - Exp 2,877.81 2,877.81 4,609.09 -4,609 0.00%
9-1880-9512-6120 Equip Pool - PW12 - Thompson Trash Pump - Wages 110.70 110.70 487.80 -488 0.00%
9-1880-9512-6195 Equip Pool - PW12 - thompson Trash Pump - Benefits 27.92 27.92 206.35 -206 0.00%
9-1880-9512-6800 Equip Pool - PW12 - Thompson Trash Pump - Exp 243.64 243.64 411.47 -411 0.00%
9-1880-9513-6800 Equip Pool - PW13 - 2CX Sewer Inspect. System - Exp 86.91 86.91 49.00 -49 0.00%
9-1880-9515-6120 Equip Pool - PW15 - Home Built Utility Trlr. - Wages 63.57 63.57 0 0.00%
9-1880-9515-6195 Equip Pool - PW15 - Home Built Trlr - Benefits 12.61 12.61 0 0.00%
9-1880-9515-6800 Equip Pool - PW15 - Home Built Utility Trlr. - Exp 570.30 570.30 96.00 -96 0.00%
9-1880-9516-6120 Equip Pool - PW16 - H/M Trlr. - Garbage Can - Wages 35.55 35.55 0 0.00%
9-1880-9516-6195 Equip Pool - PW16 - H/M Trlr - Benefits 8.76 8.76 0 0.00%
9-1880-9516-6800 Equip Pool - PW16 - H/M Trlr. - Garbage Can - Exp 7.00 7.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9517-6120 Equip Pool - PW17 - 1998 Canuck Steamer - Wages 919.74 919.74 1,062.72 -1,063 0.00%
9-1880-9517-6195 Equip Pool - PW17 - 1998 Canuck Steamer - Benefits 148.12 148.12 227.09 -227 0.00%
9-1880-9517-6800 Equip Pool - PW17 - 1998 Canuck Steamer - Exp 3,129.91 3,129.91 1,887.31 -1,887 0.00%
9-1880-9519-6800 Equip Pool - PW19 - 2009 Rainbow Utility Trailer - Expe 92.00 92.00 146.72 -147 0.00%
9-1880-9521-6120 Equip Pool - PW21 2003 Arctic Cat Quad - Wage 70.80 70.80 285.90 -286 0.00%
9-1880-9521-6195 Equip Pool - PW21 2003 Arctic Cat Quad - Benefits 20.21 20.21 55.33 -55 0.00%
9-1880-9521-6800 Equip Pool - Pw21 2003 Arctic Cat Quad - Exp 315.72 315.72 349.42 -349 0.00%
9-1880-9522-6800 Equip Pool - PW22 - 2004 Portable Steamer - Exp 36.00 36.00 39.00 -39 0.00%
9-1880-9523-6120 Equip Pool - PW23 2004 16' Carhaul Trlr - Wages CU 138.60 -139 0.00%
9-1880-9523-6195 Equip Pool - PW23 2004 16'Carhaul Trlr - Benefits 49.11 -49 0.00%
9-1880-9523-6800 Equip Pool - PW23 2004 16' CarHaul Trlr - Expense 186.00 186.00 196.00 -196 0.00%
9-1880-9524-6800 Equip Pool - PW24 - 2004 Godwin Pump - Exp 183.00 183.00 489.86 -490 0.00%
9-1880-9525-6800 Equip Pool - PW25 - 2004 Sewer Main Man Lift - Exp 82.00 82.00 89.00 -89 0.00%
9-1880-9526-6120 Equip Pool - PW26 - 1998 Steamer - Wages 1,095.96 1,095.96 973.98 -974 0.00%
9-1880-9526-6195 Equip Pool - PW26 - 1998 Steamer - Benefits 167.18 167.18 222.80 -223 0.00%
9-1880-9526-6800 Equip Pool - PW26 - 1998 Steamer - Exp 4,637.07 4,637.07 1,013.69 -1,014 0.00%
9-1880-9527-6120 Equip Pool - PW27 - 2004 Model 320 Line Marker - W 2,543.02 2,543.02 1,002.15 -1,002 0.00%
9-1880-9527-6195 Equip Pool - PW27 - 2004 Model 320 Linemarker - Ben 713.37 713.37 296.11 -296 0.00%
9-1880-9527-6800 Equip Pool - PW27 - 2004 Model 320 Linemarker - Exp 882.35 882.35 2,309.70 -2,310 0.00%
9-1880-9529-6800 Equip Pool - PW29 - Shop Pressure Washer - Exp 201.13 201.13 0 0.00%
9-1880-9530-6120 Equip Pool - PW30 - 1976 McCoy Trlr. - Wages 340.50 340.50 204.30 -204 0.00%
9-1880-9530-6195 Equip Pool - PW30 - 1976 McCoy Trlr - Benefits 87.60 87.60 31.00 -31 0.00%
9-1880-9530-6800 Equip Pool - PW30 - 1976 McCoy Trlr. - Exp 317.45 317.45 248.41 -248 0.00%
9-1880-9533-6120 Equip Pool - PW33 - 2004 10 FT Sander - Wages CUPE 136.20 136.20 1,245.24 -1,245 0.00%
9-1880-9533-6195 Equip Pool - PW33 - 2004 10 FT Sander - Benefits 37.78 37.78 292.39 -292 0.00%
9-1880-9533-6800 Equip Pool - PW33 - 2004 10 FT Sander - Exp 281.90 281.90 118.00 -118 0.00%
9-1880-9534-6120 Equip Pool - PW34 - 2007 Ingersall Rand Comp - Wage 183.15 183.15 420.93 -421 0.00%
9-1880-9534-6195 Equip Pool - PW34 - 2007 Ingersall Rand Comp - Bene 42.55 42.55 76.85 -77 0.00%
9-1880-9534-6800 Equip Pool - PW34 - 2007 Ingersall Rand Comp - Exp 1,222.99 1,222.99 620.82 -621 0.00%
9-1880-9535-6120 Equip Pool - PW35 - 2012 Stirling Util Tlr - Wages 385.80 -386 0.00%
9-1880-9535-6195 Equip Pool - PW35 - 2012 Stirling Util Tlr - Benefit 78.26 -78 0.00%
9-1880-9535-6800 Equip Pool - PW35 - 2012 Stirling Util Tlr - Exp 174.29 174.29 365.64 -366 0.00%
9-1880-9536-6120 Equip Pool - PW36 - 2007 Henderson Slide in Sander 3,044.13 3,044.13 1,717.40 -1,717 0.00%
9-1880-9536-6195 Equip Pool - PW36 - 2007 Henderson Slide in Sander 739.61 739.61 336.23 -336 0.00%
9-1880-9536-6800 Equip Pool - PW36 - 2007 Henderson Slide in Sander 12,571.30 12,571.30 4,322.66 -4,323 0.00%
9-1880-9537-6800 Equip Pool - PW37 - 2009 Hyd Pavement Breaker 337.53 337.53 143.58 -144 0.00%
9-1880-9538-6120 Equip Pool - PW38 - 2012 ABU Tilt Deck Trlr - Wages 499.43 -499 0.00%
9-1880-9538-6195 Equip Pool - PW38 - 2012 ABU 20' Tilt Trlr - Benefit 91.38 -91 0.00%
9-1880-9538-6800 Equip Pool - PW38 - 2012 ABU 20" Tilt Deck Trlr - Ex 186.00 186.00 208.04 -208 0.00%
9-1880-9539-6120 Equip Pool - PW39 - 1992 Ford De - Icer Truck - CUPE W 544.80 544.80 2,751.34 -2,751 0.00%
9-1880-9539-6195 Equip Pool - PW39 - 1992 Ford De - Icer Truck - Benefit 113.47 113.47 603.65 -604 0.00%
9-1880-9539-6800 Equip Pool - PW39 - 1992 Ford De - Icer Truck - Expense 2,113.13 2,113.13 13,719.70 -13,720 0.00%
9-1880-9540-6120 Equip Pool - PW40 - 2012 Triton Trandem Trlr - CUPE W 106.65 106.65 210.60 -211 0.00%
9-1880-9540-6195 Equip Pool - PW40 - 2012 Triton Trandem Trlr - Benefit 26.34 26.34 74.66 -75 0.00%
9-1880-9540-6800 Equip Pool - PW40 - 2012 Triton Trandem Trailer - Expe 166.00 166.00 175.00 -175 0.00%
9-1880-9541-6120 Equip Pool - PW41 - 2013 Marathon Tar Kettle - CUPE 255.54 255.54 0 0.00%
9-1880-9541-6195 Equip Pool - PW41 - 2013 Marathon Tar Kettle - Benef 47.12 47.12 0 0.00%
9-1880-9541-6800 Equip Pool - PW41 - 2013 Marathon Tar Kettle - Expen 886.16 886.16 402.73 -403 0.00%
9-1880-9542-6120 Equip Pool - PW42 - 2014 Polaris ATV Ranger - Wage 254.27 254.27 169.92 -170 0.00%
9-1880-9542-6195 Equip Pool - PW42 - 2014 Polaris ATV Ranger - Benef 51.08 51.08 54.94 -55 0.00%
9-1880-9542-6800 Equip Pool - PW42 - 2014 Polaris ATV Ranger - Expen 515.80 515.80 555.03 -555 0.00%
9-1880-9543-6120 Equip Pool - PW43 - 2014 Load Trail Carhauler - Wag 204.30 204.30 338.62 -339 0.00%
9-1880-9543-6195 Equip Pool - PW43 - 2014 Load Trail Carhauler - Bene 51.57 51.57 83.63 -84 0.00%
9-1880-9543-6800 Equip Pool - PW43 - 2014 Load Trail Carhauler - Expe 186.00 186.00 196.00 -196 0.00%
9-1880-9544-6120 Equip Pool - PW44 - 2014 Swenson Sander - Wages 129.33 -129 0.00%
9-1880-9544-6195 Equip Pool - PW44 - 2014 Swenson Sander - Benefits 24.13 -24 0.00%
9-1880-9544-6800 Equip Pool - PW44 - 2014 Swenson Sander - Expense 340.44 340.44 0 0.00%
9-1880-9545-6120 Equip Pool - PW45 - 2016 Portable Speed Sign-Wages 142.20 -142 0.00%
9-1880-9545-6195 Equip Pool - PW45 - 2016 Portable Speed Sign-Benefits 18.63 -19 0.00%
9-1880-9545-6800 Equip Pool - PW45 - 2016 Portable Speed Sign-Expense 276.81 -277 0.00%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
9-1880-9546-6800 Equip Pool - PW46 - 2016 JD XUV590I-Expense 14,522.53 -14,523 0.00%
9-1880-9547-6800 Equip Pool - PW47 - 2016 Rainbow ATV Trailer-Expense 8.03 -8 0.00%
9-1880-9601-6120 Equip Pool - SCS1 - 1996 Vactor Flusher - Wages 202.82 202.82 449.46 -449 0.00%
9-1880-9601-6195 Equip Pool - SCS1 - 1996 Vactor Flusher - Benefits 31.52 31.52 107.13 -107 0.00%
9-1880-9605-6800 Equip Pool - SCS5 - 2003 Epoke System Spreader - Exp 5,472.63 5,472.63 446.00 -446 0.00%
9-1880-9606-6120 Equip Pool - SCS6 - 1998 Mobil Sweeper - Wages 31.78 -32 0.00%
9-1880-9606-6195 Equip Pool - SCS6 1998 Mobil Sweeper - Benefits 6.39 -6 0.00%
9-1880-9607-6120 Equip Pool - SCS7 2003 RPM Snowblower - Wage 2,594.22 2,594.22 6,056.54 -6,057 0.00%
9-1880-9607-6195 Equip Pool - SCS7 2003 RPM Snowblower - Benefits 613.62 613.62 1,169.69 -1,170 0.00%
9-1880-9607-6800 Equip Pool - SCS7 2003 RPM Snowblower - Exp 6,822.80 6,822.80 14,420.84 -14,421 0.00%
9-1880-9608-6120 Equip Pool - SCS8 - 2008 Int'l Vactor Truck - Wages 9,340.53 9,340.53 0 0.00%
9-1880-9608-6195 Equip Pool - SCS8 - 2008 Int'l Vactor Truck - Benefi 2,356.99 2,356.99 0 0.00%
9-1880-9608-6800 Equip Pool - SCS8 - 2008 Int'l Vactor Truck - Expens 18,294.61 18,294.61 172.65 -173 0.00%
9-1880-9612-6120 Equip Pool - SCS12 - Vohl Runway Sweeper - Wages 10,147.27 10,147.27 8,570.34 -8,570 0.00%
9-1880-9612-6195 Equip Pool - SCS12 - Vohl Runway Sweeper - Benefits 1,953.98 1,953.98 2,126.22 -2,126 0.00%
9-1880-9612-6800 Equip Pool - SCS12 - Vohl Runway Sweeper - Exp 9,114.12 9,114.12 19,249.94 -19,250 0.00%
9-1880-9613-6120 Equip Pool - SCS13 - 2001 Vohl Runway Sweeper - Wag 13,821.41 13,821.41 7,344.50 -7,345 0.00%
9-1880-9613-6195 Equip Pool - SCS13 2 - - 1 Vohl Runway Sweep - Benef 2,598.03 2,598.03 1,321.28 -1,321 0.00%
9-1880-9613-6800 Equip Pool - SCS13 - 2001 Vohl Runway Sweeper - Exp 14,897.12 14,897.12 12,553.15 -12,553 0.00%
9-1880-9614-6120 Equip Pool - SCS14 - 1999 SDI Aircraft DeIcer - Wage 1,050.03 -1,050 0.00%
9-1880-9614-6195 Equip Pool - SCS14 - 1999 SDI Aircraft DeIcer - Bene 283.97 -284 0.00%
9-1880-9614-6800 Equip Pool - SCS14 - 1999 SDI Aircraft DeIcer - Exp 726.56 726.56 1,041.06 -1,041 0.00%
9-1880-9615-6120 Equip Pool - SCS15 - 2006 Elgin Road Sweeper - Wage 9,118.27 9,118.27 15,979.60 -15,980 0.00%
9-1880-9615-6195 Equip Pool - SCS15 - 2006 Elgin Road Sweeper - Benef 2,137.45 2,137.45 3,297.01 -3,297 0.00%
9-1880-9615-6800 Equip Pool - SCS15 - 2006 Elgin Road Sweeper - Exp 17,702.10 17,702.10 25,725.65 -25,726 0.00%
9-1880-9616-6120 Equip Pool - SCS16 - 2013 Larue Snow Blower - Wages 539.96 539.96 2,126.64 -2,127 0.00%
9-1880-9616-6195 Equip Pool - SCS16 - 2013 Larue Snow Blower - Benefits 128.81 128.81 473.59 -474 0.00%
9-1880-9616-6800 Equip Pool - SCS16 - 2013 Larue Snow Blower - Expense 5,505.15 5,505.15 3,824.49 -3,824 0.00%
9-1880-9617-6120 Equip Pool - SCS17 - 2015 Schwarze Sweeper - CUPE 3,497.07 3,497.07 5,473.40 -5,473 0.00%
9-1880-9617-6195 Equip Pool - SCS17 - 2015 Schwarze Sweeper - Benef 939.39 939.39 1,673.25 -1,673 0.00%
9-1880-9617-6800 Equip Pool - SCS17 - 2015 Schwarze Sweeper - Expen 22,554.73 22,554.73 43,052.57 -43,053 0.00%
9-1880-9618-6120 Equip Pool - SCS18 - 2014 Raiko Pave Breaker - CUPE Wages 34.65 -35 0.00%
9-1880-9618-6195 Equip Pool - SCS18 - 2014 Raiko Pave Breaker - Benefits 8.67 -9 0.00%
9-1880-9618-6800 Equip Pool - SCS18 - 2014 Raiko Pavement Breaker 469.00 -469 0.00%
9-1880-9619-6120 Equip Pool - SCS19 - 2015 Vactor Int'l 7600 - CUPE Wa 1,043.12 1,043.12 8,696.89 -8,697 0.00%
9-1880-9619-6195 Equip Pool - SCS19 - 2015 Vactor Int'l 7600 - Benefits 220.82 220.82 1,990.41 -1,990 0.00%
9-1880-9619-6800 Equip Pool - SCS19 - 2015 Vactor Int'l 7600 - Expense 1,480.94 1,480.94 22,818.22 -22,818 0.00%
9-1880-9620-6120 Equip Pool - SCS20 - 2016 Towga Sweeper-CUPE Wages 3,218.67 -3,219 0.00%
9-1880-9620-6195 Equip Pool - SCS20 - 2016 Towga Sweeper-Benefits 772.46 -772 0.00%
9-1880-9620-6800 Equip Pool - SCS20 - 2016 Towga Sweeper-Expense 3,960.85 -3,961 0.00%
9-1880-9701-6361 Equip Pool - Garbage Containers - Equip Pool Chg O 191.00 191.00 0 0.00%
9-1880-9801-6800 Equip.Pool - Mobile Radios - Exp 4,130.03 4,130.03 4,129.83 -4,130 0.00%
9-1880-9901-6120 Equip Pool - Zamboni - Wages 326.92 326.92 78.54 -79 0.00%
9-1880-9901-6195 Equip Pool - Zamboni - Benefits 68.21 68.21 21.20 -21 0.00%
9-1880-9901-6800 Equip.Pool - Zamboni - Exp 871.87 871.87 489.00 -489 0.00%
EP Expenditures 1,040,147.58 1,040,147.58 1,172,814.87 0 -1,172,815 0.00%

EP Revenues over Expenditures 592,717.21 592,717.21 558,780.54 0 -558,781 0.00%

9-1880-0000-5000 EP - Revenues -1,632,864.79 -1,632,864.79 -1,731,595.41 1,955,910 3,687,505 -88.53%

9-1880-0000-6000 EP - Expenditures -1,040,147.58 -1,040,147.58 -1,172,814.88 1,332,479 2,505,294 -88.02%
EP Revenue over Expenditures Closing -592,717.21 -592,717.21 -558,780.53 623,431 1,182,211 -89.63%

9-1880-0000-8101 EP - Trfer from GRF 466,411.09 466,411.09 470,434.73 475,240 4,805 98.99%
9-1880-0000-8103 EP - Trfer from WRF 90,828.97 90,828.97 58,711.01 100,091 41,380 58.66%
9-1880-0000-8102 EP - Trfer from SRF 35,477.15 35,477.15 29,634.79 48,099 18,464 61.61%
EP Transfers from Operating 592,717.21 592,717.21 558,780.53 623,430 64,649 89.63%

9-1890-9001-6800 Firehall Equip - FD1 - 1984 RD Int'l Pumper Exp 0.00 0.00 60,000 60,000 0.00%
9-1890-9002-6120 Firehall Equip - FD2 - 2000 Ford Rescue - Wages 136.20 136.20 0 0.00%
9-1890-9002-6800 Firehall Equip - FD2 - 2000 Ford Rescue - Exp 2,897.54 2,897.54 3,549.16 -3,549 0.00%
9-1890-9003-6120 Firehall Equip - FD3 - 2001 HME Ladder Trk. - Wages 37.46 37.46 301.14 -301 0.00%
9-1890-9003-6195 Firehall Equip - FD3 - 2001 HM - Benefits 8.45 8.45 81.52 -82 0.00%
9-1890-9003-6800 Firehall Equip - FD3 - 2001 HME Ladder Trk. - Exp 2,946.59 2,946.59 3,867.63 -3,868 0.00%
9-1890-9004-6120 Firehall Equip - FD4 - 1974 Seagrave Pumper - Wages 34.05 34.05 0 0.00%
9-1890-9005-6120 Firehall Equip - FD5 - 2008 Chev Silverado - Wages 236.83 236.83 707.32 -707 0.00%
9-1890-9005-6195 Firehall Equip - FD5 - 2008 Chev Silverado - Benefits 52.12 52.12 186.63 -187 0.00%
9-1890-9005-6800 Firehall Equip - FD5 - 2008 Chev Silverado - Exp 3,512.54 3,512.54 7,175.52 -7,176 0.00%
9-1890-9008-6120 Firehall Equip - FD08 - 2016 Ford F350 - Wages 122.24 122.24 95.36 -95 0.00%
9-1890-9008-6195 Firehall Equip - FD08 - 2016 Ford F350 - Benefits 19.30 -19 0.00%
9-1890-9008-6800 Firehall Equip - FD08 - 2016 Ford F350 - Expense 1,504.39 1,504.39 2,607.23 -2,607 0.00%
9-1890-9013-6120 Firehall Equip - FD13 - 1996 RD Int'l Tanker - Wages 136.20 136.20 145.65 -146 0.00%
9-1890-9013-6195 Firehall Equip - FD13 - 1996 RD Int'l Tanker - Benef 42.13 42.13 20.95 -21 0.00%
9-1890-9013-6800 Firehall Equip - FD13 - 1996 RD Int'l Tanker - Exp 2,835.55 2,835.55 2,866.55 -2,867 0.00%
9-1890-9014-6120 Firehall Equip - FD14 - 1998 Amertek Truck - Wages 213.90 -214 0.00%
9-1890-9014-6195 Firehall Equip - FD14 1998 Amerteck Truck - Benefi 41.05 -41 0.00%
9-1890-9014-6800 Firehall Equip - FD14 - 1988 Amertek Truck - Exp 2,777.80 2,777.80 15,436.06 -15,436 0.00%
9-1890-9016-6800 Firehall Equip - FD16 - 2001 Dodge Ram Exp 3,730.62 3,730.62 782.23 -782 0.00%
9-1890-9017-6120 Firehall Equip - FD17 - 2006 F150 4x4 - Wages 293.83 293.83 642.89 -643 0.00%

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City of Dawson Creek

F3 - Working Trial Balance Report
For the Twelve Months Ending 12/31/2016
2015 2015 2016 2016FINPLAN2 2016A vs 2016B 2016A % of 2016B
9-1890-9017-6195 Firehall Equip - FD17 - 2006 F150 4x4 - Benefits 56.91 56.91 145.88 -146 0.00%
9-1890-9017-6800 Firehall Equip - FD17 - 2006 F150 4x4 - Exp 4,526.34 4,526.34 1,881.86 -1,882 0.00%
9-1890-9018-6120 Firehall Equip - FD18 - 2006 Spartan FT - Wages 427.82 -428 0.00%
9-1890-9018-6195 Firehall Equip - FD18 - 2006 Spartan FT - Benefits 49.52 -50 0.00%
9-1890-9018-6800 Firehall Equip - FD18 - 2006 Spartan FT - Exp 3,710.79 3,710.79 6,145.92 -6,146 0.00%
9-1890-9019-6120 Firehall Equip - FD19 - 2010 Chev Silverado - Wages 816.95 816.95 0 0.00%
9-1890-9019-6195 Firehall Equip - FD19 - 2010 Chev Silverado - Benefits 152.13 152.13 0 0.00%
9-1890-9019-6800 Firehall Equip - FD19 - 2010 Chev Silverado - Expense 4,514.07 4,514.07 2,504.07 -2,504 0.00%
9-1890-9020-6120 Firehall Equip - FD20 - 2013 Spartan Fire Truck - Wag 237.28 237.28 264.33 -264 0.00%
9-1890-9020-6195 Firehall Equip - FD20 - 2013 Spartan Fire Truck - Bene 30.50 30.50 35.61 -36 0.00%
9-1890-9020-6800 Firehall Equip - FD20 - 2013 Spartan Fire Truck - Expe 7,470.24 7,470.24 7,905.54 -7,906 0.00%
9-1890-9021-6120 Firehall Equip - FD21 - 2016 Fo - CUPE Wages 316.20 316.20 299.11 -299 0.00%
9-1890-9021-6195 Firehal Equip - FD21 - 2016 Ford - Benefits 53.97 53.97 30.87 -31 0.00%
9-1890-9021-6800 Firehal Equip - FD21 - 2016 Ford - Expense 267.54 267.54 5,183.35 -5,183 0.00%
9-1890-9090-6120 Firehall Equip - Misc. Equip. - Wages 129.59 -130 0.00%
9-1890-9090-6195 Firehall Equip - Misc Equip - Benefits 27.74 -28 0.00%
Fire EP Expenditures 43,457.46 43,457.46 63,771.30 60,000 -3,771 106.29%

Fire EP Revenues over Expenditures -43,457.46 -43,457.46 -63,771.30 -60,000 3,771 106.29%

9-1890-0000-8000 Fire EP Transfer to Fire dept maintenance -43,457.46 -43,457.46 -63,771.30 -60,000 3,771 106.29%

Annual Consolidated Surplus 3,098,360.41 3,098,360.41 1,786,028.05 -6,230,647 -8,016,675 -28.67%

General Revenue Fund 2,143,646.30 2,143,646.30 1,812,440.81 347,135 -1,465,306 522.11%

Water Utility Fund 677,191.23 677,191.23 1,504,573.86 491,796 -1,012,778 305.93%
Sewer Utility Fund 308,393.66 308,393.66 206,068.16 155,349 -50,720 132.65%
Subtotal Operating Funds 3,129,231.19 3,129,231.19 3,523,082.83 994,279 -2,528,803 354.34%
General Appropriated Fund 1,454,701.35 1,454,701.35 1,064,701.35 1,446,181 381,480 73.62%
Operating Fund Surplus 4,583,932.54 4,583,932.54 4,587,784.18 2,440,460 -2,147,324 187.99%

General Capital Reserve Fund 4,864,551.49 4,864,551.49 7,482,166.92 3,876,962 -3,605,205 192.99%
Water Capital Reserve Fund 8,455,069.89 8,455,069.89 8,217,006.20 7,171,692 -1,045,314 114.58%
Sewer Capital Reserve Fund 5,278,905.68 5,278,905.68 4,785,365.29 3,566,300 -1,219,065 134.18%
Capital Fund Surplus 18,598,527.06 18,598,527.06 20,484,538.41 14,614,954 -5,869,585 140.16%

Equipment Pool Reserve Fund 699,904.54 699,904.54 499,457.68 641,534 142,077 77.85%
Other Statutory Reserve Funds 351,094.00 351,094.00 355,281.70 272,224 -83,058 130.51%
Statutory Reserve Fund Surplus 1,050,998.54 1,050,998.54 854,739.38 913,758 59,019 93.54%

Brookside Cemetery Fund Surplus 0.00 0.00 105,494.88 0 -105,495 0.00%

City Cemetery Fund Surplus 0.00 0.00 183,250.51 0 -183,251 0.00%
Total Cemetery Surplus 0.00 0.00 288,745.39 0 -288,745 0.00%

Accumulated Surplus before Investment in TCA 24,233,458.14 24,233,458.14 26,215,807.36 17,969,173 -8,246,635 145.89%

GC Investment in TCA 109,004,280.24 109,004,280.24 109,370,664.80 0 -109,370,665 0.00%

WC Investment in TCA 25,079,722.66 25,079,722.66 25,423,188.67 0 -25,423,189 0.00%
SC Investment in TCA 18,630,332.12 18,630,332.12 20,312,975.71 0 -20,312,976 0.00%
Investment in TCA 152,714,335.02 152,714,335.02 155,106,829.18 0 -155,106,829 0.00%

FS Accumulated Surplus 176,947,793.16 176,947,793.16 181,322,636.54 17,969,173 -163,353,464 1009.08%

Celma-2016 WTB Detail Report _WTB - Current _ Celma-2016 Budget vs Actual

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APPENDIX G Capital Projects

G1 - 2017 Proposed Capital Summary ....................................................................................232

G2 - 2017 Proposed Project Worksheets........................................................................ 233-275

G3 - 2016 Carry Forward Capital Summary ............................................................................276

G4 2016 Carry Forward Project Worksheets ............................................................... 277-297

G5 2017 Deferred Capital ....................................................................................................298

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G1 - 2017 Proposed Capital Summary
Updated January 24, 2017

Proposed Funding
Division Department Project # Title
Spending GRF CRF WUF EPR Govt Transfer Partnering

GG - Admin City Hall GC1613 Energy - Block Heater Controls -City Hall 1,000 1,000

City Hall GC1810 Energy - LED Lighting Retrofits - City Hall 18,780 18,780

GG - Admin Total 19,780 - 19,780 - - - -

Protective Policing GC1745 RCMP - Camera Upgrade 50,000 50,000

Policing GC1752 RCMP Evidence Locker Expansion 170,000 170,000

Policing GC1754 Energy - LED Lighting Retrofits - RCMP 15,650 15,650

Policing GC1755 Energy - Block Heater Controls -RCMP 1,000 1,000

Fire Hall GC1756 Energy - LED Lighting Retrofits - Fire Hall 18,780 18,780

Fire Hall GC1757 Energy - Block Heater Controls -Fire Hall 1,000 1,000

Protective Total 256,430 220,000 36,430 - - - -

Recreation Arena EC 1708 Ice Machine Replacement 125,000 125,000

Arena EC1709 Ride On Floor Scrubber Replacement 24,000 24,000

CS GC1743 Curling Rink Slab Replacement 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000

CS GC1744 Art Gallery -NAR Trencher Garden 30,000 30,000

EEC GC1713 Energy - EEC - Mechanical Equipment Upgrade 47,000 - 47,000

EEC GC1730 EEC - Highway Electronic Marquee Sign Installation 375,000 125,000 250,000

EEC GC1731 EEC - Point of Sale (PCI Compliance) 180,000 180,000

EEC GC1732 EEC - Duct Work Repair/Improvement/Heat Exchanger 61,250 61,250

EEC GC1734 EEC - Fire Stop/Electrical Room/End Caps 95,000 95,000

EEC GC1738 EEC - Radios - Life Safety 137,500 137,500

EEC GC1739 EEC - Portable Concessions 30,000 30,000

EEC GC1748 Energy- EEC - Dry Flooring Retrofit 300,000 300,000

Exhibition GC1758 Energy - LED Lighting Retrofits - Exhibition & Parks 3,130 3,130

KBAC GC1746 KBAC - Facility Assessment Phase 1 Projects 105,000 105,000

KBAC GC1750 KBAC - Facility Assessment Phase 2 Projects 50,000 50,000

Kin Arena GC1747 Kin Arena - Kin Flat Roof Replace 55,000 55,000

Kin Arena GC1759 Energy - LED Lighting Retrofits - Kin Arena 3,130 3,130

Library GC1760 Energy - LED Lighting Retrofits - Library 6,260 6,260

Mem Arena GC1761 Energy - LED Lighting Retrofits - Memorial Arena 3,130 3,130

Multiplex GC1762 Energy - LED Lighting Retrofits - Multiplex 234,750 234,750

Multiplex GC1763 Energy - Block Heater Controls -Multiplex 2,000 2,000

NAR Park GC1764 Energy - LED Lighting Retrofits - NAR Park 6,260 6,260

Recreation EC1707 Recreation - Pick up Truck 40,000 40,000

Recreation Total 3,413,410 2,168,750 305,660 - 189,000 500,000 250,000

Transportation Airport GC1724 Airport Drainage Project 167,000 167,000

Airport GC1765 Energy - LED Lighting Retrofits - Airport 3,130 3,130

Transportation GC1722 Downtown Street Lights Replacement 125,000 125,000

Public Works GC1733 Public Works Building Project 200,000 200,000

Streetlights GC1720 Energy - Streetlight LED Retrofit 25,000 25,000

Transportation EC1703 Transportation - Heavy Duty Eqpt Grader 630,000 630,000

BC Transit GC1706 Transportation - Bus Shelters 25,000 18,000 7,000

Transportation GC1715 Roadwork- 13St (108 Av-Traffic Circle) 400,000 400,000

Transportation GC1721 Roads/St - 10th Street Bridge Replacement 3,000,000 3,000,000

Transportation GC1741 Multi-Use Path - 17th Street (87Av-93Av) 205,000 205,000

Transportation GC1742 Pedestrian Bridge East of Dawson Mall 385,000 385,000

Transportation Total 5,165,130 4,500,000 28,130 - 630,000 - 7,000

Utilities Water WC1601 Water Meter Replacement Program - Year 2 250,000 250,000

Utilities Total 250,000 - - 250,000 - - -

Grand Total $ 9,104,750 $ 6,888,750 $ 390,000 $ 250,000 $ 819,000 $ 500,000 $ 257,000

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Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 233 of 307

Number: GC1613
Title: Energy - Block Heater Controls -City Hall
Asset Type: Civic Buildings
Department: City Hall
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Block Heater Controls at the City Hall
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 1,000 1,000 0 Expense
1,000 1,000 0 6205 Contracts 1,000
Total Expense: 1,000
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 1,000
Total Revenue: 1,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2016 Jan 1, 2017 Peter Nilsen Dec 31, 2017
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01/31/2017 Page 234 of 307

Number: GC1810
Title: Energy - LED Lighting and Controls Upgrade-City Hall
Asset Type: Civic Buildings
Department: GGS - Administration
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2018 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
LED Lightings and controls Upgrade to the City Hall
Scenario Description Scenario Comments
LED Lightings and controls Upgrade to the YCC, the Exhibition Grounds, Library
Forecast Project Detailed 2017
Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 18,780 18,780 0 Expense
2018 60,000 60,000 0 6205 Contracts 18,780
78,780 78,780 0 Total Expense: 18,780
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 18,780
Total Revenue: 18,780
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2018 Jan 1, 2018 Duncan Redfearn Dec 31, 2018
Page 236 of 309

ITEM 2.1
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01/31/2017 Page 235 of 307

Number: GC1745
Title: RCMP - Camera Upgrade
Asset Type: Equipment, Other
Department: Police Department
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed Upgrade of the RCMP Security Camera System
Note: Proposed amount is $300,000 of which $ 250,000 will be deferred.

Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 50,000 50,000 0 Expense
50,000 50,000 0 6205 Contracts 50,000
Total Expense: 50,000
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 50,000
Total Revenue: 50,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Duncan Redfearn Dec 31, 2017
Page 237 of 309

ITEM 2.1
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01/31/2017 Page 236 of 307

Number: GC1752
Title: RCMP Evidence Locker Expansion
Asset Type: Equipment, Other
Department: Police Department
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Equipment and Machinery

Description Comments
Proposed expansion of the Main and Temporary Evidence spaces at the RCMP
office. Costing as follows:
Evidence locker expansion $ 165,250
Replace RCMP signs 4,750
$ 170,000
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 170,000 170,000 0 Expense
170,000 170,000 0 6205 Contracts 170,000
Total Expense: 170,000
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 170,000
Total Revenue: 170,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Duncan Redfearn Dec 31, 2017
Page 238 of 309

ITEM 2.1
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01/31/2017 Page 237 of 307

Number: GC1754
Title: Energy - RCMP - LED Lighting Retrofits
Asset Type: Civic Buildings
Department: Police Department
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed installation of LED Lighting Retrofits
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 15,650 15,650 0 Expense
15,650 15,650 0 6700 Equipment 15,650
Total Expense: 15,650
4-1500-0000-8004 Contribution from Carbon Reserves 15,650
Total Revenue: 15,650
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Peter Nilsen Dec 31, 2017
Page 239 of 309

ITEM 2.1
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01/31/2017 Page 238 of 307

Number: GC1755
Title: Energy - RCMP - Block Heater Controls
Asset Type: Civic Buildings
Department: Police Department
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed installation of Block Heater Controls
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 1,000 1,000 0 Expense
1,000 1,000 0 6700 Equipment 1,000
Total Expense: 1,000
4-1500-0000-8004 Contribution from Carbon Reserves 1,000
Total Revenue: 1,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Peter Nilsen Dec 31, 2017
Page 240 of 309

ITEM 2.1
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01/31/2017 Page 239 of 307

Number: GC1756
Title: Energy - FD - LED Lighting Retrofits
Asset Type: Civic Buildings
Department: Fire Department
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed installation of LED Lighting Retrofits
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 18,780 18,780 0 Expense
18,780 18,780 0 6700 Equipment 18,780
Total Expense: 18,780
4-1500-0000-8004 Contribution from Carbon Reserves 18,780
Total Revenue: 18,780
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Peter NIlsen Dec 31, 2017
Page 241 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 240 of 307

Number: GC1757
Title: Energy - FD - Block Heater Controls
Asset Type: Civic Buildings
Department: Fire Department
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed installation of Block Heater Controls
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 1,000 1,000 0 Expense
1,000 1,000 0 6700 Equipment 1,000
Total Expense: 1,000
4-1500-0000-8004 Contribution from Carbon Reserves 1,000
Total Revenue: 1,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Peter Nilsen Dec 31, 2017
Page 242 of 309

ITEM 2.1
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01/31/2017 Page 241 of 307

Number: EC1708
Title: Community Services - Ice Machine Replacement
Asset Type: Equipment
Department: Community Services
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: Equipment Pool
Project Type: Equipment and Machinery

Description Comments
Proposed replacement of the Ice Machine for the recreation group
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 125,000 125,000 0 Expense
125,000 125,000 0 6700 Equipment 125,000
Total Expense: 125,000
9-1880-0000-8003 EP-Contribution from EP Statutory Reserve 125,000
Total Revenue: 125,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Shawn Dahlen/Duncan Redfearn Dec 31, 2017
Page 243 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 242 of 307

Number: EC1709
Title: Recreation - Ride On Floor Scrubber Replace
Asset Type: Equipment
Department: Community Services
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: Equipment Pool
Project Type: Equipment and Machinery

Description Comments
Proposed replacement of the Ride On Floor Scrubber for the Recreation Group
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 24,000 24,000 0 Expense
24,000 24,000 0 6700 Equipment 24,000
Total Expense: 24,000
9-1880-0000-8003 EP-Contribution from EP Statutory Reserve 24,000
Total Revenue: 24,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Shawn Dahlen/ Duncan Redfearn Dec 31, 2017
Page 244 of 309

ITEM 2.1
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01/31/2017 Page 243 of 307

Number: GC1743
Title: Curling Rink Slab Replacement
Asset Type: Equipment, Other
Department: Curling Rink
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Equipment and Machinery

Description Comments
Proposed replacement of the Curling Rink Slab.
Council has committed to funding the replacement of the pad through the Canada
150 Grant.
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 1,500,000 1,500,000 0 Expense
1,500,000 1,500,000 0 6700 Equipment 1,500,000
Total Expense: 1,500,000
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 1,000,000
5500 Government Transfers-Federal 500,000
Total Revenue: 1,500,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Duncan Redfearn Dec 31, 2017
Page 245 of 309

ITEM 2.1
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01/31/2017 Page 244 of 307

Number: GC1744
Title: Art Gallery -NAR Trencher Garden
Asset Type: Parks
Department: Art Gallery
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Land and Improvements

Description Comments
Proposed installation of a new garden - converting an Alaska Highway Trencher
This project has been committed and given approval by the council
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 30,000 30,000 0 Expense
30,000 30,000 0 6205 Contracts 30,000
Total Expense: 30,000
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 30,000
Total Revenue: 30,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Duncan Redfearn Dec 31, 2017
Page 246 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 245 of 307

Number: GC1713
Title: EEC - Mechanical Equipment Upgrade
Asset Type: Recreation Buildings
Department: Energy Upgrades
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Mechanical Equipment and Controls Upgrades at Multiplex - Phase 1 & 2
Scenario Description Scenario Comments
Mechanical Equipment and Controls Upgrades at Multiplex - Phase 1 & 2
Forecast Project Detailed 2017
Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 47,000 47,000 0 Expense
47,000 47,000 0 6205 Contracts 47,000
Total Expense: 47,000
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 47,000
Total Revenue: 47,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Peter Nilsen Dec 31, 2017
Page 247 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 246 of 307

Number: GC1730
Title: EEC - Highway Electronic Marquee Sign Installation
Asset Type: Equipment, Other
Department: Multiplex Event Centre
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Equipment and Machinery

Description Comments
Proposed purchase and installation of a Highway Electronic Marquee Sign 2016 5-Year FP - $250,000
Now at $ 375,000
This project is committed through agreement.
Spectra as part of the contract renewal is providing $250,000 to the City of Dawson Creek to complete the sign.
Balance of the money to complete the sign will come from capital.
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 375,000 375,000 0 Expense
375,000 375,000 0 6700 Equipment 375,000
Total Expense: 375,000
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 125,000
5702 Partnering Contributions 250,000
Total Revenue: 375,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Ryan MacIvor Dec 31, 2017
Page 248 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 247 of 307

Number: GC1731
Title: EEC - Point of Sale (PCI Compliance)
Asset Type: Equipment, Other
Department: Multiplex Event Centre
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Equipment and Machinery

Description Comments
Proposed purchase and installation of a Point of Sale(PCI Compliance) 2016 5-Year FP - $ 150,000
2017 - $ 180,000
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 180,000 180,000 0 Expense
180,000 180,000 0 6700 Equipment 180,000
Total Expense: 180,000
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 180,000
Total Revenue: 180,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Ryan MacIvor Dec 31, 2017
Page 249 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 248 of 307

Number: GC1732
Title: EEC - Duct Work Repair/Improvement/Heat Exchanger
Asset Type: Equipment, Other
Department: Multiplex Event Centre
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed Duct Work Repair/Improvement/Heat Exchanger 2016 5 Year FP - $ 75,000
At 2017 - $ 61,250
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 61,250 61,250 0 Expense
61,250 61,250 0 6700 Equipment 61,250
Total Expense: 61,250
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 61,250
Total Revenue: 61,250
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2016 Ryan MacIvor Dec 31, 2016
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ITEM 2.1
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01/31/2017 Page 249 of 307

Number: GC1734
Title: EEC - Fire Stop/Electrical Room/End Caps
Asset Type: Community Service Buildings
Department: Multiplex Event Centre
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed upgrade of several Areas of EEC including Electrical room, Laminate end 2016 5 Year FP - $65,000
caps, Electrical Fire Stop, Security Office Vestibule At 2017 - $ 95,000
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 95,000 95,000 0 Expense
95,000 95,000 0 6205 Contracts 95,000
Total Expense: 95,000
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 95,000
Total Revenue: 95,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Ryan MacIvor Dec 31, 2017
Page 251 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 250 of 307

Number: GC1738
Title: EEC - Radios - Life Safety
Asset Type: Equipment, Other
Department: Multiplex Event Centre
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Equipment and Machinery

Description Comments
Proposed purchase of radios for safety Purposes
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 137,500 137,500 0 Expense
137,500 137,500 0 6700 Equipment 137,500
Total Expense: 137,500
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 137,500
Total Revenue: 137,500
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Ryan McIvor Dec 31, 2017
Page 252 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 251 of 307

Number: GC1739
Title: EEC - Portable Concessions
Asset Type: Equipment, Other
Department: Multiplex Event Centre
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Equipment and Machinery

Description Comments
Proposed purchase and installation of portable concessions
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 30,000 30,000 0 Expense
30,000 30,000 0 6700 Equipment 30,000
Total Expense: 30,000
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 30,000
Total Revenue: 30,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Ryan McIvor Dec 31, 2017
Page 253 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 252 of 307

Number: GC1748
Title: Encana - Dry Roof Retrofit
Asset Type: Recreation Buildings
Department: Multiplex Event Centre
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed installation of EnCana gymnasium dry flooring for recreational use.
Costing as follows:
Order /install removable gym flooring $175,000
Portable sports netting 75,000
Other equipment 50,000

Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 300,000 300,000 0 Expense
300,000 300,000 0 6205 Contracts 300,000
Total Expense: 300,000
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 300,000
Total Revenue: 300,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

Page 254 of 309

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Duncan Redfearn Dec 31, 2017

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 253 of 307

Number: GC1758
Title: Energy - Exhition Grounds - LED Lighting Retrofits
Asset Type: Recreation Buildings
Department: Exhibition Grounds
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Propsoed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed installation of LED Lighting Retfrofits
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 3,130 3,130 0 Expense
3,130 3,130 0 6700 Equipment 3,130
Total Expense: 3,130
4-1500-0000-8004 Contribution from Carbon Reserves 3,130
Total Revenue: 3,130
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Peter Nilsen Dec 31, 2017
Page 255 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 254 of 307

Number: GC1746
Title: KBAC - Facility Assessment Phase 1
Asset Type: Recreation Buildings
Department: Kenn Borek Aquatic Centre
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed doing a current condition assessment of the South Peace Multiplex and
its physical assets.
Itemized costing is as follows:
UV/Ozone Repairs and case study $ 30,000
Steam Generator Replace 25,000
Salt Cell Replace 27,000
Sand Filter replace 13,000
Pilot Board Replace 10,000
$ 105,000

Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 105,000 105,000 0 Expense
105,000 105,000 0 6205 Contracts 105,000
Total Expense: 105,000
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 105,000
Total Revenue: 105,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts
Page 256 of 309

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Duncan Redfearn Dec 31, 2017

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 255 of 307

Number: GC1750
Title: KBAC - Facility Assessment 2
Asset Type: Recreation Buildings
Department: Kenn Borek Aquatic Centre
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed doing a Phase 2 facility assessment on Ken Borek Aquatic Center
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 50,000 50,000 0 Expense
50,000 50,000 0 6205 Contracts 50,000
Total Expense: 50,000
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 50,000
Total Revenue: 50,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Duncan Redfearn Dec 31, 2017
Page 257 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 256 of 307

Number: GC1747
Title: Kin Arena - Kin Flat Roof Replace
Asset Type: Recreation Buildings
Department: Kin Arena
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed replacement of the three sections of flat roof over the North end of the Kin
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 55,000 55,000 0 Expense
55,000 55,000 0 6205 Contracts 55,000
Total Expense: 55,000
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 55,000
Total Revenue: 55,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Duncan Redfearn Dec 31, 2017
Page 258 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 257 of 307

Number: GC1759
Title: Energy - Kin Arena - LED Lighting Retrofits
Asset Type: Recreation Buildings
Department: Kin Arena
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Propsoed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type:

Description Comments
Proposed installation of LED Lighting Retrofits
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 3,130 3,130 0 Expense
3,130 3,130 0 6700 Equipment 3,130
Total Expense: 3,130
4-1500-0000-8004 Contribution from Carbon Reserves 3,130
Total Revenue: 3,130
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Peter Nilsen Dec 31, 2017
Page 259 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 258 of 307

Number: GC1760
Title: Energy - Library - LED Lighting Retrofits
Asset Type: Recreation Buildings
Department: Public Library
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Propsoed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed installation of LED Lighting Retrofits
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 6,260 6,260 0 Expense
6,260 6,260 0 6700 Equipment 6,260
Total Expense: 6,260
4-1500-0000-8004 Contribution from Carbon Reserves 6,260
Total Revenue: 6,260
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Peter Nilsen Dec 31, 2017
Page 260 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 259 of 307

Number: GC1761
Title: Energy - Mem Arena - LED Lighting Retrofits
Asset Type: Recreation Buildings
Department: Memorial Arena
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed installation of LED Lighting Retrofits
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 3,130 3,130 0 Expense
3,130 3,130 0 6700 Equipment 3,130
Total Expense: 3,130
4-1500-0000-8004 Contribution from Carbon Reserves 3,130
Total Revenue: 3,130
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Peter Nilsen Dec 31, 2017
Page 261 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 260 of 307

Number: GC1762
Title: Energy -Multiplex - LED Lighting Retrofits
Asset Type: Recreation Buildings
Department: Multiplex Event Centre
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed installation of LED Lighting Retrofits
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 234,750 234,750 0 Expense
234,750 234,750 0 6700 Equipment 234,750
Total Expense: 234,750
4-1500-0000-8004 Contribution from Carbon Reserves 234,750
Total Revenue: 234,750
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Peter Nilsen Dec 31, 2017
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01/31/2017 Page 261 of 307

Number: GC1763
Title: Energy -Multiplex - Block Heater Controls
Asset Type: Recreation Buildings
Department: Multiplex Event Centre
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed installation of Block Heater Controls
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 2,000 2,000 0 Expense
2,000 2,000 0 6700 Equipment 2,000
Total Expense: 2,000
4-1500-0000-8004 Contribution from Carbon Reserves 2,000
Total Revenue: 2,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Peter Nilsen Dec 31, 2017
Page 263 of 309

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01/31/2017 Page 262 of 307

Number: GC1764
Title: Energy - NAR Park - LED Lighting Retrofits
Asset Type: Community Service Buildings
Department: Community Services
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Propsoed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Energy - - LED Lighting Retrofits
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 6,260 6,260 0 Expense
6,260 6,260 0 6700 Equipment 6,260
Total Expense: 6,260
4-1500-0000-8004 Contribution from Carbon Reserves 6,260
Total Revenue: 6,260
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Peter Nilsen Dec 31, 2017
Page 264 of 309

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01/31/2017 Page 263 of 307

Number: EC1707
Title: Recreation - Pick up
Asset Type: Equipment
Department: Community Services
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: Equipment Pool
Project Type: Equipment and Machinery

Description Comments
Proposed purchase of a pickup truck for the new Community Services Manager.
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 40,000 40,000 0 Expense
40,000 40,000 0 6700 Equipment 40,000
Total Expense: 40,000
9-1880-0000-8003 EP-Contribution from EP Statutory Reserve 40,000
Total Revenue: 40,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Shawn Dahlen/Duncan Redfearn Jan 1, 2017
Page 265 of 309

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01/31/2017 Page 264 of 307

Number: GC1724
Title: Airport Drainage Project
Asset Type: Easements and Right of Ways
Department: Airport
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Land and Improvements

Description Comments
Airport Drainage and Engineering Design:
This is continuation of previous year's project - GC1619
This project is committed with a 2017 budget of $ 167,000

Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 167,000 167,000 0 Expense
167,000 167,000 0 6205 Contracts 167,000
Total Expense: 167,000
4-1500-0000-8002 GC-Contribution from GC Reserve 167,000
Total Revenue: 167,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Dec 31, 2017
Page 266 of 309

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01/31/2017 Page 265 of 307

Number: GC1765
Title: Energy - Airport - LED Lighting Retrofits
Asset Type: Transportation Buildings
Department: Airport
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed installation of LED Lighting Retrofits
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 3,130 3,130 0 Expense
3,130 3,130 0 6700 Equipment 3,130
Total Expense: 3,130
4-1500-0000-8004 Contribution from Carbon Reserves 3,130
Total Revenue: 3,130
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Peter Nilsen Dec 31, 2017
Page 267 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 266 of 307

Number: GC1722
Title: Downtown Street Lights Replacement
Asset Type: Streetlights
Department: Roads and Streets
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Roadwork & Sidewalk

Description Comments
Proposed Downtown Street Replacement
Replace 80 downtown streetlights c/w poles as per the amended Subdivision
Development and Servicing Bylaw in 2016 and 2017.
This is a continuation of 2016 streetlight projects - GC1633
This is a committed project.
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 125,000 125,000 0 Expense
125,000 125,000 0 6205 Contracts 125,000
Total Expense: 125,000
4-1500-0000-8002 GC-Contribution from GC Reserve 125,000
Total Revenue: 125,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Kevin Henderson Dec 31, 2017
Page 268 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 267 of 307

Number: GC1733
Title: Public Works Building
Asset Type: Transportation Buildings
Department: Roads and Streets
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed ATCO removal and replacement of Public Works Shop. Costing is as
Atco Removal/Demo $ 100,000
Mechanics Shop Roof replace $ 100,000
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 200,000 200,000 0 Expense
2018 1,500,000 1,500,000 0 6205 Contracts 200,000
1,700,000 1,700,000 0 Total Expense: 200,000
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 200,000
Total Revenue: 200,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Duncan Redfearn Dec 31, 2017
Page 269 of 309

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Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 268 of 307

Number: GC1720
Title: Energy - Streetlight LED Retrofit
Asset Type: Streetlights
Department: Roads and Streets
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Roadwork & Sidewalk

Description Comments
Proposed Streetlight Retrofit
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 25,000 25,000 0 Expense
2018 25,000 25,000 0 6205 Contracts 25,000
2019 25,000 25,000 0 Total Expense: 25,000
2020 25,000 25,000 0 Revenue
100,000 100,000 0 4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 25,000
Total Revenue: 25,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 2, 2017 Peter Nilsen Dec 31, 2017
Page 270 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 269 of 307

Number: EC1703
Title: Transportation - Heavy Duty Eqpt Grader
Asset Type: Equipment
Department: Roads and Streets
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: Equipment Pool
Project Type: Equipment and Machinery

Description Comments
Proposed purchase of 2 heavy duty equipment grader - MG4 & MG5 - to replace
existing ones.
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 630,000 630,000 0 Expense
630,000 630,000 0 6700 Equipment 630,000
Total Expense: 630,000
9-1880-0000-8003 EP-Contribution from EP Statutory Reserve 630,000
Total Revenue: 630,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Kevin Henderson Dec 31, 2017
Page 271 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 270 of 307

Number: GC1706
Title: Transportation - Bus Shelters
Asset Type: Transportation Buildings
Department: BC Transit
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Upgrade of Bus Shelters as per Master Transportation Plan
Locations as follows:
2017 14th St WB & 102 Ave
2018 8th St & 105 Ave
2019 8th St & 92 Ave
2020 19th St & 110 Ave (Canalta)

Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Upgrade of Bus Shelters as per Master Transportation Plan
Forecast Project Detailed 2017
Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 25,000 25,000 0 Expense
2018 25,000 25,000 0 6205 Contracts 25,000
2019 25,000 25,000 0 Total Expense: 25,000
2020 25,000 25,000 0 Revenue
100,000 100,000 0 4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 18,000
5702 Partnering Contributions 7,000
Total Revenue: 25,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

Page 272 of 309

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Kevin Henderson Dec 31, 2017

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 271 of 307

Number: GC1715
Title: Roadwork- 13 ST(108 Ave-Traffic Circle)
Asset Type: Streets and Roads
Department: Roads and Streets
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Roadwork & Sidewalk

Description Comments
Proposed Reconstruction of the following roads:
13 St 108 Ave - 108 Av Traffic Circle $ 400,000
This is a committed project.

Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Roadwork- Overlay/Gutter & Sidewalk
Forecast Project Detailed 2017
Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 400,000 400,000 0 Expense
400,000 400,000 0 6205 Contracts 400,000
Total Expense: 400,000
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 400,000
Total Revenue: 400,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Kevin Henderson Dec 31, 2017
Page 273 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 272 of 307

Number: GC1721
Title: Roads/St - 10th Street Bridge Replacement
Asset Type: Bridges
Department: Roads and Streets
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: No
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Roadwork & Sidewalk

Description Comments
Proposed project construction of the 10th Street Bridge.
This is a continuation of Year 2016 Project - GC1624
This is a committed project
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 3,000,000 3,000,000 0 Expense
3,000,000 3,000,000 0 6205 Contracts 3,000,000
Total Expense: 3,000,000
4-1500-0000-8002 GC-Contribution from GC Reserve 3,000,000
Total Revenue: 3,000,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Kevin Henderson Dec 31, 2017
Page 274 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 273 of 307

Number: GC1741
Title: Multi-Use Path - 17th ST(87Av-93Av)
Asset Type: Sidewalks
Department: Roads and Streets
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Roadwork & Sidewalk

Description Comments
Proposed expansion of Multi-Use Path on 17th Street from 87th Ave to 93rd Ave
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 205,000 205,000 0 Expense
205,000 205,000 0 6205 Contracts 205,000
Total Expense: 205,000
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 205,000
Total Revenue: 205,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Kevin Henderson Dec 31, 2017
Page 275 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 274 of 307

Number: GC1742
Title: Pedestrian Bridge East of Dawson Mall
Asset Type: Sidewalks
Department: Roads and Streets
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Roadwork & Sidewalk

Description Comments
Proposed construction of a pedestrian bridge east of Dawson Mall
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 385,000 385,000 0 Expense
385,000 385,000 0 6205 Contracts 385,000
Total Expense: 385,000
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 385,000
Total Revenue: 385,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Kevin Henderson Dec 31, 2017
Page 276 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 275 of 307

Number: WC1601
Title: Water Meter Replacement Program
Asset Type: Water Projects
Department: Water Utility
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2016 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: Water
Project Type: Utility Projects

Description Comments
Proposed replacement and upgrade of the water meters.
This project is already committed
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 250,000 250,000 0 Expense
2018 250,000 250,000 0 6205 Contracts 250,000
2019 250,000 250,000 0 Total Expense: 250,000
2020 250,000 250,000 0 Revenue
1,000,000 1,000,000 0 5-1600-0000-8001 WC-Contribution from WUF Operating 250,000
Total Revenue: 250,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2016 Jan 1, 2016 Shawn Dahlen Dec 31, 2016
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ITEM 2.1
ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 276 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

G2 - Carry Forward Projects - 2017
Updated January 21, 2017 SW

Proposed Funding
Division Department Project # Title Carry Forward

Protective Fire EC1406 Fire Training Site Imp - Year 5 261,458 261,458

GC1623 Rescue Truck 400,000 400,000

Protective Total 661,458 661,458 - - -

Cemetery Cemetery GC1626 Brookside Walking Path (Extra$) 125,000 125,000

Cemetery Total 125,000 125,000 - - -

Recreation Arena GC1609 Memorial Arena/Kin Arena/Curling Rink Chiller System Upgrade 295,184 295,184

Community Services GC1628 Curling Rink 43,650 43,650

Recreation Total 338,834 338,834 - - -

Transportation Public Works GC1509 10 Street Sidewalk (107 Avenue to Bridge) (Extra$) 30,000 30,000

GC1603 Airport - Terminal Building Outside Lighting 17,288 6,915 10,373

GC1604 Airport - Terminal Building Windows 41,000 16,400 24,600

GC1614 10 Street (Alaska Avenue to 104 Avenue) 68,834 68,834

GC1615 7th Street & 122 Avenue Box Culvert (Ski Hill drainage) 140,277 140,277

GC1619 Airport Drainage Project 86,265 86,265

GC1624 10th Street Bridge 255,908 255,908

GC1631 Northern Lights College (Project Change) 450,000 450,000 -

GC1632 Airport - Walkway Cover & Side Walk Upgrade 146,150 58,460 87,690

Transportation Total 1,235,722 1,113,059 - - 122,663

Water Water WC1504 Treated Water Reservoir - Year 3 3,029,434 889,041 2,140,393

WC1508 Water Treatment System - Year 2 4,659,470 926,130 3,733,340

WC1804 Raw Water Reservoir - Year 2 6,824,050 6,824,050

Water Total 14,512,954 - 8,639,221 - 5,873,733

Sewer Sewer SC1502 West of 17th Street - 98 Avenue to Golf Course 186,349 186,349

SC1503 2nd Street Sanidump (NDIT) 175,029 175,029

SC1504 Trucked Waste Facility 4,639,127 904,127 3,735,000

SC1602 Chamberlain Drive Sanitary Flood Mitigation 557,574 557,574

Sewer Total 5,558,079 - - 1,823,079 3,735,000

Grand Total $ 22,432,047 $ 2,238,351 $ 8,639,221 $ 1,823,079 $ 9,731,396

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Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 277 of 307

Number: EC1406
Title: Fire Training Site Development
Asset Type: Firefighting
Department: Fire Department
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2016 Carry Forward Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Land and Improvements

Description Comments
Develop a training site for firefighters. This is continuation of the previous years' Carry Forward to 2017 Year 4 - Project EC1406
project. GL Code: 4-1515-1204-6700 Year 3 - Project # EC1406
This will be from Carry Forward Funding. Year 2 - Project #GC1305
Spent 2012 $95,829.72
Spent 2013 $75,915.37
Spent 2014 $83,303.50
Spent 2015 -
Spent 2016 $196,277.37
TOTAL $451,325.96
Remaining $226,674.04
BUDGET $678,000.00

Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 261,458 261,458 0 Expense
261,458 261,458 0 6205 Contracts 261,458
Total Expense: 261,458
4-1500-0000-8002 GC-Contribution from GC Reserve 261,458
Page 279 of 309

Total Revenue: 261,458

Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2014 Jan 1, 2016 Kevin/Bob Dec 31, 2016

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01/31/2017 Page 278 of 307

Number: GC1623
Title: Fire Rescue Truck Replacement
Asset Type: Equipment, Other
Department: Fire Department
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2016 Carry Forward Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Equipment and Machinery

Description Comments
Rescue Truck Replacement Carry Forward to 2017
GL: 4-1515-1207-6700
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 400,000 400,000 0 Expense
400,000 400,000 0 6700 Equipment 400,000
Total Expense: 400,000
4-1500-0000-8002 GC-Contribution from GC Reserve 400,000
Total Revenue: 400,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2016 Jan 1, 2017 Gordon Smith Dec 31, 2017
Page 280 of 309

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Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 279 of 307

Number: GC1626
Title: Brookside Cemetery Walking Path
Asset Type: Parks
Department: Cemeteries
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2016 Carry Forward Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Roadwork & Sidewalk

Description Comments
Proposed replacement of the existing walking path east of Brookside Cemetery Carry Forward to 2017 GL Code: 4-1545-4141-6700

Original Budget $ 81,000.00

Spent $ 1,500.00
Remainder $ 79,500.00
Required $ 45,500.00
BUDGET $ 125,000.00

Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 125,000 125,000 0 Expense
125,000 125,000 0 6205 Contracts 125,000
Total Expense: 125,000
4-1500-0000-8002 GC-Contribution from GC Reserve 125,000
Total Revenue: 125,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts
Page 281 of 309

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2016 Jan 1, 2016 Kevin Henderson Dec 31, 2016

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 280 of 307

Number: GC1609
Title: 2016 Arena Building Envelope System Upgrade
Asset Type: Recreation Buildings
Department: Memorial Arena
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2016 Carry Over Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed upgrade to the mechanical and electrical system of the Arenas and Carry Forward to 2017 GL Code:
Curling Rink.
Add in change in scope - paving due to lower pricing
Sole source due to no bidders

Proposed $242,400.00
Paving parking lot $249,100.00
TOTAL $491,500.00

Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 295,185 295,185 0 Expense
295,185 295,185 0 6205 Contracts 295,185
Total Expense: 295,185
4-1500-0000-8002 GC-Contribution from GC Reserve 295,185
Total Revenue: 295,185
Related Projects Operating Impacts
Page 282 of 309

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2016 Jan 1, 2016 Duncan Reedfearn Dec 31, 2016

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 281 of 307

Number: GC1628
Title: Replacement of the Curling Rink Pad
Asset Type: Community Service Buildings
Department: Curling Rink
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2016 Carry Forward Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed replacement of the Curling Rink Pad as per the February 1 2016 report to Carry Forward to 2017
Council. The work will be done in 2017, but the budget will be used to investigate GL Code: 4-1510-5201-6700
and draft tender documents.
GC Reserve $26,650.00
WED Grant 34% $17,000.00
TOTAL $43,650.00
BUDGET $43,650.00

Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 43,650 43,650 0 Expense
43,650 43,650 0 6205 Contracts 43,650
Total Expense: 43,650
4-1500-0000-8002 GC-Contribution from GC Reserve 26,650
5501 Government Transfers-Provincial 17,000
Total Revenue: 43,650
Related Projects Operating Impacts
Page 283 of 309

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2016 Jan 1, 2016 Duncan Redfearn

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 282 of 307

Number: GC1509
Title: Sidewalk Replacement - 10th St-107 Ave
Asset Type: Sidewalks
Department: Roads and Streets
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2016 Carry Forward Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Engineering Structures

Description Comments
2016 Proposed installation at curb extensions at Carry Forward to 2017.
10 Street (107 Avenue to 10 Street Bridge): Curb Extension / Sidewalk Extension - $30,000 CF to complete
Estimate $170,000. GL: 4-1535-0000-6700
This will be from Carry Forward Funding.
Bike BC grant 50% up to $66,034 $48,305.35
Other partnering $25,000.00
CF 2016B $173,400.00
Spent A $241,370.94
Remainder $5,334.41

Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 30,000 30,000 0 Expense
30,000 30,000 0 6205 Contracts 30,000
Total Expense: 30,000
4-1500-0000-8002 GC-Contribution from GC Reserve 30,000
Page 284 of 309

Total Revenue: 30,000

Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2015 Jan 1, 2017 Kevin Henderson Dec 31, 2017

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 283 of 307

Number: GC1603
Title: Airport - Outside Lighting
Asset Type: Transportation Buildings
Department: Airport
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2016 Carry Forward Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed installation of a flood lighting on ground side of terminal building Carry Forward to 2017 GL Code: 4-1510-3229-6700
Original Amount - $ 30,000
60% Grant Funding - subject to MOT BC Air Access Grant Conditions Project 0670A100A100771
End date - September 30, 2017

2016 B $30,000.00
2016 A $12,712.00
TOTAL $17,288.00
BUDGET $17,288.00

Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 17,288 17,288 0 Expense
17,288 17,288 0 6205 Contracts 17,288
Total Expense: 17,288
4-1500-0000-8002 GC-Contribution from GC Reserve 17,288
Page 285 of 309

Total Revenue: 17,288

Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2016 Jan 1, 2016 Ian Darling Dec 31, 2016

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 284 of 307

Number: GC1604
Title: Air Terminal Building Windows
Asset Type: Transportation Buildings
Department: Airport
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2016 Carry Forward Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed replacement of the south window of terminal building Carry Forward to 2017 GL Code: 4-1510-3228-6700

60% funding - $ 24,600

Subject to MOT BC Air Access Grant Conditions Project 0670A100A100771
On Going Reporting
End date - September 30, 2017

Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 41,000 41,000 0 Expense
41,000 41,000 0 6205 Contracts 41,000
Total Expense: 41,000
4-1500-0000-8002 GC-Contribution from GC Reserve 16,400
5500 Government Transfers-Federal 24,600
Total Revenue: 41,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

Page 286 of 309

2016 Jan 1, 2016 Ian Darling Dec 31, 2016

ITEM 2.1
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01/31/2017 Page 285 of 307

Number: GC1614
Title: 2016 CPR - 10th St (Alaska-104th Avenue)
Asset Type: Streets and Roads
Department: Roads and Streets
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2016 Carry Forward Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Roadwork & Sidewalk

Description Comments
Roadwork Overlay c/w Curb & gutter & sidewalk Carry Forwarded to Year 2017 GL Code: 4-1530-2781-6700
10 Street (Alaska Avenue) $ 510,000 $ 68,834 CF to complete
15 Street (108 Avenue) $ 540,000
8 Street (96-100 Avenue) $ 870,000 2016 B $510,000.00
----------------------------------------------------------- 2016 A $441,166.00
TOTAL $1,920,000 ----------------------------------------
Remaining $68,834.00
BUDGET $68,834.00

Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 68,834 68,834 0 Expense
68,834 68,834 0 6205 Contracts 68,834
Total Expense: 68,834
4-1500-0000-8002 GC-Contribution from GC Reserve 68,834
Total Revenue: 68,834
Related Projects Operating Impacts
Page 287 of 309

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2016 Jan 1, 2016 Kevin Henderson Dec 31, 2016

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 286 of 307

Number: GC1615
Title: 7th Street & 122 Avenue Box Culvert - Ski Hill Drainage
Asset Type: Streets and Roads
Department: Roads and Streets
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2016 Carry Forward Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Roadwork & Sidewalk

Description Comments
Annual drainage program to improve the ditches, culverts and road crossings that Carry Forwarded to Year 2017
compose the City's overall drainage network. This will include:
1. Developing the Ski Hill Creek Drainage
2. Potential upgrades to the City of Dawson Creek's own conveyance System.
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 140,277 140,277 0 Expense
140,277 140,277 0 6205 Contracts 140,277
Total Expense: 140,277
4-1500-0000-8002 GC-Contribution from GC Reserve 140,277
Total Revenue: 140,277
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2016 Jan 1, 2016 Shawn Dahlen Dec 31, 2016
Page 288 of 309

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01/31/2017 Page 287 of 307

Number: GC1619
Title: Airport Drainage Project
Asset Type: Storm Drainage
Department: Airport
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2016 Carry Forward Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Land and Improvements

Description Comments
Drainage, culvert replacements and turn bays Carry Forward to 2017 GL Code: 4-1525-3223-6700
This project will be carrying on until the Year 2019 with the following budget:
2016 $ 86,265
2017 $ 167,000
2018 $ 9,040,000
2019 $ 1,500,000
For continuation to Year 2017 - see GC1724
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 86,265 86,265 0 Expense
86,265 86,265 0 6205 Contracts 86,265
Total Expense: 86,265
4-1500-0000-8002 GC-Contribution from GC Reserve 86,265
Total Revenue: 86,265
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2016 Jan 1, 2016 Kevin Henderson Dec 31, 2016
Page 289 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 288 of 307

Number: GC1624
Title: 10th Street Bridge Replacement
Asset Type: Bridges
Department: Roads and Streets
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2016 Carry Over Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Engineering Structures

Description Comments
Proposed replacement of an existing bridge at 10the Street - Phase 1 Carry Forward to 2017 GL Code: 4-1530-2784-6700
Year 2016 - Design, Geotech, etc
Original Budget (Design) $ 380,000.00
Spent $ 124,091.53
Remainder $ 255,908.47
BUDGET $ 255,908.47

2017 Capital Dollars for Bridge $ 3,000,000

Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 255,908 255,908 0 Expense
255,908 255,908 0 6205 Contracts 255,908
Total Expense: 255,908
4-1500-0000-8002 GC-Contribution from GC Reserve 255,908
Total Revenue: 255,908
Related Projects Operating Impacts
Page 290 of 309

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2016 Jan 1, 2016 Kevin Henderson Dec 31, 2016

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 289 of 307

Number: GC1631
Title: Northern Lights College - Partnering
Asset Type: Streets and Roads
Department: Roads and Streets
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2016 Carry Forward Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Roadwork & Sidewalk

Description Comments
Road rehabilitation - 3m rubber path along NLC property and extending to 110 Ave, Carry Forward to 2017 GL Code: 4-1525-1727-6700
112 Avenue
Committed to partner with NLC; Grant was denied; Project changed: Approved through BC Provincial Funding:
Committed $ from 2016; Carried Forward KH to attend meeting with NLC staff to get new project documents.
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 450,000 450,000 0 Expense
450,000 450,000 0 6205 Contracts 450,000
Total Expense: 450,000
4-1500-0000-8002 GC-Contribution from GC Reserve 450,000
Total Revenue: 450,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2016 Jan 1, 2016 Kevin Henderson Dec 31, 2016
Page 291 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 290 of 307

Number: GC1632-1
Title: Airport Terminal Walkway Cover / Sidewalk Upgrade
Asset Type: Transportation Buildings
Department: Airport
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2016 Carry Forward Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed improvement to the airport terminal sidewalks Carry Forward to 2017 GL Code: 4-1510-3231-6700

60% Government Transfer - 90,000

Subject to MOT BC Air Access Grant Conditions Project 0670A100A100771
On Going Reporting
End date - September 30, 2017

On Going Reporting

Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 146,150 146,150 0 Expense
146,150 146,150 0 6205 Contracts 146,150
Total Expense: 146,150
4-1500-0000-8002 GC-Contribution from GC Reserve 58,460
5501 Government Transfers-Provincial 87,690
Total Revenue: 146,150
Related Projects Operating Impacts
Page 292 of 309

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2016 Jan 1, 2016 Ian Darling Dec 31, 2016

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 291 of 307

Number: WC1504
Title: Treated Water Reservoir
Asset Type: Water Structures
Department: Water Utility
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2016 Carry Forward Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: Water
Project Type: Engineering Structures

Description Comments
2016 Proposed upgrade of the Treated Water Reservoir - Carry Forward Funding Project details and quote provided in backup
Carry Forward to 2017 GL Code: 5-1600-6251-6700
__________________________________________________________ Carry Forward amount is the remainder of the budget at $3,029,434
2015 Proposed replacement of various water system upgrades including:
1. Treated Water Storage - $5,000,000
2. Design & Piloting of New Water Treatment System - $300,000
3. Scada Upgrades - $ 150,000
4. Water Treatment Plant Fencing - $130,000
5. Reserve for contingency items to support storage or treatment projects -
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 3,029,434 3,029,434 0 Expense
3,029,434 3,029,434 0 6205 Contracts 3,029,434
Total Expense: 3,029,434
5-1600-0000-8002 WC-Contribution from WC Reserve 889,041
5501 Government Transfers-Provincial 2,140,393
Total Revenue: 3,029,434
Related Projects Operating Impacts
Page 293 of 309

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2015 Jan 1, 2016 Dec 31, 2016

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 292 of 307

Number: WC1508
Title: New Water Treatment System
Asset Type: Water Projects
Department: Water Utility
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2016 Carry Forward Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: Water
Project Type: Engineering Structures

Description Comments
2016 - Proposed upgrade of the Water Treatment System from Carry Forward Project details and quote provided in backup
Funding Carry Forward to 2017 GL Code: 5-1600-6252-6700

Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 4,659,470 4,659,470 0 Expense
4,659,470 4,659,470 0 6205 Contracts 4,659,470
Total Expense: 4,659,470
5-1600-0000-8002 WC-Contribution from WC Reserve 926,130
5501 Government Transfers-Provincial 3,733,340
Total Revenue: 4,659,470
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2015 Jan 1, 2016 Dec 31, 2016
Page 294 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 293 of 307

Number: WC1804
Title: Water - Raw Water Reservoir
Asset Type: Water Projects
Department: Water Utility
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2016 Carry Forward Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: Water
Project Type: Utility Projects

Description Comments
Proposed installation of raw water reservoir to start 2018 and then for 2020 with This project was in 2016 Five Year Plan and originally planned for Year 2018.
details as follows: Management is proposing to move this project forward to Year 2017 with a budgeted amount of $ 6,824,050
Year 2018 - $ 5,000,000 - this amount has been moved to Year 2016
Year 2020 - $ 10,000,000
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 6,824,050 6,824,050 0 Expense
6,824,050 6,824,050 0 6205 Contracts 6,824,050
Total Expense: 6,824,050
5-1600-0000-8002 WC-Contribution from WC Reserve 6,824,050
Total Revenue: 6,824,050
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Shawn Dahlen Dec 12, 2017
Page 295 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 294 of 307

Number: SC1502
Title: Sanitary Main Replacement (17th/98th Golf Course)
Asset Type: Sewer Projects
Department: Sewer Utility
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2016 Carry Forward Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: Sewer
Project Type: Engineering Structures

Description Comments
Proposed sanitary main replacement on 98th Avenue from 17th Street to the Golf Quote provided in backup
Course from Carry Forward Funding Carry Forward to 2017 GL Code: 6-1700-7233-6700
Original budget $ 1,210,000
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 186,349 186,349 0 Expense
186,349 186,349 0 6205 Contracts 186,349
Total Expense: 186,349
6-1700-0000-8002 SC-Contribution from SC Reserve 186,349
Total Revenue: 186,349
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2015 Jan 1, 2016 Shawn Dahlen Dec 31, 2016
Page 296 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 295 of 307

Number: SC1503
Title: RV Sanidump
Asset Type: Sewer Projects
Department: Sewer Utility
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2016 Carry Forward Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: Sewer
Project Type: Engineering Structures

Description Comments
Proposed purchase of land prior to construction of sanidump located on 2nd Street Carry Forward to 2017 GL Code: 6-1700-7242-6700
from Carry Forward Funding.
Carry forwarded to 2016 $236,815 Original Budget - 2015 $ 250,000.00
Spent - 2015 13,185.00
Spent 2016 141,786.33
NDIT Funding $ 30,000.00
Remainder $ 125,028.67
Additional Fund $ 50,000.00

Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 175,029 175,029 0 Expense
175,029 175,029 0 6205 Contracts 175,029
Total Expense: 175,029
6-1700-0000-8002 SC-Contribution from SC Reserve 175,029
Total Revenue: 175,029
Related Projects Operating Impacts
Page 297 of 309

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2015 Jan 1, 2016 Shawn Dahlen Dec 31, 2016

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 296 of 307

Number: SC1504
Title: Trucked Waste Facility
Asset Type: Sewer Projects
Department: Sewer Utility
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2016 Carry Forward Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: Sewer
Project Type: Engineering Structures

Description Comments
Proposed upgrade of the existing facility Carry Forward to 2017 GL Code: 6-1700-7248-6700
2014 $400,000.00
2015 CF - SCR $396,530.00
2016 - Spent $257,403.00
Grant $ $4,500,000.00
Remainder $4,639,127.00
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 4,639,127 4,639,127 0 Expense
4,639,127 4,639,127 0 6205 Contracts 4,639,127
Total Expense: 4,639,127
5501 Government Transfers-Provincial 3,735,000
6-1700-0000-8002 SC-Contribution from SC Reserve 904,127
Total Revenue: 4,639,127
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

Page 298 of 309

2015 Jan 1, 2016 Shawsn Dahlen Dec 31, 2016

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 297 of 307

Number: SC1602
Title: Chamberlain Sanitary
Asset Type: Sewer Projects
Department: Sewer Utility
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2016 Carry Forward Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: Sewer
Project Type: Utility Projects

Description Comments
Proposed upgrade to the sanitary system around the Chamberlain Drive area. Carry Forward to 2017 GL Code: 6-1700-7249-6700
Original Budget $ 1,830,000
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 557,574 557,574 0 Expense
557,574 557,574 0 6205 Contracts 557,574
Total Expense: 557,574
6-1700-0000-8002 SC-Contribution from SC Reserve 557,574
Total Revenue: 557,574
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2016 Jan 1, 2016 Shawn Dahlen Dec 31, 2016
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ITEM 2.1
ITEM 2.1

01/31/2017 Page 298 of 307

City of Dawson Creek

G3 - Deferred Capital Projects - 2017
Updated January 21, 2017 SW

Division Department Project # Title Deferred Proposed Funding

Protective Fire GC1703 FD - Exercise and Furniture Equipment 65,000 65,000

Fire GC1737 FD - Rescue Equipment 8,300 8,300

Policing GC1745 RCMP - Camera Upgrade 250,000 250,000

Protective Total 323,300 323,300 - - -

Recreation Total CS GC1749 Sudeten Hall Siding Replacement 100,000 100,000

CS GC1751 Sports Fields Upgrade 100,000 100,000

EEC GC1740 EEC - West End Suite Expansion 725,000 725,000

Recreation Total 925,000 925,000 - - -

Airport EC1705 Airport Grader 300,000 300,000

Airport EC1706 Airport - Pick up 34,721 34,721

Airport GC1712 Airport- Airfield Lighting Conversion 400,000 400,000

Transportation Total 734,721 434,721 - - 300,000

Grand Total $ 1,983,021 $ 1,683,021 $ - $ - $ 300,000

Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge... Page 300 of 309
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 299 of 307

Number: GC1703
Title: FD - Exercise/Furniture Equipment
Asset Type: Equipment, Other
Department: Fire Department
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Equipment and Machinery

Description Comments
Proposed purchase of an exercise equipment $ 16,000 In 2016 5-YearPlan - Furniture/Locker Project is $35,000.
GC1725 moved to GC1703 for 2017 budget - Now changed to $49,000.
Proposed replacement of furniture and lockers: $ 35,000 This amount added to the Exercise equipment
Furniture $ 10,000 TOTAL Amount is $ 65,000
Lockers $ 25,000
Scenario Description Scenario Comments
Purchase of a preventive equipment
Forecast Project Detailed 2017
Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 65,000 65,000 0 Expense
65,000 65,000 0 6205 Contracts 65,000
Total Expense: 65,000
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 65,000
Total Revenue: 65,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Dec 31, 2017
Page 301 of 309

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01/31/2017 Page 300 of 307

Number: GC1737
Title: FD - Rescue Equipment
Asset Type: Equipment, Other
Department: Fire Department
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Equipment and Machinery

Description Comments
Rescue equipment - Harness, Helmets, rescue ropes
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 8,300 8,300 0 Expense
8,300 8,300 0 6700 Equipment 8,300
Total Expense: 8,300
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 8,300
Total Revenue: 8,300
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Gordon Smith Dec 31, 2017
Page 302 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 301 of 307

Number: GC1745
Title: RCMP - Camera Upgrade
Asset Type: Equipment, Other
Department: Police Department
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed Upgrade of the RCMP Security Camera System
Note: Proposed amount is $300,000 of which $ 250,000 will be deferred.

Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 50,000 50,000 0 Expense
50,000 50,000 0 6205 Contracts 50,000
Total Expense: 50,000
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 50,000
Total Revenue: 50,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Duncan Redfearn Dec 31, 2017
Page 303 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 302 of 307

Number: GC1749
Title: Sudeten Hall Siding Replacement
Asset Type: Community Service Buildings
Department: Community Services
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed replacement of the exterior siding at the Sudeten Hall and Visitor Center
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 100,000 100,000 0 Expense
100,000 100,000 0 6205 Contracts 100,000
Total Expense: 100,000
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 100,000
Total Revenue: 100,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Duncan Redfearn
Page 304 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 303 of 307

Number: GC1751
Title: Sports Fields Update
Asset Type: Recreation Buildings
Department: Parks and Playgrounds
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 PRoposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed updates and repair on sports fields, etc. Parkhill and Newby Park.
Costing as follows:
Washroom replace $ 16,000
Ball park shed roof 6,500
Dugout roofs 35,000
Fencing repairs 42,500
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 100,000 100,000 0 Expense
100,000 100,000 0 6205 Contracts 100,000
Total Expense: 100,000
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 100,000
Total Revenue: 100,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

Page 305 of 309

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Duncan Redfearn Dec 31, 2017

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 304 of 307

Number: GC1740
Title: EEC-West End Suite Expansion
Asset Type: Equipment, Other
Department: Multiplex Event Centre
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed expansion of the West End Suite
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 725,000 725,000 0 Expense
725,000 725,000 0 6205 Contracts 725,000
Total Expense: 725,000
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 725,000
Total Revenue: 725,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Ryan McIvor Dec 31, 2017
Page 306 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 305 of 307

Number: EC1705
Title: Airport - Grader
Asset Type: Equipment
Department: Airport
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: Equipment Pool
Project Type: Equipment and Machinery

Description Comments
Proposed purchase of a grader for the airport. ACAP eligible project. Anticipated
funding will be approved in the next 3 years
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 0 300,000 (300,000) Revenue
0 300,000 (300,000) 5702 Partnering Contributions 300,000
Total Revenue: 300,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Shawn Dahlen/Ian Darling Dec 31, 2017
Page 307 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 306 of 307

Number: EC1706
Title: Airport - Pickup (3/4 Ton 4 x 4 Crew Cab)
Asset Type: Equipment
Department: Airport
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: Equipment Pool
Project Type: Equipment and Machinery

Description Comments
Proposed purchase of a pickup truck for the airport
Scenario Description Scenario Comments

Forecast Project Detailed 2017

Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 34,721 34,721 0 Expense
34,721 34,721 0 6700 Equipment 34,721
Total Expense: 34,721
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 34,721
Total Revenue: 34,721
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Shawn Dahlen/Ian Darling Dec 31, 2017
Page 308 of 309

ITEM 2.1
Report No. 17-007 from the Chief Financial Officer re: Budge...

01/31/2017 Page 307 of 307

Number: GC1712
Title: Airport- Airfield Lighting Conversion
Asset Type: Transportation Buildings
Department: Airport
Project Summary Budget Year: 2017
Scenario: 2017 Proposed Active: Yes
Project Stage: Project Entry
Regions: General
Project Type: Buildings and Facilities

Description Comments
Proposed replacement of the runway lighting and regulators to the more cost Budgeted at $360,000
efficient LED system At 2017 - up to $ 400,000
This project is BCAAP eligible
Scenario Description Scenario Comments
LED lighting and controls upgrade
Forecast Project Detailed 2017
Budget Year Total Expense Total Revenue Difference GL Account Description Total Amount
2017 400,000 400,000 0 Expense
400,000 400,000 0 6205 Contracts 400,000
Total Expense: 400,000
4-1500-0000-8001 GC-Contribution from GRF Operating 400,000
Total Revenue: 400,000
Related Projects Operating Impacts

Year Identified Start Date Partner Manager Completion Date

2017 Jan 1, 2017 Ian Darling Dec 31, 2017
Page 309 of 309

ITEM 2.1

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