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Does Decentralization Improve Perceptions of

Accountability? Attitudinal Evidence from Colombia

Maria Escobar-Lemmon Texas A&M University
Ashley D. Ross Sam Houston State University

Decentralization is argued to create incentives for local and regional politicians to be more responsive and accountable to their
constituents, but few studies have directly tested this claim. We use survey data from Colombia to examine individual-level
evaluations of the degree to which decentralization prompts citizens to view department government as more accountable. We
estimate the effect of administrative, fiscal, and political decentralization, controlling for participation, political knowledge,
confidence in government, education, and income on perceptions of accountability. Our results indicate that administrative
and fiscal decentralization improve perceptions of accountability, while political decentralization does not.

ew recent policy reforms have generated as much twin goals of accountability and efficiency (Rondinelli
enthusiasm as the decentralization of power from 1989).
national to subnational governments. Decentral- Decentralization could, consequently, be thought of
ization promised to increase governments responsive- as the architecture making more accountable local gov-
ness to citizen needs, improve the effectiveness of the ernment possible. If decentralization works as predicted,
allocation of public goods, mobilize citizens through in countries (or parts of a country) where it has become
new venues of local political participation, increase po- most institutionalized or implemented most extensively,
litical accountability, and generally improve democracy government should be (and be seen as) more account-
from below (Bardan and Mookherjee 2006; Blair 2000; able by citizens. Places where decentralization has not
Daughters and Harper 2007). In both the global north been as extensive, in contrast, should be characterized
and south, subnational governments were given increased by a consensus view that there is less accountability of
fiscal, political, and administrative responsibilities. This government.
move came at the requests of activists seeking more lo- Despite the prediction that decentralization should
cal control, national governments seeking to enhance improve accountability, previous work has failed to fully
states rights (e.g., Reagans New Federalism) and/or re- test if this is in fact the case. At its broadest, accountability
formers hoping to improve the provision of services. is associated with the process of being called to account
Meanwhile, international organizations such as the World to some authority for ones actions (Jones 1992, 73; cited
Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) pro- in Mulgan 2000, 555). This has led to studying account-
moted decentralization as part of a strategy to realize the ability as voters control of politicians through elections

Maria Escobar-Lemmon is Associate Professor of Political Science, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-4348
(m Ashley D. Ross is Assistant Professor of Political Science, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX
77341 (
Kim Yi Dionne, Tulia Falleti, Kim Q. Hill, Marisa Kellam, Paul Kellstedt, and Michelle Taylor-Robinson as well as the journals anony-
mous reviewers provided helpful comments on this article. Previous versions were presented at the (2011) annual meeting of the
Midwest Political Science Association and the (2011) annual meeting of the Public Choice Society, where we also received helpful
comments and suggestions. The staff at LAPOP and especially Juan Carlos Rodrguez Raga provided useful information about the
LAPOP data. We are also grateful to Leopoldo Fergusson for help in obtaining the fiscal decentralization data. All errors and omis-
sions are nonetheless our own. All data and replication files can be found at
American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 58, No. 1, January 2014, Pp. 175188

C 2013, Midwest Political Science Association DOI: 10.1111/ajps.12043


by sanctioning poor performance and rewarding good carries two basic connotations: answerability, the obliga-
behavior.1 For instance, Manin, Przeworski, and Stokes tion of public officials to inform about and to explain
define governments as accountable if citizens can dis- what they are doing; and enforcement, the capacity of ac-
cern representative from unrepresentative governments counting agencies to impose sanctions on powerholders
and can sanction them appropriately, retaining in office who have violated their public duties . . . It implies sub-
those incumbents who perform well and ousting from jecting power to the threat of sanctions; obliging it to be
office those who do not (1999, 10). Elections then are exercised in transparent ways; and forcing it to justify its
a retrospective tool (Cheibub and Przeworksi 1999) for acts (1999, 14).
shaping politicians behavior.2 Certainly, there have been In this article, we focus on the answerability dimen-
efforts to examine whether there is greater electoral ac- sion of accountability and directly test whether adminis-
countability in subnational elections (e.g., Gelineau and trative, fiscal, and political decentralization determine if
Remmer 2006; Khemani 2001), but this focuses on only citizens see government as more open, transparent, and
one aspect of accountability. responsive. By emphasizing this aspect of accountability,
ODonnell argues that in addition to vertical ac- we fill a significant hole in the literature and advance our
countability between voters and elected officials, there understanding of the consequences of decentralization.
exists what he calls horizontal accountability, which is Using survey data from Colombia, we test whether more
the existence of state agencies that are legally enabled and extensive decentralization increases citizens perceptions
empowered, and factually willing and able, to take actions of the accountability of government after taking account
that span from routine oversight to criminal sanctions of individual-level attributes and attitudes. Our first step,
or impeachment in relation to actions or omissions by however, is to review the extant literature to ground our
other agents or agencies of the state that may be qualified expectations.
as unlawful (1999, 30). ODonnells work makes clear
that voters are not the only ones who can sanction and
reminds us that unelected officials also play a role. For
example, the behavior of unelected bureaucrats may also Context Matters: The Incentives to Be
shape citizens views of whether government is account- Accountable under Decentralization
able. Other work has moved beyond government to em-
phasize civil society and societal accountability whereby Falleti defines decentralization as a process, as the set
citizen associations, social movements, and media work to of policies, electoral reforms or constitutional reforms that
bring public officials misdeeds to light, leading to public transfer responsibilities, resources or authority from higher
condemnation and possible action by watchdog groups to lower levels of government (2010, 34; italic in origi-
within government (Rich and Gomez 2012; Smulovitz nal). For her, administrative decentralization entails the
and Peruzzotti 2000). Alternatively, Kitschelt et al. (2009) set of policies that transfer the administration and de-
propose measuring the existence of democratic account- livery of social services such as education, health, so-
ability by studying the provision of clientelistic goods by cial welfare, or housing to subnational governments and
parties. may involve devolution of decision-making authority
For us, accountability applies to government broadly, over these policies, but this is not a necessary condi-
not only elected officials, but also bureaucrats, and in- tion (Falleti 2005, 328). Fiscal decentralization refers
cludes providing information and responsiveness as well to the set of policies designed to increase the revenues or
as sanctioning. Consequently, we see accountability much fiscal autonomy of subnational governments, whereas
as Schedler does: [T]he notion of political accountability political decentralization includes reforms to open sub-
national representation and policies to devolve political
authority or electoral capacities to subnational actors
There is a voluminous literature examining whether voters punish
politicians for poor economic performance based on the U.S. case.
(Falleti 2005, 32829). Because she is fundamentally con-
Remmer and Gelineau (2003) extend this work to Argentina, and cerned with whether decentralization really increases sub-
Gelineau and Remmer (2006) and Khemani (2001) offer evidence national power, autonomy is central to her conceptual-
that voters are more vigilant in monitoring local than national ization of decentralization. While attitudes about gov-
officials in Argentina and India, respectively.
ernment accountability will be shaped by an individuals
Elections are not universally seen as retrospective. Fearon (1999, experience, they will also be determined by the context in
82) argues that voters see elections more as a chance to pick good
types, making them prospective, although he still sees this as im- which that individual lives. We expect the implementation
plying accountability. of administrative, fiscal, and political decentralization to

produce outcomes that affect individual attitudes about ing meaningful spaces for subnational political competi-
subnational government. tion. Linz and Stephan (1996) and Rose-Ackerman (1999)
Decentralization, in general, is argued to enhance ac- show that competitive elections are helpful in making sure
countability by bringing government closer to citizens, that elected officials are accountable for their actions.4
thereby making subnational government more transpar- Faguet argues compellingly,
ent, involving citizens in decision making, and facilitating
Substantively competitive politics is character-
the monitoring of subnational government (Blair 2000;
ized by a greater diversity of ideas and policy
Burki, Perry, and Dillinger 1999; Manor 1999; Peterson
proposals competing for public favor, and hence
1997). Decentralization is argued to reduce the scale of the
a broader representation of the publics needs. A
principal-agent problem, as informational problems are
direct result of this is improved responsiveness
less severe at the local level and smaller constituencies
and public accountability from government of-
facilitate the monitoring of the performance of elected
ficials, as opposition parties continuously search
representatives (Lederman, Loayza, and Soares 2005, 5).
for advantage over their rivals. A substantively
The improved ability to monitor local officials and de-
uncompetitive politics, in contrast, leads to lower
mand change can help control corruption (Shah 2006),
levels of policy innovation and entrepreneurial-
and some scholars find that decentralization reduces cor-
ism, which, in turn, reduce the level of oversight
ruption (Fisman and Gatti 2002; Shah, Thompson, and
that local government institutions are subject to.
Zou 2004), which could in turn improve accountability
This will tend to result in a less responsive, less
or perceptions of accountability.3
accountable local government. (2009, 43)
Decentralization can engender accountability as sub-
national governments become more transparent and Local officials (or parties) concerned about reelec-
share more information; it can also improve perceptions tion become more accountable. Where there is a lack of
of accountability by involving citizens in decision mak- electoral competition, Bardhan and Mookherjee (2000)
ing. The hallmark example of this is the highly successful argue that local governments are more likely to be cap-
participatory budgeting process in the city of Porto Ale- tured by elites, resulting in distortions in the provision
gre, Brazil, made possible by the decentralized nature of public goods, which Faguet (2009) finds happened in
of the Brazilian state. This process involved many who noncompetitive municipalities in Bolivia.
were previously marginalized, and it also improved per- Fiszbeins (1997) study of Colombian municipalities
ceptions of government accountability as citizens became following the implementation of decentralization found
aware of the citys budget constraints and were involved that political competition was critical in electing leaders
in determining which projects should be funded (Smith who engaged in innovation, successfully developed local
2009). The participatory budgeting experience in Porto capacity, and thus improved the overall quality of gov-
Alegre provides one clear example of the way in which ernment. More recent work by Magaloni, Daz-Cayeros,
fiscal decentralization has the potential to improve ac- and Estevez (2007) demonstrates that heightened politi-
countability. Another example comes from the work of cal competition reduced clientelism in Mexico, although
Faguet (2004), who shows that in Bolivia, giving munic- Weitz-Shapiro (2012) suggests that competition must be
ipalities control over public investment budgets allowed combined with lower levels of poverty to effectively re-
them to target resources to a few high-priority projects duce clientelism. Thus, where political decentralization
where local need was greatest, rather than spreading in- has created spaces for electoral competition, we would
vestment across multiple sectors. His analysis indicates expect accountability to improve.
that local decisions were more suited to local needs than The establishment of local elections (or the conver-
central decisions, especially in the smallest and poorest sion of appointed positions into elected posts) is fre-
municipalities. quently used as a measure of political decentralization,
Political decentralization, specifically, is argued to in- but the existence of those elections may not be a suffi-
crease the accountability and responsiveness of locally cient indicator of political decentralization. Nor may it
elected officials by establishing local elections and open- be sufficient to cause improved accountability. Eaton and
Schroeder (2010, 171) argue it is not, preferring instead
However, Treisman (2000) finds that federal states score a half to
one point higher (more corruption) on the Transparency Interna- Canes-Wrone (2006) and Ferejohn (1986) also link competi-
tional Corruption scale, and others such as Prudhomme (1995) tiveness to government responsiveness. Hobolt and Klemmensen
argue that decentralization creates more opportunities for corrup- (2008) find that higher levels of political contestation lead to more
tion to occur. responsive executives in the United States (but not Britain).

to focus on features of electoral rules and internal char- Individual-Level Determinants: Who
acteristics of political parties that empower local lead- Sees Government as Accountable?
ers as measures of political decentralization. Like Faguet
(2009), they see parties and the dynamics of electoral
The above discussion highlights the extent to which de-
competition as important for connecting civil society and
centralization matters, positing that context has a direct
impact upon how accountable citizens perceive govern-
Of course, not everyone agrees that decentralization
ment to be. However, we do not expect perceptions to
will improve accountability (or bring other promised ben-
be constant across all respondents in a department. In-
efits). Some are critical of decentralization in general (i.e.,
stead, two individuals living in the same department may
Prudhomme 1995); others caution that the details (or
think about accountability differently based on their at-
specifics of its implementation) and not the quantity de-
titudes about government, the extent to which they are
termine if it is beneficial (Prudhomme and Shah 2002).
involved and participate in government, and their knowl-
Keefer, Narayan, and Vishwanath (2006) show that ad-
edge about politics. We discuss each of these in turn.
ministrative decentralization can backfire; decentraliza-
The poor behavior of government officials (such as
tion may have matched policies to preferencesbut this
not providing information) obviously damages govern-
meant reducing the availability of girls schools in rural
ment evaluations, but, if it becomes extreme (corrupt,
Pakistanwhich was not the national governments goal.
morally suspect), it can actually damage support for
Of the nine countries Crook and Sverrisson (2001) ex-
democracy in general (Weitz-Shapiro 2008). Thus, at one
amine, they conclude that decentralization only reduced
extreme, complete mistrust of politicians might be linked
poverty in West Bengal. If outcomes worsen as a result
to an unwillingness on the part of citizens to monitor
of administrative (or fiscal) decentralization, it might not
politicians behavior and engage in democratic activities
improve perceptions of accountability.
(Cleary and Stokes 2006). At the same time, a degree of
Treisman (2007) concludes that political decentral-
skepticism is healthy for political life. It reflects a vigilant
ization is not clearly or consistently better than cen-
and active society willing to exercise control over govern-
tralization at making it easier for voters to coordinate
ment if politicians have violated the rules of the game
and sanction government or for improving accountabil-
(Hardin 1999). Therefore, since some skepticism is good
ity in general. If elite capture (Bardhan and Mookerjee
for democracy and is indicative of mature democracies
2000) occurs, political decentralization might not pro-
(Cleary and Stokes 2006), but too much skepticism (or
duce increased accountability. Moreover, Falleti (2005,
cynicism) undermines democratic functioning, we hy-
2010) warns that the sequence in which political, ad-
ministrative, and fiscal decentralization are adopted
determines whether decentralization empowers local gov- H4: Respondents who are optimistic or skeptical, as op-
ernments or leaves them beholden to the national govern- posed to cynical, about government will be more
ment, and a dependent government may be seen as less likely to perceive government as accountable.
The implementation of administrative, fiscal, and po- In addition to optimism about government, political
litical decentralization offers opportunities to enhance participation should affect perceptions of accountabil-
subnational government accountability, but these might ity. In her examination of how marginalized groups used
or might not be realized. We seek to test empirically democratic decentralization in Uganda and South Africa
whether this has actually occurred. Accordingly, we ex- to demand accountability from leaders, Dauda (2006)
pect: highlights the role and importance of community par-
ticipation. Similarly, Fiszbein notes that in addition to
H1: Citizens living in a context of more extensive admin- political competition, which brought to office innovative
istrative decentralization will perceive their subna- leaders who worked to improve capacity, community par-
tional government as more accountable; ticipation was also important. He finds participation in-
H2: Citizens living in a context of greater fiscal decentral- creased demands for effective local governments . . . and
ization will perceive their subnational government as forced government accountability (1997, 1034).
more accountable; and This suggests that individual political participation
H3: Citizens living in a context of greater political de- may be an important predictor of perceptions of account-
centralization will perceive their subnational govern- ability. Those who are more actively involved in local gov-
ment as more accountable. ernment may perceive greater accountability than those

who are either not involved or simply vote. Moreover, decentralization preceded administrative and fiscal de-
part of how accountability is envisioned to work involves volution. This sequence has given governors and may-
citizens taking steps to monitor government and demand ors those legal, economic, and administrative tools they
transparency. While independent media and opposition need for good, creative government. The extent to which
political parties fulfill this role, the studies mentioned this is realized varies widely with the heterogeneous con-
above highlight how community meetings and town halls stellation of Colombian departments and municipalities
also serve this function. Therefore, to the extent that indi- (2010, 149). This variation in decentralization across de-
viduals have realized that accountability is a result of their partments, but within a country where decentralization
actions, they may view government as more accountable. policies have progressed successfully and to a high de-
Thus, we hypothesize: gree, provides an excellent set of cases to accurately test
if accountability perceptions are indeed shaped by fiscal,
H5: Respondents with higher levels of local political par-
administrative, and political decentralization.
ticipation will be more likely to perceive government
Significant variation in decentralization exists at the
as accountable.
departmental level in Colombia, as illustrated in Figure 1.
Finally, we anticipate that the amount of information While laws decentralizing responsibility for service pro-
citizens have about government will influence their per- vision or establishing subnational elections have applied
ceptions of government accountability. Because we are everywhere, the implementation of those reforms and
interested in examining accountability as answerability, their success have varied considerably across the country,
we expect an individuals level of political knowledge to providing important intracountry variation necessary for
matter. For example, if local government posts the bud- hypothesis testing while holding many national factors
get online and citizens have a chance to review it and constant (see Fiszbein 1997). In one sense, political de-
leave feedbacksomething we would say represents a centralization is uniformly well advanced in the country,
high degree of accountabilitywe would expect those with mayoral elections having been adopted in 1986 and
individuals who knew this to see their government as gubernatorial in 1991. However, there has been signifi-
accountable, whereas their less informed counterparts cant variation across departments (and municipalities
might perceive lower accountability. This leads to our see Angell, Lowden, and Thorp 2001) in the extent to
final hypothesis: which new parties and individuals have taken advantage
H6: Respondents with higher levels of political knowl- of the opportunities offered by these elections to govern
edge will be more likely to perceive government as at the subnational level (meaning the competitiveness of
accountable. the electoral environment varies). Moreover, fiscal decen-
tralization has advanced unequally across departments.
Most departmental revenue comes from formulaic and
guaranteed revenue sharing under the Situado Fiscal7 and
Modeling Accountability: Case royalties based on the production of minerals (almost ex-
Selection, Data, and Methods clusively oil and coal) that especially benefit departments
where they are produced. Departments can minimize this
Our analysis focuses on Colombia, specifically on exam- dependency by taxing automobile registration as well as
ining accountability in the context of decentralization to liquors and tobacco; they can also contract debt, enabling
the Colombian departments.5 Decentralization is rela- them to run fiscal deficits.8 Different resource endow-
tively advanced in Colombia, a fact highlighted by the ments combined with more or less aggressive behavior in
countrys self-description in its constitution as a decen- tax collection and borrowing have, therefore, resulted in
tralized, unitary republic.6 Falleti (2005, 2010) argues de- variation in fiscal decentralization across the country.
centralization has proceeded in Colombia in a manner
that offers the greatest chance for the successful trans-
fer of autonomy to subnational governments, as political 7
The national government collects most taxes (around 80%) and is
required to transfer a significant share to departments (and munic-
Government in Colombia consists of three levels: the national, ipalities) through what is known as the Situado Fiscal. It is highly
the department (an intermediate level), and the municipal (which conditional, with Alesina, Carrasquilla, and Echavarra estimating
includes both urban and rural areas). that about 80% of all transfers are allocated by rules to education
6 and health expenditures (2005, 183).
For an excellent overview of the evolution of decentralization in
Colombia, see Angell, Lowden, and Thorp (2001) or Falleti (2010). Taxes on liquor (33%), beer (32%), tobacco (7%), and motor vehi-
For fiscal decentralization, see Alesina, Carrasquilla, and Echavarra cles (19%) account for 91% of departmental tax revenue (Alesina,
(2005). Carrasquilla, and Echavarra 2005, 17879).

FIGURE 1 Variation in Decentralization Types Across Colombian




Fiscal Decentralization 60

Admin. Decen.


-10 0 10 20 30 40
Political Decentralization

Note: All 32 Colombian departments are plotted. Bubble size marks the extent of adminis-
trative decentralization, which is measured as the DANE administrative autonomy ratings
(extent of sufficiency of resources and quality of public services, among other assessments)
for the year 2007 based on survey responses from departmental functionaries. The adminis-
trative autonomy ratings have been raised to the tenth power to visually maximize variation
among cases. Political decentralization on the x-axis is measured as the average of the margin
of victory of gubernatorial elections for the years 1997, 2000, and 2003. Fiscal decentraliza-
tion on the y-axis is measured as the percent of own-source revenue to total departmental
revenue, averaged over the years 20002006. See the online supporting information for a
more detailed description of variable coding and sources. See also Table SI.2 for a table
reporting the values of administrative, fiscal, and political decentralization plotted above
for each department.

We examine accountability in nonelectoral forms, responses were never (1), almost never (2), once in
focusing specifically on answerability or the obligation a while (3), almost always (4), and always (5).11 Be-
of public officials to inform about and to explain what cause this measure includes multiple ratings, it is a more
they are doing (Schedler 1999, 14). To explore account- robust indicator than one that relies on a single survey
ability, we rely on data from the Latin American Public response.
Opinion Project (LAPOP) Democracy Audit and Cul- In order to test our hypotheses that citizens living
ture of Democracy surveys of Colombia for the years under regimes with more extensive administrative, fiscal,
2004 and 2006.9 These LAPOP surveys include citizen and political decentralization will be more likely to per-
assessments of department-level government in consult- ceive government as being more accountable (H1, H2,
ing them, making decisions and plans public, and shar- and H3), we include indicators of decentralization that
ing information.10 Our measure of accountability is the capture the results fromrather than the existence or
average of three citizen ratings: In your opinion, your adoption ofdecentralization policies. We focus on rat-
departmental government: (1) consults citizens before ings of departmental autonomy in the administration of
making decisions, (2) makes plans and decisions public, responsibilities as an indicator of the results of adminis-
and (3) shares information openly and on time. Possible trative decentralization. We examine fiscal autonomy of
departmental governments as the degree to which they
have been successful at generating independent income
These surveys are ideal for testing how perceptions of accountabil-
ity vary across departments because there are extensive questions resulting from the opportunities afforded by fiscal de-
exploring accountability at multiple levels of government which centralization, and we utilize electoral competition, mea-
are not found in a comparable way in other LAPOP surveys. sured as margin of victory, as an indicator of the out-
Our empirical measure is perceived accountability, even though come of political decentralization within a department.
most of the theoretical predictions generated from the literature
would seem to imply actual accountability. Because we assert that
citizens are relatively good judges of whether government is being For more details on variable coding and full question wording,
accountable in terms of answerability, we feel the two can be treated see the online supporting information. For descriptive statistics,
interchangeably. see Table SI.1 of the online supporting information.

Measuring decentralization in this manner has the ad- were asked, among other items, about the degree to which
vantage of testing claims about this policy program from their department has fulfilled its administrative and fis-
multiple angles. It also pushes the scholarship on decen- cal commitments to the national government. Also asked
tralization to focus on more than parchment institutions were questions about the quality of public services pro-
by examining the outcomes produced by decades of im- vided by the department. The final theme encompassed in
plementation. administrative autonomy is labor welfare, which taps into
We employ an indicator of administrative autonomy perceptions about the degree of well-being or satisfaction
constructed from expert surveys conducted by the Ad- the respondent has with regard to the work incentives
ministrative Department of National Statistics (DANE) the department government provides. Questions in this
to measure administrative decentralization. The survey area explored, for example, the respondents perceptions
queried numerous public functionaries in each depart- of improvement in her job skills, contributions to depart-
ment, including elected and appointed officials as well as mental citizen satisfaction through her work, and fairness
career bureaucrats, asking questions to gauge departmen- of her salary. Taken as a whole, the components of the ad-
tal performance in multiple areas related to decentraliza- ministrative autonomy rating (which vary from 2.97 to
tion, such as resources, management, labor, and public 3.86) capture functionaries perceptions of departmen-
services. Responses to survey questions were averaged by tal government authority and control over employment,
DANE to produce a score for each department ranging service provision, and other management issuesall ar-
from 1 to 5 (very low, low, medium, high, very high) in 10 eas that have been recommended as sound measures of
areas, which was aggregated into two conceptual dimen- administrative decentralization (see Eaton and Schroeder
sions: administrative autonomy and political autonomy.12 2010).
We use the average of the administrative autonomy indi- We measure fiscal decentralization as fiscal auton-
cators only to measure administrative decentralization. omy or own-source revenues as a percentage of total
The DANE administrative autonomy measure is an subnational revenues, which is a widely accepted indica-
average of ratings across five areas of administrative de- tor of this type of decentralization (Eaton and Schroeder
centralization.13 The first is credibility of rules, which cap- 2010, 181). We calculate fiscal autonomy as 100 minus
tures perceptions about procedures for hiring and con- the percentage of departmental government transfers and
tracting of goods and services. Respondents were asked royalties (provided by the national government) of total
about transparency in hiring personnel and staff as well department income, averaged for the years 20002006.
as the frequency with which contracts were awarded on This measure, which ranges from 18 to 84%, captures the
the basis of personal/familial ties or political reward. The fiscal independence of the departmental government
second area is resource credibility, which assesses percep- the closer this measure is to 100%, the more fiscally au-
tions about the sufficiency and ownership of fiscal and tonomous the departmental government. These data were
human resources. For example, respondents were asked obtained from the National Planning Department (DNP)
to gauge the sufficiency of the departmental budget to of Colombia.
meet responsibilities (handed down as a result of admin- In addition to administrative and fiscal decentraliza-
istrative decentralization) and how personnel turnover tion, we test the effects of political decentralization, which
affected the development of departmental programs. The we operationalize using electoral competition. Political
third theme is management for results, which focused decentralization is defined as the devolution of authority
on the implementation of management tools to achieve and/or electoral capacities to subnational actors (Falleti
departmental government objectives. Questions in this 2005). The most common measure of political decen-
area spanned topics from evaluation systems to training tralization, whether or not a country holds subnational
programs to strategic actions aimed at achieving depart- elections, does not vary within Colombia and is insuf-
mental government goals. The fourth area included in ficient to capture the extent of political decentralization
administrative autonomy is public territory management, (Eaton and Schroeder 2010, 172). As an alternative, Eaton
which explores perceptions about the obstacles that exist and Schroeder (2010) recommend focusing on electoral
in the management of departmental tasks. Respondents dynamics. In a similar vein, Schneider (2003) frames de-
centralization in terms of representationmapping cit-
12 izen preferences on policy decisions at the local level.
The full report is available at
EDI/INFORME RG EDI DPTAL 2007.pdf. For Schneider, the clearest measure of representation is
13 subnational elections because they require candidates to
See the online supporting information, Table SI.3, for details on
the scores for each component of the administrative autonomy compete and make appeals to citizens in local juris-
rating by department. dictions (2003, 40). We agree with these scholars that

capturing the full extent of political decentralization in- We expect political participation and political knowl-
volves subnational elections but in a manner that takes edge to increase evaluations of departmental accountabil-
into account electoral competition. Therefore, we exam- ity. To measure political participation, we create an ad-
ine subnational electoral competition as an observable, ditive index of the following components: attendance at
measurable, and varying (within a country) measure of a municipal meeting, participation in a meeting to plan
political decentralization.14 the budget or annual municipal plan, and solicitation
We employ the average margin of victory in the gover- of help from some municipal office, official, or council-
nors race in three recent elections (1997, 2000, and 2003) man. The index ranges from 0no participationto 3
as a measure of political decentralization.15 The margin participation in all three activities. We use the municipal-
of victory is calculated as the difference between the win- level participation measure because similar questions at
ning partys vote share and the second-place partys vote the department level were not asked in the survey, and we
share and varies from 3 to 35%. We treat smaller margin have theoretical reasons to believe that participation on
of victory averages as representing more closely contested the local level engenders perceptions that government on
elections. Thus, we expect the coefficient for this vari- the subnational level is more accountable.17 To measure
able to be negative. The data are taken from the National political knowledge, we create an additive index of two
Registrys voting records. political knowledge questions specific to Colombiathe
We include numerous individual-level indepen- number of departments in Colombia and the term limit
dent variables to test our hypotheses regarding op- of the Colombian president. Individuals were assigned a
timism/skepticism versus cynicism about government value representing the number of correct answers they
(H4), political participation (H5), and political knowl- gave (i.e., one of two correctly answered = 1).
edge (H6) on perceptions of accountability. We hypothe- We also include a series of individual-level control
size that those individuals who are generally optimistic (or variables which we anticipate may affect perceptions of
skeptical) about governmentas opposed to cynical accountability. These control variables include age (mea-
perceive government as more accountable. To measure sured in years), education (measured in years), and in-
optimism versus cynicism toward government, we con- come (measured in ranges on a 10-point scale, with higher
struct a dichotomous variable where 1 represents a re- values indicating greater monthly family income). Finally,
spondent who is optimistic or skeptical about govern- because we pooled data from two different surveys, con-
ment and 0 indicates she is cynical. We construct this ducted in 2004 and 2006, we include a control variable
variable by combining individual responses to three cor- for the year 2004.
ruption evaluationsof politicians in general, of depart- We estimate a multilevel model because we expect
mental officials, and of municipal officials. Responses to individual perceptions of accountability to be influenced
each question ranged from not widespread (1) to very by departmental decentralization and our data are struc-
widespread (4). If a respondent evaluated government tured with individual-level observations nested in depart-
at all three levels as having widespread (3) or very mental groups. Considering the nature of our depen-
widespread (4) corruption, we coded them 0, meaning dent variable, we estimate a random-intercept18 model
he or she is cynical about government; 1 indicates that
a respondent is optimistic or healthily skeptical about reverse causality analyses indicated that corruption predicted ac-
government.16 countability and vice versa. The same is not true for this measure
of optimism.
Faguet (2009) finds evidence that in the context of decentral- Our measure of participation assumes that positive affect toward
ization, greater electoral competition in Bolivia induced higher government generated by participating in local government will
responsiveness to the electorate. Because we treat electoral compe- spill up to the department level, which is consistent with Putnams
tition as equivalent to political decentralization, we expect similar (1993) argument suggesting that social capital can spill up to
relationships and expect more electoral competition to be linked trust in institutions. While ideally we would be able to measure
to higher levels of accountability. participation at the departmental level, we believe this measure is
a reasonable proxy.
Prior to 2003, governors served a three-year term. Beginning in 18
2003, they were elected for a four-year term (20032007) but during We estimate a random-intercept model because we hypothesize
both periods were prohibited from being immediately reelected, that decentralization shifts the baseline assessment of government
although they could run for nonconsecutive terms. accountability, with more administratively, fiscally, or politically
decentralized departments having higher baseline accountability.
This variable was chosen over corruption evaluations (at the mu- We do not estimate a varying slopes model because we have no
nicipal, departmental, and national levels as well as an average of all strong theoretical expectations that any of the three forms of de-
three) because it is empirically and theoretically distinct from our centralization will change the way in which participation, optimism
dependent variable while measures of corruption were not. Given versus cynicism, and information affect perceptions of accountabil-
that some may equate noncorrupt and accountable governance, ity.

(restricted maximum likelihood) with the normal link decentralizationadministrative, fiscal, and political
function. Due to limitations in Level 1 data taken they should perceive their departmental government as
from LAPOP, the number of Level 2 unitsColombian more answerable or accountable. We find that adminis-
departmentsis reduced from 32 to 24.19 Given the small trative and fiscal autonomy affect accountability percep-
number of Level 2 units, we take a conservative approach tions; however, the link between political decentralization
and estimate the multilevel model separately for each and accountability is not evident in our findings. 23 The
Level 2 variableadministrative, fiscal, and political de- results of these department-level effects are shown in Ta-
centralization.20 ble 1 under Fixed Effects: Level 2.24
Administrative and fiscal decentralization are posi-
tive and statistically significant. Their coefficients indicate
that baseline accountability scores by department are im-
proved with greater levels of administrative and fiscal au-
The model results are reported in Table 1.21 The three
tonomy. A one standard deviation increase in administra-
models estimated are reported in separate columns, with
tive and fiscal autonomy is associated with a 0.07 and 0.08,
administrative decentralization as the Level 2 variable in
respectively, increase in departmental intercepts. Put an-
the first column, fiscal decentralization in the second,
other way, if the least autonomous departmentVaupes
and political decentralization in the third. Most of our
with an administrative autonomy rating of 2.07 and fiscal
theoretical expectations are confirmed, although not all.
autonomy rating of 17.63were to raise its autonomy to
Most strikingly, we observe differences in the significance
the levels of the highest performersRisaralda with a 3.86
of the types of decentralization in explaining variation
administrative autonomy rating and Casanare with fiscal
across departments in perceptions of accountability. Ad-
autonomy of 84.07then its intercept for the adminis-
ministrative22 and fiscal autonomy are statistically signif-
trative decentralization model would increase by 0.49 and
icant and positively related to accountability perceptions
its intercept for the fiscal decentralization model would
of departmental government, whereas political decentral-
increase by 0.33. Because accountability is calculated as
ization is not. We first discuss the Level 2 results and then
the average of three ratings, these increases are equivalent
consider the Level 1 results.
to a one-point improvement in the accountability rating
prior to averaging it. This corresponds, for example, to a
Level 2 Effects positive shift in thinking the departmental government is
accountable in one of the three components (consulting
We expected departmental decentralization to shape
citizens, making plans public, and sharing information)
individual-level accountability perceptions. As citizens
included in the aggregate measure.
have more opportunities to be involved in their local
While we find that administrative and fiscal
government and see greater transparency as a result of
autonomy increase baseline accountability for all depart-
The departments included in our regression analysis are Antio- ments, we also find that departmental intercepts vary
quia, Atlantico, Bolvar, Boyaca, Caldas, Caqueta, Casanare, Cauca, considerablyillustrated by Figure 2. The 24 depart-

Cesar, Cordoba, Cundinamarca, Huila, Magdalena, Meta, Narino, ments analyzed are reported on the x-axis, sorted by their
Norte de Santander, Putumayo, Quindio, Risaralda, Santander,
Sucre, Tolima, Valle, and Vaupes.
mean accountability scores shown in parentheses. The
y-axis displays the departmental intercept (or baseline
The results of the same model, but with all three Level 2 variables
estimated together, are discussed in the online supporting infor-
level of accountability) for each of the three models
mation and reported in Table SI.5. The results are consistent with
those reported in Table 1.
We tested alternative measures of political decentralization, in-
See the online supporting information, specifically Table SI.6, cluding minimum margin of victory in gubernatorial races for each
for a discussion of regression results with the dependent variable department (years 1997, 2000, and 2003) as well as the margin of
disaggregated into its three components. The Level 1 results do not victoryaverage and minimumfor presidential and senate races
change considerably, but the Level 2 results fluctuate somewhat (years 1998, 2002, and 2006). We also examined political auton-
from the results presented in Table 1. omy ratings from DANE (the same source for the administrative
Because this measure of administrative decentralization is an autonomy measure) as an alternative measure. The regression re-
average of five ratings, the model was reestimated to include the sults employing these alternative measures do not vary considerably
measure each time excluding one of its five components. The results from those reported in Table 1.
of these robustness checks are consistent with those reported in 24
The number of observations by department varied from a mini-
Table 1all of the alternative measures of administrative autonomy mum of 18 to a maximum of 208, with an average of 73. The 95%
were statistically significant and positively related to the dependent confidence intervals for none of the coefficients overlap zero. For
variable. See the online supporting information for a discussion the number of observations by department, see Table SI.4 of the
and presentation of the results (Table SI.7). online supporting information.

TABLE 1 Predictors of Departmental Accountability

Dependent Variable: Accountability
Average rating of responses to the following. In your opinion, your departmental government:
Consults citizens before making decisions; Makes its plans and decisions public; and Shares information openly
and on time.
Ratings: 1 = never, 2 = almost never, 3 = sometimes, 4 = almost always, and 5 = always
Admin. Fiscal Political
Fixed Effects: Level 1 Optimistic/skeptical vs. cynical toward government 0.171 0.166 0.166
(0.066) (0.066) (0.066)

Subnational political participation 0.204 0.203 0.203
(0.031) (0.031) (0.032)
Political knowledge 0.030 0.029 0.029
(0.037) (0.037) (0.037)
Income 0.035 0.034 0.036
(0.019) (0.019) (0.019)
Age 0.005 0.005 0.005
(0.002) (0.002) (0.002)
Education 0.003 0.003 0.003
(0.007) (0.007) (0.007)
Year 2004 0.235 0.229 0.231
(0.076) (0.075) (0.075)

Intercept 1.075 1.806 1.969
(0.444) (0.143) (0.133)
Fixed Effects: Level 2 Administrative Decentralization: DANE admin. 0.276
autonomy rating (0.125)
Fiscal Decentralization: Percent of own-source revenue 0.005
Political Decentralization: Margin of victory in 0.002
governors races (0.005)
Random Effects Level 1 Variance (standard deviation) 1.009 1.009 1.008
(1.005) (1.005) (1.004)
Level 2 Variance (standard deviation) 0.022 0.022 0.028
(0.150) (0.148) (0.168)
Number of Level 1 1748 1748 1748
Observations Level 2 24 24 24
Note: Random intercept model (restricted maximum likelihood) estimated with normal link function. Model estimated for each Level
2 variable (administrative, fiscal, and political decentralization) separately. Coefficients are reported with robust standard errors in
parentheses. For number of observations by department, see the online supporting information, Table SI.4.
Level 1 variables with are centered around their grand means. Statistical significance denoted as p < 0.10, p < 0.05, p < 0.01.

reported in Table 1. The three types of decentralization their own unique contexts has a significant bearing on
are marked with a distinct symbol. Figure 2 shows that how accountable citizens perceive government to be.
in general, the largest intercepts are those associated with
the fiscal and administrative decentralization models.
In departments with higher-than-average accountability Individual-Level Results
ratings (greater than 2.266), fiscal and administrative
decentralization model intercepts tend to be larger. This As discussed in the previous section, administrative and
highlights the positive influence of fiscal and adminis- fiscal decentralization significantly influence individual-
trative autonomy on perceptions of accountability. It level accountability perceptions as they shift baseline de-
also underscores that how decentralization has been partmental intercepts. On the individual level, we find
translated into policy by individual departments within that optimism toward government, subnational political

FIGURE 2 Departmental Intercepts by Decentralization Type

1.75 Fiscal decen.
Administrative decen.
Casanare (2.50)
Boyac (2.49)

Crdoba (1.86)
Cundinamarca (2.17)

Bolvar (2.01)
Vaups (2.35)

Quindo (1.68)
Cesar (2.39)

Cauca (2.21)
Nario (2.21)
Meta (2.40)
Caldas (2.44)

Tolima (2.25)

Magdalena (2.20)

Sucre (1.86)
Huila (2.17)
Antioquia (2.40)

Risaralda (2.34)

Santander (2.29)
Putumayo (2.30)

Atlntico (2.13)
Valle (2.44)

Caquet (1.83)
N. de Santander (2.20)
Political decen.

Level 2 Units: Colombian departments

with mean of accountability in parentheses

Note: Intercepts plotted based on the models reported in Table 1. Decentralization is measured as (1)
AdministrativeDANE administrative autonomy ratings for the year 2007 based on survey responses from depart-
mental functionaries; (2) Politicalthe average of the margin of victory of gubernatorial elections for the years 1997,
2000, and 2003; and (3) Fiscalthe percent of own-source revenue to total departmental revenue, averaged over
the years 20002006. The number of departments is reduced to 24 due to limitations in Level 1 data (LAPOP). For
number of observations by department included in the regression analyses, see the online supporting information,
Table SI.4.

participation, income, and age explain perceptions of de- two of the three components measured (consulting citi-
partmental accountability. These individual-level results zens, making plans public, and sharing information) are
are reported in Table 1 under the heading Fixed Effects: scored one point higher.
Level 1. We also expected the amount of information citizens
General optimism about government and subna- have about government to influence their perceptions
tional political participation are positive and significant of government accountability. But political knowledge
in each model, indicating that optimistic (or skeptical) does not explain perceptions of accountability; however,
and participatory individuals evaluate departmental gov- income and age do. Individuals with higher monthly in-
ernment as more accountable than cynics or those who comes have more positive perceptions of departmental ac-
do not participate. A shift from cynicism to optimism countability; a one standard deviation increase in income
is associated with a 0.17 increase in accountability rat- is associated with a 0.06 increase in accountability rat-
ings across all three models. A one standard deviation ings across all three models. In addition to greater wealth,
increase in participation is associated with a 0.14 increase younger individuals have higher accountability evalua-
in accountability ratings. No subnational political partic- tions; a one standard deviation increase in age decreases
ipation is correlated with a 0.08 decrease in accountability accountability scores by 0.07 across all three models. We
ratings, whereas participation in all of the activities mea- also find that when the survey was conducted is statisti-
sured boosts accountability by 0.52 points. While these ef- cally significant, with respondents in 2004 having higher
fects seem small, taken together they have the potential to accountability ratings by 0.235 in the administrative de-
considerably shift accountability perceptions. For exam- centralization model, 0.229 in the fiscal decentralization
ple, an individual who is optimistic and participates fully model, and 0.231 in the political decentralization model.
in subnational politics has a 0.70-point higher account- In all, the findings of the regression analyses indicate
ability rating than an individual who is cynical and non- that individual-level perceptions of departmental govern-
participatory. This is roughly equivalent to a two-point ment accountability are shaped by contextthe extent
increase in the accountability rating prior to averaging it, of administrative and fiscal autonomyand individual-
which means, for example, this individuals responses in level beliefs and characteristicsoptimism about

government, political participation, income, and age. De- course, the absence of a link between political decen-
partments that have successfully achieved administrative tralization and perceived government accountability is
and fiscal autonomy have higher baseline assessments of something worthy of future study. Political decentraliza-
departmental government accountability, and individuals tion may enhance accountability where citizens couple
within these departments who are optimistic toward gov- opportunities for sanctioning with information to deter-
ernment, participate in subnational politics, have higher mine if sanctioning is required. Therefore, political de-
incomes, and are younger are more likely to have higher centralization might be found to be successful if account-
accountability ratings. While the impacts of these ex- ability is examined as both sanctioning and answerability.
planatory factors, indicated by their respective coeffi- Second, by measuring accountability as answerabil-
cients, tend to be small, together they can substantively ity, we move beyond electoral institutions to provide a
shift individual perceptions of departmental government more nuanced view of accountability. Elections are im-
accountability. portant for calling governments to account for their ac-
tions and remain a critical requirement for accountabil-
ity; however, government that is accountable in the eyes of
citizens may require more than simply periodic opportu-
Conclusions nities to toss the bums out. Decentralization enhances
subnational governments ability to engage citizens be-
Decentralization was adopted widely across the world tween elections. The existence of these opportunities and
amid much fanfare that it would increase accountability, citizens awareness that they existregardless of whether
improve government, and bring representation closer to they personally take advantage of themhelp explain
citizens. Given the amount of promise the policy held, it is how decentralization improves outcomes.
important to evaluate the effectiveness of these reforms. While our results suggest that administrative and fis-
Yet, few attempts have been made to identify the way cal decentralization can have a significant positive effect
in which decentralization fulfilled its grander promise in on accountability, they also suggest that this might not
terms of improved accountability. Our research repre- be automatic. As the Colombian evidence indicates, even
sents an attempt to determine if and how decentraliza- when decentralization offers the same opportunities to
tion changed whether citizens saw their government as all units (or imposes the same restrictions upon them),
accountable in terms other than their ability to sanction what individual departments do with those opportuni-
through elections. ties matters. Some departments clearly sought to develop
We find support for our expectation that the decen- significant fiscal autonomy, some ambitiously sought to
tralization context determines if individuals see their gov- reinvent the way their government functioned by im-
ernment as more answerable, but only in its fiscal and ad- proving capacity and trying to respond to citizen needs,
ministrative forms. Despite the theoretical assumptions and certainly others sought to do as little as possible, ex-
that politicians in politically decentralized (e.g., highly cept perhaps steal from public coffers. That said, those
competitive) environments will be more honest and re- who used the opportunity afforded by decentralization
sponsive to citizens and this, in turn, will affect how indi- to increase fiscal and administrative autonomy were re-
viduals perceive government, we do not find evidence of warded with more favorable citizen evaluations of their
this. Our analysis also shows that perceptions result from performance. A national policy of decentralization is not
what an individual has experienced personally. Optimism a panacea for improving accountability; however, in the
or healthy skepticism about government and participa- right hands it can be a useful tool.
tion both improve perceptions of accountability.
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