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Centenares de estaciones, 26 millones de pasajeros diarios, una limpieza

sorprendente, un personal amable y servicial y una puntualidad casi perfecta.
Bienvenidos a la red de trenes y metro de Tokio.

Es cierto que a las horas pico, unos expeditivos funcionarios empujan a los
pasajeros para que los vagones vayan al 200%, pero nadie se queja
abiertamente ni amenaza con dar un pisotn a su vecino.

En cambio, la puntualidad es casi perfecta, dice uno de los responsables de la

empresa de transportes Tokyo Metro, una de las varias compaas que
aseguran el transporte colectivo en la mayor megalpolis del mundo.

"Tenemos un margen de cinco segundos con respecto a los horarios" en cada

llegada y cada salida, dice el conductor Shunsaku Hagita, de 27 aos. "Los
trenes se suceden, dependiendo de las lneas, cada dos o tres minutos. Si hay
un retraso, hay que recuperarlo", agrega.

"El metro forma parte integrante de la vida diaria en Tokio. Nuestros pasajeros
esperan este nivel de seguridad y de puntualidad", seala Shogo Kuwamura,
portavoz de Tokyo Metro, grupo que recibe la visita de numerosos
representantes de compaas extranjeras.

La ciudad tiene dos operadores de metro, Tokyo Metro y Toei Subway, pero sus
redes cruzan los de una multitud de empresas ferroviarias cuyos empleados y
conductores cumplen con la misma fiabilidad, puntualidad y buen humor su

Y es que un retraso mnimo en una lnea puede tener un efecto domin en el

conjunto del trfico y provocar peligrosas aglomeraciones en las estaciones
donde se cruzan varias lneas.
Con 35 millones de personas, que usan en su mayora trenes y metros una o
varias veces por da, la capital nipona es la mayor aglomeracin de la tierra.

Pero siempre hay cosas imprevisibles, como los suicidios, los sesmos, los
tifones y otros caprichos de la naturaleza que obligan a parar los trenes o a

En caso de retraso -incluso de menos de un minuto- los pasajeros reciben las

informaciones y las disculpas oportunas cada minuto.

Pero si el factor humano contribuye a hacerle ms agradable la experiencia al

pasajero, la fiabilidad depende sobre todo de los ordenadores.

"Los metros estn cada vez ms regulados por ordenadores y supervisados por
el centro de comando central para minimizar el error humano", dice Hagita.

La funcin del conductor consiste esencialmente en supervisar las pantallas y

adoptar medidas en caso de emergencia. Pero la consciencia permanente de la
importancia de la seguridad quiz radique en la rutina de sus gestos.

Los conductores, que llevan guantes blancos, anuncian cada uno de sus
movimientos en voz alta, segn la orden y las seales aprendidas y mil veces

Sin embargo, las compaas que estn obligadas a confiar cada vez en las
mquinas, empiezan a resentirse de la prdida de vigilancia de sus
conductores, al punto de que algunos se han visto reprendidos por usar sus
telfonos mviles con fines personales durante el trayecto.

En cada parada, el operador encargado de gestionar la buena marcha de los

trenes, y que deja al conductor concentrarse en sus funciones, abre las
puertas, sale de su compartimento en la parte trasera del tren para observar
los movimientos de los pasajeros en los andenes antes de sonar para indicar
que las puertas se van a cerrar.

De vuelta en su cabina, sigue asomado a la ventana hasta que el tren se va de

la estacin, saludando de paso a los colegas de la estacin. Todo el mundo
respeta el ritual, con los gestos, la cadencia y la voz.

Este espectculo puede parecer ridculo y exagerado para los que no conocen
la importancia que los japoneses le dan a la disciplina con los mtodos
enseados de forma homognea y que han demostrado su eficacia.

Pero los nipones respetan a estos hombres en uniforme que los nios imitan
con admiracin. Para los nios japoneses, convertirse en conductor de tren es
un trabajo soado igual que convertirse en piloto de avin, polica o futbolista.

"He crecido viendo a los conductores de tren", dice Hagita, quien, cuando se
case y tenga hijos, estar orgulloso, dice, de que su familia suba a su tren.

La ciudad de Tokio tambin est orgullosa de sus transportes, que es uno de los
smbolos de la fiabilidad y de la seguridad en Japn y un argumento clave de su
exitosa candidatura para organizar los Juegos Olmpicos de 2020, en
detrimento de Madrid y Estambul, las otras ciudades candidatas.

Para entonces, el servicio mejorar y ser ms multilinge, prometen las


Fuente: Por Hiroshi Hiyama-AFP desde Tokio

Probablemente uno de los sistemas de transporte ms complejos del mundo, el cual solo
puede ser descrito como masivo. Este sistema est basado en la combinacin una red
integrada de transportes, inculyendo trenes livianos, ferry, buses, y la famosa red de
lneas de metro subterreanea de Tokyo (de propiedad privada). Solo para tener una idea
de la magnitud de esta red integrada; el total de viajes realizados en la ciudad de Tokyo
(ms 10.6 billones) equivale al mismo nmero de viajes de todos los sistemas de
transporte continentales incluyendo todo Estados Unidos y Canada juntos. No est de
ms decir que a cualquier lugar que quieras llegar dentro de la ciudad, lo puedes hacer a
travs de transporte pblico, solo es cosa de enchufarse de lnea en lnea.

Valor: Intermodalidad Cobertura

Ms de nueve millones de personas con rumbos distintos, algunos ms

cercanos que otros: la escuela, el trabajo o una simple salida con amigos
generan movilidad en la gran ciudad de Tokio, Japn. A pesar del alto ndice de
movimiento, el cielo se mantiene azul, las banquetas aseadas y las calles sin
congestin vial el secreto: las redes de transporte pblico.
Diariamente, el metro de esta ciudad asitica desplaza un total de 20 millones
de pasajeros, conectando con otras urbes y sectores de la metrpoli; est
integrado por una red superlativa de 13 lneas distintas y 142 estaciones, lo
que lo ha convertido en el metro ms denso del mundo, adems de ser
calificado como el de mejor calidad a nivel internacional.

Por si fuera poco, la movilidad urbana en Tokio se apoya en la red ferroviaria

ms larga del mundo, as corno en autobuses de doble piso, sistemas de
bicicletas en renta y taxis con carga a diesel, que disminuyen el grado de
contaminantes al ambiente y que adems deben renovarse cada cinco aos.

A pesar de que Japn es cuna del desarrollo automotriz, en el pas existe, en

promedio, un vehculo por cada 2.8 habitantes; en cambio, en la zona
conurbada del valle de Mxico, donde hay poco ms de 18 millones de
habitantes, existe un automvil por cada 1.2 personas. As, el sobrecupo
vehicular evidentemente genera caos y es responsable de 84% de la
contaminacin atmosfrica.

Si bien en la ciudad de Mxico ya se ha trabajado en la implementacin de

sistemas de transportes multimodal y masivos, cada vez resulta ms necesaria
la interconectividad entre ciudades y estados aledaos, que disminuyan el uso
del automvil y que adems sean seguros.

Durante la reciente gira de Enrique Pea Nieto al continente asitico, y

tomando como ejemplo los logros en la materia ah alcanzados, el primer
mandatario asegur que la conectividad en Mxico, a travs del transporte
ferroviario, ser una realidad. Sin duda son proyectos que el gobierno tiene
comprometidos y que habr de desarrollar, y dar espacio de participacin a
cualquier empresa nacional o extranjera que muestre inters, y que con la
mejor tecnologa y mejores costos pueda participar evidentemente de estos
proyectos. Dicha declaracin fue hecha en referencia al proyecto de tren
interurbano que conectara Toluca con la ciudad de Mxico.

De concretarse, el recorrido entre las dos ciudades podra tomar entre 20 y 30

minutos, a una velocidad de 120 kilmetros por hora, y transportara a 30 000
personas al da. Y es que anualmente existe un promedio de 16.4 millones de
viajes en automvil en esa carretera; es decir, 4S 000 vehculos diarios y 10 000
unidades de transporte pblico, entre autobuses y taxis.

Fuente: Revista Equilibrio No. 57

Beneficios de utilizar el transporte pblico para ir al trabajo

mar 17, 16 slider No Comments Read More

Un reciente estudio japons acaba de demostrar que ir a trabajar en metro o en

autobs es mucho ms saludable que hacerlo en coche particular. Un grupo de
investigadores del Centro Moriguchi de Salud en Osaka (Japn) ha comprobado que
las personas que emplean el transporte pblico para ir a trabajar tienen menor
riesgo de diabetes, sobrepeso e hipertensin. Curiosamente, tiene incluso ms
ventajas que hacerlo caminando o en bicicleta, probablemente, apuntan los
autores, por las distancias que hay que recorrer desde casa a la parada ms

En Espaa, la tendencia a utilizar el automvil para trabajar an es mayoritaria

aunque el uso del transporte pblico empieza a ganar terreno. Segn un
estudio, el 39% de los espaoles utiliza el transporte pblico para ir al trabajo,
mientras que el 45% se desplaza en coche, el 12% andando y el 4% por otros
medios como la bicicleta.

Aunque parezca inslito, desplazarse en transporte pblico se ha erigido como el

medio ms saludable para ir al trabajo. Y no solo eso: hay otras ventajas asociadas
a esta modalidad aparte de la salud.

Up SPAIN, empresa dedicada a la emisin de cheques y tarjetas de servicio

del Grupo Up, desgrana los 5 mayores beneficios de utilizar el transporte pblico
en nuestra ruta hacia el trabajo:

1. Menor riesgo de hipertensin arterial, diabetes y sobrepeso

El estudio del Centro Moriguchi de Salud en Osaka compar a los viajeros de

autobs y tren, a los peatones y ciclistas y por otro lado a los conductores, y ajust
los resultados por otros factores como edad, sexo, tabaquismo y otros. En
comparacin con los conductores, los usuarios de transporte pblico fueron un 44
% menos propensos a presentar sobrepeso; un 27 % menos propensos a
tener presin arterial alta, y un 34 % menos propensos a padecer

Curiosamente, los viajeros de autobs/tren tuvieron tasas an ms bajas de

diabetes, hipertensin arterial y sobrepeso que los que iban andando o en bici. Los
investigadores sugieren que una explicacin podra ser que estos viajeros en
realidad caminaban ms hacia y desde la estacin de tren o autobs de los que
iban andando o en bici al trabajo y viceversa.

2. Mayor ahorro econmico y de tiempo para el usuario

Segn Up SPAIN, usar el transporte pblico resulta ms barato que el vehculo

privado, ya que a los gastos del propio automvil hay que sumar su
mantenimiento, seguro, aparcamiento y combustible.

Por no hablar del tiempo invertido en desplazarse al trabajo: en las grandes

ciudades los colapsos son diarios y conlleva la bsqueda de aparcamiento en zonas
saturadas. Por contra, con el transporte pblico, generalmente, llegas a tu destino
sin complicaciones y sin estrs.

No solo eso: cada vez hay ms empresas que conscientes de ello, ofrecen a sus
empleados Tarjetas Cheque Transporte, con el objetivo de reducir el coste del
trayecto aprovechando las importantes ventajas fiscales por el uso del transporte
pblico, a la vez que la organizacin no aumenta sus costes.

3. Nuestra oportunidad para desconectar

Podemos aprovechar el trayecto de ida y vuelta en autobs o metro
para escuchar msica, leer un buen libro, revisar nuestros perfiles
sociales o simplemente dejarnos llevar por nuestros pensamientos, sin tener que
estar pendiente del trfico o del carril bici.

No obstante, tampoco hay que olvidar que durante las horas puntas es cuando se
concentra un mayor nmero de gente, de manera que es muy recomendable ser
previsor y salir con tiempo hacia el trabajo. Sin duda, se trata de un momento de
pausa antes y despus de acabar la jornada laboral que podemos invertir en
desconectar y descansar.

4. Apuesta por la sostenibilidad

Todos somos responsables de vivir en un entorno saludable y el transporte pblico

es la alternativa ms ecolgica para los desplazamientos que no se puedan
hacer en bicicleta o andando, ya que la emisin de gases es mucho menor que la
del automvil.

En este sentido, el uso masivo del vehculo privado colapsa las ciudades y las
hace ms sucias y ms ruidosas. Por eso el transporte pblico es la alternativa
idnea para mejorar la movilidad urbana y evitar en gran medida las retenciones y
atascos. Es una pequea aportacin para un mundo ms sostenible.

Transportation in Japan is modern and highly developed. Japan's transportation sector

stands out for its energy efficiency: it uses less energy per person compared to other countries,
thanks to a high share of rail transportation and low overall travel distances. [1] Transportation in
Japan is also very expensive in international comparison, reflecting high tolls and taxes,
particularly on automobile transport.[2]

Japan's spending on roads has been large.[3] The 1.2 million kilometers of paved road are the
main means of transportation.[4] Japan has left-hand traffic. A single network of high-speed,
divided, limited-access toll roads connects major cities, which are operated by toll-collecting

Dozens of Japanese railway companies compete in regional and local passenger

transportation markets; for instance, seven JR Group companies, Kintetsu Railway, Seibu
Railway, and Keio Corporation. Often, strategies of these enterprises contain real
estate or department stores next to stations. Some 250 high-speed Shinkansen trains connect
major cities. All trains are known for punctuality.

There are 176 airports,[5] and the largest domestic airport, Haneda Airport, is Asia's busiest
airport. The largest international gateways are Narita International Airport (Tokyo area), Kansai
International Airport (Osaka/Kobe/Kyoto area), and Chbu Centrair International
Airport (Nagoya area). The largest ports include Nagoya Port.


o 1.1Shinkansen





6By region


8Further reading

9External links

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Main articles: Rail transport in Japan, Shinkansen, List of railway companies in Japan, List of
defunct railway companies in Japan, and List of aerial lifts in Japan

Yamanote Line, Tokyo

A streetcar in Kumamoto

In Japan, railways are a major means of passenger transportation, especially for mass and
high-speed transport between major cities and for commuter transport in metropolitan areas.
Seven Japan Railways Group companies, state-owned until 1987, cover most parts of Japan.
There also are railway services operated by private rail companies, regional governments, and
companies funded by both regional governments and private companies.

Total railways of 27,182 km include several track gauges, the most common of which
is 1,067 mm (3 ft 6 in) narrow gauge, with 22,301 km of track of which 15,222 km is electrified.

Fukuoka, Kobe, Kyoto, Nagoya, Osaka, Sapporo, Sendai, Tokyo,

and Yokohama have subway systems.

Most Japanese people traveled on foot until the later part of the 19th century. The first railway
was built between Tokyo's Shimbashi Station and Yokohama's former Yokohama
Station (now Sakuragich Station) in 1872.[7] Many more railways developed soon afterward.
Japan, as we know it today, is home to one of the world's most developed transportation
networks. Mass transportation is well developed in Japan, but the road system lags behind and
is inadequate for the number of cars owned in Japan. This is often attributed to the fact that
road construction is difficult in Japan because of its uniquely high population density, and the
limited amount of available usable land for road construction.

Map of Shinkansen lines except Hakata-Minami Line and Gala-Yuzawa Line

The Shinkansen, or "bullet trains", as they are often known, are the high-speed rail trains that
run across Japan.[8] The 2,387 km (1,485 mi) of 8 Shinkansen lines run on completely separate
lines from their commuting train counterparts, with a few exceptions. Shinkansen take up a
large portion of the long distance travel in Japan, with the whole system carrying over 10 billion
passengers in its lifetime. 1,114 journeys are made daily, with the fastest train being the JR
East E5 and E6 series trains, which operate at a maximum speed of 320 km/h (200 mph).
Shinkansen trains are known to be very safe, with no accident-related deaths or injuries from
passengers in its 50-plus year history.[9] Shinkansen trains are also known to be very punctual,
following suit with all other Japanese transportation; in 2003, the average delay per train on
the Tokaido Shinkansen was a mere 6 seconds.[10] Japan has been trying to sell its Shinkansen
technology overseas, and has struck deals to help build systems in India, Thailand, and
the United States.[9]

The first Shinkansen line opened between Tokyo and Osaka in 1964, and trains can now make
the journey in 2 hours and 25 minutes.[8] Additional Shinkansen lines connect Tokyo
to Aomori, Niigata, Kanazawa, and Hakodate and Osaka to Fukuoka and Kagoshima, with new
lines under construction to Tsuruga, Sapporo and Nagasaki.

Japan has been developing maglev technology trains, and broke the world maglev speed
record in April 2015 with a train traveling at the speed of 603 km/h (375 mph).[11]The Ch
Shinkansen, a commercial maglev service, is currently under construction from Tokyo to
Nagoya and Osaka, and when completed in 2045 will cover the distance in 67 minutes, half the
time of the current Shinkansen.

Mount Fuji seen from the Chuo Expressway

Typical Japanese expressway above the city road

According to Japan Statistical Yearbook 2015, Japan in April 2012 has had approximately
1,215,000 km of roads made up of 1,022,000 km of city, town and village roads, 129,000 km of
prefectural roads, 55,000 km of general national highways and 8,050 km of
national expressways.[12][13] The Foreign Press Center/Japan cites a total length of expressways
at 7,641 km (fiscal 2008).[14] A single network of high-speed, divided, limited-access toll
roads connects major cities on Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu. Hokkaido has a separate
network, and Okinawa Island has a highway of this type. In the year 2005, the toll collecting
companies, formerly Japan Highway Public Corporation, have been transformed into private
companies in public ownership, and there are plans to sell parts of them. The aim of this policy
is to encourage competition and decrease tolls.

Road passenger and freight transport expanded considerably during the 1980s as private
ownership of motor vehicles greatly increased along with the quality and extent of the nation's
roads. Bus companies including the JR Bus companies operate long-distance bus service on
the nation's expanding expressway network. In addition to relatively low fares and deluxe
seating, the buses are well utilized because they continue service during the night, when air
and train service is limited.

The cargo sector grew rapidly in the 1980s, recording 274.2 billion tonne-kilometres in 1990.
The freight handled by motor vehicles, mainly trucks, in 1990, was over 6 billion tonnes,
accounting for 90 percent of domestic freight tonnage and about 50 percent of tonne-
Recent large infrastructure projects were the construction of the Great Seto Bridge and
the Tokyo Bay Aqua-Line (opened 1997).

Although road fatalities have been decreasing due in part to stricter enforcement of drunk
driving laws, 2004 still saw 7,358 deaths on Japanese roads.

See also: National highways of Japan, Japan Highway Public Corporation, Expressways of
Japan, and List of bus operating companies in Japan


Kansai Airport, Osaka

In 2013 Japan had the fourth largest passenger air market in the world with 105,913,000
passengers.[15] In 2013 Japan had 178 airports.[16] The main international gateways are Narita
International Airport (Tokyo area), Kansai International Airport (Osaka/Kobe/Kyoto area),
and Chbu Centrair International Airport (Nagoya area). The main domestic hub is Tokyo
International Airport (Haneda Airport), Asia's busiest airport and the world's 4th busiest airport;
other major traffic hubs include Osaka International Airport, New Chitose
Airport outside Sapporo, and Fukuoka Airport. 14 heliports are estimated to exist (1999).

Passenger Airlines of Japan

The two main airlines are Japan Airlines and All Nippon Airways. Other passenger carriers
include Skymark Airlines, Skynet Asia Airways, Air Do, Star Flyer and Fuji Dream
Airlines. United Airlines and Delta Air Lines, formerly Northwest Airlines, are major international
operators from Narita Airport.
Domestic air travel in Japan has historically been highly regulated. From 1972, the three major
domestic airlines (JAL, ANA, and JAS) were allocated certain routes, with JAL and ANA
sharing trunk routes, and ANA and JAS sharing local feeder routes. JAL and JAS have since
been merged to help compete with ANA. JAL also had a flag-carrier monopoly on international
routes until 1986. Airfares were set by the government until 2000, although carriers had
freedom to adjust the standard fares starting in 1995 (when discounts of up to 50% were
permitted). Today, fares can be set by carriers, but the government retains the ability to veto
fares that are impermissibly high.

See also: List of airports in Japan and List of airlines of Japan


Ferry Miyajima on the Inland Sea near Miyajima, Hiroshima

There are 1770 km of waterways in Japan; seagoing craft ply all coastal inland seas.[citation needed]

There are some 994 ports in Japan as of April 2014. [17] There are overlapping classifications of
these ports, some of which are multi-purpose, e.g. cargo, passenger, naval, and fishery. The 5
designated "super" container ports are: Yokkaichi, Yokohama, Nagoya, Kobe and Osaka. 23
are designated major/international, 125 designated as important, while there are also purely
fisherman ports.

The twenty-three major seaports designated as special important ports by Ministry of Land,
Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism : Chiba,
Fushiki/Toyama, Himeji, Hiroshima, Kawasaki, Kitakysh, Kobe, Kudamatsu, Muroran, Nagoy
a, Niigata, Osaka, Sakai/Senpoku, Sendai/Shiogama, Shimizu, Shimonoseki, Tokyo, Tomakom
ai, Wakayama, Yokkaichi, and Yokohama.

Japan has 662 ships with a volume of 1,000 gross register tons (GRT) or over, totaling
13,039,488 gross register tons (GRT) or 18,024,969 tonnes deadweight (DWT). There are
146 bulk ships, 49 cargo ships, 13 chemical tankers, 16 combination bulk, 4 with combination
of ore and oil, 25 container, 45 liquefied gas, 9 passenger, 2 passenger and cargo combination
ships, 214 petroleum tankers, 22 refrigerated cargo, 48 roll-on/roll-off ships, 9 short-sea
passenger, and 60 vehicle carriers (1999 est.).[citation needed]

Ferries connect Hokkaido to Honshu, and Okinawa Island to Kyushu and Honshu. They also
connect other smaller islands and the main islands. The scheduled international passenger
routes are to China, Russia, South Korea and Taiwan. Coastal and cross-channel ferries on the
main islands decreased in routes and frequencies following the development of bridges and
expressways but some are still operating (as of 2007).


Osaka airport train Trains are operated by Japanese Railways (JR)---which a few years ago was
divided into JR East and JR West---and numerous local train lines that generally service a
specific region such as the Tokyo area or the Kansai (Osaka and Kyoto) region. The railroad is
so confident that you will arrive at tour destination on time that sometimes passengers are
given refunds if trains are late.

Japan has the world's busiest rail network. About 18 million people use the trains everyday
in Japan and 40 percent of the total passenger travel is on railway transport (compared to 90
percent on road transport in the United States). The East Japan Railway Co. operates the
world's busiest train system, with 6.6 million passengers riding it every day providing revenues
of $19.5 billion a year.

There are 26,000 daily train services in Japan.The total rail system, including the JR group
and other railway companies, comprises approximately 27,000 operation kilometers, of which
JR companies operate 70 percent of the total. During fiscal 2010, the system transported 22.66
billion passengers and 43.64 million metric tons of freight.

There are a lot of train freaks in Japan. The last runs of the original Shinkansen trains and
overnight blue trains drew huge crowds. A large number of mothers were in the crowds as they
brought their children to satiate their interest in trains. Tickets for the debut run of the new
Tohoku Shinkansen Hayabusa's were scalped for over $4,300---23 times their original price---
each. Tickets for the run sold out in 20 seconds.

Websites and Resources

Good Websites and Sources: Good Photos at Japan-Photo Archive ; Seat
61 Seat 61 Japan Japanese Steam Locomotives ; Wikipedia article on History of
Japanese Railroads Wikipedia ; Wikipedia on Train Accidents in Japan Wikipedia ; Maglev
Magnetic Trains in Japan ; Books: Japan by Rail by Ramsey
Zarifeh (Trailblazers, 2001); History of Japanese Railways by Eiichi Aoli (East Japan Railway
Culture Foundation, 2001)

Train Travel JR website: Japan Rail (JR) ; informative website on local trains Getting Around
on Local Trains in Japan ; Japanese- and English-language website that tells users how long a
journey will take, the cost and best connections Jorudan ; Japan Rail Pass site Japan Rail
Pass ; Photos of Train Stations and Vendors at Japan-Photo Archive



Good Websites and Sources on Transportation: Good Photos at Japan-Photo

Archive and ; Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and
Tourism ; Statistical Handbook of Japan Transport
Chapter ; 2010 Edition ;
Early History of Japanese Railroads

old Red Express In the old days many people walked when covering long distances. Horses were
not widely used. Packhorses were sometimes employed to carry belongings. The first railway in
Japan was constructed in 1872 between Tokyo and Yokohama. Built with British help using a
British locomotive, it was a single track for a steam locomotive that traveled at a top speed of
20mph. The rails were set 1,067 millimeters apart, establishing the gauge that remains in use
today (The Shinkansen rides on 1,435 mm gauge, the standard used in most of the world). It
took 17 more years to link by rail the main cities along the old Tokaido (Eastern Sea Route), so
that in July 1889 one could travel the entire way from Tokyo to Osaka by train. A single
departure per day made the 515- kilometer (320-mile) journey in 20 hours.

Early locomotives were imported mainly from Britain, Germany and the United States. Japan
didn't begin making its own locomotives until the early 1900s. One of the first was the Kudako
Nebkei-go," a tiny locomotive with 5.5 ton engine made what is now the IHI Corp. It originally
carried coal to a navy base.

The successive introduction of diesel and electric trains shortened the time on this heavily
shortened the time on this heavily traveled route to under 7 hours, and the Shinkansen (bullet
train) eventually reduced the journey to under 3 hours. Until it was privatized and split into
separate regional companies in 1987, the Japan National Railways (JNR) operated a
nationwide passenger and freight rail network. Successors of JNR presently include the six
passenger railway companies of the JR (Japan Railway) group, a freight railway company, and
several affiliated companies.

Japan's train network expanded from just four lines in 1880 to network that reached most of
the country in the 1920s. Many early rail lines were private railway built by private developers to
attract customers to their developments. Many lines had department stores and various kinds
of attractions built at their main stations. During World War II, trains were put to use for the
military and passenger service was cut back. In 1944, first class coaches, dining cars and
sleeping carriages were banned. Train lines were badly damaged by bombing raids in the war.

Later History of Japanese Railroads

Japanese National Railways (JNR) was established in 1949 as a public enterprise to operate
the state-owned train network. Passenger trains, with dining cars, observation decks and
names like Swallow and Pigeon began operating in the 1950s. First class passengers were
waited on by stewards and second class by flight-attendant-like stewards known as Swallow
girls and Pigeon girls.

In the 1950s the first electric began running. In 1959 a Japanese train reached a speed of
100mph. As time went on trains lost some business on both the passenger and freight front
with competition from automobiles, trucks, air transport, ferries and freighters. Pork barrel
politics caused JNR go deep into debt.

JNR ruled as a monopoly until 1987 when it was broken into six regional JR passenger
companies three on Honshu and one each on Hokkaido, Kyushu and Shikoku. These
companies did well in the Bubble Economy era but have suffered during the economic

Japan's four main islands were at last joined by railway in 1988 when the undersea Seikan
Tunnel linked Honshu to the northern island of Hokkaido and the Seto Ohashi Bridge linked
Honshu to the island of Shikoku. Along with the development of automobile and air
transportation, important railway services have gradually shifted to long-distance intercity
transport, such as the Shinkansen, and commuter lines. Commuter lines carry people from
their homes in the suburbs back and forth to work and school. Because of high land prices,
many people have moved to the suburbs in search of affordable housing. More than 70 percent
of office workers now commute aboard trains, and those trains are often packed to overflowing,
although the level of congestion at peak commuter hours on the principal lines in the Tokyo
area has fallen to 180 percent of normal capacity since peaking in 1965. [Ibid]

Train Service in Japan

The trains are very comfortable. Rather than having first and second class cars in the same
trains there are different trains serving the same route that vary in quality and price. Some have
reclining seats. Others have seats oriented face to face. Few trains have dining cars. Most have
snack vendors who sell drinks and snacks from carts wheeled through the train cars. Many
Japanese buy meals (especially bento box lunches), drinks, and water at the train station and
bring it with them on he train.

Often Japanese train cars and engines are still in pretty good condition when they are retired
and can still be used. The long-distance sleepers cars from long distance Ginga sleeper train
and the overnight Moonlight Express train, both recently retired, were given to Malaysia as a
gift after a request from the Malaysian government.

Much of the train system in Japan is automated. In some places there are completely
unmanned stations. In Tokyo there are trains without drivers. The world's first hybrid trains
began operating August 2007, on the a line straddling Nagano and Yamanashi Prefectures.
The electric motor-diesel hybrid trains uses rechargeable batteries that are charged whenever
the brakes are applied, and diesel engine. Japan Railroad has tested prototype bodies that
operated on a fuel cell and wants to have fuel-cell trains operating by 2010.

Japan continues to recognize the many advantages of rail transport, including its
convenience, energy efficiency, low pollution, and safety. In large metropolitan areas railways
play a major transportation role and have an extremely large passenger population.
Consequently, JR and the private railway companies continue to build new lines and increase
capacity by adding tracks to existing lines. Railway system expansion is also being promoted
through system diversification, with the addition of monorails and other types of railway
technology. Railway companies are making a strong effort to increase the convenience of
transfers and to improve station access for elderly and handicapped persons through the
installation of elevators and escalators. [Source: Web-Japan, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan]
JR Trains

Newer Tokyo train Japan Railways (the national railway system) maintains the world's most
punctual, safe and speedy trains. They operate over 25,000 trains each day, including the
famous Shinkansen bullet trains, which run at 120 mph or more to destinations all over Japan.
Other slower JR trains connect nearly all major destinations in the country and they are also a
good way to see to the Japanese countryside.

There are six seven JR companies that were created in April 1986 from the privatization of the
bankrupt and debt-ridden Japanese National Railways. They have provided good, reliable
service but are still largely propped up by the government. The three JR systems on Honshu
will be fully privatized when Central Japan Railway is fully realized. The privatizations of JR
East and West Japan Railway Co. are already complete. The three other JR firms need
financial assistance to stay afloat.

Japan Railways operates five main types of passenger trains. They are, in descending order of
rapidity and expense: 1) Shinkansen Super express; 2) Tokkyu (limited express); 2) Kyuko
(limited express); 4) Kaisoku (rapid train); and 5) Futsu (local train). The first three kinds of
trains generally have both reserved and non-reserved seats.

Some long-distance trains have sleepers, but generally the journeys are short and quick
enough that you don't need one. There are long distance sleeper trains between Osaka and
Niigata; Tokyo and Sapporo; and Osaka and Sapporo but many of the old sleeperssuch as the
Blue Train between Shimonoseki and Tokyo---have been closed down due to competition from
planes and the Shinkansen.
The fast JR trains also offers superior class coaches called "green cars" and sleeping car
trains on some routes. There is a surcharge for these services as well as for the Shinkansen,
Tokkyu and Kyuko trains. Unlike the basic trains services, surcharge tickets are only good for
one continuous journey. The two slower kinds of trains serve mostly as commuter trains. There
are also regional train services.

Experienced maintenance workers can detect problems in the railways by the sounds made by
passing trains and observe subsidence of track joints as little as a few millimeters by eye from
20 meters away. In the old days one of the most difficult things for drivers to learn was how to
brake properly under different weather conditions with a variable number of passengersso they
didn't overshoot the stop line. Technological advances have made braking much easier today
than in the old days.

Problems with the Train System in Japan

train ticket machine Beginning in 1971, Japan's subsidized national railway system began running
up huge debts. By 1986, the debt reached $85 billion, an amount almost higher than the
combined national debt of all of Africa's countries. Efforts to increases revenues and lower
costs failed. Rate hikes only encouraged passengers to take takes planes and buses. Efforts to
downsize were defeated by the unions.

Train lines that operate in mountainous areas often complain of the hazards caused by deer
and goat-like serow---which can cause severe damage if struck by a train---and snakes and
birds---which get caught in transmission lines and shut down the power to the trains. A
Shinkansen was once halted after a collision with a serow. A number of trains have lost their
power due to electrocuted snakes.

In 1999, large chunks of concrete fell from a railway tunnel in Kyushu. Investigations showed
that the tunnels had been shoddily made. This raised doubts about Japanese infrastructure.
Workers for JR West have been killed because they were hit by trains because no one
informed them of schedule changes on the train lines they were working on.

The number of attacks by irate passengers on train station soared dramatically in the early and
mid 2000s.

Every year a number of people fall off the platforms at train stations onto the tracks. Some of
them are killed by oncoming trains. Some are drunks but others faint or suffer from dizziness or
have some other problem. In August 2010, a university president died after being struck by a
train after being accidently pushed onto the tracks by a man who initially was thought to be
drunk. It turned out the man suffered a bout of dizziness brought on by high-blood-pressure
medicine he was taking.

In August 2010, it was announced that barriers to prevent passengers from falling onto the
tracks had been installed at 449 train stations in Japan.

Most accidents occur at crossings. The number of accidents on JR decreased from 900 in
1988 to 452 in 2004 mainly because of the introduction of bridges and underpasses that
reduced the number of crossings. In March 2005, two women were killed by train at a
manually-operated Tokyo crossing gate. The gate employee, which was held responsible,
raised the gate after a local train crossed without realizing that a semi-express train was behind
Train Accidents in Japan

train derailed by
Niigata earthquake in 2007 In February 1978, a Torzai line train derailed on a bridge over the
Arakawa River in Tokyo , injuring 21.

In December 1986, an out-of-service train plummeted off the Amarube railway bridge onto a
factory along the Sanin Line in Hyogo Prefecture. The train's conductor and five factory
workers were killed. Strong winds were blamed for the accident. After that regulations
restricting travel in high winds were enacted.

In May 1991, a JR train slammed head on into a train operated by Shigaraki Kogen Railway,
killing 42 and injuring more than 600 in Shiga prefecture. The trains crashed on a single track
railway. JR West refused to take responsibility for the accident until March 2003.

In July 2003, thirty-three people were injured when a train derailed during a heavy rainstorm
near Isahaya, Nagasaki Prefecture. The accidents occurred when the front car hit a 130-
kilogram rock which had fallen on the track. None of the injured had broken bones.

During the Niigata quake in October 2004 a Shinkansen bullet train derailed. It was the first
time since the high-speed train was introduced that one derailed. About 150 people were on
the train at the time. None were injured even though it was traveled at 125mph when the quake
struck and was rocked from side to side by the quake. While the train was being put back on
the track with a crane another earthquake hit. Full services was resumed 66 days later.

In November 2006 a train derailed in Okayama on track damaged by 100-ton 1.5-,meter high
bolder loosened by landslide. The boulder is thought to have hit the track only a few minutes
before the train arrived, coming around a blind curve. All 25 passengers on the train were

1949 Mitaka Runaway Train Incident

Keiji Hirano of Kyodo News wrote: On July 15, 1949, Hitotsubashi University freshman Sakuji
Horikoshi was returning to his dormitory when he hopped off a late-night train at Mitaka Station
in western Tokyo to have some quick noodles. He suddenly found himself in the middle of a
disaster zone. An unmanned train started moving and plowed through the track-end bumper,
proceeding into the station and adjacent structures, leaving six people dead and around 20
others injured. "The station filled with a roar. It was like the air raids and screams I heard during
the war," said Horikoshi, who narrowly escaped the crash. "The scene was simply hell." He and
others, including station workers, tried to rescue people, "but, oddly enough, U.S. military
police quickly arrived and kept us away from the accident site." Six people were killed. [Source:
Keiji Hirano, Kyodo News, December 24, 2011]

Later, 10 union members of the now-defunct Japanese National Railways, nine of whom were
members of the Japanese Communist Party, were arrested and charged over the crash, which
became known as the Mitaka Incident. Prosecutors alleged the 10, including non-JCP member
Keisuke Takeuchi, conspired to cause the runaway train. The unionists were claimed to have
been angered by JNR's plan for massive dismissals during the Allied Occupation. Many in the
railway's union ranks were communist-leaning, to the displeasure of the government and
Occupation authorities. [Ibid]

The Tokyo District Court rejected the conspiracy theory and only convicted Takeuchi,
sentencing him to life in prison. The Tokyo High Court later overruled that punishment and
sentenced Takeuchi to hang. The Supreme Court upheld this verdict in 1955. Although
Takeuchi confessed several times that he was behind the crash, he later did an about-face and
claimed his innocence. He filed a retrial appeal with the high court in 1956 but died of a brain
tumor in January 1967 at the age of 45. The case against him was subsequently closed. [Ibid]

But the incident is not forgotten, particularly by Takeuchi's oldest son, Kenichiro, 68, who is
preparing to file for a Tokyo High Court retrial next spring to clear his father's name. Tokyo-
based lawyer Shoji Takamizawa, 68, who is representing the son, became interested in the
crash a few years ago while studying judicial records of the case. Among the documents was
one detailing the high court's decision, which terminated the appeal process five months after
Takeuchi's death while suggesting the documents submitted by his counsel would remain valid.

Among the documents that have been found is one containing testimony from a third party
who said Takeuchi was washing in a communal JNR bath at the time of the crash. This
testimony was not weighed during his trial. Takamizawa, who is leading four other lawyers in
the retrial bid, also plans to present new testimony from a traffic engineering expert who plans
to issue a written opinion that it would have been impossible to activate the train in the way
stated in the court's final judgment on Takeuchi. "The ruling on Mr. Takeuchi said the disaster
was brought about only by him, but the upcoming paper will show at least two people had to
have been involved in getting the train moving because its mechanical workings couldn't be
manipulated by just one person," Takamizawa said. [Ibid]

In summer 1949, two other mysterious incidents occurred involving the JNR. JNR President
Sadanori Shimoyama was fatally run over by a train in Tokyo on July 5. Then on Aug. 17, a
derailment occurred near Matsukawa Station in Fukushima Prefecture that was blamed on
sabotage. The crash killed three JNR workers and led to the indictment of 20 labor union
activists, who were all eventually acquitted. Shimoyama's death and the Matsukawa derailment
remain mysteries, but the parties seeking to reopen the Mitaka Incident case hope to glean
what really happened. [Ibid]

Horikoshi, the ex-reporter, suggested the Mitaka Incident, and probably the Shimoyama and
Matsukawa cases as well, were crimes cooked up by authorities during the Occupation to
disgrace the communists. Japan and the United States had begun a crackdown on communist
activities at that time as the Cold War heated up. [Ibid]

Hokkaido Train Tunnel Fire

In May 2011, passenger train in a Hokkaido got stuck in tunnel and caught on fire and filled
with smoke but no evacuation order was given, leaving the 240 passengers to take matters in
to their own hands to make their escape on their own. The accident occurred on the JR
Sekisho Line of Hokkaido Railway Co. (JR Hokkaido) in Shimukappumura. After its fifth car
derailed and apparently caught fire, the Super Ozora No. 14 express train made an emergency
stop in the 685-meter-long Daiichi Niniu tunnel Friday night. [Source: Yomiuri Shimbun, May 31,
Forty of the passengers were taken to hospitals for treatment of burns and smoke inhallation,
but there were no life-threatening injuries. The evacuation of a smoke-filled train was delayed
by a company requirement that fires be visually confirmed before action can be taken but in the
case of this accident the thick smoke that filed the train and tunnel prevented such

According to JR Hokkaido, the operation manual requires visual confirmation of a possible fire
when a warning light goes on in the driver's compartment. Upon confirmation, the manual
instructs employees to lead passengers to safety. JR Hokkaido admitted there was a problem
with its handling of the accident and said it would review its manual. The Land, Infrastructure,
Transport and Tourism Ministry also said it will check the manual and investigate whether the
company dealt with the accident appropriately.

The limited express train made an emergency stop in the tunnel at 9:56 p.m., and the warning
light in the driver's compartment illuminated. A 60-year-old conductor in the fourth car
contacted a command center at 10:07 p.m., saying, "We should get the passengers off the train
and outside the tunnel" as smoke was filling the cars. But the command center told him to wait
and not open the doors for the time being because "in any case, the tunnel will be filled with

The conductor got off the train to determine the distance to the tunnel exit, while the driver, 26,
also got off the train to check whether a fire had broken out. However, he could not see any
flames due to the smoke. A JR employee who happened to be on the train contacted the
company's command center at about 10:30 p.m., saying, "Smoke's filling up the train, but I
can't see a fire." About the same time, passengers began to evacuate the train on their own,
while employees assisted some of them.

JR Hokkaido finally confirmed there was a fire at 12:02 a.m. after receiving a report from the
Hokkaido prefectural police. Investigators believe the casualties may have been much worse if
evacuation of the train had not started until then. Train services between Shimukappumura and
Shin-Yubari stations on the Sekisho Line resumed 59 hours after they stopped due to the
Following the Manual, Suicide and Investigation of the
Hokkaido Train Tunnel Fire

JR Hokkaido manual requires trains "to leave tunnels in case of emergencies and stop at a
safe place." When an unusual incident occurs on a moving train, a screen in the operator's
compartment displays the instructions, "Stop immediately," or "Stop at the next station"
depending on the nature of the incident. When part of the train becomes overheated, a warning
light illuminates, and the manual requires the driver to immediately stop the train. However, the
warning light does not necessarily mean a fire has broken out. The manual therefore instructs
the driver "to stop the train at a safe place and check the source of the heat."

Unlike JR Hokkaido, other JR companies do not require visual confirmation of a fire. Central
Japan Railway Co.'s manual emphasizes the need to extinguish fires quickly even if they are
difficult to see because of smoke. If the fire is not immediately put out, the crew must evacuate
passengers to ensure their safety. West Japan Railway Co. also requires the crew to evacuate
passengers if a fire cannot be immediately extinguished. All the companies urge drivers not to
stop in a tunnel or on a bridge but to move a train to safer places in emergencies. However,
there are no clear instructions of what to do when a train has stopped in a tunnel.

A preliminary investigation indicated that the fire likely started on the undercarriage of the
train's fifth car, The investigation by Hokkaido Railway Co. (JR Hokkaido) and others indicated
the fifth car of the Super Ozora No. 14 limited express may have derailed in the tunnel. The car
may have gone off the tracks when it ran over parts that had fallen off the undercarriage of the
fourth car of the six-car train, investigators said. At switch points about 750 meters ahead of the
tunnel, a metallic part called the front rod was found to be lifted higher than the rails, which
investigators say could also have derailed the fifth car of the train.

It is believed the fire occurred as diesel engine oil in tanks under the car caught fire from
friction and sparks generated as the derailed car skidded on the rails. JR Hokkaido said all the
cars of the train caught fire but the undercarriages of the fifth and sixth cars were the most
badly burned, and their fuel tanks were empty. According to an official of the company, each
car was equipped with a fuel tank that contained about 500 liters to 600 liters of light oil at the
time of the accident. Investigators say it is also possible that parts that dropped from the fourth
car punctured a tank of the fifth car, igniting its contents, as there was a pool of oil at the
entrance of the tunnel and about a dozen metallic pieces, including pieces of thrust shafts,
were scattered around. JR Hokkaido was ordered by the transport ministry to improve its
business practices in the wake of the train derailment and tunnel fire. The railway operator was
required to submit a report on remedial actions.

Hokkaido Railway Co. President Naotoshi Nakajima was found dead in waters off the coast of
Otaru, Hokkaido by fishermen after leaving behind apparent suicide notes, according to the
police. The 64-year-old Nakajima went missing after having been under stress dealing with a
train derailment in May, officials of the railway operator, known as JR Hokkaido, said later in the
day. The police later found his car on a street near a beach in the city of Ishikari which is
adjacent to Sapporo, while several suicide notes to his family, acquaintances and company
personnel were found at his home in Sapporo. [Source: Kyodo, September 19, 2011]

Train Accident in December 2005

In December 2005, a train derailed in Shonaimachi in Yamagata Prefecture, between Niigata

and Akita, killing five people and injuring 32. The first three cars tumbled down an
embankment, with the lead car hitting a hut, just after the train crossed a bridge over the
Mogami River. in a blizzard. The driver said the train was lifted up by high winds. Questions
were raised over what a train was doing operating in such severe weather.

The four dead passenger were in the lead car. One died of brain hemorrhage. Another had her
abdomen crushed, Many others suffered from broken bones. The driver of the train suffered
minor facial injuries. He said, The train leaned to the left when it was caught by a gust of
snowy wind from the right side after crossing the bridge. Something inside the driver's cabin hit
me. The train went dark and I became disoriented."

On survivor told the Daily Yomiuri, I was at my seat when I heard a huge noise, and my body
was lifted and the lights went out. He lost consciousness and awoke lying next to broken
window. He went outside but found the weather to be so cold and windy he crawled back in the
train. More than 3000 police and firefighters showed up to help with the rescue.

The train was running at about 100 kilometers per hour when the accident occurred. There
may have been strong vertical winds that may have lifted the train up as well as horizontal
winds. The strongest gust recorded by the wind gage was 76 kph. If the gage senses winds
above 72 kph a warning light is turned on. If the winds are above 90 kph the train is required to
slow down to 25 kph. Only if winds reach 108 kph is the train required to stop running. Test
showed that a wind of 126kph is needed to lift a train off the tracks. Some scientist think there
may have been a micro burst.
Deadly Train Accident in Osaka in April 2005

April 2005, a JR West train traveling on the Fukuchiyama Line in the Osaka area derailed as it
was going around a curve and slammed into the parking garage of a condominium building in
Amagasaki in Hyogo Prefecture, killing 107 people---106 passengers and the 23-year-old
driver---and injuring 555 others.

The train was traveling at 116 kilometers per hour on a curve with a speed limit of 70
kilometers per hour. The driver had made some operational errors earlier in the day, including
overshooting the stopping point on a platform by 70 meter and then backing up, in the process
falling about 90 second bend schedule, at the last station before the accident site.

The seven-car train's right wheels came off the track as it traveled around the curve causing
the train to lean to the left side and overturning. The first car went into the parking garage. The
second bent into an L shape around the building. The third scar slammed sideways into the
second car and the forth slammed sideways into the third car. The last three cars remained on
the track. Some passengers were trapped for hours.

The scene after the wreck was chaos. A nearby factory served as an emergency treatment
center while a middle school became a heliport to airlift victims to hospitals. Due to a shortage
of ambulances people used their own cars to take the injured to hospitals. The remains of the
dead were put in a gymnasium. Friends and relatives of people thought to be on the train
looked for them in the gymnasium.

Witness of the Train Accident in April 2005

One survivor in the first car told the Yomiuri Shimbun: The train began shaking and
immediately afterward a woman standing in front of me was thrown forward. Then a handrail
and an overhead baggage rack were in front of me. I didn't know what had happened. Around
me was a passenger with a broken leg and another bleeding from the head. The entire carriage
was a mess." The survivor managed to crawl out of the train. Another said: It was chaos
inside. People were lying in the floor, or hanging off something...Some were unconscious or

A factory worker who saw the accident from his workplace said: The train threw up dust and
rumbled as it crashed into the apartment. I saw about 20 passengers heaped in the carriage,
crying and moaning. About 30 of us pulled them, but all the while, I could hear others crying
Causes of the Train Accident in April 2005

Tests and experiments confirmed that excessive speed cased the derailment and driver
appearing to have been trying to make up for lost time. JR West was criticized for putting too
much pressure on drivers. Drivers and workers who have made mistakes have been forced to
undergo strict reeducation programs that include weeding and picking up rocks along the track
and writing long essay in which they expressed regret for the errors they made.

A official report released in 2007 revealed that: 1) JR West had plans to install automatic
system that would have slowed the train as it sped through the curves but failed to do so; 2) the
driver didn't apply the emergency brakes; 3) the driver likely entered the curve without applying
the brakes because he was preoccupied with a radio exchange between the train's conductor
and operation center about the errors the driver had made earlier on; and 4) the driver routinely
raced along near the speed limit.

A report determined that the threat of being forced to take a punitive training program played a
part in train driver behaving the way he did. At the moment he failed to apply the brakes th
driver was listening in the radio discussion between the conductor and the train control center,
The driver had asked the conductor to be lenient in reporting the 732 meter overshot mistake
and was listening to the conductor report the mistake. The driver had been disciplined before,
writing essays reflecting o his mistake. JR West was also widely criticized for its handling of the
incident. One survey found that a number of workers participated in a golf match, bowling
outing and drinking party after hearing news of the disaster.

After the accident, trains travel times were lengthened slightly for safety reasons. The changes
added an average of 21 second to rush-hour express train trips and 16 second to off peak
rides, on the line where the accident took place.

Ex-JR-West head Maso Yamazaki was charged with bearing some responsibility for the 2005
crash. He had pleaded not guilty.In July 2009, he was indicted on professional negligence
charges in connection with the 2005 train crash on Amagasaki. In October 2009, two JR West
executives resigned after illegally obtaining a copy of draft of the report on the train accident.
There were also reports that the company paid experts to deliver favorable testimony.

A report by the Japanese Transportation Safety Board condemned JR West for prioritizing
internal interests and taking excessive action to protect itself. This tendency led to the present
consequences and concluded the accident could have been prevented if the train had been
equipped with an automatic train-stop system."
Ex-Jr Chief Acquitted over 2005 Derailment

In January 2012, the Yomiuri Shimbun reported: The Kobe District Court found a former West
Japan Railway Co. president not guilty over the 2005 train derailment on the JR Fukuchiyama
Line that killed 106 passengers in Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture. The focal point of the trial
for Masao Yamazaki, 68, was whether the then senior official of the railway operator, who had
not been involved directly in operating the train, would be found guilty of professional
negligence resulting in death and injury. [Source: Yomiuri Shimbun, January 12, 2012]

Handing down the ruling, presiding Judge Makoto Okada said the court cannot say "the
defendant was aware of the risk of an accident at the site [where the derailment occurred]. "It
was not possible for him to predict the risk so imminent as to instruct the installment of the
Automatic Train Stop system," Okada said. Prosecutors had demanded a three-year prison
term for Yamazaki. [Ibid]

The court also pointed out that JR West's safety measures were insufficient. Three other
former JR West presidents--Masataka Ide, 76, Shojiro Nanya, 70, and Takeshi Kakiuchi, 67--
were indicted for professional negligence resulting in death and injury over the fatal derailment.
The same three judges, including Okada, will take charge of their trials. After Yamazaki's
acquittal, proving the three were criminally responsible for the case is expected to be difficult.

The trial focused on whether the risk of an accident was predictable and whether the
defendant should have instructed the installment of the ATS system, which is designed to
automatically activate an emergency brake on a speeding train. The court therefore found it
impossible for Yamazaki to single out the curve as a potential risk as JR West used many
curved tracks. [Ibid]

The derailment took place on April 25, 2005, when a rapid train traveled around a steep curve
at about 115 kph, exceeding the speed limit by 45 kph. In December 1996, JR West replaced
the 600-meter-radius curve with the current 304-meter-radius curve in for smoother
connections to the newly opened Tozai Line. Prosecutors in the case against JR managemeny
argued the curve became more dangerous after the unprecedented step of halving its radius
and an increased number of daily rapid trains, which ran at nearly 120 kph on a straight track
shortly before the accident site. "Halving the [curve's] radius is rare, but there are a fair number
of curves shorter than 304 meters in length, and the changes to the train schedule was
intended to ease the tightness of rapid train operations," Okada said. [Ibid]
Image Sources: 1) Ray Kinnane 2) Seat 3) 4) Doug Mann Photomann 5)
Earthquake Archives M. Yoshimine, Tokyo Metropolitan University 6)

< Text Sources: New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Daily Yomiuri, Times
of London, Japan National Tourist Organization (JNTO), National Geographic, The New Yorker,
Time, Newsweek, Reuters, AP, Lonely Planet Guides, Compton's Encyclopedia and various
books and other publications.

2009 Jeffrey Hays

Last updated October 2012

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qu de tu inters en el puesto de trabajo y que podras aportar a la empresa. Debes ser breve y

Formacin Acadmica:

[Titulacin o Carrera de Estudio], [mes, ao]

[Centro de Estudios]
[Lugar de Estudios, Pas]

Formacin Complementaria:
[Nombre del Master o Curso Cursado], [Centro de Estudios] [Mes, Ao]
[Nombre del Master o Curso Cursado], [Centro de Estudios] [Mes, Ao]
[Nombre del Master o Curso Cursado], [Centro de Estudios] [Mes, Ao]

Experiencia Profesional:
mm/aaaa mm/aaaa [Auxiliar en el departamento de Marketing]
[Empresa, localidad]
[Enumera las funciones realizadas]

mm/aaaa mm/aaaa [Cargo que Ocupas]

[Empresa, localidad]
[Enumera las funciones realizadas]

Microsoft Office a nivel usuario avanzado.
Manejo de programas especficos como Dreamweaver, Fireworks y Photoshop.

Ingls: Hablado alto, Escrito alto.
Francs: Hablado bsico, Escrito bsico.

Otros Datos de Inters:

Carnet de Conducir B1. Vehculo propio. Disponibilidad para viajar.

Nombre Apellidos

Objetivo Profesional:

[Haz una pequea descripcin de tu experiencia o conocimientos que sean afines al puesto, el por
qu de tu inters en el puesto de trabajo y que podras aportar a la empresa. Debes ser breve y

Formacin Acadmica:

[Titulacin o Carrera de Estudio], [mes, ao]

[Centro de Estudios]
[Lugar de Estudios, Pas]

Formacin Complementaria:
[Nombre del Master o Curso Cursado], [Centro de Estudios] [Mes, Ao]
[Nombre del Master o Curso Cursado], [Centro de Estudios] [Mes, Ao]
[Nombre del Master o Curso Cursado], [Centro de Estudios] [Mes, Ao]

Experiencia Profesional:

mm/aaaa mm/aaaa [Auxiliar en el Departamento de Recursos Humanos]

[Empresa, localidad]
[Enumera las funciones realizadas]
[reas de experiencia y competencias adquiridas]

mm/aaaa mm/aaaa [Cargo que Ocupas]

[Empresa, localidad]
[Enumera las funciones realizadas]
[reas de experiencia y competencias adquiridas]

mm/aaaa mm/aaaa [Cargo que Ocupas]

[Empresa, localidad]
[Enumera las funciones realizadas]
[reas de experiencia y competencias adquiridas]

Microsoft Office a nivel usuario avanzado.
Nivel avanzado en programas especficos como Dreamweaver, Fireworks y Photoshop.

Ingls: Hablado alto, Escrito Alto,
Francs: Hablado Bsico, Escrito Bsico

Otros Datos de Inters:

Carnet de Conducir B1. Vehculo propio. Disponibilidad para viajar.



Nombre [ APELLIDOS, Nombre ]

Direccin [ Nmero, calle, cdigo postal, localidad, pas ]
Correo electrnico


Fecha de nacimiento [ Da, mes, ao ]


Fechas (de a) [ Empezar por el ms reciente e ir aadiendo aparte la misma informacin para cada puesto
ocupado. ]
Nombre y direccin del empleador
Tipo de empresa o sector
Puesto o cargo ocupados
Principales actividades y


Fechas (de a) [ Empezar por el ms reciente e ir aadiendo aparte la misma informacin para cada curso
realizado. ]
Nombre y tipo de organizacin que
ha impartido la educacin o la
Principales materias o capacidades
ocupacionales tratadas
Ttulo de la cualificacin obtenida
(Si procede) Nivel alcanzado en la
clasificacin nacional
Adquiridas a lo largo de la vida y la
carrera educativa y profesional, pero no
necesariamente avaladas por
certificados y diplomas oficiales.

LENGUA MATERNA [ Escribir la lengua materna. ]


[Escribir idioma ]
Lectura [ Indicar el nivel: excelente, bueno, bsico. ]
Escritura [ Indicar el nivel: excelente, bueno, bsico. ]
Expresin oral [ Indicar el nivel: excelente, bueno, bsico. ]

CAPACIDADES Y APTITUDES [ Describirlas e indicar dnde se adquirieron. ]

Vivir y trabajar con otras personas, en
entornos multiculturales, en puestos
donde la comunicacin es importante y
en situaciones donde el trabajo en
equipo resulta esencial (por ejemplo,
cultura y deportes), etc.

CAPACIDADES Y APTITUDES [ Describirlas e indicar dnde se adquirieron. ]

Por ejemplo, coordinacin y
administracin de personas, proyectos,
presupuestos; en el trabajo, en labores
de voluntariado (por ejemplo, cultura y
deportes), en el hogar, etc.

CAPACIDADES Y APTITUDES [ Describirlas e indicar dnde se adquirieron. ]

Con ordenadores, tipos especficos de
equipos, maquinaria, etc.

CAPACIDADES Y APTITUDES [ Describirlas e indicar dnde se adquirieron. ]

Msica, escritura, diseo, etc.

OTRAS CAPACIDADES Y [ Describirlas e indicar dnde se adquirieron. ]

Que no se hayan nombrado


INFORMACIN ADICIONAL [ Introducir aqu cualquier informacin que se considere importante, como personas de
contacto, referencias, etc. ]
ANEXOS [ Enumerar los documentos anexos. ]

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