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Chapter 26

Closing Remarks and Future Expectations

l Showing the many ways in which exergy can assist in
In this chapter, we provide closing remarks for the book and discuss
efforts to achieve more sustainable development, in
future expectations for the field of exergy. This chapter summarizes terms of many factors including use of sustainable
how the book provides a broad working familiarity and under- resources, increased efficiency, reduced environmental
standing of exergy and analysis techniques based upon it, and shows impact, improved economics, and so forth
that on a practical basis exergy analysis provides a useful tool, while
on a more abstract level it provides the basis for contemplation. A We feel that the understanding and benefits provided by
summary is also provided of the profound understanding and benefits exergy of industrial and other processes and systems are
provided by exergy for industrial and other processes and systems. clearly profound in many ways. It is, therefore, worth
Speculations are also given on how exergy may be utilized in the developing an appreciation and working knowledge of
future so as to reap the greatest benefits. exergy methods.
KEYWORDS Much has been done to help increase the use of exergy
Exergy; Exergy analysis; Future expectations. methods over the last couple of decades, including the
establishment of the International Journal of Exergy and
Exergy is a fascinating and curious aspect of the Second the organization of many regional and international
Law of Thermodynamics (SLT), because on a practical conferences, short courses, and workshops on exergy.
basis it provides a very useful tool, but on a more abstract These activities complement the impressive developments
level it provides the basis for endless contemplation. In this occurring in almost every area of science and engineering,
book, we have focused on the former, although we have from mechanical engineering to biology and from chemical
delved into the latter many times. engineering to economics, and should ensure that exergy is
The understanding provided by exergy and its potential utilized as a tool for enhancing advances in science, engi-
benefits are what has attracted numerous researchers, who neering, and other disciplines.
have contributed immeasurably to the development and After writing a book such as this, we cannot help but
application of exergy methods, to this field. The attributes of contemplate about what the future may hold in store from
exergy will, we are confident, continue to attract researchers an exergy perspective. Some expectations follow on how
and practitioners well into the future, and exergy methods exergy may be utilized, or how we hope it will be utilized,
will continue to evolve and find new applications. in the future so as to reap the greatest benefits:
In short, this book has sought to provide the reader with l Exergy will become increasingly utilized, across
a broad working familiarity and understanding of exergy a diverse array of fields and throughout the developing
and analysis techniques based upon it by: and developed world, to increase efficiency, reduce
l Identifying and explaining exergy and its use in wastes and losses, and improve processes and systems.
improving efficiency and reducing losses, and in l A standard nomenclature and terminology for exergy
designing better processes and systems will coalesce, making applications more convenient and
l Discussing the broader aspects of exergy, in areas such straightforward.
as economics and environment as well as many others, l Exergy will become more integrated with economics and
in addition to corresponding assessment and improve- applied more broadly, and disciplines like thermoeco-
ment methods nomics and exergoeconomics will become more mature.
l Illustrating applications of exergy to many different l Exergy will become more integrated with environ-
systems in hopes of explaining how to apply exergy mental and ecological assessments, through tools like
methods beneficially; the applications presented have industrial ecology, life cycle assessment, and others, and
by no means been comprehensive, as many more applied more widely. Disciplines like environomics will
applications exist, but have been selected so as to become more accepted and mature.
provide a representative cross section and to cover l Exergy will be used to foster sustainability and
various important fields contribute to making development more sustainable.

2013 Ibrahim Dincer and Marc A. Rosen. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved 507
508 Exergy

l Exergy will become a conventional design tool for l Exergy will be increasingly utilized in decision
engineers of energy and other systems. and policy making by leaders in industry and
l Exergy use will grow and expand outside its normal government.
sphere of applications in areas like management
methods, information and communications, and biology If these expectations come to pass, even in part, the
and ecology. potential benefits to humanity through improved processes,
l Exergy will become more broadly covered in educa- technologies, and systems will be both exciting and
tional programs, and used as a basis for explaining and wonderful to observe.
giving practical meaning to the SLT.
l Exergy will achieve a broader understanding and
appreciation by the public and the media, allowing its
broader application.

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