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Carson Bellish

Mr. Starkey

Gifted Ela 8

10 October 2016

The Downfall of Macbeth

The quote Stay, you imperfect speakers The thane of Cawdor lives (I.iii.71-73). Shows how

the witches are responsible for creating the ambition that caused Macbeths downfall. The Witches used

three strategies to cause Macbeth's downfall. First, they gave Macbeth prophecies that led him to believe

he should be king. Second, they gave Banquo prophecies that further impacted Macbeth. Lastly, the

Witches made Macbeth feel invincible, fooling him with apparitions and double meanings. The following

paragraphs will explain how the strategies the Witches used led to Macbeth's downfall.

To begin with, the Witches prophecies gave Macbeth the idea that he should be king, creating his

ambition. All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter! (I.iii.51) this quote is what sparks the whole

idea of killing to become king which contributes to Macbeths downfall. At first, Macbeth receives the

prophecy and decides that he will just wait until the duty of king falls upon him by fate. But then, his

ambition takes over and he decides to kill to get the crown faster. Even though Macbeth decides to kill to

become king, it wouldn't have happened without the witches giving him the prophecies that created the


Secondly, they share prophecies with Banquo that impact Macbeth's thinking and actions Thou

shalt get kings, though thou be none. So all hail, Macbeth and Banquo (I,iii,68-69). This quote means

that Banquo will not be a king but his descendants will. By doing this the witches are creating another

problem for macbeth. So now he has he has to worry about killing the king and getting rid of Banquos

descendants, because they jeopardize his throne. What the witches have done is uses one of Macbeths

allies and turned them into a problem or enemy that will keep macbeth from the throne. This leads to
Macbeth Killing both Duncan and Banquos descendants, which only gets gets him closer to the end of

his demise.

Finally, the witches make Macbeth feel invincible and fool him with apparitions and double

meaning. Be bloody, bold and resolute. Laugh to scorn the power of man, for none of woman born shall

harm Macbeth (IV.i.81-83) this quote means Macbeth is unable to be harmed by anyone born of a

women. Macbeth takes this quote literally and decides he is unable to be harmed by anyone, because

everyone is born of a woman. The Witches summon apparitions to say these lines and by doing this they

are create a sense of invincibility in Macbeth. What Macbeth doesn't know is that Macduff wasn't born of

a women he was ripped from his mothers womb Tell thee, Macduff was from his mothers womb

untimely ripped (V,viii,15-16). Macbeth suddenly finds himself trapped and unable to escape the end of

his demise. Therefore Macduff slays Macbeth, and Macbeth has finally fallen. The Witches have tricked

Macbeth into thinking he is unconquerable with double meaning, and then used that against him.

In conclusion, the witches are responsible for Macbeth's downfall. They used prophecies to create

Macbeth's ambition towards being king. The Witches also gave Banquo prophecies that affected Macbeth,

creating enemies and dilemmas that get in his way. Lastly, they created a sense of invincibility and used

double meaning to lead him towards his demise. The Witches actions ultimately lead to Macbeth's

downfall. All in all, the Witches are responsible for Macbeth's downfall.

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