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Ignacio 1

Luc Ignacio

Albert Ocampo

English 12

17 November 2016

Sustainability, Efficiency, and the Future Trends of Interior Design

The purpose of this research is to identify trending architectural styles both

currently and within the near future. Research will be focused on the principles of

sustainable design and how sustainable decisions have affected architecture and interior

design. Research was conducted in order to identify, understand, and fulfill the values of

future clients and architectural trends.

Resources such as energy, water, money, and space becomes increasingly difficult

to provide to each individual as the human population continues to grow. Our society has

become increasingly conscious with the environment and its natural resources with many

looking to sustainable developments as a means to improve their lives and the lives

around them. Through sustainable decisions, environments, and products, can be

designed to satisfy the needs of others both in the currently and in the future, while also

expending as little resources as possible to do so.

Two modern examples of sustainable design, the tiny house movement and the

shotgun house style show how size and space efficiency can improve a persons life as

well as helping the environment. A shotgun house is defined by having a one story,

rectangular collection of rooms next to each other without any hallways, from the house
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itself facing perpendicular with the street. Shotgun houses were built with an off centered

door leading to the front of the house to accommodate for the compact size of the house

and the proximity of the rooms from one another. The Shotgun style house is known for

introducing the porch and with the porch brings the long standing Southern American

tradition of congregating outside under the overhanging roof on evenings to relax. The

Shotgun Style can be seen as a promising choice in a growing consumer base that leans

more and more towards cost and space efficiency.

The creators of the Shotgun style houses vary with some sources that credit

Caribbean settlers for bringing the style to the states, though all sources say that the style

was first developed during the early-mid 19th century by African Americans living within

the New Orleans area. One of the most famous stories surrounding the origins of the

Shotgun house is was that the shotgun style house was brought by Haitians escaping the

Haitian revolution and was first seen near New Orleans before catching on and spreading

throughout the American South. From its long-standing history throughout the Southern

United States, to its recognizable size and structure the shotgun style house remains an

emblem to the American South and African American architecture.

The Tiny House/ Tiny Living movement is a preference towards a more

downsized living space compared to the living spaces of both houses and apartments in previous

years due to clients desiring living spaces that are easy to maintain, cost and space efficient, is

environmentally friendly. By cutting down on unnecessary space, bringing everything right

where it should be, and putting an emphasis on functionality, Tiny Houses create a much

more efficient way of living while leaving a smaller carbon footprint. Many Tiny homes are
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built and designed in the same vein as Shotgun style houses with clients being able to look to the

Shotgun style when looking for a house that is both efficient and charming.

Sustainable design and sustainable decisions as a whole, work to create the most

efficient environment for today's society without sacrificing the means to accommodate to future

generations as well. By finding new and creative methods to reduce carbon footprinting and

resource usage, a person can improve the environment, their financial standing, and possibly

their well being as a whole. Sustainability can be seen both as the idea of being able to use what

you have effectively and being able to help yourself by helping others.

"Shotgun Houses." Shotgun Houses. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2016.

"Black Architecture Still Standing, the Shotgun House." Black Architecture Still

Standing, the Shotgun House | African American Registry. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2016.

"What Is The Tiny House Movement?" The Tiny Life. N.p., 2015. Web. 05 Dec. 2016.

"Tiny House RV Design. Interview with Designer Laura Schmitz." Tumbleweed Houses.

N.p., 2016. Web. 05 Dec. 2016.

"Tiny House Movement: Affordable Housing Revolution." Tiny House Talk - Small

Space Freedom. N.p., 2014. Web. 05 Dec. 2016.

Easton, Jennifer. "Healthy, Sustainable Interior Design: A Conversation with ASID | U.S. Green

Building Council." U.S. Green Building Council. N.p., 2012. Web. 17 Nov. 2016.

"Sustainable Design." GSA Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2016.

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