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Sex industry

Main articles: Sex industry, Feminist views on pornography, Feminist views on pr

ostitution, and Feminist sex wars
Opinions on the sex industry are diverse. Feminists critical of the sex industry
generally see it as the exploitative result of patriarchal social structures wh
ich reinforce sexual and cultural attitudes complicit in rape and sexual harassm
ent. Alternately, feminists who support at least part of the sex industry argue
that it can be a medium of feminist expression and a means for women to take con
trol of their sexuality.
Feminist views of pornography range from condemnation of pornography as a form o
f violence against women, to an embracing of some forms of pornography as a medi
um of feminist expression.[109][110][111][112][113] Feminists' views on prostitu
tion vary, but many of these perspectives can be loosely arranged into an overar
ching standpoint that is generally either critical or supportive of prostitution
and sex work.[115]

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