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Research Paper: Graphic Organizer

Research Questions:

Sources: Cut and paste the Sources section from Graphic Organizer 1 below (that way you dont
have to retype the whole thing).

Source 1:
Alois, Paul. Global Water Crisis Overview. Worlds Biggest Problems. Arlington Institute. April 2007. Web. 10
November 2014.

Source 2:
The Zen Cart Team and Others. "Water & Health - Importance Of Drinking Water & Human
Health." Water & Health - Importance Of Drinking Water & Human Health. Pure New, 2008.
Web. 24 Jan. 2017.


Main Idea/Topic Source Evidence


MP #1 Topic: Alois Quote: The human population has increased from 1.7 billion people to 6.6
Population billion people, while the total amount of potable water has slightly
increase decreased,(Alois).

Paraphrase: The population has grown from 1.7 billion to 6.6 billion people
and the all of the movable water has decreased a bit.

MP #1 Topic: Alois Quote: In the last century water usage per person doubled, even as the
total population tripled, creating a situation today where many areas of the
world are consuming water at an unsustainable rate,(Alois).

Paraphrase: The previous century water use per person doubled,but the
population of the world has tripled, which causes many places to use
water at a unsustainable rate.
MP #2 Topic: Alois Quote: Intense water use by industry has led to serious pollution that is
Humans harming beginning to create problems worldwide,(Alois).
the earths
freshwater supply Paraphrase: The industry has used Intense water use which has caused
big pollution problems that effect on a worldwide scale.

MP #2 Topic: Alois Quote: In China 80% of the rivers are so polluted that fish cannot survive
in them. The Ganges River, which supports around 500 million people, is
considered one of the most polluted rivers in the world,(Alois).

Paraphrase: 80% of China's rivers have been so polluted that fish can't
live in the rivers. The Ganges River is considered to be one of the most
polluted rivers that supports 500 million people.

MP #3 Topic: Alois Quote: Water usage differs highly between developing countries and
Agricultures developed ones.Developing countries use 90% of their water for
overuse of water. agriculture, 5% for industry, and 5% for urban areas,(Alois).

Paraphrase: New countries use 90% of there water on agriculture and the
10% for industry and urban areas.

MP #3 Topic: Alois Quote: Dramatically increased crop production throughout the third world
in the 1960s. Unfortunately, water is being drawn from many of these
aquifers faster than it is being replaced.,(Alois).

Paraphrase: Increased crop production in third world countries in the

1960s has water being drawn from aquifers qiker than it can resupply.

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